the powers of sympathy or empathy in people

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  • 8/12/2019 The Powers of Sympathy or Empathy in People




    That though the radiance which was once so bright be now forever taken from my

    sight. Though nothing can bring back the hour of splendour in the grass, glory in the

    flower. We will grieve not, rather find strength in what remains behind.

    William Wordsworth

    To begin it is necessary to clarified the concepts of sympathy and empathy; according

    to the Thesaurus, an online dictionary, sympathy is described as the mutual

    understanding or affection arising from this relationship or affinity and Empathy as

    the Identification with and understanding of another's situation, feelings, and motives

    to summarize, empathy and sympathy is what make us a live, one of the greatest

    human feelings, It is vital to clarified that those feelings are the base of Alice Munros

    books sometimes not in an obvious manner but it is present all the time in some parts

    of the book, they are present as the interests that the reader take from the books those

    times where the reader can feel an identification with one of the characters, otherwisewho cannot be able to imagine himself as the Doctor or as Muriel on the short story of

    Muriel: What is remembered.

    Empathy and Sympathy are like yin and yang they usually come together, even when

    it mean to be no sense between their proximity, its power can give as much

    advantages as possible but at the same troubles in the case of some insensible

    people; as a future teacher may I said that we have to be sensible and sensitive to all

    human expressions and situations in order to understand until the limit our students

    because before being students are human beings, and it is in that exactly moment

    where the powers of both, empathy and sympathy take place, work together, but what

    would happen if we were insensible people?.Being sensible and sensitive has been associated with weakness and fear, but it is

    not! Sense and sensibility can be a winner combination of powers, it can provides us

    greatest arms against indifference that overpower the humans lives as a model to

    follow and thats exactly what Alice wanted we to know and to do: to wake up since our

    caves, to fill the human feelings of others and make that those feelings were important

    for all of us as equally as possible.

    Sometimes we avoid easy things in life thinking that for being those things the easy

    ones they have not too much importance, but it is exactly the importance we take for

    those little things what make us alive, what make us take a direction, what can be the

    objectives of a teacher if it is not helping and learning from others? It is unusual endingan essay with a question but the idea is to reflect before giving a quickly answer that

    could have a lot of non-answered and clarified questions.