the nuremburg laws and the italian manifesto –legislative assaults on the hindu society-aron

The Nuremburg Laws and the Italian Race Manifesto – Legislative assaults on the Hindu Society Aron Legislative Jihad A complete study of the backdrop of Draft Bill on Communal Violence

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Post on 28-Jul-2015




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The Communal Violence Bill is a Fascist piece of legislation.The Draft Bill's queer definition of violence and its victims are by default of two sets of standards.It is a classic study in Reductionism. It is crafted along Communal Identities and primes violence to communal harmony.We need to stay dwell and bring out the rest of its absurd assumptions. Arun Jaitley has highlighted the unabashed anti Hinduism regards it Legal skulduggery.Presently our essay deals with another - the Ideological and Historical moorings, the thought line that produces such marvels.This is just latest of nothing short of a long Legislative Campaign, towards pacification of the Hindu element in India.


Page 1: The Nuremburg Laws and the Italian manifesto –Legislative assaults on the Hindu Society-Aron

The Nuremburg Laws and the Italian Race Manifesto –Legislative assaults on the Hindu Society


Legislative Jihad

A complete study of the backdrop of Draft Bill on Communal Violence

Page 2: The Nuremburg Laws and the Italian manifesto –Legislative assaults on the Hindu Society-Aron

The Communal Violence Bill that is proposed is a Fascist piece of artwork.

The Draft bill's queer definition of violence and its victims are by default of two sets of standards.

It is a classic study in Reductionism. It is crafted along Communal Identities and primes violence to communal harmony.

We need to stay dwell and bring out the rest of its absurd assumptions.

Arun Jaitley has highlighted the unabashed anti Hinduism regards it Legal skulduggery.

Presently our essay deals with another - the Ideological and Historical moorings, the thought line that produces such marvels.

This is just latest of nothing short of a long Legislative Campaign, towards pacification of the Hindu element in India.

The Ideological Basis of Legislative Crusaders

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This bill nevertheless at the least based on two logical fallacies-

1. Two Nation theory that maintained that Hindus constitute the Majority nation and the Muslims a Minority nation and that the two can’t live together as one Pluralist Nation.

The argument being that- the Majority community, being culturally incompatible and irreconcilable, with another such Minority community-

So much so that, the mutual interests and collective drive, is at direct contradiction to each other.

Hence, it is supposed that a Democracy would be the rule of ‘the brute Majority’ under whose yolk the Minority would have to suffer their destiny.

Since that is unacceptable and does no justice to the Minority entity, a seperation of its Sub-national destiny is a prerequisite for its evolution.

In other words this becomes the central rationale for Pakistan.

How this panned out in reality was surprisingly different- simply because there was no such coherent or monolithic Majority Democratic mandate ever obtained even to this very day.

What happened on the contrary was the ready legitimisation of a Minority identity and clout build up, acquiring a life of its own, stronger than any other rival Communal identity.

The Majority also never turned out the ‘brute majority’, for even once, being fractionated by its sub-identities, Caste and Class groups.

It was only as a reaction to four decades of this unfair commerce between the Minority Communal identity and its interests, taking precedence over the ineffectual and non-existent Majority Communal interests- that a Reaction set in the Indian Pluralist Democracy.

The hypothetical Question of Sub nationalism that Marxism posed and solved

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Carving out of two exclusivist and Islamist nations, as Pakistan and Bangladesh do not seem to them as having done enough justice.

Instead it proceeds on very much the same lines, of a Hindu Majority nation that needs to treat the Minorities not as a community but as a Sub-Nation, (or Sub nationalities).

Hence the emphasis on elevating the Bill and its Executive body above all current constitutional restraints and legislative norms.

It delegitimizes the Hindu Community in the equation in its conception of Justice.

Regarding the inter-communal strife and violence it holds it as something solely a resultant Hindu phenomenon. Since it believes the Majority Nation must bear responsibility for the breach of Peace and occurrence of conflict, and not the Sub nationalities since they are not part of a Common Nation but forced or co-opted into such a seeming.

Except under their own terms of association and fulfilment of obligations that are unilateral, they are vulnerable and coerced into a Nationhood- the Minority Sub-Nationalities would therefore demand satisfactory alleviation of this weird apprehension if they must render themselves to the rationale of cohabitation and perpetually.

In other words they are not a part at all of a common nation per se but a Minority nation or Minority sub nationalities that must be bestowed with a fait accompli of a defacto Secession or Segregation and kept safely above the Constitutional terms of the Common Law.

The first of such concessions were the Article 357 and the Muslim Personal Law.

2. The second idea that runs through this daft Draft Bill is Communal representation.

Which isn’t surprising since Muslim League's penultimate demand of Pakistan or Direct action Day took its baby steps with this 'proportionate' communal representation' which later got explained as to why it looks Disproportionate indeed, since the Minority nation is at a presumed numerical disadvantage by its very definition.

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This can get redress only if the Minority Sub nationalities are conferred the Majority Representation and Power equation convincingly reversed.

3. Since we clearly understand the Two nation theory and its historic progression we can surely expect the third corollary of it-

The Direct action Day and demand for Minority Sub national autonomies


In other words the Jihads and crusades required to carve out pockets of Pakistans and Christolands.

This then would entail a British Imperial dispensation that saw such Separatisms as an ally to sustain its own alien rule.

This Bill just ensures that-

the vivisection and Direct action Days could go smoothly with a Regime that will secure its mandate to rule like the British directly from such Sub Nationalities.

In return they would facilitate the taming of the Majority nation into arriving at the renegotiated reality of its sub nationalities all over again.

India reformed with Secular fabrication will henceforth constitute the Nation of Sub nationals, if not an India of Sub Nations.

It assumes still farther along this road to perdition, another inevitable destiny.

The Hindus being not a Sub-nation but a community should only subsist upon the goodwill of Sub nations that is India.

In simpler terms this is the idea behind the Two Nation and Sub national theories- the return to pre-emancipation from Slavery.

4. The Shariath and the status of Hindu Dhimmitude- along the Nazi Disemancipation of Jewry

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This is a doctrine of a granted allowance of subservient existence for the Kafirs.

Upon payment of iniquitous Taxation and Legislative curbs that treat the two- Momins and Kafirs with two distinct sets of standards-

One with legitimate Superior status of existence and the other- Kafirhood, that is debased and contingent upon relinquishment of any right to existential essentials such as to Own, defend, carry arms or retaliate, against the aggressive demands, thrust and pressure of the Momins, that should be seen as natural to their ordained status as a subjugated kind.

Upon agreeing to this binding proviso will at all be for them any legitimate identity or right of existence be granted, and not otherwise.

Which is to say to submit to the concessional existence of their identity to obtained at the mercy of the Sacradoral laws of the Momins.

This is to say, save themselves from extermination that is their otherwise deserved status under the Ordained Sharia that prescribes only conditional existence.

Thus we see clearly in all these above the perfect match in the Nazi ideation of the Jew and his accursed status and the inevitable seeking for a Final Solution, that are but natural to National Socialism.

Hence they begin drafting the Nuremberg Laws for the Hindus.

The Nuremberg Laws or Nürnberg Laws (German: Nürnberger Gesetze) of 1935 were antisemitic laws in Nazi Germany introduced at the annual Nuremberg Rally of the Nazi Party. After the takeover of power in 1933 by Hitler, Nazism became an official ideology incorporating scientific racism and antisemitism. There was a rapid growth in German legislation directed at Jews.

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When we apply this to India, it is the very same ideation-

Only that scientific Racism becomes scientific anti-Nationalism and anti-Hinduism.

Likewise this has lead to the proliferation of legislative assaults directed against the Hindus.

This Ultra Leftist ideological base we also find manifest in Italian Fascism.

Italy passed its racial laws, the Manifesto of Race, on November 18, 1938, defining Jewishness, excluding Jews from the civil service, the armed forces, and the National Fascist Party, and restricting Jewish ownership of certain companies and property; intermarriage was also prohibited.[1] The legislation remained in effect after the fall of Benito Mussolini on July 25, 1943 under the Badoglio government.[2]

High ranking Posts- as preserve of Muslims and Crypto Christians.

Journalism -Media domination by Evangelist and Marxist Fronts

Banking (“first priority of resources for Muslims”)

Liberal Professions (scholarships/reservations)

The idea for these is clearly traced to fascist Nationalist Party of Mussolini and the Manifesto of Races.

The Indian application proceeds towards Legislative Restriction of Hindu ownership of Companies and property already in operation at the State of Jammu and Kashmir, and the Christianised North East.

The next step in this Legislative Campaign must therefore be the Exclusion of Jews from the Civil Service, the armed Forces and the Party membership of the Fascist National Party.

Since the only difference here being that- the Jew Hindu happens to be in Majority, and impossible to be kept away from Services and Rank.

Instead a qualifier like that of Hitler’s Mischling Jew is made out- the Secular Hindu alone will be exempt from this Disenfranchisement.

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Mischling Jews or the Secular Hindus

The Reich Citizenship Law had little practical effect as it deprived German Jews only of the right to vote and hold office.[28] Much to the fury of the Alte Kämpfer and the other radicals in the NSDAP, the recommendation from the Interior Ministry that the Reich Citizenship Law applied only to those classified as "full Jews" and those "half-Jews" who practiced Judaism or were not in a mixed marriage was taken up; those Mischling who were Christians or were in a mixed marriage retained their German citizenship

Joseph Goebbels had the radio broadcast recording the passing of the laws by the Reichstag cut short, and ordered the German media not to mention the laws until a way of implementing them had been found.[29] At a secret conference held in Munich on September 24 to finally resolve the dispute over who was a "racial" Jew or who was a "half-Jew", Hitler accepted Lösener's less sweeping definitions of three or four Jewish grandparents, and ruled that the laws were not to apply to those Mischling who were Christians and to "Grade 2 persons of mixed descent

Assertive Hindus will naturally be seen unfit for High office, or Civil and military positions and service.

A purge shall come in force not unlike the Nazi party and Italian Nationalists, to rid the Civil and military Services of all elements with an assertive Hindu identity from its ranks.

High Positions will also be made ineligible for such Hindus, exceptions being the Mitschel Jew or the secular Hindu.

Like the Nazi and Italian fascist parties, the Indian Secularity will not tolerate the assumption or retention of high offices of any assertive Hindu.

This must explain amply the psychology of Fixation over Narender Modi in Gujarat.

Going forward a specious protection of Minority women barring inter-religious marriages, the case being made out as to preserve the Minority identity and thwart creeping cannibalising of its breeding stock by the predation of the brute and aggressive Majority and its sanguine appetite for its women folk.

A concession by way of appending Marriage Act to mandate the conversion of the spouse to the faith of Minorities would be obtained as legislation.

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Historians explain the concept-

These laws were, to some extent, an attempt to return the Jews of 20th century Germany to the position that Jews had held before their emancipation in the 19th century.

The proposed Bill has behind it the very same motives and idea-

To return the Hindus of 21rst Century to a position that assertive Hindus had held before their emancipation from Dhimmitude in the 19th century under Moghul rule.

The laws were a legal embodiment of an already existing anti-Jewish boycott movement. See Nazi boycott of Jewish businesses

In India the ‘Secular fabric’ projected the Hindu Assertive BJP and RSS as befitting the Political and social boycott as much as it was practical and possible.

In every inch along the assertive efforts of such entities we can see plenty of read on this Boycot of the Jew or Assertive Hindu and his organisations.

The opposition to the assertive Hindu was shared by all the Scientific Secularist and National socialists including the only Opposition alliance of the Janata Party that pretended to be a Rebellion against Fascism.

In practise however, the fascist ideologies hit home, as soon as it was apparent that the alliance required albeit a legitimising of the assertive Jew as a component in national polity.

This was the acid test- but this was again something no Fascist worth his salt could agree to.

The Jewish illegitimacy cannot be rolled back, and so the Hindu Right wing cannot be accorded legitimacy.

It broke up after it gained its first ever office since Independence of an Opposition, over this fond theme of having to keep the assertive Jew away from office and ranks.

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A demand was made to the Hindu assertive BJS and failing to persuade it to adapt a Metscherze Jewish Secular Hindu identity to obtain its tolerance.

When the reformed Hindu political assertiveness under the Ayodhya movement seeking the redemption of its holy sites emerged it grew from strength to strength.

The Scientific Secularist fought it every inch of the way and kept demonising it as a threat to the nationhood and the Pure Blood of its Secular Fabric.

In all this the zeal was no less than the Nationalist socialists of Hitler’s Germany.

Minorityism and its Roots in British Colonialism, and Apartheid

The motive of seemingly humane pitch of scientific socialists and scientific secularists for the preferential and differential treatment of the Minorities, are not based on altruism but the very same idea of arriving at the means for the rule of the Minority over a majority.

This needs no elaboration since the concept of Humanism of Indian scientific secularists does not extend to the Minorities if they happened to be Hindus.

There were no bleeding hearts for the plight of kashmiri Hindus or the Hindu, Sikh, Buddhist minorities of Pakistan, Bangladesh and Malaysia.

The tears shed and the decibels raised for Gujarat’s riots, were not forth coming all along the reduction of the Minorities’ population and their tragic persecution and exodus.

The enshrinement of near cultist Minorityism can be understood more by studying the doctrines of National Socialists, Italian Fascists and the South African Apartheid.

While the first two- Nazism and Italian Fascism had anti-Semitism as its impetus, the Apartheid sough the trade off gains for the Super Elitist rile of a Minority.

It is therefore imperative that we study some sources as to what constituted the Apartheid and its evolution so we could identify the program of Indian scientific secularists.

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The Rule of the Minority

Apartheid (Afrikaans pronunciation: [ɐˈpɐrtɦɛit], apart-ness) was a system of legal racial segregation enforced by the National Party government of South Africa between 1948 and 1994, under which the rights of the majority 'non-white' inhabitants of South Africa were curtailed and minority rule by white people was maintained. The government of South Africa also practised the same discriminatory policies while occupying South West Africa, known after 1966 as Namibia.

The capitulary

Jan Smuts' United Party government began to move away from the rigid enforcement of segregationist laws during World War II.[18] Amid fears integration would eventually lead the nation to racial assimilation, the legislature established the Sauer Commission to investigate the effects of the United Party's policies. The commission concluded integration would bring about a "loss of personality" for all racial groups.

The Two nation and Subnationalities and the Aparthied

Main article: Apartheid legislation in South Africa

National Party leaders argued that South Africa did not comprise a single nation, but was made up of four distinct racial groups: white, black, coloured, and Indian. These groups were split further into thirteen nations or racial federations. White people encompassed the English and Afrikaans language groups; the black populace was divided into ten such groups.

The state passed laws which paved the way for "grand apartheid", which was centred on separating races on a large scale, by compelling people to live in separate places defined by race (This strategy was in part adopted from "left-over" British rule that separated different racial groups after they took control of the Boer republics in the Anglo-Boer war. This created the so called black only "townships" or "locations" where blacks were relocated in their own towns). In addition, "petty apartheid" laws were passed. The principal apartheid laws were as follows:[21]

The second pillar of grand apartheid was the Group Areas Act of 1950.[25] Until then, most settlements had people of different races living side by side. This Act put an end to diverse areas and determined where one lived according to race. Each race was allotted its own area,

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which was used in later years as a basis of forced removal.[26] Further legislation[which?] in 1951 allowed the government to demolish black shackland slums and forced white employers to pay for the construction of housing for those black workers who were permitted to reside in cities otherwise reserved for white people.

Minority enclaves or Autonomous Districts

The Prohibition of Mixed Marriages Act of 1949 prohibited marriage between persons of different races, and the Immorality Act of 1950 made sexual relations with a person of a different race a criminal offence.

Under the Reservation of Separate Amenities Act of 1953, municipal grounds could be reserved for a particular race, creating, among other things, separate beaches, buses, hospitals, schools and universities. Signboards such as "whites only" applied to public areas, even including park benches.[27] Black people were provided with services greatly inferior to those of whites, and, to a lesser extent, to those of Indian and coloured people.[2] An act of 1956[which?] formalised racial discrimination in employment.

Further laws had the aim of suppressing resistance, especially armed resistance, to apartheid. The Suppression of Communism Act of 1950 banned the South African Communist Party and any other political party that the government chose to label as 'communist'. Disorderly gatherings were banned, as were certain organisations that were deemed threatening to the government.

Education was segregated by means of the 1953 Bantu Education Act, which crafted a separate system of education for African students and was designed to prepare black people for lives as a labouring class.[28] In 1959 separate universities were created for black, coloured and Indian people. Existing universities were not permitted to enroll new black students. The Afrikaans Medium Decree of 1974 required the use of Afrikaans and English on an equal basis in high schools outside the homelands.[29]

Bantustan the Caste based and linguistic autonomy- fractionation of Black majority to achieve White or Minority demographic majority

The Bantu Authorities Act of 1951 created separate government structures for black and white citizens and was the first piece of legislation established to support the government's plan of separate development in the Bantustans. The Promotion of Black Self-Government Act of 1958 entrenched the National Party's policy of nominally independent "homelands" for black people. So-called "self–governing Bantu units" were proposed, which would have devolved administrative powers, with the promise later of autonomy and self-government.

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The Bantu Investment Corporation Act of 1959 set up a mechanism to transfer capital to the homelands in order to create employment there. Legislation of 1967 allowed the government to stop industrial development in "white" cities and redirect such development to the "homelands". The Black Homeland Citizenship Act of 1970 marked a new phase in the Bantustan strategy. It changed the status of black people living in South Africa so that they were no longer citizens of South Africa, but became citizens of one of the ten autonomous territories. The aim was to ensure a demographic majority of white people within South Africa by having all ten Bantustans achieve full independence.

Capture of Judiciary and separate college at legislature

In 1955 the Strijdom government increased the number of judges in the Appeal Court from five to eleven, and appointed pro-Nationalist judges to fill the new places.[36] In the same year they introduced the Senate Act, which increased the senate from 49 seats to 89.[37] Adjustments were made such that the NP controlled 77 of these seats.[38] The parliament met in a joint sitting and passed the Separate Representation of Voters Act in 1956, which transferred coloured voters from the common voters' roll in the Cape to a new coloured voters' roll.[39] Immediately after the vote, the Senate was restored to its original size. The Senate Act was contested in the Supreme Court, but the recently enlarged Appeal Court, packed with government-supporting judges, rejected the application by the Opposition and upheld the Senate Act, and also the Act to remove coloured voters.[40

With the accession to power of Dr Hendrik Frensch Verwoerd in 1958, the policy of "separate development" came into being, with the homeland structure as one of its cornerstones. Verwoerd came to believe in the granting of independence to these homelands. The government justified its plans on the basis that "(the) government's policy is, therefore, not a policy of discrimination on the grounds of race or colour, but a policy of differentiation on the ground of nationhood, of different nations, granting to each self-determination within the borders of their homelands – hence this policy of separate development".[

Ethnic cleansing of Kashmiri Pundits, Discrimination of Jammu and Ladhak by Kashmir Valley, Restrictions and Lopsided Development

Until 1955 Sophiatown had been one of the few urban areas where blacks were allowed to own land, and was slowly developing into a multiracial slum. As industry in Johannesburg grew, Sophiatown became the home of a rapidly expanding black workforce, as it was convenient and close to town. It could also boast the only swimming pool for black children in Johannesburg.[54] As

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one of the oldest black settlements in Johannesburg, Sophiatown held an almost symbolic importance for the 50,000 blacks it contained, both in terms of its sheer vibrancy and its unique culture. Despite a vigorous ANC protest campaign and worldwide publicity, the removal of Sophiatown began on 9 February 1955 under the Western Areas Removal Scheme. In the early hours, heavily armed police entered Sophiatown to force residents out of their homes and load their belongings onto government trucks. The residents were taken to a large tract of land, thirteen miles (19 km) from the city centre, known as Meadowlands (that the government had purchased in 1953). Meadowlands became part of a new planned black city called Soweto.

Blacks were not allowed to run businesses or professional practices in those areas designated as "white South Africa" without a permit. They were supposed to move to the black "homelands" and set up businesses and practices there.

Transport and civil facilities were segregated. Black buses stopped at black bus stops and white buses at white ones. Trains, hospitals and ambulances were segregated.[55] Because of the smaller numbers of white patients and the fact that white doctors preferred to work in white hospitals, conditions in white hospitals were much better than those in often overcrowded black hospitals.[56]

Blacks were excluded from living or working in white areas, unless they had a pass—nicknamed the dompas ("dumb pass" in Afrikaans). Only blacks with "Section 10" rights (those who had migrated to the cities before World War II) were excluded from this provision. A pass was issued only to a black person with approved work. Spouses and children had to be left behind in black homelands. A pass was issued for one magisterial district (usually one town) confining the holder to that area only. Being without a valid pass made a person subject to arrest and trial for being an illegal migrant. This was often followed by deportation to the person's homeland and prosecution of the employer (for employing an illegal migrant). Police vans patrolled the white areas to round up illegal blacks found there without passes. Black people were not allowed to employ white people in white South Africa.

Marriage law and births[60] were also controlled by the government and the pro-apartheid Dutch Reformed Church, who tried to restrict African birth rates.

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The seeming usurpation of State Powers by the New Bill

The analysis of Arun Jaitley points correctly- how State Powers and Constitutional Federal governance are thrown to the winds framing this Bill.

In this if we are expect the joining of issues of Sub Nationalist and linguistic and Federal entities, we might be sorely disappointed.

If this Bill at first glance makes it clear that infringement of state Jurisdiction is being made in the Authority that would exercise its Powers above both State and Federal structures, it also carries along both entities.

It anticipates the opposition from fiercely autonomous Linguistic sub nationalities, and accommodates them.

What it intends to achieve is not an erosion of the State powers, but the Disenfranchisement of assertive Hindus that could survive at least at State level enjoying executive powers.

When put in action, instead of resentment this will get applauded by the Mitschel jewish Secular Hindus as this would save them the trouble of having to purge or persecute them at State levels.

Also since currently the assertive Hindu BJP is able to retain some semblance of Hindu executive access, and immunity from persecution, this Super Watchdog and Witch Hunter would be seen as an ally cleaning Political space and evicting competition for the Mitschel Hindus.

In the long run, this would strip Hindu assertiveness, and coerce them to turn Miteschel Hindus both at State and Federal levels.

This is the mystery of such confident encroachment into the State Subjects.

After the cleanup and the strengthening of the Linguistic, Ethnic and religious sub nationalities at State level, the Legislations would focus on permanent solution by way of autonomy to the Sub- Nationalities with further Nuremberg Laws and Italian Manifesto for the Races.

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Dis-emancipation and Dis-enfranchisement

Before 1806, when general citizenship was largely non-existent in the Holy Roman Empire, its inhabitants were subject to different estate regulations.

Varying from one territory of the Empire to another, these regulations classified inhabitants into different groups, such as dynasts, members of the court entourage, other aristocrats, city dwellers (burghers), Jews, Huguenots (in Prussia a special estate until 1810), free peasants, serfs, peddlers and Gypsies, with different privileges and burdens attached to each classification.

Legal inequality was the principle.

The reluctance to a common Civil Code and Iniquitous denial of concessions such as Haj subsidies and running of Educational Institutions are already in place.

The Permanent Caste system of incentives to fragment and fractionate Hindu identity, by way of Reservation Privileges, has been disingenuously ensured as a Divisive anti-assertive device.

Inequity in the present was argued as justified against a Historical Injustice of Social Injustice.

But The Islamic history of Persecution and Slavery and Dhimmitude against Hindus was kept out from view or any application of the same absurd logic.

The latter, Islamic rule had not helped conferring Muslim advantage by its centuries long Preferential and discriminatory Dhimmitude it was maintained.

But strangely the still farther past Hindu Rule by its slant in favour of Brahmanical classes and against ‘the downtrodden’ and ‘untouchable’ Hindu castes alone was held for the fallen state- and the remedy is to resort to iniquitous Preferential Reservations at the cost of Discriminatory Rights and access to education and employment in the present as a permanent feature of State policy.

If Centuries of such Racist State bias didn’t help or confer any benefit to Muslims, then it escapes any understanding how this would now, even if kept at it for centuries?

This is Sophism at its best- that Hindu Caste discrimination was a culprit and Reverse discrimination the remedy. But that logic mustn’t be applied to Islamic rule that came later and not just Discriminated but Institutionalised an oppression at other levels including not

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just education and gainful employment but also most of what we call fundamental Human Rights, levy of punishing taxation, redress against Crimes, spiritual freedom in an unsurpassed not just Discrimination but sustained Persecution as Code of Law.

The Hindu system of castes had no mandated or scriptural aim at any annihilation and absorption of the ‘Oppressed’ sections. The Islamist Dhimmitude had exactly that singular objective- that of an existence that was so debasing that the Group would by itself give up its identity and agree to be absorbed by the Islamic society.

Yet, this was kept out of this social reengineering by reverse Discrimination, and applied to a remoter history and never to the much recent and worse Islamist Dhimmitude.

There historical wrongs were argued as Reactionary urges that cannot be righted.

Strangely, the Hindu past was held as a culprit for the present backwardness of Muslims and stranger to be understood despite their Rule over the former.

This part of the sophistry is perhaps the best in its class in the world.

When it says at the same breath all this bundle of contradictions and asks now for immediate e Discriminatory conferment for the Muslims as assertive action, despite its failure by Islamic Empire to improve their lot through all its centuries of avowed Apartheid.


The concept of citizenship was mostly restricted to cities, especially free imperial cities. There was no general franchise, which remained a privilege for the few, who inherited the status or acquired it when they reached a certain level of taxed income or could afford the expensive citizen's fee (Bürgergeld). Citizenship was often further restricted to city dwellers affiliated with the locally dominant Christian denomination (Calvinist, Catholic or Lutheran). City dwellers of other denominations or religions and those who lacked the necessary wealth to qualify as citizens were considered as mere inhabitants who lacked political rights and were sometimes subject to revocable staying permits.

This redefinition of Indianness by Scientific Secularists is no where seen glaring as in the double standards regarding the Hindu refugees fleeing form Persecution and a historical Genocide form erstwhile East Pakistan and today’s Bangladesh.

While infiltrators were welcome as long as they were of the Aryan blood of non-hinduness, and encouraged actively by Marxists and National socialists, the buck at once stopped there.

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After the genocide at East Pakistan the refugees who fled and got displaced were mostly Hindus.

So they were boarded back to Bangladesh to suffer persecution and steady erosion of numbers.

Those who sought shelter despite this were resented and equated with illegitimate infiltrators.

No mechanism was in place to ensure the rights and lives and properties of Hindu and non-Muslim minorities who were caught entrapped in such a larger than proportionate allocation to the pet dream of the Sub nation that came about suddenly as East Pakistan.

They were not there by choice but by betrayal of Indian Unionists who capitulated to Muslim Leagues’ demands.

They had a moral right to demand relocation in the Indian Union and were never party to the Separatism.

They were also entitled to compensation of lands lost and livelihood.

All this was made not possible because the Scientific Secularists who had consented to the creation of an Islamist State did not care a hoot for the fate of this considerable chunk of Hindu humanity left to fend for itself and thrown to the wolf.

While on other hand, they made sure that those who had in fact asked for such a Seperation and carve out of a land based on demographic strength of Muslims in Bengal, didn’t have to vacate the Hindu areas and go over and settle there.

United Bengal had some 40% Muslims but were given away over 70% of land area of undivided Bengal.

Even the very obvious logic of taking possession of the handed over lands as demanded and more than their proportionate entitlement was denied and made to sound preposterous.

The Hindus and non-Muslims of the Islamic Sub-nation that turned an Islamist State were thus doubly damned.

With nowhere to go and made into Dhimmis. Results were tragic- from 30% their population share in Islamist East Pakistan fell and suffered a genocide losing some 22 million casualties.

It has been on decline ever since to now less than 9%.

As though this weren’t enough, the Muslim League’s Urmeheit was taken up next as a project and steady infiltration into North east began.

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Legislative Jihad for Muslim League’s quest for North-east Libenstraum

Pan Islam followed closely the dissolution of the kalifate, being sponsored by the Turkish Ottoman Imperial agencies.

In all its formulations it echoed the Pan Germanic Fascist pioneers.

Thus came the Muslim League taking a leaf out of the propaganda pamphlets of the Pan German League.

Friedrich Ratzel proposed that Darwinian social evolution included successful adaptation of a cultural entity to ever new space- the Lebenstraum or Living Space.

It is the determinant he argued and indication of its health-

species migration as the crucial factor in social adaptation and cultural change

For the Ottomoman Islamist Imperialism this became at once the endorsement of science of Islamic Expansionism.

If Islamisation were to be the cultural change desired, then that would make this Lebenstraum and migration of Muslim culture along with its missionary settlers to ever new lands and successful adaptation of the fresh territories at once a scientific and spiritual mission.

Pan German league and the Muslim League

Pan Germans eventually would merge with the DKV and the Nazi Party when Hitler would dust off and give a new rationale for European Expansion and Nazi Invasion.

Muslim League will rise from the ashes of the failed attempt to get back the Pan Islamist Ottoman at Turkey.

In his Germany and the next War- Bernhardi advocated war as a means to acquire this Lebenstraum or living space.

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Bernhardi used many of Ratzel's ideas to advocate using a victorious war to gain space in Eastern Europe for the settlement of peasant farmers.

Thus constant War with its neighbour, expansionism and thrust of Peasant settlers into the infidel lands to acquire Living Space were woven into Pakistan’s national psyche of permanent Jihad.

This process also applied to humans, who operate collectively in the form of 'peoples' (Völker), with one Völk effectively conquering another. However, according to Ratzel, such expansion could be successful only if the conquering nation 'colonised' the new territory, and by 'colonisation' he meant the establishment of peasant farms by the new occupiers.

Jinnah’s ideologues were quick to seize on this idea floating midst the Pan German League and would make this a central propagandist element of the Muslim League.

Tabliqi movemet had already popularised the missionary expansionist settlement among the Bengali Muslim masses and the idea transformed itself into a wide spread sacred mission to fan out into the unclaimed lands of the North east and sow it with Islam-

'To the East! New Land', and 'German Deed and German Seed in the Russian Badlands'-as the Pan German papers would urge Pan-Germans to go and settle in the Balkans.

Species that successfully adapted to one location, he thought, would spread naturally to others.

Pan Islam that cherished the ultimate global Islamisation therefore was at tune with the earliest phase of the Fascist movement in Germany.

The Pan German League stated-this region came to be seen not as a complex mix of ethnic groups located in specific territories, each with its own distinct history and culture, but simply as 'space' (Raum).

Jinnah would declare a verbatim echo-

After partition of Bengal in 1905 the geo-political reconstitution of the region increased the flow of Bengali speaking population particularly the Muslim peasantry from the over populated East Bengal to sparsely populated fertile lands of Brahmaputra and Surma valleys of this isolated northeast corner of India.

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The formation of All India Muslim League (AIML) in 1906 at Dhaka also hatched a political conspiracy to expand its numerical strength in Assam and initiated organised migration of Muslims from East Bengal .

Nawab Salim Ullah Khan, a prominent Muslim leader and one of the founder members of AIML in his public meeting after the concluding session of the League, "exhorted the Muslims to migrate to Assam and settle there".

By late nineteen thirties the AIML turned its expansionist design into a confrontationist Muslim politics in Assam . It encouraged the Muslim migrants to settle in Assam and since then the immigrants have became a chronic problem in the provincial politics of the state

The alarming forecast of Census Superintendent C. S. Mullan in his Census report of 1931validated the political conspiracy of AIML in Assam :

"Probably the most important event in the province during the last 25 years - an event, moreover, which seems likely to alter permanently the whole feature of Assam and to destroy the whole structure of Assamese culture and civilisation has been the invasion of a vast horde of land-hungry immigrants mostly Muslims, from the districts of East Bengal. …

After 1937 election, Gopi Nath Bordoloi headed a Congress led coalition Government in Assam and tried to stop the unhindered flow of immigrant Muslims. But his Government had to resign in November 1939 to respond to the Congress High Command's call for resignation of all its Provincial Governments in protest against the War policy of the British. This decision of the party however facilitated the formation of an alternative Coalition Government in Assam headed by Sir Saadullah of AIML. "During the period between 1939-1941, Saadullah Government allotted one Lakh bighas (Little less than an acre) of land in Assam valley for the settlement of East Bengal immigrants" (Political History of Assam - Edited by A. C. Bhuyan and Shibopada De, Vol. III, Publication Board of Assam, 1999, Page 262).

He ignored the protest of Assam Congress leaders like Bishnuram Medhi and others on the plea that the Muslim exodus from Bengal to Assam was necessary for the success of 'Grow more food' scheme in the state.

Lord Wavel, Viceroy of India in the Viceroy's Journal, London Publication,December 22, 1943 said: " …The chief political problem is the desire of Muslim Ministers of Assam to increase the immigrations into uncultivated Government lands in Assam under the slogan of 'Grow

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more food' but what really is to 'Grow more Muslims' (Politics of Migration by Dr. Manju Singh, Anita Publications, Jaipur, 1990, Page 70).

Even Subash Chandra Bose and the Congress leaders of Assam had argued for exemption of Assam from the decision of the party on the plea that it would help the AIML in settling the Muslim immigrants in the state. The Congress High Command was however, not convinced.

Meanwhile Jinnah came up with the demand of the League for inclusion of Assam in proposed Pakistan . The central leadership of the Congress party had virtually made up its mind to give up its claim over Assam and Bordoloi had to run from pillar to post and convince Mahatma Gandhi whose intervention could only save Assam from going to Pakistan

But the situation changed, when Mainul Haq Chaudhary, the Private Secretary of Jinnah and also a prominent leader of the youth wing of AIML till partition joined Congress party along with the supporters of Pakistan en-mass. On the eve of partition, he was shaky whether to opt for Pakistan or stay back in India . He was however told by Jinnah, "wait for ten years, I shall present Assam on a silver plate to you" (Politics of Alienation in Assam by Bhawani Singh, 1984, Page 72).

Jinnah died in 1948 but the Congress Party fulfilled his promise by inducting Chaudhary in the Cabinet of Congress Government led by Gopi Nath Bordoloi. It is often alleged that Chaudhary stayed back in Assam on the advice of Jinnah and other Pakistani leaders to help the immigrants from Pakistan for their settlement in Assam .

Against the evil geo-political design of Pakistan , which scared the Assamese middle class of the threat to their marginalisation in their own land, Government of India never had any organised plan or definite policy. Nehru-Liaquat Pact (April 1950) with "special provisions for restoration of rights of immigrants over their properties if they would choose to return not later than the 31st December 1950" (Assam Issue -The Biginning - The End -The Beginning by Vijay Kumar Dewan, United Publishers Guwahati, 1985, Page 34-35) rather facilitated the Pakistan Government to accelerate infiltration.

The Pact, which validated the entry of immigrants up to 31.12.50, was against the spirit of Immigrants (Expulsion from Assam ) Act 1950 enacted by Parliament on 13.2.1950. It is said that the Congress leadership applauded the increase of Muslim immigrants as a God sent opportunity to consolidate the 'Muslim vote banks' and accordingly ruled Assam without any break for thirty years.

Chaliha Government armed itself with Prevention of Infiltration from Pakistan (PIP) Act 1964 and pursued the campaign. Even though, the Muslim leaders encouraged the Bengali speaking Muslim immigrants to declare Assamese as their mother tongue to dodge the

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police of their detection, Chaliha's campaign against the infiltrators pressed a panic button among them. However, twenty Muslim MLAs in the Government threatened him to topple his ministry if he does not stop deportations. Chaliha had to succumb to this pressure and the PIP Act was put in cold storage (Ibid.). Those who, were deported earlier gradually returned and again settled in Assam

The argument of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, the first president of Bangladesh that, "without the inclusion of Assam the East Bengal economy could not be balanced" is ridiculous as a sovereign nation cannot throw its burden on another countries.

If he was unable to bear the responsibility of his own people, he should not have gone for liberation of Bangladesh .

Such an attitude of Sheikh Mujib proved that he also carried forward the AIML legacy of Muslim expansionism in Assam.

He was an equal partner in implementation of the geo-political design of Pakistan to destabilise Assam and balkanise it on the basis of religion. Z.A Bhutto had spelt out this design as far back as in 1968.

The late Prime Minister of Pakistan, Z.A.Bhutto, wrote about the geo-political aims of Pakistan in 1968 in his book, The Myth of Independence where he elaborated that it would be wrong to think that Kashmir is the only dispute that divides India and Pakistan, though it is undoubtedly the most significant one, at least is nearly as important as the Kashmir dispute is that of ASSAM and some districts adjacent to East Pakistan"

(Insurgency in North-East India-The Role of Bangladesh, Edited by Dipankar Sengupta and Sudhir Kumar Singh, Authors Press, 2004, Page 73-74).

Lawmakers Petitioned, turn a deaf ear

Seventy -third Report of the Committee of Petitions, Rajya Sabha dated March 22, 1982 while quoting the memorandum said:

"The official statistics showed that a total of 2,20,690 Pakistani infiltrators were detected in the state during the period 1950-1961 and another 1,92, 339 were spotted in the following decade. During the Bangladesh War of Liberation (1971) a total of 1,00,000 immigrants stayed behind even after Independence of their country. … The prime factor responsible for

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this abnormal growth (of Muslims) was the geo-political ambition of Pakistan over Assam " (Page 2 of the Report).

The Report quoting the memorandum of Legislators led by Golap Barbora maintained:

"No sovereign nation can permit the influx of foreign nationals into its territory. But the North Eastern region of the country in general and Assam in particular have been experiencing the area being utilised as the dumping ground for a large numbers of foreigners being vomited out by a neighbouring country since a long time. Besides, a large number of such foreigners were appeased with political rights by entering their names in the voters' list of the state for petty political games at the instance of the vested political forces that were at the helm of affairs since Independence" (Ibid.).

Election Commission’s Dire warning

That the problem of infiltration of foreigners in large scale has reached such a stage that unless immediate drastic steps were taken to solve it, the state of Assam , and for that matter, the entire North Eastern Region, faces the danger of being over run by foreigners in the next few years". The memorandum also quoted the written address of the Chief Election Commissioner to the Chief Election Officers Conference at Ootacamund on 24th September 1978. He said: "I would like to refer to the alarming situation in some states, specially in the North Eastern Region, wherefrom disturbing reports are coming regarding large scale inclusion of foreign nationals in the electoral rolls". Refering to Assam the Chief Election Commissioner further said: "The influx has become a very regular feature. I think that it may not be wrong assessment to make that on the basis of increase of 34.98 percent between the two Census (1961-1971), the increase that is likely to be recorded in the 1991 Census would be more than 100 percent over the 1961 Census. .."Another disturbing factor in this regard in the demand made by the political parties for the inclusion in the electoral rolls of the name of such migrants who are not Indian citizens" (Ibid. Page 18-19).

Semantics and word Play of scientific secularists

During negotiation with the agitating AASU leaders, the Government wanted 1971 as cut-off year for treating the immigrants as foreigners, which meant that all the alien infiltrators, who settled in Assam between 1951 and 1971 were to be accorded Indian citizenship. However, the negotiation broke down as AASU insisted on January 1951 as cut-off year. One fails to understand that why Government of India did not take a tough stand on the cut -off year for the citizenship on the basis of the National Register of 1951? Since infiltrators were

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the foreigners they would not have been given the citizenship of the country. Justice M.C.Chagla, former Education Minister once said:

"We have our constitution, we have citizenship laws. There are decisions by the highest courts to indicate who is a national and who is a foreigner. What does it matter when a person came to Assam if he is not a national but a foreigner. The year of his entry does not change his legal status. Unnecessary complications have been introduced by talking of the cut-off year"

(‘ Assam ’s Agony by Amiya Kumar Das, Lancer's Publication Delhi, 1982, Page 132).

Such logic of an eminent personality had no meaning in the vote bank politics of the Congress.

Governor’s reports

Ironically, even after the alarming report on the 'demographic invasion' by Bangladesh by the Governor of Assam in 1998 the problem of Muslim infiltrators remains as acute in Assam as ever. Report on 'Illegal Migration into Assam as submitted to the President of India by the Governor, Lt. Gen.(Retd.) S. K. Sinha in 1998 "warned that if the present trends are not arrested, the indigenous people of Assam would be reduced to a minority and there may, in course of time, be a demand for the merger of Muslim dominated bordering districts with Bangladesh" (Insurgency in North-East India: The Role of Bangladesh - Dipankar Sengupta -Sudhir Kumar Singh, Authorspress, Delhi 2004, Page 73). Governor's report, which called the infiltration a "national threat" and the report "worked out by Group of Ministers, headed by Union Home Minister in 2001 noted that more than 15 million illegal immigrants have entered India over the last five decades from Bangladesh, an intrusion that has completely changed the demography of large parts of Assam, Meghalaya, West Bengal, Tripura and Bihar" (Ibid.).

"The 1991 census shows that the Muslim population of the country increased by 4.02 million, or 65.4 7 per cent over that of 1971, in Assam the increase has been by 77.42 per cent. Muslims now form a majority in the district of Dhubri (70.42%), Goalpara (50.18%), Barpeta (56.07%) and Hailakandi (55.18%)" (Insurgency in North-East India-The Role of Bangladesh, Edited by Dipankar Sengupta and Sudhir Kumar Singh, Authors Press, 2004, Page 51).

In addition to these four Muslim majority districts other five districts namely Bongaigaon (32.74 %), Morigaon (45.31 %), Nagaon (47.19 %), Karimganj (49.17 %) and Cachar (34.49 %) are having Muslim population varying between 32.74 percent to 49.17 percent. "Although

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the 2001Religion census is yet to be declared, an independent analysis that was conducted seems to show that there has been a sizeable growth in population among Muslims in Assam . It records that as a community the Muslims had registered an increase of 16.17 percent growth in 2001 figures (Terror Sans Frontier:Islamic Militancy in North India by Jaideep Saikia, Ford Fellow, July 2003, page 17).

According to a study conducted by a few scholars of Toronto University and the American Academy of Arts and Science, 15 Million Bangladesh nationals have infiltrated in India . According to another study done by another American organisation, namely, The Advancement of Science, 20 million Bangladesh nationals are presently staying in India" (The Silent Invasion by Hiranya Kumar Bhattacharyya, Spectrum Publications, Guwahat:Delhi, 2001, Page 83).

"The Assam Police claimed to have arrested four hardcore ISI functionaries arrested by Assam Police on August 7, 1999. It was disclosed by them that "ISI had plans to train 10000 people in Assam for jehad to liberate Assam and establish an Islamic country comprising the territory of the state and some other parts of North-Eastern India" (Insurgency in North-East India-The Role of Bangladesh, Edited by Dipankar Sengupta and Sudhir Kumar Singh, Authors Press, 2004 Page 74).

On the other hand Hindu population in the State decreased from 72.51 percent in 1971 to 67.13 percent in 1991. It means the decrease rate of about 5 percent in 20 years. If the trends are allowed to continue a day will come when indigenous people of State may come under Islamic subjugation and would ultimately be forced to face a serious threat to their identity as happened in the case of Kashmir (Terror Sans Frontier:Islamic Militancy in North India by Jaideep Saikia, Ford Fellow, July 2003).

Circumventing the Law

After 22 years of the enactment of IMDT Act the Supreme Court repealed it in last July.

The Muslim leaders, who are not happy with the verdict of the highest court in the country already, started their arm twisting approach to ensure that the ruling party at centre could bring another legislation or ordinance for a substitute of IMDT Act.

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Baduddin Azmal, President Jaiat - Ulema -e- Hind , Assam expressed his anguish against the Congress for its failure to defend the IMDT Act. He is also exploring the possibility of mobilising the various Muslim organisations to bring them under a political party for contesting next year Assembly elections. Muslims now constitute over 30 percent of about 26 million population of Assam .

They are now at the centre stage of Assam politics due to their commanding influence in about 40 of the total 126 Assembly constituencies. Sensing the mood of the Muslim leaders all the political parties except the Bhartiya Janata Party have already started hobnobbing with Muslim leaders for electoral alliance with them for next year Assembly elections in the state. It is an irony of fate that even AGP and its splinter group AGP (Progressive), whose leaders had led a high voltage agitation against the immigrants are also speaking the same language to appease the Muslim leaders for their support in election as Congress has been doing since Independence.

All now in the Game

But it is ridiculous that United Liberation Front of Assam (ULFA), an offshoot of ASSU, which fought for detection, deletion (from voters' list) and deportation of these foreigners - demands cessation of Assam from India with the support of same Bangladesh and Pakistan against whom they had launched agitation. Due to lack of vision they do not understand the design of the communal politics of the Muslims of Assam and neighbouring Bangladesh . They must know that once, Assam is ceded from India , the Muslim militants will throw away the Hindus in Assam as they did in Pakistan and Bangladesh . Their condition will be same as of the Kashmiri Pundits. They must take a lesson from the political vision of the former leaders of Assam like Gopi Nath Bordoloi, Bisnu Ram Medhi and B.P.Chaliha who even at the cost of humiliation by the Congress High Command never thought of secession and pursue their political fight against infiltration to the best of their capacity.

(POLITICS OF INFILTRATION - A Threat to Socio-cultural Identity of Assam ? by R.Upadhyay)

Legislative Jihad and the Planned Conquest of the world

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B.R. Haran summarises in In the South Asia Analysis the Tabliqi movement-

The Wahhabi movement---a name they disliked intensely, as they preferred to call themselves Ahli Hadithi or followers of the Prophet's authenticated traditions--- was based on the teachings of Muhammad Abdul Wahhab (1703-92) born in Nejd, now part of Saudi Arabia. The bedrock of their belief was the strict monotheism of pristine Islam coupled with an abjuration of any intercession of any saint, however holy, for God's favours.

"They abhorred the very idea of Muslims visiting the tombs of such saints or investing them with miraculous powers. Although Abdul Wahhab initially enjoyed the local support of the regional Governor who ruled under the suzerainty of the Ottoman Caliph, his reforming zeal soon incurred the wrath of the establishment.

"He had to take refuge with a powerful local tribal chief Mohammad Ibn Saud with whom he struck up an alliance which has left an indelible mark on modern Arab history. The descendants of Mohammad Ibn Saud, who followed the teachings of Abdul Wahhab, eventually established their authority of what is now called Saudi Arabia. The austere and puritanic principles enjoined by Abdul Wahhab are still enforced in the kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

The Wahhabi link with India came mainly through Sayyid Ahmad (1786-1831), who belonged to a family of saintly renown who were settled down in UP. He was strongly influenced by the teachings of Abdul Wahhab, of the necessity of going back to the pristine purity of Islamic tenets. He went a step further and decided it was necessary to build up an organisation of dedicated followers who should be enjoined to bear arms, if so needed.

"Although Bihar and Bengal had been its base of operations, it was not long before Sayyid Ahmad decided to migrate to the independent territories of North-West Frontier from where he could wage war against the British. This fateful journey, called "Hijrat" or migration, began in 1826 and helped to arouse great religious fervour and political enthusiasm.

"The two major conspiracies the British had to face were the "Mutiny", so-called, of 1857 and the Wahhabi movement which tried to destroy the very army on which the British relied for support. The Wahhabis had a great deal to do with the unrest in the army, which resulted in the "Mutiny", though it failed because it lacked central directive or motive force and dissipated itself in stray uprisings which spent themselves out."

In other words, Haran makes us see here the genesis of the engines that drove towards the creation o the East and West wings of an idea that was Pakistan- and today’s’ Bangladesh.

The whole curve of the Political evolution and the Partition and subsequent history of the three nations cannot be understood without mapping this Revivalist and seemingly religious movement.

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The very idea of formation of Muslim homelands, through Partitioning, the strife that compelled its concession and the history of Conflict between the nations and the rise of a State of Terror within a State-the ISI cannot be comprehended without the driving force of the movements and its activists who are orchestrated to perform a given script.

The Legislative Jihad likewise cannot be understood therefore without appreciating the movement and the ideology and its activism behind.

ISI running a Terror State within the state of Pakistan, itself is a shadow of a more firmly entrenched ideological entity- the Tabliqi.

Genesis of the Network and ‘Vote- Bank’ Politics

In an investigative report carried by the "News" (February 13,1995), Mr. Kamran Khan, the well-known Pakistani journalist, brought to light for the first time the nexus between the TJ and the HUM and their role in supporting Islamic extremist movements in different countries.

He quoted unidentified office-bearers of the HUM as saying as follows: "Ours is basically a Sunni organisation close to the Deobandi school of thought. Our people are mostly impressed by the TJ. Most of our workers do come from the TJ. We regularly go to its annual meeting at Raiwind. Ours is a truly international network of genuine jehadi Muslims. We believe frontiers can never divide Muslims. They are one nation. They will remain a single entity.

"We try to go wherever our Muslim brothers are terrorised, without any monetary consideration. Our colleagues went and fought against oppressors in Bosnia, Chechnya, Tajikistan, Burma, the Philippines and, of course, India.

The February 1998, issue of the "Newsline", a monthly of Pakistan, quoted workers of the TJ as saying that the TJ had many offices in the US, Russia, the Central Asian Republics, South Africa, Australia and France and that many members of the Chechen Cabinet.

* The TJ has been able to establish contacts and centres throughout the Muslim world. (Comment: By "Muslim world" he does not only mean Islamic countries, but all countries where there is a sizable Muslim community)

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Writing in the "Frontier Post" of January 27, 1999, Dr. Mumtaz Ahmed, another Islamic scholar, said: " Despite its enormous significance as a mass-based religious movement that has influenced Asian, African, Arab and Western Muslims alike, the Tablighi Jamaat has received scant attention in the literature on modern Islam. Maulana Ilyas, the founder of the Tablighi Jamaat, was of the view that the Tablighi movement and politically-oriented Islamic groups, although operating in two different spheres, were complementing each other's work.

Ghani Eirabie puts it- " The Ummah must remember that winning over the black Muslims is not only a religious obligation, but also a selfish necessity. The votes of the black Muslims can give the immigrant Muslims the political clout they need at every stage to protect their vital interests. ("Dawn" of January 12,1996,)

He explains the program further-“Likewise, outside Muslim states like Saudi Arabia, Malaysia and Pakistan need to mobilise their effort, money and missionary skills to expand and consolidate the black Muslim community in the USA, not only for religious reasons, but also as a far-sighted investment in the black Muslims' immense potential as a credible lobby for Muslim causes, such as Palestine, Bosnia or Kashmir--offsetting, at least partially, the venal influence of the powerful India-Israel lobby.

What is manifestly understood and criticised as ‘Vote-Banks’ politics is nothing but the well laid out campaign at both levels of the electorate and NGO activism.

Like Vote-bank politics, Cross border Terrorism by an ‘ISI’ hand have now become a cliché.

The larger subscript is not noticed except by way of ‘Wahabi’ influence.

But the influence goes far beyond that.

It has already been shaping for over a century the destinies of the people of the subcontinent.

The Legislative Jihad is just a small fraction of the phenomenal movement.

Before the stunning results and successes and the patently clear roles the activists from the movement have played and given shape to earth shaking events, even the best Conspiracy theorists’ favourites – the Illuminati, pales out in comparison.

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Inter-Services Intelligence- How it acquired its notoriety


In September-October,1995, the Pakistani army, acting on a tip-off from the then Maj.Gen.Ali Quli Khan Khattak, who was then the Director-General of Military Intelligence and who was subsequently superseded by Mr.Sharif in October,1998, and forced into retirement, arrested a group of 36 army officers and 20 civilians led by Maj.Gen. Zaheerul Islam Abbasi on a charge of plotting, in association with the TJ and the HUM, to have Mrs.Benazir Bhutto, the then Prime Minister, and senior army officers killed and proclaim the formation of an Islamic state.

The "Nation" further quoted the "Washington Post" as reporting that another reason for the removal of Lt.Gen. Nasir in 1993 was because " he was providing covert military support to Muslim rebels in about a dozen countries" and that after his removal Lt.Gen. Nasir had been travelling worldwide preaching militant Islam.

Radicalisation of American Society and the 9/11

The annual convention of the ISNA held at Columbus, Ohio, from September 11,1995, was addressed, amongst others, by Mr.Hamza Yusuf, an American citizen of Greek origin, who, after embracing Islam, had lived for six years in Mauritania to study Islam and then work as a TJ preacher, Mr. Yusuf Islam, formerly known as Cat Stevens, the famous pop singer, who embraced Islam after coming into contact with the TJ in Pakistan, Dr.Saghir of Algeria, and Dr.Israr Ahmed, the Amir of the Tanzeem Islami of Pakistan and a worker of the TJ.

Addressing the convention, Dr. Israr Ahmed said: "The process of the revival of Islam in different parts of the world is real. A final show-down between the Muslim world and the non-Muslim world, which has been captured by the Jews, would soon take place. The Gulf war was just a rehearsal for the coming conflict." He appealed to the Muslims of the world, including those in the USA, to prepare themselves for the coming conflict.

The rehearsal was followed up at New York on the September 11th 2011.

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The annual report on the Patterns of Global Terrorism during 1998 issued by the Counter-Terrorism Division of the US State Department states as follows of the Jamaat-ul-Fuqra: "Seeks to purify Islam through violence. Members have purchased isolated rural compounds in North America to live communally, practise their faith and insulate themselves from Western culture. Fuqra members have attacked a variety of targets that they view as enemies of Islam, including Muslims they regard as heretics and Hindus. Attacks during the 1980s included assassinations and fire bombings across the US. Fuqra members in the US have been convicted of criminal violations, including murder and fraud."

Islamisation of Bangladesh and Fundamentalism

The second largest gathering of Muslims after the Hajj [the pilgrimage to Mecca] is known as Bishwa Ijtema, a non political gathering of Muslims from all over the world hosted by the leaders of "International Tabligh Jama'at". It takes place in Tongi which is on the outskirts of Dhaka, Bangladesh.

These include the former Presidents of Pakistan, Muhammad Rafiq Tarar and Farooq Leghari [Sardar Farooq Ahmed Khan Leghari], and former President of India, Dr. Zakir Hussain who was also associated with this movement. Major General Ziaur Rahman, former President and Chief of Army Staff of the Bangladesh Army, was a strong supporter and member of Tablighi Jamaat, and popularized it in Bangladesh.

Lieutenant General [R] Javed Nasir of the Pakistan Army and former head of Inter-Services Intelligence along with former Prime Minister of Pakistan, General Muhammad Zia-ul-Haq have also been linked with the movement.

Maulana Ilyas was a prominent member of the movement and throughout Tabligh's history there has been a degree of association between scholars of Deoband and Tablighi Jamat. Tabligh was formed at a time in India when some Muslim leaders feared that Indian Muslims were losing their Muslim identity to the majority Hindu culture.

After the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, the movement made inroads into Central Asia. As of 2007, it was estimated 10,000 Tablighi members could be found in Kyrgyzstan alone.

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By 2008 it had a presence in nearly 80 countries and had become a leading revitalist movement. However, it maintains a presence in India, where at least 100 of its Jamaats go out from Markaz, the international headquarters, to different parts of India and overseas.

Lieutenant General [R] Javed Nasir of the Pakistan Army and former head of Inter-Services Intelligence along with former Prime Minister of Pakistan, General Muhammad Zia-ul-Haq have also been linked with the movement.

The present spectacle of Pakistan as a global hot bed of Islamist radicalism, with an unbiquitous ISI as a super-state is the manifest results of the movement midst its society and its officialdoms.

Tablighis in India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh have competing claims as to which comprises the movement's international headquarters. Those in India contend that Nizamuddin [India] is the base, since the movement grew out of the Deoband school of Islam and it is in Delhi that the group was founded. However, elders in Raiwind [Pakistan] and Tongi [Bangladesh] dispute Nizamuddin's final authority, citing their countries´ majority Muslim populations and claiming that the organization can operate more openly.

Every fall, over a million almost identically dressed, bearded Muslim men from around the world descend on the small Pakistani town of Raiwind for a three-day celebration of faith. Similar gatherings take place annually outside of Dhaka, Bangladesh, and Bhopal, India. These pilgrims are no ordinary Muslims, though; they belong to a movement called Tablighi Jamaat ["Proselytizing Group"]. They are trained missionaries who have dedicated much of their lives to spreading Islam across the globe. The largest group of religious proselytizers of any faith, they are part of the reason for the explosive growth of Islamic religious fervor and conversion.

The Bangladeshi prime minister and top political leadership, many of whom are Islamists, regularly attend their rallies, and Pakistani military officers, many of whom are sympathetic to militant Islam, even allow Tablighi missionaries to preach in the barracks.

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The Octopus and the ISI

Yet, the Pakistani experience strips the patina from Tablighi Jamaat's façade. Pakistani prime minister Nawaz Sharif [1990-93; 1997-99],

whose father was a prominent Tablighi member and financier, helped Tablighi members take prominent positions. For example, in 1998, Muhammad Rafique Tarar took the ceremonial presidency while, in 1990, Javed Nasir assumed the powerful director-generalship of the Inter-Services Intelligence, Pakistan's chief intelligence agency.

When Benazir Bhutto, less sympathetic to Islamist causes, returned to the premiership in 1993, Tablighis conspired to overthrow her government. In 1995, the Pakistani army thwarted a coup attempt by several dozen high-ranking military officers and civilians, all of whom were members of the Tablighi Jamaat and some of whom also held membership in Harakat ul-Mujahideen, a U.S. State Department-defined terrorist organization.

Some of the confusion over Tablighi Jamaat's apolitical characterization derives from the fact that the movement does not consider individual states to be legitimate. They may not become actively involved in internal politics or disputes over local issues, but, from a philosophical and transnational perspective, the Tablighi Jamaat's millenarian philosophy is very political indeed.

According to the French Tablighi expert Marc Gaborieau, its ultimate objective is nothing short of a "planned conquest of the world" in the spirit of jihad.

The movement's rapid penetration into non-Muslim regions began in the 1970s and coincides with the establishment of a synergistic relationship between Saudi Wahhabis and South Asian Deobandis. While Wahhabis are dismissive of other Islamic schools, they single out Tablighi Jamaat for praise, even if they disagree with some of its practices, such as willingness to pray in mosques housing graves. The late Sheikh ´Abd al ´Aziz ibn Baz, perhaps the most influential Wahhabi cleric in the late twentieth century, recognized the Tablighis good work and encouraged his Wahhabi brethren to go on missions with them so that they can "guide and advise them." A practical result of this cooperation has been large-scale Saudi financing of Tablighi Jamaat. While Tablighi Jamaat in theory requires its missionaries to cover their own expenses during their trips, in practice, Saudi money subsidizes transportation costs for thousands of poor missionaries. While Tablighi Jamaat's financial activities are shrouded in secrecy, there is no doubt that some of the vast sums spent by Saudi organizations such as the World Muslim League on proselytism benefit Tablighi Jamaat. As early as 1978, the World Muslim League subsidized the building of the Tablighi mosque in Dewsbury, England, which has since become the headquarters of Tablighi Jamaat

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in all of Europe. Wahhabi sources have paid Tablighi missionaries in Africa salaries higher than the European Union pays teachers in Zanzibar. In both Western Europe and the United States, Tablighis operate interchangeably out of Deobandi and Wahhabi controlled mosques and Islamic centers.

Wolf in Sheep's Clothing:

The West's misreading of Tablighi Jamaat actions and motives has serious implications for the war on terrorism. Tablighi Jamaat has always adopted an extreme interpretation of Sunni Islam, but in the past two decades, it has radicalized to the point where it is now a driving force of Islamic extremism and a major recruiting agency for terrorist causes worldwide. For a majority of young Muslim extremists, joining Tablighi Jamaat is the first step on the road to extremism. Perhaps 80 percent of the Islamist extremists in France come from Tablighi ranks, prompting French intelligence officers to call Tablighi Jamaat the "antechamber of fundamentalism." U.S. counterterrorism officials are increasingly adopting the same attitude. "We have a significant presence of Tablighi Jamaat in the United States," the deputy chief of the FBI's international terrorism section said in 2003, "and we have found that Al-Qaeda used them for recruiting now and in the past."

Tablighi Jamaat has long been directly involved in the sponsorship of terrorist groups. Pakistani and Indian observers believe, for instance, that Tablighi Jamaat was instrumental in founding Harakat ul-Mujahideen. Founded at Raiwind in 1980, almost all of the Harakat ul-Mujahideen's original members were Tablighis. Famous for the December 1998 hijacking of an Air India passenger jet and the May 8, 2002 murder of a busload of French engineers in Karachi, Harakat members make no secret of their ties. "The two organizations together make up a truly international network of genuine jihadi Muslims," one senior Harakat ul-Mujahideen official said. More than 6,000 Tablighis have trained in Harakat ul-Mujahideen camps. Many fought in Afghanistan in the 1980s and readily joined Al-Qaeda after the Taliban defeated Afghanistan's anti-Soviet mujahideen [Jihadists].

There is also evidence that Tablighi Jamaat directly recruits for terrorist organizations. As early as the 1980s, the movement sponsored military training for 900 recruits annually in Pakistan and Algeria while, in 1999, Uzbek authorities accused Tablighi Jamaat of sending 400 Uzbeks to terrorist training camps. The West is not immune. British counterterrorism authorities estimate that at least 2,000 British nationals had gone to Pakistan for jihad training by 1998, and the French secret services report that between 80 and 100 French nationals fought for Al-Qaeda.

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A Trojan Horse for Terror in America?

Within the United States, the cases of American Taliban John Lindh, the "Lackawanna Six," and the Oregon cell that conspired to bomb a synagogue and sought to link up with Al-Qaeda, all involve Tablighi missionaries. Other indicted terrorists, such as "shoe bomber" Richard Reid, "dirty bomber" Jose Padilla, and Lyman Harris, who sought to bomb the Brooklyn Bridge, were all members of Tablighi Jamaat at one time or another. According to Robert Blitzer, head of the FBI's first Islamic counterterrorism unit, between 1,000 and 2,000 Americans left to join the jihad in the 1990s alone. Pakistani intelligence sources report that 400 American Tablighi recruits received training in Pakistani or Afghan terrorist camps since 1989.

The Trojan Horse in India

Qaeda used Delhi-based Tablighi Jamaat as cover: WikiLeaksMonday - May 09, 2011, 10:50am (GMT+5.5)

New Delhi - Delhi-based Islamic missionary movement, the Tablighi Jamaat, has been used by al Qaeda operatives as a cover to obtain travel documents and shelter, as per the latest documents released by WikiLeaks.

As per the disclosures of Guantanamo Bay detainees, released by WikiLeaks and published by a newspaper, Monday, at least three of the hardcore inmates at the prison had stayed at the organisation’s facilities in and around Delhi.

Based on the interrogation reports of 779 inmates, the affiliation with the organisation was “identified as an al-Qaeda cover story”.

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The US cables identify Jamaat Tabligh (as the name appears in its records) as a “proselytising organisation that willingly supports terrorists”.

As per a note on the organisation, al Qaeda used the Jamaat to facilitate and fund the international travels of its members. The newspaper report further quotes the US as saying that the organisation has been linked to the 2006 terrorist attacks in Mumbai in which at least 166 people were killed and hundreds injured.

One of the key financiers of al Qaeda, Somalian Muhammad Sulayman is said to have used the Jamaat to get travel documents for Pakistan. “He was denied UN refugee status in India, but he obtained a visa to travel to Pakistan under the sponsorship of Jamaat Tablighi (JT). Detainee stated he had no intention of performing missionary duties or serving with the JT; he just used the group to get a visa,” the record states.

Other important al Qaeda-linked operatives who are claimed to have used the Tablighi Jamaat services are Sudanese Lashkar-e-Toiba recruiter Amir Mohammed and Abdul Bukhary, a Saudi Arabian member of the terror group, who had stayed at the Jamaat headquarters in Delhi for a month, before travelling to Pakistan to join a terror camp.

(Read more:

From this point of view, the missionary network, for the capillary nature and fluidity of its multi-ethnic ties, can lay itself open to infiltration attempts or interference by jihadist formations and could be, not only, a vehicle for the selection and recruiting of moujaheddins - even better, if converted and of western nationality – but also as an ad hoc coverage for movement, (for example, as a good way of obtaining visas) as well as the activities of financing and of logistic support.

By way of illustration, in the Spring of 2001, Kamal Derwish – an Al Qaeda member, killed in Yemen, a year later – had recruited six Yemenite Americans of Lackawanna (New York), for training in Afghanistan. The group – condemned for terrorism on their return to the United States – had declared to be directed for Pakistan, to study Islam with the Tabligh. As one can imagine, from the Pakistani Koran madras to the ‘smoking’ Al Qaeda camps in Afghanistan, it was but a short step.

(Door- to- door” Islam the missionary network of Tabligh Eddawa

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Spearheading Legislative Jihad in India

We have taken the case of Lebensraum of the Pan Islamist Tabliqi and Mulsim League and how it later manifest.

This is to show how the Political institutions respond and help with the projects of the ideological vision of Radicalism.

This secured by way of legislative participation aiding the Jihad.

The Movement we have already seen as Gani Eirabi formulates-

The votes of the black Muslims can give the immigrant Muslims the political clout they need at every stage to protect their vital interests..

The Vote-bank sprang up as a result of grass roots work of the tabliqis.

Let a Thousand Godhras bloom

There are many other cases of individual Tablighis committing acts of terrorism. French Tablighi members, for example, have helped organize and execute attacks not only in Paris but also at the Hotel Asni in Marrakech in 1994.

Kazakh authorities expelled a number of Tablighi missionaries because they had been organizing networks advancing "extremist propaganda and recruitment."

Indian investigators suspect influential Tablighi leader, Maulana Umarji, and a group of his followers in the February 27, 2002 fire bombing of a train carrying Hindu nationalists in Gujarat, India.

The incident sparked a wave of pogroms victimizing both Muslims and Hindus.

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More recently, Moroccan authorities sentenced Yusef Fikri, a Tablighi member and leader of the Moroccan terrorist organization At-Takfir wal-Hijrah, to death for his role in masterminding the May 2003 Casablanca terrorist bombings that claimed more than forty lives.

It is to obtain a shield and legal immunity for triggering such chain reactions that we see the present Draft Bill on Communal violence strives.

Going by its content, the very suggestion of the tabliqi activists sparking and fanning such Communal pogroms are denied flatly.

It labours in depth to keep them away from such acts and gives them a blanket immunity from prosecution.

By singling out the Majority community and proviudong a Legal immunity, it paves the way for numberless such Godhras with impunity.

The Law enforcers and Law then become the greatest ally in this Jihadi enterprise.

They actually provide an unimaginable legal shield and scope for amplification of Jihadi strikes.

Assuming the definition of Minrities, inspired Jihadis can at once initiate assaults on the Majority community and enjoy the Legal immunity to the fallout.

The physical retaliation of the Majority community would alone be focused upon and pursued rigorously.

What better way to create a paradise land of Jihadis?

Even Pakistan plagued by almost daily attacks by Jihadi groups has no such law that would keep them above the pursuit of the long arm of the law.

If this Draft Bill is put in force as a Law- that would take away even the very possibility of a Jihadi ever taken to account for the breaking of law and order.

All they have to do is choose the time and place and move on to the next in a list of such program of Jihad strikes.

The law will not only follow him closely providing him immunity, but also quell ruthlessly the reaction on ground, ever moving on to fresh targets as the Jihadis march all over the land.

This is Jihad by Law and decree and madness at its best.

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Collaboration of Lawmakers

The first prerequisite in the trade off is the mobilisation of masses into a solid and coherent ideological franchise.

It then barters the ready pooled Votes to a facilitator in return for the carrying out of the Project’s objective- here the migration of East Pakistanis and Bangladeshis to North east in quest of Muslim League’s Lebensraum.

When the question of deportation came regarding the infiltrators, a fierce opposition to the identification and deportation ensured the efforts were frustrated.

First it was argued it is ‘difficult’ to tell the native Bengalis resident since before Partition from those who came as infiltrators, migrants and refugees.

Then it was made into an assertion that it was well nigh ‘impossible’ to tell the infiltrators from the native Muslims.

Now it is asserted, all such claims of infiltration and demands towards deportation as an agenda of Islamophobes and Hindu right wing and therefore it must be resisted.

In all this Legislative jihad had no small role to play aiding the continuation of the Muslim League’s quest for entire North East as a Ureihmat.

The Supreme Court finally spelled out the Legislative Jihad as nothing but sheer subversion of Constitution.

Demographic aggression

The Resources rich and sparsely populated North East were first shown as the rightful Umeit by the Muslim League as early as the 1920s.

Though migration and settling of Muslims from Bengal began at once in earnest , and continued all through the mid twentieth century, it reached alarming proportions after the liberation of Bangladesh.

The almost near total deportation of the Hindu refugees who had arrived fleeing the large scale genocide and pogroms by the Razakars and East Pakistan Army, was a heartless

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measure that helped this subsequent quick return of Bangladeshi Muslims in large numbers who were welcome for their affinity to anti-Hinduism and political orientation.

The massive scale of this infiltration turned many adjoining border districts into Muslim majority.

The Student unrest over the Foreigner issue paved the way for enactment of a Legislation that was supposed to address this problem.

Instead it was turned into yet another occasion for a Legislative assault.

The status of the Muslims from Bangladesh and erstwhile East Pakistan and even those who were natives of the region are not the same as that of Hindu refugees from East Pakistan.

The creation of East Pakistan was a self chosen destiny of Muslims of east India, and not an imposition.

India was under no compulsion to harbour them after their self choice and self creation.

The responsibility of their own self choice was not once kept in mind.

The Hindu refugees from that self chosen creation of Islamist Bangladesh were by no stretch of imagination to be held to count on what was never their choice and against their wishes.

The moral responsibility rests with India as to their right of choice to live where they would like any other citizen of the Indian Union.

This again was never admitted as the moral truth.

Together this created further grave and calamitous consequences to the Hindus of the North east region and especially Assam and Bengal.

The issue of Hindu Refugees, who have a moral claim in having been left without consult or choice over division of their homeland, was left unaddressed and un spelt clearly.

The prevarication on the assumption of responsibility for the Division and creation of an Islamist State midst this North east region incentivised both stay and further infiltration form across the border by east Pakistanis and Bangladeshi Muslims.

There was no Mp from Assam when a Law was enacted that ensured further aggression.

It was meant to save the Bangladeshi infiltrators from the ambit of the Foreigners Act of 1946.

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The IMDT Act (1983) is an instrument passed by Indian Parliament when there was no MPs elected from Assam, to detect illegal immigrants (from Bangladesh) and expel them from Assam. While the IMDT Act operates only in Assam, the Foreigners Act (1946) applies to the rest of the country. It is applicable to those Bangladeshi nationals who settled in Assam on or after March 25, 1971. Under the Act, the onus of proving the citizenship of a suspected illegal alien rests on the complainant, often the police. On the other hand, according to the provisions of the Foreigners Act, the onus lies with the person suspected to be an alien.

The Challenge to the Legislative Jihad

In July 25th the Supreme Court which heard the case against this IMDT Act of 1983 read out a historic judgement that should tell a lot about this mindset of Minorityism.

The IMDT was enacted to by Indira Gandhi’s regime in 1983.

The act basically made it difficult to deport illegal immigrants from Assam. It has been alleged to be one of the main reasons of rapid rise of Muslim population and demographic change in Assam.

It details the elaborate procedures to be in place while detecting Foreigners’ and evicting them from Assam back to Bangladesh.

The Act was pushed through mainly on the grounds that it provided special protections against undue harassment to the “minorities” that were affected by the Assam Agitation.

Note how this innocuous and well meaning concern and wording of providing special protections against undue harassment to the “minorities” that were affected- actually turns up under the Judicial probe of the highest Court of Law- a point not to be missed on this peculiar and sadistic play at words and turn of phrases that has now comeup at the Draft Bill we began discussing.

Supreme Court struck down the Illegal Migrants (Determination by Tribunals) Act, 1983 as unconstitutional; and termed Bangladeshi infiltration as "external aggression" and directed that "the Bangladesh nationals who have illegally crossed the border and have trespassed into Assam or are living in other parts of the country have no legal right of any kind to remain in India and they are liable to be deported."

So what was being portrayed as undue harassment to the “minorities that were affected and with pathos maintained to deserve and be provided special protections-

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Turns out after due Judiciary hearing to be - "external aggression” that have no legal right of any kind to remain in India and they are liable to be deported."

Judicial Final Word

A three-judge Bench comprising Chief Justice R.C. Lahoti, Justice G.P. Mathur and Justice P.K. Balasubramanyan, which, on Tuesday, struck down the IMDT Act as unconstitutional, observed: "The presence of such a large number of illegal migrants from Bangladesh, which runs into millions, is in fact an aggression on the State of Assam and has also contributed significantly in causing serious internal disturbances in the shape of insurgency of alarming proportions." [41]

The court, in its 114-page judgment, noted that this "aggression" had made the life of the people of Assam "wholly insecure and the panic generated thereby had created fear psychosis." The Bench said this hampered the growth of Assam though it had vast natural resources. The rest of the country viewed it as a disturbed area and hence there were no investments or employment opportunities, giving rise to insurgency.[41]

The Bench said "the IMDT Act and the Rules clearly negate the constitutional mandate contained in Article 355 of the Constitution, where a duty has been cast upon the Union of India to protect every State against external aggression and internal disturbance. The IMDT Act, which contravenes Article 355 of the Constitution is, therefore, wholly unconstitutional and must be struck down."[41]

The judges said the impact of such large-scale illegal migrants not only affected Assam but also other north-eastern States as the route to these places passed through Assam. The Bench said the influx of Bangladeshi nationals into Assam posed a threat to the integrity and security of the north-eastern region.[41]

Their presence had changed the demographic character of the region and the local people of Assam had been reduced to a status of minority in certain districts. The judges said the enforcement of the IMDT Act had helped the illegal migrants to stay in Assam. The illegal migrants had affected the language, script and culture of the local people. The Bench directed constitution of fresh tribunals under the Foreigner (Tribunals) Order, 1964.[41]

NGO Activism and extra judicial overthrow of Law

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If it is expected that at once the law as clarified now would have been implimented and that the external aggression rolled back, extra-constitutional authority and influence over our national affairs wielded by yet another maverick fascist entity made it otherwise.

A reluctant executive and few activist stunts saw to it that since this verdict in 2005 the revamped Foreigners’ Act could get only 300 illegal foreigners fro Assam to date.

The Foreigners Act, 1946 led to the setting up of 32 Foreigners Tribunals in Assam - four more such tribunals are being set up soon. Already about 400,000 cases are pending before the tribunals for hearing.

Now let us study who made it pass to the Tribunal that was around 400,000 an impressive figure.

Salient Features of the Legislative subversion

Under the Act, The IMDT Act (1983) the burden of proving the citizenship or otherwise rested on the accuser and the police, not the accused; whereas under the Foreigners Act prevailing in the rest of the country the onus is on the accused.

The accuser must reside within a 3 km radius of the accused, fill out a complaint form (a maximum of ten per accuser is allowed) and pay a fee of ten Rupees.

If a suspected illegal migrant is thus successfully accused, he was required by the Act to simply produce a ration card to prove his Indian citizenship.

And if a case made it past these requirements, a system of tribunals made up of retired judges would finally decide on deportation based on the facts.

The act also provided that 'if the application is found frivolous or vexatious' the Central Government may not accept it.

It excluded the migrants who entered India before March 25, 1971 from the illegal-migration accusation. And for post-1971 migrants too, the procedure for deporting were tough.

The Act was challenged in courts. In 2005 a three-judge Bench of The Supreme Court of India held that the Illegal Migrants (Determination by Tribunals) Act, 1983 and rules "has

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created the biggest hurdle and is the main impediment or barrier in the identification and deportation of illegal migrants" and struck down the Act.

The court also observed "(the conviction rate under the IMDT act) comes to less than half per cent of the cases initiated...(the IMDT Act) is coming to the advantage of such illegal migrants as any proceedings initiated against them almost entirely ends in their favour, enables them to have a document having official sanctity to the effect that they are not illegal migrants."

Apart from immigrants a large numbers smugglers regularly cross the porous border along West Bengal into India.[37] They mainly engage in smuggling goods and livestock from India into Bangladesh to avoid high tariff imposed on some Indian goods by Bangladesh government.[37] Bangladeshi women and girls are also trafficked to India and via India to Middle East for forced labor and commercial sexual exploitation.[38] The Centre for Women and Children Studies estimated in 1998 that 27,000 Bangladeshis have been forced into prostitution in India.[39][40] Ahmedabad Crime Branch (ACB) has investigated a prostitution racket run by a Bangladeshi couple living in Ahmedabad. It believed over 500 women had been coerced into prostitution by illegal Bangladeshi agents in Gujarat.

(Open Source-wikipedia)

Redefinition of National Identities via Sub-nationalism

Most Jews then living in German locales that allowed their settlement were automatically defined as mere indigenous inhabitants, depending on permits that were typically less generous than those granted to Gentile indigenous inhabitants

Hence we find explained the genesis of this dual scale of evaluation- the Bengali infiltrator from Bangladesh as an indigenous entity which is impossible to make out.

On the other hand the Hindu refugees who were to be at the mercy of permits and restrictions and deportations.

The potential of Hindu assertiveness made them less desirable even though as Mitcshel Hindus they could help Marxist and National socialist parties to win mandates.

Actually while attempting to deny any Infiltration or demographic reengineering, an author mentions – west Bengal figures of Mulsim demographic spiking has come down, save the reports from Nandigram where many had obtained ration cards and figures have actually risen.

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It seems this help wasn’t to the rescue of Marxists- despite such long and inglorious Tradition of Scientific Secularists to deny and down play and accommodate the Infiltrators all in return for electoral support.

The irony is not missed when Nandigram is taken as the sole exception which alone that Negationist would admit as having any truth in ‘wild allegations’ of a myth of demographic reengineering.

They were handsomely rewarded when lands they were allowed to squat were required for the States growth industries and had by then become Waqf and not reasonably tradable commodity.

It was an invasion in the literal sense of the term that had been helped with. These were neither sons of the soil who inherited these lands from ancestors or bought them by the sweat of their brow. They were occupiers of State lands.

Which is why upon asking even at above market evaluation prices of land, to be handed over or any resettlement were flatly refused- since they had become the liberated lands and the Urgiet or the Living space?

It is in this sense that Maoists converged at Nandigram, as liberated zone of Sub nationalism.

Hyper-Secular Zealots- The Alte Kamfers and the Legislative Jihad

The German historian Hans Mommsen wrote about the Alte Kämpfer that:

"After the Nazi seizure of power, those groups in the NSDAP that originated in the extreme völkisch movement—including the vast majority of the Alte Kämpfer—did not become socially integrated. Many of them remained unemployed, while others failed to obtain posts commensurate with the services they believed they had rendered the movement. The social advancement that they had hoped for usually failed to materialize. This potential for protest was increasingly diverted into the sphere of Jewish policy. Many extremists in the NSDAP, influenced by envy and greed as well as by a feeling that they had been excluded from attractive positions within the higher civil service, grew even more determined to act decisively and independently in the "Jewish Question". The pressures exerted by the militant wing of the party on the state apparatus were most effective when they were in harmony with the official ideology".[9]

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We find now that a small hyper zealous and near fanatical display of Hindu phobia and Hindu bashing by an Alte kamfers, who seek to obsess the nation with just one question- The Hindu Communalism and the Minority question.

Their drive is towards arriving at a definitive settlement of the issue.

A definitive secular solution

Hitler appeared before the Reichstag in Nuremberg, introducing the laws and their alleged motivation, before the laws were formally read and proposed for adoption by Hermann Göring, the President of the Reichstag. In his speech he laid out his case for the new laws:

...Bitter complaints have come in from countless places citing the provocative behavior of Jews....a certain amount of [conspiratorial] planning was involved....[To prevent] vigorous defensive action by the [Aryan] people,[24] we have no choice but to contain the problem through legislative may be possible, through a definitive secular solution, to create a basis on which the German people can have a tolerable relationship with the Jews.[25] ... This law is an attempt to find a legislative solution....if this attempts fails, it will be necessary to transfer [the Jewish problem] ... to the National Socialist Party for a final solution by law (German: endgültige Lösung).[26

The Final Solution by Law has now begun.

Disenfranchisement and Dis-emancipation of Hindus

The main starting point of National Socialist is the arrival at Disenfranchisement.

In India this acquires an Orwellian redefinition of the term Secular, and nationhood as this Secular fabric.

The spin and inversion of this European term of Secularism is not incidental or peculiar to any supposed Indian milleu of hypersesnitivty to Religiosity at all.

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In fact it completely disregards a native Hindu Religious identity except by way of a pejorative racial slur of being a Communalist idea and entity that is destructive to the Secular fabric of Indian Nationhood.

This Indian perversion of the Secular ideal is more like a Nazi spin of Goebbels- that is akin to the Nuremberg laws that obtained the deprival of Citizenship Rights of the Jews.

The equality of law and citizenry of Hindus via the non-Hindus is seen as a contradiction like the Nazi redefinition of Germanic Nation, something that cancels the Secular fabric.

For the Indian nation to exist upon this supposed Secular fabric, equality of Law pertaining to the Hindus cannot be granted. Unless like Jewish identity was made suspect and antinational, the Hindu identity and is rendered as antinational and destructive to Indian Secular existence.

Therefore to strengthen the Secular fabric and the National existence, a gradual system of Inequity towards its supposed nemesis- the Hindu community and identity becomes inevitable.

This has behind it the gradual return of the Hindus as Third Class citizens in a system of Shariath based Dhimmitude as existed under the moguls and the long Islamic imperial rule.

The measures were unanimously adopted by the Reichstag. In 12 years of Nazi rule, the Reichstag only passed four laws: the Nuremberg laws were two of them.[27]

The Nuremberg Laws formalized the unofficial and particular measures taken against Jews up to 1935. The Nazi leaders made a point of stressing the consistency of this legislation with the Party programme, which demanded that Jews should be deprived of their citizenship rights.

Hence the grand attempt towards the Nuremberg Laws or the Legislative assaults against the Hindus.

To disenfranchise and Disemancipate Hindus back to their historical Dhimmitude.

Through Legislative Jihad.

A Final Solution by Law.

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Qaeda used Delhi-based Tablighi Jamaat as cover: WikiLeaksMonday - May 09, 2011, 10:50am (GMT+5.5)

Read more:


Bahukutumbi Raman (also referred to as B. Raman) is a former Additional Secretary (retired), Cabinet Secretariat of the Government of India and former head of the counter-terrorism division of India's external intelligence agency Research and Analysis Wing (RAW).[1] He is currently the director of the Institute for Topical Studies, Chennai. B Raman is also a contributor to the South Asia Analysis Group (SAAG). As a former intelligence official, B Raman regularly writes about security, counter-terrorism and military issues regarding India and South Asia.

Paper no. 155729. 09. 2005

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POLITICS OF INFILTRATION - A Threat to Socio-cultural Identity of Assam ?

by R.Upadhyay

List of individual references will be compiled shortly-

Secondary citations are from Open source and Wikipedia.