the pink panther - henry j. kaiser jr. elementary · pdf fileback to school night: wednesday,...

Download The Pink Panther - Henry J. Kaiser Jr. Elementary · PDF fileBACK TO SCHOOL NIGHT: WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 30TH The Pink Panther Henry J. Kaiser, Jr. Elementary School 25 South Hill Court

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  • B A C K T O S C H O O L N I G H T : W E D N E S D A Y , A U G U S T 3 0 T H

    The Pink Panther Henry J. Kaiser, Jr. Elementary School

    25 South Hill Court Oakland, CA 94618 510.549.4900

    The Pink Panther Newsletter

    M E S S A G E F R O M P R I N C I P A L G U I K E M A

    6:00 7:15 PM : Kindergarten 3rd Grade Families Meet in your childs classroom 6:30 8:00 PM : 4th and 5th Grade Families Meet in the multi-purpose room

    TIMING: Event will start and end on time. Please arrive early. PARKING: The upper yard will NOT be open for parking. We encourage you to carpool and/or arrive early to enable enough time for parking and walking to campus. ATTENDEES: Back-to-school night is intended for adult family members (no children please). YOUR ATTENDANCE IN ESSENTIAL!

    (see next page for detailed agenda)

    This evening we will celebrate the start of the school year and have an opportunity to visit your scholars class to see what learning lies ahead!

    School & Community Newsletter

    K A I S E R C A L E N D A R

    Wednesday, 8.30.17 Back To School

    Night & PTA Meeting

    Save the Dates!

    August 29, 2017

    Hello Kaiser Families: What a magical start to the year! Our kiddos wasted no time jumping right into learning while making and renewing friendships. We did an expectation rotation in which we reviewed how we are safe, mindful, and responsible across the campus. Teachers engaged kids in developing classroom expectations based on these same principles. Even though we did not get a good view of the eclipse, we took full advantage of the teachable moment it presented. Check out the bulletin boards outside of Ms. Hunter and Ms. Pipers class for examples of high quality student work related to the eclipse. In addition to the many familiar faces on our staff, we welcomed Mikael Wooten. Coach Woo is stepping in for Anthony Jaramillo (Mr. J), following his retirement. Among the many hats that he wears, he will be building a recreation and leadership program during our lunch recess. Meanwhile, our longest serving staff person, Ms. Pearl, celebrated a birthday last week. If you havent seen the beautiful picture of her with the staff that is on our Facebook page, be sure to check out at (continued on the next page...)

    Monday, 9.04.17 NO SCHOOL*

    Saturday, 9.16.17 Dads Club:

    Pancake Breakfast

    Monday, 9.25.17 Friday, 9.29.27

    MINIMUM DAYS** 1:30PM Dismissal

    Friday, 9.29.17 Dads Club: Movie Night

    *Labor Day: All OUSD No School **F&P Reading Assessments

    See Page 3 for minimum days and school holidays for the year!

  • School News

    B A C K T O S C H O O L N I G H T A G E N D A : W E D N E S D A Y , A U G . 3 0 T H

    6:00 PM 6:30 PM

    6:30 PM 6:40 PM

    6:45 PM 7:05 PM

    7:05 PM 7:10 PM

    K 3rd Grade Families Arrive Directly to Students Classroom

    Principal Guikemas Welcome

    PTA Committee Reports: Treasurers Report (Budget)*, Membership, Funding & Volunteer Requests, Communications

    Calendar* Review & Approval

    6:30 PM K 3rd Grade Families Transition to Multi-Purpose Room 4th and 5th Grade Families Arrive Directly to Multi-Purpose Room

    7:10 PM 7:15 PM Appreciations & Announcements

    7:15 PM

    M E S S A G E F R O M P R I N C I P A L G U I K E M A ( C O N T I N U E D )

    We are looking forward to a great year at Kaiser, with all the things you love about our special school remaining strong. We are also strengthening our systems, including using Konstella as our primary tool for office, PTA, and classroom communications. This year our staff will be focusing attention on equity and closing our achievement gap. While this gap is not unique to Kaiser -- it is found across our district, state, and nation -- our small school community has the potential to significantly close our gap. There has never been a more important time to do this work. I am looking forward to engaging with students, families, staff, and all stakeholders in this endeavor. Dennis Guikema, Principal [email protected]

    K - 3rd Grade Families Depart 4th and 5th Grade Families Transition to Students Classroom

    7:20 PM 8:00 PM 4th and 5th Grade Families in Students Classroom

    The Pink Panther Newsletter

    * These documents are available on Konstella for preview.

    Page 2 of 6

  • School News R E M I N D E R : N O P E A N U T S !

    R E M I N D E R : S T U D E N T A T T E N D A N C E

    The Pink Panther Newsletter

    Due to the fact that there are students at Kaiser who are highly allergic to peanuts, please do not include anything with peanuts as an ingredient in your childs lunch or snack. This includes a childs personal food as well as snacks donated to classes. Thank you!

    There is no question that learning and attendance are connected. We appreciate families making being to school on time a top priority. This includes scheduling travel, appointments, and other events outside of school hours and during school holidays. As a reminder: 8:15 AM 8:30 AM : Students may be dropped off and head to

    upper yard. 8:45 AM : School instruction starts.

    M I N I M U M D A Y S & S C H O O L H O L I D A Y S F O R 2 0 1 7 - 2 0 1 8

    In addition to each Wednesday being a 1:30 PM dismissal, the following dates will be also be minimum days this year, for professional development, assessments, and family conferences: Minimum Days September 25 - 29 (Monday Friday) October 16 - 20 (Monday Friday) Nov. 17 (Friday) March 2 (Friday) March 14 - 16 (Wednesday Friday) June 5 7 (Tuesday Thursday)

    Page 3 of 6

    School Holidays September 4 (Monday) Labor Day October 13 (Friday) Staff Development November 10 (Friday) Veterans Day November 20 24 (Monday Friday)

    Thanksgiving Week December 25 January 5 (Monday Friday for 2 weeks) Winter Vacation January 15 (Monday) MLK Jr. Day January 26 (Friday) Staff Development February 19 (Monday) Presidents Day March 30 (Friday) Cesar Chavez Day April 2 6 (Monday Friday) Spring Break May 25 & 28 (Friday & Monday) Memorial Day

    Note: Last day of classes is Thursday, June 7th 2018. Next year there is a scheduled calendar shift to start the school one week earlier. The first day of classes will be August 13, 2018.

  • P T A P R E S I D E N T S C O R N E R

    PTA News

    W E L C O M E B A C K !


    The Pink Panther Newsletter

    J O I N T H E P T A

    The Kaiser PTA Board would like to welcome everyone back from what we hope was a great and restful summer. If you are brand new to the Kaiser Family, we would like to extend a special welcome to you as well. We had an excellent registration week. I enjoyed meeting parents and seeing so many students and old friends again. Wait time was short at the registration stations and the Dads Club did an outstanding job providing a barbeque dinner! Hope everyone took advantage of the on-site fingerprinting and volunteer clearance.

    We were able to officially launch our new communication platform, Konstella, during registration. Thanks to all who signed up either at home or at the PTA Membership table. Konstella enables us to keep our school communications in one place. As we learn the platform we are all beginning to enjoy the convenience of one, official, easily assessable calendar, quick and easy communications between class room teachers and parents and even private chats among members. This is also where you can join the PTA, view volunteer opportunities and sign up for events! 1. Please visit: 2. Find Your School: Kaiser Elementary 3. Create Profile and Register. Reminder: Please ensure you Join a Classroom to receive classroom specific communications.


    There seems to be a bit of confusion about PTA Membership and Volunteerism at Kaiser. To add clarity, as a parent, guardian, grandparent or community member please consider making two decisions: Decision #1: To Join the PTA Your PTA membership strengthens Kaiser Elementary Schools voice on the local, state and nation level while providing essential support for the educational needs of students in our very own building. PTA membership is $10/individual and we encourage parents, guardians, AND grandparents to become members. To Join: 1) Login to Konstella, 2) Find the More Dropdown, 3) Select Sales and purchase membership(s). continued on next page

    Hope to see you at Back to School Night! We will have a brief PTA meeting and there will be opportunity to meet your Kaiser Students teachers, staff and your PTA board. We have had an exciting, successful first week of school, so lets continue to make the 2017-18 school year the best ever! - Linda Handy, PTA President [email protected]

    Page 4 of 6

    Todays PTA Parents Are

    Speak Up For Your Child. Join Us.



    Todays PTA offers you the tools and resources you need to stay engaged in your childs academic and

    social success. Join our network of empowered, informed, and responsible parents, teachers,

    school administrators, mentors, and others who are experiencing the PTA difference.

    National PTA Backpack Bundle 2014 National PTA. All rights reserved.