the official story of 911 is impossible

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  • 8/12/2019 The Official Story of 911 is Impossible


    " I t is an old maxim of mi ne that when you have excluded the impossibl e, whatever r emains, however

    improbable, must be the truth.- Sherlock Holmes in The Beryl Coronet"

    When something is impossible it cannot happen. People can believeit happened, but belief does not trump

    impossible, no matter how many people believe or how convinced they might be. Impossible is impossible.

    The ninth anniversary of the attacks on the World Trade Centre occurred last year. To mark the occasion We

    Are Change Eire hosted a free screening of Loose Change An American Coup at Seomra Spraoi in Dublin and

    did some street action in Dublin City centre on the Friday and Saturday before the screening. The videos of this

    are available in the longer version of this article The screening room was full inthe end up and we were very happy with the turnout. All the time new people are coming across this

    information and are brave enough to assault their world view and belief system with the uncomfortable thought

    that they may have been enormously fooled about an incredibly important event. Because this is one real big

    inconvenient truth. We have been enormously fooled. We have been sold the biggest pup one can imagine with

    this event.

    There is an enormous body of material now readily available for anyone to look into 911 and see what really

    occurred. Those who follow it up start off on a long and, lets be honest, traumatic, journey of discovery which

    involves the shedding of many, just about all, old belief systems and ideas and seeing that how they thought the

    world works is not how the world works at all, by a mile.

    September 11


    2001 is a massive subject, and there are so many areas where the official story and the evidencedo not match that to begin to explain ones doubts to someone who believes the official story is quite difficult.

    For the benefit of people who do not think 911 was an inside job we will concentrate on just two or three

    impossible things here and briefly explain why the official story cannot be correct.

    Impossible thing number 1: Fires destroying steel framed buildings.

    ~1510C = melting point of typical structural steel

    ~825C = maximum temperature of hydrocarbon fires burning in the atmosphere without pressurization or pre-

    heating (premixed fuel and air - blue flame)

    1510 - 825 = 685. There is a 685 degree C difference between the maximum possible temperature of the fires inthe WTC and the melting point of steel. These fires did not melt steel; that is impossible. If hydrocarbon fires

    melted steel would the cooker in your kitchen work? When you leave a saucepan on your camp fire while you

    wrestle with your tent does the saucepan melt?

    There was molten iron found in the rubble of the towers.

    1535C (2795F) = melting point of iron. 1535 - 825 = 710. There is a 710 degree C difference between the

    maximum temperature possible in the fires in the WTC and the melting point of iron. These fires did not meltiron, that is impossible. It is also impossible because there was no iron in the WTC, it was made from steel.

    Impossible thing number 2. The fires softened the steel, causing collapse.

    The fires started due to the aircraft impacts. The aircraft impacts were on one side of each building, roughly,

    and were asymmetric. The fuel from the aircraft mostly burnt off in the initial explosion. The remainder started

    the building fires, which spread, asymmetrically, up the buildings.

    Structural steel is thick. Steel framed buildings contain a lot of it, and are effectively massive heat sinks. Ittakes a lot of heat to heat a lot of steel. The steel would require a LOT of heat energy to be transferred into it,

    over a considerable period of time, to raise its temperature. For a softening of steel to occur which could even

    theoretically result in a total failure of the building at a certain level would require that entire level to be evenly,

    symmetrically, heated over its entire area at the same rate for a long time, to bring all the structural steel to the

    same temperature at the same time. With an uneven, cool, short fire as was present in the towers these

    conditions could not exist. Fires softening the steel and thus causing collapse is impossible.

    If it waspossible and a softening did occur then the level where the softening occurs might collapse. If it did itwould go where? Below it is the completely undamaged lower portion of the building, not on fire, not melting,

    not softening, not anything different to how it always had been, holding up the upper portion. The upper portion

    cannot move through the lower portion, because the lower portion is in the way. It cannot move sideways

    because there is no force to move it sideways. It cannot go anywhere. Directly under each column, vertically,

    the direction the structure moved in, is the rest of that column, undamaged. How can the upper section move

    past the lower section? This is impossible.
  • 8/12/2019 The Official Story of 911 is Impossible


    Anyone who thinks an aluminium aircraft colliding with an immense structure such as this, at 50 miles an hour

    or 500 miles an hour, whatever, would cause this structure to completely disintegrate and turn to dust needs to

    think again. If one of the world trade centre towers, 200,000 tonnes of steel and concrete, was travelling at 500

    mph and collided with a stationary Boeing 757, 70 tonnes of aluminium, which structure would be destroyed?

    The tower?

    Impossible thing number 5: Fire softening steel, in general.

    Steel is softened, in industry, by use of gas torches or very expensive furnaces. If all it took to soften steel was

    to pour some petrol on it and set it on fire, or throw it on a bonfire, then there would not be such a thing asexpensive furnaces, and all the people from the industrial revolution to the present day who used furnaces to

    soften structural steel, including people such as Brunell, would look very foolish. As it is it is us who look

    foolish, for not stopping in our tracks the minute we were told fire melts steel and saying: Hold on! I don't care

    what everyone says, the facts are the facts! Hyrocarbon fires burning in the atmosphere can't burn hot enough to

    affect steel. Fact.

    The real impossible thing: The official story is impossible.

    The official story therefore cannot be true, no matter how often it is repeated, and no matter how

    convinced one might be that it must be true.

    These buildings didnt even collapse anyway, they turned to dust in mid air and flowed to the ground. On theground after a building collapse one finds pieces of the building; concrete, floors, and steel. With the WTC the

    concrete floors were not there after the collapse, instead lower Manhattan was blanketed with dust of theconsistency of talcum powder. Concrete is hard. To turn it to dust requires a lot of energy, it must be crushed,

    or blown up. The only energy applied to the WTC buildings were the aircraft impacts and some fires. The

    aircraft impacts did not convert the floors to dust and neither did the fires. So the pancake collapse must have

    then. But the pancake collapse is impossible, and even if it were possible the kinetic energy of the fall could

    also not have converted the concrete floors to dust. So what did then?

    One version of events neatly explains both the collapses and the dust. The buildings were blown to

    smithereens. This version of events is supported by thepeer reviewed findings of Steven Jones and Neils Harrit

    et al that the dust contained thermite, a military grade explosive.

    All this is without mentioning the third building, WTC7. This 47 story steel framed building also fell on

    September 11th

    . The argument that it fell due to impact damage doesn't apply since it was not struck by an

    aircraft, and collapse due to fire is impossible since it was a steel framed building. So what happened to

    Building 7 then? It fell straight down, into a pile of steel and dust, in six seconds. How?

    The great enemy of the truth is very often not the lie--deliberate, contrived, and dishonest--but the myth--

    persistent, persuasive, and unrealistic.-John F. Kennedy

    During our street action on 911 one member of the public, who did not agree that 911 was an inside job, made

    the following statement: 911 cant have been an inside job, people would know by now, to a person telling

    him that 911 was an inside job. The person telling him obviously knew, but the man could not entertain the

    notion because People would know. This is how much of a head melter this event has become. Who,specifically, has to be the person who knows and is telling the person who doesn't know for the statement to be

    valid? Does it have to be everyone? How can it be everyone, since people would need to find out one by one?

    Or is it when the news media eventually tell us? Will they tell us? How did we come to believe the official

    version of this event? From the news media? What they report is true isn't it? What about this report, from the

    BBC on 911, reporting the collapse of WTC 7. They reported that it collapsed 20 minutes before it did.

    This is impossible.

    To anyone who does not know that 911 is a lie: Its a lie. People know. Millions of people know. They are

    trying to tell you, because this is important. Its very difficult to explain just how important this is. As

    Morpheus says, you need to see it for yourself.

    This event changed our world, OUR world, massively for the worse. We are at war, we have a global

    security/police state being constructed at lightening pace all around us, and we have the terrorist bogey men

    used to scare us into accepting it all. Watch out! Osama Bin Laden is going to get you! Hes coming to kill

    you because you are free! Hand us over total control of your lives and you will be safe! DO IT NOW! On top

    of that we have a lot more. We have firstly, for this author at least, the shattering realisation that we have been

    fooled and that the ones doing the fooling are the ones we trusted, the media, and the governments. Maybe we
  • 8/12/2019 The Official Story of 911 is Impossible


    didn't completely trust them, but we didn't think a deception of this magnitude could be possible. However, we

    were incorrect. And that is shocking. To be fooled so badly. It then makes one wonder what else we might be

    being fooled about. Then we get to the position of seeing why this is important, because when you adjust your

    world view to take into account that 911 is a lie then the focus becomes a lot clearer. You suddenly see the real

    picture, like the image that comes onto focus in one of those magic pictures. Things begin to make sense, you

    begin to see how this world is really run, who is doing the running, and where its running to.

    911 is bullshit. The War on Terror is bullshit. Osama Bin Laden, as told to us, is bullshit. The War in Iraq, and

    the war in Afghanistan are because of this bullshit, and all we are going to get in our lives until we expose 911

    and the incredible raft of high crimes committed by those responsible is more and more and more of the samebullshit, only exponentially worse and worse, because getting to the truth of 911 one realises that ALL wars are

    bullshit and make no mistake people, there is another war in the post. Iran. You heard Tony Blair himself say it

    on The Late Late Show. We are headed into another war, and it will be another illegal and despicable war based

    on ridiculous bullshit and media propaganda. 911 was a false flag attack. Attack yourself, blame your enemy,

    and attack your enemy. Afghanistan didn't attack America; neither did Iraq and neither will Iran.

    The truth of what happened on 911 is extremely complicated. We do not know for sure what exactly happened,

    but working together people all over the world are getting to the bottom of it and trying to stop this runaway

    train of crime and killing and theft which has become our reality since 911 and which is justified in large part by

    911. There is inertia in the mind of the public at large which cannot mentally accept that such a massive event

    could be a lie, but that is rapidly changing as people all over the world are increasingly seeing through this tissueof lies.

    We hope that if you are one of those people who still believe the official story that this information has caused

    you to consider what happened on that day again. A great awakening is underway. The lies and deception

    which enable a small few evil people to steer our world need to stop now. 911 truth is essential to that
