the rotary club of campbelltown (sa) inc...1 the rotary club of campbelltown (sa) inc.-club...

1 THE ROTARY CLUB of CAMPBELLTOWN (SA) Inc. - Club NEWSLETTER Meeting: 2369 Date: 25 th June 2017 Postal Address PO Box 438 Campbelltown SA 5074 Telephone:0418 834 326 (Secretary) [email protected] Club Secretary Email: [email protected] Web: Shed contact numbers: Arrange Pickups: 8337 3377; Bulletin Editor: Bruce Barnes – Phone 0407 724 699, email for Bulletin correspondence only: [email protected] Rotary International President: Ian Riseley District Governor 9520: Bob Cooper Board of Directors:- PRESIDENT Elizabeth Gagliardi VICE PRESIDENT Damian Leach PRESIDENT ELECT Babu Kanagasbai IMM PAST PRESIDENT Bryan Schell SECRETARY David Fenton TREASURER Lee Aldenhoven COMMUNITY SERVICE Vince Belperio FELLOWSHIP Frank Augello FUNDRAISING John Russo INTERNATIONAL Brett Coombs MEMBERSHIP Reg Bennett NEW GENERATIONS Mary Lynch VOCATIONAL SERVICE Ruth Graf YOUTH SERVICES Nikki Rowe Special Projects Art Show Convener: Natty Heinrich Shed Convener: Brian Stevens CROE: Mal Hansen Club Service Officers:- Chairman: President Elect: Babu Kanagasabai Sergeant: Benny Bosman Attendance: Garth Holmes (0438 610 720 ) David Munro (0418 845 644 ) Historian: Ian Reddy Property: Bill Allan Public Officer: Jeff Neale Public Relations: Jeff Blanco Program: John Bennett Almoner: Tony Eddowes Photographer: Enzo Piperone Bulletin: Bruce Barnes (0407 724 699), [email protected] Auditor: Dean Fleming Risk Management: Michael McCabe Rotary Information Bryan Schell Social Media: Stephany Martin Sound Jeff Blanco / Vince Belperio Webmaster/Database: Margaret Northcote Meetings are at Hectorville Sports Club, 31 Fisher St Magill unless advised otherwisel Partners are always welcome. Please advise the Attendance Officer if bringing a guest to assist catering. Programme and Duty Roster DATE 3 rd July 10 th July 17 th July 24 th July Speaker(s) Tim Bowen Rotarian Behind the Badge na Subject Committee Meetings Training & Use of Defibrillator Nikki Rowe Club Assembly Chair Elizabeth Gagliardi Veronica Dottore Stan McPhee Elizabeth Gagliardi Fellowship Ian Reddy Brian Stevens Eric Webb John Bennett Plaques Pat Ruoltolo Paul Trotta Vic Agostinelli Fred Cetta Cashier 1 Nikki Rowe John Schubert Bill Allan Benny Bosman Cashier 2 Peter Rumbelow Brad Silby Neville Andrews Geoff Brett Steward 1 Enzo Piperone Jim Silvestri Bruce Barnes Jeff Blanco Steward 2 David Richards Tony Uren Peter Allen Rick Caldwell TIME 6:00pm for 6:30pm 6:00pm for 6:30pm 6:00pm for 6:30pm 6:00pm for 6:30pm

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Page 1: THE ROTARY CLUB of CAMPBELLTOWN (SA) Inc...1 THE ROTARY CLUB of CAMPBELLTOWN (SA) Inc.-Club NEWSLETTER Meeting: 2369 Date: 25th June 2017 Postal Address PO Box 438 Campbelltown SA





Meeting: 2369

Date: 25th June 2017 Postal Address

PO Box 438

Campbelltown SA 5074

Telephone:0418 834 326 (Secretary)

[email protected]

Club Secretary Email: [email protected] Web:

Shed contact numbers: Arrange Pickups: 8337 3377;

Bulletin Editor: Bruce Barnes – Phone 0407 724 699, email for Bulletin correspondence only: [email protected]

Rotary International President: Ian Riseley District Governor 9520: Bob Cooper

Board of Directors:-

PRESIDENT Elizabeth Gagliardi




SECRETARY David Fenton

TREASURER Lee Aldenhoven


FELLOWSHIP Frank Augello







Special Projects

Art Show Convener: Natty Heinrich

Shed Convener: Brian Stevens

CROE: Mal Hansen

Club Service Officers:-

Chairman: President Elect: Babu Kanagasabai

Sergeant: Benny Bosman

Attendance: Garth Holmes (0438 610 720 )

David Munro (0418 845 644 )

Historian: Ian Reddy

Property: Bill Allan

Public Officer: Jeff Neale

Public Relations: Jeff Blanco

Program: John Bennett

Almoner: Tony Eddowes

Photographer: Enzo Piperone

Bulletin: Bruce Barnes (0407 724 699),

[email protected]

Auditor: Dean Fleming

Risk Management: Michael McCabe

Rotary Information Bryan Schell

Social Media: Stephany Martin

Sound Jeff Blanco / Vince Belperio

Webmaster/Database: Margaret Northcote

Meetings are at Hectorville Sports Club, 31 Fisher St Magill unless advised otherwisel

Partners are always welcome. Please advise the Attendance Officer if bringing a guest to assist catering.

Programme and Duty Roster

DATE 3rd July 10th July 17th July 24th July

Speaker(s) Tim Bowen Rotarian Behind the



Subject Committee Meetings Training & Use of


Nikki Rowe Club Assembly

Chair Elizabeth Gagliardi Veronica Dottore Stan McPhee Elizabeth Gagliardi

Fellowship Ian Reddy Brian Stevens Eric Webb John Bennett

Plaques Pat Ruoltolo Paul Trotta Vic Agostinelli Fred Cetta

Cashier 1 Nikki Rowe John Schubert Bill Allan Benny Bosman

Cashier 2 Peter Rumbelow Brad Silby Neville Andrews Geoff Brett

Steward 1 Enzo Piperone Jim Silvestri Bruce Barnes Jeff Blanco

Steward 2 David Richards Tony Uren Peter Allen Rick Caldwell

TIME 6:00pm for 6:30pm 6:00pm for 6:30pm 6:00pm for 6:30pm 6:00pm for 6:30pm

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Changeover Luncheon

The changeover was held at the Marche Club on Sunday 25th June.

There were 131 in attendance including members,partners &

special guests . Special guests were DGE Bob Cooper &

Marilyn; AGE David Jones & Lyn ;Mayor Simon Brewer & Nina

; Member for Hartley Vincent Tarzia; Member for Morialta

John Gardiner & Trudi Mercurio & finally an extra special

guest Teineke


Incoming president Elizabeth Gagliardi was well supported by close

family & friends enjoying her special day to celebrate her induction as

President 2017-2018.

Similarly outgoing President Bryan Schell was well supported

by wife Shirley ,family & friends on a sterling, inspirational

,tireless effort throughout the year.

The afternoon began with MC Frank Orlando ; the Opening &

Welcome by President Bryan


Then toasts to partners & visitors to which Sue Crook gave a warm &

endearing lighthearted response.

A toast to Rotary International with a most affable response by DGE Bob Cooper .

President Bryan Schell gave a report on the 2016-2017 year. He especially thanked everyone involved , both

members & partners , office bearers, shed team & volunteers for their support & for together making the

world a better place. A special thanks to the Neale family at Paradise Motors for their ongoing support with

the van & truck & at other club events.Also a special thanks Sandy Hanson who has sold on Gum Tree $4400

from the Shed which her parents Mal & Val gather up weekly from the Shed .

He encouraged all Rotarians to wear your Rotary Pins & badges with pride & be able to respond when asked

“What is Rotary ?”

Bryan had a special thank you to his secretary Dean “Who has guided and organised me every week. Nothing

has been too much trouble for Dean,I remember my early meeting, Dean & Sergeant Lynton would say to me,

Just sit down and we will tell you when to move & speak, it worked . “

Bryan then called up each of the Directors to Report on their Committees Achievements for the year.

In finishing Bryan gave a few words regards the clubs achievements & for all to support Elizabeth, as they

have him. Bryan gave a special thanks to his wife Shirley “a tower of strength for me during the past year, &

especially over the past few months.. .”

Bryan then Inducted new President Elizabeth Gagliardi - Elizabeth

responded by congratulating past president Bryan Schell & his team for an

outstanding year & presenting both him & wife Shirley with some small

gifts which included a “Feather Duster “, that he promised to put to good

use !She then thanked & presented Past Secretary Dean Crook & Sue, Past

treasurer Ralph Holmes & Jenny with club gifts & flowers.

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This was then followed by introducing the Incoming Board & Committees.

Elizabeth then gave a speech outlining her future presidency & “Making a Difference “.

Fines Session by Seargeant Benny

Just as everyone were tucking into their delicious desserts & enjoying the festive ambience,Benny assisted

us all, by helping us to relieve ourselves of those spare coins that weigh us down so heavily & detract from

enjoying ourselves to the full !

The Magnificent , highly treasured & sought after Club Pineapple

award was presented to Babu which we know he will hold in pride of

place & be a worthy custodian.

Following the Raffle,(unfortuneately not everyone had the winning

tickets !) President Elizabeth closed the Changeover Luncheon

Meeting & gave her thought for the week. (see later in Newsletter )

The afternoon was enjoyed by all, with fellowship & great food &

service, in a top venue.

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Club Announcements

Report on Shed Sale held on 24/6/17 by Brian Stevens (shed convenor)

We held our last Shed Sale in President Bryans year last, Saturday and posted a solid result of $5680.00

for the month.

Sandy Hansen sent down $1040.00 from Gum Tree sales which was a great boost. Ruth Graf also had

Web Sales success with $55.00 in sales.

We did a non ferrous scrap metal run and netted $328.00.Mal Hansen & Nikki sold $134.00 off the BBQ.

The Shed sale has just finished & Almost everyone is still hard at work !

All in all , our Shed team has had a good year, the result of a lot of hard work, but always with good

fellowship, and I thank them all.

Paradise Motors & Spring Gully vehicles have been available as needed so a big thank you to Jeff & Eric.

Total sales for the year are close to $73,000 with costs of about $11,500.

So, let’s see how we go in Presidents Elizabeth’s Year.

Members are reminded of the Mayor’s Benefit Ball to be held on Saturday 26th August. The car raffle

will also be held on the night, First Prize being a Mazda 2 Neo supplied by Paradise Motors.

The event is being actively supported by the council.

About 200 tickets have been sold at this stage but the raffle sales are a little slower. Your support for

the event is encouraged. A flyer for the event is attached to this bulletin.

Birthdays, Anniversaries, Absences

Birthdays to 3rd July:Bruce Barnes (28th Jun),David Munro (29th Jun).

Induction Anniv. to 3rd July: Nikky Rowe (20th Jun),Brian Stevens(20thJun),Ivan Copely(26thJun)Bryan

Schell (27th Jun 2011)

Leave of Absence Register: Brad S (13 March 17 to 10 July 17), Ian D (1 July to 31 Aug 17, 20 Nov 17 to

10 Feb 18), Nettie and Manfred H (1 Jun to 31 Aug 17, 2 Oct to 28 Oct 17), Tony E ( 22 May to 26 Jun

17), Denise H (18 Aug to 27 Sep 17 ), Susan H ( 19 Jun to 26 Jul 17 )

Diary Dates

Every Tuesday at the shed: processing of goods received. A great social event for all members and

partners and the backbone of our fundraising.

Saturday 29th July – July Shed Sale, also preparations on the Friday morning prior

Sunday 9th July at Belair Park Country Club – District 9520 Changeover Luncheon

Saturday 26th August at Marche Club - Mayor’s Benefit Ball & Raffle. Proceeds to NE Community Hospital.

October 13th 2017 – The next CROE!!

March 23-25th 2018 at Tanunda – Joint District 9500 and 9520 District Conference.

Saturday 23-27th June 2018 – RI Conference Toronto Canada

Meeting Stats

Attendance: 83% Gold Pot: NA Sergeant: $52.20

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President Elizabeths Thought for the Week ( quote from Henry Ford )

“Coming Together is a beginning

Keeping together is progress

Working together is success ”.

Editor’s Corner

It is with great pleasure & some trepidation that I have taken over the reins from Ian Dunlop as your

Bulletin Editor. Ian has done a tremendous, professional job with the RCC Bulletin/Newsletter over

the years, personalising it with his thoughtful & witty editorials & content. I am very grateful that he

has mentored me ,at short notice, all things RCC ,both patiently & with good humour -Not just the

technical aspects but the higher ideals of presenting the newsletter, so it can shine a light on the great

work ,service, camaraderie, fun times etc done within RCC & be a resource for everyone involved.

Please, if you want to include anything or have any suggestions for the newsletter, please contact me.

I have my ” L plates on at the moment” so if you see anything I missed or overlooked please tell me.

Bon Voyage Ian & Pattie-RCC members & wordwide readers say a big Thank You for all you have done.

You can now be RCC ’s Roving Foreign Correspondents !

2017/18 Committees

Community Services Youth Services Director - Vince Belperio Director - Nikki Rowe

Bryan Schell Brad Silby

Don Marcoionni Denise Howard

Enzo Piperone Jim Silvestri

Frank Orlando Stephney Martin

Garth Holmes Ivan Copley

Jane Gascoigne Lynton Nicholas

Kevin Parken Margaret Northcote

Lou Dimech Michael McCabe

Peter Macaulay Vic Agostnelli

Susan Harris

Fundraising International Services Director - John Russo Director - Brett Coombs Benny Bosman Chris Gascoigne

Bill Allan David Munro

Brian Stevens Dean Fleming

David Richards Fee Chin

Eric Webb John Bennett

Ian Dunlop Maria Figg

Ian Reddy Mary Lynch

Joe Hudspith Milton Lewis

Mal Hansen Tony Lagozzino

Netty Heinrich

Paul Trotta

Peter Allan Stan McPhee

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Fellowship Membership Director - Frank Auguello Director - Reg Bennett

Anthony Farrugia Damian Leach

Connie Orlando Jeff Neale

Jeff Blanco Neville Andrews

Manfred Heinrich Pat Ruotolo

Michael Dilena Ralph Holmes

Mick Mitolo Tony Eddowes

Paul Eliseo Tony Uren

Peter Rumbelow Veronica Dottore

Reg Neale

Vocational Services

Director - Ruth Graf

Bruce Davis

Dean Crook

Fred Cetta

Geoff Brett Hans Graf John Schubert

Rick Caldwell

District Representation 2017/18

Member ARH-Indigenous Medical Scholarships: Jane Gascoigne

Chair -Centurion & Nat.Youth Science Forum: Margaret Northcote

Chair- Youth Services (Rotaract/Interact)& Youth leadership( RYPEN/RYLA) : Stephany Martin

Member- Rotary Aust World Community Services (RAWCS)-Central Region: Frank Orlando

Chair -Rotary Leadership Institute (RLI) & Coordinator-Youth Services, District Leadership: Damian Leach

Deputy Chair-Roadsafe Youth Driver Awareness

Deputy Chair—RAWCS- Rotarians Against Malaria

Advisor-National Youth Science Forum

Chair – International: Jim Silvestri: Brian Stevens

Chair: Rotary Youth Wellbeing (RYWELL): Lynton Nicholas

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