*the pluss toolkit extending telelogic doors and ibm ...paper iii *the pluss toolkit ― extending...

Paper III * The PLUSS Toolkit Extending Telelogic DOORS and IBM-Rational Rose to Support Product Line Use Case Modeling Magnus Eriksson 1 , Henrik Morast 2 , Jürgen Börstler 3 and Kjell Borg 1 1 Land Systems Hägglunds AB, SE-891 82 Örnsköldsvik, Sweden {Magnus.Eriksson, Kjell.Borg}@baesystems.se 2 Syntell AB, PO Box 100 22, SE-100 55 Stockholm, Sweden [email protected] 3 Dept. of Computing Science, Umeå University, SE-901 87 Umeå, Sweden [email protected] Abstract. The PLUSS approach (P roduct L ine U se case modeling for S ystems and S oftware engineering) is a domain modeling method tailored towards the development of long lived software intensive systems. PLUSS provides means to maintain a common and complete use case model for a whole family of systems. In this paper, we describe how the commercial requirements management tool Telelogic DOORS and the UML modeling tool IBM-Rational Rose can be extended and used for managing system family models in accordance with the PLUSS approach. * Proceedings of the 20th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering, Long Beach California, ACM Press, pp. 300-304

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  • Paper III

    *The PLUSS Toolkit ― Extending Telelogic DOORS and IBM-Rational Rose to Support Product Line Use

    Case Modeling

    Magnus Eriksson1, Henrik Morast2, Jürgen Börstler3 and Kjell Borg1

    1 Land Systems Hägglunds AB, SE-891 82 Örnsköldsvik, Sweden {Magnus.Eriksson, Kjell.Borg}@baesystems.se

    2 Syntell AB, PO Box 100 22, SE-100 55 Stockholm, Sweden [email protected]

    3 Dept. of Computing Science, Umeå University, SE-901 87 Umeå, Sweden [email protected]

    Abstract. The PLUSS approach (Product Line Use case modeling for Systems and Software engineering) is a domain modeling method tailored towards the development of long lived software intensive systems. PLUSS provides means to maintain a common and complete use case model for a whole family of systems. In this paper, we describe how the commercial requirements management tool Telelogic DOORS and the UML modeling tool IBM-Rational Rose can be extended and used for managing system family models in accordance with the PLUSS approach.

    * Proceedings of the 20th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software

    Engineering, Long Beach California, ACM Press, pp. 300-304

  • Paper III – The PLUSS Toolkit 69

    1 Introduction

    Software intensive defense systems, for example vehicles, are developed in short series. They are always customized for specific customer needs and they are expected to have very long life spans, often 30 years or longer. For a business to be competitive in a market like this it is important to achieve high levels of reuse and effective maintenance. An interesting approach to address such issues is known as software product line development. The basic idea of this approach is to use domain knowledge to identify common parts within a family of products and to separate them from the differences between the products. The commonalties are then used to create a product platform that can be used as a common baseline for all products within the product family.

    Due to earlier positive experiences with use cases in single system development, we aimed at a use case driven product line approach that could be applied by both our systems- and software engineering teams. To address problems and issues in existing product line use case modeling approaches, we have developed a domain modeling approach that utilizes features models [7], use cases [6] and use case realizations [8]. We refer to this approach as the PLUSS (Product Line Use case modeling for Systems and Software engineering) approach [2].

    In this paper we describe a number of extensions to the commercial requirements management tool Telelogic DOORS and the UML modeling tool IBM-Rational Rose aimed to better support the PLUSS approach. For the reminder of this paper we will refer to these extensions as the PLUSS toolkit.

    2 The PLUSS Approach

    The goal of the PLUSS approach is to provide means for maintaining a common and complete use case model for a whole family of systems. Doing so requires the proper management of variants among family members within such a model. We identified four types of variants in the use case models for our product families [2]. These variants regards the set of use cases included in a member of a family, the set of scenarios included in each use case, and the set of steps included in each use case scenario. Furthermore, cross-cutting aspects can exist that affect several use cases on several levels in the model.

    Our approach for managing variability in PLUSS is based on the work by Griss et al. on FeatuRSEB [5]. In FeatuRSEB a feature model is added to the 4+1 view model adopted by Jacobson et al. in RSEB [6]. Like Griss et al., we argue that feature models are better suited for domain modeling than for example UML use case diagrams and that a feature model therefore should be used as the high level view of the product family. We use a feature model as a tool for structuring use cases into reusable packages for a system family. We thereby provide means to manage variants among family members. Product instantiation of such a family model is then done by using the feature model as a tool to choose among its variants. The set of included features directly corresponds to a specific set of included use cases for a product.

  • 70 Magnus Eriksson, Henrik Morast, Jürgen Börstler and Kjell Borg 2.1 Feature Modeling in PLUSS

    Kang et al. first proposed using feature models in 1990 as part of Feature Oriented Domain Analysis (FODA) [7]. In feature models, system features are organized into trees that represent the commonalities and variations within a family of related systems. General features are located at the top of the tree and more refined features are located below. Originally, FODA described “Mandatory”, “Optional” and “Alternative” features that may have “requires” and “excludes” relations to other features. Mandatory features are available in all systems within a family. Optional features may or may not be included in products. Alternative features represent selections, where “exactly-one-out-of-many” features must be chosen. A “requires” relationship indicates that a feature depends on some other feature to make sense in a system. An “excludes” relationship between two features indicates that both features can not be included in the same system.

    In PLUSS, FODA feature modeling is slightly extended and modified to better suit our modeling needs. We have defined a new feature type called “Multiple Adaptor” feature to represent an “at-least-one-out-of-many” selection, which is missing in FODA [3]. We have also chosen to rename alternative features to “Single Adaptor” features, following the naming scheme proposed by Mannion et al. for the equivalent relations in their work on reusable requirements [9]. Single and multiple adaptor features are represented by the letters ‘S’ and ‘M’, respectively, surrounded by a circle as shown in Fig. 1. In the FODA notation, an arc connects sets of alternative features. Due to limitations in our tool support we removed this arc from the PLUSS notation. Instead we imposed a modeling constraint to ensure that only one set of single adaptor and multiple adaptor features respectively may exist under the same parent feature. This was necessary to avoid ambiguity in models whether a certain feature belongs to a specific set of single or multiple adaptor features. If several sets are needed under the same parent, a new level must be created in the feature tree and each set is placed under a separate parent feature.

















    S Single AdaptorMandatory Optional M Multiple AdaptorRequires Excludes





























    S Single AdaptorMandatory Optional M Multiple AdaptorRequires Excludes

    S Single AdaptorS Single AdaptorMandatoryMandatory OptionalOptional M Multiple AdaptorM Multiple AdaptorRequiresRequires ExcludesExcludes




    Fig. 1: A feature model example in the PLUSS notation.

    2.2 Relating Features and Use Cases

    Gooma [4] proposed to model each feature as a use case package. We have extended this idea saying that a whole set of features can compose a use case package. This

  • Paper III – The PLUSS Toolkit 71

    enables us to also visualize variants within use case specifications using the feature model. As shown in the example in Fig. 2, use cases as well as use case scenarios can be mapped to features of any type to capture required variants among the members of a system family.


















    Optional Feature: abOptional Feature: ab

    Use Case: Introduction.Main Success Scenario.Alternative Scenarios



    Use Case: Introduction.Main Success Scenario.Alternative Scenarios































    Optional Feature: abOptional Feature: ab

    Use Case: Introduction.Main Success Scenario.Alternative Scenarios



    Use Case: Introduction.Main Success Scenario.Alternative Scenarios



    Fig. 2: An example of the relationship between features, use cases and use case


    We have chosen to adopt an extended version of the RUP-SE “Flow of Events” notation [11] shown in Fig. 3 for describing use case scenarios and realizations. As shown in the example in Fig. 4, the extension utilizes the step identifier of the original notation to capture variants as we described in [2].



    Whitebox Action

    DesignElement_2… DesignElement_3…

    It shall…


    WhiteboxBudgeted Req.






    The Actor…

    The use case ends when…

    Actor Action

    The System…

    BlackboxSystem Response

    It shall…

    BlackboxBudgeted Req.

    (a) (b)



    Whitebox Action

    DesignElement_2… DesignElement_3…

    It shall…


    WhiteboxBudgeted Req.






    The Actor…

    The use case ends when…

    Actor Action

    The System…

    BlackboxSystem Response

    It shall…

    BlackboxBudgeted Req.

    (a) (b)



    Whitebox Action

    DesignElement_2… DesignElement_3…

    It shall…


    WhiteboxBudgeted Req.






    The Actor…

    The use case ends when…

    Actor Action

    The System…

    BlackboxSystem Response

    It shall…

    BlackboxBudgeted Req.

    (a) (b) Fig. 3: The (a) Blackbox flow of events used for describing use case scenarios, and

    (b) the Whitebox flow of events used for describing use case realizations.

    As shown in Fig. 4, there is also a predefined set of feature constructs that should be mapped against each type of variant in the use case scenario notation. We maintain this redundant information on purpose, since the extra information considerably improves readability. Using the underlying tools, this redundancy does not pose a problem since automatic consistency checking between the models could easily be implemented. We also have included use case parameters [6] in the PLUSS notation

  • 72 Magnus Eriksson, Henrik Morast, Jürgen Börstler and Kjell Borg [2], as shown in steps ‘3c’ and ‘5’ in Fig. 4. This provides means to capture cross-cutting variability in models.

    Step Actor Action BlackboxSystem Response

    BlackboxBudgeted Req.




    The Actor…



    The System…



    It shall…

    ………… @PARAM_1……… $PARAM_2…………








    S S S

    S S S

    Mandatory step

    Optional step

    Exactly one to beselected for amandatory step

    At least one to beselected for amandatory step

    Exactly one to beselected for anoptional step

    At least one to be selected for anoptional step

    Step Actor Action BlackboxSystem ResponseBlackbox

    Budgeted Req.1



    The Actor…



    The System…



    It shall…

    ………… @PARAM_1……… $PARAM_2…………


    Step Actor Action BlackboxSystem ResponseBlackbox

    Budgeted Req.1



    The Actor…



    The System…



    It shall…

    ………… @PARAM_1……… $PARAM_2…………








    S S SS S S

    S S SS S S

    Mandatory step

    Optional step

    Exactly one to beselected for amandatory step

    At least one to beselected for amandatory step

    Exactly one to beselected for anoptional step

    At least one to be selected for anoptional step

    Fig. 4: An example of the relationship between features, variant use case scenario

    steps and use case parameters in the PLUSS notation.

    3 PLUSS Tool Support

    For software product line development to become efficient in every day practice, adequate tool support is an important factor. Unfortunately, this tool support is lacking today. Some experimental tools and very few commercial tools are available. Furthermore, existing tools are not providing the functionality needed to support the PLUSS approach in a satisfying manner. There are many risks associated with using tools designed for single system development in a software product line environment, like for example the following (see [1] for a detailed discussion on these issues).

    1. There is a high risk that resources may be expended unnecessarily, because of lack of adequate tool support.

    2. There is a high risk that artifacts become inconsistent, because tools do not enable linkage or traceability between the different types of artifacts.

    3. There is a high risk that tools become difficult to maintain, because of the need for local modifications to enable product line development.

    Even tough we recognize and agree with these risks, we have chosen to adapt and extend our existing single system CASE tool environment to support the PLUSS approach. The two main arguments for this decision were:

    1. Using the existing CASE tool environment will minimize the need for training of personnel.

    2. Using commercially available tools will minimize the amount of tool code that needs to be maintained.

    The main tools used to support the PLUSS approach are the requirements management tool Telelogic DOORS and the UML modeling tool IBM-Rational Rose. Both tools are widely used and accepted in industry. We use Telelogic DOORS to

  • Paper III – The PLUSS Toolkit 73

    manage our system family use case models and IBM-Rational Rose for drawing feature graphs and UML diagrams. We then generate appropriate reports from our domain model as MS Word documents, as shown in Fig. 5. We have implemented a number of small extensions to these tools, which we refer to as the PLUSS toolkit. However, to address the third risk above, our strategy is to keep these extensions as small as possible.

    Feature Model,Use Case Specifications

    andUse Case Realizations


    Feature Graphand

    UML Diagrams


    Repository ofPublished Reports

    Software CM SystemMS Word Reports

    Feature Model,Use Case Specifications

    andUse Case Realizations


    Feature Graphand

    UML Diagrams


    Repository ofPublished Reports

    Software CM SystemMS Word Reports Fig. 5: Overview of the PLUSS toolkit.

    3.1 Telelogic DOORS

    Telelogic DOORS is an “object” database intended for requirements management. Objects may be arranged in a hierarchic structure in modules. Typically, node objects are used as headings and leaf objects are used for data items such as (textual) requirements. Both headings and text are usually displayed in a single column in the DOORS graphical user interface. This column is referred to as the main column. DOORS also has a link concept enabling definitions of binary relationships between objects. Links form the basis for traceability in DOORS.

    It is possible to define attributes on both module and object level in DOORS. An object attribute holds a value for each object in a module. Module attributes can be used for storing additional data not related to specific objects in modules. An attribute definition specifies what kind of information an attribute can store. Object attributes can be displayed in columns within a module in the DOORS graphical user interface. Combining this possibility with DOORS support for filtering on properties of objects, a user may define views suiting different needs. These views are used when working with data and also for reporting and exporting information to other tools. Views may be saved in a module for later use.

    3.2 Feature Modeling in DOORS

    Feature models are managed in specific DOORS modules. The basic idea is to use the standard DOORS object hierarchy to model the “refine” relation for building feature

  • 74 Magnus Eriksson, Henrik Morast, Jürgen Börstler and Kjell Borg trees. Each feature becomes a heading and leaf objects are used for capturing different kinds of information regarding each feature. A number of attributes are defined in a feature model module:

    • A Characteristics attribute is used for classifying each object in the module as “General Information”, a “Feature”, a “Feature description”, a “Feature graph” or a “Use Case Diagram”. General information objects are typically used for introductory information in the domain model, such as use case actor descriptions etc.

    • A Feature Type attribute is used for classifying features in the feature hierarchy. It can take the values “mandatory”, “optional”, “single adaptor” or “multiple adaptor”.

    • A Require attribute and an Exclude attribute is used to capture the “requires” and “excludes” relation between features. This is realized by means of a reference holding the identity of the required or excluded feature objects.

    • A Use Case Package attribute is used when filtering out a use case model survey from the domain model. Elaborating on the discussion in section 2.2, a sub-tree of the feature model typically corresponds to a use case package for a specific system within a system family. This attribute is used for marking such sub trees in the model.

    • A Product Instances attribute is used to mark features as included or not by systems within a system family. This information is managed using a multi-valued enumeration attribute that can assume the names of all systems in the family as shown in Fig. 6. This information is then used for filtering out product specific use case models for the different systems in the family. Equivalent information can however also be captured as incoming links from higher level specifications to feature objects. Which method to use, depends on the requirements for traceability to higher level specifications in the specific project.

    Fig. 6: The DOORS Domain Model View (note that project specific information is


  • Paper III – The PLUSS Toolkit 75

    3.3 Feature Graphs in Rose

    To be able to draw feature graphs in Rose, we utilized the UML stereotype mechanism [10]. Icons for all PLUSS feature types were created. These icons were then associated with UML “Classes” that had been stereotyped as the different feature types. The UML “Dependency” relation was then stereotyped as “require” and the UML “Association” relation was stereotyped as “excludes”. Furthermore, UML “Classes” are used for visualizing domain names and UML “Association” relations are used for visualizing the refinement relation in Rose. All new elements for feature modeling have been added to the use case diagram toolbar in the graphical user interface of Rose.

    3.4 Use Case Specifications and Use Case Realizations in DOORS

    Each use case is managed as a separate module in the DOORS database. Introductory information is captured in a traditional document structure with headings and text in the DOORS main column. To capture use case scenarios and use case realizations in DOORS, we use one DOORS object to describe each scenario step. To be able to do this, object attributes for all columns in the PLUSS notation shown in Fig. 3, except the “Actor Action” column must be defined. For the “Actor Action” column, the DOORS main column is used.

    The relationship between blackbox and whitebox scenario steps (realizations) is managed using the standard DOORS object hierarchy. All whitebox step objects are children to their corresponding blackbox step object. This means that use case specifications and their corresponding realisation are actually different views of the same DOORS module.

    3.5 Relating Features and Use Cases in DOORS

    We relate features and use cases as follows in DOORS: • A feature can be related to zero or more complete use cases. We manage this

    relation in DOORS by inserting a UML use case diagram showing use cases as a leaf object under a feature object in a feature model module.

    • A feature can be related to zero or more use case scenarios. We manage this relation in DOORS by creating an outgoing link from a heading object naming a scenario in a use case module, to a feature object in a feature model module using the DOORS link concept.

    • A feature can be related to zero or more scenario steps. We manage this relation in DOORS by creating an outgoing link from a scenario step object in a use case module to a feature object in a feature model module, using the DOORS link concept.

    As shown in Fig. 4, we do not relate mandatory scenario steps to the feature model. The same is also true for mandatory use case scenarios. This is not needed since the primary purpose of the feature model is not to provide a total view of a system family, but rather to visualize variants in the family use case model.

  • 76 Magnus Eriksson, Henrik Morast, Jürgen Börstler and Kjell Borg 3.6 DOORS Extensions for the PLUSS Approach

    DOORS can be customized using its integrated scripting language DXL (DOORS eXtension Language) [12]. DXL supports all kinds of manipulations of the DOORS database. DXL can also be used to adapt and extend the standard DOORS user interface and for controlling other Windows applications that provide automation interfaces.

    The following sections briefly describe some DXL tools that were developed as part of the PLUSS toolkit. These tools consist of approximately 1.000 lines of low complexity DXL code in total.

    3.6.1 Check Feature Model The purpose of the “Check Feature Model” tool is to help the user with basic consistency control of feature model modules. The tool checks a number of rules and conditions and presents to the user any violations in the graphical user interface. Currently, we have implemented the following rules/conditions:

    • Only heading objects are marked as features. • All feature objects have a defined feature type. • No “require” relations exist within a set of “single adaptor features”. • Only feature objects have “require” or “exclude” relations. • All “exclude” relations are bi-directional. • No contradictions exist regarding “exclude” relations and “mandatory

    features”. • No “exclude” relations exist between ancestors and descendants in the

    feature hierarchy. • No contradictions exist regarding “exclude” relations and “require” relations.

    3.6.2 Check Configuration The purpose of the “Check Configuration” tool is to verify whether a specific product instance (configuration) of the domain model is consistent with the feature model. The tool checks the following properties and presents to the user any violations in the graphical user interface.

    • All “mandatory features” with included parent features are included in the configuration.

    • All ancestors to included features in the feature hierarchy are included in the configuration.

    • The configuration does not violate “exclude” or “require” relations. • The configuration does not violate the rules of “single adaptor” or “multiple

    adaptor” features.

    3.6.3 Illustrate Feature Model Hierarchy The purpose of the “Illustrate Feature Model Hierarchy” tool is to illustrate a portion of the feature model hierarchy in the DOORS graphical user interface. From a selected feature object in a feature model module, a feature tree with all ancestors of the selected feature is drawn in a dialog box. The tool provides possibilities to

  • Paper III – The PLUSS Toolkit 77

    collapse and expand the nodes of the tree. The tool also provides the user with an option to insert the illustration as a picture in a new DOORS object.

    3.6.4 Create Use Case Module The purpose of the “Create Use Case Module” tool is to automatically create use case modules with certain properties. This has been realized by pre-creating a use case template module with predefined structure, attributes and views which is copied by the tool.

    3.6.5 Create Product Use Case Model Survey The purpose of the “Create Product Use Case Model Survey” tool is to filter out a use case model survey for a specific product instance from a feature model module. The tool accomplishes this by removing, from the selected view, those objects that do not fulfil all of the following conditions:

    • If an object is marked as “General Information”, it must be either a descendant of an included “Feature” object or marked as included by the specified product instance itself.

    • If the object is marked as a “Feature”, it must also be marked as included by the specified product instance and be marked as being a “Use Case Package”. The names of these included features then become headings in the use case model hierarchy in the survey.

    • If the object is marked as a “Use Case Diagram”, it must be a descendant of a “Feature” object marked as included by the specified product instance.

    The resulting view can then be exported into a Use Case Model Survey Report for the selected product instance using the standard DOORS MS Word export.

    3.6.6 Export Use Case The purpose of the “Export Use Case” tool is to export use case modules from DOORS to MS Word as use case specifications and use case realizations.

    The “Export Use Case” tool is based on the standard DOORS MS Word export, which is written in DXL. The basic idea of the tool is to export blackbox and whitebox scenarios as specially formatted tables (see Fig. 3), and all other information as ordinary headings and text. The tool distinguish between scenarios and other information using the “Step” attribute, which only has a defined value if an object is part of a scenario.

    4 Summary and Conclusions

    We have described how commercially available CASE tools, traditionally used in single system development, can be extended and utilized for managing system family models in accordance with the PLUSS approach.

    The described PLUSS toolkit is currently being used in several large scale industrial development projects in the defense domain. Our experience so far is quite

  • 78 Magnus Eriksson, Henrik Morast, Jürgen Börstler and Kjell Borg positive. An informal evaluation indicated that the toolkit allows developers to work more effectively. A formal evaluation of the toolkit is currently planned.


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    5. Griss M., Favaro J., d’Alessandro M.: Integrating Feature Modeling with the RSEB, Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Software Reuse, Vancouver, BC, Canada (1998) 76-85.

    6. Jacobson I., Griss M., Jonsson P.: Software Reuse – Architecture, Process and Organization for Business success, Addison-Wesley (1997)

    7. Kang K. Cohen S., Hess J., Novak W., Peterson A.: Feature Oriented Domain Analysis (FODA) Feasibility Study, Technical Report CMU/SEI-90-TR-021, Software Engineering Institute, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA (1990)

    8. Kruchten P.: The Rational Unified Process - An Introduction, Second Edition, Addison-Wesley (2000)

    9. Mannion M., Lewis O., Kaindl H., Montroni G., Wheadon J.: Representing Requirements on Generic Software in an Application Family Model, Proceedings of the International Conference on Software Reuse ICSR-6 (2000) 153-196.

    10. Object Management Group: Unified Modeling Language Version 2.0, Available at: http://www.uml.org (2005)

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