the plattsburgh republican. - nys historic...

THE PLATTSBURGH REPUBLICAN. UTILITY—**ThA Gr*»at«.t Good of thsv Or«ai«al Nnmb«r."-BENTHAM. VOL. SIS. NO. Is. PLATTSBURGH, CLINTON CO., N. Y., SATURDAY MORNING. MAY l> 190" WHOLK NO. I«»T:, Tin; KFJTHLK AN. I'I-.|{M)> \l,. •J I ••'• ii»n»r r n.'VRr I u . l if. b. ..*."» 1 M". H J U..:i i« hi-r .iH'fjrl. :«r m ,] 6i. 1 Mr* Mo?. e , ' , H The ft-> 1 N M- BH if 1+ 1 ,m . » Ailltir \ ( I.MM h li • af «r K > i-i i • A lifn 'i B'.iV.i. the r- fpl t.l Hop I. I««P. I r"ri i'.trl.r I'tin, 1 .irpSBD IllJRITi- ( I 111 . rd ' illU'k 1IIIHH (tlR i h aid e.lin.r ol '1 P l.u« bepn iu town MATTERS AND THINGS. T i <•«• ,.p*-r<•,; Mat 1 A i . ' l.H'U-f" .| b« II .wer A t v i - l » i r • \ ' Tl ui-lay i. ..ill! •, j-tn r...!, I'li.iajj" .'il ynre f> ' . ' H * . r tat ••:'' f 1 ,r (" i ' t (' it i . r<- I I" a 1 - ' i i ' r ' He. S •!• '* V. )• j t »• riiiifftiK t »' a* t a Ai i 1, l,( ! t ! '! i I i >• t ! • « r , ? t V J. , N t,« HI j,e-* »i^'i ur n •' , !'» »: I* i ,1 * ' i Tip ».•.».. M.a l t. in t i-[ Hit' I * * .t > i. eposes tvirp il.esp tur'j- 1i i W ' H f " i » Ij > ill. ll\ t.i ' ( H'se.i to i U ' > i '*•* i ti> pi i. l.p. wr i r 1 I 1 M.o ntu'iil i.*nutg tr uu Is.ri' l)r Nil O ur I i 11 m - ..ti ii (i 7 •r Ci'f ii 'HIr I' it'll. i. m.r M ir nf lie ^r.n-: .J r f e ball i^eroe between .the ^". Al- burn ar.' Pialt-burgh High Schools tcbtd- i. .-• [>t \Vt»ilr»»n l>i\ H'lMrt.i.iri cm Ciiut. n )' rV w a s ri.R'r,..[ f'1 i.- i. one T P i FIide trees w*r** T v\ ei't.ehl'llv l.v t h e IV J. I- !C ii ntiiir. h •mi HI \ . ii tl.-ir | rupem u; 'In' {'••r- 11 r i I .^ !• s. n tivprue a r d t».-u Ii Calhwir.t 1 J. IW TII Piit.ln Lil-rarj IM'CCI i..r(-fn»Dlnl w : lf.n \i.,un ts. fnim II <• tiouks t.f ih« ta'e M j -r Eiran lij In* sister. Mise VV. M. E ^ a o . I. F I.IFI, thi- rt-w prpsrlem of He 1' A II , | af-ci-il ll.m.jKl. cn\ on siunii-y t-., r. ii'.. 'II M irrcui A. two hi niV t<u p v, .- II. 11- m tl i>l Ctnunpiain. (•i ,u C 1-II...F\ ttlifT mr l t d - [>BF! {• u i , \.-ur« hag i.^pti ii. !ln> t-tuplKj i t li B. M HI- luKtci'ii lukoii* purti.t ri'l.'i' ij M M\nra, tln> drm t.i li^ k-.own us M)wg A f. 1 <" \ . - L l" (' \i i. IITP ..f llif ooui «K! fi-r l . Ii .V II . illi.i a ' t l In tfiH II A.Willi} OB *• i iit\ Jli« Curr w»f rlrirkM' vii;li p..r- u v- -*!,.• lu-r lui-fiiii .1 wa- ii'.-t II -i V- P t- -- i i f ;l.i- -^ .pri'ii." (' ur; iu tl.H (• \ l-.H ft . ^ >(> fi-rru'.l-' I..U, o. p..n r.f Mr F :wanl S' 1 i.i- )OIM r»- nrr.H.I f l'...isrltkPPfH« »•!..-«' J.H »,»M ; .it ).»pr. t'*«JuRti»«i fr..m tt.p t. .!• tin. Ii j«,i I»P>I fit IHI-P HI, I M'.» K .ii k Ma M«i, at..! Miss MaO- IIPI ip.iTp t..,l,u !->r H xis.t tti Ni'W Yolk &r. I - v r- . u*> li t) r- K ; i.^rir LHH re urr.p.l Cull- t. f i w'f.i In liu« t.Mcti 6| etnitt jMbt* Inst IW.l 1I...I..I.M Mt» H !• I.itnif I HI tirnu-i] iu town t "i n.i.ifi tmiue ID M IVtt-relinrp. 'a i T A - .vr\ K V 'ar^i lia^ mow-l from ' .- ij:l. Cuili".r.M Hlrp.-t to No 22 i-.'i'i t. .. » > i-i.l- .;).»• propcrt; recently puri liimeil l.v ( Mr. frum TtItjiu Paileli. Dr. K":*i r- «i . I UTP t IB i Jli.'P- a' liis rpwOei Ci>. ! Tl„« K v 0. uti 1 M ' . T U Tiionipsou C I'truleil ilii ir ci,\er m i.i\Hrgar> OD Tui'i-- >)u} ( Vi-till'lJ I'.:: ..I ilic i (tidal hoards aoU curornittet-8 (f tin" Kins' At E. ciitsiclJ were en'.erlfiiued. U atnl Aire. Tliutiifsot. wtm tbe reel..leu's or inn)}- liaadcr.nip t;iftH. O.) ft'ednwliiy Dr Ttiorai'600 lift for a two moaiba' trip 10 E ULCII .ipai.iPil b> IIIH BUU Frank aud li^rriK CII;IIDH o( C, . Then HT, fiieu.i, ur Mi II D. T Moore nt f ' (oniralulute turn U| ou hav- t'l" ptiKf" •! IIIK 'JNt LiriliiJii) mi tlie )!! I) of Aj-ri;, in..) li.-'pe tliut tie miij live to cele ! b. - j.'e miu>> rmire. Wr t E IJitlnp, appoilile.1 in lite rew d strict pusi-ei t;er un.l friiatit 1 ftice of tbe U. A II , and Mrs tl kon lure arrived iu t)«ti irmu Moulreal, an.I (.re loc.ited at Mise M irrwoti's o.. Norib Catbenoe street. Tutllo ^lillrr. Tl.o Mfti > 1 e< i\'.p [ u' Ct nrrh at Mo''fl WBP. on Mi.r.'tn af'TrooP. 'be piene fn ver\ <-gf,\e. (Lotiirh Mllple we.lil t K c>r«rr<.i«, »|,»n nt tie pilar wleie 1 er lart.i^ l.h.l wi-iMfii 1 *••) for eenerntiota, io the tpii'g'iR<» of III MIPS LO!IB Al- berta Miller 1 f l\tiUR , 'ori'li tjecame llie irule of Mr K'-t r u b Toltle cf ibe same city- OutH.le. 110 April eno B'-.TIP » I II kirj.''y warnnli BOI3 pore b.r.le. cpr..le.i I )i<'Usl\, wti IP wi titn the I. %ir.f lurnle • f [ linl iliforalel U.e cbaotel will, ibe weiiliii (•! wood arel rrieodow. Mrs. Cr.'?ier a'<h pn- gi.1"d at tbe ort'ttD. Tie u^hera were Mesere. S. Clailriti of Nirwuo] unJ II )«aid Gin R - )Sli oil Mmrti. Wlien the cMircli w^ts wc-l' If led wild In- vited guests Mr L'/mar. O hmitti ol Moira rernlerpi] (fl. c.nel.\ U> Kuuiu'd lieauli'ul 8imp, • Ou, iPromtHp Me,"«ttliP mr/cliiBli n of wbicblhe fannllur nlrniriR i f Hie Wu.idli f? Much were heard. At tin- same inoniei t in Ibe r|. lit hi.D-l tilele the R"V. Willi, m Tbi 11111H, pastor of tbe c inrcli, aJviiULPil iowart'8 Hit* iiliar. I 1 the lift l.a'.d ai-l« appeared little Miaa M idred Ciaik, a COUMII of tbe tin ie, dresetd ali in wbite Willi Ibwern ou lu?r du-k; bair. VICINITY NKWS. The enrfew onlirnnce went ioto operation ID >»lulj Hill, M.iJ 1 Tl PIP is H inoverriPnl lo clianee the nnrnp of Hanlj Mill to Ki eatiur), the older rehi den's lieuit; Iu opposition. Tupper bike lian nil fiuto-lii-ck wlii li makm houny trlpa IDC ttiuiu Ullage in I'.iOSI. Ihe Like (J "orjie steampr BPIVI.'P Ijpfran M.IJ )M. Toe Fort Ti Hematite O) liaa heea ir.cor- p< luted for tin* pnrpojp of opprtillu!' Ibe old Bui leiiih. or McOa'.e lipam p.* mines The t'olli|)HUJ tins lieen capital z-d at $50,000 The work of develop ni: Ihe mine, W|II h IB 11 Short dHlui ce HOU b of T Ci)udero«;a BlullOi , wn, liPiitn witliin 11 bliort finiP. J i- ep H •client k, who wap B Btac'P driver f 11 uiu'i'. 5'iu'g betwpcti PotterBvilh) ai.d t>c'.rooi, Eike, and 10 'be niintner drove the Bta^e couci bptween U.verdale and the loot of .-Virion E k"', itied l.i-l we-'k of pneu- moi 111 JJe wiia iiiin tf Hit' old nine fatiitte ouviTP Mini 1 ne 1 f ihe beat liked ol tbe A'li- rOLiliitk I'e-ldelil8. THE Ampri.-ao An'omobilp As«nciaHrtn haa inaiiEnra'prl a National Orphans' Day, Hxlnc .Time J2 as the pprmnr.eot date on which ihp A A A cltibBare to EIVP the in- ma'pR of insulations In their cities a rojai outing. WOMEN. VKKMOrtT. Vermont ia freak ilentlj- ifl-rlnR a weekly About tiaen sueetu. CJteiet- O.i a piuow of white, aba bore the circlet tf ,!V " li l" ,ZJ . ai.d iMidiiletniry laken the i'11- . . . . » Iliedlute. cake wall u lliree-l*-«i»«.I cli.CKPn goo—the wed'ilntf rice, a r th? SIK'H. which >i scene of lon^ aco waa bronst DeaHi ol 31 rs Al V . B uruer. A p, I 1 • ' t • C ,1 V ' 1 r . .-•' .• i . . , 1 ..' 11, r\ I.oa'5, i.:,e i.f I h - l;:r^. 6t -t-il o'i'. op-i p.) tl.e Kt-iUJor A 'i.l 1!4. _' . . j ; 1 1 V> •,. i-h-iii nfer ihe Xuz I fo- t .4 'in I.-il-e ri.atnp .1 11 Trausportal.i u Al v - 11 - e ' - T h e S i W W 1- loli led Will t - 1.! i.ij for <li- i.erj at E *• \ . N X , 1 u'1.1 it.'ernie "1 lie p > Hie. 1 l'ru\el \l.i!_ r . ' P i-i-uei I'B lir^i 'per ul .-r •',- [ii..• •" , uni ni ("iiri'i" 'a - - a I of p,.,.|.|p -rn ijjr t.i E ir .pp. 1 a -- iv 1. ,1 ppptii tn In' . iii .... i'!il in t'lViri.' ,1 j.ri-1- Pi j •) Mr. i~ !,, :i.p l-ow, wh< [1 no 1 wh-ie ni.-' and ti.'fl .if truv,-l an 1 r :• . ,1 ui 1 >-\. . \S .li.-..! 0:id.. Nil!-, lull . ii.nh. lob I a' Uni" pli- ' - l . r t^i'e.i '1 ^ Wp'l kt'.^ri h -- r M r' . U[ir» ar,,l ^ d c-ii'itue 10 I,i- I ' ,| e r \ The |p,i-uti lor 1 OH- : 1 r.. 1.. f r,, 1 1, ..( ti* nioiber, Tihu ,%-r ^.1 V P tr-^ ..{ u_'P !>' t \ » 'I - 1 l.v Ur tt > i\ 1 M L T' ,. 1 - i n ,; „ • ''.Ir' 'I. I H - or y \ iP-xr. H .. k •r t ,»• I 1 «>i^ a ~..[i of r 11 vpr li*- WUP Nu(i E K ' [• ,r.-i 1 i r.o ,,r, « tl i ,r a -' 1 |,, J. "i ,. Mr < r ".•- a^ a[, PIP. t t'.p • W I- .1 'l-Tii'e I -'.,[ t r -i r.n,p[.' W'1,1: ;-^ a(..! c».,' TP, •• _• « I. I p .1 p i-r'r . |!i ' .r>- 1 r u .•> li- I : TpsPL'ri a \ . r> t HL'i- « I- "p P,.~! , I, iv \\i<- rr>u LT p Will ION; |)P - .111 ••• n l PIP tip -. Ili.-'I ,1 :• 'o i-at. it.- p.I 13 r.u.iv, iii.'l 'i HI Vjri B-'owav, of Nil- ken ro hl° home In ij. , ,\ « ,,[ ' i,.. ^ tl •it-.- ! r. < 1". ' I : ' 11 •"ii (!'»;,urn, *h'i IIPUTP ur iter .1 " M.-viig L'- Vi 1 I e l-u'iirt B e f i 1- ii 'P[I IP.I 10 .. Tl.e f**> .'.I ! In 1 I 111 . - [l.lll..' .Li'f li.P IU«'PIU 1} IIHH r af..Uiiuii' appear- • ii- i.].i r.i rui t'p u !•• Ii ur : i ' It : P f.i.l. II I : J it'K" ks . i iii'-.i, .'.II ' • •it. a: t. n-.!'.\ f. r Iran -1.,-r^t. Barn* - . P e t I il.itln: •>•'•< J . ' l i " ' , W Y. » T I r , j l . l ''7. I it. e \ H .1- Ol pel o' il/C'l Iritll- .. f. ••' ol IJ 11 lb p» of UPPI.'.;'. The t.peL li.[A^r.lp,| to Wile t l)J -•ton 1 - — ^r ~* ur j i|iiu r iir uiPn were _• 'r rn u .l^ri.-.- p,rli 1 u w la\ u n a - t 1,' p 1 I t' PHI. J .-.-pi. C..11 ; « . > , ' 1 11, 1 1 '1 • 1 .._!"•' u e.i.'iir. N iLe ol I i.\ r _' a Oiii'i '. ot.e of ll.em low- p...'f, u r e ,_'!,; w;,|ij. buti_' over G ii- iwfi Ii . K h.i.d ol n.U e .'•• ipii-p ur..i 1 uii H in c.imaet wi h .-; I I(.- t'i.Vi' ti p'rii-k u v l w..H ,1 , -i-ii-r u fee. \\ lii", p.. I. ,1 up '•u'. w.. Hi .-a.... ! v i d UWII; r. ..,..• I I - t...:\ >-H -1 t. • u P f ,." riful frpe NV iih- > tl-C el J A \ I -' . r .\ pt r.t r. a-p ir. II.P r oil r- 1 A-^1 u p . 1. 1 e LI1U.1.K ... iv. rj I w.ii ^ii-.i'i. 1. of rru PEI lp P-..V The death of M P Tornpr occurred at her li 101.' on (),k Ptreel Tdur-day atternr.orj, A.ri 2ti ul er ao iliLeaa of four ;eara with pro;:rer"ive pHrnlJ^lP- M(i. Tjrrjpr w ui Jlni E nmii Abbott, lU.l.'hler 1 I J ttlid Mfp Ci-orsje Abbot!, 11 el Wiifi Imrii ni bnihUia. P Q . in \K>'i. S e was ciii,cited al Oowaiinvi.le, P Q , ui.rj 11 -e* p"p 1 a pi- 1 H; leiiehei in ihe .-c..ny'» r F.i- sil.i.n' I w 1- in that linvii Mie waa in .rue.l ii, Jul.. I S T4. mil t>onn nf el' Mr. ant! M 1 pt 1 fin ne.I 10 Piitilaburjli wbera Ul . hdVe hM'i" n-H,.|e.l M.n Tur. pr w.i-i 11 worn LII of bit-h ir.ti I- 1 i'et CP, delu e l lu bei' f.uu Iv a'nl irtendp, if 4 li fofe h.-r tllni-i-s an uc'.lvd worker In ne Hi|.ri8 church, of \vbn li she was a >be was very miic'i beloved and IJ -r death H 11 cer -ly niotii t.e.1. She i-Mirwi-'d b> her bn-baiiil, ad ui!?htpr, M.-p Marian Tiu.,ei, and two duua, Erin a A a ..1 It alt,e> L Turrit r ol K-icliPSler, N 1' ; bv l.p- iijottipr, Mrp A'.butt, of E outier, N V , and two bioLheiv, J.ibii K A'd'OU of (e.ri wiili, Ooturi", and Clailea Abliott 1 f t-ri.1 I l,r., \> 14 Ti,- IU'IOIH.; wap he'd at Ihe Turner home 11 P,ails-la.r/'i on M an I ilie iiib-r- [tiiTil wiw at .-cl.ujler !• ills \V(imaii'.«i AiiMli-iry o l \ . M . *!. A . A: li.- 1 arjr.ual inePtinir i' "•" Auxiliary Ihe foltiiwitit; i llieera WPIP 11, t,p.,: PreMdei-l Mia. ^ J WI "'-v IPI V t-p Mra. T C In n., ~-.u. 1 I Vti-p-Mra. (J K Kendall. Treariirer- Mrp W H i"l pp. I. KeC- Sec —Mrs M C MUHOU. Eor. S-i. -Mra J II H 0 |i 'I he report shows a year if eUCCPBSftll Wi"k. io the UIIIP 14(J mi n.' ' have been added ai.d twelve aieetli.iis lipid. The B .)M' D.'par tllert P " n Illee, of wt. ill Mr~. Jann-K rev.-. I..|I 1- chauioiip, rui-i .1 ai.d .'"iiiiiiii u 1 s ion re r II.p pnrcliape ul oiiatP lot he lioih' c ••• \ piano laa iii-i-ii purfl.aPPil ar d 1 e... . y S-.".u on spent. 1.. i-ded li ri ip|.|r us Tie b ;.o ^uiount de- P'I-I'I'II b\ ibe A ui. .if.. I u the. prospective V M 0, A buil,lit.-,' ii ?^I'I2 "I. Pulp >IMI I'iititlity. tf aco waa bronsm o tiiiud, v. ben at tbo aoldeo witddio^ ui ni- veraarytr u Initio of tbo Tutllo fuaiMy tbo a8p.eiub;«d rnlauveM and towospeoplw aaLg lu Ihe tune of Auld Lau" blue ibe lollow'.Dg liutM wrltteu lur IHP ..cctiBioti: O ihalii of '• w, 1) riiix of K»1U •1 hat have I lie ^ ear*, defied Am! M.I.I in lihppy boi.UHi4i- hulil, 'ibe old mau and bit. bildo. And ihe tbtjiught thus expressed becan.e a wiah for the present cccaaion. Tbe liitle ring-b«ar«r wa.t folluwod by (lower pirlfl, ftJro iu white, wiib picture bats and aaahea of II w-red ribbon. Tliei were be the worst eince 1895, whet) H^rdwicke the Miasea Mary B. T.Htle and Eva tl. Ulark, I C, ad 5 ?, c » 9(,9 1 Everyone in Nortbfield and , I Weat Berlin has been vaccinated and eitrht toe former a eister of ibe groom, ihe ,alter a no fpz ftre qattruntine(l ttl ,,,„ lMW ,,| aB0 . of the. rlug-bearer. Kron. baaketa The Vermor.i To. sime.tion Co. becan thi= heaped with blossom? these two ccallert d week a new $10,000 f tpjlprneut for the Cbace II iwera iu the wav of tlie aooroncbing bride, mills in Burliu<;iou. MisaBAalriee Woods of Komeiville, Maep., ' r Ar ' a'rociona crime waa committed in ,,. . . . North Benniiii'lon, whet) ft fotir-yeiir-old aoOlbercillpilii, 10 a eowtiol grey and pit- „, ld) dll|11 ,, ller of jer.nau Mahan, a carpen- tute but, canjint! piuk raroutioop, WUB maid , O! lit t o r . a till a calf ilint iimws wool mat'ad of hair, limlii! il Ima orpnD-z d an Automobile Club of wi.lcti W H Hi'die ie pr. eident, Pi'icivtil (.lenient, secremry, uud Governor I'rocor cljairmuD of Ulu board of governors. The ti'ti-yeur old daughter of Henry (v-lley of Wa i tford, died from injuiiea received lu a pawmlll while packing pawduat in biga. Hei bair c.atit!ht in Ibe dlmlllng and borecalp and ear weie lorn dtl. "GhiaS Eye Martin," who drew a revolver nn the constable who was iryiug lo arrest him for graud Urceuy al Swauton, waa ar- rested at St. Armand, Q te , and brought back aod escaped again the same day. The outbreak of smallpox is reported to Miss Anna T. Jeanes, a New York Qia- kerepp, haa made an endowment, funil Of $1 duo.OHO for asaiBlatice of elementary Bclioo.s tor uegroea io the South. Mit.8 Murray waB recently brought from Toronto 10 run ihp CIVIC Conlagious Diapaees Hospital at Grand Rnpiilp, a n d i! 1.1 likely Bbo may be deported as " au alien " at de- mand of the labor union. The Eiiiy Tsuo Tai Kn, a Chinese " new woman," about IfOO years aao wrote a volume of " Inatruc ions to Women and G rla," which would aoive aa a good test b(i( k for the preaeot clay. Midt Emily Talbot who inherited va6t ePtalt'H in Wales from her father ia eaid to bo tlie richest woman in Great B iiain. She Uvea quietly at her Welsh home, seldom visiling her London house, and is absorbed in churitable work. The. Miasea Holt, daughlera or Henry Holt, tho pabiiahPr, were the prime movers for ibe organizilion, a year auo, of the New York Aasociiilion for Ibe Blind. Miss Kill h iJoll is at the lieatl of ihe commission appointed by tho legislature to collect data concerning ihe blind. Miss E In Young, a deacendant rf E ban Alien, a college graduate and formerly of Philadelphia, is to act ne Adirondack t-iiide this summer. She is now living on au island in Luko-of-the-Woods. KEESEVILLE. Fred Ba llargpon of Bnrfirg'iin waa in town Monday. J mica McKerz'e ppert Furelov at Hfihome io Hur.iogtou. retnrt,i'g Monday. Dr. O. vv piraighl arrived in town Mon- dav wiih hip c m aa'omolii'e which he pur- chased recently from a party in Champlam. 1 be machine is a good one and had cot been much used. .Visa Kisa Riel ol Birrp, Vt_. arrived in town Monday fnr a visit with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Loui3 Riel. Mr. and ,\l-a F. II Hot kina, .Master Fraocrg and Mtsa Nellie spent Monday In Burlinglon. Dr. K J. Severer ce retnrped Friday from a bupinepB tiip to Albany. TI" waa accom- panied by Miaa Sarah Fosa of Vergennep, Vt. Mr. and Mrs. E K Romeyn were in Platis- burgb Monday of ihia week. Guy B.os.. mlnalrela, played to a full house Tuesday niuht and gave a very good performance. Among them and n member of their orchesira waa a former Keeaeville boy, Mr. William Trombly. Uia many frienda were delighted to aee him and he received au ovation on hie appearance in the hall. Although a young man Mr. Trombly bus become a very good clarinet player and ft bright fulure is in store for bim. Hid many friends here wish him all possible pucctsj. ExiensiVB repairs are being made on St. Paul's church. The interior is being re- painted and ibe walla and ceiling fiesbly murescoed and decorated. Mrs. Uarlan nolms of Willsboro spent Sunday with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Frank Babcock. J. P- Devlin and M. F. Dandrow ot Flatt#- burgli spent Sunday In town. J J. Long of Auaable Korki spent Sanday wi'h friends in town. At a meeting of the creditors of A. M CROSSING- EUROPE. Ani,«tor<liini to l\\ri«. I Ittle V piiire. Onffn AVilhelniln»'» Home - ^l«r* ami *tripe* fii-^.port Tlie Wor.khie l>ogr« o f M m * - *el. I*ari«. Kle AT-=teri1arr, the meiropolH of Hi'lind, is thoroughly Du'rh in every partjeo'ar. - lar.gnasrp, architecinre and watnme 1' ^aa over sen fino inhabi'anrg nnd m in a w. y one of the mopt interesting ntiee in E lrope to the tourist Pierced in all directions by itinamerallo ennalp, many mtlea in length, il well IIPHPIVCS the name of "Liule Venice." Freight boats are seen by the rnmireda traversing Ihe waterways in all directions mostly propelled by long poles by one or two men with nsunity a woman holding tbe tiller, and sometimes a alrong Dutch matron can be seen walking the tow path pulliog it along. These boats have about the same shape and build of oar canal era and about one-half the size, gome however are evpn smaller. A few small steam tugs are aeon but not in the number one would expect to And in such a place. Most of the streets are narrow although there are many large rqnmree. Amsterdam is the centre of the diamon d cutting of the world and mill we Me bat w ;h f . e j t v f its ,- I-., *e V VIM !> *s-' 5V,r J a*»a ' rui\ }i-5 W,-.-a *• t\* art-flrr. r *-.- ~'T " j -W^T •rpn . f ci'^il' ^ir 1 +-ao«.r ' 1 -*i ^' . 5prv»a liis rp.irv wai 'a '.• t rf • Wi h relne-^reo '-. w,< p.!*.. IT 3.V, r, w o BIT VP f 'ro B- »' *,-, . P ; o- 11 1 Vmerj,-a.r, Hig H s^-ain ,i-jr 1 ^ « , r- ' T li'Prins the 'ftrgeat art m-o- a ui rnrk, belorgTg i.< n r « .,' i | o : ^ 1 « , I -T InrtT, Ihe r Mi -'M \l <hp «; li* ,f i-r r ,it[» WPi' li-i.lwri \^ i rPPp'»^*e 1 erri .'.rri ^ r ,- •"|.i»**.I Ihp I.* j et i.f ~n?\ >-• .r w *i i " .1 ft "uj wrtrnut fnr'l er re-'ear. t. {, ir—t * * ~-»i ^ a .,., TO, ( . iM oi >HI n ' l r btirxT'lL"" !••• *' > e»ir ' {• Ti w» J ' • If ,>! • ) re-iehed BrnB'ie .». 'hm cn\-f il ap 1 mptr..,. i.a ) w i T ' a w, K^ . * of Helirinm. AP bv magtc w» f.en. 1 *Vi.i we ' !_."' *f s >•* ' r ' bad in ihii short space . f 4 i n i , « left ",e : ,, . K r ( rap ta of one conrtn nrd rear*"ed nn eher ' nn.v M^n )i I I ai 1 ' i 'ft* at -i <l(ni«i \ !?t.v>UJtul 1 i f r R r.. III J»l ? * fi- ip 1 Mir ' N H 1 ' r K H i , r - w M. p to find Frpjich !h«> langqnere «jvik**n ord , "•**?. J •' every thing else moai IhoroiiaHv IrWeni tn • • " ' ' T* er^ I boino in Fredouia Aunl 19, ut ibo age of 94. RBLIGIOUS. lirliurd Il.iaelior,, , h uiilile deal I. on Til- th • paper int. I if tie pi'iy at An-atile F-trk* y -Hig IIIQI.'C father, n th - n o ! a i . d h i p p..11 ^e ] 11 ..eteen, m e t a '- • ..e |» at work in J A J Rngera Com- K • •' Huai'lion, tho u uiociiiue tender in in is- lug abuut his u. tti n .1 d. A it'll r... , . ik ,W l.i t' - ;f..j[ U i d ,.-' : T i e PI . i - i u •• M l - Inl- P i.r _M or iiiuri. mi •—. ; ' " i i per t \i4 It. -f, t*-*"! . 2 " o Si 1- • .ui ri.ipj. sTio. li. :o lh A 'o 1 IJ in pp. J-..J", \l 10 14 10 Lo l i triile- J,4l. v , s ulll I. 1 >• U ,;p- > j'.'.Hj 1 ut 1. n>p of l)e.~.Ko (J. inn un- -fp I or, A-i'-reinri I) y,'iijt.iB- Tt.p tViUiin^i.-tery w.r usi-euibie I'II iu I.j| Tpuiplar jrtii a' 1; .10 \ u . 1 k 1 . 'l.e 1 ve' ,ir,.l if.urcb lo Tiinity CU-'; v.ti."e pi-n cos w. 1 be Lel.l and a b-iu.i. 1 rp»i-,e.| by Ihe n-cior, tbe Rev. li f* L F Gralmu a l 7 'M A.I lUe (-[oge ot I .f s-n.ee3 'he orDr/ittuiipry wi'l return to It.- u-vluio. wl.ere refreabuienia will be B ! Vi 1 to ItiOHP prPgeht. i*. « ibat ite- foruiulu 0«cJ by theA'tOOhU e •••b.ei IL, irukiLg the t.ial ash mixture ha.° b u i . e e mill n property . iir.y aie try.u^ it w h more or Jee-s f 1 »rcPP, fcphioah gc-ner- a ,y ppo|.lp arp piea.ppii w.Lli lto- re c uti. io tn *> caocB Ibe O.islurp was made Willi two oarcea or oxulu: acd, tu.e piaud of .-ult. ono g^':c.n ot water, two "S Of a OUrtlPl Of fa-sb-* ar.d OL,e-ltiird of a baphel of chestoQt C ul. lu Some inBlaoees no coal al alt was u<el and a good aLd biUing B e waa te- CireJ Tl.e cbeinicali) treated ashes las's uuuui the aatoe length ot tune ut ordinary coit. Oati man wbo has tried It Bays that ion li iieceseary until inore ia learned of lie- chemical acuoii, and suggests a* a mat- ter of economy thai one ounce of caustic po- t-ieb be substituted for ibe two ounces of oxalic BCI'J iu the formula. The JJotf. di'iMi papBed hu f ithtu'a Uiacblne. lie a ppeliitj ihe wei 11 nir ar u plunged head- 1 ' a ir.tu ihe mad me Held like u vice in ti. "dryers'' be u.i dr iiva in by Ihe inerci- II'I-I rollers and lr.erall\ criHlniJ to pulp b- liir-llie pun of In.s r 'her ivlm was power- 1 -I* to S.IVP li ra. T h e in-ifhioery waa stop- pel ap q ncklv aa p.j-isible and ihe body (-,. . . u s e d . The IJtHi'UnnB I111V1 ' b(*en in Auaable Fufke about nix mor.lha, coming ihere from ..ardeiipr, Me. Mra llu^elion, the mother of the bo), WH'V'pfe-l to arrive iu Aua- able r..rK-i to tttai L ni.u=ekeeping tbe day of t'.e fatality. Itecent. Deaths ol' I'eop'e Well Knovtn in Northi'tu New \ o r k . Iloinep lirainati. U'e leurti ll.a. 11 uuve L „.i .r., formerly of K-i'U. Vo.HeJ, died 00 il. < d of Cuba a fp-.v we. ki p-i/o. 11. r. ce rirumuu wae form- p-iy web kuosii aa a ui ie in Eep.ce Valley. UP nai- a Biu.1 w. .li-iuan generally and a d>ud rtmi Willi a i U-. lie waa a poweiful man, one ol lie- atioi.geat ever reared iu the A ..tutelar ka. II • eerved u? a soldier In tbe la e c.vii War, biuujr under Gen. B j tJimlo k Bjiler A lew years ago Mr, B nman went on a butitii g i-ipiditioti into Ibe Cuuadian wilds where be i apae.J several months. Later be went io Cuba, where he superintended a a iw anil and bad a bacana farm. Deceased ia tuiMved by a wioow, one son -Wallace, abd a daughter, li die—both the son itL'l daughter beiuir teachers. Two brjibtiip, Wi.liutn, of PiaUHbtirgb, and Ur. J.-rpp U.amaii ol Wndliams, also Blirvivo. 1).- Jpos-e l i a u i a n ami Wallace Kiauian are now in Cuuu looking pro|ieity in- t rents.--E IZlbf-lbtOWII PlJat. lu tbe niput'ntinie the groom and bia l.eet rail', a collei'e friend, Mr Chnrlt'S Beach of Bur ineion, Vi , were fichui cinn b\ the right hand aiale. Lastly came the hen-elf, el i.l s-iu.ply in traveling su t ai.d tint of yrpy, o itfiiinied wi'h pii k loei-s. She currle 1 a Iji.i i] 'el of biiiie'H rosea. Ai Ihe altar HiH group of vouiliful mac'- ei.s inel ihe bi-ulegrooiu and hia test mar, and the ceremony was performed accordirg 10 It P bi rMCP of the el.Ulch. At i!a coiielf.- flon the bridal party pissed from tlie cbtrtb bl ihe l.-ft band aldie to Ibe j ijoua miisic of Mendeipst hi 'a Wcddii {.' March. At the IIIIIIP ul Mr and Mra. Siitn- uei oi d, the giaiidpiiriuta tf ibe biule, where the reception waa bed, I.Ung huiida had also been ul woik, and Ihe uniuy cosily and beautiful gil a t \ idem i'ii the kli.dnepp and generosliy ot relaliiPB ai,il Iiieiulp, boili at home and at u dlHiaicp The giooin pave, to hie bride a iiPiklate ol peiul oiid lu i| iniae. The 11 wly wnlded pair were aaalated in rec ivuu- by M:iP B d f .el, Mrp. M. L Miller, MIP George V Tiittle, Mit-a Wm da and Mr. Beth. The u-i-.l'iir? rpfr.-phnipnlB were perved ly MIH Homer i-iiii-B aid Mra V- noii Chiik lit-Biali-d b> the Mn.peB f^uj U»H, WealCutt Hid Fnrr.t wr rib. Mr and Mrp Tmfe took ihe eixo'ckclc t nil. past iiihld plmwera of rice, confetll and gi oil Wii-l.i'H O ' their return they Will reside i.i Platl-burati, where Mr. Tultle ii connetted wub the lirni of J W. Tuule & Co., con dueling a buaiiuess eilabbahed aa early as IFIZ ny his j'runciraiiipr, mo mm JWfpu Wi lard Tulile, and ot which the. gioin.'e Ititiier, George F. Tulile, ia the adive part- ner. '1 he groom ip.a graduate of Phillips Exeter ^CLcletny, "ill, bt,d Uaivard 'u5. C'ivil s en ice. IOMUIImul Ions lor t h e S t u t e SIIKI Coiimy Service. Tbe State Civil Su.vice Comrniaaiou will hold pxatiiiuati :ua M iy 26, 11)07, for the fol- lowing poMiiot>: A'chuecniral Draughts- man, .-^ltit** .Vcliileci'y ClMice, JilO 10 fV5 a w-ek; Bridge Oruuifhisman, Stun- 13 gineer's (Jllije, $1 200 lo $!.5U0; Chai.ulilaii, Blale Eutiineet'd Departuu'DI, $2 5U lo S3 00 a day ; C i-rK and Junior Cle.rk, Monroe CotlDly biniiv; Dj-iry Helper, Airricidtural Kxpeti- UH'.hl Stall u, Gi'uevu, itilO; EiiglLeeiiig Exaiiiliier, Slum Civil Seivico Goiniiiiesiou, *l .'.mi; E.v.imitii-r, 1) pitriineiaol fi lucut Oil, $111) lu *ytiU; Highway 1 iapeclor, Slale E giiieer'a Oepaiiment, $S 60 Lo Si 50 a da\ ; Liorury Am-istaut, Stall* Library, $000; Sienof-raphcr ( iiah j, tStuly and County D-paiime-nta and 1 ,etilu.ione; Storek-rcper, Uepartinenl of E luca*iou, JUOD; Coroiiei's Pnyolciau, Albany County, $li)0; Niglit Supenulendeni, Erie County Ucjpltal, $420 and iimiiileijuijc.). Tbo laai tl iy for liii'it,' npplicaiiona lor lliese poeitiona ia May 18ih. Full Information and uppbcatiuui loima may be obtained by addt'PHhiug ibe Cb'uf Examiner of tbeCom- intSBlou ut Albuuy. tll.AItbFS i5. FOAVI.EK, Cliiut fcix imioer Albany, April 26 1907. Icr, was ciiuiinally assaulted and then inur- deied, her throat being int. H-r uncle, 23 years old, is under arrest und has signed a cohfeseion. Ti p Uev. S. W. Bidwello! East Middlebury, for 74 ypars a preacher In Ihe Methodist chmc , recently pasaed hia 99H1 birthday in good health, and with lacnlilea retuiee.! to an ut tis-ual degree. He was born in Sinrke- boro and remeiniierB ihe ben ing the car.ton in Ibo balile. ol PiatHbiirgb- GEiMRAL NEWS. A e'oiulhut'Bl II Hided nnd considerably damaged a suburb of Oklahoma City, April 28 The annual meeting of the Holslein- Fiie.-ian Association of America is to be held at Syracuse in June. Tbe new $500,000 club house of the Auto- mobile Club of America, in New York be- ann a year ago id j lat formally opened. This is the largpal and bnildinsr in the woil I exclu-iveiy for Ihe purpose. The pile, 5t'h aireet juat weal of Bmailwoy, cost $250,000, making a total of §750,000 The 77 h annual conven ion of tbe Ameri- can Iriaii'ii'e. of luBtiuction opens in Mun- heal July 1 Mr. John D. Rockefeller has made another Siifl to Chicago Ui.iveraiiv of a $2,000,000 alrip of land tnjilulng. The deed ia wi h- oui conditions and irnikep a total o.' $5,- 000.000 lo Ihe Uiiveraity Ihia year. A piece of lai.d fio by mio feet on Barren island near New V.jrk slipped into the sea, taking wi'h il about, a ilnrd of the. new building of ihe New York Sunil..ry O.ii'in- tion f'O. A wateuouae containing lei'iulss-u' waa al o destroyed and ili-re waa almool a panic among the 1,500 empioyeea. The indicted mayor of San Francisco nooks immunity by otlermg lo resign his office, confess his knowledge of municipal grull and btcotne a reformer. Fruits and vegetables in luwa were killed by a fall of snow which May 1 covered ttie eutne Stale lo a depth of from 3 to 8 inches. The seven miners entombed in a Pennsyl- vania coal mine at nrc.n April 2(i, by a 11 IOCI caused by tbe breaking of a wall, were rescued Tuesday night. One hundred miners were entombed bv an explosion in tlie Whipple mines in West Vir- ginia on Wednesday. Fifiy-one escaped, but forty- one.arc still in tbe mines with little chance of escape. David Wilcox, Px-Proeident of tbe D. and LI , In dread of blindness, commilted suicide on mi ocean steamer by Bl'.ooiinc; bimseir. Ranee Raiders Big Horn Co., Wyoming, blew up 7(;0 sheep will) dynamite and de- stroyed the. camp wagons and ouilt. Mra. Esther McNeil, founder and Drat Saturday morning last behre Referee in president of the W. C. T. U , died at ih«r Bankruptcy, Mr. P. Badger of Malone, Root. J. McNally was elected trustee and M.J. , Callanan, P. W. Prime and S. E. Wolcott as I appraisers of stock and accounts. The iia- | bilinegas shown are $27,728 48 with assets of $ 17,545 58. Of the creditor's claims a very large proportion are unsecured. Fred. M. LaDuke, E q., waa in J3 =sex Tuesday on legal business. L B. Slrubbe waa in Albany during tbe week. W S Greene took possession of the Wol- cott Bouse Saturday. He will be found at his home No. 5 Pleasant street from now on. Rev. 6 M. Galarneau of Pittsburgh was in town Sunday, holding services in St. Paul's church. Mrs. A E. Burroughs of Port Kent spent few worn or even displayed in the windows Shields recently" declared "bankrupt;* held!/' o f l h e best jewellers. It is the home of the celebrated Delpht ware, old Dutch sterling A' the Greater Federation of Jewish Charities of Boston yearly cootrlbuLioce of $50,000 were promised, those of previous years having been about $20,000. It u ex- pected that a fund of * 100.000 will be ia readiness when active work begins iu October. May 6th will be tbo eighth anniversa'y of tbe establishment of lhe Presbyterian church iu Muni]a. Tbe work since thou has made gratifying progrees. The senior pastor is _ Dr Stanley Roasiter formerly of New York gno j™ y - , £ LTr'sfster Mra. b"'S, MtGo"re»t City, and the junior, Rev. L B. Hilbs. Both tne Commercial Mrs. Kossiter and Mrs, Hiiiia are active workers among the Filipino women. Dr. Grenfell, the Labrador missionary, make.-i the statement that arctic exploring [fiercial. J. W. Duvern of Peiu was in town Wed- nesday. Jos. V. McGuire of tJult'do who has been parties are working the extmcliou of the Bl'«oding a week wilh h's Uncle JOB. McGuire BskimoB by introducing among (lieu, whiskey ol Chester belt, returned to bis home Tuesday, diinking and other vices of civilization. Dr. . Ul3 . 3 t '" fl 9 e Guernsey left Wednesday for Grenfell also values the nririh nnle vers Der ,10, "e iu Wililainsiown, Mass., after JrenfelT also values the north pole very h f r . ,,0,Ile iu Wililainsiown, Mass., iehlly incompaii-on wilh human lives, and vis ting ber many friends in town ...... ,•_, ,,, », w ni|u*ii \;u nun iiuiiiuu u n a , u u u . . . sa^a you mighi as well go out on me broad paving for her new home. Ailautic from Coney lilaad on a cuke of ice ( » u, ' r " 8e y left triday last R? and before and Mrs. he fakes to prove something as to drift across U13 DO! It) pole. Archbishop J ihn J. Williams, dean of tbe hierarchy of the Roman Catholic Church io the United Slates, bolt) in years of life and years ot service, celebrated hi3 83th birth- day anniversary Saturday. CUKIULS r ACTS. Thiee tons ol Vt. maple sugar are going to the Jamestown Exhibition, a ion and a halt to be Beived hot with griddle cakes and doughnuts. In lhe Massachusetts legialaluroa measure baa been under dipooKsiou foi the construc- tion of 11 imicadamiz d automobile boulevard from Boston lo New York. The propoaed road 10 be 150 feet wide, 170 mil. 8 long and cost $15 000,000. Tlse Philadelphia Coal and L-on Co. is to team by a score of 8-7 teiuiti the top ol two mouniainH atSt. Cluir, St. John's chureli was tbe scene of two la, which wid permit tbe minimi of mil- pretty weddings this week. The. li rat was on lloiiB Of tons of coal in broad daylight. , Tuesday at 7 a", m., when Miss Grace Beck- Durlng the recent enrtl qinker, caves con- " " " ° r ' r T l3 ,)la<: ? ' ,PCamfi , ""« bride of Mr. taiuii.« valuable treasure nave been opened ^ e ", rge Du(llft y of Peru, 'lhe second was on on the noi'ih cousi of Portugal. . w ' ( - aP ^»y fuming at 8 a. m., when Mies I' is euid that never havo New Toil; city charge of a large parish in that place. They huvH a host of friends who wis-h them all ••oosihle Btieceas in lb. Ir new home and trust Hilt even 1 hough far away their recollections ol Keeeeviiio will be pleasaui ones. Miaa Budget Ryan of Saratoga is spending a week with her sister Mrs. John McGaire at the Commercial House. We understand there is an argument on in town as to who is the best gardener, between one of our popular barbers and one of our markei men. Gardens are already planted and the repult ia a toss up 89 to the winner. Of course if the barber out on some favorite growii g concoction he will have Mr. Market- man at a disadvantage, otherwise chances are even. Ani.xciling ball game was played Wed- nesday afternoon between our High School team and the St. Stanislaus Academy nine, resulting in a victory for tbo JJigb School Rtreels been in the disgraceful condition they are at presert. So bad in fact that tbe Sociely for Prevention of Cruelly to Animals, the Independent Hackmeti's Association anj the Automobile Club of America have cheer- fully put aside all personal ditl'urencea anil j lined handa Io force.the aulboritlaa to ao- tion. George Watta of Indianapolis haa willed hia dog ihe interest on ¥20,000 and $a0J a year to his horao. Anna Jarvis of Peru became lhe bride of Mr. Joseph Bather of thia place. Both patties are well known and are among our popular ycung people. A host of frienda wish both putties much joy. Horatio Thomas epent Sunday In town. PORT KENT. SWKKPINGS. When thrift's in the lield be is in the towu. Where drums Bpeak out, laws bold their tongues. You must learn to creep before you walk. Set hard heart against hard hap. Confess debt and beg days. A tuklng hind will never want. A good lake heed will surely speed. ••• ••••••••• ••• •>••••••• ••• JNcw 'Ueiieiral JMttiiagttr for tlie iU. At U. CI ffinl S. Sinia, ai'iiiaiant 10 lhe presidi nt of ibe. Eiie Railroad baH in en appoint d general manager of lhe D. & U. Ruilroud. Mr. Abt I i Culver, becond vice-| resident, who made the announcement, atalel lhal he hoped to be lelieved of ibe duties of vice- pr-wide.m by JuU" 1. Hotel Midway Bunted. !~~"TOWN;—j : CORRESPONDENCE | Uw••••••••••••••••••••wwl All Olil Atliroiiriack li tfcail*£<l. Trtigccly t owu a das who la a ([eutleiniio, hy biriti uio.1 mrely. »lnt* ihe cr«wtore Can U jkp.t oi » p«dl«>r<Ms tia« Uki of wbfob iloids not a Howard or a MoUnfoiob. Br brtedlrit. Hiuc* the walk* of Ufa lie trod Uv u«nor watuc«d aa aailli*d tall abroad lib never tuubbed a uaaiclaM car baoAuan Wtihoui a trteud or credit card wan. by ur'dfe He look* voa tguarelr '• thm face Uiwhrl•>!•.'•)* »u<l without a »iu«l« trao* Of « ther d.BI .cuw or arruaattt AaawUo« MII li ut uiMarU of Uu taaal. The reported discovery of a skeloion, made by Tuoinaa L H Kan of N -winan in tb*s Schrooo L k-s rcgloo, rpcall,* lh*r eenpa- tiona' murder of George Berkeley by C. VI Brown at Suranuc Like in 18S7 According co lbs Btory as il reached Norlhvllle ia lhe Adirorjd»cks, Hatl'iii was hunting with a dOK, when the h uud started on a scent. Follow log lhe dog, tbe hunter came upon the skeleton of a man oear a tree. Leaning against, a tree waa the runty metal part of a rifle. O her metal potaeseiont ot tbe dead uuan were found, so-no of which bore the initials " C . W. B . " From these letters it It •opposed that ibe skeleton is lh»t of Charles Waller B.-owo, who disappeared afier •hoot- ing Berkeley and haa never been heard from since. Tne Midway Hotel, located on the old Plank Road, about live uii'e.i weat of this ciiy, was loudly destroyed by Ike on TliuK- duy night. The proprietor, Ge.orgu Luclttire, an I 111 i family bad a very narrow MJ-jaue. Uraiutfe Meeting. 1 u« Millaat 0* I iKH by uodtraaw. Will. aUolui, *<*d tiiucb L L HUMiiilacai^uii Uriofkr. *«» *wt btaaa Ike* he oa itm-jm, Pre M M Was aa»Ut b Ct 1 t«$ru*m la**" Cltutuu jLodic« Ilouora Loui* Miller. A a|>cciil B«etloK of Clloloo Lodj-e No. 15ft V. * A. M. * u b«ld iu MMKHIMS UaU oc TmtAtf •walof A -MM «»-»tet'» jew«i waa PMSWOUMI to LowJa Milter ia leoog- •itUNi of I-* < SMHMI vork do»e 01 Mr. Millar wli»* ***»•« •*» SIMHUW. Ta» ixswot- atiM ww SMdis iKCbalf of IW Kxlgw by rrof. *. J. rrssiosi. Ttw JftJS* U •« •««• moU—i <mmM»* iwwtossw irs>sj--kws» Zmm** »»«* " «•»•— - ^ • ***** <twt ,.sjiiSM«rt »••***• s-OwsjfM 1 Ua» Wi. wm H »t*s*w s)M li UM The May meetings of P<-ru Grange will be aa uniiil on ibe 2d and 4 h Tuesdays, which wnl be tbe 14 (1 and 28th, instead of tbe 7lh and 2lsi, ufl staled on the primed programs. On May ilih (lie program will iw aa fol- lows: Historical Paper—Mies S B. Hewitt, Recltatiot—Mice K-oherine Boiler. Paper—"A Dvscnpuou of our Trip lo Cal- ifornia—H. B. Baker. Select Reading—Mrs Silas Fallon. Paper—"The Pure Food Iviw. How it will Afjict lhe Kunner." Mra. J. L. Clark. Reading— ft D Gordon. Recital ion—Miss Mamie Ki zpalrick. bake Cliainplitiii. Monthly report! of ohaiiire* of Water Level at Kounee Point Draw. Meanured from railroad "grade" aa a bench mark. ft. Inch, April 1. J0OT. a 11 " 0, 8 7 .1 J3 •' 8 » .. j«j '• 8 11 " " " M. 8 • " " " 27. " 8 5 •• ao, " 8 t Chance lu water level. S In* Below blah waller mark. > f t « m s . A bore low water raark. 5 ft. C>» . . , , . ._ Uirene hick w»ur a*art. i feetm UMSMS •itreaM low WtMr SMHrfc. IS f#M SWIweka* Oaioba* ML MS*. ^ fc JOHMSJ. below crada ! iMm..Wt. m*:* A.M,. mt-4- *imj Mmuj SMiflcrct* fross VSMI catarrk «•> they j/el apl.»dUl nestle by •aabvc •* at- oa'ser, Kor isWir b*s#tt we {mo*** «»'« Lkiaid Creea Bal*». Ei«sf4 ihM It UI cjeid ( ie in ail fMfMicts like Ibe s»«Jtar. •e.-ytal, |Mi0-«lbi|i-« Or*** twHS) IsM l*« |WUM« bM ba*« IbsBlilbv wkb Ur >•**•. Ma«b> >MISj«f4w*St*tor**MM|S«WW *•>•« Ml M. Tbf •KaMSjbsg ifim :retkf*»ssjis»c« *sM ••*• by ctriaiav aVt +m»***&'*****••*£ ski^ liisw Tsit. MORRISONVILLE. Mrs. Charlotte Aldndge and Mrs. Katberlnn Liwrence have been visiting their sister, Mrs E L Bales. The Legion gave a banquet lo their mem- bers and friends on Monday night. Mrs. Mason Farnsworth from Schenectady is visiting her aunt, Mibs Hilah Moore. Mr. Coombs is running a bakery and bakei'a cart. Mr. and Mra. Frank Rugar have moved irto lhe apariuieuta lately vacated by Mrs. William Myers. Wo are glad to hear that Mr. Perry Baktr is considered better. Mrs O B. Adcock left Tuesday for a visit to taalone. Again we are called to mourn the loss of another citizen. Mr. Smith Oatrander died April 24 ii) Malone at 'lis son'a, Milton Oatruuder'a, while on hi^ journey home from the hoepitul at Ozdensburg. His funeral was held ut his late residence here last Siiurday when a large number of people assembled lo pay their last tribute of love and resp'Ct. The tl>ral offerings were very numerous and beautiful. He leaves a wire, m uher, four sons, and one brother to mourn bis lOBS. CHAZY. Another cold wave lo uiaik the outline if uppronchii'g pprli'g. Mrs. Jnhu Mar ilea of Rouses Point is in town viiiting friend?. David Brueo, sged 88 years, died Apiil 25'.h. His lui.erul was attended from bis late residence on Saturday, tbe 27th. tie was one of the pioneer settlers of the Hay neighborhood and leaves one daughter und f.iur sons lo mourn his departure. Dr, John Steieor, wife and dsuuhtcrof New York, are in towo, gaeata cf Mr. a i d Mrs. J. W. Hubbell. Miss B. R H*g«u and Miss Bertie Mull hnlaud <'f PlatUjburgh are eueeta of Mrs. J, hu Collins. Albert Tenient has returned lo town and ia employed by Ben Sullivaa aa biackeioith. John Collins and con Praccia have return- ed from St. Peter's Hospital, Albany, where the aon waa tocceaafolly treated by Dr. A>lt, oculist, sl twih St. Peter's stid Troy Uis- pitala. Alrx Martin, eldest son of W o . Msrtio, waa marrieii Wedce*day a. m. to Miaa 1 la Babie, daughter ol Octsvie Bslils. Tn« ew«- mooy waa performed at 9 a. at. In t h e CheSSft of the Sscred Heart, by the Mission Piiest fross Plaltuburgh. Wedding belli we still ebiarioK aud there are more to follow. Will Flint, D A H. •(•lion sgeot was called 10 Mew Yolk 00 Tuesday aseoinif aa witaers on an iiaportaut legal etaa. Jolin B. Flioi has sold bM lock of while lejtborae 10 J. bWynolde, Jr. a»d will aooc rsssovs to Woreastrr, N. T., to reslda •llh bb) teaffbisr. Lawyers Btereat, Cotter, Ajtoew and •aotb wera la towa Tassilay avaciac on legal baalasas swruiialas; to astUaaisat of UM Kws^bary aalata. , W. T. BMlsaaa, M, K Biira af •ariacteW. Mass., Jtjaa M4Uers>ia. Maw Toft, M- •aBkb. r^ltabargb, J MiAa^by. O^dews- '^sjayfiff fsaj^sj*MS)asl al Jss uaasy .Masjsja -ib Clingy Liuding and Biater of Mrs. D. J. Hi! man of Una village. The 11. 11. Clark Co. have received their recently purchased eight columned elegantly buipbed funeral manufactured oy Geo. L. Ilrownoll, NPW Bedford, Mass. Master Francis Collins accompanied hig aunt to the city on Monday. WORK OF FATUER BERGERON. The Rev. Father Bergeron, recently re- lieved from his duties us pastor of lhe Church of the Sacred Heart, has through or:!* r of Bishop Gabriels taken a charge at Trout River line, Frurklin County, N. V. Tho mej irity of bis congregation view his depanure wilh regret. During his af journ of six years und more here he accomplished what others had failed to do, namely; the erection of a fine brick church with a seat- ing capacity ot 500, sheds attached, a nice pa'ish house, aud lhe purchase of a ceme- tery, covering tho expense of 18.000 or more. He also placed repairs on tbe ctiuich ui Cocptrville, of which he was in charge. Ou all there remains but a small residue of debt. In additiou as a personal venture he built Glitzy Hull, which lie sold to Fred D Cell. Ambitious, energetic and aggres- sive, he sought a calling to which only men of inoro than ordinary a'bility are heirs. His many Catholic, as well aa non-Catholic fnei (Is, lake this opportunity of wishing him well In hia new field of labor. We learn that his mother, who has resided with him, will now reside with her daushter near Q lebec. The vi cancy made by hia depar- ture will for a time be supplied by u Mia- t-ionary from Platts'*urgh. J. The Ui.'que went north with a large tow Sunday morning, the first of the peaaon. Mi'p Rosa Wemeite has gone to Platlsburgb to work for Marcua Miller. Uiss Wateon waa in town last Friday selling coffee aud te is. Mrp. Curtis and M.-B. Ma'hers have arrived at the Like Sido Hole! for the season The road commissioner has been in town repairing ihe road. Will Hod3kin has gone on tbe steamer Unique for ihe reason. Fra'-K Bishop bus been employed by Ad- gate & Farretl to drive their 'one. Tbe telephone men are in town putting in pome new poles. Miss Fanny Djugue has come home from Burlington for the summer. The report is that Michael McGuire ia going to move to Keeseville to live wilh hia father-in-hiv. AlmoBt every one you see have a bunch of May Ilowera. They are very abundant this year. Theodore Cady of Piatt3hurgh was in town Monday selling drugs to E j . Pickle. SARANAC. The Sarannc Valley Creamery opened last Wed' esday. May lat. Tho contract for gathering and hauling the cream from Silver Lake, Clay burgh and R dfjrd for the comibg season was let to Richard Cane. Padlocks ire in good demand now for use at Bedford. Miaa J. Ann Butler of Pittsburgh was the gue3t of Miss Francea Ljrd last Saturday and Sunday. If the last Friday in April was an almanac for May we might better migrate at once, for it was a "terror." Miss Ethel True met with a painful acci- dent last week. The eye end 1 f a needle entered her liouer and broke, leaving a piece of Hie needle imbedded in lhe bone. BJKTJJS. AtPliittsbHruh. April 29. l'Or, a daughter to Mr. and .Mrp. Ellin Turner. At We=t Cbazy. Ap il 17 Mr. and Mra. C. D. Hay. OBIT CT A It V. Henry McCready a former resident and native of West Chuzy, aged 06 yearp, died April 18 h at the Soldiers and Sailors' Home iu Bath, Steuben county N. Y , of lobular pneumonia. He was relieved from duly April 111, and consigned to hospital, where every attention waa rendered bim. O J notice of liis death, Mr. II. J. Hininan, his brother- in-law, wout to Both-lor lhe remain*, retarn- ii g to West Chuzy Sunday morning. A 2 p. 111. a brief wus held at the ceme- lerv, comprising the chaplain's address by J F. Gilbert, Past Commander of J. Mc- Fudden Post, aud prayer by the Rev. C. A. Bradford. Tne deceased was interred In the family plot, beside his wife «nJ daughter. Comrade HcCieedy entered the Home In 1902, wag discharged June 1904 for vaciiion, returning iu November of the same year. Col. E«veP, Commandant, refer* to him aa one of lhe most exemplary inmates and sub- ordinate 1 tliceis iu the ward to which be waa assigned, lis was a charter member of John M. raddeo Post N J . 375, D<<pt. of N. Y. GAR, and haa ever been one of Ha moat toy a! supporter*. Hi arm of service waa the • avy, which be entered b?pl. 17, 1663, ou U. 8. steamer Bt. Clair, aeiving ouder Admiral Furragut aud General Bank* daring the famous Bad River and Mississippi *x- pediiioca. Be was of a genial and social dispositho, •od accurate ia all iucideota of bia war aer- vice. Had our deceased comrade faults, lat ua forget ibera and eheriab only bis virtues, reminded also forcibly by the vacant place, so lately Oiled by our brother, that our ranks are thinning. L*M each tie loyal to every virtue, true to every Mendsblp, and bUthfal io oar rejaaiointc. march, I bat wa may be ready to fall oat here and take our place* in tbe ureal review, cot with doubt but with faith to meat lue merciful Captain of our aal- vaitoo. i. At P'altsburt'li. Anri! 8-J i;0" Mr. and Mrs. Charles Darliiiic. lt'or, a daughter to daughter to MAItUIA*UEis. »I. the Metliodisf Church in M ira N. Y., April SO. 1907. by tbe Ifev. Wlliiam Thomas. Lulii Alberta Mill, r of >loira, and Kenneth Tuule of PlaitsburKh. At D*er Lodge. Montana. April 8. 1907 Fr"d erlck Mmuiii and Katie A. Van Candy, both of Deer lxjdee. Mr. Mann'x ia the youngett sou of T. 15. Man- uix. formerly a koopsr at CUctou prLon. At St. Johns Church. Keeseville. N. Y , May 1. 19J7, Anna Jarvia of Peru and Joseph Barber of Ka. aeville. At St John's Church. Keeseville. N. Y.. April 30. 1!>'J7. Uraca Keckwith of Keeserillo and George Dudley of Peru. DKATH8. AtBMincniora.N. V . April 27. 1907. Mrs.Mai- Karetjtb'oauiia, aged75 ream. At I'latbaburgh. April 30. 1907. at the home of her aon-ln-law. John Uarper. JHra. Mary Mar- jcarot Page, aged K> years. At West PIa-t«burgb. j>r. Y-. May 1. 19JT. I* Vilila Ladd. wife of J amen Gatruudtr. aged 09 years. eilver and wood carving. A genuine Dutch- man is usually pictured to us as always smoking a queerly constructed long carved pipe, and one wouU naturally expect in Holland to see evidences of that custom, but OD the contrary very little pipe-smoking is indulged in, at least on the streets, as cigars (the best in Continental Europe) come in free of duty and are very cheap, as a good imported all Havana Cuban made cigar can be put chased from 4 to 7 cents each. Along the canals tower many high build- ings very pleasing in aspect and neat in appearance. the numerous markets are composed of small stalls (in the open on a equi.r.) cov- ered with cabvas and are attended to mostly by women of advanced age, who when not busy are industriously knitting or sewing. Many fine public buildings are in evidence in all parts of the city, tome containirg large collections of notable paintings aid other works of art. A walk on the "Hoch strarse," one of the main streets on a Saturday or Sunday eve- ning is certainly a revelation to the sight- seer, this beautifully paved but rather narrow street, about two miles long, is packed with all classes of people aimlessly walking and erjoying themselves. No teams or autos come to interfere with their ram- idings, and the numerous restaurants daikened near the walk and brilliantly lighted in tbe tear and filled to their utmost with patrons of both sexes, who watch us passi g while they are refreshing them- selves, all combined to lend a charm to the occasion. Here and there among tlie crowd- ed thoroughfare we notice a woman wearing tbe quaint and queer costume and head gear of which I will write more later. We visited The d i g u e which has become 60 well known for being the place of meet- iDS of alt peace commissions of ibe entire world This city (lhe capital oi Holland) lias about 150,000 people and ia without doubt the neatest and prettiest place we have so far visited. It ie tbe heme of iheir well beloved Queen Wilhelmina, and while it does not possess any immense and towering structures, it certainly presents a CbarmiDg aspect io its tout ensemble tbat impreffes one most forcibly by its uniformity, ite pretty fq'lares, fountains, monuments and its extreme neatness. It is an ideal apot for the future peace conference building io generously given by Andrew Carnegie. We in vain tried to aee this building and left the city rather disappointed at our failure, but later we beard tbat the plane were still in the hands of ihe architect, therefore al- though relieved We felt rather abashed at the persiatent ii q-iiries we sut jected many of tcecil ; z»nto in our endeavor to gratify our curiosity. About 2$ miles, and really almost adjoin- ing, is the celebrated watering place, Schevoningen. We reach ibis resort from The Hague either by steam or electric cars through inagnillcent shaded avenues bor- dered on both eides by beautiful villas sur- rounded by a profujion of 11 J were, which c inbinatioD involuntarily forced from our lips words of delight and admiration. A line sandy beacb stretches out for miles alocg the sea coast. Large restau- rants and betels face the ocean, and the most excellent facilities for safe sea bathing bas justly made thia reeoil famous all over Europe. The village itself, only a few rods back from tbe shore, is very noticeable on account of Us singularly built small dwell- ings, which with its narrow streets and lanes gives one an impression of a toy village. lt is a holiday, men and women are prom- enading in their un : que costume. Especially noticeable is tbe head gear and hair adorn- ments of the women, with their fine rosy complexion underneath the peculiar shape wbite cap, tbe points ot which as they reach the chin gracefully take an outward curve, with their metallic head gear which keeps the hair in a certain position and the many q l'erly designed large beaded pins, trans- fixing tbeir hair, all tended to rivet our attention and wonder where such a fashion originated, why it was adopted and still adhered to. The men were mostly dressed io a black homespun cloth and wore a Borl of short jacket which answered for a coat and vest. Their trousers were exceedingly wide especially at the bottom, which with a characteristic cap of the same material, makes them a suitable companion in oddity of fashion for tbeir better halves. Many email restaurants are here noticed that serve only cheese, rolls and ccllee. They do a tbririogr buoinoao, ao Uoflttud Ia erij Juotlj celebrated lor this product of the ('airy, and its delicioue, fresh, appetizing flavor is en- hanced by the style in which it is served. As we travel through this kingdom, touch- ing at Haarlem and Rotterdam, both very large and important sea board cities Ailed with shipping from all countries, we observe tbe eztrein«ly low lands reclaimed from tbe ever-encroaching ocean by means of dyke* and waterways reaching in every direction. Windmills of stone and wood are aeen every- where, with their large wings (usually 4 in number, which reach almost to the ground,) | evpry dptnll Brnsao's is often eabd j ' Little Paris" and it cer'atnlv mpn'a " *• r *£- | nompo, as we o)s»rvp inn! 'he r»n; Urnr*. the national charnclpr of th*> people, i'i r ! habits and co8toina are very airri'nr '<* tl • -*P I possessed by the inhabitant? of Pans ••- n Inter. The city haa many d t p pub ie Mii .1 inuB and monument galore. The IJ.. el do Vdle, with many other mm icipu! buildings furrounl a large tquare, ihp center of wnich ia n^e 1 an a 11 iwer market. Tbe front or all these struc- tures are literally covered with gold leaf gilt, and as some of them are Corinthian in architecture, a very gorgeous aepect is beheld. The Palace of Justice is the largest build- ing in the world. Erected on a high, lower- ing bill in the center of lhe city, it covers the enormous space of 270.000 square feet and is a veritable mass of sculptured and polished marble surmounted by a marble tower that risea 100 feet, from which one commands a Mry extensive view of lhe sur- rounding country beanies the city proper. IQ Brussels the poor dog (/isually good six ) has to work for his living and really seems to enjoy his hard life. This faithful animal ia not the pet we make him, he can- not romp and play here, for harnessed under a good size, push-cart he pulla with a will and helps his master, and when at ease immediately lies down to obtain a much needed rest, while at lhe same time he ouely guards hia master's possession fn in any intruders. There ia no play for thia dog until after working hours. Life to bim is a hard problem an. ^e ia certainly entitled io bilog well cared 'o (as he if-) when oft duty. Tiiey received ou heartfelt sympathy. The avenues are broad and the streets qjite wide and the stores very attractive and many are large. Numerous line ree- taurants line the principal thoroughfare and in the p. m. they are filled to tbeir ut- most capacity. As tbe sidewalks are very wide, iheae restaurants appropriate a part of the walk, and one can observe as be pasees by, men and women sitting outside near Email tables sipping their absinthe, cordials or ca'c au lait, while sparingly in- dulging in a few cakes and olher pastry peculiar to the country. They are perfectly oblivious ot all surroundings, and although they are gazed at with wonder by the passing stranger, they iu turn feel perfec'ly at ease and return your gaz^ wilh interest and per- haps wonder at our want of appreciating a good thing when we3ee it. A very singular custom noticed in the finest residential part of tbe city is the placing of good siz^ mir- rors outside the second story window in such a position lhat the person inside can readily perceive what 13 going on ID tbe street be- low, and can watch pedestrians with more or less interest as they approach from either Way. I am afraid that such an innovation here would not be tolerated, and that the small boy would not hesitate to use his alung shot or bis pea-shooter in the destruc- tion of tbeee prying glasses of cocceotraled curiosity, that evidently furnish food for plenty of gossip for those comfortably sealed inside. Biddirg goodbyi to Brussels we sron traverse the Belgian territory and quickly find ourselves within the confines of France, our destination being Paris, that city which we bad dreamt about and longed to visit. Our desires were so in to be fulllled, aa the t'ip is but of a few hours' ride by rail through a charming country al! cultivated a3 a garden with great care, and altlioueh we were rather disappointed in trie cnar- acter of the homea of the habiiants, every- thing denoted tbe bardeai kind of labor and thrift for which the Freich peasant is famous. Arriving in Paria in the eurly p. m. we noticed many places of business tUlnly closed and a mnllilude of people lined up near the curb, evidently willing for some- thing to pass in review. Waa it 10 be a flontimied ».n Fourth 7'asre 1 fi-*v» MOOIM FOftstS. Cleveland's BAKING POWDER M*itkimBtMWulQrt*m<AT*ri*r Shown by repeated tests and comparisons K. W. KUttb UMI Mwlli bar** bee* rmi'ir g la rnaJiabarxb. O. BtaiflsJM4wcr to lmprorlaf bia rsaJtfasM byaddlas:aptasa.oa tbeIrssHaafl abJa of h Via^bhX •< A**.-.. «T, aa. to be the purest and most efficient leavening bora smMMsj aVM- g. iSyawaraU "' •• ; ^ Vm aaaaai aalsrialamaat wsM saeae ot AgCnt til CMStftnCCe a g * £ {Spyjfr ^sTwfS Baking powders lower in price are usually *"™ r *S*3*nm*mmm niaoVfaom alum or alum-photphate. Avoid mataaL. ' '•^Baam;ta-BaaaaaS ASk^Aaj >*** SjMMi * * m then if yon value health. Spring Humors Come <o most people anil can^e many troubles,—pimples, boils ami otliei eruptions, besides loss of appetite, that tired feeling, fiu of biliousness, indigestion and licaduclie. Tlie sooner one gets rid of them th* better, and the way to •t f> t rid of tlnm audio build up the hv.^tcm that Im suffered from them is to uike Hood's Sarsaparilla and Pills Forming in. combination tho Pjirin; Medicine yiar excel/ewe, of nmij'i.ui!. c strength in purifying the blo.,.1 at shown l.-y unequalled, radical ami pei mant-nt < urcs of Scrofula Salt Rheum Scald Head Boils, Pimple* All K i n d s of Humor Psoriasis Blood Poisoning Rheumatism Catarrh Dyspepsia, Etc Accept no substitute, but bo .Lie lo fat llood'i. ami i/e! it L.dav. »•• *>•••••••» •••••••• •••• ••»« ] OPTICIAN { Pof. F. B. Sanborn *••••••••••••••••••••••»•« APRIL Division of My Time. FIRST WJiKK riattsburgh, Cumberland House,- fi 7 20-21 Saranac Lake. Roberts Block - K i). Lake Placid, Dr. Band's Oilla' 10, JI. m., It, a . m . SECOND WEEK. Keeseville, Commercial liouae—13, p. m. Peru, Davern House —1-4. Cbauiplain, Champlain House—15. Roueee Point, Montgomery House—18. Port Henry, Lee House—17. THIRD WEKk' Ausable Forks, American House—22. Dannemora, C'inton Prison— 23. Lyon Mountain Hotel—2-1. rOURTH WJ£KK. K izabethtown, Maplewood Inn—27. Willsboro, Riverside—29. EiBi-x, Essex Inn—oO. Weatport, Home Otnce —I, 18. Examinations made at residence when re- quested. JV. B. SANBORN. Do Not Forfet the Dates. i T- r .J i ' >W ' '•no ! u, a Trial Jury Notice. N OTICE U hereby given that ou Wednesday. th-i III day of May. ISIOT. at il 30 o'ciixk „,„, » „,„, » iu the forenoon, at the t'liulon t'ouuty i lerki Krank lA.outaiu *riri> life. [I JU1!P" ,!„,!, »,. ,,- • W v 'ir^.'St jr 1 — ' i r . i i m . a 'ft»'i'<r i. R wr .... 'h n 'WiM»»nn*i .*f f . T l.,' .lei.r. w'de JJ1,P wwi * er-*,.* f a ..w' v t .,. erou.' from >h-> . H ..-'^ ,.f p o r n »i j u m , . J . U' 1 a f»'i, oenmei] I. uw ' t.i.iw II i* ,.r faith in f; . i. nod m H * k*-ep *.j ..t . ,. j^ v r oneJ gniH', 'iphelij h«>r, il"it *llie W i t g 1 ' ' ' live for fl.e of 'hose wl,.i w»ru >i > .» regal* P'l «it length a cmifortn' 'lt\>r*« >r hpttph, tin' mile =trepgitj in ler i rj-i « -»i • hia Ipen a-hut ui i early Dlnereen ,e,ir=. *»»* ha*> been patlpnt atnl ciieerfn 1 . ntere*!* 1 u ti»r cMl.-roo. for otber people, in her c* u-rcu, and iu what waa going on in the wi.rle. ha* bronsht help, inspirn'ion an-l auvisni e t<> others, often knowing tt not- Desptte her phvscn! luni'n'i >"s. s>t,p 1:311 done with her hamla, and with her nwzht, what! ver It py have fmin i lo .io, Eapeciallj has ahe s.mght 10 hetp o'lt^ra by ihe scutiering of Scr.ptun* let's an I ref- erences, mai y tb* uaar.da of which si., ban written in 'be bia? k apaces nnep d ter paintirgs, sent hiiher and thither, aomp.-ve , to missionary lands. May the bread »-.., upon the woters be font <1 of her after O'.at.y •lays, in ll.e better land. fn the home whp-e her .lenr prefer."'• hr.H heen a bleBFirig 30 ionir she is a-ire'v uuase-t by the daughter?, but fallh graapa the prom- iaps wirrh she ami they repelled toge' H'j many limes in her Inst days. To them a friend has wrltter: * I wai impossible to know her without fee';!,^ the it lluence of a strong, true, Chriatian char- acter. When such a one pasaps nw,iy i« 1* not the .shadme ot death, but rather th* .'. /'«' of aeaili that falls upon ihfl home." N \ T PfPUKMU Plir* . I . -Fri-d Uanlon, *"•- oilman fonntT Plalnt'lT. a.'sin 11 ! Thomas Uanlon. Mary Ann Uanlon. Ml. lia*) Han Ion and Margaret Uanlon, hi" wife; Peter II n- lon. Bridirut IndlTldually, nnd as A.'m'n istrarrix of the poo'Jc, chattel* »nd ere Its of •Tohn Uanlon. deceased; Patrlcli Hanfon Ger- trude Uanlon. E t.her Uanlon nnd Eva PHI.Ion children of said -lorn Uanlon. decease"; fniia rianl >n. widow, and Iva Tlai.lon. Stel'a KiOier Pe-rl Uaolou. UMV.A Uanlon and Leon nation, children of William Uanlon dpoeased, S ,rnue| Fuller, the husband of S ella Fallen Cm Ifan- lon. the wife of Fred Hmiloji, th»> p'alm ff. Tat- rlclc Uanlon. theaon of Michael Haulon. de.;ea.'ei§: Bdney Uanlon, his wife, and Alfred OuuWd s-i Administrator of the EHliteof William h. <}er malne. deceased, Defendanta. In pursuance of a jVicment In Hie above en- titled action of partition arid sale entered In r t e office of the Clerk of Clinton County on the > h day of April. 1107. I, the uuder.-ltned Rffereu. In and by said judemeut for lhal purpose appointed, will sell at publi. auction at the front d<K>r < t tho Court n n-ein the Citr of Plaltshureh Clinton County Now Vork, on Saturday, day ft June. 1907. at eleven o'clock in the fo-ennwj i.f that day. the lands and premises In said jadir- ment dire<ited to be void, aud therein described as follows: Kirrtt J'arcvl **A 11 liiat piece or parcel of land situate, lyinc and heine in the town of Sarannc. County of Clinion ami State of New Y< rk and being a part of Lot No. alxty-eistii 16S1, o M , T , Town- ship Four (•) and bounded as follows: to wit. I-twine subdivision Number Two *iJi of ?aid lot and bounded easterly by the west line of one hundred fifty tl5ill acres form-rly soM to Patrick Tiiumlns; 1101th by Ihe north line of said lot, wen by thirty live i.lB» aciea formerly sold to John Coffey, am", a . i n 11 by the center line through sftiil lot. as surveyed by Poier TromWey. iM>utain"uir one hundred oi«l af res of land, be the lamr more or less. Koservine all ore** and minerals, with the.-riirht to di^ and carry away inr-jsarne. Also all that other piee» or parcel i.f laid «!tu- ute in the Town of Saranac. Couuvr of Cl'nt-iu. .State of Now York, aiii is aiihiiivWon Number Three io) of lot ^Ixty eieht uw* Township No. Four 1-11 -M M'li arv Tract in Mini 'our.fy. and bounded north by the north line of sail i..t num- ber sixty-elirlit 1IW1; east by Patrick nurilou's one hundred flu n acre lot: west by subdirSton Nam ber Four (4) containinK thirty tiv,i 1 "„ acre** of land, be the same in ire or less Reserving .ill ores and minerals with the right to dig and carry away the same." Second I'arcel. "ail tliat certain piece or parcel of land situate, lyinu and beine in the town of Haraoac. C-iuuty of Clinton arid State of N^w York, and beinjr a. part of Ult No. Tb'rty three I:«I o. M T . Towu- sbip F o u r 14) and bounded as follows: Weal by Wiilinm Timmins; north and east by ihe Matthew Lane's et-tuie and south by the highway, or.ta'rj- ine hundrel ei«hteea 111*0 acres of lani. It- "erving four i-f 1 acres in ihe loufhwest <• >rner, known as the -lohn Qii^ley. Jr. piaie." Dated, May '2 PH17. criAKLES J. VEltr, Heferee WKiU,^ I'-SWAT A- I'.-TTKIt. Att irneys for che iuauitiff. !-A7 Notice to Water Consumers. Tlavlne re.eive-1 Hit- Waier A--icw-ujient f.rfiifl I'itv of Platuhu: gh for lhe to liui; M ir. h y.\. laor. notice is nereby f^v^n Oiai The uni1.-r«l>;u ed will artond at hi" office at the Firnl National lJank. cor. of Margaret and Brinkerhi ff M« . v. th said roll for 3u day t. from Hie date her. ot suinlay" and lesal holidays i-xeepi.vl. from B <>vi.<-k In t i e forenoon unril 3 o'clock in the afternoon and from 7 until 'I o'clock on Tuesday a.n.1 Saturday . yenliiKS of su< h so days. 10 rcrehi rent- s.. o>>. leJU-td, Without fee. per.eutaae or inlereat there •n. Uu all rents rematale.; utii«i!.l after i-ixty .inysi from the date hereof, live .-eui. fee?- AUO 'n- lerwt al the rate of per cent. in-r monti. f r.>ni •he expiration of ssdd »'xry dny= w*'l bec.j^-ttj^i, DaU:d. Platlsbru-Kb. N. V.. April ;i. ijn;. JOSKPH u. N-vau. City (lutmherlafn Stale S«-iiol:tr.>jhijH. NoTicK o r *• vi-krm. E Kvi'.i*v«ri.o MTVTE« , H'iL*Kr.|fJJ', i'')K\tlb 1 \i»j tt-lll A e. mpetftive cxauima'..ii "f an i'.| r'e. f lhe State *< holarsr.ip, lai'.rjeil I n.ver- >y .nt; to the t . . u u l y *>f < iiriion \v,. r.e M-..1 rt- r llliih School p. n.eiiiy .,f Pl.i'^fi ..•, •>,!. luy -June I-.I. I "'. ..... ru—., u.-r ..1 . 1 1 1 fardMaO"!Hij-.i hear t.-a-t fiSyiar- ,• ,,, , of six IflimUi^' -lUllulm^ 111 ti.e i-^.Iil'fj ... -• u . - icadf miL-i- of lie- SUtu.lur t.^ Ih- ] « . .„ ... Ia*el> preee.lll.t£ th - .-X L»i.lrs*tT! I* li,,1 t ' tt 1. 1 e." I.-, oi thin S'^ile. N * i«ronii ^.1. m.-i ei.r-r -xir ,-1.-4111 *i i-l e, ,. ,.. [-rtp.ared r... a-.-i-[.' •% ti.- ir-i.lp -f, , . I , , awarded T'.e exd-rnlnu'loli win Iw ll|«il. El.- *. 1 t. ry uin.:.-i.t. Li^-I -1 . Am*r|. ai... ,,»,.- .-.. .-Iry, altreb-a Oil :i'A ' • ar t'.e >•}•',..ri • ' Jlcl.-ialel .,t It., r,.; .»!»n; *.rc<-i. Lo' . , »'«."•! Frer • ti . t l . in 1 i..-rrii3n i t . c il il lit 1111',' 1 An 4ti rti'tur.i'c f. r a-lta:. •11 !• 1.* mai.-- 1 hy-:.^* ..r .liemwrry iijy.% •11 red Tin -piper ..ii Vmers an t..-.t-.r, *.. , l-l.le . v:l i.".,rr. 'uelC 'Itnre wi.I he o.« manj .and. JUi.— atj.. 1 ', from ir.!). .... .tn tin-re are aaS.uP..> i.^'r .fjll.l-i-i,!!!,', t ar.d:.l j'e^ v.111 t-e. oriie er,r r t.. rr.e-. r "..ii-.:, ,«. ,n rije-.r-ier -»r" it.e r --*• - ' lj.ire-i .t Ka r.^lur^h. N. V . lu:- . '.:. : . , Apr.. i»"7 FKAMJ. K '.. AT.SU N ^ .I»t-nurer. t.-nr ..t ^ *. 1 :t} ••! l-.a'.'-i...•„• "l.IVEH A llnloilf, «..»,.,. Ceo,,, „ ..uer | J II ..r »\ *.. I»1;A\K-. "~ •4>«l. > •• u u --• • »,. r _' 1 - r Vurn K J_> KoOer' V'I. ..f *>.-ni.vle.r Vtt, '.^ .ii 0.1. .ie. &>*.], t 1 lu iiursuai...c , f - 1 , . f . J r • 11 E llealey *'-.JMS J.I.. 41-114 Mirrogate *>f CuutoJi \. VOIK. w ill* * l--. iieret.y trlten .- r i - „- a'A. to al. t'Crh'lii l.ullli, . .1 ,- 1... ^ ••••...It • I •aim', v..'ii the >i.uir,cr» therm 1 -• 1 rier HI.'.-p a.-e ..f :rai.-a»lUi^ ' . .«- ill • • t t!iri.a.d S. llirt-ard. Att«r..t^ .. . ;ani >>t . Puif-r-uruh N V ..riorr.. t. r«- u •ai -1 > • t t uitir. 1 *: iltNlii K UAKNMt l.'i.'. Kit. ut r f^a.itEr. - ... FOK iSALK. Ti.ornugbl.ri.l itisluiH li.!.s. t.i.- ye^-a olu, 5 yearhi gi ai.'l l'l.i,t--i A: ' . ' 'af'H of Ui ti. J hi. t l) Briet,. tte-0 C( . . . N i. M I. DCILN-Nf-LL 1S<3 N OTICE liy order ..I U- u. li-t-trt L Ilrj_. , . l*..UUt) I u Ik'f a l . 1 d. 11'^; ^uf- 1; iu -Z * , , . loj, 1 .uni) > j, 1. ti.e a (,, rc , h , ^ t , , . iUi? 10 ^*A t.. ali i.ei^.>l.. twtt It.-, , .*. u «* A ... Edward lJura..d. .ale ..1 Aluu^ \ j . - „ . i t'ouii y. de.-*ascd. Utui t!.c> are r^.,.. ^-i L . * x Ic'iH the baiue ttie t .u. iters n-.i-e. 1 ».. t; .• ilililMJittU'i'lliriiliu at.-ft- ..I \l 1 , . « u > Cusey. Altoua N \ ...n tf In.!. r n L . .->.., j s j ,.<; o- U-hei-. IJuf. talod Aprn -1' I.-". UlLLlAM c t iMit. tin +»t Jou.s K. J i i«.it, Altornov, 11 Ctmtou .street. Platlslui^lj. N* 1. l.»v» oflioe, I liiat. oi Jurors. TtilAL Jl'JiuJiS. NwniM ot ihrnnim Urawa ut rite t fii l.-i! t . tu/ly Clerk's Oflii e. May lat. I.e. l.< nr\> a^ Trial Jurors a l a IVrut of the lultl-li 1'. a r t t . t*-t hold at U16 Court HoUoo In tho t ilv t.f 1'iatn bnrith. on the third Monday, the J. -h Jay f May. 1007. A asaUe— Joeeph tlordon. farmer, E L a m m , mechanic. Beckinautown ' J C >ruoy. farmer Bla.-k Bro<k WHlam )1.4'.>raja* K li U-:, ksuirti will «l»w the nanus of thirty .»:ii>t-r , ,- UwuJ ,„ a , u . w niiaui Wsfbt'iaH sou. to ierve a ; M a i Jurors at a Trial Terui Jo ,^ t , h {jj wth /ut - mt: ,, &J,X ,.; Of ih« Couulf Coin, to be held at tho Court ' llbiue, ill the city of I'lutuhui'Kb, In the I'omi'y of OliuUHi, ou tbe Ki Moud.y. the day of May. iat>7. i. w". U. HOLC-tMBS Cllaiou Oouutr Ui«. k. HORSE. NOT HORSES. The rveheroa ataill m. racLIX, M«. a*,ai 1, sea arrived; eaa a* *•>>• at a*r k*ru Aujroiie lai«atUa ia r.t»*a*e>i.rat a»w«s will ao w«ti u> Chauiplata Wlillaiu Lfsht'iall. « H .ierS. qwiililtlwili furuiei, Frant Vx-i tae. J r >.-»r tiici, SaiMileou aamavjie. Ub r-r Ml:.. *tt.iv«i, oierW. I'hartes Kalolt farmar Edeu'iuriiii Dav.d Mattel, bli ksiul h **oo«r«-J. B. Fitch, cleilt, Fr»uis. Oro*-u far luer: Oeorije «-rk«oy farm«, Johu Farr farmer. IVru -Wliliam Wh tioy, farmer, IMatUbjrieh t Towu) -.Hujth FUuiiascau. farm Jr , £ "..>L* ln * - '>» ru >e i M»* ln>u)«. farut^, Oau'el Bohan. fariujr Pialt,buri'b u'lty) Trefli Uirdo. J A S.-h it. N >uol«N> »u**0- M *w. JI t n d it. Fr »d \u.,4ar. Mo*«» It ibidem, John ItittiUijou* baraaau—Johu lia'aiauuii. Itr*>i, Ira K. t^^SL^H'J^L^^ * *» Sath*rUod. »ta*M,Nerr«*, ^eaa ieUivaa. laaa Mv»^ J- W. at UoLCoyiMii,

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THE PLATTSBURGH REPUBLICAN. UTILITY—**ThA Gr*»at«.t Good of thsv O r « a i « a l N n m b « r . " - B E N T H A M .


T i n ; KFJTHLK AN. I ' I - . | { M ) > \ l , .

•J I ••'•

i i » n » r r n.'VRr I u . l if.

b. . . * . " »

1 M". H J U..:i i« hi-r .iH'fjrl. :«r m ,] 6 i . 1 Mr* M o ? . e , ' , H

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'i B ' . iV . i . t h e r - fpl t.l Hop I. I««P. I

r " r i i ' . t r l . r

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( I 111

. rd ' i llU'k 1IIIHH (tlR

i h a id e.lin.r ol '1 P l.u« bepn iu town

MATTERS AND THINGS. T • • i <•«• ,.p*-r<•,; Mat 1

A i . ' l.H'U-f" . | b« II .wer

A t v i - l » i r • \ ' Tl u i - l a y

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nf l i e

^ r . n - : .J r f e ball i^eroe be tween .the ^". Al­

b u r n a r . ' P i a l t - b u r g h High Schools t c b t d -

i. .-• [>t \Vt»ilr»»n l>i\ H'lMrt.i.iri cm Ciiut. n ) ' rV w a s r i . R ' r , . . [ f '1

i.- i . one T P i F I i d e t r ees w*r**

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J. I- ! C

ii n t i i i r . h

•mi HI \ . ii tl.-ir | rupem u; 'In' {'••r-11 r i I . !• s. n tivprue ard t».-u Ii Calhwir.t1

J. I W

T I I Piit.ln Lil-rarj IM'CCI i..r(-fn»Dlnl

w : lf.n \ i . , un ts. fnim II <• t iouks t.f ih« t a ' e

M j -r Eiran lij In* sis ter . Mise VV. M. E ^ a o .

I. F I . I F I , thi- rt-w p r p s r l e m of H e

1' A II , | af-ci-il ll.m.jKl. cn\ on siunii-y

t-., r. ii'.. 'II M irrcui A. two hi niV t<u p v, .- II. 11- m tl i>l Ctnunpiain.

(•i , u C 1 - I I . . . F \ ttlifT m r l td - [>BF!

{• u i , \.-ur« hag i.^pti ii. !ln> t-tuplKj i t li B. M HI- luKtci'ii lukoii* purti.t ri'l.'i' i j M M\nra, tln> drm t.i li^ k-.own us M)wg

A f. 1 < "

\ . - L l" (' \i i. I I T P ..f l l i f o o u i «K! fi-r

l . I i .V II . i l l i . i a ' t l In tfiH II A.Willi} OB

*• i iit\ Jli« Curr w»f rlr irkM' vii;li p..r-u v- - * ! , . • lu-r lui-fiiii .1 wa- i i ' . - t II -i V- P

t- -- i i f ;l.i- - .pr i ' i i ." (' ur; iu tl.H (• \ l-.H

ft . ^

>(> f i - r r u ' . l - ' I..U, o. p..n r.f Mr F : w a n l

S' 1 i.i- )OIM r»- nrr.H.I f l'...isrltkPPfH«

»•!..-«' J.H »,»M ; . i t ).»pr. t'*«JuRti»«i fr..m tt.p

t . .!• t in . Ii j« , i I»P>I f i t IHI -P

[» HI, I M'.» K .ii k Ma M«i, at..! Miss MaO-IIPI ip.iTp t. . , l ,u !->r H xis.t tti Ni'W Yolk &r. I - v r- . u*>

li t) r- K ; i.^rir LHH re urr.p.l Cull-

t. • f i w ' f . i In liu« t.Mcti 6| etnitt jMbt* Inst I W . l 1 I . . . I . . I . M

Mt» H !• I . i t n i f I HI tirnu-i] iu town t "i n.i.ifi tmiue ID M IVtt-relinrp.

' a i

T A-.vr\ K V'ar^i lia^ mow-l from ' .- ij:l. Cuili".r.M Hlrp.-t to No 22

i-.'i'i t. .. » > i-i.l- .;).»• propcrt; recently puri liimeil l.v ( Mr. frum TtItjiu Paileli. Dr. K":*i r- «i . I UTP t IB i Jli.'P- a' liis rpwOei Ci>.

! Tl„« K v 0. uti 1 M ' . T U Tiionipsou C I'truleil ilii ir ci,\er m i.i\Hrgar> OD Tui'i-->)u} ( Vi-till 'lJ

I'.:: ..I ilic i (tidal hoards aoU curornittet-8 (f tin" Kins' At E. ciitsiclJ were en'.erlfiiued. U atnl Aire. Tliutiifsot. wtm tbe reel..leu's or inn)}- liaadcr.nip t;iftH. O.) ft'ednwliiy Dr Ttiorai'600 lift for a two moaiba' trip 10 E ULCII .ipai.iPil b> IIIH BUU Frank aud

li^rriK CII;IIDH o( C, . T h e n HT, fiieu.i, ur Mi II D. T Moore

nt f ' (oniralulute turn U| ou hav-t'l" ptiKf" •! IIIK 'JNt LiriliiJii) mi tlie )!! I) of Aj-ri;, in..) li.-'pe tliut tie miij live to cele !

b.-j.'e miu>> rmire.

Wr t E IJitlnp, appoilile.1 in lite rew d strict pusi-ei t;er un.l friiatit 1 ftice of tbe U. A II , and Mrs tl kon lu re arrived iu t)«ti irmu Moulreal, an.I (.re loc.ited at Mise M irrwoti's o.. Norib Catbenoe street.

T u t l l o ^ l i l l r r .

Tl.o Mfti > 1 e< i\'.p •[ u' Ct n r r h at Mo''fl

WBP. on Mi.r . ' tn a f ' T r o o P . ' b e p iene fn

ver \ <-gf,\e. (Lotiirh Ml lp le we.lil t K

c>r«rr<.i«, » | ,»n nt t i e p i lar w l e i e 1 er

la r t . i^ l.h.l wi-iMfii 1 *••) for e e n e r n t i o t a , io

the t p i i ' g ' i R < » of III MIPS LO!IB Al­

be r t a Miller 1 f l\ t iUR , 'ori ' l i t jecame llie i r u l e

of Mr K'-t r u b T o l t l e cf ibe s a m e city-

OutH.le . 110 Apri l eno B'- .TIP » I II kirj. ' 'y

warnn l i BOI3 p o r e b.r.le. cpr . . le . i I )i<'Usl\,

wti IP wi titn the I. %ir.f lurnle • f [ l in l

i l i f o r a l e l U.e cbao te l will, ibe weiiliii (•!

wood arel rrieodow. Mrs. Cr. '?ier a'<h p n -

gi.1"d a t tbe ort'ttD. T i e u^hera were Mesere.

S. Clai lr i t i Saoir .er of N i r w u o ] unJ II ) « a i d

Gin R-)Sli oil Mmrti. Wlien the cMircli w ts wc-l' If led wild In­

vited guests Mr L'/mar. O hmitti ol Moira rernlerpi] (fl. c.nel.\ U> Kuuiu'd lieauli'ul 8imp, • Ou, iPromtHp Me,"«ttl iP mr/cliiBli n of wbicblhe fannllur nlrniriR i f Hie Wu.idli f? Much were heard. At tin- same inoniei t in Ibe r|. lit hi.D-l tilele the R"V. Willi, m Tbi 11111H, pastor of tbe c inrcli, aJviiULPil iowart'8 Hit* iiliar.

I 1 the lift l.a'.d ai-l« appeared little Miaa M idred Ciaik, a COUMII of tbe tin ie, dresetd ali in wbite Willi Ibwern ou lu?r du-k; bair.


The enrfew o n l i r n n c e went ioto ope ra t ion ID >»lul j Hill, M.iJ 1

Tl PIP is H inoverriPnl lo clianee the nnrnp of Hanlj Mill to Ki eatiur), the older rehi den's lieuit; Iu opposition.

Tupper b i k e lian nil fiuto-lii-ck wlii li makm houny trlpa IDC ttiuiu Ullage in I ' . i O S I .

I h e Like (J "orjie steampr BPIVI.'P Ijpfran M.IJ )M.

Toe Fort Ti H e m a t i t e O ) liaa heea ir.cor-p< luted for tin* pnrpojp of opprtillu!' Ibe old Bui leiiih. or McOa'.e lipam p.* mines The t'olli|)HUJ tins lieen capital z-d at $50,000 The work of develop ni: Ihe mine, W|II h IB 11 Short dHlui ce HOU b of T Ci)udero«;a BlullOi , wn, liPiitn witliin 11 bliort finiP.

J i- ep H •client k, who wap B Btac'P driver f 11 uiu'i'. 5'iu'g betwpcti PotterBvilh) ai.d t>c'.rooi, Eike, and 10 'be niintner drove the Bta^e couci bptween U.verdale and the loot of .-Virion E k"', itied l.i-l we-'k of pneu-moi 111 JJe wiia iiiin tf Hit' old nine fatiitte ouviTP Mini 1 ne 1 f ihe beat liked ol tbe A'li-rOLiliitk I'e-ldelil8.

T H E Ampri.-ao An'omobilp As«nciaHrtn haa inaiiEnra'prl a National Orphans' Day, Hxlnc .Time J2 as the pprmnr.eot date on which ihp A A A cltibBare to EIVP the in-ma'pR of insulations In their cities a rojai outing.

W O M E N .

V K K M O r t T .

Vermont ia freak

ilentlj- i fl- rlnR a weekly About t i a en sueetu. CJteiet- O.i a piuow of white, aba bore the circlet tf , ! V " l i l" , Z J . ai.d iMidiiletniry laken the i'11-

. . . . » I l i ed lu t e . c a k e w a l l u l l i ree- l*-«i»«.I cl i .CKPn

goo—the wed'ilntf rice, ar th? SIK'H. which >i scene of lon^ aco waa bronst

D e a H i ol 31 r s Al V . B u r u e r .


p , I

1 • ' t •

C ,1

V '

1 r .

.-•' .• • i . .

, 1 ..' 11, r \ I.oa'5, i.:,e i.f I h - l;:r^. 6t

-t- i l o ' i ' . op- i p.) tl.e Kt-iUJor A ' i . l 1!4. _' . . j ; 1 1 V> •,. i-h-iii n f e r ihe Xuz I fo-

t .4 ' in I.-il-e r i .a tnp .1 11 Trausportal. i u

Al v - 11 - e ' - T h e S i W W 1- l o l i l e d W i l l

t - 1.! i . i j for <li- i .e r j at E *• \ . N X ,

• 1 u'1.1 it. 'ernie "1 l ie p > Hie.

1 l 'ru\el \l.i!_r . ' P i-i-uei I'B lir^i ' pe r ul .-r • ' , - [ii..• • " , u n i n i ( " i i r i ' i " 'a

- - a I of p,.,.|.|p -rn ijjr t.i E ir .pp. 1 a

-- iv 1. ,1 ppptii tn In' . i i i .... i ' ! i l in t ' lVir i . ' ,1 j . r i - 1 -

P i j •)


i~ !,, :i.p l-ow, wh< [1 no 1 wh-ie • n i . - ' and ti.'fl .if truv,-l an 1

r :• . ,1 ui 1 >-\.

. \S . l i . - . . ! 0 : i d . . Ni l ! - , l u l l

. i i . n h . lob I a' Uni" pli-' - l . r t ^ i ' e . i ' 1 ^ W p ' l k t ' . ^ r i h --

r M r' . U[ir» ar,,l ^ d c - i i ' i t u e 10

I,i- I ' ,| e r \ The |p,i-uti lor 1 OH-

: 1 r.. 1.. f r,,1 1, ..( ti* nioiber, Tihu ,%-r ^.1 V P tr-^ ..{ u_'P

!>' t

\ » ' I - 1

l.v Ur tt > i \ 1 M L T '

,. 1 - i n ,; „ •

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- o r y \ iP-xr.

H .. k

•r t ,»• I 1

«>i^ a ~..[i of

r 11 v p r li*- W U P

Nu( i

E K '


, r . - i 1 i r .o

, , r , « t l i ,r

a -'

1 | , , J. "i

,. Mr < r • " . • -

a^ a [ , P I P . t

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iv \\i<- rr>u LT p Will ION; | ) P

-l . i l - .111 ••• n l P I P t ip

-. Ili.- 'I ,1 :• ' o i-at . i t . -

p.I 13 r . u . i v , i i i . ' l ' i HI

Vjri B-'owav, of Nil-k e n ro h l ° h o m e In

i j . , ,\ « , ,[ ' i,.. ^ l . e r tl

•it-.- ! r. < 1". ' I : ' 11

• " i i ( ! ' » ; , u r n , * h ' i

I I P U T P ur i t e r

.1 " M.-viig

L'- Vi • 1 I e l - u ' i i r t B

efi 1- ii ' P [ I I P . I 10

.. T l . e f**> . ' . I

!pv . . t p . l In 1 I 111 . -

[l.lll..' .Li'f l i . P

I U « ' P I U 1} I I H H r

af..Uiiuii' appear-

• i i - i . ] . i r.i

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!•• Ii ur

: i ' It

: P f . i . l .

II I : J

it'K" k s

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iii '-.i,

.'.II ' •

•it. a: t.

n-.!'.\ f. r Iran -1.,-r^t. Barn*

- . P e t I i l . i t l n :

•>•'•< J . ' l i " ' , W Y. » T I r , j l . l ' ' 7 .

I i t . e \ H . 1 - O l

p e l o ' i l / C ' l I r i t l l -

.. f. ••' ol IJ 11 lb p » o f U P P I . ' . ; ' . T h e

t . peL l i . [ A ^ r . l p , | t o Wile

t l ) J


1 - —

^r ~* ur j i|iiuriir uiPn were

_• 'r rn u .l^ri.-.- p , r l i 1 u w la\ u n a -

t 1,' p 1 I t ' PHI. J .-.-pi. C..11 ; « . > ,

' 1 11, 1 1 '1 • 1 .._!"•' u e.i.'iir. N iLe ol

I i.\ r _' a Oiii'i '. ot.e of ll.em low-

p. . . ' f , u r e ,_'!,; w; , | i j . buti_' over

G ii- iwf i Ii . K h.i.d ol n.U e

.'•• ipii-p ur..i 1 uii H in c . imaet wi h

.-; I I(.- t'i.Vi' ti p ' r i i -k u v l w..H

,1 , -i-ii-r u fee. \\ lii", p. . I. ,1 up

• ' • u ' . w.. Hi .-a....! v i d U W I I ; • r. ..,..• I I - t . . . : \

>-H -1 t. • u P f ,." r i f u l f r p e

NV i i h - > t l-C e l J A \ I - '

.r.\ p t r.t r. a - p ir. I I . P r oi l

r - 1 A - ^ 1 u p . 1. 1 e LI1U.1.K

... iv. r j

I w.ii

^ i i - . i ' i . 1.

of rru PEI

l p P-..V

The dea th of M P Tornpr occurred a t her

li 101.' on ( ) , k Ptreel T d u r - d a y atternr.orj,

A . r i 2ti ul e r ao iliLeaa of four ; e a r a with

pro; : rer" ive pHrnlJ^lP-

M(i. Tjrr jpr w ui J l n i E nmii Abbo t t ,

lU. l . 'h ler 1 I J l i l . ee ttlid Mfp Ci-orsje Abbot ! ,

11 el Wiifi Imrii ni bnihUia. P Q . in \K>'i. S e was ciii,cited al Oowaiinvi.le, P Q , ui.rj 11 -e* p"p 1 a p i - 1 H; leiiehei in ihe .-c..ny'» r

F . i - si l . i .n ' I w 1- in tha t linvii Mie waa

in . rue. l ii, Jul.. IST4. m i l t>onn nf el' Mr. ant!

M 1 pt 1 fin ne.I 10 Piitilaburjli wbera Ul . h d V e h M ' i " n-H, . | e . l

M.n Tur. pr w.i-i 11 worn LII of bit-h ir.ti I-

1 i 'et CP, d e l u e l lu bei' f.uu Iv a 'nl ir tendp,

if 4 l i fofe h.-r tllni-i-s an uc'.lvd worker In

n e Hi| .r i8 church , of \vbn li she was a >be was very miic'i beloved and

IJ -r dea th H 11 cer -ly niotii t.e.1.

She i -Mirwi- 'd b> her bn-baii i l , a d ui!?htpr,

M.-p Marian T i u . , e i , and two duua, Erin a A

a ..1 It alt,e> L Turri t r ol K-icliPSler, N 1' ;

bv l.p- iijottipr, Mrp A ' . b u t t , of E outier ,

N V , and two bioLheiv, J.ibii K A'd'OU of

(e.r i wiili, Oo tu r i " , and C l a i l e a Abl io t t 1 f

t-ri.1 I l,r., \> 14

Ti , - IU'IOIH.; wap he 'd at Ihe Turner home

11 P,ails-la.r / ' i on M an I ilie iiib-r-

[tiiTil wiw at .-cl .ujler !• ills

\ V ( i m a i i ' . « i A i i M l i - i r y o l \ . M . *!. A .

A: li.-1 arjr.ual inePtinir i ' " • " Auxi l iary

Ihe foltiiwitit; i llieera W P I P 11, t , p . , :

PreMdei-l Mia. ^ J WI " '-v I P I V t-p Mra. T C In n., ~-.u. 1 I V t i - p - M r a . (J K Kenda l l . T rea r i i r e r - Mrp W H i"l pp. I. KeC- Sec —Mrs M C MUHOU.

Eor. S-i. -Mra J II H 0 |i 'I he report shows a year if eUCCPBSftll

Wi"k. io the UIIIP 14(J mi n.' ' have been added ai.d twelve aieetli.iis lipid.

The B .)M' D.'par tllert P " n Illee, of wt. ill Mr~. Jann-K rev.-. I . . | I 1- chauioiip, rui-i .1 ai.d .'"iiiiiiii u 1 s ion re r II.p pnrcliape ul oiiatP lot he lioih' c ••• \ piano laa iii-i-ii purfl.aPPil ar d 1 e... .y S-.".u on spent. 1.. i-ded li ri ip|.|r us T ie b ;.o ^uiount de-P'I-I 'I ' II b\ ibe A ui. .if.. I u the. prospective

V M 0, A buil,lit.-,' ii ?^I'I2 "I.

P u l p >IMI I ' i i t i t l i t y .

tf aco waa bronsm o

tiiiud, v. ben at tbo aoldeo witddio^ ui ni-veraarytr u Initio of tbo Tutllo fuaiMy tbo a8p.eiub;«d rnlauveM and towospeoplw aaLg lu Ihe tune of Auld Lau" blue ibe lollow'.Dg liutM wrltteu lur IHP ..cctiBioti:

O ihalii of '• w , 1) riiix of K»1U •1 h a t h a v e I lie ^ ear*, defied

Am! M.I.I in lihppy boi.UHi4i- hulil, ' ibe old mau and bit. bildo.

And ihe tbtjiught thus expressed becan.e a wiah for the present cccaaion.

Tbe liitle ring-b«ar«r wa.t folluwod by (lower pirlfl, ftJro iu white, wiib picture bats and aaahea of II w-red ribbon. Tliei were be the worst eince 1895, whet) H^rdwicke the Miasea Mary B. T.Htle and Eva tl. Ulark, I C,ad 5?, c » 9 ( , 9

1 Everyone in Nortbfield and , I Weat Berlin has been vaccinated and eitrht

toe former a eister of ibe groom, ihe ,alter a n o „ f p z ftre q a t t r u n t i n e ( l ttl ,,,„ lMW , , | a B 0 . of the. rlug-bearer. Kron. baaketa The Vermor.i To. sime.tion Co. becan thi= heaped with blossom? these two ccallert d week a new $10,000 f tpjlprneut for the Cbace II iwera iu the wav of tlie aooroncbing bride, mills in Burliu<;iou.

MisaBAalriee Woods of Komeiville, Maep., ' rA r ' a'rociona crime waa committed in

, , . . . . North Benniiii'lon, whet) ft fotir-yeiir-old aoOlbercillpilii, 10 a eowtiol grey and pit- „, l d ) d l l | 1 1 , , l l e r o f jer.nau Mahan, a carpen-tute but, canjint! piuk raroutioop, WUB maid , O! lit t o r .

a till a calf ilint iimws wool mat'ad of hair, limlii! il Ima orpnD-z d an Automobile

Club of wi.lcti W H H i ' d i e ie pr. e ident , Pi'icivtil (.lenient, secremry, uud Governor I ' r o c o r cljairmuD of Ulu board of g o v e r n o r s .

The ti ' ti-yeur old d a u g h t e r of Henry (v-lley of Wa i tford, died from injuiiea received lu a pawmlll while packing pawduat in biga. Hei bair c.atit!ht in Ibe dlmlllng and borecalp and ear weie lorn dtl.

"GhiaS Eye Martin," who drew a revolver nn the constable who was iryiug lo arrest him for graud Urceuy al Swauton, waa ar­rested at St. Armand, Q te , and brought back aod escaped again the same day.

The outbreak of smallpox is reported to

Miss Anna T. Jeanes, a New York Qia-kerepp, haa made an endowment, funil Of $1 duo.OHO for asaiBlatice of elementary Bclioo.s tor uegroea io the South.

Mit.8 Murray waB recently brought from Toronto 10 run ihp CIVIC Conlagious Diapaees Hospi ta l a t G r a n d Rnpiilp, and i! 1.1 likely Bbo may be deported as " au alien " at de­mand of the labor union.

The Eiiiy Tsuo Tai Kn, a Chinese " new woman," about IfOO years aao wrote a volume of " Inatruc ions to Women and G rla," which would aoive aa a good test b(i( k for the preaeot clay.

Midt Emily Talbot who inherited va6t ePtalt'H in Wales from her father ia eaid to bo tlie richest woman in Great B iiain. She Uvea quietly at her Welsh home, seldom visiling her London house, and is absorbed in churitable work.

The. Miasea Holt, daughlera or Henry Holt, tho pabiiahPr, were the prime movers for ibe organizilion, a year auo, of the New York Aasociiilion for Ibe Blind. Miss Kill h iJoll is at the lieatl of ihe commission appointed by tho legislature to collect data concerning ihe blind.

Miss E In Young, a deacendant rf E ban Alien, a co l lege g r a d u a t e and formerly of Philadelphia, is to act ne Adirondack t-iiide this summer. She is now living on au island in Luko-of-the-Woods.

K E E S E V I L L E .

Fred Ba llargpon of Bnrfirg'iin waa in town Monday.

J mica McKerz'e ppert Furelov at Hfihome io Hur.iogtou. retnrt,i 'g Monday.

Dr. O. vv piraighl arrived in town Mon-dav wiih hip c m aa'omolii'e which he pur­chased recently from a party in Champlam. 1 be machine is a good one and had cot been much used.

.Visa Kisa Riel ol Birrp, Vt_. arrived in town Monday fnr a visit with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Loui3 Riel.

Mr. and ,\l-a F. II Hot kina, .Master Fraocrg and Mtsa Nellie spent Monday In Burlinglon.

Dr. K J. Severer ce retnrped Friday from a bupinepB tiip to Albany. TI" waa accom­panied by Miaa Sarah Fosa of Vergennep, Vt.

Mr. and Mrs. E K Romeyn were in Platis-burgb Monday of ihia week.

Guy B.os.. mlnalrela, played to a full house Tuesday niuht and gave a very good performance. Among them and n member of their orchesira waa a former Keeaeville boy, Mr. William Trombly. Uia many frienda were delighted to aee him and he received au ovation on hie appearance in the hall. Although a young man Mr. Trombly bus become a very good clarinet player and ft bright fulure is in store for bim. Hid many friends here wish him all possible pucctsj.

ExiensiVB repairs are being made on St. Paul's church. The interior is being re­painted and ibe walla and ceiling fiesbly murescoed and decorated.

Mrs. Uarlan nolms of Willsboro spent Sunday with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Frank Babcock.

J. P- Devlin and M. F. Dandrow ot Flatt#-burgli spent Sunday In town.

J J . Long of Auaable Korki spent Sanday wi'h friends in town.

At a meeting of the creditors of A. M


Ani,«tor<liini t o l \ \ r i « .

I I t t l e V p i i i re . O n f f n AVilhelniln»'» H o m e -

^ l«r* a m i * t r i p e * fii-^.port Tl ie

W o r . k h i e l>ogr« o f M m * -

* e l . I * a r i « . K l e

AT-=teri1arr, the meiropolH of Hi ' l ind , is thoroughly Du'rh in every partjeo'ar. -lar.gnasrp, architecinre and watnme 1' aa over sen fino inhabi'anrg nnd m in a w. y one of the mopt i n t e r e s t i n g n t i e e in E l rope

to the tourist

Pierced in all directions by itinamerallo ennalp, many mtlea in length, il well IIPHPIVCS the name of "Liule Venice."

Freight boats are seen by the rnmireda traversing Ihe waterways in all directions mostly propelled by long poles by one or two men with nsunity a woman holding tbe tiller, and sometimes a alrong Dutch matron can be seen walking the tow path pulliog it along. These boats have about the same shape and build of oar canal era and about one-half the size, gome however are evpn smaller. A few small steam tugs are aeon but not in the number one would expect to And in such a place.

Most of the streets are narrow although t h e r e a r e m a n y l a r g e rqnmree.

A m s t e r d a m is t h e c e n t r e of t h e d i a m o n d cutting of the world and mill we Me bat •

w ;h f . e j tv f

i t s

,- I - . ,

* e V


!> * s - '

5V,r J a * » a '

rui\ } i -5 W , - . - a

*• t\* art-flrr. r *-.- ~'T " j - W ^ T

•rpn . f ci'^il' ^ir 1 +-ao«.r '1-*i ^ ' .

5prv»a liis rp.irv wai 'a '.• t rf • Wi h r e lne -^ reo '-. w,< p.!*.. IT

3.V, r, w o B I T VP f ' r o B- \£ » ' *,-, . P ; o - 11 1

Vmerj,-a.r, Hig H s^-ain ,i-jr 1 « , r- ' T

l i ' P r i n s the 'ftrgeat a r t m-o- a u i

r n r k , b e l o r g T g i.< n r « . , ' i | o : ^ 1 « , I -T

I n r t T , I h e r Mi -'M \l <hp «; l i* ,f i - r r , i t [ »

WPi' l i - i . lwri \ ^ i rPPp'»^*e 1 erri . ' . r r i ^ r ,-

•"|.i»**.I Ihp I.* j et i.f ~n?\ >-• .r w *i i " .1

ft "uj wr t rnut fnr ' l e r re-'ear. t. {, ir—t * * ~-»i ^ a . , . , TO, ( . i M

o i >HI n ' lr btirxT'lL"" !••• *' > e»ir ' {• Ti w» J ' • If ,>! • )

re-iehed BrnB'ie .». 'hm cn\-f il a p 1 m p t r . . , . i.a ) w iT ' a w, K^ . *

of Helirinm. A P bv m a g t c w» f.en. 1 *Vi.i we ' !_."' *fs >•* ' r • '

bad in ihii short space . f 4 i n i , « left ",e : , , . K r (

rap ta of one c o n r t n nrd rear*"ed nn eher ' nn.v M^n )i I I a i 1 '

i 'ft* a t -i < l ( n i « i

\ ! ? t . v > U J t u l 1 i f r

R r..

I I I J»l ?

* f i -i p 1 M i r ' N H

1 ' r

K H i , r -


M . p

to find Frpjich !h«> langqnere «jvik**n o r d , "•**?. J •'

every thing else moai IhoroiiaHv IrWeni tn • • " ' '

T *

er^ I

boino in Fredouia Aunl 19, ut ibo age of 94.


lirliurd Il.iaelior,, , h uiilile deal I. on Til­th • paper int. I if t i e pi'iy at An-atile F-trk* y -Hig I I I Q I . ' C f a t h e r , n

t h - n o ! a i . d h ip p..11

^ e ] 11 . . e t e e n , m e t a

'- • . .e | » a t w o r k in

J A J Rngera Com-K • •' Huai'lion, tho

u uiociiiue tender in in is- lug abuut his

u. tti



d .

A i t ' l l

r... , . i k

,W l . i t ' - ; f . . j [ U i d

,.- ' : T i e PI . i - i u •• M l - In l -

P i.r _M or iiiuri. mi •—. ; ' " i i per t \i4 It. -f, t*-*"! . 2 " o Si

1 - • .ui r i . i p j . s T i o . l i . : o l h

A ' o 1 IJ in pp. J - . . J " , \l 10 14

10 Lo l i t r i i l e - J , 4 l . v , s u l l l

I. 1 >• U , ;p - > j ' . ' .Hj

1 ut 1. n>p of l)e.~.Ko (J. inn un-- fp I or, A-i'-reinri I) y,'iijt.iB-

Tt.p tViUiin^i.-tery w.r usi-euibie I'II iu I.j| Tpuiplar jrtii a' 1; .10 \

u . 1 k 1 . 'l.e 1 ve' ,ir,.l if.urcb lo Tiinity CU- ' ; v.ti."e pi-n cos w. 1 be Lel.l and a b - i u . i . 1 rp»i-,e.| by Ihe n-cior, tbe Rev. l i f* L F G r a l m u a l 7 'M A.I lUe (-[oge o t

I .f s-n.ee3 'he orDr/ittuiipry wi'l return to It.- u-vluio. wl.ere refreabuienia will be B ! Vi 1 to ItiOHP prPgeht.

i*. « ibat ite- foruiulu 0«cJ by theA'tOOhU e •••b.ei IL, irukiLg the t.ial ash mixture ha.° b u i . e e mill n property . iir.y aie try.u^ it w h more or Jee-s f 1 »rcPP, fcphioah gc-ner-a ,y ppo|.lp arp piea.ppii w.Lli lto- recuti. io tn *> caocB Ibe O.islurp was made Willi two oarcea or oxulu: acd, tu.e piaud of .-ult. ono g^':c.n ot water , two "S Of a OUrtlPl Of

fa-sb-* ar.d OL,e-ltiird of a baphel of ches toQt

C u l . lu Some inBlaoees no coal a l alt was

u<el and a good aLd biUing B e waa te-CireJ Tl.e cbeinicali) treated ashes las's uuuui the aatoe length ot tune ut ordinary coit. Oati man wbo has tried It Bays that ion li iieceseary until inore ia learned of lie- chemical acuoii, and suggests a* a mat­ter of economy thai one ounce of caustic po-t-ieb be substituted for ibe two ounces of

oxalic BCI'J iu the formula.

T h e JJo t f .

di'iMi papBed hu f ithtu'a Uiacblne. l ie a ppeliitj ihe wei 11 nir ar u plunged head-1 ' a ir.tu ihe m a d me Held like u vice in

ti. • " d r y e r s ' ' be u . i dr iiva in by Ihe inerci-

II'I-I rollers and lr.erall\ criHlniJ to pulp b -liir-llie pun of In.s r 'her ivlm was power-1 -I* to S.IVP li ra. The in-ifhioery waa s top-

p e l ap q ncklv aa p.j-isible and ihe body (-,. . .used.

The IJtHi'UnnB I111V1' b(*en in Auaable Fufke about nix mor.lha, coming ihere from ..ardeiipr, Me. Mra llu^elion, the mother of the bo), WH'V 'p fe - l to arrive iu Aua­able r..rK-i to tttai L ni.u=ekeeping tbe day of t'.e fatality.

Itecent. D e a t h s ol' I ' eop ' e Well Knovtn

in Northi ' tu New \ o r k .

I l o inep l i r a i n a t i .

U'e leurti l l .a . 11 uuve L „.i .r., formerly of

K- i 'U . Vo.HeJ, died 00 il. < d of Cuba a

fp-.v we. ki p-i/o. 11. r. ce rirumuu wae form-p-iy web kuosii aa a • ui ie in Eep.ce Valley. UP nai- a Biu.1 w . .li-iuan generally and a d>ud rtmi Willi a i U-. l ie waa a poweiful man, one ol lie- atioi.geat ever reared iu the A ..tutelar ka. II • eerved u? a soldier In tbe la e c.vii War, biuujr under Gen. B j t J imlo k B j i l e r

A lew years ago Mr, B nman went on a butitii g i-ipiditioti into Ibe Cuuadian wilds where be i apae.J several months. Later be went io Cuba, where he superintended a a iw anil and bad a bacana farm.

Deceased ia tuiMved by a wioow, one son -Wallace, abd a daughter, li die—both the

son itL'l d a u g h t e r beiuir t e ache r s . Two

brjibtiip, Wi.liutn, of PiaUHbtirgb, and Ur. J.-rpp U.amaii ol Wndliams, also Blirvivo.

1).- Jpos-e l iauian ami Wallace Kiauian are now in Cuuu looking pro|ieity in-

t r e n t s . - - E IZlbf- lb tOWII P lJa t .

lu tbe niput'ntinie the groom and bia l.eet rail', a collei'e friend, Mr Chnrlt'S Beach of Bur ineion, Vi , were fichui cinn b\ the right hand aiale. Las t ly c a m e the br .de hen-elf,

el i.l s-iu.ply in t ravel ing su t ai.d tint of yrpy,

o itfiiinied wi'h pii k loei-s. She currle 1 a Iji.i i] 'el of biiiie'H rosea.

Ai Ihe altar HiH group of vouiliful mac'-ei.s inel ihe bi-ulegrooiu and hia test mar, and the ceremony was performed accordirg 10 It P bi rMCP of the el.Ulch. At i!a coiielf.-flon the bridal party pissed from tlie cb t r tb bl ihe l.-ft band aldie to Ibe j ijoua miisic of Mendeipst hi 'a Wcddii {.' March.

At the IIIIIIP ul Mr and Mra. Siitn-

uei oi d, the giaiidpiiriuta tf ibe biule, where the reception waa bed, I .Ung huiida had also been ul woik, and Ihe uniuy cosily and beautiful gil a t \ idem i'ii the kli.dnepp and generosliy ot relaliiPB ai,il Iiieiulp, boili at home and at u dlHiaicp The giooin pave, to hie bride a iiPiklate ol peiul oiid lu i| iniae.

The 11 wly wnlded pair were aaalated in rec ivuu- by M:iP B d f .el, Mrp. M. L Miller, MIP George V Tiittle, Mit-a Wm da and Mr. B e t h .

The u-i-.l'iir? rpfr.-phnipnlB were perved ly MIH Homer i-iiii-B a id Mra V- noii Chiik lit-Biali-d b> the Mn.peB f uj U»H, WealCutt Hid Fnrr.t wr rib.

Mr and Mrp T m f e took ihe eixo'ckclc t nil. past iiihld plmwera of rice, confetll and gi oil Wii-l.i'H O ' their return they Will reside i.i Platl-burati, where Mr. Tultle ii connetted wub the lirni of J W. Tuule & Co., con dueling a buaiiuess eilabbahed aa early as IFIZ ny his j'runciraiiipr, mo mm JWfpu Wi lard Tulile, and ot which the. gioin. 'e Ititiier, George F. Tulile, ia the adive part­ner.

'1 he groom ip.a graduate of Phillips Exeter ^CLcletny, "ill, bt,d Uaivard 'u5.

C ' iv i l s e n ice. I O M U I I m u l I o n s l o r t h e S t u t e SIIKI C o i i m y S e r v i c e .

Tbe State Civil Su.vice Comrniaaiou will hold pxatiiiuati :ua M iy 26, 11)07, for the fol­lowing poMiiot>: A'chuecniral Draughts-man, .- ltit** .Vcliileci'y ClMice, JilO 10 fV5 a w-ek; Bridge Oruuifhisman, Stun- 13 gineer's (Jllije, $1 200 lo $!.5U0; Chai.ulilaii, Blale Eutiineet'd Departuu'DI, $2 5U lo S3 00 a day ; C i-rK and Junior Cle.rk, Monroe CotlDly b i n i i v ; Dj-iry Helper, Airricidtural Kxpeti-UH'.hl Stall u, Gi'uevu, itilO; EiiglLeeiiig Exaiiiliier, Slum Civil Seivico Goiniiiiesiou, *l .'.mi; E.v.imitii-r, 1) pitriineiaol fi lucut Oil, $111) lu *ytiU; Highway 1 iapeclor, Slale E giiieer'a Oepaiiment, $S 60 Lo S i 50 a da\ ; Liorury Am-istaut, Stall* Library, $000; Sienof-raphcr ( iiah j , tStuly and County D-paiime-nta and 1 ,etilu.ione; Storek-rcper, Uepartinenl of E luca*iou, JUOD; Coroiiei's Pnyolciau, Albany County, $li)0; Niglit Supenulendeni, Erie County Ucjpltal, $420 and iimiiileijuijc.).

Tbo laai tl iy for liii'it,' npplicaiiona lor lliese poeitiona ia May 18ih. Full Information and uppbcatiuui loima may be obtained by addt'PHhiug ibe Cb'uf Examiner of tbeCom-intSBlou ut Albuuy.

tll.AItbFS i5. FOAVI.EK,

Cliiut fcix imioer Albany, April 26 1907.

Icr, was ciiuiinally assaulted and then inur-deied, her throat being int. H-r uncle, 23 years old, is under arrest und has signed a cohfeseion.

Ti p Uev. S. W. Bidwello! East Middlebury, for 74 ypars a preacher In Ihe Methodist chmc , recently pasaed hia 99H1 birthday in good health, and with lacnlilea retuiee.! to an ut tis-ual degree. He was born in Sinrke-boro and remeiniierB ihe ben ing the car.ton in Ibo balile. ol PiatHbiirgb-

G E i M R A L N E W S .

A e'oiulhut'Bl II Hided nnd considerably damaged a suburb of Oklahoma City, April 28

The annual meeting of the Holslein-Fiie.-ian Association of America is to be held at Syracuse in June.

Tbe new $500,000 club house of the Auto­mobile Club of America, in New York be-ann a year ago id j lat formally opened. This is the largpal and bnildinsr in the woil I exclu-iveiy for Ihe purpose. The pile, 5t 'h aireet juat weal of Bmailwoy, cost $250,000, making a total of §750,000

The 77 h annual conven ion of tbe Ameri­can Iriaii'ii'e. of luBtiuction opens in Mun­heal July 1

Mr. John D. Rockefeller has made another Siifl to Chicago Ui.iveraiiv of a $2,000,000 alrip of land tnjilulng. The deed ia wi h-oui conditions and irnikep a total o.' $5,-000.000 lo Ihe Uiiveraity Ihia year.

A piece of lai.d fio by mio feet on Barren i s l and nea r New V.jrk s l ipped into the sea , taking wi'h il about, a ilnrd of the. new building of ihe New York Sunil..ry O.ii'in-tion f'O. A wateuouae containing lei'iulss-u' waa al o destroyed and ili-re waa almool a panic among the 1,500 empioyeea.

The indicted mayor of San Francisco nooks immunity by otlermg lo resign his office, confess his knowledge of municipal grull and btcotne a reformer.

Fruits and vegetables in luwa were killed by a fall of snow which May 1 covered ttie eutne Stale lo a depth of from 3 to 8 inches.

The seven miners entombed in a Pennsyl­vania coal mine at nrc.n April 2(i, by a 11 IOCI caused by tbe breaking of a wall, were rescued Tuesday night.

One hundred miners were entombed bv an explosion in tlie Whipple mines in West Vir­ginia on Wednesday. Fifiy-one escaped, but forty- one.arc still in tbe mines with little chance of escape.

David Wilcox, Px-Proeident of tbe D. and LI , In dread of blindness, commilted suicide on mi ocean steamer by Bl'.ooiinc; bimseir.

Ranee Raiders Big Horn Co., Wyoming, blew up 7(;0 sheep will) dynamite and de­stroyed the. camp wagons and ouilt.

Mra. Esther McNeil, founder and Drat Saturday morning last behre Referee in president of the W. C. T. U , died at ih«r Bankruptcy, Mr. P. Badger of Malone, Root.

J . McNally was elected trustee and M.J . , Callanan, P. W. Prime and S. E. Wolcott as I appraisers of stock and accounts. The iia-| bilinegas shown are $27,728 48 with assets

of $ 17,545 58. Of the creditor's claims a very large proportion are unsecured.

Fred. M. LaDuke, E q., waa in J3 =sex Tuesday on legal business.

L B. Slrubbe waa in Albany during tbe week.

W S Greene took possession of the Wol­cott Bouse Saturday. He will be found at his home No. 5 Pleasant street from now on.

Rev. 6 M. Galarneau of P i t t sburgh was in town Sunday, holding services in St. Paul's church.

Mrs. A E. Burroughs of Port Kent spent

few worn or even displayed in the windows

Shields recently" declared "bankrupt;* held!/' o f l h e best jewellers. It is the home of the celebrated Delpht ware, old Dutch sterling

A' the Greater Federation of Jewish Charities of Boston yearly cootrlbuLioce of $50,000 were promised, those of previous years having been about $20,000. It u ex­pected that a fund of * 100.000 will be ia readiness when active work begins iu October.

May 6th will be tbo eighth anniversa'y of tbe establishment of lhe Presbyterian church iu Muni]a. Tbe work since thou has made gratifying progrees. The senior pastor is _ Dr Stanley Roasiter formerly of New York g n o j™ y - , £ LTr'sfster Mra. b"'S, MtGo"re»t City, and the junior, Rev. L B. Hilbs. Both tne Commercial Mrs. Kossiter and Mrs, Hiiiia are active workers among the Filipino women.

Dr. Grenfell, the Labrador missionary, make.-i the statement that arctic exploring

[fiercial. J . W. Duvern of Peiu was in town Wed­


Jos. V. McGuire of tJult'do who has been parties are working the extmcliou of the Bl'«oding a week wilh h's Uncle JOB. McGuire BskimoB by introducing among (lieu, whiskey o l Chester belt, returned to bis home Tuesday, diinking and other vices of civilization. Dr. . Ul3.3 t ' " f l 9 e Guernsey left Wednesday for Grenfell also values the nririh nnle vers D e r , 1 0 ,"e iu Wililainsiown, Mass., after JrenfelT also values the north pole very hfr . , , 0 , I l e i u Wililainsiown, Mass., iehlly incompaii-on wilh human lives, and vis ting ber many friends in town

......,•_, ,, , »,w n i | u * i i \ ; u n u n i i u i i i u u u n a , u u u . . — . sa^a you mighi as well go out on me broad paving for her new home. Ailautic from Coney lilaad on a cuke of ice (»u, ' r"8ey left triday last

R ?


before and Mrs. he fakes

to prove something as to drift across U13 DO! It) pole.

Archbishop J ihn J. Williams, dean of tbe hierarchy of the Roman Catholic Church io the United Slates, bolt) in years of life and years ot service, celebrated hi3 83th birth­day anniversary Saturday.


Thiee tons ol Vt. maple sugar are going to the Jamestown Exhibition, a ion and a halt to be Beived hot with griddle cakes and doughnuts.

In lhe Massachusetts legialaluroa measure baa been under dipooKsiou foi the construc­tion of 11 imicadamiz d automobile boulevard from Boston lo New York. The propoaed road 10 be 150 feet wide, 170 mil. 8 long and cost $15 000,000.

Tlse Philadelphia Coal and L-on Co. is to team by a score of 8-7 teiuiti the top ol two mouniainH atSt. Cluir, St. John's chureli was tbe scene of two l a , which wid permit tbe minimi of mil- pretty weddings this week. The. li rat was on lloiiB Of tons of coal in broad daylight. , Tuesday at 7 a", m., when Miss Grace Beck-

Durlng the recent enrtl qinker, caves con- " " " ° r ' rTl3„ , ) l a<:? ' , P C a m f i , ""« bride of Mr.

taiuii.« valuable treasure nave been opened ^ e " , r g e D u ( l l f t y of Peru, ' lhe second was on on the noi'ih cousi of Portugal. . w ' (-a P^»y fuming at 8 a. m., when Mies

I' is euid that never havo New Toil; city

charge of a large parish in that place. They huvH a host of friends who wis-h them all ••oosihle Btieceas in lb. Ir new home and trust Hilt even 1 hough far away their recollections ol Keeeeviiio will be pleasaui ones.

Miaa Budget Ryan of Saratoga is spending a week with her sister Mrs. John McGaire at the Commercial House.

We understand there is an argument on in town as to who is the best gardener, between one of our popular barbers and one of our markei men. Gardens are already planted and the repult ia a toss up 89 to the winner. Of course if the barber out on some favorite growii g concoction he will have Mr. Market-man at a disadvantage, otherwise chances are even.

Ani.xciling ball game was played Wed­nesday afternoon between our High School team and the St. Stanislaus Academy nine, resulting in a victory for tbo JJigb School

Rtreels been in the disgraceful condition they are at presert. So bad in fact that tbe Sociely for Prevention of Cruelly to Animals, the Independent Hackmeti's Association a n j the Automobile Club of America have cheer­fully put aside all personal ditl'urencea anil j lined handa Io force.the aulboritlaa to ao-t ion.

George Watta of Indianapolis haa willed hia dog ihe interest on ¥20,000 and $a0J a year to his horao.

Anna Jarvis of Peru became lhe bride of Mr. Joseph Bather of thia place. Both patties are well known and are among our popular ycung people. A host of frienda wish both putties much joy.

Horatio Thomas epent Sunday In town.


S W K K P I N G S .

When thrift's in the lield be is in the towu. Where drums Bpeak out, laws bold their

tongues. You must learn to creep before you walk. Set hard heart against hard hap. Confess debt and beg days. A tuklng hind will never want. A good lake heed will surely speed.

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • > • • • • • • • • • •

JNcw ' U e i i e i r a l JMt t i i ag t t r f o r t l i e iU. At U .

CI ffinl S. Sinia, ai'iiiaiant 10 lhe presidi nt of ibe. Eiie Railroad baH in en appoint d general manager of lhe D. & U. Ruilroud. Mr. Abt I i Culver, becond vice-| resident, who made the announcement, atalel lhal he hoped to be lelieved of ibe duties of vice-pr-wide.m by JuU" 1.

H o t e l M i d w a y B u n t e d .

! ~ ~ " T O W N ; — j : CORRESPONDENCE | U w • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • w w l

All O l i l Atliroi ir iack l i t f ca i l*£< l .


t owu a das who la a ([eutleiniio, hy biriti uio.1 mrely. »lnt* ihe cr«wtore Can U jkp.t oi » p«dl«>r<Ms tia« Uki of wbfob iloids not a Howard or a MoUnfoiob.

Br brtedlrit. Hiuc* the walk* of Ufa lie trod Uv u«nor watuc«d aa aailli*d tall abroad lib never tuubbed a uaaiclaM car baoAuan Wtihoui a trteud or credit card a« wan.

by ur'dfe He look* voa tguarelr ' • thm face Uiwhrl•>!•.'•)* »u<l without a »iu«l« trao* Of « ther d.BI .cuw or arruaattt AaawUo« MII li ut uiMarU of Uu taaa l .

The reported discovery of a skeloion, m a d e by Tuoinaa L H Kan of N -winan in tb*s Sch rooo L k-s rcg loo , rpcall,* lh*r eenpa-

tiona' murder of George Berkeley by C. VI Brown at Suranuc Like in 18S7 According co l b s Btory as i l r eached Nor lhvl l le ia l h e

Adirorjd»cks, Hatl 'iii was hun t i ng with a dOK,

when the h uud started on a scent. Follow log lhe dog, tbe hunter came upon the skeleton of a man oear a tree. Leaning against, a tree waa the runty metal part of a rifle. O her metal potaeseiont ot tbe dead uuan were found, so-no of which bore the initials " C . W. B." From these letters it It •opposed that ibe skeleton is lh»t of Charles Waller B.-owo, who disappeared afier •hoot­ing Berkeley and haa never been heard from since.

Tne Midway Hotel, located on the old Plank Road, about live uii'e.i weat of this ciiy, was loudly destroyed by Ike on TliuK-duy night . T h e propr ie tor , Ge.orgu Luclttire,

an I 111 i family bad a very na r row MJ-jaue.

U r a i u t f e M e e t i n g .

1 u« Millaat0* I i K H by u o d t r a a w . Will. aUolui, *<*d tiiucb L L HUMiiilacai^uii

Uriofkr. *«» *wt btaaa Ike* he

oa itm-jm, P re M M Was aa»Ut


Ct1 t«$ru*m


Cltutuu jLodic« I l o u o r a Loui* M i l l e r .

A a|>cciil B«etloK of Clloloo Lodj-e No. 15ft V. * A. M. * u b«ld iu MMKHIMS UaU oc TmtAtf •walof • A -MM «»-»tet'» jew«i waa PMSWOUMI to LowJa Milter ia leoog-•itUNi of I-* < SMHMI vork do»e 01 Mr. Millar wli»* ***»•« •*» SIMHUW. Ta» ixswot-atiM ww SMdis c» iKCbalf of IW Kxlgw by rrof. *. J. rrssiosi. Ttw JftJS* U •« •««• moU—i <mmM»* iwwtossw irs>sj--kws» Zmm** »»«* " «•»•— - ^ • ***** < t w t , . s j i i S M « r t »••***• s - O w s j f M 1 Ua» W i . wm H • » t * s * w s)M l i UM

The May meetings of P<-ru Grange will be aa uniiil on ibe 2d and 4 h Tuesdays, which wnl be tbe 14 (1 and 28th, instead of tbe 7lh and 2lsi, ufl staled on the primed programs.

On May i l ih (lie program will iw aa fol­lows:

Historical Paper—Mies S B. Hewitt, Recl ta t io t—Mice K-oher ine Boi ler . Paper—"A Dvscnpuou of our Trip lo Cal­

ifornia—H. B. Baker. Select Reading—Mrs Silas Fallon. Paper—"The Pure Food Iviw. How it

will Afjict lhe Kunner." Mra. J . L. Clark. Reading— ft D Gordon.

Recital ion—Miss Mamie Ki zpalrick.

bake Cliainplitiii. Monthly report! of ohaiiire* of Water Level at

Kounee Point Draw. Meanured from railroad "grade" aa a bench mark.

ft. Inch, April 1. J0OT. a 11

" 0, 8 7 .1 J 3 •' 8 » . . j«j '• 8 11 " " " M. 8 • " " " 27. " 8 5 •• ao, " 8 t

Chance lu water level. S In* Below blah waller mark. > f t « m s . A bore low water raark. 5 ft. C>» . . , , . . _ Uirene hick w»ur a*art. i feetm UMSMS •itreaM low WtMr SMHrfc. IS f#M SWIweka*

Oaioba* ML MS*. ^ fc JOHMSJ.

below crada

!iMm..Wt. m*:* A.M,. mt-4- *imj

Mmuj SMiflcrct* fross VSMI catarrk «•> they j/el apl.»dUl nestle by •aabvc •* at-oa'ser, Kor isWir b*s#tt we {mo*** «»'« Lkiaid Creea Bal*». Ei«sf4 ihM It UI cjeid ( ie in ail fMfMicts like Ibe s»«Jtar. •e.-ytal, |Mi0-«lbi|i-« Or*** twHS) IsM l*« |WUM« bM ba*« IbsBlilbv wkb Ur >•**•. Ma«b> >MISj«f4w*St*tor**MM|S«WW *•>•« Ml M. Tbf •KaMSjbsg ifim :retkf*»ssjis»c« *sM ••*• by ctriaiav aVt +m»***&'*****••*£ s k i ^ liisw Tsit.


Mrs. Charlotte Aldndge and Mrs. Katberlnn Liwrence have been visiting their sister, Mrs E L Bales.

The Legion gave a banquet lo their mem­bers and friends on Monday night.

Mrs. Mason Farnsworth from Schenectady is visiting her aunt, Mibs Hilah Moore.

Mr. Coombs is running a bakery and bakei'a cart.

Mr. and Mra. Frank Rugar have moved irto lhe apariuieuta lately vacated by Mrs. William Myers.

Wo are glad to hear that Mr. Perry Baktr is considered better.

Mrs O B. Adcock left Tuesday for a visit to taalone.

Again we are called to mourn the loss of another citizen. Mr. Smith Oatrander died April 24 ii) Malone a t 'lis son'a, Milton Oatruuder'a, while on hi^ journey home from the hoepitul at Ozdensburg. His funeral was held ut his late residence here last Siiurday when a large number of people assembled lo pay their last tribute of love and resp'Ct. The tl>ral offerings were very numerous and beautiful. He leaves a wire, m uher, four sons, and one brother to mourn bis lOBS.


Another cold wave lo uiaik the outline if uppronchii'g pprli'g.

Mrs. Jnhu Mar ilea of Rouses Point is in town viiiting friend?.

David Brueo, sged 88 years, died Apiil 25'.h. His lui.erul was attended from bis late residence on Saturday, tbe 27th. t ie was one of the pioneer settlers of the Hay neighborhood and leaves one daughter und f.iur sons lo mourn his departure.

Dr, John Steieor, wife and dsuuhtcrof N e w York , a r e in t o w o , g a e a t a cf Mr. a i d Mrs. J. W. Hubbell.

Miss B. R H*g«u and Miss Bertie Mull hnlaud <'f PlatUjburgh are eueeta of Mrs. J,hu Collins.

Albert Tenient has returned lo town and ia employed by Ben Sullivaa aa biackeioith.

John Collins and con Praccia have return­ed from St. Peter's Hospital, Albany, where the aon waa tocceaafolly treated by Dr. A>lt, oculist, s l twih St. Peter's stid Troy Uis-pitala.

Alrx Martin, eldest son of W o . Msrtio, waa marrieii Wedce*day a. m. to Miaa 1 la Babie, daughter ol Octsvie Bslils. Tn« ew«-mooy waa performed at 9 a. at. In the CheSSft of the Sscred Heart, by the Mission Piiest fross Plaltuburgh. Wedding belli w e still ebiarioK aud there are more to follow.

Will Flint, D A H. •(•lion sgeot was called 10 Mew Yolk 00 Tuesday aseoinif aa witaers on an iiaportaut legal etaa.

Jolin B. Flioi has sold bM lock of while lejtborae 10 J. bWynolde, Jr. a»d will aooc rsssovs to Woreastrr, N. T., to reslda •llh bb) teaffbisr.

Lawyers Btereat, Cotter, Ajtoew and •aotb wera la towa Tassilay avaciac on legal baalasas swruiialas; to astUaaisat of UM Kws^bary aalata. , W. T. BMlsaaa, M, K Biira af •ariacteW.

Mass., Jtjaa M4Uers>ia. Maw Toft, M-•aBkb. r^ltabargb, J MiAa^by. O^dews-

' sjayfiff fsaj sj*MS)asl al Jss uaasy .Masjsja -ib

Clingy Liuding and Biater of Mrs. D. J. Hi! man of Una village.

The 11. 11. Clark Co. have received their recently purchased eight columned elegantly buipbed funeral manufac tu r ed oy G e o . L. Ilrownoll, NPW Bedford, Mass.

Master Francis Collins accompanied hig aunt to the city on Monday.


The Rev. Father Bergeron, recently re­lieved from his duties us pastor of lhe Church of the Sacred Heart, has through or:!* r of Bishop Gabriels taken a charge at Trout River line, Frurklin County, N. V. Tho mej irity of bis congregation view his depanure wilh regret. During his af journ of six years und more here he accomplished what others had failed to do, namely; the erection of a fine brick church with a seat­ing capacity ot 500, sheds attached, a nice pa'ish house, aud lhe purchase of a ceme­tery, covering tho expense of 18.000 or more. He also placed repairs on tbe ctiuich ui Cocptrville, of which he was in charge. Ou all there remains but a small residue of debt. In additiou as a personal venture he built Glitzy Hull, which lie sold to Fred D Cell. Ambitious, energetic and aggres­sive, he sought a calling to which only men of inoro than ordinary a'bility are heirs. His many Catholic, as well aa non-Catholic fnei (Is, lake this opportunity of wishing him well In hia new field of labor. We learn that his mother, who has resided with him, will now reside with her daushter near Q lebec. The vi cancy made by hia depar­ture will for a time be supplied by u Mia-t-ionary from Platts'*urgh. J .

The Ui.'que went north with a large tow Sunday morning, the first of the peaaon.

Mi'p Rosa Wemeite has gone to Platlsburgb to work for Marcua Miller.

Uiss Wateon waa in town last Friday selling coffee aud te is.

Mrp. Curtis and M.-B. Ma'hers have arrived at the Like Sido Hole! for the season

The road commissioner has been in town repairing ihe road.

Will Hod3kin has gone on tbe steamer Unique for ihe reason.

Fra'-K Bishop bus been employed by Ad-gate & Farretl to drive their 'one.

Tbe telephone men are in town putting in pome new poles.

Miss Fanny Djugue has come home from Burlington for the summer.

The report is that Michael McGuire ia going to move to Keeseville to live wilh hia father-in-hiv.

AlmoBt every one you see have a bunch of May Ilowera. They are very abundant this year.

Theodore Cady of Piatt3hurgh was in town Monday selling drugs to E j . Pickle.


The Sarannc Valley Creamery opened last Wed' esday. May lat.

Tho contract for gathering and hauling the cream from Silver Lake, Clay burgh and R dfjrd for the comibg season was let to Richard Cane.

Padlocks i re in good demand now for use at Bedford.

Miaa J . Ann Butler of P i t t s b u r g h was the gue3t of Miss Francea Ljrd last Saturday and Sunday.

If the last Friday in April was an almanac for May we might better migrate a t once, for it was a "terror."

Miss Ethel True met with a painful acci­dent last week. The eye end 1 f a needle entered her liouer and broke, leaving a piece of Hie needle imbedded in lhe bone.


AtPliittsbHruh. April 29. l'Or, a daughter to Mr. and .Mrp. Ellin Turner.

At We=t Cbazy. Ap il 17 Mr. and Mra. C. D. Hay.

O B I T CT A I t V.

Henry McCready a former resident and native of West Chuzy, aged 06 yearp, died April 18 h at the Soldiers and Sailors' Home iu Bath, Steuben county N. Y , of lobular pneumonia. He was relieved from duly April 111, and consigned to hospital, where every attention waa rendered bim. O J notice of liis death, Mr. II. J. Hininan, his brother-in- law, wout t o Both- lor l h e remain* , r e t a r n -ii g to West Chuzy Sunday morning. A 2 p. 111. a brief wus held at the ceme-lerv, comprising the chaplain's address by J F. Gilbert, Past Commander of J . Mc-Fudden Post, aud prayer by the Rev. C. A. Bradford. Tne deceased was interred In the family plot, beside his wife «nJ daughter.

Comrade HcCieedy entered the Home In 1902, wag discharged June 1904 for vaciiion, returning iu November of the same year. Col. E«veP, C o m m a n d a n t , refer* t o him aa one of lhe most exemplary inmates and sub­ordinate 1 tliceis iu the ward to which be waa assigned, lis was a charter member of John M. raddeo Post N J . 375, D<<pt. of N. Y. G A R , and haa ever been one of Ha moat toy a! supporter*. H i arm of service waa the • avy, which be entered b?pl. 17, 1663, ou U. 8. steamer Bt. Clair, aeiving ouder Admiral Furragut aud General Bank* daring the famous Bad River and Mississippi *x-pediiioca.

Be was of a genial and social dispositho, •od accurate ia all iucideota of bia war aer-vice. Had our deceased comrade faults, lat ua forget ibera and eheriab only bis virtues, reminded also forcibly by the vacant place, so lately Oiled by our brother, that our ranks are thinning. L*M each tie loyal to every virtue, true to every Mendsblp, and bUthfal io oar rejaaiointc. march, I bat wa may be ready to fall oat here and take our place* in tbe ureal review, cot with doubt but with faith to meat lue merciful Captain of our aal-vaitoo. i.

At P'altsburt'li. Anri! 8-J i;0" Mr. and Mrs. Charles Darliiiic.

lt'or, a daughter to

daughter to

M A I t U I A * U E i s .

»I. t he Metliodisf Church in M ira N . Y., April SO. 1907. by tbe Ifev. Wlliiam Thomas. Lulii Alberta Mill, r of >loira, and Kenneth T u u l e of PlaitsburKh.

At D*er Lodge. Montana. April 8. 1907 Fr"d erlck Mmuiii and Katie A. Van Candy , both of Deer lxjdee.

Mr. Mann'x ia the younget t sou of T . 15. Man-uix. formerly a koopsr a t CUctou prLon.

At St. Johns Church. Keeseville. N. Y , May 1. 19J7, Anna Jarvia of Peru and Joseph Barber of Ka. aeville.

At St John ' s Church. Keeseville. N. Y.. April 30. 1!>'J7. Uraca Keckwith of Keeserillo and George Dudley of Peru.

D K A T H 8 .

AtBMincniora.N. V . April 27. 1907. Mrs.Mai-Karetj tb 'oauiia, aged75 r e a m .

At I'latbaburgh. April 30. 1907. at the home of her aon-ln-law. John Uarper. JHra. Mary Mar-jcarot Page, aged K> years.

At West PIa-t«burgb. j>r. Y-. May 1. 19JT. I* Vilila Ladd. wife of J amen Gatruudtr. aged 09 years.

eilver and wood carving. A genuine Dutch­man is usually pictured to us as always smoking a queerly constructed long carved pipe, and one wouU naturally expect in Holland to see evidences of that custom, but OD the contrary very little pipe-smoking is indulged in, at least on the streets, as cigars (the best in Continental Europe) come in free of duty and are very cheap, as a good imported all Havana Cuban made cigar can be put chased from 4 to 7 cents each.

Along the canals tower many high build­ings very pleasing in aspect and neat in appearance.

t h e numerous markets are composed of small stalls (in the open on a equi.r.) cov­ered with cabvas and are attended to mostly by women of advanced age, who when not busy are industriously knitting or sewing. Many fine public buildings are in evidence in all parts of the city, tome containirg large collections of notable paintings a i d other works of art.

A walk on the "Hoch strarse," one of the main streets on a Saturday or Sunday eve­ning is certainly a revelation to the sight­seer, t h i s beautifully paved but rather narrow street, about two miles long, is packed with all classes of people aimlessly walking and erjoying themselves. No teams or autos come to interfere with their ram-idings, and the numerous restaurants daikened near the walk and brilliantly lighted in tbe tear and filled to their utmost with patrons of both sexes, who watch us passi g while they are refreshing them­selves, all combined to lend a charm to the occasion. Here and there among tlie crowd­ed thoroughfare we notice a woman wearing tbe quaint and queer costume and head gear of which I will write more later.

We visited The d i g u e which has become 60 well known for being the place of meet-iDS of alt peace commissions of ibe entire world This city (lhe capital oi Holland) lias about 150,000 people and ia without doubt the neatest and prettiest place we have so far visited. It ie tbe heme of iheir well beloved Queen Wilhelmina, and while it does not possess any immense and towering structures, it certainly presents a CbarmiDg aspect io its tout ensemble tbat impreffes one most forcibly by its uniformity, ite pretty fq'lares, fountains, monuments and its extreme neatness. It is an ideal apot for the future peace conference building io generously given by Andrew Carnegie. We in vain tried to aee this building and left the city rather disappointed at our failure, but later we beard tbat the plane were still in the hands of ihe architect, therefore al­though relieved We felt rather abashed at the persiatent ii q-iiries we sut jected many of tcecil;z»nto in our endeavor to gratify our curiosity.

About 2$ miles, and really almost adjoin­ing, is the celebrated watering place, Schevoningen. We reach ibis resort from The Hague either by steam or electric cars through inagnillcent shaded avenues bor­dered on both eides by beautiful villas sur­rounded by a profujion of 11 J were, which c inbinatioD involuntarily forced from our lips words of delight and admiration.

A line sandy beacb stretches out for miles alocg the sea coast. Large restau­rants and betels face the ocean, and the most excellent facilities for safe sea bathing bas justly made thia reeoil famous all over Europe. The village itself, only a few rods back from tbe shore, is very noticeable on account of Us singularly built small dwell­ings, which with its narrow streets and lanes gives one an impression of a toy village.

l t is a holiday, men and women are prom­enading in their un :que costume. Especially noticeable is tbe head gear and hair adorn­ments of the women, with their fine rosy complexion underneath the peculiar shape wbite cap, tbe points ot which as they reach the chin gracefully take an outward curve, with their metallic head gear which keeps the hair in a certain position and the many q l'erly designed large beaded pins, trans­fixing tbeir hair, all tended to rivet our attention and wonder where such a fashion originated, why it was adopted and still adhered to. The men were mostly dressed io a black homespun cloth and wore a Borl of short jacket which answered for a coat and vest. Their trousers were exceedingly wide especially at the bottom, which with a characteristic cap of the same material, makes them a suitable companion in oddity of fashion for tbeir better halves. Many email restaurants are here noticed that serve only cheese, rolls and ccllee. They do a t b r i r i o g r b u o i n o a o , a o U o f l t t u d Ia e r i j J u o t l j

celebrated lor this product of the ('airy, and its delicioue, fresh, appetizing flavor is en­hanced by the style in which it is served.

As we travel through this kingdom, touch­ing at Haarlem and Rotterdam, both very large and important sea board cities Ailed with sh ipp ing from all coun t r i e s , we o b s e r v e

t b e e z t r e i n « l y low l a n d s r ec l a imed from tbe ever-encroaching ocean by means of dyke* and waterways reaching in every direction. Windmills of stone and wood are aeen every­where, with their large wings (usually 4 in number, which reach almost to the ground,)

| evpry dptnll Brnsao's is often e a b d j ' Little Paris" and it cer'atnlv mpn'a " *• r *£-| nompo, as we o)s»rvp inn! 'he r»n; Urnr*. • the national charnclpr of th*> people, i'i r ! habits and co8toina are very airri'nr '<* tl • -*P I possessed by the inhabitant? of Pans ••- n

Inter. The city haa many d t p pub ie Mii .1 inuB and monument galore.

The IJ.. el do Vdle, with many other mm icipu! buildings furrounl a large tquare, ihp center of wnich ia n^e 1 an a 11 iwer market. Tbe front or all these struc­tures are literally covered with gold leaf gilt, and as some of them are Corinthian in architecture, a very gorgeous aepect is beheld.

The Palace of Justice is the largest build­ing in the world. Erected on a high, lower­ing bill in the center of lhe city, it covers the enormous space of 270.000 square feet and is a veritable mass of sculptured and polished marble surmounted by a marble tower that risea 100 feet, from which one commands a Mry extensive view of lhe sur­rounding country beanies the city proper.

IQ Brussels the poor dog (/isually good six ) has to work for his living and really

seems to enjoy his hard life. This faithful animal ia not the pet we make him, he can­not romp and play here, for harnessed under a good size, push-cart he pulla with a will and helps his master, and when at ease immediately lies down to obtain a much needed rest, while at lhe same time he guards hia master's possession fn in any intruders. There ia no play for thia dog until after working hours. Life to bim is a hard problem an. ^e ia certainly entitled io bilog well cared 'o (as he if-) when oft duty. Tiiey received ou heartfelt sympathy.

The avenues are broad and the streets qji te wide and the stores very attractive and many are large. Numerous line ree-taurants line the principal thoroughfare and in the p. m. they are filled to tbeir ut­most capacity. As tbe sidewalks are very wide, iheae restaurants appropriate a part of the walk, and one can observe as be pasees by, men and women sitting outside near Email tables sipping their absinthe, cordials or ca'c au lait, while sparingly in­dulging in a few cakes and olher pastry peculiar to the country. They are perfectly oblivious ot all surroundings, and although they are gazed at with wonder by the passing stranger, they iu turn feel perfec'ly at ease and return your gaz^ wilh interest and per­haps wonder at our want of appreciating a good thing when we3ee it. A very singular custom noticed in the finest residential part of tbe city is the placing of good siz^ mir­rors outside the second story window in such a position lhat the person inside can readily

perceive what 13 going on ID tbe street be­low, and can watch pedestrians with more or less interest as they approach from either Way. I am afraid that such an innovation here would not be tolerated, and that the small boy would not hesitate to use his alung shot or bis pea-shooter in the destruc­tion of tbeee prying glasses of cocceotraled curiosity, that evidently furnish food for plenty of gossip for those comfortably sealed inside.

Biddirg goodbyi to Brussels we sron traverse the Belgian territory and quickly find ourselves within the confines of France, our destination being Paris, that city which we bad dreamt about and longed to visit. Our desires were so in to be fulllled, aa the t ' ip is but of a few hours' ride by rail through a charming country al! cultivated a3 a garden with great care, and altlioueh we were rather disappointed in trie cnar-acter of the homea of the habiiants, every­thing denoted tbe bardeai kind of labor and thrift for which the Freich peasant is famous.

Arriving in Paria in the eurly p. m. we noticed many places of business tUlnly closed and a mnllilude of people lined up n e a r t h e cu rb , ev iden t ly w i l l i n g for s o m e ­

th ing to pass in r ev i ew. Waa it 10 be a

f lont imied ».n Four th 7'asre 1





Shown by repeated tests and comparisons K. W. KUttb U M I Mwlli bar** bee* rmi'ir g

la rnaJiabarxb. O. BtaiflsJM4wcr to lmprorlaf bia rsaJtfasM

byaddlas:aptasa.oa tbeIrssHaafl abJa of hVia^bhX •< A**.-.. «T, aa. to be the purest and most efficient leavening bora smMMsj aVM- g . iSyawaraU "' •• ; ^

Vm aaaaai aalsrialamaat wsM saeae o t A g C n t til C M S t f t n C C e

a g * £ {Spyjfr ^sTwfS Baking powders lower in price are usually *"™r *S*3*nm*mmm niaoVfaom alum or alum-photphate. Avoid

mataaL. ' '•^Baam;ta-BaaaaaS ASk^Aaj >*** SjMMi * *

m then if yon value health.

Spring Humors Come <o most people anil can^e many troubles,—pimples, boils ami otliei eruptions, besides loss of appetite, that tired feeling, fiu of biliousness, indiges t ion a n d licaduclie.

Tl ie soone r one g e t s r id of them th*

better, and the way to •tf>t rid of t lnm audio build up the hv.^tcm that I m suffered from them is to uike

Hood's Sarsaparilla and Pills

F o r m i n g in. combina t ion tho Pj i r in;

Medic ine y ia r excel/ewe, of nmij'i.ui!. c

s t r eng th in pu r i fy ing the blo.,.1 a t

s h o w n l.-y u n e q u a l l e d , radical ami pei

mant-nt < urcs of

S c r o f u l a S a l t R h e u m S c a l d H e a d B o i l s , P i m p l e *

All K i n d s of H u m o r P s o r i a s i s B l o o d P o i s o n i n g R h e u m a t i s m C a t a r r h D y s p e p s i a , E t c

A c c e p t n o s u b s t i t u t e , bu t bo . L i e lo f a t l l o o d ' i . ami i/e! it L .dav .

»•• *>•••••••» • • • • • • • • • • • • ••»«

] OPTICIAN { • P o f . F. B. Sanborn • * • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • » • «

APRIL Division of My Time. FIRST WJiKK

riattsburgh, Cumberland House,- fi 7 20-21 Saranac Lake. Roberts Block - K i). Lake Placid, Dr. Band's Oilla' 10, JI. m.,

I t , a . m . SECOND WEEK.

Keeseville, Commercial liouae—13, p. m. Peru , Davern H o u s e —1-4. Cbauiplain, Champlain House—15. Roueee Point, Montgomery House—18. Port Henry, Lee House—17.


Ausable Forks, American House—22. Dannemora, C'inton Prison— 23. Lyon Mountain Hotel—2-1.


K izabethtown, Maplewood Inn—27. Willsboro, Riverside—29. EiBi-x, Essex Inn—oO. Weatport, Home Otnce —I, 18.

Examinations made at residence when re­quested.


Do Not Forfet the Dates.

i T- r .J

i ' >W '

'•no ! u, a

Tr ia l Jury Not ice .

NOTICE U hereby given that ou Wednesday. th-i III day of May. ISIOT. at il 30 o'ciixk „,„, » „,„, »

iu the forenoon, at the t'liulon t'ouuty i lerki Krank lA.outaiu

* r i r i >

life. [ I .» J U 1 ! P " , ! „ , ! , »,. ,,- •

W v ' i r^ . 'St j r 1 — ' i r . i i m . a 'ft»'i'<r i. R wr ....

' h n 'WiM»»nn*i .*f f .T l . , ' .lei.r. w ' d e JJ1,P wwi * er-*,.* f a ..w' v t . , . erou.' from >h-> . H ..-'^ ,.f p o r n »i j u m , . J . U ' 1 a f»'i, oenmei] I. uw ' t.i.iw II i* • ,.r faith in f; . i. nod m H * k*-ep *.j ..t . ,. j ^ v r o n e J g n i H ' , ' i p h e l i j h«>r, i l " i t *llie W i t g 1 ' ' ' l ive for fl.e a . k p of ' h o s e wl,.i w»ru > i > .» regal* P'l «it length a cmifortn' l« 'lt\>r*« >r hpttph, tin' mile =trepgitj in l e r i rj-i « -»i • hia Ipen a -hu t ui i early Dlnereen ,e,ir=. *»»* ha*> been patlpnt atnl ciieerfn1. ntere*!* 1 u ti»r cMl.-roo. for o t b e r p e o p l e , in h e r c* u-rcu, and iu what waa going on in the wi.rle. ha* bronsht help, inspirn'ion an-l auvisni e t<> others, often knowing tt not-

Desptte her phvscn! luni'n'i >"s. s>t,p 1:311 done with her hamla, and with her nwzht, what! ver It py have fmin i lo .io,

Eapeciallj has ahe s.mght 10 hetp o'lt^ra by ihe scutiering of Scr.ptun* l e t ' s an I ref­erences, mai y tb* uaar.da of which si., ban written in 'be bia? k apaces nnep d t e r paintirgs, sent hiiher and thither, aomp.-ve , to missionary lands. May the bread »-.., upon the woters be font <1 of her after O'.at.y •lays, in ll.e better land.

fn the home whp-e her .lenr prefer."'• hr.H heen a bleBFirig 30 ionir s h e is a-ire'v uuase-t by the daughter?, but fallh graapa the prom-iaps wirrh she ami they repelled toge' H'j many limes in her Inst days.

To them a friend has wrl t ter : * I wai impossible to know her without fee';!,^ the it lluence of a strong, true, Chriatian char­acter. When such a one pasaps nw,iy i« 1* not the .shadme ot death, but rather th* .'. /'«' of aeaili that falls upon ihfl home."

N \ T P f P U K M U P l i r * . I . -Fr i -d Uanlon,

*"•- o i lman f o n n t T Plalnt'lT. a.'sin11!

Thomas Uanlon. Mary Ann Uanlon. Ml. lia*) Han Ion and Margaret Uanlon, hi" wife; Peter II n-lon. Bridirut IndlTldually, nnd as A.'m'n istrarrix of the poo'Jc, chattel* »nd ere Its of •Tohn Uanlon. deceased; Patrlcli Hanfon Ger­t rude Uanlon. E t.her Uanlon nnd Eva PHI.Ion children of said -lorn Uanlon. decease"; fniia rianl >n. widow, and Iva Tlai.lon. Stel 'a KiOier Pe-r l Uaolou. UMV.A Uanlon and Leon n a t i o n , children of William Uanlon dpoeased, S ,rnue| Fuller, the husband of S ella F a l l e n C m Ifan-lon. t he wife of Fred Hmiloji, th»> p 'a lm ff. Tat-rlclc Uanlon. theaon of Michael Haulon. de.;ea.'ei§: Bdney Uanlon, his wife, and Alfred O u u W d s-i Administrator of the EHli teof William h. <}er malne. deceased, Defendanta.

In pursuance of a jVicment In Hie above en­titled action of part i t ion arid sale entered In r t e office of the Clerk of Clinton County on the > h day of April. 1107. I, the uuder.-ltned Rffereu. In and by said judemeut for lha l purpose appointed, will sell a t publ i . auction at the front d<K>r < t tho Court n n - e i n the Citr of Plal tshureh Clinton County Now Vork, on Saturday, day ft June . 1907. a t eleven o'clock in the fo-ennwj i.f t ha t day. the lands and premises In said jadir-ment dire<ited to be void, aud therein described as follows:

K i r r t t J ' a r c v l **A 11 liiat piece or parcel of land s i t ua t e ,

lyinc and heine in the town of Sarannc. County of Clinion ami S ta te of New Y< rk and being a part of Lot No. alxty-eistii 16S1, o M , T , Town­ship Four (•) and bounded as fol lows: to wi t . I - twine subdivision Number Two *iJi of ?aid lot and bounded easterly by the west line of one hundred fifty tl5ill acres form-rly soM to Patr ick Tiiumlns; 1101th by Ihe north line of said lot , wen by thirty live i.lB» aciea formerly sold to John Coffey, am", a . in 11 by the center line through sftiil lot. as surveyed by Poier TromWey. iM>utain"uir one hundred o i« l af res of land, be the l a m r more or less. Koservine all ore** and minerals, with the.-riirht to d i^ and carry away inr-jsarne.

Also all that other piee» or parcel i.f laid «!tu-u t e i n t h e T o w n of S a r a n a c . C o u u v r o f C l ' n t - i u . .State of Now York, aiii is aiihiiivWon Number Three io) of lot ^Ixty eieht uw* Township No . Four 1-11 -M M'li arv Tract in Mini 'our.fy. and bounded north by the north line of s a i l i..t n u m ­ber sixty-elirlit 1IW1; east by Patrick nuri lou 's one hundred flu n acre lot: west by subd i rS ton N a m ber Four (4) containinK thir ty tiv,i 1 "„ acre** of land, be the same in i r e or less Reserving .ill ores and minerals with the r ight t o dig and ca r ry away the s a m e . "

Second I ' a r c e l . " a i l t l iat certain piece or parcel of land s i t u a t e ,

lyinu and beine in the town of Haraoac. C-iuuty of Clinton arid Sta te of N^w York, and beinjr a. par t of Ult No. Tb ' r ty three I : « I o . M T . Towu-sbip Four 14) and bounded as fol lows: Weal by Wiilinm Timmins; nor th and east by ihe Mat thew Lane's et-tuie and south by the highway, or.ta'rj-ine h u n d r e l ei«hteea 111*0 acres of l a n i . I t -"erving four i-f 1 acres in ihe loufhwest <• >rner, known as the -lohn Qi i^ ley . J r . p i a i e . "

Dated, May '2 PH17. cr iAKLES J . V E l t r ,

Heferee WKiU,^ I ' - S W A T A- I'.-TTKIt.

Att irneys for che iuauitiff. !-A7

Notice to Water Consumers. Tlavlne re.eive-1 Hit- Waier A--icw-ujient f.rfiifl

I'itv of P la tuhu : gh for lhe . t o liui; M ir. h y.\. laor. notice is nereby f^v^n Oiai The uni1.-r«l>;u ed will artond a t hi" office a t the Firnl National lJank. cor. of Margaret and Brinkerhi ff M« . v. th said roll for 3u day t. from Hie da te her. ot suinlay" and lesal holidays i-xeepi.vl. from B <>vi.<-k In t i e forenoon unril 3 o'clock in the afternoon and from 7 until 'I o'clock on Tuesday a.n.1 Sa turday . yenliiKS of su< h so days. 10 r c r e h i rent- s.. o>>. leJU-td, Without fee. pe r . eu taae o r inlereat t he re

•n. Uu all rents rematale. ; utii«i!.l after i-ixty .inysi

from the da te hereof, live j .er .-eui. fee?- AUO 'n-lerwt al the ra te of per cent. in-r monti . f r.>ni •he expiration of ssdd »'xry dny= w*'l bec . j^ - t t j^ i ,

DaU:d. Platlsbru-Kb. N . V. . April ; i . i jn ; . J O S K P H u. N-vau .

City (lutmherlafn

S t a l e S«-iiol:tr.>jhijH.

NoTicK o r *• v i -krm. E Kvi'.i*v«ri.o MTVTE«,H'iL*Kr.|fJJ', i ' ' ) K \ t l b 1 \ i » j t t - l l l

A e. mpetftive cxau ima ' . . i i "f • an i ' . | r ' e . f lhe S ta te *< holarsr.ip, l a i ' . r j e i l I n.ver- >y f» .nt; t o the t . .uuly *>f < iiriion \v,. r.e M-..1 rt- r llliih School p. n . e i i i y .,f Pl.i '^fi ..•, •>,!. l uy - June I-.I. I "'. . . . . . r u — . , u.-r ..1 . 1 1 1

fardMaO"!Hij-.i hear t.-a-t fiSyiar- ,• , , , , of s i x Ifl imUi^' - lUllulm^ 111 t i . e i-^.Iil'fj ... -• u . -icadf miL-i- of lie- S U t u . l u r t.^ I h - ] « . .„ ... Ia*el> preee.l l l . t£ t h - .-X L»i.lrs*tT! I* li , ,1 t ' tt 1. 1 e." I.-, o i thin S '^ i le .

N * i«ronii ^.1. m.-i ei.r-r -xir ,-1.-4111 *i i-l e, ,. ,.. [-rtp.ared r... a-.-i-[.' •% — ti.- ir-i.lp -f, , . I , , awarded

T'.e exd-rnlnu'loli win Iw ll|«il. El.- *. 1 t. ry uin.:.-i.t. Li^-I -1 . Am*r|. a i . . . , , » , . - .-.. . - I ry, a l t r e b - a O i l :i'A ' • ar t ' . e >•}•',..ri • ' • J l c l . - i a l e l .,t It . , r,.; .»!»n; * . rc<-i . L o ' . , » '« . " • ! Frer • ti . t l . in 1 i..-rrii3n i t . c il il lit 1111',' 1 An 4ti rti'tur.i'c f. r a-lta:. •11 !• 1.* m a i . - - 1 hy-:.^* ..r . l iemwrry iijy.% •11 red Tin -p ipe r ..ii Vmers an t..-.t-.r, * . . , l-l.le . v:l i . " . , r r . ' u e lC

'Itnre wi.I he o.« manj .and. JUi.— a t j . . 1 ', f r o m ir.!). . . . . i . l y .tn t i n - r e a r e aaS .uP. .> i . ^ ' r . f j l l . l - i - i , ! ! ! , ' , t a r .d : . l j ' e ^ v.111 t-e. o r i i e er,r r t.. rr .e- . r "..ii-.:, ,«. ,n rije-.r-ier -»r" it.e r --*• - '

lj.ire-i .t K a r.^lur^h. N. V . lu:- . '.:. : . , Apr.. i»"7

F K A M J . K '.. AT.SU N ^ .I»t-nurer. t.-nr ..t ^ *.

1 : t } ••! l - . a ' . ' - i . . . • „ • " l . I V E H A l l n l o i l f ,

« . .» , . , . C e o , , , „ . . ue r | J I I . . r »\ *.. I » 1 ; A \ K - .

"~ • 4 > « l . > •• u u --• • » , . r _' 1 I» - r

V u r n K J_> KoOer '

V ' I . . .f *>.-ni.vle.r Vtt, '. .ii 0 .1 . . ie . • &>*.], t 1

l u i i u r s u a i . . . c , f - 1 , . f . J r • 11 E l l e a l e y * ' - . J M S J . I . .

4 1 - 1 1 4 M i r r o g a t e *>f C u u t o J i i o u j . i t \ . V O I K . w ill* * l--. i i e re t .y t r l t e n .- r i - „-a'A. t o a l . t 'C rh ' l i i l .u l l l i ,

. . 1 , - 1 . . . ^

• • • • . . . I t • I •aim', v..'ii the >i.uir,cr» therm 1 -• 1 rier H I . ' . - p a.-e ..f : r a i . - a » l U i ^ ' . . « -• ill • • t t ! ir i .a .d S. l l ir t-ard. A t t « r . . t ^ .. . ; a n i >>t . Puif-r-uruh N V . . r i o r r . . t. r«- u • a i -1 > • t t u i t i r . 1 *:

i l t N l i i K U A K N M t l. ' i . ' . K i t . ut r f ^ a . i t E r . - . . .

F O K i S A L K .

Ti.ornugbl.ri.l itisluiH li.!.s. t.i.- ye^-a o l u , 5 yea rh i g i ai. 'l l ' l . i , t - - i A: ' . ' 'af 'H of U i t i . J h i . t l) B r i e t , . t t e - 0 C( . . . N i .

M I. DCILN-Nf-LL 1 S < 3

N OTICE liy order ..I U- u. l i - t - t r t L Ilr j_. , . l*..UUt) I u Ik'f a l . 1 d . 11 '^ ; ^ u f - 1; i u -Z * , , .

loj, 1 .uni) > j, 1. ti.e a (,, r c , h , ^ t , , . iUi? 10 *A t . . a l i i .e i^ .>l . . twtt It.-, , .*. u «* A . . . Edward lJura..d. .ale ..1 A l u u ^ \ j . - „ . i t 'ouii y. de.-*ascd. Utui t!.c> are r^.,.. ^-i L . * x Ic'iH the baiue ttie t .u. iters n-.i-e. 1 ».. t; .• i l i l i l M J i t t U ' i ' l l i r i i l i u at.-ft- ..I \ l 1 , . « u > Cusey. Altoua N \ . . .n t f In.!. r n L . .->.., j s j ,.<; o - U-hei-. IJuf.

t a l o d A p r n - 1 ' I.-". U l L L l A M c t i M i t .

t i n + » t J o u . s K. J i i«.i t ,

A l t o r n o v , 11 C t m t o u . s t r e e t .

P l a t l s l u i ^ l j . N* 1 . l .»v»

oflioe, I

liiat. oi Jurors. TtilAL Jl'JiuJiS.

NwniM ot ihrnnim Urawa ut rite t fii l.-i! t . tu/ly Clerk's Oflii e. May lat. I .e . l.< nr\> a^ Trial J u r o r s a l a IVru t o f t h e l u l t l - l i 1'. a r t t . t*-t hold at U16 Court HoUoo In tho t ilv t.f 1'iatn bnrith. on the third Monday, the J . -h Jay f May. 1007.

A asaUe— Joeeph tlordon. farmer, E L a m m , mechanic.

Beckinautown ' J C >ruoy. farmer Bla.-k Bro<k WHlam )1.4'.>raja* K li U-:,

k s u i r t i will « l»w the n a n u s of thirty .»:ii>t-r , , - U w u J , „ a , u . w niiaui Wsfbt'iaH sou . to ie rve a ; M a i Jurors a t a Trial Terui J o , ^ t , h { j j w t h / u t - m t : , , &J,X ,.; Of ih« Couulf C o i n , to be held at tho Court ' l lb iue , ill the city of I'lutuhui'Kb, In the I'omi'y of OliuUHi, ou tbe Ki Moud.y . the day of May. iat>7.

i . w". U. HOLC-tMBS Cllaiou Oouutr Ui«. k.

HORSE. NOT HORSES. The rveheroa ataillm. racLIX, M«. a* ,a i 1,

sea arrived; eaa a* *•>>• at a*r k*ru Aujroiie lai«atUa ia r.t»*a*e>i.rat a»w«s will ao w«ti u>

Chauiplata Wlillaiu Lfsht'iall. « H . i e r S . q w i i l i l t l w i l i furuiei, F r a n t Vx-i tae. J r >.-»r

tiici, SaiMileou aamavjie. Ub r-r Ml:.. *tt.iv«i, oierW. I'hartes Ka lo l t farmar

Edeu'iuriiii Dav.d Mattel, b l i ksiul h **oo«r«-J. B. Fitch, cleilt, Fr»uis. Oro*-u far

luer: Oeorije «-rk«oy f a r m « , Johu Farr farmer. IVru -Wliliam Wh t ioy , farmer, IMatUbjrieh t Towu) -.Hujth FUuiiascau. farm J r , £ " . . > L * l n * - '>»ru>e i M»* l n > u ) « . f a r u t ^ , Oau'el Bohan. fariujr Pial t ,bur i 'b u ' l ty) Trefli Uirdo. J A S.-h it.

N >uol«N> »u**0- M *w. JI t n d i t . Fr »d \u.,4ar. Mo*«» It ib idem, John ItittiUijou*

b a r a a a u — J o h u l ia 'aiauuii . I t r * > i , I ra K.

t^^SL^H'J^L^^ * *» Sath*rUod. »ta*M,Nerr«*, ^eaa ieUivaa. l a a a Mv»^ J- W. at UoLCoyiMii,