the profitable agency: how to attract, retain and grow a profitable client base

#INBOUND14 the profitable agency how to a*ract, retain and grow a profitable client base sept. 16, 2014 presented by paul roetzer (@paulroetzer) CEO | PR 20/20

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#INBOUND 14 agency track deck. Growth is the easy part. Attracting and retaining a profitable client base is the real challenge for agencies. As the demand for digital increases, many agencies are offering new services, evolving internal processes, and evaluating alternate revenue and pricing models. The presentation provides 15 actionable tips to maximize your agency’s profits in the new era of marketing services.


Page 1: The Profitable Agency: How to Attract, Retain and Grow a Profitable Client Base


the  profitable  agencyhow  to  a*ract,  retain  and  grow  a  profitable  client  base

sept.  16,  2014

presented  by  paul  roetzer  (@paulroetzer)  CEO  |  PR  20/20

Page 2: The Profitable Agency: How to Attract, Retain and Grow a Profitable Client Base

of  marketers  think  markeEng  has  changed  more  in  the  past  two  years  than  the  past  50  !source:  Adobe  Digital  Distress


Page 3: The Profitable Agency: How to Attract, Retain and Grow a Profitable Client Base

the  consumer  is  the  true  change  catalyst


Page 4: The Profitable Agency: How to Attract, Retain and Grow a Profitable Client Base

90% of  daily  media  interac;ons  are  screen  basedsource:  Google,  The  New  MulE-­‐Screen  World


Page 5: The Profitable Agency: How to Attract, Retain and Grow a Profitable Client Base

B2B  buyers  may  be    

up  to  90%  through  their  journey    before  contacEng  a  vendor.  !source:  Forrester

image:  Jayneandd


Page 6: The Profitable Agency: How to Attract, Retain and Grow a Profitable Client Base

Source:  Google

Every  trackable  consumer  acEon  creates  a  data  point,  and  every  data  point  tells  a  piece  of  the  customer's  story


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the  customer  journey  does  not  follow  a  linear  path  defined  by  marketers


Page 8: The Profitable Agency: How to Attract, Retain and Grow a Profitable Client Base

Define  FoundaEon  Projects

blog  posts  podcasts  website  video  email  

webinars  mobile  apps

tailored  markeEng  through  a  deep  understanding  of  buyer  persona  needs  +  the  ability  to  deliver  personalized  messages

Image:  HubSpot

we  have  entered  the  age    content,  context  and  the  customer  experience


Page 9: The Profitable Agency: How to Attract, Retain and Grow a Profitable Client Base

Define  FoundaEon  Projects

create  more  value,  for  more  people,  more  oDen,    so  when  it’s  Eme  to  choose,    

they  choose  you

new marketing imperative

Page 10: The Profitable Agency: How to Attract, Retain and Grow a Profitable Client Base

what’s  holding  businesses  back  from  achieving  performance  poten;al?

Page 12: The Profitable Agency: How to Attract, Retain and Grow a Profitable Client Base

a  story  about  the  convergence  of  marke;ng  talent,  technology  and  strategy,  and  the  opportunity  to  build  performance-­‐driven  businesses.


Page 13: The Profitable Agency: How to Attract, Retain and Grow a Profitable Client Base

of  marketers  say  their    lack  of  skills  is  impacEng  revenue  in  some  way  !source:  2012  MarkeEng  Skills  Gap  Report


Page 14: The Profitable Agency: How to Attract, Retain and Grow a Profitable Client Base

of  companies  lack  necessary  digital  skills  in  key  areas  of  social  media,  mobile,  internal  social  networks,  process  automaEon,  and  performance  monitoring  and  analysis.  !source:  Capgemini  ConsulEng


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a  talent  war  has  begun

for  tech-­‐savvy,  hybrid  marketers

Page 16: The Profitable Agency: How to Attract, Retain and Grow a Profitable Client Base

capable  of  building,  managing  and  execu/ng


fully  integrated  campaigns  that  produce  results


Page 17: The Profitable Agency: How to Attract, Retain and Grow a Profitable Client Base

agile,  adept  at  advanced  marke;ng  tech,  and  experts  in  inbound  strategy


Page 18: The Profitable Agency: How to Attract, Retain and Grow a Profitable Client Base

how  do  we    find  the  unicorns?


Page 19: The Profitable Agency: How to Attract, Retain and Grow a Profitable Client Base

only  1  of  the  top  10    markeEng  programs  in  the  U.S.    has  a  required  undergraduate    

digital  marke;ng  course

source:  U.S.  News  &  World  Reportimage:  IUB  Facebook

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businesses  must  take  the  ini;a;ve  to    mold  their  own  modern marketers


Page 21: The Profitable Agency: How to Attract, Retain and Grow a Profitable Client Base

by  2017,  the  CMO  will  spend  more  on  IT  than  the  CIO.  !

source:  Gartner



Page 22: The Profitable Agency: How to Attract, Retain and Grow a Profitable Client Base

6  classes,  43  categories,  947  companies

Page 23: The Profitable Agency: How to Attract, Retain and Grow a Profitable Client Base
Page 24: The Profitable Agency: How to Attract, Retain and Grow a Profitable Client Base

ExactTarget  IPO  (Mar  '12)

Eloqua  IPO  (Aug  '12)

ExactTarget  buys  Pardot  (Oct  '12)

HubSpot  raises  (Nov  '12)

Oracle  buys  Eloqua  (Dec  '12)

Marketo  IPO  (May  '13)

SF  buys  ExactTarget  (Jun  '13)

0 5 10 15 20 25


$92  M


$100  M

$871  M

$79  M

$2.5  B

venture  funding,  mergers,  acquisiEons  and  IPOs  fuel  the  martech  industry  


Page 25: The Profitable Agency: How to Attract, Retain and Grow a Profitable Client Base

analyEcs  automaEon  coding  content  digital  ads  email  mobile  public  relaEons  search  social  tech  websource:  AlEmeter’s  The  Converged  Media  ImperaEve

the  new  marke;ng  mix


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Page 27: The Profitable Agency: How to Attract, Retain and Grow a Profitable Client Base

source:  Accenture’s  Turbulence  for  the  CMO

the  markeEng  industry  is  moving  too  fast    to  internalize  everything

Page 28: The Profitable Agency: How to Attract, Retain and Grow a Profitable Client Base

Donovan  Neale-­‐May,    ExecuEve  Director,  CMO  Council

“There’s  an  underlying  level  of  frustra;on  among  senior  corporate  marketers  worldwide  when  it  comes  to  agency  contribu;ons  to  business  value  creaEon,  strategic  thinking,  and  digital  markeEng  development.”  

source:  CMO  Council  (2012)


Page 29: The Profitable Agency: How to Attract, Retain and Grow a Profitable Client Base

of  senior  marketers  believe  tradi;onal  ad  agencies  are  doing  a  good  job  of  evolving  and  extending  their  service  capabiliEes  in  the  digital  age.  !

source:  The  Chief  Marke9ng  (CMO)  Council  report  More  Gain,  Less  Strain.


Page 30: The Profitable Agency: How to Attract, Retain and Grow a Profitable Client Base

where  do    the  other  91%    turn  for  help?


Page 31: The Profitable Agency: How to Attract, Retain and Grow a Profitable Client Base

growth  is  the  easy  part.  retaining  it,  and  making  it  profitable,  are  the  real  challenges  for  agencies.


Page 32: The Profitable Agency: How to Attract, Retain and Grow a Profitable Client Base

a  cauEonary  tale  of  churn

Page 33: The Profitable Agency: How to Attract, Retain and Grow a Profitable Client Base

Define  FoundaEon  ProjectsPR  20/20  growth  (2009)

15  new  campaign  clients  !

$195,000  in  2009  revenue  !

$503,000  in  2010  forecasts

Page 34: The Profitable Agency: How to Attract, Retain and Grow a Profitable Client Base

life  is  good!

Page 35: The Profitable Agency: How to Attract, Retain and Grow a Profitable Client Base

0  clients  remain

average  rela9onship  lasted  12  months

Page 36: The Profitable Agency: How to Attract, Retain and Grow a Profitable Client Base

49%  of  marketers  report  they  will  consolidate  or  change  agencies  over  the  next  12  months.  Another  15%  aren’t  sure.  !source:  CMO  Council,  2012  study


Page 37: The Profitable Agency: How to Attract, Retain and Grow a Profitable Client Base

Define  FoundaEon  Projectschurn  factors

financial  instability  focus  on  outputs,  not  outcomes  over  promise,  under  deliver  siloed  services  stagnant  business  model  stretched  too  thin  talent  turnover  unbalanced  porqolio  weak  processes

agency  side


Page 38: The Profitable Agency: How to Attract, Retain and Grow a Profitable Client Base

Define  FoundaEon  Projectschurn  factors

client  side

conservaEve  culture/budgets  financial  instability  lack  of  vision  low  quality  product/service  markeEng  tech  deficiencies    personnel  weaknesses  poor  management  unrealisEc  expectaEons  weak  foundaEon


Page 39: The Profitable Agency: How to Attract, Retain and Grow a Profitable Client Base

work  with  agency  partners  that    care  as  much  about    

performance  and  success    as  you  do


Page 40: The Profitable Agency: How to Attract, Retain and Grow a Profitable Client Base

15  ways  to    maximize  agency  profits

Page 41: The Profitable Agency: How to Attract, Retain and Grow a Profitable Client Base

Source:  HubSpot

1)  prove  performance.


Page 42: The Profitable Agency: How to Attract, Retain and Grow a Profitable Client Base


2)  develop  scalable  processes  and  services.

Page 43: The Profitable Agency: How to Attract, Retain and Grow a Profitable Client Base

   3)  reduce  business  development  Eme.

Page 44: The Profitable Agency: How to Attract, Retain and Grow a Profitable Client Base

(remove  despera/on)

4)  achieve  financial  stability.

Page 45: The Profitable Agency: How to Attract, Retain and Grow a Profitable Client Base

Define  FoundaEon  Projects

5)  know  when  to  say  NO.

commit  to  clients  and  prospects  who  value  your  people,  ;me  and  energy  !

watch  for  red  flags  !

trust  your  ins;nct  !

be  willing  to  walk  away

Page 46: The Profitable Agency: How to Attract, Retain and Grow a Profitable Client Base

6)  get  paid  for  planning.


Page 47: The Profitable Agency: How to Attract, Retain and Grow a Profitable Client Base





7)  establish  value-­‐based  pricing.


Page 48: The Profitable Agency: How to Attract, Retain and Grow a Profitable Client Base

8)  build  brand  and  reputaEon.

Page 49: The Profitable Agency: How to Attract, Retain and Grow a Profitable Client Base

image:  David  Guo

senior  pro  @  $75,000  =  $32/hour    vs.    

junior  pro  @  $45,000  =  $19/hour

costs  40%  less  for  junior  pro  services

9)  understand  service-­‐delivery  costs.


Page 50: The Profitable Agency: How to Attract, Retain and Grow a Profitable Client Base

10)  arract  and  nurture  entry-­‐level  talent.


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11)  move  to  campaign-­‐based  contracts.


Page 53: The Profitable Agency: How to Attract, Retain and Grow a Profitable Client Base

(eliminate  waste)

13)  track  ;me  and  efficiency.

Page 54: The Profitable Agency: How to Attract, Retain and Grow a Profitable Client Base

14)  focus  on  reten;on.


Page 55: The Profitable Agency: How to Attract, Retain and Grow a Profitable Client Base

Speaking  5%

Publishing  5%

Events  10%

Sofware  10%

Services  70%

15)  diversify  revenue.


Page 56: The Profitable Agency: How to Attract, Retain and Grow a Profitable Client Base

paul  roetzer,  @paulroetzer  !CEO  |  PR  20/20  author  |  The  Marke9ng  Performance  Blueprint  (Wiley,  2014)  &  The  Marke9ng  Agency  Blueprint  (Wiley,  2012)  creator  |  MarkeEng  Score  &  MarkeEng  Agency  Insider