the parts of plants

The Parts of Plants How many different parts can you think of?

Upload: ehostetler

Post on 21-May-2015




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Page 1: The Parts Of Plants

The Parts of Plants

How many different parts can you think of?

Page 2: The Parts Of Plants

There are 5 Main Parts to a Plant1. Root2. Stem

3. Leaves4. Flower5. Seeds

Click on a part to learn more!

Page 3: The Parts Of Plants

RootWhat are the jobs of a root?

o Keep the plant in place

oTake water from the soil

oTake in food from the soil

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Page 4: The Parts Of Plants

StemWhat are the jobs of a stem?

o stands the plant up

o acts like an elevator and takes the food and water up to the rest of the plant

Page 5: The Parts Of Plants

What are the jobs of a leaf?

o breathes in air

otakes in sunlight


Page 6: The Parts Of Plants

FlowerWhat are the jobs of a flower?

o attracts insects with colors and smell, so the insects can pollinate the flowers

o makes seeds

Page 7: The Parts Of Plants

What do seeds do?

o are the way that plants make other plants just like them

o have a small plant inside them

o drop to the soil or are carried by wind, water, or animals


Page 8: The Parts Of Plants


When the seeds spread and start to grow, the plant is called a seedling.

Page 9: The Parts Of Plants

Plants are Important

o Food o Shelter

What other ways are they important?

Page 10: The Parts Of Plants

Quizo flower ____

o root ____

o stem ____

o seed ____

o leaves ____

a) has a small plant inside

b) makes the seeds

c) breathes in air and takes in sunlight

d) holds the plant up

e) takes in water and food from the soil