the new york herald. · thenewyorkherald. whole no. 11.090. new york. thursday. january 10. 1867....

THE NEW YORK HERALD. WHOLE NO. 11.090. NEW YORK. THURSDAY. JANUARY 10. 1867. PRICE FOUR CENTS* fi E,- TOO CAN ADDRBSfl A NOTE TO THE HOUSE JL . without tk« dlihMt {tu of detection, bat ahouM that mini with yptir approbation, address real name, station O, and 11 will bm with tbe atrlciest confidence. a Dornov.A male baby, three and a half A monthseM. hearty and good; black hair and IJtA Ad- jrin for three days Widow, boa 160 Herald offloe. . DEAREST WIFE-DO TOU FOR®1ST THB HAFFY ho am at aunt's? Though all I eare for note la te leek Els into those dear, loving ayvs. The sun never rlaea now. you remember oer wedding day In Central Farkt Do try emmenloaee with me at my oGoa. I am eo very, very rRBT OLANOB AT HALF-PAST 1 P. If., TWENTY- ninth meet and Broadway oar; eeooad time about 4 Wdosfc, la Front of Fifth Avenae Hotel. Address, If agree- nintb meet etnd Broadway oer; aeoond time about 4 dt, in Front of Fifth. L* uren oe, ataUonD. RMATION WANTRD-OF THB HBTR8 OF GUI- pi FaimMri, who waa proprietor of a barber shop on dway toRMt; went to Boslaa in 1846; then, la lttC. to Orleans where he died. A aen of hla, OloVannl Pal- L waa atae megrletui ef a etore en BriMfeth - By. ad-, S.T1,. twin Peaa efkoa, they will 1 WORMATION WANTED.At CASTLK.. GARDEN, OP stairs. of- Hannah McKntfbt, arrived per «teams hip ¦Pynai H rlAOK W.-THUR8DAY OK FRIDAY, A* IB A. lTH I Pnhen and Water. Heart Mag Important. OLSSJ ? B. TOTRJL.HAW TOO* ADVERTISEMENT OF n£.^Movember a Hat. Pleaee communicate with Mary, WAR. WBNTWORTH B1CKBRT. FORMERLY AMEBI- Jn aen Cbneulat Fraakfort-en-tbe-Matne. Germany, wUl aeaeiii due tuformatlona by applying at the undersigned, who hna been entrusted by blm with eome private buatneaa mmrnn^H AUOUsT NETTK, San Antonio, Texas. _ f ART.TOO SHALL HATE TOOK CLOTHES. I AM L mi). Let me know something of yonraelf. H. F. NAL.-IF R. X. RICHARDS, LATR IN EM- ploy of the XIsalsalpel Glaaa Company, St. Louis, Mo., WW aead his addross town. Kverwon, l»ox 1,755 Post offloe, Hew Tork, he will hear pf something to hia advantage. Eh ladt who received the address of a gentleman at the Olympic theatre, en Saturday evening ary 5, will please send her addreaa. TWRNTT-TBIBD STREET STAOB. LADT WITH SKATES, WHO RODE DOWN IN ma Eighth avenue ear oa Tueaday evening, will confer a rur on the gentleman who addressed her as Mlsa Johnson, sending a note to 8. J. Brown, station A. Spring atreat, ding whan and wham an Interview mav be bad. WILL THE FBRSON WHO CALLED ON MB. 8TE- vans, at M Fine street, yesterday please send address fly O -I WILL LOOK FO* TOO AT 10 THIS MORN- OiU' tag, at cars. If you cas t come, telegraph. LO»T AMP POUND. LOST.ONB OF THE MANHATTAN SAVING Institution. No. 47,035. The finder will please return WSOOK Ehun ¦l»k ¦rop D.ON SATURDAY NIGHT ON THE SMALL lake, an Overooat. whlob tbe owner can have by prov- Call at 10 Bedford street ¦pOUND.JANUARY T. IN A THROUGH WASHING- Mr ton oar, Jeraey .City depot, an article of gentleman'! wearing apparel. Owner will addreaa box 194 Herald offloe, aWmgdeecrlptlee. W BFT.IN OASHIBB'8 OFFICE ON FIER 37 NORTH XJ river, a Foeketbook containing a sum of money. A p. my te Geo. R. Jones, Cashier, prove property and pay for Win advertisement LOON 'ooket . j upon 'may retain the money, by returning the flhwy lo Hartloy'o Hot Store, 671 Broadway. W OST.JANUARY 7, BETWEEN TATLOR'S SALOOfl MJ and Ttrty-flret street In a Fourth avenue stage, a Pockel SMsy, containing $1D; the name of Mrs. C. F. Gurnee upon m lam. The finder may retain the money, by returning th« f OST.A PLAIN GOLD SEAL RING, RED STONE, MJ la a moroooo box marked Tiffany A Co. Tbe finder T by returning the ring te Mr. Com, OflT.BANK BOOK BO. 78,121 OP THE SEAMEN'S 4 Bank for Savings. Wall street. Any oae returning U te Swanten, II South street, win be Bberally rewarded. OST.A LADY'S FOCtETBOOK. CONTAINING JMA, sad marked inside Mary L. White. The finder will be by: leaving U with Dr. White, National Lifa Insnv- f OST.OVPUHSDAT ETSlQNfl, JANUARY «, COM- mf tag Km No. » Groat Jones street te the eorner of flbthstreet and Broadway, a lady?# Fur Collar. A liberal m»ard will bo paid for Ito return to Mrs. Blgslow's, No. 54 mke square. t OST.ON THB STH OF JANUART. A'TOUNG SCOTCH MJ Terrier Dog; answers to the name of Tippy. A liberal ¦maud win be mven and oe questions askedlo any person Mm will bring Mm to <7 Lafayette piece. |f WT.ON XONDAT NIGHT, IN BOND 8TRKET, OB MJ FnMou aveane, Brooklyn, a Gold Chain and Locket, Iflhe lalfar assarted A. A. W. Tbe finder will be liberally re- Willi byaevlng It at the Brooklyn Club, corner of Tlerro- AC UWilD.-lAST, OH TUESDAY AFTERNOON, |Vu ma a carriage, ^|«ms Bt. James HoUl mad Thirty- I Math street, a Coonsktn Unrobe. marked en Unlng B, Ho. A 140*17 >. FerOT, roetaurant Wrdadway and Twenty-atith at. ~io*r. o* Monday Niosrr, m , a lady's Mi.k Collar, Great J«.n« hf- i to*Mr*^toijlanaa"jjfer BwoISTrtnM-, wmsmmnwiM.- Om REWARD..BTRATED PROM MS EAST TWEN- ¦ ty-ninth street, a black Newfoundland Dog; bodrl ¦ with white, anawere to the name of lunofe ArP'T ||q Riy^R^. y-sereoth street. and Seventh avenue, on ^M^apasky o^Ool^B«terBfcln^^Uj^n^^ Yastry street will reoelre the absee _ H. KEMP. REWARD..WOI QUESTIONS ASKED IP THE twoNpoena and lee Napkin fUaga taken from No. 7 j piana, Pee. M. are returned. REWARD -LOST, IH OOIMO TO (OR PROM A earrage In Bast Twenty-third street, near Lexlng- Beelhawt The Sudor will reeelre the abort reward t leaTtag It at lAlPtfth trtnttd. t A REWARD..AOST, ON MONDAY, JAN. 7, A ROLL DU otBllla, betwee> Twenty-third and Twelfth streets. I Radar win reeelre ^ue^abure reward by applying at No. ¦ TBOOI, CONTAIN- papers, in Chambers Any one retarntng the rew21t R**d aTenue' iPEcuh nomcm.' 'at. IIOMBIOOD.-wmcs. A PUBLIC a of the dears and delecataa of tbeCtrcleeef Brooklyn sad Jersey Oily will be held at the "Thnreday) evening. avc "2&F '51.'" "SHE ;;;fc sasst s»«t mm. Ik MoOLBLLAN IN WO LONOER COMNBCTBD wtth our establishment. Alt budnesa communications ¦I TORE CITY AND COUNTY IVQUOR DPAI.FRN' , Thirteenth 11« tkelr at tendance Nyordsrof thn f.omintttaa. TIIORAM CAKblh Preaiden Recordist Secretary. MoOKi OP TM ¦HE ATLANTIC MAIL STEAMSHIP No. t Bowling Owen. New York, Nn». ML ¦the Board of Directors, notice is hereby ¦of the Board of Directors, uottce * hereby hi oonaegnenee ef the elsction appointed to hare on the Uth at November lacteal, not having been want to such xppelntmeat. aa elsction of nine ^^^^^¦ppsintmeat. an election or nine this company *nd three Inspectors of tbs next taction will be laid at the ntfloe of the roni^m ^^¦an wtu ne ieM at the omee or the company ^^^^Hllth day C January, IMC, at 13 o'clock M. MMPMoka at the ofce ef the farmers' i.nsn and I roan no nr will be dead from the MHh to the l«ih of ary, IMT. The polls wlQm open from 13 to 1 n'c,u>cfc ' PEWKLlW ALLEN, Secretary journeymen i luiuers' rrnteei irSrShnSSSTA &3E anoe wlU ]y transacted also. In IMBERB, NOTIOE.-A IBBTINO WILL BE HELD the Journeymen Homers' Protect Ire Society, this * * i o'clock, at Pntaam arsons, as bnalaess , In reference to tha that! Is In ci'"*"**J"n of tb hinds of the Treasurer, NEW "TkERIOAN PASTIMES. NPRUctrloiia. «g?gffl^igaafEda,a&'» BY CHARLE.a. PE VP'. RE LLP, wkLl_^, prioe U Pranhfort alroet; il »<. IRAD TMB BKELKTON A? [HE BANQG.Z ¦ Kk..le on »t ika H«n.)"rt.'bT tt>» sutbor of t. ew asawMhae, Northern Uht, War .aaltasnrfwmrg Prioe*<WWt». nil iAita BKAiof. TltfTI ANNUAL TAIL NBW TORE <*LK»I»WIaN CLUB, Wijbe I'fd at PMDAY j^NIB^A^ U im IK8TRBCTIO*. A'or tnmsfcsa w\nteo-to take t he entire charge of a v«ung lady, 13 years old; moat to German, speaking French and English. and understand gtvlai lessuns ?n music and have the beet of testimonial*. Address A. O., box 1647 Hhw Yore Poet ugioe. ABVSISESH EDUCATION..TOWN8END'8 COMMBR- rial Academy. A») Houory. Private tut' Ion, day and even log, in Bookkeeping, Writing, Arithmetic, Reading, Spelling, lirtmuikr. Thorough Instruction given. No masses. Ladies department. A NNOt NCBMBNT. A BEDC'TION IN TERMS. OOLDHMI 1'11'd Bookkeeping, Penmanship. Ac., TM Bror way. jjNR-HALP THE USUAL RATES Will be charred for a short time only. THE ATTENTION OP TOD NO MEN Ie especially directed to the opportunity. tgftCULARS AT THE INSTITUTE. Mnstc. bqth vocal A LAtff SINGER WOKE OP Outf FIRST CHURCHES A would exrhann for Board lesso'iadn Mn<dc and iciootorutal. Aegether with the F.nflim^H dMss T. P.. hex I,AM I'ort oOce. A A TOUWO BAN, LATELY ARRIVED FROM CHILB A Aarastsw^Mrai^K would UReAe get a sHbation aa house teacher tu a line Ame¬ rican family; beet refereneba can ba given. Address Hart. mauiLorbner, station Dt; on Sundays In St Mark's church Sunday school (3d ar. and 10th St.), from9 till 10% A. M. and Salt3H P. M. A LADY TEACHER WILL OTVE LESSONS IN PEN. mmnahip, or the English branches, at the vestdenoe of the pupil. Apply at Goldsmith's Academy, 7M Broadway. OffiADUATE OF THE UNIVERSITY OP CAM- bridgs. England, prlseman and ex-scholar of his col¬ lege. has time for one ptiptl disengaged: highest references. Address or apply to Cantab, room No.», UnTrersity Building, Washington square. *. Y, * e AT PATNE'S BUSINESS COLLEGES (ESTABLISHED 1640), CI Bowery and .'NO Fulton street Brooklyn, atu- dents receive private instruction in bookkeeping, writing, arithmetic, spelling, Ac. Instruction day and evening. CARD..THE REDUCED TERMS FOR PENMANSHIP and Bookkeeping at GOLDSMITH'S Institute.-All who would teke advantage of the opportunltv are requested to eater their names immediately. A limited mtimber only will be received at the low rates. No. 706 Broadway. DOLBEaB'S COMMERCIAL ACADEMY, 600 BROAD- way. has been enlarged by the addition of new private rooms, and now offers unusual facilities to gentlemen who wish practical instruction in Bookkeeping, Business Writ* tag, or Commercial Arithmetic. French learned re three months by my attractive, easy, infallible method. English taught to the French with equal success. Address .1. Gerard, station D. Six years' practice. PRIVATE TUTOR..INSTRUCTION GIVEN TO THOSE of neglected education in Latin, commercial and English branches. If tie<1 rod. tuitiou^o child:'en given in exchange for board. Highest reference. Address H. Edwards, 35 Lexington avenue, N. Y. CPANI8H LANGUAGE..PROF. A. DE TOBNOB IS O now ready to resume bis classes at the Mercantile Li¬ brary, Clinton llall. Claaaea for ladles at his residence. 3118 Fourth avenue, with his new combined method, just pub- lithed by D. Appleton A Co. Spanish language.-.! native Spaniard is prepared to give lessons either tu classes or privately, flood reference given. Address V. R., box 1,214 Poxt office*. TO LADIES WHOSE EDUCATION HAS BEEN NB- glccted..Au experienced English lady could take one ¦lore pupil. Also lesson* in music and'French.' Terms moderate. Address Delta, station E, Eighth avenue. ANTED.A TEACHER, FOR THE ENGLISH ELE- mentary branches and geography, history and gram- in the higher cleares, Immediately; salary 3800. Ap ' w itisr to Mr. Duensfng, director of the German Auierioan School of the Nineteenth ward, 344 and '.'46 East Fifty-second strael. K PORTING. A 8TB AM PROPELLER YACHT POP. RALE-FIFTY- Mght feat long, ten feet beam: about five month* old; built or oak ac6 copper faatened; has acooininoJatiou* for eight persons besides the crew: is well found in every re¬ spect. Apply on board at fool of East Tenth street. A LL WND9 OP DOG3 AND BIRDS FDR SALE AT A B. DOVBY'S, 346 Canal street, near Church street. Medietas# for all dtssasaa. Prepared Food for mocking birds. T?RANCIS BUTLER. NO. 3 PECK SLIP. HAS ALL r the choice breeds of Doge. Butler's Infallible Mange Cure and FRa Extermlua'.or, 77'cents. Butlsr'a new work on the Dog, 0. Dogs trained, boarded, Re. Medicines fer au dlssaaes. F°?. SALE.A HANDSOME PAIR OP SMALL BLACK and Tan Dogs, 4 lbs. each; and all other kfad of Dogs. D. FOSTER, 16 ReoaeveIt street. Fancy fowls fob sale cheap.-heabright Bantams, Silver Spangled, Cochin China. Poland*, but » small lot. at tha price for common fowls. IB East Fourth stree'. in the rear. JOHN GRAY. U ROOSlaVBLT STREET. HAS FOE .ale Kewfoiindlaa'i Docs, small Black aad Tan, Scotch and Sky# Terriers: one SplU Dog, Italian drayheund Pups, one Bull Terrier Dog. TTBT RECEIVED.A LARGE LOT OP FINE 4IANART Cl Birds. Willi nighilogale song. For sals by F. MORIS, 41 Chatham slrsst, earner of SAILBOAT WANTED.ABOUT TWBNTT-EIOHT FHET long. Address, with loweat price and full particulars, Furniture Store. No. 11 Bowery, N. Y. TEKANTBD.A GOOD CAT BIGOED BOAT, SMALL TV ¦ site, sllieadr for use. Adtitess, elating price, loca¬ tion, Ac., 8. K P., box 90* Mew fork Post office miii 111 ii i Am cross matched team of bT.aM ¦ H«r-see. 7 end S m aid. 1% h»n|*fli Tobe 1MB bI TaUtgsu'*, 35 Great nait street. £ lT OF OUB OWN A eitymake. We are selling §4U> leie than former prices to make raom for spring I rede. JOHN C. HAM, 10 East 1 ourtb street. coraar of Broadway. AT 47 CEDAR 91 REET.CARRIAGES. SLRIOH8. HAR- ne»*. Blanket*. Ac.. at a sacrifice. Buggies of all kiude, open, oo«e, coupe. aii ar«'- and cutnnder Rockaweye; Phae¬ ton', Dapot and Egpresa Waaona Ac. Home great bargains for the next thirty days. JOHN M. TUFTS, Jr., aucceaaor toRoea A Taft*. A UREA r SACR1FTCS.-XUHT BE BOLD FOR ANT prlaa, a team of Canadian Horse*. Are yeara old-, war. ranted aound, gentle, afraid of aeMing; beautiful family Senna; paten law mwan Wad. 7 _ l .** . SAY MARK, 1# HANDS, $178; HORSE, HJ£ H.VXDB, hot to 7 yeara; warranted a-eiy way. Batcher's la $u and $46, .krtp. at corner of fourth »t>d Obsilse «aa it Ba MfcaaaJham T..OR UU-, OE5I1.U1AK-* TORROtTT. CORAISC- r Ingot an etfg*o' pair of tool Mack Morses, rory atyUak, A yeara-iid; a Park PhaMoa, and a double aet of Oold Mounted Harness; *»14 wnaratalr or together: rory low; at Merckanta' S'abler, twenty ninth street and Broadway FOX 9ALB.A P.UK OF FAKOT COLORED MAKES, Arabian rUKk. 7 and 8 yeara old, about 18 hands; also a potr of black Marat, ettra otue, . and 7 yeira old, l*'i handa; alau two single Mm .-a*, a bta<-k end bar, that aaa trot fast The abote era alieonnd and kind, good (trio, long tails and doe drtrora, Iboyruperty of a nrlrata gentleman, end to b* seen ot 1«7 PactAr «frw-. Brooklyn. . JoujfbSoh*ago for roe or a ?ati or ponies. Addreee «r. B. ' " wty street FOX HAt.tjEMT U)yf P0|| WANT OF tpB. A ¦ P*.r °f sotrol Horss* aound andhMd «tng»o SLiJl Jffd trarsllora. Amrtr at net veto ~XjMB or^ kor'*# <*s4l,k *T,n,w' rR HA LB-A FINE Bro HOR5R. 1*M HANDS, sound sad gaatle. top Wagon, oearlr new. Apply at Ryereoto, Brown d Oavts'^able. I* WMt thirty- eeeond street.. FOE SALE-ONE COUTH ROCHAWgr nrablt bow; also one light Brewster Wagon; *aei hat one aet'on; <. 10 be sold -beep. Apply at Rye.eoa, Brown A Darts* Ruble. ltB Beat Thtrtr-ae ond atraet. fjlOK nALE-AN EXPERM WAGON.' HORSE' AND Hat uean, wll't a well etUbllslisJ set of usiomare. in the Bowery. Apply at *1 Kieakfort street IDOB S < LB.KIOII r ftOXMM, AMONG THKM It ONE r hea- '.lful pear bull* .«t.,lllon, also on# powerful team of »ru k tloisas; also sere-el draught Moras* and bea-nlfnl brood Mare; steo use One farm Heme. little aoro forward, Aafi. Ml NewCkamrora street. Half spring Cart and liar noea for sale CX BALK.A LOT OF LtOHT AND FINE DOUBLE aad single t*tt of Harnaee: alio Riding Saddle' and lea. Trunk*. Rage, Ac.. Ac., netow ooal, on wcount of giving tip harness huatneea Inquire at Id# Canal street, be¬ tween Bowery end RRaabeth street. Btm RALE.A LOW~ MAT CARRIAGE; WOOD Prothere' make- la good order: prioe g«M. To bo seen ot a'abiee in Hiiteeotli etrent. iret door from Broadway. For balr-a httlirh oxat horrx. buitablb tor rert, truck, atprc**, or family use, three othere, Bt tor nru tor*, httteheta, doctors or any light arork. Apply at MB west Furty-iblrd street, near Ninth areuoo. IPOXRALB, on WILL BZOHANOB FDR IMPROTEP A city ic-eperir. for waul of nee.A splendid pan of light W. Mw*, with aamral dark manes and tails; I bey era both IS hands high, S year* old. perfectly annnd, kind, gentle and true in ererr inspect; good traeellero, and splendid drtrora; ran trarol together in three minute*; their pedigree uhTne*tlonable, and for make, style and gentteneea can not be exoeUed In this ndtw. For pat tlcnlara, and to SO* end try them, apply to WM. VAN WAOENEN A o57 Stlth avenue. * HORRKR FOR HALK.THRKK HORSkh and cartr and Harnena. Apply at »7B Eaat Kleroath street. VfATCHRD TEAM OF TOUNO BU>OD BAYH -tUBt iTI. tcntn the country, to bo seen at BB1GOB', Fortlotb ¦treat aud Kixth avenue; a bargain. SLEiaH8 .A PBW LEFT, OF MT OWN MAKE, NEW .7 ."fflhs Partlnnd oW»e. for trotting, one FaBna- 8 wsKavjat.**" ""5: paw 00 fftM hobar, is bands, ** * Tfbr* . * COPiHT»«ME'lP». Apaktinkb; witb t^wo or more, w \/t oitMnd a orobiablti uaHb business. Address, appoint- Ing into,-view, P. B. Ctorh. boa ill Herald offioe. AP.TBADY BUSINESS MAX WANTED.AS PART- ner. totate chaiKC of an office; oaintal required $1,000, $$*.) of which can bo paid from proceed in the buajues*. Ad- dews Veritaa. Herald office. .rhISSOLUTIOII OF PARTNERSHIP.THE PARTNER- U ship hereu>fo>e existing between Robert L Smith aud Henry H. Thompson Is this day dissolved bv mutual consent The buoiii-u will be niductod aa heretofore by Robert L. Smith. at MH and 141) Fulton street. ROBERT L. SMITH, Nnw Yoaa, Jan. A 1887. HENRY H. THOMPSON. MB. CI.ARENCB STEWART BROWN IS THIS DAT admitted as a partner In our serosal tlrma. Nwr Yobk, Jan. 1.1M7. BROWN BROTHERS ACQ. Notice is hereby oiybn that the copart- nership heretofore existing between WlUlam J. Hob¬ day and Henry Lewis Brown, and dolngbusmsas In the dty ofBrooklyu, under the firm name of Hobday A Brown, is this dhy dltootved hp mutual consent; and that all debts due to or owing by the late Arm will ba raoeired and liquida¬ ted Mf Henry Lewis Brown, at Sf^AUanttc^itrec^^Brooiijfn. HKi HENRY B. BROWN. ' BnoontTs, Pee. B, 1MB. T>ARTREB WANTED.WITH $70,000 AVAILABLE A cash capital, (o establish a bustneea wllhuhe advertiser, who will guarantee success, and In which not one dollar of the capital will be risked. The business is commission, and strictly cash. Pint olsse references given and required, and trifling Inquirers will not be responded to. The advertiser being a prompt and energetic business man. would prefer an active aaaoclata. Address Sigma, Herald office, New York. . PARTNER WANTED.WITH $2,880. TO TAKE ONE half interest In an enterprising basinets to travel through the United tytates. Address Enterprise, Herald office. PARTNER WANTED.IN A PIR8T CLASS HOTEL, with Bar, Billiard. Ice Cream and Oyster saloons attached. Apply at SO Wall street, second floor, rear offices, room No. & PARTNER WANTED..A GENTLEMAN OP RE- spectablllty (an Israelite), for many years engaged In the wholesale liquor, wine and oigar trade, and having an extensive business acquaintance throughout the country, wishes to associate himself with a party able to contribute from 88,0011 to $10,000; best of references given and re- quired. Principals will please address, with particulars. Copartnership, box 108 Herald office. All cdmtnunicutlona considered cuufldeutlal. PARTNER WANTED.WITH A CAPITAL OF FROM $4,000 to $8,000. In a restauratlon and confectioner busi¬ ness; irade over $4,000 per month. Address F. P., box 101 Herald oflko. THE COPARTNERSHIP HERETOFORE EXISTING between Em Sanders, Edward Mubsam and August D. Eschauffour, under the firm name of Sanders. Muhsam k Oo., is this day dissolved by mutual cun.veuL All outstand¬ ing claims win be collected, as also all liabilities of the late iirm will be paid, by Evm Sanders, at the office of Jacob fisher 2 Co., 446 Broadwe*. Ksw Tons, January 7, 1807. EVA SANDERS, (By L. Senders. Attorney,) E, MUHSAM, A. D. E8CHACFFOUR. fTIHK PARTNERSHIP HERETOFORE EXISTING RE- 1. tween the suhncrtbera under the firm name of Nagel A Co. Is his day dissolved by mutual consent.. r. naobTj. T. TIVY. N'xrw Yoes, .Ian. 4, ISS7. The firm or jamks k. steel a co. is this day dissolved by mutual consent. JAMES B. STEEL, Xaw Yo»«. Jan. 9.1867. C. B. HALL. WILLIAM P. JAFTKAY BECOMES A MEMBER OP urn- firm from tbU date. E. 3. JAKFRAY A CO. Nxw kirk. January 1, 10117. AOnn -PARTNER wlNTED, WITH THIS AMOUNT; J')UU. half lBtereat; 10rears established; Commission business: suited to yean* or old; rely lucrative business. Apply for two days et 2U0 Broadway, room IK fcr: nnn -a silent partner wanted, with n>» l.UUU, the above amount ta invest In a lucrative and respeotable business. The best of references given and re- eulrad. Monhy secured by real estate. Address or apply at f74 'Third avenue, corner Twenty-third aire*', for three days. 8. BOLIVAR. M. O. AAA .TOR SALE, TUB HALF INTEREST IV ®O.Ul/U, an eatablt-hed and profitablo Wholesale and Manufacturing Bualaeee down tews, to replace an outgoing pa liner. A favorable opportunity to a man who eaa devote tils whole time andeeerglee to business. Addreaa P. 8. M., Herald effloe. ®7 aHH .AH ACTIVE BUSINESS MAM WANTED, >5 J .t)Uv, as partner. with the above turn. Is a whole, wale sauraCacturtng Am; profits vaty aatUCaeteey; is agnts seed reply. Address fat two days. W.C., Herald son AAA -WANTED, A PARTNER, ACTIVE OR fOU.UUU, apodal, with this amount. la an old eoteb- llsbed brewary and malt houee 1n Philadelphia, to toko the place of one of the partners who te actively engaged la an- otbar business end Is daelreui of retiring. Address hot 1,040 Pest eBrs, Phil. ¦ ¦CIHIISB OPPO^TCTIITIII, A DDITIONAL CAPITAL REQUIRED IV A PAVOT A. business. oa Broadway, fihyiag well, and capable of being largely extended; one third if the profits will be given to a special or eetlve partner, with glfi.fiUU to 006,000 capital The fnlleet mvrsttastfpa aOorded aad security given. Ad- dreae Broadway, Herald efflcc. LONG ESTABLISHED HAT JOBBING BUSINESS | for sale.Haa good Btata and Western trade; la excel¬ lently located, aad with a apod and uul! stock. For purtto- ulara addreaa. with nams. lists. Herald oHee. . A ¦NT GENTLEMAN WISHING TO MAKE MONEY raptulf. and having $S,«n capital, can learn sf an ex- Um«u|7 o^onunity JW Huston street. AMN UNRIVALLED OPPORTUNITY IB HBRBBY OF- ¦ fcr«d for the Investment of e few thousand dollar.!, In a highly respectable and lucrative business, protected from competition. For full particulars apply to JAJtBS V. PHELFS, 044 Fulton street, party or nei ties with a small capital, wishing to go Into ¦¦Wstabiishad kindling wood business. Engine nod ma¬ chinery mot plate, with horse*, trucks. Be., In the very best EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY OFFERED TO ANT an « ehinsry ( condition. Addreaa or apply at the factory, on Claaaon ave- nun. three doors south of My ale. Brooklyn. AMN OFPORTUKITY IS OFFERED TO BUY THE dtock of an old and valuable corner Store In a large and doiirithlng pier* l){ hours from the business parts of the ally: htiainaas ta crockery and fins groceries: stock at present light; any o'her kind of business could be added: .tore large, rent low ; the advertiser own* and hay occupied th* fame for oyer 00 years sad wishes to retire. Inquire My aot by letter) of C. A. SMITH, Esq., 117 Ful. AM PaRTY HAVING A NEW (PATENTED) MODE OF ¦ applying "Accumulative Power," m portable machines, as grinding mills, com sh« Hers, A" accepted for the Par s Kislbtilon) will give half right for the New England States to a business party who will furutah two handsomely fin¬ ished grinding mills soluble for said exhibition, and deliver the same In New fork city. by the 1st of February next. Address Exhibitor, box 8." Fort Odhca. Brooklyn, N. Y. ^¦blNO GENTLEMAN OF GOOD FAMILY, HAVINO .heuseort doRars cash, wMli hlgbeel class reference,, Bay obtain a situation eommsndlng two thousand dollai* a year Full addra^s given by tha applicant, or oommunl'ation wtthont notice. Fifth aveuna astd Wall street. Hsraid ofl>ce. 4mm aSSa WITH VERY INFLUENTIAL GO*. ¦ tare teas to the principal couth American rcpubltob is Htom lo travel through those cotinixies in behalf of any or aatoelattons wkoean mokolt aa object to him: dtp roferenoaa gives. Addreaa V. f., boa I,*40 Tost croons >VSINES8 OPPORTUNITY..A SUCCESSFUL CON- J certi and w«4l esuibllshtrtlsnow preparing tojwtablliih j brauehea in other oittaa. Good business men. with from 0,000 to 08,00"oSRalcan make arrmnaemeuu auah as sel- om offer. For particulara Isqulro or Mr. WHITE, WO Irosdwav. train oistilleRY..PCrcii abbe will be JT tsnght the business. A ehort distance In tha country .rice 0HMVO. Ruuntng every day. inquire corner of Keada nd Hudson strsete, In drug storK \rUST BE SOLD IMMEDIATELY (IP AT A 8AURI- M 000), the owner bat mg other husfaMNM, an office Bus!- m+., muiAbta for a My or go&n«B»on. Applj this oaj at 14 s;i»ti araana. * Resigning thr agency yob a large xanc- facuiring oompany. to engage in business for myself, I will sorurs to* situation tnanv r»*pee*able person willing to suy for office fixture*. Bo. Addreaa Machinarr, Herald office, until tbe 10th tost. OF ABILITY, INTEGRITY AND _ at to visit South America eommer- r They desire to take charge of any American bust- Intareata there, esptotolly 1a tha field of mauufactuma f|1WO GENTLEMEN JL influence are about to visit South America eommerl «ally They desire to take charge of any American busil seas Intareata there, especially In the field of manufactured and pa'snta. They are prepared to give cash, if necessary, or smple seeurtto for the faithful management of wbatcvsr interests mar M entrustod to them. Address Pact, Herald efiles. fTTHE PATENT FOR JUDSON'H ADJUSTABLE HORBRI J. shoe calk, for tha Kaatarn and Western Btstce. far eale, I at reasonable figures, the bestjpatont eficr Invented to make money out of. Apply at the office of the company, 440 Elmto W^HANTKD.A PARTY WITH S10.IN0 TO 018,000 TO JOIN ¦ a (MM roan In a publishtng bnslnesa; only pari of tha amount neadad at first. Nature rcspeetobte; field ettanl ve; profits large; cash. Addreaa for otto week O. H, W., erald r -FARTNRTl WANTED IN A LIGHT E0TAR-I «pO«JU. llshed manufacturing business, at M DuaM street, tap 0oor, ^^s BRAn .A man. with this amount, can buy a d>OUU. hall Interest to aa naUMIabad end predtable business For psrtleulars call at XI West street. h <J> - OJin *p.t»0.lA» 0PBCIAL CAPITAL WANT- .PiJiUUU ed. to the Commission business; po risk; «20.qoo.-s?, rsm, 6amM .oat unexplored. This M one of these opportunities seldom offered. Pestlglare explained at Interview, and refartaoaa o^naqu*Mtoaakte cbaraeSer given. Addreaa Bnttoeea, box . DAItlHO BCAPiMEiT JL Far dw. .». eah to* e strstoex. T\l OARM0*S BANOIMO AQADBMT, NO. W FIFTH Ladles. I to 4 F. M.. mtseee and mdtsrs, 4 to t P M. WTQMniin^ww 1 1 MfSD WAtW TRBASURY, U _ _ Jasuakt 7. 1807. Hcbedalesof '301 thirty or more T 00 Omomn duo Januarv ML MC wta reeatoed for exaialnaOoa M the U JMad h late* Treasury. H H. VAN OVCK, Assistant Treasurer. HoRKTIEMAK, THOROUGHLY ACQUAINTED with banking and st«ik brokerage, and able vo com- business, to desirous of farming a psr'.uerrbip of aepital, or of enuring sowe'iouse wh.ire bto wll! be devoted u tBe interests of hta priaci- best b.iiik and broicer'a reference given. Ad- ^^Kh7v.. boi l.UUlt Post office. ^^^^BmXVT OF MO IV GOLD KRR FOOT HAS by the Ophtr barer Minin/Coiupany. Do- Rale 15th Kthrunry. Wo are prepared to duo by Eastern stockholders. LUES A ^^^^^¦Agenl* Bunk of California, 33 Fine street. A vinos bank. CORNER OF CANAL STREET. FREE FROM GOYBRNMENT TAX oa all amounts from lire to tlra thousand will draw interest from January I. xsg58gst&mimi declared on the capital stock of the nmumny, payable an demand. HENRY T. FEBBMAX Secretary. VtONBT TO LOAN.AT KB TEN FOR CENT. 1*1 in large or email amoonta, on flret class properly la *** KTNO A CO., Ha > Twenty-third street. Fifth Arenue Hotel. XrOTtCR-TnE TRPSTBES OF TIIB MECHANICS' AN Mat<1*1 Building Material Aaaoetation bare declared a dividend of three per cent on tha business of four montha ending November SO. 1HS6. which will be paid by A. M. Rose. B^Basurer, on the 10th of January, HW7. at his office, 32 East ¦enty-ninth street. O. A. OONOVKB, President Naw You. Dec. 30. ISO#. 0FE1CB or TUB MERCHANTS' INSURANCE CO*. im»iT 106 BrotdWATi H. V.* Jinutry 9,1B07* A .smi-snnurU dlrldeml of twti[10> per neat was th s day dmUred rouble ou TJKIOK DIME HAVIHO^BANB,^ S* rEB CENT In * to $#.000. free of U*. idsasiff *w111 ^b^^s^ovT^wST" ifl CuriA Treasurer; T. >. Armook. Secretary. ANTED.BT A WIDOW LADY. THE I.OAW or dfty dollars; would board . lady for the A1** furniture m security for It, for two month*- Address Mrs. Lee, stntion U. ___ TTod dividend -thk united states riBE re- Oo surnnee Company here '-his to 'd^lnred n sentl^n- nual diTtdtnd of Are t») per eent, free of gorernment tax, paynMe en demand^ WITJWH uhdEBHILL, Secretary. New Tom, January 7.1867. aha AAA WANTED. KOR A TERM OF YEARS* tfioO #000 flrat mortgage on Brooklyn water front S, _.*v bulkhead On the premitea are eulirely new briek the entir# property oost orer $100,000. Address J. W. W., Herald oaoe. AN CI A aaa TO LOAN.ON New TOR* CITY $250,000 in this eity °j®f^'ooKRBY, M Wall street. room 1 a. I f i\t\ AAA to LOAM.I* «0*H TO BIXIT, ON $500,000 city real estaSe. Mpm cont of mluntloni officjch. j°X ?ACTWOK. 1U (ET^stowE tWo doorswest of Broadway. AatfESMar" D. Ve~S£4S£sKI&£2bl^ Set iW PWiPirtT« wI^3!l"jowotoT^DMmadA Ac., ar pnrehnae tho same. ¦ear Grand street, up stairs. ¦r3^JBK3fcK®B 1 OBSAT BUSH AT BOTH STORES. Awo -s^res*'""to *»r ^^scSeno end to tsep hhSotSw**;.^ w "esWS&sitfwap" Klftl QUALITY aOe. end 2oc-m '"^WOTAVOTkebikob. At retail, st nearly hslf prhm ro^worissaig sioiarfe'jeB&Xi,. stsiton O. - j* im« * HcCKKI.RY, 871 BROADWAY. P EmVrESF end MF.RINO CLOTHS, VK.:Skr.°*' BLANKETS, FLANNELS, and nil sllsr WTNTBT. GOODS,. mm.-m ATAN IMMENSE REDUCTION IK. ?**<**¦ ,,-eiaks room for their Soring Importations. Aan u i u.i yi-y wwit!."CRD PRICES.A YINB XSTSBLft 33f®»w«ai MIMtBI.LA KjBOtm» ._i___.i_i_ WNBBV KADDERS WAKTBD..70 CENTS EKE bladders. Apply st Id ami 18 Cbom- bars site*. SsSlSS and nil dr| store*. ____ ITBAH VADDY WAHTB^KBW OB hand l oompHl sod lnordsr. Address box *80* Tost alio*. E!7oa the t*« InuefgrSwU on MM hot# oni tne two »"*"¦ plana and MMM** TTZL'tS «SXwMM Vm-STS* <>*5* ike 5sa^«£as flXKNSSJE-u-* | Dated TVs.r.sD ISO* ^.hirfT^bo.4s)e pnrejE^ mowthlr Sdnrents. T«6 Broodway. If prefs It'itdsf. Apply street, aes te Eighth »»' CtHMBR' SPRINO BED*-WABr tMTKD THE BEST. S TheereSmisg lt'd In market nanufsctnred by a re-". "su w «rranl .Mr goods. Sslderery. Than Wreioopss 310 Ceplre *!»..«- BROADWAY THEATRE ADmSRoX » CENTS. Dour* op> u at6&; begins at T*i o'clock. This nvui.lng poffflmf tart but two Oi the brilliant eugagrnn-nt o< the ureal comediaa, r*=TT-T7 «.yE5 Mr. JOB .* E. OWESS. When he win appear In his famous personation of ttr rkSatAtm, LL D and A. R. Ia George C'.Uu^ii','O'u^ hi _fi«c acts, entitled LAW, I and for the last time as 'he miserly buuon maker, la forty wimur. Friday, Jan. 11, ihe »wo famous end Inimitable htta, VICTIMS and SOLON 8HINULR. Saturday, at lt< o'clock, last Grand Owens Matinee. Monday, Jan. 14. tlie WORRELL SISTERS will appear la CAMBRALZAMAN AM) BADOUBA. Seals should ho tenured In advance. r YORK TFIKaTUR. Lteaeea and Manager!. _ j Meaarw Mark Smith A Lesrie Maker CKNDKILLON, Now being prod need with ^*NTTRELY mmamm ENTIRELY NEW SCENERY MAGNIFICENT WARDROBE, under the I A COMPLETE O RANDPCBND^X14LoN<MATINKB, SATURDAY, Jan. 13, at 3 ooloofc. Best* secured six days in advaaoe. M RH. T. B. OONWAVS PARK THEATRE, BROOKLYN. Tills eyeulujL MBM SECOND, CHARLES THE sad FORTY tniBVES. HHARr/,'RTEMI*LE OF MYSTERY. DODWAY HALL, SOS ¦ Broadway. Ever? evening at 8. Saturday at S P. M. M. HART/., THE ILLUSIONIST. CROWDED HOUSES EVERY NIGHT. IMMENSE SUCCESS OF THE MYSTERIOUS GOBLIN HEAD. ML'LTl'M IN rARVO. GROWTH OF FLOWERS. STRIKING WATCHBS. oojrosrttn*. Tlokei s SOc.; reserved seats $1. For sale at the Hall from 9 till A Doors open at 7'«. Matinee, doors open at l)f. Children hair price. The Cbickering piano ia used at thorn performances. / ' Ell M AN vn VI.IA THEATRE. VI #14 Broadway, opposite St. Nicholas Hotel. THURSDAY, JANUARY 19, 1897. DIE WAl^HE VON LOWOOD. SA!f *RA*CI80O *ISHTREIA 685 HROADWAY. i*«*«» commence* at * quarter to & THE CRBMB DK LA CREM8 oPilN8TRRL8T. BIRCII, WaMBOLD, BERNARD A BACKUS' __ BAN FRANCI&CO MINSTRELS, wlkOM auccem tut* nerer been equalled by in i *'"*. aureate baa nerer bean equalled by in ilmiUr omb 'n IN" world. Hew and cheerful Burlesqueserery Trf- ®ttimp Bpee-h, I Am Here. Black Othello. Qua- %T«J.'!!?**t,S2. * A*0.- Rambles or Cupld'a Pall, Cen'driiioa. ihe Cook ltd African Ballet Tro ott pa. JTBLLY A LEON'S MINSTRELS, 710 BROADWAY. The rush unabated. Mr. JAOK CADE. SP2L°l-,&iTTA> The ladlea flock HRAVY TRAQBDY. $7,000. $1,000. lii such numbers NRLSR 8RYMC JriE oXaMD TRIO, that tbeaudaortam flT LL CH KZJ A BOROIA. become* ooe rut ALLEN 1»r! EDWIN KFLLY. bouquet of beauty. SOIREE D'ETHIC Greeted nightly. by crowded hooaaa, wtth enthusiasm. GRAKli.JlJ£§1?BL hatineb i* aid or the MASONIC HALL AND ASYLUM FUND. The committee on behalf at the Maaonlc Hill and Aiyluin :J'-D.'l.w<"1.ld i«*pectfullr aunounre that thay hare aooaptad the liberal offer of the celebrated KELLY A LEON MIMSTBEL TBOUPE, .. S'VM?1?. *ATINK|,PB,RrORMANCB. , .. ft ll>alr hall, J* Broadway, to-day, at 2 P. M.. far the benefit of the shore fund, and acmrdinirfy f (Bit linti finn . fit it II In that patronage for thla entertamment wbtah tSfVSSS; W'iiutwhVMMi,",nt *Bd **"* ludf Iwili to the Kelly A Leon Matinee, admitting to eK "raufrifsu* A °*"i SS^X^i^&ieSBh. i .AhUgrwwtinmi - ,.u attracttoSs A gl eet COMBINATION Or XJ aJgaflSSpHKf) GRAND CAKN1YAL 4Uft FIFTH AVENUE sSlATINO MM GRAND .PLSNDID TWtoy, suss,'Kausg s*pr-of QIBCLE FRANCAI8 DB L'HAEMONIE. * FRIDAY, JANUARY 18, M7 Js&msiv ».>. FULL OBCHESTRA.^-^ " " ABTONISHJNO DEVELOFMI CABALISTIC APPRBHBNSI^N?CofTlc" _ TlokeU may be obtained of A. Salmon. S3 MBNTS. rJ£iu A? a* 0^t"Jnid .' A. Ralmorv'sa Warren stowS; WONDBRFUF FREAK OF NATURE ."THB WASH. IKOTON TWINS, " born allkh.'S, twi hSadi. few arms, and hutone body and one pair legs: alee Ihe bead and right arm or probat, the murderer of the bearing family: to- gather with the magnificent collection of objectaln Phyilolo- la'nnri V Pnf hnlfiaat and U>l«>.l * _ae _n _i a ZI a 1 m"7»:HU,'"liW"w,Hra 01 onjncis in rny«iok>- sr. Anatomy. Pathology and Natural History.all of which nra Ulusirated dally ^Lecture. and MlcJSS^le VtoTi ?t I BMTC9RI of Anatomy. .18 Broadway. Open from 8 A. M. to 10 P. M Last owens matinkr. 'padl pry » SATTRDAY, Jan. 11, at 1!1 o'clock. BROADWAY THEATRE. FAREWELL MATINEE. RICHMONDNKW THEATRE. RICHMOND, YA..THIS a . *' .""tabllahincnl being new and supplied wnh a splendid wardrobe, an extenilra itock of acenary and .V*r* PAntlifliln onneHalnln. . * a .1... n J . r- --. "w.w.w./w. aam neiyuoirg ¦ tut K >11 S( ';Q01 y AQQ awry requisite appertaining to a firit elaaa theatre, .in be rented by the night, week or month, or may bo leaaed for a term of yean by reapomible parties All applications to bo made to C. 8. BERNARD, Mt Breedway, Ntw Tork, agent for the owner. Ufa B ll.wtil ^ for the owner, Mr*. B. Maglll. rjpuEatrk ticket offickST He-erred BeaU for all 11rat clem Theatres. ConoerU. Ac ol we> a be obtained auho ^ ' theatre ticket offices. NOS. US AND 114 BROADWAY, Ind *85 BROADWAY. A fOWRKFDL PHANTASMAGORIA LANTERN AND tT THE Nj TbaM<"nV^,S; AY CUBRh'S MUSICAL INSriTUTR, I,ai» BROAD- A tantrmooe «5 Thirty fourth atreSt), 'sigaor BOR RAn» otTar of all free laeaona aonttauea all this year. After Si! *** hM finlahed, another of the aama number A OBNTLKMAN WILL OI\'K INBTRUCTIOM ONTHK ¦ay Piano at pnpll'e reaidencetfnr $10 per quarter. Beat of re .retow. gleen Addreae, with realdenoa, YMcbar. boi lit nPraia ofltop. 1 Antonio ^ paravalli. tub accomplishkd Tenor, and hla wife, kllsa Yalentlni Pararalll. celebrated vil .u iI*tino Hteoelre puptla at a Onanist wantrd-in a oateolic church, in SIBTORt POLKA.-A VERT BEAUTIFUL AND BRIL- ^*wtl *or»*- FubUahod at V eeker etroet Sent tree of poetaga on raoaipt of 3k. COTKANO WANTED..A THOROUGHLY AOCOH O pUahad and aipeneaoari tapraoo. qualified sod wUttng to itch Total made. MO obtain § mo*t dttlmblo nltaidan tanflmeltttrboirIn an KjHtcoptaChnroh inVo« ISwrfWff*"" .aOT"-« e," FOR FIANO LESSONS (NO .^Lewir "'with arannet ^lanUta for loa hours frooa nlao tin two. DBirrisTBlr. A T 1MSIXTH AVENUE, NEAR THIRTEENTH STREET A oan bo had a Hat of Gum Teeth for JWj a plain Set $0. Teeth filled with gold, $1. Extracting, Ik All wart war "DBAUTIFUL FULL SETS OF CONTINUOUS OUM MJ oad Rubber Teeth, with Fliimperi to mature youthful I appearaure. fg to $1A FalnleM eiuautlng with gas. tog rations warranted, lto Grand (treat. /NOLTON DENTAL~AgSoduf«>N ORIGINATED AND \J make a onanalty of the am ef NUmaa Odd* Gaa, and admlnMar It to the only wafwhleh uniformly daanrnya pads. *a hate glaen It to oeer IfijM patients. Coma toheadquar- Oooper InatIMM*. TAH, WHITR'S NEW AND IMPROYRD ARTIFICIAL I " Teeth -Beta k $.. H«and $15. enprrior In beauty sad naafuinea, to all nlbere. Pure nlf A* ainem to an othere Fare nltrjiua oxMa gaa A.lmlnla- in Rlaa.ker atr.el Dr. FANNING, M. D. In attendance O' HTKfJHLASTIC AND'TcRE TTtilTb"FILLING' j >n reeu.rlnff Te»th In »rery etage of deoay 11 their original ahape, beauty and einnliim, without pain: It.'kei wou.aJa Dlaeorerer a rooma, 29 Ra-t Feu. taer ih street. AMI SKMEIVT*. ^ TON Y I'ASTGil'S OPERA HOURS.NO. Ail RLtt'EK*. The Ue»* written, twit u *4, b«s*t inuumed --4 ever pre»eum<l .. TT7E CITY FVOTORY GIRLS. I'HL CITY 1ACTOKY GIRLS. Reoaiveil with hureu of wpplaua* T. .«. RlM*a» **¦.. F!uwerbti.\ the "Tlh-r Bulluer," evokingrrream. or la uk!> ter. Rvery phase 01 life in Not.- Yn-a .o >0 Wall Httvct Broker theFaiVii Inebriate, the raxt ^'ert ho Bi<|QtHlt« Touiial, the Laajer'a Victim, the Tollt ) rhiyir, th<> Lorn! Character* all rcpreacrtnd to tho life. TORY PASTOR »na hlv grmt Troupe in a 'holre ^orirti Programme. Matmreon Wednesday and Saturday at IMF M- T" HKATRE fRAKCAIS.rOL RTEBSTB STREET. BATCKDAY NRXT, JAMOA.RY 12, I HMLOISK l'\R A Nyi'KT. Cmnpdv In 4 acta, by M Arm and D^nmiii). IB^mCE tMaXe. VaT-DEVI U.P NEXT IT HSDAY. LKli HONK VILI.At.EO|w. XTIeket olllge at H. DrrdonvlU#1#, H9 Hroadway _ Brooklyn academy of THURSDAY, IAMCA.RY 10, IW7, BRAND OPERA XJf°THP.BIJ ACTS, BJ *OZAirr. Seat. ran be arruA Mth« Anademy ef Mualc. Brooklyn, Hid 11] and 114 Bi'uadwaV, New York. Door* open at 7 o'clock; to .-ommenee at 8. BROOKLYN ACADEMY OP music. uatemaN CONCERTS. Mr. Ba'.cman tied* to announce IHat be will giro (Inf. grand conobrt at the above eateblDhmant on the evening of MONDAY, AM. 14. The eerie# of performances drawing to a close r#uuerg tHU ,h" tABT APPEARANCE IN BROOKLYB of kla uneqnalled mualcal u-mtpe, who hava j'ia* com- BRIULIANTLY SC0<?EK»EUITWESTERN TOUR. MADAM? PaUBPA. S1GNOR BUG1I OLE 8IONOR FERANTT, 8IGNOR FORTUVA. MR. H. B. Ml 1.1A MR. CARE ROSA UR. II ATI ON. and MR. THEO. THOMAS'celebrated orchev. a. Doora open at 7X£, ooneert eommetioea at 8 Box book now opeu at the Academy. m BupworthmT minstrels-new pipni aven ua ..8S«"JHSV»w. with nil pleating anceaeorlee. enow Norm. abating pond. W f and J. H. Budworth In principal eheraetora. MA SUES EVERY SATURDAY. AT IM P N. EOOLEVS OPERA HOUSE. BROOKLYN. A HCRRAli TRIP AROUND THE WQR1LD;. ooau Yacht Race, the Naval Combat between the Rear, and- Alabama, the Banner In the Sky, the Btni Door <n PMMA FOWLER, Itiib YlClTi® THB .A I 0 8WORD COMBAT FUNNY KROROIftMS, GRANL) BALLET, PILL OB. CHKHTKJii Svi CHARLEY WHITE'S. 472 Broadway. 47a MISS EMMA FOWLER. . PBKSUMPTIYE DARKEY. . COLORED AO4DEMY. LIGHTNING ZOUAVE DRILL. THB TRUANT FATHER. THB VICTIM. THE VICTIM. 473 § 472 472 GRAND CONCEPT. pLiMK At STKWWAY I^^KVbBIRO. g^bjjl^jEowlng eminent .rUaUt^ amwvlt W. J. HILL . and THEODORE THOMAS' foil nrf.h£',V^r?>Jl c "F gSnaor ABRLLA and Mr. THEODORE THOMAS. A dinner'., 701 Broad- wa^ Ri^n'af m sSaiway. and the principal muMe .tOrll. S""a».%au.' ¦T.mOKT K, wav. gKAgow 1*7, OB SATURDAY EVENING. JAN. 13, AT & . THIRD SYMPHONY SOIREE. [ilf iff THOMAS tafcea ploasure in ansouBncc that [tram Mm V Roadway; at Irving Hall, and at 1 way. gTBINWAY H^DT^5®S?CD^0.^^ armniT RVKNINO. JAN. 13, AT EIGHT O CLOCK. THE CKLBBRATKD BATKMAN COKCKftT TftOUPK^ harlng rtlurntd from tbtlr emlnonliy .uoM'Mfnl loi '".".".iSiSiiW _, oocaiion, probably the la*t, on which tha foUnwlrji giwM onmblnaifcn of talent can appear at a Sunday Oonenrt 'n Naw T#rtt;i .* - SIONOR PORTUNA. MR' MR. CARL ROBA. Mr THEODORE THOMAS. Conductor, and kla ¦r. mituuUwa.|iA?(o ORCHESTRA. RESERVED HEATS ON8 DOLLAR, tba-aale of which will oommenre on Thursday morning, at Qtainwa* Hail' Hsnr A fi'hlrmer, 701 Broadway« «,? Mualc Store, 54V Broadway, aad HallmanTicket oSea, US and 114 Broadway. m BROADWAY. ORAND CLASSICAL eOIREB, On SATURDAY. Jan. 12, . AT lBVINO HALL On which ocraalon Mr. Mollenhaucr will tm wtotad by Madame Marie Pnderk!, and Mr. J. N. Pattlaon, the cam. ^Dit'li uhn »e# email hllla. To oomm#ne# ^ 8 o'eloah P m! ^VkeUfl May b# had at J. Hohuberth A Co.'a. MB * Par Pupils of the Coneervetory admlmlon fiwe. NDTICR..RP.V. CIIAS. B. SMYTH LECTURER RBRT Sunday afternoon, at tho Bverntt R.joms, l-fc Broad* way. n^rT&irty fonrt^trwA.ona q|> THB STAGE, Tgg PCLPIT nod Tnp. PRESS. T AST OWENS MATINEE. "PAUL PRY." BROADWAY8*THPATrtli *VAR<NrSLL MATINBKt g"" "'itMK'flaiaag" NOW ON EXHIBITION, FREB. e.'"""1'"' ujumroi. and »a*x, MM Broadway, near Bleeoker etreat ~ PIASOPORTKb. A' 'sPLEBDinB SBVBN OtTTAYF ROSEWOOD PIANIV forte, at a graat raonllro; by baet ijaMn; «JL SSnSTa menD; neauMnil tone and 5el»k. uwd only thw mootiM , eo< ffai; at half price. M Waahlnglan place. near Grmaat*. V GREAT BARGAIN .SIX ,fJ^^K|«Nro?UMAlS» S.WRMB.'NfSi gyofWUttatHSatd. In th# A OREAT REDUCTION IN PR'rW',r,I1l*JESS2hV5 Piano-. fM *^'',1 *l!.l>*..r>'1nr on ir.talmenla. ^irMIKOF.B.MaBr^g:y. T HIGHLY CARVED UALLKT DAVIS * flr^MMi A V^ISJKsrJSS^ " SSfgtgirjBs r; lro» AF- at S47 Re»t nTuninMR SEVEN OOTAVR CHICKBRINO SrjSHsKs- TL'sha.^rsss yjalag.1-T ^jfissTLat^iwra jUSjfj. RIDDLE, ISAmity etraefa«r M«»dwnr. MAOHIPICBNT FIRST ^g«S) forte far eale; made to order, etly ma« «r. wss?ss?j!5ss Wti?i»2PSSt? in Fifth and Sixth aveanea. ^ ,r,vK^ rty-thtrd arr#et. near fiOxtngtoo avenna. 1 ., varnut «r i. ' AtRMS' CRAND PgtTARti ANDUPRU^TT TIANGH, IVoe. CaldnM orr^na. who ^ale «ad rMaB, to r « w ret \r" 7 O" . r Piano* for gT7J and ¦P'' ,r'V A1* r-ei-n it r or- Fact .ry » rd were raa .. 4. I W ATRRH.

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Post on 08-Nov-2020




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fi E,- TOO CAN ADDRBSfl A NOTE TO THE HOUSEJL . without tk« dlihMt {tu of detection, bat ahouM thatmini with yptir approbation, address real name, stationO, and 11 will bm with tbe atrlciest confidence.

a Dornov.A male baby, three and a halfA monthseM. hearty and good; black hair and IJtA Ad-jrin for three days Widow, boa 160 Herald offloe. .

DEAREST WIFE-DO TOU FOR®1ST THB HAFFYhoam at aunt's? Though all I eare for note la te leek

Els into those dear, loving ayvs. The sun never rlaea remember oer wedding day In Central Farkt Do tryemmenloaee with me at my oGoa. I am eo very, very

rRBT OLANOB AT HALF-PAST 1 P. If., TWENTY-ninth meet and Broadway oar; eeooad time about 4

Wdosfc, la Front of Fifth Avenae Hotel. Address, If agree-nintb meet etnd Broadway oer; aeoond time about 4dt, in Front of Fifth.L*uren oe, ataUonD.

RMATION WANTRD-OF THB HBTR8 OF GUI-pi FaimMri, who waa proprietor of a barber shop on

dway toRMt; went to Boslaa in 1846; then, la lttC. toOrleans wherehe died. A aen of hla, OloVannl Pal-L waa atae megrletui ef a etore en BriMfeth - By. ad-,

S.T1,. twin Peaa efkoa, they will 1

WORMATION WANTED.At CASTLK.. GARDEN, OPstairs. of- Hannah McKntfbt, arrived per «teamship

¦Pynai H


n£.^Movember a Hat. Pleaee communicate with Mary,

WAR. WBNTWORTH B1CKBRT. FORMERLY AMEBI-Jn aen Cbneulat Fraakfort-en-tbe-Matne. Germany, wUlaeaeiii due tuformatlona by applying at the undersigned,who hna been entrusted by blm with eome private buatneaammrnn^H AUOUsT NETTK, San Antonio, Texas. _

fART.TOO SHALL HATE TOOK CLOTHES. I AML mi). Let me know something of yonraelf. H. F.

NAL.-IF R. X. RICHARDS, LATR IN EM-ploy of the XIsalsalpel Glaaa Company, St. Louis, Mo.,

WW aead his addross town. Kverwon, l»ox 1,755 Post offloe,Hew Tork, he will hear pf something to hia advantage.

Eh ladt who received the address of agentleman at the Olympic theatre, en Saturday eveningary 5, will please send her addreaa.


LADT WITH SKATES, WHO RODE DOWN INma Eighth avenue ear oa Tueaday evening, will confer a

rur on the gentleman who addressed her as Mlsa Johnson,sending a note to 8. J. Brown, station A. Spring atreat,

ding whan and wham an Interview mav be bad.

WILL THE FBRSON WHO CALLED ON MB. 8TE-vans, atM Fine street, yesterday please send address

fly O -I WILL LOOK FO* TOO AT 10 THIS MORN-OiU' tag, at cars. If you cas t come, telegraph.


Institution. No. 47,035. The finder will please returnWSOOK


D.ON SATURDAY NIGHT ON THE SMALLlake, an Overooat. whlob tbe owner can have by prov-

Call at 10 Bedford street

¦pOUND.JANUARY T. IN A THROUGH WASHING-Mr ton oar, Jeraey .City depot, an article of gentleman'!wearing apparel. Owner will addreaa box 194 Herald offloe,aWmgdeecrlptlee.W BFT.IN OASHIBB'8 OFFICE ON FIER 37 NORTHXJ river, a Foeketbook containing a sum of money. A te Geo. R. Jones, Cashier, prove property and pay forWin advertisement


. j upon'may retain the money, by returning the

flhwy lo Hartloy'o Hot Store, 671 Broadway.

W OST.JANUARY 7, BETWEEN TATLOR'S SALOOflMJ and Ttrty-flret street In a Fourth avenue stage, a PockelSMsy, containing $1D; the name of Mrs. C. F. Gurnee uponm lam. The finder may retain the money, by returning th«

f OST.A PLAIN GOLD SEAL RING, RED STONE,MJ la a moroooo box marked Tiffany A Co. Tbe finder

T by returning the ring te Mr. Com,

OflT.BANK BOOK BO. 78,121 OP THE SEAMEN'S4 Bank for Savings. Wall street. Any oae returning U teSwanten, II South street, win be Bberally rewarded.

OST.A LADY'S FOCtETBOOK. CONTAINING JMA,sad marked inside Mary L. White. The finder will be

by: leaving U with Dr. White, National Lifa Insnv-

f OST.OVPUHSDAT ETSlQNfl, JANUARY «, COM-mf tag Km No. » Groat Jones street te the eorner offlbthstreet and Broadway, a lady?# Fur Collar. A liberalm»ard will bo paid for Ito return to Mrs. Blgslow's, No. 54mke square.

t OST.ON THB STH OF JANUART. A'TOUNG SCOTCHMJ Terrier Dog; answers to the name of Tippy. A liberal¦maud win be mven and oe questions askedlo any personMm will bring Mm to <7 Lafayette piece.

|f WT.ON XONDAT NIGHT, IN BOND 8TRKET, OBMJ FnMou aveane, Brooklyn, a Gold Chain and Locket,Iflhe lalfar assarted A. A. W. Tbe finder will be liberally re-Willi byaevlng It at the Brooklyn Club, corner of Tlerro-

AC UWilD.-lAST, OH TUESDAY AFTERNOON,|Vu ma a carriage, ^|«ms Bt. James HoUl mad Thirty-IMath street, a Coonsktn Unrobe. marked en Unlng B, Ho. A140*17 >. FerOT, roetaurant Wrdadway and Twenty-atith at.

~io*r. o* Monday Niosrr, m, a lady's Mi.k Collar, t« Great J«.n«

hf-i to*Mr*^toijlanaa"jjfer BwoISTrtnM-,wmsmmnwiM.-

Om REWARD..BTRATED PROM MS EAST TWEN-¦ ty-ninth street, a black Newfoundland Dog; bodrl¦with white, anawere to the name of lunofe ArP'T

||q Riy^R^.y-sereoth street. and Seventh avenue, on

^M^apasky o^Ool^B«terBfcln^^Uj^n^^Yastry street will reoelre the absee_ H. KEMP.

REWARD..WOI QUESTIONS ASKED IP THEtwoNpoena and lee Napkin fUaga taken from No. 7j piana, Pee. M. are returned.

REWARD -LOST, IH OOIMO TO (OR PROM Aearrage In Bast Twenty-third street, near Lexlng-

Beelhawt The Sudor will reeelre the abort rewardt leaTtag It at lAlPtfth trtnttd.

tA REWARD..AOST, ON MONDAY, JAN. 7, A ROLLDU otBllla, betwee> Twenty-third and Twelfth streets.I Radar win reeelre ^ue^abure reward by applying at No. ¦

TBOOI, CONTAIN-papers, in Chambers

Any one retarntng the

rew21t R**d aTenue'

iPEcuh nomcm.'


IIOMBIOOD.-wmcs. A PUBLICa of the dears and delecataa of tbeCtrcleeefBrooklyn sad Jersey Oily will be held at the

"Thnreday) evening.

avc "2&F '51.'" "SHE;;;fc sasst s»«t mm.Ik MoOLBLLAN IN WO LONOER COMNBCTBDwtth our establishment. Alt budnesa communications


, Thirteenth

11« tkelr at tendance Nyordsrof thn f.omintttaa.TIIORAM CAKblh Preaiden


No. t Bowling Owen. New York, Nn». ML¦the Board of Directors, notice is hereby¦of the Board of Directors, uottce * hereby

hi oonaegnenee ef the elsction appointed to hareon the Uth at November lacteal, not having beenwant to such xppelntmeat. aa elsction of nine^^^^^¦ppsintmeat. an election or nine

this company *nd three Inspectors of tbs nexttaction will be laid at the ntfloe of the roni^m^^¦an wtu ne ieM at the omee or the company^^^^Hllth day C January, IMC, at 13 o'clock M.MMPMoka at the ofce ef the farmers' i.nsn and

I roanno nr will be dead from the MHh to the l«ih ofary, IMT. The polls wlQm open from 13 to 1 n'c,u>cfc'PEWKLlW ALLEN, Secretary

journeymen i luiuers' rrnteei

irSrShnSSSTA&3Eanoe wlU ]y transacted also. In

IMBERB, NOTIOE.-A IBBTINO WILL BE HELDthe Journeymen Homers' Protect Ire Society, this

* * i o'clock, at Pntaamarsons, as bnalaess

, In reference to thathat! Is In ci'"*"**J"n of tb hinds of the Treasurer,



«g?gffl^igaafEda,a&'»BY CHARLE.a. PE VP'.RELLP,

wkLl_^,prioeU Pranhfort alroet; il »<.

IRAD TMB BKELKTON A? [HE BANQG.Z¦ Kk..le on »t ika H«n.)"rt.'bT tt>» sutbor of t.

ew asawMhae, Northern Uht, War.aaltasnrfwmrg Prioe*<WWt».

nil iAita BKAiof.TltfTI ANNUAL TAIL

NBW TORE <*LK»I»WIaN CLUB,Wijbe I'fd at



A'or tnmsfcsa w\nteo-to take t he entirecharge of a v«ung lady, 13 years old; moat to German,

speaking French and English. and understand gtvlai lessuns?n music and have the beet of testimonial*. Address A. O.,box 1647 Hhw Yore Poet ugioe.

ABVSISESH EDUCATION..TOWN8END'8 COMMBR-rial Academy. A») Houory. Private tut' Ion, day and

even log, in Bookkeeping, Writing, Arithmetic, Reading,Spelling, lirtmuikr. Thorough Instruction given. Nomasses. Ladies department.A NNOt NCBMBNT.A BEDC'TION IN TERMS.

OOLDHMI 1'11'dBookkeeping, Penmanship. Ac., TM Bror way.jjNR-HALP THE USUAL RATES

Will be charred for a short time only.THE ATTENTION OP

TODNO MENIe especially directed to the opportunity.tgftCULARS AT THE INSTITUTE.

Mnstc. bqth vocalA LAtff SINGERWOKE OP OutfFIRST CHURCHESA would exrhann for Board lesso'iadn Mn<dcand iciootorutal. Aegether with the F.nflim^HdMss T. P.. hex I,AM I'ort oOce.


A TOUWO BAN, LATELY ARRIVED FROM CHILBAAarastsw^Mrai^Kwould UReAe get a sHbation aa house teacher tu a line Ame¬rican family; beet refereneba can ba given. Address Hart.mauiLorbner, station Dt; on Sundays In St Mark's churchSunday school (3d ar. and 10th St.), from9 till 10% A. M.and Salt3H P. M.

A LADY TEACHER WILL OTVE LESSONS IN PEN.mmnahip, or the English branches, at the vestdenoe of

the pupil. Apply at Goldsmith's Academy, 7M Broadway.OffiADUATE OF THE UNIVERSITY OP CAM-bridgs. England, prlseman and ex-scholar of his col¬

lege. has time for one ptiptl disengaged: highest references.Address or apply to Cantab, room No.», UnTrersity Building,Washington square. *. Y, * e

AT PATNE'S BUSINESS COLLEGES (ESTABLISHED1640), CI Bowery and .'NO Fulton street Brooklyn, atu-

dents receive private instruction in bookkeeping, writing,arithmetic, spelling, Ac. Instruction day and evening.


would teke advantage of the opportunltv are requested toeater their names immediately. A limited mtimber onlywill be received at the low rates. No. 706 Broadway.

DOLBEaB'S COMMERCIAL ACADEMY, 600 BROAD-way. has been enlarged by the addition of new private

rooms, and now offers unusual facilities to gentlemen whowish practical instruction in Bookkeeping, Business Writ*tag, or Commercial Arithmetic.

French learned re three months by myattractive, easy, infallible method. English taught to

the French with equal success. Address .1. Gerard, stationD. Six years' practice.

PRIVATE TUTOR..INSTRUCTION GIVEN TO THOSEof neglected education in Latin, commercial and English

branches. If tie<1 rod. tuitiou^o child:'en given in exchangefor board. Highest reference. Address H. Edwards, 35Lexington avenue, N. Y.

CPANI8H LANGUAGE..PROF. A. DE TOBNOB ISO now ready to resume bis classes at the Mercantile Li¬brary, Clinton llall. Claaaea for ladles at his residence. 3118Fourth avenue, with his new combined method, just pub-lithed by D. Appleton A Co.

Spanish language.-.! native Spaniard isprepared to give lessons either tu classes or privately,flood reference given. Address V. R., box 1,214 Poxt office*.

TO LADIES WHOSE EDUCATION HAS BEEN NB-glccted..Au experienced English lady could take one

¦lore pupil. Also lesson* in music and'French.' Termsmoderate. Address Delta, station E, Eighth avenue.

ANTED.A TEACHER, FOR THE ENGLISH ELE-mentary branches and geography, history and gram-

in the higher cleares, Immediately; salary 3800. Ap 'witisr

to Mr. Duensfng, director of the German Auierioan Schoolof the Nineteenth ward, 344 and '.'46 East Fifty-second strael.


A 8TB AM PROPELLER YACHT POP. RALE-FIFTY-Mght feat long, ten feet beam: about five month* old;

built or oak ac6 copper faatened; has acooininoJatiou* foreight persons besides the crew: is well found in every re¬spect. Apply on board at fool of East Tenth street.

A LL WND9 OP DOG3 AND BIRDS FDR SALE ATA B. DOVBY'S, 346 Canal street, near Church street.Medietas# for all dtssasaa. Prepared Food for mockingbirds.

T?RANCIS BUTLER. NO. 3 PECK SLIP. HAS ALLr the choice breeds of Doge. Butler's Infallible MangeCure and FRa Extermlua'.or, 77'cents. Butlsr'a new workon the Dog, 0. Dogs trained, boarded, Re. Medicines ferau dlssaaes.

F°?. SALE.A HANDSOME PAIR OP SMALL BLACKand Tan Dogs, 4 lbs. each; and all other kfad of Dogs.

D. FOSTER, 16 ReoaeveIt street.

Fancy fowls fob sale cheap.-heabrightBantams, Silver Spangled, Cochin China. Poland*,

but » small lot. at tha price for common fowls. IB EastFourth stree'. in the rear.

JOHN GRAY. U ROOSlaVBLT STREET. HAS FOE.ale Kewfoiindlaa'i Docs, small Black aad Tan, Scotch

and Sky# Terriers: one SplU Dog, Italian drayheund Pups,one Bull Terrier Dog.TTBT RECEIVED.A LARGE LOT OP FINE 4IANARTCl Birds. Willi nighilogale song. For sals by F. MORIS,41 Chatham slrsst, earner of

SAILBOAT WANTED.ABOUT TWBNTT-EIOHT FHETlong. Address, with loweat price and full particulars,

Furniture Store. No. 11 Bowery, N. Y.

TEKANTBD.A GOOD CAT BIGOED BOAT, SMALLTV ¦ site, sllieadr for use. Adtitess, elating price, loca¬tion, Ac., 8. K P., box 90* Mew fork Post office

miii 111 ii iAm cross matched team of bT.aM¦ H«r-see. 7 end Sm aid. 1% h»n|*fliTobe 1MB bI TaUtgsu'*, 35 Great nait street.

£ lT OF OUB OWNA eitymake. We are selling §4U> leie than former pricesto make raom for spring I rede. JOHN C. HAM,

10 East 1 ourtb street. coraar of Broadway.

AT 47 CEDAR 91 REET.CARRIAGES. SLRIOH8. HAR-ne»*. Blanket*. Ac.. at a sacrifice. Buggies of all kiude,

open, oo«e, coupe. aii ar«'- and cutnnder Rockaweye; Phae¬ton', Dapot and Egpresa Waaona Ac. Home great bargainsfor the next thirty days. JOHN M. TUFTS, Jr., aucceaaortoRoea A Taft*.

A UREA r SACR1FTCS.-XUHT BE BOLD FOR ANTprlaa, a team of Canadian Horse*. Are yeara old-, war.

ranted aound, gentle, afraid of aeMing; beautiful familySenna; patenlaw mwan Wad. 7 _ l .** .

SAY MARK, 1# HANDS, $178; HORSE, HJ£ H.VXDB,hot to 7 yeara; warranted a-eiy way. Batcher's

la $u and $46, .krtp. at corner of fourth »t>d Obsilse«aa it Ba MfcaaaJhamT..OR UU-, OE5I1.U1AK-* TORROtTT. CORAISC-r Ingot an etfg*o' pair of tool Mack Morses, rory atyUak,A yeara-iid; a Park PhaMoa, and a double aet of OoldMounted Harness; *»14 wnaratalr or together: rory low; atMerckanta' S'abler, twenty ninth street and Broadway

FOX 9ALB.A P.UK OF FAKOT COLORED MAKES,Arabian rUKk. 7 and 8 yeara old, about 18 hands; also a

potr of black Marat, ettra otue, . and 7 yeira old, l*'i handa;alau two singleMm .-a*, a bta<-k end bar, that aaa trot fastThe abote era alieonnd and kind, good (trio, long tails anddoe drtrora, Iboyruperty of a nrlrata gentleman, end to b*seen ot 1«7 PactAr «frw-. Brooklyn. .

JoujfbSoh*ago for roe or a ?ati or ponies. Addreee «r. B.' " wty street

FOX HAt.tjEMT U)yf P0|| WANT OF tpB. A¦ P*.r °f sotrol Horss* aound andhMd h« «tng»oSLiJl Jffd trarsllora. Amrtr at netveto

~XjMB or^ kor'*# <*s4l,k *T,n,w'

rR HALB-A FINE Bro HOR5R. 1*M HANDS,sound sad gaatle. top Wagon, oearlr new.Apply at Ryereoto, Brown d Oavts'^able. I* WMt thirty-eeeond street..

FOE SALE-ONE COUTH ROCHAWgr nrabltbow; also one light Brewster Wagon; *aei hat one

aet'on; <. 10 be sold -beep. Apply at Rye.eoa, Brown ADarts* Ruble. ltB Beat Thtrtr-ae ond atraet.

fjlOK nALE-AN EXPERM WAGON.' HORSE' ANDHat uean, wll't a well etUbllslisJ set of usiomare. in

the Bowery. Apply at *1 Kieakfort street

IDOB S < LB.KIOII r ftOXMM, AMONG THKM It ONEr hea- '.lful pear bull* .«t.,lllon, also on# powerful teamof »ru k tloisas; also sere-el draught Moras* and bea-nlfnlbrood Mare; steo use One farm Heme. little aoro forward,Aafi. Ml NewCkamrora street. Half spring Cart and liarnoea for sale

CX BALK.A LOT OF LtOHT AND FINE DOUBLEaad single t*tt of Harnaee: alio Riding Saddle' andlea. Trunk*. Rage, Ac.. Ac., netow ooal, on wcount of

giving tip harness huatneea Inquire at Id# Canal street, be¬tween Bowery end RRaabeth street.

Btm RALE.A LOW~ MAT CARRIAGE; WOODProthere' make- la good order: prioe g«M. To bo seen

ot a'abiee in Hiiteeotli etrent. iret door from Broadway.

For balr-a httlirh oxat horrx. buitablbtor rert, truck, atprc**, or family use, three othere, Bt

tor nru tor*, httteheta, doctors or any light arork. Apply atMB west Furty-iblrd street, near Ninth areuoo.

IPOXRALB, on WILL BZOHANOB FDR IMPROTEPA city ic-eperir. for waul of nee.A splendid pan of lightW. Mw*, with aamral dark manes and tails; I bey eraboth IS hands high, S year* old. perfectly annnd, kind, gentleand true in ererr inspect; good traeellero, and splendiddrtrora; ran trarol together in three minute*; their pedigree|« uhTne*tlonable, and for make, style and gentteneea cannot be exoeUed In this ndtw. For pat tlcnlara, and to SO* endtry them, apply to WM. VAN WAOENEN A o57Stlth avenue. *

HORRKR FOR HALK.THRKK HORSkh and cartrand Harnena. Apply at »7B Eaat Kleroath street.

VfATCHRD TEAM OF TOUNO BU>OD BAYH -tUBtiTI. tcntn the country, to bo seen at BB1GOB', Fortlotb¦treat aud Kixth avenue; a bargain.

SLEiaH8 .A PBW LEFT, OF MT OWN MAKE, NEW.7 ."fflhs Partlnnd oW»e. for trotting, one

FaBna-8 wsKavjat.**" ""5:paw

00fftM hobar, is bands,*** Tfbr* . *


Apaktinkb; witb t^wo or more, w \/tted.tooitMnd a orobiablti uaHb business. Address, appoint-Ing into,-view, P. B. Ctorh. boa ill Herald offioe.

AP.TBADY BUSINESS MAX WANTED.AS PART-ner. totate chaiKC of an office; oaintal required $1,000,

$$*.) of which can bo paid from proceed in the buajues*. Ad-dews Veritaa. Herald office.

.rhISSOLUTIOII OF PARTNERSHIP.THE PARTNER-U ship hereu>fo>e existing between Robert L Smith audHenry H. Thompson Is this day dissolved bv mutual consentThe buoiii-u will be niductod aa heretofore by Robert L.Smith. at MH and 141) Fulton street.


MB. CI.ARENCB STEWART BROWN IS THIS DATadmitted as a partner In our serosal tlrma.

Nwr Yobk, Jan. 1.1M7. BROWN BROTHERS ACQ.

Notice is hereby oiybn that the copart-nership heretofore existing between WlUlam J. Hob¬

day and Henry Lewis Brown, and dolngbusmsas In the dtyofBrooklyu, under the firm name of Hobday A Brown, isthis dhy dltootved hp mutual consent; and that all debts dueto or owing by the late Arm will ba raoeired and liquida¬ted Mf Henry Lewis Brown, at Sf^AUanttc^itrec^^Brooiijfn.HKi HENRY B. BROWN.


BnoontTs, Pee. B, 1MB.

T>ARTREB WANTED.WITH $70,000 AVAILABLEA cash capital, (o establish a bustneea wllhuhe advertiser,who will guarantee success, and In which not one dollar ofthe capital will be risked. The business is commission, andstrictly cash. Pint olsse references given and required, andtrifling Inquirers will not be responded to. The advertiserbeing a prompt and energetic business man. would prefer anactive aaaoclata. Address Sigma, Herald office, New York. .

PARTNER WANTED.WITH $2,880. TO TAKE ONEhalf interest In an enterprising basinets to travel

through the United tytates. Address Enterprise, Heraldoffice.

PARTNER WANTED.IN A PIR8T CLASS HOTEL,with Bar, Billiard. Ice Cream and Oyster saloonsattached. Apply at SO Wall street, second floor, rear offices,room No. &

PARTNER WANTED..A GENTLEMAN OP RE-spectablllty (an Israelite), for many years engaged In

the wholesale liquor, wine and oigar trade, and having anextensive business acquaintance throughout the country,wishes to associate himself with a party able to contributefrom 88,0011 to $10,000; best of references given and re-quired. Principals will please address, with particulars.Copartnership, box 108 Herald office. All cdmtnunicutlonaconsidered cuufldeutlal.

PARTNER WANTED.WITH A CAPITAL OF FROM$4,000 to $8,000. In a restauratlon and confectioner busi¬

ness; irade over $4,000 per month. Address F. P., box 101Herald oflko.

THE COPARTNERSHIP HERETOFORE EXISTINGbetween Em Sanders, Edward Mubsam and August D.

Eschauffour, under the firm name of Sanders. Muhsam kOo., is this day dissolved by mutual cun.veuL All outstand¬ing claims win be collected, as also all liabilities of the lateiirm will be paid, by Evm Sanders, at the office of Jacobfisher 2 Co., 446 Broadwe*.Ksw Tons, January 7, 1807.

EVA SANDERS,(By L. Senders. Attorney,)E, MUHSAM,A. D. E8CHACFFOUR.

fTIHK PARTNERSHIP HERETOFORE EXISTING RE-1. tween the suhncrtbera under the firm name of Nagel A

Co. Is his day dissolved by mutual consent..r. naobTj.T. TIVY.

N'xrw Yoes, .Ian. 4, ISS7.

The firm or jamks k. steel a co. is this daydissolved by mutual consent.

JAMES B. STEEL,Xaw Yo»«. Jan. 9.1867. C. B. HALL.


Nxw kirk. January 1, 10117.

AOnn -PARTNER wlNTED, WITH THIS AMOUNT;J')UU. half lBtereat; 10rears established; Commissionbusiness: suited to yean* or old; rely lucrative business.Apply for two days et 2U0 Broadway, room IK

fcr: nnn -a silent partner wanted, withn>» l.UUU, the above amount ta invest In a lucrative andrespeotable business. The best of references given and re-eulrad. Monhy secured by real estate. Address or apply atf74 'Third avenue, corner Twenty-third aire*', for three days.


AAA .TOR SALE, TUB HALF INTEREST IV®O.Ul/U, an eatablt-hed and profitablo Wholesale andManufacturing Bualaeee down tews, to replace an outgoingpa liner. A favorable opportunity to a man who eaa devotetils whole time andeeerglee to business. Addreaa P. 8. M.,Herald effloe.

®7 aHH .AH ACTIVE BUSINESS MAM WANTED,>5 J .t)Uv, as partner. with the above turn. Is a whole,wale sauraCacturtngAm; profits vaty aatUCaeteey; is

agnts seed reply. Address fat two days. W.C., Herald

son AAA -WANTED, A PARTNER, ACTIVE ORfOU.UUU, apodal, with this amount. la an old eoteb-llsbed brewary and malt houee 1n Philadelphia, to toko theplace of one of the partners who te actively engaged la an-otbar business end Is daelreui of retiring. Address hot1,040 Pest eBrs, Phil. ¦

¦CIHIISB OPPO^TCTIITIII,A DDITIONAL CAPITAL REQUIRED IV A PAVOTA. business. oa Broadway, fihyiag well, and capable ofbeing largely extended; one third if the profits will be givento a special or eetlve partner, with glfi.fiUU to 006,000 capitalThe fnlleet mvrsttastfpa aOorded aad security given. Ad-dreae Broadway, Herald efflcc.

?¦ LONG ESTABLISHED HAT JOBBING BUSINESS| for sale.Haa good Btata and Western trade; la excel¬

lently located, aad with a apod and uul! stock. For purtto-ulara addreaa. with nams. lists. Herald oHee. .

A¦NT GENTLEMAN WISHING TO MAKE MONEYraptulf. and having $S,«n capital, can learn sf an ex-

Um«u|7 o^onunity JW Huston street.

AMN UNRIVALLED OPPORTUNITY IB HBRBBY OF-¦ fcr«d for the Investment of e few thousand dollar.!, Ina highly respectable and lucrative business, protected fromcompetition. For full particulars apply to JAJtBS V.PHELFS, 044 Fulton street,

party or nei ties with a small capital, wishing to go Into¦¦Wstabiishad kindling wood business. Engine nod ma¬chinery mot plate, with horse*, trucks. Be., In the very best


an «ehinsry (condition. Addreaa or apply at the factory, on Claaaon ave-nun. three doors south of My ale. Brooklyn.

AMN OFPORTUKITY IS OFFERED TO BUY THEdtock of an old and valuable corner Store In a large

and doiirithlng pier* l){ hours from the business parts ofthe ally: htiainaas ta crockery and fins groceries: stock atpresent light; any o'her kind of business could be added:.tore large, rent low ; the advertiser own* and hay occupiedth* fame for oyer 00 years sad wishes to retire. Inquire

My aot by letter) of C. A. SMITH, Esq., 117 Ful.

AM PaRTY HAVING A NEW (PATENTED) MODE OF¦ applying "Accumulative Power," m portable machines,as grinding mills, com sh« Hers, A" accepted for the Par s

Kislbtilon) will give half right for the New England Statesto a business party who will furutah two handsomely fin¬ished grinding mills soluble for said exhibition, and deliverthe same In New fork city. by the 1st of February next.Address Exhibitor, box 8." Fort Odhca. Brooklyn, N. Y.

^¦blNO GENTLEMAN OF GOOD FAMILY, HAVINO.heuseort doRars cash, wMli hlgbeel class reference,,

Bay obtain a situation eommsndlng two thousand dollai* a

year Full addra^s given by tha applicant, or oommunl'ationwtthont notice. Fifth aveuna astd Wall street. Hsraid ofl>ce.

4mm aSSa WITH VERY INFLUENTIAL GO*.¦ tare teas to the principal couth American rcpubltob isHtom lo travel through those cotinixies in behalf of any

or aatoelattons wkoean mokolt aa object to him:dtp roferenoaa gives. Addreaa V. f., boa I,*40 Tostcroons

>VSINES8 OPPORTUNITY..A SUCCESSFUL CON-J certi and w«4l esuibllshtrtlsnow preparing tojwtablliihj brauehea in other oittaa. Good business men. with from0,000 to 08,00"oSRalcan make arrmnaemeuu auah as sel-om offer. For particulara Isqulro or Mr. WHITE, WOIrosdwav.

train oistilleRY..PCrciiabbe will beJT tsnght the business. A ehort distance In tha country.rice 0HMVO. Ruuntng every day. inquire corner of Keadand Hudson strsete, In drug storK

\rUST BE SOLD IMMEDIATELY (IP AT A 8AURI-M 000), the owner bat mg other husfaMNM, an office Bus!-m+., muiAbta for a My or go&n«B»on. Applj this oaj at14 s;i»ti araana. *

Resigning thr agency yob a large xanc-facuiring oompany. to engage in business for myself,

I will sorurs to* situation tnanv r»*pee*able person willingto suy for office fixture*. Bo. Addreaa Machinarr, Heraldoffice, until tbe 10th tost.

OF ABILITY, INTEGRITY AND_ at to visit South America eommer-

r They desire to take charge of any American bust-Intareata there, esptotolly 1a tha field of mauufactuma

f|1WO GENTLEMENJL influence are about to visit South America eommerl«ally They desire to take charge of any American busilseas Intareata there, especially In the field of manufacturedand pa'snta. They are prepared to give cash, if necessary,or smple seeurtto for the faithful management of wbatcvsrinterests mar M entrustod to them. Address Pact, Heraldefiles.

fTTHE PATENT FOR JUDSON'H ADJUSTABLE HORBRIJ. shoe calk, for tha Kaatarn and Western Btstce. far eale, Iat reasonable figures, the bestjpatont eficr Invented to makemoney out of. Apply at the office of the company, 440 Elmto

W^HANTKD.A PARTY WITH S10.IN0 TO 018,000 TO JOIN¦ a (MM roan In a publishtng bnslnesa; only pari of

tha amount neadad at first. Nature rcspeetobte; field ettanlve; profits large; cash. Addreaa for otto week O. H, W.,erald r

-FARTNRTl WANTED IN A LIGHT E0TAR-I«pO«JU. llshed manufacturing business, at M DuaMstreet, tap 0oor, ^^sBRAn .A man. with this amount, can buy ad>OUU. hall Interest to aa naUMIabad end predtablebusiness For psrtleulars call at XI West street.h

<J> - OJin *p.t»0.lA» 0PBCIAL CAPITAL WANT-.PiJiUUU ed. to the Commission business; po risk;

«20.qoo.-s?,rsm,6amM.oat unexplored. ThisM one of these opportunities seldomoffered. Pestlglare explained at Interview, and refartaoaao^naqu*Mtoaakte cbaraeSer given. Addreaa Bnttoeea, box


JLFar dw. .». eah to* e strstoex.


Ladles. I to 4 F. M.. mtseee and mdtsrs, 4 to t P M.WTQMniin^ww


Jasuakt 7. 1807.Hcbedalesof '301 thirty or more T 00 Omomn duo Januarv

ML MC wta reeatoed for exaialnaOoa M the U JMadhlate* Treasury. H H. VAN OVCK,

Assistant Treasurer.

HoRKTIEMAK, THOROUGHLY ACQUAINTEDwith banking and st«ik brokerage, and able vo com-

business, to desirous of farming a psr'.uerrbipof aepital, or of enuring sowe'iouse wh.ire btowll! be devoted u tBe interests of hta priaci-

best b.iiik and broicer'a reference given. Ad-^^Kh7v.. boi l.UUlt Post office.^^^^BmXVT OF MO IV GOLD KRR FOOT HASby the Ophtr barer Minin/Coiupany. Do-

Rale 15th Kthrunry. Wo are prepared toduo by Eastern stockholders. LUES A^^^^^¦Agenl* Bunk of California, 33 Fine street.



oa all amounts from lire to tlra thousand

will draw interest from January I.

xsg58gst&mimideclared on the capital stock of the nmumny, payable andemand. HENRY T. FEBBMAX Secretary.VtONBT TO LOAN.AT KBTEN FOR CENT.1*1 in large or email amoonta, on flret class properly la

***KTNO A CO.,

Ha > Twenty-third street. Fifth Arenue Hotel.

XrOTtCR-TnE TRPSTBES OF TIIB MECHANICS'AN Mat<1*1 Building Material Aaaoetation bare declared adividend of three per cent on tha business of four monthaending November SO. 1HS6. which will be paid by A. M. Rose.

B^Basurer, on the 10th of January, HW7. at his office, 32 East¦enty-ninth street. O. A. OONOVKB, PresidentNaw You. Dec. 30. ISO#.

0FE1CB or TUB MERCHANTS' INSURANCE CO*.im»iT 106 BrotdWATi H. V.* Jinutry 9,1B07*

A .smi-snnurU dlrldeml of twti[10> per neat was th s daydmUred rouble ou

TJKIOK DIME HAVIHO^BANB,^S* rEBCENT In* to $#.000. free of U*.idsasiff *w111^b^^s^ovT^wST"ifl CuriA Treasurer; T. >. Armook. Secretary.ANTED.BT A WIDOW LADY. THE I.OAW ordfty dollars; would board . lady for the A1**furniture m security for It, for two month*- Address Mrs.

Lee, stntion U.___TTod dividend -thk united states riBE re-Oo surnnee Company here '-his to 'd^lnred n sentl^n-nual diTtdtnd of Are t») per eent, free of gorernment tax,paynMe en demand^ WITJWH uhdEBHILL, Secretary.NewTom, January 7.1867.

aha AAA WANTED.KOR A TERM OF YEARS*tfioO#000 flrat mortgage on Brooklyn water frontS, _.*v bulkhead On the premitea are eulirely new briekthe entir# property oost orer $100,000. Address J. W. W.,Herald oaoe.AN CIA aaa TO LOAN.ON New TOR* CITY

$250,000in this eity °j®f^'ooKRBY, M Wall street. room 1 a.I f i\t\ AAA to LOAM.I* «0*H TO BIXIT, ON$500,000 city real estaSe. Mpm cont of mluntloni


j°X ?ACTWOK. 1U (ET^stowE tWo doorswestof Broadway.

AatfESMar"D.Ve~S£4S£sKI&£2bl^Set iW

PWiPirtT«wI^3!l"jowotoT^DMmadA Ac., ar pnrehnae tho same.

¦ear Grand street, up stairs.

¦r3^JBK3fcK®B1 OBSAT BUSH AT BOTH STORES.Awo-s^res*'""to *»r ^^scSeno end to tsephhSotSw**;.^w"esWS&sitfwap"Klftl QUALITY aOe. end 2oc-m

'"^WOTAVOTkebikob.At retail, st nearly hslf prhmro^worissaig sioiarfe'jeB&Xi,.

stsiton O.-

j* im« * HcCKKI.RY, 871 BROADWAY.



and nil sllsrWTNTBT. GOODS,. mm.-mATAN IMMENSE REDUCTION IK. ?**<**¦,,-eiaks room for their Soring Importations.

Aan u i u.i yi-y wwit!."CRD PRICES.A YINBXSTSBLft33f®»w«aiMIMtBI.LAKjBOtm» ._i___.i_i_

WNBBV KADDERS WAKTBD..70 CENTS EKEbladders. Apply st Id ami 18 Cbom-

bars site*.

SsSlSSand nil dr| store*.


ITBAH VADDY WAHTB^KBW OB handl oompHl sod lnordsr. Address box *80* Tost alio*.

E!7oa the t*« InuefgrSwU onMM hot# oni tne two »"*"¦plana and MMM**TTZL'tS «SXwMMVm-STS*<>*5* ike5sa^«£as

flXKNSSJE-u-* |Dated TVs.r.sD ISO*

^.hirfT^bo.4s)e pnrejE^mowthlr Sdnrents. T«6 Broodway.

If prefs

It'itdsf. Applystreet, aes te Eighth »»'

CtHMBR' SPRINO BED*-WABr tMTKD THE BEST.S TheereSmisg lt'd In market nanufsctnred by a". "su w «rranl .Mr goods. Sslderery.Than Wreioopss 310 Ceplre *!»..«-

BROADWAY THEATRE ADmSRoX » CENTS.Dour* op> u at6&; begins at T*i o'clock.This nvui.lng poffflmf tart but two

Oi the brilliant eugagrnn-nt o< the ureal comediaa,r*=TT-T7 «.yE5Mr. JOB .* E. OWESS.When he win appear In his famous personation of

ttr rkSatAtm, LL D and A. R.Ia George C'.Uu^ii','O'u^ hi _fi«c acts, entitled

LAW, Iand for the last time as 'he miserly buuon maker, la

forty wimur.Friday, Jan. 11, ihe »wo famous end Inimitable htta,

VICTIMS and SOLON 8HINULR.Saturday, at lt< o'clock, last Grand Owens Matinee.Monday, Jan. 14. tlie WORRELL SISTERS will appear la

CAMBRALZAMAN AM) BADOUBA.Seals should ho tenured In advance.

r YORK TFIKaTUR.Lteaeea and Manager!. _ j

Meaarw Mark Smith A Lesrie MakerCKNDKILLON,

Now being prodneed with^*NTTRELY mmammENTIRELY NEW SCENERY


ORANDPCBND^X14LoN<MATINKB,SATURDAY, Jan. 13, at 3 ooloofc.

Best* secured six days in advaaoe.



HHARr/,'RTEMI*LE OF MYSTERY. DODWAY HALL, SOS¦ Broadway. Ever? evening at 8. Saturday at S P. M.



GROWTH OF FLOWERS. STRIKING WATCHBS.oojrosrttn*.Tlokei s SOc.; reserved seats $1. For sale at the Hall from

9 till A Doors open at 7'«. Matinee, doors open at l)f.Children hair price. The Cbickering piano ia used at thornperformances./ ' Ell MAN vn VI.IA THEATRE.VI #14 Broadway, opposite St. Nicholas Hotel.



commence* at * quarter to &THE CRBMB DK LA CREM8 oPilN8TRRL8T.


BAN FRANCI&CO MINSTRELS,wlkOM auccem tut* nerer been equalled byin i*'"*. aureate baa nerer bean equalled byin ilmiUromb

'n IN" world. Hew and cheerful BurlesquesereryTrf- ®ttimp Bpee-h, I Am Here. Black Othello. Qua-

%T«J.'!!?**t,S2.* A*0.-Rambles or Cupld'a Pall, Cen'driiioa. iheCook ltd African Ballet Troott pa.


SP2L°l-,&iTTA> The ladlea flock HRAVY TRAQBDY.$7,000. $1,000. lii such numbers NRLSR 8RYMCJriE oXaMD TRIO, that tbeaudaortam flTLLCHKZJ A BOROIA. become* ooe rut ALLEN 1»r!EDWIN KFLLY. bouquet of beauty. SOIREE D'ETHICGreeted nightly. by crowded hooaaa, wtth enthusiasm.

GRAKli.JlJ£§1?BL hatineb i* aid or theMASONIC HALL AND ASYLUM FUND.

The committee on behalf at the Maaonlc Hill and Aiyluin:J'-D.'l.w<"1.ld i«*pectfullr aunounre that thay hare aooaptadthe liberal offer of the celebrated


.. S'VM?1?. *ATINK|,PB,RrORMANCB., .. ft ll>alr hall, J* Broadway, to-day, at 2 P. M..far the benefit of the shore fund, and acmrdinirfy f(Bit linti finn. fit it II Inthat patronage for thla entertamment wbtah tSfVSSS;W'iiutwhVMMi,",nt *Bd **"* ludfIwili to the Kelly A Leon Matinee, admitting to eK

"raufrifsu*A °*"iSS^X^i^&ieSBh. i.AhUgrwwtinmi- ,.u attracttoSsA gl eet COMBINATION Or XJ





TWtoy,suss,'Kausg s*pr-of


* FRIDAY, JANUARY 18, M7Js&msiv».>.




rJ£iu A? a* 0^t"Jnid .' A. Ralmorv'sa Warren stowS;


arms, and hutone body and one pair legs: alee Ihe bead andright arm or probat, the murderer of the bearing family: to-gather with the magnificent collection of objectaln Phyilolo-

la'nnriV Pnf hnlfiaat and U>l«>.l * _ae _n _i aZI a 1 m"7»:HU,'"liW"w,Hra 01 onjncis in rny«iok>-sr. Anatomy. Pathology and Natural History.all of whichnra Ulusirated dally ^Lecture. and MlcJSS^le VtoTi ?t

IBMTC9RI of Anatomy. .18 Broadway. Openfrom 8 A. M. to 10 P. M

Last owens matinkr. 'padl pry »



*' .""tabllahincnl being new and suppliedwnh a splendid wardrobe, an extenilra itock of acenary and.V*r* PAntlifliln onneHalnln. . * a .1... n J .r- --. "w.w.w./w. aam neiyuoirg ¦ tut K >11 S( ';Q01 y AQQawry requisite appertaining to a firit elaaa theatre, .in berented by the night, week or month, or may bo leaaed for aterm of yean by reapomible parties All applications to bomade to C. 8. BERNARD, Mt Breedway, Ntw Tork, agentfor the owner. Ufa B ll.wtil

^for the owner, Mr*. B. Maglll.

rjpuEatrk ticket offickSTHe-erred BeaU for all 11rat clem Theatres. ConoerU. Acolwe> a be obtained auho

^ '

theatre ticket offices.NOS. US AND 114 BROADWAY, Ind




TbaM<"nV^,S;AY CUBRh'S MUSICAL INSriTUTR, I,ai» BROAD-A tantrmooe «5 Thirty fourth atreSt), 'sigaor BORRAn» otTar of all free laeaona aonttauea all this year. AfterSi! *** hM finlahed, another of the aama number

A OBNTLKMAN WILL OI\'K INBTRUCTIOM ONTHK¦ay Piano at pnpll'e reaidencetfnr $10 per quarter. Beat ofre .retow. gleen Addreae, with realdenoa, YMcbar. boi litnPraia ofltop.


Antonio ^paravalli. tub accomplishkd

Tenor, and hla wife, kllsa Yalentlni Pararalll. celebratedvil .u iI*tino Hteoelre puptla

at a

Onanist wantrd-in a oateolic church, in


eeker etroet Sent tree of poetaga on raoaipt of 3k.

COTKANO WANTED..A THOROUGHLY AOCOHO pUahad and aipeneaoari tapraoo. qualified sod wUttngto itch Total made. MO obtain § mo*t dttlmblo nltaidantanflmeltttrboirIn an KjHtcoptaChnrohinVo«ISwrfWff*"" .aOT"-« e,"


.^Lewir "'with arannet ^lanUta forloa hours frooa nlao tin two.


A T 1MSIXTH AVENUE, NEAR THIRTEENTH STREETA oan bo had a Hat of Gum Teeth forJWj a plain Set $0.Teeth filled with gold, $1. Extracting, Ik All wart war

"DBAUTIFUL FULL SETS OF CONTINUOUS OUMMJ oad Rubber Teeth, with Fliimperi to mature youthful Iappearaure. fg to $1A FalnleM eiuautlng with gas. togrations warranted, lto Grand (treat.

/NOLTON DENTAL~AgSoduf«>N ORIGINATED AND\J make a onanalty of the am ef NUmaa Odd* Gaa, andadmlnMar It to the only wafwhleh uniformly daanrnya pads.*a hate glaen It to oeer IfijM patients. Coma toheadquar-

Oooper InatIMM*.

TAH, WHITR'S NEW AND IMPROYRD ARTIFICIALI " Teeth -Betak $.. H«and $15. enprrior In beauty sadnaafuinea, to all nlbere. Pure nlf A*ainem to an othere Fare nltrjiua oxMa gaa A.lmlnla-

in Rlaa.ker atr.el Dr. FANNING, M. D. Inattendance


reeu.rlnff Te»th In »rery etage of deoay 11 their originalahape, beauty and einnliim, without pain: It.'keiwou.aJa Dlaeorerer a rooma, 29 Ra-t Feu. taer ih street.


TON Y I'ASTGil'S OPERA HOURS.NO. Ail RLtt'EK*.The Ue»* written, twit u *4, b«s*t inuumed --4 Drt.naever pre»eum<l ..

TT7E CITY FVOTORY GIRLS.I'HL CITY 1ACTOKY GIRLS.Reoaiveil with hureu of wpplaua* T. .«. RlM*a» **¦..F!uwerbti.\ the "Tlh-r Bulluer," evokingrrream. or la uk!> ter.Rvery phase 01 life in Not.- Yn-a .o >0Wall Httvct Broker theFaiVii Inebriate, the raxt ^'ert hoBi<|QtHlt« Touiial, the Laajer'a Victim, the Tollt ) rhiyir,th<> Lorn! Character* all rcpreacrtnd to tho life.TORY PASTOR »na hlv grmt Troupe in a 'holre ^orirtiProgramme. Matmreon Wednesday and Saturday at IMF M-


Cmnpdv In 4 acta, by M Armand D^nmiii).IB^mCE tMaXe. VaT-DEVI U.PNEXT IT HSDAY. LKli HONK VILI.At.EO|w.

XTIeket olllge at H. DrrdonvlU#1#, H9 Hroadway_

Brooklyn academy ofTHURSDAY, IAMCA.RY 10, IW7,

BRAND OPERA XJf°THP.BIJ ACTS, BJ *OZAirr.Seat. ran be arruA Mth« Anademy ef Mualc. Brooklyn,Hid 11] and 114 Bi'uadwaV, New York.Door* open at 7 o'clock; to .-ommenee at 8.


Mr. Ba'.cman tied* to announce IHat be will giro(Inf. grand conobrtat the above eateblDhmant on the evening of

MONDAY, AM. 14.The eerie# of performances drawing to a close r#uuergtHU ,h"

tABT APPEARANCE IN BROOKLYBof kla uneqnalled mualcal u-mtpe, who hava j'ia* com-




UR. II ATI ON. andMR. THEO. THOMAS'celebrated orchev. a.

Doora open at 7X£, ooneert eommetioea at 8Box book now opeu at the Academy.

mBupworthmT minstrels-new pipni aven ua

..8S«"JHSV»w.with nil pleating anceaeorlee. enow Norm. abating pond.W f and J. H. Budworth In principal eheraetora.


EOOLEVS OPERA HOUSE. BROOKLYN.A HCRRAli TRIP AROUND THE WQR1LD;.ooau Yacht Race, the Naval Combat between the Rear,and- Alabama, the Banner In the Sky, the Btni Door










g^bjjl^jEowlng eminent .rUaUt^ amwvltW. J. HILL.and THEODORE THOMAS' foil nrf.h£',V^r?>Jl c "FgSnaor ABRLLA and Mr. THEODORE THOMAS.

A dinner'., 701 Broad-wa^ Ri^n'afm sSaiway. and the principal muMe.tOrll.

S""a».%au.' ¦T.mOKTK, wav.gKAgow 1*7,

OB SATURDAY EVENING. JAN. 13, AT &. THIRD SYMPHONY SOIREE.[ilf iff THOMAS tafcea ploasure in ansouBncc that

[tram Mm V

Roadway; at Irving Hall, and at 1way.

gTBINWAY H^DT^5®S?CD^0.^^armniT RVKNINO. JAN. 13, AT EIGHT O CLOCK.THE CKLBBRATKD BATKMAN COKCKftT TftOUPK^harlng rtlurntd from tbtlr emlnonliy .uoM'Mfnl loi


oocaiion, probably the la*t, on which tha foUnwlrji giwMonmblnaifcn of talent can appear at a Sunday Oonenrt 'nNaw T#rtt;i .* -




tba-aale of which will oommenre on Thursday morning, atQtainwa* Hail' Hsnr A fi'hlrmer, 701 Broadway« «,?Mualc Store, 54V Broadway, aad HallmanTicket oSea, USand 114 Broadway.



On which ocraalon Mr. Mollenhaucr will tm wtotad byMadame Marie Pnderk!, and Mr. J. N. Pattlaon, the cam.

^Dit'li uhn »e# email hllla. To oomm#ne# ^ 8 o'eloahP m! ^VkeUfl May b# had at J. Hohuberth A Co.'a. MB*Par Pupils of the Coneervetory admlmlon fiwe.

NDTICR..RP.V. CIIAS. B. SMYTH LECTURER RBRTSunday afternoon, at tho Bverntt R.joms, l-fc Broad*

way. n^rT&irty fonrt^trwA.ona q|>THB STAGE,



g"" "'itMK'flaiaag"NOW ON EXHIBITION, FREB.e.'"""1'"' ujumroi.

and »a*x, MM Broadway, near Bleeoker etreat~


A' 'sPLEBDinBSBVBN OtTTAYF ROSEWOOD PIANIVforte, at a graat raonllro; by baet ijaMn; «JL SSnSTamenD; neauMnil tone and 5el»k. uwd only thw mootiM ,

eo< ffai; at half price. M Waahlnglan place. near Grmaat*.

V GREAT BARGAIN .SIX ,fJ^^K|«Nro?UMAlS»S.WRMB.'NfSigyofWUttatHSatd. In th#

A OREAT REDUCTION IN PR'rW',r,I1l*JESS2hV5Piano-. fM *^'',1 *l!.l>*..r>'1nr on ir.talmenla.^irMIKOF.B.MaBr^g:y.T HIGHLY CARVED UALLKT DAVIS * flr^MMiA V^ISJKsrJSS^" SSfgtgirjBs

r; lro» AF-at S47 Re»t


SrjSHsKs- TL'sha.^rsssyjalag.1-T

^jfissTLat^iwrajUSjfj. RIDDLE, ISAmity etraefa«r M«»dwnr.

MAOHIPICBNT FIRST ^g«S)forte far eale; made to order, etly ma« «r.wss?ss?j!5ss Wti?i»2PSSt?in Fifth and Sixth aveanea.


,r,vK^rty-thtrd arr#et. near fiOxtngtoo avenna.

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AtRMS' CRAND PgtTARti ANDUPRU^TT TIANGH,IVoe. CaldnM orr^na. who ^ale «ad rMaB, to

r «wret \r" 7 O" . r Piano* for gT7J and ¦P'' ,r'V A1*r-ei-n it e» r or-Fact .ry » rd were raa .. 4. I