the privy - · barony...

The Privy Barony of Terra Pomaria Inside this issue: Curia and champions 3 Local Gatherings 3 Officers 4 Calendar 5 Ceilidh and Legal Noce 6 A&S night 7 November Business Meeng Notes 8-11 October Business Meeng notes 12- 13 September Business Meeng Notes December 1st, 2018 From the Baron and Baroness Unto the noble populace of Terra Pomaria do Weylyn and Lindis, your proud Baron and Baroness, do send warm greetings. On this chilly November day we find ourselves filled with the warmth that comes from the joyful service we see every day in this community. The summer was filled with laugh- ter, new ideas, arts, demonstrations of marshal skill, and new friends. As we turn to winter we look for- ward to a slower pace and spending time feasting and growing closer as a group through attendance at Ceilidhs, Arts and Sciences night, Scribal classes, Fighting, Rapier, and Archery Practices, and the many other activities the Barony has to offer.The winter also brings our tenure as your Baron and Baroness to a close. We will be stepping down at Bar Gemels in April of 2019. We encourage all who are interested in becoming the next Baron and Bar- oness to reach out to us and the surrounding coro- nets with any questions you may have. We have grown tremendously in our time as Baron and Bar- oness and we are excited to see what the future holds for the best Barony in the Known World. Yours in joyful service, Weylyn and Lindis Baron and Baroness of Terra Pomaria

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The Privy Barony of Terra Pomaria

Inside this issue:

Curia and champions 3

Local Gatherings


Officers 4

Calendar 5

Ceilidh and Legal Notice


A&S night 7

November Business Meeting Notes


October Business Meeting notes


September Business Meeting Notes

December 1st, 2018 From the Baron and Baroness

Unto the noble populace of Terra Pomaria do Weylyn and Lindis, your proud Baron and Baroness, do send warm greetings. On this chilly November day we find ourselves filled with the warmth that comes from the joyful service we see every day in this community. The summer was filled with laugh-ter, new ideas, arts, demonstrations of marshal skill, and new friends. As we turn to winter we look for-ward to a slower pace and spending time feasting and growing closer as a group through attendance at Ceilidhs, Arts and Sciences night, Scribal classes, Fighting, Rapier, and Archery Practices, and the many other activities the Barony has to offer.The winter also brings our tenure as your Baron and Baroness to a close. We will be stepping down at Bar Gemels in April of 2019. We encourage all who are interested in becoming the next Baron and Bar-oness to reach out to us and the surrounding coro-nets with any questions you may have. We have grown tremendously in our time as Baron and Bar-oness and we are excited to see what the future holds for the best Barony in the Known World.

Yours in joyful service,

Weylyn and Lindis

Baron and Baroness of Terra Pomaria

The Privy Page 5 The Privy Page 2

Baron Weylyn Middleson and Baroness Lindis de Aqiusgranno would like to request nominations for those who would succeed them as the next Baron(ess) and Baron(ess) of Terra Pomaria. Nominations and Letters of Intent should be sent to Their Excellencies at [email protected], as well as to the Terra Pomaria Seneschal at [email protected] by December 1st 2018.

The following schedule outlines the remainder of the polling process:

January 14th 2019, 7:00pm: Baronial meet and greet with the populace – Ceilidh, South Salem Friends Church, 1140 Baxter Road SE, Salem, Ore-gon 97306;

February 18th 2019, 7:00pm: In-person polling – Business Meeting, Round Table Pizza, 6055 Ulali Drive, Keizer, Oregon 97303.

Only paid members are eligible to receive a polling form. Those who reside within the boundaries of the Barony will receive their forms at the in-person polling on February 18th 2019. Officers and Sergeants residing out-side this area and those that want an absentee polling form must contact the Seneschal with proof of membership and mailing address no later than February 4th 2019. Those who do not contact the Seneschal by this deadline will not receive a polling form. Anyone who does not receive a polling form is welcome to send comments to the Crown directly. More in-formation can be found at Additional questions may be directed to Zulaikha al-Zarqa’, Seneschal of Terra Pomaria, at [email protected].

Baronial Polling

The Privy Page 3


Their Royal Majesties of An Tir

Christian Bane and Helene d’Anjou

Their Royal Highnesses of An Tir

Kjartan Dreki and Sha’ya Kjartanskona

Their Highnesses of the Summits

Karolyi Attila Laszlo and Eleanor de Bolton

Tanist and Tanista of the Summits

Njal Tjorkilsson and Sif Leifsdotir

Their Excellencies of Terra Pomaria

Weylyn Middleson and Lindis de Aquisgranno

[email protected]

“...What a family is without a

steward, a ship without a pilot,

a flock without a shepherd, a

body without a head, the same,

I think, is a kingdom without

the health and safety of a good


-Queen Elizabeth the First,

to her brother King Edward

c. 1550

Local Gatherings

Champions Heavy Defender: Marcus Octavius Rufus

Archery: Iurii Levchenich

Bardic: Don Braennan the Misguided

Arts & Sciences: HL Nest Verch Alan

Rapier: HL Santinus Contarini

Youth Champion: Thierry Daley

Business Meeting: 3rd Monday, 7pm, Round Table Pizza at 6055 Ulaili Drive NE in Keizer Station, Contact: Terra [email protected]

Ceilidh: The third Monday of every month, October through May held at Salem Friends church 1140 Baxter Rd SE Salem 97306 For more info contact: [email protected]

A & S Day: Marion County: 4th Monday Time TBD. Lin-coln County: 2nd Sunday 3-6. Locations published on lists prior to event. Contact: Terra [email protected]

Equestrian Practice: Generally every 4th Saturday 10am-2pm—RSVP required. Contact [email protected]

Scribal/Thingmakers: 3rd Wednesday of the month,

6pm-9pm. Young At Art, located at 1255 Broadway St NE #190, Salem, OR 97301. Baronial scribal supplies will be available. Contact: [email protected]

Archery Practice: Tuesdays 6pm. Stonehenge Farms, 9755 Willamette St., Aumsville. Contact: [email protected]

Heavy Weapons / Rapier Fencing

Fighter Practice: Every Thursday, 7:00 PM at Stone-henge Farms 9755 Willamette St. Aumsville, OR 97325. Spectators are welcome. Heavy Contact: [email protected] Rapier Contact: [email protected]

Bardic Music Night: To be determined. Contact: [email protected]

The Privy Page 4


The Barony is still seeking volunteers for Librari-

oan Scribe and Grete Book.

Lord Randle Blackwolf is seeking a successor for

his position of Heavy Marshall. He has stated

that he would offer his tutelage to any who

succeeds him. Any one who is interested should

email the seneschal or the baron and baroness


Zulaikha al”Zarqa

[email protected]

Demo Coordinator

HL Fortune verch Thomas

[email protected]

Social Media Officer

Mistress Ymanie The Midwife

[email protected]

Heavy Marshall

Lord Randall Blackwolf

[email protected]

Minister of the Lists

HE Peder Georg Jensen

[email protected]

Target Marshal

HL Duncan McKai

[email protected]

Equestrian Marshal

HL Tassi Hestamader

[email protected]

Rapier Marshal

HL Santinus Contarini

[email protected]

Youth Armored Combat OPEN

[email protected]

Chancellor of the Exchequer

Wystan Albright

[email protected]


HL Melannei Athenaios

[email protected]

Gold Key

HL Alyna Trewpeny

[email protected]


[email protected]

Herald (Hazel Leaf Pursuivant)-

Marcus Valerins Taurhs

[email protected]

Minister of the Arts and Sciences

HL Ulf the Wanderer

[email protected]


Olaff Beer Gripper

[email protected]

Minister of Grete Boke OPEN

[email protected]


Adele Neuton

[email protected]


Luther Gutman

[email protected]

Baronial Scribe OPEN

[email protected]

Family Activities Coordinator OPEN

[email protected]

Youth and Family Acheivement Officer

HL Duvessa of Movilla

[email protected]

Local Events

The Privy Page 5

This is a list of Local Events. For a full list of Kingdom

events please visit



1st Tri-Baronial Yule, Barony of Stromgard, Vancouver


8th Summits Winter Investiture, Shire of Briaroak,

Roseburg OR


5th Hogmany Shire of Mertyl Holt Grants Pass Or

11-13th 12th Night Coronation Barony of Three

Mountains Clackamas an Multnomah Counties Or

19th Adiantums Midwinter Feast Barony of Adiantum

Eugene Oregon


2nd Briaroak Birl Shire of Briaroak Roseburg Or

9th Summits Arts and Science/ Bardic Championship

Shire of Coeur du Val Corvalis, Benton County Or

16th Carnevale de Venezia Feast The Barony of Drag-

ons Mist Washington County Or

23rd Stormgard Founding Revel The Barony of Storm-

gard Vancouver Wa

December 2018 Su M Tu W Th Fr Sa

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January 2018 Su M Tu W Th Fr Sa


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30 31

February 2018 Su M Tu W F Fr Sa

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The Privy Page 5 The Privy Page 6

This is the November 2018 issue of The Privy, a publication of the Barony of Terra Pomaria of the Society

for Creative Anachronism, Inc. (SCA Inc.). The Privy is not a corporate publication of SCA Inc. and does not

delineate SCA Inc. policies. Contact the Chronicler for information on reprinting photographs, articles, or

artwork. The Privy is available for FREE, and can be obtained at


Submissions guidelines: If you wish to submit articles or notices, they are welcomed and will be published

as space permits. Please understand that all submissions are subject to formatting and spelling adjust-

ments. The chronicler re-serves the right to edit any submissions for inappropriate content and may

make changes to the final copy to ensure entries meet all guidelines for acceptability. Submission dead-

line for the upcoming month's Privy is by business meeting of that month if a digital copy is provided.

Hard copies will be considered and included as time allows.

Legal Notice

My Lords and Ladies pray attend!

On Monday Dec 9th we will host this seasons 2nd Ceilidh! Please join us in our new location Salem Friends Church in south Salem. This months event will be Gingerbread house build off so

bring your creativity and ingenuity.

Reminder Ceilidh is hosted on the 2nd Monday of the month starting at 7pm ending at 9pm

Salem Friends Church

1140 Baxter Rd SE, Salem, Or 97306


The Privy Page 5 The Privy Page 7

This month A&S Ulf introduced beginners wood carving. The task at hand, carving Santa/ Gnome totem ornaments. Please pay attention to the calendar for important dates times and locations for the next class and Please R.S.V.P. as spots or materials are sometimes limited.

November Arts and Science

November Business Meeting Notes

The Privy Page 8

told that the biff in question is one of their newer models that they are not really selling at this time, if they did it would be about $550. If we wanted to trade it for an older model it would range from $325-$375.

I received an email from Adiantum's Seneschal regarding a shared event we had with them on the Reserved Calen-dar: Prelude to War. They propose to release that weekend and hold the weekend for our new joint event in October and they would like to use that weekend (in March?) for their own event. I support this proposal

Demos –Fortune nothing to report Social Media –Ymanie

This was my first month as offficer and I was just getting to know the details of the position.

Had a thourough discussion on the fact that were NOT on twitter and other baronies are using it as a tool so why shouldn’t we we will work on that.

Family Activities Coordinator – Duvessa

I've spent the past couple of months getting paperwork caught up scanned and emailed to the right places and people.

tokens were ordered for the backorder of what wasn't delivered at Egils in May and now I think everything is caught up. I do still need to get some mentors signed up and order men-tor medalions jewelry 1 and textiles 1 but we have everything else.

At Bear and Apple Tavern Thiery Dailey earned Dance 1 and Rapier 1 (paperwork needs scanned and emailed but I have it ready to go)

We need to get into the mentor data-base and update fortunes information, she isn't able to add or update any-thing that is already in there, neither is anyone else. Also, parents are having a hard time figuring out how to navigate through the system to find a mentor.

Parents are also struggling with how hard some of the division 1 require-

Terra Pomaria Business Meeting Notes Meeting start time: 7:00 attendance: Morikawa Kenji, Luther Gutman, Zulaikha al Zar-qa, Santinus Contarini, Olaff Beer Grip-per, Catarine Quhiting, Duncan Mckai, Mindy Meeds, Ade-le Neuton, Clovis, Weylyn, Wyston Alrbryght, Ymanie the midwife, Randall Black-wolf, Sindri inn harfagri, Marcus Opening word s from Their Excellen-cies: We have a little bit of tighter crew here tonight. Thanks everyone who came to ceiliedh it was a success and a very fun evening. We just had bear and apple and that was also a great event look forward to the winter months here and colder weather.

Barony of Terra Pomaria – Baronial Polling .Baron Weylyn Middleson and Baroness Lindis de Aqiusgranno would like to request nominations for those who would succeed them as the next Baron(ess) and Baron(ess) of Ter-ra Pomaria. Nominations and Letters of Intent should be sent to Their Excellen-cies at [email protected], as well as to the Ter-ra Pomaria Seneschal at [email protected] by December 1st 2018. The following schedule outlines the remainder of the polling process: January 14th 2019, 7:00pm: Baronial meet and greet with the populace – Ceilidh, South Salem Friends Church, 1140 Baxter Road SE, Salem, Oregon 97306; February 18th 2019, 7:00pm: In-person polling – Business Meeting, Round Table Pizza, 6055 Ulali Drive, Keizer, Oregon 97303. Only paid members are eligible to re-ceive a polling form. Those who reside within the boundaries of the Barony will receive their forms at the in-person polling on February 18th 2019. Officers and Sergeants residing outside this area and those that want an ab-sentee polling form must contact the Seneschal with proof of membership

and mailing address no later than February 4th 2019. Those who do not contact the Seneschal by this dead-line will not receive a polling form. Anyone who does not receive a polling form is welcome to send comments to the Crown directly. More information can be found at Addi-tional questions may be directed to Zulaikha al-Zarqa’, Seneschal of Ter-ra Pomaria, at [email protected].

Bear and apple was a whole heap of fun. Build up and tear down where awesome. Please if you want to know anything there is to know about the position of baron and baroness reach out to us. We will also be around to offer our guidance to the newly elect-ed baron and baroness.

Officer reports: Seneschal – Zulaikha–

This past month we had the new event of Championships at the Bear and Ap-ple Tavern, along with the Barony of Adiantum, which was also my first event as Seneschal. I will let Gwyneth cover the details, but from my side I thought it ran very well.

We settled a contract for a new site to use for Ceilidh. Our first Ceilidh of the year went well and people seemed pleased with the site. I even heard chatter about potentially using it for other events in the future. Thank you to HL Alyna Trewpeny for directing us to this site.

I was contacted by Sir William that ACE Chemical Toilets did finally find that the lone biff that has been at Stone-henge is one of theirs that they forgot to pick up. We have a few options for this. 1) We have them come pick it up and that's that. 2) HL Ursalee has the option to purchase it. And 3) The Baro-ny has the option to purchase it. As far as purchasing goes, I contacted ACE today to inquire on pricing and was

November Business Meeting Notes

The Privy Page 9

In the last month we held our Baronial Rapier Championship. The field had 7 entrants with 2 fighters challenging the field in a French Masters style round robin tournament. The tournament was humbly won by Santinus Contarini. The report for the tournament was completed by the person running lists on site and turned in to the event steward.

Minister of the List-Peder Nothing to report Target Archery Marshal – Duncan

Archery and Thrown Weapons is going well with between 6 and 23 a night over the last month.

We held our Golden Arrow tourney on Oct 30th. We had a Halloween theme this time and the winner was Zulaikha!!! She will put on the next tourney sometime in December.

Equestrian Marshal – Tassi-

Practice last saturday was the last practice of the year

Nothing else to report Youth Armored Combat – VACANT- Nothing to report. Accepting applicants, please send an email to the seneschal and their Excellencies expressing your interest in the position. Herald – Marcus –

This last month i did two consultations at bear and apple tavern. There was also a heralds point at the event. Its was sort of a busy event with town cries happening, and heralds point. Plus the roving courts. One of the consults needed more work after the event, and that is still a work in progress.

Arts and Sciences – Ulf

October did not have an A&S meeting due to the number of classes that were scheduled for the Championships at the Bear and Apple Tavern. This event also hosted the Baronial Arts and Sci-ences championship. We had several good entries and a competition that was well run by Kenji. The new cham-pion is Nest verch Alan.

ments seem to be so I am planning on having a get together possibly in Decem-ber where we can sit down and go through one of the achievements and explain how to do level 1 with parents who are having problems getting through it.

we currently have additional people in tp who are interested in being men-tors but they're not sure what all is required. we also have people who are willing to teach different things but not be mentors so i am working on a list for the summits area in general of who is willing to teach different things (this is partof what i'm working on as being a summits A&S deputy also).

Quite a lot of what goes into the yafa program ties directly into A&S and martial activities.

Mountains Edge is now part of sum-mits and I have been contacted regard-ing working on the yafa program getting kicked off up there. they have kids and interested parents and even equestrian people but weren't sure how exactly to do this. so i will be tak-ing a trip up there soonish with ulf so we can help them figure it out.

as far as i can tell an tir summits and terra pomaria are the most active are-as in yafa worldwide with the most participants an tokens achieved. Now that we have kids working on level 2 achievements it is taking longer for things to get done, so reporting is a lot of (nothing to report, working on pa-perwork things are happening). but since i'm not mentoring everything that is happening i don't know exactly where people are on which steps of which things.

it has been asked if a database can be created where parents can comment on the worksheets, however having experience in working with the yac handbook a database for open commenting was a nightmare. I have suggested that people write down suggestions of things that need

worked on on the worksheets and ei-ther bring them or send them to 12th night and we can compile everything together. Also there is a forum for this to happen. Basically the program is working, it has some bumps the web-site is kind of hard to work with but everything is going and people are ex-cited.

Exchequer – Wylan

Ledger balance - $11,874.21

Bank balance - $15,399.25

I am still working on resolving the changes to the signer card and hope to have it changes by the new year. Bear and Apple expenses have been paid, there is $2318.13 in revenue that has yet to be deposited. The barony's percentage of the profit was $853.67.

I will be putting together the annual budget for next year for approval by the financial committee's approval. If you have a need for an increase in budget for your office please let me know by the December cailidh.

Chamberlaine- Melannei

I'm working with Gwyneth to get the last of the items used at Bear and Ap-ple.

We have dealt with a wasp nest that we found inside the shed door. It was much more extensive then it looked at first!

Librarian – VACANT

Four books checked out due back monday.

Heavy Marshal – Randall

Seeking a successor

Heavy practice is going well. No inju-ries, or incidents to report.

The heavy combat loaner gear will be in a stall at stonehenge for use

Heavy gauntlets got fixed and were good to go

No practice before thanksgiving Rapier-Santinus

Over the last month we have had 3 practices averaging 5 fighters.

There have been no rule changes made that I am aware of.

November Business Meeting Notes

The Privy Page 10

er gear; however, I did bring the cloaks just in case, and two were used. Gold Key will be at December Ceilidh.

I am still looking for a successor as my term of office has finished. I am willing to stay in an interim basis until a replace-ment steps forward. Please contact me if you would like more info on what this job entails. Scribe-VACANT-

Nothing to report. Accepting appli-cants, please send an email to myself and their Excellencies expressing your interest in the position

-BREAK- Past Events – Bear and Apple Event Steward -HL Gwyneth Blackthorne ran this event with assistance from the Adiantum li-ason Lord Antonious Rath. There were some communication difficulties, some confusion surrounding division of labor, some cultural differences between the two baronies. But the event ran smooth-ly and was a success both financially and for the Baronies. I am in favor of contin-uing the event in the future, though I would suggest clearer division of labor and needs. The financial statement is attached, both Baronies came away with a profit of $850, meaning there was an overall profit of $1700 which is nothing to sneeze at. That doesn’t even include the $1018 raised for the Campership Program from our Silent Auction fund-raiser. Terra Pomaria is the single largest donor the Camp has for this program. It has been suggested that further fund-raising efforts focus on their kitchen needs. Pre-Reg Coordinator – HL Mindy of Terra Pomaria ran pre-reg smoothly, including adding in the new PayPal pre-reg abilities which I feel upped the num-ber of pre-registrations. I look forward to continuing this program in the future and including the PayPal at gate option as well. There was some confusion with the laying out of the pre-reg sheets at gate (alphabetization was problematic)

The November A&S day will be Sunday the 25th. With only a month until Christmas I will be teaching a wood carving class. In this class we will be carving a Santa ornament. I encour-age everyone to head to the up com-ing Summits A&S and Kingdom A&S events. These are excellent opportuni-ties to learn and share knowledge.

Coastal A&S – Marcus

Had a meeting sewing was discussed Nothing to report

Chronicler – Olaff

Due to some illness and Lack of I.T. skills the Privy was emailed to the Web minister for publication on 11/14/2018. Every month i get a little bit better thank you for your patience.

Always looking for submissions for arti-cles, recipes, how too's and photos for the Privy

Grete Boke -VACANT-

Nothing to report. Accepting appli-cants, please send an email to the sen-eschal and their Excellencies express-ing your interest in the position.

Web Minister –Adele

This month HL Kenji and I have shared the duties related to Web Minister as I transition into the office. He's been incredibly supportive and helpful, which is greatly appreciated. For the time being, he's continuing to manage the Skype / video conferencing at Busi-ness Meetings, and I'm grateful that he's willing to spearhead the project.

We have a new Social Media Officer, and I look forward to working along-side her.

I've made a few minor updates to the website, including uploading the Privy, removing Site Meter (as promised), and touching up some of the existing pages.

The Gatherings page has been rear-ranged so the items are in alphabetical order, and reformatted the paragraphs so addresses for the locations are easy to find. Updated location information for Ceilidh.

The Newcomers page has been touched up. The pictures were broken and I wasn't able to track them down, so they've been removed altogether. Also added an additional paragraph of text, encouraging new-comers to attend a local gathering, rather than just contacting officers. It's also been added to the navigation.

I've received verbal requests from pop-ulace about things they'd like to see on the website. One I would like to see happen is more recipes added to the Culinary page. I invited them to submit their recipes, and they assured me they will, along with photos. We'll see if that materializes. In the mean-time, I'm considering reaching out to other members of the Barony who have culinary skills to see if they are interested in adding to the page.

And finally, the official website for An Tir launched recently, and I was thrilled to see it's in WordPress. It's a good sign that the servers we are on can support WordPress, and I'm fairly confi-dent that rebuilding the Ter-ra Pomaria website is very much an option. At this point the current web-site is stable, but dated. Of course I would like to completely revamp the content and design, but prefer to wait until we relaunch on the new platform.

Chatelaine – Luther

For the month of November the only thing to report is the new Celidh site and successful first meeting. The first meeting gathered a showing of 25+ people and generated excitement for our new site. Plans have been generate for next months event.

Next ceiledh will be the annual ginger bread competition

Gold Key-Alyna

Gold Key went to November Ceilidh, was not used. Terra Pomaria Gold Key was not officially needed for Bear and Apple as Adiantum provided their loan-

November Business Meeting Notes

The Privy Page 11

reg open in August I think our numbers would have been improved. The fault for that lies solely at my feet. Kitchen Steward – HL Nai Martyn ran a fantastic kitchen, the meal were delicious and well planned. Everything came in under budget. There were some difficulties with the Camp Taloali equipment which is in des-perate need of replacement, but every-thing went well. Gate Steward – These duties were split between HL Anna von Engelberg and Lord Stefan the Peasant. Gate ran smoothly, was always staffed. Lord Stef-an provided snacks and refreshments. The site tokens created by HE Ainslee were well received. Marshal In Charge – Lord Antoni-us Rath served as Marshal in Charge. There were some difficulties in that the Thrown Weapons Defender failed to bring the promised gear and there was a lack of planned marshals for the Heavy combat, but all was fixed as HL Dun-can McKai fetched and delivered Ter-ra Pomaria’s Thrown Weapons gear and Master Eoghan O’Briain filled in as a heavy marshal for the tournament. Ter-ra Pomaria’s Rapier championship ran smoothly under Master Eoghan and HL Alaina at Lists. HL Alaina has served as Lists Mistress for the last three events in Terra Pomaria and each time has per-formed well and completed her reports before the end of the event. Hl Alaina is a treasure. Championships – Rapier – New Rapier champion is Santinus Contarini Arts and Sciences – New Arts and Scienc-es Champion is Nest verch Alan AD Heavy – New Adiantum Heavy Cham-pion is Viscount Sir Kenric Maur AD Thrown Weapons – New Adiantum Thrown Weapons Champion is HL Dun-can McKai AD Bardic – New Adiantum Bardic Cham-pion is Iuri Victorev Belagorski Classes – There were 20 something clas-

ses and most were moderately attended. I think with more advance notice of what the classes were and what they con-tained that attendance would have been greatly improved. Upcoming events: Ceilidh

holiday celebration and gingerbread competitions.

Bar Gemels

bid is in for the event. The tentative theme is games of the Mediterrane-an. Bar Gemels pushed back to the 4th weekend in April due to Easter. Possible fund raiser options at the event to help with kitchen repairs at Camp Taloali. More event information to be posted in the coming months.

Old Business nothing discussed New Business west coast culinary eventin april must pre reg even if you day trip event page link on website food is included Dragons mist area Meeting ends 7:46

October Business Meeting Notes

The Privy Page 12

October Business meeting will be re-quired to be published on official letter-head and signed by the current signers they have on the account as the presi-dent (Alicia) and secretary (Matt). We will also need to update the physical address shown on the account (P.O. Box-es are not accepted). Once that is done we can update the signer card. We are tentatively looking at Friday Oc-tober 26th to get everything completed and as many signers present to complete the process. Chamberlaine– Melannie Seeking Successor nothing to report.

Librarian– VACANT

Heavy Marshall-Randall

Kingdom quarterly report was sent out and updated roster has been mad e

New gauntlets came in and the don’t fully work properly so they are being worked on and should be good to go soon

Received wood for new shields so those should be edged and useable soon

No injury or armor failures to report and were averaging about 6 fighters at practice

Rapier Marshal– Santimus

Seeking successor

No injuries to report and were averag-ing about 4 fighters a practice

Baronial championship is this Saturday List Master– Peder

Nothing to report Target Archery Marshall– Duncan

Tuesday practices continue to have attendance of between 6 & 20+ peo-ple, including children. We continue to have no injuries, nor equipment failures. Our next Golden Apple Shoot will be the Tuesday before Hallow-een. Come in costume and bring food and dessert this will also be a themed

shoot .

I will be at bear and apple tavern if duties for my position are required . Equestrian Marshall–Tassi

We had practice on 10/13 we had one new rider and our next practice

Businesss meeting Start Time: 7:02 Attendance: attendance: Milda D’ Haye, Duncan Mokai, Anne the Red, Berenga-ria De Montfort de Carcas-sonne, Catarine Quhiting, Lu-ther Gutman, Kenji, Zulaika la Zar-qa, Weylyn, Santinus Contarini, For-tune Verch Thomas, Olaff Beer Gripper, Mindy, Gwyn-eth Blackthorne, Wystan Albright, Ade-le Neuton, Ro-wan Spiritwalker, Alyna Trewpeny, Klovis, Ulf the Wanderer, Peder Jensen, Anna Von Engelberg, Rife Newton, Ran-dall Blackwolf, M. Octavius Rufus, Fin-ley wilson Opening words from there excellences': We are into the week have and have an event this weekend. I want to thank everyone going to work par-ties and everyone volunteering their time however help is always needed I also want to thank everyone stepping up and filling demands for largesse for ex-ample, Lin needed necklaces and people stepped up and got it taken care of quickly. I can't wait to see you all at Bear and Apple also just a heads up we need volunteers at gate, reach out to Gwenyth. I can't tell you what the last three years have meant to us serving as the baron and baroness. We will also gladly be around as advisors and help the next baron and baroness Thank you all! Officer Reports Seneschal– Zulaika

September saw the changeover from HL Gwyneth Black-thorne to Zulaikha al-Zarqa' as the Barony's Seneschal.

It was brought to our attention that our traditional weekend for Bar Gemels is also Easter weekend in 2019, so we submitted a request to move to the weekend following to King-dom Calendar, which was accepted. This means that Bar Gemels 2019 is to be

held on April 26-28 2019.

The announcement relating to the polling of Terra Pomaria for new barons/baronesses was submitted for release in the Crier. Letters of intent will be due December 1st to Their Excellencies' email, as well as the Seneschal's.

This coming weekend will be the premier of The Championships at the Bear and Apple Tavern event with the Barony of Adiantum. We look forward to seeing it all come together through the hard work of the event stewards and their team. Demos– Fortune

Nothing to report Social media - VACANT

Family Activities Coordinator– Duvessa

Budget was raised and site tokens have been ordered

Nothing more to report until after the Bear and Apple

Exchequer– Wystan

The Bank Balance is $13,242.55.

The Journal Balance is $12,863.25.

Since the September Businessmeeting the finance committee discussed up-dating the Signer Card for our Bank of America Account. The Finance Com-mittee approved the following Individu-als to be added to the Signer Card: Kit Abrahamson, Nathan Coapstick, Monica Streight.

The following Individuals will be re-maining on the card : Melinda Meeds Melanie Mitchell Alicia Van De Kop -Currently shown as president Matt Shultz -Acting secretary

The Following Individual will be re-moved from the card: Eleisha Ledridge Cheri Beatie Meredith Alden Janet Bianco

Representatives of the finance com-mittee met with Amber Sorensen from BofA to go over the requirements to update the signer card. All new signers are required to set-up profiles with BofA. My profile has been set-up and Kit and Monica will be getting their set up shortly. Copies of the

October Business Meeting Notes

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Old Business

Finance Committee Seeking Bids for

Bar Gemels – Deadline changed

to november business meeting.

New Business

Nothing discussed

Meeting Ends-8:00pm

Will be on 11/17 Youth Armorded Combat-VACANT Harold– Marcus

No new submissions this month

At Bear and Apple there is going to be a harlods point please let me know if you would like to participate

I plan on having a meeting at 8pm for harolds and we could really use some bvolunteers to help out Arts and Sciences– Ulf

We had an A&S meeting amongst 7 of us to discuss upcoming classes for the new year

Probably not looking good for A&S in November Coastal A&S—Marcus

Nothing to report Chronichler– Olaff

Quarterly report was sent out before the monthly business meeting

Privvy was sent to the webminister Grete Book– VACANT Web Minister-Kenji

Seeking seuccessor for my position

At this time I have continued to up-date the webpage as information is available to me. I have also found some of the errors that have been plaguing me for these last few months and have corrected them. Tonight we should have 2 possible candidates for this office, both are very qualified for this position and would be able to take our website into realms that I am unable. They do both have a different approach to how they wish to manage the webpage that I request they address to this group. The selection of my successor will not only pass the reigns of our web presence to anoth-er person but will determine how we want our web presence to be man-aged in the future. Chatelaine-Luther

For the month of October I have noth-

ing to report

I am still in the process of getting the contract for salem friends church and will report when it is more officcial Gold Key -

Seeking a successor to fill my position

Gold key will be provided for by the Barony Adiantum for the Bear and Apple Scribe—VACANT Break Rowan Spiritwalker and Adele Neuton discuss there qualifications for the posi-tion of web minister . They leave and a discussion is had and a vote is made and although it is close the business meeting attendees vote for Adele to become the new Web Minister and Rowan agrees to be a deputy Tatiaa offers herself for the position of social media officer she leaves attendees agree on her for the position of social media officer Old Business Nothing discussed Upcoming Events

Championships at the Bear and Ap-ple Tavern – Gwyneth – I am so very pleased to announce that Pre-reg opened smoothly and people are pre-registering! There is a bit of a culture clash be-tween the two baronies, but open communication seems to be the tick-et. We are in the process of nailing down the menu. Up next is the work days. I have been invited by the Kingdom Web Minister to take part in beta testing for the new Kingdom Calen-dar, so we should be on the calendar when it debuts.

September Business Meeting Notes

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September Business Meeting Notes

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approved at July Cor 2020) The expecta-tion is that Kingdom will select a region for which the event will take place, and, hopefully, have a list of acceptable sites for each region. That way the approved Event Steward will be able to determine the best site in that region for the individ-ual event. It will be very possible that an Event Steward will not be local to the event. Apparently, other Kingdoms have been using this method successfully. What this means to induvial branches is that we will have no oversight to the run-ning of the event as Kingdom will be han-dling all the monies and supervision. As far as money goes, all reimbursements and checks will be released by Kingdom. They are looking into the probability of setting up an Events Account with a spe-cific Deputy for this purpose and all check requests will have to be made by mailing, possibly emailing, a check request form to the Exchequer (or the Events Deputy), with the check being mailed out by them to the recipient. To answer the question of profit sharing: the 40% profit share that would normally go to the hosting branch, would now be split up amongst the branches that actively volunteer for the event. Each individual volunteer will de-clare for whom they are representing. Then the percentage breakdown of volun-teer effort will determine the branches' portions. – CLARIFICATION HAS BEEN RE-QUESTED AND WILL BE FORTHCOMING 

Our Alpine Prince and Princess will be at Acorn War this coming weekend, and they will officially welcome Mountain Edge into the Summits. They asked all who were able to attend to come and welcome our new sister group. 

I am leaving this position with a wealth of knowledge I will always treasure. Hold-ing this office has been a fantastic learn-ing experience, I am thankful for the skills I've acquired, and the faith placed in me. I feel as if being with you, all working to-gether to serve our Populace, has made me a more complete and well-rounded person.

Agenda for TP Business Meeting 09/17/2018 Attendance: Luther Gutman, Zulaikha Al-Zarqa, Theirry Dalcy, Catrine Quhiting, Santinus Contarini, For-tune verch Thomas, Gwyn-eth Blackthorne, Olaff Beer Gripper, Dun-can McKai, Lindis De Aquisgranno, Beren-garia de Monfort de Carcassone, Clovis, Mindy, Alail Horsefriend, Ro-wan Spiritwalker, Helayna, Randall Black-wolf, Chritsmas Caryl, Wystan Albright, Duvessa of Movilla, Ulf the Wander-er, Rafe Neuton, Adele Neuton, Gil-bert Killbave, Tassi Hestamadr, Kenji, Ste-phen the Fat, Alyna Trewpeny Meeting starts: 7:10 

Opening words from Their Excellences': 

Weylyn is running late.  Yay!  First, I want to welcome some new faces. Thanks for coming to business meeting.  This is where we talk about the behind the scenes info

We would like to thank people who came out to Crown.  Weylyn came in 4th at the Squires Tournament.  At Coro-net, Weylyn was awarded the Kings Shield of Chivalry.  Thank you to everyone who came to Coronet.  Congratulations to Our New Tanist and Tanista, Torstin brought home the Shield of Chivalry, Gwyneth brought home a Goutte de Sang, and Iskander was awarded the Leo Minor.

have a fun event coming up in October. The bear and Apple tavern.  Please come. 

This next weekend in Mountain edge is Accorn War.  At this event Mountains edge will be inducted into the Principality of the Summits. 

Gwyneth., We have had many conversa-tions and you have grown tremendously in the SCA and outside.  You are many things and the motivator and cheerleader for the Barony.  We are excited to see what you do in the future. -Lindis 

Thank you to Gwyneth for everything.  You have grown and have become a great friend.  Change is good, but I will look back on you being our seneschal with great fondness.  I would like you have my

goutte de sang that I have had for years. - Weylyn  Officer reports:   Seneschal – Gwyneth –

This month has been focused on gather-ing the Seneschal accoutrements that I’ve scattered in my 27 months holding this office. Getting ready to hand over the reins to my successor Zulaikha, in whom I have every faith.  

Synapsis of September Crown Sene-schal’s Meeting (kindly notated by Eoghan O’Briain of Dragon’s Mist) - 

Officers can be reimbursed for "continuing education" event expenses if the branch's financial policy specifically states it and/or the financial committee approves the expenditure. Of course, that means that the officer must spend the majority of the event taking the classes that they are sent to take but are free to pursue other interests if a class is not available for their position at any given time. (e.g.: a time slot between 2-4 has no exchequer classes, then the exchequer may take a rapier class during that time) Also, this means that deputies can be sent to these events and reimbursed if the financial committee approves the ex-penditure. There was also a clarification that these expenditures should be ratified by the branch populace. However, I think that that is specific to the branches' finan-cial polity. 

2) Starting with July Coronation next year, Kingdom is piloting a new Crown event policy where Kingdom, as the branch, will be hosting the event. Approx-imately 18 months out from the fu-ture event, they will be taking applica-tions for the Event Steward. Applications will include basic eventing resume, vision for the event, rough idea of staffing and activities/schedule, etc. Once an Event Steward is chosen, that individual will create the event budget, and have it pre-pared for approval at the Crown event the year prior. (e.g.: for July coronation 2021, the application process begins at 12th Night 2020, and event budget to be

September Business Meeting Notes

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my focus this month, so this had to take a back burner

I am in my third year as Chamberlain and I am looking for a successor. If you have any questions about the office I would be happy to discuss it. Librarian –VACANT-

Accepting applicants, please send an email to myself and their Excellencies expressing your interest in the position

Niccola does not wish to extend.  we need to work out a transfer the books and shelves. Heavy Marshal -SEEKING SUCESSOR - Randall – 

Other than the heat, we have been hav-ing a successful season.

I have now had thru donations of used gear from his excellency Weylyn better looking kits and adding a 4th smaller thin kit. Many repairs are in process de-rusting some smaller parts, repairing reshaping demi gauntlets. I will be able to add a smaller pair of full gauntlets soon as I dish out some thumbs.

Attended Marshal meeting at Crown list emphasis was on communications, en-suring the transfer to email. Deputies for the kingdom are promoted. There was a mention of a rapier blade that is now illegal. Attached are the cur-rent quarter rosters.

No injuries, no incidents. This month. 

Rapier Marshal – SEEKING SUCCESSOR- Santinus –

Practices are still averaging 3 fighters per practice.

No golden apple due to lack of partici-pants.

One blade will be banned soon at King-dom level.

Looking forward to the Ter-ra Pomaria Rapier Championship at the Bear and Apple tavern in October Lists Minister – Peder 

There were no activities this month to report n.

I am still trying to learn the job so if I may request, would those who run gold-

When I was first approached for this office I was terrified and convinced I would fail completely. But the faith, sup-port, and encouragement I have found among our officer family will stay with me forever. While I was far from the perfect Seneschal, I truly did my best, and I know those efforts were appreciat-ed. Despite the growing pains, personal stress, panic attacks, and mad fumbling, I truly believe that this is one of the best offices to hold. It certainly opened my eyes to an aspect of my Joy in the SCA. 

I've learned how to take direction, criti-cism, suggestions, and compliments. These are four things I wasn't so great at taking before, and now I feel as though I can apply that in many different situa-tions. The interpersonal skills I have found, the appreciation for our differing backgrounds and cultures are valuable lessons that have opened my eyes to the world around me.

I've also learned to be open-minded, to value other people's opinions and to consider other ideas along with mine, to end up with a great result.

Being part of this team has taught me skills that I can use in more than just the professional area of my life. My relation-ships on a personal level are in a better place than they were, thanks to some of the things I've learned from many of you.

I've come to realize that being a part of a team is a lot more than just sharing credit. A team effort takes compromise. When you are on a team you must at times lead, follow, and more often than not, meet in the middle.

My wish for everyone here is that you all continue to experience success, to feel fulfilled in all you do, and to have nothing but pleasant results with each completed task! While that may be an overly optimistic wish, it is sincere. The combined efforts of this council are awe inspiring and capable of changing the world. At least our small corner of it.

It's been a pleasure working here and I

will truly miss it. I take with me fond memories, valuable skills, and I hope to one day leave an impression on others like the one you have left on me. I’m not certain where exactly I’ll land but I strongly doubt I can stay away for very long. 

I look forward to witnessing your future successes. Thank you for letting me be your Seneschal, and don’t worry I prom-ise I won’t go far. Terra Pomarian from the start, Terra Pomarian forever.

Discussion about successor.

Zulika discusses her strengths and then leaves the room. Discussion ensued.

Zulika was approved. Demos –Fortune –

Nothing to Report Social Media –VACANT

Kingdom policy is now changed. Face-book events are now owned and run by the kingdom even for local events. The Kindgom will grant co-admin status to the Event stewards after the event is created by the King-dom Calendar Deputy.

Accepting applicants, please send an email to myself and their Excellencies expressing your interest in the position. Exchequer – Wystan –

The Bank Balance is $14,067.55 / The Ledger Balance is $12,967.55 

The finance committee discussed and approved the following:

The committee agreed to allow for the Baronial Pavilion to be use at crown.

A check request for YAFA tokens was received and discussed

The Comp List for Bear and Apple Tav-ern was received and discussed.

No other business was conducted.  Chamberlain – SEEKING SUCCESSOR- Melannei –

We had one check out this month, a loan of the pavilion to the Baron and Baroness for use at Crown and Coronet. We'll be arranging for that return short-ly.

Looking for a storage unit is still ongo-ing. Modern life has demanded a lot of