the new york herald. (new york [n.y.]). 1857-09-17 [p ]. · aan.vgog me snip we were then abort of...

THE NEW YORK HERALD. WHOIjKI NO. 7686. MORNING EDITION.THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 17. 1867. PRICE TWO CENTS. THE HURRICANE AT THE SOUTH. IMIV*L THK KBPIKK ClfY 4T NlKPllLK. m *NTH LICENCE OF THE CENTRAL AMERICA WITH Pive Hundred ind Twenty-five Paasengfera aid $1,600,000 in Bold on Board. THE DAMAGE i O«E B? THE GALE **}.< <feu, «c. a gra'traiA' who left ijitui aa pavtmnger on the atuam wtip kmplm City, and arrived In Ihla oily laa' evening (rt«. Mo: ft Ik, y «a> of Baltimore ban furnltbed nj with «nr f-ll w dm eoo tint nf bo nardsntpe «ruU«.>ed by the » <r«o .-»»tl during tho ia « w>vern (ale. whlol oang'i he km. I a t»v ni atnamnhtp OrntraJ A ma lea:. in* teaoiaolp Central America left the oar'jor of Ha .¦.¦a a> 0 .¦'nlt.ok lu I* n morn n( oo Taetday. the Stb kat , *»¦«ommai.d of I.ieutcant Hirnden, of the Uulcd t*ri »,»»y. ?be «ntral Aroerlo* bad on boa d Ova ban i . and l~eot- Ave pa>eangera, with one mil'on -n » nadrt d ibm mnd d >iiar« In f .teole f om California lor «*. Y< <k be i«ft Havana In taoelleot time, wtth ah <. i oo ». ard and In good rotrtta foe r'eamvhlti Rmptra City, commanded by Oap'ala H-tou tf' (mwsn. urtui d out ftom Havana on bar paaaaga < -t . f- rk »t 10 n'e'ock on ho m trnln( of '.ha 8th la*t., . too b.-ur »fw>r the Central Amortoa. Oar Inform tut m f.. 't bad me Can ral Auterloa In tl(ht and k>-pt a-trr a*« evttl the afternoon of that day (the 8'h tnr'ao'), wnon oq ran ue . > far that «« loot «i(hl f bar, and from »*. time to toe preaant we bare no firmer inf.rmailoo o»»-dti f her When the Kmntre diy left »b > . w » *l» i'.* paevergera on hoard On tha m rokg of 9tb InaUnt (Weineadar) the wind .t r «m tbe t or hweti, and an the day ad vanned It In .> o*v*d t a very M«r« (ale, obliging ue to lay to and oo «-. r to hold the ttoamer In during asto m Hiring the an of Tbnraday, loth, Friday, lltb, and -**tarday. 12tfc an tb" norm Inereaaed vary forcibly, and blew a per I-.* hurricane htK .ooay, ho 13th Inrtant, the wtnl enddenly ohvng « tor rootr wret, hen we made Ikpe fookoot When me Empire City waa ab 'til ten mile* from the I'ght hoove, . mob la on the Sboalv, there we «a« a di«nm»f»d v. bore .tan »aa at four o'clock In Hit) erernnon rli- k «h a nee one, bavlpg a *hlW> et^eak of pal. I a m'ho bar «vut We ooul I not make oat her ntme Sn t«r- nil.- nyr m'tcniBMl standi ,g, and lay light in the wa te- a* If the had little onrgo on board 'bare wre eight . tea i ere ct In be Veen on ber oecxv The K Optra (Juy ..el i t'O ai" rd ao> aid to tne hark, a* Oa;>ta:n WnGjwan'u ud cue vteamvhlp bcraolf Ut groat danger at tba; ae>n,. nt (if aoiidai the 14tb Inat, the e mpire City reached iW»m> notion* Tne wind ¦ aa ben bloving ve-y f^rioau ry r.ow the voutn .wl, and oar led utr tor aaliv, bevldei aan.vgog me snip We were then abort of cia', and r. . o»m eped to oommvnoe to hu'n tbofu-nko-o and ap- rvwrtarra ¦ f the vevvel, aa well ai part of the fevtnnr towetf in order to keep up ateam an 1 no reach Norfolk U tbvt way we oonauroed ber wheel comma, the benobei, <a 'lee, otu re ooal box.«, and e.ery oombukUble more able thing «e ooald plane band I oo Wo fluvlly reached Vorfolk on Tuaadae, tbe lttb tnat m the eorning le a very aabaoaled ooedltloa, and wlh all out Tut I and prorUtooa run am We were quoran Ined at N-rfolk, vod ware not permitted lu land Upon th e annul (toy of iba paaaengert of the Empire tty embarked at OHI P"lnt Onrnfirt 'or Baltimore, to order to run home »T the .Jlffereot rallroada After arrt'irg nt Norfolk Captain MtOiwu took the mall agv m the Puat Offloa, but tba Pnaunamer rafated to renetre them, and tbe Captain wan oompolled to take tbam look m tne tcinrr rvtrirg neaday, the lttb teat., we reentred alongWde w>e Cmptre Ctn, at Norfolk, oae buadred and twenty Ire mat of ooal and a euppty ef prerldoae. The Empire City .til leave Norfolk for New Y* fc at toon a* tbe la pat In jrdwt and baa bad the aooeaaary repa'ra done to ber MiWitaery When 1 left Captain MeHow«a eald be woall leava aa tbe o'lrbt of Tb raday, tba 17th, or monrlag of r u-ar, the 'Sto lnat , If poealble, ai he waa vary anxlooa totewo tbiv cur vAkP or rai mriM oirr'a PAomnraBR*. N* RUM K V* *opt IB, 1H»7 Wa. to* p*».oe»-r. no board tb# United lift 11 Mil *»»»m»bip Enintro . i>y, joAn 4c Inwan k>fl <w tit* B.p'P Df of i*o H«n la.t for Now Y rk fbw Wl<»l»r c#t ». wo>o ratten ml onw-tonood oao of tow m*I ta-nhw p«loa and ho'fi oa-w «». known which >mf »cr fl*o o.j* ft.rl.ed oi N .rfnlk a tbo m to tog f ibr 4t®,*i(xl of ouol nod pr,n* on*, *"<1 iho r«s..ol mo w»b»r» »«j tenon, fy carnage , borutp earned HW >*IM .- . W# (10 . ro't 100*1 #r 0"r frftlofnl ftOk»OW Cgtn'OU '0 "MM K OWOO, f r hi* ikllful, I inr n( ond *b>e cfr'.loqa kOO ¦ * uir -ml .». t: in u<! D| « it I . pnrl ?»»« nor p*.oi torll* ft1*" iho rfflce o ood crew nT the U>r K »piie llli ; 10 Mr H -woo. toe obiof fll »r of ibo Alp, »?<». aohomrte» rflhrti doMrg b" »|i»m wo ftllr Oi'prnnhWr, ftrd mm mo id blm *. 00 nfflner 00 III* ' to Boob m.loe Wo ftlft'. ftOknnwIrilfO Iho fnod q'.ftM lrft ¥ Mftr I'm lr« 0|i» ft* . on d( ftad .. o »hlp, *o aba b*a pr mi brrroif noder lb* mini|"n«ni nf O.wt MctJ iwoa, .boa *0 rw maond < or of too moat oo"l ood Ohio aoo tbol ere- ion tb* dock of o ihip, to toe core ood trnai jf ice ,ro, r Hit t nblwi (J Wt'|lig,N ilrloona. loldnro Onrdto, Rotom, Mr Coney ltd a I la roo, La. H»e tor" Fern*-"#*, iarono ¦ -O I oooop Ho r. DO J BOB Modr|, Hftrftao. ¦odftm Mft lr«, .r -r JOftO Vcilllo, 'lOTftOO. Ao«» .(;».!'lift drFr'DBcdoo Y Maniar. Htr.n* m> Roto lUm-r, Motion (ta|H J 1'0 to ,'bftrlooloo MkwMft'to A»nBr|..0,*«coB J Wo V A dot, fl«*oo* M*o Wbi-o No* Or*ftM Rdner'o Ado , H.rftno Mw Ew I'lB HftHohor Jnw V noB'O A H*l, 11**0*0 MB* Mftry Hftilor, H«oOQO M J Buihlf, New O lo*n». I O Itiobo, Mo« O'looao Our"* Borneo, N O-Ioooa Mef. Hftlu MaBrt 0. H I. New Now o loooa /ah toorhier Bowwow. Btopooa BooOor, Mi umbo Aapwtl I $ Tilr Mi otBW T M. Utotwr, Now O-toM*. » - »f "»», QhHmMi J J Htwltaw. New York I B J ft" ht. Mo or too Philip A»W N«w iMotso folit Bnootoo. Horaao. Bfti ru 0 Woe. N OrMODt AfttcB'n l/ipri Ohhft Atari OoBoy, Lo iltlftOO Phdro K/*|ioo frig i, Horoao Aodrow Jiboo NowO loaat jftoouo i twho r Jmb *t . Bmmm Jbo TVrft OM, T IBldBd Hi potItr 'lot <r« Hfona A C Mr'*, No » Or OftBB John H Rnl, Na* Or|««M Jr-hft r. 7w eft, Harooo. J Y, Now Ynrk Mooaoi 6 ilt, Horoao Hobo*' Wiioco. N«w fork ProDrt»r» SoIt», Ht'ftno Borrow 8olo,N#» O Inooo Lwio R OoBOcbo. Horooo. OorooQos Ooliobor, N O MUM On»wb»* Horoao. Booj m-ooo Now omo M-fool Fortondot, PoorV Piioeliw PWI-ibw POM TBI MidiIPO PTBAMSHir ClkrOAL AKB MBA. .%» fToiw-i motoo Moll Wooaohlp Oompoay boto ordnr id ibo (loot i Woboior, . blob aoili to dof, to koop la tbo Waak of Ibo Oaalral Aaaortoo, bow Ihroo do ft orordso, to too bope thai If oar tooldoat boo bofoltoB bor la tho lolo torrtdo goto tbo aof bi obto to aid bor. Ibo Wobrlor tola on m IB lb npplf of prornmao. Tbe Oaalrol iBHtot W marldaoad a otooaob ood waU apoalotod ablp, boo iff ftWTDrttf of iho tola rtona aad bar oaaoaal dotof to arrlrloff fir* «Mt fnr OOM aaxtolf, at toaot. If ani iBtb Tboro or* nb« BOO *oali no booH. ood tbo dlo hot wo*Id bo roo*fnl oboald ib* boro parlMnA MORK krpMOft OP TBI HAI.B. OapA. Sopor at too Wooa pro|wlior Aiolooto, which dPftrod fetocrd.f momtot f»B (Aa. imIoo, ropirto Jul oa tori who* off Uopo Utokool, bo Btw ¦ q loatltf of .toofeod wwbrioki, oodooppnood Iboa to bt o wboo boooo . o atoftvor, bnnoo oa dock, Ac. tbor brp bor* bofnopod to to* oiaoinor toloBhts boooo ol Uhorloaloa, which tool bar pod die boooo daring tbo <o>* Tbo hark Kl ho-d, fraB H ndnroo fbr Now York, wot W»koo oa too Mth Into., (ao Utitu ' fir*,) l«i baw aad boib loo^ai aat boom dating iho lolo gala. re* OALM AT WlLMrPBTOW, M. 0. ffroB Ibo WllBtoftoo (N C.) R«rAln. ftotd. 14 ] tBBcrao qnon<ll r* of rolo Ml dorip* Pndor, Rolardof .a ' fr*'Oi d*| t ond, o* * nooooqioooo, lb* wolor ooorooo, pcw,(0 crook., ki , ftoro ami inn In »o atOftl'Ol ottonl, m I bk h do«, .go ... dooo bf ororflowo, corrylog owoy of Wrblfoo, A.i. Boro in town the ctlVRo of the ttona oro opporrot la Ibo Oftwbor of trco« npro ood ood of hroooho* twlaloo iT ¦ad BORUo-od ahonl th-*l«fWnl OrMM d*OT f»wn«* boro booc blown down, aad tono i lip hi damage done to John P Rpoa, Motion Mr Wtboa aad odf, Motion T%» itoamor Mr*f ton fbr BBlUirllto ol bor owool bonf RMardaf alTo-oonn but *nrh waa iho rlolrooo of lb* go',' tool ibo to f rood npea Iho hooch holow Orvw, whore Mo rcM'nrd la to flair nntll roowiar aftornooo, wboo ¦00 WO* to rod r<T or tbo (Wmor HoorlotU tral* fmoa tbo anrtb duo io tbo or* lop nf Ml* laion day arr. rod ol Ohnnl tbo ntnol bmir, hnl conld om roorb Bo kiiod * her* noooonpert orr ooded In nowqoon wv l*or» drlfto nf ooad nckr Ibn Irock no tbo oldo o' tbo bill )**t ooy Dd iho dopcA hntld ops Tbo immoo.o roin* rwojd Ift go qnootmo* nf t*nd n.or tbo r.lto,ood lb' tm« up* nr to" car. -ft* hlnrked Ibo >*Monr «¦* hr Ihlt I kta .rmolnrd who . U»r» woro dor'np tb* n'pM ood 10 too atom np. wbco tho rinlortto of *ho (t -rai bod ohowxl bfl toctr io<a i"worr he to! for mora ootn'nrtabto qmrtoro. On -bo reaocast tb. gale wu terrtnly MTtn Down at -lonnd the «atera or th« sea a vcpt over ths c fftrenl ftI'd bank* and marshes, covering thorn alL re tirt», of rsnaree, man to a »nr> un.xuvl h«*h', and await away, Itae cbatr, several of ma bathing and bvat ho ana o toe rsatdeut inhabitants. Urate we e *aab> d ont of Ibeee later rrd latded blab on tbo sho*e. Trcoa and fonooa were blown down. The Ooean Hon*-, zt-uaioi ua tbo hank* next v. the tea.t -at apot ren Vre I 'atnooa a* the ¦true of thd Esquimaux.waa carried ofT by Uta re'euUurt w*»(v*', ant) ." rupi><.«~ the fogMali thereof. ir not landed at distant points, are drifting about oc t ygsa of dfc.sry. tills Ocean Honrs, now that It la cons, we frcl bonnd to aey, waa not a hotel, U atnne or the Northern paper* lanotoa bat e small tonouent of wood, having one ro. ro tn t no more. The danage to the shipping on tbo ooaat wo fea» has been very es'ensl*-e The lues of tha bark Oo!ln tfoRae, a new and beautiful vessel, owned prln Ipaly bare, la rvporhlly to So regretted Sbn bad jtiat ronnhnd ton bar on brr h' Beward trip f-cm Fug land. and. in endeavoring to ride oat tbo gale, parted ohaina ana went aehce -he gale ooea not ism, from aooounts revived, to b»ve vitended far Into Ibe Interior. Pawvngers by the novtbem trait fill bat lHde of the »t»m norm or 3oM«- boro'; aid by ibe toatbern train, about Fair Bluff aoemt u '. avu been Ito lladla Br Ibe boats form FiyettevMe we learn that the effota or the blow were not nxperleraed sove'ely abovo Ehi* tb Bt'Uw tb la i r>nl tbo low g/ound crops of corn, As , ate rertoady injured. We cannot tell what damage tbo rice crop* ban sus¬ tained, bit hope that It la but alight [From tbe Wilmington (N C.) Commercial, Soot. 15 ] A s orm commenced M Frloay night last fn n lie nonbeart, and continued wttb much tore Itv from the same quarter till Sunday morning, when tne wind «httte>i in tbe northwest, and finally to tbe sou'hwevt Tbe -e. verity of tbe norm ceared on tbe change or the wind hut h damage was dOM to 'iv *, fincos, a c but nothing of e very serious na'tirc oomirred within the tt nil* of tb" town tbrngh tbe wind at ftmne blew wttb treat fury We do no* know bow far south li ox'ended, but not m eh of It was ft It with us north of W Idoo and tatu-day was a very plea-ant day In Norfolk and P >rtsmei|h as we tes-p; to this caned pass fir the auto-anal cqolooi, for wblch we are atltl to look. Wo are fearful we may have to rrc -rd other dlfaste * on the tea ooasl, where the a o-oa raret most -everely. from what wo can at prevent learn We bear of several votiels being ashore, an aooount of vrfcl" b ¦ 111 be ft> -nd below. Green's mtU pond was damaged by tbo breaking or tbe baptisard tbe unrooting o' the bridge A rma'i bridge be.'o* tbo town was «wt pt awiy, and two of the br-dge* on tt e plank toa-i injured. but ihere was no damigo done tufDrkn-. to obstruct the travel Bstlc Colin tg.-Rar, B-atnha'l, frem Ltveryoil fss this pert, w.ih tali a-rlved off Ualu Bar on We-me'day a'ter nenp, a; 0 o'clock, came to anebor vith tho wind N K C nld i' t cbta'n a steamer to tow in. On "hurtday auJ Vrtcsy had boary blow from N. E. A'unit 5 o'olo-k on Ha>ur< ay afiernoou wind rhaeged to W. tt W , blowing ?..ry heavy; at 8 o'clock P M parted cb tn«, tad at 9 0' luck rtrnek on Nldd'e Gtound- vessel »ili t rove a to^al lo*» Hhe *a< owned by J. A. P. tliRro A Go and »i N* If A Sons, of this town; Uapt bramhatl, and J Pcime fc "o , c( Brlfsst. Me.; folly Insured. A p irltot of thi till nd rtggtpg and cart of oargo -ill p oba»l7 be S>vp i in a daw aged rendition, Tbo captain »'d ceew were ¦.ken tf during dunday ntgbt, and reached town jester- dar icoroiog in the -team <r Spray. T! e bark J, w. Itiodgett, IVom Turk's Island ror New Totk laden sitbsalt, w»s alsoanchored rff <f«in Bar wkb p m|« eh"ked,and U ak .ng very badly, flntondlns to |>nt in for t. pairs ) On Hatnrdsy nltht she parted herobt'ns, and was blown ac'ss Fry in^ Pan .db' a'«, '.bumolcg hsavilv; wst rrn ashore near New Inlet, wkh list of both anchors sno r* t of stils. We learn ibat tbo cantata and crow rt scbed Federsl Point, where they now are 8rhr r.m'lv Wsrl B'adly, from i"Asrie«t,in fi'b Instant, for New Yotk. laden »Hb wht-a1. tloo',¦* t'.on and rloo, at irrro sd . scoocssloii of galst, and bad neon »» f«r north at ?4 111 On Friday the wind Increased to a bavtian-, and vcr'es lahirtrg neavll' snruogal<'*k; mimrssb ked, a"d satla all D own a -ay. At I o'<v. k on Ntinoay morn Ing, bring enable to brarb her, abe was so bwet abn it 1< rrl'os north of Now Inlst Bar and 5 m'los f ona Isnd, wbere tor ».u> k do-trg tbe Vay (n 7 'alb'tnt The cap tain arn erf w left In the boat, and rcaobo-t shore on Sun- dav m rnlog Wo have not learned whether the vessel or cargo was Inured. Th< sibr Abd-I Rgder, Comellons, from th'a port Tor New York wltb naval . tores Is ashore n«ar Rich's InH, abort 26 or 3d miles north of Now Inlet Bar Wo learn that the captain and crow bad ail reached above Tbsre tt a bng avbore on tbe beach near Bald Hsad, wMrb sl'lrrobably be grMen off; name unknown Three or roar small comUng vessels reported ashore ne»r tiultbvillo. TELEGRAPHIC. riaiBrnro Tnmtiagir MtrrafRirM. EHword Walter, Esq., Secretary of tbe Board of Under¬ writers, yesterday root I red tbo following despatch It la dated Cnsiunox, Hept 16.1667. Tbe steamshl p Southerner, Oapt Robertson, arrived thlt morn leg almost a complete wreck She la mnob tnjnrcd, and baa tlx foal water la bar bold. Tbay throw ever hoard ja»t of bar cargo to Bghten bar. She will ha dlachargod Immediately. kklO JOHN H. BB0AD6 AfinOKK. NoaroLK, Hopt 16,1U7 Tbe brig John H. Rboada, Bom Boatoo bonnd to Bsttl mote, with mercbandlao, wont aabore south of Cbpa Hoary la tbs lato gala. It b reported that the ateaagfbtp JaoMatnwn, fotn New York, waa blown out to ion aa far aa Capo HaUcraa and look in eocsldo-ablo water, aomawbat damaging bar oat go DIS6BT1* TO III BCHOONY* C. P. WU.LIAMe. Noimak, , t*ep. IS, Ml lit# toboo^tr 0. r Wllltnmo, la bailort bound from lor try city lo 7oik ilror, during iba late gale lotl bcr aula bom, foretopmatt, to; TBI WKKCkKJ? If11 Mini KORPOUL I'TUULillLFUU, "VpC 16,1867. Tbo ¦Conor b orfolk, OOBk to Iho Cboiapeake, belonged lo Uo Philadelphia ord Rlobmood line dhe Ml hero oo Ralurday wllb a raluabla freight. The Norfolk woo for marly known oi Iho I'eoobtcot. On >Uto Kollr oad lb# crew were Itndtd yeolordoy ol Oopo Itlond by Ibo itonni" Joteph Whlmey, from Baltimore for Bomoo. Too toom' wod oorgo oro folly to on rod. LOM or TBI mo TRRMONT. Litootool, N 8., SojH. 16, 1167. Tbo brlgnoline Vermont, from Pteloo for B etno, wna totally wrecked ilia morelag oo Ibo Woolon Load Crow oad molorloW oorod. Urond Higoito at otaUn Inland Tbo Regatta foom Ibo Hotel of Hoooro Buro« A Or ftor, al TempklawrtUe, Blntaa Ukad.onmt off yeaterdey (tew), and prtrrod lo booceof tbo mool MM|al beauUfu rrialioo Ibal oror woo kaowa la Ibo aaaal« nf .moll bovl racing A largo ooooBblogo woo proaaei lo wlUooo iho contort btlwooa tbo dtlforoat boot*. Hoooro Beet A Oregter oro oaUtlod lo aU proloo for Ibo moooor lo whlab Ibo affair woo eoadurtod U woo o cloooty cnltolod rooo, 00 ooeo bot «ro* claaa noromoa woro aaterwO, oo will bo ton by tbo follnwlag oebrdolo. Art Wag a 6oe to*m to front of tbo hotel ibo tpotnolora bad a mo«l .eagottoeoi rtow of all Ibo oporallf. Tbo dlWaaoo rowod woo obrot wr ml 100- 71m moo for Ibo trot rooo woo 611 for 10 foot working hoa'o (two palro of aoalb), for wbksO Ibo following koala er u> rd Harry Oarr. or wrod by Jameo Loo, rowod by Joboo Loo 000 Aidrow Kayo A0.l»tly, ooMrrd by Janaaa Bnrk (altao A Rimy), aad rooo . rv lamoa Bark aoO P. Ooltt- B. Ma Brroo, ooMrrd by Jobo Martin, ood rowod by Jobo Martin tod L. Jooataf Tbo forBor (Horry Corr) oaoao la wlaaor, oad rooolrod tba prtBO Tbo pr'za for tbo aaooad raoa woo 630 for 17 fool wet to« b»0B (iwopolro of Moll*), for abA olitaworooo leiod U»a boalo Kl'xabalb flBttb, by Hoary Unborn#, ood rooo* by Hoary Oaaorao oad Cap* r> B oyby,by Rlohard Noralto, oad rowod by Richard Noralto aad Ilarid Dalaa List Kilo Una. by J. Baooaooay, oad rowod by J. Boo neatay aad ¦ RerllM Ibo Cop* D Rmphy took tbto Prtoo, oad w«a N aaary. Tbo third aad laB rtoa woo |ao, for 16 fool working boon, a aingle pair of Matt, wllb ootriggaro. Tbo booio mtcrod wore ibo Joka lobar, by H. H. Kooaaa, aad rowod by Thw Horr Ida Berne. by High Rnrao, oad rowod by Hugb Bono, la wbtob tbo tailor waa rtcAartoao Tbo tool roM am bo ng to ooawfaaoo wttb Ibo rwlaa of Iho ragoMo, oo tbroo boon woro nma.ry to maka a rasa, ibo jnrgoa. Hrarr* Ray. Temptta« John Joan, Thraao Rbarmii, Coraoltoa Rtrd aad Marled Iho boon, oad by ooatrtbotioa awarded ibo foil prtoo. tha Halo Bin and Mr Jlrl TO TBI IBTTOR OP TBI RkOAt.D. Moraorbi/TAii Hum, Ropt 16,1*67. Bo klad owoogb lo glyolbo following aa taoerboa la yaar payor. I fool roortraloed lo dootaro la lb to pobtta Baaoor the Ibo tlaitmrnt purporting lo oome from OouncUoMa John Vaa ftao, pabtbbod la Ibo Hmum oa Ibo m iralag of tbo 1Mb tort to a ttoano or mtwapiooootailoat aad folMbnndi Com baotaotng to oad. Tbo g' id bni waa aa*er oat lo bla nare or poaooBloo, ottbar ol tbo Hermitage NaBrtllO. or In tbo 01% of Now York. After oar rooobtog tola «iy boworor, bo rrqoorted bo no o foror lo lot htm bora II lo ibow to two ft pOFWNt, (10 order thai they atgbl (M Ibo iBOOTlpiioo,) and alto to permit hia family aad o few frbodt ." too It under o faRkfnl p-nmloeto return H lo mo 00 Moodor morning which pmwlee bo 0 >mp|ted wllb Ooonrilmon Vao floe mol mo oa Ibo rooming ol tbo 1Mb tort., nod daiod lo mo tbol iho nrr.iie abmro allodod lo waa al>e io e*ory r oa pool, ood forthwith bod drawn on a trn« .talomrnl of I e facto, ohlrh bo Mfned, nod pledged blrnio' falibfoily to bora pool abed la Ibo Hboalo, bol which boo ocl no yol appeared ANORFW JACKSON, Jo. Ratal Irittlllgenrw, 1%» I'tHod RUtoo frlgala Ooogr>w», dig «hlp of Iho Medi¬ terranean «qiadroo, 0 tm Rrw*«, rm-n * nyaa, anlrod 01 jocaioatlBople 1Mb all ood rooalaai AM. LETTER FROM 6EIV. WILLIAM WALKS*. II* Undertakes to ICxplaln Ml Kfflorfw *D Ita- IntiodM* IliiTirj in llMrn^». of Hlavcrjr ContruM ssltli ttii Ertu or Bmuitlpailun. CrHllM botsraeii mw trw n»d» and Costa Hka, and Srglajitf and ¦loi.durua Considered . Oalla*>C<arendon Co»i vtialnii.Po«tk&l Kl||ar« for Ui« South, Ac., Ac , Ac. Niw OaiXAaa, la H. S, 1867 Si*- In the ounverration we letal/ asd at Augusta Jin oaratog the re Introduction of slavery Into Central amort na, wa agreed that much of the ovpetition to mr ooarae tn Ntoa ague waa due to the act ansnlllrg the decrees of the Ftde<al Constituent Assembly. It may he a matter of tn tereet to yon, aa wtll aa to other a, for me to explain lb* motives which lead to (hat rataeure; and la this ooeneo lion it will not be irrelevant and wt.tnly not onioi portent to the people of there Slates, for one In advert 11 certain oomhlnal'una of itw Spanish-American republics, with a view of limiting the Curtate of negro slavery In thle continent. It has been incorrectly asserted that I and mr onmradas emigrated to Ntoaragna for the express purpose of aateb llsblng negro slavery tn II* territory Tor myself, I mo only say that I had no inch intention AlthingO born and ednratod amHit Hnutb«ni Infl lenoes, I ih»t I an not sufficiently Insane to attempt the propagation of slave ry. Independent of Its adaptation to climate, soil and pro dnctloos. The experience of 1/) ike, In tho forma Ino of his Carolina ocmtltntlcn, Is suiflclent ts deter any man or dtnarily modest from the attempt lo frame laws and tortl lotions for a country be has never seen; and facta nea-s* n*r own time might satisfy any one of the evils "blgnc las'" political philosophers would entail on ao-dety trail their theories were reduced to practio* Certainly I ara not to tarsal to snch mcdes of legislation as to be tempted to follow them myrolf. No.the decree re es tablishing slavery In Vlcarrgca was the result of observation, not of a pruin spoon la i n It waa cnly a'ter a residence of flftoen nonlhs tn the 8t«te; after observing tiio sell, the cl'mato and the product* of the reentry; after rarrowly watching the chxractrr of Its Inhibits eta, together with th<lr scclsl and pcll'lcal orxaat ulion, that t deiermlnei to revoke tho art of the Fjleral Crmrt teent As.erobtv whereby slavery was abolished. A review or the hls ory of tropical America- insular as well as coetloental.will, I am satl.flcl, mw.'e»i 'h«»l.dni of the mearuie so sevei eiy crltlused n the Northern duvet tea In R.rope N< gr> slavery on this oen'lnent had Ha or|«tn, aa von are aware, 'n a spirit of bene o en . aod phfUntbmpy In the aocals of hamsnlty there are r.» t>rl*b'er names than these cf Father La* Oaaaa, the originator or the srt In®; and crfatnl* few wiser m»o*rnh. navs ever r*tgo<H tn Europe tbao tbn Rpsrlsh sovereign who put In prsnilee the .rgyesll." ds Of the bo y 'alta> r. It Is true that I/red BroDg&am Las la elv 'haractorix»d the measure of La* (alas as "a anion cf the most tar »!»ht*d latere*! wuh tb' moat short righted benovnlence;" but when did bis lordship fcrrake bis B> nthamtan principles and cease lo a knowledge Ihnt In political affstra jbe c ost .?Mg'ilsned Interest 1* the purest and mc*t fn'dee b*i .vo'scc f rhe admission of the noble lord at rnoe deatrov i the ec ao-nt cal argument fur the spoilt.on of slavey in tro-Vcal smerlca, and reduces It lo a pure quetHm of pbllan thropy. It was net nntll towards I be close of the last oritur- that people becan to doubt the wbdem and benevolence of the police Inaugurated by I a* Cases Then the Ideas of Buxton, ind Llarkson, and W'llHjrforce became fethlora- b e In Am*r ca aa well as'n Furope At B'st U>e*e Ideu were confined to a sra.ll portion of the English public; bat csogbl up as Ibey were by a religious party whi'h oon- trol ect lo a great extent Par Mammary el*cUoa«, the* soon became powerful In the Dri.lsb lerlslarure Die fash'oo spread to Fiaroe, and the f>oe thinking legislators of that corntry were aa eager to adopt the theories of tfnw foroe as tc follow the example of ibe funt^,* o' th« Lneg Parliament. The horrors of Nay Dan history for 'he la«t sixty Ave years attest how danfferoos It la to transplant political sentiment',urn from England into Franoe; and the ooallilon of Jstnaloa. In eomparteon with that ef On ha, preset how little good B/ltlah oolonlata have derived from humanitarian legislation The events which have followed the aboiltlaa of alavery la tropical America strikingly Illustrate tho fact that go vernmrnt la a sckooe and not a flte art, an t that Its laws are to be sought fer Inductively. not through the aenti meets or emofone. The pbartaal <al philanthropy of Etc tar Hall has mace Hayti and all Spanish America the seal >r dire aad almost radium d >U war. It Is fast noavwrtlog Jamaica lato a wlldernesa Farther than tils. It la making the who!* weslera coast of AfMoa one vast tltrr shlo. before wh'ca the horrors of tb# middle passage sink laro insignificance. Ike slavery of Iha negro to n>« fidtaw aa* ag«.prod unlive aa It neoessarlly la of esnnlvailtm s*d buosn snerltee.has been a haadred fold Inorwasad by rllbrta to snppreaatha slave trad*; aad tha vloaa of the . muggier have been added lo those properly baloaglag to the slaver, by 'ordng him tooerry on his trade with tha baiter around his neck. A onm -arisen of the negro In AMna wl'h what ha la In the I'ouad Hums, or evtn In Uoba aad B'sall, shows tha advantage or Western slavery lo the Inferior raoa Tae none item of tropical Ateilcia. wnero slavery doee antes 1st ladtcalrs tla recrsatty for the Jreli-emeot of tha natural wealth of thai portion of the world And of a'l the nountrles of tropical America Kloaragaa by n not rwd » Iborougn reorganization of labor no .coluiiont of ararlg fovlv Ttwi htfii oil* leley of a iarge rraurd » nr tbe popola loo. oo<t bat for (bo rgored '»» fr riihijr of iha toll wool J wg »idcc bar* convened It toio a deaart The RiMMiMlMh bi negro aMmsppMMM iuiot Uo iptedlaat aid mnet elicient mrene for ma«b lu tba *b;H laco to aoteb.tah lueir permaa-aUy la Otatral Amtrioa, ami II la iba ouorctournewa of thlt font «i>nt la loading la a combination of tho rolled raoy of S.w oUh America (Vvr the nurpoee tf oaoladlag ale»ery forever from lb a ton I'orb » now ucciptad bp tho a Iho tacdyrr of thia combination la, or ooarao, to conttao alavarp on ia« American oonna«nt within lia prevent llmlta; and ti ap rat it to ma of aotnn importation that tho and -noon or na roa.l>lratlaa tbould bo plaood bef.ra tho pooplooftbe SobUtern dtalra. Nor are written aad palpable evtdcnom of tbla oomblna- Hon laikiDg Too mag And the # In ton arcolrr* of Onta Kloa at Baa Joaa, and la thoy of Naw Ora ada at Be da Mill arorer borne goa mag And tba evitmrea not onlr of the Rpyhb a me' Iron oomMnation, bat aleo of ftrttinh e> moiMtg with It, amoag tae a>eblr<w uf Waebtngtoa aad of Wetlminrier It la ahaaga that Uteaa fbnte My at traeted to ilUla aUeaUoa on ibe part of the H rathera pro I la. bat tbap mar feel (be Importance of thorn loot ater tbeg bare loot the power la ooatrol lha oooaeqaawOBt of the ormb*aatioa. To tbr ft -U la the month ef Mag, ISM a Ireair wy ratered into between the Mama of New 0'aaada aad Ooau Mob Oiteaaiblg the main obrct or th e treaty wy the .rtUement of a boaadarg qaaatkm long peadlag bat net tba l»o repnblioa; aad tba treaty wy atoned eooa aftar Ibe Krgilt b gorarameat bad agraad to rornteb armt to Coa'a Rlea fur the per <oaa or AgbUag lha Amartaaaa la Nleaiegy lot la tbla traatg tat atraaga yd aiagaiar rlaoar u laterted wberebg lb# contracting parti ot agree thai alayrp efaaJI arrar be Intro*need tale the ten tot Ire of either. No In'lmata relat'oni «M aatwaaa tboae ypablMa for, ahhoagb o> tor at! .ay, a v«ot aalahabttad region rttaada be twaaa the cultivated dwtnota of tba two ooaatrtea. Aad gat thote two tonrttfwtma gMd to aarh powora over Ihe other whlrb noe Mr of gotir ocnfedemtp wi.i not giaid ehber to aatatar Mat# or la tba Moral gorarameat It moat bay baea a power ft I ib Burner we loh aaayad the iriartioa of anoh a rkaota Into a treaty oowmrai t boon ear lea Nor ay wa Ml la atmjaotare lha ooary of thla Ua Not my y woafea altar lha Irttly between Owen Rica aad Nr w I. ranada wy eigaad, (treat BrHa'a eatery lot i a wraty bp which tbe Bag laiaada way glry ap t Hwada ru. with tho provtoo that tin vary ebon kl be forayr eg clnded flrtm nam Aad thla treaig, rlgaed by the H>o«o ry (ommieatrner aad the H ttah harahrr a'May, la tfifwtr . e in boiled In what te known w Ote iwiae Hta rydea ireety f| rwtwltaa lha itgytnre of the tmerioaa .mmer at load'a, la approved ag u Amartcy Byaaary of Mate, ye y Amertey Preakmt eewda It Iter raMfly Uea to the Awriey Seeate Oaa la almaat tampeal ta bo tieve that lha Unltad Maty itaalf te aetaawtny a Mvwne h pang la a treaty waiy te y I ay It y art U y y tajiry ta lha whata Roothova people end other h yiah Amertey MhMa bay ahawa their dm aire ta >ola la thla leagee Not Mtg try ty propooia m for a graeral aoinhinaMoa of t»eae ypabUoa dteomylta the Chihae Omgrey, bat a Chilian Qnmwualyer wy ay i to Ry Ji. fbr the porpeaa of ango-tyag a tray v wi<h Oeeia Rica A Online brig of wy, too, having ot mmtertonrd aad wtrwil efficera rnmlabed bg England aad rraare, earn* to lha anaat ef Oyt-aJ Aaaertm with a »lew of aid lag la the aamaty dy ago Ml lha Am rtcay ef Ntaaragna Nor le Megleo ladllhtrenl In the matter Tier border Mrrlinrty faraleh a play ef refuge Mr lha NNfin of tbr Roathry yd Raathwwrtera Mm, yd Ibe aew Magi ma roeetltnt'na 1 >et adopted by, I am told, a olan»e bg able.b tba reatral goveramen . preniaded from making a trytg wlUt the ratted Maty Mr the e*tradition of fngt . veatavy ta feat, goa bay hot In read ttw Journal, of Ibe fpaaleh Aaierlry repabHea fW»m Mellon to OilII to be aatufled of the camttg.atvly y wall aa tba people aad laatltmloy of the Mralhorn Mlin Independent, turn, rf the Imaortany to Mo whole Called Ram aad lo rlelltentino generally of Amerioytem la Nicaragua, 1 one not out regard or enonaee x of mora maiediaie end vital onaeeqneaoa In the people of the toe there Mam It laytyo the qitaehm whether got will permit gwroetwe to be oewtned ta na the ft i tb aa got alreadg ere oa tbe North aad oa the Wy . whether gon will reaietn galet aad Idla while Impeaeable barrtero am baiag ballt on tbe mly aid# left ap*a for goer vnoere- baadant mergg aad ealerprlae If tba Roth lo One I rone of Imitating the gloomy grandeur of tba lerbvl ai Pern them aba baa bat In He enpiae a little while Veager, yd Mrre end power win bind her to tbe reek yd the y Nay will dmeead te tear ibe Hvgr frea her body |a her ¦gnat y g'lef «he mag ©onaole haraatf with thaldy that ibe eaflb t a wllllag e^litre It Hi net afiea that my ay permtied to egpvnd Ibelr rnrrilea la behalf of a may whir* rmbrnnee the welfare rf otbrr raUora yd of drlllytloa geyyllg, an well y tbe laterrtha M tbelr native onaatrg Ret tbe Amert-aae wkn rrrage wltb tbebr m*ana and their roer f y r ibe ryiamalloe ef N|o«ragna ny f verily believe, eoyrie ibeaieeivy wbh tbe pea that tbag are benefitting lha paat la of that land y wall aa of tbelr own May that, thlt, thry u.fct bti't tbe gratifying 4«*ir»rt0< that <K»y »fr rn>- radpg f om ..arbarl-m uue of the falreet i. motrio* i f the etr b ud oonfnrrlnf no ooin moron I grea» Myb»ay o>» 'D* t"»oe »f ib* world It i# u%ly «>i0h <v u*ld»»» i<>0( anil a* th»*e .bleb MB Oi'U-oio for much or Pe ceu-ura Mtt-il 00 ae by the <01. If 0 a t«f. ii.-.d of the United dtbi and of tnr.Te Rr.i rated a ir tbe justice ana jr mdea-of tno o«us»'d »bi-'b tre t-nraced, we ran "oil *11 >vd l « work on Id pm ft the f«.|r*hnm1 and ahnaa heaped m ia by a roe'vp* and v-nal p'e*« Living w In the 1 G~*n» virk ra*'er'» 'ye," w mog?«.j and enntieoi a-e bi .»« by one Irn fallt-le man man: ud t'b nil baml Hv an abide tbe J«dym*nl of Him who naoniM a»r Hoping you u'll do what vou ean to a oread oor»e«t ¦den* cvnoe-nibg mattera lu Central Amnrlot, I aaln your obe<!ler» «e*-ar t WM. WALKER Ciiah. J. JniKTim, f>q , Angaita, On. |n»Hme> tt lnat Rv«»lii|. TUB G'KHA AT TaK AOADBMY. Tbe "rrov*io»e'' wa- given last night for tbe wooud Urn* drrlng tbe preiem iruon. Tbs honae wu very full, and ,he repveten atlon waa generally tbe same aa on M wdav Mmo |f>i-zaolti)t areatod a (mat furor*. In the laal ant, In whii-h »be waa auperb. M'de Vestvail's ncaoena waa re nrivrd with the plandlta whtnh Ita high art!-do m*rlt deserves On to mormw evening Mate. de It Grant e wilt make her Or«t appearance th<a aeaaon In " Norma " *u ported Irv Mm* *ra*o«ch. Hiyno* (tauter and Soo'a. On Monday lime. Feraztr'lal "airy* In L'Klltlr rt'Atn im " LAURA KKKNK'S THKATRE."JUDITH OF GENEVA." A tbrro ar.t drama, by Ttaomaa Mirtnn, under the above title, waa or 'dooed here laat nlgbt. It la not a no a piece, bat we believe tbat It bat not bwsa provloualy par fo mod In tbte city. It la romantic and melodrama!! < btit not at"o. Hie plot ha-dly tntereeMng en".ogn to re pay the trouble of a descrhrtl >n, either to the writer or the reader Tbe actluy of Mitt Keene, Mr Wbeatlelyh eel Mr Jnlfrraor me>lt« all lo-a'ae.H waa too good for to dull a r'ay; and It la a hlyh 0 .mpllment to aav that It «« 1 oid enough 10 prevent lb" p'ees fr >m bd'ng a f«l''ire. We don't really think that " Judith of Geneva" will bare a very lory ran. Ol.V It FIO intATRB.TBR NRW IRISH COMEDIAN. At ibe pretty, cool anil comfortab>e little ()1 < mplo »h new blab oomi'dIan, Mr Gardiner Coyne, made btr, II 1* .ppeeraroe l»*t night, before an appreola'fng audience It la do! too much to tay tbat M'. (Jo- no mvie a dedle' h t aa an Irleh <v>m< .'l*n Be had a fair eppirtnoltv, In John Brougham's excellent play cf 'Tb* Irtah tvni<rnat '* for elblhll 1 y l.l* latent* tn tbe iieouliar rlaaa of cbaraoter wlleb Brougham haesrleoud aa lr» hero- a eba aoter ao rfirr arively rvayv rated and mUerabl? CA'toatn-ed, nui ra-elj lulled, ponoolBod .lib Ju<Uce to the in'lnit* hi no' and mat bka* talboa a t.tcb 00 ep'lee ao larye a w t| >n f I e lrlidi v-oae-nt'* nature Mr. Oty oe't pe aonatl m of be ha-artor w»* adm rabie.aad not open loth, nnarye of i x»f y-rati'p. H>« baa a naottal vol je. whloh be o*e» with g d Hiei It, h'a rnmlo *o> ya He vaa we'l rooetved leet tight, belry railed out a'trr tho piece and greehv »1<h a rruu! »f aoplame. The " Married and »t»e "lovl-.hle Prince" were preeenlod laet nyb. In gojt etyle, aiib an eareilent atock ocmpanv Mihf Ctii Kidin CrvHHAB arrlred oy the P«nla, ao-1 will tbortly play at Burton theatre In th«»e day a o' tmall rtara it la rrfreeblng to knaw (hat we are .0 have one at It ait who really meiita tee poaltion Nrnto'e 6»idu..Tfcle pleaaart botne I* doing a litre hnilt ear, notwltba'andtcr tbe itrocy oopo*t Inn U ihe other 1 heat en Tpe ballet "Analteta," wttll Rolla, nightly tm t rovea In pablio favor, while tbe Ravels are aa attraotivr as ever. Trauiikg abd Vtar xraMW' Rncnnn Cosmr at N'b'o'a Saloon, will be given lbl« evening Tbe droff"amme la qnlle equal to tbai of Tuesday, wban Iheae artlata rave, a bat waa onnnirie-ed ay oonroiMcnrs, to be the Onoat en cert evi; r heard In this nttv. AiTkMTBP Iaiirby or a Niw York Tibob .We an DPunoed rome lime rlnoe that -Jalzado, tbe maea(er of Italian Ope a at Parts bad engaged Ontyllnl aa well a* Mario; bni learn tbat Lnmley, not dastrtng GulgMnl to atny In Paris jnat now, paid 4} 000 fraam to bay olTthe en gar * mcnt. Ca'zado baa alnee cfl red the engagetuent to Bng noil, who bar been obliged to decline tn oonsequenoe of a prior engagement with Marelsek. ettjr InUlilgeno«< Tn Anauno Kautaa Uomfaiv No 31, whlib vm or laniard ImI Kabreary, yeaterday roootved their ae* ee glao, »hlcb *m bath at Pawtnrket, Rhode I.load The machine oame oa la (hoalMawr Vaaderbtlt of iImm* Htootiif oo Hoc, aad the ooaipaof received It at the dock, where they vara walttay to reoetre It. Ther thoa naa'ihad with It la Iba IVI to try what R oaold da, aad . la-ye crowd af flrrmea aaaembled tn wltaaoa the eihlbijoo Tbc new machine la of the Q>it elate. It haa a tan loih pomp ard a ohaitanabl- itrnfcr of 'mm >l« to twclm in shet when co Bra ftoty It will velyb 3,fmo Iba Oa tba drat trial aa ln~b Den e waa ooad. wheo the macbtaa three a .tn am I f t80 feet la a hhrlt-cta olrari o W>tb ihn .toe ooula a porpcadtnalar at cam wo« tb'Otro tea foot biyhertbaa ib* loo ut the Ujore of Jnatine oo the cr.y Hail 'wo at raata waa th-a trial aad the «.tal ef tha Od» Pall r <¦* waa rear-en W ih ibre^ etr-ani*, eaMl f«ctn a ibrae q- arter n ch at axia, ISO fr»l MM mace Tnit it e >a atderev rxtraordtoory plat inf. eopaoiaHy a* tba e> ylaa waa a I tile ttifT It tak a 41 ireo ta run and work tela maebtro *bu oomraoy bUooya to tha feaib ward, and a a a hearty k> H .y lot of y -oa< fblk.wa J.iha B Mi>4' U tb» fo rman It la d.-abtfu I whether aay of "or oliy atoilo eat lact onaid do what thla eryioe Oil laatordar NawGaaaa J far Lai .Chief Joatica Door, of tha 8a parlor Ooort, Jottloa lay rahant, of tba Ooort t f Common Plena, Ju.'yn KnanaI aad Mayor Wool, ootap-lalac a Hta-J duly app-lated by t tal ale to wake not a llat of nam<* frroa wblob to aaleot the Grand Joriea fbr the aaanloy year, held aoer-ad maatlDf yeoterday, at 10 o'clock t M at tba.Mayor'a flloo. A llat of between #00 aad ; <o mnit t waa aiada oat aad the decretory laaU noted tn properly eacreaa the aa ne for Baal action at >he aeit meeHay la ar'aaytay thla liat care waa takeo to ax dude tbnae < xempt frnat Jury doty, dither from '-rlna BCD roa, droit, tadrm, or atoerwtae ax.laded apt.a toe rtatoU tba fket, howarer, waa ant Mat debt f Ibat a la'fa an « bor of ciiiiw r wtce it a habit hi kodp thwtr aaaMt oat of tbo oily dlrtakoilea to proeaal betoy can-1 to aarve aa |a>ora W»b ytow to preveai tbo aucc-enrai woraieg of ll 10 dedfO. tbo |rm Mwa poll liata O' the Otty were lakeo beo which prtarlptlly tn etill Iho name* Tbo Bmrd meaea ayala to Mae row whoa thoy will pmwbly ol wo lb air part «r tha work aad bare tbo fbU Mat of aowoi p a Ecd to arad to tbo Onuniy i.m. cdl W to bo MM « aad la "adtoiao Ibr Grand Jn-ora to bo drawa front them whea reqn red Nootru IN nan i Rmawoon .Thla ayaaynyae, the ktrfaet aad owe of tbo flaaat is tbo relied Btooa, baa Joel bora rt ewibolllabad at aa outlay of aboal BI.BC0 TbeeoMre lealda aad en Wide of tbo ballo bay barley been ropaiatod . the o>oawoota, yea Bitnrea, be . regildod, aad a ooo aad fry rteb carpel laid, ao that It boa by fhr a betto- a opt %r anna Ihaa wb»o It waa artynall r Italah-d r>ae taoto aad trod workwaorhla It dlarfe- ad la orery park t ar of the wort, which baa beea Bntabe taa remarkably .bor. tint" Tbo tertkto. wbJrh baa deriay the proyeaa of the w.»a b<»a held la the larye ¦ tttlay maw of tba noayn-yatioa. .Ill fbr ibe Bret Warn ayaia b* beta ta ita reyalar place u> morrow (PHday) ev.alay, bau| Ibo ootameaoemaal of the Jdwtah "Pa » Tear " Bowaaa, Marina.Wa woald oall Iba atteatioa of tbsaa or ear raadtm who atay real daatmaa of aot ooly aiabtey aa Lavaatmoal la toe above naamd mat# la oa» alata re pahl«c, to tba M<0 ta ear adyerttaiay oniumet nf foa> ieayaea ef lead, which, la aatidpOtaa of tn- ram iba la a abort period of awe flneorm, a mala frmal if aot n'»i ley Ohll'ontla la atlaerai wealth, will added in nor 1 rioo, reedact ihte out naly a eabj-al wtmby of aoaeid* ration. ae Ha retoe at aome fatnro day moat He Ibobtea table, bat aaa fbr tboaa waa "take Mom by the forei Mora or aa I'aiaoww Ma* . Kooad, oa Uta erealey of twptember IB, at« a'otort.oa Ibo prouitara nf iba tab aertkar, ayoaac maa apyaeaaUy about Iwaatr yeara a> aye. Bra feat b'yb aark brown early hair, ttybl cm aleilea, awail baada aad Ibat Bo waa draaoct m aaoat wore nam aad paata, aaw hat, aad peaeat bawbee abnee, wbile atnnairya. tmall biaw nrarai oaHoo -Hitaa I »o real far far bar panto* Iare tnqclre nf ).eoa«a Da Med. Ooroaar, Waat Bobobaa, Now Jaracy Taa To*no Kaua .A parayrapb la yaalerday'i Raam> laaoxaelag ibo ataao of tbooo aaloa, ahouj^|iaa beea appKed oa»y »o that boM >x Jr w mmOf ft Oo tba irada tale ai (io A. MaettMOTn rbJWam-m, Me arTW Bread way, Mill neaUanoa, w8K aa oaaaaaHy la-ye am I aree aad rery at 1Mb d parebaaera ll will nbwe probacy na BOarday, aad la oaa af Iba wwt oaaoaaafal ya new Fbuanano (>raai ten Maii Ommurw .The enatram for tba owrrlaar moll from tbo ralloy of tha MVadoalppI In Baa f raoclaoo waa atyaed yeoterday Thla M the la (ae* nratract for load mall aerrtoe arer eatared lain by tbo ynrerameai Tbo aaaaal eoeipeaaaWon paid tn the ona traetnra by the ynrernmeat la IVW,000, bea'dm which they ba»e pre empHoe rtybta to an anrea of lead every taw wIlea, wbwh at-at ado rery mach to the ralae of the o<w tract The prrciae mate tha will be followed eatiot be determined at til a themayb explnra loa of the nnnatrr ia it a'a. aad tha onetranter» will at oane fit not aa eaneditl-m fbr tba parpnee The law raqutrao toe eer-nne to be par homed la fear home naaohaa. "eaitable fbr the aefety nf the aialla aad eonrealewne of paiamnara " ri la aot lm pmbabia that a rtnrk nompanr mar be mewed to carry eat thla yreat nndedaklay Hie fbllowlay ara tbo aemoa af the enolrantnrt -John BattaefleM, tMb. «l V ; «a B. ffaaamre. New York. |Wm 9, farye, Bnflltio: J Y. P Oer'eey, f too; M I, Rlayna, Home Alet MM, hew Tork; RamHtnn Bpeneer, RtoemayTaa, IB D N 8amay. New Ymk, J Uitnywnw. Tirtayatna, N Y.; Band Mm Una, rvr»d, N TI P wilHama, Bnllhln Owmrt t'mienilar. Tltlo Day, Rpmmra Onrae-anmlt . (fob ft., »*, M, B0,ftl, Bf, B4, Bb, ee. B7, W. 70, V, Tt, 7B 1 orrmi Burs Darner Onrai -Boa. M, tt, M. M, M toM, 94, Cnu.u Cirtmcn . "»uiu mi «iH». Tkk WhLi-'*i BOM* lO atf-»«JC0« BfuiNa OONVA. |i\ NO 6.»n »NP.D T" r*M>l,r "I' *U« N«w »ll»l VIMB Der.HTMhNT- 2,000 HDD H IIHTM IN HO .BR- «Or.UlU«iMAtlONk-»V«IBh*8, KrC., uTC. A* ertettn Engir* 1 *m. 1* n i Ma 0 bavo »»n nji * (rud excursion la Canada ud en u being Known tut tiry .era 'a return tart uighl laetr brnber Trent-n 'e«j- mlnrd to g'vn them . icoeplbn borne, and a splendid one It proved to ba 'bete rummer excurnloa* to tfie country have loco-ne qnlie tbe tage of i*re year* awong the NU'tn good u a all a* pit Mure It Uxelj to rean't from tbe inie- J utile of clvlllt bet wen tbe Sre department* o b< revrral cltlff Ibie gndul the Union Tbla rear e n- iwft y of nor fire compacts# have tanen trt a of tola km , bm tbe excuriton uf "Big Six" wo* be far tbe oijm exwu .tv» rod prrtrniton* Bi t If tbe «ia>in<"D (wrtf neat *1 tbe other oomiauter, so did U>e reception ''take down1' anything ef tbe klr.d we have *een I* thl« city r r «e*ri Tt »> 'ana'rlniilrte arrived b tbe train from Nee Harea vtirbartn one at h P. It at Tveal) leveutb it eel, bu . hirh wm de eyed for nearly an hour. During ibn even tt $ 'be fourth avenue woe lined with red Bbt'tv, aid re .uttn> a lib be round or marital inula Too «o-ae »a rleei-clrgiy p ourerque Tbetoribae, the colored 11/bt» tbr v»no« * eeaoMful machine* and tbe red ihirik, made mnnt a tractive rwrnbl* Tbe delayer Haiti at 'eugtb arrived, and a* anon a* tie »lne row of ' fli'* F'llnee" were *een, ohoem »e e e ven and 'bey were warm'y welcomed h "mo To f'V r'lat *o the orcaeton, firework* were let "if, aid the ol 1 Empire Club gen was oalledrtnto reqnUI Ion ut ralute the gneats here war ro * eh making at the depot. d'emen are h'rt at t to 'ndflge In l-ng alave'i 01 *uoh o oa»l > .*. out ** >1 en se . a* pi an Irabie a line woe forato i an 1 the pro e.1 U n fit d dvat) 'ho avnur In tbo fb I iwtng order:.. Oetacb uei t of Polroeaien. B«nd Marlon Hook and Ladder Company No. 18 Rand. tnUtart Enslneem ef tbe New York FVe Department In a hi e aoaln an-' ea e, and e*ct ca-rylrg a hrbteo ,aa>e n |>e gnerte.Amerlctp Fuglu" *>m any No 0, With or gtnn It*ally dtco and, drr»*»d ia "hue ovrrr.aU, red ahlrte, blaok ar t*, to numnor lto Bad Warhlpgion Enrlnn Company No 40. some 200 strong Band. Adriatic Euglrn Comrany No 31, w'th thrlr new drklclosa engine, which ravcb a*nitred In»lde lbs rope, were la's drawing tbe cannon. Bore itmnairy No 22 Band Pt tnam H"">e Oo-»p»ay No. 81. Crl'n Hook and Ladder No. 5 Manbaitair Etgi- e Company No ft (Bi^etgb'.). Liberty Hoae Core any No. 10. Band Empire Bcao Company, No 40, with Dnttnmund light iteuited on lop or their carriage JeDrrron Eng'o* 'om.iat.y No 28. Inooj endent Rose Co No. 8. Band nitron Hoar Ompany No 17 Gearoian Eng . « Company No. 28. Rand Victory Eng ne Company No. 13 ronlm'n'al Book ano Ladder '> in pant No 1, of|Wllllam» burg, cremrd le hi re shine Val'ey fwge Krglne Oon>treny No. 11, of Orooauotnl. Bird Wasbbgrn Hook »nd r adder Com wnv No fl, withade tacbm-ntof tiollok Hve Uumpany No. 11. Rand Nstlonal Engine Jomuany No 8. Ban". Lrvlmtnn Englro C mpany No 7. '/> ( hyr H>m Oompauy No. 01. B* a Rittgera Brae fV m axiv No. 28. United Stotea Eng ne ' ompany No 83 H.nd. fu'tcn Engine Company No 21. y.ankltn H »e ' om,tany No 18. Bond Petrrsnn H'*a Compaay No 15. Jockaon Uaao "V>m, say No. 13. Bind Neptune H"»e Ooropoay No. 27. fallen Uo*e ' ompany No. 84. Band Wnahtngion Engine Company No 20. Nnnaau Hone Comtany Ne. 10. Harry H«w*rt Hook and Ladder Oompaa r No. U. L'a'trd Htatea Moan Company No U Sand Pactfle l-ngl en Company N j U Tbe prcrenrton ¦".id do*n Sroadwet In Uto Pa**, if rooyb lb* Port o Chatham etreet, no Chatham lo the Bowety, op the Bownry m ttrand aireel, oad after para <ll»« tbrost b arm# of the by ttreele, finally lo 9 »'# booao, In Reary iitot Tb* rtrwn vara dvnerly erowdad aloof tba Itae of warrh, and tbe otmnet *Bibii«ia*«i waa meniraeted Ri iran caod'ra, roabeta, doable header* oad o bo* IIrework* . ere lei elf at taterrale, aad altogether it «u ooe at ba moat altraetlT* prooaaalona wo ?na teen for mm time AkBlVeL Af THB ENtilNB HOCEB. Piteaaive pr*par»tl na ware y retard ay made for giving tbe rlettlrg com any a magalfloeal aod fttlof ranapti a »r their retina lo fkelr taru»e to Heory alreet, near Gnu -or near, leal evening TTe ettfleo hruta together with tba prlTOiereeldeara at Wilaon imall, I'-q ,!am«iitt» y oppo .Itr. were brilliantly Ulamlaatrd, both la froalaad roar, If4 caadlee b-lng plao*d la IBe wtadnwn of Mb. daal'a bo an )W tb ee of tbe er|loe bo-tar. whioh were labirn erra after e'fM o'ehflfc, OBd t bti -Blag noul .f-er to* a. rival of 'he fl-*m n There, wt«h the Uf.u . a of bl> e lifbte aty rreaett aae o be* p*r*e» of Ire wik. which . ere »e' if f .mb tbe rorfe of '.be t«aboja*a, oa'be arrtral of >ba craipaay at tbrlr h ..»#, ee ia«w wet) be rap-vend, pr.rrnied ape lta*ly brlilaoi aod IbtporlBf ll'pearaeea I^Bf Iwfnm eleven O'nle* toe .irerli In ike rtflii Ity o* an.I obteelte the tea Illsm anted boneee, arrre thronged by ihot,flari<t* "f eien «ntn«n and, (a ad'Mlloe lo . bleb ttoet 'if ih. roofb, wiadowa .O'l halo- alee f H e brm.nv la that ineallty »'»alien wltb . i' ota or», p laolpall ladle*. all eager lo h va a vie v of the (aliant New Vo-Wera aa ibey rotnraed ooro mora to tbrlr own famll-ar burr* A l»»ge body of p hoe under commend of he-grant "nmaroa, of tboSavant b, were on band tr pr*»"r»e wd-tr and o #»na. ir e erowd fr an raablaf ta aad Olllag op tbe booaa afV r tbe tr> m*a ft war anticipated that the prroewatOB would maenb -II reel It »o »be b n»e aad dlemlm, aha* proceeding urer tba Ii(e ia'd ft ml I -t MM I1 »ow» m'aa- '*r»t»BdBf n . a* eo»'»td*mhty alter II o'rl nfe bernra the* arrived at .be ban re of No f, at *bi b Urn* there so 11 aot bare been 'e*a tba* fr»a> three to fm.r tbn<i*aai people oa th> grwnd.wtn gnee tae flr*men, na Ibey paaard thrmigb tea imnaya e«y thai bad breo dear* I fbr treat lathe n.ret. a iu<»< rtiihortnetlc -(Room# b-i-ne 'foaer after tbrer »a» given by Uta crowd aad r»lamed b* |h# Or# *»ni«<bey paar'd, wn<ft, tognber wl h lb# tntkt of . everaj broae band* tba t'bimlaatkm aad Sea *twt« oam hloed kbl . pajul'nrly llrely aad brill'aal aa »«« to the . peer After bourtng the aaglne tbe tor other" af jfe. . vera mootarad la tb* JMM|fl NMb where tb. fr-rmaa, la a fbw bgtwopna'e remartt ratnme' bia ft at if* ooarwwy which bat bare maaifeatad by alt orleg the riearatoo. aad then adrtoad to** nf tae gnn tblrg* (er lei lag of a attlradto anppae) which had been prepared aad waa awaitlag Ibair pieaatro, at Uta boor* o* We IS Track, la Poartb itenat, betweaa aveaeo Dead I-eete tireel, bf the metahera of tbei oomnaay Toe » . pary waa ibea formed la Uae aad earvwoed by .be at.abe't of it Troob to tbetr bourn, where t'ay .ror d a wr"t eempfooaa aad magaldeoauiy « w«»d tana awatt'ag ibem, aa bad beea arooaaead. aad «o which, the) wob the lawttad gm»m ae-l' ho><«, at onea .we eerrei to da aap'e jarilcw After all ba.1 ra'Wkea te ibrtrbrart'a oueteoi of the gvod taiaat provided.-oaata ltd m mo'imeau werr tatrndoaod. drtnk and raaptsded tr hy Ibe hnnta nod tbetr gaeata aad tble waa loot n,t «etl< be gray h urn af rnorrlt f, wbea the pool way mrvl, .It wel pWa*ed wHb <b* nonarraeaaa of the night We rrg et tea-Ibe lal.-aen* tbe boar peer I. dee tie ooae' . !>>.. af a mora oiiaadod aotioa af thia aptaadM gam' lata meal formnAL op tbb norBBioif. Tbroegh lb* tladneea of oaw of tba vMtfag company mo have bean fnrnabed wllb Iba fbOowiag brlaf aarrwAlrw of tbe waearvtow>. We i«n thia city ow tbe morwtwg of Bopi I, aad arrlowd la MHlM ibw BMralag of tbe mn fJa oa* aerleal thare .. werw mat at tba oar* Ker»« Uompwoy No 11, nf tba- rity, who oiwaned aad boi.nrd owe engtna to* na Ou Meaday the Tih, we bad a parade with No It nrfnn, aal de.egati'we from otbe* ewytea rompaalaa of teat elfy; af»er whirl, la the afteraooo, we ba1 a ape 'I'd at .ertetaw.aat given na at tb* bonao of Nu II. Ne laft the d'tner labia and ma efced to tba depot, wwere we trok II a eert for Niagara Pa'la, arrlwiag ta»rw toe eemr ereaft g Threw we were *. net red by the aattra fa P-par mrnl of lb* plwee. We rrm.taad the** onto the ml tt'cor-n of the S'b, whew wa look «.¦* dry rtn-e fh* Noe .real. Canada, where wa ar Ired on tfte rrenlag of the !hh Hare wa bad a tnort magetftr. at r*wap'i m. 'he aottra IVe [n rartmeat. foga-bav wl h the Na*"r and ef*y anthwt Ion he>ag owl to rvoefvw aa <>a iba- eeawlnt w# a'V-edad a hall g Urti np atpraaaly fbr ne, aad had a mawa doam "ate Oe 'h* afUrwoon ef tka 'iab w# i#*l N-ntre*i fo» Q'ebert, arrf-lrg thara «ha namao gbt lerp it hn a eery poor rwapMow. aad la fan*, thn -wily prow one dnrfog anr ew Ira trie, there bolog ao rtbrr IIrem*a thai- IPa rhiaf Rnglaaar notltar. aad alone, lo raoetra ea, who 4owe »It newt to maga all iblrya agrvra Je Ww ratoa aad tbwrw oaui Natardny moralrg wbea wa left '*r r.wtlaod, am-log tberw tba .am* n'gbt. wbara wa wart rwo>-l*ad by tba owt've Plea Ibpa/tmewlaf taa*.lty, who rotmad oar wag oe awn noon t td na to a hotel tto Hnaday, *y tarftwit a oar *n«re bo. y la atlg«» dram, abraded the Kplao owl nhn-oh oa Moo.lay moraing wa »oob tbe rara tw %»> an aerfwiag there at leer ohwk la Iba afteranoa of tba name day. where wa were Urn geeeta of Ragiae Oompnny No SO, <4 Rotnory Pmm tb* flora an took np oar liaa of m«- b ihtoayb 4r.,tb Bretna aad Veirttina, aad were tmewied to oaf q. artrrw al the Norfolk Hone* 'a Bngbrry. where .here wan a flae eatrrtmflmrat awaft>ng na On Tnredev by lav'tatfnn, WW vlntted BpyPmid, ahoal an 'aa alien frtai ftwtoa, where we bad a tsleadtd ertv>nalament ytvro ua wbtrhhad be.n arrangM by fag'ae tv»aptar Wo S. oaf biwte. We then re'lrwl to HtyNirv, -ad took rar depB'tare for Now Torb oa Wntorwday moraing, by way of Boaloa aad dprlagflall, ar i K ». *.* niace at .vnr. n'* p if iTf te. .< urflvrrt by th. p.# !*.H*tiiien' >f the elty la . rr*. it».1 *1 »ti kud prtrd to tae t'eion Heoaa, . birr'he f ewmliKr pr«.a»aii f.-.v i.« A Her itleoor wi i rmtd tr. lua end .. in ih*. Hulled Mate# *. m"'7 AP» r (nu % v .ft'.nti .be w..rK« we were eaoorte-7 I crk *n *br r»rr u.t 1004. cut departure for ite city, errl- <rluc h rr w above. Imporui't f«eu tl»v«na< MTBrm ON B'lAKU THk AkBRlOAN eetS ALBION CIO' en. THK CAPTAIN AND W ink MAN IULMO. H^B-f Of »«B .OJC«OYH'» A H*t v al O* rut NKW captain OlMmL-IAfiOH OP YRi.Ll'W KIVII.THN HOOaB MaliBRf.TUB JOIN* NT- (IB »B«»a AT AM 9*D- Ote of the paaveiigern of tho ctnamMtp Empire ?Uy, lum Bavatia. who reach#! thla citr ia-t evening from Norfolk, Va , bax furni tied »w with Me following Intereet- og ion.m*r> of the current newa on the Island of Oeha. The Havana onto la ruetdef, fbe 810 lun'aot A or<g e»me Into the port of Havana >n Sunday, the O'.h of depumber, having on hoard a negro cook a French man and an Irlah hoy, who acre picked 01 by the crew of the brig toaalag at ita In an ou« u boat off tho Bahama Banks. During 'be 1 eirrge 10 ll i-ana, the boy look en opportunity 10 n'01 u the oar'alo of the verb thai hlmwlf and hla oona . otiev belonged to the American irig Albion Hooper, of Pnrtlird, tU'Dc, Captain lluin>h'ey», from which port ¦hr raced, Kd-u wlili |orin« ,f<\r Herdenaa ou tho 211 of June fbatihe o an'' Frenchman bad mirleml 41V ia>n H nipbreye, Urn commander <if the Albion 'i»ier, . lib Me flrat libv > nn.1 voreu men cT im orn », and ih»n flrni the br't and deiort-M her ()n ibis >letcme<tt the arovo mrnloned parpen who we»e r"*"ued. were all p acid in ronfl-eurnl II Irene. The I'n'Vo ita<ee Conaul > art ¦ ba'go < f lh<m *brn lb* Enoire ity lafi poit. lh< rr va» nc eel tl"»l peer at Ha .ana Th» n w 'laplrlu Nvne'ai, lr r»uo il, wan reported to ar¬ rive fi< in Madrid-art in fMtobsr, and pr par attune lirliiv niair for hie rrnrpnrp Vi 11.* w f or rayed oi> ahloboarf an I amonget the Nne- rlvb Ircoi ¦ on ibe laland. A Nrei'.sb lino of hat'le ehlp ba'' 'iwt o»rr no half nt h r cow of a t hundred nun. It oar i" lonleied ibat fcty per r* nt of ibe newly arrived rrlflor- ai.d rnt'o'R died of the dl'Cftre Tbir*- wee rot much etotneve on snore Their wne ahcnl two linen red thoueaod boxes of sigar In the banda of rpn uieiore There wire no IjcsI ealee, hut ron e . a* hiIng aont 10 For pe. Money en mo o ol-nt. for root seuirtllee, and tho furor < f Joint 'took epccnlatl n bad entirely disappeared. T K I F 9 RA P H1 a Nitwit F1UIM IIoV 4NA AND SKY WHPT. Wamiivgtom, dope 10, 1867. The fYiarlirton Courier of Moritay ooptatna UtoarrlraJ rf the en»m hip Catawba, from Havana and Key Woet ICih. Two rlavore bad hern run aehore and hnrat, bo woo? fterdi t ae and Vatanzav Three oargoua of llavea had bei n landed within a week kurbargo nn I onion van at t*n li ton and a half per neat iri rlro, and on New Yori and Bovlon, at par to one per crnt dlrcihi t Frr'ybi* «rre nonnoal T.r rock, of e.gv-ewan nncbangod. Moioorado wan DOirlP'lli 10 |o 13 male fbero « n" ni vlirrra frr export. Tbo hark Vlrh> ino t,r stnutiiport, waa reported totally wnckrd nn the Bahama batik*. Mho waa hound front Mi M . 10 Narrao On Key H 1 date* aro to Irntemher 10 The rb'p dilaa Hi Imee, from New Yorfc for Now Or- kenii. wini aehore near Indian Krv Mho waa relieved. o> t aft' rva ill itrnck on Alligator Roif, wboaoo the got cfT »llboet rerloce Injury an uDtnown 'erk fnm Rockland for New Orleana took Bre roar Htrrup Key, and nrr cargo waa deairvyod and r»f rf d» rlf-e Airlvrd at Kry Wmt brlge t C Coleman and fi-rvar- eor 1rown. from New Ymk b-ig R'ngbam, from Biwton; achooeera Aim no Howe an Woodn no, from New York Potlre lntel!t|gei><». Paacro MmpAT RuHHiar in RaoanwaT .About 1 o'clock vrnttrday afternoon, Mra. B'im, real-ling at No. 103 Finrteoalb atreet, waa pawrtng tbrongb Broadway, mar Mnib etrret, wbea a thief earned Ear lay aaatahad bar rrtlcoie, bracelet and watch, and la an tmlaot tamed down Ninth atreet with them ta bli pomtaeloa The lady pu rord htm or >log "Mrp thl*f," and Altermaa Blunt, who rretdee ta Ninth vt-eet, bea-lng the alarm, raihed . ft. r Ibe TO' r, Ud rht.ed h'm thr'ofh r*M» UNM, rn verrl'J ptore, Tenth oad ether ttoeeU, aetll t (MitlKnu .amid M'l>ma»U lalrroepaed him hi the onroer of Kirih tad " Ilmt. The klieriata immediately eol ton e tb> felrne, en" led blm bv» li >bere 'he tody rete rleadtag, bier »blftb be took bim In Ibe Irffer*oa tttrkol Pi« 'Ce Court, ehem the to-iy MM . pra-rd end me'' . orn ptoiiil egete.t h'm toll ibe mo na property *. found In ,o»»r»»i' oof Kn-'ey, had reebjrei lo Ihe our. The pi|m per eon d gl»e en tenor nl of hiinrelf, Merely Haling lb el be II red e, ud bed ami log It do Re cm lerkrd r p for trial fti t to |be IMrd wreet of Ibe kind Aldermen in mode miMee few mmthi Bni.un amd Amurn . Anl.ew Robb, a o-mea driver, .M arretted a* Wedoe«dejr, ohwged elUl burglary, la bneklbf Into ibe MAble of Mr. W Hmilh, hi No 14* Km! Teeetjr third itroet, had rWhMag rrefrom Hi bima, .we rernefee end iveeete of doib'e bareeee, valued en el fke Thr pro vrtjr wee fbued «i ibe aaahle of the fVoniy H tel. >n Rnbokoa, -he e Ibe anmieed bed toll elt ee he e«id, lo he ker.t i dee or two II id .enri torn be f rnre-ly neipt U>e property, rePeatiy eoid H to im"h who to bto twodie le tow BroooHag dte- .«ii fled w'lh nln hervsln bo tried lo fet the b> nee, bo , berk, bat ..liter lo do no lee kgel maoeer, be tone me «onrm eb rre t »m .d A tbort time ego be rtolmod Ibel deuib bed defrauded h'm of Ibe pee -erty, end applied for . w»r r' lo pro mre bin erreet, bat ibl- tree doeled Mm, nun be then threat. oed the m.y'nVht" thai be woald Uke bm own oonree In get It Ja.Uoe ftoadrthu oommltled bim te . . ell rihminhHoa Peon, bit FnTAi Anuria . Frederick Melkto, h g'bWer, a.. re Wednesday arretted, ehh-ged with . fekmtoei . ean It g|tj| he peri on of PrednrlnK r»mp, t boy, wbrrm he le ihorpet toieliy tejered. II eopetre Ibet Hoik's wee par.trg Ihmof b toeel 'blrljr et(b'h el root carrying . bo* of feel, had 0»mp oed I»o mber boyo oelled out . fl.ane, rto o " Hetbto tfctaktag Abey wtebed eem (let let dime mopped to eee, end the hoy* toogbed el blm feme teiend bm by Me arm, aee Ibe <xb»r bnyr iiefoa to abtre Mm Melkle ihne toot f-nm bl« bn« a iwn pooed (now weight, iii«a *IIH etreek C«mp opoemhe heed fme tnrtrg hw ek«li Tr« wone.i »i boy lekea la bto reel denre where ke Men la . nrieeal noedl Wto. had the gtoiler . M hrreeled had lerloe Flaadreaa tceked hi to ey to await Ibe rmnlt ef Ibe leyirtea. Jereejr CMy RtoWto. Tn Cdfumjn Ifr hwnoik . (be Tverley erowteg m ibo ferery Ut» (omitioe floe eel I the Committee epnnlated to larreHge'e Ibe on s jam of worship hi the Aimaboeee, ree- drrer two re orte Aldermen C-wta had R he bow rev dt'fd a meyielty resort ted A'derwaa Coranltoet h ml onrt y rnp-.M ft be' been "toilw la . memorial ad deemed to ibe U mieoo Onaaetl. by P. Be'ree tad ethere, tka< the f Mho'1c Inmate were deprived of Ibo prtniego nf eicrfrttg tbetrewa pee*»reaoen ta regard to rehgvma tea h'»f n tad w"robin, end torn ibe «apnetatoa«eai bad rroeoed item IP otierd f'rdentaet worehlo at the Alme heme# The mejrlte reimrt outoe Uat ibe hfliyHoei ef Ibe memo-toH*ia we aot tree, tad tbnl the onmmMee we ee'toBrd, from the evldveee htdeoed npn* ibe lareetige tine, 'bhl an rehgtoee 'eaomlaelton bee oeee rrriled tad .be* no eimmpi hen beep mode le teeII into ibe mia to ef if» lr melee of the A'mohnooe mv mlinr rVer ihaa It-oea bnld it noermoo br .'! * "n nbtrtn to the mrnhiremeet of Ibe Ala now trended, .too to too- k r rerwrl oemrto Ibet ban beet ntenetoed Rib af ibe reporto were reeelveto .ad aetiee wea "ef-rrod Tn Itoiito Tnrvto Taomum.Tae'day pa wed of wttb- eet ear to noble htooef ibo wort m«e it ibe Bargee toeaef, ood the «bre rtihA moony oat rewee wiib wtotee to per ibr ¦ aitoyed ton enprrmeeolne. Tnmeeday Ibey rttototd eorh. tad at uoo o'etoeh Ibe btoMM of payleg off gem Irgi Pre err m Pvxrn .Him Oroea, a aelered ofcM, three yron of age, wee horned to death oe Taewtay eight el Ibe tpe-iirroinof ber pereoto <e fTilrleeeib atonal new Br000 yrirh ntrrel It opr'we that her el nth m tank tee Otto a irotoh eb rh bed bene lighted by oe otdwr ntoUd ftoe rmknrnf the drreenr J am obeetot el toe larud arrfred ¦<« 'Wo to oe»» ibe ilfb of her nhiM Ooreaer Borrv, <m Wndrnndny, b*ld ha laqneet opna 'he body, tad a rnrdtot of "nrrtdrpial dretb" wee . Ibdoied Itonrn nana pimne. Ncinnnre Cm Qoeryo KHee. ¦ Berwoa, oled oa Tveedey aiget el lb* hrParae HeepNal .real Ike rObem of arm ale, rttber ukm by hltenelf Mv the rnrpeee of to!f dceiron lot, nr hdwitutered io htti ky eee- 'hnr Re wee b tolllrd Ml Ike HoniH hi eklto rofTwng fom Ike rlferto nf do Irinm Iremet . u welt aa from area, ole oad dnrlay hit rerlape armt ed bto elf» of Hrl«j pnlrnor.l h'n, IVi'onrr Perry woe -'hilie.I ted onmo . rliqtnri npnn the bn'v of deoneeed Itltoe wm .twtiiaed, hnl deeled ail iiorwlerlye o' ber bueteed bev. iav tokrn aroenli tad ikirke be aiml kere leeeaate ¦loirr-y h'm*if Rn further evMeree tea totea, «a<i the cane rtopdr edjeuraed to tkto more la# Fatal fUnaonn Acrmaov..W » 9ordoe, a brakemeto oa Ibe New York oad trie Rellroed, dtod " Wrdaeoday hi ike New York Beeriiel, fn" loioftoe reentred a tow houre pre. loon, by being mn yverjbya^irata o nameew .he lb ffeeo'o a fi ooerero thai .he drlvitog wheel nf toe .n*"*' 'he t'hio, whirb penrwf JW* **1 * mfa^r tidily, in iK)i^ wii' PI Mfi gbttolawtetowrg Cftjf Tetoh y^ Pren«i narrv* . Ottwiai-.rfhe ¦peatti rtonllato hrM oe mewfoy la ike Wlarath wart «f Rraehtya, Itof A'dermrn, to III a »e.meey. rewltod la the mat. of Hp. neotol Mm r repcbltoaa. The tfflolel vote to kg Mtowe . Itotiri HI lobe bnroky Ylh itohert Mhrobhl Ml rannen Rbtoeg 101 Total role fthti .<

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Pive Hundred ind Twenty-five Paasengferaaid $1,600,000 in Bold on Board.

THE DAMAGE i O«E B? THE GALE**}.< <feu,«c.

a gra'traiA' who left ijitui aa pavtmnger on the atuamwtip kmplm City, and arrived In Ihla oily laa' evening(rt«. Mo: ft Ik, y «a> of Baltimore ban furnltbed nj with«nr f-ll w dm eoo tint nf bo nardsntpe «ruU«.>ed by the» <r«o .-»»tl during tho ia « w>vern (ale. whlol oang'i

he km. I a t»v ni atnamnhtp OrntraJ Ama* teaoiaolp Central America left the oar'jor of Ha

.¦.¦a a> 0 .¦'nlt.ok lu I* n morn n( oo Taetday. the Stb kat ,

*»¦«ommai.d of I.ieutcant Hirnden, of the Uulcdt*ri »,»»y. ?be «ntral Aroerlo* bad on boa d Ova bani . and l~eot- Ave pa>eangera, with one mil'on -n

» nadrt d ibm mnd d >iiar« In f .teole f om California lor

«*. Y< <k be i«ft Havana In taoelleot time, wtth ah<. i oo ». ard and In good rotrttafoe r'eamvhlti Rmptra City, commanded by Oap'ala

H-tou tf' (mwsn. urtui d out ftom Havana on bar paaaaga< -t . f- rk »t 10 n'e'ock on ho m trnln( of '.ha 8th la*t.,

. too b.-ur »fw>r the Central Amortoa. Oar Inform tutm f.. ' t bad me Can ral Auterloa In tl(ht and k>-pt a-trr

a*« evttl the afternoon of that day (the 8'h tnr'ao'), wnon

oq ran ue . > far that «« loot «i(hl f bar, and from»*. time to toe preaant we bare no firmer inf.rmailooo»»-dti f her When the Kmntre diy left »b >

. w » *l» i'.* paevergera on hoardOn tha m rokg of 9tb InaUnt (Weineadar) the wind

.t r «m tbe t or hweti, and an the day ad vanned It In.> o*v*d t a very M«r« (ale, obliging ue to lay to and oo

«-. r to hold the ttoamer In during asto m Hiring thean of Tbnraday, loth, Friday, lltb, and -**tarday. 12tfcan tb" norm Inereaaed vary forcibly, and blew a per

I-.* hurricanehtK .ooay, ho 13th Inrtant, the wtnl enddenly ohvng« tor rootr wret, hen we made Ikpe fookoot When

me Empire City waa ab 'til ten mile* from the I'ght hoove,. mob la on the Sboalv, there we «a« a di«nm»f»d

v. bore .tan »aa at four o'clock In Hit) erernnonrli- k «h a nee one, bavlpg a *hlW> et^eak of pal. Ia m'ho bar «vut We ooul I not make oat her ntme Snt«r- nil.- nyr m'tcniBMl standi ,g, and lay light in the wa

te- a* If the had little onrgo on board 'bare wre eight. tea i ere ct In be Veen on ber oecxv The K Optra (Juy..el i t'O ai" rd ao> aid to tne hark, a* Oa;>ta:n'u ud cue vteamvhlp bcraolf Ut groat danger at tba;ae>n,. nt

(if aoiidai the 14tb Inat, the e mpire City reached

iW»m> notion* Tne wind ¦ aa ben bloving ve-y f^rioau

ry r.ow the voutn .wl, and oar led utr tor aaliv, bevldei

aan.vgog me snip We were then abort of cia', andr.. o»m eped to oommvnoe to hu'n tbofu-nko-o and ap-rvwrtarra ¦ f the vevvel, aa well ai part of the fevtnnr

towetf in order to keep up ateam an 1 no reach NorfolkU tbvt way we oonauroed ber wheel comma, the benobei,<a 'lee, otu re ooal box.«, and e.ery oombukUble moreable thing «e ooald plane band I oo

Wo fluvlly reached Vorfolk on Tuaadae, tbe lttb tnatm the eorning le a very aabaoaled ooedltloa, and wlhall out Tut I and prorUtooa run am We were quoran Inedat N-rfolk, vod ware not permitted lu land Upon th e

annul (toy of iba paaaengert of the Empire tty embarkedat OHI P"lnt Onrnfirt 'or Baltimore, to order to run home»T the .Jlffereot rallroada

After arrt'irg nt Norfolk Captain MtOiwu took themall agv m the Puat Offloa, but tba Pnaunamer rafated to

renetre them, and tbe Captain wan oompolled to take tbamlook m tne tcinrr

rvtrirg neaday, the lttb teat., we reentred alongWdew>e Cmptre Ctn, at Norfolk, oae buadred and twenty Iremat of ooal and a euppty ef prerldoae. The Empire City.til leave Norfolk for New Y* fc at toon a* tbe la pat Injrdwt and baa bad the aooeaaary repa'ra done to berMiWitaery When 1 left Captain MeHow«a eald be woallleava aa tbe o'lrbt of Tb raday, tba 17th, or monrlag ofr u-ar, the 'Sto lnat , If poealble, ai he waa vary anxlooatotewo tbiv cur

vAkP or rai mriM oirr'a PAomnraBR*.N* RUM K V* *opt IB, 1H»7

Wa. to* p*».oe»-r. no board tb# Unitedlift 11 Mil *»»»m»bip Enintro . i>y, joAn 4c Inwan k>flH» <w tit* B.p'P Df of i*o H«n la.t for Now Y rkfbw Wl<»l»r c#t ». wo>o ratten ml onw-tonood oao oftow m*I ta-nhw p«loa and ho'fi oa-w «». known which>mf »cr fl*o o.j* W« ft.rl.ed oi N .rfnlk a tbo m to

tog f ibr 4t®,*i(xl of ouol nod pr,n* on*, *"<1 iho r«s..olmo w»b»r» »«j tenon, fy carnage , borutp earnedHW >*IM .- .

W# (10 . ro't 100*1#r 0"r frftlofnl ftOk»OW Cgtn'OU '0"MM K OWOO, f r hi* ikllful, I inr n( ond *b>e cfr'.loqakOO ¦ * uir -ml .». t: in u<! D| « it I . pnrl?»»« nor p*.oi torll* ft1*" iho rfflce o ood crew nT theU>r K »piie llli ; 10 Mr H -woo. toe obiof fll »r of iboAlp, »?<». aohomrte» rflhrti doMrg b" »|i»m woftllr Oi'prnnhWr, ftrd mmmo id blm *. 00 nfflner 00 III* '

to Boob m.loe Wo ftlft'. ftOknnwIrilfO Iho fnod q'.ftM lrft¥ Mftr I'm lr« 0|i» ft* . on d( ftad .. o »hlp, *o aba b*apr mi brrroif noder lb* mini|"n«ni nf O.wt MctJ iwoa,.boa *0 rw maond < or of too moat oo"l ood Ohioaoo tbol ere- ion tb* dock of o ihip, to toe core ood trnaijf ice ,ro, r Hit t nblwi*¦ (J Wt'|lig,N ilrloona. loldnro Onrdto, Rotom,Mr Coney ltd a I la roo, La. H»e tor" Fern*-"#*, iarono¦ -O I oooop Hor.DO JBOB Modr|, Hftrftao.¦odftm Mft lr«, .r -r JOftO Vcilllo, 'lOTftOO.Ao«» .(;».!'lift drFr'DBcdoo Y Maniar. Htr.n*m> Roto lUm-r, Motion (ta|H J f» 1'0 to ,'bftrloolooMkwMft'to A»nBr|..0,*«coB J Wo V Adot, fl«*oo*M*o Wbi-o No* Or*ftM Rdner'o Ado , H.rftnoMw Ew I'lB HftHohor Jnw V noB'O A H*l, 11**0*0MB* Mftry Hftilor, H«oOQO M J Buihlf, New O lo*n».I O Itiobo, Mo« O'looao Our"* Borneo, N O-IoooaMef. Hftlu MaBrt 0. H I. New Now o loooa/ah toorhier Bowwow. Btopooa BooOor, MiumboAapwtl I $ Tilr Mi otBW T M. Utotwr, Now O-toM*.» - »f "»», QhHmMi J J Htwltaw. New YorkI B J ft" ht. Mo or too Philip A»W N«w iMotsofolit Bnootoo. Horaao. Bfti ru 0 Woe. N OrMODtAfttcB'n l/ipri Ohhft Atari OoBoy, Lo iltlftOOPhdro K/*|ioo frig i, Horoao Aodrow Jiboo NowO loaatjftoouo i twho r Jmb *t . BmmmJbo TVrft OM, T IBldBd Hi pot Itr 'lot <r« HfonaA C Mr'*, No » Or OftBB John H Rnl, Na* Or|««MJr-hft r. 7w eft, Harooo. J Y, Now YnrkMooaoi 6 ilt, Horoao Hobo*' Wiioco. N«w forkProDrt»r» SoIt», Ht'ftno Borrow 8olo,N#» O InoooLwio R OoBOcbo. Horooo. OorooQos Ooliobor, N OMUM On»wb»* Horoao. Booj m-ooo Now omo

M-fool Fortondot, PoorVPiioeliw


.%» fToiw-i motoo Moll Wooaohlp Oompoay boto ordnrid ibo (loot i Woboior, . blob aoili to dof, to koop la tbo

Waak of Ibo Oaalral Aaaortoo, bow Ihroo doft orordso,to too bope thai If oar tooldoat boo bofoltoB bor la tho lolo

torrtdo goto tbo aof bi obto to aid bor. Ibo Wobrlortola on m IB lb npplf of prornmao. Tbe OaalroliBHtot W marldaoad a otooaob ood waU apoalotod ablp,boo iff ftWTDrttf of iho tola rtona aad bar oaaoaal dotofto arrlrloff fir* «Mt fnr OOM aaxtolf, at toaot. If ani

iBtb Tboro or* nb« BOO *oali no booH. ood tbo dlo

hot wo*Id bo roo*fnl oboald ib* boro parlMnAMORK krpMOft OP TBI HAI.B.

OapA. Sopor at too Wooa pro|wlior Aiolooto, which

dPftrod fetocrd.f momtot f»B (Aa. imIoo, ropirto Jul oa

]¦ tori who* off Uopo Utokool, bo Btw ¦ q loatltf of

.toofeod wwbrioki, oodooppnood Iboa to bt o wboo boooo

. o atoftvor, bnnoo oa dock, Ac. tbor brp bor* bofnopodto to* oiaoinor toloBhts boooo ol Uhorloaloa, which tool

bar poddie boooo daring tbo <o>*Tbo hark Kl ho-d, fraB H ndnroo fbr Now York, wot

W»koo oa too Mth Into., (ao Utitu ' fir*,) l«ibaw aad boib loo^ai aat boom dating iho lolo gala.

re* OALM AT WlLMrPBTOW, M. 0.ffroB Ibo WllBtoftoo (N C.) R«rAln. ftotd. 14 ]

tBBcrao qnon<ll r* of rolo Ml dorip* Pndor, Rolardof.a ' fr*'Oi d*| t ond, o* * nooooqioooo, lb* wolor ooorooo,pcw,(0 crook., ki , ftoro ami inn In »o atOftl'Ol ottonl, m Ibk h do«, .go ... dooo bf ororflowo, corrylog owoy ofWrblfoo, A.i.

Boro in town the ctlVRo of the ttona oro opporrot la IboOftwbor of trco« npro ood ood of hroooho* twlaloo iT¦ad BORUo-od ahonl th-*l«fWnl OrMM d*OT f»wn«*boro booc blown down, aad tono i liphi damage done to

John P Rpoa, MotionMr Wtboa aad odf, Motion

T%» itoamor Mr*f ton fbr BBlUirllto ol bor owool bonfRMardaf alTo-oonn but *nrh waa iho rlolrooo of lb* go','tool ibo to f rood npea Iho hooch holow Orvw, whoreMo rcM'nrd la toflair nntll roowiar aftornooo, wboo¦00 WO* to rod r<T or tbo (Wmor HoorlotU

tral* fmoa tbo anrtb duo io tbo or* lop nf Ml* laionday arr. rod ol Ohnnl tbo ntnol bmir, hnl conld om roorbBo kiiod * her* noooonpert orr ooded In nowqoon w vl*or» drlfto nf ooad nckr Ibn Irock no tbo oldo o' tbo bill)**t ooy Dd iho dopcA hntld ops Tbo immoo.o roin*rwojd Ift go qnootmo* nf t*nd n.or tbo r.lto,ood lb' tm«up* nr to" car. -ft* hlnrked Ibo >*Monr «¦* hr IhltI kta .rmolnrd who . U»r» woro dor'np tb* n'pM ood 10too atom np. wbco tho rinlortto of *ho (t -rai bod ohowxlbfl toctr io<a i"worr he to! for mora ootn'nrtabto qmrtoro.

On -bo reaocast tb. gale wu terrtnly MTtn Down at-lonnd the «atera or th« sea a vcpt over ths

c fftrenl ftI'd bank* and marshes, covering thorn alL retirt», of rsnaree, man to a »nr> un.xuvl h«*h', and awaitaway, Itae cbatr, several of ma bathing and bvat ho ana otoe rsatdeut inhabitants. Urate we e *aab> d ont of Ibeeelater rrd latded blab on tbo sho*e. Trcoa and fonooawere blown down. The Ooean Hon*-, zt-uaioi ua tbohank* next v. the tea.t -at apot ren Vre I 'atnooa a* the¦true of thd Esquimaux.waa carried ofT by Uta re'euUurtw*»(v*', ant) ." rupi><.«~ the fogMali thereof. ir notlanded at distant points, are drifting about oc t ygsa ofdfc.sry. tills Ocean Honrs, now that It la cons, wefrcl bonnd to aey, waa not a hotel, U atnne or the Northernpaper* lanotoa bat e small tonouent of wood, having onero. ro tn t no more.The danage to the shipping on tbo ooaat wo fea» has

been very es'ensl*-e The lues of tha bark Oo!ln tfoRae,a new and beautiful vessel, owned prln Ipaly bare, larvporhlly to So regretted Sbn bad jtiat ronnhnd ton baron brr h' Beward trip f-cm Fug land. and. in endeavoringto ride oat tbo gale, parted ohaina ana went aehce

-he gale ooea not ism, from aooounts revived, tob»ve vitended far Into Ibe Interior. Pawvngers by thenovtbem trait fill bat lHde of the »t»m norm or 3oM«-boro'; aid by ibe toatbern train, about Fair Bluff aoemtu '. avu been Ito lladlaBr Ibe boats form FiyettevMe we learn that the effota

or the blow were not nxperleraed sove'ely abovo Ehi*h« tb Bt'Uw tb la i r>nl tbo low g/ound crops of corn, As ,ate rertoady injured.We cannot tell what damage tbo rice crop* ban sus¬

tained, bit hope that It la but alight[From tbe Wilmington (N C.) Commercial, Soot. 15 ]A s orm commenced M Frloay night last fn n lie

nonbeart, and continued wttb much tore Itv from thesame quarter till Sunday morning, when tne wind «httte>iin tbe northwest, and finally to tbe sou'hwevt Tbe -e.verity of tbe norm ceared on tbe change or the windhut h damage was dOM to 'iv *, fincos, a c but nothingof e very serious na'tirc oomirred within the tt nil* of tb"town tbrngh tbe wind at ftmne blew wttb treat furyWe do no* know bow far south li ox'ended, but not m ehof It was ft It with us north of W Idoo and tatu-day wasa very plea-ant day In Norfolk and P >rtsmei|h as wetes-p; to this caned pass fir the auto-anal cqolooi, forwblch we are atltl to look. Wo are fearful we may haveto rrc -rd other dlfaste * on the tea ooasl, where the a o-oararet most -everely. from what wo can at prevent learnWe bear of several votiels being ashore, an aooount of

vrfcl" b ¦ 111 be ft> -nd below.Green's mtU pond was damaged by tbo breaking or tbe

baptisard tbe unrooting o' the bridge A rma'i bridgebe.'o* tbo town was «wt pt awiy, and two of the br-dge*on tt e plank toa-i injured. but ihere was no damigo donetufDrkn-. to obstruct the travel

Bstlc Colin tg.-Rar, B-atnha'l, frem Ltveryoil fss thispert, w.ih tali a-rlved off Ualu Bar on We-me'day a'ternenp, a; 0 o'clock, came to anebor vith tho wind N KC nld i' t cbta'n a steamer to tow in. On "hurtday auJVrtcsy had boary blow from N. E. A'unit 5 o'olo-k onHa>ur< ay afiernoou wind rhaeged to W. tt W , blowing?..ry heavy; at 8 o'clock P M parted cb tn«, tad at 90' luck rtrnek on Nldd'e Gtound- vessel »ili t rove a to^allo*» Hhe *a< owned by J. A. P. tliRro A Go and »iN* If A Sons, of this town; Uapt bramhatl, and J Pcimefc "o , c( Brlfsst. Me.; folly Insured. A p irltot of thitill nd rtggtpg and cart of oargo -ill p oba»l7 beS>vp i in a daw aged rendition, Tbo captain »'d ceew were¦.ken tf during dunday ntgbt, and reached town jester-dar icoroiog in the -team <r Spray.

T! e bark J, w. Itiodgett, IVom Turk's Island ror NewTotk laden sitbsalt, w»s alsoanchored rff <f«in Bar wkbp m|« eh"ked,and U ak .ng very badly, flntondlns to |>nt infor t. pairs ) On Hatnrdsy nltht she parted herobt'ns, andwas blown ac'ss Fry in^ Pan .db' a'«, '.bumolcg hsavilv;wst rrn ashore near New Inlet, wkh list of both anchorssno r* t of stils. We learn ibat tbo cantata and crowrt scbed Federsl Point, where they now are8rhr r.m'lv Wsrl B'adly, from i"Asrie«t,in fi'b Instant,

for New Yotk. laden »Hb wht-a1. tloo',¦* t'.on and rloo, atirrro sd . scoocssloii of galst, and bad neon »» f«r northat ?4 111 On Friday the wind Increased to a bavtian-,and vcr'es lahirtrg neavll' snruogal<'*k; mimrssb ked,a"d satla all D own a -ay. At I o'<v. k on Ntinoay mornIng, bring enable to brarb her, abe was so bwet abn it1< rrl'os north of Now Inlst Bar and 5 m'los f ona Isnd,wbere tor ».u> k do-trg tbe Vay (n 7 'alb'tnt The captain arn erfw left In the boat, and rcaobo-t shore on Sun-dav m rnlog Wo have not learned whether the vesselor cargo was Inured.

Th< sibr Abd-I Rgder, Comellons, from th'a port TorNew York wltb naval .tores Is ashore n«ar Rich's InH,abort 26 or 3d miles north of Now Inlet Bar Wo learnthat the captain and crow bad ail reached aboveTbsre tt a bng avbore on tbe beach near Bald Hsad,

wMrb sl'lrrobably be grMen off; name unknownThree or roar small comUng vessels reported ashore

ne»r tiultbvillo.

TELEGRAPHIC.riaiBrnro Tnmtiagir MtrrafRirM.

EHword Walter, Esq., Secretary of tbe Board of Under¬writers, yesterday root Ired tbo following despatch It ladated

Cnsiunox, Hept 16.1667.Tbe steamshl p Southerner, Oapt Robertson, arrived thlt

morn leg almost a complete wreck She la mnob tnjnrcd,and baa tlx foal water la bar bold. Tbay throw everhoard

ja»t of bar cargo to Bghten bar. She will ha dlachargodImmediately.

kklO JOHN H. BB0AD6 AfinOKK.NoaroLK, Hopt 16,1U7

Tbe brig John H. Rboada, Bom Boatoo bonnd to Bsttl

mote, with mercbandlao, wont aabore south of Cbpa Hoaryla tbs lato gala.

It b reported that the ateaagfbtp JaoMatnwn, fotn NewYork, waa blown out to ion aa far aa Capo HaUcraa andlook in eocsldo-ablo water, aomawbat damaging baroatgo

DIS6BT1* TO III BCHOONY* C. P. WU.LIAMe.Noimak, V» , t*ep. IS, Ml

lit# toboo^tr 0. r Wllltnmo, la bailort bound from lor

try city lo 7oik ilror, during iba late gale lotl bcr aula

bom, foretopmatt, to;

TBI WKKCkKJ? I f11 Mini KORPOULI'TUULillLFUU, "VpC 16,1867.

Tbo ¦Conor b orfolk, OOBk to Iho Cboiapeake, belongedlo Uo Philadelphia ord Rlobmood line dhe Ml hero oo

Ralurday wllb a raluabla freight. The Norfolk woo formarly known oi Iho I'eoobtcot. On >Uto Kollr oad lb#crew were Itndtd yeolordoy ol Oopo Itlond by Ibo itonni"

Joteph Whlmey, from Baltimore for Bomoo. Too toom'wod oorgo oro folly toonrod.

LOM or TBI mo TRRMONT.Litootool, N 8., SojH. 16, 1167.

Tbo brlgnoline Vermont, from Pteloo for B etno, wna

totally wrecked ilia morelag oo Ibo Woolon Load Crowoad molorloW oorod.

Urond Higoito at otaUn InlandTbo Regatta foom Ibo Hotel of Hoooro Buro« A Or ftor,

al TempklawrtUe, Blntaa Ukad.onmt off yeaterdey (tew),and prtrrod lo booceof tbo mool MM|al beauUfurrialioo Ibal oror woo kaowa la Ibo aaaal« nf .moll bovlracing A largo ooooBblogo woo proaaei lo wlUooo ihocontort btlwooa tbo dtlforoat boot*. Hoooro Beet AOregter oro oaUtlod lo aU proloo for Ibo moooor lo whlabIbo affair woo eoadurtod U woo o cloooty cnltolod rooo,00 ooeo bot «ro* claaa noromoa woro aaterwO, oo will boton by tbo follnwlag oebrdolo. Art Wag a 6oe to*mto front of tbo hotel ibo tpotnolora bad a mo«l .eagottoeoirtow of all Ibo oporallf. Tbo dlWaaoo rowod woo obrotwr ml 100-71m moo for Ibo trot rooo woo 611 for 10 foot working

hoa'o (two palro of aoalb), for wbksO Ibo following koalaer u> rdHarry Oarr. or wrod by Jameo Loo, rowod by Joboo Loo

000 Aidrow KayoA0.l»tly, ooMrrd by Janaaa Bnrk (altao A Rimy), aad

rooo . rv lamoa Bark aoO P. Ooltt- B.Ma Brroo, ooMrrd by Jobo Martin, ood rowod by Jobo

Martin tod L. JooatafTbo forBor (Horry Corr) oaoao la wlaaor, oad rooolrod

tba prtBOTbo pr'za for tbo aaooad raoa woo 630 for 17 fool wet

to« b»0B (iwopolro of Moll*), for abA olitaworoooleiod U»a boalo Kl'xabalb flBttb, by Hoary Unborn#, oodrooo* by Hoary Oaaorao oadCap* r> B oyby,by Rlohard Noralto, oad rowod by

Richard Noralto aad Ilarid DalaaList Kilo Una. by J. Baooaooay, oad rowod by J. Boo

neatay aad ¦ RerllMIbo Cop* D Rmphy took tbto Prtoo, oad w«a N aaary.Tbo third aad laB rtoa woo |ao, for 16 fool working

boon, a aingle pair of Matt, wllb ootriggaro. Tbo booiomtcrod wore ibo Joka lobar, by H. H. Kooaaa, aad rowodby Thw Horr

Ida Berne. by High Rnrao, oad rowod by Hugb Bono,la wbtob tbo tailor waa rtcAartoaoTbo tool roM am bo ng to ooawfaaoo wttb Ibo rwlaa of

Iho ragoMo, oo tbroo boon woro nma.ry to maka a rasa,ibo jnrgoa. Hrarr* Ray. Temptta« John Joan, ThraaoRbarmii, Coraoltoa Rtrd aad Marled Iho boon, oadby ooatrtbotioa awarded ibo foil prtoo.

tha Halo Bin and Mr JlrlTO TBI IBTTOR OP TBI RkOAt.D.

Moraorbi/TAii Hum, Ropt 16,1*67.Bo klad owoogb lo glyolbo following aa taoerboa la yaar

payor.I fool roortraloed lo dootaro la lb to pobtta Baaoor the

Ibo tlaitmrnt purporting lo oome from OouncUoMa JohnVaa ftao, pabtbbod la Ibo Hmum oa Ibo m iralag of tbo1Mb tort to a ttoano or mtwapiooootailoat aad folMbnndiCom baotaotng to oad. Tbo g' id bni waa aa*er oat lobla nare or poaooBloo, ottbar ol tbo Hermitage NaBrtllO.or In tbo 01% of Now York. After oar rooobtog tola «iyboworor, bo rrqoorted bo no o foror lo lot htm bora IIlo ibow to two ft pOFWNt, (10 order thai they atgbl (M IboiBOOTlpiioo,) and alto to permit hia family aad o fewfrbodt ." too It under o faRkfnl p-nmloeto return H lomo 00 Moodor morning which pmwlee bo 0 >mp|ted wllbOoonrilmon Vao floe mol mo oa Ibo rooming ol tbo 1Mbtort., nod daiod lo mo tbol iho nrr.iie abmro allodod lowaa al>e io e*ory r oa pool, ood forthwith bod drawn on atrn« .talomrnl of I e facto, ohlrh bo Mfned, nod pledgedblrnio' falibfoily to bora pool abed la Ibo Hboalo, bolwhich boo ocl no yol appeared


Ratal Irittlllgenrw,1%» I'tHod RUtoo frlgala Ooogr>w», dig «hlp of Iho Medi¬

terranean «qiadroo, 0 tm Rrw*«, rm-n * nyaa, anlrod01 jocaioatlBople 1Mb all ood rooalaai AM.

LETTER FROM 6EIV. WILLIAM WALKS*.II* Undertakes to ICxplaln Ml Kfflorfw *D Ita-IntiodM* IliiTirj in llMrn^».of Hlavcrjr ContruM ssltli ttii Ertu orBmuitlpailun. CrHllM botsraeii mw trwn»d» and Costa Hka, and Srglajitf and¦loi.durua Considered . Oalla*>C<arendonCo»i vtialnii.Po«tk&l Kl||ar« for Ui« South,Ac., Ac , Ac.

Niw OaiXAaa, la H. S, 1867Si*- In the ounverration we letal/ asd at Augusta Jin

oaratog the re Introduction of slavery Into Central amortna, wa agreed that much of the ovpetition to mr ooarae tnNtoa ague waa due to the act ansnlllrg the decrees of theFtde<al Constituent Assembly. It may he a matter of tntereet to yon, aa wtll aa to othera, for me to explain lb*motives which lead to (hat rataeure; and la this ooeneolion it will not be irrelevant and wt.tnly not onioiportent to the people of there Slates, for one In advert 11certain oomhlnal'una of itw Spanish-American republics,with a view of limiting the Curtate of negro slavery Inthle continent.

It has been incorrectly asserted that I and mr onmradasemigrated to Ntoaragna for the express purpose of aatebllsblng negro slavery tn II* territory Tor myself, I moonly say that I had no inch intention AlthingO bornand ednratod amHit Hnutb«ni Infl lenoes, I ih»t I annot sufficiently Insane to attempt the propagation of slavery. Independent of Its adaptation to climate, soil and prodnctloos. The experience of 1/) ike, In tho forma Ino ofhis Carolina ocmtltntlcn, Is suiflclent ts deter any man or

dtnarily modest from the attempt lo frame laws and tortllotions for a country be has never seen; and facta nea-s*n*r own time might satisfy any one of the evils "blgnclas'" political philosophers would entail on ao-dety trailtheir theories were reduced to practio* Certainly I aranot to tarsal to snch mcdes of legislation as to be temptedto follow them myrolf.No.the decree re es tablishing slavery In Vlcarrgca

was the result of observation, not of a pruin spoonla i n It waa cnly a'ter a residence of flftoennonlhs tn the 8t«te; after observingtiio sell, the cl'mato and the product* of thereentry; after rarrowly watching the chxractrr of ItsInhibitseta, together with th<lr scclsl and pcll'lcal orxaatulion, that t deiermlnei to revoke tho art of the FjleralCrmrt teent As.erobtv whereby slavery was abolished. Areview or the hls ory of tropical America- insular as wellas coetloental.will, I am satl.flcl, mw.'e»i 'h«»l.dniof the mearuie so sevei eiy crltlused n the Northern duvettea In R.rope

N< gr> slavery on this oen'lnent had Ha or|«tn, aa vonare aware, 'n a spirit of bene o en . aod phfUntbmpyIn the aocals of hamsnlty there are r.» t>rl*b'er namesthan these cf Father La* Oaaaa, the originator or the srtIn®; and crfatnl* few wiser m»o*rnh. navs ever r*tgo<Htn Europe tbao tbn Rpsrlsh sovereign who put In prsnileethe .rgyesll." ds Of the bo y 'alta> r. It Is true that I/redBroDg&am Las la elv 'haractorix»d the measure of La*(alas as "a anion cf the most tar »!»ht*d latere*! wuhtb' moat short righted benovnlence;" but when did bislordship fcrrake bis B> nthamtan principles and cease loa knowledge Ihnt In political affstra jbe c ost .?Mg'ilsnedInterest 1* the purest and mc*t fn'dee b*i .vo'scc f rheadmission of the noble lord at rnoe deatrov i the ec ao-ntcal argument fur the spoilt.on of slavey in tro-Vcalsmerlca, and reduces It lo a pure quetHm of pbllanthropy.

It was net nntll towards Ibe close of the last oritur-that people becan to doubt the wbdem and benevolence ofthe police Inaugurated by I a* Cases Then the Ideas ofBuxton, ind Llarkson, and W'llHjrforce became fethlora-b e In Am*r ca aa well as'n Furope At B'st U>e*e Ideuwere confined to a sra.ll portion of the English public; batcsogbl up as Ibey were by a religious party whi'h oon-trol ect lo a great extent Par Mammary el*cUoa«, the* soonbecame powerful In the Dri.lsb lerlslarure Die fash'oospread to Fiaroe, and the f>oe thinking legislators of thatcorntry were aa eager to adopt the theories of tfnwforoe as tc follow the example of ibe funt^,* o' th« LnegParliament. The horrors of Nay Dan history for 'he la«tsixty Ave years attest how danfferoos It la to transplantpolitical sentiment',urn from England into Franoe; and theooallilon of Jstnaloa. In eomparteon with that ef Onha,preset how little good B/ltlah oolonlata have derived fromhumanitarian legislationThe events which have followed the aboiltlaa of alavery

la tropical America strikingly Illustrate tho fact that governmrnt la a sckooe and not a flte art, an t that Its lawsare to be sought fer Inductively. not through the aentimeets or emofone. The pbartaal <al philanthropy of Etctar Hall has mace Hayti and all Spanish America the seal>r dire aad almost radium d >U war. It Is fast noavwrtlogJamaica lato a wlldernesa Farther than tils. It la makingthe who!* weslera coast of AfMoa one vast tltrr shlo.before wh'ca the horrors of tb# middle passage sink laroinsignificance. Ike slavery of Iha negro to n>« fidtaw aa*ag«.prod unlive aa It neoessarlly la of esnnlvailtm s*dbuosn snerltee.has been a haadred fold Inorwasad byrllbrta to snppreaatha slave trad*; aad tha vloaa of the. muggier have been added lo those properly baloaglag tothe slaver, by 'ordng him tooerry on his trade with thabaiter around his neck.A onm -arisen of the negro In AMna wl'h what ha la In

the I'ouad Hums, or evtn In Uoba aad B'sall, shows thaadvantage or Western slavery lo the Inferior raoa Taenone item of tropical Ateilcia. wnero slavery doee antes1st ladtcalrs tla recrsatty for the Jreli-emeot of thanatural wealth of thai portion of the worldAnd of a'l the nountrles of tropical America Kloaragaa

by n not rwd (» » Iborougn reorganization of labor no.coluiiont of ararlg fovlv Ttwi htfii oil* leley of a

iarge rraurd » nr tbe popola loo. oo<t bat for (bo rgored'»» fr riihijr of iha toll wool J wg »idcc bar* convened Ittoio a deaart The RiMMiMlMh bi negro aMmsppMMMiuiot Uo iptedlaat aid mnet elicient mrene for ma«b lutba *b;H laco to aoteb.tah lueir permaa-aUy la OtatralAmtrioa, ami II la iba ouorctournewa of thlt font «i>ntla loading la a combination of tho rolled raoy of S.woUh America (Vvr the nurpoee tf oaoladlag ale»ery foreverfrom lba ton I'orb » now ucciptad bp tho a Iho tacdyrrof thia combination la, or ooarao, to conttao alavarp on ia«American oonna«nt within lia prevent llmlta; and ti aprat it to ma of aotnn importation that tho and -noon or naroa.l>lratlaa tbould bo plaood bef.ra tho pooplooftbeSobUtern dtalra.Nor are written aad palpable evtdcnom of tbla oomblna-

Hon laikiDg Too mag And the # In ton arcolrr* of OntaKloa at Baa Joaa, and la thoy of Naw Ora ada at Be daMill arorer borne goa mag And tba evitmrea not onlr ofthe Rpyhb a me' Iron oomMnation, bat aleo of ftrttinhe> moiMtg with It, amoag tae a>eblr<w uf Waebtngtoa aadof Wetlminrier It la ahaaga that Uteaa fbnte My attraeted to ilUla aUeaUoa on ibe part of the H rathera proI la. bat tbap mar feel (be Importance of thorn loot atertbeg bare loot the power la ooatrol lha oooaeqaawOBt ofthe ormb*aatioa.To tbr ft -U la the month ef Mag, ISM a Ireair wy

ratered into between the Mama of New 0'aaada aad OoauMob Oiteaaiblg the main obrct or th e treaty wy the.rtUement of a boaadarg qaaatkm long peadlag bat nettba l»o repnblioa; aad tba treaty wy atoned eooa aftarIbe Krgilt b gorarameat bad agraad to rornteb armt toCoa'a Rlea fur the per <oaa or AgbUag lha Amartaaaa laNleaiegy lot la tbla traatg tat atraaga yd aiagaiarrlaoar u laterted wberebg lb# contracting partiot agreethai alayrp efaaJI arrar be Intro*need tale theten tot Ire of either. No In'lmata relat'oni «Maatwaaa tboae ypablMa for, ahhoagb o> tor at!.ay, a v«ot aalahabttad region rttaada betwaaa the cultivated dwtnota of tba two ooaatrtea.Aad gat thote two tonrttfwtma gMd to aarh powora overIhe other whlrb noe Mr of gotir ocnfedemtp wi.i not

giaid ehber to aatatar Mat# or la tba Moral gorarameatIt moat bay baea a powerft I ib Burner we loh aaayad

the iriartioa of anoh a rkaota Into a treaty oowmrai t boonear lea Nor ay wa Ml la atmjaotare lha ooary of thla Ua

Not myy woafea altar lha Irttly between Owen Rica aadNr w I. ranada wy eigaad, (treat BrHa'a eatery lot i awraty bp which tbe Bag laiaada way glry ap t Hwadaru. with tho provtoo that tinvary ebon kl be forayr egclnded flrtm nam Aad thla treaig, rlgaed by the H>o«ory (ommieatrner aad the H ttah harahrr a'May, latfifwtr . e inboiled In what te known w Ote iwiae Htarydea ireety f| rwtwltaa lha itgytnre of the tmerioaa.mmer at load'a, la approved ag u Amartcy Byaaaryof Mate, ye y Amertey Preakmt eewda It Iter raMflyUea to the Awriey Seeate Oaa la almaat tampeal ta botieve that lha Unltad Maty itaalf te aetaawtny a Mvwneh pang la a treaty waiy tey Iay It y art U yy tajiryta lha whata Roothova people

end other h yiah Amertey MhMa bay ahawa their dmaire ta >ola la thla leagee Not Mtg try ty propooia mfor a graeral aoinhinaMoa of t»eae ypabUoa dteomyltathe Chihae Omgrey, bat a Chilian Qnmwualyer wy ay ito Ry Ji. fbr the porpeaa of ango-tyag a trayv wi<hOeeia Rica A Online brig of wy, too, havingot mmtertonrd aad wtrwil efficera rnmlabed bgEngland aad rraare, earn* to lha anaat ef Oyt-aJ Aaaertmwith a »lew of aid lag la the aamatydy agoMl lha Amrtcay ef Ntaaragna

Nor le Megleo ladllhtrenl In the matter Tier borderMrrlinrty faraleh a play ef refuge Mr lha NNfin oftbr Roathry yd Raathwwrtera Mm, yd Ibe aew Magima roeetltnt'na 1 >et adopted by, I am told, a olan»e bgable.b tba reatral goveramen . preniaded from makinga trytg wlUt the ratted Maty Mr the e*tradition of fngt. veatavy ta feat, goa bay hot In read ttw Journal, ofIbe fpaaleh Aaierlry repabHea fW»m Mellon to OilII to beaatufled of the camttg.atvly y wall aa tbapeople aad laatltmloy of the Mralhorn Mlin

Independent, turn, rf the Imaortany to Mo wholeCalled Ram aad lo rlelltentino generally of Amerioytemla Nicaragua, 1 one not out regard or enonaee x of moramaiediaie end vital onaeeqneaoa In the people of thetoe there Mam It laytyo the qitaehm whether gotwill permit gwroetwe to be oewtned ta na the ft i tb aa

got alreadg ere oa tbe North aad oa the Wy. whethergon will reaietn galet aad Idla while Impeaeable barrteroam baiag ballt on tbe mly aid# left ap*a for goer vnoere-baadant mergg aad ealerprlae If tba Roth lo One Ironeof Imitating the gloomy grandeur of tba lerbvl ai Pernthem aba baa bat In He enpiae a little while Veager, ydMrre end power win bind her to tbe reek yd the yNaywill dmeead te tear ibe Hvgr frea her body |a her¦gnat y g'lef «he mag ©onaole haraatf with thaldy thatibe eaflb t a wllllag e^litre

It Hi net afiea that my ay permtied to egpvndIbelr rnrrilea la behalf of a may whir* rmbrnnee thewelfare rf otbrr raUora yd of drlllytloa geyyllg, anwell y tbe laterrtha M tbelr native onaatrg Ret tbeAmert-aae wkn rrrage wltb tbebr m*ana and their roer

fy r ibe ryiamalloe ef N|o«ragna ny f verily believe,eoyrie ibeaieeivy wbh tbe pea that tbag are benefittinglha paat la of that land y wall aa of tbelr own May

that, thlt, thry u.fct bti't tbe gratifying 4«*ir»rt0< that<K»y »fr rn>- radpg f om ..arbarl-m uue of the falreeti. motrio* i f the etr b ud oonfnrrlnf no ooin moron Igrea» Myb»ay o>» 'D* t"»oe »f ib* world

It i# u%ly «>i0h <v u*ld»»» i<>0( anil a* th»*e.bleb MB Oi'U-oio u» for much or Pe ceu-ura Mtt-il 00ae by the <01. If 0 a t«f. ii.-.d of the United dtbi and oftnr.Te Rr.i rated a ir tbe justice ana jr mdea-of tnoo«us»'d »bi-'b v» tre t-nraced, we ran "oil *11 >vd l «

work on Id pm ft the f«.|r*hnm1 and ahnaa heaped m iaby a roe'vp* and v-nal p'e*« Living w In the 1 G~*n»virk ra*'er'» 'ye,"w mog?«.j and enntieoi a-e bi .»« by one Irn fallt-le man man: ud t'b nil baml Hvan abide tbe J«dym*nl of Him who naoniM a»r

Hoping you u'll do what vou ean to aoread oor»e«t¦den* cvnoe-nibg mattera lu Central Amnrlot, I '« aalnyour obe<!ler» «e*-ar t WM. WALKER

Ciiah. J. JniKTim, f>q , Angaita, On.

|n»Hme> tt lnat Rv«»lii|.TUB G'KHA AT TaK AOADBMY.

Tbe "rrov*io»e'' wa- given last night for tbe wooud Urn*drrlng tbe preiem iruon. Tbs honae wu very full, and,he repveten atlon waa generally tbe same aa on M wdavMmo |f>i-zaolti)t areatod a (mat furor*. In the laal ant, Inwhii-h »be waa auperb. M'de Vestvail's ncaoena waa renrivrd with the plandlta whtnh Ita high art!-do m*rltdeserves On to mormw evening Mate. de It Grante wiltmake her Or«t appearance th<a aeaaon In " Norma " *uported Irv Mm* *ra*o«ch. Hiyno* (tauter and Soo'a. OnMonday lime. Feraztr'lal "airy* In L'Klltlr rt'Atn im "

LAURA KKKNK'S THKATRE."JUDITH OF GENEVA."A tbrro ar.t drama, by Ttaomaa Mirtnn, under the

above title, waa or 'dooed here laat nlgbt. It la not a no a

piece, bat we believe tbat It bat not bwsa provloualy parfo mod In tbte city. It la romantic and melodrama!! <

btit not at"o. Hie plot |« ha-dly tntereeMng en".ogn to repay the trouble of a descrhrtl >n, either to the writer or thereader Tbe actluy of Mitt Keene, Mr Wbeatlelyh eelMr Jnlfrraor me>lt« all lo-a'ae.H waa too good for todull a r'ay; and It la a hlyh 0 .mpllment to aav that It ««1 oid enough 10 prevent lb" p'ees fr >m bd'ng a f«l''ire.We don't really think that " Judith of Geneva" will barea very lory ran.

Ol.V It FIO intATRB.TBR NRW IRISH COMEDIAN.At ibe pretty, cool anil comfortab>e little ()1 < mplo »h

new blab oomi'dIan, Mr Gardiner Coyne, made btr, II 1*.ppeeraroe l»*t night, before an appreola'fng audienceIt la do! too much to tay tbat M'. (Jo- no mvie a dedle'h t aa an Irleh <v>m< .'l*n Be had a fair eppirtnoltv, InJohn Brougham's excellent play cf 'Tb* Irtah tvni<rnat '*

for elblhll 1 y l.l* latent* tn tbe iieouliar rlaaa of cbaraoterwlleb Brougham haesrleoud aa lr» hero- a eba aoter aorfirr arively rvayv rated and mUerabl? CA'toatn-ed, nuira-elj lulled, ponoolBod .lib Ju<Uce to the in'lnit* hino' and mat bka* talboa a t.tcb 00 ep'lee ao larye awt| >n f I e lrlidi v-oae-nt'* nature Mr. Oty oe't pe aonatl mof be ha-artor w»* adm rabie.aad not open loth, nnaryeof i x»f y-rati'p. H>« baa a naottal vol je. whloh be o*e»with g d Hiei It, h'a rnmlo *o> ya He vaa we'l rooetvedleet tight, belry railed out a'trr tho piece and greehv»1<h a rruu! »f aoplame. The " Married and »t»e"lovl-.hle Prince" were preeenlod laet nyb. In gojtetyle, aiib an eareilent atock ocmpanv

Mihf Ctii Kidin CrvHHAB arrlred oy the P«nla, ao-1will tbortly play at Burton '¦ theatre In th«»e day a o'tmall rtara it la rrfreeblng to knaw (hat we are .0 haveone at It ait who really meiita tee poaltion

Nrnto'e 6»idu..Tfcle pleaaart botne I* doing a litrehnilt ear, notwltba'andtcr tbe itrocy oopo*t Inn U ihe other1 heat en Tpe ballet "Analteta," wttll Rolla, nightly tmt rovea In pablio favor, while tbe Ravels are aa attraotivras ever.

Trauiikg abd Vtar xraMW' Rncnnn Cosmr at N'b'o'aSaloon, will be given lbl« evening Tbe droff"amme laqnlle equal to tbai of Tuesday, wban Iheae artlata rave,a bat waa onnnirie-ed ay oonroiMcnrs, to be the Onoat encert evi; r heard In this nttv.

AiTkMTBP Iaiirby or a Niw York Tibob .We an

DPunoed rome lime rlnoe that -Jalzado, tbe maea(er ofItalian Ope a at Parts bad engaged Ontyllnl aa well a*

Mario; bni learn tbat Lnmley, not dastrtng GulgMnl to atnyIn Paris jnat now, paid 4} 000 fraam to bay olTthe engar *

mcnt. Ca'zado baa alnee cfl red the engagetuent to Bngnoil, who bar been obliged to decline tn oonsequenoe of a

prior engagement with Marelsek.

ettjr InUlilgeno«<Tn Anauno Kautaa Uomfaiv No 31, whlib vm or

laniard ImI Kabreary, yeaterday roootved their ae* ee

glao, »hlcb *m bath at Pawtnrket, Rhode I.load Themachine oame oa la (hoalMawr Vaaderbtlt of iImm*Htootiifoo Hoc, aad the ooaipaof received It at the dock,where they vara walttay to reoetre It. Ther thoa naa'ihadwith It la Iba IVI to try what R oaold da, aad . la-yecrowd af flrrmea aaaembled tn wltaaoa the eihlbijooTbc new machine la of the Q>it elate. It haa a tan loihpomp ard a ohaitanabl- itrnfcr of 'mm >l« to twclm in shetwhen co Bra ftoty It will velyb 3,fmo Iba Oa tba drattrial aa ln~b Den e waa ooad. wheo the macbtaa three am I f t80 feet la a hhrlt-cta olrari o W>tb ihn.toe ooula a porpcadtnalar at cam wo« tb'Otro tea footbiyhertbaa ib* loo ut the Ujore of Jnatine oo the cr.yHail 'wo at raata waa th-a trial aad the «.tal ef tha Od»Pall r <¦* waa rear-en W ih ibre^ etr-ani*, eaMl f«ctn aibrae q- arter n ch at axia, ISO fr»l MM mace Tnit it e >aatderev rxtraordtoory plat inf. eopaoiaHy a* tba e> ylaawaa a I tile ttifT It tak a 41 ireo ta run and work telamaebtro *bu oomraoy bUooya to tha feaib ward, anda a a hearty k>H .y lot of y -oa< fblk.wa J.iha B Mi>4'U tb» fo rman It la d.-abtfu I whether aay of "or oliyatoilo eat lact onaid do what thla eryioe Oil laatordarNawGaaaa Jfar Lai .Chief Joatica Door, of tha 8a

parlor Ooort, Jottloa layrahant, of tba Ooort t f CommonPlena, Ju.'yn KnanaI aad Mayor Wool, ootap-lalac a Hta-Jduly app-lated by t talale to wake not a llat of nam<*frroa wblob to aaleot the Grand Joriea fbr the aaanloyyear, held aoer-ad maatlDf yeoterday, at 10 o'clock t Mat tba.Mayor'a flloo. A llat of between #00 aad ; <omnit t waa aiada oat aad the decretory laaU noted tnproperly eacreaa the aa ne for Baal action at >he aeitmeeHay la ar'aaytay thla liat care waa takeo to ax dudetbnae < xempt frnat Jury doty, dither from '-rlna BCD roa,droit, tadrm, or atoerwtae ax.laded apt.a toe rtatoUtba fket, howarer, waa ant Mat debt f Ibat a la'fa an «bor of ciiiiw r wtce it a habit hi kodp thwtr aaaMt oat oftbo oily dlrtakoilea to proeaal betoy can-1 to aarve aa|a>ora W»b ytow to preveai tbo aucc-enrai woraieg ofll 10 dedfO. tbo |rm Mwa poll liata O' the Otty were lakeobeo which prtarlptlly tn etill Iho name* Tbo Bmrdmeaea ayala to Maerow whoa thoy will pmwbly ol wolb air part «r tha work aad bare tbo fbU Mat of aowoi p a

Ecd to arad to tbo Onuniy i.m. cdl W to boMM« aad la "adtoiao Ibr Grand Jn-ora to bo drawa front

them whea reqn redNootru INnan i Rmawoon .Thla ayaaynyae, the ktrfaet

aad owe of tbo flaaat is tbo relied Btooa, baa Joel borart ewibolllabad at aa outlay of aboal BI.BC0 TbeeoMrelealda aad enWide of tbo ballo bay barley been ropaiatod .the o>oawoota, yea Bitnrea, be . regildod, aad a ooo aadfry rteb carpel laid, ao that It boa by fhr a betto- aopt %ranna Ihaa wb»o It waa artynall r Italah-d r>ae taoto aadtrod workwaorhla It dlarfe- ad la orery park t ar of thewort, which baa beea Bntabe taa remarkably .bor. tint"Tbo tertkto. wbJrh baa deriay the proyeaa of the w.»ab<»a held la the larye ¦ tttlay maw of tba noayn-yatioa..Ill fbr ibe Bret Warn ayaia b* beta ta ita reyalar place u>morrow (PHday) ev.alay, bau| Ibo ootameaoemaal ofthe Jdwtah "Pa » Tear "

Bowaaa, Marina.Wa woald oall Iba atteatioa of tbsaaor ear raadtm who atay real daatmaa of aot ooly aiabteyaa Lavaatmoal la toe above naamd mat# la oa» alata re

pahl«c, to tba M<0 ta ear adyerttaiay oniumet nf foa>ieayaea ef lead, which, la aatidpOtaa of tn- ram iba la aabort period of awe flneorm, a mala frmal if aot n'»iley Ohll'ontla la atlaerai wealth, will b« added in nor1 rioo, reedact ihte out naly a eabj-al wtmby of aoaeid*ration. ae Ha retoe at aome fatnro day moat He Ibobteatable, bat aaa fbr tboaa waa "take Mom by the forei m«Mora or aa I'aiaoww Ma* .Kooad, oa Uta erealey

of twptember IB, at« a'otort.oa Ibo prouitara nf iba tabaertkar, ayoaac maa apyaeaaUy about Iwaatr yeara a>aye. Bra feat b'yb aark brown early hair, ttybl cmaleilea, awail baada aad Ibat Bo waa draaoct m aaoatwore nam aad paata, aaw hat, aad peaeat bawbee abnee,wbile atnnairya. tmall biaw nrarai oaHoo -Hitaa I »oreal far far bar panto* Iare tnqclre nf ).eoa«a Da Med.Ooroaar, Waat Bobobaa, Now JaracyTaa To*no Kaua .A parayrapb la yaalerday'i Raam>

laaoxaelag ibo ataao of tbooo aaloa, ahouj^|iaa beeaappKed oa»y »o that boM >xJr w mmOf ft Oo tbairada tale ai (io A. MaettMOTn rbJWam-m, Me arTWBread way, Mill neaUanoa, w8K aa oaaaaaHy la-ye am Iaree aad rery at 1Mb d parebaaera ll will nbwe probacyna BOarday, aad la oaa af Iba wwt oaaoaaafal ya new

Fbuanano (>raai ten Maii Ommurw .The enatramfor tba owrrlaar moll from tbo ralloy of tha MVadoalppI InBaa f raoclaoo waa atyaed yeoterday Thla M the la (ae*nratract for load mall aerrtoe arer eatared lain by tboynrerameai Tbo aaaaal eoeipeaaaWon paid tn the ona

traetnra by the ynrernmeat la IVW,000, bea'dm whichthey ba»e pre empHoe rtybta to an anrea of lead every tawwIlea, wbwh at-at ado rery mach to the ralae of the o<wtract The prrciae mate tha will be followed eatiot bedetermined at til a themayb explnra loa of the nnnatrr iait a'a. aad tha onetranter» will at oane fit not aa eaneditl-mfbr tba parpnee The law raqutrao toe eer-nne to be parhomed la fear home naaohaa. "eaitable fbr the aefety nfthe aialla aad eonrealewne of paiamnara " ri la aot lmpmbabia that a rtnrk nompanr mar be mewed to carryeat thla yreat nndedaklay Hie fbllowlay ara tbo aemoaaf the enolrantnrt -John BattaefleM, tMb. «l V ; «aB. ffaaamre. New York. |Wm 9, farye, Bnflltio: J Y.P Oer'eey, f too; M I, Rlayna, Home Alet MM,hew Tork; RamHtnn Bpeneer, RtoemayTaa, IB D N8amay. New Ymk, J Uitnywnw. Tirtayatna, N Y.;Band MmUna, rvr»d, N T I P wilHama, Bnllhln

Owmrt t'mienilar. Tltlo Day,Rpmmra Onrae-anmlt .(fob ft., »*, M, B0,ftl, Bf, B4,

Bb, ee. B7, W. 70, V, Tt, 7B1 orrmi Burs Darner Onrai -Boa. M, tt, M. M, M

toM, 94,

Cnu.u Cirtmcn . "»uiu mi «iH».Tkk WhLi-'*i BOM* lO atf-»«JC0« BfuiNa OONVA.

|i\ NO 6.»n »NP.D T" r*M>l,r "I' *U« N«w »ll»lVIMB Der.HTMhNT- 2,000 HDD H IIHTM IN HO .BR-

«Or.UlU«iMAtlONk-»V«IBh*8, KrC., uTC.A* ertettn Engir* 1 *m. 1* n i Ma 0 bavo »»n nji * (rud

excursion la Canada ud en u being Known tut tiry.era 'a return tart uighl laetr brnber Trent-n 'e«j-mlnrd to g'vn them . icoeplbn borne, and a splendid oneIt proved to ba

'bete rummer excurnloa* to tfie country have loco-ne

qnlie tbe tage of i*re year* awong the NU'tngood u a all a* pitMure It Uxelj to rean't from tbe inie-J utile of clvlllt e» betwen tbe Sre department* o b<revrral cltlff Ibie gndul the Union Tbla rear e n-

iwft y of nor fire compacts# have tanen trt a of tola km ,

bm tbe excuriton uf "Big Six" wo* be far tbe oijm exwu

.tv» rod prrtrniton* Bi t If tbe «ia>in<"D (wrtf neat *1tbe other oomiauter, so did U>e reception ''take down1'anything ef tbe klr.d we have *een I* thl« city r r «e*ri

Tt »> 'ana'rlniilrte arrived b tbe train from Nee Hareavtirbartn one at h P. It at Tveal) leveutb it eel, bu. hirh wm de eyed for nearly an hour. During ibn eventt $ 'be fourth avenue woe lined with red Bbt'tv, aid re.uttn> a lib be round or marital inula Too «o-ae »a

rleei-clrgiy p ourerque Tbetoribae, the colored 11/bt»tbr v»no« * eeaoMful machine* and tbe red ihirik, mademnnt a tractive rwrnbl*Tbe delayer Haiti at 'eugtb arrived, and a* anon a* tie

»lne row of ' fli'* F'llnee" were *een, ohoem »e ee ven and 'bey were warm'y welcomed h "mo To f'Vr'lat *o the orcaeton, firework* were let "if, aid the ol 1

Empire Club gen was oalledrtnto reqnUI Ion ut ralute thegneats

here war ro * t» eh making at the depot.d'emen areh'rt at t to 'ndflge In l-ng alave'i 01 *uoh o oa»l > .*. out** >1 en se . a* pi an Irabie a line woe forato i an 1 the proe.1 U n fit d dvat) 'ho avnur In tbo fb I iwtng order:..

Oetacb uei t of Polroeaien.B«nd

Marlon Hook and Ladder Company No. 18Rand.

tnUtart Enslneem ef tbe New York FVe DepartmentIn a hi e aoaln an-' ea e, and e*ct ca-rylrg a

hrbteo ,aa>e n|>e gnerte.Amerlctp Fuglu" *>m any No 0, With or gtnn

It*ally dtco and, drr»*»d ia "hue ovrrr.aU, redahlrte, blaok ar t*, to numnor lto

BadWarhlpgion Enrlnn Company No 40. some 200 strong

Band.Adriatic Euglrn Comrany No 31, w'th thrlr new drklclosa

engine, which .« ravcb a*nitred In»lde lbsrope, were la's drawing tbe cannon.

Bore itmnairy No 22Band

Pt tnam H"">e Oo-»p»ay No. 81.Crl'n Hook and Ladder No. 5

Manbaitair Etgi- e Company No ft (Bi^etgb'.).Liberty Hoae Core any No. 10.

BandEmpire Bcao Company, No 40, with Dnttnmund light

iteuited on lop or their carriageJeDrrron Eng'o* 'om.iat.y No 28.

Inooj endent Rose Co No. 8.Band

nitron Hoar Ompany No 17Gearoian Eng . « Company No. 28.

RandVictory Eng ne Company No. 13

ronlm'n'al Book ano Ladder '> in pant No 1, of|Wllllam»burg, cremrd le hi re shine

Val'ey fwge Krglne Oon>treny No. 11, of Orooauotnl.Bird

Wasbbgrn Hook »nd r adder Com wnv No fl, withadetacbm-ntof tiollok Hve Uumpany No. 11.

RandNstlonal Engine Jomuany No 8.

Ban".Lrvlmtnn Englro C mpany No 7.

'/> ( hyr H>m Oompauy No. 01.B* a

Rittgera Brae fV m axiv No. 28.United Stotea Eng ne ' ompany No 83

H.nd.fu'tcn Engine Company No 21.y.ankltn H »e ' om,tany No 18.

BondPetrrsnn H'*a Compaay No 15.Jockaon Uaao "V>m, say No. 13.

BindNeptune H"»e Ooropoay No. 27.fallen Uo*e ' ompany No. 84.

BandWnahtngion Engine Company No 20.

Nnnaau Hone Comtany Ne. 10.

Harry H«w*rt Hook and Ladder Oompaa r No. U.L'a'trd Htatea Moan Company No U

SandPactfle l-nglen Company N j U

Tbe prcrenrton ¦".id do*n Sroadwet In Uto Pa**,if rooyb lb* Port o Chatham etreet, no Chatham lo theBowety, op the Bownry m ttrand aireel, oad after para<ll»« tbrost b arm# of the by ttreele, finally lo 9 »'# booao,In Reary iitotTb* rtrwn vara dvnerly erowdad aloof tba Itae of

warrh, and tbe otmnet *Bibii«ia*«i waa meniraeted Riiran caod'ra, roabeta, doable header* oad o bo* IIrework*. ere lei elf at taterrale, aad altogether it «u ooe at bamoat altraetlT* prooaaalona wo ?na teen for mm time

AkBlVeL Af THB ENtilNB HOCEB.Piteaaive pr*par»tl na ware y retarday made for giving

tbe rlettlrg com any a magalfloeal aod fttlof ranapti a »r

their retina lo fkelr taru»e to Heory alreet, near Gnu -or

near, leal evening TTe ettfleo hruta together with tbaprlTOiereeldeara at Wilaon imall, I'-q ,!am«iitt» y oppo.Itr. were brilliantly Ulamlaatrd, both la froalaad roar,If4 caadlee b-lng plao*d la IBe wtadnwn of Mb. daal'abo a» an )W i« tb ee of tbe er|loe bo-tar. whioh werelabirn erra after e'fM o'ehflfc, OBd t bti -Blag noul.f-er to* a. rival of 'he fl-*m n There, wt«h the Uf.u. a d» of bl> e lifbte aty rreaett aae o be* p*r*e» of Irewik. which . ere »e' if f .mb tbe rorfe of '.be t«aboja*a,oa'be arrtral of >ba craipaay at tbrlr h ..»#, ee ia«wwet) be rap-vend, pr.rrnied ape lta*ly brlilaoi aodIbtporlBf ll'pearaeea I^Bf Iwfnm eleven O'nle* toe.irerli In ike rtflii Ity o* an.I obteelte the tea Illsm antedboneee, arrre thronged by ihot,flari<t* "f eien «ntn«n, (a ad'Mlloe lo . bleb ttoet 'if ih. roofb, wiadowa.O'l halo- alee f H e brm.nv la that ineallty »'»alien wltb. i' ota or», p laolpall ladle*. all eager lo h va a vie v ofthe (aliant New Vo-Wera aa ibey rotnraed ooro morato tbrlr own famll-ar burr* A l»»ge body of p hoeunder commend of he-grant "nmaroa, of, were on band tr pr*»"r»e wd-tr and o #» e erowd fr an raablaf ta aad Olllag op tbe booaa afV rtbe tr> m*a

ft war anticipated that the prroewatOB would maenb -IIreel It »o »be b n»e aad dlemlm, aha* proceeding urer tba

Ii(e ia'd ft ml I -tMM I1 »ow» m'aa- '*r»t»BdBf n. a* eo»'»td*mhty alter II o'rl nfe bernra the* arrived ban re of No f, at *bi b Urn* there so 11 aot barebeen 'e*a tba* fr»a> three to fm.r tbn<i*aai people oa th>

grwnd.wtn gnee tae flr*men, na Ibey paaard thrmigbtea imnaya e«y thai bad breo dear* I fbr treat lathen.ret. a iu<»< rtiihortnetlc -(Room# b-i-ne 'foaer aftertbrer »a» given by Uta crowd aad r»lamed b* |h# Or#*»ni«<bey paar'd, wn<ft, tognber wl h lb# tntkt of. everaj broae band* tba t'bimlaatkm aad Sea *twt« oamhloed kbl . pajul'nrly llrely aad brill'aal aa »«« to the. peer After bourtng the aaglne tbe tor other" afjfe. . vera mootarad la tb* JMM|fl NMb wheretb. fr-rmaa, la a fbw bgtwopna'e remartt ratnme'bia ft at if* ooarwwy which bat bare maaifeatad byalt orleg the riearatoo. aad then adrtoad to** nf tae

gnn tblrg* (er n« leilag of a attlradto anppae) which hadbeen prepared aad waa awaitlag Ibair pieaatro, at Utaboor* o* We IS Track, la Poartb itenat, betweaa aveaeoDead I-eete tireel, bf the metahera of tbei oomnaayToe » . pary waa ibea formed la Uae aad earvwoed at.abe't of it Troob to tbetr bourn, where t'ay.ror d a wr"t eempfooaa aad magaldeoauiy « w«»d tanaawatt'ag ibem, aa bad beea arooaaead. aad «o which,the) wob the lawttad gm»m ae-l' ho><«, at onea .weeerrei to da aap'e jarilcw After all ba.1 ra'Wkea teibrtrbrart'a oueteoi of the gvod taiaat provided.-oaataltd m mo'imeau werr tatrndoaod. drtnk and raaptsdedtr hy Ibe hnnta nod tbetr gaeata aad tble waa loot n,t «etl<be gray h urn af rnorrlt f, wbea the pool way .« mrvl,.It wel pWa*ed wHb <b* nonarraeaaa of the night Werrg et tea-Ibe lal.-aen* tbe boar peer I. dee tie ooae'. !>>.. af a mora oiiaadod aotioa af thia aptaadM gam'latameal

formnAL op tbb norBBioif.Tbroegh lb* tladneea of oaw of tba vMtfag company mo

have bean fnrnabed wllb Iba fbOowiag brlaf aarrwAlrw oftbe waearvtow>.We i«n thia city ow tbe morwtwg of Bopi I, aad arrlowd

la MHlM ibw BMralag of tbe mn fJa oa* aerleal thare.. werw mat at tba oar* b» Ker»« Uompwoy No 11, nftba- rity, who oiwaned aad boi.nrd owe engtna to* na OuMeaday the Tih, we bad a parade with No It nrfnn,aal de.egati'we from otbe* ewytea rompaalaa of teatelfy; af»er whirl, la the afteraooo, we ba1 a ape 'I'd at

.ertetaw.aat given na at tb* bonao of Nu II. Ne laft thed'tner labia and ma efced to tba depot, wwere wetrok II a eert for Niagara Pa'la, arrlwiag ta»rw toe eemrereaft g Threw we were *. netred by the aattra faP-par mrnl of lb* plwee. We rrm.taad the** onto the mltt'cor-n of the S'b, whew wa look «.¦* dry rtn-e fh* Noe.real. Canada, where wa ar Ired on tfte rrenlag of the !hhHare wa bad a tnort magetftr. at r*wap'i m. 'he aottra IVe[n rartmeat. foga-bav wl h the Na*"r and ef*y anthwt Ionhe>ag owl to rvoefvw aa <>a iba- eeawlnt w# a'V-edad ahall g Urti np atpraaaly fbr ne, aad had a mawa doam"ate Oe 'h* afUrwoon ef tka 'iab w# i#*l N-ntre*i fo»Q'ebert, arrf-lrg thara «ha namao gbt lerp it hna eery poor rwapMow. aad la fan*, thn -wilyprow one dnrfog anr ew Ira trie, there bologao rtbrr IIrem*a thai- IPa rhiaf Rnglaaar notltar.aad alone, lo raoetra ea, who 4owe »It newt to maga alliblrya agrvra Je Ww ratoa aad tbwrw oaui Natardnymoralrg wbea wa left '*r r.wtlaod, am-log tberw* n'gbt. wbara wa wart rwo>-l*ad by tba owt've PleaIbpa/tmewlaf taa*.lty, who rotmad oar wag oe awn noon ttd na to a hotel tto Hnaday, *y tarftwit a oar *n«rebo. y la atlg«» dram, abraded the Kplao owl nhn-oh oaMoo.lay moraing wa »oob tbe rara tw %»> an aerfwiagthere at leer ohwk la Iba afteranoa of tba name day.where wa were Urn geeeta of Ragiae Oompnny No SO, <4Rotnory Pmm tb* flora an took np oar liaa of m«- bihtoayb 4r.,tb Bretna aad Veirttina, aad were tmewied tooaf q. artrrw al the Norfolk Hone* 'a Bngbrry. wan a flae eatrrtmflmrat awaft>ng na On Tnredevby lav'tatfnn, WW vlntted BpyPmid, ahoal an 'aa alienfrtai ftwtoa, where we bad a tsleadtd ertv>nalamentytvro ua wbtrhhad be.n arrangM by fag'ae tv»aptarWo S. oaf biwte. We then re'lrwl to HtyNirv, -adtook rar depB'tare for Now Torb oa Wntorwdaymoraing, by way of Boaloa aad dprlagflall, ar

i K ». *.* niace at .vnr. n'* p if W«iTf te. .< urflvrrt by th. p.# !*.H*tiiien' >f the elty la

. rr*. it».1 *1 »ti kud >¦ prtrd to tae t'eion Heoaa,. birr'he f ewmliKr pr«.a»aii f.-.v i.« AHer itleoorwi i rmtd tr. lua end .. in ih*. Hulled Mate#*. m"'7 AP» r (nu % v .ft'.nti .be w..rK« we were eaoorte-7I crk *n *br r»rr u.t 1004. cut departure for ite city, errl-<rluc h rr w above.

Imporui't f«eu tl»v«na<MTBrm ON B'lAKU THk AkBRlOAN eetS ALBIONCIO' en. THK CAPTAIN AND W ink MAN IULMO.H^B-f Of »«B .OJC«OYH'» A H*t v alO* rut NKW captain OlMmL-IAfiOH OPYRi.Ll'W KIVII.THN HOOaB MaliBRf.TUB JOIN*NT- (IB »B«»a AT AM 9*D-Ote of the paaveiigern of tho ctnamMtp Empire ?Uy,

lum Bavatia. who reach#! thla citr ia-t evening fromNorfolk, Va , bax furni tied »w with Me following Intereet-og ion.m*r> of the current newa on the Island of Oeha.The Havana onto la ruetdef, fbe 810 lun'aotA or<g e»me Into the port of Havana >n Sunday,

the O'.h of depumber, having on hoard a negrocook a French man and an Irlah hoy, whoacre picked 01 by the crew of the brig toaalagat ita In an ou« u boat off tho Bahama Banks. During'be 1 eirrge 10 ll i-ana, the boy look en opportunity 10n'01 u the oar'alo of the verb thai hlmwlf and hla oona. otiev belonged to the American irig Albion Hooper, of

Pnrtlird, tU'Dc, Captain lluin>h'ey», from which port¦hr raced, Kd-u wlili |orin« ,f<\r Herdenaa ou tho 211 ofJune fbatihe o an'' Frenchman bad mirleml 41Via>n H nipbreye, Urn commander <if the Albion 'i»ier,. lib Me flrat libv > nn.1 voreu men cT im orn », and ih»nflrni the br't and deiort-M her ()n ibis >letcme<tt thearovo mrnloned parpen who we»e r"*"ued. were allp acid in ronfl-eurnl II Irene. The I'n'Vo ita<ee Conaul> art ¦ ba'go < f lh<m *brn lb* Enoire ity lafi poit.

lh< rr va» nc eel tl"»l peer at Ha .anaTh» n w 'laplrlu Nvne'ai, lr r»uo il, wan reported to ar¬

rive fi< in Madrid-art in fMtobsr, and pr par attune wr.rolirliiv niair for hie rrnrpnrp

Vi 11.* w f or rayed oi> ahloboarf an I amonget the Nne-rlvb Ircoi ¦ on ibe laland. A Nrei'.sb lino of hat'le ehlpba'' 'iwt o»rr no half nt h r cow of a t hundred nun.It oar i" lonleied ibat fcty per r* nt of ibe newly arrivedrrlflor- ai.d rnt'o'R died of the dl'Cftre

Tbir*- wee rot much etotneve on snoreTheir wne ahcnl two linen red thoueaod boxes of sigar

In the banda of rpn uieiore There wire no IjcsI ealee,hut ron e . a* hiIng aont 10 For pe.Money en mo o ol-nt. for root seuirtllee, and tho

furor < f Joint 'took epccnlatl n bad entirely disappeared.T K I F 9 R A P H1 a


Wamiivgtom, dope 10, 1867.The fYiarlirton Courier of Moritay ooptatna UtoarrlraJ

rf the en»m hip Catawba, from Havana and Key WoetICih.Two rlavore bad hern run aehore and hnrat, bo woo?

fterdi t ae and Vatanzav Three oargoua of llavea hadbei n landed within a weekkurbargo nn I onion van at t*n li ton and a half per neat

iri rlro, and on New Yori and Bovlon, at par to one percrnt dlrcihi tFrr'ybi* «rre nonnoalT.r rock, of e.gv-ewan nncbangod. Moioorado wan

DOirlP'lli 10 |o 13 malefbero « a« n" ni vlirrra frr export.Tbo hark Vlrh> ino t,r stnutiiport, waa reported totally

wnckrd nn the Bahama batik*. Mho waa hound frontMi M . 10 NarraoOn Key H e» 1 date* aro to Irntemher 10The rb'p dilaa Hi Imee, from New Yorfc for Now Or-

kenii. wini aehore near Indian Krv Mho waa relieved.o> t aft' rva ill itrnck on Alligator Roif, wboaoo the gotcfT »llboet rerloce Injuryan uDtnown 'erk fnm Rockland for New Orleana took

Bre roar Htrrup Key, and nrr cargo waa deairvyod andr»f rf d» rlf-e

Airlvrd at Kry Wmt brlge t C Coleman and fi-rvar-eor 1rown. from New Ymk b-ig R'ngbam, from Biwton;achooeera Aim no Howe an Woodn no, from New York

Potlre lntel!t|gei><».Paacro MmpAT RuHHiar in RaoanwaT .About 1

o'clock vrnttrday afternoon, Mra. B'im, real-ling at No.103 Finrteoalb atreet, waa pawrtng tbrongb Broadway,mar Mnib etrret, wbea a thief earned Ear lay aaatahad barrrtlcoie, bracelet and watch, and la an tmlaot tameddown Ninth atreet with them ta bli pomtaeloa The ladypu rord htm or >log "Mrp thl*f," and Altermaa Blunt,who rretdee ta Ninth vt-eet, bea-lng the alarm, raihed. ft. r Ibe TO' b« r, Ud rht.ed h'm thr'ofh r*M» UNM,rn verrl'J ptore, Tenth oad ether ttoeeU, aetll t (MitlKnu.amid M'l>ma»U lalrroepaed him hi the onroer of Kirih

tad " Ilmt. The klieriata immediately eolton e tb> felrne, en" led blm bv» li >bere 'he tody reterleadtag, bier »blftb be took bim In Ibe Irffer*oa tttrkolPi« 'Ce Court, ehem the to-iy MM . pra-rd end me'' .orn ptoiiil egete.t h'm toll ibe mo na property *. foundIn ,o»»r»»i' oof Kn-'ey, had reebjrei lo Ihe our. Thepi|m per eon d gl»e en tenor nl of hiinrelf, Merely Halinglbel be IIred e, ud bed ami log It do Re cmlerkrd r p for trial fti t to |be IMrd wreet of Ibe kindAldermen in mode miMee few mmthiBni.un amd Amurn .Anl.ew Robb, a o-mea driver,

.M arretted a* Wedoe«dejr, ohwged elUl burglary, labneklbf Into ibe MAble of Mr. W Hmilh, hi No 14* Km!Teeetjr third itroet, had rWhMag rrefrom Hi bima,.we rernefee end iveeete of doib'e bareeee, valued !¦en el fke Thr pro vrtjr wee fbued «i ibe aaahle of fVoniy H tel. >n Rnbokoa, -he e Ibe anmieed bedtoll elt ee he e«id, lo he ker.t i dee or two II id .enritorn be f rnre-ly neipt U>e property, rePeatiyeoid H to im"h who to bto twodie le tow BroooHag dte-.«ii fled w'lh nln hervsln bo tried lo fet the b> nee, bo ,

berk, bat ..liter lo do no lee kgel maoeer, be tone me«onrm eb rre t »m .d A tbort time ego be rtolmod Ibeldeuib bed defrauded h'm of Ibe pee -erty, end applied for. w»r r' lo pro mre bin erreet, bat ibl- tree doeled Mm,nun be then threat. oed the m.y'nVht" thai be woald Ukebm own oonree In get It Ja.Uoe ftoadrthu oommltledbim te . . ell rihminhHoaPeon, bit FnTAi Anuria .Frederick Melkto, h g'bWer,

a.. re Wednesday arretted, ehh-ged with . fekmtoei .ean It g|tj| he perion of PrednrlnK r»mp, t boy, wbrrm hele ihorpet i« toieliy tejered. II eopetre Ibet Hoik'swee par.trg Ihmof b toeel 'blrljr et(b'h elroot carrying .bo* of feel, had 0»mp oed I»o mber boyo oelled out. fl.ane, rto o " Hetbto tfctaktag Abey wtebed eem (letlet dime mopped to eee, end the hoy* toogbed el blmfeme teiend bm by Me arm, aee Ibe <xb»r bnyr iiefoa toabtre Mm Melkle ihne toot f-nm bl« bn« a iwn pooed(now weight, iii«a *IIH etreek C«mp opoemhe heed fmetnrtrg hw ek«li Tr« wone.i »i boy lekea la bto reeldenre where ke Men la . nrieeal noedl Wto. had the gtoiler.M hrreeled had lerloe Flaadreaa tceked hi to ey toawait Ibe rmnlt ef Ibe leyirtea.

Jereejr CMy RtoWto.Tn Cdfumjn Ifr hwnoik .(be Tverley erowteg m ibo

ferery Ut» (omitioe floe eel I the Committee epnnlated tolarreHge'e Ibe onsjam of worship hi the Aimaboeee, ree-drrer two re orte Aldermen C-wta had Rhebow revdt'fd a meyielty resort ted A'derwaa Coranltoet h mlonrt y rnp-.M ft be' been "toilw la . memorial addeemed to ibe U mieoo Onaaetl. by P. Be'ree tad ethere,tka< the f Mho'1c Inmate were deprived of Ibo prtniegonf eicrfrttg tbetrewa pee*»reaoen ta regard to rehgvmatea h'»f n tad w"robin, end torn ibe «apnetatoa«eai badrroeoed item IP otierd f'rdentaet worehlo at the Almeheme# The mejrlte reimrt outoe Uat ibe hfliyHoei efIbe memo-toH*ia we aot tree, tad tbnl the onmmMee weee'toBrd, from the evldveee htdeoed npn* ibe lareetigetine, 'bhl an rehgtoee 'eaomlaelton bee oeee rrriled* no eimmpi hen beep mode le teeII into ibe mia to efif» lr melee of the A'mohnooe mv mlinr d«rVer ihaa It-oea bnld it noermoo br .'! *"n nbtrtn to the mrnhiremeet of Ibe Alanow trended, .too totoo- k r rerwrl oemrto Ibetban beet ntenetoed Rib af ibe reporto were aetiee wea "ef-rrodTn Itoiito Tnrvto Taomum.Tae'day pawed of wttb-

eet ear to noble htooef ibo wort m«e it ibe Bargee toeaef,ood the «bre rtihA moony oat rewee wiib wtotee to peribr ¦ aitoyed ton enprrmeeolne. Tnmeeday Ibey rttototdeorh. tad at uoo o'etoeh Ibe btoMM of payleg off gem

IrgiPreerr m Pvxrn .Him Oroea, a aelered ofcM, three

yron of age, wee horned to death oe Taewtay eight el Ibetpe-iirroinof ber pereoto <e fTilrleeeib atonal new Br000yrirh ntrrel It opr'we that her el nthm tank tee Otto airotoh eb rh bed bene lighted by oe otdwr ntoUd ftoermknrnf the drreenr J am obeetot el toe larud arrfred¦<« 'Wo to oe»» ibe ilfb of her nhiM Ooreaer Borrv, <mWndrnndny, b*ld ha laqneet opna 'he body, tad a rnrdtotof "nrrtdrpial dretb" wee . Ibdoied

Itonrn nana pimne.Ncinnnre Cm Qoeryo KHee. ¦Berwoa, oled oa Tveedey aiget el lb* hrParae HeepNal.real Ike rObem of arm ale, rttber ukm by hltenelf Mv thernrpeee of to!f dceiron lot, nr hdwitutered io htti ky eee-'hnr Re wee b tolllrd Ml Ike HoniH hi eklto rofTwngfom Ike rlferto nf do Irinm Iremet . u welt aa from area,ole oad dnrlay hit rerlape armt ed bto elf» of Hrl«jpnlrnor.l h'n, IVi'onrr Perry woe -'hilie.I ted onmo. rliqtnri npnn the bn'v of deoneeed Itltoe wm.twtiiaed, hnl deeled ail iiorwlerlye o' ber bueteed bev.iav tokrn aroenli tad ikirke be aiml kere leeeaate¦loirr-y h'm*if Rn further evMeree tea totea, «a<i thecane rtopdr edjeuraed to tkto morela#Fatal fUnaonn Acrmaov..W » 9ordoe, a brakemeto

oa Ibe New York oad trie Rellroed, dtod " Wrdaeodayhi ike New York Beeriiel, fn" loioftoe reentred a towhoure pre. loon, by being mn yverjbya^irata o nameew

.he lb ffeeo'o a fi ooerero thai

.he drlvitog wheel nf toe .n*"*''he t'hio, whirb penrwf JW* **1 * mfa^rtidily, in iK)i^ wii' PI Mfi

gbttolawtetowrg Cftjf Tetoh

y^ Pren«i narrv* .Ottwiai-.rfhe ¦peatti rtonllatohrM oe mewfoy la ike Wlarath wart «f Rraehtya, ItofA'dermrn, to III a »e.meey. rewltod la the mat. of Hp.neotol Mm r repcbltoaa. The tfflolel vote to kg Mtowe .Itotiri HIlobe f» bnroky Ylhitohert Mhrobhl Mlrannen Rbtoeg 101

Total role fthti .<