the only b.s. reason why your dreams seem impossible


Upload: lukaszlokiec

Post on 14-Jul-2015



Self Improvement

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Have you ever seen an elephant in a circus?

Haven’t you ever wondered why this big, strong, giant elephant doesn’t just tear that whole place

into pieces along with killing everybody inside who basically took away its freedom and made it a

slave, rather than just obediently do what it’s told?

And what’s even more shocking, the folks over at the circus put this rope around the elephant’s

neck and put a little stake in the ground to make sure the elephant stays in one place.

I mean, come on! That elephant could fart and pull that damn thing out!

So why doesn’t the elephant do it?

That’s because when it was little and didn’t have any strength yet, they took this big rope and put it on the elephant’s neck, and drove a stake in the


The little, weak elephant struggled, struggled, struggled until finally it gave up because it

believed it couldn’t pull the stake out.

And all throughout its life, the elephant believes that it can’t pull out the stake,

so it doesn’t even try.

You see, sometimes people are like that little elephant.

When we’re little, we dream about all the great things we’ll do once when we grow up.

But then we go to school and that’s where the rope gets put on our necks.

We no longer can do what we want, think about what we want, or just dream because if you do it in class, it means you’re not paying attention (by the way, you weren’t paying attention because

that shit was boring anyway…).

And of course, you’ve got to do what you’re told, even it it’s stupid, even if it’s boring, even if it’s completely useless (like reading books whose only purpose is to fill your mind with pictures of

pain, suffering, misery, poverty, fear and basically program you for mediocrity for your entire life),

because if you don’t, you’ll get punished.

And you’re told that without a degree and a job, you’re nothing, you’ll never be successful.


This is just such bullshit.

Most of the richest people in the world never finished school.

So then you finish school and go get a job, usually any job you can get, never realizing that you don’t

have to, that you don’t have to live the way somebody else wants you to live, that you don’t have to accept everyone else’s bullshit, that you

can do whatever it is you want to do.

But of course, when you were little and couldn’t think for yourself, somebody but a fucking rope

around your neck, drove a stake in the ground, so now you’re convinced that is the only way things


It’s all programs.

Ways of thinking installed into your mind (usually by someone else who’s also running someone

else’s program…) that filter everything in your life.

So what happens if somehow, someway you get an idea that maybe you could live a different type

of a life, that maybe you can have it all, that maybe you can live your life on your terms?

“Oh no, I can’t because those people are way more talented than me…”

“Oh no, I can’t because the people at the top make all the money…”

“Oh no, I can’t because rich people are evil and greedy…”

“Oh no, I can’t because I was born in X country…”

“Oh no, I can’t because what will my parents and teachers think of me…”

“Oh no, I can’t because how will I make a living…”

All nothing but bullshit resulting from a program that’s in your brain.

Because you don’t realize that at any moment you can rip that stake out of the ground, get mad and tear every single obstacle that stands in your way

into tiny pieces.

Just like the elephant, you’ve got all the strength you’ll ever need inside, just waiting for that mental

virus that’s poisoning your mind to be deleted, and when that virus is deleted, all that strength, all that power, all that confidence, all that creativity,

EVERYTHING will be released…

And when that happens, everything becomes possible to you…

And you discover a brand-new world…

A world of freedom…

A world where yesterday’s dreams become tomorrow’s realities…

A world where no man, government, or institution tells you how you can live, how much money you

can make, what’s possible for you and your family…

Because you KNOW that you’re in charge of your destiny, you’re in charge of your life, you’re in charge of your income, you’re in charge… the

second that you decide.

(Just like you’re maybe doing… right now…)

Human beings… we’re powerful, we really are…

Isn’t it about time you found out how powerful YOU really are?

I hope you enjoyed this presentation ;-)

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