the nhs wales awards are now open – enter your team today · tanya strange, senior nurse, care...

Will your team be a winner in the NHS Wales Awards 2013? 2013 NHS Wales Awards Celebrating excellence in delivering care Now in its sixth year, the awards provide an excellent opportunity to celebrate the work of organisations and teams across NHS Wales in delivering best care. Have you been taking forward innovative work that’s making a real difference to patients and the way care is delivered? Now is the time to tell others about it! @NHSWalesAwards The NHS Wales Awards are now open – enter your team today

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Page 1: The NHS Wales Awards are now open – enter your team today · Tanya Strange, Senior Nurse, Care Home Governance, Aneurin Bevan Health Board, NHS Wales Award Winner 2012 We’re waiting

Will your team be a

winner in the NHS Wales

Awards 2013?


NHS Wales Awards

Celebrating excellence in delivering care

Now in its sixth year, the awards provide an excellent opportunity to celebrate the work of organisations and teams across NHS Wales in delivering best care.

Have you been taking forward innovative work that’s making a real difference to patients and the way care is delivered? Now is the time to tell others about it!


The NHS Wales Awards are now open – enter your team today

Page 2: The NHS Wales Awards are now open – enter your team today · Tanya Strange, Senior Nurse, Care Home Governance, Aneurin Bevan Health Board, NHS Wales Award Winner 2012 We’re waiting

Enter your team today

It’s simple and easy to enter - just visit to find out more!

• Promotes good practice – highlighting exciting innovations.

• Improves patient care – ensuring that every patient in Wales benefits.

• Recognises the work of your team – and provides an opportunity to celebrate your achievements.

• Winners receive a bursary for professional development and a nice award!

• You’ll also be able to use the work on your submission to enter other awards – so nothing’s wasted!

“ Every year I am impressed with the high quality of the entries to the NHS Wales Awards. They are an impressive reflection of the professionalism of our staff and their commitment to safe, efficient and compassionate care.”

David Sissling, Chief Executive, NHS Wales

Five simple steps:1. Visit the NHS Wales Awards website at 2. Read the guidance on entering.3. Choose the category in which to enter your work.4. Download the storyboard template form and complete it.5. Submit your entry before the closing date:

Friday 25 January, 2013! @NHSWalesAwards


NHS Wales Awards

Page 3: The NHS Wales Awards are now open – enter your team today · Tanya Strange, Senior Nurse, Care Home Governance, Aneurin Bevan Health Board, NHS Wales Award Winner 2012 We’re waiting

Important dates:Closing date for entries: Friday 25 January, 2013

Finalists will be announced: March 2013

NHS Wales Awards Ceremony: July 2013

Tell us about what you’re doing and you could well be one of our 2013 winners!

Entering is easy and there are seven categories to choose from:

• Citizens at the centre of service re-design and delivery

• Developing a flexible and sustainable workforce

• Improving patient safety

• Improving quality through better use of resources

• Promoting better health and avoiding disease

• Promoting clinical research and application to practice

• Working seamlessly across organisations

A panel of experts will decide on a shortlist of finalists, visit organisations to find out more about work being taken forward and final winners will be announced in a special NHS Wales Awards ceremony in July 2013.

“ It was so easy to enter the Awards last year. It was really simple to complete the form and I’m so glad I did. It’s been a real encouragement to the whole team that we won.”

Tanya Strange, Senior Nurse, Care Home Governance, Aneurin Bevan Health Board, NHS Wales Award Winner 2012

We’re waiting for your entry!

Has your organisation and team come up with new, improved, efficient and creative ways of working that have transformed healthcare? @NHSWalesAwards

Page 4: The NHS Wales Awards are now open – enter your team today · Tanya Strange, Senior Nurse, Care Home Governance, Aneurin Bevan Health Board, NHS Wales Award Winner 2012 We’re waiting

A ddaw eich tîm chi i’r brig yng Ngwobrau GIG Cymru


GwobrauGIG Cymru

Dathlu rhagoriaeth mewn darparu gofal

Dyma’r chweched flwyddyn yn olynol i’r gwobrau hyn gael eu cynnal ac maent yn gyfle gwych i ddathlu gwaith sefydliadau a thimau ledled GIG Cymru sy’n darparu’r gofal gorau.

Ydych chi wedi bod yn gwneud gwaith arloesol sy’n gwneud gwahaniaeth gwirioneddol i gleifion a’r ffordd y mae gofal yn cael ei ddarparu? Dyma’r amser i ddweud wrth eraill amdano!

Mae Gwobrau GIG Cymru bellach ar agor - ac rydym yn aros am eich cais @NHSWalesAwards

Page 5: The NHS Wales Awards are now open – enter your team today · Tanya Strange, Senior Nurse, Care Home Governance, Aneurin Bevan Health Board, NHS Wales Award Winner 2012 We’re waiting

Gwnewch gais ar ran eich tîm heddiw

Mae ymgeisio’n broses hawdd a didrafferth - ewch i i gael rhagor o wybodaeth!

• Hybu arferion da - gan roi sylw i waith cynllunio arloesol, cyffrous.

• Gwella gofal i gleifion - gan sicrhau bod pob claf yng Nghymru yn elwa.

• Cydnabod gwaith eich tîm - ac yn rhoi cyfle i ddathlu eich cyflawniadau.

• Bydd yr enillwyr yn cael bwrsari ar gyfer datblygiad proffesiynol a gwobr hyfryd!

• Byddwch hefyd yn gallu defnyddio’r gwaith a wnewch ar eich cais i ymgeisio am wobrau eraill - felly nid aiff dim yn wastraff!

“ Bob blwyddyn rwy’n rhyfeddu at ansawdd y ceisiadau yng Ngwobrau GIG Cymru. Maent yn adlewyrchiad trawiadol o broffesiynoldeb ein staff a’u hymrwymiad i ofal diogel, effeithlon a thosturiol.”

David Sissling, Prif Weithredwr, GIG Cymru

Pum cam syml:1. Ewch i wefan Gwobrau GIG Cymru yn 2. Darllenwch y canllawiau ymgeisio. 3. Penderfynwch ym mha gategori yr hoffech ymgeisio.4. Lawrlwythwch y templed bwrdd stori a’i lenwi.5. Cyflwynwch eich cais cyn y dyddiad cau:

Dydd Gwener 25 Ionawr, 2013! @NHSWalesAwards


GwobrauGIG Cymru

Page 6: The NHS Wales Awards are now open – enter your team today · Tanya Strange, Senior Nurse, Care Home Governance, Aneurin Bevan Health Board, NHS Wales Award Winner 2012 We’re waiting

Dyddiadau pwysig:Dyddiad cau ar gyfer ceisiadau: Dydd Gwener 25 Ionawr, 2013

Cyhoeddi enwau’r rhai sydd ar y rhestr fer: Mawrth 2013

Y seremoni wobrwyo: Gorffennaf 2013

Dywedwch wrthym beth rydych chi’n ei wneud a gallech fod yn un o enillwyr 2013!

Mae’n hawdd cystadlu ac mae saith categori i ddewis ohonynt:

• Dinasyddion wrth wraidd ailgynllunio a darparu gwasanaethau

• Datblygu gweithlu hyblyg a chynaliadwy• Gwella diogelwch cleifion• Gwella ansawdd drwy ddefnyddio adnoddau’n

well• Hybu gwell iechyd ac osgoi clefydau• Hybu gwaith ymchwil clinigol a’i ddefnyddio

wrth ymarfer• Gweithio’n ddi-dor ar draws sefydliadau

Bydd panel o arbenigwyr yn penderfynu ar restr fer o ymgeiswyr, yn ymweld â sefydliadau i ddysgu mwy am y gwaith sy’n cael ei wneud ac yn cyhoeddi enwau’r buddugwyr mewn seremoni arbennig Gwobrau GIG Cymru ym mis Gorffennaf 2013.

“ Roedd cystadlu yn y Gwobrau mor ddidrafferth y llynedd. Roedd y ffurflen yn hawdd ei llenwi ac rwy’n falch iawn fy mod wedi cystadlu. Mae’r ffaith ein bod wedi ennill wedi rhoi hwb mawr i’r tîm.”

Tanya Strange, Uwch Nyrs, Llywodraethu Gofal Cartref, Bwrdd Iechyd Aneurin Bevan, Enillydd un o Wobrau GIG Cymru 2012

Rydym yn aros am eich cais!

Ydy eich sefydliad a’ch tîm chi wedi creu ffyrdd newydd, gwell, mwy effeithlon a chreadigol o weithio sydd wedi trawsnewid gofal iechyd? @NHSWalesAwards