the northern pacific, f the story of his life. •...

k I- THE NORTHERN PACIFIC, f THE STORY OF HIS LIFE. S E W S O F _ T H E W E E K __ Bwrtwrn and Middle State* r n ITL BOSTON'S great exhibition of Arts, products lompicfcicn of the Great Transoon- j a y Gould Tells It To a United and ira_uf,_ctui-es, reprinted by aii t_© tinental Railrcai ~ ~ . ~ ... The _?s: Spike Driven in Pres:n:e of'3,000 Visitors. States Senate Committee. I His Early Struggles and '/ert'jres- Hoiv He Made His Millions. ' fhe last spike in th? >~orth?rn Pacific rai 1 .- ] Jay Gould's account of his hfe has b<v rra.l. sa;-s a di?pat.-h from Golden Spike.. j given by him to the United Sr.v« Sena Montana, was driven this afternoon, on the ; sub-committee on education and Labor, satin Faci.].; slope of the Rocky mountains, 2.-WO j in New York. Mr. G o u M ' * tri\' fi-m the Atlantic ocean, and 800 miles ' give his testimon from the Facie, and ninety-one years after | lations of capital lie id?a ci a highway fivm the lakes to the Fadfie was first suggested by Thomas Jeff* :• subjec later Bla ittee tatters. I Ycrk, May 27. 1S:U',. My father was ; ) had a dairy of twent; it was my duty tc these cows anl assist my sist milking- them. I went about small cows, drive ml labo of the committee, said to Mm: "Mr. GouJti, will you tell the t(jU j something of your earlier life r T_a spot where t_o rails met was Last j '* Yes - if ? ou wish -" said the wit: Srike, Oftv miles wert of Helena and thirty rather silly to talk over such small .__« ,n_t _f the Grand Divide, from which, j dont like to parade myself before the pubhc. on one side, the ram runs down to the Gulf of ^ ^ m ^ l do the b«t 1 ^ I was Mexico and the Atlantic, and from the other side into the Pacific ocean. Here Independ- ent-., crook enters the Hell Gate or Deer Lodge | ^ rr river, four miles above Go'.d creek, the scene of iLf |.'a»vr excitement of 1S03. and crosses tfc tr-.-'k on it* wav to the Pacific ocean tlir. uzh Lake Pmd d-Omlle and tie Colum- , ^ ^ ' ^ ^ ^ >f ^ . ^ ^ ^ ^ b * nv '~ L (/v . ,. dav I said to mv father that I'd like to pro t< Three thousand people, I **le the *X> dis- I ^ ^ Hp ^ z was ^ you ___ j ^ ., tin^ui^he ! fruits wbu (_me with Mr. Villara, j J^M _j VAm A m _tlm<1 r i tPrml -fnrtiino st- od in the gra«y meadow, overlooked on | , (ha oest bv tlie main range of (he Rocky mountains," with a si^ht of Mount Faul with it> wti:o head and the Big Hole range. Green , W_lov. s and cottonwuo !„ fringed the meadow, j wrote up his hooks at m-ht. In tha. .. _, . ami th.' »i»l l-Hr in «»ur faces from the Faci- \ worked,my way through n small select school, lio TVO va'lfv is so civilia-d that the inhabi- I was fourteen yi-ars old when I stark'd out, la it* have no: for five y. ars had to run from ! and at fifteen I got a clerkship in a country great nations, was opened with appropriate ceremonies in presence of 20,000 people. HZAVT frosts that have caused serious dam - age to crops have occurred in Northern New York and portions of the Eastern States. THREE young ladies, aged each about seven- teen years, while rowing on the Gunesee river. near Rochester, N. Y., were thrown into the water by their boat capsizing and drowned. A SHAM battle between New Jersev sol- diers, representing Union and Confederate troops, was fought the other day at Prince- ton Junction, and resulted disastrously to a number of the men engaged. About twelve men were struck and knocked down by wads, and several were quite severely injured. JAY GOULD appeared before the United States Senate sub-eonimittee iu New York and testified concerning the relations of labo and capital. At tho request of the committee, which has been in session ever since the telegraphers' 1 late strike, and has examined many witnesses on the subject of the relations of labor and capital, Mr. Gould gave quite a lengthy account of his career, from his j i his man against a rwrtanrmnt keeper In t_o Uni- ted States courts of California. NKAB Las Vegas, New Mexico, two cow- boys became involved in a dispute over a cow belonging to a * Mexican, which had strayed into their herd. The cowboys com- menced firing at the Mexican, who returned their fire with a shotgun, killing both of them. The Mexican himsfjf died from his rounds shortly afterward. AT the Dakota constitutional convention, held in Sioux Falls, the committee on the with the LATER NEWS CBO«inportiot»ofN«wYark8t»teh .offered beatify tfcrotgh early _«_*_ Wyoming oonnty alone the damage is «•*- mated »t $100,000. CHABL_S ROCS, a colored man, for a wager undertook at FiuAing, Long &iand, to eat seventeen pies. He managed to worry down sixteen pies, bat when half through itOJ boundary reported in fa h T h f 'IV tl t'" J »* WM V_K of adiviskmof compelled a surrender. srge the Territory on the forty-sixth parallel, and admission to the Un d h ! Dakota," with __ _ AT a rehearsal of "Othello "in a New York .nder" t_e name* ' theatre a bridge across the «tage, along which he State capital at ! » number °* persons were passing, suddenly Yankton. | 'ell, precipitating the people into the base- A GREAT amount of damage has been dons j ment Six or eight persons were injured > railroads and other property in tba Rio ; H* 01 " 6 O* loeB •sorely. rande valley. Texas, by floods. In one in- j » * * - * damage has been caused to crops ance, 1,100 sheep were'drowned. { various parts of New England by early frosts A HEAVY gale on Lake Michigan has dam- j --d drought aged shipping and property along shoretoan ' SIXTEEC masked men forcibly entered the amount estimated at $l 500.000. -^i** 1at SoiiTiUe, Ark., seized John Coker and OPPOSITION to a new sect known as the I Dr - Flood, took them to the iron bridge " Pilgrim Band," located at Erwin, ID., and', Pt>tifc J c a n riTe f- ^ d _ h ? n 5 ed _ tl ^ m - CV * er said to be offensively polygamous in habits, ! WJ ^ C ^ U ^^.' " ' ^' ' *~ '' culminated in the destruction of their temple ' """^ " «—•«•»» by giant powder. an ambuscair unty, N. Y., repre : part weeks ago, in which two I Flood was accused of harboring the out'aws Washington. ' FROM nearly ail parts of the West and ox, of tho Utah commission, ! Northwest have come report* of the immense jo ahead,' said he. and the next il out. I found a blacksmith wiio, good hand, fir, spru es in the ve and <eJar; farms and fou>es in the verdant valley, and clii langvs w__^-e bear. e!k, moose and mouniam goats are still found in plenty, made up the e.ene for the ceremony. Vli "were surprised at what th*-v beheld. "Instead of the wilder- ness of the Rocky mountains they saw a fine ravilion capable of seating over 1,000 i*>r- KOIIS, over which floated the national colors of the American, German and British na- tions. In front, reaching to tha roadbed, was an extensive promenade, skirted by a platform with comfortable seats. To tho right was a liand-stand and on it were seated thu Fifth Unitod States Infantry band, which was to cnurtain the sjeotatoi-s. and which had come all the way from r'.>;-t Keogn. After President Villar.l and the Hon. Wil- liajn M. Evarts had ad«irL-.*t\l the throng Secrotarv Teller sjx>ke brieiSy of the energy and capital required to carry the enterprise to a successful conclusion. He was followe<l by ex-President Billings, ar.d th i, of t)ie Ber- ,jrsitv. The governors of Wisconsin. Minnesota, Dakota, Montana, Oregon and Wabhingt-n were severally introduced, and made Lriff and appropriate remarks. Tho governor of Idaho was absent on accouut of sickness. There were loud crit-s for General Grant and he came l. irwar.1. He said he was reminded by the speeches to which ho had liitene 1 of the fact that he had something to do with tho great Northern 1'aciflc eator- friso. Wlien (iovprnor ^te; hens, thirty years ago, org«uii/e-,l hi surviving exreli tion the >penkr M-US a from ti o'clock in the morning u light. " I had a taste .t o o'clock in r . nVliifk. I sooi down to the presei TEN thousand many societies am i..,i,,,r parade in New York. Ti: York Greenback-Labor party as- K-nili.. a .i! State convention at Rochester and nomiiiattsl the following ticket: Secretary of state, Thomas K. B^echer; controller, G. L- HaLsey; attorney-general, Louis F. Post- state treasurer, Julian Winm>: >tuU> engi- neer, Edwin A. Stillman. The platform adopted reaffirms the declarations set forth in tho party's State platforms the past three years. A State committee for tho ensuing Vlr " I h<ardof ai or mathematics, and got u e morning and >tuilied unt ha 1 a ]-rutty gtKxl idea o .ppoi rpo l ed a boat, go through and foi best tolnki pay my fa d. Afte ut to •Jy enough When in :>uiity ho gavo Ulste borjk, trusted for what you eat an and 111 follow you aftenvn bills.' On the third day ou got trust fur two and sixi>e those days. i little pass along yen got your lodgings and pay tho attempted to 5, which was nd lodging in ' you'vo 1 ABOCT 50,CKKJ ijersons built cxjiresdyfor tho ] tht; rapids at Niagara F fifty -nine foot long and built in imitation of ho Maid of tho Mist, tho steamer which ias>od mfply through th.« MOtliing whirlpor.1 and rajntls many yeai-s ago. This craft also ma<lethepa*.aKO safely, and at the end of her novel trip was found to bo uninjured. THK Ameriiian Science association lias l>vn in session at Sarat*iga, N. Y. Interesting cussed by prominent »-ion lists. THE exeoutivo committee of the joint con- gressional committee on tho NV-wl.urg cen- tennial held imt-tiii}^ at Nc-wburg, N. Y., for tho purpu* of deciding i M>ou a di-sign ft A. B. C , , , rites to the United States treasury depart- j damag* done to crops by early frosts. JS? Svg__uste h fi^n^^ d ^ i totally rui-pd. Many farmars are despondent ; "ber election of isss, many municipal elec- [ over their heavy reverses. tions since that time, and at the general elec- DlER *** W** ta Jar « e numbers ii tion in August, l^s;. embracing about 800 ginia of a dise_» called b!ack tongue. officers who wens elected. th« l>oard has ex- ] HERMAN REDfeELD, a Michigan ox-senator, eluded all polygamies from eligibility. shot himself in his cemetery lot at Monroe. PUSTMASTEK-GE.\ERA.L "GRESHAM ha* ! He left a letter saying he was goingtodie filed his answer to the action for $100,000 in : the only piece ot property he owned in t damages brought against him by the agent of i world, and inclosing $38 for his funeral ex- n New Orleans lottery company. The action '. pensos. A wifoand daughter survive him. charged malice and a desire to injure the ! E. D. CoWEN, city editor of the Leadvilk plaintiff in the issuing of an order to prevent i (Col.) Herald, was knocked down and beaten the deliver}- of letters to said plaintiff. De- , witn probably fatal result by Alderman U. fendant demos the charges and declares tha c - J °y- W"fl» kicking and stamping upor n 1 iu- W >ute! ant. acting as ued the HTMII'IUS for tho app rtitned iut to others i II the mtem.lonial railnals i tho far got money and you must pay. Don't you know tliat the man you're working for has failed three times and owes everybody in tne country;' I'turned my inn'Rots iii^Mn out and said : ' There, I've got nothing. You can s«?o that I've told you tho truth.' From that little incident it seemed to me then that the world lm-l ubout .-..urn to an end I hadn't the heart to i^k any ont> for a •buff had SUCH a gri-at eff.-c ial to 1H< Washington's Newburg headquarters. Those present wero .Senators Bayard, Hawley and Warner Miller, and lU-prcsentntivcs Townscnd.of Ohio, an 1 Kotcliam and Hcacli, of New Yt rk, Theconnnittw i>u.s-,e<l a resolu tion in favor of a gi'anito i>K-li>k, th<> largest vhat lho\ can get, for the money at their div |K«al, ,*:il..MK). They desire that it shall bu 1(K) fe<-t liigh. It is intended to lwvo the cor in pre ing tho delivery of mails to plain- •uiio Indian, has sent the prostrate man Joy hold a cocked revolver I his hand, to keep any one from interfering. THK acting secretary of state has informed ff ho was doing h LITTLE CHIEF, a Chevonno Indian, has sent a unique a|.)x«l' to tho" secretary of interior ihe treasury and navy departments that he or a new suit of clothes. Ho says: *' I d«n't j nas rvce> v ed official information of the block care much fur grub, but I do like to dress in I ado b >' tlie French naral authorities of the proj-t-r style. 1 want the Uwt wliite liat you ! l f f T i d f th t f A j y f Tonquin and of the ports of Anam, p market." j anA against all vessels carrying cargoes o PKKSIDENT AKTIIUR nturned to Washing- I arms and munitions of war. ton from his WesUru trip in good health and I S°*E ono with « uneasy conscience has very much sunbrowned. ! returned $30 to the treasury department. THE agricultural j«tente issued from Uie i The money came in an envelope pewtmarked geneml land ofll.v. luring t he fiscal year ended | Taris, 111., and tho sender said he had received JunelkJ, lN^l, numlK-rtttl.Vi.OUO. I the money during the war and withheld j from the government, but that he nov Foreign. ! wanted to servo the Ijord and accordingly THE condition of the district of Lampong, 1 restored it. s;rno «r tho recent volcanic upheaval, is a j DUEINO the last fiscal year «S!0,780.«89 teirible ono. Evei-ythiug in tho district for a j were collected iu the customs districts at distance of flvo leagues inland lias been de- j expense of $0,422,127, the arerage cost of col- stroyed. Thousands of doo.1 are lying on the I Jectlng one dollar in all the districts being ground, and it L, iiii!* is^iblo t«j approach them ' I for tin of the tHl i ^ be- ahead o int. ufu-i up. Is ether 1 .-, down i .llld (J l- Stoll Lid ( tho lii'K I da i JlLIA P. SM1T ,-clLst, tone continued: " 1 thoilftht edv, an<l knelt down then piaved a little AVh. - ' ^ and'made ut. my mind to go right went into the "nearest farmlnm*', . 1 felt U'ttt'r, ;ht ahead. 1 TIM ley hold resjM.nsiblo fur mt of the Aelxvu * IXJIII- tho Dutchmen, , ld land wore given. The given «_t_ on the when a phottigrapL , Viilard and faiuilv, and the im»t *l_tinguished Aiite'ricans. Aftt-r that a horse thatheljjeil to build tbe road from its inception was brought ujH.n the platform. Then :»0 men with brawny arms muckly laid the iron and drove the spiktsontho l,ou(> feet of uncompleted track, except tlie last spike, When nearly completed a cannon salute was fired by tho detachment of the Fifth infantry present. Mr. Villard handed the sledge to H. C. Davia, now the ]__?engfir agent of the Mani- biba road, who drove tho ttrst spike on the Northern I aciJic, when that road wa« begun ill ISTII, and hsid therefore " -^. -eskwtod io <!ri^f• tho last. - ThW sran uot m°~&idtoi cne, but was tho sa no as Mr. I avis drove in 1H70. When Mr. Davi:, hatl finally sent the spike '" homo" 1 the crowd dispi rs"d, an 1 «xm after- ward the four Yiliard tiain.s left for tho Pa- about ilnUi nio. lint 1: want you to take your coi antTnmlle U. "flowmuch 'Uh, that's all right,'I i-c,[ he said, ' the regular lost his lift rapids, I* .1 trembling Hurtford, Conn., a f.-w ""Vf,!!. 1 !;!"" driving with her husl, t<K>k fright and ran aw 1'OIIKST lin;s in various [xirts of New Eng- cuusod dnina-.-s istiinated at ; htorin otr tl) $!,__«,(>«). Nearly <-vory town within fifty | | oll g wi to tw, lnik'K of Boston has sufl'eml. IIoiiACEOWiKLKY's farm at Chappaqua, N. Y., tho homo of the famous editor, was lought iu by his only surviving daughter, at Q trustee's sale the other duy,for£10,0Oi. Mr. Greeley paid for the f a r m §!>.OJO, and syn-nt ot Captain Webb, who recently IO w hen she heard of her 1 lias since been found ur at Ladyemith, South 1 lost duriag EARTHQUAKK shocks have again occurre< on the island of Iacbia. THE late Comte de Chambord, in his will, gives an estate In each of his four domains and the income of 20,000,000 francs to bis wife during her life, ] francs variously bequeathed. After the death s and mako m 1 1 went back t:" he asked. ' No, t ain' charges a dol- tht' th ated los lar for such work.' 'W<li, then, that s tho b the burning of tho Elkt< price.' I responded. He took out a shilling y 7 had eaten and gave mo « v c n sliil- ^"-oinisburg, 1 mn. NEARLY 7(H) Mormon \: New York tlM^oth..'!-day In th« company tlu-ro w Nova K<iotia coast. They be- ' •li'j'iiifi's which weie wrecked. ' .ut into the beer and food of harvpstiiR'ii emjiloyed by Mr. Leigh, a dlord, of New IUJSS, Ireland, who had nrreJ the. <'.is!ike of the populace owing to opposition to the land league. Two of Imrvestmen died and the others were the oomtesse the Comte de" Bardi to receive one-third and the Due de Parma two-thirds of the entire propertv. The Bpan- i«K princes are not mentioned in the wilL ondition. A REI'ORT of the destruction of Tjiringine, of §150,000 was incurred near Java, by a tidal wave and the drowning of 1(>,0<>0 i>eoplo there is confirmed. who has been tha mtioner," as he called himself, in c years, is dead. It is •S>J British, 10 5 j estimated that ho hanged nearly 100 persons, i, :iM Heandinuvianji, and receiving ?50 for every man and $75 for every ing Mormon missionai iu Utah. and a I'eruviau force under Twenty of the Montoneroe .ti marks. At the t nd of tho" Kifnuwr my tweii my interest to the Afterward I nuule similar surveys a of Albany and Delaware count it-> sold well, "and I not *o,0iH> out of tl Later on I met Z_.l.»-.-k Pratt, of Pra ville, who was one of tho lar-ost tami 11 the oountrv. Ho knew all iny liL->t< and took a "fancv to mt>. II ' nd*ot Acre* Kurneil Over In England—Lost .71 ore Thau A Boston dLspatch say^: Th uidtdby a c-ir.lon or flam uth f h< re, stret hing ami Mil d cliin" (O; un 51 n BULOEH fcolor) ille (Ky.) jail yard f on AJ youn^ ^ii'l two J. PROCTOK KNOTT was ina of IJ-.swn that ha^ more flivs. Further a pine trees of Maiue, <,f New Hampshire, the g Vermont, a: d the i.utme^ j. J:etticuf, the ti-fees, s-hrubbery. emor of KentuckyfttFrankfort i of 10,000 pel-sous. NINE jjej-sons—OUO uuin ami eigl losttlH-ir lives At thn burning of t hcuse in Cincinnati. First ropo number of deaths at five. «'«-"> wrt-ck«l on a THE Kan.-as wheat crop this year is larger Mary's bay, N. V. •.,* ^.' than uas exj^sQtcxl, amounting to <i. F >,OOO,(J<)J tlio pas-^'iigcrs 111 tn tlvtit bushels. , j wciv savod with ( dollar. ' Two white convicts wero instantly kille.1 ! FISHING VOS^-LH nvictM badly injuru.1 by a ! ] oil many 1 the hla ksmitli shop tn-st, and a bc-l of hernl.**.boughs the night of the day it wus tini>h«l. Finally. 1 lioujcht Pratt out. Tlie locomotive aaJ the sm rirt active agent*, and care > acres of meadoi ood have been burn a $1UO,OIX). A fi i oods, near [ r of the Irish National fc|o,ooo THE NATf6NAL"G_lME. TH_ Boston league nine won every one _. the series of fourteen games from thePhUa- delphias. UMPIBB Ft7R_o!ra, of the resigned. Of the origin_l oneTs left As a rule professional players _r^"carele_i and improvident yet some have saved their earnings and are comfortably " fixed." NEARLY every town in Ohio has^he base^ ball craze, and everywhere stock.companies are being formed and inclosed grounds se- cured. IINXATI people ascribe the ill- the powerful Cincinnati club to a multi- A LIMA (Peru) dLspatch i?ays that an en- j plicity of managers and inefficient field •nt took place at Colea between a body taining. THK Anderson club has been expelled from tha Mawsaehusetta Baseball association. The nded. [>f Lafayette was on- , France, in presence of a timid much enthusiasm. Tho iloeorat<*l with American and flags, and triumph&l arches wore hanged in ! '•"•••«tedacross tho prominent, avenue* tlnl- [iiittin< I <o<1 States Minister Morton delivered an ad- lago ' I drcrs, iin.l al»» nix)ko at the. banquet in the ated ROV- ' t-vt-iiing in rcsptmse to a toa«t to I»resident 1 i-resenco j Arthur. irthquake shocks have been felt >f li-K-liiu, and alao at York for Halifax, (1 at tho mouth of S t V, T lii.xbjrv, Las J-t^n r>nly j^rtially I trencral suiier.iitendont and owner of a ••heckod aud tho burnt district covers 4,(*» road U1K..U s xiv miles long. I met out to a/-r.-H. J ho fire burne<l most Hercely on the learn tho railri'ad biLsinew. I Rradually in Shar.,n HCVI-r.-ly suffvir-iL TIJO Foxboro firemen 1 c. ivorkfsl overtliirtv hours, arid in Walpole the mills c W d aad aU .f their- 1 ' ' * '• ie I dt-velored the r«>«d, and when it became w hole territory fr.r several mites presente a mrt of th.- lU-iisdelacr and Saratoga. I bold l,d._:»iau. aj.H-ara.u-e, and Panka- | out mv - .,-k nt 1VJU and went \S'e,t. Tho Milt.n, and M<*jsehead wootls j Ck-v.-lan ! a ui PitLsburg road was in a ixx,r . __iiiMield and Ko3b>ro have all ! condition, and a friend who ha I stock in it LHVIY-IL T\ia r oxboro firemen 1 came t,, m- on.- night and taU in; would havt) „„ .^.^ day if ho didn't get rid of it. I fought ; bought this friend's interest. Tho st/.ck was -v ,, i then" at tr.. I graduallv devtloj c<l tho road and 1 he AlaUwi fire .U-|*rtnH-nt has been called ;it., biwiiiM, and ir juiid dividends at once, it nearly every day for a w,+k to subdue I Th« *K-k was in. to la> wh.-n I s-.ld out. ie great iirc.s in th.; marshws at i->lgeworth j I went after that into Union Pacific, and I't Oak Orov.-. i'h.. brush and grawi fires 1 bought a lot of itH sto-k, when th« sudden and illed out the iirwi«--n of SatiKUs and Wake- ! fatalsi.kncssof Mr Clark threw his share un- •ld thi-c- tinv-s in f, : .>- .Uv. Many instances ' exi^-i^llv 11^,11 til,.- fuarkct. The sU«:k w«-nt "" —•--••:•' way ,(„„„ t/) ,.-, li(lt i ,. OJltjnuf ^ t() buy vThitTkoun- I id ry '' ry - <ly ' tlU ' ? ' ttl """" ] * VILU ! " ' U ' V d ' V In Maine there are 1 northern w.y«k aad i. K-or. In Nuw Harni* forest fires in the ' l B banks of th-Tha' J I ift k'-ii«i rat.h smoke •sfogfYi are ablaz*, \ clamor y of KM-IW, are r«*l | ' Jfty ( •ut the fur««t« along j a d,m; nd the (-onnbcticut I b<,w to tim powdei 1 exployitiii county, Ala. SHAHI' tarthjiuako chucks have within the pasU few days in Southi THE wife aijul younr? daughter Or-ela, a fanner near Alton, 111., uei and after confiderublo search the: wuro found iji a hiaall HIICSI a 1 from tho houstj, firmly tied tosctlu necks with it n|«.. BISSIAKCK, Dakota, has been iu a glory" coiiswijieiit, uj)O capitol th'-rfj. 1 Speech Gea.-ral Graitt, Co;, Lal:.)lu, Mr. \!il!nnl, |n crnl'a'-ili.- iiuli-i.ail, linr ng at St. John's re- lives lost in tho reqont starim, tho doatliH Iwing particularly largo crews of tho French floot. KO.NSO, of Hpain, arrived in Paris .E distress prevails at Tclokbelong suiting from the recent volcanic np- Thirty t sshavo per- s laying of th veio mado b d t ng Hull. ttville.fJn. m, Patavia and Bamphong. A ' famine is completing tho havoc in Batavia. 1 KEPORTS from all parts of Russia state 1 the i-attlo 1 laguo continues its ravages . with ui.abated fury. Over a million cattle have, full* 11 \ictims of tho plague within tho I a-t four j ears in European Russia alone. ! HOCKS are entertained of a i*-aeeful settlo- ' iiitnt of tlii! troubles between Franco and ( hina over tho Toiuni n .juestion. At tho j fame time France- is propariiig to «>nd 10,000 men to lonquin the latter 1 arjl of this month. :cd oO r thu coiwt of nd a mis id i u-»; every tnilu tho flames p to grwtt hoight. The U.-.1 at w. lOlght. ..-thing , FRANK JAMES ACQUITTED. J he >oled FandiljlfBlii a fr«« Han- <i.ei*d wltbChetn. A Cal.ati.-i M di»j*tch say»: The case of Frank Jut?**, <>>., at this place for killing Frank Mr Mil^n and parti-Jpating in the Win- eton train rubbery, ended to-day in a verdict of < <MJ:I t,!. "dr. Wallas, for the pr<j«ecuUon, rl-^y-,1 a four-h'miV Kj*«'h at 12:30, and tho i-:i«- was Kiv.-ii to tht- jury. At 4 o'clock th.5 jury (AJI«. int.j <-ourt with a vurdkt of nr,t. gt):!iy. At tli-•aniK.uiK.wwntof tl«, v.-rdi.t them of them -•n, pti , trol of Commrxloro < iarrwiii on- dny. It « to •JH7 mil.-h long. Ijgavea cin-.-k for tlm pfife that day, and took th- road rath.-r ,taa play, thing, ^ J N * wlu4 I <-'ould do, 1 Ii ,n to nmk., money. 1 had gdt jjast that. 1 bogan to d<- veloj) It by oitoijiling branrhii to dittoreiit t II advujneM to mako i-k Biiddfiily whiiij.ed out. his knifo n.: .1 S[jreW.-ll to th(, h.iirl, killing hi I, pistol drawn TllL ' hll "" J »"'' ywlit Kx,,l.,.t.r went dow i.l. wen) iriv.-n '< '"'" r < J «>'lonc)i, Ontario, with )}vr enptain un w of two iiu-n, and AlUrt CraiiP, hon c hicagoan, who was on a pli-asuni trip, fell >\v. j J ^ <'"O\VIJ of jjorhoua collect!d in Agran young ] <'-f (1 "'"I M-vcmi houfti-s occupied by Jews <-d nd ihod H: nested. ounLry Oth of Kt. Kttn> gh uraiftiat St. l»ui.- Chi. d Tol-<lo. . \Vl,.-n Hlr»,t. U Cit mdM t h r g xi S -o lh- r, r;k hold of tho property it <iarn-d *7<V««) a w<<-k. For tholaHt month ju,L t a ^ d th,. hv-ht.-m ,1,- voloiA-.lfroiMthoMiif.'l'- road .-arnod >.-> IM» tta: if .'..-ir..l her.after U, l*»fl an hom*t ' 'Z t.i.i •'•'vi.-"l.da,e.l in.c ,'o how if- Th-.- -.WT« other indictmenta agaimst '• '"Z , J'V ? •* V'/" 1 V : '' '" v " " J " r ""'' i ''"'' K ' »..«. ; f... ,,Hnl,r a.^1 r..U*ry, but hS will ^rSin^ »t X l t'''"' "'*'' "' y Ui '"' l '" h ' '"*'*' i.1- bib:>- w,.-r U-. 1-onvifted on any of them. lncre *- sl '"< ll1 •' ll 'f- j,},,,.,. an. wo 1 MH of Fa 1 • '1 V.' ! Ill Mi Htu Mu of Td. Kivcral Uldcd. ICKH I rted froi U<: Wl,it he I'ro,,l THE witenUii'poi-HuiLsai if tho former liavob A<1( A, With 5,000 1 Khartoum along > Nile on a camjaiK et. HOMESTEAD IrKd Ulilrli IE it 10 IKo " ; Sl »> l.<! 1 111 .OK! !I>I, '.". iiig tl tci and v, IM;:. 1 IIIIIIIUT , ilJ ' 11 !?,'," . ; .Nel '". VV;i«l «« m i l KirlKirlt <-l Stut.h loiuuiit, l.fli,.:l,<, M>..|U.r-l eled ill Il|(1 f T.-ri'itf.ritiS by In taken in tlii.-, tin of l|.,llll",l«-udn.-lltl : l d 1 iij.nily inerea-w rl d u n i i ^ t h . i livitl '.»: Mwiti'i-i-otii, : : . ! ! n./to,,. •.;.:,•,,; Aliil BUI t. the Killed and oops, IMW k-ft bank Kuin/st tha LAW. a •v< tu . ,_ -.1 1 V 1 •d »la.t«» Iu siii<« Urn *i-r of tlio smti;ui(ji:t jil huiiRv ntl laud 111 .VWIM mud total in (JlHttr. 1 . i.iDuku •nr'V.idwl tht lineal us foi VrkaMi-iw' : ftfi '^M;>i;-hi.».'^'M« :lmmpiotwhip of the State has boon awarded to tiie Hoi: ship of lyoke d elnb. DURING a game at Philadelphia between the New York and Fhildelphia nine, Ferguson, captain anl nd baseman for (ho latter lub, put out fifteen players of tho twenty- "wAKDand HumphrieB of tha New York league nine, are to enter Harvard and study law. Ward will enter after the present «oa- soiu nud Humphries, who in one of the racrvo tn«i, will enter a year from now. BROWN, tho right fielder of tho Columbu 1 1 ib, l>eat tlie b«rt; sitjgle game batting record Baltimore louble hits, a hits he made fourteen bases. A RECENT game between the Chicago and Detroit clubs wa» altogether phenomenal. In tho seventh inning tho Chicagoa struck a rare ftreakof batting, making eighteen * which thlrteon were «arned, with - tliirty-four hits off ti liovftd to bo without. [ji'cfaaional liosolmll. PUOBABLY the mewt perfect came of ball . Inch lwis ever been played took place at In- dianapolis recc-ntly between the Indianapolia club and tho Springfield (111.) team of fhe Northwes-(6m league. Eleven innings were played, not a run was made on either side, luid thero wero only three errors. The Bpri&g- fle'd men lost tho game* by refuslnff to play my longer, and the umpire declared tbe igainst them by 9 to 0. LEAGUE CLUB BJtCORD. The official record of tho league champion- thlp games played up to the 9th i» ag follows: n runs, of a total of irty-four hits off two pitchers. This in be- ved to bo without parallol in the hktory of Cleveland Detroit Now York Philadelphia MUSICAL AND DRAMATIC MUH. LANUTRY drawn crowded houses in Scotland. CLAUA. LOUISE KlELLoaa will sing in opera Ufijct spring. AfuH, LANQTBV opens her next American swuon at Burlington, Vt., October 27. jm. CRKKWICK, tho Ix>ndon actor, is pre- narinj; his (If ty years' e:q>erit 1100 of the stage for publication. MABV ANDKRSO.V. tho American aetrese, achieved a jfreat miccess on her opening night til London. KNOI.I.SH literary men prote«t agaiiut Hoi UngMheadand fiurnand's schomo of HIiakeM" peare WA MIBH (JKNK AR r _a a tour round tno world, taking tho London Olympic company with her. (jKHHTKit has ofrewl toglvetwoooncoi-te at Naples in aid of tho Ischiun t>ufrerora, before shoe nm* to thin country, ia October. HEVEN hundred hUFemumerarios wiU tako fart in JUICH Verne'a grandHfiectaeularpiece, 'Kurutian lo Tetu," at the Qaite, Paris. NEW YORK will havo two rival Italian ipera conipfmies at the same time next sca- on. Iu one I'atti and in the other Nilsson viU be tlw star. MUE. MOOJEMKA, theanti-ew, and herhus bant and son are now American citleens Count Bozunta secured his full naturalization pap«n w^tly, in Sail. Fraadaoo.. ... A4TpI«B«t«r7. HATANA, Cul«.-The ibort pc^ dentist of this d^y, Ife IX Frwdsco Garcia, member of the Royal TTniTer- sity, Mates that in all caw of tronble- somo neuralgia, arislngfrom the teeth, bi t s are recommended to use are recommended to use il, and the najost saUafao tory cures have followed.! It is a spe- bis patrons St. Jacobs O t h cific for toothache, earache, Tx)d_y paini and proof again-t houfl-hdd accident-. A family in Iowa suddenly found Ithat misfortunes nerer. come single. ; Hiram Robinson hurt himself pitching ! hay, and a h©w«.ran awaj with John 1 and kicked him in theleg, breaking it telow the knee. The hired man ran I to get water and fainted ob the way. ! Dr. Home went out to examine the patients, and while ia the house his horses we're stung by b£es—one fa- tally—and in getting the horses out Mr. Robinson, Sr., was terribly stung. The telephone Is being useA exten- sively in India. The government of that country maintain * a telephone in places too poor to maintain a telegraph office and too important to have no !communication with other places. The to'ephone i; a constant sour e of won- der and interet to the natives. One Idigniued Brahmin, to whom its teries wero fully exp ained, remarked: ;" Yei, I think I understand; but does it speak Manthi?" i American Triumph at Amsterdam* I The Mason & Hamlin Organ and Iriano Company have just received the jfollowing cable dispatch from Mr, C •C. lender, their agent in Holland, now jrepresonting 1 hem at tho World's Ex- jptsition at Amsterdam: "Received JHploma of Honor, the very highest award." The Mason & Hamlin cabi- pet organs were placed in competition at this great exhib.tioa with a large number from the leading makers of ^Europ~e and America, and this award IB but a continuation of their unbroken Series of triumphs at all the great World's exhibitions for the last 16 years. Mason & Hamlin have now won the highest awards at Paris, 1867; Vienna, 18/3; Santiago, 1875; Phila- delphia, 1876; ParLs 1878; Milan, 1881, and Amsterdam, 1883.—Boston Journal. Tea culture is carried on in several of the Southern States, suid, according to a correspondent, the number of families that regularly use tea of do- mestic production is steadily increas- ing. _______________ Dr. R. V. PIKKCB, Buffalo, N. Y.: Dear Sir—For many months I wad a great sufferer, physicians could afford md no relief. In my despair I commenced the u«e of your "Fa- tonte Prescription." It speedily effected "" " * -••'». Yours t___k- t, Io%a City, Ia. I Tu_ peflnub crop of the year ia estimated at 2,48£00O^ushel». ' HBHTSVUXB, Ala.—Dr. J. _*. Ridley says: "Brown's Iron Bitter3 is a good appetizer and merits attention from saforera.'' OLAEOOW haa 35,800 hoofM of only one room each. If you are bilious, take Dr. (ferce's "Pleas ant Purgative Pellets," the original "Little Liver Pills.'^ Of aU drag_is|s! Ti:_ country oinsunies 9,000,000,000 eggs toohjear. | , The beet cure for diseases of the nerves, lj»rain and muscles, ia Brown's Iron Bittern. I THS yield of corn ia Georgia and Florida Hardly a, newspaper printed bat speaks of a sudden death by heart disease. Dr. Graves Heart Regulator would hare cared it, strong assertion; but many have said ibey were ' Jten from the grave by it $1 per bottle. TH__B are 00,000 acres of gra _ng land in rizona. ^ , Dr. Graves' Heart Reg-lato ooresall lorm ojf Heart Disease, nervousness, sleeplessness A _AEO_ sugar crop is anticipated in Ix»ui- sfana. I It is entfre"y l di_erent from all*others. It if as clear as water, and as its name Indicates ii a perfeot Vegetable Hair Restorer. Itwill immediately free the head from all dandruff, rtwtore gray hair to its natural color, and pro- duce a new growth where it has fallen off. It djoes not in any manner affect the health, which enlphur, sngar of lead and nitrate of silver propHrations have done. It will change l%ht or faded hair in a few days to a beauU- fol glossy brown. Ask your druggist for it. Bach bottle in warranted. SMITH, KLINE _j CO., Whole^nle Agente, Philadelphia, Pa., and C. N. OillTrfiSTON^ New York. ; Judge J. &l. Hinith, N. Y. f ^ aned iucceufully 2 bottles of Dr. Elmore's Rhonmatii:e-Oonta- line for his 25-year old rheumatic gout, after trying in vain everything else. He says if **•,. G. cost $£0^a bottle he would bay it. If you have failed to receive benefit from other preparations, try Hood's Sarsaparilla; it's the strongest, purest, best, and cheapest. " AX t> BEST «>i>-i.ivEnoi_, from elected the Bcuhore, by CasweU, Hazard A , Y. Alwoluttily pure -nd sweet. Patients who h_ve once Uken it prefer it to _U other*. Physicians declare it iraperior to all other oils. C_AIT_D HAXOH, toco, pimples and Skin cured by tuing Juniper Tar Soap, n CMwell, Hazard 4 Co., New York. Stinging irritation, inflammation, Kidney, Urinary comiilainU/runtd by Bochnpaiba. $1. A baldheaded man. who has heard that the liirs offtman'n head are m to know if there in not some faction, i n I would saytc Remedy a trial r the best known eheapectereryi Hartford, Conk Mi Mr. Ji-ma < bUliardteblemi writes, May 23, been troubled f kidney disease, 1 and Bides, and oc Hunt's Remedy, our di-ffgist, Wa to me that man made in this vi Remedy. Pe< with kidney bladder, and been permanent cine. I purchas* and found that dose, and two bo mj; back, and cheerfully recon medicine that wi say, ^eaid tome, tdicine for kid ley and brer impounded." 1 of a single instance benefit an 3 give sati*- isthebestlt aU who are ti has the whipping Dr. R. V. Pi*__ friend who snff bottle of your " as a result of its Dr. Pierc. _ and " Pleasant P blood and R_OOON-S and b in the Georgia MABION, Mass. recommend Bro^j ionio for enrichi all dyspeptic syi NEAL DOW aaj drink in thisjjo^ Is the b«t e iif' eoonomkvd and long as two of a last two weeks, the Centennial medals at varioui /, with 3. \^. Goodman, lufactnrer, of Athol, Mass.. 1883, as follovb: "I have a nambuf' years with 1 severe p K fin my back getnor^e until used ich was recoi amended by , of thin placi, who stated 'dnderful cures had been ityby the me of Hunt's 'ho have suffe -ed for yenrs me, inflammo tion of the >mi>anying tioubles, had c.ired by this great meli- a bottle of Ha it's Remedy helped me fiom the first es removed a 1 the pain in »nsider mysel' cured, and lend it to my friends as a .oallthatisdiimedforit, ited Delaware, and now le.of an mag it; es I can 3 give sa ersold. krabled with i Ht' _ who are takrabled complaint, cive Hunt's iUsay^sIdoiU3 Buffalo, N.jy.—I have a terribly, iburchnsed a forite Prescription," an 9, she is perfectly well. J. BAILEY. Birdett, N. jldon Medical Discovery' •gative PelleS " porify th< istipation. j_ make the iiighte lrwl uitai iP. T_ Dr. N. S. Rugcles says: " ] 'a Iron Bitter* as a valuec the blood arid removing « Extending to the end of at* *-*? my brain! ^ " Which made me deUrioosl ^ " From agony* " vF ; "It took three men to hol_ m_n_'^ attunes. ~ ^ " The doctors tried in Tain to -— * But to no purpose. " j^ " Morphine and other opiates '0- "Had no effect! -McW" "After two months I was given imfcL.'' " When my wife Wr "Heard a neighbor tell - W _ K > -to - bad done for her, she at once me some. The first dose - and seemed to go hunting ^ tem f«r the pain. " "The second dose eased me so I slept two hours, something I hadr ^ for two months. Before I had _»edr* T? ties I was well and at work, as hard* 1 man could, forover three weeks: botl-"" too hard for my strength, and taking coli, I was taken with the most - ~~-'"'" painful rheumatism all through «_jr' that was ever known. I called the again, and after several weeks they *--* cripple on crutches for life, as they *'"" met a friend and told him my case,?-*' said Hop Bitters had cured him _** cure me. I poohed at him, bat he ^* earnest I was induced to use them - - * ; less than four weeks I threw - r *" crutches and went to work lightly on using the Bitters for five weefer became as wel} _3 any man living,.-'' been so for six years since. It alar^ my wife, who had been so for years? r kept her and my children well ami with from two to three bottles There is no need to be sick at alf/ Bitters are used.—J. 3. B_»_, ex-S^ " That poor invalid wife! "%-... "8i*ter! 1 "Mother! % " Or daughter! « Can be made the picture of you Ut them suffer' L|, A HOTED tfl) T PNTlTTiBD 7T" f" [Proa-the Boston Gtofe) '-'?*%. Can be made the picture of he "With a few bottles of Hop Biw " WiU you Ut them suffw?" &v has heard that the e numbered, wanto me place where he Gbii ill AskforWeHBliougho^oSr relief; conuiletecnre. rioras. Will buy a TKBATIKM ON TUB H O M E Atro His DisxAsas. Book of 100 pages, valuable to every owner of horses. Postage stamps taken. Bint postpaid. NEW YOBX H<>_S_ BOOS CO., 1S4 Leonard Street, Kew York City. i OoMriae. The increasing demand for this prepari on as a household remedy fortadgas lion and dj spjapsia u sufficient proof of its emcac-y. 1'iint Huaband pfMlae three times the man he was before using SHH 1 Health Renewer. $1. Droggista. :.Vo Ht. Patrick's Salvo, iu;d learn its gna( lue. One trial convince*. 4 0 1 l.v« 1 10 " 7 THE 1 MKWt B«of cattle, good to p Calves, oom'n to prioie veaU Hheep '. Unibs «oa»-Wvt Flour-1 U ont, uood to choice Wheat—No 2 Re 1 No. 1 White Rye—State Jarley—Two-ro*ed State... Cora—Ungrad. Wert. mixed. Yellow Southern »ta—White State Mixed Western iy—Med. lo pr. Timothy.. jrd—CitySteam 6 '.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'. Intter—Stale Creamery... Dairy West. Im. Creamery Factory Jheese— Htate Factory Skims Western _i—State nnd Penn 'otaloas—State bbl 1 3toers—Good to Choice 681 r<gmbs— Wcntern /, 00 Jheep—Western •< \-r, Iog8—Goodtochoice Yorks, 5 75 SL^oK d rd n -ffir \f. § . 7; ]orn—No. 2, Mijted New 5; S 51 )ttta— No. 2, MiXfcdWoHtern. m rloy—Two-rowed Suite... 78 Bf— Ex. plate and family.. 1J 00 gu—Live , G5£(g Northern Dressed.... t.'l* rk-Ex.Prirne,perbbi .... llfO jur—Winter Wheat patents 7<»> :ye—State WATBBTOWM (MASS.) 3eof—Extra quality..... Jheep—Live weight .... 1 j«mbH logs—Northern, d. w.. our—Penn. ex fi er Axle CJrense arket It| is the m deapest, one b6_ lasting O r other. One greasing wi t receivedfirst)pr . Paris Expositions, als G_xLyon'sPat< new boots or shoe •hovels-good _keae3s of Hrs. _ ___,ol_yn_,__sa,,-hoaboToa_ot3»r^ may be tnrthftttly called the "Dear Pri MBOmo of her correspondents devoted to her work, which _ tie of a life-study, and ia obliged to Co be]p her ansrerUie large irhidi d_Ur pews in npon her, each tnrden ot suffering, or Joy at release Vegetable Compotmd is a medicine £.r good " personatty Inv«sH___df sattsfledof t_etrnt_oft_t_ -v;f of ita proven merits.^ la '-' 1 "'' v and prescribed by tte best physicians ia the ' "*' One saysi "It works lite a charm and saves "" It win care entirely the worst fonn of-•"";" of the uterus, _eucorrh__. Irregular eoit '"'' Henstrnat!on,a_ OTariaa Troubles, CIceraUon,Ploodlngs, ?U1 Displacements —'" sequent spinal weakness, and Ia especially the Change of Ufe." » permeates every portion of t_a iystea, " new life and vigor. It removes faintneas, " * ' destroys an craving for stimulants^ andrelicK-Ww •pacifio raadlcibe. hof tha kidne admonition of Foarreantgol for kidney complaint, in my back. My ca pa_wd blood. Two me, and I am now wi able to do all kinds of the stomach. It cures Bloating, KerrouB Prostration, GenenU Debtttty, p Depression and IndigesUoD. ThatfeeUn^of dow_,cau__grpain, weight _id backacta, la Mrs. Ann LaCour Ihavoason been attended by o nopurpMw. Thtar toughing, and was quenca that death thehoatoabdtileo purcha^dby permanenoy cured by its use. Itwma*a_t!_*Mi tt_lw_ttc_t!an___ces>act'__armony —="-*-- Kcosttonly tl- per bottteor sir fm- $5.,and_«AlY Any advice required as to special HIM.ill the names of many who hare teen restoredtol~rf health by the nse ct the Yesetafcla Compound, ekftl obtained by addressing Mrs. P., with Gtampfc* :'" *t her home lnLynn, Mass. For Kidney Complaiat of either sex this nnsurpasscd as abundant testimonial ehow. "Mrs. P___am'sUTerI_ls,"Baysccewriter, the beat <*. the world for the cm BUIoosness and TorpfcUty of tbe Purillor works wonders in lta special _ne and bids to equal the Compound in its popularity. respect her as an Angel of Mercy whose ambition ia to Cogood to others. A NEW DISCOVERY. p I eTeral pointe, now offer this new color j_ the best in the uwrW. It Will Not Color the B WIU Wot Turn Rancid. It la tH~ Strongest, Brightest and Cheapest Color Mado. imitations, and Dil colors, for they and spoil t_o butter. IT you cannot get tha "Improred" where and botr to get i t— and tideed in all ltttii where the nnfa- LINDBLOM & CO., N. G. MILLER &C0. RAINftP^pVISION BB,O_CBBI NATIONAL TYPE CO PHILADELPHIA PA L—fltato Yellow ..._—Mixed otter—Creamery ErtraFn. "' »-N.Y. Fall Cream... | ^ Particular Points. Point tM First.—BROWN'S IRON BITTERS is not an intoxicating c" 1 ' pound. It iala tonic medicine, not a drink. It is a skillfully compound*^ preparation n^ade to restore strength and health; not a beveWe to be am in bar-rooms and taverns. *.»,, 5 in-, ^ ^ ^ " ^ - T B H O W N ' S IRON BITTERS is free from everything I injurious. The most delicate ladies and the most enfeebled infants may use it with perfect safety artd with great advantage. A While it is p in its remedial agency, it is gentle in its operation, restoring; wasted! and imparting robust health in the most efficient manSft There is no risk in buying sue! a medicine.

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Post on 12-Jun-2018




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THE NORTHERN PACIFIC, f THE STORY OF HIS LIFE. • S E W S O F _ T H E W E E K_ _ Bwrtwrn and Middle State*

r n ITL • BOSTON'S great exhibition of Arts, productslompicfcicn of the Great Transoon- j a y Gould Tells It To a United and ira_uf,_ctui-es, reprinted by aii t_©

tinental Railrcai ~ ~ . ~ ...

The _?s: Spike Driven in Pres:n:e

of'3,000 Visitors.

States Senate Committee.

IHis Early Struggles and '/ert'jres-

Hoiv He Made His Millions.

' fhe last spike in th? >~orth?rn Pacific rai1.- ] Jay Gould's account of his hfe has b<vrra.l. sa;-s a di?pat.-h from Golden Spike.. j given by him to the United Sr.v« SenaMontana, was driven this afternoon, on the ; sub-committee on education and Labor, satinFaci.].; slope of the Rocky mountains, 2.-WO j in New York. Mr. G o u M ' *tri\' fi-m the Atlantic ocean, and 800 miles ' give his testimonfrom the Facie , and ninety-one years after | lations of capitall ie id?a ci a highway fivm the lakes to theFadfie was first suggested by Thomas Jeff*

:• subjeclater Bla


tatters. I

Ycrk, May 27. 1S:U',. My father was ;) had a dairy of twent;

it was my duty tcthese cows an l assist my sistmilking- them. I went about


ml labo

of the committee, said to Mm:

"Mr. GouJti, will you tell the

t ( j U j something of your earlier life r

T_a spot where t_o rails met was Last j '* Y e s - i f ? o u w i s h - " s a i d t h e w i t :

Srike, Oftv miles wert of Helena and thirty rather silly to talk over such small.__« ,n_t _f the Grand Divide, from which, j dont like to parade myself before the pubhc.on one side, the ram runs down to the Gulf of ^ ^ m ^ l do the b« t 1 ^ I wasMexico and the Atlantic, and from the otherside into the Pacific ocean. Here Independ-ent-., crook enters the Hell Gate or Deer Lodge | ^ r r

river, four miles above Go'.d creek, the sceneof iLf |.'a»vr excitement of 1S03. and crossestfc tr-.-'k on it* wav to the Pacific oceantlir. uzh Lake Pmd d-Omlle and t i e Colum- , ^ ' ^ ^ ^ > f ^ . ^ ^ ^ ^

b * n v ' ~ L ( / v . , . dav I said to mv father that I'd like to pro t<Three thousand people, I **le the *X> dis- I ^ H p z w a s ^ y o u _ _ _ j ^ .,

tin^ui^he ! fruits wbu (_me with Mr. Villara, j J^M _ j V A m A m _ t l m < 1 r i t P r m l - f n r t i i n ost- od in the gra«y meadow, overlooked on | ,(ha oest bv tlie main range of (he Rockymountains," with a si^ht of Mount Faul withit> wti:o head and the Big Hole range. Green ,

W_lov. s and cottonwuo !„ fringed the meadow, j wrote up his hooks at m-ht. In tha. .. _ , .ami th.' » i » l l-Hr in «»ur faces from the Faci- \ worked,my way through n small select school,lio TVO va'lfv is so civilia-d that the inhabi- I was fourteen yi-ars old when I stark'd out,la it* have no: for five y. ars had to run from ! and a t fifteen I got a clerkship in a country

great nations, was opened with appropriateceremonies in presence of 20,000 people.

H Z A V T frosts that have caused serious dam -age to crops have occurred in Northern NewYork and portions of the Eastern States.

THREE young ladies, aged each about seven-teen years, while rowing on the Gunesee river.near Rochester, N. Y., were thrown into thewater by their boat capsizing and drowned.

A SHAM battle between New Jersev sol-diers, representing Union and Confederatetroops, was fought the other day at Prince-ton Junction, and resulted disastrously to anumber of the men engaged. About twelvemen were struck and knocked down by wads,and several were quite severely injured.

J A Y GOULD appeared before the UnitedStates Senate sub-eonimittee iu New Yorkand testified concerning the relations of laboand capital. At tho request of the committee,which has been in session ever since thetelegraphers'1 late strike, and has examinedmany witnesses on the subject of the relationsof labor and capital, Mr. Gould gave quitea lengthy account of his career, from his j

i his

man against a rwrtanrmnt keeper In t_o Uni-ted States courts of California.

NKAB Las Vegas, New Mexico, two cow-boys became involved in a dispute over acow belonging to a * Mexican, which hadstrayed into their herd. The cowboys com-menced firing at the Mexican, who returnedtheir fire with a shotgun, killing both ofthem. The Mexican himsfjf died from hisrounds shortly afterward.

AT the Dakota constitutional convention,held in Sioux Falls, the committee on the with the

LATER NEWSCBO«inportiot»ofN«wYark8t»teh

.offered beatify tfcrotgh early _«_*_Wyoming oonnty alone the damage is «•*-mated »t $100,000.

CHABL_S ROCS, a colored man, for awager undertook at FiuAing, Long &iand,to eat seventeen pies. He managed to worrydown sixteen pies, bat when half through


boundary reported in fa

h T h f

'IV tl t ' "J »* WM V_K

of adiviskmof compelled a surrender.


the Territory on the forty-sixth parallel, and

admission to the Un d h !

Dakota," with

_ _ _ A T a rehearsal of "Othello "in a New York.nder" t_e name* ' theatre a bridge across the «tage, along which

he State capital at ! » number °* persons were passing, suddenlyYankton. | 'ell, precipitating the people into the base-

A GREAT amount of damage has been dons j ment Six or eight persons were injured> railroads and other property in tba Rio ; H*01"6 O* loeB •sorely.rande valley. Texas, by floods. In one in- j »**-* damage has been caused to cropsance, 1,100 sheep were'drowned. { various parts of New England by early frostsA HEAVY gale on Lake Michigan has dam- j - -d drought

aged shipping and property along shore to an ' SIXTEEC masked men forcibly entered theamount estimated at $l 500.000. -^i**1 a t SoiiTiUe, Ark., seized John Coker and

OPPOSITION to a new sect known as the I D r- Flood, took them to the iron bridge" Pilgrim Band," located at Erwin, ID., and ', Pt>tifc J c a n riTef- ^ d _ h ? n 5 e d _ t l ^ m - C V * e r

said to be offensively polygamous in habits, ! W J ^ C ^ U ^ ^ . ' " ' ^' ' *~ ''culminated in the destruction of their temple ' """^ " «—•«•»»by giant powder.

an ambuscair

unty, N. Y.,

repre: part

weeks ago, in which twoI Flood was accused of harboring the out'aws

Washington . ' FROM nearly ail parts of the West and

ox, of tho Utah commission, ! Northwest have come report* of the immense

jo ahead,' said he. and the next

il out. I found a blacksmith wiio,

good hand,

fir, sprues in the ve

and <eJar; farms andfou>es in the verdant valley, and cliilangvs w__ -e bear. e!k, moose and mouniamgoats are still found in plenty, made up thee.ene for the ceremony. Vli "were surprisedat what th*-v beheld. "Instead of the wilder-ness of the Rocky mountains they saw a fineravilion capable of seating over 1,000 i*>r-KOIIS, over which floated the national colorsof the American, German and British na-tions. In front, reaching to tha roadbed,was an extensive promenade, skirted by aplatform with comfortable seats. To thoright was a liand-stand and on it were seatedthu Fifth Unitod States Infantry band, whichwas to cnurtain the sjeotatoi-s. and whichhad come all the way from r'.>;-t Keogn.

After President Villar.l and the Hon. Wil-liajn M. Evarts had ad«irL-.*t\l the throngSecrotarv Teller sjx>ke brieiSy of the energyand capital required to carry the enterpriseto a successful conclusion. He was followe<lby ex-President Billings, ar.d th

i, of t)ie Ber-,jrsitv. The governors of Wisconsin.

Minnesota, Dakota, Montana, Oregon andWabhingt-n were severally introduced, andmade Lriff and appropriate remarks. Thogovernor of Idaho was absent on accouutof sickness. There were loud crit-s for GeneralGrant and he came l. irwar.1. He said he wasreminded by the speeches to which ho hadliitene 1 of the fact that he had something todo with tho great Northern 1'aciflc eator-friso. Wlien (iovprnor ^te; hens, thirtyyears ago, org«uii/e-,l hi surviving exrelition the >penkr M-US a

from ti o'clock in the morning ulight.

" I had a taste.t o o'clock in r. nVliifk. I sooi

down to the preseiTEN thousand

many societies i..,i,,,r parade in New York.

Ti: York Greenback-Labor party as-K-nili.. a .i! State convention at Rochester andnomiiiattsl the following ticket: Secretary ofstate, Thomas K. B^echer; controller, G. L-HaLsey; attorney-general, Louis F. Post-state treasurer, Julian Winm>: >tuU> engi-neer, Edwin A. Stillman. The platformadopted reaffirms the declarations set forthin tho party's State platforms the past threeyears. A State committee for tho ensuing

V l r "

I h<ardof a i

or mathematics, and got ue morning and >tuilied untha 1 a ]-rutty gtKxl idea o



ed a boat,

go through

and foibest tolnkipay my fa

d. Afte

ut to

•Jy enoughWhen in

:>uiity ho gavoUlsteborjk,trusted for what you eat an

and 111 follow you aftenvn

bills.' On the third day ou

got trust fur two and sixi>e

those days.

i little passalong yen gotyour lodgingsand pay thoattempted to5, which wasnd lodging in

' you'vo

1 ABOCT 50,CKKJ ijersonsbuilt cxjiresdyfor tho ]tht; rapids at Niagara Ffifty -nine foot long and built in imitation ofho Maid of tho Mist, tho steamer which

ias>od mfply through th.« MOtliing whirlpor.1and rajntls many yeai-s ago. This craft alsoma<lethepa*.aKO safely, and at the end ofher novel trip was found to bo uninjured.

THK Ameriiian Science association lias l>vnin session at Sarat*iga, N. Y. Interesting

cussed by prominent »-ion lists.THE exeoutivo committee of the joint con-

gressional committee on tho NV-wl.urg cen-tennial held imt-tiii}^ at Nc-wburg, N. Y., fortho purpu* of deciding iM>ou a di-sign ft

A. B. C , „ , ,rites to the United States treasury depart- j damag* done to crops by early frosts.

JS? S v g _ _ u s t e h f i ^ n ^ ^ d ^ i totally rui-pd. Many farmars are despondent; "ber election of isss, many municipal elec- [ over their heavy reverses.

tions since that time, and at the general elec- D l E R *** W** ta J a r« e numbers iition in August, l^s;. embracing about 800 ginia of a dise_» called b!ack tongue.officers who wens elected. th« l>oard has ex- ] HERMAN REDfeELD, a Michigan ox-senator,eluded all polygamies from eligibility. shot himself in his cemetery lot at Monroe.

PUSTMASTEK-GE.\ERA.L "GRESHAM ha* ! He left a letter saying he was going to diefiled his answer to the action for $100,000 in : the only piece ot property he owned in tdamages brought against him by the agent of i world, and inclosing $38 for his funeral ex-n New Orleans lottery company. The action '. pensos. A wifoand daughter survive him.charged malice and a desire to injure the ! E. D. Co WEN, city editor of the Leadvilkplaintiff in the issuing of an order to prevent i (Col.) Herald, was knocked down and beatenthe deliver}- of letters to said plaintiff. De- , w i t n probably fatal result by Alderman U.fendant demos the charges and declares tha c - J°y- W"fl» kicking and stamping upor

n 1 iu-W

>ute! ant. acting as

ued the HTMII'IUS for tho

app rtitned iut to others i IIthe mtem.lonial ra i lnals

i tho fargot money and you must pay. Don't youknow tliat the man you're working for hasfailed three times and owes everybody intne country;' I'turned my inn'Rots iii Mnout and said : ' There, I've got nothing.You can s«?o that I've told you thotruth.' From that little incident it seemed tome then that the world lm-l ubout .-..urn to anend I hadn't the heart to i^k any ont> for a

•buff had SUCH a gri-at eff.-c

ial to 1H<

Washington's Newburg headquarters. Thosepresent wero .Senators Bayard, Hawleyand Warner Miller, and lU-prcsentntivcsTownscnd.of Ohio, an 1 Kotcliam and Hcacli,of New Yt rk, Theconnnittw i>u.s-,e<l a resolution in favor of a gi'anito i>K-li>k, th<> largestvhat lho\ can get, for the money at their div|K«al, ,*:il..MK). They desire that it shall bu1(K) fe<-t liigh. It is intended to lwvo the cor

in pre ing tho delivery of mails to plain-

•uiio Indian, has sent

the prostrate man Joy hold a cocked revolverI his hand, to keep any one from interfering.THK acting secretary of state has informed

ff ho was doing h

LITTLE CHIEF, a Chevonno Indian, has sent

a unique a|.)x«l' to tho" secretary of interior i h e treasury and navy departments that he

or a new suit of clothes. Ho says: *' I d«n't j n a s rvce>ved official information of the block

care much fur grub, but I do like to dress in I a d o b >' t l i e French naral authorities of the

proj-t-r style. 1 want the Uwt wliite liat you ! l f f T i d f th t f A

jy f Tonquin and of the ports of Anam,

p market." j a n A against all vessels carrying cargoes o

PKKSIDENT AKTIIUR nturned to Washing- I arms and munitions of war.

ton from his WesUru trip in good health and I S ° * E o n o w i t h « uneasy conscience has

very much sunbrowned. ! returned $30 to the treasury department.

THE agricultural j«tente issued from Uie i The money came in an envelope pewtmarked

geneml land ofll.v. luring t he fiscal year ended | Taris, 111., and tho sender said he had received

JunelkJ, lN^l, numlK-rtttl.Vi.OUO. I the money during the war and withheld

j from the government, but that he nov

Foreign. ! wanted to servo the Ijord and accordingly

THE condition of the district of Lampong, 1 restored it.

s;rno «r tho recent volcanic upheaval, is a j DUEINO the last fiscal year «S!0,780.«89

teirible ono. Evei-ythiug in tho district for a j were collected iu the customs districts at

distance of flvo leagues inland lias been de- j expense of $0,422,127, the arerage cost of col-

stroyed. Thousands of doo.1 are lying on the I Jectlng one dollar in all the districts being

ground, and it L, iiii!* is iblo t«j approach them 'I for tin of the

tHl i

^ be-

ahead oint. ufu-i

up. I sether 1 .-,

d o w n i.llld (J

l- Stoll Lid ( tho lii'K I da i

J l L I A P. SM1T ,-clLst, •

tone continued: " 1 thoilfthtedv, an<l knelt down thenpiaved a l i t t le AVh. - ' ^and'made ut. my mind to go rightwent into the "nearest farmlnm*',

. 1 felt U'ttt'r,;ht ahead. 1


ley hold resjM.nsiblo fur

mt of the Aelxvu


tho Dutchmen,

, l d land

wore given. Thegiven «_t_ on thewhen a phottigrapL ,Viilard and faiuilv, and the im »t *l_tinguishedAiite'ricans. Aftt-r that a horse thatheljjeil tobuild tbe road from its inception was broughtujH.n the platform. Then :»0 men withbrawny arms muckly laid the iron and drovethe spik tsontho l,ou(> feet of uncompletedtrack, except tlie last spike, When nearlycompleted a cannon salute was fired by thodetachment of the Fifth infantry present.

Mr. Villard handed the sledge to H. C.Davia, now the ]__?engfir agent of the Mani-biba road, who drove tho ttrst spike on theNorthern I aciJic, when that road wa«begun ill ISTII, and hsid therefore "

- ^ . -eskwtod io <!ri f• tho last. - ThWsran uot m°~&idtoi cne, but was thosa no as Mr. I avis drove in 1H70.When Mr. Davi:, hatl finally sent the spike'" homo"1 the crowd dispi rs"d, an 1 «xm after-ward the four Yiliard tiain.s left for tho Pa-

about ilnUi nio. lint 1:want you to take your coi

antTnmlle U. " f lowmuch'Uh, that's all r igh t , ' I i-c,[he said, ' the regular

lost his liftrapids, I*

.1 trembling Hurtford, Conn., a f.-w

""Vf,!!.1!;!"" driving with her husl,

t<K>k fright and ran aw

1'OIIKST lin;s in various [xirts of New Eng-

cuusod dnina-.-s istiinated at ; htorin otr tl)

$!,__«,(>«). Nearly <-vory town within fifty | | o l l g w i to tw,

lnik'K of Boston has sufl'eml.

IIoiiACEOWiKLKY's farm a t Chappaqua,

N. Y., tho homo of the famous editor, was

lought iu by his only surviving daughter, a t

Q trustee's sale the other duy,for£10,0Oi. Mr.

Greeley paid for the farm §!>.OJO, and syn-nt

• ot Captain Webb, who recently

IO w hen she heard of her

1 lias since been found

ur at Ladyemith, South

1 l o s t d u r i a g

EARTHQUAKK shocks have again occurre<on the island of Iacbia.

THE late Comte de Chambord, in his will,gives an estate In each of his four domainsand the income of 20,000,000 francs to biswife during her life, ] francsvariously bequeathed. After the death

s and mako m1 1 went back

t:" he asked.' No, t ain'

charges a dol-t h t ' th

ated loslar for such work.' 'W<li, then, that s tho b t h e burning of tho Elkt<price.' I responded. He took out a shilling y 7

had eaten and gave mo « v c n sliil- ^"-oinisburg, 1 m n .N E A R L Y 7(H) Mormon \:

New York tlM^oth..'!-day

In th« company tlu-ro w

Nova K<iotia coast. They be- '•li'j'iiifi's which weie wrecked. '

. u t into the beer and food ofharvpstiiR'ii emjiloyed by Mr. Leigh, a

dlord, of New IUJSS, Ireland, who hadnrreJ the. <'.is!ike of the populace owing toopposition to the land league. Two ofImrvestmen died and the others were

the oomtesse the Comte de" Bardito receive one-third and the Due de Parmatwo-thirds of the entire propertv. The Bpan-i«K princes are not mentioned in the wilL

ondition.A REI'ORT of the destruction of Tjiringine,

of §150,000 was incurred near Java, by a tidal wave and the drowningof 1(>,0<>0 i>eoplo there is confirmed.

who has been thamtioner," as he called himself, in

c years, is dead. It is•S>J British, 10 5 j estimated that ho hanged nearly 100 persons,

i, :iM Heandinuvianji, and receiving ?50 for every man and $75 for everying Mormon missionai

iu Utah.

and a I'eruviau force underTwenty of the Montoneroe

.ti marks. At the t nd of tho" Kifnuwr my tweii

my interest to the

Afterward I nuule similar surveys aof Albany and Delaware count it->sold well, "and I not *o,0iH> out of tlLater on I met Z_.l.»-.-k Pratt, of Praville, who was one of tho lar-ost tami11 the oountrv. Ho knew all iny liL->t<

and took a "fancv to mt>. II '

nd*ot Acre* Kurneil Over InEngland—Lost .71 ore T h a u

A Boston dLspatch say^: Thuidtdby a c-ir.lon or flamuth fh< re, stret hing ami Mild cliin" (O; un 51 n BULOEH fcolor)

ille (Ky.) jail yard fon AJ youn^ ^ii'l two

J. PROCTOK KNOTT was inaof IJ-.swn that ha^

more flivs. Further apine trees of Maiue,<,f New Hampshire, the gVermont, a: d the i.utme^ j.J:etticuf, the ti-fees, s-hrubbery.

emor of Kentucky ftt Frankfort iof 10,000 pel-sous.

NINE jjej-sons—OUO uuin ami eigllosttlH-ir lives At thn burning of thcuse in Cincinnati. First roponumber of deaths at five. «'«-"> wrt-ck«l on a

THE Kan.-as wheat crop this year is larger Mary's bay, N. V.•.,* ^.' than uas exj sQtcxl, amounting to <i.F>,OOO,(J<)J tlio pas-^'iigcrs 111

tn tlvtit bushels. , j wciv savod with (dollar. ' Two white convicts wero instantly kille.1 ! FISHING VOS -LH

nvictM badly injuru.1 by a ! ] oil many 1

the hla ksmitli shop tn-st, anda bc-l of hernl.**.boughs the night of the dayit wus tini>h«l. Finally. 1 lioujcht Pratt out.

Tlie locomotive aaJ the smrirt active agent*, and care

> acres of meadoiood have been burna $1UO,OIX). A fi

i oods, near [

r of the Irish National


THE NATf6NAL"G_lME.TH_ Boston league nine won every one _.

the series of fourteen games from thePhUa-delphias.

UMPIBB Ft7R_o!ra, of theresigned. Of the origin_loneTs left

As a rule professional players _r^"carele_iand improvident yet some have saved theirearnings and are comfortably " fixed."

NEARLY every town in Ohio has^he baseball craze, and everywhere stock.companiesare being formed and inclosed grounds se-cured.

IINXATI people ascribe the ill-the powerful Cincinnati club to a multi-

A LIMA (Peru) dLspatch i?ays that an en- j plicity of managers and inefficient field•nt took place at Colea between a body taining.

THK Anderson club has been expelled fromtha Mawsaehusetta Baseball association. The


[>f Lafayette was on-, France, in presence of atimid much enthusiasm. Tho

iloeorat<*l with American andflags, and triumph&l arches wore

hanged in ! '•"•••« ted across tho prominent, avenue* tlnl-[iiittin< I <o<1 States Minister Morton delivered an ad-l a g o ' I drcrs, iin.l al»» nix)ko at the. banquet in the

ated ROV- ' t-vt-iiing in rcsptmse to a toa«t to I»resident1 i-resenco j Arthur.

irthquake shocks have been felt>f li-K-liiu, and alao at

York for Halifax,(1 at tho mouth of S t

V, lii.xbjrv, Las J-t^n r>nly j^rtially I trencral suiier.iitendont and owner of a••heckod aud tho burnt district covers 4,(*» road U1K..U s xiv miles long. I met out toa/-r.-H. J ho fire burne<l most Hercely on the learn tho railri'ad biLsinew. I Rradually

in Shar.,nHCVI-r.-ly suffvir-iL TIJO Foxboro firemen 1 c.ivorkfsl overtliirtv hours, arid in Walpole themills c W d aad aU .f their-1 ' ' * '•

ie I dt-velored the r«>«d, and when it becamew hole territory fr.r several mites presente a mr t of th.- lU-iisdelacr and Saratoga. I bold

l,d._:»iau. aj.H-ara.u-e, and Panka- | out mv - .,-k nt 1VJU and went \S'e,t. ThoMilt.n, and M<*jsehead wootls j Ck-v.-lan ! a ui PitLsburg road was in a ixx,r

. __iiiMield and Ko3b>ro have all ! condition, and a friend who ha I stock in itLHVIY-IL T\ia r oxboro firemen 1 came t,, m- on.- night and taU in; would havt)

„„ .^ .^ day if ho didn't get rid of it. Ifought ; bought this friend's interest. Tho st/.ck was

-v , , i then" at tr.. I graduallv devtloj c<l tho road and1 he AlaUwi fire .U-|*rtnH-nt has been called ;it., biwiiiM, and ir juiid dividends at once,

it nearly every day for a w,+k to subdue I Th« *K-k was in. to la> wh.-n I s-.ld great iirc.s in th.; marshws at i->lgeworth j I went after that into Union Pacific, andI't Oak Orov.-. i'h.. brush and grawi fires 1 bought a lot of itH sto-k, when th« sudden andilled out the iirwi«--n of SatiKUs and Wake- ! fatalsi.kncssof Mr Clark threw his share un-•ld thi-c- tinv-s in f,:.>- .Uv. Many instances ' exi^-i^llv 11 ,11 til,.- fuarkct. The sU«:k w«-nt"" — • - - • • : • ' • w a y ,(„„„ t / ) ,.-, l i ( l t i , .O J l t j n u f^ t ( ) buy

vThitTkoun- I id ry''ry - <ly't lU'? ' t t l """" ]*VILU !" ' U'V d'V

In Maine there are 1northern w.y«k aad i.K-or. In Nuw Harni*

• forest fires in the 'l B

banks of th-Tha'

J I ift k ' - i i « i r a t . h

s m o k e

•sfogfYi are ablaz*, \ clamory of KM-IW, are r«*l | ' J f ty (•ut the fur««t« along j a d,m;nd the (-onnbcticut I b<,w to


powdei1 exployitiiicounty, Ala.

SHAHI' tarthjiuako chucks havewithin the pasU few days in Southi

THE wife aijul younr? daughterOr-ela, a fanner near Alton, 111., ueiand after confiderublo search the:wuro found iji a hiaall HIICSI a 1from tho houstj, firmly tied tosctlunecks with it n|«..

BISSIAKCK, Dakota, has been iu aglory" coiiswijieiit, uj)Ocapitol th'-rfj.1 SpeechGea.-ral Graitt, Co;,Lal:.)lu, Mr. \!il!nnl, |ncrnl'a'-ili.- iiuli-i.ail, linr

ng at St. John's re-lives lost in tho reqont starim, thodoatliH Iwing particularly largo

crews of tho French floot.KO.NSO, of Hpain, arrived in Paris

.E distress prevails at Tclokbelongsuiting from the recent volcanic np-

Thirty t sshavo per-

s laying of thveio mado b

d tng Hull.ttville.fJn.

m, Patavia and Bamphong. A' famine is completing tho havoc in Batavia.1 KEPORTS from all parts of Russia state1 the i-attlo 1 laguo continues its ravages. with ui.abated fury. Over a million cattle

have, full* 11 \ictims of tho plague within thoI a-t four j ears in European Russia alone.

! HOCKS are entertained of a i*-aeeful settlo-' iiitnt of tlii! troubles between Franco and• ( hina over tho Toiuni n .juestion. At thoj fame time France- is propariiig to «>nd 10,000

men to lonquin the latter 1 arjl of this month.:cd oOr thu coiwt of

nd a mis i d i

u-»; every tnilu tho flamesp to grwtt hoight. TheU.-.1 at w. •

lOlght...-thing ,


J he >oled Fandi l j l fBl i i a fr«« H a n -< i . e i * d w l t b C h e t n .

A Cal.ati.-i M • di»j*tch say»: The case ofFrank Jut?**, <>>., at this place for killingFrank Mr Mil^n and parti-Jpating in the Win-eton train rubbery, ended to-day in a verdict of< <MJ:I t,!. "dr. Wallas, for the pr<j«ecuUon,rl- y-,1 a four-h'miV Kj*«'h at 12:30, and thoi-:i«- was Kiv.-ii to tht- jury. At 4 o'clock th.5jury (AJI«. int.j <-ourt with a vurdkt of nr,!iy. At tli-•aniK.uiK.wwntof tl«, v.-rdi.t

themof them

-•n, pti

, l

trol of Commrxloro < iarrwiii on- dny. It « to

•JH7 mil.-h long. I jgavea cin-.-k for tlm pfifethat day, and took th- road rath.-r ,taa play,thing, ^ J N * wlu4 I <-'ould do, 1 Ii ,n to nmk.,money. 1 had gdt jjast that. 1 bogan to d<-veloj) It by oitoijiling branrh i i to dittoreiit

t II advujneM to mako

i-k Biiddfiily whiiij.ed out. his knifo n.:.1 S[jreW.-ll to th(, h.iirl, killing hi

I, pistol drawn TllL' h l l"" J»"' ' ywlit Kx,,l.,.t.r went dowi.l. wen) iriv.-n '< '" '" r < J«>'lonc)i, Ontario, with )}vr enptain un

w of two iiu-n, and AlUrt CraiiP, hon chicagoan, who was on a pli-asuni trip,

fell >\v. j J^ <'"O\VIJ of jjorhoua collect!d in Agran

young ] <'-f(1 "'"I M-vcmi houfti-s occupied by Jews


nd ihod H:



ofKt. Kttn>

ghuraiftiat St. l»ui.- Chi.

d Tol-<lo. . \Vl,.-n Hlr»,t. U

CitmdM t h r g xi

S -o lh-r , r;k hold of

tho property it <iarn-d *7<V««) a w<<-k. FortholaHt month ju,L t a ^ d th,. hv-ht.-m ,1,-voloiA-.lfroiMthoMiif.'l'- road .-arnod >.-> IM»

t t a : if .'..-ir..l her.after U, l*»fl an hom*t ' 'Z t . i . i •'•'vi.-"l.da,e.l in.c ,'o how

if- Th-.- -.WT« other indictmenta agaimst '• '"Z , J ' V ? •* V'/"1 V:'' ' " v " " J " r " " ' ' i''"''K'

»..«.; f... ,,Hnl,r a. 1 r..U*ry, but hS will ^rSin^ »t X l t'''"' "'*'' "'y Ui'"'l'"h' '"*'*'i.1- bib:>- w,.-r U-. 1-onvifted on any of them. lncre*-sl '"< l l 1 •'ll'f- j,},,,.,.

an .wo





1 •


V.'! Ill




KivcralUldcd.ICKH I

rted froiU<: Wl,it

he I'ro,,l


witenUii'poi-HuiLsaiif tho former liavob

A<1( A, With 5,000

1 Khartoum along

> Nile on a camjaiKet.

HOMESTEADIrKd Ulilrli IE it 10 IKo

" ; S l»>

l.<! 1 111

. O K ! ! I > I ,

'.". iiig tl

tci and

v, I M ; : . 1


, i l J ' 1 1 !? , ' , "

. ; .Nel

'". VV;i«l

« « m i l K i r l K i r l t

<-l S t u t . h l o i u u i i t ,

l . f l i , . : l , < , M > . . | U . r - l

eled ill Il|(1 f

T.-ri'itf.ritiS by

In t a k e n i n tlii.-, t i nof l|.,llll",l«-udn.-lltl:ld 1 iij.nily inerea-w

rl d u n i i ^ th.i l i v i t l

'.»: Mwiti'i-i-otii, : : . ! !n . / t o , , . •.;.:,•, ,; Aliil



Killed and

oops, IMWk-ft bankKuin/st tha





. ,_




»la.t«» Iusiii<« Urn

*i-r of tlio

smti;ui(ji:tjil huiiRv

ntl laud111 .VWIM

mud totalin (JlHttr.1.i.iDuku

•nr'V.idwltht lineal

us foi



:lmmpiotwhip of the State has boon awardedto tiie Hoi:

ship oflyoke delnb.

DURING a game at Philadelphia between theNew York and Fhildelphia nine, Ferguson,captain anl nd baseman for (ho latter

lub, put out fifteen players of tho twenty-

"wAKDand HumphrieB of tha New Yorkleague nine, are to enter Harvard and studylaw. Ward will enter after the present «oa-soiu nud Humphries, who in one of the racrvotn«i, will enter a year from now.

BROWN, tho right fielder of tho Columbu11 ib, l>eat tlie b«rt; sitjgle game batting record

Baltimorelouble hits, a

hits he made fourteen bases.A RECENT game between the Chicago and

Detroit clubs wa» altogether phenomenal. Intho seventh inning tho Chicagoa struck a rareftreakof batting, making eighteen *which thlrteon were «arned, with -tliirty-four hits off tiliovftd to bo without.[ji'cfaaional liosolmll.

PUOBABLY the mewt perfect came of ball. Inch lwis ever been played took place at In-dianapolis recc-ntly between the Indianapoliaclub and tho Springfield (111.) team of fheNorthwes-(6m league. Eleven innings wereplayed, not a run was made on either side,luid thero wero only three errors. The Bpri&g-fle'd men lost tho game* by refuslnff to playmy longer, and the umpire declared tbeigainst them by 9 to 0.

LEAGUE CLUB BJtCORD.The official record of tho league champion-

thlp games played up to the 9th i» ag follows:

n runs, ofa total of

irty-four hits off two pitchers. • This in be-ved to bo without parallol in the hktory of

ClevelandDetroitNow YorkPhiladelphia

MUSICAL AND DRAMATICMUH. LANUTRY drawn crowded houses in

Scotland.CLAUA. LOUISE KlELLoaa will sing in opera

Ufijct spring.AfuH, LANQTBV opens her next American

swuon at Burlington, Vt., October CRKKWICK, tho Ix>ndon actor, is pre-

narinj; his (If ty years' e:q>erit 1100 of the stagefor publication.

MABV ANDKRSO.V. tho American aetrese,achieved a jfreat miccess on her openingnight til London.

KNOI.I.SH literary men prote«t agaiiut HoiUngMheadand fiurnand's schomo of HIiakeM"peare

WAMIBH ( J K N K AR r_a a tour round tno world, taking tho LondonOlympic company with her.

(jKHHTKit has ofrewl toglvetwoooncoi-te atNaples in aid of tho Ischiun t>ufrerora, beforeshoe nm* to thin country, ia October.

HEVEN hundred hUFemumerarios wiU takofart in JUICH Verne'a grandHfiectaeularpiece,'Kurutian lo Tetu," at the Qaite, Paris.

NEW YORK will havo two rival Italianipera conipfmies at the same time next sca-on. Iu one I'atti and in the other NilssonviU be tlw star.

MUE. MOOJEMKA, theanti-ew, and herhusbant and son are now American citleensCount Bozunta secured his full naturalizationpap«n w ^ t l y , in Sail. F r a a d a o o . . . . .

A4TpI«B«t«r7.HAT ANA, Cul«.-The ibort pc^

dentist of this d^y, Ife IX FrwdscoGarcia, member of the Royal TTniTer-sity, Mates that in all c a w of tronble-somo neuralgia, arislngfrom the teeth,bi t s are recommended to useare recommended to use

il, and the najost saUafaotory cures have followed.! It is a spe-

bis patronsSt. Jacobs Ot hcific for toothache, earache, Tx)d_y painiand proof again-t houfl-hdd accident-.

A family in Iowa suddenly foundIthat misfortunes nerer. come single.; Hiram Robinson hurt himself pitching! hay, and a h©w«.ran awaj with John1 and kicked him in theleg, breaking ittelow the knee. The hired man ran

I to get water and fainted ob the way.! Dr. Home went out to examine thepatients, and while ia the house hishorses we're stung by b£es—one fa-tally—and in getting the horses outMr. Robinson, Sr., was terribly stung.

The telephone Is being useA exten-sively in India. The government ofthat country maintain * a telephone inplaces too poor to maintain a telegraphoffice and too important to have no!communication with other places. Theto'ephone i; a constant sour e of won-der and interet to the natives. OneIdigniued Brahmin, to whom itsteries wero fully exp ained, remarked:;" Yei, I think I understand; but doesit speak Manthi?"

i American Triumph at Amsterdam*I The Mason & Hamlin Organ andIriano Company have just received thejfollowing cable dispatch from Mr, C•C. lender, their agent in Holland, nowjrepresonting 1 hem at tho World's Ex-jptsition at Amsterdam: "ReceivedJHploma of Honor, the very highestaward." The Mason & Hamlin cabi-pet organs were placed in competitionat this great exhib.tioa with a largenumber from the leading makers ofEurop~e and America, and this award

IB but a continuation of their unbrokenSeries of triumphs at all the greatWorld's exhibitions for the last 16years. Mason & Hamlin have nowwon the highest awards at Paris, 1867;Vienna, 18/3; Santiago, 1875; Phila-delphia, 1876; ParLs 1878; Milan,1881, and Amsterdam, 1883.—BostonJournal.

Tea culture is carried on in severalof the Southern States, suid, accordingto a correspondent, the number offamilies that regularly use tea of do-mestic production is steadily increas-ing. _______________

Dr. R. V. PIKKCB, Buffalo, N. Y.: DearSir—For many months I wad a great sufferer,physicians could afford md no relief. In mydespair I commenced the u«e of your "Fa-tonte Prescription." It speedily effected"" " * - • • ' » . Yours t___k-

t, Io%a City, Ia.I Tu_ peflnub crop of the year ia estimatedat 2,48£00O^ushel».' HBHTSVUXB, Ala.— Dr. J. _*. Ridley says:"Brown's Iron Bitter3 is a good appetizerand merits attention from saforera.''

OLAEOOW haa 35,800 hoofM of only oneroom each.

If you are bilious, take Dr. (ferce's "Pleasant Purgative Pellets," the original "LittleLiver Pills.'^ Of aU drag_is|s!

• Ti:_ country oinsunies 9,000,000,000 eggstoohjear. |

, The beet cure for diseases of the nerves,lj»rain and muscles, ia Brown's Iron Bittern.I THS yield of corn ia Georgia and Florida

Hardly a, newspaper printed bat speaks ofa sudden death by heart disease. Dr. GravesHeart Regulator would hare cared it, strongassertion; but many have said ibey were' Jten from the grave by i t $1 per bottle.

TH__B are 00,000 acres of gra _ng land inrizona. ^

, Dr. Graves' Heart Reg-lato ooresall lormojf Heart Disease, nervousness, sleeplessness

A _AEO_ sugar crop is anticipated in Ix»ui-sfana.

I It is entfre"yldi_erent from all*others. Itif as clear as water, and as its name Indicatesii a perfeot Vegetable Hair Restorer. Itwillimmediately free the head from all dandruff,rtwtore gray hair to its natural color, and pro-duce a new growth where it has fallen off. Itdjoes not in any manner affect the health,which enlphur, sngar of lead and nitrate ofsilver propHrations have done. It will changel%ht or faded hair in a few days to a beauU-fol glossy brown. Ask your druggist for it.Bach bottle in warranted. SMITH, KLINE_j CO., Whole^nle Agente, Philadelphia, Pa.,and C. N. OillTrfiSTON^ New York.

; Judge J. &l. Hinith, N. Y.f aned iucceufully2 bottles of Dr. Elmore's Rhonmatii:e-Oonta-line for his 25-year old rheumatic gout, aftertrying in vain everything else. He says if**•,. G. cost $£0^a bottle he would bay it.

If you have failed to receive benefit fromother preparations, try Hood's Sarsaparilla;it's the strongest, purest, best, and cheapest.

" AX t> BEST «>i>-i.ivEnoi_, from elected— the Bcuhore, by CasweU, Hazard A

, Y. Alwoluttily pure -nd sweet. Patientswho h_ve once Uken it prefer it to _U other*.Physicians declare it iraperior to all other oils.

C_AIT_D HAXOH, toco, pimples andSkin cured by tuing Juniper Tar Soap, nCM well, Hazard 4 Co., New York.

Stinging irritation, inflammation, Kidney,Urinary comiilainU/runtd by Bochnpaiba. $1.

A baldheaded man. who has heard that theliirs of ft man'n head are m

to know if there in not some

faction, i n

I would saytcRemedy a trial rthe best knowneheapectereryi

Hartford, Conk Mi

Mr. Ji-ma <bUliard teble miwrites, May 23,been troubled fkidney disease, 1and Bides, and ocHunt's Remedy,our di-ffgist, Wato me that manmade in this viRemedy. Pe<with kidneybladder, andbeen permanentcine. I purchas*and found thatdose, and two bomj; back, andcheerfully reconmedicine that wi

say,^eaid tome,

tdicine for kid ley and brerimpounded."

1 of a single instancebenefit an 3 give sati*-

isthebestltaU who are ti

has the whipping

Dr. R. V. Pi*__friend who snffbottle of your "as a result of its

Dr. Pierc. _and " Pleasant Pblood and

R_OOON-S and bin the Georgia

MABION, Mass.recommend Bro jionio for enrichiall dyspeptic syi

NEAL DOW aajdrink in thisjjo^

Is the b«teiif'eoonomkvd andlong as two of alast two weeks,the Centennialmedals at varioui

/, with 3. \^. Goodman,lufactnrer, of Athol, Mass..1883, as follovb: "I have• a n a m b u f ' years with

1 severe p K fin my backgetnor^e u n t i l used

ich was recoi amended by, of thin placi, who stated'dnderful cures had beenityby the me of Hunt's'ho have suffe -ed for yenrs

me, inflammo tion of the>mi>anying tioubles, hadc.ired by this great meli-a bottle of Ha it's Remedyhelped me fiom the firstes removed a 1 the pain in

»nsider mysel' cured, andlend it to my friends as a.oallthatisdiimedforit,

ited Delaware, and now

le.of anmag it;es I can

3 give saersold.krabled with

i H t '_ who are takrabledcomplaint, cive Hunt's

iUsay^sIdo iU3

Buffalo, N.jy.—I have aterribly, iburchnsed a

forite Prescription," an9, she is perfectly well.J. BAILEY. Birdett, N.jldon Medical Discovery'•gative PelleS " porify th<istipation. j _

make the iiighte lrwluitai iP. T_Dr. N. S. Rugcles says: " ]'a Iron Bitter* as a valuecthe blood arid removing

« Extending to the end of at* *-*?my brain! ^

" Which made me deUrioosl ^" From agony* " vF ;

"It took three men to hol_ m_n_'^attunes. ~ ^

" The doctors tried in Tain to -— *But to no purpose. " j ^

" Morphine and other opiates '0-"Had no effect! -McW""After two months I was given imfcL.''" When my wife Wr"Heard a neighbor tell - W _ K > - t o -

bad done for her, she at onceme some. The first dose -and seemed to go hunting ^tem f«r the pain. "

"The second dose eased me soI slept two hours, something I had r for two months. Before I had _»edr*T?

ties I was well and at work, as hard*1

man could, forover three weeks: botl-""too hard for my strength, and takingcoli, I was taken with the most -~~-'"'"painful rheumatism all through «_jr'that was ever known. I called theagain, and after several weeks they *--*cripple on crutches for life, as they *'""met a friend and told him my case,?-*'said Hop Bitters had cured him _ * *cure me. I poohed at him, bat he *earnest I was induced to use them - - *;

less than four weeks I threw - r *"crutches and went to work lightlyon using the Bitters for five weeferbecame as wel} _3 any man living,.-''been so for six years since. It alar^my wife, who had been so for years? rkept her and my children well amiwith from two to three bottles z»There is no need to be sick at alf/Bitters are used.—J. 3. B_»_, ex-S^

" That poor invalid wife! "%-..."8i*ter! 1"Mother! %" Or daughter! «

Can be made the picture of

you Ut them suffer' L | ,

A HOTED tfl) T PNTlTTiBD 7 T " f"

[Proa-the Boston Gtofe) '-'?*%.

Can be made the picture of he"With a few bottles of Hop Biw" WiU you Ut them suffw?"

& v

has heard that thee numbered, wantome place where he

G b i i ill

AskforWeHBliougho^oSrrelief; conuiletecnre. rioras.

Will buy a TKBATIKM ON TUB HOME Atro HisDisxAsas. Book of 100 pages, valuable toevery owner of horses. Postage stamps taken.Bint postpaid. NEW YOBX H<>_S_ BOOS CO.,1S4 Leonard Street, Kew York City.

i OoMriae.The increasing demand for this preparion as a household remedy for tad gas lion

and dj spjapsia u sufficient proof of its emcac-y.1'iint Huaband pfMlae

three times the man he was before usingSHH1 Health Renewer. $1. Droggista.:.Vo Ht. Patrick's Salvo, iu;d learn its gna(lue. One trial convince*.

4 01 l.v«1 10 "



MKWtB«of cattle, good to pCalves, oom'n to prioie veaUHheep '.Unibs«oa»-Wvt

Flour-1U ont, uood to choice

Wheat—No 2 Re 1No. 1 White

Rye—StateJarley—Two-ro*ed State...

Cora—Ungrad. Wert. mixed.Yellow Southern

»ta—White StateMixed Western

iy—Med. lo pr. Timothy..

jrd—CitySteam6'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.Intter—Stale Creamery...

DairyWest. Im. CreameryFactory

Jheese— Htate FactorySkimsWestern

_i—State nnd Penn'otaloas—State bbl 1

3toers—Good to Choice 681r<gmbs— Wcntern /, 00Jheep—Western •< \-r,Iog8—Good to choice Yorks, 5 75

SL^oKdrdn-ffir \f. § . 7;]orn—No. 2, Mijted New 5; S 51)ttta— No. 2, MiXfcdWoHtern. m

rloy—Two-rowed Suite... 78

Bf— Ex. plate and family.. 1J 00gu—Live , G5£(g

Northern Dressed.... t.'l*rk-Ex.Pri rne,perbbi . . . . l l fOjur—Winter Wheat patents 7<»>


3eof—Extra quality.....Jheep—Live weight....1

j«mbHlogs—Northern, d. w..

our—Penn. ex fi

er Axle CJrensearket It| is the m

deapest, one b6_ lastingOr other. One greasing wi

t received first) pr. Paris Expositions, als

G_xLyon'sPat<new boots or shoe

•hovels-good _keae3s of Hrs. ____,ol_yn_,__sa,,-hoaboToa_ot3»r^may be tnrthftttly called the "Dear PriMBOmo of her correspondents

devoted to her work, which _ tieof a life-study, and ia obliged to

Co be]p her ansrerUie largeirhidi d_Ur pews in npon her, eachtnrden ot suffering, or Joy at releaseVegetable Compotmd is a medicine £.r good "

personatty Inv«sH___dfsattsfledof t_etrnt_oft_t_ -v;f

of ita proven merits.^ la '-'1"''v

and prescribed by tte best physicians ia the ' "*'One saysi "I t works lite a charm and saves ""

It win care entirely the worst fonn of-•"";"of the uterus, _eucorrh__. Irregular eoit '"''Henstrnat!on,a_ OTariaa Troubles,CIceraUon,Ploodlngs, ?U1 Displacements —'"sequent spinal weakness, and Ia especiallythe Change of Ufe."

» permeates every portion of t_a iystea, "new life and vigor. It removes faintneas, " * 'destroys an craving for stimulants^ and relic K-Ww

•pacifio raadlcibe.hof tha kidne

admonition of

Foarreantgolfor kidney complaint,in my back. My capa_wd blood. Twome, and I am now wiable to do all kinds

of the stomach. It cures Bloating,KerrouB Prostration, GenenU Debtttty, pDepression and IndigesUoD. ThatfeeUn^ofdow_,cau__grpain, weight _id backacta, la

Mrs. Ann LaCourIhavoasonbeen attended by onopurpMw. Thtartoughing, and wasquenca that deaththehoatoabdtileo


permanenoy cured by its use. Itwma*a_t!_*Mitt_lw_ttc_t!an___ces>act'__armony —="-*--

Kcosttonly tl- per bottteor sir fm- $5.,and_«AlYAny advice required as to special HIM.ill

the names of many who hare teen restored to l~rfhealth by the nse ct the Yesetafcla Compound, ekftlobtained by addressing Mrs. P., with Gtampfc* :'"*t her home lnLynn, Mass.

For Kidney Complaiat of either sex thisnnsurpasscd as abundant testimonial ehow.

"Mrs. P___am'sUTerI_ls,"Baysccewriter,the beat <*. the world for the cmBUIoosness and TorpfcUty of tbePurillor works wonders in lta special _ne and bidsto equal the Compound in its popularity.

respect her as an Angel of Mercy whoseambition ia to Co good to others.


p I eTeral pointe,now offer this new color j _ the best in the uwrW.It Will Not Color t h e B

WIU Wot Turn Rancid. It la tH~

Strongest, Brightest and

Cheapest Color Mado.

imitations, andDil colors, for theyand spoil t_o butter.

IT you cannot get tha "Improred"where and botr to get i t —

and tideed in allltttii where the






L—fltato Yellow..._—Mixedotter—Creamery ErtraFn."' »-N.Y. Fall Cream...

| ^ Particular Points.Point tM First.—BROWN'S IRON BITTERS is not an intoxicating c"1'

pound. It iala tonic medicine, not a drink. It is a skillfully compound*^preparation n ade to restore strength and health; not a beveWe to be amin bar-rooms and taverns. *.»,, • 5

in-, ^ ^ ^ " ^ - T B H O W N ' S IRON BITTERS is free from everything Iinjurious. The most delicate ladies and the most enfeebled infants mayuse it with perfect safety artd with great advantage. A While it is pin its remedial agency, it is gentle in its operation, restoring; wasted!and imparting robust health in the most efficient manSft

There is no risk in buying sue! a medicine.