the path a different view part 1. first things first arm folding exercise

The Path A Different View Part 1

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Post on 17-Jan-2016




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The PathA Different ViewPart 1

Page 2: The Path A Different View Part 1. First things first  Arm folding exercise

First things first Arm folding exercise

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Arm fold What did you learn? Great! What you should have learned is that

we all have set ways of doing things and when we are asked to do something different it won’t be automatic

It’s no different in the way we communicate and relate with others

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The Path Principle What’s the path principle?

Your direction, not your intention, determines your destination

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The Path Principle What areas of your life have you seen

the path principle play out? School Chores Work Heart/Sweat Punching your sibling

Example: Draw the comic

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The Goal Take the Path Principle and apply it to

the way we relate to people Your direction not your intention

(intentioned communication) determines your destination (of those relationships)

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Reality is your friend Perception is reality What we see is what we believe, but

often what we see isn’t true Example: Do you want to go to school

with your pants unzipped or would you rather your mom tell you before you leave the house?

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Reality in relationships Everyone has different social styles We even interact differently with different

people How do you interact with:

Long time friends? New people? Siblings? Parents? Boss? HSM Leaders?

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Reality in relationships Among those groups of people, do you

act differently when it’s time to: Work? Play? Eat? Relax? Party?

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Communication What “makes” communication? 7% is based off meaning of words 38% based on the way we say those

words Tone

55% based on nonverbal cues Facial expressions

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Example Turn to the person next to you. What are

the different ways this sentence could be interpreted?

I don’t kick my dog

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Social Styles There is no right or wrong style Roughly 25% of the population falls into each

category Categories are created by cross examining

responsiveness (task vs. people) and assertiveness (ask vs. tell)

These are not directly related to Myers-Briggs, temperament, Strength Finders, DSST or any other test you may have taken. It’s another tool to help you understand yourself

and others

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Responsiveness and Assertiveness This week we will discuss

responsiveness and assertiveness Next week we will discuss how each

style interacts and what it take to have the most productive interaction

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Responsiveness and Assertiveness Responsiveness – The measure of

expressing Assertiveness – The measure of


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Responsiveness and Assertiveness Responsiveness – The measure of

expressing Task Directed People Directed

Assertiveness – The measure of influencing Ask Directed Tell Directed

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Responsiveness- Task Directed Usually more reserved in expressing emotions Focus on task at hand After work is done may take up interpersonal

topics Talk about the facts of a project Nonverbal cues

Composed posture Level tone of voice Contained gestures Limited facial expressions

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Responsiveness- Task Directed Don’t hate you Still experience full range of emotions Express those emotions different

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Responsiveness- People Directed Express emotions openly and freely Focus on feelings and relationship issues Talk about the people on their project Nonverbal cues

Broad and varied gestures Variable tone of voice More facial expressions

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Responsiveness- People Directed Working relationships are highly valued

as well as building cooperation Believe that relating will help the task

get done at a higher level

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Responsiveness and Assertiveness Responsiveness – The measure of

expressing Task Directed People Directed

Assertiveness – The measure of influencing Ask Directed Tell Directed

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Assertiveness Clarification: Because we all want something we are

assertive The comparison here is how we go

about getting what we want Again, not good or bad but different.

Can be bad if used incorrectly I.e. Manipulation or overbearing

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Assertiveness- Ask Directed More subtle and indirect Ask more question Tend to suggest or offer ideas Not make strong statements or present

conclusions Seldom interrupts others Rarely uses voice for emphasis Uses conditional statements

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Assertiveness- Ask Directed Nonverbal cues

Lean back in chair when speaking Talk more slowly, allow pauses Appear calm and composed

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Assertiveness- Tell Directed More up front in statements/body

language Speak at faster pace Take initiative Use voice for emphasis Uses declarative statements

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Assertiveness- Tell Directed Nonverbal cues

More direct Leaning forward during conversation Louder and faster

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Tell vs. Ask Tell – Push the boundary until they are

told to either stop, or they have found it Ask – Where’s the boundary of my


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Versatility Ability to adjust your social style to

connect with the most people – JM Abbrev Vers

Plays out when you notice the differences in social styles of someone and can change to accommodate them

You are versatile if this begins to characterize you Talk to your leader about 7 Stages of

Character Development

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Versatility Versatility is looking out for the best of

those involved in communication Application of Heart Attitude #1

Put the goals and interests of others above your own

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Philippians 2:3-4 3 Do nothing from selfishness or empty

conceit, but with humility of mind regard one another as more important than yourselves; 4 do not merely look out for your own personal interests, but also for the interests of others. (NASB)

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Matthew 7:12 In everything, therefore, treat people

the same way you want them to treat you, for this is the Law and the Prophets. (NASB)

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Next week We will look into the specific social

styles and how to relate to each on in a way that helps the other person Application of Heart Attitude #1

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Conclusion Your direction not your intention

(intentioned communication) determines your destination (of those relationships)