the n.i.j.c. cardinal review 15 (14) apr 19, 1961

College W elcomes Area Sen iors And Offers Services •. >""" for •t.. I" t U ..u u.,,. JYftw; oUf'J;t! bu btt-n harpy t() rntC"rt&ln blj:Ji ochool Millora In ., .... "'°' lhCI Coeur d ""'en<" <"ham· brr of Commett('I &Dd the'! d Atc-ne Kl•"&.tlb Club a('lln« 11 C'Oohootl )l.any of the •udenta wt haYf' aUf'ndod lhCI<" suJdaru conff'rirnen tn Uw put ba\ told u. Lh•t the)" ha1tt a kit of valuabl"' LQf rm:lUc wbl<'h wu helpful to lb•m MlKt ng A COUf'&t°' COU rN' 01 \OOllon It •c °'" au:t.t you .alon,:: tblll hne ln an) WAY •111 bo Y•ry rl.-, •nd \U Obje<lh .. ,. Wtil bo l'our lunth. today I• by cour• '""> of Clumbtt of Co01· rr.nt,. 11.nd intarma· tlon la •Uf!f•ll••d by \ht"! K•'Aanlll Club CoUrl(n t)(flrial• and tacuU)· mrmbN"• al111> ch,, )"uU \lo Ill lltk•· lhla op+ Jiortunlty tn M'e \\hel lhf'I co1· lrge haa to otfrr •nt1 o.•k &.n)' q IHUr>na ycm may ha\"f! con· t .. rnh1Jr yuur full.Ir«' tducalJon Thia •n\1tAtlon lo \llk't flUr wn•. lor-..9 applln not onl)' ror todo)' but any um,. bc-h•l"fl KtM)(.11 •l.atUI nf'Xt tolJ , l't'CVdlCM O( \\hue )OU plan to Altf'nd ool· •i:• H&h 'l a S:ood tun.-. 1 And come t•ck t; 0 Klldnw. Coll• Pn .drnt Moser Is Certified Guidance Counselor For Area Students In Fcbruray 111 >1' th hJ..Uw koarJ of 1-:.Ju Uo· &dupt ... 1 the: prupoul of AtAnJAnJ1 1iubml\lf'd by lhn <."• 1tlfltatlnn .A.oh bory Cntnmlltrt1 A• a rftNll uf thla l\cltnn. ft ('upd Pc-,...,nn• l !:k'n C:r• tltt<'hlrt rn•loterJ t"r ft:Uldann '" ho\lo 1n t1ffrt\ Ut1tn,· , thtt 11 quU<'Olf'n\.8 1 Qf1J11lllll of a Mult:-n J Al leon11at o .) t .. f9 Of h adunr txpnh·m: .... a lo11chJn1 c.:rrlltlc11tc.:, ond (:4.•rt.a1n phJ· nnco ccJUrRffli •\lt)' twn llelr.uo• hh\'1· qu11Hrl• d tor lM• Ct'rttOCPlC fU f':luhlKnttt Com'l•••lnna Thoy n.rt· t1c'i•ttir U MOfl('jl. c: hftlrnt11n ot lhr c: hohlrahtp nnd SUldiU\CC t ommH\«'r Mt NIJC 1rnd JUch.A.N l'""o.t\f'llo. KUhhuu:• d.Jnictur al Coc-ur cJ' Al<-no Mr .\t ™"cr ha• hi• U &niJ M trum . Monla1ta coi .. lr.:C' Wllh "1'dUntC" "Olk •l th.e Unl\t r9U)' of \\'aahln&lnn •nd\c-Nll)' uf Ca!lfOm)a haa bf-. n a1. tl\c 1n m Kookn•i Count\ for thti rl!Ut 13 ltf' m<'Med &JI thr :tu .. t atat.fl Jltffld<'nl of 1 h1' ldal1o \f .AMC>C'laUon_ \\hkh aa.d.1h'd ln \\orklr.c out cttUt1cat100 prugr•m for ldAho Abo ronc:hatt'"'4 t®rM• In S"'111anclft tor UIC> t• US Ida.ho Hf'! b a\allat>W for oun•llinc at sue and .junns thci aurnm"r month• hC" ronlc-ra \ulh an\• •tud'""'- f'lanrunx tci .ntu co11t&:C' Kootf"nal C.."'OW\l) h&JI bft:n IC'Aclrr 1n Jr:o\ «'lop1ns a giilctan. . et'r"\lf• for Ila )OW\I: rtOJll• for ffillft) )"«i•n Tht.• lmpvrtancc- ur lhl• wurk hu boren C'lllphuiuid n•t1<1nally U\ ""'' nt y.ara. n• •Inc n Sputnik Thn 0\f'I ftll rlUfl'lOeC uf lht, ,....." l<'('t 1• to •ncnuras::• re.rh atud1. nl to do 11rr1tJU• h:·I\$; nin&"' fltu,·i.uonal *'"d \o. , lU1uuat plann\n,; ""· t . \\ Ill II•· (·h•"""41 NuLr Lo •lUdc-nlA Th(' •h1dt1nl unlt1n \\Ill f'IOJlof'd tQ NlJC tudf'nla cin Arnt 10 '-'"' iauao ot lhn c:uld!inet"t C•1nCt-rtinc:cr VOLUME 1'Y NO ,. Guidance Day At NIJC April 19 Has Va ried Program T .nnuaJ Cu1d· c <,.. ,. for ..cbOOl ..... ,,..,. ,..Ill be lu!l4 at !''!JC ApnJ tr.. knd •Nill Wit from 11 ,JfJ a. m. u'ltu t.hcr att.e:rnoon. •1 nc: pon.tor• o{ tbe urc •'•JC, l11f'I Club. tn1 or Commerce:. and tn«- M.:.1101.an111p donors. OJ llle lnlllnJClOr• ill\d clUba Of '•IC t; .oi.cgc: WUl t.llk«t part Jn 1,rvc;."'dinga. Tne corutorcncc ttnt bto:pn in I, wbtn Lhe Klwantl C&ub. -.;c,unty Board of £ducabon, tne .... ootf:!naJ County Cu1d&ftC:C! Auoctalaon, and NUC .-u a plan Cur and cou.n· 11<llng to ocbool ouptttn· l•ndcn1" and t.b• llCbool rnnc1pala. Theac llCbool ofbc· l•l1 c:ompltl•lY end"""'1 1clea, OUM! Ibo pro...- v.aa '-SW'· Til<> pro,ram Will be opened and 1•r..Udod o"er by Dr. C. 0. Klldo". pr..aldeJlt or :.;uc. n.. He.- \\ a)-ne of lbe b4'\t:llt.b·Day Olurch v.11J &'I\• tho ln\'oc&Uon. Crttt• lnCI Wiii be Cl\OA by Re\. Jao< ua .. ·U>ome. pruldent of l h• KJwlUUa Cub, and \\ &IJ&ce Ad,.,,,., pr..adent or Z.."JJC Auuc:lated Alter tho collc:iic cl>orui. untJu l.h• Wrecuon ot l.1n l"l\arlca Finch, ,.,u P"''""" :u,u.Jcal enterta.inmcn.L Charlca E. :lcllwab, wbo aa pr 1d•nt or H•U )fl.IUD' Co, .. be matn 1pea.1tor !lo "W talk on omploymcmt a.mJ preparation ol 1ud1·n1A ror unploymenL J thl" lunch. th.e- l.Niia l<API* or I.ho nu\luna.I honotl.\t')' 80Ch:l)\ Phi Thtll\ Kappa. Wiii hold llA ond at•mt •ltr tnJuaUon cc:re-- Tho Chamber of Com· tnt'r"C4: wlU pn>\'ldo the lunch. \\ hJ<IJ Wiii b<I prtpattd &nd M'n\d by Uie horn" oeonomtca uru.h:r the <ol MrL t"lo1T.n<e St.rlU\aban. l>uran; lbci Junc:h Umc. NIJC band under >U Burno will r h.J\ ldfl mu.ale for e.niertatn· munt.. Al nuon. JQ:\U and JWbrtn \\Ill a alatillkal n-f'OI'\ on lal>Or ,.,,rk acholanlup-. •·ou o-...1Q1; u.... ttw con. h:fWICC tCIU V.10 be i;t'<n Tb• t- Ii !be Ohio r.}cbolop:.l l<Sl and la a col· le-set t'nl1'11"l<'f' \\ben I.ho •tl&Jonta ar< cuual>- <d ,.,lb U>e l••t. UM:y W\11 "' J;h en i;\lldcd '"",.. t.bro\ll:b U.. , uUc.";:ci Guides •1.ll i • r .. nba. 1 ot S!'-"EA De adline For Yetter Essa ys Ap pr oac he s Tth dc.&c.lHn• f •r c.nttnn,g •· ) tn annu..J Vettf't' E.ay a• raptdJy approat>hlng AU .. nthn must be to by )l&)' 1 wtth Dr 'l'\..-o prizes &N $16 !or Lb• top l\\u " ) Thr euay muat pcraun to focal or it.ate govem..m. t.nt, t"r t1nd ope.muon r C 'l\\e .. aupport.('d '"-'tlluUona. ot a .. SQuth h.ighwa)' ln 1dAho Other rules are po.tNl or may be obtaintd fl'Om Dr f"\l&.. COEUR DAUNE. IDAHO WEDNESDAY. If 1'61 5) Leader , Vocalist of Band 7A>n1n.-r. Jrndrr nt a 18--plN"f! j.u..I l1$Utd, nlU D ...,.nrrrt a.otl dAnff "' XI.JC \pr1t 18 l.\l .... m. n,, frulu.n-d \ooa.Jl .. t ... .JUtA \\f'bh . -n. .. f'H"IU f, tt'l• XUC' •tudrnt IW>d,). 11C'kf't' arr birln,1 ""'°Id h)o """\flrid <i.tmtrol .. and nm hr .r.uld al door. Many Organ izations Offer Scholarships Or Grants To NIJC Durtni> u. ...n. S:U• lt\O f'f• u..gft Kbool KA10n W tu I.Ake 1 .. 1&. On tM blUlo f lbe r .WI.a of t.bHe t la k\'e<al o;c11olanl11(19 to NIJC ,. be owarckld. Th4' \\ul:lln; tM \\atu ro.. 0 rr Company •'UI -l• '" HOO oc:bolanl>lp. lO K:ll plant\ID,J to tako eni;-in...n lbcl Horn(' Otmcinat.r'a.Uoo Cuw <11 W1U donate ODC $l:IO 1L 11oio. ..iup to a MNOr bome. ecooomlcl C•Mral oci>olanlup. ot •11<1\ "'II be donat.ed b) lb Coeur d' Al.,,e Kl\u.nla Club, Eoli;lM Lodj;• ""'ymour lien" orul, Ell<a 1..o<lt:o. Nauoal Bank. i.tra. C •·· J•"Wclt, IA.Uerty TnnJrportauon Co. A 8. IA/Certy Mcmonal, a.oJ Ulc f.totar) Club. ln aCldiUon, U. S f<·Qr..-•t Sen·at"\" crant .urnmf'r 'A"(lfk •t. hti1'nhlpti tu Ulrec atucXnlA '" •ni;lne<rtnC f.irvtQ'. llnd b""•- admUU.ltnllon. The A. C . P. R. 0, tbc Cocu1 "1 Alme Buaa.naa and PrCt-ta- iJoual \\'omen, IM CO<Ur ......._., Cndlf') Men• ,, ....... and !kl.a •lll donate oCl>Olarablpa or '""'t. n t baaed oa U>e raulta of lM n.terc1'\o.."C; U' :. Home Ee Club Sent Delegates To Inland Empire Assn. Meeting $e-\itral fl e C. C .. btn ""'- <-nllJ- re c : S UC at lb• l1'1and Emptn' Home F..cGlk.Cnk'<I Aun m .... t.tns tn Spok&ne. Th<> m""l.l<l£"1 and luncheon "t'N hcold •l I.he Spo- kane<"ftd.1nJ;" from :"'Ul! Lol.o r1US11nmono.. !\l•I')' f".d- •llnl, Laun.a Erwin ::lan4r1' :S<'houl-.·r. Lorett& Ocknt.hal, Enid CemC" SanJ.1r TaylQr Jrannt PucicL, \.larjorte Tork<"I· 'IDr\ a.nd Map•• Z.-"lJC HCltnC' Ecooom1i..-.. in• Mnactorw \tn FJortncti· han and Mn Frtdr1ckM1n, Or CladyJ> BeolUntc\·r- ht ad t'lt lh• Et"('IOotnU,"• 0-.·pt at Lh1 U of I and ')fn H,•lrn \\'ti· .on, prr.aldt-nt. of Lht. l dAho Hom.. Economu:a ,..\aan • AC• c<iimpan1l"d lhC' Credit Eirom To Be Given On April 21 ... t . C'.X.• o Cocu.r A Cred t A v:tl1 b< '\'('n at t.;.3u Apnl 21 ln roo1n :l A $:?:1 p ,.'ill be &1'-ud ...J I lbe 'llJC llUdml ..:or I: t n t.M baaC"d on po Pill< l Ual<>£" Conswrur C<Nt Al1,)'0n• otUI In ompellng mAJ obt.aln Lbc p;.mpJ>l•t from )Ir \\ mJt lD r. PTK Chapter Will Send F ive Delegates To Sherid an, Wyo. f "• c1• t•"'&lc.. or F 1 bl Tbcla Kapp .Jl &tltond Lhl' n.o.uonal con\wiUor. tn Shertd&n. \\"yo lrom Apnl Z.l lo April Tiie fl'< ""' !"ancy T•ng.,n, t.b• oft . clal \':alr, Ken Canl<Htti. llJ>d l.>iJU>e Waldram, u.i. year'a Md ...,...,I.Ary; Clltl A,.l noa anJ Jim .lo!An· nlng. nQt yor pr•1U .... nl and tic•praJdmL. Sotno oLher meml>o .. ""'Y i;o It LrlUllJ>OTlotion car. be pruvlded. Dr c 0 Kildow '- """ " ul<od by i.tarprrt )1-1 l ..... :kl)'• caUcnal, i.. be llle f tur...S llpQJ<er al ti ConT•nUoo baDqllet. He u Ill .. llAUcn&I llonOrlll)' l'llCmbfT In addillCC> lo l>cUli; •J>"21<•. Dr K."'°1r "'UI b<I lb< ar.&11 al & p&i><l diaaaolon OD t;... wbJoct. lmAC• of U.e Junior Collei; The l:TWP WUI Lnar<I by car. U>e .. ,.pcnon to be paid from IT.<lMY nia<d from U>e rum· IDa£C' w:ile b:Uc.c ult'. and car wu!J.. A dcr from U1e mttt• incw. U.., •111 '1a11 dude ranch and other b.latonc aaghu,. and aUenJ a r<ml·furmal da.nt"e. One of thtir proJe<la -.hUe there w •I bl to nan C'Uf! Azt .. d,.,.... '" r · .., nau' n.aJ oUiC'll'. New Officers Of PTK Are Named Tho new oft1c.n: ot Phi Thota Kapp:rt fnr lh• coming )""r are C'UU ,\nt.1l''*>n. pRaldcnt; Jun M'1nnln1;. Vem Culllna M<:rcl&.r)' • treo.aurcr: ftuth J')conn111. fQ<:"lal ch.Dlrm-.n: ond Ora.ham. h.,torian Tht- otflcr• will be tumed o\c-r to Lll<'* J>tOPI<' at ft meet• lni; .,.,urUmr ln MA.)' . Zen•ner Name Band Concert and Dance Coming Up Tuesday ;< ,,, 10- rr. to 11 00 mruuJ A 111ousti si ttlat \:C'l) r. he 11 net unkn " to 1 ot tlle b bv.ndo. z.c ble a lro.-n bon11t wu tarm.- l) Wllh t1le tAn.u or 1!1uTy Jiun.._ a:..... and J1mm)' Do!WQ" be- t r-. ll£Nn& c. C"Ontract '-'1th .\ICM to provld 1>3cl<ground mu.ate for wch •ta.n u Bin& Croob Ho WU Lr&lned by ll1 rtnl trorr.bonlat of Ibo New \" I'IUlh&rmonJo. and vru later blmMlt Clnt tror !or U:e 1111m on:h ra. HIS m •lcal bacl<i;T<: Wld =m&td>· b • ma.: y otben LD OlO 1&J1 eld. 11 11 labu.lowi ""CCUll ln brlni:u>g th "blc" tnr.d whlcll, be<'lluoo at Ci'Mt or u-.n elinl:' "' Ut such 'Ii: i;roup, ,..,..t out wt!!> and tile Do ya. AllU!1'1l lckl wWbe d In Coeur d A and wrroundlng dlatricLI. Th "a.r hnaJ Co&I ', XI.JC dr1IJ am. wUI DUU't'Ji throui;b Ille tl't'elJi ln Coeur on S..tvrd3y momlng .\prtl 15, •tudcnt.I will co to lbf! doora anJ aell l1c-ket.a from lo hoUR.. C'O<"Ul' d' Al< nc oliould be proud or having wch a bo.nd l'C-'rf<Jrm here It .. nourh uckct.1 80td. tt '™'>' -.-,, ,.u aet " llrecol,..nt for tuLUrt! avcml.11 ot Jllmllar Only ect nmount or UC'k la V."111 bo sold. ao buy onf'I no" \\hllc )'OU MtlU h1nf' a" to get (lne atudent.1 an Q.d .. \ o.nt.ot?f' 0'"'-'r the town propfo Wh«'n al co m e. to buymi: UckelA. lor Ul•y "'ill got In tor hAlt 1•rt«'- R•gular pric:u bAve been 1<t Ill ;><'r couple IU\d $1.JIO atni:tr whUe coJlt' 0 0 tul.lcnt.a In t r l 0 IJl<r o 1p d College Groups Will Offer Services For Annual Guidan ce Day \Ian. tud.,,.1" and cluba ot t.b, JC · 111 be pa.rt1e1p.llng 1n lh• C11ld&nce Cont<ron«i. Tbo r•milJcnt of t.b" coll•&"<. Dr I< ldow, wW pr..idc. lllld atlldont body<nt Wally Ad&nu win a grHtlng. Tllo col· <Jiotua and band Will be provtdJn-r Phi Kappa ""1U tl8 in1uauan for the acnlo.ra.. Th• Rome Ee Cub ..-u1 have the bli; Job ot fuQng IU1d .......... Ing lwicb t.hal wUI bo pro- \ 1d<d by lbf' Cli&mbor of Com· muce Phi Th•ta Kappana wtU u ua.hc:n tn lbo momtng. end mc:mbf'l"9 01 $NE.A wtU con· duct guided louna or lbe build· inge tn the attemoon. )fr Mc· Fnrloutd Md other mrmbel'9 of the faculty wlll be In of the tCJrta._ High AehoolS wlll be n:proac.nted are Coeur d'Alene. J H. lL '"'""•my, l<ootenal, Plummer, t'ost Fa1i.. Ralb· dNtn, Spirit Lak•, and Worloy. $.76 !Ingle

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Published Semi-Monthly During the College Year by Journalism Students at the North Idaho Junior College


Page 1: The N.I.J.C. Cardinal Review 15 (14) Apr 19, 1961

College Welcomes Area Seniors And Offers Services t· •. >""" for •t.. I" t U

• ..u u.,,. JYftw; oUf'J;t! bu btt-n harpy t() rntC"rt&ln th~ blj:Ji ochool Millora In .,....

"'°' lhCI Coeur d ""'en<" <"ham· brr of Commett('I &Dd the'! CoC'~U" d Atc-ne Kl•"&.tlb Club a('lln« 11

C'Oohootl )l.any of the • •udenta wt

haYf' aUf'ndod lhCI<" suJdaru • conff'rirnen tn Uw put ba\ • told u. Lh•t the)" ha1tt r«~hf'd a kit of valuabl"' LQf rm:lUc wbl<'h wu helpful to lb•m MlKt ng A COUf'&t°' COU rN' 0 1

\OOllon It •c °'" au:t.t you .alon,:: tblll hne ln an) WAY ~· •111 bo Y•ry rl.-, •nd \U Obje<lh .. ,. Wtil bo ACX't:•ntpl~

l'our lunth. today I• by cour• '""> of th~ Clumbtt of Co01· rr.nt,. 11.nd gu1dan·~ intarma· tlon la •Uf!f•ll••d by \ht"! K•'Aanlll Club

CoUrl(n t)(flrial• and tacuU)· mrmbN"• al111> ch,, •tmh·n~

ho~ )"uU \lo Ill lltk•· lhla op+ Jiortunlty tn M'e \\hel lhf'I co1· lrge haa to otfrr •nt1 o.•k &.n)'

q IHUr>na ycm may ha\"f! con· t .. rnh1Jr yuur full.Ir«' tducalJon Thia •n\1tAtlon lo \llk't flUr wn•. lor-..9 applln not onl)' ror todo)' but any um,. bc-h•l"fl KtM)(.11 •l.atUI nf'Xt tolJ , l't'CVdlCM O(

\\hue )OU plan to Altf'nd ool· •i:•

H&h'l a S:ood tun.-. 1 And come t•ck

t; 0 Klldnw. Coll• ~~ Pn .drnt

Moser Is Certified Guidance Counselor For Area Students

In Fcbruray 111 >1' th hJ..Uw koarJ of 1-:.Ju Uo· &dupt ... 1 the: prupoul of AtAnJAnJ1 1iubml\lf'd by lhn <."• 1tlfltatlnn .A.oh bory Cntnmlltrt1

A• a rftNll uf thla l\cltnn. ft

('upd Pc-,...,nn• l !:k'n If~ C:r• tltt<'hlrt rn•loterJ t"r ft:Uldann '" ho\lo 1n t1ffrt\ Ut1tn,·, thtt 11 quU<'Olf'n\.8 1 Qf1J11lllll of a Mult:-n J ~'jfrt"t•, Al leon11at l~ o .) t .. f9 Of h adunr txpnh·m: .... a lo11chJn1 c.:rrlltlc11tc.:, ond (:4.•rt.a1n phJ· nnco ccJUrRffli •\lt)' twn llelr.uo• hh\'1· qu11Hrl• d tor lM• Ct'rttOCPlC fU f':luhlKnttt Com'l•••lnna Thoy n.rt· t1c'i•ttir U MOfl('jl. c: hftlrnt11n ot lhr c: hohlrahtp nnd SUldiU\CC t ommH\«'r Mt NIJC 1rnd JUch.A.N l'""o.t\f'llo. KUhhuu:• d.Jnictur al Coc-ur cJ' Al<-no llt~h S~hoo1

Mr .\t™"cr ha• hi• U ~ &niJ M ~ trum .Monla1ta Sl•t~ coi .. lr.:C' Wllh "1'dUntC" "Olk •l th.e Unl\t r9U)' of \\'aahln&lnn •nd\c-Nll)' uf Ca!lfOm)a lJ~ haa bf-. n a1. tl\c 1n t:Uidane~ ~'c:,rk m Kookn•i Count\ for thti rl!Ut 13 ~1.-.n ltf' m<'Med &JI thr :tu .. t atat.fl Jltffld<'nl of 1 h1' ldal1o <.fulclan~ \f .AMC>C'laUon_ \\hkh aa.d.1h'd ln \\orklr.c out th~ cttUt1cat100 prugr•m for ldAho Abo h~ t~• ronc:hatt'"'4 t®rM• In S"'111anclft tor UIC> t• US Ida.ho Hf'! b a\allat>W for • oun•llinc at sue and .junns thci aurnm"r month• hC" ronlc-ra \ulh an\• •tud'""'- f'lanrunx tci .ntu co11t&:C'

Kootf"nal C.."'OW\l) h&JI bft:n • IC'Aclrr 1n Jr:o\ «'lop1ns a giilctan. . et'r"\lf• for Ila )OW\I: rtOJll• for ffillft) )"«i•n Tht.• lmpvrtancc- ur lhl• wurk hu boren C'lllphuiuid n•t1<1nally U\ ""'' nt y.ara. n• r~c1n1l)" •Inc n Sputnik Thn 0\f'I ftll rlUfl'lOeC uf lht, tf\Udan("~ ,....." l<'('t 1• to •ncnuras::• re.rh atud1. nl to do mom~ 11rr1tJU• h:·I\$; nin&"' fltu,·i.uonal *'"d \o.

, lU1uuat plann\n,;

""· t . \\ Ill II•· (·h•"""41 NuLr Lo •lUdc-nlA Th(' •h1dt1nl

unlt1n \\Ill ~ f'IOJlof'd tQ NlJC tudf'nla cin Arnt 10 '-'"' iauao ot

lhn c:uld!inet"t C•1nCt-rtinc:cr


Guidance Day At NIJC April 19 Has Varied Program

T t.blrt~n .nnuaJ Cu1d· c <,.. ·1fr~:. ,. for tu~b ..cbOOl

.....,,..,. ,..Ill be lu!l4 at !''!JC ~n ApnJ tr.. knd •Nill Wit from 11 ,JfJ a. m. u'ltu t.hcr att.e:rnoon. •1 nc: pon.tor• o{ tbe cont~ca urc •'•JC, l11f'I KJ~·&nta Club. tn1 cnamo~:r or Commerce:. and tn«- M.:.1101.an111p donors. ~tan)' OJ llle lnlllnJClOr• ill\d clUba Of '•IC t; .oi.cgc: WUl t.llk«t part Jn lb~ 1,rvc;."'dinga.

Tne corutorcncc ttnt bto:pn in ll~ I, wbtn Lhe Klwantl C&ub. 1h~ -.;c,unty Board of £ducabon, tne .... ootf:!naJ County Cu1d&ftC:C! Auoctalaon, and NUC p~\.· .-u a plan Cur and cou.n· 11<llng to ocbool ouptttn· l•ndcn1" and t.b• ~b llCbool rnnc1pala. Theac llCbool ofbc· l•l1 c:ompltl•lY end"""'1 1clea, OUM! Ibo pro...- v.aa

'-SW'· Til<> pro,ram Will be opened

and 1•r..Udod o"er by Dr. C. 0. Klldo". pr..aldeJlt or :.;uc. n.. He.- \\ a)-ne ~ of lbe b4'\t:llt.b·Day Ad,·Cft~l Olurch v.11J &'I\• tho ln\'oc&Uon. Crttt• lnCI Wiii be Cl\OA by Re\. Jao< ua .. ·U>ome. pruldent of l h• KJwlUUa Cub, and \\ &IJ&ce Ad,.,,,., pr..adent or Z.."JJC Auuc:lated ~ludcnl&. Alter tho ''~Uni;•. collc:iic cl>orui. untJu l.h• Wrecuon ot l.1n l"l\arlca Finch, ,.,u P"''""" :u,u.Jcal enterta.inmcn.L

Charlca E. :lcllwab, wbo aa pr 1d•nt or Bunk~ H•U )fl.IUD' Co, .. ~u be lh~ matn 1pea.1tor !lo "W talk on omploymcmt pra~Uc.'"t"• a.mJ preparation ol 1ud1·n1A ror unploymenL

J •r•"\:~lin,; thl" lunch. th.e­l.Niia l<API* chapt~ or I.ho nu\luna.I honotl.\t')' 80Ch:l)\ Phi

Thtll\ Kappa. Wiii hold llA -· ond at•mt •ltr tnJuaUon cc:re--11101~· Tho Chamber of Com· tnt'r"C4: wlU pn>\'ldo the lunch. \\ hJ<IJ Wiii b<I prtpattd &nd M'n\d by Uie horn" oeonomtca , uru.h:r the <ol MrL t"lo1T.n<e St.rlU\aban. l>uran; lbci Junc:h Umc. th~ NIJC band under >U Burno will r h.J\ ldfl mu.ale for e.niertatn· munt..

Al nuon. T~ JQ:\U and JWbrtn J~n \\Ill C"-'~ a alatillkal n-f'OI'\ on lal>Or ,.,,rk acholanlup-. •·ouo-...1Q1; u.... ttw con.h:fWICC tCIU V.10 be i;t'<n Tb• t- Ii !be Ohio r.}cbolop:.l l<Sl and la a col· le-set t'nl1'11"l<'f' ~amtn&lit•O..

\\ben I.ho •tl&Jonta ar< cuual>­<d ,.,lb U>e l••t. UM:y W\11 "' J;h en i;\lldcd '"",.. t.bro\ll:b U.. , uUc.";:ci Guides •1.ll i • r .. nba. 1 ot S!'-"EA

Deadline For Yetter Essa ys Approache s

Tth dc.&c.lHn• f •r c.nttnn,g •· ) tn th~ annu..J Vettf't' E.ay

(\(1nl~•t a• raptdJy approat>hlng AU .. nthn must be to by )l&)' 1 wtth Dr 'l'\..-o prizes &N

uff~rf'd $:?~ an~ $16 !or Lb• top l\\u " )

Thr euay muat pcraun to focal or it.ate govem..m.t.nt, be~ t"r t1nd mor~ ~!fiC'il'nt ope.muon r C 'l\\e .. aupport.('d '"-'tlluUona. ot a .. SQuth h.ighwa)' ln 1dAho Other rules are po.tNl or may be obtaintd fl'Om Dr f"\l&..


Leader, Vocalist of Band

~1 7A>n1n.-r. Jrndrr nt a 18--plN"f! j.u..I l1$Utd, nlU ~ho D ...,.nrrrt a.otl dAnff "' XI.JC \pr1t 18 l.\l K~oo .... m. n,, frulu.n-d \ooa.Jl .. t ... .JUtA \\f'bh. -n. .. f'H"IU f, ""fl'•n-c\ b~ tt'l• XUC' •tudrnt IW>d,). 11C'kf't' arr birln,1 ""'°Id h)o """\flrid <i.tmtrol .. and nm hr .r.uld al lh~ door.

Many Organizations Offer Scholarships Or Grants To NIJC

Durtni> u. ...n. S:U• lt\O f'f• ~

u..gft Kbool KA10n W tu I.Ake 1 .. 1&. On tM blUlo f lbe r .WI.a of t.bHe t la k\'e<al o;c11olanl11(19 to NIJC ,. be

owarckld. Th4' \\ul:lln;tM \\atu ro.. 0

rr Company •'UI -l• '" HOO oc:bolanl>lp. lO K:ll plant\ID,J to tako eni;-in...n lbcl Horn(' Otmcinat.r'a.Uoo Cuw

<11 W1U donate ODC $l:IO 1L11oio. ..iup to a MNOr bome. ecooomlcl

C•Mral oci>olanlup. ot $1~ •11<1\ "'II be donat.ed b) lb Coeur d 'Al.,,e Kl\u.nla Club, Eoli;lM Lodj;• ""'ymour lien" orul, Ell<a 1..o<lt:o. ~"Int Nauon· al Bank. i.tra. C •·· J•"Wclt, IA.Uerty TnnJrportauon Co. A 8. IA/Certy Mcmonal, a.oJ Ulc f.totar) Club.

ln aCldiUon, ~ U. S f<·Qr..-•t Sen·at"\" ~dJ crant .urnmf'r 'A"(lfk •t. hti1'nhlpti tu Ulrec atucXnlA '" •ni;lne<rtnC f.irvtQ'. llnd b""•- admUU.ltnllon.

The A. C . P. R. 0, tbc Cocu1 "1 Alme Buaa.naa and PrCt-ta­iJoual \\'omen, IM CO<Ur d· AJ~ ......._., Cndlf') • Men• ,, ....... and !kl.a ::;.;=a!~ •lll donate oCl>Olarablpa or '""'t. n t baaed oa U>e raulta of lM

n.terc1'\o.."C; U' :.

Home Ee Club Sent Delegates To Inland Empire Assn. Meeting

$e-\itral fl e C. C .. ~ ~ btn ""'- <-nllJ- re c : t~ S UC at lb• l1'1and Emptn' Home F..cGlk.Cnk'<I Aun m .... t.tns tn Spok&ne. Th<> m""l.l<l£"1 and luncheon "t'N hcold •l I.he Spo­kane Ho~<"ftd.1nJ;" from :"'Ul! \lii~rc Lol.o r1US11nmono.. !\l•I')' f".d­•llnl, Laun.a Erwin ::lan4r1' :S<'houl-.·r. Lorett& Ocknt.hal, Enid CemC" SanJ.1r TaylQr Jrannt PucicL, \.larjorte Tork<"I· 'IDr\ a.nd Map•• Pt"t.~non

Z.-"lJC HCltnC' Ecooom1i..-.. in• Mnactorw \tn FJortncti· han and Mn Frtdr1ckM1n, Or CladyJ> BeolUntc\·r- ht ad t'lt lh• Hom.~ Et"('IOotnU,"• 0-.·pt at Lh1 U of I and ')fn H,•lrn \\'ti· .on, prr.aldt-nt. of Lht. l dAho Hom.. Economu:a ,..\aan • AC•

c<iimpan1l"d lhC' drlt>pU~1n

Credit Eirom To Be Given On April 21

... t . C'.X.•

o Cocu.r A ~ne Cred t A v:tl1 b< '\'('n at t.;.3u Apnl 21 ln roo1n

:l A $:?:1 p ,.'ill be &1'-ud

...J I lbe 'llJC llUdml ..:or I: t n t.M ~.:um. baaC"d on

po Pill< l Ual<>£" Conswrur C<Nt

Al1,)'0n• otUI lnlu~stod In ompellng mAJ obt.aln Lbc

p;.mpJ>l•t from )Ir \\ mJt lD r.

PTK Chapter Will Send Five Delegates To Sheridan, Wyo.

f "• c1• t•"'&lc.. or F1bl Tbcla Kapp w·.Jl &tltond Lhl' n.o.uonal con\wiUor. tn Shertd&n. \\"yo lrom Apnl Z.l lo April ~ Tiie fl'< ""' !"ancy T•ng.,n, t.b• oft .clal \':alr, Ken Canl<Htti. llJ>d l.>iJU>e Waldram, u.i. year'a \'lco-~rmld4'nl Md ...,...,I.Ary; Clltl A,.l noa anJ Jim .lo!An· nlng. nQt yor • pr•1U .... nl and tic•praJdmL. Sotno oLher meml>o .. ""'Y i;o It LrlUllJ>OT• lotion car. be pruvlded.

Dr c 0 Kildow '- """ " ul<od by i.tarprrt )1-1 l .....:kl)'• caUcnal, i.. be llle f tur...S llpQJ<er al ti ConT•nUoo baDqllet. He u Ill .. llAUcn&I llonOrlll)' l'llCmbfT In addillCC> lo l>cUli; • •J>"21<•. Dr K."'°1r "'UI b<I lb< ar.&11 al & p&i><l diaaaolon OD t;...

wbJoct. lmAC• of U.e Junior Collei;

The l:TWP WUI Lnar<I by car. U>e .. ,.pcnon to be paid from IT.<lMY nia<d from U>e rum· IDa£C' w:ile b:Uc.c ult'. and car wu!J.. A dcr from U1e mttt• incw. U.., •111 '1a11 • dude ranch and other b.latonc aaghu,. and aUenJ a r<ml·furmal da.nt"e. One of thtir proJe<la -.hUe there w •I bl to nan C'Uf! Azt .. d,.,.... '" r · .., nau' n.aJ oUiC'll'.

New Officers Of PTK Are Name d

Tho new oft1c.n: ot Phi Thota Kapp:rt fnr lh• coming )""r are C'UU ,,\nt.1l''*>n. pRaldcnt; Jun M'1nnln1;. vtc~pruJdent~ Vem Culllna M<:rcl&.r)' • treo.aurcr: ftuth J')conn111. fQ<:"lal ch.Dlrm-.n: ond P~rn· Ora.ham. h.,torian

Tht- otflcr• will be tumed o\c-r to Lll<'* J>tOPI<' at ft meet• lni; .,.,urUmr ln MA.)'.

Zen•ner Name Band Concert and Dance Coming Up Tuesday

;< ,,, 10-

rr. to 11 00 mruuJ A 111ousti si

ttlat \:C'l) r. he 11 net unkn " to 1 ot tlle b bv.ndo. z.c ble a lro.-n bon11t wu tarm.- l) Wllh t1le tAn.u or 1!1uTy Jiun.._ a:..... l:lrown~ and J1mm)' Do!WQ" be-t r-. ll£Nn& c. C"Ontract '-'1th .\ICM to provld 1>3cl<ground mu.ate for wch •ta.n u Bin& Croob Ho WU Lr&lned by ll1 rtnl trorr.bonlat of Ibo New \" ~ I'IUlh&rmonJo. and vru later blmMlt Clnt tror !or U:e 1111m on:h ra. HIS m •lcal bacl<i;T<: Wld =m&td>·

b • ma.: y otben LD OlO 1&J1 eld. 11 11 labu.lowi ""CCUll

ln brlni:u>g ~ th "blc" tnr.d whlcll, be<'lluoo at

Ci'Mt or u-.n elinl:' "' Ut such 'Ii: i;roup, ,..,..t out wt!!>

and tile Do ya. AllU!1'1l lckl wWbe d In Coeur d A and wrroundlng dlatricLI. Th

"a.r hnaJ Co&I ', XI.JC dr1IJ am. wUI DUU't'Ji throui;b Ille

tl't'elJi ln Coeur d"Alm~ on S..tvrd3y momlng .\prtl 15, ~ hll~ O~f' •tudcnt.I will co to lbf! doora anJ aell l1c-ket.a from hou~ lo hoUR..

C'O<"Ul' d' Al< nc oliould be proud or having wch a bo.nd l'C-'rf<Jrm here It .. nourh uckct.1 •1~ 80td. tt '™'>' -.-,,,.u aet " llrecol,..nt for tuLUrt! avcml.11 ot Jllmllar n3.tur~ Only • ect nmount or UC'k la V."111 bo sold. ao buy onf'I no" \\hllc )'OU MtlU h1nf' a" to get (lne

CoUC'J;~ atudent.1 ha\:~ an Q.d ..

\ o.nt.ot?f' 0'"'-'r the town propfo Wh«'n al com e. to buymi: UckelA. lor Ul•y "'ill got In tor hAlt 1•rt«'- R•gular pric:u bAve been 1<t Ill ~ :SO ;><'r couple IU\d $1.JIO atni:tr whUe coJlt'0 0 tul.lcnt.a

In t r l 0 IJl<r o 1p d

College Groups Will Offer Services For Annual Guidance Day

\Ian. tud.,,.1" and cluba ot t.b, JC · 111 be pa.rt1e1p.llng 1n lh• C11ld&nce Cont<ron«i. Tbo r•milJcnt of t.b" coll•&"<. Dr I< ldow, wW pr..idc. lllld atlldont body<nt Wally Ad&nu win cw~ a grHtlng. Tllo col· ll'fi:~ <Jiotua and band Will be provtdJn-r e.nt~rt&lnmenL. Phi Thirt~ Kappa ""1U ba~e tl8 in1uauan for the acnlo.ra..

Th• Rome Ee Cub ..-u1 have the bli; Job ot fuQng IU1d .......... Ing t.b~ lwicb t.hal wUI bo pro­\ 1d<d by lbf' Cli&mbor of Com· muce Phi Th•ta Kappana wtU ~n·c- u ua.hc:n tn lbo momtng. end mc:mbf'l"9 01 $NE.A wtU con· duct guided louna or lbe build· inge tn the attemoon. )fr Mc· Fnrloutd Md other mrmbel'9 of the faculty wlll be In char~ of admtnllltt-rin~ the tCJrta._

High AehoolS wlll be n:proac.nted are Coeur d'Alene. J H. lL '"'""•my, l<ootenal, Plummer, t'ost Fa1i.. Ralb· dNtn, Spirit Lak•, and Worloy. $.76 !Ingle

Page 2: The N.I.J.C. Cardinal Review 15 (14) Apr 19, 1961

THE N.LJ.C. REVIEW ,11WdMcl S.M;.MoetWy 0""1at th. Col1•t• Ye•r

l y J..,ra.l1tM SNdoAh et th• NORTH IDAHO JUNIOR COLLEGE

COEUR O'AUNE. IOAHO Edttor - : e64J•!'l A.uoc.;..te Editor .r.- Me"' "!.dUJ

,.... • .,,.ph, hf,,... ~el ...-oor. c;,c.wl• t•• MeM9.., De.lit I--""~

I ht.••" M ... ,., - - - c;.,.i. ....,._ Re,.,,•n UM• Wea....,.eh r. St..-e S••" •r. E."' d 6-t,.,,.. Jo.e-110'!• J.<

PRINTED Al COlU' • Aw.tll rRlSS P1I S ,><Ot

-,y1.U&.'T'- 'llQI LD Ot. 1.00 11 llt) '""- •. ,

Stnc ... sue v. 111 "' tht ti t for u b 1itbool MSUOn OU GuJd&nc""' ~·. Apt11 lit 11t u. U..1 h "'"J b- &l lDeLr b8t 1n that \.he:)' al\Ould Ot'! wurtf'!VU• and. auu1l ln tbclt\.Wr

For many oC Lht• tucb Kbool Mnlon.. thU •"ill tte &.Dur 1.n:. "-ont.act ~1U'I C'011r,::ri •nu 1U artav1tJfla. -nwrtl<d"e. l!. '• \.p to ...-, to S'''~ thtm t-ncoura.:"rorn\ Dy our act.kma and atulUCHla N .,

I.ET".., llA\L ~u,u .. 0 1'1'">''

~t r ah d d bf' tJrn4.1 to ,.'-:3nc~ TanJ::en. th"' f 1l wou1a N \ct)' nun:h appa ctat ed t t1'1c.9C' pcd JM

- - -- ----contru\ersU\.I

i..t>el<d ··uni.ra·

TODAY'S EVENTS e, t-~jfla Pf"t('r

l. S. llao La~l ........ t:n.rollmf'11l

~ •• '" to~ en "'-" l'lta ..... - • to l>c atvc.1 ln ow \JU!.LN :>l*l• Ul&n &n)°"•bct• m.c •be rwxt tn£jtat au.rac­i...oa b l"raacr "''"' 1:',t:.S tor­t.:.e;..a ataGrnU. todowif'CS b) UM • _ ...... ·~ 01 Vttm&D)'

• ,ua 1:. 11.). IQOC l\gufU ~ (roai th ..

.-est ..s,...,,. Of a-., >"Ku a:w •·~CS. an annuaJ: publl• ..auoa CJS ~ Uftju"d :-.iauo.n. ,...,.,.,.-<.a~L ~.f'"ft.Ufte &Dd Cul· l ur&I C>rpruzalloa (l':O.£$CV•

fllo \;ntt<'d Stat• al80 leacu tJw: 1''t>f kt U\ tbf' Dumber Of UAI• 'erwaty, ¥.llb 3.23$.'1 4 !ollcmtd b) Utt $o\1iel L'n.iNi wn.n Z.:60000 \~f.161 Amf'rt <an a\Udf!nl.I •~ lUitil'd b.I •lUdy• IDI: mi;lnttt1N; and lilt' l"Lnt.11•1 tl~tt ll\ Sovtel cru:on ... 'hi.:1UOOf Nt-xt ••ltn1'" lndu• • •t.h f>JJ.•~ atl>d<nta and Japan wu.h 83&.232: Franc:-ie h .. ~ Cur "P" Wllh 226.1":'3 •tU.drnU. fol· lowed b)' th• F'.-dtraJ RC'publl1 of ~&n) iU\d Italy 1n a n~ar .i .. o,1 h<!et 1154 OU! &nJ 163 110 rf'Cpe"'ll\rflV

Ot~nl ln l>eotlnlllon

A rd ot 4-a.rn&nl UlCf'e La r.ot. mut..h &&:r.-rmC"nt t.tuvuch· <> Ut. tbe- ••o.tld U lo •bat COil•

eUluta &D "wU"t"l'lllt.)" atudtont At a !a.moua man la llUppoaiicd :.o ba\·e aid. "t.btre •r• li.n.. da.mJwd bu &ad a\.&tJliUO

But ll>e !~do..,..,. I.hat ta.. t::utoc! .. abo kada I.he ,. orid la annuaJ. nwnbc'r of UIUYenU) cnuJual• ·~.023

t ollcr..-N I>) t.h• So• "'t t: tuon •1lb. :'!JO i OO OW l•"O leadt-u bang• placa ID 1..-ir• tor

munc .... d tfdmlcal sradu· •to JH,tOO Ln tbit Sovad Uruon an.I ~~ In th.• U 11 I

.Amocs,r OUlU &.Dtctt•W\C f&( la •M Ct.gutt.a d.lKloMd UC'

B rHOGa rad n .. -.... aprap19n than &n)onc d• on t.b• t•j'" ot lbc ~.anh Hu e ..,.. l.hc t'c..ckr· >hip nt.l.. I>'' l.UOO ID t.h< •or Jd a moat n4"\\'1rpapi:r·mlnded ~"OWlt.neo• Tb• Cruted :,; 3. Sv.oden, t.64. Lwternbourc. 4:?11. and f"lnland. 420.

The Unlt.od St.atu 1""41 tn I.he nwz>l>er or tl&lly papero. 1.7<$. but .. 11a tlltm to only :tl7' out ot ~ery 1.000 Amen· <&na. Oo I.he other hand, H6 out ot t:\'V')' Amer1cana reacJ mai;utn.. or gon•raJ 1ni.. ..... 1. lh• hlgb .. t tlgu..., In t.h• world

This Sound Familiar? By Jim Oal.braltb

Tbe toUoW1.D1r at.a~lll .,. !>'<l phraMa o! aome ot th• tat:Ulty membera. can you tdea.Uly the t-.c.bcr-:- Tbe ann. en ~ at the bottc>m

l \Vt:l.L .IO much for t.bal." Z. .up to a potnL ..

3. ~ "'°"""'· all )'OU c:hantW>g paop1a.-

\\· e mu.s:. ,·~ .. ... . tor all ~ pur· -. . -

6 ·You'll ba .. LO whl.lp«r p1-·we11. )OU Jmow,•

s ·au.-. di..a. p 'Tbat'• .....i oJce.

'tnlfiuuna l'C (6 ·p~ ZJ'( lS .Cppµ.i ~ !!I 'U09UWfl.SIJIO "&II'( 191 'JlupW)I •K Cl: •-It • K ! t1 'AlW>$ WJ'C IC •uo1q

'.fl'\' Ci I 'b>q1!11Q .IJ'\ 11

Meet The Prof

Ttac·~•n hf't tlra' year at SlJC Ui )Ir• h..tnk9C'n v..·tio t~cbq .. ,,.,..1 born" l('t!lnomsa

"""'"" Mn ... udnUion waa bom 1n Fa~o !..: D Atttr r:11l1iat&nc u om hli:;h 1Cbi:J4ll. a.he •lllf'f\11+.I !'Ii •rt.h :O..kot& St•"- Una\ craaty f< r tour JHr• &nt1 obt&J.ntid 11 B A *~" Ln tlbn1r ttanomlc.a To com' ~t~ hu tK'.hor.>llnf :\Ir. P'r...tntuon allf!1\l.IM the: t:nl· 'rrai\y ot \\ Whf"R •hirr .-arncd hc-r ~aatt'ra tk·aree 1n bat:tt-nolnQ' C'(ltlcgv. ah~ w•a a membtr uf Phi t:psUon OmiC"rvn. the hon11rary ti.t>mit ttonomka ~1rty

B«"fort' marT)"tn•. lii1ra F'rt"<t .. rOt1t1n v.:orkl'd 10 a lA&borator') anJ laU-T t.aut;hl bo.<"tt'Molog) tl ~urth 0.J<ot.n ~t.Alf> Unh'«"ntty Shtt marrlod a man w1th whom ah,. had Al• t•·mJN hlJh 1<"hool. Th~y w~re m"rrtf'd whlltt ht1 v. •• In hi• junior year ot mtdlc:al .chool 1isf")' ha\·c- thritf' chlldrrn onr who l• atlt·ndlng lh"t U . of J nn~· who l• " ...-nlf)r In htM"h achool, and f)n«'" who u In .,.ad,., ocbool

'Ml• lam1ly mo'"d to Splnt Lakt wh•r• Otey hveod for 12 yt'&l'll Wtore comtnK' c.o C~r d' Akn• Mr F'redrlk.oon la a pracUe1n1r

Bttwttn h•r hom. duUn and t.-clunir. l"rednkaon -. a t haT• ~ mu<b •plt• Ume for 'J)Ur1A and bobb-.. How· tttr, 8M flnde road>ng to i.. '~ry enjoyablit a.nd ttla.xtnr \\'Mn~ 11aa _... kJ.aure um • abit ptana to become more en: .. U •• Onoulb <rafta and hobb e

)tra F-<d tllat 8M tt1Jo1• l<adUJ>C at ~UC '°'Y mud\. Sb• !•It tllal col· lr-Jte N.udf'nU artt mor(! mature and bAVO a pu1J'OO'< !n W'•, • htch makn lhf'm uit.t:rmt..1.-"_. to work ••th.

Woodcock's Drug Store C4ncf*1 - Sund• e

Pre'\Gf:ption• IU N Fo.irth St .• Coe111ir a·AJ..,•


OR. PEPPER n.. m • .,dt, ll'•p~r.Upp.1'"'

Daffy Definitions llt"'\Tlle 1' l\th r Time' de:·

L\•r) \: :u1

rr1ne • plu111 th•t ha.I ..,n t>-tt•r da)'&.

J•Jum a fruit that nf"4"ntl a.nJ tall. Imm lh• pollUe&l ttte. tut nnl)" att~r cantul ,-ratUn«

TobD..C'C'O a plAnl found tn many Soutbc-rn •tatM and In .. ,""" C'ltr•r,ttrA

Tf'l•p~1nn • wund«'rfUI In• atrumrnt , tt «•nnf'Ct. yu11 wUh w manv ~tran«~n.

Tulikrmlat " man wh11 know• Ma atuff

Olt-culor etory It thf: l.tHlh ~t'r"' told about .ame blonde. It would be an atr~color •tory'

1-""'"llrt a hll·•n·run IC>ver.



4 11 SMrm• t1t A•• · .. MOh••A 4...CltS



INURSTAT[ TYPCWAJTEA Co <&17 ~.,,,__,. A•• • ~. 4.).411


leader Publishing Co. 116 N F.nli St •• MOIM-i 4-llot





CoEUA o ·A i cNt CAEAMtRY t n G••d.a • MO~.,..\ -4.l$17

Co•wr cl'AI.,,,., Id•"-

Page 3: The N.I.J.C. Cardinal Review 15 (14) Apr 19, 1961

Art Exhibit Planned By EWCE Newrruin Club

f". r tudf"nt.- m•Jon111&: •r In· lC'h.• lf'd 1n at'I thl1 .nton1 .at . '" mpy rrcn" \ala.hit Thtr x .... man Club of C"'ntral \\"ublng"· ton ColWC• of Education :I• •PQMOrlll,£' a modtm Ctiriat.Lan a.rt C'x.hib1t and ('l;ftt81. Any· <an• rrom a raclt ~onh\\nt «JIJC'~ may f'TllH C.ocnplc':ll' co.ntHt rult-a ar~ postf!d on ttM bulJ4o n -rd on I.II• ""ll

Ml'WJia that can br IUC"d arr oti. and "ater tolora Tb~ " 11 bl> JudJ::td tn ont ca'~'1 > tm ~n"" i. $110, MC<>t>l priu. JtO, anti thud pr1•~ $:5 l':ntry CiU'tt. arr •Jue May 14 and weirk t. due .May Zl •·o· turtbf'r lft. form.at1on and entranr('! card.a, th~ addrc:q la lh-. !"h&ron Sp1t.ur, i02 North Pint. ~lt'tf'• E. · r,ur., \ \ ' h

Smile Awhile A bf>'nun cin Ui •

n*""' .,. rvu:l! an Ult. .. Jd •·Th• uladJI •J. ,.,, bad ~· for ,. bot no..-. they \t •t.nrtrd putt nc Uowt<n In thC'lfl ..

OhJ Ct>I~ and Hln<k

t f at Ural )W t.11n t _.u~<t-od.

tr)', try • aun



117 C<l'A A• • · MOi..wl 4-SOn


226 S$...,,....,_ A-• COEUll D'ALEN' 1D,.HO


Your &cl...;ve Y •d•g~ Shop

101 N F..•lh S1 . • MOh•vl . ... .. COEUll D AU NE. IDAHO



LAUNDRY Coeur d 'Alene Laundry

& Dry Cleanors Free Piclcup and O.hvery

101 ""'"' MOh••' 4-JSI•

t cIRCLE ~

Serving Crew for Banquet

t°4'>ntribotln,e: l'Tf"&ll.> lo UM> w~ of> t ·r rndl ( u.h txlnqllf'I " .. "' lb,. " allt-1' w:11d \UUt"°'~ l h• ("Qnk and lht· f'h.alrmao t•f lb~ IMUlq~ L<-11 to rii:bt: Cbarl~ <•uadl.i.. Carl••~ R.....S. Pill \\ hH-1 r. E nld ( . .. m ... M,....., Olp \.od4""~a.. \ tar, l::.ddln ... and \la~\I• rrtf"~n,. The LOp or lhf" b"84 t,..h1.nd \I,,... \ nd r,...un bf-. IVDC' to JIU"k '°W'1lCTll-'~


French Club Converts Student Union Into Paris Cafe For Annual Banquet; French Menu Used

NIJC' Frcnrh Club mcmbll!n ht>I J lhrtr annulll banqu1..·t Oft AprU 9 Jn ~ 11tudent union, ,,..h,lrh '4-01 t.ran.Atonntd anto :s 1-"rMl<h cafei.

1 h4'" J-'ruach Uicme v.u carrtod t.Ul by ...... , th• SU table. Unt"tl up ln two r<M •· and 00\' • •r..r With M•And•'Whlte check· .., L&bltcJqtlto. $o\·"'1LI ca.ndla. \II,~'" on ~ tables. French tra\ el po•ten decorated the: ,. alla, and red·v. hite-and-bl"" b&lloona h~ rrom t.M ceillnJ.

.... c:atured on the menu •ere: tn conac"n'M des ltgU111m au lnaJ.l"f'~. le a-lc.r.t.e. et I~ car·

rottcs. ooupe a l'o~ le pou­l•t, ~ de tun au ,r.un.. 1,.. h.arSCDtll "uta .,.,~ OIJ:nOIU . .. -.lade l&Jtue- •'""tc a-nnemenl frailcala. le! Pll"' trancala. I• pomm• rouge u n1maga. l'eau et le cat .. n. UHl• Wf"ft pJeaanLI)" atrpJ'ta..

•<I when M,.. Oli;a A~"""· ho pttperod th• banqu<t. p•c­nlf'4J them •·1lh two ktndil ot k~

f:' ... ryon~ Mltli: " Flvtt J-.cque .. Aud "" L: Alourtt"' aUer oaun;: Barnum. th• c lub'• M>n1Elea1l"r h-d mcmbf'rw an'1 p:u"'t. tn the 1110n~a. lh• Diann wnaht. ronn ... l'o"UC • tudent. 1 h1·n W1.n1 od and N.ft.C'· She ~.._. 11t·1 t1rnpanlNI by Manl)•n :O:ew· lon un Lho rtano Nute. ··Lr• bhu .. d~ ~l Lout.1 • and ... £tpnna (·rutl - "c-ru ftlAycd by Ken Car­rwlro on hl• aCCC>rdlon Ken h1hr aCt"OmpanJ"'1 the Fnmc:h dub n,.mbono u th•Y 8111: ••l)l\",.."'11' anJ .. KJ Ull. bl to•

l14 8 r)'I J ob.n oo narralf' ca. un<-1 ot aU4bt h tna man)' ot the \\'tU·known K,.nu of Parta Som• or tM pla«o ahQwn v.ere t"A.rc do Tliompbt>, •~ Champtt-£1)'-. le Lou\T.., atid ~olrc .. Dame do Part K.alhy ffult.nrr translated t or lhc audience.

\\'au.~rw and V.""&J.t.nsad f lb• banquot lliere M&r) ~ Carl- RHd, Enid ~n1 .. (' Wheelu Jack s.&i"rawa, LI .l Charla Cu.adl ..

Cuesta ot honor a t the b& quel •no. ll&.te Cc-ruudf' C bert. patn>n or t·~nc11 club , ldlle Stdla Yata, Mlle Beryl Johnac.n patron, )tile Kay Chapman , lol- H • cne &,.. rat.ron. ).IUe -.U. Tate )I Paul H""'1""""'1. patron )I

~a.rd Jacquot ).uJo U..43 \\'anamAk•r, >Ille ~&Dey Tan· J;<D. )(. Dennb ~ ... -um. M J&Jnco H-. Milo J....,,. l'u«t. )Ille S.nuta U m, )I Rast7 \ &u&hn. M K<>1 Cameuv, MU• Diann Wn(ht ; )I <I Mme Cd· aid W-.Jt, and )I <l Mme Conrad Tremblay; Dr £&rl l'Tl<ldy, le prof-r

M•.mbe1'11 or Ille ~ncb Club prat'nl v. ert )(lie ll&rlcnei Barnum, Mlle :\!a.ry £d.!1na; M Chari .. Cuadllt ; J.Dlt Enid C <r· r1•, )file KathlMn Hult.ner, Mii• WarUyn Xewton. mta..,.... ot unmon1•; Mlht Ma)'VLt Pet·

'"""· b&nqu•t c! >Ill• Ctlrl•n~ n-1, Mlle S&n<lra S<.11ooltr, )I Jack S8SrA'•: Mil• Su• Wnfht : and )I Pat \\ httl..r

Sold Ove r 40 l Millio n Hambu rge rs

W• II f, -. 1h• chicken • you f1 , the tomming,1 A big borrel of ••nd•t. We,tern·

• tyle ch1cL.en w11h the flo"o' coo"•d cle-or through I There'• n o thing Mc.e 11 fot p1cn1n

• • b•o d1nne-n o t hon'I• Church and Club \ OC1ol\



I 724 Sherm•n Avo. COEUR D'ALENE, IDAHO

\i's tne be.>: c'S.IC!{E~ in town' Serve i t Hor or Cold Etther Woy There~ No1t11ng

o~ Good O• Circle A Ranch fried Chiclii:en.

CALL YOUR OR.DER··Phone Tell u• how much you wont • • whon you wont h.

lr'll be re-ody ond woiring when you come.

N t J C REVIEW c...,, fl A t"' Id lo. W 4 Ap• I 1• 1•1t1 SS


Dress Up, Hobo Days Climaxed With Hobo Dance; Prizes Given


l.tAn) atua nu c-x p optnlon Iha t d,...,... «•'• th. mpu. a bdt r Ire• a tmosr bcr"' In an) (IVcnl llw 1t U<lalll look f\J n.ce..

Friday. b°" evf'r v.iu a bit 4!" r"nt St Jd<"n ta attired ln nJl>I awam~ lb• campua. •·rom the looka or tho out flta. many bad d ug d"'P Into th•ir trunka to ~t l hcl.r hobo cloth•• Th.- dotht>• rani:cd trom Ahart.a and loud ohlrta to drtU-up hobos wU.b mgn.a aay1ng v.·h1u Ibey Wfl"e dreu.of up tO bo.

T!\e Hobo Dante ...,~.., ,._, .uca <n>lul, with m09t of tbc hoboao p ..... nt on)O) Ing thomaeh·co. rrJ.:k •'\nn("ra (Qr lho Cu&-­tuntu "41\t l.o Bonnie Tate and Kent Heber To ,;o•t tnto th~ dance. the atudit.nt.1 pruentod th• t .. 0 t lck•ta lb.; had r .. cdYtd on tile cl.res up and hollo day, o r dae th.,. paid a ~onl rJM

f'..UOW lone and It Will n .... 0.. icy-, ...S .! w! , ron low lheo

Hood rt For


• Modern Drug Center 101 N fo.on!, QI ,. i 4-llll








Also Orden To Go

Be Sociable . .. Haoe A Pepsi


Page 4: The N.I.J.C. Cardinal Review 15 (14) Apr 19, 1961

Cardinals Fall To John Rogers 7-0

NJ.JC-• CaJ'dlnalo loal t.l>olr llCOODd tmni. matcll <>l t.l>e -­_, Aprill U. droppl~ a 7-0 <i«Ci.IOD lO Jolin Roge,.. lilli:ll School oc Spokane.

Tho C&rd.lnalo httd a few good momonlo ai, Ulclr tougll oppononta. Th• RoJ•" attack ,. .. 1..:1 by big Olok fteedy, a eool compeUl«' with a r111e •J'T&Y <>l allota. rw.dy atoppod NJ.JC-• Bob J..anc,n, 0·1, 0-' ln

tho •lnCIU, and tMm...i with Bob Dyruon to •top Lalwon and Jn)' Wilcox, G-3, 0-0 ID th" doubl .. eompeUU•>n

UOJt ..,.,... R<ooo.I)' t ltl d Lat· >0D tNl.ICJ 6-1, 0-4 Dyr-n tRI d. OrwlJ 1NUC1 G-1, 6-2 Vt">I\ tHJ d Yuki tNJJCt G·I, G-3. Bffr (RI d \\'llcox tNIJC) G-2, 6-0. MlkkellOn IHI J 1ic.cnoby 1Nuc1 &·l, 0-1 Rffdy·Oyraon till d. Lanoa· Wilcox uaJCJ 11-3. 0-0. -r­\'..,i.,n 1RJ d. Orwl&:·Yukl I NlJC) 6-1, 6-4

Cordinals Edged In First Tennis Motch

.., b"'" n•~ ?\91JC ca..r<.t.nal ten· nJa team Jropped U.1 tint rr ... lch o: Che acuon April 7, 1oa1na; to Wal Valley. 4-3

.Box acorc. Larson d. Konu (WV), G-4, M Bortlell (\\'\' d. Prudent .. W, O·l Herru I\\".") d Orwig, ll 4 g.z Gcl· haua tWVI d '\'U 6-: 6-: rues ('1\'Vl o.1 nocn by 6-0 ~ L&non·W1tcox d ra) \\ hah l WV) 8-6. 6-4 l'riul•nl Or· \\1C d Joy·HbD<)'W<ll \\'V ), i;.4, II-.





..... 1.4oi,...\ 4 •5 ... •-641' 21J Slia,.....• A~. • C..wr 4·~.,..

For a Lifetime of

PLEASURE leorn to

WL W hile You Are Yo ... ng

lake City lanes, Inc. 14 4 N. F..rtii St C..lit il' ~*"•

NET NOTES 0 ) J ay \\'IJcOj;

Arter .- •Hat. ~r pttp.u-a· Uon' nf"W' C.rd. penc!d th•tr tint __, by droppn= a 4 .. 3 ~on t..o Wn.~ \"all•y HiJti. Tbr Clok:n\•U or tbe Ft<'nr~ had btt'n f"XpMlC"li. but lht lmpru.Wt>nes:t ot thi!!' \'le~ tor) v.·u not upt<lt."d T'h«­C.rdJ11aill la<:k..., Uie punds - d bni-J ( ,. In tllr llU>i:la. and ,..,.~ •lui:itol> an t.l>c d<Jubf.-.

lk·l> t.....-.on. U\f' o.n11 •U:'''° wmnrr on Opt"nln,1 da)', v. C•n u r.xpttl~ but had • dltflC"Ult um• In ~n;; o1 Rol:or Koruo 6-4 M The c1-:>eU of tho match .... llkdJ' ~ to •h• r.ct that I.Anon bad -d pnCllt"1' ftrr O'\ift a •Hk bf-... caoee of • 1-rt col J

flt: b •tld J coa bi.JHod to w .a lh• l<&lUftd -!ft m&tcll of lh••f~~tbo­ond •l w1U:. rd&t."'ff .._. aftn • aloppy fll"ll!. Mt. &b earned th• vlc1.0ry an u.. ...,.,. talld t:a •blltt) lQ d"'P u.. ball In ....... n counted ..... Juel too m\a('.h r or our )*OUDl:~r opponmt.a.

N'IJt"'o -d dou comllo ,l.lax l'rUdcm• and Cbud< Or· .. ' ~cd u.e... tnap<rkn<ood opponcn~ ll<>'er Joy and Ctalj; Hon.,.-..• J. 6-4, 6-4 Tb~ match "•• much doM'r tl\au tKp« tld .• .., \"<n1 au> look for a btg""~r

ccnn,: •p.ra.d the M.xt liln«" • tw

" poJ.n mttt. It appe&1'11 lb&l e<a<h Jud

H th to of WM \~ W'lll a tt"al ('Ont ndcr thia KA­

U.• roat~r 1',v., .lllpho­tartcd ni;llln •I SU(" t smpreuJ\ e- of U\l"H

u K lb RJca, a boy "ho lada ~ but r.. b1~ an t.bC" aJolJ &­rtmC' t Itta wbo ham l J t

ht"d th« fl\C' foot mark ,,. n lV.o •lrb ght ptnrai rrom Jt.:• (Q\\Cortns; J~~t Ruck R ·.:rub)

I~ pt(' a r ugh llat f oppon • nl• la t Wffk look f r a Card '"'I •1tlor)' .al~ak lo lake ohap< unn~ the nat '"' •'C'Ck.t

Thto " k SU(• la Conup I u f> l ntral \alley. and \\ W \ U~) , n=~a n.nd C\" dc-!l­

al h a pear to W. lh«' "aak<1Jt O.rdln.ala "ill ra fl

J look !Of' Ill Yktory Vat:ey ln Ule re­

auw the Cardlnala "' -.-ocl by Ill<> L"' o mttt •pli.n..

xt ~ ks achedult ltat. Cc.n­\'tlll and Slindlv l'ark

1» lai "' aboul th• Hlj;b· landt' at Umt' bot they

t )'Kt t ~ " C'Olllco.Mr thb alter iino=~ • •nol

ltwt \•au' "ill l" th<t S LJC t n~up tor the t ir.t time t ~ "ttk a.nd ~ cxp«lf'd to

Id """°' lO lhe Cudl.nal .,. k Manalriro Yuki continue•

prov< and al1oUld br;:ln ~ this Wttk )lax l'Tu·

d~nl• win :nlA au motch.., llWI ~ttk b\lt •UI be back lft' linrup a.s:iunat c, nt.n.1 Vall~~ ne.xt i.\Mk. &d )!ork&L wbo bu bc!irn v.n o! ar. Uon all _... 90t1 d eo to an ankk- )ju~· ~

no- ~'° atu ac niy

Wagon Wheel Drive In 240S Nor"~ "ourlh SITffl



We Hove Plenty of Shade ... . . . Out of the Sun or Rain

Too/ Crib Ma n

0.... of u.., m-.mben c.t t.l>c n.~ ,.al( wbo bu "" Inter·

nth:: !lac..- b \\ ham C Crodl<7 HU JOb which 13 llU pasti- *"'• ~ .. rdired, ta t.o :Jrttp t.bfl' atl• mttha.ruo o!lcr 111pp11..i wtth """u

)tr Bradlc7 ""u ~rn LO ~- Counly In llllr>oia Hr alle:>drd .:hoal up to llM Dln1ll craM ID La"'11c? Ill H< .. manl<d. hu I• cloui:bten aad°"~-n

H;;.1 flrat )Cb au flrtnLDJ:'

but b• b«am• • l•l•J1'1'rh opc-n1or 0111 lbo RarUn.a:t n RaU ~ F"or lh< ~· ti 7...r Bra41<y bu - a m.clw

Hr J&&Tt. "'l ...... a mf'Cha.a..._ brf H apark Phc• w•tt ln\ C'ftt· tod H< bu b•..S In CQOUr J •

1 , Gna 1" , 1n: plu.. TC M~ \\c.,;I~

Hank•• C'C1."1tmu~ to bold a nar~ re- ~e OYC'r thC' Cnt.ouc:b&bJ"3 l4oatt Clallm. Croen. Tuell I

ID OW Thuralay )>q;hl llowUr.3 Lrquc H•i;b pmca Apnl 6 .,..,. Torry 3>1cC<>)', a•. Cr..~i: Pa1cht'n~ ~1 ~ Alf"X· anda' :of- 1':'': and ... ua!e llor·

I -

-== SNEA Delegates Raising Funds

'-••thrrrd llr•ountl 111f'1r ''""dJ 'rltlnr hoolh Ht•· lht~ '" N' E \ , .. h-1t•I....,. tu th .. l tluho •OH\f"nllnn I rtJHI lrff to rl11tht i ""''~\(> ,,....,., •. , . ' "'' \ ,...h.arl. Jn ' "11 ''•'"""· t&.ttnnlr 1r.·rc:u'-oo. J)IA.\. J•ntiJf"nlr h.o• line tlaJ•ll) '<•rtw-1 t fk d .. ,, ~nt.-.. ""' •~,_.. \prtl t I aAJ ,, 10~ \ l''H !J.

Cont:enlion Delegates

Jlu• 'IJ( drlrc-~ "HI a4"'f"t>mpao\ Ur Klld4'" to 111+"' ' ·•thmal ( 118\ ..,.11 .. a ot J'hf Th,.1• '-'•PIM '\l 'hrridan. \\ )o. f ..r(I lo f'h:hl • .um 'ta.lo~: "'-'"a C•rnrlrt•: '•".,..> T11nr:.,.n .,,,.,, .. , d,.h,Ji:ah·; Ul.atlfo \\ aJd.r&m. (_lilt \ ndr~n

To be,.! lor war I• one ot lh• moot c!t«tual m...,,. ~f p,_rvuiz U.. -<e

\\° '!1fl"l&1A>f'

Tho WI&)' to a man• h.-.1n ll thr01.JJ:h ha dtomarh, but '-' h'' • anta to S'O lhrou1h hi•

h ~.,

BETWEEN MEALS . . get that refreshing new feeling with Coke!