the profession of it architecture

The Profession of IT Architecture Christopher Grant IT Architect – [email protected] 02/01/2010

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  • 1. The Profession of IT Architecture
    Christopher Grant
    IT Architect
    [email protected]

2. Objectives
Highlight some of the challenges managers and professional face in understanding what IT architecture is.
Architecture in the Organization
Expand our view of architecture and see how it fits in the organization
The Role of Architect
Discuss aspects of various architect types and what skills / focus is required in each
3. Challenges
4. Current understanding
People have a vague idea what an architect does
They design an implementation
They are subject matter experts
They may also approve other designs
5. How to become an Architect
Promotion due to seniority
Bobs been a Sr. Developer for a long time, promote him to Architect
Promotion due to expertise
Fred really knows his stuff, lets make him an architect
Proactive move to Architecture
Karen applies fornew positions in Architecture
6. Architecture is not Development
Architecture is a different field than Development
Many great developers dont thrive in architecture
Many end up as developers with an Architect title
Architects utilize different skills
Less development
Project Management
Working with people
7. What Architect jobs are out there
IT Architect
Enterprise Architect
Solution Architect
Data Warehouse Architect
Technical Architect
SOA Java Architect
Application Architect
EDI System Architect
Security Architect
8. Common Architect Titles
Enterprise Architect
Solution Architect
Domain Architect
Application Architect
Technical Architect
Systems Architect
9. Job Descriptions
Solution Architect: Candidates must be consultative, seasoned veterans who can manage relationships with multiple internal and external parties, present extremely well at the executive level, and contribute with technical expertise to the work of the internal solution development staff.
10. Job Descriptions
Systems Architect: The System Architect will serve as a SharePoint .NET Developer and will be responsible for assisting in the development and implementation of e-Forms and Electronic Case Files.
11. Job Descriptions
Enterprise Technical Architect: Performs the leadership, facilitation, analysis and design tasks required for the development of an enterprise technical architecture (ETA) for the project
12. What a mess
Lack of standard terminology
Varying expectations
Wide range of skill sets
How can leaders ensure proper skills coverage
How can professionals plan a career path
How can mangers evaluate and guide Architects
13. Architecture in the Organization
Areas of Architecture
14. Types of Architecture
To understand what architects do we need to look at the environment they work in
In the next section well look at how Architecture is segmented and fits in an IT organization
15. Methods and Frameworks
National Institute of Health
Integrated Architecture Framework
16. Zachman
Categorizes Architecture based on a Grid
Scope {contextual} Planner
Business Model {conceptual} Owner
System Model {logical} Designer
Technology Model {physical} Builder
Detailed Representation {out-of-context} Subcontractor
Functioning Enterprise
What - Data
How - Function
Where - Network
Who - People
When - Time
Why - Motivation
17. Zachman
18. TOGAF 9
Architecture Principles, Vision and Requirements
Business Architecture
Information Systems Architectures
Technology Architecture
Architecture Realization
19. Archimate
20. National Institute of Health
21. Integrated Architecture Framework
22. Common Elements
Business Architecture (What)
Information Architecture (How)
Technology Architecture (Where)
23. Enterprise Architecture Areas
Business Architecture (What)
What do they do
Who does it
Which information do they use
Where is it done
Information Architecture (How)
Data Architecture
Integration Architecture
Application Architecture
Technology Architecture (Where)
Systems Architecture
24. The Architect Role
25. What is an architect
The Open Group states:
An IT Architect defines solutions to client business problems through the reasoned application of information technology.
Those solutions are documented as architectures and can include systems, applications, and process components.
26. Definition Simplified
High level
Solves a technical problem
Communicates the solution
Verifies implementation follows communicated solution
27. Architect v. Developer
Problem: How to implement the Data Access Layer
Focused on solving an individual task
Communication: Little to none
Verifies Implementation: Often implements personally
Problem: How to integrate the Data Layer Business Logic and UI
Planning for multiple efforts
Communication: Working with multiple developers
Verifies Implementation: Participates in code / implementation reviews
28. Common Roles
Enterprise (planner)
Domain (owner)
Solution (coordinator)
Technical / Application (designer)
Implementer / Developer (builder)
29. Role Differentiation
Enterprise Architect
Architect role is defined by
Focus what elements does the solution cover
Time What is the length of time needed to implement the solution
Domain Architect
Planning Horizon
30. Characteristics of each role
The Architect Role
31. Application Architect
The designer
Focused on the right way to use a specific technology
Tends to be feature oriented
Tend to evolve from Sr. Developers
The most detailed level of architecture
Industry based Knowledge
Audience: Developers
32. Application Architect
Would utilizes design patterns
Implement the best solution for a specific task
Lead developer often fills this role
Very few work products are actually produced
Whiteboards or code stubs used to communicate
33. Solution Architect
The coordinator
Project oriented
Coordinates with multiple domain architects to design the most appropriate solution.
Knowledge of managing people /projects
34. Solution Architect
Designs solutions that meet project requirements as well as domain and enterprise architecture guidelines.
Communication: presents solution to a governance board. Also explains the solution toa developer
Work products are eventually owned by the domain architect.
Audience: App Architects / Developers
35. Domain Architect
The owner
Focus on all aspects of a specific area
Eg. Application owner would be interested in integration, security, performance, runtime, etc
Audience: Solution Architects, Application Architects, Enterprise Architects, Business Partners
A role few are prepared for
36. Domain Architect
Mostly maintains the now, but supports planning for the future
Primarily focused on maintain a specific area of technology or a specific application
Owners and gatekeepers for a specific area
The work in this area is primarily concerned with the current state of the system.
Guides designs to meet the overall objectives of the domain.
Knowledge as Subject Matter Expert
37. Enterprise Architect
The planner
Focuses on cross domain considerations
Long term objectives
Processes and governance
Audience: CIO/CTO, All other Architects
Note: tends to get business direction through CIO/CTO or Domain Architects.
38. Enterprise Architect
Concentrates on how the various domains or subject areas interact
This layer spends even more time focusing on how technology will be utilized in the future
Governs how it is used today
Create technology roadmaps
This layer views the enterprise as a holistic entity.
Knowledge of this Business
39. Example Roles
The Architect Role
40. Example Roles
Architects do the following
Solve Technical Problems
Communicate the solution
Verify Implementation
Lets look at some examples using these criteria
41. Application Architect
How to implement a feature request
Verbal, POC, Detailed Design Doc
Code reviews, Story Sign Off
42. Domain Architect
Enable correct usage of current system
Manage future business and tech requirements
Current state documentation
Plan Technology Roadmap
Architecture reviews
Work with Business and IT leadership to ensure roadmap items are in project portfolio
43. Enterprise Architect
Enable standard internal develop practices
Plan for new line of business
Documentation, Presentations, 1:1
Work with multiple domain architects
Architecture reviews, SDLC Processes
Coordinateprojects in IT Portfolio
44. Bringing it all together
The Architect Role
45. Core Skills
All architects share many of the same core skills. How much of each skill is utilized varies by role and area
Technical expertise in one or more areas
Manage Stakeholder Requirements
Define Solution to Functional and non-functional requirements
Validate Conformance of the solution to the architecture
46. Core Skills
Understanding People
Collaborating with others
Listening to Understand
Lead Individuals & Teams
47. Core Skills
Manage Architectural Elements of an IT Project Plan
Understand Business Aspects
Predicting and Forecasting
Goal Setting
48. Core Skills
Speaking Technically
Speaking non-technically
49. Focus by Role
50. Skills by role
51. Ensuring Coverage
Architecture Roles
Architecture Areas
52. Closing
One Architect can fill multiple roles and in multiple areas
More than one architect may be needed for one area and role
These are discussion points
Mold them to meet your needs
Understand the needs of your organization
Understand the skills / focus for each role
Take a proactive approach to the profession of IT Architecture
53. Thank You
Christopher Grant
[email protected]