the power of socratic · when you...

Get your FREE copy of Alex’s future bestseller at 1 The Power of Socratic Marketing Get your FREE copy of Alex’s future bestseller at You’re going to want to pay close attention, because today's topic is about the fastest, easiest, most reliable way to increase your sales and profits without spending a single penny more on advertising or marketing cost. Are you interested? Did I hook you with that question? First of all, it's easy. Secondly, it's over 2,400 years old. And third, some of the top universities in the world use it again and again - from Harvard, Yale, Wharton, Cambridge, Oxford and the list goes on. So is that enough merit for you to keep watching? What we're talking about is Socratic marketing. Socratic means Socrates. Socrates was the great Greek philosopher, he wore a toga. He mentored Plato, who was also a great Greek philosopher. Plato, in turn, mentored Aristotle, another great Greek philosopher. He brought us the three-act play. That's where that originated: situation, conflict, resolution, the three-act play. And then Aristotle mentored Alexander the Great, which, unfortunately he created a lot of destruction, but nevertheless he was a great leader. So the Socratic method really can be applied in marketing. And the reason I don't call it Socratic selling, which is a great book, Socratic Marketing is salesmanship multiplied. And so it started, for me, in 1999. And back then, I decided that I wanted to interview thought leaders. And no one knew me. I was like a piece of lint in the bellybutton of humanity, as far as the thought leaders were concerned.

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The Power of Socratic Marketing Get your FREE copy of Alex’s future bestseller at

You’re going to want to pay close attention, because today's topic is about the fastest, easiest, most reliable way to increase your sales and profits without spending a single penny more on advertising or marketing cost. Are you interested? Did I hook you with that question? First of all, it's easy. Secondly, it's over 2,400 years old. And third, some of the top universities in the world use it again and again - from Harvard, Yale, Wharton, Cambridge, Oxford and the list goes on. So is that enough merit for you to keep watching? What we're talking about is Socratic marketing. Socratic means Socrates. Socrates was the great Greek philosopher, he wore a toga. He mentored Plato, who was also a great Greek philosopher. Plato, in turn, mentored Aristotle, another great Greek philosopher. He brought us the three-act play. That's where that originated: situation, conflict, resolution, the three-act play. And then Aristotle mentored Alexander the Great, which, unfortunately he created a lot of destruction, but nevertheless he was a great leader. So the Socratic method really can be applied in marketing. And the reason I don't call it Socratic selling, which is a great book, Socratic Marketing is salesmanship multiplied. And so it started, for me, in 1999. And back then, I decided that I wanted to interview thought leaders. And no one knew me. I was like a piece of lint in the bellybutton of humanity, as far as the thought leaders were concerned.

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And I had just moved the next year, in the year 2000, I moved from Manhattan where I've lived for about eight years to Marin County, California, which is in the San Francisco Bay Area. I went from a $300,000 a year paying job on Madison Avenue as a Chief Marketing Officer of a company to making about $63,700 my first year in 2001 when I was on my own. I had no boss. I was the only boss and I dropped my income 80%. So it was a little gut-wrenching. However, what happened was I made a decision to buy a bunch of domains:,,, I couldn't get, of course, but I did get And so I got all these domains:,,,, all the people I wanted to interview, So I got all these domains. I bought about 200 of them and then I put them up. And when I posted them, I went to the thought leader and I said, "I’d like to do a teleseminar with you," because that's what we were doing back then. We didn't have YouTube, Twitter. We didn't have live streaming. We didn't have video online. I asked them, "I'd like to do a teleseminar with you. Would you like to do it? Because I don't have a database, let's send this out to your database. I will do all the work. I will write all the questions. I will pay for everything to repurpose it and hand it back to you. You'll have a product of about a 75-minute interview, but let's send it to your database." The question was something like this: in the area of selling, this is for Brian Tracy, what's the single most important question you would ask Brian Tracy if you met him on the street? And so he mailed that to his database. And what came back were like 1,500 questions. That went into a database I created in 2002, which was called the Ask

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Database. The Ask Database is like Google, only it looks for two, three, four word combinations that come in from the survey. Now, I took those word combinations, and I saw what people were really thinking about, what was really important to them. And so I postured the curriculum for the teleseminar, which they'd already opted in for. They would ask a question, then they'd opt in, and then people would show up. And the show up rate was really high because people wanted to know if their question was getting answered of the 1,500, in Brian Tracy's case, and what other questions were asked that they didn't think of. Are you getting this? Then at the very end of the process, we sold the audio - the teleseminar was free - but we sold the audio replay. We had it transcribed, and enhanced those, and we upsold those as well, as a pre-publication release. When all was said and done, I did this with T. Harv Eker, Jack Canfield, Ivan Misner, Denis Waitley, David Allen, Loral Langemeier, and the list goes on and on. I did it with virtually everyone and that's how I got to meet these people. And that's how I got on their stages by utilizing Socratic marketing and using the Ask Database to tell me what I should be serving them as curriculum and I did all the work. Now, the Ask Database is really no longer around. There's a new and improved version of the Ask methodology. It's really called the survey funnel. Survey is Ask. There's a gentleman who's written a book called Ask. He wasn't one of my students, but his mentor, Dr. Glenn Livingston, I think was familiar with my work earlier on. I had nothing to do with their success, but I just took what was Socrates, nothing was original, just the application was, and I did the 1.0 version. And Ryan Levesque, the author of Ask, I think has done the 2.0 and maybe

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even a 3.0 version of the process because now there are funnels where you can ask all the way along the line of opt in, thank you pages and deliver exactly what people are wanting, based on their response. So that's my story. I could tell it for an hour but I don't have that time and neither do you, most likely. What's more important? What's more powerful? What has more impact? Asking or telling? You probably know a lot of tell people. Maybe your parents were tell people. Maybe your spouse is a tell person. Maybe your ex-spouse is a tell people. Maybe your kids are tell people. I don't know. Ask, for me, always wins. To me, the question mark is more powerful than the exclamation point. Dale Carnegie said that. I didn't say that. Now, what is the premise, what is the belief or the core value of Socratic marketing? Pay attention and just listen carefully. Read carefully if you're reading it and watch carefully if you're watching this. The premise of Socratic marketing is always this. A gentleman I interviewed, asked, Stephen Covey, 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, Stephen Covey said, "Begin with the end in mind." Now, Benjamin Disraeli, former prime minister of England, also said that. Benjamin Franklin, one of the founding fathers of America said that, a lot of Benjamins. But Stephen Covey is best known for saying, "Begin with the end in mind." So I'm going to begin with the end in mind. There is a Masterclass I want to introduce you to. It's three parts. It's free and it takes you through the process and it's Ryan Levesque's. It's not mine because I believe the work he's done is superior to what I started.

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And so - that stands for survey funnel. It's a masterclass, three parts and it's free. Make sure you get the SF. And that's where we're headed. Now, time out. I started with the call to action so we're going to end there later. And as I take you through this curriculum for this particular presentation and training - because this is a Masterclass in and of itself, I always start with the offer. In this case, it's not for money. It's a three-part live training. And if you want to continue education with Ryan, you can. But the point is I start with the CTA, which is the call to action. When you write a speech, when you create a sales letter or sales video, when you're about to give a presentation on stage, if you're going to have a teleseminar, if you have a webinar training, whatever you're doing - always begin with the call to action. If you're selling something, always begin with the offer. And then once you have the offer and all the elements that are in there, the bonuses, the different types of products, the templates, and the blueprints, and all the stuff you put in - an offer is not a product. An offer is a combination of what you're giving to a student, or a member, or a patient, or a client, or a customer. It depends what business you're in. Well, if you start with the call to action, now you can back into your presentation and drop little seeds almost like breadcrumb navigation to get them there. And they're gobbling up one by one by one the little breadcrumbs or seeds until you get to that big loaf of bread waiting for them, right?

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That's the goal. That's where we're going to end up. That's what I started with so you see how I designed this presentation because that is the Socratic method, begin with the end in mind. Now, who uses the Socratic method? I think pilots do. If you've ever been on an airplane, they have a GPS system. And if you are flying to Rome from San Francisco, California, the first thing that they are doing is dialing in where Rome is in their guidance system, the GPS. That's beginning with the end in mind. Now, after they do that, then they come back and they dial in, "We're in San Francisco International Airport." And that plane is off course, of course, 95% of the time. You’ve probably heard that before. But it started by beginning with the end in mind. Why should a presentation be any different? Why should a book be any different? Why should a speech be any different? Why should a how-to course be any different? Begin with the end in mind. That should be a big “AHA”. So let's begin with case studies, which are stories of how to use the Socratic method. The first one I have is Now, I'm giving you case studies so you can go there and check them up. And maybe you want to poach and lift, also called stealing or borrowing. Maybe you want to borrow some of the questions I have because they are done psychologically in a proper sequence.

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So if you go to, that's the first case study, you won't see a survey there. You will see an interview that I did with Ryan Levesque, who is the gentleman I talked about earlier, who was mentored by Glenn Livingston. See, mentorship is very important. And this is a blog post. The blog post is How to Write Surveys. If you go there, you can read all about it. That's a good place to start, how-to. There are different types of surveys that you can do. That's a good start and that's the first case study because I asked Ryan to be on this show long before I'm recording it now. And now, I'm supporting Ryan in his work because I got to know, like and trust him. And this is now about 15 months later. I'm not saying the Socratic method is faster than anything else. I'm saying the Socratic method is more reliable than anything else because we're doing it of our own free will. A man or woman who is convinced against their will, they are of the same opinion still is the rhyme, right? Actually, it's a man who's forced against his will is of the same opinion still, but I wanted to make it politically correct so I messed it up. So that's case study number one. Go check that out. All right. And this lineage of mentorship - Ryan always says publicly, "Glenn Livingston is my mentor." My root mentor that goes all the way back is Buckminster Fuller. Bucky Fuller, you can look him up. My lineage goes all the way up: Bobbi DePorter, Marshall Thurber, then Bucky Fuller. And there's a bunch of them in between there. But from what I know, and the way I teach, and the way I present, Bucky is my root mentor. So who's your root mentor? It's a very important question because where you come from will definitely have an impact on where you go. Now, the next case study is Now, if you're not familiar with the word "intake," doctors use it, dentists use

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it, wellness professionals, chiropractors use it. An intake is before the diagnosis. So when you go to a doctor's office, you're taking in information on a sheet of paper, or sometimes many sheets of paper. What medication have you used? Have you had any ailments? Do you smoke? Do you drink? All these answers you're giving to the questions. And based on that, there's a lot of time that's saved by the wellness practitioner whether it's a chiropractor, dentist or MD in diagnosing you because he or she has a background now to ask you questions. And you're giving him or her the context to start the diagnosis. The best doctors in the world are the best diagnosers. And the best diagnosing doctors have the best intake. goes to a pre-training intake, which is called Clear Path Mentoring Program. It's a high-end program, $100,000, $30,000, $12,000 - very high-end. I'm not going to go into what you get for those but those are the numbers. So we have to take them through an intake to make sure that they're the right fit for them because it's a lot of money. And where we got the Clear Path Mentoring Program was through the Socratic marketing process because what we kept hearing in interviewing people, and going through strategy sessions, and discovery sessions is they kept saying: "I don't have a clear path. I don't have a clear path. I mean, I think I know my target audience. I think I know what media to use. I'm pretty sure about my message, but I just don't have a clear path. I'm overwhelmed." So what do we call it? Clear Path Mentoring because that solves the problem.

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How's that for Socratic marketing? Are you getting this? Any “Aha’s” so far? Any pack my bag moments, which means you could pack your bags right now and leave because you got what you needed? But you're still going to stay, right? That's what we call pack my bag moments. I do that in seminars. I have a backpack. I give it to the pack my bag moment person who shares and interrupts me. I let them interrupt me so everyone else can hear. And I say, "Who else had that?" And they all raise their hand. And then someone else does it and the backpack goes from person to person. If you're a trainer, that's a great way to engage an audience. Just say it. All right. Next is case study number three, the Binary Assessment. Now, I made this up. If you go to, you can take it and you will get your results. But the binary assessment, for me, I use it for post-purchase assessment. When I have a $30,000 or a $100,000, or a $12,000 client that has come in for high-end mentoring, then I have them go through a bunch of assessments and intakes. And the binary one is super simple. It has a list of questions. Are you this or that? Many people say, "I'm both of these things." Are you a starter or are you a finisher? Are you a morning glory, which is a morning person, or are you a night owl, which is a night person? Are you a project person in business or a people person? Are you open with conflict, or are you closed with conflict?

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So there's a sequence of questions that I've come up with. I created it. Then I tell people, "This is what you are 51% of the time. You're probably a lot of the other thing but this is what you are." Many people think that the binary assessment, and if you've ever taken it, you know this, everyone thinks that I'm trying to figure out what they are. I'm just trying to get them to be better decision-makers before they get to me because I haven't started mentoring them. They have to decide between this or that. So I'm having them practice and kind of work out that muscle of decision-making because decision, by definition, means to cut off. Incision, in medicine, is to cut into. Decision is to cut off. It's hard to make decisions because people feel they're losing choices. That's what the binary assessment, my hidden agenda, my meta reason, is to get them to be a better decision-maker. But we have a lot of fun, especially if we have husband and wife clients or partnership clients because, hey, if you want a good business, I hope that your partner is not a starter if you're a starter. If you're a starter and your partner is a starter, then you will start a bunch of stuff. You will celebrate with all the great ideas and not finish anything. You will be called the bright, shiny object company. But if you're a finisher and your partner is a finisher, then you won't have those ideas that require lead magnets, and develop lists, and databases so that you can actually finish and sell them. If you're a starter, it's good to have a finisher in your company. If you're a morning glory, that's where all your willpower is strong in the morning and you're most creative, and someone else is a night owl, well, if you're a morning glory and that person is coming in the office, or you're calling that person, or Skyping that person, don't try to get creative with the night owl if you're a morning glory and it's 8 o'clock in the morning.

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They haven't even gotten started. It's 11am before they get going like three coffees later. Case study number four is It’s still there. This is a launch that I had with a strategic alliance partner. His name is Steve Olsher. And the high-end Excelerator Program that we had - We call them Excelerator because it's a different spin on Accelerator with an A. This is Excelerator with an E. This was a post-launch application, which attracted high-end clients, which we got. We got a $100,000. We got $30,000. We got even $60,000. It was like a hybrid. I said, "Okay. $60,000. This is what you don't get out of the $100,000." So getting those people after launch, we generated more money after the launch over the next six weeks than we did during the launch, which we worked so hard for. So all the headaches are in the front end. All the profits and income are in the back end. Basically, what that application is, is an eligibility application for high-end clients. We're not selling the Excelerator Program with that particular Socratic marketing technique. We're selling the eligibility and we disqualify people. We had over 800 people come through. We disqualified 600 of them because they didn't have the funds, or they didn't have the experience, or they've never been mentored, so… gone. What Socratic marketing does is it eliminates rejection because you're only talking to people who are pre-qualified and you're disqualifying those other people, which I hope you will do if you use this technology. It also boosts profits. It also eliminates uncertainty because you're working with not what you think they need.

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You're working with what you know they want. How do you know? Because they told you. That is Socratic marketing. Let me show you an angel model. In fact, the gentleman who created this did the launch for Teleseminar Secrets in my final year. His name is Jeff Walker and his brother Jon Walker and Jeff, they did my final launch and then they started selling the Product Launch Formula. So if you're familiar with PLF or Product Launch Formula, then you know that there are three pieces of PLCs, which stands for pre-launch content. And you give content upfront almost like breadcrumb navigation to get people to know, like and trust you, to get people to understand what it is that you stand for and to get people to believe you. And then you're hoping you're building enough tension to give them a sales piece, which is the fourth video, or it could be a live event. And now all you're doing is selling because you already set up the tension and the argument, and you're resolving the problems that they have with your offer. Now, how do you set up a launch? You always start with the end in mind. What's the end in mind? Your offer. So when we did our launch, and I advise all my clients to do the same, start with the offer, not the pre-launch content, because how do you know where the pre-launch content is going to go if you don't know what the offer is? So find the destination first, and then back in, and seed, and put all the breadcrumbs along the way. So hopefully, you'll be using the same languaging and the same rhythm to get them to the Promised Land. Now, what I've developed is something quite different, and it's an extension of a Product Launch Formula. And I did a few times and I thought it was just beginner's luck. Then I did it again for us and it worked, gangbusters. But there is a post-launch formula. I didn't create the launch formula. That was Jeff Walker. But after a launch, what most people do and this is if ever you do a launch, what most people do is they wait about three or four days and they reopen

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the cart. And generally, this is what I found, they will take the six-pay plan and make available a 12-payment plan. I don't like that. People much smarter than I have done it and have done well, but I personally don't like it because if they didn't say to the six-pay or the single-pay, saying yes to the 12-pay is really putting a lot of pressure on you and don't expect to get all 12 payments. That's been my experience from the majority of them. It's just the way it goes. So rather than doing that and reselling the offer that was there during the launch after the cart closes, what we're doing ... Actually we're doing this for Ryan Levesque who is having a launch called the Ask Launch using his survey funnel concept. And he's actually applying in the launch what he naturally does for clients and for students. So he has three pieces of pre-launch content and then he has a sales proposition at the very end. But after the cart closes, he reached out to me and he said, "Hey, could you set you up our high-end client process afterward like you did for your launch?" And he didn't know, but I've done it for other people, too. I just thought it was beginner's luck. I said, "I don't do that. I just do it for me. What if I mess it up? These are very, very valuable leads to you." He said, "No. Just do it." That's basically what he said. So I got together with my partner in that realm. His name is Doug Brown. We got together and we set it up. Here's the process so you know because it's new. Three days after the cart closes, we reopen it and we have people apply. And after they apply, there's a proposition, it’s a sales proposition. It's a video and it's selling the application. It's not selling the high-end program. So if you're selling something high-end, your sales piece after a launch is not selling something that's $10,000, $30,000, $100,000. It's selling the thing that's free, which is called an application so that they can go to a strategy session or a discovery session.

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Is this making sense? Now, here's where it gets really interesting. I call it PLTs because I want to be a little different than PLCs because it's post launch training. And post launch training is number two, three and four. This is just the opposite of the Product Launch Formula and it's selling high-end clients. And it's amazing - the people who bought the offers, in my experience, during the launch and people who didn't buy, buy the high-end equally. It's usually 50-50 or 55-45. Is that amazing? You may be watching right now and saying, "Hey, I'm one of those high-end clients." Well, welcome. This is what we did. So we start with a sales piece or a video. And if you want to see my video, it's what I gave you earlier, And so people have to click an orange button and I start by saying, "Thanks for clicking the orange button." We start with where they left off, and then I take them through the application. It's still live and you can watch it. The Post Launch Formula is starting with a sales video, which is what I did at Then while they're waiting to get their scheduled strategy session, they're getting post launch content or post launch training, three of them, and then there's a deadline and then we close it. Really, it extends for another six weeks. Now, if you're just starting out, that's not for you. If you've never done a launch before, that's not for you. But what's important is this uses Socratic marketing because we constantly are asking them with the post launch training videos. What else do you want? What else is your problem? What's your biggest issue? Finding your market, finding your message or finding the media? Well, for my particular database, 55% say, "I don't know my market. I don't

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know my target audience. In other words, I don't have an avatar. I don't know where to look. In other words, I don't have a niche." Well, then how can you make money? That's where all the money is, is your market. So that's what we do is create a clear path to find those people. Is this making sense? All right. Next principle, the RFM principle. Now, RFM is an old direct mail term. Most people who are in internet marketing don't even know what this means but I'm like a grandfather. I go back to 1993, so I know what it means. It's called recency, frequency and monetary value. Now, this is what this means and this why the Post Launch Formula works because the most valuable client, customer, member, patient - and the one who's most likely to buy again is the one who purchased most recently, that's recency, the one who's purchased most frequently. Let's say they're a member in the member's area. Well, that person is more valuable than someone who's never purchased before recently. And then the one who's purchased the highest monetary value. So if you had someone buy from you yesterday, and they have bought from you six times, and you have a bunch of other people who bought three times, the one who's bought six times is more likely to buy. Are you with me? Because they have demonstrated buying behavior. Now, here's the thing that most people don't realize. If that person paid you $50,000 yesterday and they bought often, I would go to that person first before I go to someone else, because that person is more engaged, is more enrolled even though he's paid more. Many people say, "They don't have any money anymore because they spend 50 grand."

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That's wrong. That's not Socratic marketing. The RFM principle is recency, frequency, monetary value. It works and it's made me millions of more dollars as a result. So if someone purchases your launch product that you're offering, give them a rebate. Pay your affiliates and give them a rebate. They're more likely to buy again. Just make sure you're crystal clear with your affiliates what you're doing and make sure that they all agree. That's it. The only glitch is if you're hiding that agenda. Just be crystal clear and move forward on that basis. It's a no-brainer. Now, the fifth case study. I spend a lot of time on that one because it's a biggie. The fifth case study is Now, CS stands for Conversion Secrets. Now, before we have a course, I want to know what people are suffering from. One of my mentors said, "The last thing a human being is willing to give up is his own suffering." I want to know what people are suffering from. What are their pains? What are their joys? What are their hopes and dreams? What are their core values? So what we do is before someone starts a training with us, we have a pre-training intake so that we can design our curriculum accordingly. So when I'm doing a curriculum for the first time, let's call it a beta, I always have an intake beforehand. Even if I think I know those people and I've known them for years, I may not know them through the lens of conversion, which is turning a prospect into a customer, or turning a suspect into a prospect, or turning a customer into a raving fan or a multi-buyer. Are you with me? Before you have your first training, don't have the entire curriculum written out. Call it a beta. Charge less. Do an intake and that's how I've developed

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all my courses. It starts in beta. I get the early adopters. They become the case studies and testimonials. Then we launch it and many of the beta people become our affiliates. So it's like going to heaven without the inconvenience of dying. Now, if you missed what I just said, go back and watch the replay, very important piece. Bottom line is the end. When you begin with the end in mind, that really means the CTA or call to action. The ends justify the means. The CTA is the call to action. What do you want them to do? But we're not done because a lot of people make mistakes with Socratic marketing. These are three mishaps when you're profiling someone. Socratic marketing is not about a project. It's not about a media source. It's not about operations, or finance, or administration. It's about people. It's about marketing. So with Socratic marketing and you're profiling a person, and if you profile a company, it usually is a result of a lot of people, right? When you're profiling, it's like saying assessing, or quizzing, or getting intakes. So here are three mishaps that people just fall into again and again. The first one is the survey is too long. If you're meeting someone for the first time, that survey better be super short, three to five minutes tops. Mine are about two minutes or less. Too long of a survey is mishap number one. Don't make that mistake. Number two, you have slow follow-up. So there is no auto-responder saying, "We got you." There is no call afterwards saying, "Hey, we got you. Let's set up an appointment." You wait ten days and then they've forgotten they took the survey. Actually, every day you wait, that's 10% less interest, engagement or conversion that I have found. So that's my rule of thumb. If you wait one day, now you got 90% value. If you wait two days, 80%. Five days, 50%. If you wait nine days, there's only

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a 10% chance that that person is going to engage with you because they've forgotten you. You know,10 days today, in the digital distraction age, is much different than 10 days in the 1800s. Are you with me? 1816 versus 2016, a whole different thing. Too many distractions, too much access, a lot of overwhelm and stress. Are you with me? Anyway, many of you could be watching on your phone. If you go to MOL App, that's, you can download our app and just watch it on your iPhone or tablet. All right. Mishap number three is irrelevant questions. Now, the reason people have irrelevant questions is because they didn't begin with the end in mind. They just put up a bunch of questions and then they get the offer. Then people are taking these questions and they’re going, "Huh?” There's no thread of relevance. There's no line of a premise going through the process. So make sure you have relevant questions every survey, every quiz, every assessment that I've given you as case studies, they're all relevant. You need to have important and relevant otherwise they're not going to be interested. All right? So I had to give you four lead magnet strategies because how you get leads, how you get prospects, what's the best way? Through a survey, through a quiz, through an intake. Why, Alex? Because you don't want to give them an ethical bribe that they are not going to read even if it's one page. There are many ethical bribes and many

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lead magnets that do extremely well: blueprints, templates, cheat sheets. But imagine this. Imagine you have someone take an assessment, an intake or a survey. And the bribe for them to opt in just with their email is to get their report of findings. Think about that. They are the most important person to themselves. Their birthday is probably the most important day of the year. It is for me. I don't forget my birthday. Their name is probably the most important thing to them. They're not narcissists. They're just people. When you take a family picture, who do you look for first? Everyone else or you? You look at how you look in the picture. Did you look goofy? Did you look happy? You look for you first. So the premise of doing surveys, which I did back in 2001 with thought leaders, it worked because people wanted to know if the other questions that were asked, if they were more relevant than theirs. They want to know if their question was going to be asked. If you have a quiz, or an intake, or an assessment and you want to know what the results are, well, you'll be willing to opt in and you'll be looking in your inbox via email to find it. So whitelisting, which is getting it out of the spam filter box or the junk folder, that's no longer an issue. They'll check everything. Where's my report? Where's my report? Are you with me? I could go on for an hour just on that as a magnet. But let me give you some magnet ideas. A personal assessment. So if you do a personal assessment like I do with Myers-Briggs - it's a dumbed down version, it's a light version of Myers-Briggs. I call it the hero assessment - you're going to find out whether your persona type of a competitive, a methodical, a spontaneous or humanistic. I'm a competitive. And so you'll find out you'll be one of four quadrants and who else are you like? Who is most likely to argue with you? Who is most likely to get along with you?

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And so that's a personal assessment. People want to know what they are. They'll send their friends to find out where they are and your list grows as a lead magnet. Number two, pop quiz. These are shorter. Some websites rely on pop quizzes just ongoing all the time. So a pop quiz is super short. Sometimes it's one question. Sometimes it's three, but it's a great way to get an opt in because the answer is on the thank you page after they've opted in. Then an eligibility application. That's what we did with We're looking and selling eligibility, which that's what I did in that video, to find out if are you the ideal fit for an Excelerator client, which we'll be working with you personally for a year? Now, if they're not eligible, then you can downsell them something else and not promote or enroll them into your mentoring program, or mastermind, or an intensive or whatever it is that you have. So an eligibility application is a great way to get people to opt in, and you have all these other information about them just like Facebook. Now does your opt in rate go down? Yes, it does because there's more work. But does the intensity of the value of that client go up? Yes, it does because they work harder. The harder a client works, the more valuable they are. And then pre-qualification intake questions. Pre-qualification intake questions are pre-qualifying them for the course. For example, before we did our Conversion Secrets course,, I gave you that case study, we wanted to pre-qualify where was this group. We have a Facebook group but you can't really get answers from a Facebook group, not like this. So we had everyone go through the intake. It was a small group, less than a hundred. Going through the process, we really knew what we had to do with the curriculum and that curriculum was polished, and our version one was better than version none.

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And now, when we release that which, at the time, of this recording we'll be releasing in March 2017, which is some time away from now, if you're watching live, or reading, or listening, then we have so much better information. All the people who went through that beta program are the case studies, the testimonials and even joint venture partners and affiliates. Heaven without dying. Here's a bonus, post-purchase client intake. Now, the first intake that they take isn't the only one that you should give them. After they purchase and they're halfway through, you can ask them how we're doing? On a level of 0 to 10, how are we doing in this area? How are we doing in that area? And then if they give you a seven or eight, you would ask the next question: what would make it a 10? So now, you're getting real life feedback. I recommend that you do that anonymously so people will tell you the truth because they won't tell you the truth if they know who the person that they are actually giving their name to tell you, "Hey, you are a four for engagement out of 10." No, they don't want to do that. But if you make it anonymous where you can't figure out who filled it out without an opt in because they're already a client, that's what my bonus is for a lead magnet. This is a lead magnet to even a higher end client. This is a how-to course. A high-end would be mentoring, coaching, consulting. So post-purchase intake is long after the purchase, usually halfway through the course. Socratic marketing, boosts your conversion. You'll have more prospects turn into customers or buyers. It lowers rejection. What does that mean? You won't get people who say no to you as much because they've already told you what they want. So you're just going to give them what they need. And then maximize profits, there's less friction.

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There are fewer roadblocks. You've greased the shoot all the way to the final offer. So what do you do next? Three-part master course. They're actually pre-launch content. And this is Ryan Levesque's, like I mentioned before. It's the best I've seen and you're not going to be forced to buy any continuing education. But this three-part Masterclass is worth more than $3,000 or $4,000 courses that are out there on this topic of Socratic marketing. He doesn't call it that. Just like I did, he re-branded Socrates and called it the Ask Method. I called it the Ask Methodology back in 2001. And now I've stopped doing that and selling that process except for teaching it here, and Ryan, my colleague, is continuing to teach it and that is his brand. He's the survey funnel guy. And survey means Socratic. There you have it, the Socratic Marketing Training. I hope this was a Masterclass. You got it for free. I'm going to sell it one day. But I hope you enjoyed it. I hope you had many “Aha’s”. Please comment and share. I want to know.