the role of rules

By Rio Fredericco ARTICLE SERIES #7 “Let’s Talk About Game!”

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Post on 16-Jul-2015




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By Rio Fredericco

ARTICLE SERIES #7 “Let’s Talk About Game!”

A frequently asked question in game design is

“How to determined the game rules?”

Knowing the rules is the first thing

every one should do before they get into a game, either as players or


However, perhaps what actually matters is

“How do you want it to be played?” Two groups of people might be playing the same game at the same time, but they may play it by different rules. How to play, after all, is always up to the players’ agreement. The only task of a game designer is to try and accomodate it in the best possible way.

One thing that should be remembered about the rules is to

never let it ruin the fun part of the game. As for the basic tips in making rules, let’s take a look at a few of them :

1. Balance : Rules should provide balance, between players and also for the whole game.

Make it fair. Duration can also be balanced by the applied rules and it is usually the easiest way to determine an end game.

2. Make-believe :

Be aware of the logic of your rules because the players will

definitely do.

Be reasonable

You don’t have to completely copying real life logics, but

nobody would appreciate being punished for doing the right


3. Be Prepared: A game designer should be aware of any loopholes and make sure they don’t disrupt the main gameplay. Test your game over and over to find out.

Make modifications when necessary, but stay in line with the game core.

4. Possibilities : However, rules should not eliminate options. Too much restrictions and you may end up with limited possibilities and alternatives way of playing, which may bored the players.

Don’t make any rules unless it’s really necessary.