the san francisco call (san francisco) 1903-10-19 [p...

THE SAN FBAKClSCp CALL, MONDAY, OCTOBER 19, 1903. 8 SAK FRAJf CISCO CALL. BUSINESS OmCE of the Eaa Francisco Call, corner Market and Third atreeta; open until 12 o'clock every night In the year. BRANCH OFFICES—627 Montgop ery street, corner Clay; open until 9:30 p. _L 300 Hayes street; open until 9:30 p. m. ?39 McAllister street; open until 9:30 p. m. CIS Larkln street; open until 9:80 p. m. 1M1 Mission etreet: open untU 10 p. m. 22C1 Market street, corner Sixteenth; open cntll 9 p. m. . ;"". r 106 Eleventh etr« et; open until 9 p. m. 1006 Valencia etreet; open until 9 p. m. Northeast corner Church and Duncan streets; open until 9 p. m. Northwest corner of Twenty-second and Kentucky utreets; open until 9 p. m. 2200 FIHmore street; open until 9 p. r_ . MEETING NOTICES. ASYLUM of Golden Gate Coimnandery >£> No K. T.. 025 Sutter «t. Stated TSr assembly THIS EVENING at 8 Kjh o'clock. Order of Temple. All fra- *jff ters are courteously Invited. By or- der of the Commander. THEO FROLICH. Recorder. BAN FRANCISCO Chepter No. 1. R. A. J_ M.. nwfU THIS EVENING. Busi- 'Vy 'ness. Degrees 5 and «. f^r\ II . Q. PRINCE. Secretary. OCCIDENTAL Lodge No. 22. F. and A. £ M.—Called meeting THIS (MONDAY) VV" EVENING, at 7:30 o'clock. Second /V\ degree. By order of the Master. WALTER G. ANDERSON. Secretary. KING Solomon's Lodge No. 2G0. F. and A. M-. 1S:» Flllmo— at.— Third degree "V\F THIS EVENING at 7:30 o'clock. /Vi HARRY BAEHR. Secretary. DAMON Lodge No. 2, K. cf P.—Offi- -_tj£ cers _nd members are requested to attend our ne_t rc-_-_ls.r meeting. "^^t 5 -! Oct 20, 8 r>- ~.. to receive our grand chancellor. Members of aister lodges and eojournlng brothers are invited. Per order F. J. LEWIS. C. C. J. H. DAXTOX. K. of R. and S. XEIGHBORS of Ran Fran- -- ~jjjT Cisco Camp No. 437, """*»>_/ __ "El of the World— f-__rjSjST_7_«R Tru ere rrqut FTod to as- S_S*o »—^^f/G^f »»rr.h!e at U;e camp. 28«8 Mg ¦!.<*'> %!» ' Mission St.. TUESDAY. Oct. 20. 1903, at 1 p. m. sharp, to attend the funeral of our late neighbor, GEORGE H. TEWKSBURY. Place of Interment. Cy- press Lawn Cemetery. R. \V. PARKER. Consul Commander. H. J. McCLlNTOCK. Clerk. THE California Debris Commission having re- cel\-ed applications to mine by hydraulic prc~JB from E. C. Kavaneugh and William H. DuSTey. In Phillips mine, near Forest Hill, Plaoer County. Cal.. draining Into Mis- souri Creek, which reaches American River, and from North America Consolidated Gold Mining Company, in its mine near Glbson- vllle. Sierra County. Cal.. draining into west branch of Slate Creek, which reacheK Tuba River, gives notice that meeting will be held at room 96. Flood building. San FrancUsco, Cal.. November 2. 1903. at 1:30 p. in. AGENTS' WAXTED. TTANTED 100 bright energetic and thor- oughly reliable events, male or female, all over the Pacific Coa*t to present a strictly flrst-clasa business preposition. Box 4791, Call. BOAIIDING FOH CHILDREN. WANTED— A child to board; private family; mother's care. 1K>6 Hyde tt. ATTOnXEVS-AT-LAW. ADVICE FREE. OLD ESTABLISHED COLUMBIAN LAW _ COLLECTION AGENCY Able attorneys. Rm. 60. «lt> Market, oppo- site Emporium. Bad tenants ejected speedily end reason— bly. Collections, no matter how rmaJl, Attended to; a tt— chments ; bonds fur- nished: corporations organized; civil and crim- inal practice. Tel. John «K_iG. Open evgs. by _p- pcintmtnt. We solicit an interview with you. ADVICE FREE. ESTABLISHED __ YE-U-T Divorces a specialty. Private. Quick. KO PAT UNLESS SUCCESSFUL. G. W. HOWE, * Attorney and Counselor at Law. Open Evenlnr* 7 to a Phone Jeesie 4711. Crflces en First Floor Rooms 1. 2. 3. 4 and 5. 1122 Market St.. Between Mason and Taylor. Almost Opposite "Hale's" Dry Goods Store, ____________________ Practice In Federal and all State Courts. Attachments, divorce, mining, bankruptcy, prosecutions. *<ljustnien_5, corporations, pat- ents, estates, probate. Experienced ar.d Reliable Attorneys Engaged. Advice guaranteed Correspondence solicited. 611. 511A. SUB Crcssley Bldg. Tel. John 2v_«. N. E. Cor. New Montgomery and Mission Sts. ROBT. W. KING, atty-at-law. Examiner bid" room Cll; all ca*e«. damares. estates, wills. attachments, collections, etc.; consultation free: no advance charges: ca!l or write; evenlr.K? by appointment. Tel. rted 3601. ADVICE free—I wlJl advance cost In meritori- ous rases. dl\-crces. probate and all other Uw cares; no fees In advance; open every even- ir.C. 1. M. THfRSTON. Sia Market at. r. 3L WARNER TEMPLE. 8C Chronicle building; bankruiitey, accidents, probate and .matri- monial cases; labor liens. A. _I. EWING— Attorn ey-at-law. Room C12. Parrott bldg.: phone South 653. DIVORCE Costs. $12; quick, quiet; open even- lrsc«. 927 Market st. room 301. L. E. CLARK. Emma Spreckeis bldg.. 027 Mar- ket rt. ; consultation free; no fees In advance. AITKEN& AITKEN. attorneys, ri. 303-10-11. Clunie blflg.. -03 California at; tel. Main 727. ADVICE free; 00 charge unless successful; all Uw burfne*-. W. TV. Davidson. 027 Market ; niSIXESS CH AXCEs! f 1000 CASH, balance same as rent for grocery and' bar: less than stock and fixtures; run- ning 'J years: with 2-*tory cottage, 6 rooms and bath; let 25x100; 21rt and Douglass sta. OWING to continued Ill-health will sell best paying email coffee house south of Market rt. : no acerits. 1S5 Fourth at. PAPER route for sale; best bargain ever of- fered in Oakland. Box S40. Call. Oakland. }¦;.:.<-! AN established grocery business; whole or half Interest; splendid opportunity. Apply box 4TS4. Call office. FRI'IT store: 2 horses; 2 wagons; must be fold: sickn«^s. "Call 1545 Geary st. FOR sale Brunch bakc-ry; pood location; price fl75. 102 f i 1 ». Hyde. opp. power-house. FOR SALE—Mocha Restaurant 1759ft M!s- t-lcn st. ¦-. .'¦ LO13GI\G-HOL'SES FOR SALE. 100 HOOMS; house for men; rent $140. ..$4000 r.S rooms; south of Market; rent $100. 2000 _4 100ms; corner: part cash; bal. easy. 850 !Ijocraj; pood Income; rent $20 350 21 rooms; water front: rent $40; lease. 050 I"0 rooms; good lease; low rent G500 I" nas.; apartments; Western Add. ;rent 250 Money loanr-d at I p*r cent Hotels, rcadhouses. fiats, 5 to 100 rooms. EITEL & CARROLL. 212 Kearny st 10 ROOMS; McAllister -«.t.: complete as apart- tnent-house; carpets and furniture gcod; rent $37 50; bargain this week. $500. Grocery, 700 McAIUsut ft SPIRITUALISM. '" Pr.OF. Fred P. Evana. noted psychic for slate- writing and clairvoyance; stamp for circular. 1112 Eddy tt; nr. Octavia: phone Scott SS7. EDWARD EARLE. 1052 ZIU«. readings daily, »:30 to 4; seances Sunday and Thursday. CLAIRVOYANTS. MY Regular $3 Readings This Week for «1 II U $1 $1 $1 $1 PROFESSOR PAUL DESTINE * The First Registered Trance Clairvoyant and Palmist Ever In San Francisco , I do hereby solemnly agree and guarantee to make no charge If I fall to tell you your name, occupation and what you called for- I promise to tell you whether husband, wife or cweetheart is true or false; I tell you whom and arhen you will marry in fact I mill tell you every hope, fear or ambition better than you can tell yourself; 1 improve your character to that you will reach the highest possible development In mental vigor health, happiness and capacity to earn wealth; so you -.111 live happy and contented the rest of your life. Hours 10 a m to 8 p. -.; Sundays. 2 to 8. 326 O Farrell st. 326. MME. M. BERNARD. THB FAMOUS Clairvoyant and business medium, perma- neatly located at 17 Third st. next Examiner bldg.; ehe read* your life correctly, gives an accurate descriotlon of the past, reveals the present happenings and portrays events to occur In the future: If you are in trouble, dis- contented or not satisfied in life, or have do- mestic, love or buntness troubles, consult this great medium and you will be told how to overcome them; valuable advice tn all affairs of life; 23c up; satisfaction guaranteed* read- Inga by malL Tel. Black 4569.- IfMAR. the Egyptian gypsy, clairvoyant and palmist, permanently located at 1104 Market •t. nor. Turk; private readlnra dally, 10 a. ni. to 5 p. m .; readings by mall aa satisfac- tory aa In person; 3 questions answered, $1; full life, $5; send lock of hair, date and year ef birth: don't send currency. Send postofflce, ~ell_-Fargo money order or registered letter. A—MME. PORTER, scientific clairvoyant and card reader, born with a double veil and seo- ea_ Bight; tells the past, present and future; ladles, SOc; rents, $1; by cards, palmistry and clairvoyant sitting; $1 60. 126 Turk at MISS ZEMDAR, young gifted clalr. and palm.; has second eisht; a wonderful prophetess; --».— ei; L. SOc; G. $1. 714 These two ladles are having a nice little chat. And the one who Is thin tells the one who Is fat How she. can reduce; that The Call prints an ad - That tells how relief from such fat may be had. It is so on all lines— If there's aught you would know •Tw-111 be found in The Call, where all wise people go. EMPLO YMEXT WASTE P-—FE3I ALE. i ELDERLY lady wishes position to care fcr child, or do plain sewing In family. Apply 033 Sacramento st. ' I BY a youns lady in business office; sten- ¦ ographcr and has knowledge of bookkeeping. Box 4405. Call. ¦ I A GERMAN woman wishes light housework or ! cleaning by the day. Call 522 H Ivy ave. 1 GOOD stenographer of experience and ability desires position; salary $60. box 47S5, Call. JAPANESE girl wants a good position as fir3t-cl_ss cook: $35 up a month; have refer- ences. SUMI, Ml Sacramento st WANT ads and subscription- taken for The Call at Eaton's Bazaar. iWt?. McAllister tt. E5i?LOYMEXT WAXTED MALE. AMBITIOUS married man. sober, reliable, age I>0, good address and appearance, wants work of any kind; fair salary; city or country. Box 4799, Call office. FIRST-CLASS bartender and Grocery clerk, Al mixer, Bpeaks German and Encllsh, desires poEltion; flrat-claEs references. Box 4706, Call office. EXPERIENCED hotel cook and all-round man, speaks German. French and English, : wants position. Box 4707. Call. YOUNG man would like to drive a wagon. Ad- dress box 2612, Call. BRIGHT, ambitious young man, clean-cut, neat appearance, eood address, wishes con- 1 nection with responsible bouse In sales de- partment; no books or insurance. Box 4702. Call office. : RETIRED, very temperate, active, elderly sea captain, having been unfortunate in his in- vestments, desires suitable employment, such ' as charge of yacht, steam launch, etc. Ad- dress P. O. box 21t>i. San Francisco, Cal. YOUNG man, neat appearing, seeks a posi- tion as bookkeeper, or assistant, or col- lector; stenographer; speaks, reads and writes the German language; best of rerer- ences. Box 720. Call office. SITUATION private place, city or country, by competent young man. 28 (Dane); capable taking care of horses and garden; also a first-class driver: references. . Box 2607, Call. MEDICAL student desires 1 to 3 hours' work a day and all day Saturdays; bookkeeping or any kind of work; terms reasonable. Box 3490. Call. YOUNG man (21) wants position In office or salesroom; understands bookkeeping: whole- sale grocery preferred; references. Box 725, Call office. STEWARD for club or gents In chambers, priv- ilege cooking, speaks and corresponds Ger- man and French, •sober, age 30;> disengaged Nov. 6. F. C. .R.. Box 713. Call. YOUNG business man of this city wishes out- door position, collector, etc.; references; bonds, or cash security;' any amount Box 3470. Call office. AN experienced bookkeeper can spare 2 hours dally to- take charge of books of small busl- ' ness house. Address box 4703. Call. ! YOUNG man wants position on ranch or hand- ling stock; can fill position as foreman; $40 j ar.d board required. Box 4770. Call. CAKE baker wants situation: good ornamenter; city or country. Box 4780, Cali office. SOBER and Industrious young man would, like ! position. Box 4778. Call^ ' : JAPANESE boy wants situation as school boy. S. K.. (J33 Sutter st. Telephone Red 5518. FINANCIAL. 4 PER CENT 'to 6 PER~CENT HIGH GRADE Municipal. School, Railroad and Corporation ij Bonds, Bank and Trust Company Stocks. . Selected fcr conservative Investors.' Write for Information to HEAZELTON & CO.. Stock and Bond Brokers, "Hayward Building, San -Francisco, Cal. ~ FLATS TO LET. ', A— HOUSES and flats to let: an Immense list; service absolutely free; take advantage of this department; it will save you time and trouble. Cordes Furniture Co.. 245-259 Geary et. on the square. NEW modern up-to-date 7-room upper flat; 733 Fulton st.: rent *."0: near Buchanan st. Av ply MADISON & BURKE. - GOUGH, 25in, near Vallej')— Sunny lower flat of tt rooms nnd bath: rent reduced to $25. VON RHEIN R. E. CO.. 513 California st ELLIS. S10. near Polk—For business, purposes: 3 rooms; all conveniences; electric light and power. NEW corner flats; 3191 Washington: 7 and 0 rooms; separate entrances; rents $47 50 and $57 50. - . ¦ ¦ ; GREEN, 20C3 Handsome sunny upper flat; [ marine view; 7 rooms; bath on two 'floors; rent $50. . ¦¦'¦¦• $2.*) NICE Hat, 5 rooms; all conveniences; open plumbing, tiling, tinting-, garden. S93 . Lombard st. BUSH, 1651, near Franklin 7 sunny rooms; upper flat; $37 50; yard, etc.; rear entrance. PIERCE and McAllister sts.. NE. corner— 0 rooms; new; rent $57 50. TO let 3 new flats. Devlsadero, between TurK and Eddy: rent reasonable. JFXVTS FOR SALE FURNISHED^ <A NEWLY fur. flat for sale; 18 large sunny rooms, well arranged for renting. -823 and 825 Polk st. Apply to H. S. RANSON.QO7 Market. . FCI-XITUI-E WANTED. A. WOLLPERT. 773 Mission, phone Red 4462. buys, rents, repairs, packs furniture, carpetB. HIGHEST price for furniture and mdse. L. H. BURP. auctloneer.lSIS Mkt.;tel. Howard 2750. HELP WANTED FESIALE. , I A LADY'S maid. $30; second girl. $30: nurse. $.5; house girl, $30; 5 cooks, $35 and $30; chambermaid, country hotel, $25; waitress, Santa Cruz, $25: ranch cook, $25. MRS. NORTON, S13 Sutter st. A Girls to learn millinerynow for. fall season; both seasons taught from start to finish in I month for $10; positions as trimmers, sales- ladles, etc.. guaranteed at $10 per week up; I day. and evening class. ; 143 Stockton st. r.13. A WANTED Girls to , learn i . halrdressing, : manicuring, etc.; trade taught from A to Z In 2 weeks; $5 to those entering now; 3 po- sitions to fill immediately; positions guaran- teed at $10 per week ''up _. leading -school. In West 233 Geary St.. room 13. A— LADIES to learn all branches halrdressing trade; manicuring. > massage, etc.. 1236. Mar- ; ket st. cor. Jones, room 94; positions secured at highest wages; day and eve, class; call.' FINISHERS and sewers on cloaks . and suits : high wages. RATNER. . 144 .Union . square ave., opp. ; Union , Square . Park. : ,. TALENTED amateur ,'bertormers...: Apply '-¦ at Chutta 6 p. m. Wednesday; salary no object CLAIRyOYANTS--ConttBned. ] ______ LEE. palmistry and clairvoyant; hours »-5: evenlnra and Sundaya by appointment; readings 60c 1208 Mnrket. parlor 01; elev. JUST arrived; Mme. Davla, greatest magic card render on coast: born, crowned, veiled. 7C3 Market, parlors 18-17; -5-POc; mall $1. A—Mme. Ravenna reads life, business advice; names given; 25c pp. S 4th st. near Market OLDEST lady palmist and card reader In city. ( 26»4 Kearny. room 20; ladles 25c, gents SOc. MRS BROWN, clairvoyant, card reader; ladles 25c. gents 50c; readings dally. 132 Sixth at. MME WALTF.RS. great card reader; ladles 25c. I gents r«e. 951 Mission at. nr. 6th; open Sun. 1 MISS WARD Elves names, dates and facts; . hours 10 to 8. 413 -Mason Et. : no sign. MRS". SHAFER. clairvoyant, card reader: slt- tlncs dally. 448^ Jessie Bt. bet. 5th and 6th. CAI-PET BEATING AKD CLEANING. AIR compressed, dry. Ice cold, la now unlver- cally used In sanitarily cleaning carpets, on Ocor without removal or Injury; prices mod- erate Apply S. F. COMPRESSED AIR CLEANING CO.. Call bid.; phone Main 5237. WHEN you become disgusted with your, work tend for 8PAULDING'S Pioneer Carpet-beat- ing Work*. 35--'l57 Tehama at; tel. South 40. SMITH'S Carpet Cleaning Co.: Al work guar- cnteed. 8c. 1S43 15th »t; phone Capp 1651. WESTERN Carpet Cleaning Works. 1300 Har- rieon at: Al cleaning. 3c: tel. Ml—Ion 225. CALIFORNIA Carpet-beatinr Co.. J. McQueen, proprietor. 32fl Guerrero st; tel. Mission 43. TRY HOPKE nnCS. : excellent carpet-beating: mattrer-eg mad> over.1432 Howard :South 216. ADVANCE Carpet Cleaning Co.. 402 Sutter st; tel. Main 394. GEO. WALCOM - CC.. Props. RUDOLPH _ CO.. carpet-beating works: prices reasonable. 1703 Harrison st: tcl.Ml.-lon -Si. CONKLIN'S Superior Carpet-beating Works. 3" Cold— G»t» »v». : telephone East 126. CHIROPODISTS.^ ; DCNLAP FOOT INSTITUTE. 50 Geary— All ailments of the feet cured: corns. bunlons.etc. COLLECTION OFFICES. BAD tenants ejected for $4: collections made; city or country. PACIFIC COLLECTION CO.. 41S Montgomery, rooms 0-10: tel. 55S0 ~~~ DENTISTS. ___ECTRO-DENTAL CLINIC. $03 Market tt., ccr. Fourth* room 7. Flooa building; extrac- tions done painlessly; teeth without platea cur specialty; sold crowns. $3 r.0--ap: plates, $4 BO up, extraction free: office hour.. 9 a. in. to 9 P. m.: Sundays. 9 to 2. DR. GKUSS. 604-5-6 Callaghan bldg.. Market asd McAllister sts.. uses the Bastord Obtun-- der. the only device ever Invented for grind- lag, .rilling and excavating teeth absolutely without pain. For demonstration and proof call at office. - DR. LUDLUM HILL. 1443 Market nr.Eleventh No charge for extracting when plates ar» rcade; old plates made over like new; teeth fro— f8 per set; extracting. 80c; g—1 givea. A NEW plate—The Whalebone cannot break; warranted 20 yra .; crown. $3 60; fllllnga. 09e; fZ; full sat;all work painless _nd war- ra nt«-d. Ch!— ko Dental Parlors. 24 Sixth it PARIS Dental Parlors. 235 Kearny. ccr.Bush Set teeth $1 50 up; crowns 52 up; fillings 25c. GOLD fllitnC-. 75c; sliver. 3_c; crowns. $2; no rmln: open Sunday. Pr.O.P.Hewl^.-nt Sutter. DHKSSMAIvEHS AJVD gBA-tSTRESSKS McDOWELL Dressmaking and Millinery School Ac> pattern cut to measure. 1019 Market ACCORDION, sunburst _ knife plaiting, otew- arf* button «: buttonhole factory, 110 Taylor. I EDUCATIONAL. i THE Ean Francisco Youeg Men'a Christian Association conducts a night school for men. an engineering school, an evening law school. ' tt working boys' night school and a day busi- ness and academic school. Students have gymnasium and other privileges. Apply at 1 Y. M C. A. building. Mason and Ellla sts. j 1 CECILIA Choral Society concert In preparation; i a few mere tenors and bassos required. Ap- i ply at POMMER-EILER'S Music Store, ti53 j Market Bt., TUESDAY, 7:15 p. m.; rehearsals Tuesday evening. j HEALITS BUSINESS COLLEGE, 24 Post, 3. F. B?c*.ke«p!ng. shorthand, touch typing, languftfres. telegraphy. English branches; day and night _ec3lon<; fllus. catalogue free. i H1NMAN'S Academy; a thorough school of I c-scins; established 20 years. 1412 Polk st.. between Pine and California; both adult and children's classes are now open for the gea-on. i AIRES, the leading business college, 723 Mar- 1 ket St.; special summer course In all depart- I tnenta; handsome catalogue free; life schol-x- ehlp. $&0: day and evening sessions. CALIFORNIA Business College. 305 Larkln st. "A thorough Bchool"; position, secured for graduates; modern methods; Individual ln- ttruction. Write for Illustrated catalogue. - I THE Lyceum, an accredited preparatory school for the university. law and medical colleges; ¦ ret.. President Jordan or any Stanford pro- fetsor; day. evening sessions. Phelan bldg. DANCING Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday and Sunday evenings at Teutonla Hall. Howard st. near Ninth; management'Prof. Foster. A— SAN FRANCISCO Business College. 1238 Market _t. Practical, progressive, reliable; day & evening sessions: write for catalogue. A GENTLEMAN teaches privately young men and women whose education has been neg- ! lected: also foreigners. Call or add. 719 Post, i HEALD'S School of Mines _ Electrlclty,24 Post tt. S. F. ; a practical school of engineering: complete equipment. Special catalogue free. ENGINEERING Civil, elec.. min.. mech.. sur- vey, assay, cyanide; day, eve.; est 18C4. Van der Nalllen School. 113 Fulton, nr. City Hall. 6PANISH.Frtnch.etc.Prof.DeFlltppe'sAcadem7 of Language-,320 Poat ;e«tab'd!S71: ablest prof». GOLDEN Gate Com' 1. College, K50 Golden Gate avM full Business course; day and evening. SCHOOL OF ILLUSTRATION Day and •PARTINGTON'S. 424 Pine st... Night class. ARITHMETIC, bookkeeping, grammar. writing, etc.; day or eve.: $5 mo. 1024 j PIANO leseons given to beginners at SOc. Box 2610. Call office. EMPLOYMENT OFFICES. Gi£o^G^^A^K?r~*2riposT7trrteir_!uah 135 Japanese-Chinese employment office: fur- ! nifhes best help: contracts for farm help, etc IF you want Japanese help, advertise In The New World. Japanese dally paper. 353 Geary. A ORPHEUM Employment Office Japanese- Chin*se heln. 42C Powell. Tel. Main 5752. , A GRAND J_nanese-Chine*e Eap. Office, 411 , Stockton: ttl. Grant 16S; expert, reliable help. ' CHINESE Employment Office—Best help at I J Leon Seung"s. 41H» O'Farrell; tel. East 428. I RELIABLE Japanese-Chinese Employment Of- I See; all kinds help. 315 Ctockton: Main 018S. ] CHINESE and Japanese help; eitab. 20 years. I Tel. Main 1007. BRADLKY Iz CO.. 010 Clay. EMPLOYMENT WANTED FEMALE. A SCOTCH cook, young and strong, best of references, wants a quiet place at $30, where there Is a *eccnd girl kept. Call at MISS PLUNKETT'S. 4_0 Sutter st, near Powell. A YOUNGnuree girl wants a place to care for one child at $15 a month; must be seen In the office. MISS PLUNKETT, 425 Sutter St., near Powell. - - A SWEDISH girl with 4 years' references wants housework and cooking at $30 month; no window washing. Call at MISS PLUNK- ETT'S, 425 Sutter at. near Powell. REFINED North German middle-aged nurse . deslrca situation to care for two children from 3 to tt years of age; also plain sewing and teach German; r«fercncee; city or coun- try, short distance: fare paid. Box 47!>0. Call office. AMERICAN woman wishes housekeeper's po- sition or work on ranch; neat and reliable. Addrc££ Housekeeper, 2S0 Turk at. MIDDLE-AGED lady wishes a' position to do general housework; Is a good cook. 358 Minna st. FIRST-CLASS fitter on tailor and evening gowns wants engagement, $1 50 per day. »2S Post st; phone Hyde 3452. A POSITION ae Kood invalid's nurse or to take care of children. Apply 710 Harrison. English young lady desires engagement from November 1 as nurse to young children; Is ?xpert on children's clothing, fancy work and 1 ' the training of children. Box 3433, Call. REFINED colored girl would like work in doc- tor's office, or other light work; some time for self; email wages, board and washing. Box 444». Call office. A RELIABLE German woman wishes a situa- tion to do housework and cooklr.g In a small family: wages S25 to $30; good laundress. Box 4441. Call office. CAPABLE young woman; can sew well; wants to care for an Invalid; be-t references. Box 4i&<, Call office. CAPABLE young woman; can sew well; wants Calf'offlce 1 ' cblld; Box 47S2, COMPETENT young woman wishes housework"- dry or country; wages moderate. Box 260S.' Call office. ' -* ¦ . ENGAGEMENTS by the day at homes treat- Ing hair and scalp by reliable treatment; no 1 : trifler*. MRS. E. . HIGBEE. 1350" Pacific su ' \VAXTED--FEMALE— Con. A FIRST-c!_Al5S~^ook"for~an American family^ $45; a kitchen maid for same place, $20; a cook for a flrst-c!a»s German family, $35; a . cook for a boardlnK-house In city, $40; a French nursery Eoverness. $30; a waitress, also a cleaner for an Institution, $20 each; 50 housework girls for city and country. MISS PLUNKETT. 425 Sutter. n«*ar Powell. A— OPERATORS wanted on ladles' waists; good pay; steady position. 656 Mission st., third floor. A WOMEN wanted to do embroidery home; bring sample. 656 Mission st.. third floor. A SEWERS wanted to work at home. 65tf Mission at. third floor. WAIST handa wanted at 1407 Lacuna at. ¦ FINISHERS on custom coats. 500 Kearny st, room 4. ¦ GIRL for housework and cooking for country. Apply 14C9 Webster st. YOUNG girl to assist In housework In family. of - and baby. 1750 Ellis st. GIRL wanted for chamberwork and wait at table ; no cooking. 1015 Golden Gate ave. A GIRL to assist- In general housework. 1282 Page st. . fT- GIRL, general housework. ?12 a month; easy _place; call afternoon. 235 Minna at. GIRL for general housework; call In the morning. 2124 Sutter St. GOOD cook wanted. 1720 Sacramento st. WANTED A German girl to take care of a child 5 yeara of age. Call _110 California st. WANTED Girl cr woman to wait In restau- rant. 272 Brannan st. WANTED A first-class pants finisher; union wcrk. CS Tehama Et. GIRL for general housework; plain cooking; $-0 month. Call 10 a. m.. top floor, 120 11th. WANTED Girl for housework and cooking; 0 In family; wages $25. 1512 McAllister st. SEWING MACHINE OPERATORS AND RIV- ETERS: NO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY; PAID SALARY. LEVI STRAUSS * CO.'S FACTORIES. 321J FREMONT ST. AND 1373 MISSION. NEAR FIFTEENTH. --' v - ' WANTED -A reliable, competent woman to take care of 5 n invalid lady. Apply between 10 and 12, Aiomlay morning, October 1'.', at 1701 Post st. WHOLESOME. Intelligent lady over 25 of good character and dtandlng for high-graoSs position. Box -COS. Call office. GIRL or woman to do light housekeeping and assist with child; wages reasonable. 1500 Fell Et, to-night, between 6 and 8. EXPERIENCED tucker and operators on silk and wool waists; steady work. KONIG- 'h STEIN. 28 First st. NEAT, respectable middle-aged lady; ex- perienced delicatessen line. Apply 1521 Devls- adero st. WANTED Respectable, reliable saleslady for fine bakery; must have sufficient experience in same; good ealary. Box 708. Call office. GLOVEMAKERS Experienced banders and binders; also apprentices ; wages. CARSON GLOVE CO.. 123 Second St. CIGARETTE makers wanted: steady worn and | good wages. The JOHN BOLLMAN CO.. ' corner Front and Pacific sts. GIRLS about 15 for factory work; good wagea. Apply ct once. AMES A HARRIS. 100 Sac- ramento st. GIRL. for second work;. 3 In the family. Call Monday morning. 1192 O'Farrell st. WANTED—Skirt makers. 126 Kearny et. room 40 WANTED— A girl to fell candy In htore. Los Angeles Candy Co., 14S Fourth *t. * OPERATORS and fini5hcrs on white shirts. ROGKKSON'S. 535 Valencia st. NEAT girl for cooking and general housework; references; apply mornings. 1709 Baker st 2 LADIES of good address to represent a high- 1 grade magazine. C!) Columbian bldg.. city. FIRST-CLASS stenographers furnished. Miss M. G. Barrett, instructor. 302 Montgomery. WANTED First-clas» waist, skirt and - coat hands and errand girl. J. BAER. 1200 Geary. A BRANCH office for Call advertisements and EUbscriptions has been . established at 109S Valencia st. ¦ .... HELP ~VVAXTED— MALE. AT C. R. HANSEN & CO.'S EMPLOYMENT '£</?- OFFICE, 429 Bush st.... .642 Clay st. . FOR SALT LAKE TRESTLE WORK. \ ¦ 20 carpenters, with tools .$3 50 Board $4 50 week Ship To-day Free Fare. SHIP DAILY THIS WEEK FOR NEVADA. 100 laborers, valmy, Nevada .$2 100 laborers," Beowawe, Nevada $_ 100 laborers. Reno, Nevada ..\.$2 100 laborers, Fenelon, Nevada ....:.. ...'.$2 ' Absolutely Free Fare for All Above. FOR CHICO, BUTTE COUNTY, CAL. 15 teamsters, two-horso teamsters $2-25 Railroad camp cook $U0 Rate fare. $2 80 .Ship Daily. 25 laborers, ditch work, near city ........ $2 Coopers, slack work, 3c bbl. ; 3 German wood- choppers, $1 50, $1,75 a cord; milkers, chore- , men. fanners. .--• Camp cook, R. R. work, $60: 2 cooks, coun- try hotels $40;* second cooks, fryers, broil- ers^ city. $60, $80: 2 neat young men to ' carry off dishes, city, $30; dish, pot wash- ers pantrymen kitchen hands, others. C. "R. HANSEN & CO.'S EMPLOYMENT OFFICE, 429 Bush st ....642, Clay st. FIRST-CLASS restaurant cook. $80 to $100; kitchen man for lunch place. $30; private family waiter, *35 found; restaurant cooks. $00 and'$S0;. cook for 4 men; cook, for pri- vate family hotel ; 2 hotel waiters, - country.' $30 and found; dishwashers and others. J. : F. CROSETT & CO.. 62S Sacramento st. •, FRUIT farmer and wife. $40; blacksmith. $1 60 " to $2 day and found: coachman and wife, $(>0 and found; man about place, $30 and found; ranch teamster . $35 and found and fare re- funded : ' sheep i herder, > $30 and - found; coop-] " ers; office toy ; -boy to ; learn trade; : wood- choppem $2 75 cord; quarrymen, $2 25. day;"*' laborers,' $2 day. and others. J. F. CROSS- ETT & CO.; 628 Sacramento at V; . WANTED— 15 more woodchoppers for mining ¦-" company, i fare paid, : long Job, pine. 2 and 4 .. foot wdbd; go early: this week; good wages. •\.."J. ;F.=' CROSETT & CO.. 628 Sacramento Bt. TRY our men's shoes, j union made," at $1, and ¦¦ .$J'CO pair; foot-form shoes nt $2 50; we pay . express or mall chrss. 11 3d st. Exam. bid. WANTED— An elevator boy. 29 Stockton . st. 5 SHOEMAKER wanted Immediately. T.' ¦ HINES, 1807 Haight st. . MISCELLAXEOrS FOB SALE— -Cow. Al ENGINE. 16x36: slid* valve; about^175 HPi good as new; bargain. P. O. box -0S8. m> A VERY fine diamond over 3 karats for $333 " at W. J. HESTHALS. 10 Sixth st, CHOICE carrier pigeons: record birds; left oc 20 birds at a sacrifice. Box 4442. Call office. 3. « AND10 hp. gasoline engines; 2d-hand: all sites, new E. B. BECK it CO.. 122 Market. NEW and second band machinery of all kt_d_. KROGH MNFG CO.. 619 Market st. SAFES New and second-hand. THB HER. MANN SAFE CO.. 417-423 Sacramento at MOVING pictures, m&gts lanterns sale, rental; bargains. Bullard & Breck. 131 Post st. MILES of pipe and fittings: all sizes. EU- GENE RILEY A SONS. 109 Vallejo st | MOVING plctura film and song slides. 10* Montgomery at. SAFES— New and second-hand. B. B. BECK ft CO.. 122 Market st, % |All bargains :eamp stools and chairs :ham-oc__. metal bedg.mattr»ases.J.F.Hotter.712 Mission. Edison phonographs, record*, supplies, tnoirtne picture machines, films. Baciga-upt. 933 M-t, GASOLINE engines automobiles and launches; all slies. J. E. DOAK. 46 Fremont st. ASK for prices on second-band typewriters: aH makes. ALEXANDER A CO.. 110 Monts/T. MISCELL-tXEftCS WAJtTS. WANTED Agood home In a respectable fam- ily of adults by a respectable yaursg Ameri- can woman. Address box 4795. Call offlca. BOOKS and libraries bought H. C. HOJ_IE3. 1149 Market at. ; phone Jes-le 3741. or postal. TILTON waats gcod second-hand clothlnr *"<* theatrical goods. 154 9th at : tel. JesaU 2351. A BIG price paid for sealskins: send postal. 25 Stockton at.; phors Eush 4S4. MOSEY TO LOAJi. AAA— HERMAN MURPHY.. eoi-GO_-603 Examiner building. Quick settlements: no disappointment. . Save expenses by dealing: directly. . -t Estates, second mortgages, undivided Inter- | ests, assignments of rents, property in trust. . etc.: legacies, life estates and undivided in- 1 terestK in property purchased. Courteous treatment. Strictly confidential. When You Need Money See HERMAN MURPHY. INTEREST REDUCED TO 6 PER CENT. DEAL DIRECT; SAVE EXPENSES. I will loan on 1st. 2d and 3d mortgages. SA?T FRANCISCO. OAKLAND. TOWN. COUN- TRY PROPERTY and REAL ESTATE In probate; send full particulars of property; no answer otherwise. Box 2498. Call office. ADVANCES on furniture and pianos without removal; to permanent salaried peopl? on their note without security or knowledge of employer; lowest rates; no> commission. Na- tional Credit Co. 68 and 69 Donoho* fcut.d- lng. 1170 Market st. HIGHLY respectable private place to obtain liberal advances on diamonds. Jewelry, at lowest rates. Baldwin Jewelry Store. S43 Market st. ; tel. Main 1644. Branch. 19 Thlr J. MONEY loaned to salaried people, retail mer- chants, teamsters, bcardlnj-houses. without security: ea3y paynients; largest business In 48 principal cities. Tolman. 553 Parrott b\<l:. THE Open Credit Assn. makea advances to re- sponsible salaried people, confidentially; new and almple plan; easy Installments. Roozn 60. Academy of Sciences. 819 Market st. STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL LOANS on fur- niture, pianos or to salaried people on their note: proper treatment guaranteed. ILLINOIS TRUST CO., r. 16, Phelan bid., tel. Main 704. A 1 per cent on furniture or piano: no remov- al, no commission, no publicity;J25 up; quick, private, confidential. 26 Montgomery, rm. 7. MUNICIPAL LOAN OFFICE. 103 Grant ave, A LOANS FROM $1 TO $10.CC0. A I MONEY to loan on low interest: gold, silver, diamonds pearls and precious stones bought at W. J. HESTHAL'S. 10 Sixth St. TO salaried people without securtt>; on fur- niture, indorsed notes ar.d other security. S. F. Discount Agency. 143 Phelan bldg. YOU can borrow more money on your furniture than any other place in city; no commission. 612 Parrott building; phone South t>55. ONE per cent on furniture: $5 a month on each $10Cl>: any security. 302 Montgomery, room IS ON furniture, piano: no removal. E. W. LICK. 1C03 Mutual Savings Bank bldg., 708 Market. MONEY loaned to salaried employes. G. 'VT'. MILLER, room 74, nfth floor. Chronicle bids. 3% ON furniture * pianos; $15 up: no removal. V. THEMA IN. roo— 81. 6 EJdy at., floor 4. ALL loans en diamonds anfl Jewelry 2 per cent mo. S. F. Collateral Loan Bank. 538 Kearny. STAR Loan Co. of TVyomlnsr loans money ti salaried employes. R.311,M_,t_ai-»<i. CASH loaned salaried people on notes without lndorser. MORELL. C0» Examiner bldg. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. NO trouble with people who buy the Heine piano; 700O satisfied customers the best ad- vertisement; strictly high grade and sold di- rect from factory to purchaser; this enables you to procure a first-class piano at a rea- sonable prlre; we carry 14 different makes; any piano purchased from us taken in ex- change any .lime within 5 yean and full purchase price allowed on a Peerless Heine or any of our other makes. Some bargains, all uprights: Collard. $45: Weber. $78; Sherman AHyde. $3U; Kimball. $115; Smith St Barnes, $150; Miller. $178; Emerson fltt; ' Mansfield & Notni. $125; 2 Steinwaya $145. i $265; 2 Chickering. $S5. $175; 2 Heine, slight- 41 ly used. $325. $365. and .25 others. Instal.t fneuiM. $1 up; rents, $'- up, allowed on pur- cha&e. HEINE PIANO CO.. 235-237 Geary st; Oakland branch. Fifteenth and Broad- way, old P. O. site. Largest exclusive wholesale and retail dealers of the West. Jt THIS AD IS OUR GREATEST EXPENSE. We pay no rent, aa wa own the building. The only reason we advertise is to let you know we rent the best piano in the city for $.8 per month. Now we can sell you one just th« same. Our expenses are so very much less than other firms, why not Investigate our prices and compare notes? Invest 5c carfare and savs from $75 to $150 on a piano. SCOTT-CURTAiS PIANO CO.. 560-62-64 Hayes st WE do not advise the purchase of cheap pianos. a3 they are seldom satisfactory, but we have pianos at a medium price that can be guar- anteed to please the most critical. Our b*st sellers are the Bchr Eros.. Baumelster and Schubert. THE ZENO MAUVAI3 MUSIC CO.. 7t» Market st. ¦-:-.-. A FINE lot of second-hand uprights from $30 up. Including such makes as Chickering, Vose. Kro?ger. Curtaz. Kirkham. Peas»«. Hardman. Marshall & Wendell. Baus and others. BENJ. CURTAZ _ SON. 18 O'Far- rell st. No branches In San Francisco. BAND instruments; F. Beraon. Paris, maker; Gus Malwald. Ast. Pac. Coast. 27S CFarreil: skillful repairing; 2d-hand Instruments soM. A STECK _ GABLER upright, nearly new. cheap: a snap. HORNUNG. 21C, McAllister. RARE chance; cash or payments; elegant high grade uprisht. ltJ McAllister st BLUTHNER grand piano cheap. BYRON MAUZY. 303 Post st. Unredeemed storage pianos and furniture d!rt cheap. Whltehead's Storage. 1636 Market st. BEAUTIFUL 3-pedal Steinway upright piano; perfect order; sacrifice. Keeffe's.2S5 O'Farrell. SOHMEIt, Byron Mauzy pianos. Ceclllan piano player. BYRON MAUZY. 308-312 Post st. SUPERIOR vlolir.9. zithers, old and new. 1_A MULLER. maker, repairer. 2 Latham plae*. \ ------- _______—_-__-----------____» OFFICES AXD STORES TO LET. STORE and 3 rooms; good stand for shoemaker ' or other business. 711 Fulton st. ; rent $18. *i ApplyMADISON A BURKE. FRONT office. p!ate glass window; ground floor, f. L. JONES A CO.. 630 Market st SMALL store, very prominently situated, sutt- abie for any business. 1348 Valencia st. STORE with large basement: below Kearny st: rent yto. Apply 63« Clay st.. room 1. PIAXOS AX1> ORGANS. PART of our list of bargains in second-hand: pianos for September. 1903: Original Price. Now. 1 SCHUMAN & SONS— ' Walnut case, medium slae, 7 1-3 > octaves, three pedals, raised carved panel?, in good condition ..$30O $140 1 RICHMOND— Mahcgany case, small size, raised carved panels, 7 1-3 octaves, three pedals, slightly used, but In good condition 300 173 i 1 SPENCER— Walnut case, cabinet grand, en- graved panels, three pedals. 7 1-3 octaves, good condition 323 ISO 2 HOWARDS— Walnut cases, medium size, 7 1-3 - octaves, three pedals, mandolin at- tachments, good condition: each.. 300 1S3 1MOIiENHAUER &BACH— Walnut case, large size, raised carved panels, three pedals. 7 1-a : octaves. In very good condition... 350 19C I 1 NEWMAN BROS.— Walnut case, large size upright, i 7 1-3 octaves, thoroughly renovatad. equal to new 350 »** ¦ 1 LUDW1G A CO.— "; Oak case medium size, raised '^Bt carved panels. 7 1-3 octaves three *~^ " pedals, good tone, tn fine condition. 330 210 g ; . Co—plete list furnished on application a«fl ' our store. SHERMAN, CLAY & CO.. _f t -_ ¦ ; Keaxny and Sutter «*>¦*£ HELP WAXTED— -MALE^Conttnnca. MURRAY & RKADY, (34 and 636 Clay st! - PHONE MAINE 6848. Leading Employment and Labor Agents. 1902 WK GAVE 1903 WE'LL GIVE 45,000 MEN WORK. 60.000 MEN WORK. Mtn wanted TO-DAY for ARIZONA. 'OREGON, NEVADA. Southern Pacific and Santa Fe systems; free pass ON EVERY TRAIN. SECTION HANDS, MUCKERS. DRILLERS. Extra Gams. Teamsters. . Hammersmen. MINES, TUNNELS. QUARRIES. Miners, all over State. ?90 and S82 50. STABLES, FARMS. ORCHARDS, DAIRIES,j Farm and orchird hencis, $30. $35, $40 fd. Milkers, $30 to ?50 and found. Choremeri,. coachmen, gardeners, etc., $.10. 19 stablemen, city, country Jobs, $30 to $00. MURRAY &. READY. ¦ ' 634-636 Clay st. SA WK ILLS— WOODS. " laborers, no experience wanted, $40 to ?70 and found. lah mill and yard men. $50 to $150. 305 WOODCHOPPERS. 287 TIEMAKERS. All classes ' of exr>erlenced men for woods, mills, etc., from $50, $C0, $70. $80. $90. $100, $125 to $150 a month. MURRAY & READY. 634-636 Clay st COOKS. WAITERS, PORTERS^ . 24 cooks, hotels, restaurants, camps, mines and ranches, city and country, 530 to $70 fd. 12 waiters, city and country, $25 to $45 fd. 14 butchers, different Jobs, $40 to $t'O found. Second cook, mine; 2 waiters. $40, $30 found. MURRAY _ READY. G34-630 Clay st. MECHANICAL. ~~ 2 ccopers, factory, 20c fare, $3 25 day. LOCATED EVERYWHERE. 63C laborers apd teamsters, city and country, some factories, mills, warehouses, excavating, building, etc.; many in San Francisco; lots to board home, $2, $2 25, $2 50. Positions not advertised. COME—SEE". BEST PLACES AT MURRAY & READY'S, BIGGEST WAGES at C34-C36 Clay st. PLACER COUNTY. 16 laborers, flume work with carpenter, $07 60. 1G carpenters, flume work, fare $3, $76. SANTA BARBARA TO-DAY. 26 laborers, -you'll suit. $J5 found. 3 lumber pliers, north, 575. ARIZONA 303 MILES. PRESCOTT MIDDLE-TOWN. ARIZONA. TO-DAY $1 50 FEE 6 slack coopers. »c: 5 cabinetmakers. TO FRESNO TO-DAY. «t 15 laborers,, lumber company, $40 .to $55 fd. OREGON. COAL MINERS—OREGON— FREE FARE. C5 coal miners, Oregon. $3 to $5 a day. VERY MURRAY & READY. IMPORTANT. 634-03« Clay st •MIDNIGHT SPECIALS. Bakers' helper, city. $25 and found. LOS ANGELES. 5 'plow teamsters, bis ranch, $40 found. Young man wait and tend bar, $25 found. Buttermaker and milker, Monterey County, $35 found. Old man a* cobbler, institution. Boy to learn blacksmith trade. 4 farm hands, $30 and found. 2 shinrlers, Monterey County. 60c M. Man run boring machine, city mill. $1 76. Butcher shop, south, $47 CO and found. * 5 blacksmiths and helpers, $3 to $2 day. 5 boys learn trades, $5, $G and $7 week. PRIVATE GROUNDS. MULTIMILLIONAIRE GROUNDS. C laborers, you'll suit, fare $1. $26 found. THIS IS 9 HOURS. 12 laborers, fare raid, $67 50. MANUFACTURING PLANT. 25 laborers, fare $1 60. you'll suit, $67 50. Old man, care city warehouse, $20. Sheet metal worker, soldering, general tin- smith, country, boss here, $3 75 day. Carpenter, 70c fare; lather and shlnrler, $3 day. Carpentnr, Monterey County, $90. MURRAY & READY. 034-636 Clay st. DIAMOND $75 4-horse teamsters. MATCH $75 You'll suit. COMPANY. $75 Go to-day. COcT YOU $1 THAT'S ALL. MURRAY & READY. K34-6a6 Clay St. AT THE CAL. EMPLOYMENT AGENCY. 59 Third st, near Call bldg.; phone Bush 405. FREE FARE. NEVADA NEVADA. Reno, Golconda and Ryndon. 100 laborers. $2 a day; S. P. R. R. Co.'s own work. FREE FARE. SALT LAKE TRESTLE. 10 carpenters, ?3 50 day. Board, $4 50 a week; bring tools. S. P. R. R. FREE FARE. SHIP TO-DAY. OREGON COAL MINES. FARE ADVANCED. 8 coal miners, 6-foot vein; 51 a ton; ship 4 laborers, city, 0 hours, $2 25. 4 men for rock quarry, ?_ _5 a day. CIIICO. BUTTE CO. Half rate fare, $2 80. 12 teamsters, $2 50 a day. 10 laborer*. 52 25 a day. Ship to-day; fee $1. CAL. EMB. AGENCY. 69 Third st. AT S. F. EMPLOYMENT BUREAU. 17 Fourth Rt. Laborers, city, board home. $2 25 day; young , man. city, factory. $3 week, raise; El Dorado County, ship to-day: all go; 4 2- horse teamsters. $50 month and found; rough carpenters, laborers, etc. ; laborers and rock- men, city. $20 and found. We ship free fare to-day' to Reno. Nevada. Call early. No strikes. S. F. EMPLOYMENT BUREAU, phone Grant 26. j AT "E. & B." R. R. Labor Agency, 03$ Commercial st. Free Fare Freo Fare. 60 tunnel men, $2 50 to $3 day. 50 muckers and drillers, $2 to ?_ 50 a day. lOOlabocers, $2 a day. , ,- Long Job; eight months' work. Free fare Ryndon, Nevada. "E. & B." R. R. LABOR AGENCY. 038 Commercial st. WANTED For U. S. army, able-bodied, un- married men, between ages of 21 and 35. citi- zens of United States of goo'l character and temperate habits, who can speak, read and write English. ¦ For Information apply to Ke- cruitinc Officer. to building. New Mont- gomery st, San Francisco, or Masonic build- ing, Sacramento, Cal. ¦ - I TRY our men's shoes, union made, at $1 and $1 60 per pair, foot-form shoes at $2 50, or orthopedic shoes, $3 50;best shoes on earth. 11 Third St.. Exam, bldg., 5-doors from Market WANTED Young man. 15 to 18, as clerk In hardware store: must sseak Italian: refer- ences. 1224 Dupont «t. SECOND cook wanted who Is willing to do part of day helper's work. 18 East st, 6 to 7 a. m. . YOUNG man with experience to drive wagon and take orders in the butcher business. Box 4798. Call office. . ; WANTED Man ' to work, around boarding- ¦ house: wash dishes and make beds. SW. cor. Bay and Webster sta. STEADY German; refs.; tend bar, make him- self useful: wine housr. 15 City Hall square.. DISHWASHER wanted at SCO Howard st; no , Sunday work. YOUNG man to wash dishes. 4£7 Valencia st. WANTED— 20 men. Apply stage door Central Theater. 10 o'clock this morning. OFFICE boy. Apply 435 Battery, st. at 8 J a. m. DISHY/ASHER. Restaurant, 206 McAllIsIer St., above Hyde. MAN to learn the barber trade: first-class In- structions guaranteed. 611 Commercial st ERRAND boy wanted. 502 Post st. WANTED For U. S. Marine Corps, able- bodied unmarried men, between 21 and 35; good character; must Fpeak, raad and write English; marines serve at sea on men-of- war in all parts of the world, on land in our island possessions, and at naval stations in the United States. Apply at recruiting of- fice. 40 Ellis st, San Francisco, Cal., and 401 K st. Sacramento, Cal. - ¦ WANTED Responsible man for steady posi- tion; $150 cash security required. 1032 Mar- ket st, room 4. FOR «ale Barber shop, 3 chairs; In lively country town; price $100. WILL A FINCK. •barber supply department, 21 O'Farrell st WANTED-- Rough . .carpenters and laborers. Apply room. 14. 20 Montgomery st, San ' Francisco Construction Company. PENSION ATTY.M. HARRIS.. 40 Ellis St.; 14 years', practice; refererces from thousands of persons for whom I have secured pensions. BARBERS 6-chalr •s'hop In heart of city for sale: owner going ¦ to Europe. Call DECK- j ELMAN BROS... 100 Ellis st. BUSHELMAN and coatmakers for country. .Apply REISS BROS.- & CO.. 24 Sutter st WANTED—Jewelers at 17 Lick place. Lick i '. House. : FIRST-CLASS coatmakers. 1103 Market st % BARBER grip and full set of toolsl Apply ¦ 919,Cano »t. BARBER trade taught In 5 week*. Address ¦ W.C. B.. 647 Commercial st. DRUMMERS wanted for. merchant*tailor; good .^Inducement. 1125 Market et., bet. 7th and 8th. BARBERS Partner wanted;; chance for young man; about $75. ; Apply Call. office. NEAT, clean errand- boys wanted. Apply Su- ; perintendent's office,: Emporium. . YOUNG man in office of large . corporation; salary $25 per month. Box 723, Call office. ' HELP WAX TED~MALE-~Contlnned. PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT AGENCY. 520—SACRAMENTO ST.— 620. Phone Main 1191. - Cor. Leldesdorff st. OGDEN—UTAH FREE FARE. S. P R. R, Company work OGDEN. 12 bridge carpenters on the Great Salt Lake. $3 60 day—overtime 70c hour— SHIP TO- DAY TO OGDEN. 8 carpenters, build large' gold dredger, a long Job, ship to-day, $82 50 found. BUTTE CO. CHICO CHEAP FARE. FEET $1—SHIP TO-NIGHT— $1—FEE— $1. 100 teamsters laborers, rockmen, tunnelmen, $2 25 to $2 75 day WILLITS— IJKIAH* ROUTE— FREE FARE- OREGON—COAL MINERS— FREE FARE^ - 10 handy men with tools. $2 30 day—NEW CAMP; 20 laborers, near city, free fare, all winter's Job, inside work. StJP- NEW BOX FACTORY— TRUCKEE DIST. \ ALL -WINTER'S JOB Full mill crew; 30O men for woods, yards and mills. PRIVATE R. R.. NEAR CITY— 5 laborers. $60. . /' '1 MINES, TUNNELS. ETC. 6 miners. 8 hours $90; 5 muckers, it s north, $75; 10 laborers, large mine, south, part fare paid. $2 day; 3 miners, south. $75: 3 muck- ers $67 50; 5 tunnelmen. $73; 30O men, cnop wood cut ties shingle and stave bolts, all over;' also HUMBOLDT COUNTY. . 6 farmers $30 found; yardman, hotel free fare, $25 found; cooks, waiters, and dlsn- washers. Call and get a list of Jo b »- PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT AGENCY. 62O Sacramento st. WHY pay big prices to have your shoes- half- soled when you can get It done for -5c. ooc and BOc. while you wait at 563 Mission St.. bet. 1st and 2d sts.. or 11 Third «.? WANTED Laborers and mechanics to know that Ed Rolkln. Reno House proprietor, has added 100 new rooms to the Denver House. 217 Third St.; 250 rooms; 25c to 50c per night. MEN to learn barber trade; only 8 weeks re- quired; special offer thi3 month: catalogue and full Information mailed free. MOL—R SYSTEM COLLEGE. 635 Clay st. _ MEN to learn barber trade; catalogue mailed. S. F. Barber School. 741A Howard St. OPERATORS wanted at once on cloaks at M. SIMINOFF'S. 1228 Market st, BOY 16 years: good opportunity: steady posi- tion. Carson Glove Co..* 123 Second at. McDONALD _ PERRY have a large stock of new and second-hand -shoes; cheap. 239 3d at, PENSION atty. E. A. Bullls. room 40. Phelan bldg. Past Com. Geo. H. Thomas Post G.A.R. SAILORS and ordinary seamen for Europe and Australia. HERMAN'S. 26 Steuart st. WINCHESTER Hotel. 44 Third St.. near Mar- ket 700 rooms. 35c night; reading rooms; free "bus and baggage to and from ferry. ALLsizes men's shoes, slightly damaged, halt price. 063 Mission st.. bet. 1st and 2d sta. GET your shoes half soled while waiting: 23c to 50c. 3P3 Mission »L. bet. 1st and 2d sts. UORSSS AND WACOSS. A RARE chance Wagon. 7 ft. $40; small wag- on. 5 ft. with harness, $40; surrey, $25; must sell. 1S31 Eddy st. HARNESS and saddles, the best for the money, nt JEPSEN BROS. CO.. Inc.. the big store, 1145-1147 Market St., San Francisco. A FINE new rubber-tired Victoria for sale, cheap; the latest style. 1504 Foiscm st. BIG auction every Tuesday, 11 ft. m. ; horses, harness, wagons, buggies. 1140 Folsom st. HAY WRgon with sideboard; big lumber wagon. 910 Capp st. = DOCTOR'S coupe for sale cheap. 1000 Geary street. MUST be sold at a sacrifice; 5 good horses. 327 Sl-th st ¦ « Al EXPRESS wagon, light campinj wagon and gocart for sale cheap. 532 Mission st. Largest assortmt 2-hand wagons. buckb'd. sur- rey, harness, work.drivinir horses. 15th- Valencia 1 HOUSES TO LET. ! A—PRINTED list of houses to let: send for cir- cular. G. H. UMbSEN & CO.. 14 Montgomery A HOUSES and flats to let; an Immense list; service absolutely free; take advantage of I this department: it will save you time and I trouble. Cordes Furniture Co., 215-250 Geary ' Bt.. on the square. BEFORE moving tret or.r printed list o? houses to let. BALDWIN & HOWELL. '2'> Pest st. IIOl/SK AXD II.VH.V TO LET. 3-ROOM house: 10-staII barn and hay loft; near Twenty-fourth and Castro -t_- Apply 517 Clipper «t " HOUSE S~ TO"LET— FCUNIsilEDT COZY furnished four-room and bath cottage; rent f 17; Thirteenth st. Apply 122 Turk st. BAKER. 1S15 Furnished hovse. 6 rooms, bath. Inquire 2 to 6 p. m. LOST AXD FOCSD. LOST Between Trocadero and Cliff House, one lady's -gold watch; monogram M. D. on» side, small diamond on the other; $20 re- ward. Return A. E. SATHER, care Mur- phy. Grant Sz Co.. Bush and Sansome sts. LOST A white bull terrier; bindle spot on left eye, ears cut. Return to «40 Golden Gate ave. and receive rewards LOST Lady's gold watch; monogram "C. M. P."; liberal reward. Superintendent's office. Hale Bros. . LOST Fox terrier; tag No. 4105; reward. 930 Sanchez tt. ITwill pay to "Remember" that the California Watch Case Co.. 220 Sutter St.. need* old fold snd nilver to make new watch cases. ' MEDICAL. SAN" FRANCISCO'S EMINENT PHYSICIAN. DOCTOR WHITE: .' ,'. TREATS WOMEN ONLY. 702 MARKET ST.. room 7. Phone Red 3321. Every facility for the BEST treatment of all diseases and disorders of women. Elegant j sanatorium. Select patients. Strictly confi- j dentlal. Fees within the reach of all. MRS DR. WYETH. specialist for all female ! complaints; instant relief guaranteed; 30 I years' experience; removed to S2tt Poat st MRS. DR. KOHL, reliable specialist for all fe- male troubles and Irregularities: instant re- lief guaranteed. 100S% Market St., opp. 5th, DR. G. W. O'DONNELL—All who are sick or In trouble ccnsult this specialist on female complaints; positively Corrected: the unfor- tunate helped; the most difficult cases treat- ed: advice free. Office. 1013 Market st. Drs. Oocdwin. 733 Turk, nr. Van Ness Expert in obstetrics, female complaints: Inst relief; treatmtnt glO; hours. 10 to 5; 25 yrs. exper. MRS. D. ALLEN. 1118 Market -Reliable ladies' . specialist; a private home before and during confinement: best medical care; low fee*. A maternity villa; prtvate: secluded; confiden- tial. Dr. E. Furke. 1410 Eishth nt.. Alameda. DR. and MRS. DAVIES and HINDOO HERBS; original method of treatment. 1120 Market ts. DR. ROSEN, moved to 2905 Folsom St.. corner 26th; relief $10; ladies' exclusive office. DR. NG TOY KEE. 31S Powell St.. opposite' Union square: all diseases cured by herbs. MILLIXERY. LADIES^ 200 stylish hats to select from; leasa sold, must vacate February 1. 1904; save money by calling on MME. DOSCH. 207 Poat . MISCELLANEOUS—-FOR SALE. BOILERS, engines, 2d-hand machinery. McIN- TOSH _ WOLPMAJf. 195-197 Fremont st, FOR sale 1 small steam heater. 1 compressor, 1 25-horsepower gas engine, 1 10-borsepower gas engine, 1 8-horsepower boiler. For prices and Information regarding aNive and Inspec- tion of same call at WHITTIER-COBURM CO.. 20 Fremont st.. San Francisco, DOES YOUR ROOF LEAKT Repair it with elaterlte; In rolls easy to lay: needs no painting or coating; good over old Iron, tin or shingles; best for new roofs. ELATERITK ROOFING CO.. 713 Market at. 2D-HAXD 'machinery boilers, engines pumps. pulleys, shafting, etc. etc.. bought, sold. rented and exchanged; sea Sunday papers. "H .8.. WHITE M'CH'Y CO.. 130-132 Beale at. A—Fine su.ts. $7 60; dress pants. $2 50 Origi- nal Mltfit Clothing Parlors, 233 Kearny st. near Bush ; open to 0 p. m. Sunday to coon. A—$3 60 DERBY and Fedora hats. $1 73. Pop- ular. Price Hatters. 330 Kearny. st. near Pine; open till 9 p. o. Sunday to noon. A— BUYS, eeila or rents gear machinery, en- gines. ' boilers, water pipe, shafting pulleys, etc WHITELAW. 253-255 Spear st. FOR SALE—Stockton Incubator and a brooder; I nearly new. 1001 Fifty-fifth st.. Oakland. - near Golden Gate. iFRESH milk cows for sale; for private fami- lies especially. Schaefer Stock Yards. San j Bruno road and Twenty-seventh ave. . TRY ouf> men's shoes at $1 and $150 pair; f foot-form shoes at $2 CO; we pay express | ; charges. 11 3d at. Exam, bid. r. catalog, free. ! TWENTY. Durham heifers In caffT must" be | sold: make offer. SAM AFTERGUT Mission road, near 7-Mile House, county line. > , FOR sale— Heavy horse and delivery wagon. ' - Corner Scfccol and Cayp its., Fruitvale. ~71iiiiinWr-i'iniiU'i niiir*- -

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Page 1: The San Francisco Call (San Francisco) 1903-10-19 [p 8] · 2009-03-23 · THE SAN FBAKClSCp CALL, MONDAY, OCTOBER 19, 1903



BUSINESS OmCE of the Eaa FranciscoCall, corner Market and Third atreeta; openuntil 12 o'clock every night In the year.

BRANCH OFFICES—627 Montgop ery street,

corner Clay; open until 9:30 p. _L

300 Hayes street; open until 9:30 p. m.?39 McAllister street; open until 9:30 p. m.CIS Larkln street; open until 9:80 p. m.1M1 Mission etreet: open untU 10 p. m.22C1 Market street, corner Sixteenth; open

cntll 9 p. m. .;"". r106 Eleventh etr«et; open until 9 p. m.1006 Valencia etreet; open until 9 p. m.Northeast corner Church and Duncan streets;

open until 9 p. m.Northwest corner of Twenty-second and

Kentucky utreets; open until 9 p. m.2200 FIHmore street; open until 9 p. r_.

MEETING NOTICES.ASYLUM of Golden Gate Coimnandery >£>

No 1« K. T.. 025 Sutter «t.—

Stated TSrassembly THIS EVENING at 8 Kjho'clock. Order of Temple. All fra- *jffters are courteously Invited. By or-der of the Commander.


BAN FRANCISCO Chepter No. 1. R. A. J_M.. nwfU THIS EVENING. Busi- 'Vy'ness. Degrees 5 and «. f^r\

II. Q. PRINCE. Secretary.

OCCIDENTAL Lodge No. 22. F.and A. £M.—Called meeting THIS (MONDAY)VV"EVENING, at 7:30 o'clock. Second /V\degree. By order of the Master.


KINGSolomon's Lodge No. 2G0. F. and J»A. M-. 1S:» Flllmo— at.— Third degree "V\FTHIS EVENING at 7:30 o'clock. /Vi

HARRY BAEHR. Secretary.

DAMON Lodge No. 2, K. cf P.—Offi- -_tj£cers _nd members are requested toattend our ne_t rc-_-_ls.r meeting. "^^t5-!Oct 20, 8 r>- ~.. to receive ourgrand chancellor. Members of aister lodgesand eojournlng brothers are invited. Perorder F. J. LEWIS. C. C.

J. H. DAXTOX. K.of R. and S.

XEIGHBORS of Ran Fran- -- ~jjjTCisco Camp No. 437, """*»>_/ __ " of the World— f-__rjSjST_7_«RTru ere rrqutFTod to as- S_S*o»—^^f/G^f»»rr.h!e at U;e camp. 28«8 Mg¦!.<*'>%!»

'Mission St.. TUESDAY.Oct. 20. 1903, at 1 p. m. sharp, to attendthe funeral of our late neighbor, GEORGEH. TEWKSBURY. Place of Interment. Cy-press Lawn Cemetery.

R. \V. PARKER. Consul Commander.H. J. McCLlNTOCK. Clerk.

THE California Debris Commission having re-cel\-ed applications to mine by hydraulicprc~JB from E. C. Kavaneugh and WilliamH. DuSTey. In Phillips mine, near ForestHill, Plaoer County. Cal.. draining Into Mis-souri Creek, which reaches American River,and from North America Consolidated GoldMining Company, in its mine near Glbson-vllle. Sierra County. Cal.. draining into westbranch of Slate Creek, which reacheK TubaRiver, gives notice that meeting will be heldat room 96. Flood building. San FrancUsco,

Cal.. November 2. 1903. at 1:30 p. in.


—100 bright energetic and thor-

oughly reliable events, male or female, allover the Pacific Coa*t to present a strictlyflrst-clasa business preposition. Box 4791, Call.

BOAIIDING FOH CHILDREN.WANTED— A child to board; private family;

mother's care. 1K>6 Hyde tt.



COLUMBIANLAW _ COLLECTION AGENCYAble attorneys. Rm. 60. «lt> Market, oppo-

site Emporium. Bad tenants ejected speedilyend reason— bly. Collections, no matter howrmaJl, Attended to; a tt—chments ; bonds fur-nished: corporations organized; civil and crim-inal practice. Tel. John «K_iG. Open evgs. by _p-pcintmtnt. We solicit an interview with you.


YE-U-TDivorces a specialty. Private. Quick.


Attorney and Counselor at Law.Open Evenlnr* 7 to a Phone Jeesie 4711.Crflces en First Floor

—Rooms 1. 2. 3. 4 and 5.

1122 Market St.. Between Mason and Taylor.Almost Opposite "Hale's" Dry Goods Store,____________________Practice In Federal and all State Courts.Attachments, divorce, mining, bankruptcy,

prosecutions. *<ljustnien_5, corporations, pat-ents, estates, probate.Experienced ar.d Reliable Attorneys Engaged.Advice guaranteed Correspondence solicited.611. 511A. SUB Crcssley Bldg. Tel. John 2v_«.

N. E. Cor. New Montgomery and Mission Sts.ROBT. W. KING, atty-at-law. Examiner bid"

room Cll;all ca*e«. damares. estates, wills.attachments, collections, etc.; consultationfree: no advance charges: ca!l or write;evenlr.K? by appointment. Tel. rted 3601.

ADVICE free—IwlJl advance cost In meritori-ous rases. dl\-crces. probate and all other Uwcares; no fees In advance; open every even-ir.C. 1. M. THfRSTON. Sia Market at. r.3L

WARNER TEMPLE. 8C Chronicle building;bankruiitey, accidents, probate and .matri-monial cases; labor liens.

A. _I. EWING—Attorney-at-law. Room C12.Parrott bldg.: phone South 653.


Costs. $12; quick, quiet; open even-lrsc«. 927 Market st. room 301.

L. E. CLARK. Emma Spreckeis bldg.. 027 Mar-ket rt.;consultation free; no fees In advance.

AITKEN& AITKEN. attorneys, ri.303-10-11.Clunie blflg.. -03 California at; tel. Main 727.

ADVICE free; 00 charge unless successful; allUw burfne*-. W. TV. Davidson. 027 Market

;niSIXESS CHAXCEs!f1000 CASH, balance same as rent for grocery

and' bar: less than stock and fixtures; run-ning 'J years: with 2-*tory cottage, 6 roomsand bath; let 25x100; 21rt and Douglass sta.

OWING to continued Ill-health will sell bestpaying email coffee house south of Marketrt.:no acerits. 1S5 Fourth at.

PAPER route for sale; best bargain ever of-fered in Oakland. Box S40. Call. Oakland.


AN established grocery business; wholeor half Interest; splendid opportunity. Applybox 4TS4. Call office.

FRI'IT store: 2 horses; 2 wagons; must befold: sickn«^s. "Call 1545 Geary st.

FOR sale—

Brunch bakc-ry; pood location; pricefl75. 102fi1». Hyde. opp. power-house.

FOR SALE—Mocha Restaurant 1759ft M!s-t-lcn st. ¦-. .'¦

LO13GI\G-HOL'SES FOR SALE.100 HOOMS; house for men; rent $140. ..$4000

r.S rooms; south of Market; rent $100. 2000_4 100ms; corner: part cash; bal. easy. 850!Ijocraj; pood Income; rent $20 35021 rooms; water front: rent $40; lease. 050

I"0 rooms; good lease; low rent G500I"nas.; apartments; Western Add.;rent 250

Money loanr-d at Ip*r centHotels, rcadhouses. fiats, 5 to 100 rooms.

EITEL & CARROLL. 212 Kearny st

10 ROOMS; McAllister -«.t.: complete as apart-tnent-house; carpets and furniture gcod; rent$37 50; bargain this week. $500. Grocery,700 McAIUsut ft


Pr.OF. Fred P. Evana. noted psychic for slate-writingand clairvoyance; stamp for circular.1112 Eddy tt; nr. Octavia: phone Scott SS7.

EDWARD EARLE. 1052 ZIU«. readings daily,»:30 to 4; seances Sunday and Thursday.

CLAIRVOYANTS.MY Regular $3 Readings This Week for


*The First Registered Trance Clairvoyant andPalmist Ever In San Francisco,Ido hereby solemnly agree and guaranteeto make no charge IfIfall to tell you yourname, occupation and what you called for-Ipromise to tell you whether husband, wifeor cweetheart is true or false; Itell youwhom and arhen you will marry in fact Imill tell you every hope, fear or ambitionbetter than you can tell yourself; 1 improveyour character to that you will reach thehighest possible development Inmental vigorhealth, happiness and capacity to earnwealth; so you -.111 live happy and contentedthe rest of your life. Hours 10 a m to 8p. -.;Sundays. 2 to 8. 326 O Farrell st. 326.

MME. M. BERNARD. THB FAMOUSClairvoyant and business medium, perma-• neatly located at 17 Third st. next Examinerbldg.; ehe read* your life correctly, gives anaccurate descriotlon of the past, reveals thepresent happenings and portrays events tooccur Inthe future: Ifyou are in trouble, dis-contented or not satisfied in life, or have do-mestic, love or buntness troubles, consult thisgreat medium and you will be told how toovercome them; valuable advice tn all affairsof life; 23c up; satisfaction guaranteed* read-Inga by malL Tel. Black 4569.-

IfMAR. the Egyptian gypsy, clairvoyant andpalmist, permanently located at 1104 Market•t. nor. Turk; private readlnra dally, 10 to 5 p. m.; readings by mall aa satisfac-tory aa In person; 3 questions answered, $1;full life, $5; send lock of hair, date and yearef birth: don't send currency. Send postofflce,~ell_-Fargo money order or registered letter.

A—MME. PORTER, scientific clairvoyant andcard reader, born witha double veil and seo-ea_ Bight; tells the past, present and future;ladles, SOc; rents, $1; by cards, palmistryand clairvoyant sitting; $1 60. 126 Turk at

MISS ZEMDAR, young gifted clalr. and palm.;has second eisht; a wonderful prophetess;

--».— ei; L. SOc; G. $1. 714

These two ladles are having a nice little chat.And the one who Is thin tells the one who Is fatHow she. can reduce; that The Call prints an ad

-That tells how relief from such fat may be had.Itis so on all lines—Ifthere's aught you would know•Tw-111 be found in The Call, where all wise people go.


iELDERLY lady wishes position to care fcrchild, or do plain sewing In family. Apply

• 033 Sacramento st.'

IBY a youns lady in business office; sten-¦ ographcr and has knowledge of bookkeeping.

Box 4405. Call. ¦

IAGERMAN woman wishes light housework or! cleaning by the day. Call 522H Ivy ave.1 GOOD stenographer of experience and ability

desires position; salary $60. box 47S5, Call.JAPANESE girl wants a good position as

fir3t-cl_ss cook: $35 up a month; have refer-ences. SUMI,Ml Sacramento st

WANT ads and subscription- taken for TheCall at Eaton's Bazaar. iWt?. McAllister tt.


AMBITIOUS married man. sober, reliable, ageI>0, good address and appearance, wants workof any kind; fair salary; city or country.Box 4799, Call office.

FIRST-CLASS bartender and Grocery clerk, Almixer, Bpeaks German and Encllsh, desirespoEltion; flrat-claEs references. Box 4706,Call office.

EXPERIENCED hotel cook and all-roundman, speaks German. French and English,

: wants position. Box 4707. Call.

YOUNG man would like to drive a wagon. Ad-dress box 2612, Call.

BRIGHT, ambitious young man, clean-cut,neat appearance, eood address, wishes con-

1 nection with responsible bouse In sales de-partment; no books or insurance. Box 4702.Call office.

:RETIRED, very temperate, active, elderly seacaptain, having been unfortunate in his in-vestments, desires suitable employment, such


as charge of yacht, steam launch, etc. Ad-dress P. O. box 21t>i. San Francisco, Cal.

YOUNG man, neat appearing, seeks a posi-

tion as bookkeeper, or assistant, or col-lector; stenographer; speaks, reads andwrites the German language; best of rerer-ences. Box 720. Call office.

SITUATION private place, city or country, bycompetent young man. 28 (Dane); capabletaking care of horses and garden; also afirst-class driver: references. .Box 2607, Call.

MEDICALstudent desires 1 to 3 hours' worka day and all day Saturdays; bookkeeping orany kind of work; terms reasonable. Box3490. Call.

YOUNG man (21) wants position In office orsalesroom; understands bookkeeping: whole-sale grocery preferred; references. Box 725,Call office.

STEWARD for club or gents In chambers, priv-ilege cooking, speaks and corresponds Ger-man and French, •sober, age 30;> disengaged

Nov. 6. F. C. .R.. Box 713. Call.

YOUNG business man of this city wishes out-door position, collector, etc.; references;bonds, or cash security;' any amount Box3470. Call office.

AN experienced bookkeeper can spare 2 hoursdally to- take charge of books of small busl-'ness house. Address box 4703. Call. !

YOUNG man wants position on ranch or hand-ling stock; can fill position as foreman; $40

j ar.d board required. Box 4770. Call.

CAKE baker wants situation: good ornamenter;city or country. Box 4780, Cali office.

SOBER and Industrious young man would, like

! position. Box 4778. Call^'

:JAPANESE boy wants situation as school boy.S. K.. (J33 Sutter st. Telephone Red 5518.


4 PER CENT'to 6 PER~CENT HIGH GRADEMunicipal. School, Railroad and Corporationij Bonds,

Bank and Trust Company Stocks.. Selected fcr conservative Investors.'Write for Information to

HEAZELTON &CO..Stock and Bond Brokers,

"Hayward Building,San -Francisco, Cal.~


A—HOUSES and flats to let: an Immense list;service absolutely free; take advantage ofthis department; it will save you time and

trouble. Cordes Furniture Co.. 245-259 Geary

et. on the square.

NEW modern up-to-date 7-room upper flat; 733Fulton st.: rent *."0: near Buchanan st. Avply MADISON & BURKE. • -

GOUGH, 25in, near Vallej')—Sunny lower flat oftt rooms nnd bath: rent reduced to $25. VONRHEIN R. E. CO.. 513 California st

ELLIS. S10. near Polk—For business, purposes:3 rooms; all conveniences; electric light andpower. -¦

NEW corner flats; 3191 Washington: 7 and 0rooms; separate entrances; rents $47 50 and$57 50.

- . ¦


;GREEN, 20C3—

Handsome sunny upper flat;[marine view; 7 rooms; bath on two 'floors;rent $50.

• . ¦¦'¦¦•


NICE Hat, 5 rooms; all conveniences;open plumbing, tiling, tinting-, garden. S93. Lombard st.

BUSH, 1651, near Franklin—

7 sunny rooms;upper flat; $37 50; yard, etc.; rear entrance.

PIERCE and McAllister sts.. NE. corner—0rooms; new; rent $57 50.

TO let—

3 new flats. Devlsadero, between TurKand Eddy: rent reasonable.


FURNISHED^<A NEWLY fur. flat for sale; 18 large sunny

rooms, well arranged forrenting. -823 and 825Polk st. Apply to H. S. RANSON.QO7 Market.


A. WOLLPERT. 773 Mission, phone Red 4462.buys, rents, • repairs, packs furniture, carpetB.

HIGHEST price for furniture and mdse. L. H.BURP. auctloneer.lSIS Mkt.;tel.Howard 2750.


IA LADY'S maid. $30; second girl. $30: nurse.$.5; house girl, $30; 5 cooks, $35 and $30;chambermaid, country hotel, $25; waitress,Santa Cruz, $25: ranch cook, $25. MRS.NORTON, S13 Sutter st.


Girls to learn millinerynow for.fall season;both seasons taught from start to finish inImonth for $10; positions as trimmers, sales-• ladles, etc.. guaranteed at $10 per week up;Iday.and evening class. ;143 Stockton st. r.13.



Girls to,learn i.halrdressing,:manicuring, etc.; trade taught from A to ZIn 2 weeks; $5 to those entering now; 3 po-sitions to fill immediately; positions guaran-teed at $10 per week ''up _. leading -school. InWest 233 Geary St.. room 13. ;¦

A—LADIES to learn all branches halrdressingtrade; manicuring. >massage, etc.. 1236. Mar-

;ket st. cor. Jones, room 94; positions securedat highest wages; day and eve, class; call.'

FINISHERS and sewers on cloaks .and suits:• high wages. RATNER..144 .Union .squareave., opp. ;Union,Square.Park. ;¦ : ,.

TALENTED amateur ,'bertormers...: Apply '-¦at

Chutta 6 p. m. Wednesday; salary no object

CLAIRyOYANTS--ConttBned.] ______

LEE. palmistry and clairvoyant; hours»-5: evenlnra and Sundaya by appointment;readings 60c 1208 Mnrket. parlor 01; elev.

JUST arrived; Mme. Davla, greatest magic

card render on coast: born, crowned, veiled.7C3 Market, parlors 18-17; -5-POc; mall $1.

A—Mme. Ravenna reads life, business advice;

names given; 25c pp. S 4th st. near Market

OLDEST lady palmist and card reader In city.

( 26»4 Kearny. room 20; ladles 25c, gents SOc.

MRS BROWN, clairvoyant, card reader; ladles25c. gents 50c; readings dally. 132 Sixth at.

MME WALTF.RS. great card reader; ladles 25c.I gents r«e. 951 Mission at. nr.6th; open Sun.

1 MISS WARD Elves names, dates and facts;. hours 10 to 8. 413 -Mason Et.:no sign.

MRS". SHAFER. clairvoyant, card reader: slt-tlncs dally. 448^ Jessie Bt. bet. 5th and 6th.


AIR compressed, dry. Ice cold, la now unlver-cally used In sanitarily cleaning carpets, onOcor without removal or Injury; prices mod-erate Apply S. F. COMPRESSED AIRCLEANING CO.. Call bid.; phone Main5237.

WHEN you become disgusted with your, worktend for 8PAULDING'S Pioneer Carpet-beat-ing Work*. 35--'l57 Tehama at; tel. South 40.

SMITH'S Carpet Cleaning Co.: Al work guar-cnteed. 8c. 1S43 15th »t;phone Capp 1651.

WESTERN Carpet Cleaning Works. 1300 Har-

rieon at: Al cleaning. 3c: tel. Ml—Ion 225.

CALIFORNIA Carpet-beatinr Co.. J. McQueen,proprietor. 32fl Guerrero st; tel. Mission 43.

TRY HOPKE nnCS.:excellent carpet-beating:mattrer-eg mad> over.1432 Howard :South 216.

ADVANCE Carpet Cleaning Co.. 402 Sutter st;tel. Main 394. GEO. WALCOM

-CC.. Props.


CO.. carpet-beating works: prices

reasonable. 1703 Harrison st: tcl.Ml.-lon -Si.

CONKLIN'S Superior Carpet-beating Works.3" Cold— G»t» »v».: telephone East 126.


DCNLAP FOOT INSTITUTE. 50 Geary— Allailments of the feet cured: corns. bunlons.etc.


BAD tenants ejected for $4: collections made;city or country. PACIFIC COLLECTIONCO.. 41S Montgomery, rooms 0-10: tel. 55S0


___ECTRO-DENTAL CLINIC. $03 Market tt.,

ccr. Fourth* room 7. Flooa building; extrac-

tions done painlessly; teeth without plateacur specialty; sold crowns. $3 r.0--ap: plates,$4 BO up, extraction free: office hour.. 9a. in. to 9 P. m.:Sundays. 9 to 2.

DR. GKUSS. 604-5-6 Callaghan bldg.. Marketasd McAllister sts.. uses the Bastord Obtun--der. the only device ever Invented for grind-lag, .rilling and excavating teeth absolutelywithout pain. For demonstration and proofcall at office.

-DR. LUDLUMHILL.1443 Market nr.Eleventh—

No charge for extracting when plates ar»rcade; old plates made over like new; teethfro— f8 per set; extracting. 80c; g—1 givea.

A NEW plate—The Whalebone—

cannot break;warranted 20 yra.; crown. $3 60; fllllnga. 09e; fZ; full sat;all work painless _nd war-rant«-d. Ch!— ko Dental Parlors. 24 Sixth it

PARIS Dental Parlors. 235 Kearny. ccr.Bush—

Set teeth $1 50 up; crowns 52 up; fillings 25c.

GOLD fllitnC-. 75c; sliver. 3_c; crowns. $2; normln: open Sunday. Pr.O.P.Hewl^.-nt Sutter.


McDOWELL Dressmaking and MillinerySchool—Ac> pattern cut to measure. 1019 Market

ACCORDION, sunburst_

knife plaiting, otew-arf* button «: buttonhole factory, 110 Taylor. I


iTHE Ean Francisco Youeg Men'a ChristianAssociation conducts a night school for engineering school, an evening law school.'

tt working boys' night school and a day busi-ness and academic school. Students havegymnasium and other privileges. Apply at 1

Y. M C. A. building. Mason and Ellla sts. j1 CECILIA Choral Society concert In preparation;i a few mere tenors and bassos required. Ap-i ply at POMMER-EILER'S Music Store, ti53j Market Bt., TUESDAY, 7:15 p. m.; rehearsals

Tuesday evening.


—B?c*.ke«p!ng. shorthand, touch typing,

languftfres. telegraphy. English branches;day and night _ec3lon<; fllus. catalogue free.

i H1NMAN'S Academy; a thorough school ofI c-scins; established 20 years. 1412 Polk st..

between Pine and California; both adult andchildren's classes are now open for the gea-on.

i AIRES, the leading business college, 723 Mar-1 ket St.; special summer course In all depart-I tnenta; handsome catalogue free; life schol-x-

ehlp. $&0: day and evening sessions.

CALIFORNIA Business College. 305 Larkln st."A thorough Bchool"; position, secured forgraduates; modern methods; Individual ln-ttruction. Write for Illustrated catalogue.

-ITHE Lyceum, an accredited preparatory school

for the university. law and medical colleges;¦ ret.. President Jordan or any Stanford pro-

fetsor; day. evening sessions. Phelan bldg.

DANCING Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday andSunday evenings at Teutonla Hall. Howardst. near Ninth;management'Prof. Foster.

A—SAN FRANCISCO Business College. 1238Market _t.

—Practical, progressive, reliable;

day & evening sessions: write for catalogue.

AGENTLEMAN teaches privately young menand women whose education has been neg- !lected: also foreigners. Call or add. 719 Post, i

HEALD'S School of Mines _ Electrlclty,24 Posttt. S. F.;a practical school of engineering:complete equipment. Special catalogue free.


Civil, elec.. min.. mech.. sur-vey, assay, cyanide; day, eve.; est 18C4. Vander Nalllen School. 113 Fulton, nr. City Hall.

6PANISH.Frtnch.etc.Prof.DeFlltppe'sAcadem7of Language-,320 Poat ;e«tab'd!S71: ablest prof».

GOLDEN Gate Com' 1. College, K50 Golden GateavM full Business course; day and evening.

SCHOOL OF ILLUSTRATION Day and•PARTINGTON'S. 424 Pine st...Night class.

ARITHMETIC, bookkeeping, grammar. writing,etc.; day or eve.: $5 mo. 1024

j PIANO leseons given to beginners at SOc. Box2610. Call office.

EMPLOYMENT OFFICES.Gi£o^G^^A^K?r~*2riposT7trrteir_!uah 135

—Japanese-Chinese employment office: fur-!nifhes best help: contracts for farm help, etc

IF you want Japanese help, advertise In TheNew World. Japanese dallypaper. 353 Geary.


ORPHEUM Employment Office—

Japanese-Chin*se heln. 42C Powell. Tel. Main 5752.

, A—

GRAND J_nanese-Chine*e Eap. Office, 411, Stockton: ttl. Grant 16S; expert, reliable help.'CHINESE Employment Office—Best help at

IJ Leon Seung"s. 41H» O'Farrell; tel. East 428.•I RELIABLE Japanese-Chinese Employment Of-I

See; all kinds help. 315 Ctockton: Main 018S.] CHINESE and Japanese help; eitab. 20 years.I Tel. Main 1007. BRADLKY Iz CO.. 010 Clay.



A SCOTCH cook, young and strong, best ofreferences, wants a quiet place at $30, wherethere Is a *eccnd girl kept. Call at MISSPLUNKETT'S. 4_0 Sutter st, near Powell.

A YOUNGnuree girl wants a place to care forone child at $15 a month; must be seen In theoffice. MISS PLUNKETT, 425 Sutter St.,near Powell.

- -A SWEDISH girl with 4 years' references

wants housework and cooking at $30 month;no window washing. Call at MISS PLUNK-ETT'S, 425 Sutter at. near Powell.

REFINED North German middle-aged nurse. deslrca situation to care for two childrenfrom 3 to tt years of age; also plain sewingand teach German; r«fercncee; city or coun-try, short distance: fare paid. Box 47!>0.Call office.

AMERICAN woman wishes housekeeper's po-sition or work on ranch; neat and reliable.Addrc££ Housekeeper, 2S0 Turk at.

MIDDLE-AGED lady wishes a' position to dogeneral housework; Is a good cook. 358Minna st.

FIRST-CLASS fitter on tailor and eveninggowns wants engagement, $1 50 per day.»2S Post st; phone Hyde 3452.

A POSITION ae Kood invalid's nurse or totake care of children. Apply 710 Harrison.

English young lady desires engagement fromNovember 1 as nurse to young children; Is?xpert on children's clothing, fancy work and1 'the training of children. Box 3433, Call.

REFINED colored girl would like work in doc-tor's office, or other light work; some timefor self; email wages, board and washing.Box 444». Call office.

A RELIABLE German woman wishes a situa-tion to do housework and cooklr.g In a smallfamily: wages S25 to $30; good laundress.Box 4441. Call office.

CAPABLE young woman; can sew well; wantsto care for an Invalid; be-t references. Box4i&<, Call office.

CAPABLE young woman; can sew well; wants

Calf'offlce1'cblld; Box 47S2,

COMPETENT young woman wishes housework"-dry or country; wages moderate. Box 260S.'Call office.'-* ¦ .

ENGAGEMENTS by the day at homes treat-Ing hair and scalp by reliable treatment; no 1: trifler*. MRS. E..HIGBEE. 1350" Pacific su'


A FIRST-c!_Al5S~^ook"for~an American family^$45; a kitchen maid for same place, $20; acook for a flrst-c!a»s German family, $35; a. cook for a boardlnK-house In city, $40; aFrench nursery Eoverness. $30; a waitress,also a cleaner for an Institution, $20 each;50 housework girls for city and country.MISS PLUNKETT. 425 Sutter. n«*ar Powell.

A—OPERATORS wanted on ladles' waists;good pay; steady position. 656 Mission st.,third floor.


WOMEN wanted to do embroidery home;bring sample. 656 Mission st.. third floor.


SEWERS wanted to work at home. 65tfMission at. third floor.

WAIST handa wanted at 1407 Lacuna at. ¦

FINISHERS on custom coats. 500 Kearny st,room 4. • ¦

GIRL for housework and cooking for country.Apply 14C9 Webster st.

YOUNG girl to assist In housework In family.of

-and baby. 1750 Ellis st.

GIRL wanted for chamberwork and wait attable;no cooking. 1015 Golden Gate ave.

A GIRL to assist- In general housework. 1282Page st. . fT-

GIRL, general housework. ?12 a month; easy_place; call afternoon. 235 Minna at.

GIRL for general housework; call In themorning. 2124 Sutter St.

GOOD cook wanted. 1720 Sacramento st.WANTED

—A German girl to take care of a

child 5 yeara of age. Call _110 California st.


Girl cr woman to wait In restau-rant. 272 Brannan st.


A first-class pants finisher; unionwcrk. CS Tehama Et.

GIRL for general housework; plain cooking;$-0 month. Call 10 a. m.. top floor, 120 11th.


Girl for housework and cooking; 0In family; wages $25. 1512 McAllister st.


--' v- • • '


-A reliable, competent woman totake care of 5 n invalid lady. Apply between

• 10 and 12, Aiomlay morning, October 1'.', at1701 Post st.

WHOLESOME. Intelligent lady over 25 ofgood character and dtandlng for high-graoSsposition. Box -COS. Call office.

GIRL or woman to do light housekeeping andassist with child; wages reasonable. 1500Fell Et, to-night, between 6 and 8.

EXPERIENCED tucker and operators on silkand wool waists; steady work. KONIG-

'hSTEIN. 28 First st.

NEAT, respectable middle-aged lady; ex-perienced delicatessen line. Apply 1521 Devls-adero st.


Respectable, reliable saleslady forfine bakery; must have sufficient experiencein same; good ealary. Box 708. Call office.


Experienced banders andbinders; also apprentices ; wages. CARSONGLOVE CO.. 123 Second St.

CIGARETTE makers wanted: steady worn and |good wages. The JOHN BOLLMAN CO..' corner Front and Pacific sts.

GIRLS about 15 for factory work; good wagea.Apply ct once. AMES A HARRIS. 100 Sac-ramento st.

GIRL.for second work;.3 In the family. CallMonday morning. 1192 O'Farrell st.

WANTED—Skirt makers. 126 Kearny 40

WANTED— A girl to fell candy In htore. LosAngeles Candy Co., 14S Fourth *t.


OPERATORS and fini5hcrs on white shirts.ROGKKSON'S. 535 Valencia st.

NEAT girl for cooking and general housework;references; apply mornings. 1709 Baker st

2 LADIES of good address to represent a high- 1grade magazine. C!) Columbian bldg.. city.

FIRST-CLASS stenographers furnished. MissM. G. Barrett, instructor. 302 Montgomery.


First-clas» waist, skirt and-coat

hands and errand girl. J. BAER. 1200 Geary.

A BRANCH office for Call advertisements andEUbscriptions has been . established at 109SValencia st. ¦ ....



429 Bush st.... .642 Clay st. .FOR SALT LAKE TRESTLE WORK. \

¦ 20 carpenters, with tools .$3 50Board $4 50 week

—Ship To-day

—Free Fare.

SHIP DAILY THIS WEEK FOR NEVADA.100 laborers, valmy, Nevada .$2100 laborers," Beowawe, Nevada $_100 laborers. Reno, Nevada ..\.$2100 laborers, Fenelon, Nevada ....:.. ...'.$2'

Absolutely Free Fare for All Above.

FOR CHICO, BUTTE COUNTY, CAL.15 teamsters, two-horso teamsters $2-25Railroad camp cook $U0Rate fare. $2 80 .Ship Daily.

25 laborers, ditch work, near city ........ $2• Coopers, slack work, 3c bbl.;3 German wood-

choppers, $1 50, $1,75 a cord; milkers, chore-,men. fanners. .--•

Camp cook, R. R. work, $60: 2 cooks, coun-try hotels •$40;* second cooks, fryers, broil-ers^ city. $60, $80: 2 neat young men to'carry off dishes, city, $30; dish, pot wash-ers pantrymen kitchen hands, others.C. "R. HANSEN & CO.'S EMPLOYMENT

OFFICE,429 Bush st ....642, Clay st.

FIRST-CLASS restaurant cook. $80 to $100;kitchen man for lunch place. $30; privatefamily waiter, *35 found; restaurant cooks.$00 and'$S0;. cook for 4 men; cook, for pri-vate family hotel;2 hotel waiters, - country.'$30 and found; dishwashers and others. J.

: F. CROSETT & CO.. 62S Sacramento st. •,

FRUIT farmer and wife. $40; blacksmith. $1 60"to $2 day and found: coachman and wife, $(>0and found; man about place, $30 and found;ranch teamster . $35 and found and fare re-funded:'sheep iherder, > $30 and


" ers; office toy;-boy to ;learn trade; :wood-choppem $2 75 cord; quarrymen, $2 25. day;"*'laborers,' $2 day. and others. J. F. CROSS-ETT & CO.; 628 Sacramento atV; .

WANTED—15 more woodchoppers for mining¦-" company, ifare paid,:long Job, pine. 2 and 4. . foot wdbd; go early: this week; good wages.•\.."J. ;F.=' CROSETT & CO.. 628 Sacramento Bt.

TRY our men's shoes, junion made," at $1,and¦¦ .$J'CO pair; foot-form shoes nt $2 50; we pay. express or mall chrss. 11 3d st. Exam. bid.

WANTED—An elevator boy. 29 Stockton . st.5

SHOEMAKER wanted Immediately. T.'¦ HINES, 1807 Haight st. .


AlENGINE. 16x36: slid* valve; about^175 HPigood as new; bargain. P. O. box -0S8. m>

A VERY fine diamond over 3 karats for $333"

at W. J. HESTHALS. 10 Sixth st,

CHOICE carrier pigeons: record birds; left oc20 birds at a sacrifice. Box 4442. Call office.

3. « AND10 hp. gasoline engines; 2d-hand: allsites, new E. B. BECK it CO.. 122 Market.

NEW and second band machinery of all kt_d_.

KROGH MNFG CO.. 619 Market st.


New and second-hand. THB HER.MANN SAFE CO.. 417-423 Sacramento at

MOVING pictures, m&gts lanterns sale, rental;bargains. Bullard & Breck. 131 Post st.

MILES of pipe and fittings: all sizes. EU-GENE RILEY A SONS. 109 Vallejo st

|MOVING plctura film and song slides. 10*Montgomery at.

SAFES— New and second-hand. B. B. BECKft CO.. 122 Market st,


|All bargains :eamp stools and chairs :ham-oc__.metal bedg.mattr»ases.J.F.Hotter.712 Mission.

Edison phonographs, record*, supplies, tnoirtnepicture machines, films. Baciga-upt. 933 M-t,

GASOLINE engines automobiles and launches;

all slies. J. E. DOAK. 46 Fremont st.

ASK for prices on second-band typewriters: aHmakes. ALEXANDER A CO.. 110 Monts/T.



Agood home In a respectable fam-ily of adults by a respectable yaursg Ameri-can woman. Address box 4795. Call offlca.

BOOKS and libraries bought H. C. HOJ_IE3.1149 Market at.;phone Jes-le 3741. or postal.

TILTONwaats gcod second-hand clothlnr *"<*theatrical goods. 154 9th at:tel. JesaU 2351.

A BIG price paid for sealskins: send postal.25 Stockton at.; phors Eush 4S4.


eoi-GO_-603 Examiner building.Quick settlements: no disappointment. .

Save expenses by dealing: directly. .-tEstates, second mortgages, undivided Inter-|ests, assignments of rents, property in trust. .etc.: legacies, life estates and undivided in- 1terestK in property purchased.Courteous treatment. Strictly confidential.

When You Need MoneySee HERMANMURPHY.


Iwill loan on 1st. 2d and 3d mortgages. SA?TFRANCISCO. OAKLAND. TOWN. COUN-TRY PROPERTY and REAL ESTATE Inprobate; send fullparticulars of property; noanswer otherwise. Box 2498. Call office.

ADVANCES on furniture and pianos withoutremoval; to permanent salaried peopl? ontheir note without security or knowledge ofemployer; lowest rates; no> commission. Na-tional Credit Co. 68 and 69 Donoho* fcut.d-lng. 1170 Market st.

HIGHLY respectable private place to obtainliberal advances on diamonds. Jewelry, atlowest rates. Baldwin Jewelry Store. S43Market st.; tel. Main 1644. Branch. 19 ThlrJ.

MONEY loaned to salaried people, retail mer-chants, teamsters, bcardlnj-houses. withoutsecurity: ea3y paynients; largest business In48 principal cities. Tolman. 553 Parrott b\<l:.

THE Open Credit Assn. makea advances to re-sponsible salaried people, confidentially; newand almple plan; easy Installments. Roozn

60. Academy of Sciences. 819 Market st.

STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL LOANS on fur-niture, pianos or to salaried people on theirnote: proper treatment guaranteed. ILLINOISTRUST CO., r. 16, Phelan bid., tel.Main 704.


1per cent on furniture or piano: no remov-al, no commission, no publicity;J25 up; quick,private, confidential. 26 Montgomery, rm. 7.


MONEY to loan on low interest: gold, silver,diamonds pearls and precious stones boughtat W. J. HESTHAL'S. 10 Sixth St.

TO salaried people without securtt>; on fur-niture, indorsed notes ar.d other security.S. F. Discount Agency. 143 Phelan bldg.

YOUcan borrow more money on your furniturethan any other place in city; no commission.612 Parrott building; phone South t>55.

ONE per cent on furniture: $5 a month on each• $10Cl>: any security. 302 Montgomery, room ISON furniture, piano: no removal. E. W. LICK.

1C03 Mutual Savings Bank bldg., 708 Market.MONEY loaned to salaried employes. G. 'VT'.

MILLER, room 74, nfth floor. Chronicle bids.3% ON furniture *pianos; $15 up: no removal.

V. THEMAIN. roo— 81. 6 EJdy at., floor 4.

ALLloans en diamonds anfl Jewelry 2 per centmo. S. F. Collateral Loan Bank. 538 Kearny.

STAR Loan Co. of TVyomlnsr loans money tisalaried employes. R.311,M_,t_ai-»<i.

CASH loaned salaried people on notes withoutlndorser. MORELL. C0» Examiner bldg.


NO trouble with people who buy the Heinepiano; 700O satisfied customers the best ad-vertisement; strictly high grade and sold di-rect from factory to purchaser; this enablesyou to procure a first-class piano at a rea-sonable prlre; we carry 14 different makes;any piano purchased from us taken in ex-change any .lime within 5 yean and fullpurchase price allowed on a Peerless Heineor any of our other makes. Some bargains,all uprights: Collard. $45: Weber. $78;Sherman AHyde. $3U; Kimball. $115; Smith StBarnes, $150; Miller. $178; Emerson fltt; 'Mansfield & Notni. $125; 2 Steinwaya $145. i$265; 2 Chickering. $S5. $175; 2 Heine, slight-41ly used. $325. $365. and .25 others. Instal.t

fneuiM. $1 up; rents, $'- up, allowed on pur-cha&e. HEINE PIANO CO.. 235-237 Gearyst; Oakland branch. Fifteenth and Broad-way, old P. O. site. Largest exclusivewholesale and retail dealers of the West. Jt

THIS AD IS OUR GREATEST EXPENSE.We pay no rent, aa wa own the building.

The only reason we advertise is to let youknow we rent the best piano in the city for $.8per month. Now we can sell you one just th«same. Our expenses are so very much lessthan other firms, whynot Investigate our pricesand compare notes? Invest 5c carfare and savsfrom $75 to $150 on a piano. SCOTT-CURTAiSPIANO CO.. 560-62-64 Hayes st

WE do not advise the purchase of cheap pianos.a3 they are seldom satisfactory, but we havepianos at a medium price that can be guar-• anteed to please the most critical. Our b*stsellers are the Bchr Eros.. Baumelster andSchubert. THE ZENO MAUVAI3 MUSICCO.. 7t» Market st. ¦-:-.-.

A FINE lot of second-hand uprights from $30up. Including such makes as Chickering,Vose. Kro?ger. Curtaz. Kirkham. Peas»«.Hardman. Marshall & Wendell. Baus andothers. BENJ. CURTAZ

_SON. 18 O'Far-

rell st. No branches In San Francisco.BAND instruments; F. Beraon. Paris, maker;

Gus Malwald. Ast. Pac. Coast. 27S CFarreil:skillful repairing; 2d-hand Instruments soM.


GABLER upright, nearly a snap. HORNUNG. 21C, McAllister.

RARE chance; cash or payments; elegant highgrade uprisht. ltJ McAllister st

BLUTHNER grand piano cheap. BYRONMAUZY.303 Post st.

Unredeemed storage pianos and furniture d!rtcheap. Whltehead's Storage. 1636 Market st.

BEAUTIFUL 3-pedal Steinway upright piano;perfect order; sacrifice. Keeffe's.2S5 O'Farrell.

SOHMEIt, Byron Mauzy pianos. Ceclllan pianoplayer. BYRON MAUZY. 308-312 Post st.

SUPERIOR vlolir.9. zithers, old and new. 1_AMULLER. maker, repairer. 2 Latham plae*. \-------



STORE and 3 rooms; good stand for shoemaker'or other business. 711 Fulton st.;rent $18. *iApplyMADISON A BURKE.

FRONT office. p!ate glass window; groundfloor, f.L. JONES A CO.. 630 Market st

SMALL store, very prominently situated, sutt-abie for any business. 1348 Valencia st.

STORE with large basement: below Kearnyst: rent yto. Apply 63« Clay st.. room 1.

PIAXOS AX1> ORGANS.PART of our list of bargains in second-hand:pianos for September. 1903:

OriginalPrice. Now.

1 SCHUMAN & SONS—•'Walnut case, medium slae, 7 1-3

> octaves, three pedals, raised carvedpanel?, in good condition ..$30O $1401 RICHMOND—

Mahcgany case, small size, raisedcarved panels, 7 1-3 octaves, threepedals, slightly used, but In goodcondition 300 173 i1 SPENCER—

Walnut case, cabinet grand, en-graved panels, three pedals. 7 1-3octaves, good condition 323 ISO2 HOWARDS—

Walnut cases, medium size, 7 1-3-octaves, three pedals, mandolin at-tachments, good condition: each.. 300 1S31MOIiENHAUER &BACH—

Walnut case, large size, raisedcarved panels, three pedals. 7 1-a

: octaves. In very good condition... 350 19CI 1 NEWMAN BROS.—

Walnut case, large size upright,i 7 1-3 octaves, thoroughly renovatad.equal to new 350 »**¦ 1 LUDW1G A CO.— ";

Oak case medium size, raised '^Btcarved panels. 7 1-3 octaves three

*~^ "

pedals, good tone, tn fine condition. 330 210 g; . Co—plete list furnished on application a«fl'

our store. SHERMAN, CLAY & CO.. _ft -_ •

¦; Keaxny and Sutter «*>¦*£

HELP WAXTED—-MALE^Conttnnca.MURRAY & RKADY, (34 and 636 Clay st!-

PHONE MAINE 6848.Leading Employment and Labor Agents.

1902 WK GAVE 1903 WE'LL GIVE45,000 MEN WORK. 60.000 MEN WORK.Mtn wanted TO-DAY forARIZONA. 'OREGON,NEVADA.Southern Pacific and Santa Fe systems; freepass


MINES, TUNNELS. QUARRIES.Miners, all over State. ?90 and S82 50.STABLES, FARMS. ORCHARDS, DAIRIES,jFarm and orchird hencis, $30. $35, $40 fd.Milkers, $30 to ?50 and found.Choremeri,. coachmen, gardeners, etc., $.10.19 stablemen, city, country Jobs, $30 to $00.


'634-636 Clay st.


U« laborers, no experience wanted, $40 to ?70and found.lah mill and yard men. $50 to $150.305 WOODCHOPPERS.

287 TIEMAKERS.All classes

'of exr>erlenced men for woods,

mills, etc., from $50, $C0, $70. $80. $90. $100,$125 to $150 a month.•

MURRAY & READY. 634-636 Clay st

COOKS. WAITERS, PORTERS^.24 cooks, hotels, restaurants, camps, minesand ranches, city and country, 530 to $70 fd.12 waiters, city and country, $25 to $45 fd.14 butchers, different Jobs, $40 to $t'O found.Second cook, mine; 2 waiters. $40, $30 found.


READY. G34-630 Clay st.MECHANICAL.

~~2 ccopers, factory, 20c fare, $3 25 day.

LOCATED EVERYWHERE.63C laborers apd teamsters, city and country,some factories, mills, warehouses, excavating,building, etc.; many in San Francisco; lotsto board home, $2, $2 25, $2 50.Positions not advertised.


PLACER COUNTY.16 laborers, flume work with carpenter,$07 60.1G carpenters, flume work, fare $3, $76.

SANTA BARBARA TO-DAY.26 laborers, -you'll suit. $J5 found.3 lumber pliers, north, 575.ARIZONA303 MILES. PRESCOTT MIDDLE-TOWN.ARIZONA. TO-DAY $1 50 FEE6 slack coopers. »c: 5 cabinetmakers.

TO FRESNO TO-DAY. • «t15 laborers,, lumber company, $40 .to $55 fd.

OREGON.COAL MINERS—OREGON—FREE FARE.C5 coal miners, Oregon. $3 to $5 a day.VERY MURRAY & READY.IMPORTANT. 634-03« Clay st

•MIDNIGHT SPECIALS.Bakers' helper, city. $25 and found.

LOS ANGELES.5 'plow teamsters, bis ranch, $40 found.Young man wait and tend bar, $25 found.Buttermaker and milker, Monterey County,$35 found.Old man a* cobbler, institution.Boy to learn blacksmith trade.4 farm hands, $30 and found.2 shinrlers, Monterey County. 60c M.Man run boring machine, city mill. $1 76.Butcher shop, south, $47 CO and found.* 5 blacksmiths and helpers, $3 to $2 day.5 boys learn trades, $5, $G and $7 week.


C laborers, you'll suit, fare $1. $26 found.THIS IS 9 HOURS.

12 laborers, fare raid, $67 50.MANUFACTURING PLANT.

25 laborers, fare $1 60. you'llsuit, $67 50.Old man, care city warehouse, $20.Sheet metal worker, soldering, general tin-smith, country, boss here, $3 75 day.Carpenter, 70c fare; lather and shlnrler, $3day.Carpentnr, Monterey County, $90.

MURRAY & READY. 034-636 Clay st.

DIAMOND $75 4-horse teamsters.MATCH $75 You'll suit.COMPANY. $75 Go to-day.COcT YOU $1 THAT'S ALL.

MURRAY & READY. K34-6a6 Clay St.

AT THE CAL. EMPLOYMENT AGENCY.59 Third st, near Call bldg.; phone Bush 405.

FREE FARE.NEVADA NEVADA.Reno, Golconda and Ryndon.

100 laborers. $2 a day; S. P. R. R. Co.'s ownwork.


10 carpenters, ?3 50 day.Board, $4 50 a week; bring tools.



8 coal miners, 6-foot vein; 51 a ton; ship

4 laborers, city, 0 hours, $2 25.4 men for rock quarry, ?_ _5 a day.

CIIICO. BUTTE CO.Half rate fare, $2 80.

12 teamsters, $2 50 a day.10 laborer*. 52 25 a day.Ship to-day; fee $1.

CAL. EMB. AGENCY. 69 Third st.


—Laborers, city, board home. $2 25 day;

young ,man. city, factory. $3 week, raise;El Dorado County, ship to-day: all go; 4 2-horse teamsters. $50 month and found; roughcarpenters, laborers, etc.;laborers and rock-men, city. $20 and found. We ship free fareto-day' to Reno. Nevada. Call early. Nostrikes. S. F. EMPLOYMENT BUREAU,phone Grant 26. j

AT "E. & B." R. R. Labor Agency,03$ Commercial st.

Free Fare—

Freo Fare.60 tunnel men, $2 50 to $3 day.50 muckers and drillers, $2 to ?_ 50 a day.lOOlabocers, $2 a day. , ,-Long Job; eight months' work.Free fare

—Ryndon, Nevada.

"E. & B." R. R. LABOR AGENCY.038 Commercial st.


For U. S. army, able-bodied, un-married men, between ages of 21 and 35. citi-zens of United States of goo'l character andtemperate habits, who can speak, read andwrite English. ¦ For Information apply to Ke-cruitinc Officer. Hl.ilto building. New Mont-gomery st, San Francisco, or Masonic build-ing, Sacramento, Cal. ¦

-ITRY our men's shoes, union made, at $1 and

$1 60 per pair, foot-form shoes at $2 50, ororthopedic shoes, $3 50;best shoes on earth. 11Third St.. Exam, bldg., 5-doors from Market


Young man. 15 to 18, as clerk Inhardware store: must sseak Italian: refer-ences. 1224 Dupont «t.

SECOND cook wanted who Is willing to dopart of day helper's work. 18 East st, 6 to7 a. m..

YOUNG man with experience to drive wagonand take orders in the butcher business. Box

4798. Call office. . ;


Man'to work, around boarding-¦ house: wash dishes and make beds. SW. cor.Bay and Webster sta.

STEADY German; refs.; tend bar, make him-self useful: wine housr. 15 CityHall square..

DISHWASHER wanted at SCO Howard st; no, Sunday work.

YOUNG man to wash dishes. 4£7 Valencia st.

WANTED—20 men. Apply stage door CentralTheater. 10 o'clock this morning.

OFFICE boy. Apply 435 Battery, st. at 8J a. m.DISHY/ASHER. Restaurant, 206 McAllIsIer

St., above Hyde.

MAN to learn the barber trade: first-class In-structions guaranteed. 611 Commercial st

ERRAND boy wanted. 502 Post st.


For U. S. Marine Corps, able-bodied unmarried men, between 21 and 35;good character; must Fpeak, raad and writeEnglish; marines serve at sea on men-of-war in all parts of the world, on land inourisland possessions, and at naval stations inthe United States. Apply at recruiting of-fice. 40 Ellis st, San Francisco, Cal., and401 K st. Sacramento, Cal. • -


Responsible man for steady posi-tion; $150 cash security required. 1032 Mar-ket st, room 4.

FOR «ale—

Barber shop, 3 chairs; In livelycountry town; price $100. WILL A FINCK.

•barber supply department, 21 O'Farrell st

WANTED--Rough..carpenters and laborers.Apply room. 14. 20 Montgomery st, San'Francisco Construction Company.

PENSION ATTY.M. HARRIS.. 40 Ellis St.; 14years', practice; refererces from thousands ofpersons for whom Ihave secured pensions.


6-chalr •s'hop In heart of city forsale: owner going ¦ to Europe. Call DECK-

j ELMAN BROS... 100 Ellis st.

BUSHELMAN and coatmakers for country..Apply REISS BROS.- & CO.. 24 Sutter st

WANTED—Jewelers at 17 Lick place. Licki'.House. :

FIRST-CLASS coatmakers. 1103 Market st %

BARBER grip and full set of toolsl Apply¦ 919,Cano »t.

BARBER trade taught In 5 week*. Address¦ W.C. B.. 647 Commercial st.

DRUMMERS wanted for.merchant*tailor; good.^Inducement. 1125 Market et., bet. 7th and 8th.BARBERS

—Partner wanted;; chance for youngman; about $75. ; Apply

NEAT, clean errand- boys wanted. Apply Su-; perintendent's office,: Emporium. .YOUNG man in office of large.corporation;

salary $25 per month. Box 723, Call office.


520—SACRAMENTO ST.—620.• Phone Main 1191.

-Cor. Leldesdorff st.



S. P R. R, Company work—

OGDEN.12 bridge carpenters on the Great Salt Lake.$3 60 day—overtime 70c hour—SHIP TO-DAY TO OGDEN.8 carpenters, build large' gold dredger, along Job, ship to-day, $82 50 found.




100 teamsters laborers, rockmen, tunnelmen,$2 25 to $2 75 dayWILLITS—IJKIAH*ROUTE— FREE FARE-OREGON—COAL MINERS—FREE FARE^- 10 handy men with tools. $2 30 day—NEWCAMP; 20 laborers, near city, free fare, allwinter's Job, inside work. StJP-NEW BOX FACTORY—TRUCKEE DIST. \ALL-WINTER'S JOB

—Full mill crew; 30O

men for woods, yards and mills.PRIVATE R. R.. NEAR CITY—5 laborers.$60. . /' '1

MINES, TUNNELS. ETC.6 miners. 8 hours $90; 5 muckers, it s north,$75; 10 laborers, large mine, south, part fare

paid. $2 day; 3 miners, south. $75: 3 muck-

ers $67 50; 5 tunnelmen. $73; 30O men, cnop

wood cut ties shingle and stave bolts, all

over;' also HUMBOLDT COUNTY. .6 farmers $30 found; yardman, hotel free

fare, $25 found; cooks, waiters, and dlsn-washers. Call and get a list of Job»-


WHY pay big prices to have your shoes- half-soled when you can get It done for -5c. oocand BOc. while you wait at 563 Mission 1st and 2d sts.. or 11 Third «.?


Laborers and mechanics to know

that Ed Rolkln. Reno House proprietor, hasadded 100 new rooms to the Denver House.

217 Third St.; 250 rooms; 25c to 50c per night.

MEN to learn barber trade; only 8 weeks re-quired; special offer thi3 month: catalogue

and full Information mailed free. MOL—RSYSTEM COLLEGE. 635 Clay st.

_MEN to learn barber trade; catalogue mailed.

S. F. Barber School. 741A Howard St.

OPERATORS wanted at once on cloaks at M.SIMINOFF'S. 1228 Market st,

BOY 16 years: good opportunity: steady posi-tion. Carson Glove Co..* 123 Second at.

McDONALD_ PERRY have a large stock of

new and second-hand -shoes; cheap. 239 3d at,

PENSION atty. E. A. Bullls. room 40. Phelanbldg. Past Com. Geo. H. Thomas Post G.A.R.

SAILORS and ordinary seamen for Europe andAustralia. HERMAN'S. 26 Steuart st.

WINCHESTER Hotel. 44 Third St.. near Mar-ket

—700 rooms. 35c night; reading rooms;

free "bus and baggage to and from ferry.

ALLsizes men's shoes, slightly damaged, haltprice. 063 Mission st.. bet. 1st and 2d sta.

GET your shoes half soled while waiting: 23cto 50c. 3P3 Mission »L. bet. 1st and 2d sts.


A RARE chance—

Wagon. 7 ft.$40; small wag-on. 5 ft. with harness, $40; surrey, $25;must sell. 1S31 Eddy st.

HARNESS and saddles, the best for the money,nt JEPSEN BROS. CO.. Inc.. the big store,1145-1147 Market St., San Francisco.

A FINE new rubber-tired Victoria for sale,cheap; the latest style. 1504 Foiscm st.

BIG auction every Tuesday, 11 ft. m.;horses,harness, wagons, buggies. 1140 Folsom st.

HAY WRgon with sideboard; big lumber wagon.910 Capp st. =

DOCTOR'S coupe for sale cheap. 1000 Gearystreet.

MUST be sold at a sacrifice; 5 good horses. 327Sl-th st ¦ «

Al EXPRESS wagon, light campinj wagonand gocart for sale cheap. 532 Mission st.

Largest assortmt 2-hand wagons. buckb'd. sur-rey,harness, work.drivinir horses. 15th-Valencia


!A—PRINTED list of houses to let: send forcir-cular. G. H. UMbSEN & CO.. 14 Montgomery


HOUSES and flats to let; an Immense list;service absolutely free; take advantage ofIthis department: it will save you time and Itrouble. Cordes Furniture Co., 215-250 Geary

' Bt.. on the square.

BEFORE moving tret or.r printed list o? housesto let. BALDWIN & HOWELL. '2'> Pest st.


3-ROOM house: 10-staII barn and hay loft;

near Twenty-fourth and Castro -t_- Apply517 Clipper «t"

HOUSES~ TO"LET—FCUNIsilEDTCOZY furnished four-room and bath cottage;

rent f17; Thirteenth st. Apply 122 Turk st.

BAKER. 1S15—

Furnished hovse. 6 rooms, bath.Inquire 2 to 6 p. m.



Between Trocadero and Cliff House, onelady's -gold watch; monogram M. D. on»side, small diamond on the other; $20 re-ward. Return A. E. SATHER, care Mur-phy. Grant Sz Co.. Bush and Sansome sts.


A white bull terrier; bindle spot on left• eye, ears cut. Return to «40 Golden Gate

ave. and receive rewards


Lady's gold watch; monogram "C. M.P."; liberal reward. Superintendent's office.Hale Bros. .


Fox terrier; tag No. 4105; reward. 930Sanchez tt.

ITwillpay to "Remember" that the CaliforniaWatch Case Co.. 220 Sutter St.. need* oldfold snd nilver to make new watch cases.



.' ,'. TREATS WOMEN ONLY.702 MARKET ST.. room 7. Phone Red 3321.

Every facility for the BEST treatment ofall diseases and disorders of women. Elegant jsanatorium. Select patients. Strictly confi- jdentlal. Fees within the reach of all.

MRS DR. WYETH. specialist for all female !complaints; instant relief guaranteed; 30 Iyears' experience; removed to S2tt Poat st

MRS. DR. KOHL, reliable specialist for all fe-male troubles and Irregularities: instant re-lief guaranteed. 100S% Market St., opp. 5th,

DR. G. W. O'DONNELL—Allwho are sick orIn trouble ccnsult this specialist on femalecomplaints; positively Corrected: the unfor-tunate helped; the most difficult cases treat-ed: advice free. Office. 1013 Market st.

Drs. Oocdwin. 733 Turk, nr. Van Ness—

Expertin obstetrics, female complaints: Inst relief;treatmtnt glO; hours. 10 to 5; 25 yrs. exper.

MRS. D. ALLEN.1118 Market -Reliable ladies'. specialist; a private home before and duringconfinement: best medical care; low fee*.

A maternity villa; prtvate: secluded; confiden-tial. Dr. E. Furke. 1410 Eishth nt.. Alameda.

DR. and MRS. DAVIES and HINDOO HERBS;original method of treatment. 1120 Market ts.

DR. ROSEN, moved to 2905 Folsom St.. corner26th; relief $10; ladies' exclusive office.

DR. NG TOY KEE. 31S Powell St.. opposite'Union square: all diseases cured by herbs.



200 stylish hats to select from; leasasold, must vacate February 1. 1904; savemoney by calling on MME. DOSCH. 207 Poat

.MISCELLANEOUS—-FOR SALE.BOILERS, engines, 2d-hand machinery. McIN-


WOLPMAJf. 195-197 Fremont st,

FOR sale—

1 small steam heater. 1 compressor,1 25-horsepower gas engine, 110-borsepowergas engine, 1 8-horsepower boiler. For pricesand Information regarding aNive and Inspec-tion of same call at WHITTIER-COBURMCO.. 20 Fremont st.. San Francisco,

DOES YOUR ROOF LEAKTRepair it with elaterlte; In rolls easy to lay:needs no painting or coating; good over oldIron, tin or shingles; best for new roofs.ELATERITK ROOFING CO.. 713 Market at.

2D-HAXD 'machinery boilers, engines pumps.pulleys, shafting, etc. etc.. bought, sold.rented and exchanged; sea Sunday papers.

"H.8.. WHITE M'CH'Y CO.. 130-132 Beale at.

A—Fine su.ts. $7 60; dress pants. $2 50 Origi-nal Mltfit Clothing Parlors, 233 Kearny st.near Bush ;open to 0 p. m. Sunday to coon.

A—$3 60 DERBY and Fedora hats. $173. Pop-ular. Price Hatters. 330 Kearny. st. nearPine; open till9 p. o. Sunday to noon.

A—BUYS, eeila or rents gear machinery, en-gines.

'boilers, water pipe, shafting pulleys,

etc WHITELAW. 253-255 Spear st.

FOR SALE—Stockton Incubator and a brooder;I nearly new. 1001 Fifty-fifth st.. Oakland.-

near Golden Gate.

iFRESH milk cows for sale; for private fami-lies especially. Schaefer Stock Yards. San

j Bruno road and Twenty-seventh ave.. TRY ouf>men's shoes at $1 and $150 pair;f foot-form shoes at $2 CO; we pay express|; charges. 113d at. Exam, bid.r.catalog, free.!TWENTY.Durham heifers In caffT must"be| sold: make offer. SAM AFTERGUT Missionroad, near 7-Mile House, county line. >,FOR sale— Heavy horse and delivery wagon.' - Corner Scfccol and Cayp its., Fruitvale.~71iiiiinWr-i'iniiU'iniiir*-
