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18.25 •

• Ml'S~. Ul:t'l. lJF A~CHIVES & HISTORY

; •= 4

AN.ACT, to incorporate the to'Yn of Washington ia Adams county . .

Be it enact«l bgiM Senate and House of Re­pr.esenlatives of the state of Mississippi in General .assembly convened, That the frPeholders, and householders of the town of Washington, be,

..and they are hereby, constituted a body cor-porate, a11d the freeholders and householders· aforesaid, shall meet at some convt:mient place in said town on the first Monday in March next, and elect by ballot, five persons as T rus­tees thereof, one asscsSDr and collector, one treasurer and a town Constable, who shall continue in office one year, noel the Trustees so elected, shall appoint one of their number as president thereof; mny pass a ll ordinances, dirf'ct the time and mauner of electing !heir officers, and do all other things necessary for the good order and go,•ernment of said town, not repugnant to the laws and constitution of the state, and levy a tax not exceedmg the sum of twenty-five cents, on every hundred dollare. of the value of property wit bin the limits of said town.



l:iec. !. .llnd 6e it J'8ther .enacted, That from ·and after the passale of th1s act, the tow n of "r ashington shall be compnseu within thE' fol· lowing limits, (to wit:) bounded on the uorth and south, by lines running parale l to l\1a in street; on the west by a lith: running at right allgle!i with the course of the street aforesaid, ami passing 100 feet to the west of SasnufJl Mat'liu's house, at tfie western edremity of the town of Washington, ami o'h the east by a line pamllel to, and dista nt one mile from, the said western boundary, fo rming a parallelogram o¥ oue mile in length, and tbrf'e-fourths of a urile io-wi~h; the po.sifum_ of t.hc_!lorthern a.nd southern boundaries, as regards tbelraistan~e from the centro of the street aforesaid, to be· cstablisl!ed by a surl"ey to be made under the direction of the p resident and trustees of said town; and the bobndaries when so cstahliHhed shall be permn9ent unless changed by Ja ,v.

Sec. 3 . .lind be it further cnactccl, That all persons owning taxable property within the limits aforesaid, a nd residing without the same, and not represented by a tenant, shall be en­ti tle~ to vote for trustees and town officers, and it shall be the duty of nny jn'-'ticc of the­peace commissioned in anti for the county of Ada ms, and residing witbin the town ofWash­jnglon, to take cognizance of all cases arising uudcr the orcl inauccs estalllished by the. trus· tees of said town, and 'to cause the same to b~ execu ted.


't +urthC;·r enacicd. 'l'hat tile Sec. 4 . .ll.nd be t J' tt> use and apply, all

t\'ustecs shall po~er l om the inhabitants I b ur accrmug r . t 1• or a 0 . . I rmits oi s:ud town, u. or property, :W.tlhlll t.l~nlact, entitled "An,ad tler the prons10n~ of us in Adams county, to conce rning pubhc ro~ . a of a ll streets anll

. a and repatnnn . the opet~tU~ h \' nitS aforcsaH) . roads mtbm l e 11 s 1\,lEAD, .

COW LE 1' f Representat\\·es. Speaker of the Hot~ftANOON, GKB.ARD ~d l~resilleut of the Senate.

Lieutenant Governor 2nd, l 325.

~1pprovell \{~tTi!B. LEt\KB.

. ~ the repairs of the AN ORDlN ANCE, to P.~ol~lllll ~he u;orpora.te limits of the » \ l" ahways Wh H streets ant 11<>.

0 •

town of W ashwgto • . f 'd d Trustees o . d b tl Prest ent an r •

Be it ordatne . y ~e . . ettin(l' convened, rnat the town af Washtngto~ ~l~ ~e appointed by t~~c a suitable gerson . ~ l\fthe streets and pub ~~ Truste~s, ? uperVls?r orate limits of the to,~n o roads wtlbtn the cot p \l eceive as a comprnsa-


"ashinoton. who sha hr of two do\\ars for , ' o . · es t e sum \ lJ

tion for h ts scrv~c \\be necessarily f'ID\1 oye ·i every day he s a . jiurther ordained, That t

S<'c. ~ . ./J.11d be tt said :;upervisor. to shall be the duty ofd th~blic roads within the cause the streets an .P t be put in complete

1. . ts of the corporal.lon, o 1m1 n.


r epair, to which end , he shall fronl', t.imc to time, cull upon a ll persons liable to furnish ot' perform labour within tlte limits of the corpo­rati on, to fum ish the ir respectiYc -quotas, a ­giecably to the prov isions of an act of the Le­gislature of this State, entill<-d ':An act ~on­ccrning Public Roads in Adams county,n pass­ed the 21st of J nnuary, 1.323.

Sec. 3 . .!Jncl be it further ordained, T hat the said Sup ervisor be, and be is hereby, authoriz­ed to commute th e labour, whit:h any person m:ty be lia ble to furnish ot· perform, by receiv­ing at the rate of one dolla r for each days la­bour, aml the satd S upervisor shall npply the money so recei,·cd to the repairs of the roads and streets ; and it shall be the duty oftl te said Supervisor , to account to the T rus tees qu:u·­ter yearly or oftener if required .

Sec. 4. .llnd be it fm'lhc1' ordained, T bat there shall b e ap pointed a committee, consisting ot three members, to be called a road committee, w hose d uty it shall be to superintend and di­rect the manner in which the roads aml street3 within th E' corporate limits shall be worked u pon and repaired.

Orda ined and p ublished, this 19th d ay of .Marc h, i 825.

JO. DUNBAR, ATTEST. P resident of the T rustees.

PERRY NUGENT , Town ylcrk.



AN ORDINANCE providing fot· the as~essment anti collection of a tax within the town of W ashington, and prescribing the duties of Assessor and collectot·.

Be it ordained by the P resident and T rustees of the town of ·washington tn m.celing convened, That the Assessor, e lected fo~: the town of W ash­ington, shall, before h e enters upon the duties of his office, take and subs~ribe before some jus tice of the peace within said town, the following oath or a1i1rmatiou, which shall be iil.ed with the town clerk : ~'I A. ll. do swear or afl\ju (as the case may be) that 1 will fa ith­fully and l(il igently execute the J uties o f As­t essor, for the town of ' Vashington, agreeably to the·onlinancc or ordinances of the Trustees of sn itl t0\\' 11 without fraud or partia lity, so h elp me God." Ami if the sa id t\ssessot· shall attempt to make any assessment OT' l'a luation of any property, o1· perform any other act iu relation to his saitl oft-ice, w itlwut having pre­viously taken and subscribed s uch oath o r af­fi rmation, a ll such acts sha ll be void, and he shall forfeit, and pay, to the use of the town, for every such offence, tbe sum of ten do ll~rs with costs of suit, to be recorered before any justice of the peace within th e limits of t he to\\- n.

Sec. 2 . .Jlnd be it further ordained, T bat it shall be the d uty of said Assessor to call upon all persons within the limils of th<' town of W ash­ington who own or may be in p ossession of any


. t taxntiorr either in their 1wcpe~ly hab~e o t as ag;cots for any otl:lc r owo n ght. or m trus ccount of such property, person, to render anl a1l nc"'lcct or refuse to

.1 ·r y p •rson s 1a I:' h nnu 1 an .., f ro crty which be, s e, or oivc an account 0 P P " 't shall be the du-1:'1 '''tl or posse-s, 1 b t they may so o" · - ·t to the es . d As-ec:.sor to re:.ot ty of the sat ·::. w f . r' al'l'irw and assess-. h' o•"C .. o usee ' · o 1. means 11\ lS P .. d. 't hall ah.o be the duty o ing the same; an 1 s certain and assess, all tlte said Assessor t~·;s t- 'li;ble to taxa~ion, Jli'Operty ~f nod·I'CS!Uell ::., .

not repre::.:;t~ ir ·~ (;trllF' r ordatnc6, . hat tt SE>c. 3. n~ • "t •. I:' Assct:~sor to commco~

shall be the duly of \1C ui rcd by this or<h­making the assesmen r~q bl"' after the lirst

as practica ~, . l ' ·t· nauce, as s?on . ,.,. to make t ri p1tcatc IS s day of A p rtl ('nsu:~o'own use ns co\lcctor, one thci·eot; one for 11S d the other for the usc of for the treasUI·er, .alii l 11 be furnished Oil Ol' the trustee&; wluc l s Hl ext

l>efor_e the ~~~ ~:y {u~-~:c~~ ~rdained, T~a~ al~ Sec. -1 • .,,.... . [. the corporate 1tm1ts o

lands and lots Wll l';essed nt a ju:;t and equi~ the town, shall b~ a - . lull inrr the valu<' u tahle cash valuattOn,. 111Covcm~nts thereon. · other nnpr · Th th

any houscs.!lord b tt f1ttrther ordained, at ct • Sec. 6. 11 e . 1 de in h is asses:-men

F.aid Assessor shall ,nc u all' leasurable car-li;;ts all negro sla~:s\pdc ~fall merchauts, tiaaes, and tbe stoc m.ther in d ry goods or

o 1 dealers e1 · . traders~ an•. . l r 'ts of the corporatwn. o-roceries, Wllhlll t 1e l ffil b

The slave9"and pleasurable ca rt;iagcs to· be' nssessed at a fai r all(l e quitable cash valuation. '] he stock in trade to be gi,•en in upon oath or ntfir·mation by the merchaut or dealt>r, ac ­cord ing to the best of his j udgment ; and alt property subject to assessmen t au d taxation. sh·all be assessell, in reference t-o possession, on

· th·e first of April of the present year ; aud tbe said Assessor shall be allowed, as a compen­sation· lor Lis services in ma ki ng the assess­ment and returning assessweut lists, the sum of fifteen dollars.

Sec. 6. .O.nd he it further ordained, TAA-Hb~ - ­~ for The town of \Vasbiugton,

:::---- hcfore he sha11 enfcr upon the d utie!' of his of-fice. sha ll g ive bond , payable to the Pres ident-and T rustt(eS of the town of Wa~hi ngton, ~nd tbcir successors in office, in the penal sum of four hund red dollars, with such surety as shall b e appro,·ed by the Presitlent. conditioned fot· tiH~ fi.l itb ful petformance of the d uties of his o!licc.

Sec. 7. ./Jnd he it further ordained, That there shall be leviecl, for the sen'iccs of the yea r, ead ing on the first ~J onda.y in l\larc l1 , 1826, 011 every hundred dollars \'aluation of p rope rty, to be assessed as a forcsaitl, the sum oft welve a nd one half c ents

Sec. 8 . .llnd be zt further ordained, That the coHector aforesaid shall proceed, immediately after the fi rst <lay of Mny next, to collect the tax levied and assessed by tllis ord inance; a ud

. ... ..

' fO

if any person chargeable with said tax..sbalJ neg­Ject.or refuse to pay the same, the said collector sLall, at any time after the first day of June next place the account of every such person in the hands of any justice of the peace within the' town, whose duty it shall be to issue a citation· ~r warrant ~nd proceed against every such de­J,nquent as 111 ca~es of other del>ts · P rovided 'fh , ' . . at no prc:>perty, rea) or personal, of any re. ~Jgt~us .or charitable society, or of any literary Jnstttu~10n. shal~ be chargeable with any tax, any thmg m this ordinance to the contrary Mtwiths.tandiog.

Sec. 9,. .!lnd he tt f urther orda1ncd, That it shall bP the duty of the said collector to make his collections ~nd settle and pay u;e whole amo}lnt ther0ofanto the hands of the Treasucr on or before the fourth day of July next. '

Sec. lO. Jlnd he tt further ordai11ed, That the said collector shall receive as a compen­sation for his servi<'es, ten per cent. on amount of moni~s collected and paid over.

Ordaanecl and published, this 2Jth day of ~! aroh, 1 82~~

JO. DUNBAR ATTF.ST, . Prcsidcnr of the Truste-es ·

PERH Y NUGENT , Town Clerk. J

,.\N ORDINANCE, to define the duties of the Treasure.r of the towo of Washington, and for other purposes.

B e it ordamed by the President and T rustees of the town of Washington in meeting convened, That it shall be the .duty of the Treasurer, elected for the town of Washington, to keep a book in which he shall charge himself with all sums of lDOney which he may receive at any time, du­ring his continuance in office., for and on ac-:ount ofthe town; and for all moneys so eceive.d he shall give, to the persons paying

.be same, a receipt specifying the· sum receiv­ed and the purpose for which the same is paid, whether for .taxes, fines, forfeitures, or otQer­'"ise ; And the said treasurer shall, in the same account,_enter to his credit a ll sums of money which be may from time to time pay out on warrants drawn .upon him bj7 the President of the Trustees.

Sec.~ . .llnd he it further ordained, That no .money shall be drawn .out of the treasury, but by appropriation made by Ordinance or Reso­,Jution, and on warrants signed by the Presi­dent and attested by the clerk.

· Sec. 3. .llnd be it further ordained, That it shall be the duty ofthe Shid Treasurer to make a report to the Tn1stees tw~ce in each year,

· ·tb·at is to say, on the last Mondays in August and February, which report shall exhibit irJ detail the receipts and disbursemeats, acc·o,m-



pauied by the nccessar! l'ouchcrs, and sha.ll nlso, state t_he balance m the treasury on the last preccdmg r·eport.

Sc?· 4 . .!lnd he itfur~her ordained, That before cnteJ1og upon the dQ~res of his office, the said trea~urer shatl entennto bond payable to the ?resrden~ a nd Tr·ustees and the ir suecesso r·s m o.ffic~, m the penal sum of four hundred dol­lars, With s~ch surety as shaH be approved by the Presrdent, conditioned for the faithft I performanc~ of the duties of his office, and ~o accou~t for .and pay over aJI sums which shall come m_to brs bands as treasurer.

Ordarned and published this twenty-sixth day ~fMarch, one thousand e;ght hundred and t wenty-Jive,

.ffi. DUlVBAR, ATTEST, Pre ·r~ t f h T

PERRy NUGENT, Town a::k~ t e rustees.

AN ORDI~ANCE, c_oncerning nuisances, and prcscr.ib-1~ the dutaes of Tawn Constable.

Be it ordamed by the President and r-, st ~he town of Washz"n~ton in m.eting conven:;, ,f1:{ .If a?y person sha;LJ, after the pass e ef this, ordmanc_e, deposlte, or cause to be 1e osited any carrrou or carcase of any anim 1P h. h, may b "d a ' w lC . ecome p1,1tn w offensive, or other otfensJVe matt~r, in any street or Jot within the town of W asbmgton, or in any weD, cistern,

f3 .

fountain, or spring of water, or within the d~· taoce of four hundred yards of the habi tation of any person residing within the limits of the town, or of any street or public highway, shall

. be deemed guilty of a nuisance, and shall for­feil and pay for eve ry such offence, not Jess than one nor exceedirrg ten dollars : And, if any person found guilty of any of the above offences, shall not remove or cause to be <l'e­moved the nuisance so complained of, imme­diately on being notified by the town Consta­ble so to do,:it shall be the duty of the said. Constable to cause the...same to be removed at the expense ol the part.y oftending, a How mg to the person who may ·be employed to remove the same, double the pr ice of ordinary labour.

Sec. 2 . .4nd he itfttrdtcr m·dait~ed, That if the carcase of any animal, which either is or may b ecome offensive, shall be found within the limits of the town, and within the distance of four hundred yards of any inhabited house, or of any street or -public high-way ·:within said limits, the person or persons ·who may have last possessed or had the ca• of such c~Tcase or ani mal, sbaU be d eemed guilty of a nui5ance, and unk "'"' be, sl:!e, or they, shal~ rell)A~e it be­fore b.{' ~ . .z cnnvi.ctetl $errof; sha.U tOrfeit an(\ p ay tb~ sum o{ five <.\ollars, together th~ costs of removiqg the same, a:.s is provid~ G>r ca~es a rising UA4V ~h,e first sec !loP. of 9r~

.dinaq~e. c.

C) " ' l b . r. I 1 • 1 "'I · .,('C. •J . ,J;;[ I' tl1 a: f t"i' Ol'. lc:tli f't •• l tnt :--n,-pt~ r::-'11 w: w siln!l w::u,ton ly or car<·!cf'<:ly 1bro\\~ or <lrop any li t·c b;·nnd, or other ignited s'rb­st:aucc. by ' \ hi<•h thNc may l:c d:wgcr of burn­j r:g nny house. fence. or other propet·ty wit ilin the town. o:- who shall fire nny gun or· pi::.tol within the of foi.Jir hundred ynrds of any dwelling wi thin saki town. except for law­fttl t)IJrposes, shall on conviction of any such offence, fodeit and pay the sum of fi,·c dollars.

Sec. 4 . .llnd be it further ordained, That any p~rson who shall sufl.'c r any fi!·e wood, matcri· als for bu ildiug, or other· mattl!r, which may in any ma nner obstruct the passage of any per­son, carriage, waggon, or othe1' vehic le, for the conveyance ot persons or goods, to remain in a ny street or highway :for more than for ty-e ight hours afte r being notified to rE'move the same, shall forfe it and pay five dollaJ'S : Provided, that materials for building shall be suffered to occupy one foUI'th part of the width of any street, adjacent to the place where such build. ing is to be er.ected....fuJ.:..aJ.e.rm noLexce_ediug three months

Sec 5 . .!lnd be it further ordained, That it s~all. be th~ d_uty of anY. Justice of the pence wrthm the lmutsof fhe town to take cognizance of all offences committed in violation ot the provisions of this ordinance, and to enter his verdict or judgment, and issue execution as in other cases against every such offender either upou the confession of the party or ~n due p roo£





Sec. 6. And be it furthet• ordained, That on~ half of the fine imposed in cvcr.y ~ase under this ordinance sha ll go to the wformcr, and the other half be pa id to the treasurer to an<l for the use of the town.

Sec. 7 . • fl.nd be itjurlher ordained, That all wells within the limits of the town left uncov­ered or not enclosed, shall be deemed nuisan­ces, and shall be secUI·ely covered or cnclo ed by the town Constable, who shall charge the expense thereof to the owners of the lots on which such wells may be found, to be collrct­cd as other debts: P1·ovided, tha t when fr·om the absence of tbe owner of any such hlt, ~he Conslable shall be p1·evcnted from ~ollectmg. said charges, the same shall be patd ~ut . of the town tt·easnry, and the pl'Operty betd ha· ble for the reimbursement thereof. - Sec. 8 . .llnd be it ju1·ther ordained, That it shall be the d uty of the iOwn . Constable, a~ least once in eve:-y u-eek, to. m_spect tl~c different parts of the town, and gave antormahon _to some Justice of the peace of a ll offences wbach. may come to his knowledge, committed or suffered in violation of the provisions of this. or any other ord inance of the Trustees, and also, of every violation or infraction of the following s tatutes of this state, to wit: " An act for the suppression of vice, and punishing the dis­turbers of religious worshi p and Sabbath .breaking," passed the -~3th ~ay of June, i822-t

.. 16

and u An ad to reduce into ene tlie &eYerar acts concerning slaves. free negroes, and mo­Jattoes," passed the 18th day of June t82~ And the acts amendatory of either of the afore­said Statutes.

Sec 9 . .llnd ~ it further ortlait~«l, That the town Constable shaU be entitled to demand, and receive as a compeD88tion for his serv!ces, the same fees to which constables are entitled 1w similar services under the laws of the State.

Ordained and published this twenty-third day of April, one thousand eight hundred and twenty-five.

JO. DUNBA~ ATTEST. President of the Truateet:


AN ORDINANCE to establish Patrola· within the' towa ef Wubi~on.

B~ it ordained by tlae Pruiclenl and Tnulees of of th~ to11m of Walti-c~e~~ U. fflff.IUg eontJ~ That every owner of slaves, and ali other per­sons below the rank of captain, liable to per­form military duty. are hereby declared lia­ble to perform patrol duty, as hereinafter di­:rected ; but shall be at liberty to 4Urnisb a 'Substitute, tO be approt"ed of by the leader of the pntrol.

Sec. !. .1/.nd be il further ordamed, That it

shall be the d uty of tbe To\\-n Constable tore­gula te patroles within the l imi ts of the town ; he shall make a proper list of patrol d etach­ments every three months, and a ppoint to ea ch detachme nt a leade r, who shall be a s lave holder ; which detacument shall consist of five persons exclushre of tbe leader, and pe dorm the duti es of patt·ol at least as often as twice iu each 'veek, for the space of four weeks ; P,·ovided, no oue 8ballbe compelled to sen·e out of his regula r routine of duty.

Sec. 3 . .lind he it further ordain,d, That it shall be t h~ duty of the T own Constable to g i,·e to each leade r ol pab;ols no!ice in wt·iting of the time for whic h he is appoiutet.l, with a list of the pr. t·sons compr·ising bis d ctachmen t, \Ybich uot icc sha ll be g iven not mor·c thau t.en <.l ays uor less tha n th ree d ays be{i)rc his te rm of serv ice <'ommeoces. Two d eta chments shall be ordered fo r tue same term, and shall p cr lonn d uty a ltern::ltely .

tiec -t A11d he it further ordamed. That the leader of" each pa trol de tachment shnll eive I IO·

tice to th <' pe rsons appoi nted und<>r him of the time a nd place of meeting to patrol. a od eve­ry person lailin~ to attend or furn ish a subs ti­tute shall forfeit and pay the sum of two dol-ars.

Sec. 5. ilnd he it f urther Ol'dained. That it shal be the duty of the leade r· of <'ach detach­ment of p atrol to return all defaulte r~ (not



m::~king to him a reasonable ~xcuse) wiL11 I1l three days, to some j ustice of the peace with iii the town, who shall, at the expira tion of three days thereafter, issue his warraut, directed to the Town Constable, requiring st.Jch default­e r to appear before him, and in case such de­faulter s lJall not appear, it shall then be the duty of the said justice, on return of the ser­vices of the process, and proof of tbe service of the notice required by tbe fourth section, to give judgment and issue execution agai11st such defau lte r; Provtded, thnt in case a suffici ent excuse be made to said justice within ih'e tl ny::; aftc1· default made, sni t! justice shall not issue process ; or if sufficient cxc tl ·e be made at the h earinu he shall not gi,·e jmlgmcnt hut for costs; :-, P rovided, also, that if a ny defaulte r shall, before· return made, pny lo tbe leader, fot· the · use of the town, two dolla rs, he sha ll not be relu rncd.

Sec. 6 . .llnd be J m·thcr ordained, Tbat the Jcade1·s of patrols for eve r·y neglect of' duty shall be suhject to a line of four ·dollnrs ; nnd i t i:S hereby made the duly of the T e wn Con­stable to return the leade rs of patrols who ne­glect the ir d uty, to some ,jus tice of the· P?ace witbin the town, who shall pr-eceed as prov Jd cd for in the fifthsecl ion; and if the sa id T own Con­stahle shall at any time for the space o~ two wP.cks, knowingly neglect, Ol' omtt any of the duties required1by this ordittance, he shall for ... fcil and pay the sum of ten dolla rs: to be re»



cover·ed befor.e any justice of the peace with-· in the town. • r

Sec. 7 . .!lnd be it f urther ordained, That it shall be the du ty of the patrol to diligently sea rch out, and examine every place suspect­ed of conta ining unlawful assemblies of slaves or othe r disorderl_y pe1•sons, and upon finding such, to talce him, he r, or tbcm. if fi·ee, before some justice of the pence wi thin the town, or make re po1·t the reof to said j ustice , a nd if any. slave o1· s laves shall be fount! so assembled o1· strol ing wi thout a pass OJ' e:omc !ol< cn from bis or hc 1· owne r or O\'C rsecr, tl1 c patr·ol may ~~i "e such slave or slaves any nt.:mber of'lashes not exceedi ng fifteC' n, and if there be reason to suspect :my s uc h &lave Ol' s laves to be run­nway, they s!1all lake s uch sbre O i' slaves be ­lore some j nsticc withi n the town, to be deal t': with aCCOI'<Log to law; and for all runa way ne­groes so tnli<"O up, the patrol taking them up, shall be entitled to rece ive six d.)Jia rs, to be p:J id by the owne r, and suall be en!illctl t'o t·e­<:eive a ll other fi:les to which p·uties may be subject, whom they may bl'ing before any j us­tice aforesa id.

Sec. 8 . .llnd be £t f atther onrained, That pa­t1·ols, a nd all other persons, a rc l1eL'coy autho­rized to ldll all dogs owned Ol' kept by negroes; nnd aH maste rs o t· owuc rs· of slaves, who may. allow th ~m to keep stock of nny descrip tion, j n his or her own right, shall be subject to .-


a-.; § e iil!iiii!ifi""' •

. fin~ of not t. ..... ~eding twenty dollars, to be rl}­co,•cred before any justice of the pt-ace with­ill the town.

Sec. 9 . .!Jnd be it further ordained, That lea­ti ers of patrols shall be accountable for the orderly conduct of their rcspecti,·e detach­ments; Provided, that if they shall forthwith r<' port any disorderly conduct or disobedience of uny one oftheir d etachments · to some jus­tice of the peace w1thin the to,vn; they shall lie no further 5ccounta ble, and if a ny patrol sha ll di ::-obey his leader wbcn on dut_t~ or be ­ll H'e disorderly. he shall be fined by the judg­m r nt or a justice of the peac e, in a sum not exceed ing te n dollars.

S('c. i ll . .rind be it f urther ordamctl, That no :-l n ·c or slaves, unless 011 lawfu l lJUs ine ss, o­ther tlJaJl those bclongi1:g to the town, t-lmll be p"'rmitted on Sabba th eveni n~~,. to l'('Jna in " ithiu the limits of the to\>;n after suns (! t.

Sec. lt: . .llnd be it further orda·incd; That all n~st=>mbli es of· sla\' cs, free negr.:>cS or mnlat­I,JP-S a bove the' number of five, afany· place w i t hit~ the li mits of the town, other tlJ()n a l1H'eting house ot· place of w orship. conduct­l'd by a white preacher, or a ttended by two r ;'spcctable white persons authorized by some· r:;ocie ty, shall IJc d eemed an u11lawful assem­lJiy ; P rodded, nothing therein ihall be so cnnstrucd as t!l prel'ent slan•s bclon~ing to t he same owner. ot· ownM·s , from associating togethe r on their owuers prem.bcs, or slaves' ·whilst at " ork.

Sec. t:e. And be il further ordained, That au• fines and forfeitures accruing under thi~ ordi­nance, not otherwise appropriated, shall be p aid into the town treasury.

Ordained and published, this ~3d day of April, t82~.

JO. DUNBAR, ATTEST, President of the Trustee!',


AN ORDINANCE, toamencl the ' ' Ordinance to pro: vide for the repairs ofthe streets and high-ways. with. in the corporate limits of the town of Washington.

Be it ordained by the P 1·esidcnt and 1'rustees of the town of Washington in meeting convened~ That the S upervisor of streets and roads in the town ofWashington be, and he is hereby, required to retu rn all defaulters, (not paying to him the eommutation pi'Ov.ided for iu tbe ordinance to which this is an amendment) within e ight days after default made, to some Justice of' the · peace within the town, who shall at the expira­tion of two days thereafter, if no sufficient ex­cuse be made, issue his warrant directed to the town Constable, and on proof of such default shall give judgment for the use of the town, char~ing two dollars for every days labor so requ~red, and not performed, with costs : Pro­vided, that if a t the hearing, said defaulter shall make a reasonable excuse. said Justice shall ~ve jutlgment for costs only.

Sec. 2 . .llud !;t; 1! {urt/;.er onlainul, That j·flbe· S upet·v isor shal.! have reason to believe, that any defau lter is about to remove from the -town, so tbat due process cannot be ha d, said Supet·visor sba11 in such case return said d e­faulter without delay, and the Justice shall is­sue forthwith.

Ordained and published this thirtieth day of' Apl'~l , one thousand eight hundl'ed a))d .twenty-five.

JO. DUNBAR, ATTEST, President of the Trustel!S.

J?ERRY NUGENT , Town Clerk. ·.