the professionalism of the guiding technique …/the... · the professionalism of the guiding...

44 commit to user THE PROFESSIONALISM OF THE GUIDING TECHNIQUE IN KARATON SURAKARTA HADININGRAT FINAL PROJECT REPORT Submitted as a Partial Requirement in Obtaining Degree in the English Diploma Program, Faculty of Letters and Fine Arts, Sebelas Maret University By: Triana Lestiyawati C9309079 ENGLISH DIPLOMA PROGRAM FACULTY OF LETTERS AND FINE ARTS SEBELAS MARET UNIVERSITY SURAKARTA 2012

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Submitted as a Partial Requirement in Obtaining Degree in the English

Diploma Program, Faculty of Letters and Fine Arts,

Sebelas Maret University


Triana Lestiyawati







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People become really quite remarkable when they start thinking that they can do

things. When they believe in themselves they have the first secret of success.

(Norman Vincent Peale)

What we can or cannot do, what we consider possible or impossible, is rarely a

function of our true capability. It is more likely a function of our beliefs about who

we are.

(Anthony Robbins)

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This Final Project is dedicated to:

Allah SWT

My beloved parents

My beloved sisters, Herwi Susilowati and Kencana Lia

Everyone who loves me

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The writer would like to say thank to God Almighty for helps, and

blessing during the process of this final project. The writer also thank to everyone

who always helped her in completing this final project.

In this final project report, the writer researches the professionalism of the

guiding technique in Karaton Surakarta Hadiningrat. The final project report also

contains information about the result of the research, covering the problems

emerged and the solutions provided.

The writer realizes that this final project report still has some shortcoming.

Any correction, suggestion, and criticism are expected to make it better. The

writer also hope that this final project can be useful for readers.

Surakarta, July 19th


Triana Lestiyawati

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Alhamdulillahirobbil’ alamin. First for all, I would like to thanks to Allah

SWT, The One and Only, God Almighty, for everything during the process of

this final project. I believe that it is impossible to finish it without the spirit and

the helps of some people. Therefore I would like to thanks with people who help

and support me during completing this final project.

1. The Dean of the Faculty of Letters and Fine Arts, Sebelas Maret University,

Drs. Riyadi Santosa, M.Ed, Ph.D.

2. The Head of English Diploma Program, Yusuf Kurniawan, S.S, M.A. for

the highest dedication to English Diploma Students.

3. My Academic Supervisor, M.Farkhan. M.D, S.Ag. M.Ag. I thank you for

your support during my study.

4. My Supervisor, Drs. Agus Hari Wibowo, M.A, Ph.D. I thank you for your

advise and guidance in finishing this final project report.

5. All Lecturers of English Diploma Program.

6. KGPH. Puger. BA as the Head of museum in Karaton Surakarta

Hadiningrat. I am grateful to you for accepting me to have the job training.

7. All officers of Karaton Surakarta Hadiningrat. Thanks for your advise,

kindness during the job training. I do apologize if I made mistakes during

the job training.

8. My beloved parents. Thank you for everything.

9. My sisters, Herwi Susilowati , Kencana Lia Lianawati.

10. My beloved best friend, Fitri, Ummul, Septian, Arin, Vero, Winahyu, Tiara,

Veni, Nova, Lia, Mayang, Fiska, Surya, Wahyu. Thank you for your help

and spirit.

11. All my friends of class C and of English Diploma Program of 2009 year.

12. All staffs in English Diploma Program.

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Triana Lestiyawati. 2012. The professionalism of the guiding technique in

Karaton Surakarta Hadiningrat. English Diploma Program, Faculty of

Letters and Fine Arts. Sebelas Maret University.

This final project is written based on the job training activity in Karaton Surakarta

Hadiningrat. The purposes of this final project are to describe the events and

cultural heritages in Karaton Surakarta Hadiningrat, to describe the guiding

technique in Karaton Surakarta Hadinigrat, and to find out the problems, and the

solutions of Karaton Surakarta in the scope of guiding. The result shows that

Karaton Surakarta Hadiningrat has a lot of cultural heritages and traditional

events. The guiding technique used by the guides of Karaton Surakarta

Hadiningrat are by preparing performance such as dressing traditionally and

behaving, mastering the explanation and language, conducting the process of

guiding by describing the tourist attraction consists of preparing, opening,

material explanation, closing. Here, the guide not only describes the information

about the site but also makes it interesting and memorable for visitors by using the

strategies to attract the visitors such as making good relationship with visitors,

attracting tourist’s curiosity, inserting joke during guiding, and telling the

distinction of tourist attraction or mistic occurance. Besides the guides of Karaton

Surakarta Hadiningrat can handle the problems from the visitors such as handling

lost material and handling the visitor’s complaint. The writer also found some

problems; they are the lack of the guides who can speak English well and the lack

of professional guides. By taking a course, recruiting professional guide and

holding periodic evaluation from the management, those problems may be solved.

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TITLE ............................................................................................................... i

APPROVAL OF SUPERVISOR .................................................................... ii

APPROVAL OF THE BOARD OF EXAMINERS ..................................... iii

MOTTO ............................................................................................................ iv

DEDICATION .................................................................................................. v

PREFACE ......................................................................................................... vi

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ............................................................................... vii

ABSTRACT ...................................................................................................... viii

TABLE OF CONTENTS ................................................................................. ix


A. Background ..................................................................................... 1 2

B. Objectives ....................................................................................... 2

C. Benefit ............................................................................................ 3


A. Professionalism ................................................................................ 4

B. Guide ................................................................................................ 4

C. The Classification of Guide … ..................................................... 5

D. The Duties of Guide ……………………………………………. 8

E. Definition of Guiding Technique ................................................ 9

F. Karaton Surakarta Hadiningrat ................................................... 9

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A. The Events and Cultural Heritages in Karaton Surakarta

Hadiningrat ..................................................................................... 11

B. The Professionalism of the Guiding Technique in Karaton

Surakarta Hadiningrat .................................................................. 14

C. The Problems and Solutions of Guiding Technique in Karaton

Surakarta Hadiningrat ................................................................ 23

D. The Activities During Job-Training …………………………... 26

E. The Achievement During Job-Training …………………......... 29


A. Conclusions ..................................................................................... 30

B. Suggestions ..................................................................................... 31



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Triana Lestiyawati1

Drs. Agus Hari Wibowo, M.A., Ph.D2


2012. Program Diploma III Bahasa Inggris, Fakultas Sastra

dan Seni Rupa, Universitas Sebelas Maret.

Tugas akhir ini ditulis berdasarkan hasil magang di Karaton

Surakarta Hadiningrat. Tujuan dari penelitian laporan ini adalah

untuk mendiskripsikan tentang upacara tradisional dan warisan

budaya di Karaton Surakarta Hadiningrat, mendeskripsikan tentang

teknik memandu di Karaton Surakarta Hadiningrat, menemukan

masalah dan memberi solusi dari teknik memandu di Karaton

Surakarta Hadiningrat.

Hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa Karaton Surakarta Hadiningrat

memiliki banyak warisan budaya dan upacara tradisional.Teknik

memandu digunakan oleh pemandu wisata di Karaton Surakarta

Hadiningrat dengan mempersiakan kinerja dengan berpakaian

tradisional, berperilaku baik, menguasai penjelasan dan bahasa,

1Mahasiswa DIII Bahasa Inggris dengan NIM C9309079

2Dosen Pembimbing

memimpin proses memandu dengan menjelaskan tentang objek

wisata yang terdiri dari persiapan, pembukaan, penjelasan, dan


Pemandu wisata di Karaton Surakarta Hadiningrat tidak hanya

menjelaskan tentang informasi dari objek wisata tetapi

membuatnya menarik dan tidak terlupakan oleh pengunjung

dengan menggunakan strategi untuk menarik pengunjung seperti

membuat hubungan yang baik dengan pengunjung, menarik rasa

keingintahuan dari pengunjung, memasukkan lelucon selama

memandu, dan menceritakan tentang daya tarik objek wisata atau

menceritakan tentang kejadian mistis di objek wisata. Selain itu,

pemandu wisata Karaton Surakarta Hadiningrat dapat menangani

masalah dari pengunjung seperti pengunjung yang kehilangan

barang mereka dan keluhan dari pengunjung.

Penulis juga menemukan beberapa masalah dari pemandu. Masalah

itu adalah kurangnya pemandu wisata yang dapat berbicara bahasa

Inggris dengan baik dan kurangnya pemandu wisata yang

profesional. Dengan mengambil kursus, merekrut pemandu wisata

yang profesional dan melakukan evaulasi secara berkala yang

dilakukan oleh pengelola pariwisata, masalah-masalah tersebut

bisa terselesaikan.

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Triana Lestiyawati1

Drs. Agus Hari Wibowo, M.A., Ph.D2


2012. English Diploma Program, Faculty of Letters and Fine

Arts, Sebelas Maret University.

This final project is written based on the job training activity in

Karaton Surakarta Hadiningrat. The purposes of this final project

are to describe the events and cultural heritages, to describe the

guiding technique in Karaton Surakarta Hadiningrat, and to find

out the problems, and the solutions of Karaton Surakarta

Hadiningrat in the scope of guiding.

The result shows that Karaton Surakarta Hadiningrat has a lot of

cultural heritages and traditional events. The guiding techniques

used by the guides of Karaton Surakarta Hadiningrat are by

preparing performance such as dressing traditionaly, behaving,

mastering the explanation and language, conducting the process of

guiding by describing the tourist attraction consists of preparing,

1Mahasiswa DIII Bahasa Inggris dengan NIM C9309079

2Dosen Pembimbing

opening, material explanation and closing.

The guide not only describes the information about the site but also

makes it interesting and memorable for the visitors by using the

strategies to attract the visitors such as making good relationship

with visitors, attracting tourist’s curiosity, interesting joke during

guiding, and telling the distinction of tourist attraction or mistic

occurance. Besides the guide of Karaton Surakarta Hadiningrat cab

handle the problems from the visitors such as handling lost

material and handling visitor’s complaint.

The writer also found some problems; they are the lack of the

guide who can speak English well and the lack of professional

guides. By taking a course, recruiting professional guide and

holding periodic evaluation from the management, those problems

may be solved.

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A. Background

In Indonesia, tourism has become the sector, which influenced the economic

condition. For the recent years, the development of the tourism industry in this

country has increased. Tourism, as an influential sector in developing the country

economy, has many important supporting components. One of them is tourist


Indonesia has a lot of fascinating tourist attractions that are shame not to

visit, espesially Surakarta city. Surakarta known as “ Solo” is one of tourist

destinations in Central Java province. There are many kinds of tourist attractions in

this city and as we know that Solo is also known as the city of culture. Several

cultural and historical heritages are available here such as Karaton Surakarta

Hadiningrat, Puro Mangkunegaran, Radya Pustaka Museum, and Gedung Wayang

Orang Sriwedari.

As we know, Karaton Surakarta Hadiningrat is one of most visited tourist

attractions in Solo city. This palace is regarded as the first place where Javanese

culture appeared. Therefore, it has a big potential to attract tourists to come. As the


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Javanese culture founder, Karaton Surakarta Hadiningrat has a lot of things to offer,

such as traditional events, architectures, ancient equipments of culture, etc.

To be one of the main attractions in Solo which, the visitors are not only

from domestic but also foreign, the management of Karaton Surakarta Hadiningrat

also supports the facility of the site by providing internal guides. These internal

guides also play a role in increasing the number of visitors.

It is important to know that in the scope of being a guide, the

professionalism in treating the visitors is very necessary. Besides, the guide is also

responsible in giving the accurate information for visitors about the attractions.

Therefore, the guide should have global information about tourist attraction they will

explain. In addition, the guide is also demanded to make the tourist attraction looks

very interesting to visitors. To create those things, a guide needs to have good guiding


From this explanation, the writer is interested to discuss the professionalism

of the guiding technique using by the guides to guide the tourists in Karaton

Surakarta Hadiningrat by making a paper entitled THE PROFESSIONALISM OF


B. Objectives

1. To describe the events and cultural heritages in Karaton Surakarta


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2. To describe the guiding technique in Karaton Surakarta Hadiningrat

3. To find out the problems and solutions about guiding technique in Karaton

Surakarta Hadiningrat

C. Benefits

1. For Karaton Surakarta Hadiningrat

This final project can be useful by Karaton Surakarta Hadiningrat to improve

their quality of tourist attractions and give motivation or input to guides in

Karaton Surakarta Hadiningrat to improve their ability.

2. For Readers

This final project can be useful for the reader to give knowledges about

guiding technique and tourist attraction in Karaton Surakarta Hadiningrat.

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A. Professionalism

Prabowohadi (1983, p. 17) mentions that professionalism is a skill or a

quality of a person that shows a high standard of work.

In addition, Amato (1979, p. 19) suggests the professionalism of guide can

be seen from the ability to communicate and to give people what they really need.

From those definitions, the writer concludes that professionalism of a guide

is a skill of the guide with a high standard of work seen from their ability to

communicate and to give good service.

B. Guide

According to Suwantoro (1997, p. 13), guides is someone who gives

explanation and direction to the tourists and other travelers about everything that they

would like to see when they visit an object or certain places.

Whereas, Kesrul (2004, p. 3) states that a guide is a person who gives

guidance, explanation, and direction about tourist attraction, and who helps tourist

from the beginning until the end of tour activities.


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Meanwhile, in Muhajir’s book, Soenarno (2005, p. 11) says that a guide is

someone who has a duty to accompany and to explain to the visitors about tourist


To sum up those definitions, a guide is a person who accompanies and

explains certain tourist attraction. Besides, the guide also has a responsibility to help

tourists from the beginning until the end of a tour.

C. The Classification of Guide

According to Muhajir (2005, p. 13), the types of guide are divided as follows:

1. Based on the place where the guide conducts the duty, they are:

a. Local Guide ( On-side guide)

A local guide ( On-side guide) is a guide who handles a tour for one hour

or a few hours in special place such as tourist attraction or limited areas,

for example historical building, museum, fabric, and scientific research


b. City Guide

A city guide is a guide who escorts tourist and gives information about

main tourist attraction in a city. The guiding process is usually done on

bus or other vechiles.

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2. Based on the specification of the guide, they are:

a. Special Guide

A special guide is a guide who has special duty in one of tourist


b. General Guide

A general guide is a guide who is not only on duty in one tourist

attraction, but also wherever when he/she is required. General guide

should have extensive knowledge about the history of tourist attraction,

culture, art, etc.

3. Based on the tourist’s origin and country where the tour is held, they are:

a. In-Bound Tour Guide

An in-bound tour guide is a guide who handles foreigner having a tour in

the country where the guide works.

b. Out-Bound Tour Guide

An out-bound tour guide is a guide who accompanies tourist to go abroad.

c. Domestic Tour Guide

A domestic tour guide is a guide who handles local tourists having a tour

in their own country.

4. Based on the Status, they are:

a. Payroll Guide

A payroll guide is a guide who works only in travel agent or tourism

institution. Payroll guide is also called full-time guide or guide staff.

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b. Freelance Guide

A freelance guide is a guide who works in a tourism travel agent as a part-

time guide, or step-on guide who works in certain season. This guide

usually works when they get a call from the agency.

5. Based on the level, they are:

The duties of the guide are arranged in the letter of decree by Minister of

Tourism, Post and Telecommunications No. KM 82/PW/102/MPPT-88 about

tourism and tour manager. Based on the letter of decree, the types of guide are

divided as follows:

a. Young Guide

A young guide is a guide who works in a region level II where the guide’s

certificate is given. The certificate is obtained from a course or an exam

with specific requirement.

b. Medium Guide

A medium guide is a guide who works in a region level I where the

guide’s certificate is given.

c. Tour manager

A tour manager is an official of tourism travel agent who has knowledge

and skill. It is also able to handle a group of tourists.

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6. Based on the number of tourists to be handled, they are:

a. Group Tour Guide

A group tour guide is a guide who handles the tourist in a group. This

guide is often called GIT (Group Inclusive Tour).

b. Individual Tour Guide

An individual tour guide is a guide who handles individual tourist. This

guide is known as FIT (Free Individual Traveler).

D. The Duties of Guide

Prabowohadi (1983, p. 16) states that the duties of the guide are described as follows:

1. General Guide

a. Giving information about tourist attraction and guiding individual or

group of tourist

b. Giving general information about history, culture, art, biodiversity, social

spiritual perspective, and certain community of a nation

c. Giving the assistance in finishing the departure and the arrival process of


d. Helping the tourists in finishing their administration process

e. Giving guarantee of comfort and satisfaction for the tourist during his/her


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2. Special Guide

a. Giving the guidance and the information of certain tourist attraction,

which has special characteristics such as museum, archeology, art, wild

life safari, etc., by using one or several languages

b. Giving the assistance in finishing the administration of the tourist, the

third person, and the travel agent directly or indirectly according to the

characteristic of tourist attraction where he/she works

c. Giving the guarantee of comfort, confidence and satisfaction of the

tourists during the guidance

E. Definition of Guiding Technique

Suroso (1993/1994. p. 24) suggests the guiding technique is the medium in

transferring and directing on both sides and it is not only intellectually and in-

personally related, but it is multi-dimensionally related which carry psychological,

didactic affection and methodology.

F. Karaton Surakarta Hadiningrat

Karaton Surakarta Hadiningrat was the main succesor of the Mataram

dynasty that was built by Senopati prince in 1587. Under the administration of

Amangkurat II, Mataram Palace was located in Kota Gedhe, Yogyakarta. However,

in that time, this palace had moved several time. After these several movements, the

palace was finally built in Kartasura in 1680.

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After Amangkurat II died, Karaton Kartasura was replaced by Amangkkurat

III who was known as Sunan Mas. In his leadership, the governmet system was

influenced by the Dutch. But actually, Sunan Mas took sides on Untung Suropati, the

man who rebelled against the Dutch. Because of that, Amangkurat III was seized by

Pangeran Puger who was later named Paku Buwono I through the Dutch’s aid.

Paku Buwono I died in 1719 and then Paku Buwono II replaced him. In his

authority, the kingdom was revolted by Chinese. This reveolt was called Geger

Pecinan which effected the damage of Kartasura palace. Therefore, Kartasura palace

was moved to Sala village and was named Karaton Surakarta Hadiningrat on

Wednesday, 17 February 1745.

After Paku Buwono II died, there was a disagreement among the king’s

family to choose the next king. The Dutch interfered in the king’s selection and it

became worse. Finally, it could be settled by Giyanti agreement on 13 February 1755

where the region of kingdom was divided into two parts, Kasunanan palace in

Surakarta and Kasultanan palace in Yogyakarta. Then, each kingdom was ruptured

into two parts, where Surakarta palace was divided into Kasunanan and

Mangkunegaran and Yogyakarta palace was divided into Kasultanan and Pakualam.

In Karaton Surakarta Hadiningrat, the king’s pedigree has reached to Paku

Buwono XIII. Under the administration of Paku Buwono XII, Karaton Surakarta

Hadinigrat was opened on 23 March 1963 for public as a cultural tourist attraction.

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A. The Events and Cultural Heritages in Karaton Surakarta Hadiningrat

There are many cultural events and heritages in Karaton Surakarta

Hadiningrat to be tourist attraction and to increase the quantity of visitors.

1. Events of Karaton Surakarta Hadiningrat are as follows:

a. Jamasan Nyai Setomi

Jamasan Nyai Setomi is one of traditional ceremonies in Karaton

Surakarta Hadinigrat that can attract visitors to come. This event

has existed since Paku Buwono II. It is held three times a year on

Rabiulawwal, Syawwal, and Dzulhijjah, (months of Muslim’s

calender). Jamasan Nyai Setomi is traditional ceremony for

cleaning the cannon Nyai Setomi. It is one of the cannons in Siti

Hinggil of Karaton Surakarta Hadiningrat. There is an assumption

that this event is held to glorify the sacred cannon, which has

magical power. It is expected to give the blessing and salvation for

all of human.

b. Sekaten

Sekaten is a famous traditional event in Surakarta that can also

attract many visitors. The visitors do not only come from Solo

city, but also from other cities. Sekaten has existed since Demak

kingdom. Precisely, when the leadership of first Islamic king who


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was Sultan Syah Alam Akbar Jumbun Srirullah Brawijaya, or also

known as Raden Patah. It is held for celebrating of Muhammad

SAW’s birthday on 12th Rabiulawwal. This annual event is started

by playing gamelan (traditional instruments) Kyai Guntur Sari and

Kyai Guntur Madu at 4 pm on Rabi’ al-awwal 5th in Agung

Mosque of Karaton Surakarta Hadiningrat. The age of the

traditional instruments is nine centuries. Then, the Gamelan are

moved from the mosque to the palace on 12th Rabiulawwal and

followed by Gunungan ceremony. There are three Gunungan in

Gunungan ceremony such as Gunungan Lanangan, Gunungan

Wadon and Gunungan Anakan.

2. Cultural heritages of Karaton Surakarta Hadiningrat are as follows:

a. Siti Hinggil

Siti Hinggil is a building, which was built in the south of

Pagelaran and the location is higher than Pagelaran area. Ticket’s

price is Rp.5000 for Siti Hinggil area and museum of ancient carts

and cars. The name of Siti Hinggil has the meanings as “Siti”

means land and “Hinggil” means high. Therefore, Siti Hinggil is

the building, which is higher than other buildings. It was built in

1701 under Paku Buwana III authority. Siti Hinggil used to

oversee the people who want to get the justice from the king.

There are also many buildings and cannons in Siti Hinggil.

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b. Museum

1) The Palace Art Gallery and Museum

There are many collections in Museum of Karaton

Surakarta Hadiningrat. Many items are displayed such as

wooden masks used for classical Javanese dance, daggers

(keris), the picture of royal family, and antique decoration

of the King’s yacht called Kyai Rajamala. There is a

special room for showing the ritual of Javanese royal

wedding and other rooms showing a scene of shadow

pupet performance.

2) Karaton Surakarta Hadiningrat

There are several buildings in Karaton Surakarta

Hadiningrat such as Panggung Sangga Buwono. It is a

tower, which has four floors and it was built in 1708. It is

used to be the king’s meditation place. Another building is

Sasono Sewaka. It is one of Javanese buildings that is

often called Pendopo, pavilion. It was built in 1767 and is

used for the place of kingdom ceremonies, for example,

the king’s birthday party. The next building is Sasana

Handrawina. It is a building used as a banquet for the state

visitors and royal family. It was built in 1823 by Paku

Buwono V. Besides, there is large yard in Karaton

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Surakarta Hadiningrat. 76 Kecik Sapodilla trees are planted


B. The Professionalism of the Guiding Technique in Karaton

Surakarta Hadiningrat

The technique guiding in Karaton Surakarta Hadiningrat is very

important to give good service for visitors. The guiding technique applied by the

guides of Karaton Surakarta comprises the following factors.

1. Performance

To get a good impression of visitors, the performance of guide is one of

the things which has to be noticed in the guiding process. The

performances are divided into several parts. They are:

a. Cloth

The guides in Karaton Surakarta Hadiningrat have official

uniform. They wear Batik (traditional pictorial cloth that is made

by using manual wax-resist dyeing technique), Blangkon (male

batik headdress), and Samir (yellow and red colored scarf). The

guides always use the uniform when they are on duty to guide the

visitors in Karaton Surakarta Hadiningrat. Every Wednesday and

Saturday, the guides wear Beskap (a kind of formal men’s shirts in

Javanese traditional) and Kebaya (a traditional blouse-dress

combination by women in Indonesia).

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b. Attitude

The guides of Karaton Surakarta Hadiningrat have a good attitude

in guiding the visitors. It is very important for the guides in

guiding process because they should create good image from

visitors. Every guide always explains about tourist attraction in

front of the visitors. During the guiding, the visitors will pay

attention to the guides. Therefore, the guides should behave to

create good image from the visitors. In the guiding process, the

guide looks all visitors entirely to convince his/her explanation.

c. Principle

The guides of Karaton Surakarta Hadiningrat have a principle that

“the visitor is the family”. Therefore, the visitors are given the

best service as their wishes. Besides, the guide should care and

keep the visitors. During conducting their duties, the guides have

several principles to do, such as:

1) Giving a good first impression

2) Servicing the visitors as their wishes

3) Satisfying the visitors about the information of tourist


4) Assuming the visitors as a king

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2. Mastering Intellectuality

a. Mastering Language

Language is the most important thing in the guiding process. As

we know that the responsibility of guides are to give information

and to be a leader for the visitor. So, language is an important

thing to communicate with them.

There are many visitors who come to Karaton Surakarta

Hadiningrat such as domestic tourist and foreign tourist. It makes

the guides master more than one language such as English,

Japanese, and Germany. There, the guides often use English

because English is international language.

Based on the observation there are a few guides of Karaton

Surakarta Hadiningrat who can speak English well and they do not

have good vocabulary and pronunciation.

b. Mastering Material of Explanation

In every guiding process, the guides of Karaton Surakarta

Hadiningrat master the material of explanation because one of the

duties of the guide is to give explanation clearly to visitor.

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3. Process of Guiding

a. Preparation

1) Personal Preparation

a) Preparing the appearance

The guides always check the apperance for neatness

and cleanliness.

2) Technical Preparation

a) Identifying the visitor’s background

The guide of Karaton Surakarta Hadiningrat

identifies the background of the visitors such as

age, nationality and education. It is used to prepare

the presentation in accordance with background of

the visitors.

b) Identifying the number of the visitor

The guides also have to prepare the instrument

such as megaphone if the number of visitors more

than 15 people.

b. Opening

The guide of Karaton Surakarta Hadiningrat begins the tour by

meeting visitors in front of ticket counter or in front of museum.

The tour is started by greeting and introduction. In the introduction,

the guide uses familiar greeting by introducing the name and the

duties to visitors.

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The purpose of introduction is to give general description of what

visitors are going to see in Karaton Surakarta Hadiningrat. The

guide also explains about the rules of the museum visitation such

as the visitor are forbidden to touch the collection in the museum

because the human’s touch can damage the fragile collection, the

visitors are also not allowed to use sandal when they stand in the

yard of Karaton Surakarta Hadiningrat as a symbol to honor the


c. Material of Explanation

The methods of the guide of Karaton Surakarta Hadiningrat in

explaining the material are devided into two parts, they are:

1) Group method

a) Using good language, good communication with clear

voice, and good mimic impression.

b) Giving clear explanation

The guide explains clearly without any hesitation.

Therefore, the guide masters the material completely.

c) Giving logic explanation

The guide gives logic explanation based on common

meaning, so that the visitors will believe the


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d) Giving balance presentation

To avoid boredom, the guide should be balance when

she/he explains the materials for tourists. To do this

thing, the guides of Karaton Surakarta Hadiningrat

insert jokes or use mysterious phenomenon that

happens in the tourist attraction. However, firstly, the

guide should identify the backgroud of the visitors.

2) Individual method

a) Shaking hands

b) Giving souvenir if necessary

c) Introducing the name

d) Satisfying the visitor can be done by:

a. Answering all the questions

b. Giving more times for the visitor to observe the


c. Giving more times for the visitor to take the

picture for recollection

d. Closing

Closing is done at the end of the tour. The guide ends the tour by

giving the chance to the visitors whether they have any questions

to ask. The guide of Karaton Surakarta Hadiningrat also conveys

the conclusions and the expectations. Beside that, the guide can

also request the perception about the visitors’ impression of tourist

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attraction. The last, the guide extends the grateful for their visit to

the tourist attraction and asks for forgiveness whether there are

any circumstances that probably cause the visitors feel

disappointed and uncomfortable.

4. Strategis in attracting the visitor’s interest

a. Making good relationship with visitors

The guide in Karaton Surakarata Hadiningrat tries to make an

emotional relationship with visitors. It can be done by giving

attention to visitor’s needs and regarding visitors like family, for

example, by showing the friendliness and giving the question for

the visitors whether the presentation is clear or not. A guide can

also give a small gift for visitors.

b. Attracting tourist’s curiosity

Generally, every person has curiosity about everything that they

do not understand. In this case, the guide of Karaton Surakarta

Hadiningrat use the sense of tourist’s curiosity by giving him a

question. For example, when the writer observed the guide in

Karaton Surakarta Hadiningrat, he said (explanation for Panggung

Songgo Buwono) “Do you know the function of this building?”

and then the guide continues it with full explanation to satisfy

visitors’ curiosity.

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c. Inserting joke during guiding

The guide of Karaton Surakarta Hadiningrat creates some jokes or

humor when he/she explains about tourist attraction. Some jokes

can make visitor interested and avoid them from boredom.

Besides, the guide should identify the characteristic of visitors

because there may be a visitor who does not like to joke.

d. Telling the distinction of the tourist attraction

Telling the distinction of tourist attraction can also make visitor

fascinated. For example, when the writer observed the guide in

Karaton Surakarta Hadiningrat, he said; “Karaton Surakarta

Hadiningrat is the oldest palace in Central Java. This kingdom is

also believed as the center of birth of Javanese culture”.

e. Mystical occurance

Unusual phenomenon or strange happening can be an incentive

thing to attract visitor’s interest. For example, the guide of

Karaton Surakarta Hadiningrat said: (explanation for Pendopo

Sasono Sewoko) “If you get into Sasono Sewaka, you will

suddenly fall. That is why there is a boundary for the visitors. You

can believe it or not”.

5. Handling the Problem

A guide can have problem when they are on guiding process. The

problems that are often encountered by the guide are:

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a. Handling lost material

The visitor often loses their goods during a tour, for example loss

of baggage, passport, money, wallet and etc. It can occur at the

airport, bus station, or hotel. The guide can help the visitors who

lost their stuff. To solve this problem, the guide should report this

occurrence to the security office.

For example, the writer observed in Karaton Surakarta

Hadiningrat that he met a tourist from Malang who lost his wallet.

The guide said, “I apologize for this incident. I will help you to

look for your wallet. I will report this problem to the security

officer. If your wallet is not found today, please write your name

and your phone number in the security book. We will call you to

confirm whether your wallet is already found or not”.

b. Handling the visitor’s complaint

The visitor’s complaints are not only about the guiding service but

also the facilities and all services available during a tour. The

guide should be able to handle it wisely by using the principles of

listening, understanding, investigating and apologizing. Every

complaint must be reported to the head of the management in

order to evaluate the service and the facilities. Therefore, the

complaint will not appear again in the future.

For example, when the writer observed the guide in Karaton

Surakarta Hadiningrat. The guide met domestic tourist (she

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complaint about the facilities in Siti Hinggil that the bathroom is

not clean). “I apologize for the facility which is not maximum in

Siti Hinggil , I will report your complaint to the head of the

management as the evaluation to increase the facility to be more


C. The Problems and Solutions of Guiding Technique in Karaton Surkarta


The guide faced many problems when doing the duties. These problem

makes the visitors not satisfied with the guiding service.

1. The problems of Guides

a. The lack of guides who masters English well

The guides of Karaton Surakarta Hadiningrat have a weakness in

speaking English. It can be seen from the following aspects:

1) Education Backgroud

Some of guides in Karaton Surakarta Hadiningrat do not

have skill in speaking English. Whereas, the skill in

speaking English is important in being a guide. There are

two problems that often happen when the guide speaks


a) Pronunciation

Mostly, the pronunciation becomes the guide’s

problem while guiding. It happens because the guide

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does not have good skill in speaking English. The

guide does not take a course to improve their English.

For example, the writer observed a guide when he was

guiding the tourist from France. When explaining

about Panggung Sangga Buwono, the guide says, “The

building is so high”. “High” said as /’hī/ not /hēth/ . It

made the tourist confused.

b) Vocabulary

The lack of vocabulary repertory often makes the guide

difficult to deliver the information to the visitors.

Whereas, a guide is an intrepeter or a translator agent

in giving all information for the visitor. Therefore, the

guide should have more vocabularies in their repertory.

If the guide does not have a lot of vocabularies, it will

complicate himself/herself. For example, the writer

observed a guide when guiding a tourist from Canada.

The guide wanted to explain about the buildings in Siti

Hinggil. But, she looked difficult to deliver

infrormation because she has no enough vocabulary


b. The lack of profesional guides

A profesional guide is one of important things in tourism. A

profesional guide in certain tourist attraction is potential to

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increase the number of visitors because the visitor feel satisfied of

the service. There are a few profesional guides in Karaton

Surakarta Hadiningrat. The problems of the rest of the guides

exclude the professional ones are:

1) Giving the incomplete explanation

In the guding process, the guides in Karaton Surakarta

Hadiningrat do not give detail information to the visitors.

Some attractions are not described completely by the

guides. It seems that they wanted to finish the guiding

process quickly and moved to the visitors to get more tips

from the other ones.

2) Giving less proper attitudes

The guides in Karaton Surakarta Hadiningrat have less

proper attitude in giving service to the visitors. The guides

will not escort the visitors if they do not get any tip.

Whereas, the duties of profesional guide are to give the

information and to give the best service for the visitors.

2. The solutions of the guide’s problem

a. Taking a course of foreign language

The guide should take a course to increase the skill in foreign

language. The course can be done by taking own course. Besides,

tourism management in Karaton Surakarta Hadiningrat can also

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provide course for the guides who want to improve the skill in

mastering foreign language.

b. Recruiting professional guide

Tourism management of Karaton Surakarta Hadiningrat should

recruit professional guide to increase the quality, service, and

visitor’s satisfaction. However, the management seems less paying

attention to the quality of the guides. The guides in Karaton

Surakarta should master foreign language and master guiding

technique well, as we know the tourists who come to this site are

not only domestic ones but also foreign.

c. Conducting periodic evaluation

A periodic evaluation conducted by tourism management of

Karaton Surakarta Hadiningrat is necessary. By doing this

program, the tourism management can evaluate the deficiencies

and the complaints from the visitors, so that, the management can

take a solution to these hardships. The management can provide

the understanding to the guide about how they should behave and

how they give services to the visitors.

D. The Activity During Job-Training

The job was given for the writer when she conducted job training in

Karaton Surakarta Hadiningrat as a guide. The writer’s job is also giving

information to the tourist when they are confused about the location of tourist

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attraction. The tourists are often confused if they come from Siti Hinggil to

ancient carts room. The writer has some experiences when she was on job training

in Karaton Surakarta Hadiningrat. They are follows:

a. During the Process of Guiding

Before the writer begins the process of guiding, she will check the

ticket and open Kori Wijil to allow the visitors to enter. Then, she

begins the process of guiding by introducing the name, informing the

rules for visitors, giving general description of what visitors are going

to see in Siti Hinggil, explaining the tourist attraction clearly and


For example, the writer met tourist from America. Here is the

explanation: “Good morning ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Siti

Hinggil Karaton Surakarta Hadiningrat. First for all, I want to

introduce myself. My name is Triana Lestiyawati and my friends

normally call me Nana, and you may please call me so Nana. I am

your guide.

Well, in Siti Hinggil Karaton Surakarta Hadiningrat we are going to

see the collection of heirloom in Karaton Surakarta Hadiningrat,

mostly derived from Demak palace or in 1515. The location of Karaton

Surakarta Hadiningrat is in Baluwarti, Pasar Kliwon district, Surakarta

city. Karaton Surakarta Hadiningrat is considered as the center and

founder of Javanese culture. Before I explain about the tourist

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attraction, I want to inform the rule for the visitors such as, the visitors

are prohibited to touch the collection of heirloom in Siti Hinggil.

Ok, ladies and gentleman, Karaton Surakarta Hadiningrat was built in

February of 17 1745 by Paku Buwono II. It was built after the revolt

called Geger Pecinan, which affected the damage of Kartasura palace.

There is collection of heirloom in Siti Hinggil such as cannon Nyai

Setomi. This cannon is assumed having magical power. It was a gift

from Portuguese in 1515. Cannon Nyai Setomi is always be cleaned

three times a year on Rabiulawwal, Syawwal, and Dzulhijjah, (months

of Muslim’s calender). The event to clean this sacred cannon Nyai

Setomi is called Jamasan. Any question about my explanation?

Ladies and gentlemen, this is the end of our tour. Karaton Surakarta

Hadiningrat is one of tourist attractions that has richness of traditional

events and cultural heritages. Therefore, we must always keep and

conserve the relic of culture in Karaton Surakarta Hadiningrat.

That’s all my explanation, I am sorry if I have a mistake. Thank you

very much.”

b. Handling the visitor’s complaint

The writer has an experience of handling the visitor’s complaint. She met

the tourist from France who complained about the cleanliness in Siti

Hinggil. The writer said,”I apologize for the cleanliness in Siti Hinggil.

Because, yesterday there was an event in Siti Hinggil, so that the

employees did not have enough time to clean it”.

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E. The Achievement During Job-Training

The writer got many achievements during job training as a guide that can

improve the knowledge about guiding technique. Besides, the writer can also

improve in her speaking English with native speaker.

a. Practicing of Guiding Technique

The writer can apply the guiding technique when she became a guide from

the lesson of guiding technique, which has been obtained in the class. The

writer learns about handling visitor’s complaint and responding tourist’s

question. We need to be smart to handle about that.

b. Talking with foreigner visitors

The writer can talk with tourists who cannot speak Indonesian. It teaches

her to learn how to speak English with good pronunciation. Besides, she

learns how the tourists used linking sound. From those experiences, the

writer should improve her skill in speaking and understanding English to

put proper meaning in talking with native speaker.

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A. Conclusion

Based on the explanation in the previous chapter, the writer concludes

that Karaton Surakarta Hadiningrat is a tourist atraction, which has the elements

of culture, art, and historical inheritance. It has many collections of historical

buildings decorated with Europen-Java architecture. Besides, Karaton Surakarta

Hadiningrat also has cultural events as the source of Javanese culture that can

attract both local and foreign tourist.

The accurate information about this tourist attraction is needed by the

visitors, so that, the guide plays an important role to give the information to the

visitor. The guides of Karaton Surakarta Hadiningrat used guiding technique by

preparing performance such as dressing traditionally and behaving, mastering the

explanation and language, conducting the process of guiding by describing the

tourist attraction consists of opening, material explanation, closing. Here, the

guide not only describes the information about the site but also makes it

interesting and memorable for visitors. For this purpose, the guide of Karaton

Surakarta Hadiningrat use the strategies to attract the visitors such as making good

relationship with visitors, attracting tourist’s curiosity, inserting joke during

guiding, and telling the distinction of tourist attraction or mistic occurance. The

application of each strategy should be adjusted to the characteristic of the visitors.


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Besides the guide of Karaton Surakarta Hadiningrat can handle the problem from

the visitors such as handling lost material and handling the visitor’s complaint.

However, there are several problems faced by the guide in doing their job

such as the lack of guide who masters English language well and the lack of a

professional guide. Because of this problem, the visitors, especially foreigners,

are not satisfied with the guide service. To solve the problems encountered by

the guide in Karaton Surakarta Hadiningrat, the guide should take a course,

recruitment professional guide. Besides, the management of tourism of Karaton

Surakarta Hadiningrat has to train their guides.

A. Suggestion

1. For the guide

a. The guide should master the material of explanation about the

tourist attraction.

b. The guide should really master the guiding technique to make the

tourist attraction interesting and memorable.

c. The guide should be a professional guide and give the best service

to the visitors without thinking about tip from them.

d. The guide should have the guide certificate and guide identification

card from Indonesia Guide Organization or Himpunan Pemandu

Wisata Indonesia (HPI).

2. For the management of tourism in Karaton Surakarta Hadiningrat

a. The management should recruite the professional guide.

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b. The management should increase the facilities of the tourist


c. The management should maintain or keep the collections of

historical inheritances in Karaton Surakarta Hadiningrat.