the power of brands

THE POWER OF ... Presented by: Sara Abdelhameed

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Post on 12-Jul-2015




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Presented by: Sara Abdelhameed

Choose Your Favourite ...

Guess Who Am I ?

What does the following

symbols mean to you?

1) Chicken, An old man, with white hair and

beard, name consists of 3 letters?

2) Have a break, have a ....



What is a Brand?

A brand is a promise that is conveyed by everything

people see, hear, touch, taste or smell about your business.

This promise will help you achieve certain results, deliver a certain experience, or act in

a certain way.

According to “American Marketing Association”

History of Branding

In the beginning:

1) Products were pretty much the same

2) Trades were kept in the families

3) Choices were easy

Today...1) People overwhelmed with choices

2) Interest is more in quality not prices

3) Branding is influencing perceptions

How Perceptions Change?


Americas’ tap water is good & clean

No reason to buy bottled water

Research said, People buy lots of it

More expensive per liter than milk !

• -Companies capitalize on tap water not

pure, tastes bad !

• -Their brand solves this issue & worth


Why Branding is Important?


Creates better choices for the customer

Being distinctive in the market

Branding Objective

Creates in the mind of the customers’

expectation - the perception - that

there’s no other product or service

quite like this branded one!

Brands Perceptions – ‘Taste’

In 'blind' taste tests, people prefer the taste of Pepsi over the taste of Coke.

However, if the test is not 'blind' and the tasters know which beverage is which, they prefer the taste of Coke over Pepsi!

That is the emotional power of a brand. The Coca-Cola brand has the power to actually change an individual's taste!

Brands Perceptions – ‘Smell’

"The warmth, overwhelming coffee aroma

that Starbucks gives me every day in the

morning is the main reason for their brand

success” said analyst Joseph Buckley.

Why Brands are Costly?

Because nowadays products & services have

become alike, brands came to distinguish

them, HOW?

Branded lifestyle is

extended to brand

categories, saves

cost on company

Creates relationship

between brand &

consumer that will

lead to customer


Add emotion and trust

Creates lifestyles that

inspire the

consumer and

affects his lifestyle

The combination of emotions, relationships, lifestyles and values allows brand owners to charge a price premium for their products and services, which otherwise are barely distinguishable from generics

Lessons Learnt

Branding is a promise you need to fulfill-Not


Focus on Customer perception, not your own

Consistently re-evaluate your position in the


Be ready for change

Determine best option to distinguish you from

