the origin and the historical accounts of advaitha philosophy

From the Proceedings of the National Philosophy Conference 2010, Department of Philosophy, University of Madras, India July 20 2010 The Origin and the Historical Accounts of Advaitha Philosophy in Indian Sub-Continent, and its relevance to Modern Cosmology Arunvel T, Vethathiri International Academy. Chennai. Abstract: Advent of 17 th Century in the southern Europe. An Italian physicist was traveling to Rome to address the critics on his recent observations in cosmology. The one question he left unanswered in the inquiry was that ’Are there any verses in our religion that support the claims you are making now?’. This unanswered question, changed his fate, by leading to a house arrest, followed by the forced death, due to the poor health care facilities which couldn’t prevent his demise. Five centuries later this Italian physicists’ works were claimed as ‘Galileo, perhaps more than any other single person, was responsible for the birth of modern science’ - Stephen Hawking, the inventor of the black Hole theory in his book. That one question – ‘Is it heliocentric or Geocentric?’ on which Galileo couldn’t convince the world in 17 th century, to reader’s surprise, was well expounded in 500 BC itself, according to Indian literatures. “Aryabhata (476–550), in his magnum opus Aryabhatiya (499), propounded a computational system based on a planetary model in which the Earth was taken to be spinning on its axis and the periods of the planets were given with respect to the Sun. B. L. van der Waerden has interpreted this to be a heliocentric model”, claims the literatures on ancient cosmology. On similar lines, the knowledge and wisdom that prevailed in ancient India attempted to answer many questions, which science is still trying to resolve in this modern age. One of the most significant and toughest question in the minds of cosmologists now is ‘How was this universe born?’. While we accolade the scientists who plunge in their minds to answer this difficult question, this literature review looks at the verses and revelations in the self-realization stream, which address this most difficult and not fully answered puzzle. Also this paper allots a specific focus on Siddhar. Vethathiri Maharishi’s contributions in this field of Advaitha, as his works are considered to be the best bridging effort between modern science and Advaitha. The paper broadly looks at the complete subject in 4 major classes: Class I: The beginning of this thesis is found in ancient Tamil literatures widely known as the 18 siddhas [as early as 12 th – 1 st BC]. The paper provides the verses and the translations for the works of selected south-indian siddhas namely Agaththiyar, Bogar, Konkanar, Idaikkaattar, Paambaattichithar, Avvai, Pathanchali etc. Class II: Another sect of ancient self-realization which was propounding its revelations around the same ages is, the Sanskrit verses found in Rig Veda, Upanishads, Kapila’s Samkhya Philosophy, Vyasa’s Bramhasutras and Gita and the yoga sutras of Patanjali. All these works were written in the period of 12 th - 1 st BC, and were popularly known as the north-indian self- realization literatures. Class III: Revelations of various Jeevan Mukhtars who lived between 15 th – 20 th centuries are considered in this section. Some of them who were well known for their revelations on space, universe and consciousness are Swami Vivekananda, Yogananda, Ramana and Aurabindho etc. Class IV: This section details on the scientific revelations of Swami. Vethathiri Maharishi on his ‘Universal Magnetism’ or ‘Unified Force’ Theory. In his postulates he refers to a ‘state of utmost energy’ called ‘Gravity’ which transforms into a unit energy form called matter or particle, and in time combines in multiple forms to feature as this universe. Also this paper is a useful literature review on the philosophy of ‘Mono-Theism’ and its scientific relevance termed in modern self-realization streams as ‘Gravity’. Introduction - Postulates in Modern Cosmology: Dark energy is a hypothetical form of energy that permeates all of space and tends to increase the rate

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Page 1: The Origin and the Historical Accounts of Advaitha Philosophy

From the Proceedings of the National Philosophy Conference 2010, Department of Philosophy, University of Madras, India

July 20 2010

The Origin and the Historical Accounts of Advaitha Philosophy

in Indian Sub-Continent, and its relevance to Modern


Arunvel T, Vethathiri International Academy. Chennai.

Abstract: Advent of 17th

Century in the southern

Europe. An Italian physicist was traveling to Rome to

address the critics on his recent observations in

cosmology. The one question he left unanswered in

the inquiry was that ’Are there any verses in our

religion that support the claims you are making now?’.

This unanswered question, changed his fate, by

leading to a house arrest, followed by the forced

death, due to the poor health care facilities which

couldn’t prevent his demise. Five centuries later this

Italian physicists’ works were claimed as ‘Galileo,

perhaps more than any other single person, was

responsible for the birth of modern science’ - Stephen

Hawking, the inventor of the black Hole theory in his

book. That one question – ‘Is it heliocentric or

Geocentric?’ on which Galileo couldn’t convince the

world in 17th

century, to reader’s surprise, was well

expounded in 500 BC itself, according to Indian

literatures. “Aryabhata (476–550), in his magnum

opus Aryabhatiya (499), propounded a computational

system based on a planetary model in which the Earth

was taken to be spinning on its axis and the periods of

the planets were given with respect to the Sun. B. L.

van der Waerden has interpreted this to be a

heliocentric model”, claims the literatures on ancient

cosmology. On similar lines, the knowledge and

wisdom that prevailed in ancient India attempted to

answer many questions, which science is still trying to

resolve in this modern age.

One of the most significant and toughest question in

the minds of cosmologists now is ‘How was this

universe born?’. While we accolade the scientists who

plunge in their minds to answer this difficult question,

this literature review looks at the verses and

revelations in the self-realization stream, which

address this most difficult and not fully answered


Also this paper allots a specific focus on Siddhar.

Vethathiri Maharishi’s contributions in this field of

Advaitha, as his works are considered to be the best

bridging effort between modern science and Advaitha.

The paper broadly looks at the complete subject in 4

major classes:

Class I: The beginning of this thesis is found in ancient

Tamil literatures widely known as the 18 siddhas [as

early as 12th

– 1st

BC]. The paper provides the verses and

the translations for the works of selected south-indian

siddhas namely Agaththiyar, Bogar, Konkanar,

Idaikkaattar, Paambaattichithar, Avvai, Pathanchali etc.

Class II: Another sect of ancient self-realization which

was propounding its revelations around the same ages

is, the Sanskrit verses found in Rig Veda, Upanishads,

Kapila’s Samkhya Philosophy, Vyasa’s Bramhasutras

and Gita and the yoga sutras of Patanjali. All these

works were written in the period of 12th

- 1st

BC, and

were popularly known as the north-indian self-

realization literatures.

Class III: Revelations of various Jeevan Mukhtars who

lived between 15th

– 20th

centuries are considered in

this section. Some of them who were well known for

their revelations on space, universe and consciousness

are Swami Vivekananda, Yogananda, Ramana and

Aurabindho etc.

Class IV: This section details on the scientific

revelations of Swami. Vethathiri Maharishi on his

‘Universal Magnetism’ or ‘Unified Force’ Theory. In

his postulates he refers to a ‘state of utmost energy’

called ‘Gravity’ which transforms into a unit energy

form called matter or particle, and in time combines in

multiple forms to feature as this universe.

Also this paper is a useful literature review on the

philosophy of ‘Mono-Theism’ and its scientific

relevance termed in modern self-realization streams

as ‘Gravity’.

Introduction - Postulates in Modern Cosmology:

Dark energy is a hypothetical form of energy that

permeates all of space and tends to increase the rate

Page 2: The Origin and the Historical Accounts of Advaitha Philosophy

From the Proceedings of the National Philosophy Conference 2010, Department of Philosophy, University of Madras, India

July 20 2010

Vethathiri International Academy of expansion of the universe. Dark energy is the most

popular way to explain recent observations and

experiments that the universe appears to be

expanding at an accelerating rate. In the standard

model of cosmology, dark energy currently accounts

for 74% of the total mass-energy of the universe.

The exact nature of this dark energy is a matter of

speculation. It is known to be very homogeneous, not

very dense and is not known to interact through any

of the fundamental forces other than gravity. Since it

is not very dense — roughly 10−29

grams per cubic

centimeter — it is hard to imagine experiments to

detect it in the laboratory. Dark energy can only have

such a profound impact on the universe, making up

74% of universal density, because it uniformly fills

otherwise empty space.

The whole phenomenon started off with the

inventions ‘Cosmological Constant’ and ‘Universe

Expansion’. Albert Einstein coined the term

‘cosmological constant’ to represent the possibility

that even empty space has energy and couples to

gravity. Like other astronomers of the time, he

thought that the universe was static and so proposed

there was a repulsive force from space that kept the

universe in balance. Einstein discarded his own

findings in 1929, when Edwin Hubble found through

his research that the universe was expanding and not

static. Today, new data from Hubble may well prove

Einstein was on the right track. The pull of gravity and

the push of dark energy have been trying to outmuscle

each other since the beginning of time.

In the current scenario, with Stephen Hawking, the

legendary physician, referring to Dark Energy as the

deciding factor for the Universe Expansion, and stating

that in the Big Bang process what awaits us is the Big

chill, and not the Big Crunch, the attention of science

towards Dark Energy is increasing.

Though the whole ideology behind dark energy keeps

changing in the scientific umbrella, the direction of

search for an unknown energy that fills the whole

universe is what this paper intends to refer to.

I. Bramha Gnanam, the central idea of Advaitha in

Ancient Tamil Scripts:

1. Siddhar Agathiyar: The siddha tradition in tamil

scriptures begin with Agathiya as the primal one. In his

verses, bramha gnanam gets reflected as ‘The one

god, who became as this universe [ஈேர� உலக ெமலா�], human body, life-force and senses is the

space [பர� ெவள�] and space in its primordial form is

silent [பர� ஊைம] etc.

“உடலாகிஉடலாகிஉடலாகிஉடலாகி உய�ராகிஉய�ராகிஉய�ராகிஉய�ராகி உண��மாகிஉண��மாகிஉண��மாகிஉண��மாகி [1]

உதி�த பர நாத வ��� கைல�மாகி கடலாகி பா கடலி ப!ள� ெகா"ட

காயா�# ேமன�யைன க%��! ைவ��

சடமான ச'ன�()! த*ப ேசாதி த'+!த'+!த'+!த'+! அறி�தஅறி�தஅறி�தஅறி�த பர�பர�பர�பர� ெவள��மாகிெவள��மாகிெவள��மாகிெவள��மாகி [2]

படமாகி ஈேர�ஈேர�ஈேர�ஈேர� உலகஉலகஉலகஉலக ெமலா�ெமலா�ெமலா�ெமலா� [3]

பைட�தபைட�தபைட�தபைட�த பர�பர�பர�பர� ஊைமஊைமஊைமஊைம எ'ேற பகி��� பாேர

- அக�திய� - ஞான த*0ைச வ�தி 11 பாட 4

[1] Evolved as the body, life-force and senses

[2] Perceived as Space in the inner travel

[3] the one that created this universe is silent.

2. Bogar , the second siddhar in the 18 siddha

tradition whose fame for intuitive herbal medicines’

inventions is well known, reveals in his verses, space

has no attributes [நி�)ண�], it is void [பா1], it is the

seed for this universe [வ���], it is the absolute

[2ரண�], it is omnipresent[கைரய�ைல] , it is

immaculate / purest [கள3க ற], it is formless

[நிராகார�], it is the ‘I’ [தாெம'ற] etc. Further as in

his revelations, the space itself has become as the


"ஆெம'ற ேபாத�தி நி�)ணநி�)ணநி�)ணநி�)ண���� பா1பா1பா1பா1 [1] அத )!ேளஅத )!ேளஅத )!ேளஅத )!ேள ெவள�ெவள�ெவள�ெவள� ஒள�ஒள�ஒள�ஒள� பாழதிேலபாழதிேலபாழதிேலபாழதிேல பாழா�பாழா�பாழா�பாழா� [2] உ ற��() பரமாகி பர��()!ேள

தாெம'றதாெம'றதாெம'றதாெம'ற சிவமாகிசிவமாகிசிவமாகிசிவமாகி சிவ��()!ேளசிவ��()!ேளசிவ��()!ேளசிவ��()!ேள [3] ச(தியா7ச(தியா7ச(தியா7ச(தியா7, ச(தி()!ச(தி()!ச(தி()!ச(தி()! வ���வா7வ���வா7வ���வா7வ���வா7 [4]"

- ேபாக� ஞான சரக� 100 ெச7�! 1

[1] He the attributeless, the empty

[2] There in that emptiness, the space, the darkness

[3] Sivam, the I, and internal in that sivam

[4] Sakthi, the seed of the universe

“ஒ8பல ஒ8பதிகஒ8பதிகஒ8பதிகஒ8பதிக 2ரண�2ரண�2ரண�2ரண� தா' [1]

உகைமயா3உகைமயா3உகைமயா3உகைமயா3 கைரய�ைலகைரய�ைலகைரய�ைலகைரய�ைல பா��தி0டா(காபா��தி0டா(காபா��தி0டா(காபா��தி0டா(கா [2]

க8பல கள3க றகள3க றகள3க றகள3க ற 2ரண�2ரண�2ரண�2ரண� தா' [3]

Page 3: The Origin and the Historical Accounts of Advaitha Philosophy

From the Proceedings of the National Philosophy Conference 2010, Department of Philosophy, University of Madras, India

July 20 2010

Vethathiri International Academy

கைரய 9கைரய 9கைரய 9கைரய 9 நி'றநி'றநி'றநி'ற ெதா% ஒள� ேபாத� தா'” [4]

- ேபாக� உபேதச ஞான� 156 ெச7�! 88

[1] No comparison, it is absolute

[2] No comparison, it is boundaryless

[3] The purest, the absolute

[4] The boundaryless…

“ஒ'றானஒ'றானஒ'றானஒ'றான ந*ற���ந*ற���ந*ற���ந*ற��� 2மி2மி2மி2மி 2மி2மி2மி2மி [1] உைற ெவ!ைளயான��� த"ண *� த"ண *� [2] ந'றான 2ரமேத அ3கி அ3கி [3] நலமான ெக�:ய� வா� வா� [4] )'றான நவ;சார மாகா ச�தா' [5]

<=ெயா'றா7<=ெயா'றா7<=ெயா'றா7<=ெயா'றா7 கல��கல��கல��கல�� ப>சப>சப>சப>ச 2தமா;ேச2தமா;ேச2தமா;ேச2தமா;ேச [6]”

- ேபாக� ஞான சரக� 100 ெச7�! 23

[1] The assembled dust has become as the earth

[2] The drops have become as water

[3] The absolute is the fire

[4] The absolute is the air

[5] The essence of the earth is ether

[6] All mingled together have become the five


" நா0=8பா�நா0=8பா�நா0=8பா�நா0=8பா� நிராகார�நிராகார�நிராகார�நிராகார� த'ன�த'ன�த'ன�த'ன� ெசா(கிெசா(கிெசா(கிெசா(கி [1] நலமாக )ைழ��!ேள #)�தாயானா [2]

நா0=8பா� தாென'ற நாம� ேபா;? [3]

சா@திர�தி ஆரா7�த ெபா%A� ேபா;? [4] B0=8பா� ?��திைய ேபாCற(கமா;? [5]

D3)வா� மாE ேபா ஒ'9� காணா� [6] தா0=8பா� சட�ேபாகா பட#)�தா [7]

தன��தசிவ' ேபாவா1வா7 ந*�3காேண. [8]"

- சி�த� ேபாக� 'உபேதச ஞான� 156: பாட 125'.

[1] If one enters the formless space

[2] And be fixed to it with faith

[3] The ego will be destroyed

[4] Even the analysis of shastras are meaningless

[5/6] those who sleep merely like a cow will not see

anything and be confused

[7] If one enters the state of deep sleep, which is with


[8] One becomes as one with Shiva…

3. Konkanar, another renowned tamil siddhar in the

18 siddha tradition reveals in his bramha gnana

phrases, The space is consciousness [அறி� தானாகி], Space is I [த'ைன( காண , ெவ0ட ெவள�], All is

space[ெவள�யா7 ேதா'9�], Space is the seed

[கEகா7], Space is eternal and boundaryless

[அக"ட அ8ப' ], Space is silence [ம�ன ெமா'9],

it is the absolute [தாென'ற 2ரண>], Space is sky

[வாென'ற ெவள�] etc.

“ேபா;ச8பா அறிவ� அைன��� ேபா;? #கழான நாம� எலா� ெபா=யா7 ேபா;? ஆ;ச8பா அ"டெமலா� கEகா7 ேபா;? அ8பேன 2மிய�' வா0ட� ேபா;? வா;ச8பா அைன�� உல)� அமி1�� ேபா;? மக�தானமக�தானமக�தானமக�தான அறி�அறி�அறி�அறி� தானாகிதானாகிதானாகிதானாகி நி'றாநி'றாநி'றாநி'றா [1]

பா;ச8பாபா;ச8பாபா;ச8பாபா;ச8பா மன�மன�மன�மன� நி9�திநி9�திநி9�திநி9�தி த'ைன(த'ைன(த'ைன(த'ைன( காணகாணகாணகாண [2]

பா3கானபா3கானபா3கானபா3கான ெவ0டெவ0டெவ0டெவ0ட ெவள�ெவள�ெவள�ெவள� ெதா�த3ெதா�த3ெதா�த3ெதா�த3 கா"பா7கா"பா7கா"பா7கா"பா7 [3]”

- ெகா3கண� ெம7 ஞான� பாட 13:13

[1] The consciousness becoming as I

[2]The mind focused and reflecting the I

[3]The space that you will see

"ப)�தைன ஒFெவா'றா யறி�� த!A

பா3கான அறிவதிேல தானா7 நி'றா

வ)��வ�0ட க பைனக! மா7�� ேபா)�

வளமான நாமெமலா� நாமா7 ேதா'றி ெதாE��ெதாE��ெதாE��ெதாE�� நி'றநி'றநி'றநி'ற நா0டெமலா�நா0டெமலா�நா0டெமலா�நா0டெமலா� ெவள�யா7ெவள�யா7ெவள�யா7ெவள�யா7 ேதா'9�ேதா'9�ேதா'9�ேதா'9� [1] ?�தெவள�?�தெவள�?�தெவள�?�தெவள� தா+ெமா%தா+ெமா%தா+ெமா%தா+ெமா% கEகா7(கEகா7(கEகா7(கEகா7( காG�காG�காG�காG� [2]"

- ெகா3கண� ெம7 ஞான� 13:9

[1] All that stands will appear as space

[2] The space will appear as the seed

"அறிவாக ெதெத'ன� ைம�தா ேகA [1]

ஆ%மல ஆ%மல ஆ�தா! ஆ�தா! [2]

ப�:வாகப�:வாகப�:வாகப�:வாக வ�கட�தாவ�கட�தாவ�கட�தாவ�கட�தா அக"டஅக"டஅக"டஅக"ட அ8ப'அ8ப'அ8ப'அ8ப' [3]

ெபயெர'ன ெசாேவ' நா' ேப"=( <E [4]"

- ெகா3கண� ?�த ஞான� 16:9

[1]Oh Listen, my son! The consciousness in me

[2] Is none but the Sakthi, the Sakthi

[3] Going beyond, there is the Expanded Father

[4]Oh how do I name him?...

" ம�னH"ண ம�னH"ண ம�னம�னம�னம�ன ெமா'9ெமா'9ெமா'9ெமா'9 [1]

மக�தானமக�தானமக�தானமக�தான 2ரண�தா'2ரண�தா'2ரண�தா'2ரண�தா' ெசால( ேகA [2] "

- ெகா3கண� ?�த ஞான� 16:10

[1] As you eat silence, there will be one object of


[2] Its is the absolute, Oh listen

" தாென'றதாென'றதாென'றதாென'ற 2ரண>ேசா2ரண>ேசா2ரண>ேசா2ரண>ேசா திையதிையதிையதிைய�தா' ேநா(க; [1]

சமாதி�!ேள ய�%��ைர�த ப�ல�தி நாேல [2]

வாென'றவாென'றவாென'றவாென'ற ெவள�யா�ெவள�யா�ெவள�யா�ெவள�யா�நா தா(க! கா�தி [3] வா7 திற�� ெசாலாேத ரகசி ய�தா' [4] "

- ெகா3கண� ?�த ஞான� 16:12

[1] The absolute, the I, As Looking at it,

[2] From Samadhi, I reveal

[3] The space, called as the sky

[4] Don’t tell this, The secret.

Page 4: The Origin and the Historical Accounts of Advaitha Philosophy

From the Proceedings of the National Philosophy Conference 2010, Department of Philosophy, University of Madras, India

July 20 2010

Vethathiri International Academy

4. Machcha muni , another well known siddhar in the

18 siddha tradition, in his chapter ‘Causative

Knowledge’ refers to space as significance, and

extends as, ‘it is unintelligent to consider space as


"தாென'ற ஆணவ�தா Cலக� �!ேள

சாதமா7( )%ெவ'9 ேவட� 2"E [1]

வாென'றவாென'றவாென'றவாென'ற ெவ0டெவள�ெவ0டெவள�ெவ0டெவள�ெவ0டெவள� ெயா'9ெயா'9ெயா'9ெயா'9 மிைலமிைலமிைலமிைல [2]

மக�தான சா3க�ேத நிெல' பா�க! “

- ம;சHன� காரண ஞான� 10:9

[1/2] The fake gurus will say space as nothing…

5. Korakkar, another renowned siddhar in the 18

siddha tradition, in his verses reveals that , space

pervades throughout the universe [வா+9வ� நி )>], The sky is the Gods called Sakthi and Sivam

[வாென'ற ச�திசிவ� ], Sakthi field, the functioning

universe comprises all the celestial bodies [ச�தி() ெளலாம ட3)�], Shiva Field, the primordial space is

the Shakthi Field, the functioning universe [அ8பேன

பரமச�தி] etc.

"தாென'ற �%வமா3 க�ப� தா+�

தலமதிேல ய>?%வ தான வாண� ேதென'ற வா+9வ�வா+9வ�வா+9வ�வா+9வ� பா7��பா7��பா7��பா7�� நி )>நி )>நி )>நி )> [1]

ெச�ைம�ட' காணாத சாகா( காC�

வாென'றவாென'றவாென'றவாென'ற ச�திசிவ�ச�திசிவ�ச�திசிவ�ச�திசிவ� நி'ற கா தா' [2]"

- ேகார(க� ப�ர�ம ஞான த:சன� 17:9

[1] Pervading throughout the (honey like) universe

[2] The sky that is Shivam and Shakthi, standing…

"ஆ0=ேய �கம�தா' H=�த கால�

அ8பேனஅ8பேனஅ8பேனஅ8பேன பரமச�திபரமச�திபரமச�திபரமச�தி யழியா!யழியா!யழியா!யழியா! பா%பா%பா%பா% [1]

தா0=கமா7 ச�தி()ச�தி()ச�தி()ச�தி() ெளலாமெளலாமெளலாமெளலாம ட3)�ட3)�ட3)�ட3)� [2] "

- ேகார(க� ப�ர�ம ஞான த:சன� 17:11

[1] The Shivam is the Shakthi, with no deletion

[2]… All is within Shakthi

6. Nandhi Devar, another legacy siddhar in the 18

siddha tradition of southern india, reveals in his

verses, space is I [தானான சிவ�தி+ைட], and space

is attainable by the breath control practice [வானான


"தானானதானானதானானதானான சிவசிவசிவசிவ�தி+ைட�தி+ைட�தி+ைட�தி+ைட8 2ைச ெசா'ேன' [1]

த'ைம�!ள ச(தி�ைட 2ைச ேகA

வானானவானானவானானவானான இ�ெம'93இ�ெம'93இ�ெம'93இ�ெம'93 )�ப க�தி… [2]"

- ந�தி ேதவ� 2ைச வ�தி 12:4

[1] The Shivam that has become as I, told the worship

for it,

[2] The space, attainable through Kumbaka

7. Vaanmiikar, another legacy siddhar in the 18 siddha

tradition of southern India, reveals in his verses,

Shivam is the dark space [இ%! ெவள�யா7], It is the

formless as well as the form [அ%�%வா7], It is the

beginning as well as the ending [ஆதிய�த�], It is the

universe and it is the Living beings [அ"ட ப�"ட ம�ேவ] etc.

"இ%!இ%!இ%!இ%! ெவள�யா7ெவள�யா7ெவள�யா7ெவள�யா7 நி'றநி'றநி'றநி'ற சிவபாத�சிவபாத�சிவபாத�சிவபாத� ேபா றி [1] எ��ததன�' வ�வர�ைத வ�:��; ெசாேவ'

அ%�%வா7அ%�%வா7அ%�%வா7அ%�%வா7 நி'ற�ேவநி'ற�ேவநி'ற�ேவநி'ற�ேவ எ��த தா)� [2] ஆதிய�த�ஆதிய�த�ஆதிய�த�ஆதிய�த� அ"டஅ"டஅ"டஅ"ட ப�"டப�"டப�"டப�"ட ம�ேவம�ேவம�ேவம�ேவ யா)�யா)�யா)�யா)�" [3]

- வா'மJக� B�திர ஞான� 16:1

[1] The Shivam that stood as the dark space, hail it

[2] That space which stood as formless and form, it is

the letter

[3] That space, which is the beginning, and the end, it

is the universe and the living beings

8. Pathanjali, the siddha who is claimed in multiple

literatures as the one who systematized the whole

yoga system, reveals in his Tamil verses, that space is

the source cause of this universe [பரமேம காரண� ].

Also he extends in his yoga sutras, that the

omniscience for creation is in the primordial space

[2a], and the primordial space and the functioning

universe are invariably coupled [2b].

" பரமேமபரமேமபரமேமபரமேம +�ெபா%+�ெபா%+�ெபா%+�ெபா% ேளேதாேளேதாேளேதாேளேதா காரண�காரண�காரண�காரண� [1] வ�வரம றி�த� தாேன Bசைன

ம��ற ெவ>சC மாயா ேபதைம �றவாகி"

- பதா>சலி ஞான� 54:1:1

[1] The cause for this universe is the Param [the space]

"There in the supreme, the seed of the omniscience

[2a] [functioning of the universe] is unsurpassed"

- Patanjali Yoga Sutras: I.25

"The union of the owner, the bramhan, and the

owned, the prakruthi [2b], causes the recognition of

the essence and the power of them both"

- Patanjali Yoga Sutras: II.23

Page 5: The Origin and the Historical Accounts of Advaitha Philosophy

From the Proceedings of the National Philosophy Conference 2010, Department of Philosophy, University of Madras, India

July 20 2010

Vethathiri International Academy 9. Thanvandhiri, another legacy siddhar known for his

intuitive medicinal inventions, in the 18 siddha

tradition of southern India, reveals in his verses,

Shivam and I are one and the same [சிவ'ேவேற ய�%(கி றாேனா], In the source, there is the matter

which is the cause [உ!ேள ெபா%ளா ெமா'றி%(கிற�], the primordial space is silent

[)=ய�%�த அ�தர�தி ஊைம], Primordial space is

void [ேதா றாத வ�ட�தன�ேல யா% மிைல] etc.

"சி�தி�தா சி�தி�தா சி�தி�தா சி�தி�தா சிவ'ேவேறசிவ'ேவேறசிவ'ேவேறசிவ'ேவேற ய�%(கிய�%(கிய�%(கிய�%(கி றாேனாறாேனாறாேனாறாேனா [1] ேதக�தி ஓடவ�0டா சிவ'ேவ ற8பா"

- த'வ�தி: ஞான� 12:4

[1] If you ponder, Shivam is different [from you]?

"அ%ளான வைகெய'ன க%ைவ( ேகA

அய'மாC மறியாத அரேசஅரேசஅரேசஅரேச உ!ேளஉ!ேளஉ!ேளஉ!ேள [1] ெபா%ளாெபா%ளாெபா%ளாெபா%ளா ெமா'றி%(கிற�'ெமா'றி%(கிற�'ெமா'றி%(கிற�'ெமா'றி%(கிற�' னறிவ�னறிவ�னறிவ�னறிவ� னாேலனாேலனாேலனாேல [1] #:�தவைக ெத:��ைர(க நாேவாய�ைல [2]"

- த'வ�தி: ஞான� 12:3

[1] There is a matter inside the source [karu],

[2] No way to express that with intellect or tongue

"ெவள�வ�0Eெவள�வ�0Eெவள�வ�0Eெவள�வ�0E H8பா1ெச'H8பா1ெச'H8பா1ெச'H8பா1ெச' ற8பாற8பாற8பாற8பா ேலறிேலறிேலறிேலறி [1] வ�"ணானவ�"ணானவ�"ணானவ�"ணான பய��ெச7�பய��ெச7�பய��ெச7�பய��ெச7� வ�ைளயவ�ைளயவ�ைளயவ�ைளய ைவ�தாைவ�தாைவ�தாைவ�தா [2]"

- த'வ�தி: ஞான� 12:9

[1] … Going beyond the worlds

[2] Sowing the space and reaping it

")=ய�%�த)=ய�%�த)=ய�%�த)=ய�%�த அ�தர�திஅ�தர�திஅ�தர�திஅ�தர�தி ஊைமஊைமஊைமஊைம ய8பாய8பாய8பாய8பா [1] )%ெவ3ேக ப�%�மெம3ேக ஒ'9மிைல

ெதா=வ�தா ெகா!A�ேபாெகா!A�ேபாெகா!A�ேபாெகா!A�ேபா த%!தாத%!தாத%!தாத%!தா ென3ேகென3ேகென3ேகென3ேக ேதா றாதேதா றாதேதா றாதேதா றாத வ�ட�தன�ேலவ�ட�தன�ேலவ�ட�தன�ேலவ�ட�தன�ேல யா%யா%யா%யா% மிைலமிைலமிைலமிைல [2]"

- த'வ�தி: ஞான� 12:9

[1]In his residence at the top he is silent

[2]There is no one there, the place uncreated

10. Pambattich chittar, another legacy siddhar in the

18 siddha tradition of southern India, reveals in his

verses, the immaculate [?�தநிரா மயமா7], the

defect-free [நி0 கள3க மாகி], omnipresent, the one

which became as the whole universe [அF�ய�%

மF�ல) மாகி�� நி'ற ], the absolute

[2ரண�தி ], integral in all forms [எ!ள�ெல"ைண

ெபால�ய� ெர3)�நிைற�த], the purest form [ப: ?�தவ@�ைவ], beyond the universe [எF�ய�%

ெமF�ல) மJ'9�#ற�பா7], as the cause for

creation [?�தெவள�( )!ேளெயா% <�த'] etc.

"?�தநிரா?�தநிரா?�தநிரா?�தநிரா மயமா7நி0மயமா7நி0மயமா7நி0மயமா7நி0 கள3ககள3ககள3ககள3க மாகிமாகிமாகிமாகி [1]

?ய>ேசாதி யாெய3)�ெய3)�ெய3)�ெய3)� நிைறவநிைறவநிைறவநிைறவ தாகிதாகிதாகிதாகி [2]

அ�தைனய' மாெலன8ப' வ=வ மாகி அகிதலH 9"Eெச7 தா"ேடானாகி"

- பா�பா0=; சி�த� ஞான B�திர� 16:1

[1] As the pure void, the defectless

[2]As the self- knowledge, filling everywhere

"க"டெதா%க"டெதா%க"டெதா%க"டெதா% 2ரண�தி 2ரண�தி 2ரண�தி 2ரண�தி க%�ைத L'றி( [1] கள�8#டேன ம�னமதி நி'9 ெகா"E அ"ட�கA3அ"ட�கA3அ"ட�கA3அ"ட�கA3 க"டறியா;க"டறியா;க"டறியா;க"டறியா; B0;ச�B0;ச�B0;ச�B0;ச� ேதாG�ேதாG�ேதாG�ேதாG� [2] அ8ெபா%ைள ெயா%வ%()� ெவள�வ�டாேத [3]"

- பா�பா0=; சி�த� ஞான B�திர� 16:7

[1] Ponder on the absolute, the seen

[2] The secrets unrevealed in universe will show up

[3] No not reveal it to anyone…

"எ!ள�ெல"ைணஎ!ள�ெல"ைணஎ!ள�ெல"ைணஎ!ள�ெல"ைண ெபால�ய�ெபால�ய�ெபால�ய�ெபால�ய� ெர3)�நிைற�தெர3)�நிைற�தெர3)�நிைற�தெர3)�நிைற�த [1] ஈச'ஈச'ஈச'ஈச'பத வாசமல ெர"ண�ெய"ண�ேய உ!ளப= ய'#ப�தி ேயா3கிநி கேவ

ஒE3கி அட3கிெதள�� தாEபா�ேப."

- பா�பா0=; சி�த� கட�! 4

[1] Like oil in the seed, Shivam is filled everywhere

"ேசாதிேய மானப:ப:ப:ப: ?�தவ@�ைவ?�தவ@�ைவ?�தவ@�ைவ?�தவ@�ைவ [1]

ெதா�த� தாவலற ெதா�ேதாெமனேவ

ந*திதவ றாவழிய� நி'9 நிைலயா7 நிைன�� நிைன��%கி யாEபா�ேப"

- பா�பா0=; சி�த� கட�! 6

[1]The pure substance, the knowledge [light]

"எF�ய�%எF�ய�%எF�ய�%எF�ய�% ெமF�ல)ெமF�ல)ெமF�ல)ெமF�ல) மJ'9�#ற�பா7மJ'9�#ற�பா7மJ'9�#ற�பா7மJ'9�#ற�பா7 [1] இ%��இ%��இ%��இ%�� தி%வ�ைளயா0தி%வ�ைளயா0தி%வ�ைளயா0தி%வ�ைளயா0 ெட7தி��ெட7தி��ெட7தி��ெட7தி�� ப�'ன�ப�'ன�ப�'ன�ப�'ன� [2] அF�ய�%அF�ய�%அF�ய�%அF�ய�% மF�ல)மF�ல)மF�ல)மF�ல) மாகி��மாகி��மாகி��மாகி�� நி'றநி'றநி'றநி'ற [3] ஆன�த ெவ!ள3 க" டாEபா�ேப"

- பா�பா0=; சி�த� கட�! 9

[1] beyond all life, beyond the universe

[2]He is there playing, then

[3] Becoming as that life and that world

"D(கிய பாத3 க"ேட' ேசாதிக"ேட'

?�தெவள�(?�தெவள�(?�தெவள�(?�தெவள�( )!ேளெயா%)!ேளெயா%)!ேளெயா%)!ேளெயா% <�த'<�த'<�த'<�த' க"ேட'க"ேட'க"ேட'க"ேட' [1]"

- பா�பா0=; சி�த� அக8ப 9 ந*(க 82

[1]I saw that playfulness inside that pure space

11. Sattai Muni, another renowned siddhar in the 18

siddha tradition, in his verses reveals that, space is

void [நிராகா ர�தா'], the universe is his reflection

Page 6: The Origin and the Historical Accounts of Advaitha Philosophy

From the Proceedings of the National Philosophy Conference 2010, Department of Philosophy, University of Madras, India

July 20 2010

Vethathiri International Academy [வ�டெமலா� மாைய], Space, the union, thy father

[ேச:%வ� ெவ0டெவள� ய8ப ன8ப'] etc.

பா:%வ� ேந��தவ�ட� நிராகாநிராகாநிராகாநிராகா ர�தா'ர�தா'ர�தா'ர�தா' [1]

மள�;ெச'றமள�;ெச'றமள�;ெச'றமள�;ெச'ற வ�டெமலா�வ�டெமலா�வ�டெமலா�வ�டெமலா� மாையமாையமாையமாைய மாையமாையமாையமாைய [2] ேச:%வ�ேச:%வ�ேச:%வ�ேச:%வ� ெவ0டெவள�ெவ0டெவள�ெவ0டெவள�ெவ0டெவள� ய8பய8பய8பய8ப ன8ப'ன8ப'ன8ப'ன8ப' [3]

சி�தி��� திர"ட�தா' ேச��� தா"= ஊ:%வ� தாம3ேக ெயா'றா78 ேபா;?"

- ச0ைடHன� ப:2ரண� 12:8

[1 beyond all life, beyond the universe

[2]He is there playing, then

[3] Becoming as that life and that world

12. Rama Devar, another renowned siddhar in the 18

siddha tradition, in his verses reveals that, The space is

one [ஒ'றான ெவள�()!ேள], it is the cause

[ஒ'றான க%�ெமா%], it became as the universe

[ச(திசிவ மிர"E மா;?] etc.

"ஒ'றான ெதா'ெற'9� பலவா ெம'9�

உ!ெள'9� #றெம'9� உெளௗ வா�க!

ஒ'றான ெவள�()!ேள ப�:�� நி'ேற

ஒ�தி%�த தலாம ம ெறா'றிைல

ஒ'றானஒ'றானஒ'றானஒ'றான க%�ெமா%க%�ெமா%க%�ெமா%க%�ெமா% )%�மா;?)%�மா;?)%�மா;?)%�மா;? [1]

உய���நி'றஉய���நி'றஉய���நி'றஉய���நி'ற ச(திசிவச(திசிவச(திசிவச(திசிவ மிர"Eமிர"Eமிர"Eமிர"E மா;?மா;?மா;?மா;? [2]

ஒ'றானஒ'றானஒ'றானஒ'றான NலெமலாNலெமலாNலெமலாNலெமலா மத )!மத )!மத )!மத )! ளா;?ளா;?ளா;?ளா;? [3]

உ�� நி'9 மனHைர�தா ெலா'9 காேண"

- இராமேதவ�: ஞான� 5:3

[1] The one cause, became as the guru

[2] Stood as the revered Shivam and the Sakthi

[3] All is within it…

13. Karuvuuraar, another renowned siddhar in the 18

siddha tradition, known as the architect of the Tanjoor

Big Temple, in his verses reveals that, space the seen

[ெவள�க"E], being one with space

[ேமவ�ெயா'றா7( <=, பராபர�தி ேச���], space

is I [தாெனன��] etc.

"Nல( கிழ3கி' H=8ைப யறி��ெச'9 [1]

Bல; ?ட�த'ன� ?0ேடா�க! - ேமைல

ெவள�க"Eெவள�க"Eெவள�க"Eெவள�க"E ெகா"=%�தா�ெகா"=%�தா�ெகா"=%�தா�ெகா"=%�தா� ேமவ�ெயா'றா7(ேமவ�ெயா'றா7(ேமவ�ெயா'றா7(ேமவ�ெயா'றா7( <=(<=(<=(<=( [2]

கள�க"Eகள�க"Eகள�க"Eகள�க"E ெகா"=%�தா� க" [3]"

- க%Oரா� 2ரண ஞான� 33

[1] Knowing the root [muladhara / kundalini], and

climbing over

[2] Seeing the Space, becoming one with it

[3] Being Blissful

"தாெனன��தாெனன��தாெனன��தாெனன�� த'ைன��தாத'ைன��தாத'ைன��தாத'ைன��தா னறி�தானறி�தானறி�தானறி�தா னானா னானா னானா னானா [1] றானைசய அைசயாம லி%�� ெகா"E

நாெனன� ெம��திற�� ஊைம8 ேப;ைச நான *நா ென'9 ெசாலி �"ைம ேபசி� ேதெனன� மHதம� பான H"E ெசகெமலா ெமா'9மிைல ெய'9 2"E ேகாெனன�� பராபர�தி பராபர�தி பராபர�தி பராபர�தி ேச���ேச���ேச���ேச��� ெகா"Eெகா"Eெகா"Eெகா"E [2] ேகா=�க� ஊழிவைர ய�%8பா� காேண"

- க%Oரா� சிவ ஞான ேபாதக� 43:31

[1] It is the I, Knowing thyself

[2] …merged in the space

14. Kamala Muni, another renowned siddhar in the 18

siddha tradition, reveals in his verses, that

the primordial space is beyond this universe

[அ"ட�தி ெச'9 ஏறி], Bramhan is I

[அக�ப�ரம�] etc.

"காGவா7காGவா7காGவா7காGவா7 B:ய'ற'B:ய'ற'B:ய'ற'B:ய'ற' ம"டம"டம"டம"ட ல�தி ல�தி ல�தி ல�தி [1] கன�க"டா கன�க"டா கன�க"டா கன�க"டா ச�திர+டச�திர+டச�திர+டச�திர+ட ம"டம"டம"டம"ட ல�தா'ல�தா'ல�தா'ல�தா' [2]

2Gவா72Gவா72Gவா72Gவா7 ந0ேச�திரந0ேச�திரந0ேச�திரந0ேச�திர ம"டம"டம"டம"ட ல�தா'ல�தா'ல�தா'ல�தா' [3]

#�ைம�!ள#�ைம�!ள#�ைம�!ள#�ைம�!ள அ"ட�தி அ"ட�தி அ"ட�தி அ"ட�தி ெச'9ெச'9ெச'9ெச'9 ஏறிஏறிஏறிஏறி [4] ேதாGவா ய�Fவள�� தவறா வாச "

- கமல Hன� ஞானைசத'ய� 18: 11

[1] Seeing [in your meditation] the solar field

[1] Seeing [in your meditation] the lunar field

[1] You becoming as the Universal Field

[4] Climbing through the universe, the newness

"ஆம8பாஆம8பாஆம8பாஆம8பா அக�ப�ரம�அக�ப�ரம�அக�ப�ரம�அக�ப�ரம� ப�=�த ம0ைட ஆகாத வழிேயா�() அைற�தி டாேத"

- கமல Hன� ஞானைசத'ய� 18: 13

[1] Oh Yes, Bramham Is I, Holding that in You

[2] Do not tell this to the inappropriate

15. Kuthambaich siddhar, another renowned siddhar

in the 18 siddha tradition, reveals in his verses, Space

is Void [ெவ0ட ெவள�()! ெவ9� பாழா7], Space

is the form and formless [உ%வா7 அ%வா7], Space

is the knowledge – the light [ஒள�யா7], Space is God

[தி%வாகி நி'ற�], Space is the omnipotent

[ெவள�()!ேள பல அ"ட�ைத நி'றிட] etc.

"ெவ0டெவ0டெவ0டெவ0ட ெவள�()!ெவள�()!ெவள�()!ெவள�()! ெவ9�ெவ9�ெவ9�ெவ9� பாழா7பாழா7பாழா7பாழா7 நி'றைதநி'றைதநி'றைதநி'றைத [1] இQடமா7 பா�8பாய= )த�பா7

இQடமா7 பா�8பாய="

- )த�ைப சி�த� பாட 7

[1] In the space, as void the one standing

"உ%வா7உ%வா7உ%வா7உ%வா7 அ%வா7அ%வா7அ%வா7அ%வா7 ஒள�யா7ஒள�யா7ஒள�யா7ஒள�யா7 ெவள�யா7ெவள�யா7ெவள�யா7ெவள�யா7 [1]

Page 7: The Origin and the Historical Accounts of Advaitha Philosophy

From the Proceedings of the National Philosophy Conference 2010, Department of Philosophy, University of Madras, India

July 20 2010

Vethathiri International Academy

தி%வாகிதி%வாகிதி%வாகிதி%வாகி நி'ற�நி'ற�நி'ற�நி'ற� கா" )த�பா7 [2]

தி%வாகி நி'ற� கா"."

- )த�ைப சி�த� பாட 23

[1] As form, formless, light, and space

[2] As God it stood

"ஒ'9மிலாஒ'9மிலாஒ'9மிலாஒ'9மிலா ெவள�()!ேளெவள�()!ேளெவள�()!ேளெவள�()!ேள பபபபலலலல அ"ட�ைதஅ"ட�ைதஅ"ட�ைதஅ"ட�ைத [1] நி'றிடநி'றிடநி'றிடநி'றிட ெச7தான=ெச7தான=ெச7தான=ெச7தான= )த�பா7 நி'றிட ெச7தான="

- )த�ைப சி�த� பாட 41

[1] In the void space, many galaxies

16. Idaikkaattuch Chittar, another renowned siddhar

in the 18 siddha tradition, reveals in his verses, Space

is Void [Bன�யமான வ@�], Space evolved as all

matter and pancha-boothas [ம"ணாதி 2த� Hத

வ)�தெதா% வா' ெபா%ைள], Space is functioning

as this cosmos [வான�ய ேபால இய3)� ப�ர�மேம], Space is Omnipresent [எ3)� நிைற ெபா%ைள], Space is the origin [ஆதி பத�], Space is

absolute [2ரண3], Space is merely empty [ெவ9�

ெவ0ட ெவள�()!ேள] etc.

“?0=(?0=(?0=(?0=( கா0டகா0டகா0டகா0ட ஒ"ணாஒ"ணாஒ"ணாஒ"ணா ப?ேவ Bன�யமானBன�யமானBன�யமானBன�யமான வ@�ைவவ@�ைவவ@�ைவவ@�ைவ[1]

ஒ0=8 ப�=8பாேய ப?ேவ உ'ைன நிக�பவ� யா�?”

இைட(கா0E; சி�த� பாட 44 - நாராயண( ேகா'


[1] The void, one that can not be pointed out

“ம"ணாதிம"ணாதிம"ணாதிம"ணாதி 2த�2த�2த�2த� HதHதHதHத வ)�தெதா%வ)�தெதா%வ)�தெதா%வ)�தெதா% வா'வா'வா'வா' ெபா%ைள(ெபா%ைள(ெபா%ைள(ெபா%ைள( [1] க"ணார( காண க%� திைச�� ேபா றிர”

இைட(கா0E; சி�த� பாட 54 - நாராயண( ேகா'


[1] Devised the earth and the pancha boothas, that

one space substance [vaan porul]

“வான�வான�வான�வான�யயயய ேபாலேபாலேபாலேபால இய3)�இய3)�இய3)�இய3)� ப�ர�மேமப�ர�மேமப�ர�மேமப�ர�மேம [1] Bன�ய�Bன�ய�Bன�ய�Bன�ய� எ'9எ'9எ'9எ'9 அறி�ேத�அறி�ேத�அறி�ேத�அறி�ேத� தா(காதா(காதா(காதா(கா [2]

ஊ+() ஒ% கதிய�ைல எ'9 உண��� ெகா!வ *� ெகா!Aவ *� ேகானாேர.”

இைட(கா0E; சி�த� பாட 2

[1] The space, that functions as the cosmos

[2] That space, if you know it is void…

“எ3எ3எ3எ3)�)�)�)� நிைறநிைறநிைறநிைற ெபா%ைளெபா%ைளெபா%ைளெபா%ைள ப?ேவ எ"ண�8 பண�வாேய[1]

த3)� பரகதிய� ப?ேவ ச�தத� சா%வாெய”

இைட( கா0E; சி�த� பாட 34 நாராயண( ேகா' <9த

[1]The omnipresent one, if you ponder on him

“அC� பகC� ப?ேவ ஆதிஆதிஆதிஆதி பத�பத�பத�பத� ேத=ேத=ேத=ேத= [1] #Cேம ேமா0ச நிைல ப?ேவ 2ரண32ரண32ரண32ரண3 கா"பாேயகா"பாேயகா"பாேயகா"பாேய [2]”

இைட( கா0E; சி�த� பாட 85 நாராயண( ேகா' <9த

[1] If you quest for the origin, the seedless

[2] The state of fulfillment, the absolute you will see

"சாவாதி9�திட பா கற – சிர�சிர�சிர�சிர� த'ன�த'ன�த'ன�த'ன� லி%�திE�லி%�திE�லி%�திE�லி%�திE� பாகறபாகறபாகறபாகற [1] ேவவா தி%�திட8 பாகற - ெவ9�ெவ9�ெவ9�ெவ9� ெவ0டெவ0டெவ0டெவ0ட ெவள�()!ேளெவள�()!ேளெவள�()!ேளெவள�()!ேள பாகறபாகறபாகறபாகற” [2]

- இைட(கா0E; சி�த� பாகற�த 107

[1] Milk from the Turiyam, the head

[2]Milk inside the empty space

17. Thirumular, one of the most renowned of

southern India from the 18 siddha tradition, reveals in

his verses, space is boundaryless [யாரறிவா� அகலH� ந*ளH�], Space has no origin

[ேவரறியாைம], Space is Unified [பர�திேல

ஒ'றா7], Space has construed as I and it has come

as everything I perceive [உ!ளா7#றமாகி], All

qualities of Substances are space itself [பல� த'ைமயனாகி], Shivam is the sky [வாெனா% <9],

Shivam is the body and life force [<9 உட

உ!ன�'9 உய��(கி'ற], Space is formless - but

becomes as all forms [உ%வ'றிேய நி'9 உ%வ� #ண�()�], Space has no origin - but becomes the

origin of all [க%வ'றிேய நி'9 தா' க%வா)�],

Space is Void [�:ய அத*த� பாழா�], Space is eternal

[பராபரனா7 பRழிக! ேதா9�], Space is

omnipotent carrying all the cosmos [பராபரனா7 இF

அகலிட� தா3கி� ], Space is formless and

omnipresent [நிராபரனாக நிைற��] etc.

“யாரறிவா� எ3க! அ"ண ெப%ைமைய யாரறிவா�யாரறிவா�யாரறிவா�யாரறிவா� இ�தஇ�தஇ�தஇ�த அகலH�அகலH�அகலH�அகலH� ந*ளH�ந*ளH�ந*ளH�ந*ளH� [1] ேபரறியாதேபரறியாதேபரறியாதேபரறியாத ெப%>;?ட� ஒ'றதி' [2]

ேவரறியாைமேவரறியாைமேவரறியாைமேவரறியாைம வ�ள�#கி'ேறேன.[3]”

- தி%Nல� 6:95

[1] Who knows his breadth and width [boundaryless]

[2] He, the nameless, the knowledge, the one

[3]He, with no origin, I expound on him

“பர�திேலபர�திேலபர�திேலபர�திேல ஒ'றா7ஒ'றா7ஒ'றா7ஒ'றா7 உ!ளா7#றமாகிஉ!ளா7#றமாகிஉ!ளா7#றமாகிஉ!ளா7#றமாகி [1] வர�தி+! மாயவனா7 அயனாகி� தர�தி+!தர�தி+!தர�தி+!தர�தி+! தா'தா'தா'தா' பல�பல�பல�பல� த'ைமயனாகி�த'ைமயனாகி�த'ைமயனாகி�த'ைமயனாகி� [2] கர�தி+! நி'9 கழ� ெச7தாேன”

- தி%Nல� 9:111

Page 8: The Origin and the Historical Accounts of Advaitha Philosophy

From the Proceedings of the National Philosophy Conference 2010, Department of Philosophy, University of Madras, India

July 20 2010

Vethathiri International Academy [1] As the one in the universe, as the inner and outer

[2] In the earth as multiple objects and their qualities

“தாெனா9தாெனா9தாெனா9தாெனா9 <9<9<9<9 சதாசிவ'சதாசிவ'சதாசிவ'சதாசிவ' எ�மைறஎ�மைறஎ�மைறஎ�மைற வாெனா%வாெனா%வாெனா%வாெனா% <9<9<9<9 ம%வ���ம%வ���ம%வ���ம%வ��� அ3)!ளா'அ3)!ளா'அ3)!ளா'அ3)!ளா' [1]

ேகாெனா%ேகாெனா%ேகாெனா%ேகாெனா% <9<9<9<9 உடஉடஉடஉட உ!ன�'9உ!ன�'9உ!ன�'9உ!ன�'9 உய��(கி'றஉய��(கி'றஉய��(கி'றஉய��(கி'ற [2] தாெனா% <% சலமயனாேம”

- தி%Nல� 9:112

[1] Cosmos as one of his forms…

[2]…another form as life-force, blossoming from the


“உ%வ'றிேயஉ%வ'றிேயஉ%வ'றிேயஉ%வ'றிேய நி'9நி'9நி'9நி'9 உ%வ�உ%வ�உ%வ�உ%வ� #ண�()�#ண�()�#ண�()�#ண�()� [1] க%வ'றிேயக%வ'றிேயக%வ'றிேயக%வ'றிேய நி'9நி'9நி'9நி'9 தா'தா'தா'தா' க%வா)�க%வா)�க%வா)�க%வா)� [2] அ%வ'றிேய நி'ற மாயப�ராைன

)%வ'றி யாவ�()� <ட ஒ"ணாேத.”

- தி%Nல� 12:2840

[1] He is the formless, becomes as the form

[2]He is the seedless, becomes as the seed

“�:ய�:ய�:ய�:ய அத*த�அத*த�அத*த�அத*த� ெசால9�ெசால9�ெசால9�ெசால9� பாழா�பாழா�பாழா�பாழா� [1] அ:ய �:ய� அத*த� #:ய�

வ�:�� )வ��� வ�!ளா மிள�%�த'

உ%�� தி:�� உைர8ப� எFவாேற.”

- தி%Nல� 15:2863

[1] Thuriya Athiitham is merely void, the emptiness

“பராபரனா7பராபரனா7பராபரனா7பராபரனா7 பRழிக!பRழிக!பRழிக!பRழிக! ேதா9�ேதா9�ேதா9�ேதா9� [1] பராபரனா7பராபரனா7பராபரனா7பராபரனா7 இFஇFஇFஇF அகலிட�அகலிட�அகலிட�அகலிட� தா3கி�தா3கி�தா3கி�தா3கி� [2] தராபரனா7 நி'ற த'ைம�ணரா� நிராபரனாகநிராபரனாகநிராபரனாகநிராபரனாக நிைற��நிைற��நிைற��நிைற�� நி'றாேர. [3]”

- தி%Nல� 21:3008

[1] As the almighty origin, for eons

[2] As the almighty origin, carrying all the cosmos

[3] As the formless, he stands boundaryless

18. Sundaraanandhar, one of the most renowned of

southern India from the 18 siddha tradition, reveals in

his verses, space is silence and immaculate [மாச ற ம�னH'ைன], Space is absolute [2ரண�தி ] and

merely void [ெவ0டெவள�], Space is all-knowledge

[பர ஞான ெவள�மய(க� பா���], Space is the inner

and outer [உ0ெபா%A� ெவள�8ெபா%A

ெமா'றா7�], Space is boundaryless [ெப%ெவள�], Space is the origin [பர நிைல] and the end

[ஆதிய�த;], Primordial Space is the Divinity [பரம'

வ *E], Shivam-Krishnam-Shakthi are together and

standing as one [அ:யர+ மா�தாA ெமா'றா7],

the cosmos is space’s appearance [தி:#வன

உலகெமலா� ெவள�யா7], Space is the memory,

intellect and the mind [மனமாகி�, வ�பரHமா7 நிைன� மாகி ], Space is the absolute and is a matter

[2ரணேம ெபா%ெள'ேற, ெம78ெபா%! - ெவள�] etc.

"ம�னH"ணம�னH"ணம�னH"ணம�னH"ண ம�னH"ணம�னH"ணம�னH"ணம�னH"ண ம�னம�னம�னம�ன மா)�மா)�மா)�மா)� மாச றமாச றமாச றமாச ற ம�னH'ைனம�னH'ைனம�னH'ைனம�னH'ைன வா:� D()� [1]

#வனமதி மா றH�த' ேதக; சாைய ெபா7யடா 2ரண�தி 2ரண�தி 2ரண�தி 2ரண�தி 20Eவாேய20Eவாேய20Eவாேய20Eவாேய" [2]

- ?�தரந�த� சிவ ேயாக ஞான� 32:9

[1] As you progress in silence, the silence [will appear],

it is the immaculate silence

[2] The body is subjected to changes, and is a lie, lock

yourself in the absolute

"ப(தி�ட' பர நிைலைய யறி�� ெகா"E பரபரபரபர ஞானஞானஞானஞான ெவள�மய(க�ெவள�மய(க�ெவள�மய(க�ெவள�மய(க� பாபாபாபா������������ பா���பா���பா���பா��� [] #�தி�ட' ெகா!பவேன ெப:ேயா' ஆவா'

2ரணமா> ெசகேசாதி ப�ற�� வா��"

- ?�தரந�த� ஞான B�திர� 14:2

[1] Looking into the Absolute Space, the All-knowledge

“அ8பேன மன�ைதய3ேக ெயா'றி ைவ�� அறிவாேலஅறிவாேலஅறிவாேலஅறிவாேல பரபரபரபர நிைலையநிைலையநிைலையநிைலைய யா=8யா=8யா=8யா=8 பா��தாபா��தாபா��தாபா��தா [1] ஒ8ப�லா மண�வ�� ேச9 ம8பா உ0ெபா%A�உ0ெபா%A�உ0ெபா%A�உ0ெபா%A� ெவள�8ெபா%Aெவள�8ெபா%Aெவள�8ெபா%Aெவள�8ெபா%A ெமா'றா7�ெமா'றா7�ெமா'றா7�ெமா'றா7� ேதாG�ேதாG�ேதாG�ேதாG� [2] அ8பேன வ�ழிநிைற�� பா��த ேபா� ஆ��ம3க! ெப%ெவள�ெப%ெவள�ெப%ெவள�ெப%ெவள�ய� நி'ற வா9� அ8பேனஅ8பேனஅ8பேனஅ8பேன ெத:�மடாெத:�மடாெத:�மடாெத:�மடா பரம'பரம'பரம'பரம' வ *Eவ *Eவ *Eவ *E []3 ஆதிய�த;ஆதிய�த;ஆதிய�த;ஆதிய�த; ேசாதிெயாள�ேசாதிெயாள�ேசாதிெயாள�ேசாதிெயாள� யா)�யா)�யா)�யா)� தாேன [4]”

- ?�தரந�த� ஞான B�திர� 14:6

[1] Keeping the mind on that one, in quest for the


[2] The inner and outer will be seen as the same

[3] The primordial space will be seen

[4] It is the beginning, the end, and the knowledge

"ெத:�மடா ெசகேசாதி க"ட ேபா� ெத7வெமலா� ெத:�ம8பா ெம7� மா;? அ:யர+அ:யர+அ:யர+அ:யர+ மா�தாAமா�தாAமா�தாAமா�தாA ெமா'றா7ெமா'றா7ெமா'றா7ெமா'றா7 நி'9நி'9நி'9நி'9

ஆ0Eவ��தஆ0Eவ��தஆ0Eவ��தஆ0Eவ��த வ�பரம�3வ�பரம�3வ�பரம�3வ�பரம�3 காணகாணகாணகாண லா)�லா)�லா)�லா)� [1] ெத:�மடா சி�தெரலா3 க"ண� ேறாG� தி:#வனதி:#வனதி:#வனதி:#வன உலகெமலா�உலகெமலா�உலகெமலா�உலகெமலா� ெவள�யா7(ெவள�யா7(ெவள�யா7(ெவள�யா7( காG�காG�காG�காG�" [2]

- ?�தரந�த� ஞான B�திர� 14:8

[1] Shivam, Shakthi, and Krishnam together as one,

standing and governing all, that information you will


[2] All the cosmos will appear as Space

Page 9: The Origin and the Historical Accounts of Advaitha Philosophy

From the Proceedings of the National Philosophy Conference 2010, Department of Philosophy, University of Madras, India

July 20 2010

Vethathiri International Academy

"ெதள�வாகிெதள�வாகிெதள�வாகிெதள�வாகி மனமாகி�மனமாகி�மனமாகி�மனமாகி� ெதள��ெதள��ெதள��ெதள�� மாகிமாகிமாகிமாகி ேத���ண��த பரஞான� ெதாள�� மாகி ெவள�யாகிெவள�யாகிெவள�யாகிெவள�யாகி வ�பரHமா7வ�பரHமா7வ�பரHமா7வ�பரHமா7 நிைன�நிைன�நிைன�நிைன� மாகிமாகிமாகிமாகி ெவ0டெவள�ெவ0டெவள�ெவ0டெவள�ெவ0டெவள� ஞான�தி'ஞான�தி'ஞான�தி'ஞான�தி' ேவைத யாகி"

- ?�தரந�த� ஞான B�திர� 14:13

[1] As the knowledge, as the mind

[2] As space, as intellect, and memory

[3] The void space, its knowledge…

"நாதா�த சமயெமலா> ெசாலி வ�0ேட'

ஞானெனறி� த'ைம ெயலா� நா0= வ�0ேட'

ேவதா�த சா�திர�ேபா லா= வ�0ேட'

ெம78ெபா%!வ�ெம78ெபா%!வ�ெம78ெபா%!வ�ெம78ெபா%!வ� �த�த�த�த�கி'ற�கி'ற�கி'ற�கி'ற ெவள��>ெவள��>ெவள��>ெவள��> ெசா'ேன'ெசா'ேன'ெசா'ேன'ெசா'ேன' [1]"

- ?�தரந�த� ஞான B�திர� 14:14

[1] The true matter, the help, the space

"2ரணேம2ரணேம2ரணேம2ரணேம ெபா%ெள'றெபா%ெள'றெபா%ெள'றெபா%ெள'ற ெப:ேயாெப:ேயாெப:ேயாெப:ேயா ெரலா�ெரலா�ெரலா�ெரலா� #(கினா� சிலெபாலிய� ேபாத� தாைய8 2ரணேம2ரணேம2ரணேம2ரணேம ெபா%ெள'ேறெபா%ெள'ேறெபா%ெள'ேறெபா%ெள'ேற நிைல�தா7நிைல�தா7நிைல�தா7நிைல�தா7 ந*ேயந*ேயந*ேயந*ேய [1] #:சைடேயா ன%! ெப9வா7 ேபாத மJ9�"

- ?�தரந�த� ெம7ஞான ?%(க� 16:1

[1]The absolute is the matter, stood as that…

The literature review also includes some excerpts

from other sages who were well-known in the

Dravidian culture, further to this 'Bramha Gnanam'

doctrine strongly built by the 18 siddhas.

Avvai, the poet known for her 'thought discipline'

verses called aththisudi, thoughtfully puts forth,

1. penetration of atom [1]

in her poems.

"அGைவ� �ைள��அGைவ� �ைள��அGைவ� �ைள��அGைவ� �ைள�� [1] எ� கடைல( )9(கி� தறி�த )ற!"

- சி�த அFைவ.

Even in Thiruvalluvar’s kural, ஆதி பகவ'ஆதி பகவ'ஆதி பகவ'ஆதி பகவ' Hத ேற உல) refers to one God philosophy which treats

space as the ‘aadhi’ [beginning] of the cosmos.

Manikkavasakar, the siddha of 'saiva doctrine' [a sect

of Hinduism], reveals in his poems,

1. Space has evolved as every matter [1].

2. Space is root-less [2].

3. Space is the origin [3], the eternal darkness [5], the

end of the cosmos [3].

4. Space is the maintainer of all cosmic matter [4].

“யாைவ�மா7யாைவ�மா7யாைவ�மா7யாைவ�மா7 [1] அைல�மா7 ேசாதியேன

�'�'�'�' இ%ேளஇ%ேளஇ%ேளஇ%ேள [5] ேதா'றாேதா'றாேதா'றாேதா'றா ெப%ைமயேனெப%ைமயேனெப%ைமயேனெப%ைமயேன [2]

ஆதியேன [3] அ�த� [3] நE ஆகி அலாேன [4]”

- மாண�(கவாசக�

Thayumanasuvamikal, another tamil saint reveals in

his poems,

1. Space is omnipresent [1].

2. Space is plenum [2].

3. Space is carrying and nurturing all cosmic matter in

it, etc [3].

“அ3கி3ெகஅ3கி3ெகஅ3கி3ெகஅ3கி3ெகனாதப=னாதப=னாதப=னாதப= ெய3)�ெய3)�ெய3)�ெய3)� [1] 8ரகாச மாயான�த2��தியாகி ய%ெளாEநிைற�தெத� த'ன%!ெவள�()ேளத'ன%!ெவள�()ேளத'ன%!ெவள�()ேளத'ன%!ெவள�()ேள யகிலா"டேகா=ெயலா�யகிலா"டேகா=ெயலா�யகிலா"டேகா=ெயலா�யகிலா"டேகா=ெயலா� த3)�ப=த3)�ப=த3)�ப=த3)�ப= [2](கி;ைச ைவ��ய��()ய�ரா7�ைவ��ய��()ய�ரா7�ைவ��ய��()ய�ரா7�ைவ��ய��()ய�ரா7� தைழ�தெத�தைழ�தெத�தைழ�தெத�தைழ�தெத� [2]மனவா(கின� ற0டாமன�'றெத� சமயேகா=கெளலா� த�ெத7வெம�ெத7வெம'

ெற3)�ெதாட��ெததி� வழ(கிட�நி'றெத� ெவ3கG�ெப%வ1(கா யாதி+�வலெவா% சி�தாகிய�'பமா ெய'ைற()H!ளெத�ேமற க3)பகலறநி'ற ெவைல�!ெத�வ� க%�தி கிைச�த�ேவ

க"டனெவலாேமான �%ெவள�யதாக�3 க%திய>சலி ெச7)வா�.”

- தா�மான?வாமிக!

Thiruvasagam, another legacy literature reads,

"¾¢½¢ó¾§¾¡÷¾¢½¢ó¾§¾¡÷¾¢½¢ó¾§¾¡÷¾¢½¢ó¾§¾¡÷ þÕÇ¢øþÕÇ¢øþÕÇ¢øþÕÇ¢ø ¦¾ 󾦾 󾦾 󾦾 ó¾ à¦ÅÇ¢§Âà¦ÅÇ¢§Âà¦ÅÇ¢§Âà¦ÅÇ¢§Â [1]" - ¾¢ÕÅ¡º¸õ

[1] In the dense darkness appeared the pure space

Ramalingar, another sage of honor reveals, "¦Åð¼¦ÅǢ¡ö¦Åð¼¦ÅǢ¡ö¦Åð¼¦ÅǢ¡ö¦Åð¼¦ÅǢ¡ö «È¢Å¢ò¾¢ð¼ «Õû [1] þ¨¾§Â" "¾¢Õ ¿¢¨Ä ¾É¢¦ÅÇ¢¾É¢¦ÅÇ¢¾É¢¦ÅÇ¢¾É¢¦ÅÇ¢ º¢Å¦ÅÇ¢ ±Ûõ µ÷"

[1] The immaculate space, thy grace "Íò¾ ¿ø¦ÅÇ¢¨Âò Ð ºÚÐ ºÚÐ ºÚÐ ºÚ ÀæÅÇ¢ÀæÅÇ¢ÀæÅÇ¢ÀæÅÇ¢ [2] ÀæÅÇ¢ «¾¨É ÀÃõÀà ¦ÅǢ¢ø"

[2] The purest space

Nammazhvaar, in his thiruvaaimozhi reveals,

"Ýúó¾¸ýÚÝúó¾¸ýÚÝúó¾¸ýÚÝúó¾¸ýÚ ¬úóÐÂ÷ó¾¬úóÐÂ÷ó¾¬úóÐÂ÷ó¾¬úóÐÂ÷ó¾ ÓÊÅ¢ü¦ÀÕõÓÊÅ¢ü¦ÀÕõÓÊÅ¢ü¦ÀÕõÓÊÅ¢ü¦ÀÕõ À¡§Æ§Â¡À¡§Æ§Â¡À¡§Æ§Â¡À¡§Æ§Â¡ [1]"

[1] The all surrounding the widest, the eternal void

Page 10: The Origin and the Historical Accounts of Advaitha Philosophy

From the Proceedings of the National Philosophy Conference 2010, Department of Philosophy, University of Madras, India

July 20 2010

Vethathiri International Academy

Arunagiri Nathar, another saint of medieval south

india, touches upon space in his verses as,

1. Space is the primordial state [1].

2. It is formless, and also features as all the forms of

cosmos [2].

3. It is the unity, and also features as all the forms of

cosmos [3].

”The primordial state[1],

the formless and the form [2]

As the one, and as many [3]

It is the Bramham …”

- Arunagiri Nathar.

Bharathiyar, the freedom fighter poet, refers to space

in his poems as,

1. Shivam, the god-form is nothing but consciousness


2. All that is within, and external to one's body is the

same unity, the space [2].

3. Space is boundaryless and void [3].

4. The consciousness [Space] functions as all atomic

forms [and their combinations-separations], as the

various force forms etc [4].

5. Divine is unity [one] [5].

"உ!A�உ!A�உ!A�உ!A� #றHமாக#றHமாக#றHமாக#றHமாக �!ளெதலா��!ளெதலா��!ளெதலா��!ளெதலா� தானா)�தானா)�தானா)�தானா)� ெவ!ளெமா'9"ெவ!ளெமா'9"ெவ!ளெமா'9"ெவ!ளெமா'9" டாமதைனடாமதைனடாமதைனடாமதைன ெத7வெம'பா�ெத7வெம'பா�ெத7வெம'பா�ெத7வெம'பா�


காGவன ெந>சி க%�வன, உ0க%�ைத8 ேபGவன, யா�� ப�ற8பத�த ெவ!ள�ேத

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II. Bramha Gnanam, the central idea of Advaitha in

Ancient Sanskrit Scripts:

The concrete evidences found in the Sanskrit verses

reveal that in the northern India the culture of Bramha

Gnanam was deep rooted and was nurtured greatly by

many a sages from time to time.

Rig Veda, The most ancient and the primal Sanskrit

reference reads, that,

1. Space is the origin of universe is not merely

nothing [1-2].

2. Space is limitless [4].

3. Space had a breathing type of motion in it

and this was the root cause for evolution of

matter from it [4-5].

“Not-Being was not [1], Being was not then [2]…

The one breathed windless, of its own power [3].

Beyond this there was naught whatsoever [4]….

The root of being in Not-Being was found [5]

By sages tracing it with understanding in their hearts


- Rig-Veda X: 129 “

According to historians, the two additional strongest

references written in BC that were backing up the

philosophy of Advaita were Upanishads and


Isha Upanishad comprehends in its verses,

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July 20 2010

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1. Space is an all-pervading energy form [1].

2. It evolved as the functioning universe and

beyond the functioning universe, space in its

primordial form is silent [2-3].

3. The deep dark primordial space is the Divinity


Isha Upanishad I.1. “All this, everything that moves in

this moving world must be pervaded [1] by the lord"

Isha Upanishad I.5. "It moves, it doesn’t move [2]

its far and near likewise

its inside all this

it is outside all this [3]"

Isha Upanishad I.6. They who know worship ignorance

enter blind darkness they who delight in knowledge

Enter darkness, as it were, deeper [4]

Taittiriya Upanishad discusses the philosophy of God

in detail as

1. Bramham is formless.

2. Bramham, the formless out of which all forms

of cosmos evolved.

Taittiriya Upanishad II.6. "One becomes not-being

if one knows bramhan as not-being [1]"

Taittiriya Upanishad II.7 "In the beginning all this was


From not-being, being was born [2]"

Kena Upanishad the most renowned one that deals

with consciousness to utmost detail reveals that,

1. primordial space can not be [fully] comprehended

my mind, but mind is projection [evolution] of space


Kena Upanishad I.6. "What one doesn’t think of by the

mind By which, they say, mind is thought of

Know that as Bramhan [1]"

Katha Upanishad, another well known category of

verses on Bramhan, reveals,

1. Space is all-pervading

2. Space is formless as well as in all forms.

3. Space is no attributes, it is eternal and in its

primordial form it is unchanged [3].

Katha Upanishad I.22. "Knowing this all pervading

self [1] Bodiless among the bodies [2]"

Katha Upanishad III.15. "The one who has seen that

which is wordless, untouched, formless, unperishing

Without taste, too, eternal, without scent

Beginingless, endless, higher that the great, constant


Svetasvatara Upanishad, a well known set of verses

on Bramhan, reads,

1. Space is all pervading [1].

2. Space is absolute [4], with no ending [4] and

attributeless [2].

3. Space is the cause for this universe, and all matter

upon deletion dissolve into space as energy [3].

Svetasvatara Upanishad I.16. " The self that pervades


as butter is contained in milk [1]"

Svetasvatara Upanishad IV.1. "May the one God who,

his purpose hidden, through the yoking of his power in

many ways…Colorless, disposes many colors [2]

and gathers all together at the end and the

beginning [3]"

Svetasvatara Upanishad IV.18. When there is no

darkness, there is neither day or night neither being

nor not-being, just Shiva, absolute That is


Mundaka Upanishad, another renowned

bibiliography, reads in its verses,

1. Space is beyond the functioning universe, that is,

there is no light, stars or planets [1].

2. Its subtler in its primordial form, yet features at the

macro-function - the universe [2].

3. Its the beyond the universe (in distance), yet,

internal to everything in the universe [3].

Mundaka Upanishad I. 11. "The Sun does not shine

here, nor the moon and stars[1]"

Mundaka Upanishad III. 7. "Its form inconceivable

Subtler than the subtle[2], yet it reveals out

farther than the far, yet its near[3]"

Prasna Upanishad, another renowned bibliography,

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Vethathiri International Academy reads in its verses,

1. There is no end to the primordial space [1].

2. Space is both form and formless [2].

3. Space is the pancha boothas, the macro-functions

of the universe, and it is the divinity [3].

Prasna Upanishad I.5. “It burns as fire, it is a sun

It is air, its earth, matter, the god [3]

Both being and not-being [2], and that which is

immortal [1]”

Maitri Upanishad, another renowned bibiliography,

reads in its verses,

1. The state of merging of mind with the unity is

inseparable, offering the fullest liberation.

Maitri Upanishad “Water in water, fire in fire

Or space in space cannot be made out

Just so the one whose mind has gone within

Is completely freed. [1]”

Bramha Sutras, one of the most renowned, and the

frequently referred literature that deals with the

'Science of God' in a unique manner through short

verses, reinstates,

1. Primordial Space is the origin of this universe [1].

2. Space is god[2].

3. Space bears [carries] all the macro-functions of the

cosmos [3].

4. Space at its vibrating state creates the force form,

pranha [4].

5. Space is all-intelligent to evolve as the cosmos. [5]

6. Bramhan has no birth. [6]

7. Pranha, the unit energy form, out of which all forms

of energies are born, is evolved from Space [7].

Bramha Sutras 1.1.2. “Bramhan, the source out of

which this universe evolved [1]”

Bramha Sutras 1.1.22. “The word akasa is to be

understood as Bramhan [2]”.

Bramha Sutras 1.3.1 “The resting place of earth,

celestials is bramhan. [3]”

Bramha Sutras 1.9.1. “All these beings take their rise

from Akasa alone. [4]”

Bramha Sutras 1.3.39. “Prana, on account of

vibration “. [5]

Bramha Sutras 2.1.32. “Bramhan, endowed with all

attributes for creation [6].”

Bramha Sutras 2.3.8. “Brahman is not created [7].”

Bramha Sutras 2.4.9 “The vital chief energy [prana] is

also created from Bramhan.[8]”

Samkhya, another school of thought, that existed in

the early Dravidian - Aryan cultures, reinstates in its

concise verses,

1. Both spatial dimensions and time are from space


2. Primordial Space is immaculate [with no matter],

and beyond the functioning cosmos [2].

3. The nature (prakruti) is the primary form of matter,

all those which are perceived are out of it [3].

4. Space is all-pervading; all that is existing are

products of space [4].

Kapila Book II: I Aph. 12. “[Relative] Space and Time

[arise] from Ether “[1]

Kapila Book II: Aph. 48. “Aloft, it [the creation,]

abounds in [the quality of] Purity [2].”

Kapila Book VI: Aph. 32. “Nature is the primal

material; for there is Scripture [to the effect] that the

others are products [3].”

Kapila Book VI: Aph. 36. “It [Nature,] is all-pervading;

because [its] products are seen everywhere [4].”

Vyasa's indigenous Gita, which forms the crux of

religion based doctrines, in its chapters, particularly in

chapter (9) titled 'The most confidential knowledge'


1. The space, in its unmanifested [primordial] form

pervades throughout the cosmos [1].

2. Primordial space, is the origin, the storehouse, has

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July 20 2010

Vethathiri International Academy no end, yet all matter upon distruction dissolve into it


3. Primordial Space is not an inactive one, it is the

absolute. The birth and death of macro-functions in

the cosmos do not impact it [3].

4. Space, the primordial energy form, is filled

everywhere, and all creatures dwell in it [4].

5. Space in its functioning state, can be referred as the

maintainer of all macro-micro functions taking place

in the universe, yet, in its primordial form, it exists

beyond the functioning universe, as a causative of the

universe [5].

6. Space is the source cause for the birth of all living


7. Matter upon deletion becomes as Space, Space

transforms back to the state of matter [7].

8. Nature [functioning] is an emanation of Primordial

Space [8].

9. Nature, the emanation of space, manifests as

panchabothas, mind, intellectual ability, and the state

of self-identity called ego [9].

10. Space is boundaryless [10].

11. Space has nothing that caused it, yet it is the

causal state for the cosmos - All matter is evolved out

of space [11].

"...I (Krishna), the unmanifested, pervade the whole


"...I (Krishna) am the origin, the dissolution, the

foundation, the cosmic storehouse, and the seed


"...there (Krishna) exists the true Unmanifested, the

Immutable, the Absolute, which remains untouched

by the cycles ofCosmic delusion[3]..."

"...The Immutable Absolute, is thus called the supreme

goal...He(Krishna) alone, the Omnipresent, is the

abode of all creatures[4]..."

- Bhavad Gita Chapter 8: Verse 20, 21; Chapter 9:

Verse 4,18.

“Although I am the maintainer of all forms, and

although I am everywhere and I am the source of

creation, I remain alone,

unattached and above all my creations [5].”

- Bhavad Gita Chapter 9: Verse 5&9.

“My womb is the great Prakruthi (Nature) into which I

deposit the seed; This is the cause of the birth of all

beings. All species of life, are born in nature, with me

as the seed giving father [6].”

- Bhavad Gita Chapter 14: Verse 3,4.

"At the end of a cycle, O Son of Kunti(Arjuna), all

beings return to the ‘unmanifested state of my cosmic

nature’ [7]

At the beginning of the next cycle, again I cast them

forth… "

"By revivifying Prakriti, Mine own emanation [8],

again and again I provide this host of creatures, all

subject to the finite laws of nature."

- ‘Bhavad Gita’ Chapter 9 Verses 7-8.

“My manifested nature (Prakruthi) has an eight fold

differentiation; Earth, Water, Fire, Air, Ether, Sensory

Mind, Intelligence and Egoism.[9]”

-Bhavad Gita: Chapter 7 Verse 4.

“Men without wisdom consider me, the unmanifest as

assuming embodiment (like a mortal being taking a

form) – not understanding my unsurpassable


- Bhavad Gita Chapter 7: Verse 24.

“But whoever realizes Me to be the unborn and

beginningless as well as the source of creation [11],

that man has conquered delusion and attained the

sinless state even while wearing a mortal physical


- Bhavad Gita Chapter 10 Verse 3.

To aver all the above, the legendary sage who

envisioned the Advaitha doctrine in the north,

Sankaracharya, also adds,

1. Space is in every matter [1].

2. Space is the source cause for the cosmos [2].

3. Space is I [3].

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Vethathiri International Academy I am in everything [1], I am the basis of the universe

[2], and every where I am I am existence absolute,

knowledge absolute, bliss absolute

I am He, I am He [3]. “

- Shankaracharya in ‘Nirvana Sathaham’.

III. To extend upon the knowledge of the Bramhan as

it existed in the ancient days, certain Jeevan

Mukthars, have expounded in their own words on the

'space is god' philosophy. Some of them are quoted

here in for their revelations.

Ramakrishna, the sage who first united Advaitha with

Dvaita, reveals in his poems,

1. Bramhan, The Space, at its state of silence [inaction]


2. Kali, is also Bramhan - Kali is at the state of action

[functioning universe] performing emanation of

matter, maintenance of all matter, and deletion of

matter [2].

3. The functioning universe is a play of kali, the

bramhan at the state of action [3].

“…He who is Brahman is also Sakthi [2]. When

thought of as inactive, he is called as Brahman [1],

and when thought of as the creator, preserver, and

destroyer he is called the primordial energy, Kali


“The Divine mother (Kali) is always playful and

sportive; this universe is her Play (Lila) [3]…Men are

deluded through her Maya and have become attached

to the world [4]…”

- Excerpts from ‘The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna’ spoken

by ‘Sri Ramakrishna Paramahansa’.

Vivekananda, the messenger traveler to the west to

bring out the best of eastern doctrines to the world,

reveals Bramha Gnanam in his literatures,

1. Emanation of matter from Space (Akasha), involves

vibratory motion [1].

2. Prana which is an emanation of Space, an unit

energy form is featuring as all forces of nature [2].

3. All macro-functions, panchabothas, micro-functions

of the universe are evolutions of all-pervading,

omnipresent, omniscient Space [3].

4. Prana at a ceased state of vibration dissolves into

space [4].

5. Prana at the state of vibration comes out as the

functioning universe [1].

6. At the beginning, when there was no matter, Space

alone existed in its primordial state [6].

“When there was neither aught nor naught, when

darkness was covering darkness, what existed then?

That Akasha existed without motion. [6]”

“It is the Omni-present, all penetrating existence.

Everything that has form, everything that is the result

of combination, is evolved out of this Akasha… It can

not be perceived…[3]”

“By what power is this Akasha manufactured into this

universe? By the power of Prana…It is the Prana that

is manifesting as gravitation, as magnetism...[2]”

“It is the Akasha that becomes the air, that becomes

the liquids, that becomes the solids; it’s the Akasha

that becomes the human body, the animal body, the

plants, every form that we see, everything that can

be sensed, everything that exists...[3]”

- Swami Vivekananda in ‘The Complete Works of

Swami Vivekananda Volume II Chapter: The Absolute

and Manifestation’ and in ‘Raja Yoga Chapter: Prana’.

“They postulate the existence of a material which they

call Akasha, which is something like the ether of the

scientists, and a power which they call prana. About

this prana they declare that by its vibration the

universe is produced.

When a cycle ends, all this manifestation of nature

becomes finer and finer and dissolves into that Akasha

which can not bee seen or felt, yet out of which

everything is manufactured. All the forces we see in

nature such as gravitation, attraction or repulsion or

as thought, feeling, and nervous motion – all these

various forces resolve into that Prana, and the

vibration of Prana ceases[4]. In that state it remains

until the beginning of next cycle. Prana then begins to

vibrate, and that vibration acts upon the Akasha [1],

and all these forms are thrown out in regular


- The Complete works of Swami Vivekananda Part II

Page 240.

“Not only He is the creator, but He is also the created -

He himself is this universe. It is the same one, the one

existence of the universe that is reflecting itself from

the lowest worm to the highest and most perfectly

being. The whole of this universe is one unity, one

existence...You are the self, the God of the universe.

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July 20 2010

Vethathiri International Academy Say - ‘I am existence absolute, bliss

absolute, knowledge absolute, I am He’...”

- Swami Vivekananda in the book ‘Jnana Yoga’.

Yogananda, the first sage from the east to bind the

religions of west and east, who provided a combined

doctrine between Christianity, Buddhism and

Hinduism, reveals in his literatures,

1. Space is at a vibratory state [1].

2. At an increasingly intensified state of vibration [2],

the first particle [named lifetron] was out from it [3].

3. This lifetron was inherently with pranha, a form of

electronic energy [6].

4. Lifetron is the fundamental particle which is beyond

the atom level [5] and has consciousness [7].

4. Lifetron with Pranha, in time featured as all gross

matter, panchabothas, and as matters of all state

[solid, liquid, gases] etc [4].

“I[Yogananda] have translated it as ‘lifetrons’. The

Hindu scriptures refer not only to the anu, "atom," and

to the Paramanu, "beyond the atom [5]," finer

electronic energies; but also to prana, "creative

lifetronic force [6]." Atoms and electrons are blind

Forces; prana (lifetrons) is inherently intelligent….[7]”

– Paramahansa Yogananda in ‘Autobiography of a

Yogi’ Chapter 43: The Resurrection of Sri Yukteswar


“The vibration of the conscious cosmic energy [1]

became progressively more gross [2], until it began to

manifest as divine, semi-intelligent, instinctively

guided electronic energy [3], and finally as the still

grosser forms of gaseous, liquid and solid energy [4].”

– Paramahansa Yogananda in ‘Mans Eternal Quest’ -

Chapter ‘The missing link between consciousness and

matter’ in 1932.

Ramana, the sage of mouna [silence], who extensively

dealt with the consciousness aspect of primordial

space, reveals in his lectures,

1. Body, Mind, Senses, Panchabothas, and Paramanu

are merely embodiments. The Consciousness that

ever-prevails is the true self.

“I am not the gross body; I am not the five cognitive

sense organs, I am not the five cognitive sense-organs,

I am not the five vital airs; I am not even the mind

which thinks, I am not the nescience either. After

negating all of the abovementioned as 'not this', 'not

this', that Awareness which alone remains - that I am


– Ramana Maharishi in ‘Who am I?’

Aurabindo, a freedom fighter- turned into jeevan-

mukthar, reinstates in his poems,

1. Silence [primordial space] is the birthplace of Soul,

the action state [1].

2. All functions are evolved out of silence [primordial

space] [2].

"From Hidden silences the act is born [2]

Into the voiceful mind, the laboring world

In secrecy wraps the seed the eternal sows

Silence, the mystic birthplace of the athman [1]"

- Sri Aurabindo, 'Savithri'

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July 20 2010

Vethathiri International Academy IV. Vethathirian Cosmology:

Vethathiri Maharishi, the most renowned jeevan

mukthar of the 20th

century whose works are very well

known in the self-realization community, is the focus

of this section. The literatures convey that out of his

profound intuitive knowledge, he brought out more

than 2000 poems to celebrate and convey his vision,

and authored over 80 books in Tamil and English. Also

he devoted his entire energy and time conveying his

understanding of the nature of life, the origin of the

universe and the teaching techniques of exercise,

meditation and introspection to develop one’s fullest

potential and live in harmony with oneself and others.

His scientific works on Bramha Gnana is termed as,

‘Vethathirian Model of Universe’. It is an inclusive and

integrated identification and description that starts

from the origin of the cosmos and ends with the

observed natural laws and phenomena. It also

encompasses the evolution of mind, body, genetic

center, and genetic imprints in living beings. He left

the world in 2006 at the age of 95.

Revelations on Unified Force [Gravity] - Bramha

Gnanam as Vethathirian Universal Magnetism:

The 'Unified Force' theory proposed by Swami

Vethathiri Maharishi in 1996, included the following

axioms on space:

Axioms of Vethathirian Model

1. Space has four dimensions associated with it, They

are, 1. Plenum, 2. Omnipotence, 3. Omniscience, 4.


2. Space is the all-pervading, kinematic quivering

primordial substance inherent with all-potential

energy and consciousness; it has the property

of self-compression and surrounding pressure.

3. Self-compression results in the formation of

spinning quanta of space, termed “formative dust”.

Due to its spin, every dust (or group of dust

formed by surrounding pressure - vethon) radiates a

repulsive flux. This Repulsive flux is termed as


Nomenclatures – Plenum, Omnipotence,

Omniscience, Time: Within and beyond the universe

the absolute space is endlessly filled. We imagine it to

be vacuum (void), but this is an illusory concept. This

absolute space has Force and Consciousness as its

inherent features and it is a 1. Everlasting, 2. All

penetrative, 3. Singular, 4. Transparent, 5.

Imperceptible, 6. Invisible, 7. Dark Fluid Matter.

1. Plenum: Almighty Space is omnipresent and has

infinite energy in it.

“Like ocean is the almighty space

All forms in universe are like tides

Almighty space as all pervasive and

Self-transforms into all forms of universe."

- Gnanak Kalanjiyam 1173

“Divinity is that ‘Almighty Space’

The Static State has no boundary to it

This almighty space, the imperceptible matter

Became as ‘paramanu’ the truth

And filled the whole of the universe…"

- Gnanak Kalanjiyam 1231

2. Omnipotence: Every matter in this universe is

evolved out of the fractionated portions of Almighty

Space. Space self-transforms into every form and

function of this universe (atoms, molecules, planets,

suns and as galaxies) and it actually bears (carries) all

of them in it.

“Its void, its darkness, its nothing

Say those who analyze it with five senses

It is that void which carries and functions

Millions and millions of suns and moons

It is that void as the almighty force,

compresses and functions

All the forms in the universe…"

- Gnanak Kalanjiyam 1146

“If absolute space is not omnipotent

Then what else is omnipotent in this universe?"

- Gnanak Kalanjiyam 1147

3. Omniscience: Omniscience in universe refers simply

the 'order of function' in everything. All forms of

universe inherently has 1.Pattern, 2. Precision, and

3. Regularity. In the cosmos the same 'order of

funcion' features as 'cause and effect' law.

“Before birth and after death (of humans)

One truth that functions as the unified energy”

“In the boundaryless almighty space

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July 20 2010

Vethathiri International Academy Occurs the macro-function, which is the universe

Out of the compression of almighty space

All matters are spinning and moving

Pushing each other

We realize this truth"

- Gnanak Kalanjiyam 1071

4. Time: The kinematic quivering in space itself is the

causative for the dimension 'time'. Time is an inherent

quality of space and not an independent parameter by

itself. Further, time in matter can be corresponded to

the whirling vethons.

“The boundary of force (self compressive force) is

resulted as mass,

And the continuation of this is the ‘time’…"

- Gnanak Kalanjiyam 1079

Further, this literature review, quotes some of the

excerpts taken from the auto-biography of Vethathiri

Maharishi, as well as from the biographies written on


Nomenclatures – Vethon / Paramanu, Magnetism:

Within and beyond the universe the absolute space is

endlessly filled. Absolute space has Force and

Consciousness as its inherent features and it is in a

‘Kinematic quivering state’. Space is with self-

compressive all surrounding force which results in

formation of ‘formative dust particles’ that are

nothing but the ‘localized quanta of space in spinning’.

Such ‘formative dust particles’ were compressed by

the Almighty’s self-compressive force and there

formed the ‘Infinitesimal primary energy particle’,

which whirled due to the Self-compressive force of the

surrounding space. The whirling ‘Infinitesimal primary

energy particle’ generates friction against the

surrounding space. This whirling friction is exhibited as

magnetic spreading wave that dissolves in the

absolute space around.

All forms are manifestations of this whirling wave

[Vethon] and spreading wave [Yogon]. Almighty space

progressed in its evolution, atoms, molecules,

elements, stars, Planets and all cosmic features

including planets, animals and eventually humans

evolved in steps.

The physics of Space, The evolution of the first particle

and its energy form, get explained in Vethathiri

Maharishi’s autobiography as,

“My mind expanded and it stood static. The intuitive

feeling blossomed. In my mind the ‘boundaryless

ocean’ (Space) came as an inner vision. The tides of it

became as millions and millions of inner visions…

‘The Space, the primordial state is as an Ocean

All the functions those rise in it are like the tides…’

I obtained the explanations ‘Space is the almighty

truth’, ‘its energy form is the ‘Akash – The

Paramanu’, ‘Its clustered states are Pancha Boothas’,

and ‘Their cumulative features are the macro-

functions of the universe’.”

- Excerpt from ‘Enathu Vazhkai Vilakkam’.

“I was analyzing the connection between the ether and

space for several days - I obtained an inner vision and

an inner explanation:

‘Space is the absolute and it is fractionated

functioning state is the Paramanu or Ether’- What is

called as Shivam and as God /Divine is this ‘Space’.”

– Excerpt from ‘Enathu Vazhkai Vilakkam’.

“’Space is nothing, then how can it be called as

matter?’ this question surprised me for sometime -

Then I got clarity on this one…’All these mighty suns

(stars) and planets actually float in this space’ - When

I perceived this truth, the fact ‘Space is the Almighty’

was explanatory to Me… Likewise I analyzed several

times in the ‘Samadhi State’, in the ‘Turium

State’ also in the ‘Five Senses State [14 CPS]’ for days

and for months and realized on ‘What is 1. Mass, 2.

Energy, 3. Matter and 4.Consciousness’.”

- Excerpt from ‘Enathu Vazhkai Vilakkam’.

“One thing that was not quite explanatory in 1958,

gets explained in 1983 - Until 1983, how the almighty

space, ‘the Bramham’ became as the universe, ‘the

Eshwar’ could not be answered with utmost

clarity…Maharishi takes this pride of uniting the

Bramham with the Eshwar with his truth ‘Almighty

Space has self-compressive all surrounding force in

it’…Swamiji gives the truth of ‘self-compression of the

space acting as the causal action for paramanu

evolution’ and ‘the same compression acting as

surrounding force causing the formation of several

structures of this universe’ as a beautiful

Advaith truth…”

- Excerpt from ‘Intha Noorthandu Thandha Mahan’.

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July 20 2010

Vethathiri International Academy “Another question rises in Maharishi’s mind in time -

‘The primordial state, the space is it static or

dynamic?’…He obtains the inner vision as an

conclusion to his analysis, All dynamic forces of the

universe are as attenuated in their original form,

‘Kinematic Quivering of the Almighty Space’ and this

‘Kinematic Quivering’ is functioning as ‘dynamic’ in

every structure of this universe…”

- Excerpt from ‘Intha Noorthandu Thandha Mahan’.

“‘The concept that ‘the self compressive all

surrounding force of almighty space, gets intensive in

a localized region, causing self-spinning of the

almighty space and that self-spinning region in the

Infinitesimal scale is the paramanu’ and the concept

‘Paramanu whirls due to the self compressive all

surrounding force of the almighty space generating

the spreading waves’ are obtained as inner visions of


- Excerpt from ‘Intha Noorthandu Thandha Mahan’.

“It moved,

That was the beginning,

Before that, It was the silent, static infinite truth,

The shimmering was life, energy tumultuous, cradling

the atoms,

In the rapturous churning of the centrifugal whirl,

They joined and co-joined, clashed and exploded,

In one volatile splendor,

It was the unfolding,

The massing of constellations, the suns and the stars,

The manifestation of all things animate and


The awakening of consciousness…”

- Journey of Consciousness.

Nomenclatures – Shiva Field, Shakthi Field:

Further, the sage classifies the universe into

functioning and non-functioning.

1. Shiva Field – ‘The primordial state with Total


2. Shakthi Field [Functioning Universe] – ‘The region of

magnetism, filled with paramanus’.

“The Omnipresence, the Space, The Primordial State,

The Bramham

It is the Divine, the ultimate truth and fulfillment

It is the same which consciousness in Humans

An infinitesimal fraction of that omnipresence is the


Movement of it, becoming the whirling function

The association of ‘the Akash’ and ‘the


It is the universe, the macro-functioning region."

- Gnanak Kalanjiyam 1204

“One unified force as formless (void) and as self-


When it is omnipresent it is the primordial state

The rising of the self-compression, the formless

Is the source atom for every form…

Compression becoming as atom

Then functioning as cumulative forms

This functioning is the planets, stars and galaxies in

the universe."

- Gnanak Kalanjiyam 1072

Functioning Universe - Description: Every paramanu is

an infinitesimal energy particle, which is the

‘fractionated infinitesimal spinning wave state’ of the

Almighty space. The functioning universe is a region

which is filled with paramanus and each one of them

has whirling motion generating spreading magnetic

waves, which expand through out the universe.

Hence the whole universe is an energy field, with

magnetism as its characteristic wave feature. This

function universe is termed as 'Universal Magnetism’

in Vethathirian cosmology.

Nomenclatures – Bio-magnetism, Mind and Genetic

Center-Genetic Imprints:

The following excerpts taken from the revelations of

Vethathiri Maharishi detail the phenomenon bio-

magnetism, mind and genetic center.

“Inside our physical body ‘akash (paramanu)’ particles

are spinning and running in large numbers. The

cumulative functioning of this akash rotational and

spinning function is the ‘Astral Body’ “

- Excerpt from Manavalakkalai Part II

“Every akash particle during motion, develops friction

against the divine field surrounding it and generates

Magnetism. Such magnetic waves dissolve in the

immediate divine field surrounding it and result in

magnetic filed. This magnetic field is called as “Bio-

Magnetism”. Mind is a self-transformed wave state

of bio-magnetism.”

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July 20 2010

Vethathiri International Academy - Excerpt from Manavalakkalai Part II

“This bio magnetic current while rotating inside our

body, develops vortex for itself. This vortex is the

genetic center where the magnetic waves are at

compressed storage.”

Genetic center is defined as the,

1. Compressed Center of all the Life Force Particles in

our Astral body.

2. Vortex of our bio-magnetism / bio-magnetic waves.

3. Center where in the Sexual Vital Fluid is kept in the

physical body.”

- Excerpt from Manavalakkalai Part II

“The magnetism of vethons self-transformed and

manifested as light, pressure, Smell, Sound, Taste, and

finally mind in humans."

– Excerpt from ‘Journey of Consciousness’.

“When we see an object, our eye first perceives the

image. The same is then recorded in our brain and

then is dispersed in the bio-magnetic field as a

magnetic wave – All bio-magnetic waves while

whirling inside our body develop vortex for themselves.

This vortex is the genetic center where all the

magnetic waves are at a compressed state. This is also

called as soul.”

- Excerpt from Manavalakkalai Part II

“Like keeping our palm on a chair leaves an imprint of

the shape of the pressed part in our palm, any thought

wave we get is imprinted in our brain cells, gets

dispersed in bio-magnetism (mind), and then taken to

the vortex ‘genetic center’. These imprints at the

genetic center are by default also imprinted in the

sexual vital fluid which kept in our physical body in

the same Mooladhara region by divinity”.

“To correlate this with a simple example, If physical

body can be compared to an audiotape then the

current required for running that tape is the astral

body and the data storage in that tape is the

soul/causal body/genetic center.”

- Excerpt from Arutthandhaiyin Pathilkal Part I & II

“When the Akash particles spin and move they

undergo five functions between each other. They are 1.

Clash 2.Reflection 3.Refraction 4.Penetration

5.Interaction. All these actions cause changes in them

(called as imprints), and these imprints are seen as

qualitative alternations of paramanus.”

- Excerpt from Manavalakkalai Part III

“Akash is the spinning wave, functions the almighty

The spreading wave emanates from akash is the

pressure (magnetism)

Akash particles clash with each other

They reflect, refract, penetrate, and

They interact with each other

All such five functions

Imprint in the Akash particle

Such imprints are the Characteristics of the matter.”

“Consciousness is basic state of our mind

Mind is the Wave State of our consciousness.”

- Excerpt from Manavalakkalai Part III

V. Conclusion:

To conclude, the Bramha Gnana, the knowledge of the

divine, existed in ancient India as an intuitive

comprehension. The incremental versions offered by

many a sages including Vivekananda, and Yogananda

provides a pellucid insight of the subject.

The paper also believes that the Unified Force

(Gravity) Model offered by Vethathiri Maharishi is the

most advanced and best ‘proximate to science’ one.

The literature review and so insists that the scientists

must take the axioms of ‘Vethathirian Unified Force

Model’ into a subject of experimental research to get

the fullest picture of the last unknown force of this

cosmos ‘The Gravity’.

The paper, here in iterates on the axioms,

1. Space has four dimensions associated with it, They

are, 1. Plenum, 2. Omnipotence, 3. Omniscience, 4.


2. Space is the all-pervading, kinematic quivering

primordial substance inherent with all-potential

energy and consciousness; it has the property

of self-compression and surrounding pressure.

3. Self-compression results in the formation of

spinning quanta of space, termed “formative dust”.

Due to its spin, every dust (or group of dust

formed by surrounding pressure - vethon) radiates a

repulsive flux. This Repulsive flux is termed as


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July 20 2010

Vethathiri International Academy VI. References:

1. The Samkhya Aphorisms of Kapila, With

Illustrative Extracts from the Commentaries

(3rd edition; London: Trubner and Co., 1885),

ed. by Fitzedward Hall, trans. by James

Robert Ballantyne.

2. Bramhasuthras, by Swami Sivananda.

3. Tamil Siddhar Tradition [Tamil Version], by

Shanmugam, - Source: Library, Ramakshna

Mutt, Chennai.

4. Bharathiyar Paadalakal [Poems of Bharathi],

by Chinnaiyan - Source: Library, Anna

University, Chennai.

5. Rig Veda, A commentary, by Dr.L.Kashyap

6. Upanishads, A commentary by Dr.L.Kashyap

& Dr. Kalyan.

7. The God talks to Arjuna, by Yogananda SRF


8. Autobiography of a Yogi, by Yogananda, SRF


9. The complete works of Swami Vivekananda,

Ramakrishna Mutt.

10. ‘Savithiri’ by Sri Aurabindo

11. Who am I, by Ramana Maharishi

12. Gnanak Kalanjiyam [Tamil], by Vethathiri

Maharishi, Vethathiri Publications

13. Enathu Vaazhkkai Vilakkam [Tamil], by

Vethathiri Maharishi, Vethathiri Publications

14. Manavalak kalai II & III [Tamil], by Vethathiri

Maharishi, Vethathiri Publications

15. Journey of Consciousness [Tamil], by

Vethathiri Maharishi, Vethathiri Publications

16. Intha Noorraandu thantha mahaan,[Tamil] by

Dr. Azhagar Ramanujam, Vethathiri


17. Kantha Puranam [Tamil], The expositions on

Lord Muruga, by Manimekalai ammal.

VII. Author - Biography:

Arunvel T is an engineer by profession, born in

Tirunelveli TN in 1978, he completed in Bachelors in

Mechanical Engineering in 1999 from Government

College of Engineering, Tirunelveli, IN and obtained his

masters in Thermal Engineering from Texas A&M

university, College Station, US in the year 2002.

A research professional in his career with an

inventorship of 10+ filed patents and 7+ journal /

conference publications, he currently is an R&D

engineer in an MNC in Chennai, India.

His other interests are Research on Self-Realization,

Research on Siddhas’ literatures, ancient Tamil and

Sanskrit literatures etc.

Out of his profound research in these domains the

author has recently authored the Tamil book

‘Karumaiya Marabanuviyal’, a literature that details on

author’s self-realization master Vethathiri Maharishi’s

revelations on Genetics and their relevance to the

concurrent DNA Theories.