the paradise report 09 2013 10 08

Number 09 - October 8, 2013 - by Stan Paregien Sr - Bradenton, Florida NOTE: The Paradise Report is a free, occasional publication in which Stan Paregien, Sr reports on life in Paradise -- i.e., the Gulf coast of Florida. Stan and Peggy moved from Edmond, Oklahoma to Bradenton, Florida on June 24, 2013. So The Paradise Report covers their adventures in their new state, with lots of photos and other information as well. All back issues are posted at This issue contains several poems, plus photos of a visit to a farmers market in Sarasota (with neighbors Kit Humphrey and her brother Kent Abel and sister-in-law Marilyn), photos of our trip through Daytona Beach, and more photos from Coquina Beach seven miles west of our house. Good mornin' to ya: I've decided to publish this newsletter about once per month, on or about the 10th of each month. It will continue to focus primarily on our experiences as new residents of Florida. That will allow us to publish more photos and stories about Florida. I also decided to resurrect my previous newsletter, "The Paregien Journal," which will be posted online once per month, on or about the 25th. This newsletter will carry a wide range of topics with lots of photos, but not much about Florida. Those currently receiving notices about "The Paradise Report" will also receive a notice when "The Paregien Journal" is posted online. You may opt out of one or both, of course, at any time.

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The Paradise Report is a free, occasional publication in which Stan Paregien, Sr reports on life in Paradise -- i.e., the Gulf coast of Florida. Stan and Peggy moved from Edmond, Oklahoma to Bradenton, Florida on June 24, 2013. So The Paradise Report covers their adventures in their new state, with lots of photos and other information as well. All back issues are posted at This issue contains several poems, plus photos of a visit to a farmers market in Sarasota (with neighbors Kit Humphrey and her brother Kent Abel and sister-in-law Marilyn), photos of our trip through Daytona Beach, and more photos from Coquina Beach seven miles west of our house.


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Number 09 - October 8, 2013 - by Stan Paregien Sr - Bradenton, Florida

NOTE: The Paradise Report is a free, occasional publication in which Stan Paregien, Srreports on life in Paradise -- i.e., the Gulf coast of Florida. Stan and Peggy moved fromEdmond, Oklahoma to Bradenton, Florida on June 24, 2013. So The Paradise Report coverstheir adventures in their new state, with lots of photos and other information as well. All backissues are posted at This issue contains several poems, plusphotos of a visit to a farmers market in Sarasota (with neighbors Kit Humphrey and herbrother Kent Abel and sister-in-law Marilyn), photos of our trip through Daytona Beach, andmore photos from Coquina Beach seven miles west of our house.

Good mornin' to ya:

I've decided to publish this newsletter about once per month, on or about the10th of each month. It will continue to focus primarily on our experiences as newresidents of Florida. That will allow us to publish more photos and stories aboutFlorida.

I also decided to resurrect my previous newsletter, "The ParegienJournal," which will be posted online once per month, on or about the 25th. Thisnewsletter will carry a wide range of topics with lots of photos, but not muchabout Florida. Those currently receiving notices about "The Paradise Report"will also receive a notice when "The Paregien Journal" is posted online. Youmay opt out of one or both, of course, at any time.

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How's this for an unusual cloud color and formation. My wife, Peggy, caught thiscloud as a storm was approaching us in Bradenton, Florida early in September. If wehad seen this back in Oklahoma, we probably would have run to our sophisticatedstorm shelter (i.e., our master bedroom closet) and waited for a tornado to pass by.One came within about two blocks of our house just the day before the F-5 tornadoripped into Moore, Oklahoma.

Oh, by the way, . . . Peggy turns 70 on Sunday, October 13th. That's a big one, as Iknow. So if you have a chance, call her or email her. She will like that.

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We and some friends from here in our MHP traveled a few miles south to a couple oforganic food stores in Sarasota, Florida. Then we toured a nearby farmers marketwhich was nearly two blocks long.

This wild and crazy group of watermelon seed-spitters are Kit Humphrey,Peggy Paregien, and Marilyn and Kent Abel. (Photo by Stan Paregien)

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Peggy and I made a trip up to Myrtle Beach, South Carolina back in September. Andwe stopped and looked around Daytona, Florida for a couple of hours. Peggy took theabove photo of the entrance to Daytona Beach, where for a price you may drive yourvehicle on the beach. That is the "what" of it, but I don't know the "why".

Peggy at low tide. Er . . . , I mean . . . Peggy on the beach duringthe ocean's low tide.

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Peggy never met a sea shell she didn't like . . . and like well enough to keep.

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An Ordinary Day

by Stan Paregien SrCopyrighted August 14, 2013.

Officer Rafael Ortega had just begun his late shiftWhen he notice a man driving safely that night.

He flipped on his red line and siren to stop the driver,Not intending to spark an impulse to take flight.

The driver rolled down his window and said,"Sir, you got the wrong man 'cause I did nothing."

"That's exactly right," the office replied with a smile."You might even want to stand up and sing.

"You see, sir, we are starting a safety program"To give drivers like you a $200 cash prize.

"We think this will sure encourage all drivers"To drive safely, as you do, Mr. Lyonize."

The driver relaxed and laughed and allowed as howHe could afford his first driver's license now.

The man's pink-haired girlfriend said to the cop:"He's stupid when he drinks more than the law will allow."

If that were not bad enough, a tattooed dude in backStarts babbling "I told you jerks we could not get far.

"You doped out druggies just wouldn't listen to me"When I said we shouldn't steal the mayor's car."

The icing on the cake, though, was when OrtegaNotice a muffled voice coming from the trunk."Señors, have we crossed over the border yet?"Eet is so hot back here I smell like a skunk."

At the police station, the old Sergeant on dutyPraised the officer for his unusual feat.

But as Ortega filled out the paperwork he said,"Just another ordinary day on the police beat."

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Ponce de Leon Lighthouse(south of Daytona Beach)

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The Last Laugh

by Stan Paregien SrCopyrighted August 14, 2013.

LeeRoy and Ida had been married for 18 years,But nobody who knew them called it marital bliss.

The couple argued like lawyers and politicians,And they never ended their battles with a kiss.

Instead, ol' LeeRoy invariable told Ida when he diedHe'd claw and dig his way up from his grave

And as a ghost he would haunt her every step,Making her his own virtual slave.

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That pattern of verbal warfare began early on,When they were on their "romantic" honeymoon.They yipped and yapped at each other at bingo,At the senior center and at their favorite saloon.

Their verbal fisticuffs were marked by Ida's yells,Threating to put poison in LeeRoy's lite beer.

And the old man would cuss and say his line aboutDigging out of his grave to make her live in fear.

When ol' LeeRoy died, Ida's neighbor were afraidHe would do what he'd so often said he would,That he'd somehow dig his way out of his grave

And come back as a spook to their neighborhood.

"You folks jest don't worry none," Ida grinned."I had them bury the old coot face down.

"He never would stop and ask for directions,So I figure he'll pop up in some China town."

Early Morning Commute in Orlando, Florida

(Photo by Peggy Paregien on Sept. 16, 2013)

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The Song, "Who Am I?"

Please relax and listen to two fine versions of the song, "Who Am I?". ThisChristian song was written by Rusty Goodman in 1965.Charles F. ("Rusty") Goodman was an accomplishedgospel singer and song writer.

He was born on Sept. 2, 1933. He sang with ThePlainsmen Quartet for quite a while, then performed withseveral of his kinfolk in the group, "The Happy GoodmanFamily." He wrote such classic songs as "John theRevelator" and "Standing in the Need of Prayer." Rustydied of cancer on November 11, 1990.

First, listen as the writer of this song, Rusty Goodman, sings his song with hisown daughter, Tanya Goodman Sykes. The simple arrangement of instrumentalmusic keeps one's attention on the words, the message of the song. Too often,instruments totally dominant and sometimes actually obliterate the message. Butthis video is a wonderful and deeply introspective experience which inevitablefocuses on the extravagant grace of God in caring so much for each of us.

Second, listen as the Altar of Praise Chorale (an Amish choir) sings the samesong in the traditional a cappella style (i.e., without instrumentalaccompaniment). I grew up among church folks who were adamant, based ontheir interpretation of the Bible, that God likes a cappella music in worship anddislikes singing done in worship with any instrumental accompaniment. Ourgroup certainly was not alone in this view. The a cappella style of music (yes,Virginia, those who use that style do have music in their worship, vocal music).And that style often some inspiring and edifying vocal praise of God. This videocertainly demonstrates how the human voice, all by itself, can be stunninglybeautiful.

[Thanks to my friend Ron Golson for bringing this video to my attention. Ron and I each have roots leading backto Piru, California. He lives in Idaho today.]

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An Osprey at Coquina Beach on Oct. 2, 2013 - by Stan Paregien

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A Navy Seal on training duty . . . or not. On second thought, on Oct. 2 PeggyParegien took this photo of Stan taking a dip at Coquina Beach on theoccasion of his 72nd birthday. The water was about 85 degrees and theoutside temp about 90. The water there was perfectly clear out to about

6ft in depth. Note the darker blue color where the deeper water is.

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Please don't forget that the next issue of this newsletter will be on or aboutNovember 10th, and it will be sent out by "[email protected]."

Also, look for an email notice from "[email protected]" on aboutOctober 25th that a new issue of "The Paregien Journal" newsletter is availableonline. Among many other things, that issue will feature photos and informationregarding the U.S. involvement in World War II. It will include photos of severalof our family members.

Everyone currently receiving "The Paradise Report" will also be on the mailinglist to receive "The Paregien Journal."

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Should you decided you don't want to receive "The Paregien Journal," pleaserespond to the [email protected] address and enter in the subject line,"Remove from Journal". That will help me keep the two mailing lists separateand current.

Oh, one more thing: send a birthday greeting to my sweet Peggy, if you wish.

Until next time, best wishes to each of you.

