the reluctant sysadmin : 360|idev austin 2010

The Reluctant SysAdmin Managing the Server side of a Client- Server iPhone App Jen Harvey, Voxilate @jen_h 360|iDev Austin Nov 10 2010 Wednesday, November 17, 2010

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The Reluctant SysAdmin

Managing the Server side of a Client-Server iPhone App

Jen Harvey, Voxilate@jen_h

360|iDev AustinNov 10 2010

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

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• Me: Network security background, OSS & Linux fangirl

• Currently: Co-founder of Voxilate with Steven Hugg

• Last year: Traveling the country while bootstrapping the company, building iPhone apps on the road

A little background...

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• HeyTell Voice Messenger allows users to share short voice messages & location

• Released February 2010

• Have been building, managing, deploying, re-deploying, updating, expanding, scaling on the road ever since...

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• Map of travels, 360iDev San Jose!

360|iDev San Jose!

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Current Objectives• Keep over 1 million users happy &

using our app

• Maintain respectable uptime & performance while adding new features & expanding our reach

• Get a little sleep at night

• Share what we’ve learned so that others who embark on similar journeys can also sleep!

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• Why a Server?

• Choose Your Poison

• Build It Out

• Lock It Down

• Maintain & Monitor

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So...why would you want to run a server


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Metrics!• What metrics are valuable to you?

• Number of total users

• Number of active users per day/month/year

• Number of whatever-it-is-you-do all day (for us, submitted messages)

• Number of customers vs. users

• Busiest times of day/week/month?

grep is


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Track app usage & errors

•Speed customer support

•Understand how users really use your app

•Be alerted when errors occur

•Really useful for beta testing to determine app viability

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Provide value-added content

• Virtual goods or in-app purchase goodies

• User-to-User or User-to-Public content sharing

• Run your own analytics or ad servers

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Basic Web Server

• Informational site for game

• Customer service site

• FAQ hosting

• Note: This is not what we’re focusing on in this talk, but the info here is pretty general purpose! :)

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Control your own Push Notifications

• Don’t need an external service (free)

• Can be a little painful to set up, but resources & libraries exist on web for PHP, Java, Python, Ruby...

• Additional insight when users run into Push Notification issues

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Your systems

Apple’s systems

iPhone Client

App Store Receipt checking

• Verify user is a customer before enabling feature

• To gather real-time statistics: piracy trends, conversion rates for freemium apps

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#1 reason to use a server component?

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Your server is your app’s engine

Image courtesy of Richard Smith/gocarts on flickr:, November 17, 2010

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Choose Your Poison

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We’re lucky! So many hosting options!

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Cloud: Infrastructure as a Service

• Pay-as-you-go systems deployment

• Amazon Web Services (EC2, S3, RDS, ELB, ...)

• Microsoft Azure

• VMWare vCloud

• Rackspace Cloud (formerly Mosso)

• ...Wednesday, November 17, 2010

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Cloud: Platform as a Service• Write your app for the platform,

interact via API, provider handles scaling and administrative tasks:

• Heroku (for Ruby enthusiasts, built on EC2)

• Google App Engine (Java, Python, JRuby...)

• Engine Yard (Ruby)

• ...Wednesday, November 17, 2010

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Virtual Private Servers (VPS)

• You pay for a dedicated server, sometimes a VM, sometimes hardware

• Rackspace

• Slicehost

• Linode

• ...

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Your Mom’s Basement

• Or your office.

• You don’t find sleep essential, do you?

• (No, really, this is fantastic if you have a large team & money to build out...but as an indie, you are likely to have neither)

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• What’s your preferred language & OS? Write and work with what you know!

• How much responsibility/flexibility/portability do you want/need to have?

• What’s your budget? GAE & AWS have free tiers to give you a taste & likely have enough horsepower to start with.

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My advice:Go with what you

know & feel comfortable with

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We chose Amazon Web Services

• Quick & flexible & full of building blocks:

• Load balancers

• Hosted MySQL & SimpleDB

• Multiple availability zones

• Lots of h/w & memory configs

• S3 redundant storageWednesday, November 17, 2010

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And...• Great APIs: Command line tools & lots

of libraries

• Can script anything or integrate w/web app

• Can do some management tasks from phone

• Huge user community - many ways to obtain support

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• Quick & simple to prototype system architecture

• Easy to bring up identical-to-production test beds with same configuration as production - but with discrete & separate security grouping

• Published Service Level Agreement and Security Practices documentation

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• Handle scaling (& everything else) yourself - just because your app is “in the cloud,” doesn’t mean it automatically scales

• Harder to set up, pre-built machine images available, but still need to customize/secure

• Instances are ephemeral (but I like this because of the way it forces you to architect)

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Build It Out

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A note on scaling early• Be prepared to do it

• Know it’s coming if you’re successful and architect/code with the understanding that you’re the guy/gal who’s going to have to make it work when it comes

• Don’t overarchitect early on

• Slow, hypeless ramp-up & predictable viral growth can help here

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Cool! We have a Enterprise-Grade(TM)horizontal webscale scaling solution!

Uh, it’s getting corrupted every

12 hours.



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Build with security in mind

• Develop & build your custom software with security in mind

• You know what anomalous behavior is/can be

• Put on the adversary’s hat - what could they do? What’s the worst outcome? Is it worth building in protection for certain scenarios?

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The Voltron Principle

Individual components join to build the ultimate defender of the universe

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• Single Linux-based machine image we use to build everything on top of

• Document changes for future migrations (I ♥ script)s

• On deployment, bolt-on the pieces we need & config changes

• If a host goes down, we can bring up an identical host in known state in minutes, swap out their IPs and run the post-mortem once we’ve normalized

Voltron Core

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• Essential logs & configuration files periodically stored on S3

• Rotate logs frequently, especially as you grow

• Don’t store passwords or keys in configs, populate these on deploy (I abuse sed, you may use something more elegant)

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Load balancer

Security Infrastructure


storage Cache

Base AMI

Application Core

Notification server

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But some days...

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Assume everything will fail

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Ready to setup our new domain name?

Hey, do CNAMEs have a “.” at the


D’OH!Let’s wait 2

hours for it to expire...

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Find your possible points of failure (rusty robot joints)

• DNS - if your hostname doesn’t resolve, your app can’t get home

• Are backups working?

• Storage and/or database - what happens when/if they go away?

• DDoS (intentional or not...)

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• Deal with small amounts of failure gracefully (cache, limited functionality)

• Don’t put your web server & application server components on the same *anything*

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But you will, without a doubt, run into a ‘flesh wound’ issue

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How you handle it is pivotal

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The database is bogged down. I think this one feature is causing it.

Does anyone even know we have that


That feature’s GONE!

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• Twitter

• Facebook

• Respond to customer support emails (have cut & pastable friendly response - small team has no time for personal emails in crisis)

• You may feel like it’s the end of the world, but this, too, shall pass

Customer Communication == Key

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Hey, guys, Justin Bieber just announced he’s using us on Twitter!

Cool. Who’s that?

Gah! Server’s melted! Users


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Helpful tip for high-traffic systems

• If you’re looking to max out connections on a single Linux-based system, think about:

• Memory & file handles (see also: ulimit tweaking)

• Connection tracking as relates to memory (look up netfilter/tcp stack tweaking)

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Lock it Down

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Yes, security is your problem

• If you are storing users personal information, you are subject to laws and regulations in the US, specific states, and foreign countries

• Many jurisdictions define personal information differently

• Most regulations require a written policy and best practices for security

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So what’s best practices?

• Secure your perimeter

• Secure your services

• Detect, alert on, and block suspicious activity

• Protect your users and encrypt user information in transit and at rest

• Have written policies and plans

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Secure Your Perimeter• AWS has (at least) two walls

• One is its “security group” context

• One is your image’s local firewall

• Block everything by default, open only the ports you need

• No root login

• Passwordless login only (use key pairs)

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Secure your services

• Services should not run as root (for ex., www-data for apache2)

• Service usernames should not have shell login access

• Monitor for security vulnerabilities & upgrade when needed

• Build security into custom software

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For host-based intrusion detection - I love OSSEC:

• Quick & easy, lightweight, Open Source, free

• Alerts on logs - extensive default ruleset but can customize alerting for your specific app

• Daily Tripwire & rootkit checks

• Active response: can block IPs on suspicious behavior

Detect & Alert

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• If you need to store user information, encrypt in transit and at rest

• If you need data from your systems locally, use encryption end-to-end -- down to encrypting your drive

• Use SSL in the great wide world, it’s not that hard!

Protect Your Users

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Why use SSL?

• Protects your users from sending personal data over the Internet in the clear

• Protects you from neophyte reverse engineers

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On Using SSL

• EC2 Load Balancer now allows SSL termination - https to the LB, http inside data center

• Small & bootstrapped like us? Use StartSSL - free certs. Go to someone like DigiCert for nifty wildcard certs once you’ve got the resources.

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User Passwords

• Many users will use the same password for everything--banks & FourSquare.

• There’s nothing you can do about it.

• Databases full of email addresses and passwords are attractive targets for this reason

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Don’t be an attractive target...don’t make personal information necessary to use the service, if at all possible

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Allow mechanisms for users to update or clear their information at any time without your intervention

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Whenever possible, educate users about protecting their privacy (this leads to all good - more educated users, fewer complaints, more trust, more goodwill, more/happier users!)

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• Have a policy for purging data/accounts/etc. that you don’t need and follow it

• Automate this or build it into the app if you can

• Have a written policy for data breaches and intrusions

• Write down instructions for yourself-- this’ll keep you sane if you ever have a real breach or a false alarm

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• Keep a list of the services you use, one quick & dirty thing to do is scrape vulnerability feeds like feed:// for your service names

• When security issues are reported and new versions released, patch out of band, test, replace (pretty easy to do with EC2!)

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Your users & piece of mind are totally

worth it! This will save you

time & sanity in the long run

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Maintain & Monitor

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Planning Maintenance

• If you can, use a load balancer and switch out backend servers

• Have backup systems in working state for fall-back

• Track usage statistics throughout your app’s lifetime - schedule maintenance for “slowest” time period

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00 02 04 06 08 10 12 14 16 18 20 22


The User Rollercoaster(# connections/hour, GMT)

Sunday, 11:00 GMT it is, then.

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Keep a Calendar

• Keep a calendar of important dates:

• Developer certificate expirations

• SSL certificate expiration

• APNS certificate expiration

• Domain name registry expiration

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Monitor Uptime• Check out Pingdom - set thresholds to

be alerted when servers are slow or inaccessible

• Configure OSSEC to alert on conditions that precipitate an “issue”

• Set alerts or automated account recharges for *everything* that could block app functionality

• Make sure someone’s always accessible

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Hey, the server’s down. Where are you guys?

I’m on a BOAT!

I’m on a PLANE, yo!

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HeyTell Systems Uptime






Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov

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Downtime, Minutes






Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov

99.2% uptime == 350 minutes == 5.8 hours!!

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Total Downtime:1.5 days

Uptime: 99.48%

(uptime sounds sexy; downtime...not so much)

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Managing on the Run

• Phone SSH client (CommandBot on Droid, iSSH on iPhone)

• EC2 Management client (Decaf on Droid, iAWSManager on iPhone)

• Separate Support Account email setup on phone

• Notepad app with customer support FAQ answers

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Other lifesavers on the run

• Reliable 3G service

• Mobile broadband card and/or tethering setup

• Netbook or small laptop

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Summary• On hosting: Go with what you know

• Architect with failure & future scaling issues in mind

• Lock it down: Keep your data & your users safe

• Monitoring & maintenance: Make your systems work for you

• Good luck! You can do it!

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References & Links


Pingdom uptime cheatsheet:

AWS Free Tier info:

AWS Security Doc:

TCP stack tweakage:

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email: [email protected]: @jen_h

Wednesday, November 17, 2010