the nine planets in our solar system


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Page 1: The nine planets in our solar system



Done by: Paul Choi 8b

Page 2: The nine planets in our solar system

General info Revolve: “to move in a circular or curving course or orbit

“- Rotate: “to cause to turn around an axis or center point”- There are total of eight planets found in our solar system Inner planets: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars Outer planets: Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune Inner planets are made out of solid materials but outer planets are made out of gas and

there’s a asteroid belt separating them You’ll be able to see craters on the inner planets because they’re made of rocks and

they’re inside the asteroid belt. However, the outer planets are made of gas and won’t leave a mark

Orbit: “the curved path, usually elliptical, described by a planet,satellite, spaceship, etc., around a celestial body, as the sun.”-

To be defined as a planet, it’ll have to revolve around a sun, form the sphere shape because of the gravity, and it has to create its own orbit

Dwarf planets are those planets that are too small to be qualified to be a planet and doesn’t have a clear orbit around the sun

The 3 dwarf planets are : Pluto, Ceres, and Eris

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Mercury does not have an atmosphere around itself, which means there are no elements around it.

Mercury’s surface was shaped by impact cratering, which is when objects from space hits it’s surface.

Volcanism, where the lava flooded the surface of Mercury

Finally, the tectonic plates

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Venus The reason why it’s called the evening star is because it

can be seen most clearly on Earth You can find Co2 and sulfuric acid in the atmosphere “retrograde” is when Venus is rotating clockwise unlike

all the other 7 planets The rotation takes 243 days and the revolution takes

225 days If u were on Venus, then the sun would rise form the

west and it would set in the east because it rotates clockwise

Venus is also known as the hottest planet in our solar system because the thick atmosphere traps all the heat from the sun and doesn’t let it out

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Earth Our atmosphere is composed of O2, nitrogen,

argon, and water vapor,CO2neon, methane, krypton, helium, xenon, hydrogen, nitrous oxide, carbon monoxide, nitrogen dioxide, sulfur dioxide, and ozone

The rotational tilt of the earth is 23.5 degrees The boiling core creates the magnetic field around

Earth The only satellite of the Earth is our moon

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Mars Some particles of meteorites on earth are from

mars and ancient bacteria might have existed on mars

The primary element in the Mars’s atmosphere is carbon dioxide

The surface of mars appears to be red because it’s rich in iron

The Olympic moons is the largest volcano in the solar system

Mars have 2 satellites called Phobos and Deimos

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The speed of it’s rotation make the poles flat and the a bit bulgy on the equator

The Atmosphere of Jupiter is made of hydrogen, helium, sulfur, and nitrogen.

The great red spot is a gigantic hurricane storm

So far, Jupiter has about 50 satellites IO is special because it is still

volcanically active

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The atmosphere is made of helium and hydrogen

Some say the rings were formed by the break down of its satellites

The rings are composed of dust and ice. Saturn has the lowest density out of all

the planets so it can float on water

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Uranus has a special rotational axis because it’s tilted 98 degrees

Its atmosphere is composed of helium, hydrogen, and, methane

It has about 27 known satellites

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The atmosphere is composed of  ammonia, helium, and methane

So far, it is known to have 13 satellites Triton is the largest satellite of Neptune,

however due to it's retrograde rotation and it’s density and composition, many believe it wasn’t a natural satellite of Neptune

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Pluto has three natural satellites called Charon, Hydra, and Nix

Through the spectroscope, scientists have learned that Pluto has methane frost and water frost on Charon.

Charon is more blue in color than Pluto because it’s atmosphere condenses and falls on its surface when Pluto is farthest from the sun

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It takes about 4.6 years for Ceres to fully revolve around our sun

It used to be mistaken as an asteroid because it was revolving the sun in the asteroid belt

On its surface, there would be water ice, clay, and, carbonates

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It used to be called Xena before it was properly named

It takes Eris approximately 557 years to finish a single revolution around the sun

It has one moon named Dysnomia Eris is not defined as a planet because it

doesn’t have a clear orbit

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The end!!!!

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