the nervous system

The Nervous System 2 suffixes -paresis -plegia

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Post on 31-May-2015




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Medical Terminology presentation


Page 1: The nervous system

The Nervous System

2 suffixes



Page 2: The nervous system

A glance of The Nervous System

Page 3: The nervous system

The suffixes and their definitions

• -paresis: weakness

• -plegia: paralysis

Page 4: The nervous system

-paresis in the Nervous System

Hemiparesis: hemi= half -paresis=weakness

Definition:Weakness or loss of motion on one side of the body.

What causes Hemiparesis?Head Trauma, muscular dystrophy, stroke, brain tumors and cerebral palsy.

Page 5: The nervous system

Life example of Hemiparesis

Page 6: The nervous system

Treatment Hemiparesis

Once a patient is diagnosed for the cause of hemiparesis they may begin treatment and rehabilitation. Rehabilitation is very important because it helps the patient experiencing hemiparesis learn new ways of moving and using their arms and legs.

Rehab may consist of seeing the following medical professionals:

• Physiatrist- doctors who specialize in rehabilitation.

• Physical Therapist- therapist who specialize in treating disabilities by helping build strength and endurance.

• Occupational Therapist- therapist who help people perform activities of daily living and fine motor skills.

Page 7: The nervous system

-pleagia in the Nervous system

Let’s recall the definition of the suffix –plegia which is paralysis.

In the nervous system –plegia is some what related to –paresis.

Hemiplagia.Hemi=half -plagia=paralysis

Definition:Paralysis on only one side of the body.

Page 8: The nervous system

Considering both Medical Terms

Hemiparesis and Hemiplegia may seen to show the same symptoms and may be cause by the same factor like a case of a stroke. The difference is that Hemiplegia is more severe and complicated because there is no real cure for the condition.

Hemiplegia is a well known condition seen in children caused by congenital hemiplegia. Signs and symptoms appear in their early infancy stage. Premature children are at higher risk. The condition may start during pregnancy or early childhood due to trauma or stroke.

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Treatment for Hemiplegia

Hemiplegia is not curable however it is highly recommended for patients to seek therapy to help their body stay strong and healthy. Therapy also helps the patient learn new ways to live an ordinary life with their disability. Patients will see a Physical Therapist and Occupational Therapist as often as needed. Children will have their therapy with a specialized Pediatric therapist trained and educated to work with children patients.

Page 11: The nervous system

These Hemiplegia therapy pictures are very inspirational to the future Medical staff. It reminds us that the medical field does make an

important difference in every ones life.