the powerpc macs: model by model install/apple... · two former archenemies — apple and ibm —...

IN THIS CHAPTER: The PowerPC chip The specs for every desktop and portable PowerPC model What the model numbers mean Mac clones, PPCP, and the future of PowerPC In March 1994, Apple introduced a completely new breed of Mac — the Power Macintosh. After more than a decade of building Macs around the Motorola 68000, 68020, 68030, and 68040 chips, Apple shifted to a much faster, more powerful microprocessor — the PowerPC chip. From the start, Apple made it clear it was deadly serious about getting these Power Macs into the world; the prices on the original models were low, and prices on the second-generation Power Macs dropped lower still. A well- equipped Power Mac 8500, running at 180 MHz, with 32MB of RAM, a 2 GB hard drive, and a eight-speed CD-ROM drive costs about $500 less than the original Mac SE/30! When the Power Macs were first released, Apple promised that all future Mac models would be based on the PowerPC chip. Although that didn’t immediately prove to be the case — the PowerBook 500 series, the PowerBook 190, and the Quadra 630 series were among the 68040-based machines released after the Power Macs — by the fall of 1996, Macs with four-digit model numbers (PowerPC-based Power Macs, LCs, PowerBooks, and Performas) were the only computers still in production. In less than two years, Chapter 13 The PowerPC Macs: Model by Model 429

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Page 1: The PowerPC Macs: Model by Model Install/Apple... · two former archenemies — Apple and IBM — and Motorola.(For your cock-tail-conversation pleasure: Yes, the PowerPC chip is

IN THIS CHAPTER:■ The PowerPC chip

■ The specs for every desktop and portable PowerPC model

■ What the model numbers mean

■ Mac clones, PPCP, and the future of PowerPC

In March 1994, Apple introduced a completely new breed of Mac — the

Power Macintosh. After more than a decade of building Macs around the

Motorola 68000, 68020, 68030, and 68040 chips, Apple shifted to a much

faster, more powerful microprocessor — the PowerPC chip.

From the start, Apple made it clear it was deadly serious about getting

these Power Macs into the world; the prices on the original models were low,

and prices on the second-generation Power Macs dropped lower still. A well-

equipped Power Mac 8500, running at 180 MHz, with 32MB of RAM, a 2 GB

hard drive, and a eight-speed CD-ROM drive costs about $500 less than the

original Mac SE/30!

When the Power Macs were first released, Apple promised that all future

Mac models would be based on the PowerPC chip. Although that didn’t

immediately prove to be the case — the PowerBook 500 series, the PowerBook

190, and the Quadra 630 series were among the 68040-based machines

released after the Power Macs — by the fall of 1996, Macs with four-digit

model numbers (PowerPC-based Power Macs, LCs, PowerBooks, and

Performas) were the only computers still in production. In less than two years,

Chapter 13

The PowerPC Macs:Model by Model


Page 2: The PowerPC Macs: Model by Model Install/Apple... · two former archenemies — Apple and IBM — and Motorola.(For your cock-tail-conversation pleasure: Yes, the PowerPC chip is

the Power Mac line has grown to over 45 models. That’s why, in this edition,

the Power Macs — and PowerPC PowerBooks — get their own chapter.

One more note: We’ve included the most important specs for each model

in this chapter. For the real nitty-gritty, however — detailed information

about jacks, VRAM, and so on — see the Apple Specs database on the CD-

ROM that came with this book.

THE POWERPC CHIPRemember, the PowerPC isn’t a computer. It’s just a processor chip that can

form the basis of a computer, whether it be a Macintosh, a Windows NT

machine, or an automobile transmission. This much-hyped RISC chip, which

began shipping in September 1993, is the result of joint development by the

two former archenemies — Apple and IBM — and Motorola. (For your cock-

tail-conversation pleasure: Yes, the PowerPC chip is faster, cheaper, and less

energy-demanding than the corresponding Pentium chips found in high-end

DOS-based PCs. Furthermore, the PowerPC is a new architecture with plenty

of room for growth. For example, by mid-1997, an Apple-sponsored startup

company called Exponential Technology will be shipping 466 MHz, 500

MHz, and 533 MHz PowerPC processors in the form of a new chip called the

X704. The Pentium chip, by contrast, is already reaching its limits.)

RISC, by the way, stands for reduced instruction set computer. This reduced

instruction set is one of the things that makes the chip so fast; the RISC chip

uses a more concise, less-convoluted vocabulary of instructions. Therefore, it

can handle more tasks in less time than earlier chips could. Furthermore, the

RISC chip not only can process instruction data in larger chunks (32 bits

instead of 16 on 68040-based Macs), but also handle more than one set of

instructions at the same time. Even the slowest Power Mac can theoretically

run programs six times faster than, say, a Quadra 800.

The original Power Mac models — the 6100, 7100, and 8100 — used the

first-generation 601 PowerPC chip and ran at clock speeds of 60, 66, and 80

MHz, respectively. Since then, four new versions of the PowerPC chip have

been released — the 603, 603e, 604, and 604e. The 603-series chips aren’t

faster than the original 601, just more energy-efficient. They’ve been used

primarily in PowerBooks and Performas. The 604 and 604e chips, on the

other hand, are considerably faster and permit dramatically higher clock

speeds. See “Get your chips straight,” later in this chapter, for details.

430 Part II: Secrets of the Machine

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All about emulationTo experience the exhilarating speed of a Power Mac in all its glory, you must

run software specially written for the PowerPC chip. This special software is

called native-mode PowerPC software. (That term is often shortened to

“native,” even though the term native actually means “written specifically for

this chip,” whether it’s a PowerPC chip or not.) Every program you owned

before March 1994, on the other hand, was written in a foreign language, as

far as the Power Mac is concerned.

Obviously, Apple couldn’t release a Mac that didn’t run existing Mac soft-

ware. So, to ensure compatibility with existing Mac programs, Apple included

an emulator program in the Power Mac’s ROM. This emulator works behind

the scenes, automatically translating the normal Mac code (in which your

programs were written) into a format that the PowerPC chip understands.

So, despite the fast processor speed, these older programs don’t run any faster

in Mac emulation mode on the original Power Macs than they would on, say,

a Quadra 700.

Better emulation

Fortunately, the emulation picture is getting brighter. The second-generation

Power Macs, such as the 7500 and 8500, use a greatly improved emulator

called the DRE (for Dynamic Recompilation Emulator) that translates old-

style Mac programming into PowerPC code up to 30 percent faster than the

original Power Macs did. And, of course, even faster Power Macs mean faster

emulation. Even in emulation mode, for example, the latest Power Mac 9500,

which runs at 200 MHz and employs the new DRE, is faster than the fastest

Quadra. (For first-generation Power Mac owners, the Connectix program

called Speed Doubler provides an emulation speed-up that ties or even beats

the DRE mechanism.)

On the positive side, emulation means that a Power Mac runs almost all

the software you already own. The only programs guaranteed not to run on a

Power Macintosh are those that require an FPU (math coprocessor chip for

high-speed computations); the PowerPC’s FPU is a completely different (and

incompatible) design from the relatively inefficient FPU of the Quadra series.

As a result, those few 3-D rendering and drafting programs that required an

older-style FPU would crash on a Power Macintosh. Fortunately, those were

the very programs most likely to take advantage of the RISC chip’s speed and,

therefore, the first converted to native PowerPC versions.

Chapter 13: The PowerPC Macs: Model by Model 431

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The emulated OS

Ironically, Apple’s own software is largely non-native. In its rush to get the

Power Macintosh to market, Apple had time to rework only a small percent-

age of the Mac’s behind-the-scenes Toolbox (the set of computer instructions

upon which all commercial programs rely and which handles such basic Mac

tasks as creating windows and menus) in System 7.1.2.

With each system update, Apple has added a few more nuggets of native

PowerPC code to the operating system. By the time System 7.5.3 rolled out in

1996, key components such as QuickDraw, Modern Memory Manager,

Desktop Printing, and the Resource Manager were all rewritten in native

code. Of course, every Power Mac owner’s fantasy would be a completely

native-PowerPC operating system; Apple is working on it. It’s called Mac OS

8 (code-named Copland). Until Apple produces a realistic schedule for com-

pleting OS 8, the company will be releasing incremental System-software

upgrades, each with a few more chunks of native code. (See Chapter 6.).

In any case, when you run native-PowerPC software on a Power Macintosh,

no emulation is required. These programs leave even the fastest Quadra in the

dust. Fortunately, all Mac software companies generally release every new pro-

gram with installers that offer a choice of PowerPC version, 68000, or fat

binary — a single program version that includes both PowerPC and non-

PowerPC code, making it take up lots of disk space, but ensuring its compati-

bility on any Mac.

Look and feelOn the outside, Power Macs look no different from their predecessors, and

most existing Mac appliances — printers, modems, CD-ROM drives, and so

on — work fine with Power Macs.

However, as new Power Macs have continued to roll off the assembly line,

driven by even faster versions of the PowerPC chip, some fundamental

changes have taken place. Although the first PowerPC models used the same

72-pin SIMMs used in other recent Mac models, the newer Power Macs

require 168-pin DIMMs, which transfer data at 64 bits at a time instead of 32.

Also, the newest Power Macs are equipped with PCI (Peripheral Component

Interconnect) expansion slots — instead of the standard NuBus slots found

on most earlier Macs — for items such as video digitizer cards, graphics

accelerators, and networking hardware. So, although your old laser printer

will work just fine with a new Power Mac, the graphics card that came with

your monitor will probably have to be replaced. (See Chapter 31 for more

about PCI slots.)

432 Part II: Secrets of the Machine

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Special features

Every Power Macintosh offers audiovisual fea-

tures previously associated only with the AV

Macs (see Chapter 23). These features include

speech recognition, the GeoPort, CD-quality

stereo recording and playback, and, in the case

of the PCI Power Macs, fax/modem/voice mail

software (see Chapter 27). All Power Macs come

with built-in Ethernet, too (see Chapter 32).

The original Power Macs (6100, 7100, 8100)

— which we’ll henceforth call the “first-gener-

ation” Power Mac models — offered an added-

cost AV option. This card provided an input

jack for video (so you could make your own

QuickTime movies), an additional video-out-

put jack, and more VRAM for richer color dis-

plays on your monitor. As you’ll read later,

most of these features are standard on the sec-

ond generation of Power Macs — no add-on

card is required — and even on some low-cost

LC and Performa models.

Upgrading to PowerPC

With the release of the first Power Macs, Apple

provided existing Mac owners with several easy

and cheap ways to upgrade to Power Macs.

Shortly thereafter, Apple stepped aside and left

the business of PowerPC upgrades to DayStar,

the popular accelerator-card company (and,

more recently, a maker of high-powered Mac


Upgrade cards or motherboard swaps were

offered for most 1993/1994 Mac models

(Quadra 610 through 950; LC 475 through 575

models; Performa 475 through 600; IIvx; and

so on). But frankly, given the remarkably low

prices of the newest Power Macs, we find it

hard to justify most of these upgrades. In

almost every case, you’re better off selling

Chapter 13: The PowerPC Macs: Model by Model 433

So, what’s this about the Mac running IBMsoftware?

It’s true. You can outfit your Power Macintoshwith a program called SoftWindows, which runssoftware designed for IBM-compatiblecomputers, and Windows, the Mac-clone softwarefrom Microsoft. Insignia Solutions, the companythat makes SoftWindows, suggests you have from16MB to 24MB of RAM to use the software.

The first version of SoftWindows (which wasactually bundled with some versions of the PowerMac 6100) was on the lame side. It offered theperformance of a 25 MHz Intel 486SX-basedWindows PC and could run only those Windowsprograms written in Standard Mode, not themore popular 386 Enhanced Mode. Also,SoftWindows couldn’t handle programs requiringthe popular PC-clone SoundBlaster audio cards,meaning that you couldn’t run SoundBlaster-dependent CD-ROMs and games on your PowerMacintosh.

SoftWindows 2.0 was much improved, but still nosubstitute for an actual PC. It still gave your Macthe speed of a rather low-end 486 PC, but it couldrun any Windows program, including those onCD-ROM and those requiring Enhanced Mode.And, although Soft-Windows 2 supports theWindows Sound System, it still doesn’t emulate aSoundBlaster card. SoftWindows 3.0, released in1996, runs Windows about 30 percent faster thanthe previous version and does have SoundBlastersupport. A Windows 95 version of SoftWindows isalso available.

Granted, SoftWindows still runs slower than evenan inexpensive PC, but for occasional use withprograms that don’t require lightning-fastperformance, SoftWindows is actually a decentway to emulate Windows on your Mac —without investing in a considerably moreexpensive PC Compatibility card.


Page 6: The PowerPC Macs: Model by Model Install/Apple... · two former archenemies — Apple and IBM — and Motorola.(For your cock-tail-conversation pleasure: Yes, the PowerPC chip is

your old Mac and investing in a brand new machine. (See “The Only Upgrade

Guide You’ll Ever Need” in Chapter 12.)

What PowerPC really meansYes, you get some nifty audiovisual features with the Power Macintosh. But

mainly, you get speed. Think about the time you spend watching the wrist-

watch icon. Think about Photoshop operations that currently make you wait

for minutes on end. Recall the time you wait for QuickTime movies to be

saved — and how jerkily they play back. Imagine how slowly you scroll

through the pages of a lengthy PageMaker document. Many of these waiting

moments become insignificant when you run PowerPC-ready programs.

The PowerPC chip is also an invitation to software companies to dream up

entirely new kinds of software — involving video, 3-D graphics, telephone or

answering-machine features, and the like — that previous Macs simply were

too slow to handle.

On the other hand, native programs take up much more disk space than

non-native software. Worse, PowerPC gobbles up memory like you wouldn’t

believe. System 7.5 alone, for example, takes up more than 4MB of RAM, and

each native program has an enormous appetite — on the order of 3MB more

than its non-native equivalent’s memory requirement. (Using virtual mem-

ory or RAM Doubler on a PowerPC Mac is the only way to reclaim some of

that memory. See the Secrets near the end of this chapter for details.) The

absolute minimum amount of RAM for a PowerPC Mac is 8MB, just as 4MB

was the absolute minimum for an ordinary System 7 machine.

Get your chips straightEvery Power Mac described in this chapter is based on one of five different

PowerPC chips — the 601, 603, 603e, 604, or the 604e. But what’s the differ-

ence between a 601 and a 603? And what makes the 604 different than a 604e?

Here’s the rundown:

■ The 601 was the first-generation PowerPC chip used in the earliest Power

Macs. The first 601s ran at 60 to 80 MHz. Later versions were accelerated

to 120 MHz, but that’s about as fast as you can reliably speed up a 601


■ The next-generation chip, the 603, isn’t faster than the 601; in fact, it’s

slower, because it has a less efficient cache design. For this reason, a 603

running at 75 MHz offers about the same speed as a 601 running at just 66

434 Part II: Secrets of the Machine

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MHz. On the positive side, the 603 is less expensive, smaller, and more

energy efficient. Apple used the 603 in the 5200-series and the early 6200-

series models only.

■ Next comes the 603e, an update of the 603, with a larger chunk of level 1

cache memory (32K instead of 16K). This cache makes the 603e a bit

faster. Because the 603e is smaller and runs cooler than any of the other

PowerPC chips, it’s the one found in all the PowerPC-based PowerBooks.

Apple also uses the 603e in its lower-end desktop Macs, including the

5300-, 5400-, 6300-, and 6400- series Performas. With its more power-

efficient design, the 603e can be accelerated more dramatically than the

601, with speeds beyond 200 MHz.

■ The 604 chip, found in the first 7600, 8500 and 9500 models, is consider-

ably faster than the 601 and 603 chips. To illustrate: A 604 running at 150

MHz is faster than a 603e running at 200 MHz. The 604 has the same size

internal cache as the 601, but with a more efficient structure — the 32K

cache is divided into two sections, one for instructions and another for

data. A 604 chip can run at clock speeds of up to 166 MHz.

■ Finally, there’s the 604e, a revision of the 604. The 604e is actually a much

more sophisticated chip. It has twice as much internal cache memory as the

604 and can initiate four instructions per clock cycle — twice that of the

603e. It’s also smaller than the 604 (and, therefore, it uses less power),

squeezing 5.6 million circuits into 148 square millimeters. Expect to see

Macs in the near future with speeds of 300 MHz or more running on the


All of this emphasizes a point we’ve made repeatedly in this book: You

can’t compare the speed of Power Macs (or any other computers, for that

matter) based solely on clock speed. A Power Mac 8500/180 and Performa

6400/180 both run at 180 MHz — but the 8500 is 30 to 50 percent faster,

because the 604e chip is inherently faster than the 603e.

(A note about this chapter: Since the dawning of the Power Mac era, you

can tell how fast a Mac’s processor chip runs just by looking at its name; the

number after the slash mark always indicates the Power Mac’s clock speed. The

official name for the first 9500, therefore, is really 9500/132. But Apple tends to

release “speed bump” Macs, identical in every respect to their predecessors,

but with a marginally faster PowerPC chip. For example, the Power Macintosh

7200/90 was replaced by the 7200/120. For simplicity’s sake, we’ll usually leave

off the chip-speed designations in our model-by-model discussions.)

Chapter 13: The PowerPC Macs: Model by Model 435

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Power Macintosh 4400

The Power Mac with the lowest number — the 4400 — is actually one of the

most recent additions to Apple’s current lineup. The Power Macintosh

4400/200, which debuted in Europe in November 1996 and appeared in the

US in February 1997, is aimed at the small business market. Built around the

same 200-MHz 603e chip as the Performa 6400, the 4400 comes with the

built-in 10Base-T Ethernet hardware usually found on higher-end Power

Macs. It’s also more upgradable than the 6400; you can boost its RAM to 160

MB instead of 136 MB. Unlike the 6400 minitower, the 4400 is housed in a

less expensive, more utilitarian desktop case.

Notice that even though the 4400 is geared for the small business and

home computer market, it’s not called a Performa. Apple decided in 1997 to

eliminate the name Performa — a designation nobody ever really understood

in the first place — from its product line. (The Performa/Power Mac termi-

nology was evidently baffling to more than just consumers: Apple’s own Web

site refers to the 4400 as a Performa in a several spots.)

The 4400 is sold in the US, Europe, Latin America and Japan — but the

specific configuration you get depends on the country in which you buy it.

The European version, for example, comes with 24 MB of RAM, instead of

16, while the Japanese version has a 12X CD-ROM drive instead of an 8X


Price: $1,700 – $1,750Processor and speed: PowerPC 603 at 200 MHz.Memory: 16 MB, expandable to 160 MBEquipment: 2 GB hard internal 8X CD-ROM drive; 256K L2 cache; 2 MB of VRAM

(expandable to 4 MB); keyboard and mouse; 2 PCI expansion slots

Power Macintosh 5200 LC, Power Macintosh 5260, Performa 5200-5270

The 5200, released in April 1995, occupies a unique position in Mac history

— it was the first Mac ever to contain a PowerPC 603 processor (a chip simi-

lar to the one used in the PowerBook 5300 series).

At first glance, the 5200 looks like simply a large monitor; it’s about the

same size as a standard 15-inch screen. But when you look closer, you notice

the floppy-disk drive, CD-ROM drive slot, and stereo speakers nestled in

along the bottom edge of the machine. Apple fused a variant of the 15-inch

Multiscan Display with the CPU case itself, creating one sleek-looking unit

that can tilt and swivel (see Figure 13-1).

436 Part II: Secrets of the Machine

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Figure 13-1The monitor-as-CPU concept.Looks like a monitor, but houses the entire

computer! This case design was used for the LC or Performa 5000 lines.

The 5200 models with the LC designation are available only to schools,

while the Performa models are sold to the general public. Once again, Apple

altered its naming conventions with this model, tacking the LC designation

on to the end of the model name instead of the beginning.

And speaking of naming conventions: Shouldn’t a Mac that’s newer than a

6100 have a number that’s higher than 6100? No, because Apple now uses the

number 5 at the beginning of a desktop model number to indicate that the

machine has a one-piece design (Performa 575, 580, 5200, etc.) instead of a

modular design.

The 5200 has been a popular choice with schools because of its low price

and compact design. It’s also easily expandable. Like the old Color Classic, the

5200 has a pull-out tray for access to its expansion slots, which are very simi-

lar to those in the Quadra 630. There’s a communications slot for an Ethernet

card, a video-in slot for the Apple Video System, a connector for Apple’s

optional TV tuner, and a single LC-style PDS slot. Into this final slot you can

plug the MPEG Media System, a card that allows you to play back full-motion

video with CD-quality sound. The 5260 also includes a slot for a 256K cache

card. (On the 5200, 256K of level 2 cache memory is soldered on the logic

board and can’t be upgraded.) There are four versions of the basic 5200: The

5210 and 5220 are sold outside the U.S., while the 5215 is a 5200 with a 1 GB

hard drive.

Chapter 13: The PowerPC Macs: Model by Model 437

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The 5200 is a perfect example of how higher MHz numbers don’t neces-

sarily mean better performance. You might think that one of these 75 MHz

Macs would be faster than a 60 MHz Mac (such as the Power Mac 6100). Not

true; actually, a 5200 runs slower than a Power Mac 6100/60. That’s because

the 603e chip, although it’s more compact and consumes less power than a

601 chip, also has a less-efficient cache design; it has only half the Level 1

cache of the 6100 (16K instead of 32K). So, even though the microchip at the

heart of the 5200 is running faster in sheer megahertz, the machine as a whole

doesn’t process data around any faster. (As we pointed out in Chapter 12,

MHz ratings are useful only for comparisons between identical chips — you

can’t compare the MHz ratings between a 601 and a 603e PowerPC chip, and

you can’t compare the MHz ratings between a Power PC and a Pentium.)

After one year, Apple replaced the 5200 with the Power Macintosh 5260

(without the LC designation), a revved-up 5200 running on a 100 MHz 603e

chip. The 5260, like the original 5200 LC, is sold only to educational institu-

tions. The 5270 is an identical model sold only overseas.

Price: $2,000 then, $1,200 nowOn the market for: 1 year (5200 LC version)Processor and speed: 5200: PowerPC 603 at 75 MHz. 5260: 603e at 100 MHzMemory: 8MB or 16MB expandable to 64MBEquipment: IDE hard drive; built-in video; 15" tilt-and-swivel display; internal quad-

speed CD-ROM drive; front-mounted speakers; internal 14.4 Kbpsdata/fax/voice modem; one PDS slot

Apple Upgrade options: Power Macintosh 5300/6300 Logic Board Upgrade available for $700accelerates CPU to 100 MHz

Power Macintosh 5300 LC, Performa 5300, 5320

On the outside, the 5300 is exactly the same as the 5200 (see Figure 13-1). The

sole difference: It’s powered by the 603e chip instead of the 603, and it chugs

away at 100 MHz instead of 75. This means, of course, that the 5300 is virtu-

ally the same as the 5260, but with more RAM (16MB instead of 8MB). (The

5320 is the same model sold outside of the U.S.)

Price: $2,400 then, $1,500 nowProcessor and speed: PowerPC 603e at 100 MHzMemory: 16MB expandable to 64MB (80-ns, 72-pin DRAM chips required)Equipment: Built-in video with 1MB of DRAM; includes Apple Multiple Scan 15";

quad speed CD-ROM drive; 28.8 Kbps fax modem

Power Macintosh 5400–5500

Another one of Apple’s for-schools-only computers, the Power Mac 5400

looks identical to all the other one-piece 5200- and 5300-series models (see

Figure 13-1). Inside the case, however, it’s a whole new Mac. In developing

438 Part II: Secrets of the Machine

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the 5400, Apple finally scrapped the logic board architecture that had been

used in the Quadra 630 and Performa 5200, 6200, and 6300 models, and

replaced it with an entirely new logic board based on the PCI architecture

used in higher-end Power Macs. The 5400 logic board includes one PCI slot,

8MB of soldered-on RAM, and 64-bit RAM slots that hold the 168-pin

DIMMs used in newer Power Macs. (This same design scheme forms the

basis for the tower-style Performa 6400, discussed later in this chapter.)

With this new design comes new speed, with a 603e chip running at 120,

180 or 200 MHz. A later addition to the one-piece series, the 5500, runs at 225

MHz. With a level 2 cache card installed (a $100 option, worth every penny),

the 5400 is faster than a Power Mac 7200/120. At the same time, these Macs

have the easy expansion options and slick multimedia features found in the

earlier 5200- and 5300-series models: digital video input and output

Chapter 13: The PowerPC Macs: Model by Model 439

As consultants and troubleshooters, we’ve seen it all. We’ve taken the calls from peoplewhose printer simply wouldn’t work (it wasn’t plugged in); people who couldn’t manage tostick a floppy disk into the drive (a disk was already in the drive); and people whose workdisappeared suddenly and without a trace (they had clicked the Desktop, sending theirword-processor window to the background).

But that’s small potatoes compared to some of the stories we read in the Wall Street Journalrecently. A technician at Compaq Computers told of a frantic call he received on the help line.It was from a woman whose new computer simply wouldn’t work. She said she’d taken thecomputer out of the box, plugged it in, and sat there for 20 minutes waiting for somethingto happen. The tech guy asked her what happened when she pressed the power switch. Thelady replied,“What power switch?”

In the Mac world, we’re used to pressing Return or Enter to dismiss a dialog box. In the PCworld, however, it’s common for the screen to say,“Press any key to continue.” Incredibly,literally hundreds of people wind up calling the computer makers to complain that they can’tfind the “Any” key on the keyboard. Compaq is actually considering changing the instructionto “Press the Return key.”

Then there’s the immortal tale of the help-line technician who asked the caller to send him acopy of the disk that was giving her trouble. Sure enough, several days later, the technicianreceived a photocopy of the disk. (It was a two-page enclosure, of course, because the diskwas double-sided.)

Our credulity is stretched nearly to the breaking point, however, by the following story toldby a Dell computer technician. As the Wall Street Journal put it: “A customer called to say hecouldn’t get his computer to fax anything. After 40 minutes of troubleshooting, thetechnician discovered the man was trying to fax a piece of paper by holding it in front of themonitor screen and hitting the Send key.”


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(included with the 5500); stereo sound; a bay for a TV tuner; a video con-

verter for output to a television; and a super-sharp 15-inch monitor that can

switch between three different zoom levels. These are very slick compact

classroom Macs. Two spinoffs of the 5400 — the Performa 5410 and 5420 —

are sold only outside of the U.S.

Price: $2,300Processor and speed: PowerPC 603e at 120 MHzMemory: 16MB expandable to 136MB (70-ns, 168-pin DIMM chips required)System software notes: Requires System 7.5.3 Revision 2Equipment: Built-in 15-inch multiple scan tilt-and-swivel color display; 1.6 GB IDE

hard drive; quad-speed CD-ROM drive; 10BaseT Ethernet connector; NTSCvideo converter; two GeoPort-capable serial ports; SRS 3-D soundenhancement; communications slot; TV tuner slot; video input andoutput jacks

Power Macintosh 6100, Performa 6110–6118

Introduced in March 1994, the 6100/60 was the entry-level Power Macintosh

(read: least expensive). Its wide, low-slung case looks exactly like that of a

Quadra 610 (see Figure 12-8 in the previous chapter). It’s equipped with the

601 PowerPC chip running at a 60 MHz or 66 MHz clock speed.

Like the 610, the 6100 offers a PDS slot, which (with a $99 adapter) can

accommodate a NuBus card. (Buyer, beware: The special circuit board on the

AV model fills the PDS slot, so the 6100/60 AV can’t accept any additional

cards.) Also like the 610, you turn the machine on by pushing a front-panel

button, not by using the keyboard. The original price of the 6100, around

$1,600, was an incredible value at the time. With the optional $300 cache

card, this Mac blazed even faster than the original 7100.

Six months after the 6100 made its debut, it started showing up in depart-

ment stores under the Performa designation — the very first of the PowerPC-

based Performas. As always, the Performa versions of the 6100 (the 6110,

6112, 6115, 6116, 6117, 6118) included monitor, modem, CD-ROM drive,

and pre-installed software.

The 6100/60 was replaced in January 1995 by the 6100/66, a nearly identi-

cal computer with — as its name indicates — a faster clock speed.

Price: $1,700 then, $650 now (with AV option: $2,400 then, $850 now)Apple code name: PDMOn the market for: 9 months (non-Performa version)Processor and speed: PowerPC 601 at 60 or 66 MHzMemory: 8MB, expandable to 72MB (80-ns, 72-pin DRAM chips, in pairs, required)Equipment: Built-in video (uses System RAM); with adapter, slot can hold a 7" NuBus

board or PDS board (except on the AV model, whose slot is already filled);optional AV model includes TV input/output, additional video jack;

440 Part II: Secrets of the Machine

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optional cache card provides 15 percent speed-up; Ethernet; 2 GeoPortjacks; records and plays 16-bit CD-quality stereo sound

System software notes: Requires System 7.1.2 (with PowerPC Enabler) or later

Power Macintosh 6200, Performa 6200–6230

The July 1995-born 6200-series models — six Performas and one Power Mac

version — were conceived as low-cost computers with a heavy-duty multi

media slant. Each Performa has a 1 GB hard drive, 8MB or 16MB of RAM, a 15-

inch screen and an internal quad-speed CD-ROM drive. Come to think of it, a

6200 is nothing more than a 5200 split into two pieces — a monitor and a CPU

box — which resembles the Quadra 630 (see Figure 12-12).

As usual, distinguishing between the various Performa models is confus-

ing at best. The solitary difference between a Performa 6200 and a 6205 is the

speed of the modem (a 6200 has a 14.4 Kbps modem, while the 6205’s

modem runs at 28.8 Kbps). The next model up isn’t called the 6210 or

6215 — it’s the 6216. Why? Because it comes with one additional piece of

software — Expresso, a personal information manager. After that comes the

6218, with 16MB of RAM instead of 8 (and, oddly enough, a 14.4 Kbps

modem). The 6220 comes with a TV tuner and the Apple Video System,

which allows you to digitize video from a VCR or camcorder. And the

Performa 6230CD comes with Apple’s $300 MPEG Media System prein-

stalled, a card that compresses and decompresses full-motion video and 16-

bit CD-quality sound.

Like the Quadra 630 series, the Performa 6200 (and the 5200 series,

described earlier) comes with an IDE hard drive instead of the usual SCSI

hard drive. See Chapters 8 and 30 for IDE details.

Price: 6200: $2,000 then, $1,275 now; 6230: $3,000 then, $1,700 nowProcessor and speed: PowerPC 603 at 75 MHzMemory: 8MB or 16MB expandable to 64MB (80-ns, 72-pin DRAM chips required)Equipment: IDE hard drive; built-in video with 1MB of DRAM; includes Apple Multiple

Scan 15"; quad-speed CD-ROM drive; fax modem

Performa 6260CD, 6290CD

While seemingly identical to other models in the 6200-series family (see

Figure 12-12), the Performa 6290, introduced in January 1996, is actually a

faster and more powerful computer, built around a 603e chip running at 100

MHz. The 6290 package comes with a 1.2 GB hard drive, 28.8 Kbps internal

fax modem and a 14-inch monitor (instead of the 15-inch monitor that came

with the earlier 6200-series machines.) The 6260, released six months later, is

an identical machine, sold only overseas.

Price: $2, 200 then, $1,400 nowProcessor and speed: PowerPC 603e at 100 MHz

Chapter 13: The PowerPC Macs: Model by Model 441

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Memory: 8MB expandable to 64MBEquipment: Built-in video with 1MB of DRAM;

includes Apple Multiple Scan 14";quad-speed CD-ROM drive; 28.8 Kbpsfax modem

Performa 6300 – 6360

The Performa 6300, introduced in November

1995, is a Performa 6290 with more RAM, a 15-

inch monitor, and three additional software pro-

grams thrown into the Performa bundle (see

Figure 12-12). (You can, in fact, turn your 6200

into a 6300 with a $700 logic-board upgrade from

Apple. The upgrade is also available for 5200-

series and 630-series Macs.)

The Performa 6320, rolled out six months after

the original 6300, is a souped-up version of the

6300, running at 120 MHz. However, Apple

canned the 6320 in September 1996, just five

months after its release, making it one of the

shortest-lived Mac models in history. Then, a

month later, the 6360 debuted — a 160 Mhz

machine that, with its 16MB RAM, 1.2 GB hard

drive, 28.8 modem, and 8X CD-ROM for $1,500,

actually made Windows computers look expen-

sive by comparison.

Price: 6300: $2,800 then, $1,650 now; 6360:$1,500

Apple code name: CrusaderProcessor and speed: 6300: PowerPC 603e at 100 Mhz;

6360: PowerPC 603e at 160 MHzMemory: 16MB expandable to 64MB (80-ns, 72-pin

chips required)Equipment: Built-in video with 1MB of DRAM;

includes Apple Multiple Scan15"display; quad-speed CD-ROM drive;28.8 Kbps fax modem

442 Part II: Secrets of the Machine

Every desktop Mac comes with two standardserial ports in the back—a modem port and aprinter port, right?

Not quite. Take a look at the back of anyPerforma with a built-in modem, such as thePerforma 6200 or 5200, and you’ll seesomething unprecedented in Mac history —instead of a modem port, there’s a little plasticcap with a label that says,“Do not remove.” Ifyou pry off the cap and try pluggingsomething into this port anyway, nothinghappens. The port is dead.

What’s going on here? Believe it or not, theinternal Global Village IIv fax modem thatcomes installed in the communications sloton those 5200 or 6200 models disables theexternal modem port. That’s why Applepolitely covers the port on those models witha plastic cap.

Apple’s thinking on this was evidently,“Whoneeds a modem port? You’ve got an internalmodem.” The problem is, of course, modemports aren’t just for modems; they link allkinds of serial devices to your Mac — MIDIkeyboards, monitor calibrators, handheldscanners, QuickCam video cameras, Newtons,and so on.

So what if you need to use that dead modemport on your 6200? There is a solution: Youcan remove the internal modem card fromthe communications slot. As soon as thecommunications slot is empty, your modemport springs back to life. (Of course, Apple isquick to point out that any damage caused bythe removal of the modem is not coveredunder warranty.)

Our advice: Don’t buy a 5200 or 6200 with aninternal modem.Some of the 6200s and 5200scome bundled with external modems.Buy oneof those and you’ll get every port you’ve paid for.


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Performa 6400

Take one glance at a Performa 6400 and your concept of the Performa as a low-

end, beginner’s-only Macintosh is forever shattered. These hefty, tower-style

Macs, introduced in August 1996, are high-powered machines, with 603e chips

running at 180 MHz or 200 MHz. The new Performa minitower case resembles

a puffed-up 8500, but with softer edges, a rounded, bulging top, and a head-

phone jack mounted smack in the middle of the front panel (see Figure 13-2).

Figure 13-2Apple’s first minitower Performas:Tall, sleek, powerful.(Courtesy of Apple

Computer, Inc.Photograph by John Greenleigh.)

Of course, the 200 MHz Performa 6400 isn’t as fast as the 200 MHz Power

Mac 9500, which runs on the newer 604e chip. But it is as fast as a 150 MHz

Power Mac 9500 — and that’s still one very fast Performa.

The 6400 doesn’t just run faster than other Performas — it sounds better,

too. It’s the first Performa equipped with a sophisticated sound system that

includes SRS surround-sound enhancement and a subwoofer speaker. Plug

Apple’s TV/FM Radio System into the special expansion bay provided on the

6400 and you can listen to your favorite radio stations (or watch TV) in full,

rich stereo.

The 6400 is also one of the first Performas that’s easily expandable. It’s

equipped with two PCI slots as well as a variety of specialized communications

and video slots. The Performa 6400 Video Editing Edition, released in October

1996, added an Avid Cinema software suite to Apple’s Video System digitizing

card, making it easy for camcorder or VCR owners to produce QuickTime

movies on the family computer.

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Price: 6400/180: $2,400 then, $1,900now; 6400/200: $2,800 then,$2,200 now; 6400/200 VideoEdition: $2,700

Apple code name: InstatowerProcessor and speed: PowerPC 603e at 180 or 200

MHzMemory: 16MB (or 32MB in the Video

Edition) expandable to 136MB(70-ns, 168-pin DIMM chipsrequired)

Equipment: Eight-speed CD-ROM drive; 1.6GB or 2.4 GB IDE hard drive;256K level 2 cache (with 200MHz model); two PCI expansionslots, communications slot, inputslot for Apple Video System,expansion bay for Apple TV/FMRadio System; 1MB of VRAM;28.8 Kbps fax modem

Power Macintosh 6500

Think of the Power Mac 6500 as a

cross between a Performa 6400 and a

Power Mac 5500. It’s got the 6400’s ele-

gant tower design and hi-fi stereo sound

system combined with the 5500’s raw

speed (powered by a 603e chip running

at either 225 or a staggering 250 MHz)

and ready-to-use video digitizing fea-

tures. Plus, the 6500 is one of only two

Mac models that comes with an internal

Iomega Zip drive (the other is the Power

Mac 8600).

Of course, you probably haven’t

heard much about the 6500; it’s sold

only to schools, and would have been

called a Performa before Apple’s name-

scheme change of 1997.

444 Part II: Secrets of the Machine


The cache story

Q: I’ve noticed that some Power Macs come with level 2cache and some don’t. What the heck is Level 2 cache? Forthat matter, what’s level 1 cache?

A: Both terms refer tiny chunks of super-fast memorythat do nothing but feed frequently-used data andinstructions to your Mac’s PowerPC chip.The larger thecache size, the faster your computer will run.

Level 1 cache is a tiny piece of memory that’s built rightinto the processor chip itself.The size of the level 1 cachedepends on the type of PowerPC chip; the 603s has a 16Kcache, while the 604e has 64K. At any rate, level 1 cache isetched into the chip; you can’t upgrade it.

Level 2 cache is a different story. It’s yet another piece ofultra-high-speed memory that retains and feeds data intothe PowerPC chip, but this cache isn’t a part of theprocessor chip. It exists in the form of a SIMM or DIMMthat plugs directly into the logic board.With most PowerMacs, you can upgrade the level 2 cache simply byinstalling a cache SIMM or DIMM in the appropriate slot.(The SIMM and DIMM chips used in cache slots are not thesame as the chips you use to upgrade your RAM—they’rea special design.) Most Macs can handle up to 256K oflevel 2 cache, but some can be upgraded to 512K or 1MB.

The bottom line is that adding level 2 cache can speed upyour Power Mac by 10 or 15 percent — if you’re runningnative software. As the PowerPC chip speeds through itsclock cycles, it looks for instructions to execute.The extrabits of memory in the two caches keep the pipeline full,feeding a continuous flow of data to the CPU forprocessing.With each clock cycle, the microprocessingchip first checks its internal cache (level 1) forinstructions, then checks the external cache (level 2).Finally, it checks your Mac’s RAM to grab the nextinstruction. But cache memory is much faster thanstandard RAM, so the more cache, the steadier the flow ofdata to the microprocessor.

Our advice: If your Power Mac supports level 2 cachememory and you don’t have any installed, you shoulddefinitely add it; a 256K cache chip costs less than $100.(On the other hand, upgrading from 256K to 512K doesn’tproduce nearly as much of a performance gain.)

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Price: $2,100–$2,400Processor and speed: PowerPC 603ev at 225 or 250 MHzMemory: 32 MB RAM, expandable to 128 MB; two DIMM expansion slots, no

RAM on logic boardEquipment: 256K level 2 cache; 2 or 3 GB hard drive; 12X CD-ROM drive;

internal Iomega Zip Drive; two PCI expansion slots;communications (Comm II) slot for a 28.8-Kbps modem; video input slot for Apple Video System (included with 6500/250);stereo 16-bit sound; SRS surround-sound enhancement;subwoofer speaker

Power Macintosh 7100, 7100AV

This Mac was the middle-priced, midrange model of the original Power

Macintosh trio that debuted in March 1994. The 7100 looks like a Quadra

650 (see Figure 12-8) and runs at 66 or 80 MHz. It has three NuBus slots and

room for a PDS card. As on the 6100, the optional cache card grants you

another 15 percent speed increase — a worthy feature.

This Mac has four RAM slots; as with the other first-generation Power

Macs, you must fill those slots with pairs of identical SIMMs. The 7100, like

the 6100, was an impressive amount of computer for the money.

The 7100/66 models were replaced in January 1995 by the 7100/80 and

7100/80AV. In addition to providing more speed, the 7100/80 fixed a fairly

major problem with the 7100/66 — a glitch that caused slower NuBus perfor-

mance. Although this slowdown wasn’t noticeable with many types of NuBus

cards, it was very noticeable to those who plugged a video compression card

(such as the Radius Spigot Power AV) into one of the slots. The 7100/66’s

NuBus slot wasn’t transferring data fast enough to keep up with the video-cap-

ture hardware. The 7100/80’s NuBus slots can transfer data three to four times

faster than the 7100/66.

Price: $2,900 then, $850 now (AV model: $3,900 then, $1,200 now)Apple code names: Carl Sagan, BHA On the market for: 9 monthsProcessor and speed: PowerPC at 66 or 80 MHzMemory: 8MB, expandable to 136MB (80-ns, 72-pin DRAM SIMMs, installed in

pairs, required)Equipment: Built-in video (uses System RAM) plus PDS video on non-AV model

(1MB, expandable to 2MB); three NuBus slots; AV model includes TVinput/output and additional video jack (2MB VRAM); optional cache cardprovides 15 percent speed-up; Ethernet; 2 GeoPort jacks; records andplays 16-bit CD-quality stereo sound

System software notes: Requires System 7.1.2 (with PowerPC Enabler) or later

Chapter 13: The PowerPC Macs: Model by Model 445

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Power Macintosh 7200, 7215

In August 1995, the 7200/75 became the new low-end Power Macintosh,

replacing both the 6100 — and 7100-series Power Macs. Although it’s built

around the same PowerPC 601 chip found in the earlier Macs, the 7200 runs at

a faster clock speed, making it noticeably faster than its predecessors. The first

7200s ran at 75 MHz or 90 MHz. In 1996, Apple released a “speed-bumped”

version of the 7200 which revved its CPU up to 120 MHz. Its bulged-out ver-

sion of the Power Mac 7100 case design is shown in Figure 13-3.

Figure 13-3The Power Macintosh 7200 case design also houses such Macs as the 7300,7500, and 7600.

The 7200 may have been at the bottom of the heap among the second-gen-

eration Power Macs, but its features rivaled or outshined those of the high-end

Macs of even a year or two earlier. Even the basic 7200 includes a quad-speed

CD-ROM drive, a 500MB hard disk, Ethernet support, and three PCI expan-

sion slots (see Chapter 31 for the significance of PCI). The 120 MHz version of

the 7200 comes with an eight-speed CD-ROM drive and a 1.2 GB hard drive.

There’s also a DOS-Compatible version of the 7200, which is simply a 7200/120

with a 100 MHz Pentium processor card pre-installed in one of the PCI slots.

The 7200, along with the other second-generation Power Macs, was one of

the first desktop Macs that could be put into sleep mode — just like a

PowerBook — to conserve energy. When you put a 7200 to sleep, the computer

cuts the video signal going to the monitor, which blacks out the screen. The

hard drive keeps spinning, however, and the CPU keeps drawing power.

446 Part II: Secrets of the Machine

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A special version of the 7200/90 with 16MB of RAM was released in

January 1996 and sold overseas as the Power Macintosh 7215/90.

Price: 7200/75: $1,700 then, $850 now; 7200/90: $1,900 then, $1,150 now;7200/120: $1,900 then, $1,600 now

Apple code name: CatalystProcessor and speed: PowerPC 601 at 75, 90, or 120 MHzMemory: 8MB, expandable to 256MB via four DIMM slots (16 MB standard on 120

MHz version)Equipment: 16-bit stereo input and output; Internal AppleCD 600i quadruple-speed

CD-ROM drive (eight-speed CD on 120MHz models); 3 PCI slots; 1MB ofVRAM, expandable to 2MB; Level-2 cache slot for optional 256K or 512KL2 cache (256K included with 120 MHz model).

System software notes: Requires System 7.5.2 (with System Enabler 701) or later

Power Macintosh 7300

The Power Mac 7300, released in early 1997, is Apple’s replacement for the

inexpensive 7200 models, which the 7300 resembles. The two 7300 models,

all PowerPC 604e-based, have speeds of 180 and 200 MHz, respectively. The

prices are proportional: $2,300, $2,700, and $3,000 or so. Like the 7200 mod-

els, they lack video inputs and memory-interleaving advantages; but like all

current Macs, the 7300s come ready for business — 32MB of RAM, a 2 GB

hard drive, a level 2 cache for added speed, and a built-in 12X CD-ROM. An

odd new feature that appears on the 7300 is a security bar that hides the

latches you use to pop open the top cover of the computer — presumably to

prevent people from tampering with the innards of your Mac. The 7300/200

and 7300/180 both have their processor chips mounted on removable cards

that can be replaced with faster processor cards for future upgrades.

Power Macintosh 7500

The Power Mac 7500 looks identical to the 7200; it shares the same case

design (see Figure 13-3). But within that case, the 7500’s PowerPC 601 chip

runs at a faster 100 MHz. The 7500 is also faster because it has been designed

with a higher-speed system bus, which runs at 50 MHz. Thanks in part to the

improved system bus, the 7500/100 fitted with a 256K cache card (optional)

is actually faster than an 8100/110 at most tasks. The 7500 is more expandable

than the 7200, too. With eight DIMM slots instead of four, you can install up

to 512MB of RAM.

The 7500’s most distinguishing characteristics, however, are its AV fea-

tures. This second-generation Power Mac, released in August 1995, has sound

and video options previously available only in Apple’s special AV models. For

example, the 7500 has RCA-style plugs for line-level stereo input and output,

which provide much better audio quality than the miniplug-style audio jacks

found on most other Macs. The 7500 also has RCA phono jacks for video

Chapter 13: The PowerPC Macs: Model by Model 447

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input from a typical VCR or camcorder, as well as an S-video input connector

for the higher-quality video signal from Hi-8 and S-VHS recorders.

The 7500’s video digitizing features allow full-screen (640-by-480 pixel)

video capture at 15 frames per second. And, like the earlier Power Mac AV

models, the 7500 has an internal DAV — a digital audio/video connector —

for adding third-party compression/decompression cards that support 24-bit

video input.

Despite a winning combination of features, the 7500 was quickly eclipsed

by the even faster Power Mac 7600, which replaced it just eight months later.

Price: $2,700 then, $1,750 nowApple code name: TNTProcessor and speed: PowerPC 601 at 100 MHzMemory: 16MB of RAM, expandable to 512MB via 8 DIMM slots; Requires 64-bit-

wide, 168-pin, 70-ns DIMMsEquipment: Internal AppleCD 600i quadruple-speed CD-ROM drive; 2MB of VRAM,

expandable to 4MB; GeoPort fax and telephony software; 3 PCI slots;10Base-T and AAUI-15 Ethernet connectors; internal Fast SCSI bus; RCAphono jacks for 16-bit stereo audio input and output; minijacks for 16-bitstereo audio input and output; RCA phono jacks for composite videoinput; S-video input connector; digital audio/video (DAV) connector forvideo compression/decompression cards

System software notes: Requires System 7.5.2 (with System Enabler 701) or later

Power Macintosh 7600

In April 1996, Apple swapped the 7500’s PowerPC 601 chip for the faster

604 chip, boosted its speed to 120 MHz, replaced the quad-speed CD-ROM

drive with an eight-speed drive, added a slightly larger hard drive and re-

christened it the 7600. (A 132 MHz version was released later.) In every other

respect, this version of the 7600 was identical to the 7500.

At the end of 1996, the 7600 got another make-over. This time its 604 chip

was replaced with an even faster 604e chip running at 200 Mhz and it was fit-

ted with a new 12X CD-ROM drive and the same security bar that was added

to the 7300. Despite these changes, Apple decided to leave the 7600’s name


Like the 7200, the 7600 is available in a DOS-Compatible configuration,

with a 100 MHz Pentium processor card pre-installed in one of the PCI slots.

Price: 7600/132: $3,000 then; $2,300 nowProcessor and speed: PowerPC 604 at 120 or 132 MHz or PowerPC 604e at 200 MHz.Memory: 16MB of RAM, expandable to 512MB via 8 DIMM slots; Requires

64-bit -wide, 168-pin, 70-ns DIMMs Equipment: Internal 8X or 12X CD-ROM drive; 2MB of V RAM, expandable to

4 MB; 256K level 2 cache (132 and 200 MHz model only); GeoPort

448 Part II: Secrets of the Machine

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fax and telephony software; 3 PCI slots; 10 Base-T and AAUI-15 Ethernet connectors; internal Fast SCSI bus; RCA phono jacks for 16-bit stereo audio input and output; minijacks for 16-bit stereo audio input and output; RCA phono jacks for composite video input; S-video input connector; digital audio/video (DAV) connector for video compression/decompression cards

System software notes: Requires System 7.5.3 ( 200 MHz model requires 7.5.5)

Power Macintosh 8100, 8100AV, 8115

At its introduction in March 1994, the 8100 was the fastest personal com-

puter ever made, running native software at an unheard-of 80 MHz and

equipped with a 256K cache for even more speed. On the outside, the mini-

tower 8100 looks like a Quadra 800 (see Figure 12-13). Its roomy case houses

the same three NuBus slots and room for extra internal storage devices, such

as additional hard drives, CD-ROM players, or SyQuest drives. The 8100 with

the AV option (a PDS card that adds television inputs and outputs) was the

first Mac in several years to cost more than $5,000.

The 8100/100 and the 8100/110 were built on faster-still 601 chips. The

only thing more impressive than its speed was its scarcity; virtually no one

could find one to buy. (Overseas, the fastest of the 8100-series models was

sold as the Power Macintosh 8115/110.)

Apple pulled the plug on the 8100/80 models in January 1995 and discon-

tinued the faster versions nine months later.

Price: 8100/80: $4,250 then, $1,100 now; 8100/80AV: $5,660 then, $1,400 nowApple code name: Cold FusionOn the market for: 9 monthsProcessor and speed: PowerPC 601 at 80, 100, or 110 MHzMemory: 8MB, expandable to 264MB (80-ns, 72-pin DRAM chips required)Equipment: Built-in video (uses System RAM) plus PDS video on non-AV model (2MB,

expandable to 4MB); three NuBus slots; optional AV model includes TVinput/output, additional video jack (2MB VRAM); 256K cache card;Ethernet; 2 GeoPort jacks; records and plays 16-bit CD-quality stereo sound

System software notes: Requires System 7.1.2 (with PowerPC Enabler) or later

Power Macintosh 8500, 8515

Toward the end of 1995, this was the Power Macintosh everyone wanted — a

screaming-fast machine with a stunning range of standard AV features, three

PCI slots for expansion, and, at its heart, a PowerPC 604 chip running at 120

MHz. The 8500 thereafter received three speed bumps. In April 1996, two

versions running at 132 MHz and 150 MHz were introduced. Then, four

months later, Apple replaced the 604 chip with a 604e and again upped the

speed, this time to 180 MHz.

Chapter 13: The PowerPC Macs: Model by Model 449

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450 Part II: Secrets of the Machine

Early in the spring of 1996, Apple officials were horrified to discover several seriousproblems in the ROM and cache components used in the 5200 and 5300 LC Power Macs, aswell as the Performa 5200, 5300, 6200, and 6300 models. The faulty components werecausing frequent system freezes on some models and sudden, random color shifts on themonitors of others. At the same time, a series of distressing hardware-related problemswere emerging on the 5300 PowerBook family: Video screen bezels were separating at theseams, AC power connectors were failing, and PowerBooks were dropping off LocalTalknetworks.

These weren’t the kind of problems that could be fixed with a software update or yetanother system enabler. Apple realized it had only one choice: Notify the tens of thousandsof customers who bought the affected models and fix the problems for free.

Thus was born the euphemistically-named Repair Extension Program for the Apple PowerMacintosh and Performa 5200, 5300, 6200, and 6300 and the Apple PowerBook RepairExtension Program. Company officials cautiously avoided referring to either of theseprograms as recalls. In fact, in an official press release, Apple helpfully explained,“This is arepair extension program, not a product recall.”

Recall, repair, whatever — the point is that if you have one of these Macs, you’re eligible fora free repair if your model suffers from the aforementioned problems. The affected desktopmodels are: 5200/75 LC, 5300/100 LC, Performa 5200, 5215, 5300, 6200, 6205, 6214, 6216,6218, 6220, 6230, 6290, or 6300. (The problem was fixed in the 5260 and 6320 modelsbefore they were released.) Before calling 800-SOS-APPL to schedule a repair, however,download the free program called 5xxx-6xxx Tester from America Online or Apple’s Webpage (; it will tell you whether or not your model has thehardware problem, so you don’t wind up schlepping your Mac away only to find out that youhad a simple extension conflict. (That diagnostic software tests the desktop models, not thePowerBooks.) The repairs are handled by local Apple dealers.

The eligible PowerBooks include the 5300, 5300c, 5300ce, and 5300cs; 190 and 190cs. To getthe free repairs, call 800-801-6024. Apple will send you a freight-paid shipping box so youcan send in your PowerBook without charge. (If your PowerBook’s serial number has theletters AA at the end of its serial number, it was manufactured since the problems in theconstruction process were corrected. You have nothing to worry about.)

Apple plans to continue the free repair programs for each desktop and portable model untilseven years after it is discontinued. If only that free seven-year warranty applied to our Macsfor any problem that might arise . . .


Page 23: The PowerPC Macs: Model by Model Install/Apple... · two former archenemies — Apple and IBM — and Motorola.(For your cock-tail-conversation pleasure: Yes, the PowerPC chip is

The 8500 has the same audio features as the 7500 — RCA-style plugs for

16-bit sound — and can also record video signals via composite and S-video

jacks. However, the 8500 goes a step further, offering built-in video output

capabilities, too, so you can show your QuickTime movies on a TV or record

them on your VCR in 24-bit color. (Previous AV Macs were limited to 16-bit

color for video output; see Chapter 11 for definitions.) If you upgrade the

8500’s VRAM to 4MB (the maximum), you can display images on your com-

puter screen and a TV at the same time. Thanks to its speed, the 8500 is a

QuickTime moviemaking monster. It can capture full-motion video — 30

frames per second — at 320-by-240 pixel size without requiring a compres-

sion card or other hardware.

Like its predecessor the 8100, the 8500 is housed in a tower-style case (see

Figure 12-13) with three slots (PCI) and a bay for an additional internal

drive. As with most of the recent Power Macs, Apple released an overseas-

only version of the 8500, too, called the 8515.

Price: 8500/120: $4,000 then, $2,600 now; 8500/150: $3,600 then, $3,000now; 8500/180: $4,500 then, $3,700 now

Apple code name: NitroProcessor and speed: PowerPC 604 at 120, 132 or 150 MHz; or PowerPC 604e at 180 MHzMemory: 16MB or 32MB of RAM, expandable to 512MB via 8 DIMM slots; requires

64-bit-wide, 168-pin, 70-ns DIMMsEquipment: Internal AppleCD 600i quadruple-speed or eight-speed CD-ROM drive;

2MB of VRAM, expandable to 4MB; GeoPort fax and telephony software;3 PCI slots; 512K cache card; 10Base-T and AAUI-15 Ethernet connectors;internal Fast SCSI bus; RCA phono jacks for 16-bit stereo audio input andoutput; minijacks for 16-bit stereo audio input and output; RCA phonojacks for composite video input and 24-bit video output; S-videoinput/output connector; digital audio/video (DAV) connector for videocompression/decompression cards

System software notes: 120 MHz version requires System 7.5.2 (with System Enabler 701) or later; faster versions require System 7.5.3 or later.

Power Macintosh 8600

The Power Mac 8600, which was released in February 1997, is a next-gen-

eration version of the 8500. Equipped with a 604e chip that chugs away at 200

MHz, a 12X CD-ROM drive, a super-fast hard drive designed to handle high-

speed video applications and — for the first time on an Apple computer — a

factory-installed internal Iomega Zip drive, this machine is a multimedia

author’s dream. (The Power Mac 6500, sold only to schools, is the only other

Mac equipped with an internal Zip drive.) The 8600’s incredible bundle of

hardware is housed in an enormous new tower enclosure. This case has more

space for internal storage devices and provides easier access to the computer’s

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internal components. It also has a larger power supply and more space for

DIMMs, so it can be easily upgraded to a maximum of 512 MB of RAM. The

price for all this at its release: $3,200.

Power Macintosh 9500, 9500/180MP, 9515

This June 1995 top-of-the-line Power Mac was, weirdly enough, the first of

the second-generation Power Macs; it preceded the 7200, 7500, and 8500 by

two months. It was, therefore, the first Mac to be built around the PowerPC

604 chip and the first Mac with PCI slots instead of NuBus slots.

Originally, there were two versions of the 9500 — one that ran at 120 MHz

and one at 132 MHz. Subsequently, Apple released a 150 MHz version (in

April 1996) and two versions based on the 604e chip (August 1996), one run-

ning at 180 MHz and one at 200 MHz.

Unlike the other second-generation Power Macs (notably the 7500 and

8500), the 9500 wasn’t designed to be a multimedia powerhouse. It has nei-

ther RCA-style audio jacks for audio cables nor video input/output jacks. In

fact, it doesn’t have built-in video at all. You have to buy the Apple

Accelerated Graphics Card or a third-party graphics card just to hook the

9500 up to a monitor.

What the 9500 does offer, pure and simple, is speed and room to expand;

it has six PCI slots and can hold up to 768MB of RAM (see Figure 12-14).

This machine was intended for high-end users who need the 9500’s sheer

processing muscle for color publishing or multimedia production.

And speaking of sheer processing muscle, the 180 MHz model, officially

called the 9500/180MP, was a landmark release — the first computer in

Apple’s history to offer multiprocessing; it’s equipped with not one but two

604e chips, which work simultaneously to process data. (The MP in the

name stands for multiprocessing.) One processor handles the Mac OS and

controls the stream of information pouring in and out of the computer,

while handing off other tasks to the second chip for processing. Obviously, a

pair of 604e chips working in tandem in this way can chug through graphics

and video data very fast, but software has to be specially rewritten to take

advantage of this multiprocessing scheme. Fortunately, a number of compa-

nies — Adobe Systems, Deneba, Macromedia, Strata, and others — have

promised to release programs to take advantage of multiprocessing. A multi-

processor-compatible version of Photoshop, for example, is already avail-

able. When used with software that supports multiprocessing, the

9500/180MP can handle tasks twice as fast as a single-processor Mac.

Price: 9500/120: $4,700 then, $2,350 now; 9500/132: $5,300 then, $2,700 now;9500/150: $4,800 then, $3,700 now; 9500/180MP: $5,700 then, $5,200 now

Apple code name: Tsunami

452 Part II: Secrets of the Machine

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Processor and speed: PowerPC 604 at 120, 132 or 150 MHz or PowerPC 604e at 180 or 200 MHzMemory: 16MB of RAM, expandable to 768MB; requires 168-pin, 64-bit, 70-ns

DRAM DIMMsEquipment: Internal AppleCD 600i quadruple-speed (or eight-speed) CD-ROM drive;

2MB of VRAM, expandable to 4MB; 512K Level 2 cache; 6 PCI expansionslots; 10Base-T and AAUI-15 Ethernet connectors; one sound-output portfor stereo CD audio and one sound input port for 16-bit stereo sound input

System software notes: Requires System 7.5.2 (with System Enabler 701) or later; 150, 180 and200 MHz versions require System 7.5.3 or later

Power Macintosh 9600

The Power Mac 9600 became Apple’s new high end machine in February

1997, with three models running 604e chips at clock speeds of 200 and 233

MHz (for $3,700 and $4,200, respectively). The 9600 also has a faster 4 GB

hard drive than the 9500, a new, accelerated graphics card, a 12X CD ROM

drive, 32MB of RAM standard, and the same improved tower enclosure

introduced on the Power Mac 8600.

As with the 9500, a multiprocessor version of the 9600 is available: the

$4,700 Power Mac 9600/200MP is equipped with two 604e chips mounted on

the processor card.

PORTABLE POWER MACSIn the summer of 1995, Apple introduced the first PowerBooks driven by a

PowerPC chip — the PowerBook 5300 series. For these models, yet another

incarnation of the PowerPC chip was developed — the 603e chip. The 603e is

slower than the 601 (the chip in the original desktop Power Macs), but it con-

sumes only a third as much power and has three reduced-power sleep modes.

The 603e chip itself also is smaller than the 601, making it perfect for a laptop.

You can upgrade any 1994 PowerBook in the 500 series (the 520, 540, and so

on) to be PowerPC equipped, of course; but the new PowerBooks — with the

exception of the PowerBook 190 — are designed from the ground up around

the PowerPC processor.

PowerBook 1400 family

After the quality-control problems of the 5300 PowerBook series (see

“PowerBook 5300,” later in this chapter), Mac fans longed for one rock-solid,

reliable, glitch-free PowerBook. And they wanted a CD-ROM built in.

Apple was listening (see Figure 13-4). The PowerBook 1400 debuted in

October 1996, filled with crispness and solidity refinements. The trackpad, key-

board, screen-hinge “brake,” and overall construction were all improved, and

none of the 5300-style quality problems emerged.

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Figure 13-4The PowerBook 1400’s new case is actually the same size as itspredecessor, the 5300 — but appears slimmer and slimmer, thanks to a clean, sculpted design and tighter-fitting clamshell halves.(Courtesy of Apple Computer, Inc.Photograph by John Greenleigh.)

Moreover, this PowerBook was the first with a full-size CD-ROM — a 6X

CD-ROM unit whose tray slides out of the front edge of the machine (see

Figure 13-4). The entire drive pops neatly out of the PowerBook, too, so that

you can slide the floppy drive (or a third-party Zip drive, hard drive, or mag-

neto-optical drive) into its place. Other new features: a flip-up keyboard to

make upgrading easy, and a clear plastic cover to replace the usual dark gray top

panel. Beneath this plastic panel you can insert a BookCover — a colorful

paper insert from Apple; your travel itinerary, phone numbers, or business

cards; solar-panels; leather, woodgrain, or stainless steel covers; and so on.

Otherwise, the 1400 is much the same as the former top-of-the-line 5300ce

— at a fraction of the price. For example, the 1400 inherits the 5300ce’s enor-

mous, brilliant, 800-by-600 dpi screen (about the equivalent Desktop area of a

16-inch CRT monitor).

The 1400’s speed didn’t increase as much as many fans had hoped — the

standard model uses the same 117 MHz PowerPC 603e processor chip (with no

level 2 cache) as the discontinued 5300ce, although a more expensive 136 MHz

model (with a cache) is available. Nor did weight (about seven pounds) or bat-

tery life (the same two-hour NiMH battery) improve. Otherwise, the 1400’s

454 Part II: Secrets of the Machine

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sleek new case design, screen, keyboard, CD-ROM, and

trackpad are so well designed that you’ll quickly forget

you’re using a laptop. Surprisingly, this handsome machine

is meant to be the low end model of Apple’s PowerBook

line; its prices begin at $2500, including 12MB of RAM, the

floppy drive, that enormous color screen, and a 750MB

hard drive.

Price: 1400cs without CD-ROM: $2,500; 1400c with 136 Mhz processor and CD-ROM: $4,000

Apple code name: EpicProcessor and speed: 603e at 117 or 133 MHzMemory: 12 to 16MB of RAM, expandable to 64MBEquipment: Removable Apple SuperDrive/6X CD-ROM; 11.3"

dual-scan or active-matrix color display (800 by600 pixels); 750MB or 1 GB hard drive; enhanced,clickable trackpad; 2 PC Card slots (for two Type Ior II PC Cards or one Type III card); Nickel-Metal-Hydride battery; internal slot for 8-bit video orEthernet card; 16-bit stereo sound input/outputports; built-in speaker and microphone

PowerBook Duo 2300c

The 2300 was Apple’s first PowerPC Duo. Like other Duos,

the 2300 is super-light — only 4.8 pounds — and has

a docking connector that fits all Duo docks and mini-

docks, as described in Chapter 12 (see “Duo 210/230”).

Like the larger 5300-series PowerBooks, the 2300 contains

a PowerPC 603e chip running at 100 MHz. Of course, the 2300 is faster than

previous Duo models, but it also has a better screen — a 9.5-inch active-matrix

color display that’s bigger and brighter. Unlike the PowerBook 5300s, the 2300

has a trackpad that lets you double-click simply by tapping on the trackpad,

drag-lock with a down-up-down tap, and briefly lift up your finger during a

long drag.

Price: $3,700 then, $3,150 nowApple code name: AJProcessor and speed: 603e at 100 MHzMemory: 8MB of RAM, expandable to 64MBEquipment: 9.5" active-matrix color display (640 by 480 pixels); 750MB or 1.1 GB hard

drive; enhanced trackpad; docking port

Chapter 13: The PowerPC Macs: Model by Model 455

Not many people use Apple’sPowerBook File Assistant,despite its many wonders(described in Chapter 5). Thosewho do, however, can play thislittle undocumented game,discovered by free book winnerRobin Poirier.

If you press Option whilechoosing About File Assistantfrom the Ú menu, you’lldiscover a series of namesflashing away in the dialog boxat warp speed. They continueracing by, too fast to read, untilyou release the Option key.When you do so, the display willfreeze on the one name thathappened to be blinking intoplace when you released thekey. It’s like an electronic gameof musical chairs. Or maybeyou’d call it a random namegenerator?


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PowerBook 3400

These laptops were Apple’s technological strike back at critics who said it

had lost its touch with desirable laptops. The PowerBook 3400 is a Power Mac

8500 in a laptop, with no compromises. At the time of its release in March

1997, this computer was the fastest laptop ever made: 180, 200, or 240 MHz

on a new 603ev chip.

The 3400s are based on a PCI-slot architecture, which means they’re faster

(and you can install actual full-sized PCI cards if you buy a Newer

Technology dock). Goodies abound: a 6x CD-ROM; a breathtaking 800 × 600

screen filling 12.1 inches diagonally; four speakers, including “subwoofers” in

the bulging upper lid; a built-in 33.6 fax modem/Ethernet jack; and a video

output jack backed by enough VRAM to fill an external monitor’s 1024 × 768-

pixel image.

All of this speed and multimedia talent doesn’t come cheap: this

PowerBook costs a pretty penny ($4500 to $6500 at its release), and it weighs

a pretty 7.4 pounds with the CD drive installed. (It’s a half inch bigger than

previous models in each dimension, too.) But when you recognize that you’re

getting a PCI Power Mac in a laptop, the money and the weight — and the

wait, considering the inevitable shortage — may be worthwhile.

PowerBook 5300 family

Apple introduced PowerPC technology to the PowerBook line in August 1995

with the 5300 series. The four differently named models vary only in their

screen technologies (see the specs below); the 5300ce was the first PowerBook

to offer a colossal 800-by-600-pixel desktop. (The physical dimensions are no

larger, but the pixels are much more tightly packed; see Chapter 14 for details.)

Three of these models contain a 603e chip running at 100 MHz — the same

chip used in the 5300- and 6300-series desktop models. The 5300ce has a faster

603e chip — 117 MHz. Unfortunately, the 603e isn’t the speediest chip on

Earth, and these Macs don’t have a level 2 cache for frequently used instruc-

tions. As a result, these PowerBooks are nowhere near as fast as their MHz rat-

ings would seem to indicate. Running native PowerPC software, you get about

the speed of the slowest Power Mac ever made (the 6100/60). And running

non-native software — such as, alas, System 7.5 — these laptops can seem very


The 5300’s are bigger and chunkier looking than earlier PowerBooks, but

Apple packed much more into them (see Figure 13-5). For example, these

456 Part II: Secrets of the Machine

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laptops have removable floppy drives; you can pop the whole drive out of its

bay and replace it with another device — or leave it at home if you won’t be

needing it when you travel.

Figure 13-5The PowerBook 5300 series and the 190 share the same case design: The first

totally black PowerBooks, crammed with more removable pieces and slots and compartments than any Mac before them.

In addition to the expansion bay, there are two PC-card slots. You’ll need

those slots if you want, for example, a modem or Ethernet hardware, because

there isn’t room inside the case for built-in versions of those features. PC

cards, popular on DOS-based laptops, were formerly known, hopelessly, as

PCMCIA cards. You can also buy PC cards that are little hard drives, pagers,

and so on.

The 5300’s innovative built-in infrared transceiver lets you connect and

transfer files to any other Mac that has infrared capabilities. (If you don’t have

an IR-equipped desktop Mac, you can add an IR pod, such as the $70

Farallon Air Dock.) With the 5300’s IR transceiver, you don’t have to mess

with cables to connect to a network; you just point the transceivers at each

other (within a range of about six feet) and start transferring files.

The 5300’s represented Apple’s state-of-the-art PowerBook technology in

every respect but one: They didn’t have the improved double-clickable track-

pad found on the PowerBook 190, 1400, and Duo 2300 — which allows you

Chapter 13: The PowerPC Macs: Model by Model 457

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to double-click by tapping right on the

trackpad. (See Chapter 14 for details.)

The PowerBook 5300 also has the dubi-

ous distinction of being the first and only

Macintosh ever to be recalled. Shortly after

the PowerBooks were released, Apple dis-

covered that the new lithium ion (LiIon)

batteries included with the 5300 models had

an unfortunate potential to burst into

flames. About 1,000 of the 5300 machines

had to be shipped back to Apple, where they

were refitted with nonexploding (and

shorter-life) NiMH batteries.

Price: 5300: $2,200 then, $1,050 now;5300c: $3,700 then, $2,000 now;5300cs: $2,800 then, $1,600 now;5300ce: $6,500 then, $3,350 now.

Apple code name: M2Processor and speed: PC 603e at 100 or 117 MHzMemory: 8MB of RAM, expandable to 64MB via

one RAM card expansion slotDisplay: 5300: 9.5", 16-level grayscale, passive-

matrix display, 640 by 480 pixels.5300cs: 10.4", passive-matrix colordisplay, 640 by 480 pixels. 5300c:10.4", active-matrix color display, 640by 480 pixels. 5300ce: 10.4", active-matrix color display, 800 by 600 pixels.

Equipment: Removable Apple SuperDrive; internal500MB or 1.1 GB hard disk; 2 PC Cardslots (for two Type I or II PC Cards orone Type III card); Nickel-Metal-Hydride battery; 8-bit video outputport; 16-bit stereo sound input/outputports; built-in speaker andmicrophone; trackpad

458 Part II: Secrets of the Machine

What do the Power Mac 8100/110 CD, Mac Portable,Mac IIci, and Mac SE/30 have in common? They are allamong the ten most expensive Macs ever released.

True, by today’s standards, you would hardly think ofthe IIci as a powerhouse computer (or consider theleaden Mac Portable much of a laptop). But at thetime of their release, these machines representedApple’s cutting edge — and people paid top dollarto get that new technology into their own hands.Amazingly, people paid $8,800 to get a brand newIIci in September 1989 — about $3,400 more than itcost in 1995 to buy the most expensive Power Mac9500/132!

You could argue that the single most expensive Macmodel ever released was the almost universallyignored Mac XL, originally called the Lisa, whichpredated the original Mac 128K by a full year.(Though many people don’t consider the XL a realMac, it could run Mac software — up to System 3.2— and was written up in the earliest issues ofMacworld.) The Mac XL debuted in January 1983,with a whopping price tag of $10,000.

Here, for the record, are the nine other top-dollarMacs, listed with their original prices:

Model Released Original price

Mac IIfx March 1990 $9,870

Mac IIx October 1988 $9,300

Quadra 950 May 1992 $8,800

Mac IIci September 1989 $8,800

Quadra 900 October 1991 $8,500

PowerBook 5300ce August 1995 $6,500

Mac SE/30 January 1989 $6,500

Mac Portable September 1989 $6,500

Power Mac8100/110 CD January 1995 $6,300


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The extension hazard

As we’ve mentioned, software that isn’t specifically written for Power Macs canreally slow down your machine. It follows, therefore, that non-native extensionsare particularly problematic — because these programs run constantly in thebackground.Versions of ATM before 3.8, for example,slow a Power Macintosh byas much as 15 percent. Do a clean install of your System Folder (as described inChapter 33) after months of adding fun junk to your Power Mac, and you’relikely to be shocked at how much faster it is without them.

So, how can you tell if your entire system is being dragged down by a fewnon-native extensions? Use Conflict Catcher (or the demo, included with thisbook). Open the control panel, click the Reports button, and choose PatchedSystem Traps from the pop-up menu. Read the list of your extensions. Thosewith multiple asterisks beside their names are those that are probably drag-ging your entire Mac into the slow lane.

You can also use a freeware utility called PowerPeek (available on the Webat ). Among other things, PowerPeeklists all the native files on your system, so you know exactly which of your pro-grams run under emulation and which aren’t. PowerPeek also flashes an indi-cator light in the upper-right corner of your screen to tell you whether or notyour Mac is running native code.The indicator flashes green when you’re run-ning native code and flashes red when you’re running under emulation.

Not all slots are created equal

A Power Mac 9500 has six PCI slots — but don’t fill them arbitrarily. Cards inthe top three slots run slower than those plugged into the bottom three. Thespeed difference has to do with the PCI architecture, which requires one con-troller for every three slots. Evidently, Apple’s design taxes one trio of slotsmore than the other. So, if you have a choice, fill your slots from the bottomfirst for the best performance.

Identifying a chip’s type and speed

Apple has used five different types of the PowerPC chip in its Power Macs, run-ning at speeds ranging from 60 MHz to 200 MHz. How can you tell which chipis in your Power Mac and determine its actual clock speed? Is there any way totell what chip is running your Mac just by looking at it?

Chapter 13: The PowerPC Macs: Model by Model 459



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Yes. Open your Mac’s case and take a look at the FCC ID label located on theback side of the processor card.The number on the FCC ID label contains ninecharacters, the last six of which identify the processor and the speed. Forexample, if the FCC ID ends in 604132, it means you have a 604 processor setto run at 132 MHz.

Zapping PRAM — the PCI way

We mention zapping your Mac’s PRAM (parameter RAM) several times in thisbook; it’s a useful troubleshooting technique for stopping crashes and clear-ing odd glitches from your system. However, PCI Macs store certain informa-tion, such as data related to your video-display options, in nonvolatile RAM(NVRAM) instead of PRAM.

So here’s how you can zap both at the same time to return to default set-tings. First, shut down your Mac. Then start it again holding down the usualzap-the-PRAM key combo (Ô-Option-P-R). After you hear the second startupchime, press Shift so that your Mac starts up with extensions turned off.Finally, drag the file called Display Preferences out of the Preferences folder inthe System Folder and into the Trash — and restart.

Use the right video jack, Jack

As we mentioned earlier, first-generation Power Mac models (6100, 7100,8100) offer two video jacks: The one on the back panel and the one providedby the AV or PDS-video card.This arrangement may leave you with a dilemma:To which jack should you hook your main monitor for the best speed?

If you’re running native PowerPC programs, use the built-in back-panel jackfor a 15 percent screen-redraw speed-up. If you’re using non-native programs,the back-panel jack gives you a 35 percent slowdown. Therefore, if you’redoing most of your tasks in emulation, use the card-provided video jack.

The classic Power Mac car-crash sound

When something goes wrong on a Power Macintosh, you hear neither thefour tones of a Mac II-class machine nor the Twilight Zone theme of theQuadras. Instead, you hear a horrific digitized recording of a car crash.

Want to hear it for yourself without actually damaging anything? The nexttime you start your Power Mac, press the Interrupt switch just after themachine begins to start up (before the screen even lights up).You’ll hear it, allright. (See Chapter 7 for the locations of this switch.)

460 Part II: Secrets of the Machine


But True


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How to tell if it’s a native application

Life sure is confusing now that there are two strains of Mac software — nativeand non-native. Wouldn’t it be nice if you could tell at a glance whether someprogram was native or not?

You can. Just highlight an application’s icon and choose Get Info from theFile menu. If, at the bottom of the Get Info window, you see a message aboutturning on virtual memory (and how much real memory you’ll save as aresult), you’ve got native software on your hands.

If not, not.

Memory savings recapped

In case you missed it: The most important money saver on a PowerPC Mac isthe virtual-memory oddity. Turn on virtual memory, even a little bit (or installRAM Doubler), and each native program requires as little as half as much mem-ory. (Look at the Get Info box for a native program and see for yourself! See thesidebar “Why a Power Mac needs more RAM” for the reason.) This is one hunkof hard-disk space that’s well worth trading away.

An updated Memory Secret

You already know, from having read Chapter 4, that there’s a buried surprise inthe Memory control panel — you turn on virtual memory, press Option, andclick the hard drive pop-up menu.

On PowerPC-based Macs, though, there are new surprises in that secretpop-up menu. Our favorite: “Mr. 601 — the Power to Crush the OtherMicroprocessors.” (You did see that Saturday Night Live ad spoof, didn’t you?)

An updated Monitors Secret

Open the Monitors control panel on a PowerPC Macintosh. Press Option andclick the version number. Keep the mouse button down and press the Optionkey over and over again. This Secret works much like it did pre-PowerPC, witha couple of differences: First of all, some even wackier names and transposi-tions take place — and now there’s color!

(Unfortunately for fans of this trick, modern Power Macs come with theMonitors & Sound control panel instead, which has no juicy little Easter eggsburied in it.)

Chapter 13: The PowerPC Macs: Model by Model 461


But True

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A deeply buried credit

You need MacsBug, Apple’s debugging software forprogrammers, for this one. (It’s available on AmericaOnline, among other places.) Ask MacsBug to dis-play memory address 40B2E280.

You’ll get a testimonial to Gary Davidian, theApple software genius who single-handedly wrotethe 680x0 emulator code that lurks inside everyPower Mac — and that just may have saved thecompany.

The much-too-colorful Mac

Purchasers who laid down multiple thousands tobecome adopters of Power Mac technology are infor a fascinating surprise. On many Power Macs (the8500, 7100, and 8100, for example), a couple ofimportant choices are missing from the Monitors’control panel — namely, any color settings below“256.”You read that correctly: These Macs cannot beswitched to black-and-white!

And not just black-and-white — you can’t switchthese Macs into 4- or 16-color mode, either.The onlypeople who’ll care are those several million Mac fanswho have games and CD-ROM discs that require 16-color or black-and-white modes to run. Or, peoplewho want fast screen redraws. Or, people who wantto take screen-capture PICT files that aren’t enor-mous on the disk. Or, . . . oh well.

On first-generation Power Macs, this quirk kicks inif your monitor is connected to the Power Mac’sextra video jack (the PDS video card’s output), notthe built-in video jack at the bottom of the case. Onlater Power Macs, you’ve only got one video jack —you’re stuck forever in 256 colors or higher.

We called one of our friends in the engineeringdepartment at Apple. We got the classic response:“It’s a feature, not a bug.”

(What he meant, of course, was “It’s less expen-sive this way.”)

462 Part II: Secrets of the Machine

When you double-click a program’s icon,the hard drive spins and your Mac readsthe program’s code into memory.

The PowerPC chip doesn’t handle thishard-disk-to-RAM process the same waythe 68000-series chips did. Older Macscould read pieces of program code fromthe hard disk — and get rid of that code — as necessary. For example, whenyou print, your program loads theprinting code from the hard disk intoRAM; when the printing is finished, thoseprinting instructions are dumped out ofmemory.

Power Mac programs, on the other hand,can’t read and dump code fragments asnecessary.Their code is stored on the diskas one giant chunk. That’s one of thereasons a native PowerPC programrequires much more RAM than its non-native counterpart; such a program mustload all program code into RAM when youlaunch it. As a result, a native programtakes longer to load.

Fortunately, there’s a way to let a PowerMac handle a native program in a code-fragments-as-necessary fashion, just asnon-native programs do. Turn on VirtualMemory (see Chapter 9). Set that virtualmemory amount to 1MB or 2MB morethan your actual installed memory. Or,alternatively, install RAM Doubler.

Because virtual memory, at heart, is amethod of rapidly swapping informationbetween the hard drive and RAM, itworks beautifully on a Power Mac.Microsoft Excel, for example, requires6,500K less memory when virtualmemory is on or RAM Doubler is installed.



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What to do with those old NuBus cards

Bought one of those spiffy new PCI-slotted Power Macs? Got a couple NuBuscards left over from your previous Mac? You don’t have to dump them. Youcan buy a NuBus expansion chassis from Second Wave (512-329-9283) thatlets you use those cards in your PCI slots.

Ditch the 68000 code

Some of today’s programs are labeled “fat binary,” meaning that they containthe program code for both kinds of chips — both the PowerPC and the previ-ous 68000 series. Of course, if you have only a PowerPC, you might not care towaste all that disk space for storing code you’ll never use. And if you have onlya Quadra, you could happily do without the bulky PowerPC code. Yet, a fat-binary program is represented by only a single icon! How can you strain outthe unneeded code?

Use PowerPCheck, included with this book. It strips out the kind of codeyou don’t need, leaving you with a much smaller, more compact program.

MACINTOSH CLONESIn 1994, Apple announced that it would begin licensing System 7.5 and the

PowerPC Macintosh ROM chips to other computer makers so that they

could begin building Macintosh clones. No single event in Mac history pro-

duced more shock waves in the Mac community.

Until 1995, the only computers on Earth running Mac software were the

Macs that had rolled off Apple’s own assembly line. Now, Apple would let

other companies license its trademark operating system. Suddenly, the distin-

guishing characteristic of a Mac was no longer to be the computer itself but

the Mac OS. (This change of philosophy was first visible in System 7.5.1,

which starts up not with the traditional “Welcome to Macintosh” message but

the updated “Mac OS” logo — see Chapter 6 — and, later, in System 7.6,

where the first command under the Ú menu says “About This Computer”

instead of “About This Macintosh.”)

In sanctioning such a change, Apple’s hope is that its loss of the monopoly

on Mac making will be recouped by collecting licensing fees — and the fur-

ther proliferation of Macintosh. Apple also hopes that by carefully control-

ling and supervising the clone-maker licensing process, it will spare the world

from the kind of compatibility nightmares caused by a clone-making free-

for-all (as happened in the DOS world).

Chapter 13: The PowerPC Macs: Model by Model 463

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In the spring of 1995, the very first Mac clones arrived, manufactured by a

small, new, California-based company called Power Computing. Since then,

Radius, DayStar Digital, Motorola, Bandai, APS, Akia, Pioneer, and UMAX

have announced that they’ll be bringing clones to market; other companies

have clones on the way. Even IBM is at work on a version of its popular

ThinkPad notebook computer capable of running the Mac OS. At this writ-

ing, the machines introduced so far have been, reassuringly enough, 100 per-

cent Mac-compatible — although Apple won’t allow any of them to be called

Mac or Macintosh.

Mac clones generally offer the same variety of video options, ports, expan-

sion slots, and drives you find on genuine Power Macs. Some, in fact, offer

features not available from Apple; Power Computing makes clones fitted with

internal Zip or Jaz drives, for example. Daystar’s Genesis line of clones feature

four PowerPC processors in a single machine for lightning-fast multiprocess-

ing of large graphics files in Photoshop. (See “Power Macintosh 9500”earlier

in this chapter for more on multiprocessing.) And, of course, clones usually

cost 10 to 15 percent less than equivalent Apple machines.

Power Computing is by far the most prominent clone maker in the U.S.

The company makes PowerPC-based models in a wide variety of configura-

tions, from a “starter” system running a 132 MHz PowerPC 604 processor to

the high-end PowerTower Pro, a 604e-based system that runs at 225 MHz. All

the Power Computing models come with a keyboard and mouse, the latest

Mac OS software, and a huge software bundle. (If you call Power Computing

directly, they’ll put together a custom system for you; you just specify which

RAM, hard disk, video, and CD-ROM options you prefer.) Power

Computing’s prices are excellent and the systems have won high ratings from

reviewers and customers. And, because the company sells computers in far

lower quantities than Apple, its machines are always able to include the very

latest, very fastest new PowerPC chips — at a time when these chips are still

too scarce for Apple to consider.

Radius, a company known primarily for its accelerator and graphics cards,

introduced a handful of clones in 1995, but has since sold its cloning technol-

ogy to UMAX, which introduced its clones in 1996. The UMAX clones are

based on the 603e and 604 chips and, like the Power Computing machines,

come with an enormous software bundle that includes programs like Adobe

PageMill, Conflict Catcher, ClarisWorks, Quicken, Now Up to Date, and Now


Motorola’s clones are significant because they’re from Motorola. As such,

they’re built to meet unusually high construction standards, and they come

with an unheard-of five-year warranty. As of the turn of 1997, however, none

464 Part II: Secrets of the Machine

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of the clone companies could be described as

innovators; what makes them significant is their

lower prices, ability to deliver higher-speed chips

before Apple can, and (in Motorola’s case) extra-

ordinary warranty.

THE FUTURE: THE POWERPC (CHRP)PLATFORMThe Power Macs are certainly a major leap for-

ward, but the biggest leaps are yet to come.

Apple, IBM, and Motorola are already working

with prototypes of future incarnations of the

PowerPC technology. The G3-series processor,

for example, is a next-generation chip now in

the works that will be able to run at 400 MHz.

And its successor, the G-4 series chip, is eventu-

ally expected to reach clock speeds of 500 MHz.

And, as we mentioned at the beginning of this

chapter, Exponential Technology plans to be

producing its 533 MHz in large quantities by

mid-1997. In the short term, this can only mean

faster, cheaper, and more powerful Macs.

But the PowerPC chip’s speed and genius of

design won’t confer benefits only to Macintosh.

Already, Ford and Time-Warner are installing

the PowerPC processor in their cars and TV-top


Perhaps most shocking to old-time Mac

purists, Apple and IBM are working together on

a totally new computer platform. This machine

— which, to corporations who buy hundreds of

computers at a time, is the Holy Grail of per-

sonal computing — will be able to run your

choice of operating system: the Mac OS,

Windows NT, OS/2, or AIX (IBM’s version of

the Unix environment).

Chapter 13: The PowerPC Macs: Model by Model 465

As you may have surmised from reading thischapter and the last one, Apple engineershave a code name for each Mac model whilethey’re designing it (and before Marketinghas figured out what it’ll actually call thething).

As Apple bet more and more of its future onthe PowerPC Macs, the code names for thethree first models began to leak out. Theleast-expensive one was known internally asPDM, the middle model was Carl Sagan, andthe high-powered Mac was nicknamed ColdFusion.

Meaningless, right? Not a chance; Appleprogrammers are famous for their stingingwit. In this case, everything becomes clearwhen you find out what PDM stands for:Piltdown Man. Remember that case? In 1909,an archaeologist unearthed this fossil skull inSussex, England. For years, it was believed tobe the missing link between apes and men —and then, in 1953, it was proved to be a fake.

OK. So, we’ve got a hoax, another hoax (coldfusion), and . . . Carl Sagan.

Well, this famous astronomer didn’t muchcare for the implications. He got legal. Hislawyers met with Apple’s, and he wrote acouple of stern letters stating that his namewas being used without permission. Apple’slegal staff promised to make its programmerschange the code name of the new Mac model.

So, they changed it to BHA.“Random initials,”they told the lawyers. Carl Sagan was happy.He went away.

Guess he didn’t know what BHA stood for:butt-head astronomer.

Believe it or not, Sagan sued again. Aftermonths of haranguing by lawyers, the casewas finally settled in 1995 — the judgethrew out Sagan’s complaint.


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466 Part II: Secrets of the Machine

Who’d have guessed it? The Graphing Calculator, the oft-neglected PowerPC-nativedemonstration program included with every Power Mac, is absolutely ripe with secrets.Thanks to its programmer, Greg Robbins, we’ve been able to reveal a few of them here.

■ Turn on Balloon Help and you’ll discover some surprises. For example, point to the cscand hyperbolic cosine buttons on the large keypad, the program icon itself, and all thecredits pages. (Hint: Ernest Rutherford was one of the great pioneers in nuclear physics,having discovered radioactivity.)

■ The Graphing Calculator is Macintosh Drag-and-Drop savvy; you can drag graphs rightonto the desktop, where they become PICT files. What’s really neat is that they carrytheir equations with them, behind the scenes; dragging a graph back into the calculatorrestores its equation as well.

■ There’s a secret benchmark mode that you can use to test your Mac’s speed. Enter agraphable equation with an n in it, such as r<<<n. Control-click the Play button, andthe calculator will time a cycle of the slider and report the number of seconds requiredto graph the cycle. (The time will appear just below the equation.)

The “standard” test for timing a Power Mac using the Calculator is to use the lastequation in the Inequalities demo (press the Tab key repeatedly to advance more quicklythrough various demo graphs, and then click the Stop button when an inequalitycontaining an n is shown). For the standard benchmark to test a machine’s speed, deletethe Calculator preferences file, run the calculator on a Mac with a 640-by-480 screen,display or type in that final inequality, and Control-click the slider Play button.

■ The calculator has an “on-screen graphing mode,” that allows you to watch it draw thegraphs step by step. To activate it, press the Space bar to erase any displayed graph, andthen Control-click the Graph button. It’s kind of cool to watch the 3-D surfaces draw.Better yet, when this on-screen drawing mode is activated, copying a graph copies it as adrawing — not as a bitmap — so it can be printed at full resolution.

■ The Calculator can be used as an equation editor with standard word processors. Justpaste an equation picture into one of many word processors (ClarisWorks, WordPerfect,MacWrite Pro, and so on), either double-click or Ô-double-click the equation, and thecalculator will be launched and the equation entered for editing. When the calculatorwindow is closed, the edited equation is automatically returned to the word processor!


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This soon-to-be-released platform — originally called CHRP (Common

Hardware Reference Platform — now known as the PowerPC Platform, or

PPCP) — will have the same PowerPC and PCI-slot technology used in the

Power Macs. On a PPCP machine, you’ll be able to run multiple operating

systems simultaneously and switch between them as the need arises.

IBM expects to release the first PPCP-based computers in 1997. Their

arrival — and further development of the PowerPC — will represent another

landmark step in the continual evolution of the Mac.

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