the path of a warrior

 CutieDie Kay-Ann Barrett [THE PATH OF A WARRIOR] Looking Back at my life, I should feel no regrets, yet I always wonder…  

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Kay-Ann Barrett 

[THE PATH OF A WARRIOR] Looking Back at my life, I should feel no regrets, yet I always wonder… 

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PROLOGUE .............................................................................................................................................. 2

Part 1 – Dark Beginnings .......................................................................................................................... 3

Chapter 1 –Uncle’s Exam ..................................................................................................................... 4

Chapter 2 – Warrior in Training .......................................................................................................... 26

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Looking Back on the life that I have lead over the years, all of the

achievements, the joy, the pain and the loss; I have began to wonder at the worth

of it all in the end. Has all the good times outweighed the bad, have I done enough

to atone for the wrong I have done in my life or would the world have been a

better place without me. But even these thoughts betray the flaws of my nature;

to think myself so important that the state of the world depends on me. As I sit

here and all these thoughts filter through my mind, I decide that the only thing

that I can do at the point is to go through the events of my life again using the

objectivity of my enhanced years and instinct as a Maran to judge the actions of

my life, and come to terms with them as my life draws to a close. Though looking

back, who would have thought that the great warrior princess would die an old lady

on a hilltop?

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Part 1 – Dark Beginnings

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Chapter 1 –Uncle’s Exam 





“Dam it uncle Vetia, why the hell won‟t you help me with my training.

Dads gone on a mission right now so he can‟t help me, and Daol and Sarah are off

doing their own thing. I on the other hand don‟t have time to waste on such

trivialities as “beautifying” our surroundings or reading through blueprints of

stupid aircrafts.” 

All of this I bellowed out in the roughest most mature voice that a four year old

girl can, all the while staring up into the face of one of the most notable and

ruthless warriors I have ever know. But that of course will not stop me. Though it

may be tainted with soft genes from my mother‟s side, I still had Vetian royal

blood running through my veins. The same blood that ran through the proud warrior

that was standing in front of me, my uncle the Vetian prince. I will not allow my age

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to stand in the way of reaching for the height of our race by becoming a great

warrior. But of course, what was an even greater deterrent for me in my

aspirations was the fact that I was a female. A fact that became even more

apparent as my uncle opens his mouth to make a reply.

“Out of my way girl, you know very well that it is your brother with whom I have a

training session, not you. Why your father continues to allow you to entertain

thoughts of such things is beyond me, but to me it is clear by the look of you that

 you are too much like your mother to make a warrior, even if your language isn‟t up

to par. Now run along little princess and tell your brother I wait for him in the

training room.” 

And here I was thinking that the fact that I looked exactly like my mother, a

Maran princess, would be overlooked. Not because I looked like that woman meant

I was anything like her. I blame this all on Sarah, my silly twin sister who does

nothing but play and sing and do…..girly stuff all day. Doesn‟t she know that she has

a duty as Vetian royalty to become a great warrior to uphold the pride of our race?

I said as much to my uncle and added that my brother does not even want to train

as he‟s more interested in flying his little ships than training. But instead of

listening to reason he laughs at me. How dare he make fun of me like this, how dare

he? He must have seen the rage that was building inside me through my eyes as he

suddenly stopped and gave me an appraising look. This is the first time I think my

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uncle really looked at me. Not at the fact that I was female, not the fact that I

looked like my mother, or even the fact that I was only four years old. He looked

at me as if he was seeing right into my soul and that, I think, is when he realized

that beneath everything, at my very core burnt the fire of a warrior, a flame that

could not be extinguished, a flame that had the potential to consume everything

around me.

“Alright little warrior”, he said, a look creeping slowly on his face telling me he was

planning something.”Go find your brother and meet me in the training room and we‟ll

see what it is you can do. “ 

I could feel my face slowly contorting into a look I came to associate with one

emotion. An emotion I only felt when it was time for battle. At least that is what I

associated it with considering I have never gone into battle, but I had a feeling

that this level of anticipation and excitement only came along when it was time for

a fight. Not bothering to hide my expression I ran off down the corridor in search

of my brother.


Walking down the corridors of the huge complex out in the open as I was was a new

experience to me. “To be yet not to be known” was a credo I used to guide my

escapades through and around the station that our so-called master called

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headquarters. However my quick temper and eagerness to fight are what both

doomed and saved us. I allowed my mind to travel down memory lane and relive the

moment of the discovery of children at headquarters. Sister and I have lived here

all our lives and my brother since he was three, our presence here was only

discovered when I followed my uncle –using a cloaking spell of course- and jumped

in to save him when he was about to be punished for some insolent remark. I guess

we‟re not too different really as after I smashed the guy that was hitting my uncle

through a wall, I declared to everyone that no one has the right to treat any

member of our family in such a manner. What happened next was……

I felt the usual anger well up inside me a jolt me out of the memory. All of this, all

of what has happened to my siblings and I would never have happened if she had

not sent us out to rot. As young as I may seem to the rest of the world, it is a

known fact that Marans age both mentally and physically different from other

races. I can still remember the pages of one of the many books she gave me so

that I can “learn about who I am”; it makes me sick just thinking about it.

The Maran child will achieve at the age of ten, the mental capabilities

in terms of emotionally, psychological and intellectual abilities of a

twenty-five year old human being. One aspect, however of Maran

mental strength that is tied with spiritual well being and focus, is our

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magical abilities of which human possess next to nothing of. Physically,

Marans while stronger than the average human; possess no significant

strength likes those of more common warrior races such as our natural

enemies the Vetians.

This is, just like many things in my life, both a curse and a gift. Being

underestimated by an opponent in battle is not a bad thing, but being treated like a

kid who cant even feed herself much less fight is a downright insult. And as always

being female just makes every thing a thousand times worse! God help me but every

time I think about my life I always work my self into a rage.

I found my brother in our rooms meditating and for the life of me that just made

me snap.

“What the hell are you doing you idiot!” By the time the last word was out of my

mouth I had already slapped him clear across the room and into the other via the

concrete wall. I watched as Daol got up dusted himself off and gave me that smile

I know was going to cause trouble when he got older and grew into the beauty that

was already showing in his seven year old Maran face. Of course, that meant he

looked like an eleven year old human boy. Physically, my brother sister and I were

similar enough. Long true black hair, tall for our ages and though we looked lithe

and almost fragile, it was also apparent that we were made for more than just

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parties and whatever else it is that Marans do. Despite our beauty, we were born

warriors and it was plain for everyone to see in the way we carried ourselves and

the aura around us. But despite these similarities, there are some drastic

differences that mark us apart. For one, though there is no doubt that my brother

is a man through ad through, or at the very least a boy, he can be described as

nothing less than beautiful. His hair is softer and sleeker that those of my sister

and I, his eyes a deep beautiful blue like that of my mother, yet isn‟t, for I have

the very same eyes, yet I‟m sure that no one feels safer for just looking into them.

Oddly enough, when you look into my sisters eyes, a soul stealing green that shines

as bright as her soul, you fell happier for having done so, Like all the joy of the

universe is stored within the depths of her heart.

“What the hell are you smiling at? Don‟t you know that uncle Vetia is waiting for

 you to start training”? 

The transition of emotion on my brother‟s face was subtle, but I got enough to

know that he remembered and was hoping that uncle forgot.

“You little ……gaahhhh” I screamed, “I don‟t even know what to call you. How is it

that you can feel the Vetian blood boil in your veins and yet run away from training.” 

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“I simply find that there are more interesting things in life dear sister, than

 jumping around swinging your limbs around and spilling that Vetian blood that you‟re

so proud of” 

“That blood only gets spilled if you‟re too weak to do anything about it. Now get

going, uncle is allowing me to train with you guys today and I can tell hes got

something up his sleeve. I‟m positively shaking with anticipation.” 

“Stop it Karah….. You‟re scaring me” 

I looked at my brother and saw that he was truly afraid, but of what I had no idea.

“When you get that look in your face, in your eyes……. it scares me to think that my

little sister can produce such a look. I‟m sorry.” 

I sighed and turned towards the door intending to head of towards the training

room knowing that my brother would follow me.

I got to the door, and laid my hand against the frame, steadying myself against the

cold metal drawing it in to try to calm the rage within me.

“Your not the one that should be apologizing, she‟s the only one to blame here; our

darling mother. That is, of course, unless you decide not to come to training.” 


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When I got to the training room, my uncle was up against the wall with his eyes

closed. He neither moved nor acknowledged my presence in any way, but I could tell

he knew I was there. By the time my brother got there I had warmed up with a few

stretches and a few laps around the area, and was sitting down across the room

from my uncle looking at him. My brother‟s words flowed throughout the room. 

“I‟m so sorry uncle; I hope I didn‟t keep you waiting too long. I wouldn‟t blame you

if you decided to punish me by cancelling today‟s session”. 

This last bit he said with a gleam in his eye that told me he was having fun even

though he knew it would cost him in the end. I sighed and was about to make some

quip when my uncle spoke.

“Shut up. I don‟t want to hear anything else from you for the rest of this session.

Do I make myself clear?” 

My uncle finally opened his eyes and whatever my brother saw wiped the smile off

his face and replaced it with apprehension. I looked over to him and had a

different reaction to the look on my uncle‟s face. I smiled, but made no other

movement as I remembered my father‟s words in a training session we had before

he left.

“Allow you opponent to make the first move, see where it is they are going and cut

off their path” 

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With this thought, I bowed my head, closed my eyes and listened to what it was my

uncle was saying.

“Now Daol, come here. This is going to be a very important session for you today.

You‟ve been training for a while now and I‟d like to get a grasp of what your current

level is. If you can defeat your opponent then you can forgo training for the rest

of the week, if you can‟t, then your hours are doubled for the same amount of time.

That sounds fair doesn‟t it?” 

My eyes were still closed but I could almost fell my brother‟s frown. We both knew

that uncle would under no circumstance allow him to escape training if for no other

reason that my brother hated it. Not that uncle hated him of course; it was just

that he couldn‟t see why it is that Daol was the way he was.

“That‟s hardly fair uncle‟ Daol sighed, and I felt him whip his hair around out of his

face.”I can hardly be expected to be able to defeat you, now can I? I mean-“ 

My uncles laugh, sudden and sharp like a cold gust, cut across the room and

whatever it was that my brother was about to say.

“Why would I insult myself by fighting you child. No, I have much better things to

do than bloody small children, your sister however seems to want nothing more

than a good beating to know her place” 

At these words my rage swelled, and I directed all of that towards my uncle.

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“Yes little one, get angry, but know it will not help you to win this battle. You and

 your brother will fight and you will both give it your all, and if you win little one,”

and at this point his smile turned into a smirk. “If you win this fight, then and only

then will I acknowledge you as a warrior and train you.” 

I looked at my uncle, and I smiled. Not that „happy you‟re here and I love you smile‟;

I don‟t think I had one of those. The look I gave was a „ you have no ides how much I

want to see you hurt, to see you bleed, but I‟ll save that for another time‟, kind of

smile. I turned towards my bother without making a comment to my uncle, for I

was afraid that if I opened my mouth, all the rage would come flowing out, and I

wouldn‟t be able to stop it. I closed my eyes, took a deep breath and thought about

everything. I thought about my sister off being a girl somewhere. I thought about

my father off on a mission, and the few random training sessions we had when he

was bored. I thought about all that he thought me, and all that I learnt by myself.

I thought about fighting with my brother, and what was going to happen if I went

all out against him. I thought about his strength, and his skills that I witnessed

when I looked in on his training sessions with our uncle, and I thought about all the

things that winning this fight will open up for me.

I finally opened my eyes and looked at my brother, and I knew there was no

expression on my face. I was strangely calm, waiting. A cold, cruel anticipation

seeping in to replace all the rage.

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“I don‟t have to tell you brother, do I” I said, knowing he could lift the thought

from the top of my mind. We go all out, give everything we have to this fight, and

we have no regrets, and we‟ll still be brother and sister when this fight is over.

He turned his back on me and walked into the centre of the room, then turned and

faced me with a look of sheer determination and even a little anticipation that let

me know that he did feel the blood off a warrior burning in his veins. He told me

with his actions, that he was ready, he understood, and he thought he would win. I

smiled then, and began my journey to face him.

We stood there looking at each other, and I don‟t how many minutes went by

before uncle Vetia bellowed “This isn‟t a staring contest kids, if you can‟t fight

then leave, I wash my hands of both of you”. After he said this, he turned and was

walking towards the door. This unlocked some of the rage that I had stored away

and it mixed with the calm to form an emotion that I had never felt before. I

turned away from my brother, something a warrior should never do when facing an

opponent, but I was so confident in my power and my skills, I felt that giving him

such an opening was inconsequential. Plus, it made him make the first move, so we

would meet on my terms, not his. I turned towards my uncle, raised my hand and I

felt the smirk form on my face as the energy began to gather in my hand. I fired it

at my uncle just as he was turning towards me, and my brother was charging at me.

Everything happened at once; my uncle hit the blast back at me, saying it was yeas

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too early for any of us to be challenging him. My brother struck out with a kick to

my head and I blocked it and grabbed on to his leg, swung him around and put him

in a lock, holding him tight in front of me so that the blast struck him head on. I

heard my brother‟s scream, and saw the agony on his face for a second before the

smoke made it impossible for us to see anything.

“That wasn‟t meant for you uncle, I‟m young, not stupid, but thanks for getting the

ball rolling”. I went deep within me a harnessed a fraction of my energy, sending it

out and around me, ready for quick access and use. The action blew the smoke from

around us and I threw my brothers body up so hard that it slammed into the roof,

then I jumped and head but him in the stomach. I stayed floating watching my

brother fall to the ground, and when he was halfway there he turns and fired a

blast of energy at me. I gave a burst of speed and avoided the blast going around it

and sped towards my brother like a missile. Just before I hit him, I spread my

hands out to slow me enough to spin and give him a back kick in his head sending

him flying into the floor. I landed and waited, this was not right; he should be

putting up more of a fight, so I decided to be a bit more cautious, wondering if it

was a ruse to lure me in. While my brother was pulling himself out of the rubble, I

stole a quick glimpse of my uncle and saw that he leaned against the far wall of the

room, arms folded across his chest taking in the fight with a very serious look on

his face.

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I had enough time to put my hands up as my brother super sped up and punched me

in the face. The pain was instant and body numbing, and I had a second to wonder

how it would have felt if I hadn‟t blocked the brunt of it, before he was there

again giving me an uppercut then appeared behind me using his elbow to knock me

into the floor via the back of my neck. I jumped up quickly, calling more energy as I

did so to match his speed, but even though I did so, I didn‟t see the punch that

landed directly in my gut, causing me to spit up. The pain was blinding and I

staggered backwards.

“I‟m so glad I skipped lunch today” I said, spitting on the floor and straitening up,

staring directly at my brother. He finally took a fighting stance, one that was

clearly offensive, which meant that he didn‟t think I could do enough damage, or

wasn‟t fast enough to land a hit. Either way it pissed me off so that when he asked

me if I was ready for round two, I answered by doing a massive power up by

drawing on all of the energy I had. It made my brother hesitate, and my uncle smile.

I screamed my anger, my frustration and made a super burst of speed to get

behind my brother while gathering as much energy as I could into my arms. He

hadn‟t realized what I did by the time I fired off the blast. It was huge as it

should be, for it was filled with my rage, determination, will and spirit. My brother

turned and I had enough time to speed behind him and kick him in the back, sending

him flying into the blast. It hit him, but he blocked some of it, while I was close

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enough for the shock of the blast to send me flying into the wall next to my uncle.

I slid down the wall, and wiped off the blood that was flowing out of my mouth. I

was looking around for my brother, when my uncle chuckled. It distracted me

enough and as I turned to look at him I saw the shadow of my brother, firing a

blast from directly above me. It was like time slowed down, I had no time to block,

but all the time to relive the fight wondering where I went wrong for I knew I

wouldn‟t win the fight, couldn‟t after getting hit by an attack like this. I returned

to real time.

“CRAP!!” I scream this as the blast hit, and it turned into a shriek of pain and agony.

Tears streamed out of my eyes, and my clothes ripped off my body and wounds

opened up on my arms torso and face, which were taking the brunt of the attack.

It was like being dipped in acid while electricity is running through your body. I fell

to the ground when the attack ended, and my brother was before me. My attack

did not leave him unscathed. His shirt was mostly gone and his forehead was

bleeding and he was out of breath. I struggled to get to my feet and fell down.

Damnit! Why did it have to end like this? It was my only chance and I messed it up.

The pain of the loss almost overwhelmed me, but I used it to fuel my rage, and

used the rage to fuel one last attack. I was suddenly on my feet and a swung as

hard as I could and caught my brother off guard. My fist and his jaw met and I

sent him flying before passing out cold.

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When I came to it was to pain, and with that pain came contentment a happiness

that astounded me. I was covered in my own blood and wounds, aching all over and I

was wondering when I would get to fight again. With that thought, the reason for

my match with my brother came back, as well as the realization, that if I was in

this state then my brother had won and I would not be able to train with my uncle.

Those thoughts gave me the strength to stand up, staggering as I went slowly

looking about the room else the dizziness would get worse and I would collapse


“Wh-where are you brother, it‟s not o-over yet.” 

I took a few steps and stumbled to my knees.

“Damnit! “ I screamed, “I refuse to lose like this.”

At this point, I began to pound the ground with the last of my strength screaming

“Damnit!” each time my fists met the ground. 

“…pid, you stupid girl, if I had won I would be able to do a lot more than talk right

now. At least you can get up, and the floor can attest to the strength you have left

with the cracks your making. I think that means I lose….Damnit. I do not want to

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have to train twice as much as usual, especially if you are going to be joining in

from now on. I‟m going to sleep, maybe I‟ll wake up and this was all a dream.” 

He had obviously been talking for a while and I only caught the tail end of what he

said, but it was enough for a smile to creep up on my face and send me flying into

the air spinning around and giving a big whoop. I won… I did it. I would actually get

to train with my uncle; my chance to become a great warrior was at hand. At this

moment, I thought nothing could bring me down. A large fist came from out of

nowhere and gently slammed me into a wall, and I say gently considering that the

fist belong to my uncle and I was still conscious after the attack.

“Shut up brat, you‟re making too much noise. Do not make me have to shut you up


I looked up at my uncle and say that despite his words he was smiling, a smile that

grew into a rare and surprising laugh. I think he was actually happy, happy perhaps

that I had won, or that with proper training I would add to the strength of our

dwindling race and bring glory to the royal family. Whatever the reason, hearing my

uncle laugh made me happy, and in that moment I promised that, I would always try

to make my uncle happy so that I could hear that laugh again.

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“I‟m sorry uncle,” I said smiling, “I‟m just so happy that I get to train with you, and

I can‟t wait for my next fight with brother, next time I won‟t underestimate him so

much and I hope he gets stronger so we can have an even more amazing battle” 

I then noticed that my sister was in the room, bending oven our brother and

inspecting his wounds. I peeled myself from out of the wall and slowly made my way

over to her, being reminded with each step how hurt I was. The pain made me

focus not on my sister, but on my brother instead and I felt the smirk creep over

my face. Not bad bro, not bad, I thought. If you actually put real effort into

your training you would be a monster. 

“Now I know why uncle forced you to train,” I said aloud, but my sister completely

misunderstood what I meant.

“Are you proud of what you‟ve done to our brother, the state you‟ve left him in?

You could have killed him!” 

“If he died it would have been he was too weak to survive in this world, much less

the training that I have in store for him…and your sister.” And at this a smile crept

over uncle Vetia‟s face that made even me hesitate and my sister to break out in

tears. My uncle proceeded to leave the room, but paused at the door and even

though his back was facing us, I could tell that his face was wiped of all mirth.

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“Serah, you are now officially the weakest link in this family and weak links always

gets broken” and with that I was alone in the room with my two siblings.


The room we were in was one of the medical treatment rooms on the facility on

which we lived. In the far corner was a deep healing chamber currently dry of it

super soothing, healing waters. Its chrome design seemed cold and lifeless like

most of the things in the facility, and you may think that inanimate things are not

supposed to be lifeless, but I know better, yet another reason I‟m better than you.

I have always been one to notice the small details around me, like I know that the

fibres of the sheets in this room are so strong, I could bind most of the lower

levelled warriors on the facility with them and they could not escape. And like most

of what you may call my peculiarities, I picked up this habit of supreme awareness

from my uncle. It was one of his rules of being a warrior; one must be at all times

supremely aware of your surroundings. So I know that aside from the remarkable

strength of the sheets, the room I was in was completely unremarkable. The walls

were a dull white, plain and unadorned, the beds the same. Its was outfitted with

standard medical equipment, like all the other medical treatment rooms on the

base, which means it had the most basic of equipment. Our leader did not place

much emphasis on recovery, after all, we were expendable and a warrior weak

enough to be killed in battle was not worthy of serving under as my Uncle would call

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him, our foolish leader. The great Saamu, foolish for not realizing the potential

that lies within the ranks of his own warriors, and this foolishness will lead to his

eventual demise at the hand of the Vetian warriors. Speaking of warriors, I turn

now to my sister, still sobbing into the bed sheets and exchange a look with my

brother. I sigh

“Serah, you have no reason to be doing that right now. It‟s because you‟re always

like this that Uncle looks down on you” 

“He looks down on you too remember”, she retorted. “It was just yesterday you

were complaining that he would never give you the time of day or take you seriously

at all”. 

At her words, a huge grin spread across my face as a recall my days triumph.

“All that has changed today sister, uncle has decided to train me since I defeated

brother in battle. If you would only…”

“If I would only what!” she cuts in gesturing towards our brother” If this is what it

takes to get in uncle‟s good graces, I would rather remain weak and pitiful in his


With that, the life seemed to just flow out of my sister and she sat down in a chair

beside my Daol‟s bed. As with all things my sister did, she accomplished this with a

grace and poise only a Maran could, and I think of how even as twins I am all vetian,

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entirely my fathers child, a and she is all Maran and everything my mother wants

me to be. She should have been first born female not me, then Mother would be

have her perfect heir and we would all be that much happier.

“I‟m sorry Serah, sorry that you don‟t understand why we train and why I have to

get stronger, prove myself. I‟m sorry that we aren‟t more alike and I‟m sorry that

 you have to see us get hurt. However,” I say, straightening my back and putting all

my will into the rest of my statement “I am not sorry for what I did to brother, it

was a fair fight between warriors, and I will continue to fight and defeat all who

stand in my path, and if you will not gain strength for yourself, I must gain that

much more to protect you.” 

Serah looked up at me, and the look in her eyes was one I do not understand. She

has however calmed down and no trace remains of the tears that were so freely

flowing earlier on.

“I do not mean to imply that what you are doing is wrong sister; however when I

look at you all I can see is the darkness that this will bring to your life. Your future

will be rapt with battle and destruction, the roads you walk paved with the blood of

enemies and friends. I do not want this for you, but it is not for me to decide. Is

this really the life you want for yourself?” 

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While Serah was speaking, Daol had sat up in his bed and was now staring intently

at with a look similar to that my sister held her eyes. Seeing the almost mirror

view in the eyes of my siblings made me understand that they had seen something.

Seeing with the gift we received from our mother through the sorcerous arts. My

brother and sister both had the gift of future site, while I was only privy to the

secrets of the past. So while both my sibling could always look forward letting go

of the past, I was always left looking back, regretting. Suffice to say this impacted

greatly on our personalities as no one hold a grudge better than I, while my siblings

ability to forgive and forget always gets me pissed when I think about it, and

getting pissed was precisely what I was doing right now.

“Spit it out” I whispered glancing from one to the other,” tell me with words what

 your eyes are trying to impart.” 

My eyes narrow and I use my finger to wipe away blood that was oozing from my

cheek from a wound from my earlier battle. I lock my gaze on my sister and lick

the blood from my finger and she turns away from me, but nut before I see the

sadness that now clouds over the light in her eyes. My brother decides to be the

one to answer.

“If you continue on the path you have placed yourself on today sister, you will find

 your heart burdened by the things you will be forced to do, and your soul forever

stained by your actions. You will always look back, always regret and be unable to

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change the flow of time for yourself for no amount of time travel will change the

fact that you will kill and you will destroy, and with each kill a part of you will die,

and with each destruction the road on which you travel will crumble until you are

left isolated on a cliff overlooking all that you have done, filled with regret.”

I was left shocked and was surprised to find myself actually afraid at my brother‟s

words. I looked to my sister and got confirmation in the sobs I could hear coming

from her. I did not doubt what my brother said, but I also knew that there was no

other path for me. To do anything different than what I said I would, would be to

deny myself. To become someone that I would hate and resent, and I knew I would

regret not walking the path of a warrior. I walked over to the healing chamber and

pressed the button that would fill it with water from the large tube attached to

the top from the tank I knew was located in basement 3 of the facility. I stepped

in the chamber and felt better almost instantly even though complete recovery

would take about 15 minutes. Before closing the chamber I turn to my siblings.

“I can only be who I am and do what I feel I must, and I am sure the same is true

of both of you. I will walk the warrior‟s path for that is what I know I was born to

do, and whatever is to come will come and I will deal with it when it does.” 

And with that I closed the chamber and forced myself into a healing nap.

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Chapter 2 – Warrior in Training
