the new norm by kat rowlands

The New Norm: A Digital Education By @katrowlands Image By: Max Wolfe

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Page 1: The New Norm by Kat Rowlands

The New Norm: A Digital Education

By @katrowlands Image By: Max Wolfe

Page 2: The New Norm by Kat Rowlands

Over the last 15 years full time enrollment in Canadian Universities has increased by 57% and continues to climb.

Image by: Julep67

Page 3: The New Norm by Kat Rowlands

This is largely due to the increased amount of online material and educational resources, which give larger groups of people access to educational materials.

Image by Se- Ming Lee

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Students can access their course information from virtually anywhere at any time.

Image By Westpark

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This creates continuous learning that can be accessed through tablets, smartphones, PCs etc.

Image By Roberto Soares

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The invention of online courses means that students never have to actually set foot on a campus to complete their degrees.

Image By Donnaphoto

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The introduction of programs such as iTunes U means that even unenrolled students can listen to lectures from the world’s top universities for free.

Image By alykat

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Libraries are becoming an increasingly less valuable research resource for today’s students as they are not as fast and diverse as a simple Google search.

Page 9: The New Norm by Kat Rowlands

Actually reading books and journals have become prehistoric ways of conducting research.

Image By Samuel_belknap

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Each generation is integrating technology into the classroom at a younger age than the last, creating a generation of mini computer-wizzes.

Image By incurable_hippie

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Technology has become a tool for the classroom like a virtual teacher’s assistant.

Image By Renato Gonoza

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Social media has become a way for teachers and students to interact outside of the classroom.

Image By SimonQ

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Facebook is now being used in classrooms as young as first grade. This allows teachers to communicate with children on a more even playing field than the usual “student/ teacher” relationship.

Image By Chesshirekat

Page 14: The New Norm by Kat Rowlands

Low priced computers and tablets gives educational resources to a much broader range of young people and adults, allowing more people in the past access to higher education and potential employment.

Image By timparkinson

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An increase in the amount of technologically educated people means and increase in the size of the country’s skilled workforce.

Image By Paul Bica

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An increase in the size of a country’s skilled workforce means more people in high paying job positions. This was seen in 2010 when the number of people living below the poverty line was at an all time low. Imagine what could happen in the future when the “computer-wiz” generation is all grown up.

Image By Luuk Nutgeren

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An increase of technology in education allows students of any age to pursue knowledge that is meaningful, relevant and realistic to their own lives.

Image By snorpey

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The integration of technology into education at a young age means an even faster acceleration of technological expansion in the future.

Image By Philippe Put

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Promoting the use of technology in the classroom from kindergarten through to university is integral to the future of our technological knowledge.

Image By Sukanto Debnath

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What will future generations be able to accomplish with their digital skill?

Image By Xurble

Page 21: The New Norm by Kat Rowlands

CREDITSAll images are licensed under the

creative commons non-commercial share alike 3.0 agreement.

Page 22: The New Norm by Kat Rowlands

SOURCESSlide 2: University enrolment continues to climb in

Canada by Leo Charbonneau Slide 7:

billion Apple’s iTunes U downloads top one billion by Appleinsider Staff

Slide 13: 8 Real ways Facebook enriched Ms. Schoening’s

first grade classSlide 16:

“Poverty on the decline in Canada, but don’t thank the government by Andy Radia