the news pfeay september - library of...

Vi IH3e LviIf i JM 1 ii I Hi i ttf 1 ftfe viSi i- - K m - - f - i L Sv i i 6 THE BOURBON NEWS Sevenxeenik Year Established 1861 Published Every Tuesday and Friday by WAITER CHAMP I RUCE MILLERl i Editors and Owners mtWtewmfiMmtmMMfflittMi I HpDEftl TOOBflfiOu 5 BV HH1NLH s HHKfS Copyright 1897 iWWAMWWWVAWWWWWWMAWW Twas on a summers eve when roses bloom words of the trivial little song THE out blithely in a clear treble Toice through which the tinkle of a mandolin penetrated Kenneth Harding- - heard it as he strode moodily along and idly won ¬ dered that such sounds should be heard in that particular spot as it was at least five miles from any habitation It must be confessed that he was not over pleased He was unhappy and unhappiness is always- - unreasonable so it seemed to him a distinct grievance ithat he should be compelled to listen to anything like frivolous gayety out there on a lonely path which he had sought jiist because it was lonely In another moment as ihe turned the bend of the road he came in sight of a Jboyish figure stretched carelessly -- under a tree by the wayside half lean ting against its trunk half resting on his elbow while he touched the strings Jn a light accompaniment Shes a darling shes a queen Shes the fairest one Ive seen he sang gayly then suddenly stopped as he saw Harding approach and half un onsciously as it seemed turned to the wheel that stood beside him This ap- parent ¬ inclination to mount and run uway changed quickty however and he merely altered his position so that J he pedestrian no longer saw his face Kenneth smiled with a trace of amusement Positively the boy is shy he thought a rare quality in boys now- adays ¬ Suits his face though Harding trudged on quickly forget- ting ¬ the momentary interruption of the thoughts in which he was absorbed That they were not pleasant thoughts was evident from the stern hard ex- pression ¬ on his sensitive face and the moody misery in his gray eyes At last wearied he flung himself un v der a tree and with hands clasped under his head closed his eyes He opened them soon however disturbed hy a faint sound opened them in time to see the boy whom he had heard sing ¬ ing dart past on his wheel the mando- - tin slung satchelwise over his back Again Harding smiled grimty Truly a sentimental youth he soliloquized a modern troubadour awheel Just the type too Blonde curly hair bright brown eyes handsome face not exactly weak but a li t tie effeminate Quite the ideal troubadour with his mandolin and his fresh young voice He looks about 16 Will be sing as gayly at 26 I -- wonder Hardings bitter soliloquj ended in a laugh even more bitter Putting one hand in the breast pocket of his coat he drew out an envelope worn and dingy Slowly he extracted the con- tents ¬ a letter and a photograph The latter which represented a young man with a fine strong face intellectual and attractive was his own picture he allowed it to fall from his fingers as he opened the letter and read DEAR KEN Try to forgive me I am very unhappy butlpouldnothelp it Indeed T love you but you are so poor and I am afraid that we should both be miserable And Mr Brown is rich and mamma insists on my marrying him So I send your picture back I am to be married in St Bartholemews next month Do forgive me and wont you come to my wedding Why should we not be friends just the same Mr Brown does not know that we were engaged Mamma said I had better mot tell him Do write me Your loving DORA Theyoung mans face grew contempt- uous ¬ as he read with a revulsion of feeling that startled him Good heavens he exclaimed what a fool I am to care to be made miser ¬ able by a weak bad woman capable of writing that Yes bad She would be perfectly willing to amuse herself by continuing to play at love with me after her marriage True to no one neither her husband nor to me This ends it INot another regret And no more ivoraen for me He sprang to his feet and tore the letter into tiny fragments then strode back the way he had come but with a different expression in his face His step grew more elastic and he drew lor ft deep breaths as he felt that the shadow had passed he was free gain A day or two later Harding was pass- ing ¬ over the same road He liked its quiet the long reaches of shadow where the trees almost met across it the tan ¬ gled vines that claimbered and crept along the rough fences A team was rarely seen to disturb the stillness for it was the old road to Dorspring and although much more beautiful than the new road was fully four miles longer As the young man approached the lend where he had seen the boy on his previous walk he thought it would be rather pleasant to hear again the gay voice of the yo ung troubadour as he had named him But the only sound was the unmusical mocking caw xiaw of a funereal crow When fairly past the- - curve how t rever Harding espied the wheel leaning against the same tree as before and near it lay the boy sound asleep the rniandoiin beside him his sof tcap pulled down as if to shade his eyes from any rstray sunbeam that might find its way Uhrough the heavy leafage Almost involuntarily Harding stopped and a sudden impulse of mis hief took possession of him Going closer to the sleeper close enough to note the curve of the lips firm yet iweet aiid the blackness of the lahe that lay on the clear sun browned skin he said to himself Yes he would be a jolly little comrade Pm certain so here goes and he cautiously drew the instrument toward him He could play rather well had been member of the college banjo and mandolin club and he could sing more than well being possessed of a good tenor voice admira ¬ bly trained Twos on a summers eve when roses bloom the words rang out on the quiet air Instantly the boys eyes opened and flushing crimson from brow to throat he sprang to his feet Why who who are you he stam ¬ mered A fellow troubadour responded Harding pleasantly I heard you sing a few days ago and caught a fleeting glimpse of you to day Catch- ing ¬ you asleep I took the liberty of waking you with your own song for the selfish reason that I was lonely and thought you would perhaps give me a few moments of comradeship as a troubadour should The flush had not quite left the boys face but he laughed responsively and said Very well Sir Knight I bid you welcome But you must propitiate my wrath at losing that delicious nap by turning troubadour yourself or rather since you are one by giving me a prolonged exhibition of your skill He resumed his lounging attitude as he spoke and Kenneth dropped into a place near him It was the first time in months that the man had felt a mo- ments ¬ gayety of mood and he gave way to it freely Had his companion been a woman it would have been dif- ferent ¬ Beserve would have taken the place of spontaneity even had she pos- sessed ¬ the power of evoking the mood which is to be doubted as Hardings hurt had not yet ceased to sting The boy however proved to be as merry a companion as Harding had fancied With quick wit he adopted the young mans assumption of medievalism and used quaint phrases in a serio comic way that amused his new acquaintance immensely He looked picturesque too as he lounged under the tree which pleased Hardings artist eye His wheeling costume although really simple enough a loosely fitting linen blouse of the natural gray color tie of soft blue silk knickers of a dark gray mix- - vY HE TRANSFER PAGES ture hose of finely spun gray wooland low shoes yet was oddly pretty on him Harding took a sketchbook from his pocket and began to transfer the lit- tle ¬ scene to pages But no sooner did his companion see what he wTas doing than he sprang to his feet whirled his wheel into the road and with a hasty Its awfully late and I must rush Good by was off before the astonished Harding could utter a protest A week passed before the young architect met his troubadour al- though ¬ he walked over the same road almost every day He was rather re- gretful ¬ The boy interested him with his frank merriment and a certain un- expectedness ¬ and originality in mood and thought One day however he heard the tinkle of the mandolin in a new spot and after some difficulty located it Pushing through the underbrush he followed the faint sound until could discern dimly the form of the player He stopped for a moment to hear what the boy was plajing so lightly and singing so softly It was the Fauns Song in Vagabondia and the young musician was evidently improvising an air for the dainty words Harding pushed hastily forward the boughs cracking loudly as he did so At the sound the music ceased and the young man exclaimed reassuringly Dont stop little troubadour It is only I and I have my mandolin too Then as he came nearer said Where have you been I went up to town day and brought the mandolin back with me and Ive brought it out every day without finding you I heard I thought that you went away yesterday answered the boy with a curious embarrassment You speak of it as if that were the reason for your coming to day Not very flattering I must say laughed the man By the way I wish you would tell me your name Mine is Ken- neth ¬ Harding architect New York very much at your service Mine is Frank Willard said the youth after a moments pause You were improvising were you not Have you Vagabondia with you Ah there it is and Harding seized the little volume delightedly and with oufmore ado began to recite Barney McGee turning the leaves meanwhile Until he found the poem He read on to the end and his companion clapped his hands 1 Isnt it lovely That is absolute ge- - r i 7m THE BOTJitBCKN NEWS pfeAY SEPTEMBER 10 1897 nius in itslline he said and ho well vou read Please dont stop Kenneth read1 one after another of the gay or tender little poems He8 continued until the sun had fallen too low to permit longer reading then urged his companion to try a song or two and so the time passed until the two suddenly realized that it was near- - ly dark Youdbett er go It is not a good road i for a wheel after dark said Kenneth springing up The boy did not risei All right dont wait for me he said carelessly But we go in the same direction and may as well start together Your- - fathers house has bee pointed out to - me I think Back on the hill is it not l I thought so Shall I help you get your wheel out Where is it I walked to day my wheel is in for repairs answered the boy Then of course we will walk togeth- er ¬ as far as you go said Harding cheerfuBy Come we shall be late for our dinner if you dont hurry He was beginning to wonder vaguely at his companions evident reluctance when a sharp whistle three times re- peated ¬ pierced the stillness Prank answered it and in another minute a boy of 14 pushing aside the branches came into view At the same instant he called Frank Pr-a-n-c-- e-s where are you Oh there you are Hurry up sis the Carrolls have come to dinner Then suddenly catch- ing ¬ sight of Harding he stopped Pranks face was as crimson as the su- mach ¬ berries near but withan attempt at carelessness she said Mr Harding this is my brother Ned springing to her feet as she spoke I beg your pardon Harding began confusedly feeling most unreasonably guilty I thought you wTere a boy of course or I would not have pre- sumed ¬ as I did Im awfully sorry In spite of her evident chagrin the girl laughed I know it she said answering the first part of his speech not the last and it was so jolly When you saw me that day and I found that you thought I was a boy it seemed such fun But I kept away after I found that you came often because I did not want ycu to find out They had walked on as she made her explanations and when she ceased speaking Harding said eagerly But you will not stay away again I missed BEGAN TO THE LITTLE SCENE TO ITS its again he one So t ts you awfully those days my little trou- - badour I cant go there now that you know me said the girl demurely unless you call and are properly presented to my father and mother I think I have heard Dr Thome speak of you he would bring you if you asked him for which suggestion Harding thanked her gratefully and he profited by it the next evTgping Some months later Kenneth Hardin np e making a morning call in the city was conducted to a pretty little morning room and immediately on entering espied his own photograph on the man- tel ¬ Why Frank where did that he exclaimed you get Found it in the woods she laughed that first day I met you Thought I would keep it to remember you by it was so much jollier than you were Heavens werent you solemn that day But my troubadours voice was the spell that exorcised the evil spirit he said tenderly One or the Other A certain English duke while driv ¬ ing from the station to the park on his estate to inspect a company of artillery observed a ragged urchin keeping pace with his carriage at the side His grace being struck with the cleanliness of the lad asked him where he was going the lad replying To the park to see the dook and sogers The duke feeling interested stopped his carriage and opened the door to the lad saying he could ride with him to the park The delighted lad being in ignorance as to whom he was riding with kept his grace interested with his quaint re- - marke till the park gates were reached As the carriage entered it was saluted by the company and guns WThereupon his grace said to Jthe lad Now can you show me where the duke is The lad eyed his person over and then looking at the duke replied quite seri ¬ ously Well I dunno mester but its either me or you Chicago Times Herald The longest continued cataleptic sleep known to science was reported from Germany in 1892 the patient hav ¬ ing remained absolutely unconscious for 4 months The speculative astronomers are now arguing that the moon is in the shape of a plumb bob and thtthe larger encl is always toward th earth vf - ISLANDS OF ALASKA ITfeoKsands of Rich Homestead m Wait ins for tlie Plow t In the mad rush for gold locked in the icy bosom of Alaska other re- sources ¬ of that wonderful countryvhave been overlooked The Aleutian islands for instance present a field for agri ¬ culture and stock raising equal to any in the world With Alaska for a market the stock raiser and husbandman would thrive there as in no other part of the United States If the advantages presented by these islands were fully known a Jstampede of homesteaders would fol low unequal to anything since the opening of Oklahoma and the Chero- - kee Strip State Factory Inspector William -- Anderson has turned his attention to the islands and made a study of their climate resources and prospects While others rushed through the Chil- - Ikat pass in pursuit of that ignis fatuus gold he contemplated the neighbor islands and from considerable reading on the subject has come to the conclu sion that they present a better field for money making than the Klondike Men who wish to engage in stock raising or pastoral pursuits are advised by him to try the Aleutian islands There as no- where ¬ else in the country are thousands -- of acres of rich prolific land waitingf or the plow and the homesteader The prospect for the farmer and stock rais- er ¬ is brighter there than it ever was or is now in the strip of Oklahoma be- cause ¬ of the richer land in the islands There are 150 of these islands many of them adapted to grazing grain and Vegetable growing Washed by the Pa- cific ¬ current the climate is mild the year through In the valleys farm prod ucts may be raised on the tabl lands Igrass grows abundantly affording suf ficient fodder for cattle Perhaps no other place in the world presents the ad vantages for stock raising afforded by j the Aleutian islands There would be no straying of cattle no expensive round ups The cattle would thrive in open air the whole year The climate is perfect for that industry As in the British Isles the salt in the air does away with the necessity of putting salt in the food As every cattleman knows such conditions cause the animal to at- tain ¬ mucih heavier weight A ready market with cheap water transporta ¬ tion is afforded in Alaska British Co- lumbia ¬ and Washington There is some talk among a handful J of St Louis capitalists of homestead ping the islands for the purpose of cattle breeding on a large scale In addition to stock raising there is the industry bf fishing and sealing There are about 2000 Eskimos all told upon the 150 islands They are peaceable and make a livelihood by hunting and fishing Why risk the dangers of the Klon- - dike when a safer and surer field pre sents itself in the islands St Louis Globe Democrat v A BICYCLE TRAGEDY A Rash Youtli Wlio Did Xot Respect T- - His Svreetliearts Preferences He wasf ull of joy and why shouldnt he be Wasnt he riding a brand new wheel and in another moment wouldnt he be by the side of the creature he adored above allelse in the world Yea at times he was even constrained to believe he thought more of this beau- tiful ¬ girl than he did of his bike He dismounted opened the gate and with a proud step came up the graveled walk leading his wheel On the porch stood the girl who was his promised wife A happy light shone from her eves and the glad smile of welcome she gave him made the young- - man feel at peace with the world Suddenly the girl cast a swift glance at the new wheel She trembled and then grew pale The happy look fled from her eyes and a sudden flush of in- dignation ¬ swept over her beautiful fea- tures ¬ Drawing herself up proudly she cast a withering look upon the young man and said in a choked voice Henceforth Wheeler Sprocket we meet as strangers Our engagement is at an end You have shown yourself in your true colors A man who will not respect the feelings of his sweetheart will not love hiswife Go I say and never let me look upon your false face again Oh I hate you and she stamped her tiny foot upon the floor To say young Sprocket was thunder- struck ¬ at this unlooked for and unac- countable ¬ outburst of passion from the girl he adored would put it mildly in- deed ¬ What had he done he asked himself Was the girl temporarily in ¬ sane or was she only rehearsing her part in some private theatrical where- in ¬ she had the role of the innocent vic- tim ¬ of mans perfidy Bracing himself up to the occasion he managed to ex- claim ¬ Marguerite I cannot understand your strange actions Have T really of ¬ fended you in anyway OffendedmeWheelerSprockett You have grossly insulted me Oh how thankful I am that I discovered your true nature before it was too late and the look of scorn she gavel hisrt almost crushed him But dearest pleaded the young man you will at least tell me what I have done to offend you so Yes exclaimed the girl in a mock- ing ¬ tone I would play the innocent if I were you Buy a different make ot wheel from mine parade it before my very eyes and then ask me what you have done Whereupon Marguerite Hamilton whirled upon her heel entered her home and Wheeler Sprocket realizing there was no hope for a reconciliation mount- ed ¬ the new wheel and rode away Ohio State Journal A Sad Affair Thats what comes of having such poor lights exclaimed the guest as he rushed excitedly into the office Why whats wrong asked the Jer- sey ¬ coast landlord I met a fbellboy in the hall just now and supposing that he was a mosquito nearly killed him before I discovered my mistake iCleveland Leader FRANK I FRAYNES FATAL SHOT American Parallel to Recent Fatal Shooting on the Stagre in Germany The conviction of a German expert marksman in a Berlin court of the crime of pandering to the public lust for excitement was the result of an accident almost identical in every de ¬ tail with a tragedy that occurred some years ago in this country About six weeks ago in a Berlin music hall a marksman attempted to shoot an apple from the head of a young girl He had frequently accomplished the feat before with success But through some in- accuracy ¬ in aim the bullet instead of passing through the apple struck the woman in the head and killed her in- stantly ¬ He was sentenced for this to six months imprisonment There was no charge of negligence or criminal in- tent ¬ So the charge that he had at- tempted ¬ to pander to the public lust for excitement was invented to fit his case The victim of the American tragedy was Annie Von Behren and the man who shot her was Frank I Frayne who when he retired from the stage had made a fortune through his expertness a3 a marksman For many years he had traveled through the United States act- ing ¬ in a play called Si Slocum It was a rough-and-rea- dy piece devised chiefly to exhibit his skill in shooting and in the management of wild ani- mals ¬ He carried a whole menagerie about with him and this method of exhibiting his talents had been adopted after an unsuccessful career as an actor His wife Clara Butler who used to sing in his plays and act the partiof Mrs Slocum was for a long time the woman on whom his f eatsv of shooting were tried One of the best known of these was that in which standing with his back to her he shot an apple from her head and as in the story of William Tell this incident wras a crucial one in the play When his wife died a young Brooklyn girl named Annie Von Behren took her place in the com- pany ¬ The apple shooting feat was suc- cessfully ¬ continued for three years It was done every night and frequently twice at the many matinees given in the cheap theaters at which Frayne appeared Toward the end of November 18S2 the company reached a theater in Cin- cinnati ¬ known as the Coliseum It had been opened only two weeks when Si Slocum was acted there On Thanksgiving day there were more than 2000 persons at the theater at the extra matinee The play progressed to the scene in which the apple was to be shot from Mrs Slocums head The apple was placed on the girls head and Frayne took aim and fired As they heard the crack of the rifle the specta- tors ¬ saw Miss Von Behren fall to the stage with a spot of blood on her fore- head ¬ The actor turned and seeing 1 what had occurred ran to the spot where the girl lay and fell fainting bj her side The curtain dropped sudden ¬ ly and the manager appeared before the curtain to announce that the play would be broughtto an end immediately Some of the audience had supposed that the scene was a part of the play But it was soon whispered about that the girl had been killed The holiday crowd in the street heard the report and be- fore ¬ long several thousand people had gathered in front of the building al- though ¬ nobody knew certainly of the targedy inside The girl died within a few minutes after the bullet struck her over the left eye Frayne who was frantic with ex- citement ¬ was locked up The apple was four inches above her head and on a hat and the accidental use of a de- fective ¬ cartridge was the cause of her death Frayne protested that there was no danger in the backward shot as it had repeatedly been done without serious results The cbroners jury re- leased ¬ him and he declared he would never shoot again But after a brief re- tirement ¬ he returned to the stage and acted in his drama for nine years long- er ¬ although he never repeated the back ¬ ward shot with a woman and indeed abandoned the play in which the acci ¬ dent occurred It is said of the German that he was about to marry the girl he killed and the same story was told of Frayne and Miss Von Behren He died about six years ago and the shock he received when he killed the girl is said to have impaired his health seriously The shot that killed Miss Von Behren seems to have had a fatal effect on plays of this class Twenty years ago they were highly popular and they con- tinued ¬ so down to a very recent date But they have almost wholly disap- peared ¬ from the stage now N Y Sun Fear in Animals Back in prehistoric times our ances- tors ¬ probably knew fear as a constant feeling They fought to defend their lives and homes from one another With the beginning of agriculture and the do- mestication ¬ of animals fighting ceased to be the chief object of existence gen ¬ tler feelings had a chance to grow and fear was not so common a state of mind But Ave are not in the condition of sav- age ¬ tribes We do not live in fear our- selves ¬ and we understand that the ani ¬ mals we have domesticated must be treated with uniform kindness The horse is exceedingl nervous while cat- tle ¬ do not appear so nervous any dairy ¬ man will tell you that the utmost gen- tleness ¬ is necessary in caring for them We can reason away most of our fears neither the wild nor the domestic ani ¬ mals can do so much The one way to teach an animal to conquer fear is to let him feel that he may trust us It is the true and only way for it leads to love and perfect love caste th out fear Our Animal Friends A Climax Dobson eating fresh trout Per ¬ haps two hours ago this fish was swim ¬ ming in a brook happy careless and free Audi now Just then his teeth struck a bit of solder What he said then had better be imagined than described N Y Journal - tvt m A LITTLE NONSENSE -- A Wise Lad-r-Teach- er Into what jrand divisions is the earth divided rommj who reads the papers Civil service reformers and office seek- ers ¬ Philadelphia North American I see that a number of ttiomen are going to Klondike Yes I no- ticed ¬ it I was thinking of going up there and selling potatoes at 9S cents apiece Indianapolis Journal Mother You naughty boys Why did you take away your little sisters cake Boys Its her own fault mamma She passed here just when we - t it to were niavinfr roDoer uaron jdhc- - gende Blatter He When I first met my wife I thought she was one of the most eco- nomical ¬ women in the matter of clothes I had ever known She You met her at the seashore I believe Yonkers Statesman A Natural Conclusion Mrs Sim- mons ¬ TXhey say the season of mourn ¬ ing for a dead husband is only three weeks in Persia Mrs Proudifit Dear me Persian women cant look well in black Cleveland Leader Modern Art Teacher Give me a few simple sentences Pupil The sky is green The tree is red The sea is yellow Teacher Who taught you such nonsense Where did you ever see such things Pupil In my fa ¬ thers pictures Fliegende Blatter Avoiding Bisks Glad3rs Papas going to give me a check at the wedding instead of a present Tom Tom All right well have the ceremony at high nooni then instead of at four oclock Gladys Why what for dear Tom Banks close at three Detroit Free Press AUTOCRAT OF THE ELEVATOR All Mankind Must Stand in Great Avre ot That Boy It does the elevator boy an injustice when you think he has something against you He has not That is not against you in particular It is all hu ¬ manity who ride in elevators against whom his scorn is directed If you happen to belong to that class of course the elevator boy is not to blame for that He is essentially suspicious He thinks the whole world is in a conspiracy against him This is illustrated by a story told of a characteristically morose elevator boy in one of the big down ¬ town buildings He eyed every man who got on his machine as if to say Who told you you could ride on this elevator One of the office holders in the building who had been using the machine for a year or more with constantly increas- ing ¬ trepidation finally concluded he would get an expression from the ele- vator ¬ boy even if he were thrown down the shaft for his temerity One day he said Will what would you do to a man if he would tell you his honest candid opinion of you Without the least hesitation in the world the elevator boy said Id smash him in themouth There isnt another man in the building who dares to ad- dress ¬ the czar of the lifting machine It will be noticed that the class of managers of the lifting machines are called elevator boys This is a-- mis ¬ nomer The geniuses who originallj presided over the machines were boys but so many accidents happened when the affairs were put into use that the boys were replaced by men who are still out of courtesy called boys As a rule the elevator boy has an eye for the aesthetic as well as the beau- tiful ¬ The Christmas season never passes that he does not decorate his machine with mistletoe If a man asks Mm what he means by devoting so much time to embellish his lift he sim ¬ ply remarks Its the beginning of the holiday season and I like to call at- tention ¬ to the fact He is beginning to thaw out for the regular annua L Christmas and New Years tips It was during the Halloween sea- son ¬ that an amusing incident happened in one of the big buildings in the busi ¬ ness end of town The elevator boy was one of those fellows who paid a3 much attention to his hair and neck ¬ tie as a club man There was not a single young woman in the building that he wasnt familiar enough writh to address by her first name The lower floor on this occasion was crowded with anxious men who were frowning and swearing because the ele- vator ¬ would not come down The upper floor was likewise crowded with men who were also breaking one of the com ¬ mandments because the machine would not move up The machine was sus ¬ pended in midair The electric bells were playing a sulphurous tune both above and below and dire threats were made against the elevator boy After an interval of perhaps 15 minutes the machine glided swiftly down the chute and came to a gentle halt The door was thrown back by the elevator boy and his face was cut by a grin which extended from ear to ear A pretty little miss stepped out her face covered with blushes and her hat very much askew It was like oil on troubled waters Would I were an elevator boy quoth the maddest of the former anx ¬ ious passengers as he stepped respect ¬ fully into the machine Louisville Courier Journal Hott a Horse Starts This was the subject of a recent com ¬ munication to the Paris Academy of Science Many instantaneous photo ¬ graphs were made of a norse in the act Df starting from a position of rest and a careful comparison of the pictures combined with a study of the anatomy of the animal led to conclusions wiicb are said to be at variance with what has hitherto been believed It would ap ¬ pear from this evidence that the fore- legs ¬ play an important part in the pro ¬ pulsion of the animal from the very be ¬ ginning of its motion and that the breast muscles Temarkable for their development in the horse are essential agents in equine locomotion--YowtF- a uompauion - - t

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Page 1: THE NEWS pfeAY SEPTEMBER - Library of IH3e LviIf i JM 1 ii IHi i ttf 1 ftfe viSi i--K m--f-i L Sv i i 6 THE BOURBON


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THE BOURBON NEWSSevenxeenik Year Established 1861

Published Every Tuesday and Friday byWAITER CHAMP I

RUCE MILLERl i Editors and Owners


I HpDEftl TOOBflfiOu


Copyright 1897


Twas on a summers eve when rosesbloom

words of the trivial little songTHE out blithely in a clear trebleToice through which the tinkle ofa mandolin penetrated KennethHarding- - heard it as he strodemoodily along and idly won ¬

dered that such sounds should beheard in that particular spot as it wasat least five miles from any habitationIt must be confessed that he was notover pleased He was unhappy andunhappiness is always-- unreasonableso it seemed to him a distinct grievanceithat he should be compelled to listen toanything like frivolous gayety outthere on a lonely path which he hadsought jiist because it was lonely

In another moment as ihe turned thebend of the road he came in sight of aJboyish figure stretched carelessly-- under a tree by the wayside half leanting against its trunk half resting onhis elbow while he touched the stringsJn a light accompaniment

Shes a darling shes a queenShes the fairest one Ive seen

he sang gayly then suddenly stopped ashe saw Harding approach and half unonsciously as it seemed turned to the

wheel that stood beside him This ap-parent


inclination to mount and runuway changed quickty however andhe merely altered his position so thatJ he pedestrian no longer saw his face

Kenneth smiled with a trace ofamusement

Positively the boy is shy hethought a rare quality in boys now-adays


Suits his face thoughHarding trudged on quickly forget-


the momentary interruption of thethoughts in which he was absorbedThat they were not pleasant thoughtswas evident from the stern hard ex-pression


on his sensitive face and themoody misery in his gray eyes

At last wearied he flung himself unv der a tree and with hands clasped

under his head closed his eyes Heopened them soon however disturbedhy a faint sound opened them in timeto see the boy whom he had heard sing¬

ing dart past on his wheel the mando- -tin slung satchelwise over his back

Again Harding smiled grimty Trulya sentimental youth he soliloquizeda modern troubadour awheel Just

the type too Blonde curly hair brightbrown eyes handsome face not exactlyweak but a li t tie effeminate Quite theideal troubadour with his mandolin andhis fresh young voice He looks about16 Will be sing as gayly at 26 I

-- wonderHardings bitter soliloquj ended in a

laugh even more bitter Putting onehand in the breast pocket of his coathe drew out an envelope worn anddingy Slowly he extracted the con-tents


a letter and a photograph Thelatter which represented a young manwith a fine strong face intellectualand attractive was his own picturehe allowed it to fall from his fingers ashe opened the letter and read

DEAR KEN Try to forgive me I amvery unhappy butlpouldnothelp it IndeedT love you but you are so poor and I amafraid that we should both be miserableAnd Mr Brown is rich and mamma insistson my marrying him So I send yourpicture back I am to be married in StBartholemews next month Do forgiveme and wont you come to my weddingWhy should we not be friends just thesame Mr Brown does not know that wewere engaged Mamma said I had better

mot tell him Do write me Your lovingDORA

Theyoung mans face grew contempt-uous


as he read with a revulsion offeeling that startled him

Good heavens he exclaimed whata fool I am to care to be made miser ¬

able by a weak bad woman capable ofwriting that Yes bad She would beperfectly willing to amuse herself bycontinuing to play at love with me afterher marriage True to no one neitherher husband nor to me This ends it

INot another regret And no moreivoraen for me

He sprang to his feet and tore theletter into tiny fragments then strodeback the way he had come but with adifferent expression in his face Hisstep grew more elastic and he drewlor ft deep breaths as he felt that theshadow had passed he was freegainA day or two later Harding was pass-


over the same road He liked itsquiet the long reaches of shadow wherethe trees almost met across it the tan ¬

gled vines that claimbered and creptalong the rough fences A team wasrarely seen to disturb the stillness forit was the old road to Dorspringand although much more beautifulthan the new road was fully four mileslonger

As the young man approached thelend where he had seen the boy onhis previous walk he thought itwouldbe rather pleasant to hear again thegay voice of the yo ung troubadour ashe had named him But the only soundwas the unmusical mocking cawxiaw of a funereal crow

When fairly past the-- curve howt rever Harding espied the wheel leaning

against the same tree as before andnear it lay the boy sound asleep therniandoiin beside him his sof tcap pulleddown as if to shade his eyes from anyrstray sunbeam that might find its wayUhrough the heavy leafage

Almost involuntarily Hardingstopped and a sudden impulse of mishief took possession of him Going

closer to the sleeper close enough tonote the curve of the lips firm yetiweet aiid the blackness of the lahe

that lay on the clear sun browned skinhe said to himself Yes he would be ajolly little comrade Pm certain sohere goes and he cautiously drew theinstrument toward him He could playrather well had been member of thecollege banjo and mandolin club andhe could sing more than well beingpossessed of a good tenor voice admira¬

bly trainedTwos on a summers eve when

roses bloom the words rang out onthe quiet air Instantly the boys eyesopened and flushing crimson frombrow to throat he sprang to his feet

Why who who are you he stam¬

meredA fellow troubadour responded

Harding pleasantly I heard yousing a few days ago and caught afleeting glimpse of you to day Catch-ing


you asleep I took the liberty ofwaking you with your own song forthe selfish reason that I was lonely andthought you would perhaps give me afew moments of comradeship as atroubadour should

The flush had not quite left the boysface but he laughed responsively andsaid Very well Sir Knight I bidyou welcome But you must propitiatemy wrath at losing that delicious napby turning troubadour yourself orrather since you are one by givingme a prolonged exhibition of yourskill

He resumed his lounging attitude ashe spoke and Kenneth dropped into aplace near him It was the first time inmonths that the man had felt a mo-ments


gayety of mood and he gaveway to it freely Had his companionbeen a woman it would have been dif-ferent


Beserve would have taken theplace of spontaneity even had she pos-sessed


the power of evoking the moodwhich is to be doubted as Hardingshurt had not yet ceased to sting

The boy however proved to be asmerry a companion as Harding hadfancied With quick wit he adoptedthe young mans assumption ofmedievalism and used quaint phrasesin a serio comic way that amused hisnew acquaintance immensely

He looked picturesque too as helounged under the tree which pleasedHardings artist eye His wheelingcostume although really simple enough

a loosely fitting linen blouse of thenatural gray color tie of soft bluesilk knickers of a dark gray mix--



ture hose of finely spun gray woolandlow shoes yet was oddly pretty onhim

Harding took a sketchbook from hispocket and began to transfer the lit-tle


scene to pages But no soonerdid his companion see what he wTasdoing than he sprang to his feetwhirled his wheel into the road andwith a hasty Its awfully late and Imust rush Good by was off beforethe astonished Harding could utter aprotest

A week passed before the youngarchitect met his troubadour al-though


he walked over the same roadalmost every day He was rather re-gretful


The boy interested him withhis frank merriment and a certain un-expectedness


and originality in moodand thought

One day however he heard thetinkle of the mandolin in a new spotand after some difficulty located itPushing through the underbrush hefollowed the faint sound until coulddiscern dimly the form of the playerHe stopped for a moment to hear whatthe boy was plajing so lightly andsinging so softly It was the FaunsSong in Vagabondia and the youngmusician was evidently improvising anair for the dainty words

Harding pushed hastily forward theboughs cracking loudly as he did soAt the sound the music ceased and theyoung man exclaimed reassuringlyDont stop little troubadour It is

only I and I have my mandolin tooThen as he came nearer said Wherehave you been I went up to townday and brought the mandolin backwith me and Ive brought it out everyday without finding you

I heard I thought that you wentaway yesterday answered the boywith a curious embarrassment

You speak of it as if that were thereason for your coming to day Notvery flattering I must say laughedthe man By the way I wish youwould tell me your name Mine is Ken-neth


Harding architect New Yorkvery much at your service

Mine is Frank Willard said theyouth after a moments pause

You were improvising were younot Have you Vagabondia with youAh there it is and Harding seizedthe little volume delightedly and withoufmore ado began to recite BarneyMcGee turning the leaves meanwhileUntil he found the poem He read onto the end and his companion clappedhis hands

1 Isnt it lovely That is absolute ge- -r




nius in itslline he said and howell vou read Please dont stop

Kenneth read1 one after anotherof the gay or tender little poems He8

continued until the sun had fallen toolow to permit longer reading thenurged his companion to try a song ortwo and so the time passed until thetwo suddenly realized that it was near--

ly darkYoudbett er go It is not a good roadi

for a wheel after dark said Kennethspringing up The boy did not riseiAll right dont wait for me he said

carelesslyBut we go in the same direction

and may as well start together Your- -

fathers house has bee pointed out to -

me I think Back on the hill is it not l

I thought so Shall I help you get yourwheel out Where is it

I walked to day my wheel is infor repairs answered the boy

Then of course we will walk togeth-er


as far as you go said HardingcheerfuBy Come we shall be late forour dinner if you dont hurry Hewas beginning to wonder vaguely athis companions evident reluctancewhen a sharp whistle three times re-


pierced the stillness Prankanswered it and in another minute aboy of 14 pushing aside the branchescame into view At the same instanthe called Frank Pr-a-n-c-- e-s

where are you Oh there youare Hurry up sis the Carrolls havecome to dinner Then suddenly catch-ing


sight of Harding he stoppedPranks face was as crimson as the su-


berries near but withan attemptat carelessness she said Mr Hardingthis is my brother Ned springing toher feet as she spoke

I beg your pardon Harding beganconfusedly feeling most unreasonablyguilty I thought you wTere a boyof course or I would not have pre-sumed


as I did Im awfully sorryIn spite of her evident chagrin the

girl laughedI know it she said answering the

first part of his speech not the lastand it was so jolly When you saw

me that day and I found that youthought I was a boy it seemed suchfun But I kept away after I found thatyou came often because I did not wantycu to find out

They had walked on as she made herexplanations and when she ceasedspeaking Harding said eagerly Butyou will not stay away again I missed









you awfully those days my little trou--badour

I cant go there now that you knowme said the girl demurely unlessyou call and are properly presented tomy father and mother I think I haveheard Dr Thome speak of you hewould bring you if you asked himfor which suggestion Harding thankedher gratefully and he profited by it thenext evTgping

Some months later Kenneth Hardin npemaking a morning call in the city was

conducted to a pretty little morningroom and immediately on enteringespied his own photograph on the man-tel


Why Frank where didthat he exclaimed

you get

Found it in the woods she laughedthat first day I met you Thought I

would keep it to remember you by itwas so much jollier than you wereHeavens werent you solemn thatday

But my troubadours voice was thespell that exorcised the evil spirit hesaid tenderly

One or the OtherA certain English duke while driv¬

ing from the station to the park on hisestate to inspect a company of artilleryobserved a ragged urchin keeping pacewith his carriage at the side His gracebeing struck with the cleanliness of thelad asked him where he was going thelad replying To the park to see thedook and sogers The duke feelinginterested stopped his carriage andopened the door to the lad saying hecould ride with him to the park Thedelighted lad being in ignorance as towhom he was riding with kept hisgrace interested with his quaint re- -marke till the park gates were reachedAs the carriage entered it was salutedby the company and guns WThereuponhis grace said to Jthe lad Now canyou show me where the duke is Thelad eyed his person over and thenlooking at the duke replied quite seri¬

ously Well I dunno mester butits either me or you Chicago TimesHerald

The longest continued catalepticsleep known to science was reportedfrom Germany in 1892 the patient hav¬

ing remained absolutely unconsciousfor 4 months

The speculative astronomers arenow arguing that the moon is in theshape of a plumb bob and thtthelarger encl is always toward thearth vf -

ISLANDS OF ALASKAITfeoKsands of Rich Homestead m Wait

ins for tlie Plowt In the mad rush for gold locked inthe icy bosom of Alaska other re-sources


of that wonderful countryvhavebeen overlooked The Aleutian islandsfor instance present a field for agri¬

culture and stock raising equal to anyin the world

With Alaska for a market the stockraiser and husbandman would thrivethere as in no other part of the UnitedStates If the advantages presentedby these islands were fully known a

Jstampede of homesteaders would follow unequal to anything since theopening of Oklahoma and the Chero- -

kee StripState Factory Inspector William

--Anderson has turned his attention tothe islands and made a study of theirclimate resources and prospectsWhile others rushed through the Chil- -

Ikat pass in pursuit of that ignis fatuusgold he contemplated the neighborislands and from considerable readingon the subject has come to the conclusion that they present a better field formoney making than the Klondike Menwho wish to engage in stock raising orpastoral pursuits are advised by him totry the Aleutian islands There as no-


else in the country are thousands-- of acres of rich prolific land waitingforthe plow and the homesteader Theprospect for the farmer and stock rais-er


is brighter there than it ever was oris now in the strip of Oklahoma be-


of the richer land in the islandsThere are 150 of these islands many

of them adapted to grazing grain andVegetable growing Washed by the Pa-cific


current the climate is mild theyear through In the valleys farm products may be raised on the tabl landsIgrass grows abundantly affording sufficient fodder for cattle Perhaps noother place in the world presents the ad

vantages for stock raising afforded byj the Aleutian islands There would beno straying of cattle no expensiveround ups The cattle would thrive inopen air the whole year The climateis perfect for that industry As in theBritish Isles the salt in the air doesaway with the necessity of putting saltin the food As every cattleman knowssuch conditions cause the animal to at-


mucih heavier weight A readymarket with cheap water transporta ¬

tion is afforded in Alaska British Co-


and WashingtonThere is some talk among a handful

J of St Louis capitalists of homesteadping the islands for the purpose of cattlebreeding on a large scale In additionto stock raising there is the industrybf fishing and sealing There are about2000 Eskimos all told upon the 150islands They are peaceable and makea livelihood by hunting and fishing

Why risk the dangers of the Klon- -dike when a safer and surer field presents itself in the islands St LouisGlobe Democrat


A Rash Youtli Wlio Did Xot RespectT-

- His Svreetliearts PreferencesHe wasf ull of joy and why shouldnt

he be Wasnt he riding a brand newwheel and in another moment wouldnthe be by the side of the creature headored above allelse in the world Yeaat times he was even constrained tobelieve he thought more of this beau-tiful


girl than he did of his bikeHe dismounted opened the gate and

with a proud step came up the graveledwalk leading his wheel On the porchstood the girl who was his promisedwife A happy light shone from hereves and the glad smile of welcomeshe gave him made the young- - man feelat peace with the world

Suddenly the girl cast a swift glanceat the new wheel She trembled andthen grew pale The happy look fledfrom her eyes and a sudden flush of in-


swept over her beautiful fea-


Drawing herself up proudly shecast a withering look upon the youngman and said in a choked voice

Henceforth Wheeler Sprocket wemeet as strangers Our engagement isat an end You have shown yourself inyour true colors A man who will notrespect the feelings of his sweetheartwill not love hiswife Go I say andnever let me look upon your false faceagain Oh I hate you and shestamped her tiny foot upon the floor

To say young Sprocket was thunder-struck


at this unlooked for and unac-countable


outburst of passion from thegirl he adored would put it mildly in-


What had he done he askedhimself Was the girl temporarily in ¬

sane or was she only rehearsing herpart in some private theatrical where-in


she had the role of the innocent vic-


of mans perfidy Bracing himselfup to the occasion he managed to ex-


Marguerite I cannot understandyour strange actions Have T really of¬

fended you in anywayOffendedmeWheelerSprockett You

have grossly insulted me Oh howthankful I am that I discovered yourtrue nature before it was too lateand the look of scorn she gavel hisrtalmost crushed him

But dearest pleaded the youngman you will at least tell me whatI have done to offend you so

Yes exclaimed the girl in a mock-


tone I would play the innocentif I were you Buy a different make otwheel from mine parade it before myvery eyes and then ask me what youhave done

Whereupon Marguerite Hamiltonwhirled upon her heel entered her homeand Wheeler Sprocket realizing therewas no hope for a reconciliation mount-ed


the new wheel and rode away OhioState Journal

A Sad AffairThats what comes of having such

poor lights exclaimed the guest ashe rushed excitedly into the office

Why whats wrong asked the Jer-sey


coast landlordI met a fbellboy in the hall just now

and supposing that he was a mosquitonearly killed him before I discoveredmy mistake iCleveland Leader


American Parallel to Recent FatalShooting on the Stagre in GermanyThe conviction of a German expert

marksman in a Berlin court of thecrime of pandering to the public lustfor excitement was the result of anaccident almost identical in every de¬

tail with a tragedy that occurred someyears ago in this country About sixweeks ago in a Berlin music hall amarksman attempted to shoot an applefrom the head of a young girl He hadfrequently accomplished the feat beforewith success But through some in-


in aim the bullet instead ofpassing through the apple struck thewoman in the head and killed her in-


He was sentenced for this tosix months imprisonment There wasno charge of negligence or criminal in-


So the charge that he had at-


to pander to the public lustfor excitement was invented to fit hiscase

The victim of the American tragedywas Annie Von Behren and the manwho shot her was Frank I Frayne whowhen he retired from the stage hadmade a fortune through his expertnessa3 a marksman For many years he hadtraveled through the United States act-ing


in a play called Si Slocum Itwas a rough-and-rea- dy piece devisedchiefly to exhibit his skill in shootingand in the management of wild ani-mals


He carried a whole menagerieabout with him and this method ofexhibiting his talents had been adoptedafter an unsuccessful career as an actorHis wife Clara Butler who used tosing in his plays and act the partiofMrs Slocum was for a long time thewoman on whom his featsv of shootingwere tried One of the best knownof these was that in which standingwith his back to her he shot an applefrom her head and as in the story ofWilliam Tell this incident wras a crucialone in the play When his wife dieda young Brooklyn girl named AnnieVon Behren took her place in the com-pany


The apple shooting feat was suc-cessfully


continued for three years Itwas done every night and frequentlytwice at the many matinees given inthe cheap theaters at which Frayneappeared

Toward the end of November 18S2the company reached a theater in Cin-


known as the Coliseum Ithad been opened only two weeks when

Si Slocum was acted there OnThanksgiving day there were more than2000 persons at the theater at the extramatinee The play progressed to thescene in which the apple was to beshot from Mrs Slocums head Theapple was placed on the girls head andFrayne took aim and fired As theyheard the crack of the rifle the specta-tors


saw Miss Von Behren fall to thestage with a spot of blood on her fore-head


The actor turned and seeing1 what had occurred ran to the spot

where the girl lay and fell fainting bjher side The curtain dropped sudden ¬

ly and the manager appeared beforethe curtain to announce that the playwould be broughtto an end immediatelySome of the audience had supposed thatthe scene was a part of the play Butit was soon whispered about that thegirl had been killed The holiday crowdin the street heard the report and be-


long several thousand people hadgathered in front of the building al-


nobody knew certainly of thetargedy inside

The girl died within a few minutesafter the bullet struck her over the lefteye Frayne who was frantic with ex-


was locked up The applewas four inches above her head and ona hat and the accidental use of a de-


cartridge was the cause of herdeath Frayne protested that therewas no danger in the backward shot asit had repeatedly been done withoutserious results The cbroners jury re-


him and he declared he wouldnever shoot again But after a brief re-


he returned to the stage andacted in his drama for nine years long-er


although he never repeated the back¬

ward shot with a woman and indeedabandoned the play in which the acci ¬

dent occurredIt is said of the German that he was

about to marry the girl he killed andthe same story was told of Frayne andMiss Von Behren He died about sixyears ago and the shock he receivedwhen he killed the girl is said to haveimpaired his health seriously

The shot that killed Miss Von Behrenseems to have had a fatal effect on playsof this class Twenty years ago theywere highly popular and they con-tinued


so down to a very recent dateBut they have almost wholly disap-peared


from the stage now N Y Sun

Fear in AnimalsBack in prehistoric times our ances-


probably knew fear as a constantfeeling They fought to defend theirlives and homes from one another Withthe beginning of agriculture and the do-


of animals fighting ceasedto be the chief object of existence gen¬

tler feelings had a chance to grow andfear was not so common a state of mindBut Ave are not in the condition of sav-age


tribes We do not live in fear our-selves


and we understand that the ani ¬

mals we have domesticated must betreated with uniform kindness Thehorse is exceedingl nervous while cat-tle


do not appear so nervous any dairy¬

man will tell you that the utmost gen-tleness


is necessary in caring for themWe can reason away most of our fearsneither the wild nor the domestic ani¬

mals can do so much The one way toteach an animal to conquer fear is tolet him feel that he may trust us Itis the true and only way for it leads tolove and perfect love caste th outfear Our Animal Friends

A ClimaxDobson eating fresh trout Per¬

haps two hours ago this fish was swim ¬

ming in a brook happy careless andfree Audi now

Just then his teeth struck a bit ofsolder What he said then had betterbe imagined than described N YJournal -




-- A Wise Lad-r-Teach- er Into whatjrand divisions is the earth dividedrommj who reads the papersCivil service reformers and office seek-



Philadelphia North AmericanI see that a number of ttiomen

are going to Klondike Yes I no-


it I was thinking of going upthere and selling potatoes at 9S centsapiece Indianapolis Journal

Mother You naughty boys Whydid you take away your little sisterscake Boys Its her own faultmamma She passed here justwhen we

- t it towere niavinfr roDoer uaron jdhc- -

gende BlatterHe When I first met my wife I

thought she was one of the most eco-


women in the matter ofclothes I had ever known She Youmet her at the seashore I believeYonkers Statesman

A Natural Conclusion Mrs Sim-


TXhey say the season of mourn ¬

ing for a dead husband is only threeweeks in Persia Mrs ProudifitDear me Persian women cant look

well in black Cleveland LeaderModern Art Teacher Give me a

few simple sentences Pupil Thesky is green The tree is red The seais yellow Teacher Who taught yousuch nonsense Where did you eversee such things Pupil In my fa¬

thers pictures Fliegende BlatterAvoiding Bisks Glad3rs Papas

going to give me a check at theweddinginstead of a present Tom Tom Allright well have the ceremony at highnooni then instead of at four oclockGladys Why what for dear Tom

Banks close at three Detroit FreePress


All Mankind Must Stand in Great Avreot That Boy

It does the elevator boy an injusticewhen you think he has somethingagainst you He has not That is notagainst you in particular It is all hu ¬

manity who ride in elevators againstwhom his scorn is directed If youhappen to belong to that class of coursethe elevator boy is not to blame forthat

He is essentially suspicious He thinksthe whole world is in a conspiracyagainst him This is illustrated by astory told of a characteristically moroseelevator boy in one of the big down ¬

town buildings He eyed every manwho got on his machine as ifto say Who told you youcould ride on this elevator Oneof the office holders in the buildingwho had been using the machine for ayear or more with constantly increas-ing


trepidation finally concluded hewould get an expression from the ele-


boy even if he were thrown downthe shaft for his temerity One dayhe said Will what would you do to aman if he would tell you his honestcandid opinion of you

Without the least hesitation in theworld the elevator boy said Id smashhim in themouth There isnt anotherman in the building who dares to ad-


the czar of the lifting machineIt will be noticed that the class of

managers of the lifting machines arecalled elevator boys This is a-- mis ¬

nomer The geniuses who originalljpresided over the machines were boysbut so many accidents happened whenthe affairs were put into use that theboys were replaced by men who arestill out of courtesy called boys

As a rule the elevator boy has aneye for the aesthetic as well as the beau-tiful


The Christmas season neverpasses that he does not decorate hismachine with mistletoe If a man asksMm what he means by devoting somuch time to embellish his lift he sim ¬

ply remarks Its the beginning of theholiday season and I like to call at-


to the fact He is beginningto thaw out for the regular annua L

Christmas and New Years tipsIt was during the Halloween sea-


that an amusing incident happenedin one of the big buildings in the busi ¬

ness end of town The elevator boywas one of those fellows who paid a3much attention to his hair and neck ¬

tie as a club man There was not asingle young woman in the buildingthat he wasnt familiar enough writh toaddress by her first name

The lower floor on this occasion wascrowded with anxious men who werefrowning and swearing because the ele-


would not come down The upperfloor was likewise crowded with menwho were also breaking one of the com ¬

mandments because the machine wouldnot move up The machine was sus¬

pended in midair The electric bellswere playing a sulphurous tune bothabove and below and dire threats weremade against the elevator boy Afteran interval of perhaps 15 minutes themachine glided swiftly down the chuteand came to a gentle halt The doorwas thrown back by the elevator boyand his face was cut by a grin whichextended from ear to ear A prettylittle miss stepped out her face coveredwith blushes and her hat very muchaskew

It was like oil on troubled watersWould I were an elevator boy

quoth the maddest of the former anx¬

ious passengers as he stepped respect ¬

fully into the machine LouisvilleCourier Journal

Hott a Horse StartsThis was the subject of a recent com¬

munication to the Paris Academy ofScience Many instantaneous photo ¬

graphs were made of a norse in the actDf starting from a position of rest anda careful comparison of the picturescombined with a study of the anatomyof the animal led to conclusions wiicbare said to be at variance with what hashitherto been believed It would ap¬

pear from this evidence that the fore-legs


play an important part in the pro¬

pulsion of the animal from the very be¬

ginning of its motion and that thebreast muscles Temarkable for theirdevelopment in the horse are essentialagents in equine locomotion--YowtF- auompauion - -
