the novikov conjecture for low degree cohomology classes

The Novikov Conjecture for Low Degree Cohomology Classes VARGHESE MATHAI Department of Mathematics, University of Adelaide, Adelaide 5005, Australia. e-mail: [email protected] and Department of Mathematics, MIT, Cambridge, MA 02139, U.S.A. e-mail: [email protected] (Received: 7 March 2001; accepted in final form: 28 January 2002) Abstract. We outline a twisted analogue of the Mishchenko–Kasparov approach to prove the Novikov conjecture on the homotopy invariance of the higher signatures. Using our approach, we give a new and simple proof of the homotopy invariance of the higher signatures associated to all cohomology classes of the classifying space that belong to the subring of the cohomology ring of the classifying space that is generated by cohomology classes of degree less than or equal to 2, a result that was first established by Connes and Gromov and Moscovici using other methods. A key new ingredient is the construction of a tautological C r ðG; sÞ-bundle and connection, which can be used to construct a C r ðG; sÞ-index that lies in the Grothendieck group of C r ðG; sÞ, where s is a multiplier on the discrete group G corresponding to a degree 2 cohomology class. We also utilise a main result of Hilsum and Skandalis to establish our theorem. Mathematics Subject Classifications (2000). 19K56, 46L80, 58G12, 57R20, 53C15. Key words. higher signatures, homotopy invariance, index theory, Novikov conjecture, opera- tor K-theory, twisted group C algebras. Introduction Let K be a closed connected, oriented smooth manifold and LðKÞ2 H 4 ðK; RÞ denote the Hirzebruch L-class of K. Let BG denote the classifying space of a discrete group G and f : K ! BG be a continuous map. The characteristic numbers, Sign u ðK; f Þ¼hLðKÞ[ f ðuÞ; ½Ki for u 2 H ðBG; RÞ are called the higher signatures of K. Recall that by the Hirzebruch signature theorem, one knows that Sign 1 ðK; f Þ¼hLðKÞ; ½Ki is the ordinary signature of the manifold K (of course in this case, the map f is irrelevant). Then one has CONJECTURE 1 (The Novikov Conjecture). Let h : K 0 ! K be a smooth, orien- tation preserving homotopy equivalence of smooth, closed, oriented manifolds K 0 ; K. Then for any discrete group G and for any continuous map f : K ! BG, one has Sign u ðK; f Þ¼ Sign u ðK 0 ; f ohÞ for all u 2 H ðBG; RÞ, that is, all of the higher signatures Sign u ðK; f Þ of K are homotopy invariants of ðK; f Þ. Geometriae Dedicata 99: 1–15, 2003. 1 # 2003 Kluwer Academic Publishers. Printed in the Netherlands.

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Page 1: The Novikov Conjecture for Low Degree Cohomology Classes

The Novikov Conjecture for Low Degree

Cohomology Classes

VARGHESE MATHAIDepartment of Mathematics, University of Adelaide, Adelaide 5005, Australia.e-mail: [email protected] and Department of Mathematics, MIT,

Cambridge, MA 02139, U.S.A. e-mail: [email protected]

(Received: 7 March 2001; accepted in final form: 28 January 2002)

Abstract. We outline a twisted analogue of the Mishchenko–Kasparov approach to prove theNovikov conjecture on the homotopy invariance of the higher signatures. Using our approach,we give a new and simple proof of the homotopy invariance of the higher signatures associated

to all cohomology classes of the classifying space that belong to the subring of the cohomologyring of the classifying space that is generated by cohomology classes of degree less than orequal to 2, a result that was first established by Connes and Gromov and Moscovici using

other methods. A key new ingredient is the construction of a tautological C�r ðG;sÞ-bundle

and connection, which can be used to construct a C�r ðG; sÞ-index that lies in the Grothendieck

group of C�r ðG;sÞ, where s is a multiplier on the discrete group G corresponding to a degree 2

cohomology class. We also utilise a main result of Hilsum and Skandalis to establish our


Mathematics Subject Classifications (2000). 19K56, 46L80, 58G12, 57R20, 53C15.

Key words. higher signatures, homotopy invariance, index theory, Novikov conjecture, opera-

tor K-theory, twisted group C� algebras.


Let K be a closed connected, oriented smooth manifold and LðKÞ 2 H4�ðK;RÞ denote

the Hirzebruch L-class of K. Let BG denote the classifying space of a discrete

group G and f : K ! BG be a continuous map. The characteristic numbers,

SignuðK; f Þ ¼ hLðKÞ [ f �ðuÞ; ½K�i for u 2 H�ðBG;RÞ are called the higher signatures

of K. Recall that by the Hirzebruch signature theorem, one knows that

Sign1ðK; f Þ ¼ hLðKÞ; ½K�i is the ordinary signature of the manifold K (of course in

this case, the map f is irrelevant).

Then one has

CONJECTURE 1 (The Novikov Conjecture). Let h: K 0 ! K be a smooth, orien-

tation preserving homotopy equivalence of smooth, closed, oriented manifolds K 0;K.

Then for any discrete group G and for any continuous map f : K ! BG, one hasSignuðK; f Þ ¼ SignuðK

0; f ohÞ for all u 2 H�ðBG;RÞ, that is, all of the higher signatures

SignuðK; f Þ of K are homotopy invariants of ðK; f Þ.

Geometriae Dedicata 99: 1–15, 2003. 1# 2003 Kluwer Academic Publishers. Printed in the Netherlands.

Page 2: The Novikov Conjecture for Low Degree Cohomology Classes

It is more common to formulate the Novikov conjecture when the map

f : K ! BG classifies the universal cover of K, and G ¼ p1ðKÞ, but the formula-

tion given above is equivalent to it, cf. the survey article [FPR], the book [W].

This fundamental conjecture has been open for more than 30 years and has

generated an enormous amount of exciting research including the recent papers

[Hi, Y]. The purpose of this short paper is to present further evidence of its

truth by settling the conjecture in the affirmative in the special case of the coho-

mology classes u 2 HjðBG;RÞ; j ¼ 0; 1; 2 and the cohomology ring generated by


We shall be concerned with an equivalent formulation of the Novikov conjecture

using K-theory, which we will will now describe. First of all, we need only consider

the even-dimensional case as there is a standard reduction of the odd-dimensional

case to the even-dimensional case by considering K� S1 instead. Let OpðKÞ denotethe space of smooth differential forms of degree p on a smooth closed, oriented

manifold K of dimension 2n. Choose a Riemannian metric on K and let

�: OpðKÞ ! O2n�pðKÞ denote the Hodge �-operator. Let Z: OpðKÞ ! OpðKÞ be

defined as ZðoÞ ¼ ipð p�1Þþno. Then there is a grading E ¼ �Z on O�ðKÞ ¼L2n

p¼0 OpðKÞ. Let

OþðKÞ ¼

1� E2

� �O�



O�ðKÞ ¼

1þ E2

� �O�


be the þ1 and �1 eigenspaces of the grading E, respectively. Let

dK: OpðKÞ ! Opþ1ðKÞ denote the deRham differential and dK ¼ �EdKE its formal

adjoint with respect to the inner product

ðo1;o2Þ ¼


ð�o1Þ ^ o2 ð1Þ

Let dK þ dK denote the signature operator

dK þ dK: OþðKÞ ! O�


Now let Oþð2ÞðKÞ, O

�ð2ÞðKÞ and O�

ð2ÞðKÞ denote the L2 completion of the spaces Oþ


O�ðKÞ and O�

ðKÞ respectively, with respect to the inner product in (1). Define the

Laplacian D ¼ dKdK þ dKdK. Since ð1þ DÞ�1=2 is a norm bounded operator on

O�ð2ÞðKÞ, we see that ðd

K þ dKÞð1þ DÞ�1=2: Oþð2ÞðKÞ ! O�

ð2ÞðKÞ is a pseudodifferential

operator of order zero, which is therefore a bounded operator [Ho]. Moreover, it


Page 3: The Novikov Conjecture for Low Degree Cohomology Classes

is Fredholm since dK þ dK is an elliptic operator [Ho]. That is, the signature operatordK þ dK defines a class

½dK þ dK� ¼ ðO�ð2ÞðKÞ; ðd

K þ dKÞð1þ DÞ�1=2Þ 2 K0ðKÞ ¼ KK0ðCðKÞ;CÞ:

in the K-homology of the manifold K. The equivalent K-theory formulation of the

Novikov conjecture is

CONJECTURE 2 (K-theory version of the Novikov Conjecture). Let h: K0 ! K be

a smooth, orientation preserving homotopy equivalence of smooth, closed, oriented

manifolds K0;K. Then for any discrete group G and for any continuous map

f : K ! BG, one has

f�½dK þ dK� ¼ f�h�½d


þ dK0

� 2 K0ðBGÞ � Q:

That is, f�½dK þ dK� is a homotopy invariant of ðK; f Þ.

Let s be a multiplier on the discrete group G with trivial Dixmier–Douady invari-

ant, that is s ¼ e2pic, where c is an R-valued group 2-cocycle on G, cf. Section 1. In

Section 2, we define a C�r ðG; sÞ-vector bundle VBGs ! BG over BG which defines a

canonical class ½VBGs � 2 K0ðC0ðBGÞ � C�r ðG; sÞÞ. Some standard modifications have

to be made when BG is not compact, which are done in Section 2. Using this, one

can define a twisted Kasparov map ms: K�ðBGÞ ! K�ðC�r ðG; sÞÞ which is given by

the Kasparov intersection product msð�Þ ¼ ½VBGs � �C0ðBGÞ �. In the special case when

the multiplier s is trivial, ms reduces to the standard Kasparov map, [Kas]. This con-struction and its variants can be viewed as our main contribution. Using it and a

result in [HS], we will prove the following theorem.

THEOREM 0.1 (Homotopy invariance). Let h: K0 ! K be a smooth, orientation

preserving homotopy equivalence of smooth, closed, oriented manifolds K0;K. Then for

any discrete group G and for any multiplier s on G with trivial Dixmier–Douady

invariant and for any continuous map f : K ! BG, there exists e > 0 such that

mssð f�½dK þ dK�Þ ¼ mss ð f�h�½d


þ dK0

�Þ 2 K0ðC�r ðG; s

sÞÞ; ð0:1Þ

for all s 2 ½0; eÞ. Here ss is a homotopy through multipliers from the trivial multiplier tos as in Lemma 3:3.That is, mssð f�½d

K þ dK�Þ is a homotopy invariant of ðK; f Þ for all s sufficiently small.

Remarks 1. In the special case when the multiplier s is trivial, the theorem above

reduces to the one established by Kaminker and Miller [KM], Kasparov [Kas] and

Mishchenko [Mis].

We also deduce the following important corollaries that are mentioned in the

abstract, from Theorem 0.1 together with the twisted L2-index theorem that is

proved in the appendix of [Ma].


Page 4: The Novikov Conjecture for Low Degree Cohomology Classes

COROLLARY 0.2. Under the same hypotheses as in Theorem 0:1, one has that

hLðKÞ [ f �ðChðVBGss ÞÞ; ½K�i 2 K0ðC�r ðG; s

sÞÞ ð0:2Þ

is a homotopy invariant of ðK; f Þ for all s sufficiently small, where Ch denotes the Chern

character of ½MiSo�.

COROLLARY 0.3 (Novikov conjecture for low degree cohomology classes). Let

h: K0 ! K be a smooth, orientation preserving homotopy equivalence of smooth,

closed, oriented manifolds K0;K. Then for any discrete group G and for any continuousmap f : K ! BG, one has SignuðK; f Þ ¼ SignuðK

0; f ohÞ for all u belonging to the

subring R of the cohomology ring of BG, H�ðBG;RÞ, where R is generated by

HjðBG;RÞ for j ¼ 0; 1; 2. That is, all the higher signatures SignuðK; f Þ for u 2 R are

homotopy invariants of ðK; f Þ.


Let mQs denote the map ms over the rational numbers, i.e. m

Qs ¼ ms � Q. Then we see

from Theorem 0.1 above that the Novikov conjecture is valid whenever the map mQs

is injective for some multiplier s on G that is sufficiently close to the trivial multiplier.

The point is that it may be easier to prove injectivity of mQs for a multiplier other than

the trivial one, and is an outline of our new approach to the Novikov conjecture. In

the special case when the multiplier s is trivial, this reduces to the Kasparov–

Mishchenko approach to the Novikov conjecture. We also suspect that Theorem 0.1

remains valid for all s 2 ½0; 1�, as this is the case at least after one applies the von

Neumann trace to Equation (0.1). Another result that supports this is in [Ma2],

which says in particular that K0ðC�r ðG; s

sÞÞ ffi K0ðC�r ðGÞÞ for all s 2 ½0; 1�.

Theorem 0.1 and its corollaries are proved in Section 3 of the paper.

1. Preliminaries

We include some preliminary material from [Ma, MS] so as to make the paper more



Let G be a discrete group and s be a multiplier on G, that is, s: G� G ! Uð1Þ


. sðg; eÞ ¼ sðe; gÞ ¼ 1; 8 g 2 G;

. sðg1; g2Þsðg1g2; g3Þ ¼ sðg1; g2g3Þsðg2; g3Þ; 8g1; g2; g3 2 G (the cocycle relation).

It follows from these relations that sðg; g�1Þ ¼ sðg�1; gÞ. Note that the complex

conjugate of s, �s is also a multiplier on G.


Page 5: The Novikov Conjecture for Low Degree Cohomology Classes

Denote by ‘2ðGÞ the standard Hilbert space of complex-valued L2-functions on the

discrete group G. We will use a left ðG; �sÞ-action on ‘2ðGÞ (or, equivalently, a ðG; �sÞ-unitary representation in ‘2ðGÞ) which is given explicitly by

TLg fðg0Þ ¼ fðg�1g0Þ �sðg; g�1g0Þ; g; g0 2 G:

It is easy to see that this is indeed a ðG; �sÞ-action, i.e.

TLe ¼ Id and TLg1TLg2¼ �sðg1; g2ÞT


; 8g1; g2 2 G:


ðTLg Þ�¼ sðg; g�1ÞTLg�1 :

Let us define the following operators in ‘2ðGÞ:

TRg fðg0Þ ¼ fðg0gÞsðg0; gÞ; g; g0 2 G:

It is easy to check that they form a right ðG; sÞ-action in ‘2ðGÞ, i.e.

TRe ¼ Id and TRg1TRg2¼ sðg1; g2ÞT


; 8g1; g2 2 G;

and also

ðTRg Þ�¼ �sðg; g�1ÞTRg�1 :

This action commutes with the left ðG; �sÞ-action defined above, i.e.

TLg TRg0 ¼ TRg0T

Lg ; 8g; g0 2 G:

Recall the definition of the twisted group algebra CðG; sÞ, consisting of complex

valued functions with finite support on G and with the twisted convolution operation

ð f � gÞðgÞ ¼Xg1g2¼g

fðg1Þgðg2Þsðg1; g2Þ:

The basis of CðG; sÞ as a vector space is obtained by d-functions fdggg2G, dgðg0Þ ¼ 1 if

g ¼ g0 and 0 otherwise. Then

dg1 � dg2 ¼ sðg1; g2Þdg1g2 :

Associativity of this multiplication is equivalent to the cocycle condition for s.Note also that the d-functions fdggg2G form an orthonormal basis in ‘2ðGÞ. It is

easy to check that

TLg dg0 ¼ �sðg; g0Þdgg0 ; TRg dg0 ¼ sðg0g�1; gÞdg0g�1:

It is clear that the correspondences dg 7!TLg and dg 7!TRg define representations of

CðG; �sÞ and CðG; sÞ on ‘2ðGÞ, respectively. In both cases the norm closure of the

image of the twisted group algebra is called reduced twisted group C�-algebras which

are denoted C�r ðG; �sÞ and C

�r ðG; sÞ respectively. There is a finite von Neumann trace

trG; �s: C�r ðG; �sÞ ! C on C�

r ðG; �sÞ which is defined by the formula trG; �sA ¼ ðAde; deÞ.


Page 6: The Novikov Conjecture for Low Degree Cohomology Classes

It can also be written as trG; �sA ¼ Ag;g ¼ Adg; dg� �

for any g 2 G because the right-

hand side does not depend of g.Suppose that the multipliers s0 and s are cohomologous, that is,

s0ðg1; g2Þ ¼ sðg1; g2Þ@yðg1; g2Þ;

where y: G ! Uð1Þ is a group 1-cochain and recalling that the boundary of this

group cochain is @yðg1; g2Þ ¼ yðg1Þyðg2Þyðg1; g2Þ�1. Then there is a �-isomorphism

of reduced twisted group C�-algebras C�r ðG; s

0Þ and C�r ðG; sÞ defined on the d-

functions fdggg2G as dg ! yðgÞ�1dg.


Let K be a compact connected Riemannian manifold, G be its fundamental group

and ~K be its universal cover, i.e. one has the principal bundle G ! ~K !pK.

Let f : K ! BG denote a continuous map classifying the universal cover of K, and

let ½c� 2 H2ðBG;RÞ. Let o be a closed two form on K such that the cohomology class

defined by it, ½o�, is equal to f �ð½c�Þ. Note that eo ¼ p�o ¼ dZ is exact on the universalcovering space ~K, since the lift of c to EG is trivial. For s 2 R, define Hs ¼ dþ s iZ.Then Hs is a Hermitean connection on the trivial line bundle over ~K, and the curva-

ture of Hs is ðHsÞ2 ¼ i seo. Then Hs defines a projective action of G on any G-vectorbundle as follows:

Observe that since eo is G-invariant, one has 0 ¼ g�eo� eo ¼ dðg�Z� ZÞ 8g 2 G. Sog�Z� Z is a closed 1-form on the simply connected manifold ~K, therefore

g�Z� Z ¼ dcg; 8g 2 G;

where cg is a smooth function on ~K. We can assume without loss of generality that it

satisfies the following normalization condition:

. cgðx0Þ ¼ 0 for a fixed x0 2 eM; 8g 2 G.

It follows that cg is real-valued and ceðxÞ � 0, where e denotes the identity element

of G. It is also easy to verify that

. cgðxÞ þ cg0 ðgxÞ � cg0gðxÞ is independent of x 2 eM; 8g; g0 2 G.

Then sðg; g0Þ ¼ expð�icgðg0 � x0ÞÞ defines a multiplier on G. The complex conjugate

multiplier is �sðg; g0Þ ¼ expðicgðg0 � x0ÞÞ.

Let E be a vector bundle over K and ~E be the induced G-invariant vector bundleover ~K. For u 2 ~E and g 2 G define

Ugu ¼ ðg�1Þ�u; Sgu ¼ expð�icgðlðuÞÞÞ u;

where l: ~E ! ~K is the projection. Then the operators Tg ¼ Ug � Sg satisfy

Te ¼ Id; Tg1Tg2 ¼ sðg1; g2ÞTg1g2 ;


Page 7: The Novikov Conjecture for Low Degree Cohomology Classes

for all g1; g2 2 G. That is, the map T : G ! Autð ~EÞ, g 7!Tg, is a projective ðG; sÞ-action on ~E. Moreover, T : G ! Autð ~EÞ is a free projective ðG; sÞ-action on ~E since

Ugu ¼ u if and only if g ¼ e.

It is also easy to verify that the adjoint operator to Tg in ~E (with respect to a

smooth G-invariant inner product) is T �g ¼ �sðg; g�1ÞTg�1 .


If we make another choice Z0 such that dZ0 ¼ eo, then it follows that Z0 � Z is a closed1-form on a simply connected manifold ~K, and therefore it is exact, i.e. Z0 ¼ Zþ df,where f 2 C1ð ~KÞ. We will again assume without loss of generality that f is normal-

ized by the condition fðx0Þ ¼ 0.

Then one sees that the associated Hermitean connection on the trivial line bundle

over ~K, H0s ¼ dþ isZ0, s 2 R, is unitarily conjugate to Hs, i.e. H0s ¼ e�isfHseisf. There-fore H0s� ¼ e�isfHs�eisf.Define the function c0

g from dc0g ¼ g�Z0 � Z0, c0

gðx0Þ ¼ 0 (with the same point

x0 2M as above). Then

c0g ¼ cg þ g�f� f� fðgx0Þ:

The new multiplier will be

s0ðg1; g2Þ ¼ sðg1; g2Þ@yðg1; g2Þ:

where yðgÞ ¼ exp i½fðgx0Þð Þ and recalling that the boundary of this group cochain is

@yðg1; g2Þ ¼ yðg1Þyðg2Þyðg1; g2Þ�1. That is, the multipliers s0 and s are cohomologous.

The modified translations are defined by T 0g ¼ U0

gS0g, where U

0g ¼ Ug ¼ ðg�1Þ� and

S0g ¼ expð�ic0gÞ. Then T

0g1T 0

g2¼ s0ðg1; g2ÞT



The relation between projective ðG; sÞ-action and the projective ðG; s0Þ-action is

T 0g ¼ eifðg�x0Þ e�ifTge

if� �; ð1:1Þ

which is again the same unitary conjugation up to a constant unitary factor.


If we choose another closed 2-form o0 on K such that the cohomology class defined

by it , ½o0� is also equal to f �ð½c�Þ, then o0 � o ¼ dl, where l is a 1-form on K. Then a

similar calculation as in Section 1.3 shows that the multipliers s0 and s obtained

using o0 and o are cohomologous, and that the relation between projective ðG; sÞ-action and the projective ðG; s0Þ-action is again unitary conjugation up to a constant

unitary factor.


Let s be a multiplier on a discrete group G. Recall that s is a normalized Uð1Þ-valued

group 2-cocycle on G, so it defines a cohomology class ½s� 2 H2ðG;Uð1ÞÞ. Consider

the short exact sequence of coefficient groups


Page 8: The Novikov Conjecture for Low Degree Cohomology Classes

1 ! Z !i

R �!e2p



Uð1Þ ! 1;

which gives rise to a long exact sequence of cohomology groups (the change of coef-

ficient groups sequence)

� � � ! H2ðG;ZÞ !i�H2ðG;RÞ �!



�H2ðG;Uð1ÞÞ !

dH3ðG;ZÞ ! � � � :

Then one definition of the Dixmier–Douady invariant of s is dðsÞ 2 H3ðG;ZÞ. The

following easy lemma will be useful later on.

LEMMA 1.1. Let s be a multiplier on G such that dðsÞ ¼ 0. Then there is a homotopy

through multipliers ss; s 2 ½0; 1� such that s0 ¼ 1 and s1 ¼ s.Proof. Since dðsÞ ¼ 0, there is a R-valued 2-cocycle c on G such that e2pic ¼ s.

Then define the homotopy through multipliers ss ¼ e2pisc for all s 2 ½0; 1�. &


Let G be a discrete group, and EG ! BG be a locally trivial, principal G-bundle suchthat EG is contractible and BG is paracompact. Then BG is unique up to homotopy

and is called the classifying space of G. It classifies locally trivial, principal G-bundles,and one can obtain an explicit construction of BG as the quotient of the infinite join

of G by G, cf. [MiSt].

2. Canonical C ��r ðG;sÞ-Line Bundle and the Twisted Kasparov Map


We will now construct a C�r ðG; sÞ-line bundle over K. Let pr1: L ¼ ~K� C ! ~K be

the trivial line bundle over ~K. Let f : K ! BG denote a continuous map classifying

the universal cover of K, and let ½c� 2 H2ðBG;RÞ. Let o be a closed two form on K

such that the cohomology class defined by it, ½o�, is equal to f �ð½c�Þ. Recall fromSection 1.2 that this determines a multiplier s on G and a free ðG; �sÞ-action on L.

Moreover, any other choice of closed two form on K that is cohomologous to odetermines a multiplier that is cohomologous to s, and therefore determines a pro-

jective action that is unitarily equivalent to the free ðG; �sÞ-action on L.

Consider the tensor product C�r ðG; sÞ �C L ! ~K, which is a trivial C�

r ðG; sÞ-vec-tor bundle over ~K. We recall that for any unital C�-algebra A, an A-vector bundle

over a locally compact space X is a locally trivial Banach vector bundle whose fibres

have the structure of a finitely generated projective left A-module. Since the fibres of

C�r ðG; sÞ �C L are free modules of rank one, it is known as a C�

r ðG; sÞ-line bundle.We next observe that the tensor product of the left ðG; �sÞ-action on L and the right

ðG; sÞ-action on C�r ðG; sÞ yields a G-action on C

�r ðG; sÞ �C L that covers the G-action

on ~K. That is, C�r ðG; sÞ �C L is a G-invariant C�

r ðG; sÞ-line bundle on ~K, so it is the

lift of a C�r ðG; sÞ-line bundle VKs ! K on K.


Page 9: The Novikov Conjecture for Low Degree Cohomology Classes

An equivalent way of defining the C�r ðG; sÞ-line bundle VKs on K is as follows. Let

Gs be equal to G�Uð1Þ as sets, with group law given by ðg; zÞ:ðg0; z0Þ ¼ðgg0; sðg; g0Þzz0Þ. Then ðe; 1Þ is the identity element in Gs, where e is the identity ele-

ment in G and 1 is the identity element in Uð1Þ. The inverse of ðg; zÞ is

ðg�1; �sðg; g�1Þz�1Þ. This makes Gs into a group. Then the inclusion homomorphism

Uð1Þ ! Gs given by z ! ðe; zÞ and the projection homomorphism Gs ! G given

by ðg; zÞ ! g, gives rise to the short exact sequence of groups

1 ! Uð1Þ ! Gs ! G ! 1:

That is, Gs is a Uð1Þ-central extension of G, corresponding to the cocycle s. Conver-sely, given a Uð1Þ-central extension of G

1 ! Uð1Þ ! G0 !p

G ! 1;

by choosing a section s : G ! G0 of p, one can define a multiplier sðg; g0Þ ¼sðgÞsðg0Þsðgg0Þ�1, and verify that G0 ¼ Gs. That is, any Uð1Þ-central extension of G is

of the form Gs for some multiplier s on G. There is a free action of the group Gs

on ~K�Uð1Þ given by

ðg; zÞð p; xÞ ¼ ðg�1p; expð�icgðg�1pÞÞzxÞ; ðg; zÞ 2 Gs; ð p; xÞ 2 ~K�Uð1Þ:

which determines a principal Gs-bundle Gs ! ~K�Uð1Þ �!p�pr1

K. Gs acts on the right

on C�r ðG; sÞ as follows,

ððg; zÞf Þðg0Þ ¼ zfðg0gÞsðg0; gÞ; ðg; zÞ 2 Gs; f 2 C�r ðG; sÞ; g 2 G:

Then VKs is isomorphic to the associated bundle

ðC�r ðG; sÞ � ~K�Uð1ÞÞ


Now the Grothendieck group of formal differences of equivalence classes of

A-vector bundles over a compact space Y with addition given by the Whitney direct

sum, is denoted by K 0ðX;AÞ. It is known that K 0ðX;AÞ is canonically isomorphic to

K0ðCðXÞ �C AÞ, cf. [Ros1]. Therefore the C�r ðG; sÞ-line bundle VKs determines a class

½VKs � 2 K0ðCðKÞ �C C�r ðG; sÞÞ ¼ K0 K;C�

r ðG; sÞ� �


The twisted Kasparov map mKs : K�ðKÞ ! K�ðC�r ðG; sÞÞ is then the intersection pro-

duct mKs ðyÞ ¼ ½VKs � �CðKÞ y. In the special case when the cocycle c is trivial and hence

the multiplier s is trivial, this reduces to the standard Kasparov map [Kas].

LEMMA 2.1. In the notation above, given ½c� 2 H2ðBG;RÞ, if s0 is another mutiplieron G obtained as in Section 1:2, then s0 is cohomologous to s, and after identifyingC�r ðG; sÞ and C

�r ðG; s

0Þ, one has ½VKs � ¼ ½VKs0 � 2 K0ðCðKÞ �C C�r ðG; sÞÞ .

Proof. Section 1.4 shows that s0 and s are cohomologous and we need to show

that VKs and VKs0 are isomorphic in this case. An isomorphism between C�r ðG; sÞ and

C�r ðG; s

0Þ (which exists cf. Section 1.1), induces an isomorphism between the

C�r ðG; sÞ-line bundle C

�r ðG; sÞ �C L and the C�

r ðG; s0Þ-line bundle C�

r ðG; s0Þ �C L that


Page 10: The Novikov Conjecture for Low Degree Cohomology Classes

is G-equivariant, therefore inducing an isomorphism between the C�r ðG; sÞ-line

bundle VKs and the C�r ðG; s

0Þ-line bundle VKs0 . &

LEMMA 2.2. In the sense above, ½VKs � 2 K0ðCðKÞ �C C�r ðG; sÞÞ depends only on

½c� 2 H2ðBG;RÞ, f : K ! BG and K, and is therefore canonical.


Let G be a countable discrete group and let R be a finite subcomplex of some reali-

zation of BG ¼ KðG; 1Þ as a CW complex. Let G ! ~R ! R denote the restriction of

G ! EG ! BG to R. Then as above we can form the C�r ðG; sÞ-vector bundle

VRs ! R overR as in Proposition 2.1, except that neither BG norR is smooth in gene-

ral, and BG need not be compact. Therefore we will first briefly define the projective

actions in this more general case.

We represent the class ½c� 2 H2ðBG;RÞ by an Alexander–Spanier 2-cocycle. Then

since EG is contractible, the lift of c, ~c is a coboundary dZ, where Z is an Alexander–Spanier 1-cochain. Since ec is G-invariant, we see that 0 ¼ g�ec� ec ¼ dðg�Z� ZÞ, that isg�Z� Z is an Alexander–Spanier 1-cocycle on EG. Since EG is contractible, it follows

that g�Z� Z ¼ dcg, where cg is an Alexander–Spanier 0-cochain on EG, i.e. a con-

tinuous function on EG. Since df ¼ 0; f a 0-cochain implies that f is a constant,

we can assume without loss of generality that cg satisfies the following normalization


. cgðx0Þ ¼ 0 for a fixed x0 2 EG; 8g 2 G.

It follows that cg is real-valued and ceðxÞ � 0, where e denotes the identity element

of G. It is also easy to verify that

. cgðxÞ þ cg0 ðgxÞ � cg0gðxÞ is independent of x 2 EG; 8g; g0 2 G.

Then sðg; g0Þ ¼ expð�icgðg0 � x0ÞÞ defines a multiplier on G. The rest of the con-

struction remains the same as in Section 2.1. It follows that we can define a

C�r ðG; sÞ-line bundle VRs over R that determines a canonical class ½VRs � 2

K0ðCðRÞ � C�r ðG; sÞÞ and therefore, a morphism mRs : K�ðRÞ ! K�ðC

�r ðG; sÞÞ which

is defined by the Kasparov intersection product mRs ð�Þ ¼ VRs� �

�CðRÞ �. Passing to

the limit as R ranges over all finite subcomplexes of the realization of BG as a

CW complex, we obtain the universal twisted Kasparov map

ms: K�ðBGÞ ! K� C�r ðG; sÞ

� �:

Let K be a finite CW complex, f : K ! BG be a continuous map and

G ! eK !qK be the principal G-bundle which is the pullback via f of the universal

principal G-bundle G ! EG ! BG. Let f�: K�ðKÞ ! K�ðBGÞ, j ¼ 0; 1, be the

induced map on K-theory. Since ½VKs � ¼ ½ f �ðVBGs Þ� and since mKs and ms are defined

using these C�r ðG; sÞ-vector bundles, then one easily sees using the functoriality of

the Kasparov intersection product that one has the following basic relationship

between the Kasparov maps mKs ¼ ms � f�:


Page 11: The Novikov Conjecture for Low Degree Cohomology Classes


Let ½½VKs �� 2 KKðCðKÞ;CðKÞ � C�r ðG; sÞÞ be defined as the class of the graded module

VKs � 0 and the zero operator. The diagonal embedding D: K ! K� K induces a

�-homomorphism D�: CðKÞ � CðKÞ ! CðKÞ which defines an element ½D�� 2

KK0ðCðKÞ � CðKÞ;CðKÞÞ. Then by definition of the Kasparov intersection product,

one has ½½VKs �� ¼ ½VKs � � ½D��. For ½P� 2 K�ðKÞ, define the induced element

½PVKs � 2 KK�ðCðKÞ;C�r ðG; sÞÞ as the Kasparov intersection product

½PVKs � ¼ ½½VKs �� �CðKÞ ½P� 2 KK�ðCðKÞ;C�r ðG; sÞÞ:

Let p: K ! pt be the projection to a point. Then the C�r ðG; sÞ-index of ½PVKs � is by


indC�r ðG;sÞð½PVKs �Þ ¼ p�ð½PVKs �Þ 2 K�ðC

�r ðG; sÞÞ:

By associativity and functoriality of the Kasparov intersection product, cf. [Ros],

one has

indC�r ðG;sÞð½PVKs �Þ ¼ p�ð½PVKs �Þ

¼ p�ð½½VKs ��Þ �CðKÞ ½P�

¼ ½½VKs �� � p�ð½D��Þ �CðKÞ ½P�

¼ ½½VKs �� � 1CðKÞ �CðKÞ ½P�

¼ ½VKs � �CðKÞ ½P�

¼ mKs ð½P�Þ

¼ msð f�½P�Þ:

3. Homotopy Invariance

We will define a natural connection Hs on the bundle VKs , which has central cur-

vature. Here K is a closed connected, oriented smooth manifold. We will show

that there is a multiplier s associated to any degree two cohomology class

½c� 2 H2ðBG;RÞ such that the curvature of the connection Hs on the bundle

VKs is as small as one desires. This enables us to apply the Hilsum–Skandalis

Theorem 4.2 to conclude that the C�r ðG; sÞ-index of the signature operator

BK ¼ dK þ dK twisted by Hs is a homotopy invariant of the manifold. Finally,

we use the twisted L2-index theorem, cf. [Ma], to deduce Theorem 0.1, Corollary

0.1 and Corollary 0.2 on the Novikov conjecture for low degree cohomology


We follow the notation of Sections 1.2 and 2.1. First define a Hermitean connec-

tion eHs on the C�r ðG; sÞ-line bundle C

�r ðG; sÞ �C L on ~K as follows, where L is the

trivial line bundle on ~K.

~Hsða� f Þ ¼ a� ðdf� ifZÞ; f 2 C1ð ~KÞ; a 2 C�r ðG; sÞ


Page 12: The Novikov Conjecture for Low Degree Cohomology Classes

i.e. ~Hs ¼ I� ðd� iZÞ, where Z is a 1-form on ~K as in Section 1, that is, dZ ¼ eo, and Iis the identity operator. We will now verify that d� iZ commutes with the ðG; �sÞ-action on L. Recall that this action is given by Tg ¼ Ug � �Sg. Therefore

ðd� iZÞUg � �Sg ¼ eiðg�1Þ

�cg idðg�1Þ�cg þ d� iZ� �

and also

Ug � �Sgðd� iZÞ ¼ eiðg�1Þ

�cg d� iðg�1Þ�Z� �



½Tg; ðd� iZÞ� ¼ �ieiðg�1Þ

�cg ðg�1Þ�Z� Zþ dðg�1Þ�cg

� �¼ �ieiðg

�1Þ�cg dcg�1 þ dðg


� �¼ 0:

Since the identity operator commutes with the ðG; sÞ-action on C�r ðG; sÞ, it follows

that eHs commutes with the G-action on C�r ðG; sÞ �C L. It therefore induces a connec-

tion Hs on the quotient VKs . Observe that the connection Hs is central, since it has

curvature Hsð Þ2¼ I� io.

We will assume without loss of generality that our manifolds are of even dimen-

sion. We next recall the following theorem:

THEOREM 3.1 (Theorem 4.2, [HS]). Given a smooth oriented homotopy equivalence

h: K0 ! K between smooth, closed, oriented Riemannian manifolds, then there is a

positive constant C ¼ CðK;K0Þ such that for all A-bundles x over K with connection Hhaving curvature O such that jjOjjð1Þ 4C, one has

indexAðBK � HÞ ¼ indexAðBK0 � h�HÞ 2 K0ðAÞ;

where A is a unital C�-algebra and B� is the signature operator of the manifold �.

Now given a closed 2-form o as in Section 1, we can consider the closed 2-form

so; s 2 R, which defines a multiplier ss. Then the following theorem is an immediate

consequence of Theorem 3.1.

THEOREM 3.2. Given a smooth oriented homotopy equivalence h: K0 ! K between

smooth, closed, oriented Riemannian manifolds, then there is a positive constant

C ¼ CðK;K0Þ such that for all C�r ðG; s

sÞ-bundles VKss over K with connection Hss having

curvature so such that sjjojjð1Þ 4C, one has

indexC�r ðG;ssÞ BK � Hss� �

¼ indexC�r ðG;ssÞðBK0 � h�Hss Þ 2 K0ðC

�r ðG; s


where B� is the signature operator of the manifold �.

Theorem 0.1 is deduced from Theorem 3.2 above by using the discussion in Section

2.3. More precisely, the signature operator defines a class ½BK� 2 K0ðKÞ, and the

induced element ½BVKs � 2 KK�ðCðKÞ;C�r ðG; sÞÞ is just the class of ½BK � Hs�. Therefore

by the discussion in Section 2.3, we deduce that mss ð f�½BK�Þ ¼ indexC�r ðG;ssÞ BK � Hss

� �.


Page 13: The Novikov Conjecture for Low Degree Cohomology Classes

By Theorem 3.2, we deduce that mss ð f�½BK�Þ is a homotopy invariant of K for all s

sufficiently small.


Recall that a C�r ðG; sÞ-vector bundle over K is a locally trivial Banach vector bundle

E ! K where the fibres have the structure of finitely generated projective left

C�r ðG; sÞ modules, [MiFo]. Morphisms of such bundles are required to in addition

preserve the C�r ðG; sÞ module structure of the fibres. The Grothendieck group of for-

mal differences of equivalence classes of such bundles, with addition given by

the Whitney direct sum, is denoted by K0 K;C�r ðG; sÞ

� �, and it coincides

with K0ðCðKÞ � C�r ðG; sÞÞ. Therefore by the Kunneth theorem, there is a natural


K0 K;C�r ðG; sÞ

� �� Q ffi K0ðKÞ � K0ðC

�r ðG; sÞÞ � Q

� ��

� K1ðKÞ � K1ðC�r ðG; sÞÞ � Q

� �:

Using the ordinary Chern character ch: K0ðKÞ ! HevenðK;QÞ and ch: K1ðKÞ !

HoddðK;QÞ, one obtains the Chern character of Mishchenko–Solov’ev [MiSo]:

Ch: K0 K;C�r ðG; sÞ

� �! HevenðK;QÞ � K0ðC

�r ðG; sÞÞ

� �� HoddðK;QÞ � K1ðC

�r ðG; sÞÞ

� �;

which is an isomorphism modulo torsion.

Corollary 0.2 follows by applying the Mishchenko–Formenko C�-index theorem

[MiFo] to Theorem 3.2. More precisely, as argued earlier,

mssð f�½BK�Þ ¼ indexC�r ðG;ssÞðBVKss


The C�-index theorem [MiFo] asserts that the Chern character of indexC�r ðG;ssÞðBVKss


equals hLðKÞ [ ChðVKssÞ; ½K�i ¼ hLðKÞ [ f �ðChðVBGss ÞÞ; ½K�i. Therefore we deduce

Corollary 0.2.

As in Section 6, [CM], a choice of Borel, bounded, almost everywhere smooth

cross-section b: K ! ~K of p: ~K ! K, yields an isomorphism of C�r ðG; s

sÞ modules

U: O�ð2Þð

~KÞ ! O�ð2ÞðK;VKssÞ

such that BK � Hss ¼ Uð ~BK � ~Hss ÞU�, where O�ð2Þð

~KÞ denotes the L2 differential forms

on the covering space ~K, O�ð2ÞðK;VKssÞ denotes the VKss-valued L2 differential forms on

K, ~BK � ~Hss is the signature operator on ~K twisted by the connection ~Hss which was

defined earlier in the section. Therefore

indexC�r ðG;ssÞ BK � Hss� �

¼ indexC�r ðG;ssÞð

eBK � ~HssÞ:

It is known cf. [Ma2] that the right-hand side can be expressed in terms of heat ker-

nels, and in particular that trG;ssðindexC�r ðG;ssÞð

~BK � ~Hss ÞÞ is equal to the L2 index,


Page 14: The Novikov Conjecture for Low Degree Cohomology Classes

indexL2 ð ~BK � ~Hss Þ. Therefore by the L2 index theorem of Gromov, as proved in

[Ma, Ma2], one have

trG;ss ðindexC�r ðG;ssÞð

~BK � ~HssÞÞ ¼ hLðKÞ [ ½eso�; ½K�i



j!hLðKÞ [ ½o� j; ½K�i

where n ¼ 2m is the dimension of K, are homotopy invariants for all s small enough.

Therefore hLðKÞ [ f �ð½c�Þ j; ½K�i are homotopy invariants of K for j ¼ 0; 1; . . . ;m,

since ½o� ¼ f �ð½c�Þ. Let S be the subring of H�ðBG;RÞ generated by elements in

HjðBG;RÞ for j ¼ 0; 2. If u 2 S \H2jðBG;RÞ, then u ¼Pj

jaj¼0 aa½ca�, where aa 2 R,

a ¼ ða1; . . . ; a‘Þ 2 N‘ and ½ca� ¼ ½ca11 � [ � � � [ ½ca‘‘ �. Here ½c1�; . . . ; ½c‘� are elements in

H2ðBG;RÞ and ½cajj � ¼ ½cj� [ � � � [ ½cj�, where the cup product is taken aj times. So it

suffices to establish the homotopy invariance of hLðKÞ [ f �ð½ca�Þ; ½K�i for each

a 2 N‘. For each j ¼ 1; . . . ‘, let oj be the smooth 2 form on K such that

½oj� ¼ f �ð½cj�Þ. In the argument above, if we replace so byP‘

j¼1 sjoj, where sj > 0,

we deduce that

LðKÞ [ e



� �; ½K�




a!hLðKÞ [ ½oa�; ½K�i

are homotopy invariants for all sj small enough. Therefore hLðKÞ [ ½oa�; ½K�i are are

homotopy invariants of K for jaj ¼ 0; 1; . . . ;m, as asserted. Finally, by taking the

product of K with the circle, and applying the above, Corollary 0.3 is deduced.

Alternately, if the Chern character of C�r ðG; sÞ-vector bundles could be expressed

using Chern–Weil theory, then trG;ss ðChðVKssÞÞ ¼ trG;sðeðHss Þ


Þ ¼ eso, modulo factors

of i ¼ffiffiffiffiffiffiffi�1

p, since ðHss Þ

2¼ iso. Applying the von Neumann trace to Equation

(0.2) in Corollary 0.2, we see that

trG;ss hLðKÞ [ f�ðChðVBGss ÞÞ; ½K�i

� �¼ hLðKÞ [ ½eso�; ½K�i;

and Corollary 0.3 can be deduced.


The author thanks the referee for numerous helpful comments and suggestions and

acknowledges support from the Clay Mathematical Institute.


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