the redeemer messenger -...

THE REDEEMER MESSENGER 1600 South Center Street Marshalltown, IA 50158 Pastor Post Cell Phone: 641-758-1915 Pastor Post e-mail: [email protected] website: APRIL 2015 Another Musical Setting of the Divine Service Dear brothers and sisters of our Lord Jesus Christ: Holy Week is here, and our Lord Jesus draws near to us once again with His Word of forgiveness and salvation. Please mark your calendar with these special opportunities to worship our crucified, buried, and risen Savior this week (see p. 4). On Easter Sunday, and for the entire season of Easter, we will follow the order of Divine Service, Setting 1, which many of you remember. It is the same Service of Word and Sacrament that has been handed down to us, although some of the canticles are different and all the music is different. Please note these changes: The opening sentences and our corporate Confession are different, based on 1 John 1:8-9 and other penitential Scriptures. The Kyrie is expanded, from the short three-part Kyrie to a responsive prayer with short petitions. The congregation responds to each petition: Lord, have mercy. The hymn of praise, This is the Feast, is highly appropriate for the Easter season, and is drawn from the eternal hymn of praise that angels and saints sing in heaven, based on Revelation 5:12-13, 19:5-9. The three-fold Alleluia and the Verse are taken from John 6:68. 1

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THE REDEEMER MESSENGER1600 South Center StreetMarshalltown, IA 50158

Pastor Post Cell Phone: 641-758-1915Pastor Post e-mail: [email protected]


APRIL 2015

Another Musical Setting of the Divine Service

Dear brothers and sisters of our Lord Jesus Christ:Holy Week is here, and our Lord Jesus draws near to us

once again with His Word of forgiveness and salvation. Pleasemark your calendar with these special opportunities to worship ourcrucified, buried, and risen Savior this week (see p. 4).

On Easter Sunday, and for the entire season of Easter, wewill follow the order of Divine Service, Setting 1, which many ofyou remember. It is the same Service of Word and Sacrament thathas been handed down to us, although some of the canticles aredifferent and all the music is different. Please note these changes:

The opening sentences and our corporate Confession aredifferent, based on 1 John 1:8-9 and other penitential Scriptures.

The Kyrie is expanded, from the short three-part Kyrie to aresponsive prayer with short petitions. The congregation respondsto each petition: Lord, have mercy.

The hymn of praise, This is the Feast, is highly appropriatefor the Easter season, and is drawn from the eternal hymn of praisethat angels and saints sing in heaven, based on Revelation 5:12-13,19:5-9.

The three-fold Alleluia and the Verse are taken from John6:68.


The Offertory is Psalm 116:12-13, 17-19. We render to theLord a sacrifice of thanksgiving and call on His Name just beforeHe feeds us with His true Body and Blood.

The Prayer of Thanksgiving blesses our Lord for sendingHis Son to bear our sin and be our Savior, asking that God wouldgrant us faithfully to eat His Body and drink His Blood.

The Post-Communion Canticle, “Thank the Lord,”encourages us to proclaim God’s promises to everyone and topraise Him for keeping His promises.

The Post-Communion Collect asks God to keep us in thetrue faith throughout the pilgrimage of this life until we celebratethe marriage feast of the risen Lamb in His Kingdom, which hasno end.

“Then I looked, and I heard around the throne and the living creatures and the elders the voice of many angels,

numbering myriads of myriads and thousands of thousands, sayingwith a loud voice,

“Worthy is the Lamb Who was slain, to receive power and wealth and wisdom and might and honor and

glory and blessing!” And I heard every creature in heaven and on earth and under the

earth and in the sea, and all that is in them, saying,

“To Him Who sits on the throne and to the Lambbe blessing and honor and glory and might forever and ever!”

And the four living creatures said, “Amen!”and the elders fell down and worshiped.

- Revelation 5:11-14— Pastor Alex Post


USHERS FOR APRILKen Breinig, Pat Lowry, Lou Riese,

Chad Callaway, Byron Rhodes

GREETERSApril 5 Pat and Bonnie Lowry

12 Byron and Sandy Rhodes19 Louis and Jan Riese26 Joe and Jana Robertson

FELLOWSHIP COFFEE April 5 Easter Breakfast

12 Shirley Ohlschlager, Anna Jass19 Richard and Bernita Zitzow26 Paul and Linda Schaper

ATTENDING ELDERSApril 2 Dennis Sickels, Brad Sickels (Maundy Thursday)

3 Roger Mathews, Ken Breinig (Good Friday)

5 Charlie Swanson, Steve Runge (Easter Sunday)

8 Keith Egger12 Roger Mathews, Brian Mohr19 Pat Lowry, Dennis Smith22 Steve Runge26 Ken Breinig, Dennis Sickels

AUDIO VIDEO TECHApril 5 Charlie Swanson

12 Keven Kirk19 Steve Runge26 Warren Nash


HOUSE OF COMPASSIONThank you to everyone who helped cook and serve on March 3rd. Your willingness to help is much appreciated. In 2015 we will be cooking and serving the 1st Tuesday of every month. Our nextserving date is Tuesday, April 7th. Cooking starts at 2 p.m. andserving begins at 4:30 p.m. If you would like to volunteer, pleasecontact Nancy DeKock, 753-7878.


“I have no use for cranks who despise music, because it isa gift of God. Next after theology, I give to music thehighest place and the greatest honor.”


Martin Luther’s Little Instruction Book

WORSHIP WITH US DURING HOLY WEEK!Palm Sunday: 3/29 @ 9 amPray the Litany: Monday 3/30-Friday 4/3 @ 12:15 pmHoly Wednesday: Corporate Confession & Absolution @ 7pmMaundy Thursday: Divine Service 4/2 @ 7 pmGood Friday: Divine Service 4/3 @ 7 pmEaster Sunday: Divine Service 4/5 @ 8 amEaster Breakfast: 4/5 @ 9:15 am


Grace is knowing that a higher power willprovide us with whatever we need toovercome any obstacle.

Completing 60 quilts for World Relief were: Deloris Clayton, Ethel Tietje, Adeline Brown,Evelyn Gummert and Geneve Wetherbee.

These ladies have also made some quilts for a garage sale to be heldlater in the year and 5 baby quilts for the new babies at Redeemer. "WHAT AN ACCOMPLISHMENT!"

The 60 quilts need to be taken to Ankeny for pickup by the WorldRelief truck on April 18th. If there is anyone who can help with thisplease notify Deloris Clayton - 752-9527.

A word of appreciation to the family of Geneve Wetherbee for theirdonations to the quilters.

We were happy to have Anna Jass & Myrna Burmester at ourFebruary meeting and Jana Robertson in March. All ladies ofRedeemer are always welcome to take part in LWML meetings andactivities. Myrna has volunteered to help on the Flower Committee.

Melanie Sickles will check into the purchase of new coffee serversfor the tables.

Shirley Ohlschlager ordered new Birthday & Sympathy cards whichare on display in the Parish Hall along with the Get Well cards.

A big thank you to Barb Blake and Linda Smith who cut and finished12 new Baptismal napkins.

The treasurer's book was audited by Shirley Breinig and found ingood order. Thanks Shirley for your service.

Plans are being made for the Easter potluck breakfast immediatelyafter the 8AM service. Watch the Sunday bulletin for more details.


Food donations will be appreciated. Easter lilies have been orderedby the Flower Committee.

April 18th is the Marshalltown Zone Rally at Trinity in Dillon. Pastor Maddick and Susan Christ will present the program on theHoly Land. Call Deloris Clayton for reservations, or if you needtransportation to the rally.

Next meeting is Thursday, April 16th at 9:30 AM. Topic on page 16of the Spring Quarterly, "Seedy Characters." Join us for a morningof Bible study and fellowship.

Mark your calendars for June 25-28 for the 36th Biennial Conventionof the LWML in the Iowa Event Center in Des Moines. More detailscan be found on the LWML website: ( a wonderful opportunity to gather with other LWML membersfrom all over the USA.

Delores Popp



Thank you to all of you who have contributed to our soup suppersbefore this year's Lenten services. Special thanks to those who makethe soups, but without all of you bringing the sandwiches and dessertsas well, these would not happen. It is a great time of togethernesswith Christian friends.

Just an update for you on things happening at Redeemer this comingquarter of April, May and June. First is our annual Easter breakfaston April 5th at 9:15 following our 8:00 service. This will be apotluck brunch just like our other quarterly brunches. We reallyappreciate and are continually amazed at the variety and amount offood that is brought in for these events. The LWML is really incharge of this breakfast, but our Assimilation Board is ready andwilling to help out.

May 3rd, during the Sunday School/Bible Class hour, we will havea special time where everyone can plant and take home a flower toplant in your garden or just enjoy in your home. As we watch theseplants grow and bloom, hopefully we will be reminded of how God'sword and the sacraments help our faith to grow and bloom where weare planted as well.

Looking ahead to June 13th, we are planning a trip to Des Moines, tosee the I-Cubs play. It is a Saturday evening game and we will carpool from the church. A sign-up sheet and more details will follownext month. Put the date on your calendar now.

That takes care of the next three months' activities. Once again thankyou for your cooperation and participation in these events.

Sandy RhodesDirector, Board of Assimilation



Redeemer Lutheran Church Council was called to order at 7:02PM by President Keith Egger. The Collect for the FourthSunday in Lent was read as an opening prayer. John 7: 14 -24 served as a Bible study.

MEMBERS PRESENT: President: Keith Egger; Pastor AlexPost; Board of Elders: Steve Runge; Financial Secretary:Charles Swanson; Board of Stewardship: Brian Mohr; Board ofAssimilation: Sandy Rhodes; Board of Social Ministry: NancyDeKock; Board of Church Property: Edwin Wignall andPresident Secretary: Rebecca Baedke.MEMBERS ABSENT: Second Vice President: Bruce Johnsonand Treasurer: Sam Zoske.VACANT POSITIONS: First Vice President, Director of ParishEducation; Board of Evangelism and Director of Youth Ministry.

The agenda was accepted as presented with an addition ofLutherans for Life event opportunities at Redeemer. Theminutes of the previous month were read. Sandy moved, witha second from Ed to approve the minutes as read. Motioncarried. The special February 22, 2015, meeting minutes wereread. Nancy moved, with a second from Brian to approve theminutes as read. Motion carried.

STATISTICAL REPORT: Last month attendance averagesavailable were: Sunday morning: 68; Wednesday evening: 29;Sunday school: 7; Adult Bible class: 26. Member totals lastmonth were 315 Baptized and 251 Communicant. Memberchanges were attributed to the death of Geneve Wetherbee onFebruary 1, 2015; Amy McKibben was received as atransferred member from Trinity Lutheran, Conroy, Iowa, EliMcKibben was received by child profession of faith and NolanJames McKibben, infant son of Michael and Amy McKibbenwas received through baptism. Members removed during the


annual meeting included Jill Burger, Damien Burger, MasonBurger, Travis Hoffpauir, April Hoffpauir, Noah Barbieri,Richard Bellile and Deanna Galbreath.

FINANCIAL REPORT: Sam Zoske absent and CharlesSwanson present. Financial reports were reviewed. Edmoved, with a second from Brian to approve the reports assubmitted. Motion carried.

BOARD OF ELDERS: Director Steven Runge reported on theMarch 12 meeting:1. Readings from I & II Timothy served as a devotion andprelude to a study the book “Pastors and Elders”.2. Communion assignments were designated for April.3. A service of Corporate Confession and Absolution willbe scheduled on Wednesday, April 1 at 7:00 PM.4. Easter Sunday service, April 5, will be at 8:00 AMfollowed by breakfast at 9:15 AM. 5. Pastor Post made 34 pastoral care visits last month. 6. Elder zones were assigned.7. Non-attending member visits and challenges of reachingpeople without land line phones was discussed.8. The next Elder’s meeting will be Thursday, April 9 at7:00 PM.

BOARD OF STEWARDSHIP: Director Brian Mohr reported2016 envelopes were ordered. Lutheran Witness subscriptionswill be accepted over the next few weeks.

BOARD OF ASSIMILATION: Director Sandy Rhodes reported:2. Sandy and Nancy mailed 85 newsletters in February at acost of $41.65. These are in addition to those emailed or putin church mailboxes as requested. All members should now bereceiving a newsletter each month. The LWML ladies will beassisting with these ladies. 4. Sunday, February 15, Court Whist was enjoyed.


6. Lenten soup suppers have had 30 to 42 people attend withone more to follow.8. Easter brunch is being planned for Sunday, April 5, with theLWML.10. May 3rd, a planting activity will take place during Bibleclass and Sunday school.12. Saturday, June 13, an I-Cubs game will be attended.14. Sunday, July 19, will be another quarterly brunch followingthe worship service.16. September 20 will be a Bingo afternoon at churchbeginning at 3:00 pm.18. Sunday, October 18, will be another quarterly brunchfollowing the worship service.20. Sunday, October 25th, we will see the Church BasementLadies at the Old Creamery Theater22. Sunday, November 15, a bowling event will be plannedaround 3:00 pm.24. Saturday, December 5, the church will be decorated forChristmas.26. Sunday, December 13, will be Christmas carolingbeginning at 3:00 pm.28. Saturday, January 9, the Christmas decorations will betaken down and put away.

BOARD OF SOCIAL MINISTRY: Director Nancy DeKockreported March 3 Redeemer members served about 40 peoplean evening meal at the House of Compassion and will nextserve on Tuesday, April 7. Jana Robertson is now deliveringthe donated food items to the Emergency Food Box. Nancy willprepare the Portals of Prayer to be received on Sunday. TheHouse of Compassion is in need of donations.

BOARD OF PARISH EDUCATION: Position vacant. Noreport.

BOARD OF EVANGELISM: Position vacant. No report.


BOARD OF CHURCH PROPERTY: Director Edwin Wignallreported the furnace was installed in the kitchen February 26and March 6 the air conditioner was added. March 12 multiplebulbs throughout the church were replaced. On March 19th thepiano was tuned. The cross was moved above the altar onMarch 19. A special thanks to Chad Callaway, his employeeJeff and Roger Mathews for making this move. An outlet bythe furnace and water heater was talked about and will bediscussed with the Fire Marshall at their next inspection.

PRESIDENT REPORT: President Egger reported Redeemerreceived $699 Thrivent Choice Dollars for March making$1,149 the total received in 2015.

OLD BUSINESS: 1. Brian shared a letter which he sent to family membersresponsible for undesignated memorial funds received. Askingtheir interest in directing their funds to the men's restroomproject or any specific future project. 2. Men's room remodeling contractor and plumber met aboutplans and scheduling. New plumbing fixtures, dividers andflooring are planned.3. The parsonage roof project was discussed. Estimatedcosts for shingles and contractor labor are being gathered.

NEW BUSINESS: 1. An unsolicited proposal was received from our organmaintenance company, to rebuild our organ. The current lowvoltage wiring was done with double cotton covered waximpregnated wire and has been banned since the 1970s. Various additions would be added or updated to make richerand fuller sound. Replacing electro-mechanical control of theorgan pipes with digital electronics allows recording andplayback of organ music - similar to a player piano. Theproposed project has a cost of $64,090.62. The organ iscurrently valued at $407,145.00 and was installed in 1958 or1959. An organ refurbishment fund may be established to


receive donations toward this future project. A companyrepresentative is willing to meet with interested persons todemonstrate possible options or features.2. Former Lutherans for Life president, Linda Bartlett, wouldlike to lead a presentation at Redeemer and invite surroundingchurches to discuss the failure of sex education in thechurches and a new direction in speaking of our identity asbaptized children of God.3. Pastor Post is planning a speaking engagement atRedeemer this fall as the Life Coordinator for Iowa DistrictEast. The topic will also be our identity as baptized children ofGod. Area congregations will be invited.4. Nancy shared a letter from the Stork's Nest about the needfor diapers and other items. Interested donors may contactNancy for details.

This Church Council will next meet on Thursday, April 16, 2015at 7:00 PM. Following a motion by Brian, and second byNancy, the motion carried for the meeting to adjourn at 8:45PM. Pastor Post lead the Luther's Small Catechism's EveningPrayer as a close for the meeting.

Respectfully submitted,

Rebecca J Baedke


Choose Life, But Rev. Dr. James I LambExecutive Director, Lutheran’s for Life

Remember the giving of the Ten Commandments? God didnot go into Egypt and say, “Here are My commands. Keep these andI will see what I can do about getting you out of here.” No, God gotthe Israelites out of there first. He did it by the blood of the PassoverLamb. He did it by destroying their enemies in the waters of the RedSea. He brought them to Sinai and said, “I am the LORD your God,who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house ofslavery” (Exodus 20:2). He starts with His redemptive work, then Hegives the commandments. In other words, He redeemed them andthen told them how redeemed people are to live.

We are God’s redeemed people. He redeemed us through theblood of Jesus our Passover Lamb. He destroyed our enemies of sinand death and the devil in the waters of Baptism. His Spirit lives inus. We can trust Him, and we can make good choices based on Hiscommandments.

Most of us life-affirming folks love the phrase, “ChooseLife.” That’s good. But when using this phrase among God’speople, something else needs to come first. The choice of life flowsfrom trusting in our God who gave us life. This in turn flows fromfaith in God who has given us new life in Jesus. You may not be ableto trust a god who says, “Choose Life or else.” But you can mostcertainly trust in a God who says, “I chose to give My life for you.”

So, when the Christian is faced with that crisis pregnancy orthat end of life decision, our first question should not be, “Whatwould God have me do?” Rather we should remind ourselves ofwhat God has done for us in Jesus Christ. This assures us that Heloves us, forgives us, and will be with us to strengthen us. Thisassures us that nothing is ever hopeless. Then the “What would Godhave me do?” question really doesn’t even need to be asked. It isusually pretty clear anyway! We can choose life because we have aGod who chose us.

This is what we mean when we say Lutherans For Life equipsLutherans to be “Gospel-motivated Voices For Life.” We want


CHURCH PHOTO DIRECTORIES are available in the churchoffice for $6.00 each. If you are interested and would like one,please stop by and pick one up.

We would behonored by your


House of CompassionVolunteer Banquet

St. Henry’s Catholic Church211 West OliveMarshalltown

Monday, April 205:30 p.m.

Please join us as we serve you in gratitude for the service youhave given to others.

everyone to choose life, but we do not start with the FifthCommandment. We start with the Second Article of the Apostles’Creed. We start with the incarnation of our God in the person ofJesus and His suffering, death, and resurrection on our behalf.

Then we can go to the first Commandment and say, “I willhave no other gods before this, my redeeming God.” Then we can goto the Fifth Commandment and say, “I will respect and honor all lifeas a gift from God. I will not hurt nor harm. I will love my neighboras myself. I will speak up for those who cannot speak.”

So, choose life, but first . . . trust in your God who has chosenyou in Christ.


FOR PARENTSHelp your children to recognizethe different places in our worshipwhere we speak of Jesus’resurrection. (The Creed is a goodexample.) Point out some of thesymbols in the sanctuary thatmight aid in the understanding ofthe resurrection. Remind themthat we join in His resurrectionthrough our Baptism!

Kids in the

Divine Service____________________________________________________________________________________________________________

If all Jesus had to do was die, then why is Easter such a big deal?

Easter is a very important day. Easter is the day that we celebrateJesus’ resurrection from the dead.

After Jesus was crucified, Hisdisciples were very sad. Everything seemed lost. It seemedlike their God and Friend had beendefeated and killed. They hadeven forgotten that Jesus told themHe would rise from the dead. They must have thought MaryMagdalene was crazy when shetold them Jesus had come to her atthe tomb where He was buried. But her story was true! Jesus wasalive! He had really risen from the dead!

Later, Jesus appeared to His disciples many times to prove He wasalive. And by His resurrection, He proved to the whole world thatHe was victorious over death and paid for our sins completely. Now,the first words you hear in church on Easter Sunday are: “The Lordis risen. He is risen indeed! ALLELUIA!”


“FOREIGN FOOD FAIR” Deloris Clayton and Ethel Tietje at the “Foreign Food Fair”at IowaVeterans Home!


Friday, April 24

7:00 PM

Rev. Jonathan Fisk: Broken

Never Follow a Rule in Order to Justify Yourself. Seriously.

Everyone is invited to this Great Presentation!

“The Dark Secret of Christianity in America is that we are losing. We hide it with light shows, Christian dance and music, and videogames, but it’s true. And it’s not new.”