the polynesian. (honolulu, hi) 1860-09-29 [p ]....emerald, his eyes glowing like carbuncles, and...

THE POLYNESIAN. SATURDAY. SEPTEMBER 29. I860. A La meat I dearly loved sweet Nelly Lee, Tht belle or all tbe town ; Her lock of sunny brown, Thft wreathed ber fair and lovely face. And Tan of witching grace, Sell gently down Over ber inowy shoulders, free la coil of richest fold ; Around my poor heart rolled Their silken band. Oh, she befiddled Ke, M Delilah diddled , gamsoa of old 1 Bow a the little charming thief Would whisper Thou art mine !" .. Of course," said I. "I'm thine!" Till cousin Tom came home from sea Captain then out of me He took the ahine. Ala! and must I speak my grief? " Thi heavy naval iweU Married my little Nell ! But yet, amid my deepest woe, tit a relief to know lie whips ber well ! Daaaralie lAft fFlif. A correspondent of the New York Commercial give s graphic account of the habits of a pair of sticklebacks in his aquarium, and of the general ap- pearance of bis marine museum. He says : About a month ago, tbe male stickleback began to assume very brilliant colors, a Vermillion red un- derneath, and a deep sea green on the back, and then to form nests in the sea lettuce, and the fe- males spawned. For a day or two the nests were vigilantly watched ty the males, but subsequently were abandoned. Suspecting that the hermit crabs had been filibustering upon them, I removed those gentlemen from the tank, with everything else like- ly to disturb the process I was anxious to observe, leaving in it, in fact, only the actiniae, and a few hrimps and sea-snail- s. I then procured another of sticklebacks from the Museum, the female Eir near spawning. Withing twenty-fou- r hours the male was busy in his pleasant work of nest-makin- g, his litlebody glowing with Vermillion and all the hues of the rainbow, and I can describe from personal observation fucts in natural history which Dot for the aquarium conld never have been known. The nest is made of fragments of seaweed, and the whole duty devolves upon the male. The con- struction occupied him about two days. His activi- ty wag wonderful. On the third day I judged by the action of both fishes that the nest was complete and the moment of spawning at hand. The open- ing in the nest was not quite so large as a three-ce- nt piece. Taking a last survey of the new djrui-cil- e, the male then drove the female into it, and 6he remained there about seventy seconds. M'hen she entered the nest the excitement of the male was o intense that his back changed from a dark green to a pure silver. The moment she had passed through tbe nest and came out denuded ol her spawn, his cotors resumed their full brilliancy, and he re- newed his activity in adding fibres of sea-we- ed to the nest, carrying them in his mouth, adjusting them with the utmost care, and keeping them in place by the aid of particles of gravel diligently collected from the bottom of the Unk. I should like to picture before your readers my aquarium as it now appears. The water is as transparent as light. The brown rocks and bright with each other, sea-lettu- ce finely contrast ?reen actiniae white, red and brown are in full bloom, the delicate lace-wo- rk of their florescence expanded. Shrimps, with their beautifully trans parent forms, are ceaselessly traveling across the area of the tank, and Mr. Stickleback, from rosy morn to dewy eve, is incessantly darting into the minuture caves, searching for animalcule or small Crustacea, radiant with vermillion and blue nd emerald, his eyes glowing like carbuncles, and ever and anon hovering over his nest, as a humming- bird flutters around a flower, and woe to the stray shrimp that approaches that sacred and well-guard- ed spot. In fifteen days I expect to see a shoal of young Sticklebacks in his company. In a subsequent commnnication, the writer con- tinued his interesting description as follows : "In the account of my salt water aquarium, which you deemed of sufficient interest to publish, I mentioned that in about fifteen days I expected to have a shoal of sticklebacks. They came sooner . T . .1 Tl.. VtAtflfr ft t Bt. vlwut AJt man i eipcvtcu. anc urot hob uidiuiucu acci- dentally on the fourteenth day after the female spawned, and your correspondent anticipated that his experiment had resulted in failure. Better luck awaited me, however. I perceived on the morning following the accident that the wale stickleback still hovered around the spot, that his gorgeous colors were increased in brilliancy, and that he was extraordinarily excited and vigilant. If even a stray snail came near his nest, he would seize by the fleshy part, carry it across the tank, and angri- ly throw it into the most distant coner, and woe to the lucklesss shrimp that dared to come withing six inches of his demolished domicile ; while to touch the outside of the glass wall with the finger was to throw him into a lrenzy of pugnaciousness. I therefore took a magnifying glass, and began a careful examination of the locality of the broken nest, end I confess to sharing somewhat in tt,e ex- citement of my little freind of the crimson and emerald vesture, when I discovered a school of young sticklebacks, which, on dispensing with the glass, I could barely distinguish with the naked eve. They were congregated in a cave or twain close to the damaged nest, and for the first day they were not permitted to stray the eighth of an inch from that locality. On the second day they were permitted, now clearly visible to the naked eye, but infinitessimal in their proportions, to spread into a shoal of about an inch and a half in diameter. If one straggled away from the rest, Mr. Stickleback very promptly took it in his mouth as a cat would ber kitten, and deposited it close byhe nest, in such a summary manner as plainly to say 'Stop Uam, witniorirnarit rfil irmt Inarri kKoilianrto bni IUCIV IWt UUtlUU4VUV UUV J Wsa WUVMIWUVW good behavior.' "What most interested and surprised me, bow-eve- r, was, that toward sundown, their vigilant guardian gently drove them all into the nest and carefully covered them over with sea weed, literal- ly pot them to bed and tucked in the clothes, as carefully and tenderly as ever fond mother perform- ed the same offices lor her darling child, which, considering the sex of the guardian, 6truck me as highly honorable to his parental character. On tbe third day I write when they are only four days old they were permitted a wider range, lia-b-la always to he brought back as before wbeu they strayed too far, and were put to bed a little later. Tbey were stirring, too, this morning, a little ear- lier than they were yesterday morning. Thus have I been enabled, and thus may any of your readers be enabled, to increase tbe knowledge of natural history in those of its most interesting phases which have heretofore been secluded from human observa- tion. Permit me once more to say that there can not be a purer ana more instructive nome pleasure than an aquarium." . . A Thmluso Scixb A noise was heard on deck, the dog-wat- ch sprung from his caboose, seized tbe glg-Wm- p, auu u.yiu utci iic uucjn w , made him shin up the bowsprit, catch bold of the sky-scrap- er, which he used so freely on the keelson that he rubbed off. the shoe of the anchor, which was caught by tbe cat barpings, who commenced to spanker with the boom till she burst through the stays, catting the topsail ties, grabbed the mon- key's tail, which knocked a Jew's eye out of the Terk'e bead, caught the snip round the waist with one hand, boxed the compass with the other, till the cook cried, and the captain applied the leaches of the foresail to the inflamed eye of tbe astonish- - 17 A pleasure of which we are pure to repent can never De a peaceiui one. Bkactuti Extract You cannot go into the mea- dow and pluck up a single daisy by the roots, with- out breaking up a society of nice relations and de- tecting a principle more extensive and refined than mere gravitation. The handful ofearth thatfollows the tiay roots of the flowers is replete with social elements. A little social circle has been formed around that germinating daisy. The sunbeam and the dew drop met there, and the soft summer breeze came whispering through the tall grass to join the concert. The earth took them to the daisy rem: and all went to work to show that flower of e . . ... . r ' . T il . the sun. .Each mingled iu toe noney 01 us iduu-enc- e, and they nursed the "wee canny thing" with an aliment that made it erow. And when it lifted its eyes towards the sky they wove a soft carpet of grass lor its feet. Ana tne sun saw it tnrougn wie green leaves and smiles as it passed on; and by star- light and monlight they worked on. And the daisy lifted up its head, and one morning while the sun was looking, it put on its silver-rimme- d diadem, and showed its yellow petals to the stars. A Sensible Thing to Say and Do Archbishop Hughes, at the anniversary of the Mount St. Vin- cent Academy in New I'ork, a short time since, made an excellent speech. He said that he was going, at the next session, to inaugurate a new study. He was going to introduce into the estab- lishment what he called " the Science of the Cu- isine," meaning the whole art and mystery of cook- ing dinners and keeping house. Every young lady, he 6aid, though 6he were the daughter of a Queen, ought to understand the entire management of that 6phereof life of which she is the beautiful mis- tress. Herald. A teacher, one day, endeavoring to make a pupil understand the nature and application of a passive verb, said : "A passive verb is expressive of the nature of receiving an action as, Peter is beaten. Now what did Peter do ! "Well. I don't know." answered the boy. paus ing a moment, with the gravest countenance possi- ble. " without he hollered!" Getting Rid of a Bore. A pretended natural- ist was boring Hook with the distinctions in form- ation and habits between two animals of the eame eentis. Hook, who neither knew nor wished to know anything about it, said, " It flashes on me now ; I 6ee the distinction ; it's just the same in swine !" " The same ?" cried the astonished nat- uralist. " Yes," said Hook, "you know some pigs are drioen, and some pigs are rarf." FAMILY MARKET! B. F. HARDER, RESPECTFIXI.Y TO IXFORM THE BKtiS and public of Honolulu, that he has oened the FAMILY TvrATtTgiryr. On King Street, opposite the Bethel, In order to supply a treat public want, uamely, that of good Butcher's Meat for Family use. B. F. II. having made arrangements for the pick of the best and largest herd en the island of Oahu. and secured a constant supply of tbe celebrated KAHCKU BEEF, MUTTON and PORK, tru.-t-s that those families who favored him so constantly before his visit to the United States, will give him a share of their pat- ronage, and assures them that nothing shall be wanting on his part to merit their custom. IF VOU WANT ;OOD DEEP, Call at the FAMILY MARKET! if you want ;ooi mutton. Call at the FAMILY MARKET! IF YOU WANT GOOD PORK, Call at the FAMILY MARKET! IF YOU WANT GOOD SAUSAGES, Get them at the FAMILY MARKET! 47 tf LUMJER! 244,356 FEET OF AS HANDSOME LUMBER 4 S EVER CAME TO THIS MARKET, NOW Xx. landing from the bark entine "Constitution," consisting of !0 M feet Tongued andtiraoved Boards, I and 134 inch. M M feet 1 inch Boards; 60 M assorted Scantling; 12 M 5 feet Tickets; 10 M Laths; 60 M Shingles. AH of which is for sale in large or small lots, at a price to suit the times. Call before you buy, and take a look, for they do sav that GEORGE ti. HOWE can sell a little lower than any other dealer. S tf NOTICE! BOUND TO LIVE ! BUT NOT IN OPPOSITION7! THE UNDERSIGNED would respectfully 1st. his friends and the public In general, that he has open- ed a shop and commenced the CARI'EXTEKlXG BCSIXESS, at his residence on King street opposite the Queen s Hospital, where he is prepared to do anything in his line, such as Hon? fcaiMias House raisinK, liauae snoring. House repairing. General Jobbing in the carpenter's line done at the shortest notice. f&x" VH EELWRIGHT work in all Its rarlous branch. es, done with the best of material and in a satisfac tory manner. K- - AKt.ilA. N. B. Though a few steps out of the way, you will find it to your interest to give me a call. 45-t- f Hides, Coat Skins, Tallow, Hush, Old Copper, Old Composition, Old Yel.o.r Metal. PURCHASED AT THE BIG BEST MARKET RATES 11 tf By C. BREWER k Co., Market Wharf. SISTERHOOD OF THE SACRED HEARTS HONOLULU, Tort St, near the Catholic Church. SECOND ANNUAL. SESSION OF THIS THE will commence on September 1st, lotjO. Young Ladies of every religions denomination will be ad- mitted, provided it be previously agreed that they ill coafbrm to the general regulations of the bouse. The course of Education for Boarders w ill comprise Read- ing, Writing, Grammar, Composition, Elocution, Arithmetic, Geography, ue of Globes, History, sacred and profane, Chro- nology. Mytholory, Logic, French and Geruiaa Languages, Book-Keepin- .Music, vocal and instrumental, Lxaning, Painting, and ali kinds of Fancy Needle-Work- . The bisters being aware that all education is imperfect with- out tbe knowledge of the Law ot God, will devote themselves, w ith the most sedulous care, to- - the religious in. miction of their Catholic pupil, without neglecting to inculcate in the mind of the others the general principles of Christian morali- ty. Tbe most conscientious attention will be given to form their manners and to train them up to habits of order, neatness and industry. The diet will be wholesome and abundant. The health of the pnpils will be the object of constant and maternal solicitude, and, at all times they will tie under the immediate tuperinlendance of their teacher. TERMS. Hoard and Tuition, per Session, . - - 'UU Music, Drawing, Painting, German Laapuige.and Artificial Flowers, will form extra charges. ftr No extra charge for the French Language. Payments to be made quarterly in advance. Persons resid- ing at a distance are requested to have a responsible agent in the city of Honolulu. No redaction made In ease of child re a being withdrawn be- fore the expiration of the quarter. Tuesdays and Saturdays will be the appointed days for parents to visit their children. On the first Saturday of each month the boarders will be al- lowed to go oat with their parents or guardians, but never with any other, without a written permission Irom saiJ par- ents or guardians. They must return to the establishment be- fore 6 o'clock P. M., In same day. i Postage, stationery, washing and wending. Doctor's fees and medicines! will be chargeable to the parents. For further particulars, ap licailon may he mads to Sister Maria Josephs. ltf BOUND VOLUMES. HOUND VOLUMES OF THK "POLYNESIAN" FOR !- - I (iol. XVI) now ready and tor tale at lata umc rnr o. Ucal (Eetott. TO BE SOLD! ESTATE BELONGING TO MTHE Esq., situated in .Nuuanu Valley, and now by Thomas Brown. The House consists of Dining and Drawing R corns, four Bed Rooms and Dressing Room, and Pantry and Cookhouse adjoining, with Coach House and stabling for two horses. Bath Room, Servants' Room and Poultry house and yard. Within the enclosure are two Cottages, one containing two and the other three rooms. For particulars apply at the Register Office. SO tf Real Estate FOR LEASE OH SALIJ ! THE WEU KSOWX ESTABLISHMENT the UNION HOTEL, to be leased or sold on reasonable sdM terms, as the Proprietor, through ill health, intends to retire from business. 15 Sin Honolulu, August, 1860. Real Estate for Sale or Lease ys. the unirsE tD premises late. Mi'ij! '7 occupied by Mr. W. Kinney, situated at the corner of e, lieretama and Punch Bowl streets a very desirable loca tion for a family. Terms liberal. Apply to 1 tf S. SATIDGE. TO LET ! FIRE-PROO- F IVorehonsr. Best, handiest and safest storeroom in 'own. Tbe fire-pro- of build- ing in the rear of Dr. MrKibbin's store, containing a spacious cellar, first and second slorv. the w hole being the most Convenient and safest place lor torn re. Rent ressouahle. Apply to (46 tf) T. C. HEUCK. TO LET. et, between i den's cooperage and J. II. Strauss . A good bui liliiig lot, or place for storage. Apply to 4J-t- f T, C. HEUCK. TO KENT ! THE LARGE and commodious Dwelling House, situated on the corner of Fort and Beretania streets, at present occupied by Hon. D. L. Gregg. Pos-- i session given on the 1st April, 100. Apply to C. BREWER it Co. Honolulu, March 8,1860. 4o tf TO LET. f SLEEPING ROOMS' TO LET ENQUIRE OF MR. "j HUMPHREYS, Garden htreet. lit K00MS TO LET, FROM $1 PER WEEK. Apply to S. JOHNSON. 53 tf House Carpenter. COFFEE PLANTATION FOR SALE. ifcg5, THE CELEBRATED TITCOMB COFFEE &'f&-?- y Plantation, at llaualei, Ka-iai- is offered for sale. 5'3iaJi4 The land of the plantation comprises upwards of Kfr ff I0.VJ Acres, and has upon it 50,000 Ccffrt Trret. J The land is well adapted to the cultivation of "-- B Sugar Cane. The estate is unencumbered, and will Se sold hy Fee Simple Title. For full particulars and terms of sale, enquire of 7-- tf B. F. SNOW. jotcl5 nub Ucstaurnnts. Hotel de France. (FRENCH HOTEL.) VICTOR CHANCER EL.. Prop- rietor, bee to inform his friends and the public generally, lhnt be has made extensive liniirnvmitf in hi flnfl nrnii and that he has now accommodations for parties of every description. Also attached, a HILLlARDtiAI.OUN, fitted up in superior style. Single rooms on the premises for families or single gentlemen. CiTIIE BAR is supplied with the choicest Wines and Liquors ; and the Proprietor, grateful for the liberal patronage heretofore extended to him, begs to assure the public that no pains will be spared to entire satisfaction to residents and strangers visiting Honolulu. COLD AND WARM IIATI1S ! X. B Entrance by Fort, Hotel and Union sis. 12 tf National Hotel, CORNER OF NUUANU & HOTEL STS. THE UNDERSIGNED. Propri- e- iJJW tor of the above establishment, would inform - his friends and th nnhlir. that ifh hii v. tensive stork of the best brands of Wines 3" and Liquors, new BILLIARD 3 A LOON, BOWLI.NU ALLEYS, and gentlemanly attendance, nothing a left wanting lor their comfort and amusement, '.w-l- v ' JOSEPH BOOTH. REDUCED PRICES! THE riiflei-KljrneiL- , Proprietor of the GERMAN OCEAN RESTAURANT, takes the op- portunity to return his thanks to the public for the patronage so liberally bestowed upon hiin, and hereby gives notice that he has reduced his prices o as to Suit the dull times ! During the summer months his prices for board will be $4, .$5 and &6 per week. Hoard may also be had by the day or single meal. No pains will be spared to give entire satisfaction. A con- tinuance of public favor is solicited. G. WILHLLM, King (t., between BetlicI and Fort sts. Honolulu, May 5,1 8G0. . tf Globe Coffee Saloon, THE nndrrtitrtiesl has this day opened a a COFFEE and REFRESHMENT SALOON, on Fort iJ M , , . n..,u..:tA .v.. iAA L'- -n .f II. .M I...-. Km pfea. iii be happy to meet his friends, and will spare no efforts to please them. 55 The best Oyster Stews or Chocolate prepared at a few minutes notice. Honolulu, May 10, 1860. 2 tf F. W. LOBE. Machine Carpenter's Shop. UNDERSIGNED WOULD INFORM HIS FRIEND3 THE the public that on the 5th Inst, he will resume his for- mer business as a Iluilder and House Carpenter! at the stand hitherto occupied by Messrs. Watson dc Leonard, on the Pwinton Premises, King street. With every facility for doing all branches of AVOOI) AVORK! to the best advantage, and respectfully solicits a share of public patronage. Having secured the services of first rate workmen, he will also add CABIXET M.IKIA'G, TCRXIXG, and CARRIAGE WORK to hs other business. if Stuff sawed and planed by machinery for carpenters and others. C. II. LEWERS. N. B General Lumber Business will be conducted as hereto- fore on the Fort Street Premises, where the best selected stork will be sold on the most reasonable terms. 18 tf COOPERING ! James -- A.. Burdick COOPER & G AUGER! fTJi IN KEMOVIXK HIS BUSINESS IciTW to his new cooperage on the esplanade. Fort Hiiaaa Street, takes tl is opportunity of returning his sincere thanks to his friends and the pnblic in general, for tr.e support and patronage which they have been pleased to grant to him for the past ten years, and hopes that by attention to business and promptness in the execution of all orders in- trusted to bun, to merit a continuance of their favors. On Hand and for Sole Upwards of 4000 barrels of all sorts and sixes of casks. 50 ly LEWIS & NORTON, inK'SBtntB! CORNER OF BETHEL & KING STS., ARE NOW PREPARED to execnte sill Orders In line promptly and at reasonable rates. Thankful for past patronage, tbey eoiifldently rely upon their old customers for a continuance of their favors, and trust that their endeavors to please, and extreme low rates of charges, win Insure to them a fair share of business in their line. N. B. New and secoud hand Casks and Shocks always on hand, which they will sell at the lowest market rates. 23 tf THOMAS KEEGAIN t Fort Street, next door to Von Holt & Henck, WOIXD Inform the Public that he has aidtt" a business. Having a good stock of ma- - Lteriala oa hand, together with thirty years' practical knowledge of his basinets, and by doing work at reasonable prices, he hopes to gain a share of public patronage. flCA. Cement, California and Hawaiian Lime for sale. 48 tf VbiJcrlisnncnts. B. F. SNOW, Honolulu, Oahu. II. I. FOR SALE, at tbe lowest market rate, OFFERS aaortmeat of merchandise : White linen handkerchiefs, Suspenders, White towelliug. Ladies' riding guanUels, Blue flannel suits. Blue bunting. Blue drills, Boys' jackets, RAVENS DUCK, Britannia rastors. White water bottlea, Table spoons. Sett crockery ware, Cut goblets, CRATES OROCIZEHIT WARS. Bay State Lanterns, Boxes glass. Cooking atovea, Cream laid paper Oolong tea, China rice, Dried apples. Carolina rice, Coffee from Titcomb's Plantation. EXTRA PRIME PORE. LOAF SUGAR, t RUSHKD SUGAR, Ground pepper, NAVY BREAD, Ground mustard. Hams, Water crackers, Jumbles, Metropolitan crackers, Lemon Cakes, Ginger snaps. Jars prunes, MAPS OF UNITED STATES. Pocket knives, Jack knives, Hags shot, Silvered Bins, Boxes needles. Measuring tapes, SOLAR LAMP CHIMNEYS. Solar Lamp Wicks, Nos. 1 & 2. Rolls house paper. Carpet Mcks, Padlocks, Asst'd files, Pick axes. 'I1' e,,ff- - IRON BEDSTEAUJ. O.VE CABLN TABLE. Large compasses, Boat compasses. Copper pumps, Door mats. Fairbanks Platform Scales. Grocer's Counter " Gunny bags, Fpsom salts, Black paint, Green paint, Madder, LEWIS t BETS pure WHITE K'v LEWIS 4-- BROS. PHIL. LEAD. " rurtZISV PAIST. PACIFIC Co. EXT. WHITE "Coa LEWIS dt BROS. PHIL. LEAD. I pur ZIXC PAIXT. Top sails, Fore sails, Main sails, studding sails, ANCHORS k CHAINS, BRUSSELS CARPETING, OILCLOTH t AUPETIXG. Mens' boots, Lasting gaiters, Brogans, Baltimore cane seat chairs. One superior pat. force pump, Assorted shelf hardware, Ships' scrapers, Bmnd a whaling guns, Lance, Harpoons, 1 Brown's Whalirg Gun and Irons, I set iron strap Cutting Blocks, with chain pendants, .Mincing machines, Boat anchors, Iron row locks, Superior New Bed lord whale boats. OIL CASKS AND SHOO US. Hoop iron, Cooper's rivets. Oak plauk, I " tt IS in. Large aaaortnient of Manila and Hemp Cordage. Seizing stuff, .Cutting falls, VVbale line. Try Pots, Com p. sheathing nails, Comp. coppering nails. Kegs cut nails. MARZETTI'S PORTER, qu k pts. SALT'S r.CRToN ALE. qts ic pts. FETLEY'S ALE, pts. BALES CURLED HAIR. Cherry cordial, toughton' bitters, Indian vegetable bitters. Hot drops, Essence Peppermint, Ienre wormwood. Palm leaf bats, White straw hats. Brown straw ban, Drab straw hats, Children's bats. A smart invoice of Superior Steel Eiisraviiiss. 3 tf Ate. dec. kr. SELLING OUT ! But NO I UOII! TO LEAVE ! LUMBER ARRIVED ! JIST RECEIVED! KD FOR SALE BY THE IXDERSIGSED, ex J. "TO AN DO," from Puret Sound 50 M feet INCH BOARDS! 5.2 OO feet 2x3 ) '5388 S33 t SCANTLING. 13,000 feet 3x4 J AT 3 CENTS PER FOOT S ALSO A full assortment of BUILDING MATERIALS, at reduced rates, at the Lumber Yards on Fort and Kiug street.. 43 tf C. II. LEWERS. NOW LANDING From schooner "Jenny Ford!11 AND FOR SALE BT GEOTaGE 0, HOWE! fl FEET 1 IXC II BOARDS! OKJfJIKJ 5.000 feet li inch boards H.OOO feet I inch planed boards; 1 o.OOO feet T and G board'; 1 O.OOO feet 3 inch battens; 1 O.OOO feet 3x3 inch scantling; 10,000 5 feet pickets. ON TTANDi 200.000 feet assorted scantling; 150,000 red wood shingles; I inch pine boards: Red wood siding; Doors, window sash and blinds. IV. B. Quirk sales ancl small profits I 31 tf VON HOLT & HEUCK. FFEll FOR SALE IX QUANTITIES TO SlTT, 0 tbe following choice assortment of LIQUOHS 6l BEEIl, JCST RECEIVED PER And most carefully selected for this market by Mr. L. II. Anthon, via. : .0 cases (15 bottles each), pure Hollands Gin ; 50 " (13 bottles each), pure Hollands Gin, imported direct from Schiedam, being the very best article in the market. 23 best MartelPa Hrandy. Maxzetti'a Ale and Porter, in quarts and pints, cases and 8 dozen each. BEST BRAND ALE. la ointat cases e dozen each, at reasonable prices. 43 tf For Sale ! RECEIVED per late arrlvnU from JCST the followingjusortiuant of .Merchandise : blue denims, Cases blch'd flannel, Bales brn. cotton, Bales awning stripes, a new article. Bales bro. drilling, irint lawns, satteen blea'd twill, Bales printed carpets. Cases Ladies' gaiter lined boots. Cases men's rubber boots. Cases boys' do do. Cases women's do do. Cases charcoal irons. Barrels prime pork. Barrels mes pork. Half bbl mess pork, Ur bbls mess pork, Bbls navy mess beef, Bhla mess beef, Tierres hams, II If bblsrrsh'H so jar, Hlf bis raisins, Cs refin'd lard, CI. pilot bread Bbls vinegar. New Bedford Iron hoops, 1x16, Ii17.H,'iIT, 1V1T. Applv to C. BREWER CO , j 44 til , Market Wharf. JUST RECEIVED PER Clipper Ship "Syren"!! BBLS. Herri i ga. Half Bbls cl a, kits Mackerel, half Bbls do, Kitts extra Tongues and Sound., Tint Lard, Half bbU. Crushed Sngar. Do do Granulated do, For sale by BREWER tt Co. 43-t- f Market Wharf. WIIAJjE-BOAT- S ! i SMOOTH bottom XThale-Besa- ta, Lapboard do Lap lust received per" fyren." lor sale by C. BREWER at Co., Market Wharf fl. HACKFELD 8c CO. OFFER FOR SALE THE FOLLOWING GOODS. JUST ARRIVED PER -- SYREN," FROM BOSTON ! Oil Cs cloth men's carpeting, woolen heavy bro. sheet- ing", hats, aests trunks, eoff ti mhm I... .hirtS. heavy Amoskeag denims, heavy eagle denims. cora meal, cott. peats, Jackets, Grey nams, blue and Cheese, .cariet flannel prunes, quinces. Uhtan a Dotes. shirts, nests of trunks, cases corn meal, cadta butter. sarsap'la syrup, pears, plums, t ts, rai- sins, milk, Englhh ershd sugar in Mr hliln. ehneolata. mtirtard, curry pow- der, halibuts, cs refined lard, salted herrings ia hlf barrels, LOZ- - cor zenges k dial, oatmeal. eaadies. boil'd sarsaparilla,salt water hobctwi, imii-soa- p, painkiller, char, irons,, half barrels, pure white lead Ash oars, IS. 1? and 18 feet long. Door and wiudow sashes, assd sizes, Bales flax twine, Ac, Ac. ALSO A large awerimrat of Boot mmd Shoe. Consisting as follows tn'a thirJr Imiil4. Men's kip brogans. Men's glove top congress gai- ters, Men's calf brogans, Men's well call brogans. Men's opera congress gaiters. Men's puifip sole goat brogans, Men's stepped congress gait-- Youth's kip and calf brogans. Of., Ladies' glove kid slippers. u.-- i- u..i .i..iK tin' I ..Iim' cloth kid sliooers. congress gaiters, ; Men's metallic rubber boots, Men's call booU, Men's metallic sandals. Men's kip boots, j Men's metallic overshoes. Youth's and children's boots Mens calf welt long boots. Men's colored, a'd, congress Women's metallic sandal. gaiters, Women's metallic evershoes. A large assortment of Ladl Gaiter and Sllp- - 44 tf P-- r. LUMBEE ! LUMBER ! rpHE Cmlerslgnrd offers for sal bis well aaaortesl J stock of KOllTII WEST LUMBER! CONSISTING OF o. t I 3.: SCANTLING! lix i I At THREE CENTS a foot, by wholesale or retail. Also, a well assorted stork ol other Building Materials at Reduced Rates. 39 tf C. H. LEWEK3. NOTJCE. Competition the Life of Trade ! VORTH WEST LIMBER at $30 per IU ftMcon- - iN sisting of ISTCPI BOAEDS! 2x4 r SCANTLING. 4x0 3 For sale by 39 If GEORGE G. HOWE JUST RECEIVED ! 4 ND FOR SALE BT THE CXDERSIGXED, BT THK BR1T--J ISO Clipper Ship E2"-- X CI S. E S.IB 9 FROM LIVERPOOL, X Splendid Assortment of Dry Goods! Groceries! Liquors! (Including best brand ALE and PORTER.) HARDWARE! ALSO Rice, Assorted Iron, Pilot and Xavy Bread, fancy Goods, Carpeting In great variety, OTAKO S BR ANDY, Fencing Wire. And a variety of articles too numerous to mention. ROUT. C. JASION. KITSON & HART, Dealers in Wines ami Spirits. T THE LD WINE STORE, FOOT OF AAIIL'-i- i. ma mi street, ofl'er for sale BRA.YDY, in kegs and barrels; do. Martell's ; do. United Vineyard Proprielorsj do. Sazarrc; RUM in kee; J.1M.1IC.i RUM in cases; Genuine OLD SCOTCH HHISKT, in 1 dox eases-- , MO.VO.YCl.1HEt..1 tTHISh Y, in barrels and kegs-- . Fine OLD .VO.YOA'OAHKLJi WHISKY, ia I dox cs i HOLLjI.VDS ;.Viu cases; ScHE.lD.iM O.Vin cases; Wolfe'. St H F.I DAM SCYAPPS HOSTF.TTEA'S BITTt'RS ; BOk'f.R'S do; TOCHTO.-,- S do: CLARF.TS of different kinds ; HO CHH FIVER; SAUTE R.YE: CHAMPAG.YE, pints and qnarts, different brands, SHERRIES, pale and brown; Fine OLD PORT; BYASS and other brands of ALE ; PORTER: LIQUEURS; 4CI Ship Sierra. Duly Free. I'f On Sale $ ES RECENT ARRIVALS! rjlllE FOLLOWING CHOICE ASSORTMENT OF OROCER-- X IE5, at the store of the undersigned : Preserves Fresh oysters Fresh apples do lobsters do quinces tSardines do peaches, trench capers do Pears English pickles Raspberry jam do pie fruits Cranberry jam I do sauces Strawberry do, Ac, ke, ke. j do mustard Mince meals .French mustard Sage Hops Sweet savory foap Summer savory Tins of water, butter, sugar. Curry powder oyster, soda and wine crack- ers Ground rassia do black pepper Smoked hams Whole do do herrings Pimento Best Oolonr tea Ground cloves (Preserved salmon . do ginger ; Green corn Cream Tartar jCrnshed sugar P. C. foda Loaf do Fresh raitios llaxall flour do currants in tins j Ac. kc. Ac. .TL Fresh IJims1 B ntlrr staid Ursan4 CetTr alwarsen ha ad. 17 tf II. 5IcITTRE. JOSEPH FALLON, Importer and dealer n H'taet, Liquors atul Cigar L.AIIAI.VA. MALI. RESPECTFULLY to inform his friends and the resi 11EGS public general'y, also Masters and Officers of ves- sels visiting Lahaina. that he has made arrangements to re- ceive regulsrlv from the Cnited State and England, ehoiee assortments of very bet qualities of: he above armies His stock at present comprise Ture London Is Martell "randy Oiard, Diipuy 4c Co.'s Krandy, America do., for shipping, i S and 10 fL pke " " " Old Monong ihela Whisky, Hollaad Gin, ia eases, kegs and demijohns; Sherry and Port Wines, Claret do.. Champagne; Toner and ale in casks and cases. ALSO - Manila cigar, and cheroots, H ivsnna do.and a complete-as-sortme- nt of the articles usually found in similar t. in Europe and the I nited State. S. B. Particular attention paid to patting op stores for shipping- - PAINTS, OILS, Ac. IUST RECEIVED PER "STREX." t rases spirits turpentine, Kefs whits lead. Cases pnttr, Do black paint, !). imperial green, Do chrome yellow. Do verdigris. Dn celestial blue. Do ropal vamish. Do bnglit varnish, Kef French line. Do French yellow. Do red lead. Do Venetian red. Cases brushes. p4r je hy a BREWEt A CO.. 4 " ' Market Whart 44 If To the Honolulu Public. VOTICE U hereby c1t Uuit I1 " Lots" at the A ot the subscriber, and owned by the Nuiiaan al ley Cemetery Aesoeiatiof., are sold or occupied by graves. Hereafter the public must depend n pun the owners of pnvsts lots, or find buna! aecommodatioas ,U g 4 M(J v 99tr " " Secretary and Treasurer of N. V. C. A. tocrttscmeiits. POST-OFFIC- E NOTICE! ON AXD AFTER ACGCST 1st, 1859, POSTAGP vl charged ou all INTER-ISLAN- D LETTERS ,r, such as are exempt by law, at the following rates, viz- - l( 2 cesila for every letter weighing less than half i0" 4 cesila lor such as weigh more than half an ounce and i ' than oas ounce ; and so on at the rate of two cents for addiiioaal half ounce ia weight. a Inier-ialao- d postage on NEWSPAPERS will be 1 eta, excepting such as ars mailed from the office nt uiiDD. which will am irrp. nmnn iu inn nnn.j - ' the rat of One Cent an ounce or traction of an onnr. a All sealea packages will be charged with latt. 1 Parcels containing anything besides letters or naner. .1 iag liquids ia glasses or any substance Iniunou. t ... P- - teats of nail ear, and of small balk, will be conveyed , J-o- a the payment of postage at the rat of One Cent aa or fractioaol an ounce, in weight. ""set. Postage mu.t ia all eases bw frrpaid, and ia tbe absraw i Stamps postmasters will be authorized to receive the money, and mark such letters raid. r ue The mail carriers on the various islands, all individual., a coasting vessels, will not be permitted to carry unstamped t ten) outsid tbe mail, excepting such as are eisnpt bv law The above rates of postage do not apply to letters and received from foreign countries, but only to snrb as J"? .l ,;.kl .... S- - k'i.H,.m fha rata. .1 f.. ; . P1U- - s - .".r.i jnuiage rea, ing as heretofore. T IT Temporary tater-isiaa- d Postage Stamps can be ami, at the Pot Olfice ia Honolulu, after July tfih . or til ret following persons, w ho are the Pot Masters ft r ih. . - Districts in which they reside : OA nr. J. Kimball, Kabnlui. S. N. Ejscs.o.i, Waialua, G. il. . Maka Ewa. Kula. R. MorriTT, Kahuku, J.s. Mini, llupslakua. Koolauloa, Vt . U. 04LDWIS, Usui. liaula. B. W. Paasaa, Kaiieobe. HA WAIL H. Moaaisow. him,k.. KAUAI. J. MKTCSLr, Kaleuaikues A. Wilcox, Hanalel, IB. PlTHSTI, Hilo. Aaanolo. UV. CSHirMt. Km H. A. H', .Nawiliwili A. Haaais a Co, Laupahoeho R. 9. IIolustbb. Koloa. .L. Lto. Waimea. u. it. kowsll, vt aimea. G. W. Macv. Kawaihi. M. Turn, Ksilna. MA VI. D r neaiaitektia. . - ... C. S. Babtow, Lahaina. tE. Bona. Kohala. J. D. HavsaaosT, Wailuku. jS. G. Dwioht, Molokai. 80" Any person not duly authorized, who fca! op-- soy mail hag, will be prosecuted as provided for ia Seeiu, 409 of the new Post Office laws. A. K. CLARK. Post Mater Ueaeral. Post Office, Honolulu, Aug. 30, lea9. NOTICJ3 ! I Wild tnbranded Cattle on Hawaii ! "1 "t T 11EKEAS, tbe ssnclerwiirnecl ha vn(; Leased all v the right, title and interest of His Hawaiian Major? and the Hawaiian Government, to the wiid anbranded cattle on the island of Hawaii, hereby gives notice that ail persons ki!!ioz Oitching, or taking said unbranded cattle, or who nnlaercllv have in their possession the hide of said unbranded cattle, sjj be prosecuted according to taw. ROBERT C.JAXIOS, By his Attorney, W. L. Gasss. J. 11. MALLETT, Agent on HawalL Honolulu, March Slst, le60. NOTICE. TV HERE A3 THE UNDERalGXED HAS BEEN INFORMED oa 11 good authority that great Irregularity exists in the uking and killing of the wdd cattle on the mountains on Hawaii, be- longing to His Majesty and to the Government, by parties who claim or pretend to claim right under bills of sale from His Maj. esty or from the Uovernux-ut- , and whereas, from the nature of the country and other causes it is almost impossible to pare agents to guard the interests of His Majesty and of the Rovra meul, and whereas all parties having leiral claims oa the m,4 wild rattle have already had time su&cient, if they hare uwl due diligence to remove the same : Now therefore, tbe undersigned hereby gives notice to all pr-ti- es who purchased wild cattle running on the mountains on previous to the 1st day of January remove tlieanie If not already removed, on or before the lt day of May aeit. after which time, parties taliuig wild cattle will be prnwrntril Interior Otlice, L. KAMU1AMLHA. Jan. 24, I J atf iMakiki Family School. A NEWPl'lLDIXr. HAS BEEN ERECT. A ed and furnished from the money and articles contributed by the residents of Honolulu, so that about fifteen pupils, in ad- dition to those already in the schoul r.bove named, can new be well accommodated. tiirls of from five to eight years of afe. and thoe who will prohably be kept in the school until their education ia coxplel-e- d. will have the preference. The moral and physicl, as well as the mental training of ti.e pupils, will be attended to. To make them intelligent hous- ekeepers, and give them habits of industry and usefulness, will be the constant aim of their Instructors. Miss Ogden, the Principal, has had long experience and unu- sual success as a Teacher of Hawaiian girls ; and the Trustees of this School have great plea.ure in assuring parents and guar- dians, that children confided to her care will be in exccUeut hands. TF RMS Three Dollars per week for Beard and Tnitloe. tStf For further information, please address or confer with Miss Ogden. By order of the Trustees. CI1A3. R. BISHOP, Secretary. Uonolulu, May ISoO. 3 tf Uaikahalulu Lots! UNDERSIGNED BEGS TO INFORM THE PC3LIC THE the terms on which these Lots can now be purchased or leased, have been so far modified that nnder certain restriction and regulations, any description of Building may be erected thereon. It being the desire and object of His Majesty's Go- vernment to have the said Lots occupied as quickly rs possible, every facility will be granted to intending occupiers, and by consulting with the undersigned they will find that their views will be met in every respect, as far as consistent with the public interests. Ten of said Lots having been now engaged, only a few of the choice situations remain to be disposed of, so that an early ap- plication will be necessary to secure them. W. L. GKEEN, Agent for the sale 19 tf and lease of the Waikahaluln Lets. PUBLIC NOTICE. rpHE I nrierxIsfMr! hereby gjtvee pnbllr notice, that J according to instruction, received from II. R. 11. the Mini- ster of the Interior he will oen two new markets for the public use and bent-fi- t on Mon.l.iy next Nov. o. via : out "ii the vnr.ot lot on the tnakai side of king .treet, hetweert the Butcher )p of Messrs Vida Co. and the Cooperage of Messrs. Lewis Nor- ton ; second, n the vacant lot in Nnuaim street, opposite the Commercial Hotel. 1. I'ClHHT, N ov. 4, I So9. 27-tf Cle k ef the Market. ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE! rplITC niidrntisrnecl lias hern duly apiolnted Ad-- 1 ininistrator of the te of John Richardson, late ef kspu, .Maui, ilteeased, hereby gives notice to all person, indebt- ed to the said estate to make immediate payment to ihcm, aaJ to all persons hiring claims agniust the sid estate to presebi the same with pner vouchers and verilicatien. KIW.RI P BONO. 1 A"""'"1 TI!M W. EVERETT, f Labaina, February ltli, 4?t AOTICK ORDER Tf FACILITATE THK REMITT N'CE Ot MOSET I to the other Mamls, the public are hereby informed that of deposit, payable to order, will be Usued at tlif Ha- waiian Treasury to persons depositing the money therefor.) Kesiilrnts in Honolulu having taxes due on other islands will find this the readiest and safet means of remitting the money I py them. By order of the Minister of Finance. II. W. McCOCGHTRT. Nov-- 2, I'vM'. 'J7 Reg. I'ubiie Accouats. PUBLIC NOTICE. 'PHK irXDF.KSICNKU barine beBiip- - A pointed Adininistrstrix ou the estate of John W.Pitt Kinao, late dcea.e!, here! yjrive. notice to au persons having ciairos again.t, or bemK LidehtvJ to, .nid estate, to hand ia ther nr to Ll'KA KEKL1K0I.AM, April?, IS "ill i Covirne.-- . of Hawaii. NOTICE! fpilK natrsixisefl be- - ls infariss their friend J that tbey hare established a braoch of their kow at V. I., nndrr the management of Mr. Henry Rhodes and under the style of J ANION at tiRKEN. for th UauJJction ef a general t'oioniission biuiuevs. Particular atteotioa will bepiad tu consignments of Sandwich Is), ml produce. JA.NION. GREEN at CO. Honolulu. May 10. lvS. 2--tf NOTICE. PERSONS ARK IlkREBT NOTIFIED THAT THB VLL nt gathering Puln, Fungiis and Arrowroot oa all tire ttovernment Is nils on the Island of Hawaii (with the excep- tion ef those lands which may be 3M or leased during the ef this privti'rge), has been this day granted to Mr C. C. Harris. L. KAMEHAMEHA. Home IK'partniciit. 3'tli July. 9. l." tf lloapitnl Xotice. ni?PEX.- - RY ATTACHED TO THK urEE.VS THE oa King street, will be oeew every day frow 7t natil 9 A. M., ar lb d:speniHg of mediriaea 10 sick sad indi- gent Hawaiian., nmler the direction of Dr. Wa Hillebrand. Perur ler. J. W. AI ST1N. 13-- ' ' . . : Seeretary NOTICK. I SIIERMIiVED tierefcy eflwew " that THK will not be responsible for or pay any debts or bills what- ever, contracted In his name, without his written order. Honolulu, Jan. 12. IB6.1. i37-- y WM. WOND. - LAW REPORTS! f M.F: S.TTHI OFFICE, THR FIRST VOLUME r of tbe Hawaiian Report, comrtsinr aiaav of the most Important reciion and Ralingsof The "itnerior Coorts ot this Kingdom during the tea years eadiag with r56. compiled by G I oe of M. Rossarsow. Price fivedollars, hound in calf " - - Paper Hangpiiigs. - 4 Lnrgre Aasortment lately recelted per 1 Ssehem' and Poly Bia. For sal by 2 tf CHAS. BREWEB.Sd. "RntiTifl Volnrces f ' : " ' ' " opnt) votrMEs or thk -- poLTjrestArr fob various jears tor sai at mis onicw. run,

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Page 1: The Polynesian. (Honolulu, HI) 1860-09-29 [p ]....emerald, his eyes glowing like carbuncles, and ever and anon hovering over his nest, as a humming-bird flutters around a flower, and



A La meatI dearly loved sweet Nelly Lee,

Tht belle or all tbe town ;

Her lock of sunny brown,

Thft wreathed ber fair and lovely face.

And Tan of witching grace,Sell gently down

Over ber inowy shoulders, free

la coil of richest fold ;

Around my poor heart rolled

Their silken band. Oh, she befiddled

Ke, M Delilah diddled, gamsoa of old 1

Bow a the little charming thief

Would whisper Thou art mine !"

.. Of course," said I. "I'm thine!"Till cousin Tom came home from sea

Captain then out of me

He took the ahine.

Ala! and must I speak my grief?"

Thi heavy naval iweU

Married my little Nell !

But yet, amid my deepest woe,

tit a relief to know

lie whips ber well !

Daaaralie lAft fFlif.A correspondent of the New York Commercial

give s graphic account of the habits of a pair ofsticklebacks in his aquarium, and of the general ap-

pearance of bis marine museum. He says :

About a month ago, tbe male stickleback beganto assume very brilliant colors, a Vermillion red un-

derneath, and a deep sea green on the back, andthen to form nests in the sea lettuce, and the fe-

males spawned. For a day or two the nests werevigilantly watched ty the males, but subsequentlywere abandoned. Suspecting that the hermit crabshad been filibustering upon them, I removed thosegentlemen from the tank, with everything else like-

ly to disturb the process I was anxious to observe,leaving in it, in fact, only the actiniae, and a few

hrimps and sea-snail- s. I then procured anotherof sticklebacks from the Museum, the female

Eir near spawning. Withing twenty-fou- r hoursthe male was busy in his pleasant work of nest-makin- g,

his litlebody glowing with Vermillion andall the hues of the rainbow, and I can describe from

personal observation fucts in natural history whichDot for the aquarium conld never have been known.

The nest is made of fragments of seaweed, andthe whole duty devolves upon the male. The con-

struction occupied him about two days. His activi-

ty wag wonderful. On the third day I judged by

the action of both fishes that the nest was completeand the moment of spawning at hand. The open-

ing in the nest was not quite so large as a three-ce- nt

piece. Taking a last survey of the new djrui-cil- e,

the male then drove the female into it, and6he remained there about seventy seconds. M'hen

she entered the nest the excitement of the male waso intense that his back changed from a dark green

to a pure silver. The moment she had passedthrough tbe nest and came out denuded ol her spawn,his cotors resumed their full brilliancy, and he re-

newed his activity in adding fibres of sea-we- ed to thenest, carrying them in his mouth, adjusting themwith the utmost care, and keeping them in placeby the aid of particles ofgravel diligently collectedfrom the bottom of the Unk.

I should like to picture before your readers myaquarium as it now appears. The water is astransparent as light. The brown rocks and bright

with each other,sea-lettu- ce finely contrast?reenactiniae white, red and brown are in fullbloom, the delicate lace-wo- rk of their florescenceexpanded. Shrimps, with their beautifully transparent forms, are ceaselessly traveling across thearea of the tank, and Mr. Stickleback, from rosymorn to dewy eve, is incessantly darting into theminuture caves, searching for animalcule or smallCrustacea, radiant with vermillion and blue ndemerald, his eyes glowing like carbuncles, and everand anon hovering over his nest, as a humming-

bird flutters around a flower, and woe to the strayshrimp that approaches that sacred and well-guard- ed

spot. In fifteen days I expect to see a shoal ofyoung Sticklebacks in his company.

In a subsequent commnnication, the writer con-

tinued his interesting description as follows :

"In the account of my salt water aquarium,which you deemed of sufficient interest to publish,I mentioned that in about fifteen days I expected tohave a shoal of sticklebacks. They came sooner. T . .1 Tl.. VtAtflfr ft t Bt. vlwut AJtman i eipcvtcu. anc urot hob uidiuiucu acci-dentally on the fourteenth day after the femalespawned, and your correspondent anticipated thathis experiment had resulted in failure. Better luckawaited me, however. I perceived on the morningfollowing the accident that the wale sticklebackstill hovered around the spot, that his gorgeouscolors were increased in brilliancy, and that he wasextraordinarily excited and vigilant. If even astray snail came near his nest, he would seize bythe fleshy part, carry it across the tank, and angri-

ly throw it into the most distant coner, and woe tothe lucklesss shrimp that dared to come withing sixinches of his demolished domicile ; while to touchthe outside of the glass wall with the finger was tothrow him into a lrenzy of pugnaciousness.

I therefore took a magnifying glass, and began acareful examination of the locality of the brokennest, end I confess to sharing somewhat in tt,e ex-

citement of my little freind of the crimson andemerald vesture, when I discovered a school ofyoung sticklebacks, which, on dispensing with theglass, I could barely distinguish with the nakedeve. They were congregated in a cave or twainclose to the damaged nest, and for the first day theywere not permitted to stray the eighth of an inchfrom that locality. On the second day they werepermitted, now clearly visible to the naked eye, butinfinitessimal in their proportions, to spread intoa shoal of about an inch and a half in diameter.If one straggled away from the rest, Mr. Sticklebackvery promptly took it in his mouth as a cat wouldber kitten, and deposited it close byhe nest, insuch a summary manner as plainly to say 'Stop

Uam, witniorirnarit rfil irmt Inarri kKoilianrto bniIUCIV IWt UUtlUU4VUV UUV J Wsa WUVMIWUVW

good behavior.'"What most interested and surprised me, bow-eve- r,

was, that toward sundown, their vigilantguardian gently drove them all into the nest andcarefully covered them over with sea weed, literal-ly pot them to bed and tucked in the clothes, ascarefully and tenderly as ever fond mother perform-ed the same offices lor her darling child, which,considering the sex of the guardian, 6truck me ashighly honorable to his parental character. Ontbe third day I write when they are only fourdays old they were permitted a wider range, lia-b-la

always to he brought back as before wbeu theystrayed too far, and were put to bed a little later.Tbey were stirring, too, this morning, a little ear-

lier than they were yesterday morning. Thus haveI been enabled, and thus may any of your readersbe enabled, to increase tbe knowledge of naturalhistory in those of its most interesting phases whichhave heretofore been secluded from human observa-tion. Permit me once more to say that there cannot be a purer ana more instructive nome pleasurethan an aquarium." . .

A Thmluso Scixb A noise was heard on deck,the dog-wat- ch sprung from his caboose, seized tbeglg-Wm-

p, auu u.yiu utci iic uucjn w ,made him shin up the bowsprit, catch bold of thesky-scrap- er, which he used so freely on the keelson

that he rubbed off. the shoe of the anchor, whichwas caught by tbe cat barpings, who commenced tospanker with the boom till she burst through thestays, catting the topsail ties, grabbed the mon-

key's tail, which knocked a Jew's eye out of theTerk'e bead, caught the snip round the waist withone hand, boxed the compass with the other, tillthe cook cried, and the captain applied the leachesof the foresail to the inflamed eye of tbe astonish- -

17 A pleasure of which we are pure to repentcan never De a peaceiui one.

Bkactuti Extract You cannot go into the mea-

dow and pluck up a single daisy by the roots, with-

out breaking up a society of nice relations and de-

tecting a principle more extensive and refined thanmere gravitation. The handful ofearth thatfollowsthe tiay roots of the flowers is replete with socialelements. A little social circle has been formedaround that germinating daisy. The sunbeam andthe dew drop met there, and the soft summer breeze

came whispering through the tall grass to jointhe concert. The earth took them to the daisyrem: and all went to work to show that flower ofe . . ... . r ' . T il .the sun. .Each mingled iu toe noney 01 us iduu-enc- e,

and they nursed the "wee canny thing" withan aliment that made it erow. And when it liftedits eyes towards the sky they wove a soft carpet ofgrass lor its feet. Ana tne sun saw it tnrougn wiegreen leaves and smiles as it passed on; and by star-

light and monlight they worked on. And the daisylifted up its head, and one morning while the sunwas looking, it put on its silver-rimme- d diadem,and showed its yellow petals to the stars.

A Sensible Thing to Say and Do ArchbishopHughes, at the anniversary of the Mount St. Vin-

cent Academy in New I'ork, a short time since,made an excellent speech. He said that he wasgoing, at the next session, to inaugurate a newstudy. He was going to introduce into the estab-

lishment what he called " the Science of the Cu-

isine," meaning the whole art and mystery of cook-

ing dinners and keeping house. Every young lady,he 6aid, though 6he were the daughter of a Queen,ought to understand the entire management of that6phereof life of which she is the beautiful mis-

tress. Herald.

A teacher, one day, endeavoring to make apupil understand the nature and application of apassive verb, said :

"A passive verb is expressive of the nature ofreceiving an action as, Peter is beaten. Nowwhat did Peter do !

"Well. I don't know." answered the boy. pausing a moment, with the gravest countenance possi-

ble. " without he hollered!"

Getting Rid of a Bore. A pretended natural-ist was boring Hook with the distinctions in form-

ation and habits between two animals of the eameeentis. Hook, who neither knew nor wished toknow anything about it, said, " It flashes on menow ; I 6ee the distinction ; it's just the same inswine !" " The same ?" cried the astonished nat-

uralist. " Yes," said Hook, "you know somepigs are drioen, and some pigs are rarf."


B. F. HARDER,RESPECTFIXI.Y TO IXFORM THEBKtiS and public of Honolulu, that he has oened the

FAMILY TvrATtTgiryr.On King Street, opposite the Bethel,

In order to supply a treat public want, uamely, that of goodButcher's Meat for Family use.

B. F. II. having made arrangements for the pick of the bestand largest herd en the island of Oahu. and secured a constantsupply of tbe celebrated KAHCKU BEEF, MUTTON and PORK,tru.-t-s that those families who favored him so constantly beforehis visit to the United States, will give him a share of their pat-ronage, and assures them that nothing shall be wanting on hispart to merit their custom.


if you want ;ooi mutton.Call at the FAMILY MARKET!



47 tf



4 S EVER CAME TO THIS MARKET, NOWXx. landing from the bark entine "Constitution," consisting of

!0 M feet Tongued andtiraoved Boards, I and 134 inch.M M feet 1 inch Boards;60 M assorted Scantling;12 M 5 feet Tickets;10 M Laths; 60 M Shingles.

AH of which is for sale in large or small lots, at a price to suitthe times. Call before you buy, and take a look, for they do savthat GEORGE ti. HOWE can sell a little lower than any otherdealer. S tf



his friends and the public In general, that he has open-ed a shop and commenced the CARI'EXTEKlXG BCSIXESS,at his residence on King street opposite the Queen s Hospital,where he is prepared to do anything in his line, such as

Hon? fcaiMiasHouse raisinK,

liauae snoring.House repairing.

General Jobbing in the carpenter's line done at the shortestnotice.

f&x" VH EELWRIGHT work in all Its rarlous, done with the best of material and in a satisfac

tory manner. K- - AKt.ilA.N. B. Though a few steps out of the way, you will find it to

your interest to give me a call. 45-t- f

Hides,Coat Skins,


Old Copper,Old Composition,


11 tf By C. BREWER k Co., Market Wharf.


Tort St, near the Catholic Church.

SECOND ANNUAL. SESSION OF THISTHE will commence on September 1st, lotjO.Young Ladies of every religions denomination will be ad-

mitted, provided it be previously agreed that they ill coafbrmto the general regulations of the bouse.

The course of Education for Boarders w ill comprise Read-ing, Writing, Grammar, Composition, Elocution, Arithmetic,Geography, ue of Globes, History, sacred and profane, Chro-nology. Mytholory, Logic, French and Geruiaa Languages,Book-Keepin- .Music, vocal and instrumental, Lxaning,Painting, and ali kinds of Fancy Needle-Work- .

The bisters being aware that all education is imperfect with-out tbe knowledge of the Law ot God, will devote themselves,w ith the most sedulous care, to- - the religious in. miction oftheir Catholic pupil, without neglecting to inculcate in themind of the others the general principles of Christian morali-ty. Tbe most conscientious attention will be given to formtheir manners and to train them up to habits of order, neatnessand industry.

The diet will be wholesome and abundant.The health of the pnpils will be the object of constant and

maternal solicitude, and, at all times they will tie under theimmediate tuperinlendance of their teacher.

TERMS.Hoard and Tuition, per Session, . - - 'UU

Music, Drawing, Painting, German Laapuige.and ArtificialFlowers, will form extra charges.

ftr No extra charge for the French Language.Payments to be made quarterly in advance. Persons resid-

ing at a distance are requested to have a responsible agent inthe city of Honolulu.

No redaction made In ease of child re a being withdrawn be-

fore the expiration of the quarter.Tuesdays and Saturdays will be the appointed days for

parents to visit their children.On the first Saturday of each month the boarders will be al-

lowed to go oat with their parents or guardians, but neverwith any other, without a written permission Irom saiJ par-ents or guardians. They must return to the establishment be-

fore 6 o'clock P. M., In same day. i

Postage, stationery, washing and wending. Doctor's fees andmedicines! will be chargeable to the parents.

For further particulars, ap licailon may he mads to SisterMaria Josephs. ltf


I (iol. XVI) now ready and tor tale at lata umc rnr o.

Ucal (Eetott.


MTHE Esq., situated in .Nuuanu Valley, and nowby Thomas Brown. The House consists of

Dining and Drawing Rcorns, four Bed Rooms and DressingRoom, and Pantry and Cookhouse adjoining, with Coach Houseand stabling for two horses. Bath Room, Servants' Room andPoultry house and yard.

Within the enclosure are two Cottages, one containing two andthe other three rooms. For particulars apply at the RegisterOffice. SO tf


THE WEU KSOWX ESTABLISHMENTthe UNION HOTEL, to be leased or sold on reasonable

sdM terms, as the Proprietor, through ill health, intends toretire from business. 15 Sin

Honolulu, August, 1860.

Real Estate for Sale or Leaseys. the unirsE tD premises late.Mi'ij! '7 occupied by Mr. W. Kinney, situated at the corner ofe, lieretama and Punch Bowl streets a very desirable loca

tion for a family. Terms liberal. Apply to1 tf S. SATIDGE.

TO LET !FIRE-PROO- F IVorehonsr. Best, handiestand safest storeroom in 'own. Tbe fire-pro- of build-ing in the rear of Dr. MrKibbin's store, containinga spacious cellar, first and second slorv. the w hole

being the most Convenient and safest place lor torn re. Rentressouahle. Apply to (46 tf) T. C. HEUCK.

TO, between i

den's cooperage and J. II. Strauss . A good bui liliiiglot, or place for storage. Apply to 4J-t-f T, C. HEUCK.


THE LARGE and commodious DwellingHouse, situated on the corner of Fort and Beretaniastreets, at present occupied by Hon. D. L. Gregg. Pos-- isession given on the 1st April, 100.

Apply to C. BREWER it Co.Honolulu, March 8,1860. 4o tf


"j HUMPHREYS, Garden htreet.lit


S. JOHNSON.53 tf House Carpenter.

COFFEE PLANTATION FOR SALE.ifcg5, THE CELEBRATED TITCOMB COFFEE&'f&-?- y Plantation, at llaualei, Ka-iai- is offered for sale.5'3iaJi4 The land of the plantation comprises upwards of

Kfr ff I0.VJ Acres, and has upon it 50,000 Ccffrt Trret.J The land is well adapted to the cultivation of

"-- B Sugar Cane. The estate is unencumbered, andwill Se sold hy Fee Simple Title. For full particulars andterms of sale, enquire of 7-- tf B. F. SNOW.

jotcl5 nub Ucstaurnnts.

Hotel de France.(FRENCH HOTEL.)

VICTOR CHANCER EL.. Prop-rietor, bee to inform his friends and thepublic generally, lhnt be has made extensiveliniirnvmitf in hi flnfl nrnii andthat he has now accommodations for parties

of every description. Also attached, a HILLlARDtiAI.OUN,fitted up in superior style.

Single rooms on the premises for families or singlegentlemen.

CiTIIE BAR is supplied with the choicest Wines andLiquors ; and the Proprietor, grateful for the liberal patronageheretofore extended to him, begs to assure the public that nopains will be spared to entire satisfaction to residents andstrangers visiting Honolulu.

COLD AND WARM IIATI1S !X. B Entrance by Fort, Hotel and Union sis. 12 tf


THE UNDERSIGNED. Propri- e-iJJW tor of the above establishment, would inform

- his friends and th nnhlir. that ifh hii v.tensive stork of the best brands of Wines

3" and Liquors, new BILLIARD 3 A LOON,BOWLI.NU ALLEYS, and gentlemanly attendance, nothinga left wanting lor their comfort and amusement,

'.w-l- v ' JOSEPH BOOTH.

REDUCED PRICES!THE riiflei-KljrneiL-, Proprietor of the

GERMAN OCEAN RESTAURANT, takes the op-portunity to return his thanks to the public forthe patronage so liberally bestowed upon hiin, andhereby gives notice that he has reduced his prices

o as toSuit the dull times !

During the summer months his prices for board will be $4, .$5

and &6 per week.Hoard may also be had by the day or single meal.No pains will be spared to give entire satisfaction. A con-

tinuance of public favor is solicited. G. WILHLLM,King (t., between BetlicI and Fort sts.

Honolulu, May 5,1 8G0. . tf

Globe Coffee Saloon,THE nndrrtitrtiesl has this day opened a

a COFFEE and REFRESHMENT SALOON, on FortiJ M , , . n..,u..:tA .v.. iAA L'- -n .f II. .M I...-. Km

pfea. iii be happy to meet his friends, and will spare noefforts to please them.

55 The best Oyster Stews or Chocolate prepared at a fewminutes notice.

Honolulu, May 10, 1860. 2 tf F. W. LOBE.

Machine Carpenter's Shop.

UNDERSIGNED WOULD INFORM HIS FRIEND3THE the public that on the 5th Inst, he will resume his for-mer business as a

Iluilder and House Carpenter!at the stand hitherto occupied by Messrs. Watson dc Leonard,on the Pwinton Premises, King street. With every facility fordoing all branches of

AVOOI) AVORK!to the best advantage, and respectfully solicits a share of publicpatronage.

Having secured the services of first rate workmen, he willalso add CABIXET M.IKIA'G, TCRXIXG, and CARRIAGEWORK to hs other business.

if Stuff sawed and planed by machinery for carpenters andothers.

C. II. LEWERS.N. B General Lumber Business will be conducted as hereto-

fore on the Fort Street Premises, where the best selected storkwill be sold on the most reasonable terms. 18 tf


James --A.. BurdickCOOPER & G AUGER!

fTJi IN KEMOVIXK HIS BUSINESSIciTW to his new cooperage on the esplanade. FortHiiaaa Street, takes tl is opportunity of returninghis sincere thanks to his friends and the pnblic in general, fortr.e support and patronage which they have been pleased togrant to him for the past ten years, and hopes that by attentionto business and promptness in the execution of all orders in-

trusted to bun, to merit a continuance of their favors.On Hand and for Sole

Upwards of 4000 barrels of all sorts and sixes of casks.50 ly



ARE NOW PREPARED to execnte sill Orders Inline promptly and at reasonable rates.

Thankful for past patronage, tbey eoiifldently rely upon theirold customers for a continuance of their favors, and trust thattheir endeavors to please, and extreme low rates of charges, winInsure to them a fair share of business in their line.

N. B. New and secoud hand Casks and Shocks always onhand, which they will sell at the lowest market rates. 23 tf


Fort Street, next door to Von Holt & Henck,WOIXD Inform the Public that he has

aidtt" a business. Having a good stock of ma--Lteriala oa hand, together with thirty years' practical

knowledge of his basinets, and by doing work at reasonableprices, he hopes to gain a share of public patronage.

flCA. Cement, California and Hawaiian Lime for sale. 48 tf


B. F. SNOW,Honolulu, Oahu. II. I.

FOR SALE, at tbe lowest market rate,OFFERS aaortmeat of merchandise :

White linen handkerchiefs, Suspenders,White towelliug. Ladies' riding guanUels,Blue flannel suits. Blue bunting.Blue drills, Boys' jackets,


Britannia rastors. White water bottlea,Table spoons. Sett crockery ware,Cut goblets,

CRATES OROCIZEHIT WARS.Bay State Lanterns, Boxes glass.Cooking atovea, Cream laid paperOolong tea, China rice,Dried apples. Carolina rice,

Coffee from Titcomb's Plantation.EXTRA PRIME PORE.

LOAF SUGAR, t RUSHKD SUGAR,Ground pepper, NAVY BREAD,Ground mustard. Hams,Water crackers, Jumbles,Metropolitan crackers, Lemon Cakes,Ginger snaps. Jars prunes,

MAPS OF UNITED STATES.Pocket knives, Jack knives,Hags shot, Silvered Bins,Boxes needles. Measuring tapes,


Solar Lamp Wicks, Nos. 1 & 2.Rolls house paper. Carpet Mcks,Padlocks, Asst'd files,Pick axes. 'I1' e,,ff- -


Large compasses, Boat compasses.Copper pumps, Door mats.

Fairbanks Platform Scales.Grocer'sCounter "

Gunny bags,Fpsom salts,

Black paint,Green paint,




Top sails,Fore sails,

Main sails,studding sails,



Mens' boots, Lasting gaiters,Brogans, Baltimore cane seat chairs.One superior pat. force pump, Assorted shelf hardware,

Ships' scrapers,Bmnd a whaling guns,


1 Brown's Whalirg Gun and Irons,I set iron strap Cutting Blocks, with chain pendants,.Mincing machines, Boat anchors, Iron row locks,Superior New Bed lord whale boats.


Cooper's rivets.Oak plauk, I " tt IS in.

Large aaaortnient of Manila and Hemp Cordage.Seizing stuff,

.Cutting falls,VVbale line.

Try Pots,Com p. sheathing nails,

Comp. coppering nails.Kegs cut nails.


Cherry cordial, toughton' bitters,Indian vegetable bitters. Hot drops,Essence Peppermint, Ienre wormwood.

Palm leaf bats,White straw hats.

Brown straw ban,Drab straw hats,

Children's bats.A smart invoice of

Superior Steel Eiisraviiiss.3 tf Ate. dec. kr.





J. "TO AN DO," from Puret Sound50 M feet INCH BOARDS!

5.2 OO feet 2x3 )

'5388 S33 t SCANTLING.13,000 feet 3x4 J


ALSOA full assortment of BUILDING MATERIALS, at reduced

rates, at the Lumber Yards on Fort and Kiug street..43 tf C. II. LEWERS.

NOW LANDINGFrom schooner "Jenny Ford!11



OKJfJIKJ 5.000 feet li inch boardsH.OOO feet I inch planed boards;

1 o.OOO feet T and G board';1 O.OOO feet 3 inch battens;1 O.OOO feet 3x3 inch scantling;10,000 5 feet pickets.

ON TTANDi200.000 feet assorted scantling;150,000 red wood shingles;

I inch pine boards:Red wood siding;Doors, window sash and blinds.

IV. B. Quirk sales ancl small profits I 31 tf

VON HOLT & HEUCK.FFEll FOR SALE IX QUANTITIES TO SlTT,0 tbe following choice assortment of


And most carefully selected for this market by Mr. L. II.Anthon, via. :

.0 cases (15 bottles each), pure Hollands Gin ;50 " (13 bottles each), pure Hollands Gin, imported

direct from Schiedam, being the very best article in the market.23 best MartelPa Hrandy.

Maxzetti'a Ale and Porter, in quarts and pints, casesand 8 dozen each.

BEST BRAND ALE. la ointatcases e dozen each, at reasonable prices. 43 tf

For Sale !RECEIVED per late arrlvnU fromJCST the followingjusortiuant of .Merchandise : blue denims,Cases blch'd flannel,

Bales brn. cotton,Bales awning stripes, a new article.

Bales bro. drilling, irint lawns, satteen blea'd twill,Bales printed carpets.

Cases Ladies' gaiter lined boots.Cases men's rubber boots.

Cases boys' do do.Cases women's do do.

Cases charcoal irons.Barrels prime pork.

Barrels mes pork.Half bbl mess pork,

Ur bbls mess pork,Bbls navy mess beef,

Bhla mess beef,Tierres hams,

II If bblsrrsh'H so jar,Hlf bis raisins,

Cs refin'd lard,CI. pilot bread

Bbls vinegar.New Bedford Iron hoops, 1x16, Ii17.H,'iIT, 1V1T.

Applv to C. BREWER CO ,j 44 til , Market Wharf.


Clipper Ship "Syren"!!BBLS. Herri i ga. Half Bbls cla, kits Mackerel, half

Bbls do,Kitts extra Tongues and Sound.,

Tint Lard,Half bbU. Crushed Sngar.

Do do Granulated do,For sale by BREWER tt Co.

43-t- f Market Wharf.


SMOOTH bottom XThale-Besa- ta, Lapboard do Laplust received per" fyren." lor sale by

C. BREWER at Co., Market Wharf



Oil Cscloth men's

carpeting, woolenheavy bro. sheet-

ing",hats, aests trunks,

eoff ti mhm I... .hirtS.heavy Amoskeagdenims, heavy eagle denims. cora meal, cott. peats, Jackets,

Grey nams,blue and Cheese,

.cariet flannel prunes, quinces.Uhtan aDotes.shirts, nests of trunks,

cases corn meal, cadta butter. sarsap'la syrup, pears, plums,t ts,


sins,milk, Englhh ershd sugarin Mr hliln. ehneolata.mtirtard, curry pow-

der, halibuts, cs refined lard, salted herrings ia hlf barrels,LOZ- -

cor zenges kdial, oatmeal. eaadies. boil'd

sarsaparilla,salt water hobctwi, imii-soa- p,

painkiller, char, irons,, half barrels, pure white leadAsh oars, IS. 1? and 18 feet long.Door and wiudow sashes, assd sizes,Bales flax twine, Ac, Ac.


A large awerimrat of Boot mmd Shoe.Consisting as follows

tn'a thirJr Imiil4. Men's kip brogans.Men's glove top congress gai-

ters,Men's calf brogans,Men's well call brogans.

Men's opera congress gaiters. Men's puifip sole goat brogans,Men's stepped congress gait-- Youth's kip and calf brogans.

Of., Ladies' glove kid slippers.u.-- i- u..i .i..iK tin' I ..Iim' cloth kid sliooers.

congress gaiters, ; Men's metallic rubber boots,Men's call booU, Men's metallic sandals.Men's kip boots, j Men's metallic overshoes.Youth's and children's boots Mens calf welt long boots.Men's colored, a'd, congress Women's metallic sandal.

gaiters, Women's metallic evershoes.

A large assortment of Ladl Gaiter and Sllp--44 tf P-- r.


rpHE Cmlerslgnrd offers for sal bis well aaaorteslJ stock of


o. t I

3.: SCANTLING!lix i I

At THREE CENTS a foot, by wholesale or retail. Also, awell assorted stork ol other

Building Materials at Reduced Rates.39 tf C. H. LEWEK3.

NOTJCE.Competition the Life of Trade !

VORTH WEST LIMBER at $30 per IU ftMcon--iN sisting of


For sale by39 If GEORGE G. HOWE



ISO Clipper Ship

E2"-- XCI S. ES.IB 9

FROM LIVERPOOL,X Splendid Assortment of

Dry Goods! Groceries! Liquors!(Including best brand ALE and PORTER.)

HARDWARE!ALSO Rice, Assorted Iron,

Pilot and Xavy Bread,fancy Goods,

Carpeting In great variety,OTAKO S BR ANDY,

Fencing Wire.And a variety of articles too numerous to ROUT. C. JASION.

KITSON & HART,Dealers in Wines ami Spirits.

T THE LD WINE STORE, FOOT OF AAIIL'-i- mi street, ofl'er for sale

BRA.YDY, in kegs and barrels;do. Martell's ;do. United Vineyard Proprielorsjdo. Sazarrc;

RUM in kee;J.1M.1IC.i RUM in cases;Genuine OLD SCOTCH HHISKT, in 1 dox eases-- ,

MO.VO.YCl.1HEt..1 tTHISh Y, in barrels and kegs-- .

Fine OLD .VO.YOA'OAHKLJi WHISKY, ia I dox cs iHOLLjI.VDS ;.Viu cases;ScHE.lD.iM O.Vin cases;Wolfe'. St H F.I DAM SCYAPPSHOSTF.TTEA'S BITTt'RS ;BOk'f.R'S do;

TOCHTO.-,- S do:CLARF.TS of different kinds ;HO CHH FIVER;SAUTE R.YE:CHAMPAG.YE, pints and qnarts, different brands,SHERRIES, pale and brown;Fine OLD PORT;BYASS and other brands of ALE ;PORTER:LIQUEURS;

4CI Ship Sierra. Duly Free. I'f

On Sale $


IE5, at the store of the undersigned :

Preserves Fresh oystersFresh apples do lobsters

do quinces tSardinesdo peaches, trench capersdo Pears English pickles

Raspberry jam do pie fruitsCranberry jam I do saucesStrawberry do, Ac, ke, ke. j do mustardMince meals .French mustardSage HopsSweet savory foapSummer savory Tins of water, butter, sugar.Curry powder oyster, soda and wine crack-

ersGround rassiado black pepper Smoked hams

Whole do do herringsPimento Best Oolonr teaGround cloves (Preserved salmon

. do ginger ; Green cornCream Tartar jCrnshed sugarP. C. foda Loaf doFresh raitios llaxall flour

do currants in tins j Ac. kc. Ac.

.TL Fresh IJims1 B ntlrr staid Ursan4 CetTralwarsen ha ad.

17 tf II. 5IcITTRE.

JOSEPH FALLON,Importer and dealer n H'taet, Liquors atul Cigar

L.AIIAI.VA. MALI.RESPECTFULLY to inform his friends and the resi

11EGS public general'y, also Masters and Officers of ves-

sels visiting Lahaina. that he has made arrangements to re-

ceive regulsrlv from the Cnited State and England, ehoieeassortments of very bet qualities of: he above armies Hisstock at present comprise

Ture London Is Martell "randyOiard, Diipuy 4c Co.'s Krandy,America do., for shipping, i S and 10 fL pke

" " "Old Monong ihela Whisky,Hollaad Gin, ia eases, kegs and demijohns;Sherry and Port Wines, Claret do.. Champagne;Toner and ale in casks and cases.

ALSO -Manila cigar, and cheroots, H ivsnna do.and a complete-as-sortme-


of the articles usually found in similar t.

in Europe and the I nited State.S. B. Particular attention paid to patting op stores for

shipping- -


t rases spirits turpentine,Kefs whits lead.Cases pnttr,

Do black paint,!). imperial green,Do chrome yellow.Do verdigris.Dn celestial blue.Do ropal vamish.Do bnglit varnish,

Kef French line.Do French yellow.Do red lead.Do Venetian red.

Cases brushes.p4r je hy a BREWEt A CO..

4 " ' Market Whart44 If

To the Honolulu Public.VOTICE U hereby c1t Uuit I1 " Lots" at theA ot the subscriber, and owned by the Nuiiaan alley Cemetery Aesoeiatiof., are sold or occupied by graves.

Hereafter the public must depend n pun the owners of pnvstslots, or find buna! aecommodatioas ,U

g 4 M(J v99tr

" " Secretary and Treasurer of N. V. C. A.


POST-OFFIC- E NOTICE!ON AXD AFTER ACGCST 1st, 1859, POSTAGP vlcharged ou all INTER-ISLAN- D LETTERS ,r,such as are exempt by law, at the following rates, viz- - l(

2 cesila for every letter weighing less than half i0"

4 cesila lor such as weigh more than half an ounce and i 'than oas ounce ; and so on at the rate of two cents foraddiiioaal half ounce ia weight. a

Inier-ialao-d postage on NEWSPAPERS will be 1eta, excepting such as ars mailed from the office nt

uiiDD. which will am irrp. nmnn iu inn nnn.j -

'the rat of One Cent an ounce or traction of an onnr. a

All sealea packages will be charged with latt. 1

Parcels containing anything besides letters or naner. .1iag liquids ia glasses or any substance Iniunou. t ... P- -

teats of nail ear, and of small balk, will be conveyed , J-o-a

the payment of postage at the rat of One Cent aaor fractioaol an ounce, in weight. ""set.

Postage mu.t ia all eases bw frrpaid, and ia tbe absraw iStamps postmasters will be authorized to receive themoney, and mark such letters raid. r ue

The mail carriers on the various islands, all individual., acoasting vessels, will not be permitted to carry unstamped tten) outsid tbe mail, excepting such as are eisnpt bv lawThe above rates of postage do not apply to letters and

received from foreign countries, but only to snrb as J"?.l ,;.kl ....S- - k'i.H,.m fha rata. .1 f.. ; . P1U- -

s - .".r.i jnuiage rea,ing as heretofore. T

IT Temporary tater-isiaa- d Postage Stamps can be ami,at the Pot Olfice ia Honolulu, after July tfih . or til


following persons, w ho are the Pot Masters ft r ih. . -

Districts in which they reside :

OA nr. J. Kimball, Kabnlui.S. N. Ejscs.o.i, Waialua, G. il. Maka

Ewa. Kula.R. MorriTT, Kahuku, J.s. Mini, llupslakua.

Koolauloa, Vt . U. 04LDWIS, Usui.liaula.

B. W. Paasaa, Kaiieobe. HA WAILH. Moaaisow. him,k..

KAUAI. J. MKTCSLr, KaleuaikuesA. Wilcox, Hanalel, IB. PlTHSTI, Hilo.

Aaanolo. UV. CSHirMt. KmH. A. H', .Nawiliwili A. Haaais a Co, LaupahoehoR. 9. IIolustbb. Koloa. .L. Lto. Waimea.u. it. kowsll, vt aimea. G. W. Macv. Kawaihi.

M. Turn, Ksilna.MA VI. D r

neaiaitektia.. - ...

C. S. Babtow, Lahaina. tE. Bona. Kohala.J. D. HavsaaosT, Wailuku. jS. G. Dwioht, Molokai.

80" Any person not duly authorized, who fca! op-- soy

mail hag, will be prosecuted as provided for ia Seeiu,409 of the new Post Office laws.

A. K. CLARK. Post Mater Ueaeral.Post Office, Honolulu, Aug. 30, lea9.


Wild tnbranded Cattle on Hawaii !"1 "t T 11EKEAS, tbe ssnclerwiirnecl havn(; Leased all

v the right, title and interest of His Hawaiian Major? andthe Hawaiian Government, to the wiid anbranded cattle on theisland of Hawaii, hereby gives notice that ail persons ki!!iozOitching, or taking said unbranded cattle, or who nnlaercllvhave in their possession the hide of said unbranded cattle, sjjbe prosecuted according to taw.

ROBERT C.JAXIOS,By his Attorney, W. L. Gasss.

J. 11. MALLETT, Agent on HawalLHonolulu, March Slst, le60.


1 1 good authority that great Irregularity exists in the ukingand killing of the wdd cattle on the mountains on Hawaii, be-longing to His Majesty and to the Government, by parties whoclaim or pretend to claim right under bills of sale from His Maj.esty or from the Uovernux-ut- , and whereas, from the nature ofthe country and other causes it is almost impossible to pareagents to guard the interests of His Majesty and of the Rovrameul, and whereas all parties having leiral claims oa the m,4wild rattle have already had time su&cient, if they hare uwldue diligence to remove the same :

Now therefore, tbe undersigned hereby gives notice to all pr-ti- es

who purchased wild cattle running on the mountains onprevious to the 1st day of January remove tlieanie

If not already removed, on or before the lt day of May aeit.after which time, parties taliuig wild cattle will be prnwrntril

Interior Otlice, L. KAMU1AMLHA.Jan. 24, I J atf

iMakiki Family School.A NEWPl'lLDIXr. HAS BEEN ERECT.A ed and furnished from the money and articles contributedby the residents of Honolulu, so that about fifteen pupils, in ad-

dition to those already in the schoul r.bove named, can new bewell accommodated.

tiirls of from five to eight years of afe. and thoe who willprohably be kept in the school until their education ia coxplel-e- d.

will have the preference.The moral and physicl, as well as the mental training of ti.e

pupils, will be attended to. To make them intelligent hous-ekeepers, and give them habits of industry and usefulness, will bethe constant aim of their Instructors.

Miss Ogden, the Principal, has had long experience and unu-sual success as a Teacher of Hawaiian girls ; and the Trusteesof this School have great plea.ure in assuring parents and guar-dians, that children confided to her care will be in exccUeuthands.

TF RMS Three Dollars per week for Beard and Tnitloe.tStf For further information, please address or confer with

Miss Ogden.By order of the Trustees.

CI1A3. R. BISHOP, Secretary.Uonolulu, May ISoO. 3 tf

Uaikahalulu Lots!UNDERSIGNED BEGS TO INFORM THE PC3LICTHE the terms on which these Lots can now be purchased or

leased, have been so far modified that nnder certain restrictionand regulations, any description of Building may be erectedthereon. It being the desire and object of His Majesty's Go-vernment to have the said Lots occupied as quickly rs possible,every facility will be granted to intending occupiers, and byconsulting with the undersigned they will find that their viewswill be met in every respect, as far as consistent with the publicinterests.

Ten of said Lots having been now engaged, only a few of thechoice situations remain to be disposed of, so that an early ap-

plication will be necessary to secure them.W. L. GKEEN, Agent for the sale

19 tf and lease of the Waikahaluln Lets.

PUBLIC NOTICE.rpHE I nrierxIsfMr! hereby gjtvee pnbllr notice, thatJ according to instruction, received from II. R. 11. the Mini-

ster of the Interior he will oen two new markets for the publicuse and bent-fi- t on Mon.l.iy next Nov. o. via : out "ii the vnr.otlot on the tnakai side of king .treet, hetweert the Butcher )pof Messrs Vida Co. and the Cooperage of Messrs. Lewis Nor-

ton ; second, n the vacant lot in Nnuaim street, opposite theCommercial Hotel. 1. I'ClHHT,

N ov. 4, I So9. 27-tf Cle k ef the Market.

ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE!rplITC niidrntisrnecl lias hern duly apiolnted Ad--1 ininistrator of the te of John Richardson, late ef

kspu, .Maui, ilteeased, hereby gives notice to all person, indebt-

ed to the said estate to make immediate payment to ihcm, aaJto all persons hiring claims agniust the sid estate to presebithe same with pner vouchers and verilicatien.

KIW.RI P BONO. 1 A"""'"1TI!M W. EVERETT, fLabaina, February ltli, 4?t

AOTICKORDER Tf FACILITATE THK REMITT N'CE Ot MOSETI to the other Mamls, the public are hereby informed that

of deposit, payable to order, will be Usued at tlif Ha-

waiian Treasury to persons depositing the money therefor.)Kesiilrnts in Honolulu having taxes due on other islands will

find this the readiest and safet means of remitting the money I

py them.By order of the Minister of Finance.

II. W. McCOCGHTRT.Nov-- 2, I'vM'. 'J7 Reg. I'ubiie Accouats.

PUBLIC NOTICE.'PHK irXDF.KSICNKU barine beBiip--A pointed Adininistrstrix ou the estate of John W.Pitt Kinao,

late dcea.e!, here! yjrive. notice to au persons having ciairosagain.t, or bemK LidehtvJ to, .nid estate, to hand ia ther

nr to Ll'KA KEKL1K0I.AM,April?, IS "ill i Covirne.--. of Hawaii.

NOTICE!fpilK natrsixisefl be- - ls infariss their friendJ that tbey hare established a braoch of their kow at

V. I., nndrr the management of Mr. Henry Rhodes and

under the style of J ANION at tiRKEN. for th UauJJction ef ageneral t'oioniission biuiuevs. Particular atteotioa will bepiadtu consignments of Sandwich Is), ml produce.

JA.NION. GREEN at CO.Honolulu. May 10. lvS. 2--tf


VLL nt gathering Puln, Fungiis and Arrowroot oa alltire ttovernment Is nils on the Island of Hawaii (with the excep-tion ef those lands which may be 3M or leased during the

ef this privti'rge), has been this day granted to Mr C.C. Harris. L. KAMEHAMEHA.

Home IK'partniciit. 3'tli July. 9. l." tf

lloapitnl - RY ATTACHED TO THK urEE.VSTHE oa King street, will be oeew every day frow 7t

natil 9 A. M., ar lb d:speniHg of mediriaea 10 sick sad indi-gent Hawaiian., nmler the direction of Dr. Wa Hillebrand.

Perur ler. J. W. AI ST1N.13-- ' ' . . : Seeretary

NOTICK.I SIIERMIiVED tierefcy eflwew " that

THKwill not be responsible for or pay any debts or bills what-

ever, contracted In his name, without his written order.Honolulu, Jan. 12. IB6.1. i37-- y WM. WOND.


r of tbe Hawaiian Report, comrtsinr aiaav of the most

Important reciion and Ralingsof The "itnerior Coorts ot

this Kingdom during the tea years eadiag with r56. compiledby G I oe of M. Rossarsow.

Price fivedollars, hound in calf "

- - Paper Hangpiiigs. -

4 Lnrgre Aasortment lately recelted per1 Ssehem' and Poly Bia. For sal by


"RntiTifl Volnrces f ' : " ' ' "opnt) votrMEs or thk -- poLTjrestArr fobvarious jears tor sai at mis onicw. run,