the parish of st.thomas more, kidlington & … · fr prem’s message: we welcome bishop...

THE PARISH OF ST.THOMAS MORE, KIDLINGTON & ST.HUGH OF LINCOLN, WOODSTOCK Parish Priest: Fr. (Dr) Prem Fernando Email: [email protected] 142, Oxford Rd, Kidlington, OX5 1DZ, Tel: (01865) 377093 Part of the Arch Diocese of Birmingham, Registered Charity Number 234216 Parish School: Headteacher: Mrs.Breda Bowles Tel & Fax: 01865 373674 Parish Safeguarding Reps.: Anastasia Hargreaves-Hand (07786651916), Lena Shams [email protected] St Thomas More Parish Hall Contact: Ian Drury, 01865 371086, St Hugh’s Centre Contact: Ruth Fiddy, 01993 812860 16th 24th June ’18 Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time Week 3 Fr Prem’s Message: We welcome Bishop William Kenney to our parish this after- noon to confer the sacrament of Confirmation upon our children. We welcome the parents who are not parishioners but have their children in the parish school and so have their children receiving the sacrament of confirmation in our parish. We extend a welcome to the head-teacher and the teachers of the school, as a catholic school for play- ing a part in preparing the children towards the celebration of the sacraments in the parish. Dear parents who are parishioners and who support the parish in many ways, indeed a very warm welcome. A special thank you to all parents who supported the preparations carried out by the parish to- wards the celebration of the sacraments through out the year. A special thank you to our dedicated volun- teer catechists Lena Shams & Rania Naser and to all our catechists, who teach, train and form young lives, not just their own children but all children in the parish and others. Thank you very much for all the sacrifices you make, especially your precious time, at the expense of your own children to look after the children of the parish and all. It is commendable. You will be in my thoughts and prayers immensely for such generosity and I am sure will be in the prayer of the whole parish and very much so of every parent who sees their children prepared by you receiving the sacraments today. God bless your family. Thank you. PRAYER TO THE HOLY TRINITY FOR THE PREPARATION OF MASS Holy Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, come to us and renew us as we gather to celebrate this Sunday Mass. As we connue our pilgrimage of life, help us to become beer Chrisans on earth so that we may rejoice with you for ever in Heaven. To the Holy Trinity be glory forever and ever. Amen. NEEDED:A caring, adaptable person to provide relief care and befriending/ social mentoring to my daughter who is twelve. She is on the Ausc Spectrum (high funconing). She is bright, queson- ing, arculate. We have funding from Social Services (Direct Payments) for an average of four hours a week (2-6 hours, to suit us all will be required). The successful candidate will be happy and able to look aſter, play with, chat to my daughter at our home, and to take her out (locally at first). We live in Woodstock. You will need to be happy to undergo Police Checks (DBS). Would suit someone wishing to gain work experience working with children/ young people, espe- cially those with addional or special needs. Good Rate of Pay (£10 - £12 per hour) Please apply to Sara Conlon (child's mum) on 01993 810765 or Mobile 0790 6331 858 to discuss and arrange an Informal Interview. Please see the church noce board for this adversement and Francescas own adversement.

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Post on 13-Sep-2018




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Parish Priest: Fr. (Dr) Prem Fernando Email: [email protected]

142, Oxford Rd, Kidlington, OX5 1DZ, Tel: (01865) 377093 Part of the Arch Diocese of Birmingham, Registered Charity Number 234216 Parish School: Headteacher: Mrs.Breda Bowles Tel & Fax: 01865 373674

Parish Safeguarding Reps.: Anastasia Hargreaves-Hand (07786651916), Lena Shams [email protected] St Thomas More Parish Hall Contact: Ian Drury, 01865 371086, St Hugh’s Centre Contact: Ruth Fiddy, 01993 812860

16th– 24th June ’18 Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time Week 3

Fr Prem’s Message: We welcome Bishop William Kenney to our parish this after-

noon to confer the sacrament of Confirmation upon our children. We welcome the

parents who are not parishioners but have their children in the parish school and so

have their children receiving the sacrament of confirmation in our parish. We extend a

welcome to the head-teacher and the teachers of the school, as a catholic school for play-

ing a part in preparing the children towards the celebration of the sacraments in the parish.

Dear parents who are parishioners and who support the parish in many ways, indeed a very warm

welcome. A special thank you to all parents who supported the preparations carried out by the parish to-

wards the celebration of the sacraments through out the year. A special thank you to our dedicated volun-

teer catechists Lena Shams & Rania Naser and to all our catechists, who teach, train and form young

lives, not just their own children but all children in the parish and others. Thank you very much for all

the sacrifices you make, especially your precious time, at the expense of your own children to look after the

children of the parish and all. It is commendable. You will be in my thoughts and prayers immensely for

such generosity and I am sure will be in the prayer of the whole parish and very much so of every parent

who sees their children prepared by you receiving the sacraments today. God bless your family. Thank you.

PRAYER TO THE HOLY TRINITY FOR THE PREPARATION OF MASS Holy Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, come to us and renew us as we gather to celebrate this Sunday Mass. As we continue our pilgrimage of life, help us

to become better Christians on earth so that we may rejoice with you for ever in Heaven. To the Holy Trinity be glory forever and ever. Amen.

NEEDED:A caring, adaptable person to provide relief care and befriending/ social mentoring to my daughter who is twelve. She is on the Autistic Spectrum (high functioning). She is bright, question-ing, articulate. We have funding from Social Services (Direct Payments) for an average of four hours a week (2-6 hours, to suit us all will be required). The successful candidate will be happy and able to look after, play with, chat to my daughter at our home, and to take her out (locally at first). We live in Woodstock. You will need to be happy to undergo Police Checks (DBS). Would suit someone wishing to gain work experience working with children/ young people, espe-cially those with additional or special needs. Good Rate of Pay (£10 - £12 per hour) Please apply to Sara Conlon (child's mum) on 01993 810765 or Mobile 0790 6331 858 to discuss and arrange an Informal Interview.

Please see the church notice board for this advertisement and Francesca’s own advertisement.

Fund Raising Events

St Hugh’s Monthly Lottery draw - 1st Sunday of the month. All welcome.

4th Friday of the month—Soup lunch after Midday Mass– next 22nd June

Summer Lunch— 5th August at STM Hall, after 11.00am Mass, tickets will be available nearer the event. (no coffee af-ter Mass this day).

Evening of Mexican Cuisine, 15th Sep-tember STM Hall, watch this space to book your ticket, more info and tickets nearer the time.

Parish Diary

• 10th June 2018, Sunday First Holy Communion Mass 3.30pm

• 17th June 2018, at 3.30pm Confir-mation Mass with Bishop Kenney

• 15th July- ‘One Parish’ Summer Celebrations at our new hall at Woodstock. Mass Celebrated at 11.30am in Woodstock followed by a bring and share fellowship after mass. There will be no 9.30am mass in Woodstock & 6pm or 11.00 am Masses in Kidlington that week-end—Please pass the message to everyone. ‘Come and be one’!

Baptisms St Thomas More, Kidlington

9th June, 12noon (postponed) Baby Olivia Keady-Green

23rd June, 12noon Baby Thomas Brennan

30th June, 12 noon Baby Murdock Steed Murray

14th July, 12 noon Baby Evelyn Rose Mary Wright

& Baby Innis John Hewa Pathirana

21st July, 12 Noon, at St Hugh’s Woodstock

Baby Isla Rose Mary Ann Quartermaine

Let us keep them and their family in our prayers and welcome them to our Masses as their prep-

aration for the celebration of this sacrament.

CAFOD - “Including a gift to charity in your will is a wonderful way to build a brighter future for us all. CAFOD offers a free will writing service for supporters.

To find out more pick up a leaflet at the back of the church or from Bob Wright, email [email protected] or call Hannah on 02070955367”

Dear APF box holders; Please collect your brown envelope from the Church porch, which contains the sum-mer edition of Mission TODAY. Kindly return by 10th June. Many thanks for your continued support of the Mission work. ~Best wishes, Mary Laina

Soup Lunches

will be held on 4th Friday of the

month after the midday Mass.

£101 was raised at the May lunch.

Please sign up on the list in the

Church porch if you able

to make soup or help serve.

Next 22nd June All Welcome.

World & National Events

• World Meeting of Families: 21st – 26th Au-gust 2018 in Dublin

• Eucharistic Congress ‘Adoremus’ in Liver-pool: 7th-9 th September 2018.

Support SPUC - Society for Unborn Chil-dren. Please support by sponsoring the cycling

campaign in support of SPUC against allowing women to take dangerous abortion pills at home. The sponsor lists are at the back of the entrance to both churches at St Thomas More & St Hugh’s. Please sponsor and support the cause. ~Cathy Morrison

Carmelite Priory Courses on Prayer Based on Carmelite Spirituality

From September 2018 - June 2019

Carmelite School of Prayer - Intended for those who realise the importance of prayer in their

lives and are seeking a deeper relationship with God and support and encouragement in their

personal search.

Carmelite Payer Guides Course - aims to train participants who wish to deepen their life of

prayer and be equipped to give guidance to oth-ers in their prayer journey.

See poster for more information Contact David Ellington - 01993 815808

PLEASE PRAY FOR THOSE WHO ARE SICK: Aidan Sollis, Catherine Elford (McCann), Baby David Ruth, Jane Lemon, Lisa Crisp, Eileen Groom,

Rebecca Lambert, Ella Osborne, Kit Murphy, Mary Couchman, Ray Hazell, Anne Howard, Sue Rugman, Fr Donald Cahill, June O’Leary, Tracy Richards, Bridget Spark, Jean Neale, Margaret Clancy, Pat Horns-

by, Pauline Lilley, Mona Doherty, Christopher Browne, Zoe Kamen, Pat Barfield, Amanda Ellington, Car-mina, Joyce Franklin, Cliff and Sheila Cooper, Fr Chris Greaney, Geoff Boorman,

Baby Clara Joan Smithson, (Kindly keep us updated to remove names from the sick list as and when required)


Kenneth Rowe, Bridget Mulhern, Mary Smith-Parr, James Coyne, Helen Adams, Andrew Rodigan, Lady Isabel Kerr, Michael Conroy, Barbara Witcher, Maud Bonasera, Michael Murphy,

George Dunseath, Peter Murray, Myra Fagan-Bosley and Martin O'Malley.

Last Weeks Collections: STM -£402.52 STH- £253.54,

First Holy Communion mass collection and offerings given £ 455.73

Retiring Collection 10th/11th June towards Parish Hall Debt STM £ 39.46 STH £ 68.45

This weekend’s retiring collection towards Day for Life

Retiring collections are on 24th June— Peter’s Pence, 8th July Apostleship of the Sea.

Thank You

Tea/ Coffee - chit chat’ at the Hall after 9.30 and 11 Masses. Stop by for a catch-up!

May their souls and the souls of all the faithful departed rest in peace. Amen

Year for Priests Sacred Heart of Jesus 2018 –2019

Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, we place all our priests; all colour & race, of the Archdiocese

of Birmingham under your protection. Protect them from all threats, harm and violence.

Strengthen them when they are publicly per-secuted, ridiculed, insulted, looked down and

at times threatened with violence. When there is no defence at all even from the very

church they serve, keep them still strong, and let their hearts burn with a Martyrs zeal.

Enrolment of Children for First Holy Communion and Confirmation - Parents kindly watch out for this space for more information before the schools summer break. Make sure you fill in the enrolment form before the summer break.

Day for Life 2018: Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking: Sunday 17 June 2018 This year’s Day for

Life will remember all those who are suffering or have survived human trafficking and modern slav-

ery. Day for Life is celebrated yearly by the Catholic Church in Ireland, Scotland, and England and

Wales. It is a day dedicated to raising awareness about the meaning and value of human life at every

stage and in every condition. The proceeds of the Day for Life collection to be held in parishes is used

for the promotion of the dignity of the human person. Money collected for Day for Life will be used

to fund projects that support work in this area by organisations which further this objective. Your do-

nation is greatly appreciated. ~ Bishop’s Conference, England & Wales

Volunteers for the Hospitals - Catholic Chap-

laincy - volunteers are needed to help support

the Chaplaincy team at the Hospitals, visiting

the patients and on occasions taking Holy Com-

munion to them. If anyone feels they would like

to help, please let Fr Prem know either by tele-

phone message or email.

Data Protection - The Parish is committed to new data protection laws and guidelines. If you wish your information should not be held in the parish office kindly let Fr Prem know.

St Thomas More’s, Kidlington 11th Sunday in OT Weeks 3

SATURDAY 16th June



6.00 pm

Intentions of Ruby Gara Ezekiel 17:22-24

Ps 91

2 Corinthians 5:6-10

Mark 4:26-34 SUNDAY 17th June

11th Sunday in OT

11.00 am

RIP Annie Duffy


18th June

Ded. Of the cathedal

9.30 am

Wellbeing of

Darren Wallace

1 Kings 8:22-23,27-30 Ps 25,Matthew 16:13-19


19th June Feria OT

7.00 pm

Gregory 1 Kings 21:17-29,Ps 50

Matthew 5:43-48


20th June Feria OT

12 Noon

Mass & Adoration


2 Kings 2:1, 6-14,Ps 30 Matthew 6:1-6, 16-18


21st June

Ss John Fisher & Thomas More

9.30 am

School mass celebrating Parish feast

RIP Sr Aelred O’Donavan

Eccl. 48:1-14,Ps 96 Matthew 6:7-15


22nd June

Mem. of St Alo-ysius Gonzaga

12 Noon

RIP Charles Newland

2 Maccabees 6;18,21,24-31, Ps 30,Matt.24:4-13

SATURDAY 23rd June



6.00 pm

Thanks Giving Isaiah 49:1-6,

Ps 138

Acts 13:22-26

Luke 1:57-66,80

SUNDAY 24th June

Nativity of St John the


11.00 am

RIP Jimmy Doherty

SUNDAY 16th June

11th Sunday in OT

9.30 am


Monica Powley


20th June Feria OT

12 Noon



Lord John Kerr ———————————-


SUNDAY 24th June

Nativity of St John the Baptist

9.30 am

6th Death Ann.

Anne McGee

St Hugh’s, Woodstock (Morning Prayer daily at 11.30)


Saturdays 5-5.30 pm

BAPTISMS & MARRIAGES by appointment with

Fr Prem Please make sure

you attend the parish regularly to ask for


Kindly make sure you are registered with the parish

Scripture Study Group Monday, 9th July 1.30 pm. Come join us to read a scripture passage, and then to reflect and pray together. Next 10th September.

Contact Eileen Perkins on 01865 374129. All are most welcome.

Please email your news item to Fr Prem by Thursday

This Newsletter is for the parishioners and friends of the parish. It is for the intended circulation. Feel free to take it with you and share it with others especially the sick and the homebound.