the next wave magazine october 2012

3 The Voice of Apostolic Reformation Volume 80 Issue 10 OCTOBER 2012

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Page 1: The Next Wave Magazine October 2012


The Voice of Apostolic Reformation Volume 80 Issue 10 OCTOBER 2012

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International Circle of Faith (ICOF)

The Next Wave - Contributing Editors

David Tait, Lee Bates, Bernie Wade,

Dallas Carter, Robert Straube, Barney

Philips, John Rogers, Sanford Wade,

Doc Burkhart

Advertizing Inquiries

For more information about advertising

email [email protected] or call


Editorial Submissions

We welcome submissions and editorials

but assume no responsibility for the

return of unsolicited submissions. Please

send photos, articles, and documents to

P.O. Box 72, Sulphur, KY 40070 Electronic

submissions to: [email protected]


P.O. Box 72 Sulphur, KY 40070


Annual Subscription: $36 US.


Dr. Bernie Wade


Dr. Barney Phillips

Fatal Progress!

Bishop Samuel Smith



Bill Gates

The Unified Army

Dr. Robert Straube

God Meant it for Good

David Wilkerson



Dr. Robert Straube

ICOF Business


Dr. John Rogers

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By Bernie L. Wade, Thd.

If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the

plagues that are written in this book: (Rev. 22:19-20) And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, an out of the holy city, and from the things

which are written in this book. “Modern Christianity has convinced itself that Jesus provided two distinct gospels and two distinct faiths — one for the first century church and one for those who followed after. The first was miraculously empowered; the second was not. The first had the baptismal gift of the Holy Spirit; the second was merely given a book telling what the Holy Spirit had achieved in the past.”1 This approach to the New Testament gives the modern apologists license to make any change that they want to the doctrine of the New Testament Church. Under this premise grievous wolves have come into the Church teaching a variety of man-made and hell inspired ideas. Even among those who believe the New Testament and understand that there is no Scriptural basis for the


premise that the Charismata has ended there is misdirection and confusion. All of this is contrary to the mandate of Jesus Christ that He transferred to His apostles to whom He gave oversight of the Church. This is no authority given in Scripture to make such a radical change to the plan of God, but modern organizations have taken the objective to explain away the plan of God for His people. According to one American denomination, “With the restoration of the miraculous gifts to the Church has also come the question of whether God is restoring the fivefold ministry of Ephesians 4:11: “It was he who gave some to be apostles, some to be

prophets, some to be evangelists, and some to be pastors and teachers.” Bible scholars differ on whether the gifts of pastor and teacher are separate in Ephesians 4 (yielding a total of five), or whether a better translation might be “. . . and some to be pastor-teachers” (yielding a total of four). Greek grammar would seem to dictate four, but the New Testament often

discusses pastoral and teaching roles separately. However, the best designation for ministry is neither fivefold nor fourfold but manifold. Ephesians 4:12 gives to all saints the work of ministry, while 1 Corinthians 12:28–30 and Romans 12:6–8 provide aspects of ministry beyond the designations in Ephesians 4:11,12. Relatively few questions are raised

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about the validity of contemporary evangelists, pastors, and teachers.2 So, the position of this denomination is that there is no challenge to Pastors, teachers and evangelists, but they are not sure about Apostles and Prophets. There is also a definite that God has restored the miraculous gifts but he might have decided to hold back on fivefold ministry. Is there really a doubt that the fivefold ministry was given by God to His body? Did the New Testament Church hold this position? This is the exact problem dealt with by Apostle Paul is addressing those who did not believe.

For the gifts and calling of God are without repentance.3

Organizations are the work of men. While the concept of being organized and having direction and purpose is certainly good and by not in and of itself contrary to the Word of God. However, organizations or denominations often fail to realize that they are merely a vehicle that God is using. No organization or

2©General Council of the Assemblies of God 1445 North Booneville

Avenue Springfield, Missouri 65802-1894

_apostles_prophets.pdf 3 Romans 11:29.

denomination has the authority to rewrite the Word of God. Let God be true and all men be liars. These organizations take the place of God

when they attempt to decide how and to what extent God Spirit is permitted to operate or to claim part is operational and part was only for those in the -past. Thankfully, God did not appoint a committee of

preachers to decide how His body would function. For more on the subject of Fivefold read The Next Wave - Restoration of the Charismata by Dr. Bernie L. Wade

Dr. Bernie Wade is the President of the

International Circle of Faith (ICOF) A

Global body of believers served by more

than 50,000 ministers representing more

than 25 million constituents. This is

considered the largest Apostolic body of

believers in the history of the world.

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ICOF members have united over 50,000 ministers

representing more than 25 Million constituents, several

hundred colleges, universities and other Christian schools,

orphanages & feeding programs, humanitarian aid

organizations, chaplains and other charities.

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Bill Gates and the new


To commemorate the 100th

anniversary of the first eugenics

conference, the Bill and Melinda

Gates Foundation put on a family

planning conference in London last

month, co-hosted by the UK

Department for International

Development, with a bunch of pro-

abortion and population control

fanatics from Planned Parenthood,

Marie Stopes International, and the

United Nations Populations Fund


What is driving Bill and Melinda Gates

to stop people having children? Why

is abortion now part of UK foreign aid

policy? We investigate here


Psalm 127:3 Lo, children are an

heritage of the LORD: and the fruit

of the womb is his reward.

Bill Gates' ‘Soft Eugenics’

Last month we published a report on

the Gates Foundation, focusing on

how it has been promoting a type of

‘soft eugenics’ under the pretence of

‘family planning.’ More has since

come to light. Read about these new-

styled 'kings of the earth' here:


Yours in the mighty name of Jesus,

Stephen Green - Christian Voice

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Fatal Progress! by Bishop Samuel Smith

Jesus said: ". . . Take heed that no man deceive you . . . For there shall arise false Christ's, and false prophets, and shall show great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect" (Matthew 24:4, 24). If we indeed believe that our Lord provided sufficient warning to be informed relative to the "end-time," certainly the spirit of "deceit" cannot be ignored! Paul warned: "Now we beseech you, brethren, by the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, and by our gathering unto him . . . Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there be a falling away first. . . " (II Thessalonians 2:1-3). I ask a sincere question, was Paul beside himself with end-time paranoia? I am convinced, after years of experience, observing the present state of the Apostolic Church, against the backdrop of the signs of the time, that the end-time battle will be won or lost upon the basis of one's successful struggle with the "spirit of deception!" Amos proclaimed, "Prepare to meet thy God!" Daniel warned of the flattery spoken by, and the marvelous words of, the Prince of Darkness, whose spirit would pervade the last days. Peter predicted, "Scoffers shall arise in the last days." John identified Jesus as the true God, and admonished us

to stay away from idols! Were these Bible heroes "false alarmists?" Frank Bartleman, contemporary of William Seymour and converted newspaper writer, whom God chose to become the recorder of the famed Azusa Street Revival, predicted an end-time church that would be swayed by a "Christ-less Pentecost." Can we discount Bartleman's prophetic warning? After the advocates of advancement and critics of caution have had their say; after the tug of war between conservatives and liberals has played out; both the despisers

of compassion and the unifiers at any cost, have one thing in common, they have drunk from the common cup of religious poison. Christian compassion is not compromise nor is mindless unification, progress! We must ask

these questions: "When did Satan change his grand design, and when did the Harlot Church and her daughters get saved?" We are amply warned of an end-time Harlot Church, where doctrine is polluted by an unholy affair with the world; a system drunk on the blood of the saints, totally adrift, indulging in the pleasures of the flesh; so worldly and so un-heavenly, it is called "The synagogue of Satan." That despicable monster whom the Bible calls the "Great Whore," and powerful preachers, from Luther, Spurgeon, and countless others, even our dear Apostolic forefathers, granted no quarter. That Mother of Harlots draws little notice from

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most today, nor do the daughters she has birthed, except that too often, too many try to craft their claims to success in her's and their scarlet images. When a well-known Pentecostal preacher declares that the Pope's message on universal brotherhood was one of the best sermons he has ever heard . . . Beware! When the leading full-gospel magazine in the entire world speaks favorably of Charismatic and Catholic union . . . Beware! Call me an "alarmist," I rest my case upon the pages of end-time prophecy! In my lifetime I have been challenged by my mentors, Holy men of God, to pursue Bible Revival! In light of the Holy Scriptures and influenced by those anointed pathfinders who have articulated the vision, our Apostolic heritage diligently pursued the Promise; doctrinal integrity and worldwide Bible Revival! Why now, among so many, the "drag and the drift?" Must the flame flicker and die out? Are we doomed by either extreme; hostility to evangelism; or, an ambitious quest to free ourselves from the last vestiges of classical "Pentecostalism" to the point of abandoning Sacred Landmarks and Holy Revelation? In the Quest for big-time "interdenominational" Pentecostal unity, we can never "trade off" the Revelation of the Mighty God in Christ; the power in His name; the masterpiece called the "Acts of the Apostles"; and the role of water baptism in the new birth. I propose this question for those who feel it meritorious to forfeit doctrinal integrity for strength in numbers: why stop with unifying

with non-Apostolic Pentecostals; the numbers would be even greater if we continued further and merged with all neo-conservative/fundamentalists? The fact remains the strength of numbers would really be significant if we unified with mainline Protestantism. The numbers would really be staggering if we continued further and rejoined worldwide Christian Orthodoxy. And really, couldn't we make an awesome statement in the face of the perils of Islam, heathenism, atheism, cultism, and possibly reemerging communism, if we returned to that part of Rome that is charismatic? But wait a minute, I've heard that before! It is the echo in my memory, ringing forth from the pages of Holy Writ, screamed forth from the lips of Paul, "Come out from among them, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you" (II Corinthians 6:17).

Our forefathers in the "faith", from Charles Parham at Topeka, until recently, warned us of the perils of Mystery Babylon/Roman Catholicism and the magnetic pull of her wayward, gifted, and ever

so lovely daughters. In the "1960's" my heart pounded, when at a sweltering, hot, July Texas camp meeting, with real sawdust, my young preacher's soul was warned: "While the church-world prepares to return to Mother Rome, we Apostolics are preparing to go home to Father, the Mighty God in Christ." Read Isaiah 9:6. Paul's warning to the Galatians is more than applicable to our time: "O foolish Galatians, who hath bewitched you, that ye should not obey the truth" (Galatians 3:1).

Charles F. Parham

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Our faithful watchmen on the wall, a generation ago, predicted the inevitable effects of ecumenicalism upon the Church, they recognized the "puppeteer" and his "puppets;" but very few words are spoken today about this fatal threat! Why? Because the extremes are shouting so loud in both ears, right and left, conservative and liberal; must we make a choice to either split hairs and fight "straw-men" or trash our holy heritage? When I hear of Charismatic-Catholics who speak with tongues, and claim that the spiritual gifts make the sacraments of the Church of Rome more dear, and mother Mary more real to their lives, I am troubled! When I hear, ministers, widely accepted in some Apostolic circles, boast that he has Catholics in his church, who still pray to Mary, but that does not bother him; . . . I am bothered! Are we trading our birthright for a "morsel?" Why the rush for numbers, acclaim, fame, riches, leisure and luxury? Every item I mentioned in the preceding sentence is an enemy too real, soul saving "Revival." The fans of the beer-swilling "Christian" athlete, the world-loving Charismatic Hollywood star, to the tongue-talking country-western singer, sit comfortably in many of our churches today! Our claim to fame is not who attends our churches, but who died for our Church! Jesus said, ". . . this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the

end come" (Matthew 24:14). If the commonly accepted version of the "gospel" that so many Apostolics are now rushing to embrace were the real "gospel," then Jesus would have returned by now! That version of the gospel (which Paul called another gospel) has been bounced around the world by monks, conquistadors, denominal missionaries for centuries, (and of late, famed televangelists), to every continent and islands of the seas. I affirm that the Gospel unveils the

revelation of the Mighty God in Christ, in the Old Testament concealed, in the New Testament revealed! At Sinai, the revelation demanded a sacrifice; at Calvary, the sacrifice demanded a revelation . . . Jesus is God! I affirm that infallible

scripture declares, and the Gospel propounds, the power in the blood, the power in the name, and the name sovereign in all instances, not the least of which, in water baptism by immersion. As the old songwriter chorused, "All Hail the Power in Jesus name!" I affirm that the Gospel brings access to whosoever will, by virtue of obedience, and sins remitted, to the Holy of Holies; there they are filled with the promise of God, the Holy Ghost with Bible evidence of speaking with new tongues and power following, to live a life holy and separated, from an unholy and hell-bound world! I affirm that this Gospel is the only means for one being

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prepared when Jesus returns in a moment, with the shout of the archangel! Divine order, as inscribed by the pattern of the Tabernacle in the wilderness, Exodus 25-40, decrees that adherence to this "Gospel" is the only means to live a holy life, avoid "Hell", and be "Heaven" prepared. Acts 2:38, preached by the "man with the keys," contains the essential command, "Repent," the correct formula for water baptism, the power in the name, cleansing by the blood and the promised Holy Ghost infilling: "If this gospel be hid, it is hid to them that are lost" (II Corinthians 4:3). How can American Apostolics so easily discount the Revelation, and trade off such beautiful truths for apparent progress, when for centuries and even now, there are multiplicities who have paid, and are still paying a great price for this Truth? I know first-hand the account of the Apostolic revelation in India, their struggle with Hindus, Muslims, denominationalism, and non-Apostolic Pentecostals, to attain and maintain the Truth! I have joyfully reviewed the first English version of the history of the Apostolic Church in Russia; how that early in the 20th Century, Spirit-filled Russians, hungered for more truth and God revealed it to them. From that point, at great risk and peril, they treasured the Revelation of the Mighty God in Christ, and water baptism in the name of

Jesus, with equal fervor to their initial Holy Spirit infilling! I have personally talked with the elders of the large True Jesus Church of China, claiming 5 million baptized in the name of Jesus Christ and filled with the Holy Ghost speaking with tongues. They have told me how a Chinese Presbyterian pastor in 1917, seeking more of God, fasted for 39 days, (stopping 1 day short of Christ's length of fast, feeling unworthy to be compared with Him), was commanded by God to baptize himself in the name of the "Lord Jesus

Christ," thus beginning one of the most glorious chapters of the 20th Century Church, a story I cannot even begin to describe in this limited space. I cannot ignore how God used a young Mexican housekeeper,

returning to her native country from Los Angeles to carry this "Gospel" to a land then ravished by revolution and Mary-worship, to sow the seed of another 20th Century Apostolic Revival. During my many trips to the Philippines, I have rejoiced at the accounts of the persistent moves of the Holy Ghost to break through the spiritual darkness of that distant Asian land and reveal this Gospel! In World War II, a dying American soldier gave his Bible to a Catholic Filipino and prophesied that the truth therein would truly liberate him, his family, and country. Since then, countless men and women of the Philippines have selflessly given themselves to preach this Truth. Today

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hundreds of thousands are born-again the Bible way! In Manila, a former Trinitarian preacher so moved by God to dedicate his life to prayer and fasting, that this Truth was revealed to him; he has since preached to 25 to 40 thousand in service each Sunday, and two hours daily upon national television, reaching well over a million souls each week. In Korea, denominational Christians are being baptized in Jesus' name and speaking with new tongues, rising at 4 A.M. daily to pray for God to save their nation. I could continue with a factual parade of worldwide examples of Bible Truth revealed and total commitment to the clearly defined Gospel; but I will stop and ponder the incredible. And we American Apostolics would retreat? While multitudes are rushing to the Revelation, hungry and thirsty for more Truth, can we bear the thought that any of us will pass them, heading the other way? . . . "I want nothing to do with Fatal Progress!"

Bishop is the General

Chairman of the

Apostolic World

Christian Fellowship


40 Soldiers for Jesus Christ

Even though few today in American sacrifice much at all for their faith in Christ, there are stories in history that tell us amazing accounts of those who have suffered because of their faith. One such story took place in 328 A.D.. in a city high in the icy mountains of Armenia.

It was a bitterly cold winter and in the middle of that winter an order came from the Roman emperor that every man, woman, and child under the rule of his empire must bow down to him as a god. Now there was a powerful force of Roman soldiers in that Armenian city known as the “Thundering Legion”, and their reputation as a powerful military force was

known through all the Roman Empire. But the emperor was not satisfied with their military service - he wanted each soldier to bow down to him.

When the time came for each soldier to bow down, 40 could not. They were faithful soldiers, but more importantly, they were Christians - they could not obey the emperor's order to make him their god. They said, “We can only worship the one true God.”

Well, when the word of these 40 Christian soldiers refusing to bow down and worship him was received by the emperor, his command back was simple, “Bow down to me, reject your Christian God, or die”. But the 40 Christian Roman soldiers did not bow

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down - so the decision was made that they would die. But how should they die? Should they be fed to the hungry lions? Should they be burned at the stake? These were both terrible ways to die, but an even more cruel death was prescribed - they were to be frozen to death in the bitter cold winter.

So they took the 40 soldiers to a frozen lake in the middle of a terrible storm. They stripped them of all their clothing and left them to freeze to death.

But the general didn't want to lose these 40 good soldiers. He said, “Simply bow down to the emperor and save your life?” But they did not. The soldiers taunted and laughed at them – “soon you'll be back; you will bow down”. But the laughing stopped when these 40 Christians bravely walked barefoot across the icy freezing lake.

Well, through the night the soldiers lit a fire and cooked food to tempt the Christians to give up. But the Christians prayed to God to make them brave, and they began to shout, “Here die 40 men for Christ”.

The freezing bitter cold night went on until finally, the cold was too much for one of the men. He staggered back to the fire and agreed to denounce his God and to bow down to the emperor. But the remaining 39 Christians would not give in, even though they were literally freezing to death.

Then, amazingly, something happened that they could not believe - one of the Roman soldiers sitting by the fire, having watched the bravery and courage and faith on these dying Christians, he stood before the general and uttered these words, “I will take that man's place - I will be a Christian.” As the general watched in amazement, this Roman soldier removed his clothing and walked onto the icy lake to join the 39.

Well the Roman soldiers sat by that fire all night long and the last thing they said they could remember hearing through the howl of that terrible freezing winter storm was the now 40 Christian men shouting, “Here die 40 men for Christ”. In the morning, sadly, there were 40 frozen

bodies; men who have sacrificed for their faith and belief in Christ.

A full 350 years later, in the chapel in the forum of Rome, was dedicated to these 40 soldiers a plaque, a simple plaque which still hangs there today, with these powerful words engraved on it,

“Here die 40 men for Christ”.

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International Circle of Faith

Business & Development

There is a need for all people of this

world to be as self-sufficient as possible

and it is toward this goal that ICOF is

headed through use of its “Development


One of the major difficulties facing

individual and governmental

development is that, even though all

people are created equal, our societal

set-up’s have been already shaped by

our predecessors and “change”

becomes the challenge to many.

For ICOF to bring direction to all, a start

must be made to bring all to belief in

Jesus Christ and what He foresaw as

future needs of societies, including

enrichment of each other in all things.

This enrichment can take on many

forms and ICOF has taken a gigantic

step to meet the challenge through its

“Development Division”.

This Development Division includes

support to assist in establishing new

businesses of all kinds throughout the

world that must be keyed to local

environments, products, skills and

business acumen. This in turn means

improving local education of all those

wishing to have a business as well as

being supported by an educated local

staff that are also able to communicate

with the world and be respected for their

positions and concerns for their nations

and families and friends. This means

working within their countries, spreading

goodwill to the rest of the world while

enhancing the well-being of all they


International Circle of Faith Global

Union is committed to helping our

members and partners. Realizing that

most churches and ministries need

additional resources to accomplish their

mission and at the same time lack the

wherewithal to have their own

development team, ICOF has

committed, time, talent and resources to

assist in the area of general

development. This commitment

includes but is not limited to:

A. Developing qualified and

sustainable business proposals

B. Attracting qualified investors to

these projects.

C. Advice and direction for churches

and ministries.

D. Unique and innovative solutions

for missions and missionaries.

John Rogers, PhD serves

as Sr. VP of Development

with ICOF Global

[email protected]

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As we approached our

publication deadline Dr. Teddy

Dones launched an amazing

new network! Fivefold


Dr. Dones is an alumnus of

International Circle of Faith

Colleges, Seminaries and

Universities (ICOF CSU).

Looking at the success of social

media, he has had a burden to create a

place where those who enjoy social media

can interact without the rudiments of the

world dominating the conversation.

Dr. Dones and his wife Janet are the leaders

of Messengers of Fire a powerful ministry

located in the Ohio valley (USA) but doing

ministry all over the world. Join Fivefold

Connection for FREE!

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By Dr. Robert Straube

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By Dr. Robert


Editor's Note: Dr. Robert Straube

Assistant to the Presiding Bishop for

International Circle of Faith (ICOF) has

given us a modern day method for

implementation of the model used by the

New Testament Church. Here are

excerpts. This document is available

online through the ICOF E-LIBRARY.


A church is a group of people in

fellowship with each other. It should

be a network of relationships. BEING CHURCH

Where we Live Elders

The foundational

relationships are

those between the

elders. Elders are

an essential part of

the church. This diagram shows

five elders. A body

will have at least

four or five elders.

The lines represent the strong

relationships they have with each

other. They will be totally

committed to each other, so they will

be willing to accept encouragement

and correction from each other.

In every place where there was a group

of disciples, Paul and Barnabas

appointed elders (Acts 14:22,23). This

was all that was needed to make a

group of disciples into a Church.

Nothing more was needed. So in the

New Testament, a Church was a group

of believers in a particular place, who

were overseen by elders.

Key issues for many modern churches

are the quality of worship and

preaching. However, there is no

command in the scriptures that

Christians should meet for worship each

week. Communal worship is good, but it

should not be our first priority. (Our

whole lives should be an act of


In previous centuries, when very few

people could read, regular teaching

was very important. In the modern

world, abundant access to tapes,

videos, television and the

internet makes regular

access to preaching a much

less important priority. The

scripture that should

determine the priorities for

church leaders is Jesus'


“A new commandment I

give you: Love one

another. As I have loved

you, so you must love one

another. All men will know that

you are my disciples, if you love

one another.” John 13:34, 35

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The problem with this command is that

this type of love does not come

naturally. The normal workings of

human nature tend to push people

apart. Christians have to be taught to

love one another. Participating in

worship will not make us love one

another (loving one another may

improve our worship).

Listening to good sermons will not make

us love one another. Christians will

generally need to be taught to love each

other. Given Jesus command, the first

priority of elders should be to teach their

people to love each other.

In Heb 10:25, we are told to keep on

meeting together, but the reason for

meeting is not for worship. It is to "spur

one another on towards love and good

deeds" and to "encourage one another".

These things should take priority over

worship, when the church meets


Jesus spent a large part of his ministry

discipling the twelve and teaching them

to love each other. A perusal of the last

couple of chapters of each of Paul's

letters shows that he put considerable

energy into building relationships

between people in the churches (Phil

4:2). He does not just teach theology,

he also teaches the believers how to

relate to each other. Building

relationships should be a priority for


Therefore elders have two key priorities:

1. Elders are responsible for

ensuring that every Christian in

their care grows to maturity and

develops their own ministry.

Every member should be

following Jesus in their calling in

the world.

2. Elders are responsible for

building relationships between

the Christians in their Church.

Relationships Each elder will have strong


with the

people that

they are

discipling or


Here is one of

the elders. He

has strong apostolic gifts (P). Many of

the people he is discipling also have

apostolic gifts. This elder has a strong

relationship with about a dozen

Christians. The large circles represent

Christians who are more mature. They

just need oversight. The smaller circles

represent new Christians who need

more discipling. The lines representing

the relationships

are all the same


reflecting equal

strength. The

elder will spend

more time with

the newer

Christian to

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achieve the same strength of

relationship as with those he knows


The elder will also work to establish

relationships between the Christians

receiving oversight. He will focus on

ensuring that each Christian is part of a

Pair. Every believer should be in a

relationship with one or two other

Christians who can provide the


• A warning when taking the wrong path (Col 3:16)

• A challenge to besetting sin (James 5:16)

• Support when standing against demonic attack (1 Thes 5:11)

• Encouragement in ministry (Heb 3:18)

• Comfort when things go wrong. (1 Thes 4:18)

This is what the relationships look like when they are all put together.

Here is another elder. He is more

prophetic (R) in his style and gifting.

He will draw Christians who also tend

to be prophetic. He will not be so

strong on discipling new Christians.

He will not be able to care for as

many people as someone with

apostle or pastoral gifts. However,

he will still establish a strong

relationship with each Christian under

his oversight. He will also build the

relationships between them.

This elder is an evangelist (V). He

tends to have a lot of new Christians

around him. He is also training some

more mature Christians who are keen

on evangelism. This elder also builds

strong relationships with and between

the Christians he is accountable for.

Here are two more elders with strong

teaching/pastoral gifts.

Continue reading this tremendous

teaching by Dr. Robert Straube. This

Church Model is a revolution that will

lead us into this next wave of the Holy

Spirit. Take time to read the rest of this



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The Unified Army

By Dr Robert Straube

The following was written by Dr. Straube in 1997-

2004 as a prophetic word to

the church:

We are nearing a time of great spiritual battle. At present God is

preparing a Unified Army, which can fight and win under tough conditions with few resources. Then He will drop

a bomb, which will almost destroy the enemy army and

will shatter the conventional forces in

God's army. He will then send in the Unified Army which because of

its training has been unharmed by the bomb.

It will defeat the shattered enemy army. It will treat the injured,

and reorganize, re-equip and rejuvenate the shattered forces of

God's conventional army. The result will be a mighty victory for God.

The Unified Army is a small group in the church, which God is calling, into

strict discipleship. They will reject the things of the world and live solely

on what God provides. Their joy in poverty will be a witness to the world.

They will be mighty warriors in prayer. They will experience the

power of God, being able to minister to all people in all situations. Their

sole motivation will be the love of Christ.

When this Army is ready God will drop the bomb on the World. It will be an economic depression on a scale that we have not seen before. It will make the depression of the 1930's

look mild. God will shake the nation. It will have two effects. Firstly - it will shatter the church. The church has become a peacetime army unaware that an intense battle is raging. The people have been blinded by wealth and have become so satiated that they have sunk into apathy. They

have taken a worldly attitude into the church and run it like a business, paying their fees and letting the minister do the work. They have

become so worldly that they no longer provide a

witness to the world. Under economic depression these

people will be totally shattered. They found their security in wealth and now they will have none. They found their happiness in material

goods and now they will have none. They run the church with money so it will grind to a halt. It will

be a judgment on the church. The world forces will also be shattered. Satan has used the lure of money

and material wealth to hold the people outside the church captive

and the crash will mean that his hold is broken. Thus, we will have a

situation where the church is ready for renewal and the nation is ready

for revival.

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At this point God will send in His Unified Army. Because it's members

have learned to live without the things of the world they will not be

touched by the depression. They will minister to the church and preach to the nation. The people of the church

will be shattered out of their complacency. They will see that their

old lives lacked meaning and purpose. They will be looking

desperately for something else which is meaningful and fulfilling and the lifestyle of God's special forces will be an attractive

alternative. There will be a great renewal in the

church, as people repent and turn

back to God. Many will be

ministered to and discover a

wonderful new life in the Spirit through Christ.

Thus God's glory will return to the church. At the same time the Unified Army will go throughout the nation

preaching the gospel. The people will be looking for a new meaning to life

and will be ready to receive the gospel. Thus as a result of a great

move of the Spirit many people will be added to the church.

The depression will not come for a short while. There are a number of

reasons for this:

God has only just begun to prepare His Unified Army. They still have a lot

of training to do.

These events will come when people are not expecting them. At the

moment everyone is talking about depression. But things will improve, giving people a new hope, then just when the trouble appears to be past

the crash will come.

These events will be a judgment on both the church and the nation, and when God judges He always warns

first. And before the crash can come, God must warn the church and the


Although these events are a little way

off, they are inevitable.

At present God is calling up His Unified Army, but He is only

calling for volunteers. Thus it is a time of decision. If

we join it will be costly but it will save much

heartbreak later. If we choose to join we must become WARRIORS OF

GOD. We must become POWERFUL IN PRAYER. We must learn to MOVE IN THE POWER OF THE SPIRIT, we must lay aside all the things of the

world which would encumber us. We must learn to live solely for the LOVE

OF GOD. It will be costly, but Oh.. how great is the prize...

A Nation brought back to God..!

December 1997

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The Ambush

An ambassador was traveling to a neighboring kingdom with a gift and a message of greeting for the king.

However, he was not what he appeared to be. He had really been sent to spy out the land by another king, a cunning evil man, who was

planning to invade the kingdom that was ruled by a good king. (The good king is Jesus and the evil king is the


When the ambassador came to what had been the border, he was surprised to find that it was no longer there. He

travelled many miles further down the

road before he came to the border post. Those who were

guarding the border had retreated far

back into the kingdom.

As the ambassador travelled through the kingdom on the road to the king’s

palace, he was amazed by what he saw. The crops had been neglected and were choked by weeds. No one had bothered to harvest the grain which was ripe and it had fallen to the ground and been eaten by the

birds. In the villages, the people were sick and starving. In the streets men were fighting and killing each other.

Everyone was a law unto himself.

In parts of the kingdom, wicked rulers had seized control. They

dominated the people who lived in their "turf", making their life a misery.

As he rode into the city the ambassador passed a statue of the

good king. Children were using it for target practice. Its face was almost smashed to pieces. The decrees of the king had been published on a

notice board, but they were covered with so much graffiti that they were


When the ambassador came to the barracks around the palace he

discovered that all the soldiers were drunk or asleep. The officers were all squabbling among themselves about

who should lead. There was no authority

because each one was looking for a place of authority for himself,

but no one was willing to submit to authority.

They were so busy jockeying for power

they were totally unaware of what was

happening in the kingdom.

The ambassador was able to walk right into the palace without being challenged. When he entered the

throne room the king was surrounded by courtiers. They were

all singing a song in praise of the king. When the singing stopped, a

courtier cried out in a loud voice, "We praise you O King, because you are

seated on the throne!" Another courtier cried out, "We praise you O

King, because your kingdom extends as far as the eye can see!" At this all

the courtiers gave a mighty shout and they all clapped and cheered

their king.

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The ambassador listened, thought of what he had seen, and smiled...

A king sitting on a throne cannot establish a kingdom. He needs

servants who will do his bidding, and soldiers who will obey his


As he headed back to his home, the ambassador noticed that scattered

around the kingdom were about forty powerful men. They were like giants, standing head and shoulders above

everyone else. They were loyal to their

King and were trying to get things going for him. However,

they were ineffective because each one

was working independently of the others. They acted as

protectors for the people who lived around them, but passed on the same independent attitude. The people felt secure

having these strong men to protect them. When the ambassador saw

these powerful men, he smiled again, because he noticed how vulnerable they were. They were easy targets, because they were standing alone.

When I received this vision I was troubled because there seemed to be no hope. Then the Lord showed me

that something else has happening in the kingdom; something which the

ambassador had not noticed because he had looked in the wrong places.

In isolated and insignificant parts of the kingdom, men and women who

understood the times in which they were living were preparing for battle. They had formed into strong Unified

units that were ready for warfare. Each member had a task and was equipped and ready to do it. They

had learnt to move in unity, because they knew each other and had come to trust each other. The units were

flexible, so that if one member was to fall, another could step into his place.

By learning to share, these people had been able, even in a time of poverty, to devote many of their resources to

preparation for battle. These men and women, who

were ordinary citizens during the day, had prepared quietly and now were committed, trained, equipped

and ready for battle.

In a number of places throughout the kingdom,

similar groups had formed spontaneously and independently.

They were unknown and insignificant people, but the strength which came from their dedication to the king and

commitment to each other, made them the key to the king’s victory. The ambassador had not noticed

them, but these Unified units would be the stumbling block on which the

enemy king would fall. They went unnoticed, but they were at the cutting edge of the kings’ work.

(February 1999)


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The ambassador returned to his kingdom and spoke to his king. He

told him that the kingdom that he had visited was very vulnerable. It would be the perfect time to attack the good


Up until that time he had only made minor skirmishes into the kingdom. These had mostly been made under the cover of darkness. The King now decided to make a full frontal attack.

He amassed his entire army, and marched down the road towards the

good king’s palace.

Before the army got to the border,

the bad King initiated his secret

weapon to deal with the giants who

protected the people. Many

weeks earlier, he had infiltrated

skilled bowmen in to the good King’s

kingdom, one to track each of the powerful men, but remain in hiding. When the bad King gave the signal, each of the bowmen attacked one of the unsuspecting, powerful men they

had been tracking. Before they realized what had happened each of

the powerful men was dead or severely wounded, brought down in a shower of enemy arrows. When the people realized that the men whom they looked to for protection had been blown away, they were filled with dread and began to tremble.

About the same time, the enemy’s army arrived at the border post. The border guards were asleep, but were eventually woken up by the sound of

the large army marching by. When they saw the size of the army, they

panicked and ran away. As this great evil army marched into the kingdom people everywhere were paralyzed with fear. The soldiers of the army

were wicked ruthless men, who destroyed everything that they touched. They cut a swath of destruction across it. It was

frightening to watch. The people were so confused they didn’t know

whether to run away or to surrender and welcome the enemy.

Then suddenly I saw a stirring. All over the

kingdom soldiers came out of their homes and work

places. They joined together into Unified units fully equipped, trained and ready for


One Unified team moved quickly to a

bridge over a large river the enemy army had to cross before it could reach the king’s palace. They set

explosives and blew it up. When the enemy army arrived they came to the river but there was no way to cross. Another Unified unit moved quickly

to set up an ambush in a narrow gorge that the enemy army had just passed through. Their way of retreat was cut off. Other units attacked the enemy army at points where it was vulnerable. They would move in to

inflict damage and then swiftly withdraw to safety. Other units set up large artillery on the hills nearby and began to lob shells into the trapped

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army. Soon panic began to spread through the army.

Some of the Unified units moved towards the king’s palace and took up defensive positions. One team went into the palace. The palace

guards were still squabbling among themselves. In the palace, the courtiers were still singing the

praises of the king. "Your kingdom extends as far as the eye can see". They seemed to be totally oblivious

to the danger to the king, or that their kingdom was under threat. The members of the

Unified unit warned the king of what was happening. When the courtiers heard what was happening they

began to tremble with fear. The palace

guards, who were watching, looked like

they wanted to run away.

The king recognized that the Unified unit understood what

was happening and were ready for action. He gave them authority over

the palace guard. They quickly reorganized the soldiers, establishing

order and authority. They moved to get the defense of the palace secure.

Some of the Unified units went into the towns and villages, where they

gathered the people and taught them the decrees of their king. Many of the people did not even know who their

king was. The Unified's also organized the people into groups and

established order in the land. The people started to work in unity and

began to harvest the crops together.

A number of the Unified units immediately moved over the border into the evil king’s kingdom. He had

been so confident that he had left few soldiers behind to defend his

kingdom. The Unified units were able to take control of all the strategic

positions in the kingdom. Two of the Unified units went straight to the bad

king’s castle. Within a few hours, they had captured the remaining

guards and raised the good king’s flag over the castle tower.

Back in the other kingdom, the bad army was trapped on the road. It couldn’t move forward and it couldn’t move back.

The evil king sent out numerous patrols to find a way out, but

each one was quickly captured and never returned. Eventually the whole army was in panic and began to run away. Once they moved off the

road and into the countryside, the Unified units had a tremendous

advantage. They knew the lay of the land like the back of their hands; the enemy soldiers were lost. Many were

killed or captured. A few escaped back to their own land.

The king managed to escape with a few of his soldiers. He got back to his own land, but he couldn’t get back to his castle. He fled into the mountains at the very back of his kingdom. He hid there for many years. He would occasionally go out and make an attack, but he was almost totally

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powerless. I do not know what happened to the ambassador. He

probably survived but he would not have been very popular.

The good king was able to recover all the territory that was first lost. He

was able to extend his authority over most of the enemy king’s territory. He

was also able to establish order in his own kingdom.

May 2002


I was amazed at how effective the Unified units were. They all seemed to know exactly what to do; yet no

one was in control. They operated in

a totally co-ordinated way. It was amazing. The Lord showed me why.

Many years earlier, the good king had written a manual for the defense of the kingdom. He had foreseen what

would happen and he had prepared a plan for the defense of his kingdom

and for conquering the enemy’s kingdom. The Unified units had

studied this manual as part of their training. This was why they knew

exactly what to do. They had trained and prepared for this battle.

I was also amazed at the speed and power of the Unified's. Again, the

Lord showed me why. Each Unified unit had a good supply of special water. At first I thought there jars were labeled H2O. When I looked

closer, I realized that the water was called HS. This gave them super

ordinary strength. It enabled them to move incredibly fast and with great


The members of these Unified units were unknown and insignificant

people. Yet they were to become the key players in a great victory for their

King. This victory meant that their King and his Kingdom was

unmatched for many, many years, and forever and ever.....

July 2004

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Fivefold Roundtable Responsibility

The fivefold ministry was given by Jesus Christ to his Bride fivefold ministry was given by Jesus Christ to his Bride (Royal Priesthood) the Church. The fivefold ministry was given as servants Priesthood) the Church. The fivefold ministry was given as servants to the Bride. The fivefold roundtable consists of pastors, teachers, evangelists, apostles, and prophets.

The assignment of the fivefold is:

For the perfecting of the saints For the work of the ministry For the edifying of the body of Christ:

The goal of the fivefold ministry is to serve the Body of Christ:

Till we all come in the unity of the faith and faith and The knowledge of the Son of God Unto a perfect man Unto the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ:

That we henceforth be no more children, tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the sleight of men, and cunning craftiness, whereby they lie in wait to deceive; But speaking the truth

in love, may grow up into him in all things, which is the head, even Christ: From whom the whole body fitly joined together and compacted by that which every joint supplieth according to the effectual working in the measure of every part maketh increase of the body unto the edifying of itself in love. (Ephesians 4:11-17)

Apostolic Reformation

Throughout history there have been waves of the Holy Spirit that resulted in attempts at restoration or reformation of the Church to return it to the original doctrine of the Apostles of Jesus Christ. Movements of Apostolic Reformation have happened repeatedly since the time of John

Wycliffe. In the last Century there was an Apostolic reformation that birthed the Apostolic Faith movement and subsequent Pentecostal Movement. It is our expectation that we are on the verge of another similar wave of the Spirit. We refer to this as The Next Wave.

The Next Wave

The Next Wave will move away from the traditions of men and focus on the Revelation of Jesus Christ, the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the teaching of the New Testament church and the

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Apostles of Jesus Christ. The next wave has little interest in superficial events and pseudo "outpourings‟ opting for a real and sustaining manifestation of the power of God. Royal Priesthood For the Royal Priesthood (or the Body of Christ) to come to maturity it will take a fully functional fivefold ministry. To this end we have committed to ICOF FIVEFOLD ROUNDTABLES. It is our mission to form one of these in each country in the world. To these we are connecting legitimate fivefold ministers.

Unified Army

Moving forward we expect to use this unified effort to prepare a unified army as a catalyst for the greatest wave of the Holy Spirit. Welcome. For more information or to join hands and hearts with the fivefold roundtable in your area contact:

Lea Bates - [email protected] Phone: 404.863.7947

Or Bishop Derrick Day at [email protected]

or call the ICOF International offices at 502.410.(4263)

Facing some tough economic times? Would you like to help others prepare their family for disasters? Could you use some extra income? If you answered Yes to any of these questions you should consider becoming a C.O.R.N. Disaster Preparation Consultant (DPC). A DPC is:

Is a passionate and caring person with the vision, mission and values of C.O.R.N.

Has a burning desire to reach out and assist families to be prepared for any emergency situation.

Exemplifies eagerness, and inspires to expand all families' knowledge of disaster preparedness, providing peace of mind in the midst of calamity.

Has a great conviction for promoting the C. O. R. N. philosophy and message through helping others. Thus, DPC’s have the opportunity to create additional income for themselves and security for their families.

Training is provided To become a DPC visit the Cities of Refuge Network (C.O.R.N) website:

Or email:

[email protected]

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It is with tremendous excitement that we offer the 5th Cruise with a Cause missions cruise—this time to Port au Prince, Haiti! You’ll join together in a common cause with fellow believers to reach others in need, help a hurting nation and change your eternal perspective in the process. We have seen countless times as families from different social, racial and economic backgrounds unite to become the family of God in spreading love and sharing the gospel with those in need. This is unlike any other experience cruise or mission available! Haiti is a nation full of need and filled with opportunities. They sit at a turning point both spiritually and economically. Our mission isn’t to offer handouts, but a loving hand up—and their government has given us very special sanctions and protection, allowing us to go places and help in ways unavailable to other mission efforts in Haiti. Teams of volunteer missionaries will visit schools and orphanages; do construction and renewal projects to rebuild areas devastated by the earthquake; provide aid in medical clinics and deliver medical supplies; visit with locals in the streets and tent cities; and help us host an evening evangelism outreach festival for almost 100,000 locals. We’ll share the Gospel to everyone we meet all along the way!

The very act of bringing a cruise ship to Haiti is a large part of our mission. As one of the only nations in the Caribbean without a tourism industry, our assistance and efforts will show the world that Haiti is “tourism ready” and be the first step in breathing new life into their economy. Ours ship will be the first to dock in Haiti in more than a quarter century! During our cruise to Haiti you’ll have days to rest, along with all the famous food and fun from a Carnival cruise ship experience. You’ll hear from our diverse lineup of Christian speakers, artists and leaders. There will be more than 80 concerts and conferences! Adults, singles, students, children, men, women, and couples will all be encouraged by the worship, teaching and missions training available onboard the ship. Please consider joining your favorite Christian personalities and over 3,000 other Believers this June 1-6, 2013 for the largest foreign mission ever! We’ll be serving shoulder to shoulder to help lives and save souls. It’s an experience you’ll remember the rest of your life!

Matthew Dunnaway

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“Pimp, Pastor,

Pulpit and


Author takes critical look at

current state of church


Bishop Woodrow H. Dawkins Jr.

compares pastors to pimps in

new book


people are being bamboozled by the pimp

in the pulpit,” believes author Bishop

Woodrow H. Dawkins Jr. In his new book

“Pimp, Pastor, Pulpit and Prostitute: The

naked truth” (published by Trafford

Publishing) Dawkins shares his belief of how

some church leaders have mislead and

misused their members.

“Some of these things are going on now,”

Dawkins explains. “Someone needs to

speak out and I am one of them, but we

need more people to take a stand against

this type of pimping that is going on.

Someone must help the people that cannot

help themselves.”

An excerpt from “Pimp, Pastor, Pulpit and


Some of our leaders try to

put the Lord’s name in things

that He had nothing to do

with, when we should just

come clean and tell

the truth. This is

what I am trying to

show you: that

some of the

smoothest pimps

are in the churches’

pulpits today and

that’s why our

church is upside

down. We have

been pimped out

like prostitutes and

do not even know it.

“The preacher that’s going

bad is like the pimp in the street. He/she

will turn the people of God into prostitutes

in the churches.”

About the Author

Bishop Woodrow H. Dawkins Jr. is a native

of Gaffney, S.C. He has traveled the country

and preached the Gospel for the past 30

years. He founded Jesus Way of Deliverance

of Apostolic Faith Inc. in Greensboro, N.C.,

in 1997. In 2004, the church uprooted and

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replanted in Simsboro, La., where he

pastored for six years. Dawkins is the

founder of the first public housing

community watch program in Greensboro,

and is affiliated with numerous programs

that reach the inner city and restore hope

to hurting people. Dawkins’s anointed

purpose is exemplified in his work for the

Lord: doing the Great Commission.

The Next Wave Magazine has now become a

daily news source, The Next Wave Magazine

Online. Every day you can read both a morning

an and evening edition of the The Next Wave.

International Circle of Faith Colleges,

Seminaries and Universities is available to

serve your Christian education needs. ICOF CSU

is a network of Christian Education

professionals, bible colleges, Christian

seminaries, Christian universities, and other

Christian education institutions. for more

information visit us online.


Updated ICOF Membership

Cards are now available.

ICOF Members write to

[email protected]

to receive yours.

Page 35: The Next Wave Magazine October 2012


Christian Greetings,

We welcome you to the International Circle of Faith Global Missions Department. Our missions department exists to aid our network of established ministries and churches in a holistically approach of restoration of body soul & spirit; to extend the church beyond the traditional parameters of the edifice complex. We are dedicated to community and family development by helping meet the needs of the citizens and communities we are called to serve. We must focus on the needs of an ever growing population in our communities, cities and Nation. Every day, individuals and families who are at risk of homelessness, hunger and other life crises in our communities go unnoticed by society at large. We are the body of Christ and it is our mandate to help those who need our help the most? ICOF Missions focus:

1. The Gospel of Jesus Christ 2. Humanitarian 3. Business and Economic

development We believe that by assisting those in need– physically, mentally, and spiritually – and helping them to reach their full potential, our communities become stronger, and the lives of each member become ready to empower

their world with the gospel of Jesus Christ. Help us and be a part of our efforts in doing our part to improve our ever increasing poverty rate, degeneration of values and overall quality of Life; by focusing on the needs and solutions for all these areas including the neglect of our Nation's children. We are purposed to impact

the preservation and restoration of the family. We hold that the Church was patterned after the family.

We are a mission’s resource network; partnering with churches, organizations, agencies and nonprofits and faith based communities to achieve our mission to bring the Gospel of Jesus Christ to every man woman and child.


Our past and present missions include: Drilling water wells, free medical services and in current development of Agriculture &Housing.


In partnership with ICOF CSU we have started the Patrick Song Academy

English School, to help young Indian children to speak English, so they can function in elementary and secondary education. ICOF Medical missions in conjunction

with Project Eye Openers, reaches the poorest, most vulnerable patients, who

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may not be aware about eye care and free medical camps services. While Project Eye Openers current outreach teams provide free medical services and eye examinations to approximately 400 plus patients in each Village per Medical Camp outing, their ultimate goal is to eliminate obstacles by providing pre-screenings through our Mobile Medical Camps.


Evangelism: We have a program called “Project Logos “The program consists of sending bibles to Pakistan translated into their native language. Medical Missions: Through ICOF Medical Missions “Physicians with a cause” provide free medical camps and sharing of the gospel, throughout remote villages in Pakistan.

USA We also are focused on Church Home Missions in the USA. Through Community Enhancement that acts as a safety net for individuals and families in need, ICOF Global Missions works to strengthen and enhance communities by working with varies other agencies, churches, non profits within the Faith Based communities already in existence. We are committed to our Senior citizens community including information and referral, food distribution and collaborations with the faith community.

Senior Citizens

ICOF Home Missions offers personal interactions for the elderly. Providing a much-needed ministry for older people to receive care and human concern. With the baby boomer generation fast approaching their senior years, a swelling tide of concern for the many that will need support and assistance is evident by the many senior citizen charity groups that continue to organize throughout the country. ICOF Home Missions division offers opportunities for any person to donate time and important resources to this growing challenge. Holistic Family Restoration. A long term priority is to under-served communities. The goal is to lead individuals and families in need towards a better life, improved happiness and inner peace in addition to rebuilding their material lives or improving their living and an educational condition with the power of the whole Gospel of Jesus Christ ….body, soul & Spirit. A hundred years from now it will not matter how much money you have, what kind of car you drive or what kind of House you live in, but the world will be a better place because you made a difference in the lives of others”.

Dr. Barney Phillips

ICOF VP of Missions

[email protected]

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Speaking of travels, I heard that

when Marco Polo first opened the

trade routes to China, he was quite

impressed with their rockets. Now,

these weren't quite the fireworks we

now know, but they did shoot into the

air, explode and make some pretty

patterns. Strangely, no matter where

he went, there were people who made

fireworks, but he had trouble finding

someone to demonstrate them for


"Not here!" they said. ...very

confusing. Until ol' Marc came upon an

ancient military fortification at the

community of Chu'Lai. Here, fireworks

were launched every night, and Marc

was very impressed!

But still he wondered, "Why here?" At

the end of every week, people came

from great distances, bringing their

own fireworks to launch. So Marco

Polo asked his guide why everyone

came here to launch their fireworks.

Marc's guide replied: "Why honored

Sir, ... We always set off fireworks on

the Forts of Chu'Lai"


Submitted by Michael Otobong:

Church member: Pastor my dog is dead can you do a burial service?

Pastor: We don't do service for animals. Church Member: Please Pastor did you know any church that can accept N20m

donation for my dog burial service? Pastor: Wow! why you don't you tell me

the dog was a Christian?

Dear Pastor, I know God loves everybody

but He never met my sister.

Yours sincerely, Arnold. Age 8, Nashville.

Dear Pastor, My father should be a

minister. Every day he gives us a sermon

about something.

Robert, Age 11, Anderson.

Dear Pastor, I'm sorry I can't leave more

money in the plate, but my father didn't

give me a raise in my allowance. Could you

have a sermon about a raise in my


Love, Patty. Age 10, New Haven

Dear Pastor, My mother is very religious.

She goes to play bingo at church every

week even if she has a cold. Yours truly,

Annette. Age 9, Albany

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In an effort to share the work that ICOF

members around the world are doing for the

Kingdom of Jesus Christ we share this overview

from our members, friends and partners:


Dr. Wade,

Praise the Lord Jesus! The Lord is steadily

uniting the Fivefold here in Africa. My present

concern is agreeing on a specific date and time

for our ICOF African Fivefold Meetings. For

now, one of our major difficulty is internet

connection - especially now with the very heavy

rains (we had rain fall here in Buea, non-stop

for 4 good days, until today that we have seen

some sunshine!), thus causing Skype to become

fairly ineffective.

Well, the future is very promising! International

Business is helping to bring into Africa modern

and quality communication gadgets - Mobiles, I-

pods, etc. I see the Lord also blessing His

people! It is well! Please, have a blessed day!

Love you all!

Dr. Ngwa

Secretary General ICOF Africa


Dear Bishop Wade,

It happened again in the city of Yaounde

today July 28th. ICOF reached the

Presidency through an illustrious son of

Cameroon the president of the World wide

church of God who was awarded the

prestigious Ph. D in Divine Laws from


This is an

extension of the

4th Convocation

which held in

Buea on the

23rd of last

month. His

candidature was

postponed for

obvious reason.

We had to do a

thorough investigation of his personality for

integrity before any such award. We found

him worthy and the award was done today in

the presence of the Secretary General for

ICOF Africa Dr David Ngwa.

(L to R) Dr. Victor Balinga Sunday - Bishop of

Limbe Bishop Ngwa David - ICOF Secretary

General for Africa, Bishop Tembi Alfred Tembi -

Bishop of Cameroon, Dr Ndoudoumou Jean Jaques -

Director General of Contract and Public Markets at

the Presidency of the Republic of Cameroon.

Page 39: The Next Wave Magazine October 2012



hello administration président de l'Afrique ICOF

en ma qualité de coordination principal de

l'icof-Congo D R C pour bien s'organiser dans

l'unité, l'amour et surtout dans la transparence .

j'ai voulu vous informer que mon administration

c'est -a-dire staff national d'exécution invite

nos membres leaders , les chef des antennes de

icof dans tout les quartes coins du Congo ,

puisse me rejoindre d'ici mi-janvier 2013 pour

que nous puissions reconstruire icof CONGO-R

D C , lors de mon mandat manuel de 2012 à


espérons vous lire bientôt




Dear Brother, Greetings,

How are u and The Family? It Was Nice Talking to you this Morning. As you know I have sent u the Invitation this program will be of 2 days. So If anybody another wants to come u can bring them. And Please Inform Me Too. This Program Will Be Held In Hetauda, Makwanpur. It Is Very Expensive Program so please pray that God Arranges Money And Every other Stuffs. Thank You God Bless You Rev. Matthew Suroya

PHILIPPINES To: Bishop Bernie Wade ICOF President, USA Dear Bishop Wade: Greetings from the Philippines. Bishop the work here in the Philippines is increasing by God’s grace and ICOF Philippines is still in the process of forming, praying for the right timing to take off. I am writing you about the flood I told you many times that needs our attention. The flood was so strong that it affected 2.8 million people during the strong flood last August 4-8 in Metro Manila. Thousands of people are still in the process of recovery now. I proposed for a budget of $1,200 to help few families that were affected . It is a very small amount compared to the great need but ICOF will start in a small help then the pastors will know us and it is easy for them to join us when we gather them someday. But if ICOF USA can raise more than I suggested the better. Since $1,200 is very small amount, this is what I plan for the help:

1. Target 5 to 10 families to meet their immediate needs

2. The families should be ripe for follow up for bible studies and friends of the nearby pastors

3. We will buy medicines, grocery items- rice, can goods, soap, noodles,

4. Part of the money will be use to help children for their schooling- fare, notebook and paper

The Lord will bless our humble beginning in the Philippines. Hello to all ICOF USA directors, bishops, pastors, supporters and partners.

In the Lord’s vineyard, Bishop Bing Gadian - ICOF Philippines

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Dear brothers and sisters

More than 7000 Fanatics has entered into the Church compound in Mardan. They were carrying petrol, right after entering in the premises they started beating the Christians. After words they burn St. Paul’s Lutheran church, St. Paul’s school building, they have burn the house of Principal of St. Paul High School as well as the houses of Pastors in the same compound. In Him Bishop Yaqub Paul, Lahore Pakistan

FLOOD RELIEF - PAKISTAN Respected Sir, Greeting in Jesus name. I want to humble request to ICOF for all Nations ICOF internationally , all leaders, pastors, Bishops , Apostle and ICOF Members. You have Watched in News that in Pakistan four provinces has been effected, people are living on road without food, living due to discrimination Christians are not help by the any NGOs or Govt. So I request to our Head office ICOF please release this news on Next wave and personally request to all members of ICOF support us in Pakistan in this crisis time the affected people needs 1.Food 2.Medicines 3.Tents 4.Cloths. 5.Clean Water articles, pots, plates, spoons, etc. 7.blanket. We want to reach these Christian people . Bishop Dilshad Bhatti - ICOF Pakistan

INDIA Dear in Christ, ICOF Greetings • we had fasting prayers in our Church INKOLLU, A.P. INDIA • God has anointed with His Holy Spirit • we prayed for each one in the circle and for all • And in the circle we prayed for the world • God have used me with anointing like a sharing word of God, healing sick and getting gifts of Holy Spirit. • Glory to God for it. Your brother in Christ Pastor DANIYELU = Hyderabad

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-David Wilkerson

In Pharaoh's court stood Jacob - an old man of 130 years of age - and Joseph, his lost son, rushed to embrace him. As it turned out,

Joseph was second in command over all of Egypt. Everywhere Jacob went with his son - in the palace, through the streets in his chariot - people bowed to Joseph in respect and awe

(see Genesis 46 and 47). When Pharaoh asked Jacob how old he was, he answered, "The days of the years of my pilgrimage are an hundred and thirty years: few and evil have the days of the years of my life been" (Genesis 47:9). The Hebrew reads, "Few and sorrowful have my

days been." In short: "I've seen a lot of suffering."

Yet, was it worth it? Yes, absolutely! Jacob and his family had been delivered from the famine. All seventy members of his clan were now safe from harm, planted in the richest farmland in

Egypt. Jacob's son was on the throne and they had all the food they could eat.

Jacob - a man with a contrite heart - could look

*back and say, "When my brother Esau threatened me, it seemed my life was over but

God brought me out. My Lord was there the whole time. When Laban tried to destroy me, God blessed and delivered me. Furthermore, the Lord delivered my wife, Rachel, and my

family from the perils of idolatry.

"I was victorious over all my enemies. None of them ever rose up to challenge me. I lived to

see my seed multiply and prosper - the beginnings of a great nation. I lived to walk in the midst of my grandchildren, even my great-great-grandchildren. And now my sons will be the patriarchs of Israel, leaders over their own

tribes. Not a word God told me in the beginning has ever failed. My Lord

has kept His every word to me."

And, beloved, so will He be with us today!


by Andrew Strom

I am really hoping to make this the last of this type of article for awhile. Some people

think I "love" putting out this stuff. But I honestly wish it would all go away, so we

could get on with the 'real' work of building the kingdom.

However, Bill Johnson is doing such damage to the Body of Christ around the world that I simply cannot stay silent. In New Zealand

(where I am currently) he holds a huge Conference once a year called "Manifest

Presence". This is almost certainly the biggest and most influential Christian conference in the whole country. And likewise in other nations, such as UK,

Australia, Singapore, and many others. His influence is enormous.

Bill Johnson is a very charming man. He also

emphasizes a number of things that I heartily agree with - such as street

evangelism using the gifts of the Spirit, prophecy and healing on the streets, etc. But the problem is that he endorses and

promotes an "anointing" exactly identical to the one that Todd Bentley promotes. The

"drunken glory", fire-tunnel, laughing, jerking, gold-dust, "Angel-mania"-type

anointing that has done such damage to the Charismatic movement around the world - and in many cases reduced it to a shocking travesty of what it once was. What would

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Derek Prince or Keith Green think of the things these men are into - spiritual

drunkenness, "portals", 'visualization', spirit-travel, fire-tunnels, angel-orbs and the like? (Found all the way through the

New Age movement, but not in the Bible). Bill Johnson was one of the biggest

supporters of the Lakeland revival led by Todd Bentley. And even after the fiasco

that it became, he publicly endorsed Todd Bentley's ministry again in 2011. But Bill

does it all with such "down-to-earth" charm and wise-sounding words - "how could this be deception?" That is what makes him so


His wife Beni is co-pastor with Bill of Bethel church in

Redding, California. And interestingly she is even

more open about the bizarre things that they are

into. She even puts it in writing on the Internet, for

all the world to see. For example, in her "Life and Wellness" blog on July 6

this year, here is what she wrote in an entry called

'Love Shack Time': "I was talking with Ray Hughes the other

day and was telling him about using a 528 HZ tuning fork as a prophetic act. Someone

told me that this tuning fork is called the tuning fork of LOVE..." (Please note that

crystals and tuning forks are used in NEW AGE therapy - and have nothing to do with

Christianity in any way).

Beni continued: "Recently I got up to speak at a meeting and walked up to the song "Love Shack" by the B52's. I was calling

people to more love. It was so fun."

I guess we are now beginning to get a sense of the strange spiritual world that these people inhabit. Another blog post that

Beni wrote about 'WAKING UP ANGELS' in March 2009 was also very revealing:

"In the last couple of months, I personally have become more aware of the angelic activity in this realm. One of those times

was when we were on a prayer trip to Arizona... One morning as we were driving up over Tehachapi Pass and coming down

into the Mojave Desert, I began to feel angels. The closer we got, the stronger the

impression felt. I could see them everywhere! I

announced this to the group and said, "We have got to

stop! We have to stop somewhere..." As we drove

around a corner Isaid, "I think that we are going to

wake up some angels here..."

"We knew we were to turn around, get out of the RV and wake up the angels. I wish I could convey to you

the energy and the quickness of how God was working. We

jumped out of the RV, I blew the shofar and rang the bell, and we yelled "WAKEY

WAKEY." We got back into the RV and drove off. As we drove off, hilarious laughter

broke out! We were stunned at the speed at which this all took place and were spinning from the adventure and the

angelic activity. What in the world had just happened?! Heaven collided with earth.

Woo hoo!!

"Since that time, there has been a stirring in

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me to awaken the angels for use in this Kingdom reign that is upon us here on

earth. I have shared these two stories in other places and have done a prophetic act of waking up the angels: having everybody

cry out, "WAKEY WAKEY!" I know it is strange but it is very effective... One of our gals who enjoys God's angels... gets pretty

wacked when they are around..."

The reference that Beni makes here to "Heaven colliding with

earth" is of course directly tied to Bill

Johnson's most famous teaching on "When

Heaven Invades Earth". Clearly, this is the kind of

thing they mean when they use that phrase. So

if we get with their program so-to-speak, we

too can go around "waking up angels" and getting "pretty wacked" when these 'angels' are


I guess the obvious question is whether they are "serious" about all this. Sadly, the

answer is "Yes." When you get so completely deceived that you think

"drunken glory" and 'tuning forks' and getting "wacked" are normal Christian

behavior, you are open to anything. Tragically, if we look at all that these people

have said and done now for years and years, we have to conclude that one of

Christendom's biggest leaders (Bill Johnson) inhabits the most bizarre quasi-spiritual universe that you can imagine. And he is

spreading this deceived foolishness in the Body of Christ on a mass scale. It might

seem almost "funny" if it wasn't so 'New Age' serious.

One young lady named Johanna who had been a student for many months at Bill

Johnson's 'Bethel' school wrote to me the following:

"In August 2008 I moved to Redding, California to attend Bethel School of

Supernatural Ministry (BSSM). I graduated in May 2009. Almost right away I began to question the bizarre behavior that is so

normal there.

"At Bethel, there are many sayings that are tossed around daily.

"God only has nice things to say," "There´s no high

like the Most High." There would be all kinds of distracting behavior

(random shouting, laughing, etc.) during

school sessions and church services. When any guest speaker came to school, students

would flock to the front to get as close to the speaker as possible. We were taught that any anointing we wanted could be

received by simply "claiming it" for ourselves. Students would rush the stage

and the front of the sanctuary so the speakers could lay hands on them.

"Among the guest speakers were Bob Jones,

Heidi Baker, Georgian and Winnie Banov, Randy Clark, John and Carol Arnott... We also had regular sessions with Bill

Johnson, Beni Johnson, and other Bethel pastors. The drunken behavior and

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questionable teachings from some, if not all, of these speakers was shocking at times. I can safely say that I never heard the word

"repentance" once in any teaching.

I would always hear people talking about their encounters with angels and how they visited heaven. One young woman I knew

said she could see angels everywhere, she talked to them all the time, and she

would help her friends to do the same. God becomes like Santa Claus. Without the

preaching of the true gospel, the fear of the

Lord is lost."

ANDREW AGAIN: As you can see from all these reports, the ministry of Bill Johnson is

highly suspect. Sadly, because the deception is not as "obvious" as Todd

Bentley, people are charmed into thinking he's "fine". Charismatic leaders around

the world flock to his meetings and openly endorse his teachings. For this reason I

believe he is far more dangerous than Todd Bentley ever was. The Bible says that in the last days will come false teachers and "lying

signs and wonders" to deceive if possible the "very elect." And what do we see

today? New Age practices and spirits are flooding the church. And it is men like Bill

Johnson that have become the "acceptable

face" of this invasion. Please, friends, steer well clear.

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Social Media Director

Key Skills:

: Highly proficient with social networking sites including Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Linked-In, Digg, foursquare,

Google+, and/or Flickr. Send your resume to: mailto:[email protected]

Disaster Preparedness

Consultant (DPC).

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Cities of Refuge Network (C.O.R.N). Enjoy

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a family based company with Christian


The ideal candidate will have a background

in ministry, call center, sales, network

marketing, or related fields. This person is

someone who enjoys interacting with


No experience necessary. Training

provided. As a DPC you will help

individuals and families plan for life's

unexpected situations. Annual income $40-

75K. Send your resume and cover letter to

[email protected]


ICOF CSU offers internships to students.

This program is designed to help the

student develop their ministry while

working hands on with ICOF in a

variety of areas. The student will

receive an ICOF CSU degree or

credit toward their degree.

Available internships for the 2012-

2013 academic year are in the following






















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Page 46: The Next Wave Magazine October 2012


ICOF CSU Graduation

November 3rd


Host: Dr. Charles Mwape

Page 47: The Next Wave Magazine October 2012





8th to 10th of November 2012.

Bishop Freeson (ICOF Bishop of Ghana)

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