the problem-solving process

The Problem- Solving Process Entrepreneurship 12

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The Problem-Solving Process. Entrepreneurship 12. Success is a Problem Solving process. 3 Stages in the Problem-Solving Process. Trying to define the problem Gathering observations, feelings, and impressions about a situation See the problem as an opportunity. Problem Finding. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


The Problem-Solving Process

The Problem-Solving ProcessEntrepreneurship 12Success is a Problem Solving process

2Trying to define the problemGathering observations, feelings, and impressions about a situationSee the problem as an opportunity

Problem Finding

Finding different alternatives All alternatives should be evaluated, not idea should be dismissed

Idea FindingEstablish criteria and evaluated each ideaEvaluated the strengths and weaknesses of each ideaSolution Finding3 Stages in the Problem-Solving ProcessProblem Finding: This is where the entrepreneur tries to define the problem by gathering observations, feelings, and impressions about the situation. The important thing here is to see the problem as an opportunity. For example: Let say you dont like your job and you can potentially be laid off because of the economic conditions, so you can either be really worried about it and loose sleep over it, or you can look at it as an opportunity /to find a job that you are happy in, that is more stable.

Idea Finding: This is when the entrepreneur tries to come up with different alternatives or ways to solve the problem. The important thing at this stage is creativity, all ideas should be evaluated, no idea should be dismissed at this stage. For example: The reality is that you have to find that job, so how do you find that job? You have to come up with different approaches to find that job, you can do it the old fashioned way by getting together resumes and going door to door, or you can submit your resume online, you can network with friends, family, co-worker, all your groups of influence, and overall you have to maintain a positive attitude that you will get that job.

Solution Finding: The entrepreneur will evaluate each of the ideas created in the pervious stage by establishing a criteria to evaluate each option. This means that certain criteria will be developed to evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of each idea. The process of solution finding is not complete until a solution has been tried and evaluated to ensure the problem has been solved. For example: you have chosen three or four different approaches in finding a job, and if you dont succeed in finding a job right away you will steer towards certain methods in finding this job (i.e.: networking with your groups of influence) and you will work with this method until you find a job.

3Steps to Problem Solving4Agents of Change In 1922, 15-year-old Joseph-Armand Bombardier had a problem

He wanted to design a vehicle that would help people travel on snow

He started by removing front wheels of a car and replacing them for skis, he also put extra wheels in the back This did not work

He started adding propellers, belts, and small wheels and ended up designing a wooden sprocket wheel in 1935 And it worked!!

Armand patented his idea and the resulting venture is the popular brand known as Bombardier

Bombardier is know a world leader in the manufacturing of Ski-Doos, See-Doos, and aerospace technology

Steps to Problem Solving:

Think about the problem.Generate lots of possible solutions.Establish criteria for evaluating ideas.Use your criteria for evaluating ideas.Rank your ideas and select the best one.Try out your idea.Is the problem solved? If not, choose another idea and try again.

5Groups and Desk FormationsProblem Solving Exercise

RulesThe largest freestanding structure wins as measured from the table top to the top of the marshmallow. The structure cannot be supported by anyone or anything that is not included with the kit.The marshmallow needs to be supported on the top of the structure. Any team that cuts or eats part of the marshmallow will be disqualified.Teams are free to break up the remaining kit components anyway they like. Teams are also allowed to use as much or as little of the kit.Once teams are together and the instructions are explained, each team has 18 minutes to complete the challenge. Any structure not freestanding with a marshmallow on top will be eliminated.Make sure everyone understands the rules. Tom Wujec recommends repeating the rules at least three times.1. Think about the problem.

2. Generate lots of possible solutions.3. Establish criteria for evaluating ideas.4. Use your criteria for evaluating ideas.5. Rank your ideas and select the best one.

6. Try out your idea.

7. Is the problem solved?

If not, choose another idea and try again.