the san francisco call (san francisco, calif.) 1896-01-19 ... · the commercial world. summary of...

THE COMMERCIAL WORLD. SUMMARY OF THE MARKET^. Shipment of $266,0GV to China- Silver weaker. Bank Clearings gain .04 percent. Wheat very firm. Bari^y weak. Oats show some improvement. Corn £rm y held. Ryu quiet. Hay weak and in light receipt. Beuns dull. No change in Feedstuff*. Ocions advanced. Dairy Rutter weaker. Cheese firm. No farther change inFgss. A car of Kas'ern Poultry at hand. Gcme arrives inbad order. Scanty Trading in Dried Fruit. A pples lower. Oranges dull. Provisions unchanged. "UIATHIR BUK AY BEPOKT, CIfITKD States Df.partxif.xt ioF Askicul- TfBK, W'EAinKK Bvrkait, s*» Francisco, Jan- uary IS, 18:)0. sp. * v - '• a Her conditions and general forecast: The follow ng are the seasonal rainfalls to date as cornpure.; with those of the same date last year: Eureka , last season 2d.89; R»d Bluff 9.-' O. last season 15.90; .-an Francisco 7.73, last season 15.57: Frtsno 2.03, last season 8.98; San LuisObisno 7.82. las: season 19.-8: Los Angeles 2.77. last sof.son lO.Oti: s an Die-o 1.05, last season 7.26; Yuma LS2. l<:st season -'.99. San FrancK-co data: Maximum temperature 60 deg . minimum 56 cleg. »nd mean 58 deg. Kaln- fall lor past twenty-four hours, 1.18 in ht-s. The storm, which ha.-, b^ea off the coast of Oregon and Washington since Sunday ni^ht las-, bus moved in:i:;d and is now central over Eastern >\ ashingtoa; Idaho and Western Montana. The pressure has fallen r<pi<ily during the j>r.<sr twelve hours over Montara and the British posses- sion? nonh«.ir,!.- Tiie pressure is \u25a0•-lnniim to rise aiuntr tue i ao;:ie Coasi aaJ clearing weather mai- now be looked tot. "" The temperature has remained practical- sta- tionary over the entire country west of tie Hockv excepting a «nmll area in Washinctoa *na Idaho. Cooltr weather may be expected for the next thirty-six hours. \ .General aud heavy rains fell to-day from Los >|ngeles to teaitle and us far eastward a-, Salt l»akt>. 1 Forecast made at San Francisco for thirty hours ending m;i'.n:j;ht January 19, lspti: '*^ ortlura C*Utomi»-T Fair, excrpt rain tc-n'ght nfl Sunday niornin:; in eastern poruou; slightly cooler; fresh southwesterly winds? - . Soutturn California—Lightshowers; followed by Tatr. stationary temperature: westerly wiuds. Nevada— tialn Sunday mornlr.c. followed Dv t>iir; cooler in northwestern portion. \u25a0' Utuh Kuin; stationary temperature. 1 Ar.zoca- Cloady weather; stationary tempera- / san tmnclsco and vicinity Fair; slightly cooler; southwesterly winds. A. jjcadis, i.0.-al Forecast Ofiic-iaL , NEW YUKK 31AKKETS. Financial. NEW YORK. N. V.. Jan. IS.—The stock market was more active to-day, the sales for the two hours of busiiuss a».grej:atius 11U.375 sluircs. he toue I of the marke: was weak throughout, the pressure to sell being the most pronounced in the case of the railway and issues. Sellers ol the tnarke: professed to bu disturbed on account of the l>avis resolution reported to the Senate Committee en Foreign Kelations which defines the Monroe doctrin.', the rumors about the probable destina- tion of :h<> British flying squadron and the talk about the recognition of the Cuban insurgents by the United .r>tat»-s. These reports were used for all j ih?y were wor.ii by the bear traders, an-1 In the ! absence of supporting orders they were f.iirlv suc- ossiul in depressing prices. The loss ran^-i'. from to -jxr rent in ;he tally active list tn i2y± percent InBaltimore and Unto. The Western railway issues were heavy on re- ports that the receipts of the roads were laliingoff. i: had been expected that the movement of corn would materially ;ii i :<• :be receipisof the roads, and in consi-qutnce the rumors that this business was unsatisfactory 1> d to liquidations. Chicago Gas was re.atively nrmer than Uie oilier industrials on Chicago reports : a: Attorney-General Moloney will, atter ail, decide in favor of the reorzjfiiizanon committee. ....:.- speculation closed weak In tone with prices any- where from i-2 :o . P er cent lower on the day. \u25a0 Bonds were Weak. Tne sales Jooud up '7.000. Atchi'ron ireneml fours when issued fell 1to 75%; Chicago Gas tirs.s. I*-*to 90 V*: Indiana, Illinois and. lowa jours. '- to B.<: Lake *hore conso; sec- onds, l l 2 to 118; Missouri; Kansas and Easrern lives. 1 ;o te^>: Toledo, I'eona and Western lours, 1* to 75. and Heading first preferred, li,j to 28. Grain. FJ.OUP. Dull, steady. Winter wheat, low BTa«les. $2 2. r i(ja.2 65: uo fair to fancy. $•_' 65$ 1< SO: do paten;*. $3 45te.M 75: Minnesota cltar, .. 52 M,'C+i> 10: do btraits. $srf..i Hj;r!o parents, 93 15 ' (£4 lO: low extras. S!2 '£$%)£ 65; City Mills,S:-S 90 «£4: do patents, sicgU -5. Kye mixture; $2 lot£ 3 -O;*sj^ertlne. t-(?.Z -0. s-ou h-ru ilour—steady ; . coiamou to -.a:r extras, S'2 10 i"J SO; jjond to choice do. fii 90ci live flour— Quu^. steady, $2 40ta.2 Bi. Uackw hea: Uour, $I 'JO-ai 30. BBCKWHKAT<-3&tac. COKMIKAL-Qnift; yellow Western, *> 253 2 30: Brand y wine. $2 25. UYE-Nominal. BARLKY-Non-.inai; No. 2 Milwaukee, 47c: un- graded Western, cPd4oc. BARLEYMALl— Nominal. WtLEAT— Moderately ac:ive, firm: No. 2 red. ore and elevator, 71c; etloat, 72Vic; f. o. b.. 72 ."lr: ungraded red. - Ttc: No. 1 northern. "If. Options were moderately active and firma: 1.410J B'gC advance; May and July incs; ac:ive. Xo, - red, 69c for January; February, 69Vsc; Marco, 70c; May, t>Bc: June and July, b7 l ~>c. (_iiK>—Dull; firmer. >.o. '2, 3a;; 4c elevator; Sb'^c afloat. <j;.tions were dull and firm a- 14c advance. M:iy nios; actl% p. Janaarj'.Sj^ic^'tbruiry. Sb^c; iiay. os'»c: July, ;i62'a( "- OATS Quiet, firm, options dull and firmer; January arid February, IMC: May, 34^c. !?pot prices are: Xo. 2, •-4V->^: fO. *2 white. 251-ic: .N... S, -.'iUir; No. 3 white. 'Zi^^: nuxed West- ern, l!4 l i;^isVa c ; while State and Western, 25@ FEEP BI'[email protected] MliJDLiNCiS— 6V<i.7Oc. BYE— Feed, 60(3,ti0c. ProTlslons. BEEF— Steady, ramay, $10 10^10 50: extra mess, 57 50®?. Beef bams, steady, Sls 50. 1 ere- b»ef, »;u:et. moderate demand; city extra India mers. *15- 50y.17: cv: meats quiet, firm; pickied bellies, s\fcc; do shouidcrs, 4i2&4:;ic; do hams. LARD— Quiet, weak: Western Bteara. $SPO: city, $5 40«a.5 45; January, $5 B.>; refined, quiet ; Conti- nent, 9*5 "JO; couth America, 65 50; compound, M 75(^5. I'oKK—Firm, moderate demand. Mess. $10 25 •10 75. BUTTER— Quiet, weaker. Sta-e dairy, 10@21c; do creamery, 17©"Jli^c: Western dairy, 11,<i17c; do creamery, 17i^2.°.c: do Jut.c. 15@31c; do fac- to n\ 9 Va'Slßc: ._ins. 2»c; limitation creamery, 14©ltc; roll*. 9(g.15c. KUlis- Weak, stale and Pennsylvania. IT-'* 18~i»c: fcoiuhvrn, 16:c-17c: icehouse, i (..(«,. V ' Western fresh, 16\2(a,i7' J z i: - limed, 1 5(g; i •> -Vsc TALLOW— Moderate demand, city, 3 coun- try. StfcC dfew COTTONSEED OlL—Quiet firm. Crude. 24® 24 I'jC:1 'jC: yellow, prime, -BV->©~9c; do off grades, 27i. 4 @27'i-,c. I'.o^lN— Quiet. Strained, common to good, SI 60 ©1 Rl TUKI-ENTINK— Quiet, steady, 3'.'ii^34c POTATOES— demand; easy. RlCE—Finn. ' Uomestic fair extra, 3<gsSic; Japan, 8*40 4 c -**' - a: Oi.A K>— Firm, fair demand. New Orleans, open kettle, good to choice, 27MJ37& i ]•. —Quiet, '> points down to 5up: Febru- ary, $13 10: March, $13 05: May, $12 65; July. Sl'J 25; Kectember, §11 90. HpotJilo, dull, steady; No. 7, 14c. " SUGAR—Raw, firm: dull; fair refining, 33/gc; cntrilugal, 98 test, 334 c. itetined, quiet: firm; No. 6, 4V 3 c; No. 7 and No. 8, 4 5-16 c; No. 9, 4 l»-l«c: NO .10, 43'sr; No. 11, Ac- | No. 12, 3 16-16 c; No. IS, :-("*,'\u25a0: off A, 4%® o c: mold A, 5 3-liic: stanuard A, 4 16-ltic; confectioners' A, 4 13-16 c: cut loaf and crushed, 6 9-16 c; powdered ua>l cubes, 6 3-16c; granulated, 1 15-lbc Produce. HQPS Quiet and unchanged. WOOL— ±'air demand, firm; unchanged. . Merchandise. rm IRON—Qniet: American, $11 75©13 50. « ( >} PEB- Dull;Lake. B9 :.Va9 85. LEAD— Quiet; domestic. *a'o,3 02i<3. •JlN—Steady; Straits, $13 05; plates, moderate demand. fcRELTEK-Nomlnal; domestic, 14. CHICAGO MARKETS. CHICAGO, In-, Jan. 18.— Strength which de- TelopeJ yesterday during the closing hours of the session, and which remained in control of prices on the curb, was still in evidence In wheat at the ooening this morning, and with very little excep- tion held sway throughout the short session to- day. It was due more to local conditions than to '. any important Information or imeJigenee, and the crowd was ceneraily short of wheat, and the incli- nation to sell wus at a minimum, the demand na urally casting an advauc*. Liverpool caoles were firm and i^d hicher. Kradbtr^et's reported vf-rv good cl«»arxincss Ol wheat a'icl fiour from boih roasts '.or the w<vk, 3 -10 o<>o bosiiels. Receipts In the Northwest showed a falling off, 409 cars arriving as a?aiu.,t GB4 la»t .'saiiiriar, and 190 a j >ftr«go. JCecei.'ita at Chicago were 11 cars, and ; 67.000 bushed were taken from store. Atlantic scatjoard clearances amounted to 618,128 bushel*. ' These ehipmrnts co:;*r;buted to the final strength ! of the day. Continental cables were generally un- | changed. May wheat opened at t>oi,4c. sold be- I tw*en GOV&r&filc, closing' at6o^ g c, V*c higher than i yesterday. Estimated receipts for Monday 65 cars. CORN—TLe corn market was firm, deriving its stimulus from wheat. Only ;\Saturday business was tran«^c;c-J. withshorts 1xliioluiig more inter- est in buyinglh»n in endeavoriup to increase their !ini\«. IJverpool cables v.-ere dull and l /i@x /b4 lower. Receipts at Chicugo \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0•re 669 cars, and j 315.000 bushels were taken from «tore. Export r.enrancea were very large, amounting to 713,181 bnshel«. May corn opened at 29c, sold between 28^i6'/bTfec and _ i-9ViC. closing at 29@ -SVs^ Vie higher than' yeateruay. Estimated re- ceip;jt for Monday 230 cars. OA is— Held steady, the strength of the wheat i and corn markets exa-nding the stid'.sinicg quality to prices. Trade was quiet and barren of incident. Receipts 23* car*. There were no withdrawal from store. May oats closed Vie higher. Estl- mp.ted receipt* for Monday 215 ears. FLAX— easy. Cash, 82c; May, 95. ,\u25a0'$ 86c. Receipts were •_\u25a0: cars. PROVISIONS— Prices of product failed to ad- vance or hold the full appreciation of the last few days. 'I!. is was owing more to the desire on the ran. of the holders to realize than to any abatement of bull orders. The ho:: market, this morning early was bigher. but the later advices quoted an easier feeling. At the close Mar pork w»a 12 y~c lower than yesterday. May lard 10©12i£c lower, and May ribs 7^!*loc lower. Closing Prices. WHEAT—January, 66 >3C: May, 60y 8 c; July, Glo CORN— January, 265 c; May, 29@29i/gc: July, 2vX'^a>'Soc. O.MS- January. 18c; May 'JOi^c. PORK—Januacv, $10: May.$10 30." LAUD— January, $5 07V2: 87V^. Kiß.-—January. S4 87^4; May, mi 15. ' " MONEY— Was 6 per cent on call and 6 per cent on time loans. New York exchange sold at 75c premium. Livestock. UNION STOCKYARDS. i[.r... Jan. 18.—To- day's receipts of cattle were light, and were soon disposed of at unchanged prices. The feeling was steady. Sales of hogs were at an advance of sc. Offerings were all taken in a short time. The sheep market was nominally steady. CATTLE - Receipts. 500. Fair to choice steers, «3 B"<S,-l 20; common to medium steers. $3 Ul<&3 stockers. $2 50;£H40: cows, poor to good canners, $1 50^,2 40; veal calves, «ood to choice. $5 Js'i.6 25: Texas fed steers, 1340@4 25. UOUS— Receipts, 17.000. Heavy packing and shipping lots. S3 90@l 10: common to choice mixed. ?3 85©1 10; choice assorted, $4© 4 10: llstht. ?;< 85@4 10: pigs, 5:1 10Q-1 05. SHEEP— Receipts, 10,000.' Inferior to choice, ?2(&3 50; lambs, 3@4 65. SEW YORK STOCKS. Bonds, Exchange, Money and Railroad Shares. Money on call easy at 3%. Prime mercantile pa- per, 6.^7%. Bar silver, 67i c. Mexican dol- lars, 53iic. Sterling exchange is active, with actual business 111 bunkers' bills a- 31 *7 : v 4 @4 89 for sixty days and $4 8914 for demand.' Posted rate*, $4 8894 h9Vi- Commercial. bills. 84 563, i &A 87H- Government bonds steady; State bouds auil; rauroaa bonds Lower. llrs-INfi STOCK*. Am TelA Cable.... 90 1 Norfolk A Wes"... IV4 Atchlson- l^&s' Preferred 7 Preferrea -U- 4 North American... 4% Adams Express... l 46 ' Northern Pacific 3 Alien, Haute. 59 Preferred lly 3 " American Expre34.HO Nortnweatern. ... yti7 d American Tobacco. 78Vs Preferred 144 Preferred '2 N.Y. Central 963' 8 Bay btataGas 17 jN. Y.Chlcago&A.!, l'-i^ Baltimore <£. Ohio.. 38 Ist preferred 70 i>runswicK i-ati'ls.. y% \ »ci preferred 23 Kuftaio, Roch &P. 10 N. Y.&N.11.. .ISO Canada Pacific 63 N, .v v New Ens. 45 Canada Southern.. 47y 3 N. Y.busq & W... 9 Ctnton i-aud 60" a Preferred 24% Central Pacific 14 /2 Ontario S>V4 l Ohio 1 A1 /2 \u25a0 i.;«rujt Western. 33 Chicago Alton 103 [Oregon Improvmu 2' 2 I'reierrea 170 '\u25a0 Preferred. ' Chlcaso, H. A Q 731 .., > Iregon Navigation. 1 •'' Chicago Jt K. 111... 41 re^ou shor; Lina. 5 Preferred t>s Pacific Mall 24"4 Cbicagouas 04 ! 4 Peona. D.&Evans. -- 1 . Clevedt Pittsburi;.loß .Pittsburgh w pfd. 15 Consolidation Coal. 29 :Pu!lman Palace... 15 ) Consolidated Gaa..144- quicksilver... "i ', c. C. c. A Su Louii ;-3i^| Preferred. i.m Preferred S.'. ißeaaing 8 Colo. Fuel & Iron.. 25 'RloGrande&Wesui 13 Li Preferred 110 Preferred.. ;<9 ' Cotton oil Cert 16 ißock Islana 6:-is; Commercial Cable. 1.5 ißomeWat <tOgdenll6 ' Del. Hudson lv-iVifc-t. L. & S. W 41/2 Uel.Lack&Westernl j Preferred 10 Denver It. U.. 12 : -a St. Paul ; 6C% Preferred 42 - 3 Preferred 12:>i~ 1 DistUlers 15 - 2 St. Paul <t Duluth. 22 General Electric... \u25a0. i'-^ Preferred »5 Erie 14-4 St. Paul &Omaha- 34 Preferred 23- 2 : Preferred 131 \u25a0Fort Wayne ltO St. P. M. <fc it. 110 Great Northern ptii.l 10 silver Uertincac... 67^1 Green Bay Va Southern Pacitic.. 2'J Harlem ~.280 jhoutnern K. X..... 8% Hocking Coal I*,£| Preferred. 25» 4 Hocking Valley... 1* ifeutrar Rennery....loU^s Homestake 18 | Preferred.: 86 ii. A Texas Cent ly, Term. Coal <St Iron. 25V, Illinois Central.... 85 .j Preferred 100 " ; lowa Central. 7i , 1 exaa Pacific. . ~s« Preferred 26 1 01.A.A.A N.Mica. : Kansas Texas.— 1«'14!t 01. <t Ohio Can.... 31) Preferred 24i 4 i Preferred 65 ;Kingston & Pern... 3 1 ol.St. Louis & K.O. 6 , i-*keErie Westn 18 | Preferred 14 Preferred >j^3 Union Pacific HUt, :Laxe Shore 141 it. P.. Den. <t UnlL 3 " ' National Lead 233^1U.S. Cordage sV'a Preferred 3.1 j Preferred 934 : Lonjrlsi&na 8-' | Guaranteed 1834 , Louisville & Nasu. 4314 L". S. Express 38 Louisville NaiCa. 9i/ a 'U. S. Leather.. . 93i Preferred IVi.., Preferred, 6lv 8 Manhattan Consol. P»i C. S. Rubber 26 j Jlempnis* Charts. 16 j Preferred . S3 Mexican Central... y Utlca& B. River..160 ! Michigan Central.. 93 tt'ab. S. L. <k Pac.. 6i 8 i 35 inn is. L. Preferred 1.., 8 j Preferrea Wells-Fareo. 95 ! Minn. <fc St. L com. 2" | Western Union.... S3 Ist preferred 7> Wis Centra* 2% 2d :ferre<l 40 (Wheeling <St L. X.. 10% I Missonrt Pacific 2- \ Preferred 36 Mobile <& Ohio *^2! 7j Am Cotton OU pfd. 65 Nashville Chan.... 65 W U Beef 87/ 8 Nstlonal Linseed.. 18 :LI 'l~raciion^ 171 \u25a0 N.J. Central 67 1.4 Ann Arbor <X.-'Mi bond*. I V 4s. ree MX T2ds 68 Do, 4s coupon... 109 Do, 4s ' 83X.i U8 4s new reg 114 Mutual Union Bs.. 115 Do, 4s c0up0n. ..115 NJ Cent Gen 65...114iA 1 Do. 2s 96 Northern Pac Ists.ll4i2 i Do, 6s 111% Do. 2ds : 101 Do. 6s coupon... .11214: Do, SCs.. 69 \u25a0 Cherokee 4s. 1886.100 .NonnwesVconaol*l4o Do. 1897 100 ! Do.aebCs.... 107 Do. I*9B 100 jOß<tNlsts 109 Do. 1899 100 SiL&lronMtGenSs 7v>3i ; recific6sof'9s.... St L & 8 F Gen 6s. 100 D. C. 3-6 5s 110 •St Paul Consols ...12:-! Ala Class A 4 10, St. P. C. «fePalsts.H2 Do. C!a»i 84, ss. 107 i Do. Pac Cal lsts-loyiA I LaConsol4s. 97 Southern R.R. ss. 90 Missouri funding. .—. Texas Pacific firsts b5 N Carclinucon 68..120 Texas Pac seconds. 1«« Do, «s 102 VnionPac lstof'B(J. Fo Carolina 4V 38... 104 Went Shore 4s. ...1041/0 Tennnewsa 84 Mobile &Ohio 4s. 65 I Va funding debt... 59i a R GranaeWest lsts 74 i-'o, reg Ches t Oss 107 Do, deferred 65... 5y Atchlson 4s 72% I Da trust rcpts st 6 Do, 2ds A..»... 21%? Canada South 2ds.. i04%'0 H A S A 6s 105 1 CeD lstsof '95 100 ' Do, 2d 7s . " 100 Den &R Gist 11l H A Tex Cent 65.. _.**>. 87 Do.con6s 104 £rie2d« 71 j Reading 4. 7455 ; Kansas Pa Consols 73 Missouri 100 Kb Pa divlo7 I , FOREIGN MARKETS. "WHEAT IX LIVERPOOL. LIVERPOOL, £.vo., Jan. 18.— The spot market Is firm at 5s 6d@ss 7d. Cargoes are firm at 27s ' 7*6 d October shipment. FCTtrBM. The Produce Exchange cable gives the following Liverpool quotations forNo. 2 Red Winter; Janu- ary, 5s sd; February. 5* SWI; March, 6s Isd .\u25a0 Hi:, is; May, 5s 6V*d. . BECL'BITIKS. LONDON. Ens., Jan. 18—Consols, 107 i/ a ; sil- ver, 30 11-16 d; French Rentes, . EXCHANGE AND BILLION. Sterling Exchange, 60 days 04 87 Sterling Exchange, sight 4 89 Sterling Cables \u25a0 ' 89Vi New YorkExchange, sight Par New York Exchange, telegraphic. par Fine Silver, 1 ounce ....;. ' 67*4 Mexican Dollars 63Vi 64 EXPORTS OF PROVISIONS. The following are the number of pounds and value of the articles enumerated, exported from San Francisco during the year 1895: Butter 411.059 lbs, $71,191; cheese, 250,093 lbs, .$27,894; canned meat, 1,105.100 lbs, $160,039; salted meat 1,273.550 lbs. $67,418; tallow, 2.810,79 a lbs." $139,601 ; lard. 885.625 lbi. $73,386. BANK CLEARINGS. local bank clearings last week were 863. 595, : against if] 3 029,968 for the same week In 1895. A gain of .64%. TREASURE SHIPMENT. The Pern took out a treasure list of $266,067, consisting of $108,662 in Mexican Dollars, $1705 in Gold Coin and 55,701) in Silver Bullion. » PBODUCE MAEKET. WHEAT AM) OTHER GRAINS. WHEAT—The Osborne takes forHall 107,338 c:;s, valued at $1 12.973 -.Falls of Clyde, lor Hu;l, 27,873 cits at $30,125; Celtic Bard, for London, 63,752 ctls at $68,500. Futures and spot grain were both firm at full figures. No. lis quotable at $1 05@l OG> if* ctl; choice. $1* 071.4; lower grades, V»Oc@?l 02Vi; extra choice for milling, $1 15(a.l 18%. - . !CALL KOARDBALES. Informal . Session— 10 , o'clock May—lloo j tons. $1 03V&: 1300, «1 0914- December-200, SI l-' 3 i- Rxgulak Moxmno Session— May—7oo tons, *] 09: 2200. $1 08J*; 1900. $1 09Vs- December 100, *1 123«: 300, $1 12 ». BARLEY—Shipment of 32.111 ctls Brewing, valued at 27,669. and 4*9 ctls at $350, 10 Eng- land. The market is weak at the quotations. Feed, 6?V»'*7oc ctl: choice, 711/* c; Brewing, [email protected]; Chevalier, «1 10@l 20 lor No. 1 and 751©51 V ctl lor off grade. CALL BOARD SALES. \ . l^'.ii" I v formal Skhsio.v— 10 o'clock— No sales. Itttruß MoßxiNa Bbssion— December— loo tons. 6y%c . OATS— There Is a slight .upward tendency and several descriptions " show some improvement, stilling are quotable at 80@8.>c f* cti: fancy Feed, 85<a90c-%» ctl; good to choice, 77Vs@85c ?4 ctl; common to fair. 65<g75c V ctl; Gray. tO(& 85c: lied, lor seed, $I@l 10; Illack, for seed. $1 10 &] 30: do for feed, 75§85c: Surprise, 95c@$l 06. CORN— Is firmlyheid by dealers, who are unable to advance prices, however. Yellow, 87Va(&90c ctl; Small Round do, 87%@90c; White, «2Va (jeßsc ¥ ct '- RYE— 7s£Boc 9 ctl. BUCKWHEAT— Quoted at 85c@?l » ctl, ac- cording to quality. 1 FLOCK ANIJ BIILLSTUFFS. FLOUR—Net cash prices are: Family extras, $3 55©3 65; Bakers' extras, $3 45@3 55; super- fine, $2 40@2 50 f* bbl. j_ :.. ..".', CORNME AL. ETC.— Feed Corn, 919 50@20 ip ton: Cracked Corn. $20 fi ton. -:-^ MILLSTCFFS— Prices in 10-lb sacks are as fol- lows, usual discount to the trade: - Graham Flour, !i*4c; Rye Flour, 3Vic; Rice Flour, 7L>c; Corn- meal, @3c; extra cream do, 3i.i.e: "oatmeal, 3-Tie: Oat Croats. 4i oc: Hominy, 4^T4^c; Buck- wheat Flour, 4c; Cracked Wheat, 3V"C: Farina, 4!;.- : whole Wheat Flour, 3c; Rolled Oats, 4y 2 c; IVurl Barley, 4U<&Hac; Split Peas, 4»,ic; Green do, sVic %i it. HAY AKD FEEDSTUFFB. BRAN—sl3@l3 50 ton, jobbingrates. MIDDLINGS— SI6@I9 lor lower grades up to f 2\) 50 ?* ton for the best. FEEDSTUFFS— Rolled Barley, $16@17 * ton: Oilrake Meal at. the mill, 521 1* ton; jobbing, ft'J'2 50: Cottonseed Oilcake. 521. HAY— Weak and quiet, but no lower. Receipts are l!i;ht' owing to the heavy rams. Wheat, $8@ 12 50: Oat, B@lo 50; Wheat and Oat. $7 50@ 1150 %( ton: Barley, $7@9 50; Alfalfa, $6@9; Clover. $6@B; Compressed, 87 50@ll; Stock, $6® 7 50 "^ ton. bXKAW-35@60c baje. BEANS AND SEED3. BEANS— Trade continues dull, Bayos are quot- able at $I@l 15: Small Whites, $1 25@1 60 $ cti; Pea, $1 50(§l 65: Large Whites, ?1 15@1'25; Pink. 90c(§?l 12%; Reds. $1 35<ai 40: Blackeye, $1 75@1 85: Red Kidney. :SI 75@1 90; Limas, $'£ 50fa2 75; Butters, $1 tiO^l 70 %4 ct'.. SEEDS— Brown Mustard, $1 95^2 05 "$ ctl: Trieste, $2(& # 2 20; Yellow Mustard. $1 40@l 60; Flax, $1 70@l 75; Canary, 3i/4@3y 3 c ib; Al-i falfa [email protected] \u25a0& tt>; Rape, IS^^-jc %t lb; Hemp, 4c-j»lb. r ..,.., DRIED PE AS-Nomlnal at ?1 25@1 60 Tgt cU for Niles. -._".;\u25a0 :\u25a0'.•'• POTATOES, ONIONS, VEGETABLES. POTATOES— Volunteer New Potatoes, l@iy 2 c ? tb; Sweets, SI 25©1 50 "$ ctl for Rivers and 93 9 ctl tor Merced; Salinas Burbanks, 60@9(>c "& ctl: Kiver Burbanks, 25@40c fi sack; Oregon Bur- banks, 50(&75c; Oregon Garnet Chiles, 6U@6sc; Oregon Peerless, 60ra.60c; River Reds, 45@55c %4 ctl. ONlONS— Arrivals aTe small and the market Is higher at Ssc@sl 0* t* ctl; Cut Onions, 7O@bOc %4 ctl. VEGETABLES— Tomatoes are practically un- salable, Mushrooms are in larger supply and lower at 6<5,10c; Dried Peppers, " 6<310c; Los An- Keles Tomatoes, 50@75c $ box; Green Peas. 3@ Be; string Beans. lO(*12V : «c: Dried Okra, li;i.jr; Cabbage, 4C@soc V ctl; Garlic, 4@sc %t !U; Mar- rowfat squasn, §16@20 1* ton. POULTRY AND GAME. POULTRY— A car of Eastern Is announced for to-morrow. Live Turkeys, 10@llc for Gobblers and 10@llc for Hens; Dressed Turkeys, 10&123 V ft; Geese, \u25a0£ pair, $1 Co@l 75: Ducks, 55(0,7 ; Hen*, $4.g) 5: Roosters, younc ?4 sOtes PO: do, old, *4@4 60: Fryers, $4 50; Broilers. $\u25a0!:<:- 4 50 for large and §?.fa.A dO for small; Pigeons, $1 60(g,2 1^ dozen for I young and (l(g1 26 for old. GAME— Continues to arrive in bad condition. Hare are quotable at $I@l 25 ft dozen; Rabbits, j $1 25(51 50 f* dozen for Cottontails and $1 for < small: Gray Geese, $2;g,2 25; White Geese. 60c S«l; Brant. $I@l 25; Honkers, 92 60@3 60; English Snipe, $1 60 o-J; Jack Snipe, $1 25@1 s>). BUTTER, CHEESE AND EGGS. BUTTER—Dairy descriptions have been comlnu in more freely for a day or two, and prices are off Inconsequence. Creameries keep scarce and show no weakness. CBKAMKKY-Faney, 27@28c; seconds, 25@26c %S B>. Daib y— Fancy. 24©25 c: good to choice, 22® 23c; lower grades. lg@2lo. CHEESE— Stocks continue light. Fancy mild new, ll@HVbc «4 ib: special marks higher still; common SQlOc: Cream Cheddar. 11 2c; Youhz America, lla,i 2c; Western, ll(S12c;-East- ern, Vlfq,l 3c V tb. EGGS— There was no further change yesterday. Good to choice Eastern, 21c i* doz; seconds, 18 (g;2oc; store Eggs, 19@21c; ranch Eggs, 22@24c « dozen. -\u25a0: ' i DECIDUOUS AND CITRUS FRUITS. ORCHARD FRUlTS—Persimmons are begin- ning to disappear. Apples are weak. Persimmons, 40@75c box; Apples, 75c@?l .3 box for good to choice, 60<a65c for common to fair and 51 25 tor fancy: Siskiyou Apples, 7 5c@$l 50. CITRUS FRUlTS—seven cars Oranges came In. They are very dull. Limes are lower. Lemons j are inactive. California Oranges are quotable at $i 25@1 50 box for Seedlings and $1 . 50 (d.2 50 t*box for Navels: Japanese Mandarins, $1 2f@l 50 f* box; Lemons, $l<a<l 60 for common , and f 2®2 50 for good to choice: California Limes, 75c box; Mexican- Limes, *5 50: Bananas, 91 I @2 ¥ bunch; Pineapples, $2@5 dozen. DRIED FRUITS, KAIS.>S, NUTS, ETC. DRIED FRUITS— Outside of a few Jobbing sales there is nothing doing. The following prices rule on the Fruit Exchange: - Carload Lots—Apples, 2i^j@3cf> Ib for quar- tered, 3@3i£c '$ tt> for sliced and 414 c\i &> for evaporated; Peaches, 3i^@4c i> & and 5%@6c for fancy: peeled in boxes. 12c; Apricots, IKi'Q i 8!-2C for prime to choice, ; 9Vic for fancy and lo<g> lie f. fi> for fancy Moorpark; Fijri, black, 2@2V>c for unrressed: White Kites. :-iV2<a;4cir> sacks: Pears, 7c f* 1b for evaporated halves, 4<Sj,6V*iC Ib for quarters; Prnnes.'3%c: Plums, 4c~ fi tb for pit- ted and 1%(g,2 Victor unpitu-d; Nectarines, s(<j,6c %l Ib for prime to choice and 61, »c for fancy. * . --r Jobbing Price*— Apples, 4@4i/2C: Peaches. S@ 4c and 5c for f aucy ; peeled, in boxes, 10@12i/«{C; I'runes, 4c tor the four sizes, 6c fi tt> for -10@50'8 and 5c for 50@60's; Apricots, 6@9y 2 c for prime to choice and l'"(S,llc for fancy Moorpat-k; Figs, j black, 13i@2i.<»c; White Figs, 8(Sl5c; Pears, 6V2C ! ' for evaporated halves and 3<a.sV«c for quarter^.; ] Plums, 3i^.c for pitted and i:g,\i~,c for unpitted; Nectarines, i(<rf>c V Ibfor prime to choice. RAISINS AND DRIED GRAPES— Prices are as follows, carload lot?, f. o. b. San Francisco: I London layers, ba@9oc ~t box ; four-crown, loose, ! 3 4' : 'f> *>i three-crown. loose, 214 c; two-crown. •2c; seedless Sultanas, 4 (ai4c: see<iless Muscatels, 2V 2 @23/ i : c: three crown London layers, 70c: clus- ters, $1 35@1 60; Dehesa Husters, $2 10@2 25; Imperial clusters, *2 bO<ij,2 75; Dried Grapes, 2>-.c t* a>. Jobbing Prices Four-crown loose. Sc; 3- crown, 2J/4@'^Vic: 2-crown, 13, 4 fa2c; Seedless Bul- tanns, 34. 4 ®4c; Seedless Muscatels, 2V»c; S-crown London layers, [email protected]; clusters, «1 40@l 50; Dehesa clusters, $2 26; Imperial clusters, %1 75: Dried Grapes, 2V»c. NUTS— Chestnuts, 6(gßc ? !b; Walnuts. 7®Bc '&It for No. 1 hard and 9@9V2 for softshell, job- bing lots; Almonds, 6^7i^c lor Languedoc and B>2@loc for paper-shell, jobbing: Peanuts, 3ya@ 4c fj Jb for California; Hickory nuts. s^)«c; Pecans, 6c for rough and 8c for polished; Filberts, BC*9c: Brazil .Nuts, 7y 2 (g;Bc %* Ib; Cocoanuts, *4 60Q5 'f 100. HON"KY— Comb Is quotable at 10@12c ¥ Ib for bright and Pte»9c ft tt. lor lower grades; water- white extracted, 5"7. 1 ... \u25a0 $ Ib; 1,..-;.; amber ex- tracted, 4i 4ra.43 /4 r; dark amber, 4c: dark, 2<s3c BEESVVAX-24(gi27c fi Ib. PROVISIONS. CURED MEATS—Trade is dull. Bacon. 6c for heavy, 7c for light medium, 9c "<s. tt> for light. 10c for extra light and 12c for sugar-cured; Eastern bi'.gar-cured Hams, Hi 2 c 9 Ib; California Hams, 10c; Mess Ueef, $7 f,bbl; extra mess do, $8: fam- ilydo. $9&9 50; extra prime Pork, $8 %i bbl; ex- tra clear. $14 bbl; mesa. $13 ft bbl; Smoked Beef, 9V^OlOc '\u25a0$> tt». LARD—Eastern, tierces, Is " quotable at 6c $ Ib for compound and 7va r for pure; pails, 8c; Cali- fornia tierces, 6%c for compound and 6c for pure; half-bbls, 614c: 10-th tins, 7c: do 6tt>, 7'a.7'4c ft Ib. COTTOLEN'E— "Vic in tierces and Bc'*l a. in 10- Ib tins. .-'.; HIDES, TALLOW, WOOL AND HOPS. HIDES ANDSKINS— salted steers, 7c Ib:culls and brands, tic; medium, 6c: culls and brands. Cc: light. 6c; culls and brands, 4c: Cow- [ hides, »@5V»c; culls and brands, 4(g>4ior; salted Kip,5c » ib; salted Calf, . 8c "# Ib: eaifed Veal. 6c: dry Hides! lOffillc; culls and brands, 7(4>7i 2 c; cry Kip and Veal, 9c: culls, 6V2 f ii"c: dry Calf, 15c: culls, 10c;. Goatskins, 20@35c each: Kids, 6c; j Deerskins, good summer, 2Ss3oc; medium. Js@ I 25c: winter, 10@,15c; Sheep»kin3, shearlings, lew j 20c earn; short wool, 20@35c each: medium, 40 j @50c each : long wool, 65c each. Culls of ail kinds about eless. TALLOW—No. 1, rendered, 33/i@4c; No. 2, 3Vic; iflned, 5%c; Grease, -Vie %i tb. WOOL—We quote Fall as follows: Humboldt and Mendocino, 7@9c; Ban Joaquin and southern, 3@ 6c: free Mountain, 6@7c; defective do, 4@Sc » Ib. HOPS-Quoted at 4@6c %* Ib. GENERAL MERCHANDISE. Calcutta Grain Bags, June-July delivery, $4 10@4 15: Wool Bags, 24@26C. COAL— Harris'on's circular says: "During the week there have been eight arrivals from the Coast nines with 15.379 tons of Coal, from Glasgow 1760 tons, from Australia 2400 tons.- These arrivals only aggregate about half our actual consumption, yet there is no visible scarcity of fuel of any special grade; of Swansea Anthracite there is a larger quantity in yard than at any period last year. The rec>nt stormy weather has* materially diminished the stocks of domestic Coals, Insomuch so that the dealers take immediate delivery from ship's side of all British Columbia cargoes now arriving. The general rainfall through the interior is certain to Induce ship-owners 10 become liberal shippers of Coal cargoes in the near future, anticipating an j abundant harvest this season; Itis true that so far we are behind 25% of our annual average of rain up to date, still this last storm has been most propi- tious. The list of Coal carriers Is decreasing from Swansea and Australia; Latterly there have been over two arrivals here for each new name added them. The last engagement from Swansea was made at 14s; this shows no decline; from Austra- lia rates are merely nominal, but few charters are being made." * Wellington quotable at $8 14 ton; New Wellington. $8 ton; Southfield Wellington, %1 50: Seattle, $5@5 60: Bryant, $5 50; Coos Bay, $5: Wallsend. $6 50: Scotch,- $7 50; Brymbo, $7 50: Cumberland, $13 50 inbulk and $15 in sks: Pennsylvania- Anthracite Egg, $13; Welsh An- i thracite Egg. : Cannel,sß; Hock Springs, Castle- j Gate and Pleasant Valley, $7 60; Coke, $10 50 in ' bulk and $13 60 ton insacks. - WlNE—Shipment Of 25,528 gallons, valued at 99525,' to London. " CANNED FRUlT—Shipment of 6119 cases, valued at $13,976. to London, by sea. CANNED SALMON The Alaska Packers' Association quotes Bed Salmon as follows: in lots of 25,000 cases. 95c: 60.000 cases, 9'2i^c; 76,000 cases, 900 if- dozen, net cash f. o. b. ex-ship. SUGAR— The Western Sugar Reiinery Company quotes terms, net cash: ;Cube, Crushed, Powdered and Fine Crushed, all ss^c; Dry Granulated, sc; Confectioners' A, 4 v c: Magnolia A,43/ c; Extra <'. 41 c; Golden C. 4y 8 c; half-barrels, ' -Vic more than barrels, and boxes i 2 more. SYKUP—Golden, in obis, 15c; Black Strap, 10c $gal. .- \u25a0 \u25a0 ..\u25a0"• \u25a0 SAN FRANCISCO MKAT MARKET Wholesale rates for dressed stock from slaugh- terers are as follows: BEEF— First quality. 5%@6c; secodd quality, 4i,2@5c; third do, B%@4C ~tf> Ib. VKAL Large, s@bc; smalL 6®7c Ib. MUTTON— Wethers. 6ftt6y a c; Ewes. 6c ?* ft«. I.AJIB— Lamb, 12% c; yearlings, 7c !b. PORK—LiveHogs, 3%@35^c for large and"3y a c for small: dressed do, 5(g.60 yl ib. ; RECEIPTS OF INTERIOR PRODUCE. . . . FDR 24 JIOLIIS. «k5"...... 34, 751|H!de5. n0.......... 128 Wheat. ctls 2.820 Felts. Ddls..^. .. 120 Barley, ctls 2-465 Wine, gal*. 25 500 Oats, ctls. 315! Butter, ctls .". '99 Rye, ctls. —.. 230 Cheese, ctls. 64 Potatoes, ska. 1,285 Egss, doz 2.250 Onions, sks l<!BiPapcr, reams. . 2,530 Br»n, .its . 790 Wool, bis 1 Middlings, sks Leather, rolls 104 Hay. tons. Lime, bbls 201 Btraw, tons 40 : Lumber, M. feet...' 10 1 THE STOCK MAEKET. . Values were lower again yesterday, the best prices showing quite a depreciation from those of Friday. Business continued quiet. The market showed steadier symptoms after the board. The decline in prices tor the week will be seen by the appended table of fluctuations. NOTES. The Challenge assessment falls delinquent in board and the Occidental \u25a0 assessment In office to- morrow. Cox. Cal. A Vibginia— l6so level—Con- tinued repairing and easing timbers in south drift on ninth floor (first floor above sill floor of this level). From end of east crosscut, started at point 170 feet in from mouth of this south driftin up- raise has been carried up on one streak found there, and we have extracted therefrom eight tons of ore (being all ore in sight), assaying $28 01 per ton. On sixteenth floor (eighth floor above sill floor 1 have drifted north from end of slope twelve feet, n quartz assaying $5 to $7 per ton. No ore has been extracted from this floor during the week. 1750 level— fifth, sixth and seventh floors above sill floor of this level opened out through upraise No. 2 are extracting some ore north along west side of opening showing a width of three and six feet, assaying $30 to $40 per ton. West cross- cut No. 3 started at point 17 1 feet in from mouth of south drift run from end of southeast drift on sill floor of this level ha? been extended 24 feet through quartz assaying $3 to $15 per ton. From fifth, sixth and seventh floors from upraise No. 2 and from north end of stope in old ground of former workings on fifteenth and sixteenth floors extracted IH-t ions of ore, average assay value of which, per samples taken from cars in mine, was $41 42 per ton. Total extraction of ore from mine for week amounted to 192 tons, average assay value of which, per sample from cars when raised to .surface, was $40 53 per ton. Upraise started at the 207-foot point in north- west drift from main west drift from C. and C. shaft on sill floor of this level has been carried up 18 feet In porphyry and quanz, assaying $2 and $3 per ton. 'i otal height, 30 feet. 1500 level—Are easing timbers and making nec- essary repairs uiong upraise which connects 1600 level drift from on. Virginia shaft on this level. 1000 level—North drift from Con. Virginia shaft station on tnis level has been advanced 27 feet, passing through porphyry and clay separations. Total length of drift,378 feet. Following Are the Highest Prices Daring the Past Week. Stock. |Mon.jTues. WeU.jThrs. *TI.IS»L Alpha... i 261 24 24 231 22! 30 Alta "9 06 ot> 07 07 06 Andes 25 22-20 21 22 20 Belcher 31 27 27 1.7 27 20 Best Belcher.. 1.00 93 94 92] 90 86 Bodie 42 41 42 41 41 40 Bullion 18 16 18 18 16. 16 Bnlwer ( 10 12 12 1* 12 Caledonia ! I 08 Challenge 31 28! 28) 28 28 27 Choliar i 78 66 R7| 63 63 67 Con. Cal. A Va. . 2.65 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.45 2.40 Confidence 1.10 1.05 1.05 1.10 1.00 .. Crown Point.... 24 23 23 23! 20 20 Gould & Curry. 56 57 691 56 66 53 Hale & Norcrosj 1.45 1.40 1.40 1.35 1.23 1.15 Mexican 70 60 63 61 62 58 Mono 07! 06 06 Ophir 1.55 1.45 1.45 1.45 1.40 1.35 Overman 20 19 20 19 18 17 Occidental 1.20 84 72 6S 91 81 Potosi 60 63 56 63 54 53 (\u25a0Savage 3- 29 30 29 28 j 26 i t?eg. Belcher.... 11 OP 10 10 091 09 Sierra Nevada.. 6! 60 4y 46 45 42 "ion 48 42 3* 37 J<s 35 Utah Ob 05 06 061- 06 05 Veliow Jacket..; 47 45 46 45 44 4-j . BOARD SALES. Following were the sales in the San Francisco Stocic Board yesterday; ._\u25a0 RKOCLARMOBMtVi covvrwivcrxi AT 1 ? :30. Alpha 20100 «&C 53,200 Potosi.. 61 100 8e1cnrr...25 N..1.1 .100 .. 50 100 B <fc 8....8."> 300 Mono 06300 Savage... 26 200 83|lOOOccidtl.... 76200 Sec 8e1... .09 ' 200 842U0 77:«>ObNev ....42 j 600 Ch011ar ... .55:700 77200 Union 35 100 56 200 0phir... .1.35 200 V Jackt 42 300 Crown Pt.l9 500 Overmn...l6l Following were the sales in the Pacific Stools Board yesterday : BiionT^Tt nj^iinv in:Tv 800 Alnha 20 500 C N V 06 900 0ccidt1....76 500 Alta 07 400 C Point. ...lP 600 ... 80 I 200 Amies 20'liOO Excnqr .07 600 0phir.. .1.35 ! 300 8e1cher....*00 Q&C 52 100 0vrmn....18 350 Biß 85300 00300 .; 16 400 84 300 H<fcN ...1.15400 Potosi . .51 100 Bod 41300 -.1.17y» 500 Savage.. .26 I 300 8u11i0n.... 15 600 Julia O'J 500 Scorpion. Oi I 200 Bulwer.... 131400 Justice.... 400 S 84M..09 400 Calf-da..... 08 300 KentcK....ot> 300 *SNev 43 300 Chalice. 200 Mexican. 500 8 Hill . 0" 400 Ch0nar.... 561500 Mono 400 Union C.".! 36 500CC*V...2.40|200 Occid 79 300 Utah 05 100 C0nn... .1.00 200 78 1150 V Jacket 43 2000 Con 1m..02j100 77] CLOSING QUOTATIONS. SATURDAY, Jan. 18-12 k. Bi*.A*krri.\ Bld.Atk".d. Alpha Con 19 20 Jackson 40 Alta 06 07Jnlia _ 02 Andes - 19 20;Justlc«. 02 04 Belcher 25 '26 Kentucc 05 06 Best & Belcher. 85 86 Lady Wash.... 01 HentonCoa.... 40 |Mexican 58 69 Bodie 40 42 Mt. Diablo 15 20 Bullion.. ._..„ 15 16Mouo 06 07 Bnlwer _ 12 14 Nevada 04 06 Caledonia OH 09 Occidental 79 go Challenge Coa. i! 7 28 Ophir 1.35 1.50 Choilar 56 57 Overman 16 17 Con. Cal. & Va. 2.35 2.4.» Hotosi I 52 63 100. imperial. 03 >avnee 26 28 Confidence..... 1.00 £eg. Belcher... 08 09 Con.NewYort 06 blerra Nevada. 41 43 Crown Point.... 19 21 Scorpion 03 EastSierraNa* 04 Hirer Hi 11..... 03 Exchequer. 07 03 Silver Kins 20 Eureka C0n.... 25, Syndicate 02 liould A Curry. 51 53 Union con 34 36 Hale «fcNorcH. 1.10 1.15 Utah (16 06 'lowa 02 04 Yellow Jacket. 42 43 STOCK AND BOND EXCHANGE. SATURDAY. Jan. 18-10:30 A. M. UNITED STATES BON' 1)3, JBId. Aike<L\ Bid. Atfced. C Bis coup.. |CS4s reg...lO7Vfr KISCKLLAXXOri BONDi. Cal-stCble6s. 110 IDo. 2d Iss 6s. CalKlecL6<!.lo6 P<fcOKy6s. .108 CntraOWSs. 100 P&C'h Kv6s.lO2i4lOsW| Dpnt-stex-cp 77 85 :Pwl- t.RR6s. 1161^ EdsnL«tP6s.lOH.y 8 10734 1 Ueno. Wl^tli 105 F<fcCHKKBs.W6V<2 BiverW Co6s 100 Gearv-stKss.lo2 1 sactoP * L..100 102^4 lx>sAucl^6s. 101 SF&NPKRSsIOO 100% Do,Unted.6s. 101%'bt>rU'>Ai1z68 95 Jlkt-stCble6sl22 SPRHCaI6s..IIO "- DoKvConss..loß 1081 2 >l'Hit Calis.. 973^ I NevCNgKßs. 100 £PBrKCal6s. 9611 9tiVi j PCRR6s.IO3Va - asVWater6s..l2o»il2l j Ry Cal 65.10«JV2 SV\Vater4s_ 99 99% |NRyCal6s. 103 StkinUitE6s 103 I Oak Gas 53.1041/2 ;SunstT<tT6s.lOO ] Do, 2d Iss 55.104V2 Sutter-stßss. 110 Omnibus 65.. 119VS VisaliaWC Us 92 PacltoilM:6s.. I water stocks. Contra Costa. 40 [Pan Jose 75% 98 MarlnCo .... 49 53 |SpringValiey 96f; 963^ GAS 6T(»CKS. Capital. 40 Pacific Light. 46 47% Central 95 Francaco 71&4 ' OalcGLilL 50 61 Stockton..... 21% PftcGaalmp. 7l»Vi i9Mi ln INSUBAN-CE STOCKS. FiremansFd.ls6 |Sun 66% KRCIAL BANK STOCKS. Amerß&TC. LondonPAA.l27»4 Anglo-C»1... 68'/i London&SF. SO Bank of Ca1.. 230 232 iMerch Ex.... la CaISD&TCo.. 67 62 {Nevada.. .. _ FirstNatlonl.l7s IVBV2 father B Co- Grangers.... I SAVINGS BANKSTOCK*. GerSJtLCo.I42S " ;Hnv t t Ijoan.. 150 HumbßiL.looo Security 210 2!>o Mutual .. 36 \u25a0 41 y 2 ! Union Trust. 820 i bFsavUnlon 490 "j BTREF.T RAILROAD STOCKS. California... - Oak.SL&Hay 100 Geary-st 60 70 1-residio 5 Mark.e;.-5t.... 4-ii/ 8 4 13/ a Sutier-st \u25a0 - CulVUr.iiSTIICXi Atlantic D... I*s Judson.... .. -.•'--'—;'r' California.... 83, iVigont ... 1 Giant. 19 I . MIfCELLANKOUS BTOCK!*. Alaska Pkrs. 97 99 OceanlcSSCo 17% 20Va BlkDCoalCa 10 PacAuxFA.. 1 CalCoiMills.. il'ac Borax... 98 100 CalDrvDocfc Pac I Co. 30 Edison Light. 86% 971,4 Pac Bo!! Mill 22 ! GasConAssn. |ParfPaintCo. 6 7% i HawC&sco.. - 8 PacTrausCa 26 HutchSPCo.. 12" 8 ISVsPacTATCo 55 JudsonMfgC. HunsetT&l'.. 40 MerExAssnlOO 110 'United U Co.. 25 HORNIXa SESSION. Board-16 California-st R R 105%: 50 Edison Light it Power Co, 97; 6 S FGaslight, 715.«; 1 do, 71i^: 10 S V Water, 96%; 10 do, 96%; 5 do, 96%; $2000 S V 6% Bonds, i 20%. Street— ls Bank of California. 230; 100 Hawai- ian Commercial. 8; 100 Marsei-sl Railway. 44 1 a: 100 Oakland Gas, 5L ' i EEAL ESTATE TRANSACTIONS. J. J. Ra'pr to Jnlea Bauer, lot on X line of Kills street, 165 W of Gouirh, W 55 by X 137:6; gift. \u25a0 Jacob and Mary Bobbelaar to D. C. Kane, lot on X line of Hermann street, 197:6 E of Webster, X 25 by 137:6: $10. Solomon and Annie E. Sweet to Edward Salz, lot on S line of Broadway, 109:6 \V of Buchanan, W2Bby S 132:7: $10. " Ella E. Johnson to Oust-av L. Bre>->se, lot on E line of Devi>,adero -street, 74:9 X of Waller, X 25 by E 106:3; $10. Charles I. and Tina Hinkel to same. SE corner property conveyed by James E.Johnson to Ella E. Johuson, 1425 d 228, 74:9 X Waller street, X 25 by EH:3; $1. Catherine C. C. Amedee to August G. Wiesmann, lot on X line of Sycamore avenue, 1-6 E ot Valen- cia street, E 26 by N 100; $10. Thomas McLaii^hlin to Catherine McLaujrhlin, lot on SWline of Hitch street, 175 XW of Bran- nan, XW 25 by SW 75; gran:. James W. and Hilda H. Hoot to Ellie Rehr- bacher, lot on W line of Twenty-third avenue, 150 If of California street, >' 50 by W 120: $10. Lambert Hayman to Esther Hayman, lot on E Hue of Fourth avenue, 175 X of Point Lobos, N 25 by E 120; gift. John ana Ada M. Hinkel to Jeanne Etcheber. lot on W lineof Twenty-fifth avenue, 125 N ofClul (Point Lolos), X 50. W 125, S 9V2 deg., E 50, E 122:9; $10. Homestead Union to Thomas Hodge, lot on W line of Twenty-tilthavenue, 150 S of Point Lobos, B 50, \V 78:10, X 50. E 84: $10. Helen M. Thompson, Annie L. Goldsmith, Abbie J. Hunter, Lizzie C. Lefavor and Women's Real Estate and Investment Company (by Leander Shores, Commissioner), to George R. Williams, lot on W line of Forty-seventh avenue, 100 S of I street, S 75 by \V 120; $350. AI.AMKDA COPXTT. John F. Smith to Anna E. Smith, lot on Xline of Channlng way, 108 E of Seventh street, JS 6-1 by X 100, portion of lots 17 and 18, block 124, Corrected -Map of Raymond Tract, BerKeley; gift. T. J. and H ,C. Carroll etal. (by Commissioner), to EquityB. and L. Association, lot on X line of Park street or Thirty-fifth, 677 ;6 E of >an Pablo avenue, E 25 by N 112, lot 4, Mitchell Tr-ct, Map 2, Oak- land; $2018. .* : U. B. and Laura A. Pinney to J. E. Prewett. lot, on KW line of Fourth avenue, 25 SW" of East Ninthstreet. SW 25 by XW 75, portion lot 2,block 5, rcsubdi vision of blocks 4 and 5, Clinton, East Oakland; $2750. J. and E. W. Mattingley (by Commissioner), to Equity B. and L. Association, lot on S line of Thirty-seventh street, 375 W of Market, W 40 by S 100, beinsr the W 40 feet of lot 9, block B. Mrs. M. J. Evoy's property, Oakland Township; $682. Ann F. Germain to Joseph H. Vlllalobo.", lot on S line of Stanley street, 160 W of Paradise, W 40, S 92.30, a. 40," NT 92.69 to beginning, Germain Tract, Oakland Township; $500. Victor H. MetcaH to Sarah E. Armes, lot on NW corner of Dwight way and Waring street, X160, W 218, S 164.8, E 162.50 to beginning' lot 11, block B, Berkeley Property Tract, quitclaim deed, Berkeley; $10. George E. Plummer et al. to Sadie B. Stanley, wife of Samuel B. Stanley, lot on N W corner of Fulton and Stuart streets, W 80 by X 134.6, ! lots 35, 36, resubdivislon block D, Blake Tract, to Icorrect 412, deeds 474, Berkeley; $10. Charles E. and M. L. Palmer to Fred B. Halsht, lots 6, 7 and 8, block M, Amended Map Of Moss Tract, Brooklyn Township: $10. M.E. Martin to same, same, quitclaim deed; 91. John Obenauer to Elizabeth G. Fowler ( wife of G. C), lot on N line of Central avenue, 205 £ of Benton street, E 50 by X 150, quitclaim deed, Ala- uaeda; $5. Gilbert a and Elizabeth G. Fowler to A. J. Sam- uel, same; $10. Austide Brand to Luclen Brand, lot on NE corner of Grove and Elm (or Twenty-fourth) streets, X 135 byE 9;-!, portion of lots 30 to 33, block O, Kel- sey Tract, Oakland: also lot on S line of Lincoln avenue, 97:3 E of Park street, E 100 by 8 125, lots 7 and 9, block B, Alameda Station Homestead Tract, Alameda; $10. Sam* to same, lot on S corner of East Twelfth street and Twenty-fourth avenue, SE 75 by SW 150, lots 4. 5, 6, block 3, Kennedy Tract, East Oak- land; $2000. D. FOKevno and A. Tamaeno (by Sheriff) to E. Martinoni, lots 53, 54 and 65, block C, V. Peralta Reservation Tract, Oakland Township; $400. Charles A. and Alice C. Bailey to Emma C. Wlgg, lot commencing at stake 17 in the-center of Panoramic way, thence XE 192 to center of Panoramic way, thence SE 50 to a paint at XE corner of lamia" of M. J. Wigg, thence SW 200 to center of Panoramic way. thence X\V 50 to be- ginning,'portion of lot 11, University Terrace, ex- cept that portion of Panoramic way used for pub- lic highway, Berkeley; $5. H. C. Morris to same, lot on E line of Olive street, 140 X of Mountain Vlewavenue, X 119:4, E 160, S 119:6, W 150 to beginning;, being lots 1, 2 and 3. block 27, Warner Tract, Brooklyn Town- ship: $10. : . ' i'- Joseph Vasquez to Mary I.ConneU, lot 23, block B, Fitch Tract, Alameda; $10. Builder's Contract. E. R. LiHenthal.with Riley it Doane, to erect a 4-story buildins a* E line of Steuart street, 137:6 X of Mission: $14,443. —— tHE CALX CALEXDAB. OCiAS STKAMJKRS. Dates of Departure irom San Francisco. STI:AMKI'.i TO AKRIVK. SL">" AND TIDE TABLE. HYDKOGKAPHIC BULLETIN. Branch Htdrographic Office., V. 3.IT. "i Merchants' Exchange. S- San Francisco, January 18. 189 ft. ) The fame ball on Telegrapn Hill was not dropped to-day on account of wires being down. A.F. K'-."iITKI.Vk. Lieutenant IT. S. .v.. in charge. ' SHIPPIMi INTJEI^XOiI^NCJi. Arri vert. SATURDAY. January 18. Stmr Arago, Reed. 56 hours from Coos Bay; pass and mdse. to Oregon Coal and Nay Co. " Stmr Scotia, Johnson, 10 hours from Albion; 7165 railroad ties, to I EThayer. ?\u25a0 - . Stmr Eureka, Jepsen, 75 hours from Newport and way ports; pass and mdse. to Goodail, Perkins &Co. Stmr Willamette, Cushman, 4 days from Depart- ure Bay; 2350 tons coal, to Oregon Imp Co. \u25a0 i-'-';- Cleared. SATURDAY,January 18. Stmr Eureka, Jepsen, San Pedro; Goodail, Per- kins &Co. - . -- .:.... - ...^ ...,.;._„ Br stmr Wellington, Salmond, Nanalmo; Duns- muir &Co. '.-•-;' .. « Stmr Peru, Friele, Hongkong and Yokohama- P MS B Co. \u0084 •: St mrPomona, Doran, Eureka: Goodail, Perkins A Co. Stmr City of Pnebla, Debney, Victoria and Port Townsend: Goodail, Perkins <fc Co. . Stmr Corona, Hall, San Diego; Goodail, Perkins <fc Co. •\u25a0• \u25a0'\u25a0 •: . ' .. - Stmr Columbia, Bolles, Astoria; Oregon Railway and .\av Co. -i ,, Br ship Falls of Clyde, Title, Hull; Eppinger <fc Co. Br ship Celtic Bard, Jones, London: G W Mc- Near. ' Bktn Planter, Dow, Honolulu; , Williams, Dl- mond & Co. - Sailed. SATURDAY,January 18. Stmr Corona, Hall, San Diego. Stmr Tillamook, Hansen. stmr Peru, Friele. Yokohama and Hongkong. Stmr Pomona. Doran; Eureka. \u0084".:;. Stmr Point Arena, Johnson, Mendocino, Stmr Gipsy, Leland. Santa Cruz. '.' Telegraphic. POINT LOBOS— January 18-10 rtt.— Weather cloudy; wind S: velocity 8 miles... \u25a0 SpoKen. ; . \u25a0\u0084' Dec 19— Lat 2 S, long 31 W, Br ship Sierra Ne- vada, hence Sept 13. for Plymouth. Dec 22—Lac 18 8. long 36 W, Br bark Fern bank, from Antwerp, for Port Los Angeles. Memorandum. , Per Arago— Arena Harbor bell buoy adrift, rive miles NNE of Point Arena. Domestic Ports. EUREKA- ArrivedJan 18— Stmr National City, hence Jan 17. - ASTORIA— Jan 18— ship Kirkcud- brightshire, from Newcastle, N»W, ÜBAYSHARBOK—Arrived Jan 18—Sehr Maid of Orleans, hence Jan 5: schr Onillie Fjord, hence Jan 5. £%". \ \u25a0^C Foreien Port*. ! \u25a0*. .-trV. . NEWCASTLE, NSW— Sailed Jan 16-Br ship Lucipara. for San Francisco; Haw stmr Kahulu i for Honolulu. Importation*. MONTEREY— Per Eureka— 6s b.\s apples. San Simeon— "9 bxs butter, 4cs eggs, 1 dressed calf, 4 i)k)irs mdse. \u25a0 Santa Barbara— 3 bxs jelly, 50 bxs lemons, 1pkg mdse. Gaviota— 9s sks, corn. 40 sks dried peaches, 23 sks crawfish, " pkgs mdse. cayucos— s cs eggs, 40 bxs butter, 14 dressed calves. Ventura— s7 bxs lemons, 313 bxs oranges, 148 sks beans.- 16 pkes mdse, 4 cs eggs. Port Harford -'22 bxs butter, 3 bxs fish. "08 sks bones. 18% <-s eg-s, Si bdls hides. 2 bdls pelts. 4 bbls tallow, 26 pkgs mdse. Hueneme— 8 pkgs mdse. 2 bdls pelts. Los Angeles via San Pedro— 9 pkgs mdse, 1 bx oranges. East San Pedro— s7 bxs oranges,' ]bx sponge. San Pedro— l coil rope, 1bx oranges. Newport— 111 bxs oranges, 21 bxslemons, 198 sks corn. COOS BAY— Per Arago— potatoes, 2400 cs salmon, 80 bxs apples, 9 bdls green hides, 1 pkc valises, 4 pkgs express, 4 bxs trees, 14 sks bark, 2 sks coin, 700 tons coai. Consignees. Per Arago— H Dutard: M P Detels; OC X Co- Wells, Fargo itCo; W BSumner A. Co: Jacobson &Lobree; PXV Smith ; Quartermaster, US A. . Per Eureka— Gray & Barbieri: Getz Bros * Co; Langley &Michaels; Bruce, Bowen <fe Co: Thomas Moran: Norton. Teller & Co; G Sansruinettl: Im- mel & Co: C Carpy &Co; Cal &Xcv Creamery Co; Standard Oil Co: Field &stone. J>alton Bros; ('A Parkin: Wood, Curtis & Co; D^ Martini & Co; Cal Neckwear Co: Holbrook. Merrill &Stetson; C H Meyer &Co; M Kalish <fc Co: J X Armsby «fc Co: M Franklin: L Scatena ,fe Co; J H Cain <fc Co; Labor Exchange; McDonough itRunyon : DBia«i<feCo; 11 Dutard; C E Whitney & Co; Dairymen's Union; Dodge Sweeney A Co: Wheaton. Breon it Co; F Blodseu: Witzel &BaKer; Hills Bros; Wm Cline; Smith's Cash Store: Bisslnger & Co; Page & Sons; Briaham, Hoppe&Co; Kowalsky&Co: Miller. Bios* & Scott: Cof-hill <fe Kobn: A Levy <fc Co; M C Dotner; J Ivancovich &Co; Baker itHamilton; W A Rouse & Co; A Paladini: O Camiliont & Co; A Wyss: American Union Fish Co; LD Stone & Co- O B Smith Co: Ross Hewlett: Kowalsky&Co; Hilmer. Bredhoff &Hchnlz; H Kirchmann & Co: Marshall, Teggart &Co; Hammond & Brod; f L'ri &Co; Chicago Brewery. For Lett* Shipping Intelligence See Twelfth Pag*. THE SAN FRANCISCO CALL, SUNDAY, JANLAEY 19, 1896. 27 ;M. ! Tu. W. Th. Ir. Sa. _ i , : Moon's Phase*. 1 2 S 4 -^— ————— ——____. 1113 3 4 i (7**\La«t Quarter. •7*M._«t Quarter. \u25a0 ' '4-' January 7. 7 I 8 9 10 ill —— -— g& N_-# Moon. J4. 13 14 116 | 16 17 i 18 I 3 First Quartet January 22. 20 .21 ; 22 23 3- ;25 ! I ' fi,\_ Full Moon. ! iVEV January 30. 27 128 29 30 : 31 I STEAMER. | DK-STIXATIOX j SAILS. | PIER. Araco ! Coos Day i Jan 19.10 am Pier lit Columbia... I Portland ! Jan 19.10am Pier 24 Homer Coos Bay Jan 20. 6pm Oceanic CliyPanama Panama Jan 20.12 if P M. __ City Sydney Panama Jan 20,12 m P 31 SS Del Norte Grays Harbor. > an 20. 3pm -.. Eureka .Newport jJan 20, Bam Pier 11 CityPuebla.. , Vie &Pitt _nd .lan'JO. 9am Pier 9 .aralion ' i an ulna Bay.. Jan 21.10am ' Pier 2 Point J_oma. Grays Harbor, Jan 21.12 M Pier 2 Australia.... Honolulu Jan21.10..M Oceanic Pomona ; Humboldt Bay Jan 22. _r_ : P:er9 Santa Bosa.. .an 1f1ee0....". 'Jan 22.11 am Pier 11 "State of CSil P0rt1and....... Jan 24.10am i Pier 24 Pt Paul Newport Jan 24. Bam Pier 11 Walla Walla Vie * Pgt Snd Jan 25. 9am Pier 9 Wlllamt Val {Mexico... jjan25.10am Pier 11 Corona .an Diego Jan26.llAM ; Pier 11 Steamer I uraer Point _0m_..... '\u25a0\u25a0 Del Norte ! .Empire...: ' Parallel Areata Santa Kosa. State of Cal Walla Wa11a.... Pomona. i Crescent City... i Coptic ! EtPaui | South Coast ! Allc-Blancnard Corona National City... San Bias Araro i Washtenaw .... Columbia.. ! .Eureka. I Umatilla North F0ri...... ; Coos Bay \u25a0 Grays Harbor Grays Harbor Portland , Yaauina .Bay Coos Bar San Diego.. Portland ] Victoria <_ Puget Sound | Humboldt Bay I Crescent City.. I China and Jaoan ' Newport. , ' Portland i ; Portland Sun Dieeo ' Humboldt ' Panama. j Coos Bar ..... j Panama Portland Newport j !•.'ictoria <_ Puget Sound Humboldt Bar < ..Jan IS ..Jan 19 ..Jan 19 ..Jan 19 ..Jan 20 ..Jan 20 ..Jan .0 ..Jan 31 ..Jan 21 ..Jan 21 ! ..Jan 22 ..Jan 22 . .J. in 22 ..Jan 22 ..Jan 24 ..Jan 24 ..Jan 24 i ..Jan 25 j ..Jan 25 j ..Jan 25 ! ..Jan 26 ..Jan 28 ..Jan 26 ..Jau 37 'ATKK.I IB 3 '__rge. (Small. Small. Large. His 3.28a| 2.23 a 900a' 8.44r| 7.' 3.54a! ______ 9.5-'». -.OB" 7.1 s.l*)lo.i.**A f1.2011.11A 19. 20. RAILROAD TRAVEL. LOW RATES BY RAIL TO SUNDAY .'. JANUARY 19, And Every Fifth I>»y Thereafter. - Leave -from S. p. Co. '3 Ferry landing, foot of Market St., at 8:00 p. sc. •; A"J C Il ? cludin » Berth in Pullman Tourist 01 iGU Sleeper. ....ALSO.... First-class tickets, inelndine'bercb in C»l X.OO Pullman Standard Sleeper, -*-" SPECIAL NOTICE. This train will not stop to deliver or take on pas- sengers at intermediate stations, nor will tickets be sold or baggage checked to such points. Through Tickets for I'uget Sound i Points on S:il«« at ':.-,( ...-.-.I Hates. For further information apply at t>l3 MARKET STREET (Grand Hotti Ticket Office). San Francisco. RICHARD GRAY, T.H. GOODMAN; Gen. TraiHc Mgr. Gen. Pass. Agt SOtTHKHS PACIFIC CO2H»AJrr. (PACIFIC bVMSM.) Trrtlxtleare nad nr« tine to arrlre »i SAX I'KA.X'I.SCO. liavb From November 20, 1835. Ar.r.ivi . 6:30 a Haywards, Nilea and Way Stations.. 10:13 a 7*<>Oa Atlantic; Impress, O;<len and Kas*.. 8:43» 7:00a Kenicia. VacaTille. KQicscy. Sacra- mento, and Bedding via Davi3.. .. 7:19r 7:30 a Martinez. San Ramon. Nana, Calis- toga and Santa liosi , 6:13» •jlßANilts, fiau Jose, btocktou, lone. - Sacramento, MarjSTii!^. lleil J.lutl autl Sundays excepted OroTille.... 4:lBp •8:30\ Peters and Milton *7:13r 9:OO\ San Leandro, Hay-rardit Wr.ySfns 11:43 a 9:OUa Los Angc!c3 Express, Hayiaond, (for Yoscmitc), Santa Barbara and Los Au Kelts 4:43r 9:00 a Martinez and Stockton 10:45 a 1(I:UOa Ban Lcaodro, Hiywirda and Riles.. 1: 15p liiiOOii San Leandro, Ilaytrirda & Way St'ns 2:4-1r ltOOpNilcs, San Jose and Livermorc S:43a •l:00p Sacramento Kiver Steamers *D:OOp tl:3Op Port Costa and Way Stition3 t~:43* 3:OOp San L?anuro. Hayvrardsi: Way St'ns 5:43p 4:OOp San I.eandro. Ilaywirus& Way Kt'ca 6:43r 4:ooi' Martinez, San Ramon. Yallejo, Nap.i, ("alistogi, LI Vcrano and fianU Uosa *»iISA «•«#-• EtiJcla, Esparto, Woodland. .".••. \u25a0> Knights Landing, MorysTille, OroTille and Sacramento 1 6:43 a 4tS*p Kiles, San Jose, Livermore and Stockton 7:18* 5:00p San Le*ndro, Hayward3*V/ay St'ns 8:43» 8:30p New Orleans Kxprezs.rresuo.Bakcrs- field. Santa l!arbara,Los Angeles, Demine, El Paso, Zsw Orleans and East 1«:43a 3:30p Santa Vo Koute, Atlautio Express for Mojavo ami East 10:43 a «:OOp European Mail, Ogilcu «\nd East.... fI:4SA 6:«OpHaynar<la, Miles and .lose 7:43 a :7:O«pVollcjo 17: 13p 7:OUp Oregon Express, Sacramento, Marys* -fille. Uetiainß. Portland. I'uget Sound ami Ea-t lU:43a 7:00p San Leandro, Haywardjt Way St'ns lO:3Op »:00p SanLcandro,najwardsi\VayStns Ul&Hi U10:93p "Sunset U.ailtcd," Fresno, Los Angeles, El Paso, New Orleans and East |I'Sl43f ttHtiarßanLeandro.Haywarda&WaTSfas 7:13 a SASTA CIMZ DITISION fNarroTT G.tnge). \u25a0:lOa Newark. Centervilk'.Siin.lnae .Fettou, Bonlder Creek, Santa Cruz aud Way Stations 3tS*| •»:15p Newark. Centerrille, San Jose, New Almaden, Patton, Boulder Cr ck, Santa Cruz and Principal Way Stations "11:204 4:13p Nowark. San Josa and Los Catos.... 9:S9a t11:43p Hunters" Excursion. Kan Jose and W»y Stations 1 \7i29r t'»AST DIVISION i lliir.l A. TouiiM'iiil Sl*.) «:45a San Jose ami Way Stations (New Almaden Wedcesdays only), 1:43r •iISA.Sau Jose, Tres Piuos, Kutita Cruz, Pacilic Orove. Paso Itoblcr, Sau Luis Oblspo, GuadalupoaiiilPrin- cipal Way Stations 7:05 r 10:40a Sail Jose and Way Stations 3:»0p 11:43a Palo Alto autl Wny Stations 3:3*1 ' *2:30p San Jose, Gilrny. Tres Finos, .Sauta . \u25a0 Cruz, Salinas.Monterey andPacific Grova. «IO:4«»a •3::t«p San Jose Principal Way Stations 0:47 a •4:3oi>San Jose ami Way Stations •«:Ooa, ' 3:30r Sau.Toaeaii.l Way Stations *S:IBa «::sOp San Jose ami Way Stations 6:113 a •HI :45p San Jose mid Way Stations -t?:43» CREEK ROUTE FERRY. From SA.H mKCISCO— of Market Street (Slip 8)— •7:16 9:00 11:00*. M. 1,1:03 •2:00 t3:M •4:00 .. ti:00 •6:Cop.m. From OilUHß— Foot of BroJdwtj.— *6:00 800 10:00a.m. 12:00 '1:00 JS:OO *3:CO Jl.-Ot . •5:00 p.M. - A for Morning. Vfor Afternoon. Sundays executed. 1 Saturdays only. 1 Sundays only tJ Monday, Thursday and Saturday nights only. HTuesday?. and Saturdays 6 Sundays and Thursdays^ SAS FRANCISCO & NORTH PA- S CMC RAILWAY CO. Tiburon Ferry-Foot of Market St. San Francisco to San Rafael. WEEK DAYS— 9:20, 11:00 a. it; 13-S1 3:30, 5:10, 6:30 p. M. Thursdays-Extra trl» and 11-30* M Baturd *- Extra trips at 1:59 6DXDAYS-8:00, 9:30, 11:00 A.M.; 1:30. 3:3<l 6:00, 6:20 p. M. * San Rafael to San Francisco. WEEK DAYS—6:2S, 7:55. 9:30, 11-10 A mi 12:45 3:40, 6:10 p. if. Saturdays-Extra trips' at 1:65 p. m. and 6:35 P. x. 8U^!oO. Y 6i25 8 pl o ii. 9:4 °' 11:1 ° A - lt: 1:40< 3: ** , Between San Francisco and Schuetzen Park bum schedule as above. Leave inpffprt Arrive San Francisco. Qct? 28. San Fr »ncls<». \u25a0 Wm I Sex- D C , 1 t ?] ?if:, on Scsr- l^jf Days. | pati. "eitlnation. DaYS | Day^ 7:40 am. 8:00 am I Novato, 10:40 am! 8:50 am S :3O pm 9:30 am Petaluma, 6:05 pm 10:S0 ah 6:10 pm, 5:00 pm Santa Kosa. 7:30 pm 6:18 PM Fulton. 1 :40 am Windsor, . 10:30 am Healdsburg, Oeyserville, 8:30 pm 8:00 am I Cloverdal». 7:30 fm 6:15 n j Pleta, j I ~~~ 7:40 am! Hopland & i 8:00 am Ufclah. I 7:30 PMi 6:15 PM 7:40 am < : 10:30 am (8:00 am GuerneTUle. 7:30 »m 8:30 pmJ j . . I 6:15 pm :7:40 am 8:00 am! Sonoma 10:40 «.« 8:50 aM ! 6:10 pm 5:00 PM and 6:05 pm 6:15 pm i j | Glen Ellen. j \u25a0 : 7:40 am 8:00 am; 8 . h f1.-itonoi 10:40 am 10:30 am ! 8:30 pm 6:00 pm| H * Dastopol> | 6.06 pm| 6:lspm Stages connect at San Rafael for Bolinas. : Stages connect at Cloverdale for the Geysers. . Stapes connect at Pleta tor Highland Sprint* Kelseyvlll*. Lakeport. Stages connect at TTfclah for Vichy Springs, Bla« l*ites, Laurel Dell.Upper Lake, Boonevllle, Green- wood, Meßdoclno City. Fort Brag)?, .Usal, Westport, Cahto, Wllletts, Calpella, Porno, Potter Valley, Jos* Day's, Liv«ly's, Gravelly Valley, Harris, acoust and Eureica. ' '- . - ' \u25a0 . - Saturday to Monday round-trip ttckttsat redac«« "o" Sundays round-trip ticket* » all PQlata yond San Rafael at half rats*. I Tlckat Offices. 650 Market at., Chronicle buildlna, B. a WHITING. R. X. BT AIT, \u25a0* Gen. Manager. 3 Gen. Pass. Ag sab W^Jt^K Trains leave from and arrive \u2666gpgatggsguT^ * aiarliet-btreet Ferrj. j SANTA FE EXPRESS j To Chicago via A. & P. Direct Lin- ¥2E£&£Z£ 3 To 3 U r^^,e C e a p r ers n fo P JSSS CHICAGO LIMITED, From Los Angeles to Chicago. Solid Vestibule Train Dally, with Dining-cars, nnder Harvey a man» enient. Connecting trains I leave San Francisco at 9a. m. and S:3O "1m. daily ! The best railway from California to the East. New railg, Be T ties; no dl -st: lnterestlnir scenery; ;and good meals in Harvey's dining-room or dims*- Ticket Oflic«-644 Market Street, : Chroaiele Building. KORTH PACIFIC COAST RAILROAD . (Via Sausalito Ferry). rum San Francisco, beginning October 27, 1894. WEEKDAYS. I For Mill Valley and San Rafael-7:30, 9-15, 11*01 . M.: 1:45, 3:45 6:15, 6:30 p.m. : San Quen::n-7 :30, 9 :16 a. M. : 1 :4», 6:16 9. M. ! Extra trips for tian Kau. i on Mondays, Wedn«m» days cud Saturdays at 11:30 p. m. -.];\u25a0-: SUNDAYS. For Mill Valley, San Rafael and San Quentln— 8:00. 10:00, 11:80 a. m.: 1:30. 3:00, »6:ll T. M. *XK>es not run to San Quennn. THROUGH TRAINS. i 7:30 a. M. weekdays— Cazadero and way station* 1:45 p. M. Saturdays— Tomales and way stailoo* >a(IA. M. Sunday— Point Reyaa ana wajrwallffns> YALLEJO AM MARE ISLAND. STB. MONTICEIXO, Billy, except Sunday— lo a. a. 4«. m, tHiaday-8 p. m. * \u25a0 - :. t»nU lns:, Mission 1. ritT OCEAN STEAMSHIPS: PACIFIC COAST STEAMSHIP COSIPAM CUT RATES TO , \u25a0 . ' VICTORIA, B. C, and PUGET SOUND. First Class 80.00 Second Class i&3 OO Meals and berth included. Ticket Office—4 Sew Montgomery Street - QOOBALL, PERKINS* CO., General Agents. O. R.- o _c&3 IST. ASTORIA AffPOfflAND. $2.50 Second Class, $5 First Class, MEALS AND BERTHS INCLUDED. For reservations call at 19 Mont- { gomery street. Columbia sails January 19 State of California sails January 24 GOODALL, PERKINS <fe CO., Genl. Supts. R P. I'OS.NOR, General Agent. PACIFIC COAST STEAMSHIP COIP.UI STEAMERS WILL SAIL FROM A«. Broadway wharf, Han Francisco, as anK follows: / For Mary Island, Loring, Wranjjel. Jnneau. Kll- lisnoo and Sltka (Alaska), at 9 a. m., Jan. 15, 30, Feb. 14. For Victoria and Vancouver (B.CO. Port Town- \u25a0end, Seattle, Tacoma, Everett, Anacortes and New Whaicom (Bellingnam Bay. Wash.), 9 a. if. I Jan. 5, 10. 15, 20, 26, 30, and every fifth day thereafter, connecting at Vancouver with the C. P. R. JR.. at Tacoma with N. P. K. R. at Seattle with U. K.Ky., at Pore Townaend with Alaska steamer*. For Kureka, Arcata aad Fields Landing (Ham- boldt Bay) str. Pomona, 2 P. m., Jan. a, 6, 10, 14, 18, 22, 26, SO, and every fourth day thereafter. For Santa Cruz, Monterey, San Simeon, Cayucos, Port Harford (San Luis Obispo), Gaviota, Santa ! Barbara. Ventura. Hueneme, San Pedro. East San : Pedro (Los Angeles) ana Newport, at 9 a. m.. Jan. 4. 8. 12, 16, 20, 21, '28, and every fourth day thereafter. For San Diego, stopping only at Port Harford (San Luis Obispo), Santa Barbara. Port Los Angeles, Redondo (Los Angeles) and Newport. 11 a. M., Jan. 2. 6, 10. 14, 18, 22, 26, 30, and every fourth day thereafter. . For Ensenada, San Jos* del Cabo, Mazatlan, La Paz. Altata and Ouaymas (Mexico), str. Willam- ette Valley, 10 a. m.. 26th of each month. Ticket office, Palace Hotel, A. New Montgomery street. UOODALL, PERKINS A CO., Gent Agents. .„.;-./ 10 Market at.. San Francisco. OCEASIC STEAMSHIP COMPANY. ijismlHi iih Coolgardie gold fields ; jll&rTfO ~*Bh (Freemantle). Austra- i lia: $220 tirst class, ; Mgr?' nOfg^ I ,|rj» $110 steerage. Lowest 1 i*OT^i*^s^^L . rates to Capetown, J^^\T^^, South Africa. s^Lw/ ' ir^»i» vttk Stoamshlp Australia, \u25a0\u25a0V/ LA <r \QA Honolulu only, I ,i-s- M VJ^sUrf*!^^ day, January 21, at 10 lE^v SSEaF ISO Australian steamer, /J^r MAi;i J'">A, salU via Honolulu ami Auck- land, l 'hursday, >eb. '^•IkSaSsT^^^ ti ,i \u25a0- p. a- BrzciAi. Parties.— Reduced special rates for ; parties Feb. 6 and 15. 18»& Ticket office. 114 Montgomery street. .;-\u25a0.• * Freight office, 327 Market street. \u25a0 J. D. SPRECKKLa &. BROS., General Agents. COBPAGifIEGEJERAIETRIISATLAXTIQUE French Line to Havre. pOMPANY'S PIER <NE\V),42 NORTH Atf<- \J River, foot of Morton at. Travelers by \u25a0SS&DjL this line avoid both transit byEnglish railway aud tne discomfort of crossing the channel in a small j boat. New York to Alexandria, Egypt, via Paris, ! first-class $160: second class, $116. LA BRETAGNE, Capt. Rupe January 11 _. LA OASCOGNE, Capt. Baudelon . ~ January 18, LACHAMPAGNE, Capt. Polrot, .; ."..... Jannary 25, LA BOTJRGOGNE, Capt. Leboeuf February 1 . J6ST For further particulars apply to A. FOBOET, Agent. No. 3 BowlingGreen, New Vorlc. J. F. FUOAZI & CO.. Agents, 5 Montgomery, i avenue, San Francisco. white ma LEE. Onlted States and Eojal Mall Steamers New York, Queenstown & Liverpool, SAILIT-fti EVERY WEEK. pABIN.^GO AND UPWARD, ACCORD- «,.-\u25a0> \J (nit to steamer ami »ccom]nodf.t;oria «£^Mu?a i •elec:»ri; second cabin. * 35 and K4O; MajbstVcTSTj ; Teuton c »86. Steer» Ec Tickets from England Ire- < land, Scotland. Sweden, Norway "and Denmark through to ban Francisco at lowest rates. Tickets sailing dates and cabin plans may be nrocurwi from W. If. AVERY. Pacific M^lDoct. or at the \ Genera office ,ol the Company. 613 Market street nader Craad Hotel. , o. W. FLETCHER. . ,'•\u25a0 \u25a0 General Agent lorPacific Coast. royal MAII STEAMJACIET cojipaxi. | STEAMERS LEAVE ASPINWALL am. fortnightly. for the West Indies and &ES&& Southampton, ( calling en rout« at Cerbourshi i . France, and Plymouth to land passengers. ' Through bills of lading, in connection with the Pacific Mail S. S. Co., issued for freight and treas- ure to direct ports in England and Germany. Through tickets from San Francisco to Plymouth, Cherbourg, Southampton. First class, $195: third can, «97 M. For further particulars apply to \u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0.:,-,, \u25a0 :;\u25a0> VABttOTT & CO., Agents, SO6 California at. STOCKTON STEAMERS Leave Pier No. 3, Washington St- At 6 P. 31. Daily, Except Sunday. ear Accommodations Reserved by Telephone. STEADIER,; T.C. Walker. ;J. D. Peters. Mary Garratt, City of Stockton. 1 Xelej2hj3afi.Malß 805, C>L Nay. and Imnt. Ca. msm* OFFICE FURNITURE P AND FIXTURES. AND FIXTURES. L(feHlS C. F. WEBER & co., 300 to 306 Post St.i cor. Stockton 4^g=ggj^j=is^ OFFICE and \u25a0"» .:..,; Jirsi TYPEWRITER, JES IftLilZil-JS W. O. JtAKK;, SI '"" *^!ii.i— 4 157 New Montgomery T^" Two in One. Street, S. F. *3

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Page 1: The San Francisco call (San Francisco, Calif.) 1896-01-19 ... · THE COMMERCIAL WORLD. SUMMARY OF THE MARKET^. Shipment of $266,0GV to China- Silver weaker. Bank Clearings gain.04


Shipment of $266,0GV to China-Silver weaker.Bank Clearings gain .04 percent.Wheat very firm.Bari^y weak.Oats show some improvement.Corn £rm y held. Ryu quiet.Hay weak and inlightreceipt.Beuns dull.No change inFeedstuff*.Ocions advanced.Dairy Rutter weaker. Cheese firm.No farther change inFgss.Acar of Kas'ern Poultry at hand.Gcme arrives inbad order.Scanty Trading in Dried Fruit.A pples lower. Oranges dull.

Provisions unchanged.


CIfITKD States Df.partxif.xt ioF Askicul-TfBK,W'EAinKK Bvrkait, s*» Francisco, Jan-uary IS, 18:)0. sp. * v-'• a Her conditions andgeneral forecast:

The follow ng are the seasonal rainfalls to dateas cornpure.; with those of the same date lastyear: Eureka , last season 2d.89; R»d Bluff9.-'O. last season 15.90; .-an Francisco 7.73, lastseason 15.57: Frtsno 2.03, last season 8.98; SanLuisObisno 7.82. las: season 19.-8: Los Angeles2.77. last sof.son lO.Oti: san Die-o 1.05, last season7.26; Yuma LS2. l<:st season -'.99.

San FrancK-co data: Maximum temperature60 deg . minimum 56 cleg. »nd mean 58 deg. Kaln-fall lorpast twenty-four hours, 1.18in ht-s.

The storm, which ha.-, b^ea off the coast ofOregon and Washington since Sunday ni^ht las-,bus moved in:i:;d and is now central over Eastern>\ ashingtoa; Idaho and Western Montana.

The pressure has fallen r<pi<ilyduring the j>r.<srtwelve hours over Montara and the British posses-sion? nonh«.ir,!.- Tiie pressure is \u25a0•-lnniim to riseaiuntr tue iao;:ie Coasi aaJ clearing weather mai-now be looked tot. • ""

The temperature has remained practical- sta-tionary over the entire country west of tie Hockvexcepting a «nmll area in Washinctoa*na Idaho. Cooltr weather may be expected forthe next thirty-sixhours.\.General aud heavy rains fell to-day from Los>|ngeles to teaitle and us far eastward a-, Saltl»akt>.1Forecast made at San Francisco for thirty hoursending m;i'.n:j;ht January 19, lspti:'* ortlura C*Utomi»-TFair, excrpt rain tc-n'ght•nflSunday niornin:; in eastern poruou; slightlycooler; fresh southwesterly winds? -

. Soutturn California— Lightshowers; followed byTatr. stationary temperature: westerly wiuds.

Nevada— tialn Sunday mornlr.c. followed Dvt>iir; cooler innorthwestern portion.\u25a0' Utuh

—Kuin; stationary temperature.

1Ar.zoca- Cloady weather; stationary tempera-

/ san tmnclsco and vicinity— Fair; slightly

cooler; southwesterly winds.A. jjcadis, i.0.-al Forecast Ofiic-iaL,


Financial.NEW YORK. N. V.. Jan. IS.—The stock market

was more active to-day, the sales for the two hoursof busiiuss a».grej:atius 11U.375 sluircs. he toue •

Iof the marke: was weak throughout, the pressureto sell being the most pronounced in the case ofthe railway and issues. Sellers ol thetnarke: professed to bu disturbed onaccount of thel>avis resolution reported to the Senate Committeeen Foreign Kelations which defines the Monroedoctrin.', the rumors about the probable destina-tionof :h<> British flying squadron and the talk

about the recognition of the Cuban insurgents bythe United .r>tat»-s. These reports were used forall jih?y were wor.ii by the bear traders, an-1 In the !absence of supporting orders they were f.iirlvsuc-ossiul indepressing prices. The loss ran^-i'. from

to -jxr rent in ;he tally active list tni2y±percent InBaltimore and Unto.

The Western railway issues were heavy on re-ports that the receipts of the roads were laliingoff.i:had been expected that the movement of cornwould materially ;iii:<• :be receipisof the roads,and inconsi-qutnce the rumors that this businesswas unsatisfactory 1> d to liquidations. Chicago Gaswas re.atively nrmer than Uie oilier industrials onChicago reports :a: Attorney-General Moloneywill,atter ail, decide in favor of the reorzjfiiizanoncommittee. ....:.-

speculation closed weak In tone with prices any-where from i-2 :o.Per cent lower on the day.

\u25a0 Bonds were Weak. Tne sales Jooud up • '7.000.Atchi'ron ireneml fours when issued fell1to 75%;Chicago Gas tirs.s. I*-*to 90 V*:Indiana, Illinoisand. lowa jours. '- toB.<: Lake *hore conso; sec-onds, ll2 to 118; Missouri; Kansas and Easrernlives. 1;o te^>: Toledo, I'eona and Western lours,1*to 75. and Heading first preferred, li,jto 28.


—Dull, steady. Winter wheat, lowBTa«les. $2 2.ri(ja.2 65: uo fair to fancy. $•_' 65$1< SO: do paten;*. $3 45te.M 75: Minnesota cltar,.. 52 M,'C+i> 10: do btraits. $srf..i Hj;r!o parents, 93 15'(£4 lO: low extras. S!2 '£$%)£ 65; City Mills,S:-S 90«£4: do patents, sicgU -5. Kye mixture; $2 lot£3 -O;*sj^ertlne. t-(?.Z -0. s-ou h-ruilour— steady ;. coiamou to -.a:r extras, S'2 10 i"J SO; jjond to choicedo. fii90ci live flour—Quu^. steady, $2 40ta.2 Bi.Uackw hea: Uour,$I 'JO-ai 30.

BBCKWHKAT<-3&tac.COKMIKAL-Qnift; yellow Western, *>253

2 30: Brand y wine. $2 25.UYE-Nominal.BARLKY-Non-.inai;No. 2Milwaukee, 47c: un-graded Western, cPd4oc.BARLEYMALl—Nominal.WtLEAT—Moderately ac:ive, firm: No. 2 red.ore and elevator, 71c; etloat, 72Vic; f. o. b.. 72."lr:ungraded red.

-Ttc: No. 1northern. "If.

Options were moderately active and firma: 1.410JB'gC advance; May and July incs; ac:ive. Xo,

-red, 69c for January; February, 69Vsc; Marco,70c; May, t>Bc: June and July, b7l~>c.

(_iiK>—Dull; firmer. >.o. '2, 3a;;4c elevator;Sb'^c afloat.

<j;.tions were dull and firm a- 14c advance.M:iynios;actl% p. Janaarj'.Sj^ic^'tbruiry. Sb^c;iiay.os'»c: July, ;i62'a("-


Quiet, firm, options dull and firmer;January arid February, IMC: May, 34^c. !?potprices are: Xo. 2, •-4V->^: fO. *2 white. 251-ic:.N... S, -.'iUir; No. 3 white. 'Zi^^:nuxed West-ern, l!4li;^isVa c;while State and Western, 25@

FEEP BI'[email protected]— 6V<i.7Oc.BYE—Feed, 60(3,ti0c.

ProTlslons.BEEF— Steady, ramay, $10 10^10 50: extra

mess, 57 50®?. Beef bams, steady, Sls 50.1 ere- b»ef, »;u:et. moderate demand; city extraIndia mers. *15- 50y.17: cv: meats quiet, firm;pickied bellies, s\fcc; do shouidcrs, 4i2&4:;ic;do hams.

LARD—Quiet, weak: Western Bteara. $SPO: city,$5 40«a.5 45; January, $5 B.>; refined, quiet;Conti-nent, 9*5 "JO; couth America, 65 50; compound,M75(^5.

I'oKK—Firm, moderate demand. Mess. $10 25•10 75.

BUTTER—Quiet, weaker. Sta-e dairy, 10@21c;do creamery, 17©"Jli^c: Western dairy, 11,<i17c;do creamery, 17i^2.°.c: do Jut.c. 15@31c; do fac-ton\ 9 Va'Slßc: ._ins. 2»c; limitation creamery,14©ltc; roll*.9(g.15c.

KUlis-Weak, stale and Pennsylvania. IT-'*18~i»c: fcoiuhvrn, 16:c-17c: icehouse, i(..(«,. V'Western fresh, 16\2(a,i7'J zi:

-limed, 15(g;i•>-Vsc

TALLOW—Moderate demand, city,3 coun-try. StfcC dfew

COTTONSEED OlL—Quiet firm. Crude. 24®24 I'jC:1'jC: yellow, prime, -BV->©~9c; do off grades,27i.4@27'i-,c.

I'.o^lN—Quiet. Strained, common to good, SI 60©1 Rl

TUKI-ENTINK—Quiet, steady, 3'.'ii^34cPOTATOES— demand; easy.RlCE—Finn.

'Uomestic fair extra, 3<gsSic;

Japan, 8*404c-**' -a:Oi.A K>—Firm, fair demand. New Orleans,

open kettle,good to choice, 27MJ37&i ]•.—Quiet, '> points down to 5up: Febru-

ary, $13 10: March, $13 05: May,$12 65; July.Sl'J 25; Kectember, §11 90. HpotJilo,dull, steady;No. 7, 14c.


SUGAR—Raw, firm: dull; fair refining, 33/gc;cntrilugal, 98 test, 334c. itetined, quiet: firm;No. 6, 4V3c; No. 7 and No. 8, 4 5-16c;No. 9, 4 l»-l«c: NO .10, 43'sr; No. 11, Ac- |No. 12, 3 16-16c; No. IS, :-("*,'\u25a0: off A, 4%®4£ oc: mold A, 5 3-liic: stanuard A, 4 16-ltic;confectioners' A, 4 13-16 c: cut loaf andcrushed, 6 9-16c; powdered ua>l cubes, 6 3-16c;granulated, 115-lbc


—Quiet and unchanged.

WOOL—±'air demand, firm; unchanged. .Merchandise.

rm IRON—Qniet: American, $11 75©13 50.« ( >} PEB- Dull;Lake. B9 :.Va9 85.LEAD—Quiet; domestic. *a'o,3 02i<3.•JlN—Steady; Straits, $13 05; plates, moderate

demand.fcRELTEK-Nomlnal; domestic, 14.


CHICAGO, In-, Jan. 18.—Strength which de-TelopeJ yesterday during the closing hours of thesession, and which remained in control of priceson the curb, was still in evidence In wheat at theooening this morning, and with very little excep-tion held sway throughout the short session to-day. It was due more to local conditions than to '.any important Information or imeJigenee, and thecrowd was ceneraily short of wheat, and the incli-nation to sell wus at a minimum, the demandna urally casting an advauc*. Liverpool caoleswere firm and i^dhicher. Kradbtr^et's reportedvf-rv good cl«»arxincss Ol wheat a'icl fiourfrom boihroasts '.or the w<vk, 3 -10 o<>o bosiiels. ReceiptsIn the Northwest showed a falling off, 409 carsarriving as a?aiu.,t GB4 la»t .'saiiiriar, and 190 a j>ftr«go. JCecei.'ita at Chicago were 11 cars, and ;

67.000 bushed were taken from store. Atlanticscatjoard clearances amounted to 618,128 bushel*. 'These ehipmrnts co:;*r;buted to the finalstrength !of the day. Continental cables were generally un- |changed. May wheat opened at t>oi,4c. sold be- Itw*en GOV&r&filc,closing' at6o^ gc, V*chigher than iyesterday. Estimated receipts for Monday 65cars.

CORN—TLe corn market was firm,deriving itsstimulus from wheat. Only ;\Saturday businesswas tran«^c;c-J. withshorts 1xliioluiigmore inter-est inbuyinglh»n in endeavoriup to increase their!ini\«. IJverpool cables v.-ere dull and l/i@ x/b4lower. Receipts at Chicugo \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0•re 669 cars, and j315.000 bushels were taken from «tore. Exportr.enrancea were very large, amounting to 713,181bnshel«. May corn opened at 29c, sold between28^i6'/bTfec and _ i-9ViC. closing at 29@-SVs^ Vie higher than' yeateruay. Estimated re-ceip;jt for Monday 230 cars.

OAis— Held steady, the strength of the wheat iand corn markets exa-nding the stid'.sinicg qualityto prices. Trade wasquiet and barren of incident.Receipts 23* car*. There were no withdrawal

from store. May oats closed Vie higher. Estl-mp.ted receipt* for Monday 215 ears.FLAX— easy. Cash, 82c; May, 95. ,\u25a0'$86c. Receipts were •_\u25a0: cars.PROVISIONS— Prices of product failed to ad-

vance or hold the full appreciation of the last fewdays. 'I!.is was owing more to the desire on theran. of the holders to realize than to any abatementof bull orders. The ho::market, this morningearlywas bigher. but the later advices quoted an easierfeeling. At the close Mar pork w»a 12 y~c lowerthan yesterday. May lard 10©12i£c lower, andMay ribs 7^!*loclower.

Closing Prices.WHEAT—January, 66 >3C: May, 60y8c; July,

GloCORN— January, 265 c; May, 29@29i/gc: July,

2vX'^a>'Soc.O.MS-January. 18c; May 'JOi^c.PORK— Januacv, $10: May.$10 30."LAUD—January, $5 07V2: 87V^.Kiß.-—January. S4 87^4; May, mi 15.


MONEY—Was 6 per cent on call and 6percent on time loans. New York exchange sold at75c premium.

Livestock.UNION STOCKYARDS. i[.r... Jan. 18.—To-

day's receipts of cattle were light,and were soondisposed ofat unchanged prices. The feeling wassteady. Sales of hogs were at an advance ofsc.Offerings were all taken in a short time. Thesheep market was nominally steady.


Receipts. 500. Fair to choicesteers, «3 B"<S,-l 20; common to medium steers.$3 Ul<&3 stockers. $2 50;£H40: cows, poor togood canners, $150^,2 40; veal calves, «ood tochoice. $5 Js'i.6 25: Texas fed steers, 1340@4 25.

UOUS—Receipts, 17.000. Heavy packing andshipping lots. S3 90@l 10: common to choicemixed. ?3 85©1 10; choice assorted, $4©4 10: llstht. ?;< 85@4 10: pigs, 5:110Q-1 05.

SHEEP— Receipts, 10,000.' Inferior to choice,?2(&3 50; lambs, 3@4 65.


Bonds, Exchange, Money and RailroadShares.

Money on call easy at 3%. Prime mercantile pa-per, 6.^7%. Bar silver, 67i c. Mexican dol-lars, 53iic. Sterling exchange is active, withactual business 111 bunkers' bills a- 31*7:v4@4 89for sixty days and $4 8914 for demand.' Postedrate*, $4 8894 h9Vi- Commercial. bills. 84 563,i&A 87H- Government bonds steady; State boudsauil; rauroaa bonds Lower.

llrs-INfi STOCK*.Am TelA Cable.... 90 1 NorfolkA Wes"... IV4Atchlson- l^&s' Preferred 7

Preferrea -U-4 North American... 4%Adams Express... l46

'Northern Pacific 3

Alien, Haute. 59 Preferred lly3"

American Expre34.HO Nortnweatern. ... yti7dAmerican Tobacco. 78Vs Preferred 144

Preferred '2 N.Y. Central 963'8Bay btataGas 17 jN.Y.Chlcago&A.!, l'-i^Baltimore <£. Ohio.. 38 Ist preferred 70i>runswicK i-ati'ls.. y% \ »ci preferred 23Kuftaio, Roch &P. 10 N. Y.&N.11.. .ISOCanada Pacific 63 N, .vv New Ens. 45Canada Southern.. 47y3 N. Y.busq & W... 9Ctnton i-aud 60" a Preferred 24%Central Pacific 14 /2Ontario S> <£ Ohio 1A1/2 \u25a0 i.;«rujt Western. 33Chicago Alton 103 [Oregon Improvmu 2' 2

I'reierrea 170 '\u25a0 Preferred.—— '

Chlcaso, H. A Q—

731 .., > Iregon Navigation. 1•''Chicago Jt K. 111... 41 re^ou shor; Lina. 5

Preferred t>s Pacific Mall 24"4Cbicagouas 04!4 Peona. D.&Evans.--

1.Clevedt Pittsburi;.loß .Pittsburgh w pfd. 15Consolidation Coal. 29 :Pu!lman Palace... 15 )Consolidated Gaa..144- quicksilver... "i',c. C.c. ASu Louii ;-3i^| Preferred. i.m

Preferred S.'. ißeaaing 8Colo. Fuel & Iron.. 25 'RloGrande&Wesui 13Li

Preferred 110 Preferred.. ;<9'

Cotton oil Cert 16 ißock Islana 6:-is;Commercial Cable. 1.5 ißomeWat <tOgdenll6

'Del. Hudson lv-iVifc-t.L.& S. W 41/2Uel.Lack&Westernl j Preferred 10Denver .£ It.U.. 12:-a St.Paul ;6C%

Preferred 42-3 Preferred 12:>i~

1 DistUlers 15-

2 St. Paul <t Duluth. 22General Electric... \u25a0. i'-^ Preferred »5Erie 14-4 St. Paul &Omaha- 34

Preferred 23- 2: Preferred 131\u25a0Fort Wayne ltO St. P. M.<fcit. 110Great Northern ptii.l10 silverUertincac... 67^1Green Bay Va Southern Pacitic.. 2'JHarlem ~.280 jhoutnern K.X..... 8%Hocking Coal I*,£| Preferred. 25»4Hocking Valley... 1* ifeutrar Rennery....loU^sHomestake 18 | Preferred.: 86ii.A Texas Cent ly,Term. Coal <St Iron. 25V,Illinois Central.... 85 .j Preferred 100


; lowa Central. 7i,1exaa Pacific. . ~s«Preferred 26 101.A.A.A N.Mica.

:Kansas Texas.— 1«'14!t 01. <t Ohio Can.... 31)Preferred 24i 4i Preferred 65;Kingston &Pern... 3 1ol.St.Louis &K.O. 6, i-*keErie <£ Westn 18 | Preferred 14Preferred >j^3 Union Pacific HUt,

:Laxe Shore 141 it.P.. Den. <t UnlL 3"

'National Lead 233^1U.S. Cordage sV'aPreferred 3.1 j Preferred 934:Lonjrlsi&na 8-' | Guaranteed 1834, Louisville &Nasu. 4314 L". S. Express 38Louisville NaiCa. 9i/a'U. S. Leather.. . 93i

Preferred IVi.., Preferred, 6lv8Manhattan Consol. P»i C. S.Rubber 26j Jlempnis* Charts. 16 j Preferred . S3Mexican Central... y Utlca&B. River..160

!Michigan Central.. 93 tt'ab. S. L. <kPac.. 6i 8i35innis. L. Preferred 1.., 8j Preferrea

—Wells-Fareo. 95!Minn. <fc St. Lcom. 2" |Western Union.... S3

Ist preferred 7> Wis Centra* 2%2d :ferre<l 40 (Wheeling <St L.X.. 10% IMissonrt Pacific 2- \ Preferred 36Mobile <& Ohio *^2!7jAm Cotton OU pfd. 65Nashville Chan.... 65 W UBeef 87/8Nstlonal Linseed.. 18 :LI'l~raciion^ 171„


N.J. Central 671.4 AnnArbor<X.-'Mibond*.

IV 4s. ree MX T2ds 68Do, 4s coupon... 109 Do, 4s'

83X.iU8 4s new reg 114 Mutual UnionBs.. 115Do, 4s c0up0n. ..115 NJCent Gen 65...114iA1 Do. 2s 96 Northern Pac Ists.ll4i2

i Do, 6s 111% Do. 2ds : 101Do. 6s coupon... .11214: Do, SCs.. 69 \u25a0

Cherokee 4s. 1886.100 .NonnwesVconaol*l4oDo.1897 100 ! Do.aebCs.... 107Do.I*9B 100 jOß<tNlsts 109Do.1899 100 SiL&lronMtGenSs 7v>3i; recific6sof'9s.... St L& 8 F Gen 6s. 100D. C. 3-6 5s 110 •St Paul Consols ...12:-!AlaClass A 4 10, St. P. C. «fePalsts.H2Do. C!a»i 84, ss. 107 i Do. Pac Cal lsts-loyiA

ILaConsol4s. 97 Southern R.R. ss. 90Missouri funding. .—. Texas Pacific firsts b5NCarclinucon 68..120 Texas Pac seconds. 1««

Do, «s 102 VnionPac lstof'B(J.Fo Carolina 4V38...104 Went Shore 4s. ...1041/0Tennnewsa 84 Mobile &Ohio 4s. 65I Va funding debt... 59ia RGranaeWest lsts 74i-'o, reg Ches t Oss 107Do, deferred 65... 5y Atchlson 4s 72%I Da trust rcpts st 6 Do,2ds A..»... 21%?Canada South 2ds.. i04%'0 HA S A 6s 1051 CeD lstsof '95 100

'Do, 2d 7s . "

100Den &RGist 11l HA Tex Cent 65.._.**>. *« 87 Do.con6s 104£rie2d« 71 jReading 4. 7455

;Kansas Pa Consols 73 Missouri b» 100Kb Pa divlo7 I ,FOREIGN MARKETS.

"WHEAT IX LIVERPOOL.LIVERPOOL, £.vo., Jan. 18.— The spot market

Is firm at 5s 6d@ss 7d. Cargoes are firm at 27s'7*6dOctober shipment.

FCTtrBM.The Produce Exchange cable gives the following

Liverpool quotations forNo. 2 Red Winter; Janu-ary, 5s sd; February. 5* SWI; March, 6s Isd•

.\u25a0 Hi:,is;May, 5s 6V*d. .BECL'BITIKS.

LONDON. Ens., Jan. 18—Consols, 107i/a;sil-ver, 30 11-16 d; French Rentes, .EXCHANGE AND BILLION.

Sterling Exchange, 60 days—

04 87Sterling Exchange, sight —

4 89Sterling Cables—



New YorkExchange, sight—

ParNew York Exchange, telegraphic.


Fine Silver, 1 ounce ....;.— '

67*4Mexican Dollars 63Vi 64

EXPORTS OF PROVISIONS.The following are the number of pounds and

value of the articles enumerated, exported fromSan Francisco during the year 1895: Butter411.059 lbs, $71,191; cheese, 250,093 lbs, .$27,894;canned meat, 1,105.100 lbs, $160,039; salted meat1,273.550 lbs. $67,418; tallow, 2.810,79 a lbs."$139,601 ;lard. 885.625 lbi.$73,386.

BANK CLEARINGS.local bank clearings last week were 863. 595,:

against if]3 029,968 for the same week In1895.A gain of .64%.

TREASURE SHIPMENT.The Pern took out a treasure list of $266,067,

consisting of $108,662 in Mexican Dollars, $1705inGold Coin and 55,701) inSilver Bullion.


WHEAT AM) OTHER GRAINS.WHEAT—The Osborne takes forHall107,338

c:;s, valued at $112.973 -.Falls of Clyde, lor Hu;l,27,873 cits at $30,125; Celtic Bard, for London,63,752 ctlsat $68,500.

Futures and spot grain were both firm at fullfigures. No. lis quotable at $1 05@l OG> if*ctl;choice. $1*071.4; lower grades, V»Oc@?l 02Vi;extra choice for milling,$1 15(a.l 18%.


Informal.Session— 10 ,o'clock—

May—lloo jtons. $1 03V&: 1300, «1 0914- December-200,SI l-'3i-

Rxgulak • Moxmno Session— May—7oo tons,*] 09: 2200. $1 08J*; 1900. $1 09Vs- December—100, *1123«: 300, $1 12 ».

BARLEY—Shipment of 32.111 ctls Brewing,valued at 27,669. and 4*9 ctls at $350, 10 Eng-land. The market is weak at the quotations.Feed, 6?V»'*7oc ctl: choice, 711/*c; Brewing,[email protected]; Chevalier, «110@l 20 lor No. 1and751©51 V ctl lor offgrade.

CALL BOARD SALES. \ . l^'.ii"Iv formal Skhsio.v— 10 o'clock— Nosales.Itttruß MoßxiNa Bbssion— December— loo

tons. 6y%c .OATS—There Is a slight .upward tendency and

several descriptions"

show some improvement,stilling are quotable at 80@8.>c f* cti: fancyFeed, 85<a90c-%» ctl; good to • choice, 77Vs@85c?4 ctl;common to fair. 65<g75c Vctl; Gray. tO(&

85c: lied, lorseed, $I@l 10; Illack, for seed. $1 10&]30: do for feed, 75§85c: Surprise, 95c@$l 06.

CORN—Is firmlyheid by dealers, who are unableto advance prices, however. Yellow, 87Va(&90c

ctl; Small Round do, 87%@90c; White, «2Va(jeßsc ¥ ct'-RYE—7s£Boc 9 ctl.BUCKWHEAT— Quoted at 85c@?l » ctl, ac-

cording to quality. 1


FLOUR—Net cash prices are: Family extras,$3 55©3 65; Bakers' extras, $3 45@3 55; super-fine, $2 40@2 50 f* bbl. j_:....".',

CORNME AL.ETC.—Feed Corn, 919 50@20 ipton: Cracked Corn. $20 fi ton. -:-^

MILLSTCFFS—Prices in10-lb sacks are as fol-lows, usual discount to the trade:

-Graham Flour,

!i*4c;Rye Flour, 3Vic;Rice Flour, 7L>c; Corn-meal, @3c; extra cream do, 3i.i.e: "oatmeal,3-Tie: Oat Croats. 4i oc: Hominy, 4^T4^c; Buck-wheat Flour, 4c; Cracked Wheat, 3V"C: Farina,4!;.-: whole Wheat Flour, 3c; Rolled Oats, 4y2c;IVurl Barley, 4U<&Hac; Split Peas, 4»,ic; Greendo, sVic %i it.


BRAN—sl3@l3 50 "£ ton, jobbingrates.MIDDLINGS—SI6@I9 lor lower grades up to

f2\) 50 ?* ton for the best.FEEDSTUFFS— Rolled Barley, $16@17 *

ton:Oilrake Meal at. the mill, 521 1* ton; jobbing,ft'J'2 50: Cottonseed Oilcake. 521.

HAY—Weak and quiet, but no lower. Receiptsare l!i;ht'owing to the heavy rams. Wheat, $8@12 50: Oat, B@lo 50; Wheat and Oat. $7 50@1150 %( ton: Barley, $7@9 50; Alfalfa, $6@9;Clover. $6@B; Compressed, 87 50@ll; Stock, $6®7 50 "^ ton.

bXKAW-35@60c baje.BEANS AND SEED3.

BEANS— Trade continues dull, Bayos are quot-able at $I@l 15: Small Whites, $1 25@1 60 $cti; Pea, $150(§l 65: Large Whites, ?1 15@1'25;Pink. 90c(§?l 12%; Reds. $135<ai 40: Blackeye,$175@1 85: Red Kidney.:SI 75@1 90; Limas,$'£ 50fa2 75; Butters, $1 tiO^l 70 %4 ct'..

SEEDS— Brown Mustard, $1 95^2 05 "$ ctl:Trieste, $2(&#2 20; Yellow Mustard. $1 40@l 60;Flax, $1 70@l 75; Canary, 3i/4@3y3c ib; Al-ifalfa [email protected] \u25a0& tt>; Rape, IS^^-jc %t lb; Hemp,4c-j»lb. r ..,..,

DRIED PE AS-Nomlnal at ?1 25@1 60 Tgt cU forNiles. -._".;\u25a0 :\u25a0'.•'•POTATOES, ONIONS, VEGETABLES.

POTATOES— Volunteer New Potatoes, l@iy2c? tb; Sweets, SI 25©1 50 "$ ctl for Rivers and93 9 ctl tor Merced; Salinas Burbanks, 60@9(>c "&ctl:Kiver Burbanks, 25@40c fi sack; Oregon Bur-banks, 50(&75c; Oregon Garnet Chiles, 6U@6sc;Oregon Peerless, 60ra.60c; River Reds, 45@55c %4ctl.

ONlONS— Arrivals aTe small and the market Ishigher at Ssc@sl 0* t*ctl; Cut Onions, 7O@bOc %4ctl.

VEGETABLES— Tomatoes are practically un-salable, Mushrooms are in larger supply andlower at 6<5,10c; Dried Peppers,

" 6<310c; Los An-Keles Tomatoes, 50@75c $ box; Green Peas. 3@Be; string Beans. lO(*12V:«c: Dried Okra, li;i.jr;Cabbage, 4C@soc V ctl; Garlic, 4@sc %t !U; Mar-rowfat squasn, §16@20 1*ton.


POULTRY—A car of Eastern Is announced forto-morrow.

Live Turkeys, 10@llc for Gobblers and 10@llcfor Hens; Dressed Turkeys, 10&123 V ft;Geese,\u25a0£ pair, $1 Co@l 75: Ducks, 55(0,7 ; Hen*, $4.g)5: Roosters, younc ?4 sOtes PO: do, old,*4@4 60:Fryers, $4 50; Broilers. $\u25a0!:<:- 4 50 for large and§?.fa.A dO for small; Pigeons, $1 60(g,2 1^ dozen for

Iyoung and (l(g1 26 for old.GAME—Continues to arrive in bad condition.

Hare are quotable at $I@l 25 ft dozen; Rabbits,j $1 25(51 50 f* dozen for Cottontails and $1 for< small: Gray Geese, $2;g,2 25; White Geese. 60cS«l; Brant. $I@l 25; Honkers, 92 60@3 60;EnglishSnipe, $160 o-J; Jack Snipe, $1 25@1 s>).


BUTTER—Dairy descriptions have been comlnuinmore freely for a day or two, and prices are offInconsequence. Creameries keep scarce and showno weakness.

CBKAMKKY-Faney, 27@28c; seconds, 25@26c%S B>. •

Daiby—Fancy. 24©25c: good to choice, 22®23c; lower grades. [email protected]— Stocks continue light. Fancy mildnew, ll@HVbc «4 ib: special marks higher still;

common SQlOc: Cream Cheddar. 11 2c;Youhz America, lla,i2c; Western, ll(S12c;-East-ern, Vlfq,l3c V tb.

EGGS— There was no further change yesterday.Good to choice Eastern, 21c i*doz; seconds, 18(g;2oc; store Eggs, 19@21c; ranch Eggs, 22@24c «dozen. -\u25a0:



ning to disappear. Apples are weak. Persimmons,40@75c 1» box; Apples, 75c@?l .3 box forgoodto choice, 60<a65c for common to fair and 51 25tor fancy: Siskiyou Apples, 75c@$l 50.

CITRUS FRUlTS—seven cars Oranges came In.They are very dull. Limes are lower. Lemons

j are inactive. California Oranges are quotableat $i 25@1 50 box for Seedlings and $1. 50(d.2 50 t*box for Navels: Japanese Mandarins,$1 2f@l 50 f* box;Lemons, $l<a<l 60 forcommon,and f2®2 50 forgood to choice: California Limes,75c %« box; Mexican- Limes, *5 50: Bananas, 91I@2 ¥ bunch; Pineapples, $2@5 %» dozen.


DRIED FRUITS—Outside of a fewJobbing salesthere is nothing doing. The following prices ruleon the Fruit Exchange:

-Carload Lots—Apples, 2i^j@3cf> Ib for quar-

tered, 3@3i£c '$ tt> forsliced and 414 c\i &> forevaporated; Peaches, 3i^@4c i> & and 5%@6cfor fancy: peeled in boxes. 12c; Apricots, IKi'Qi8!-2C forprime to choice, ;9Vic for fancy and lo<g>lie f. fi> for fancy Moorpark; Fijri, black, 2@2V>cfor unrressed: White Kites. :-iV2<a;4cir>sacks: Pears,7c f* 1b for evaporated halves, 4<Sj,6V*iC Ib forquarters; Prnnes.'3%c: Plums, 4c~ fi tb forpit-ted and 1%(g,2 Victor unpitu-d;Nectarines, s(<j,6c%l Ib for prime to choice and 61, »c for fancy. *. --r

Jobbing Price*— Apples, 4@4i/2C: Peaches. S@4c and 5c for faucy;peeled, in boxes, 10@12i/«{C;I'runes, 4c tor the four sizes, 6c fitt> for -10@50'8and 5c for50@60's; Apricots, 6@9y2c forprime tochoice and l'"(S,llc for fancy Moorpat-k; Figs, jblack, 13i@2i.<»c; White Figs, 8(Sl5c; Pears, 6V2C !'for evaporated halves and 3<a.sV«c for quarter^.; ]Plums, 3i^.c for pitted and i:g,\i~,c for unpitted;Nectarines, i(<rf>cV Ibfor prime to choice.

RAISINS AND DRIED GRAPES— Prices areas follows, carload lot?, f. o. b. San Francisco: ILondon layers, ba@9oc ~t box;four-crown, loose, !3 4' : 'f> *>i three-crown. loose, 214c; two-crown.•2c; seedless Sultanas,

4(ai4c: see<iless Muscatels,2V2@23/i:c: three crown London layers, 70c: clus-ters, $1 35@1 60; Dehesa Husters, $2 10@2 25;Imperial clusters, *2 bO<ij,2 75; Dried Grapes, 2>-.ct* a>.Jobbing Prices

—Four-crown loose. Sc; 3-

crown, 2J/4@'^Vic: 2-crown, 13,4 fa2c; Seedless Bul-tanns, 34.4®4c; Seedless Muscatels, 2V»c; S-crownLondon layers, [email protected]; clusters, «1 40@l 50;Dehesa clusters, $2 26; Imperial clusters, %1 75:Dried Grapes, 2V»c.

NUTS—Chestnuts, 6(gßc ? !b; Walnuts. 7®Bc'&It for No. 1 hard and 9@9V2 for softshell, job-bing lots; Almonds, 6^7i^c lor Languedoc andB>2@loc for paper-shell, jobbing: Peanuts, 3ya@4c fj Jb for California; Hickory nuts. s^)«c;Pecans, 6c for rough and 8c for polished; Filberts,BC*9c: Brazil .Nuts, 7y2(g;Bc %* Ib; Cocoanuts,*460Q5 'f 100.

HON"KY—Comb Is quotable at 10@12c ¥ Ib forbright and Pte»9c ft tt. lor lower grades; water-white extracted, 5"7. 1... \u25a0 $ Ib; 1,..-;.; amber ex-tracted, 4i4ra.43/4r;dark amber, 4c: dark, 2<s3cBEESVVAX-24(gi27c fi Ib.

PROVISIONS.CURED MEATS—Trade is dull. Bacon. 6c for

heavy, 7c for light medium, 9c "<s. tt> for light.10cforextra light and 12c for sugar-cured; Easternbi'.gar-cured Hams, Hi2c 9 Ib; California Hams,10c; Mess Ueef, $7 f,bbl; extra mess do,$8: fam-ilydo. $9&9 50; extra prime Pork, $8 %i bbl;ex-tra clear. $14 bbl; mesa. $13 ft bbl; SmokedBeef, 9V^OlOc '\u25a0$> tt».

LARD—Eastern, tierces, Is"

quotable at 6c $Ib forcompound and 7var for pure; pails, 8c; Cali-fornia tierces, 6%c forcompound and 6c for pure;half-bbls, 614c:10-th tins, 7c: do 6tt>, 7'a.7'4c ft Ib.

COTTOLEN'E—"Vicin tierces and Bc'*l 10-Ib tins. .-'.;


HIDES ANDSKINS— salted steers, 7cIb:culls and brands, tic; medium, 6c: culls andbrands. Cc: light. 6c; culls and brands, 4c: Cow-

[ hides, »@5V»c; culls and brands, 4(g>4ior; saltedKip,5c » ib;salted Calf,.8c "# Ib: eaifed Veal.6c: dry Hides! lOffillc;culls and brands, 7(4>7i

2c;cry Kip and Veal, 9c: culls, 6V2fii"c:dry Calf,15c: culls, 10c;. Goatskins, 20@35c each: Kids,6c; jDeerskins, good summer, 2Ss3oc; medium. Js@ I25c: winter,10@,15c; Sheep»kin3, shearlings, lew j20c earn; short wool, 20@35c each: medium, 40 j@50c each :long wool, 65c each. Culls of ail kindsabout eless.

TALLOW—No.1,rendered, 33/i@4c; No. 2, 3©3Vic; iflned, 5%c; Grease, -Vie %i tb.WOOL—We quote Fall as follows: Humboldt and

Mendocino, 7@9c; Ban Joaquin and southern, 3@6c: free Mountain, 6@7c; defective do, 4@Sc » Ib.

HOPS-Quoted at 4@6c %* Ib.


Calcutta Grain Bags, June-July delivery,$4 10@4 15: Wool Bags, 24@26C.

COAL—Harris'on's circular says: "During theweek there have been eight arrivals from the Coastnines with 15.379 tons of Coal, from Glasgow 1760tons, from Australia 2400 tons.- These arrivalsonly aggregate about half our actual consumption,yet there is no visible scarcity of fuelof any specialgrade; of Swansea Anthracite there is a largerquantity inyard than at any period last year. Therec>nt stormy weather has* materially diminishedthe stocks of domestic Coals, Insomuch so that thedealers take immediate delivery from ship's side ofall British Columbia cargoes now arriving. Thegeneral rainfall through the interior is certain toInduce ship-owners 10 become liberal shippers ofCoal cargoes in the near future, anticipating an jabundant harvest this season; Itis true that so farwe are behind 25% of our annual average of rain upto date, still this last storm has been most propi-tious. The list of Coal carriers Is decreasing fromSwansea and Australia; Latterly there have beenover two arrivals here for each new name addedthem. The last engagement from Swansea wasmade at 14s; this shows no decline; from Austra-liarates are merely nominal, but few charters arebeing made." *

Wellington quotable at $8 14 ton;New Wellington. $8 i» ton; Southfield Wellington,%1 50: Seattle, $5@5 60: Bryant, $5 50; Coos Bay,$5: Wallsend. $6 50: Scotch,- $7 50; Brymbo,$7 50: Cumberland, $13 50 inbulk and $15 insks:Pennsylvania- Anthracite Egg, $13; Welsh An- ithracite Egg. :Cannel,sß; Hock Springs, Castle- jGate and Pleasant Valley,$7 60; Coke, $10 50 in

'bulk and $13 60 '£ ton insacks.

-WlNE—Shipment Of 25,528 gallons, valued at

99525,' to London."

CANNED FRUlT—Shipment of 6119 cases,valued at $13,976. to London, bysea.


The Alaska Packers'Association quotes Bed Salmon as follows: inlotsof 25,000 cases. 95c: 60.000 cases, 9'2i^c; 76,000cases, 900 if-dozen, net cash f.o. b. ex-ship.

SUGAR— The Western Sugar Reiinery Companyquotes terms, net cash: ;Cube, Crushed, Powdered

and Fine Crushed, all ss^c; Dry Granulated, sc;Confectioners' A,4 v c:Magnolia A,43/ c; Extra<'. 41 c; Golden C. 4y8c; half-barrels,


-Vic morethan barrels, and boxes i2more.

SYKUP—Golden, inobis, 15c; Black Strap, 10c$gal. .- \u25a0

\u25a0• ..\u25a0"• \u25a0


Wholesale rates fordressed stock from slaugh-terers are as follows:

BEEF— First quality. 5%@6c; secodd quality,4i,2@5c; thirddo, B%@4C ~tf> Ib.


Large, s@bc; smalL 6®7c Ib.MUTTON—Wethers. 6ftt6ya c; Ewes. 6c ?* ft«.I.AJIB— Lamb, 12%c; yearlings, 7c !b.PORK—LiveHogs, 3%@35^c for large and"3yacfor small: dressed do, 5(g.60 yl ib. ;


. . . FDR 24 «k5"......34,751|H!de5. n0.......... 128Wheat. ctls 2.820 Felts. Ddls..^. .. 120Barley, ctls 2-465 Wine, gal*. 25 500Oats, ctls. 315!Butter, ctls .". '99Rye, ctls. —.. 230 Cheese, ctls. 64Potatoes, ska. 1,285 Egss, doz 2.250Onions, sks l<!BiPapcr, reams. . 2,530Br»n, .its . 790 Wool, bis 1Middlings, sks Leather, rolls 104Hay. tons. Lime,bbls 201Btraw, tons 40:Lumber, M. feet...' 10



THE STOCK MAEKET.. Values were lower again yesterday, the bestprices showing quite a depreciation from those ofFriday. Business continued quiet. The marketshowed steadier symptoms after the board.

The decline inprices tor the week willbe seen bythe appended table of fluctuations.


The Challenge assessment falls delinquent inboard and the Occidental \u25a0 assessment Inoffice to-morrow.

Cox. Cal. A Vibginia—l6so level—Con-tinued repairing and easing timbers in south drifton ninth floor (first floor above sill floor of thislevel). From end of east crosscut, started at point170 feet in from mouth of this south driftin up-raise has been carried up on one streak foundthere, and we have extracted therefrom eight tonsof ore (being all ore in sight),assaying $28 01 perton. On sixteenth floor (eighth floor above sillfloor1have drifted north fromend of slope twelvefeet, n quartz assaying $5 to $7 per ton. Noorehas been extracted from this floor during theweek.

1750 level— fifth,sixth and seventh floorsabove sill floor of this level opened out throughupraise No.2 are extracting some ore north alongwest side of opening showing a width of three andsix feet, assaying $30 to $40 per ton. West cross-cut No. 3 started at point 171 feet infrom mouthof south drift run from end of southeast driftonsill floor of this level ha? been extended 24 feetthrough quartz assaying $3 to $15 per ton. Fromfifth,sixth and seventh floors from upraise No. 2and from north end of stope in old ground offormer workings on fifteenth and sixteenth floorsextracted IH-t ions of ore, average assay value ofwhich, per samples taken from cars inmine, was$41 42 per ton. Total extraction of ore from minefor week amounted to 192 tons, average assayvalue of which, per sample from cars when raisedto .surface, was $40 53 per ton.

Upraise started at the 207-foot point in north-west driftfrom main west drift from C. and C.shaft onsill floor of this level has been carried up18 feet Inporphyry and quanz, assaying $2 and $3per ton. 'iotalheight, 30 feet.

1500 level—Are easing timbers and making nec-essary repairs uiong upraise which connects 1600level driftfrom on. Virginia shaft on this level.

1000 level—North drift fromCon. Virginia shaftstation on tnis level has been advanced 27 feet,passing through porphyry and clay separations.Total length of drift,378 feet.

FollowingAre the Highest Prices Daringthe Past Week.

Stock. |Mon.jTues. WeU.jThrs. *TI.IS»L

Alpha... i 261 24 24 231 22! 30Alta "9 06 ot> 07 07 06Andes 25 22-20 21 22 20Belcher 31 27 27 1.7 27 20Best Belcher.. 1.00 93 94 92] 90 86Bodie 42 41 42 41 41 40Bullion 18 16 18 18 16. 16Bnlwer ( 10 12 12 1* 12Caledonia ! I 08Challenge 31 28! 28) 28 28 27Choliar i 78 66 R7| 63 63 67Con. Cal. A Va.. 2.65 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.45 2.40Confidence 1.10 1.05 1.05 1.10 1.00 ..Crown Point.... 24 23 23 23! 20 20Gould & Curry. 56 57 691 56 66 53Hale &Norcrosj 1.45 1.40 1.40 1.35 1.23 1.15Mexican 70 60 63 61 62 58Mono 07! 06 06Ophir 1.55 1.45 1.45 1.45 1.40 1.35Overman 20 19 20 19 18 17Occidental 1.20 84 72 6S 91 81Potosi 60 63 56 63 54 53(\u25a0Savage 3- 29 30 29 28j 26 it?eg. Belcher.... 11 OP 10 10 091 09Sierra Nevada.. 6! 60 4y 46 45 42

"ion 48 42 3* 37 J<s 35Utah Ob 05 06 061- 06 05Veliow Jacket..; 47 45 46 45 44 4-j


Followingwere the sales in the San FranciscoStocic Board yesterday; ._\u25a0

RKOCLARMOBMtVi covvrwivcrxi AT1? :30.Alpha 20100 «&C 53,200 Potosi.. 61100 8e1cnrr...25 N..1.1 .100 .. 50

100 B<fc 8....8."> 300 Mono 06300 Savage... 26200 83|lOOOccidtl.... 76200 Sec 8e1... .09

'200 842U0 77:«>ObNev ....42 j600 Ch011ar ... .55:700 77200 Union 35100 56 200 0phir....1.35 200 V Jackt 42300 Crown Pt.l9 500 Overmn...l6l

Following were the sales in the Pacific StoolsBoard yesterday :BiionT^Tt nj^iinv


800 Alnha 20 500 C NV 06 900 0ccidt1....76500 Alta 07 400 C Point. ...lP 600 ... 80

I200 Amies 20'liOO Excnqr .07 600 0phir.. .1.35!300 8e1cher....2« *00 Q&C 52 100 0vrmn....18

350 Biß 85300 00300 .; 16400 84 300 H<fcN ...1.15400 Potosi ..51100 Bod 41300 -.1.17y» 500 Savage.. .26

I300 8u11i0n.... 15 600 Julia O'J 500 Scorpion. OiI200 Bulwer....131400 Justice.... 400 S 84M..09

400 Calf-da..... 08 300 KentcK....ot> 300 *SNev 43300 Chalice. 200 Mexican. 500 8 Hill. 0"400 Ch0nar.... 561500 Mono 400 Union C.".!36500CC*V...2.40|200 Occid 79 300 Utah 05100 C0nn... .1.00 200 78 1150 V Jacket 432000 Con 1m..02j100 77]


Bi*.A*krri.\ Bld.Atk".d.Alpha Con 19 20 Jackson—

40Alta 06 07Jnlia



19 20;Justlc«. 02 04Belcher 25 '26 Kentucc 05 06Best &Belcher. 85 86 Lady Wash....



40|Mexican 58 69

Bodie 40 42 Mt.Diablo 15 20Bullion..._..„ 15 16Mouo 06 07Bnlwer

_12 14 Nevada 04 06

Caledonia OH 09 Occidental 79 goChallenge Coa. i!7 28 Ophir 1.35 1.50Choilar 56 57 Overman 16 17Con. Cal.&Va.2.35 2.4.» Hotosi I52 63100. imperial.

—03>avnee 26 28


1.00 £eg. Belcher... 08 09Con.NewYort

—06 blerra Nevada. 41 43

Crown Point.... 19 21 Scorpion 03—


04 Hirer Hi11.....—

03Exchequer. 07 03 Silver Kins 20

—Eureka C0n....

—25, Syndicate 02

—liould A Curry. 51 53 Union con 34 36Hale «fcNorcH.1.10 1.15 Utah (16 06'lowa 02 04 Yellow Jacket. 42 43


JBId. Aike<L\ Bid. Atfced.C Bis coup..

—|CS4s reg...lO7Vfr



110 IDo. 2d Iss 6s.— —




—100 P&C'h Kv6s.lO2i4lOsW|

Dpnt-stex-cp 77 85 :Pwl- t.RR6s.—

1161^EdsnL«tP6s.lOH.y 810734


Ueno. Wl^tli—


—BiverW Co6s


Gearv-stKss.lo2 1 sactoP *L..100 102^4lx>sAucl^6s.

—101 SF&NPKRSsIOO 100%Do,Unted.6s.





DoKvConss..loß 10812 >l'HitCalis..—


100 £PBrKCal6s. 9611 9tiVij PCRR6s.IO3Va-

asVWater6s..l2o»il2lj Ry Cal 65.10«JV2

—SV\Vater4s_ 99 99%


103 StkinUitE6s—

103IOak Gas 53.1041/2

— ;SunstT<tT6s.lOO—

] Do, 2d Iss 55.104V2—


110Omnibus 65..

—119VS VisaliaWC Us


PacltoilM:6s..— —

Iwater stocks.

Contra Costa. 40—

[Pan Jose 75% 98MarlnCo .... 49 53 |SpringValiey 96f; 963^



40 Pacific Light. 46 47%Central 95—

Francaco 71&4—'

OalcGLilL 50 61 Stockton.....—

21%PftcGaalmp. 7l»Vi i9Mi ln


—|Sun 66%


Amerß&TC.— —

LondonPAA.l27»4 —Anglo-C»1... 68'/i

—London&SF. —

SOBank of Ca1.. 230 232 iMerch Ex.... la

—CaISD&TCo.. 67 62 {Nevada.. ..

— _FirstNatlonl.l7s IVBV2father BCo-

— —Grangers....

— —I


— " ;Hnv ttIjoan..—


—Security 210 2!>o

Mutual .. 36 \u25a0 41 y2!Union Trust.—





100Geary-st 60 70 1-residio 5

—Mark.e;.-5t.... 4-ii/8 413/ a Sutier-st

— —\u25a0


AtlanticD... I*s —Judson.... .. -.•'--'—;'r'


83, iVigont ... —1



Alaska Pkrs. 97 99 OceanlcSSCo 17% 20VaBlkDCoalCa—

10 PacAuxFA.. 1—

CalCoiMills..— —

il'ac Borax... 98 100CalDrvDocfc

— —Pac I Co.


Edison Light. 86% 971,4 Pac Bo!! Mill22—

!GasConAssn.— —

|ParfPaintCo. 6 7%iHawC&sco..

-8 PacTrausCa


HutchSPCo.. 12" 8 ISVsPacTATCo 55—

JudsonMfgC.— —

HunsetT&l'.. 40—

MerExAssnlOO 110 'United U Co..—


Board-16 California-st R R 105%: 50 EdisonLightitPower Co,97; 6 S FGaslight, 715.«; 1do,71i^: 10 S V Water, 96%; 10 do, 96%; 5 do,96%; $2000 S V 6% Bonds, i20%.

Street— ls Bank of California. 230; 100 Hawai-ian Commercial. 8; 100 Marsei-sl Railway. 441a:100 Oakland Gas, 5L ' •

i EEAL ESTATE TRANSACTIONS.J. J. Ra'pr to Jnlea Bauer, lot on X line of Kills

street, 165 W of Gouirh, W 55 by X 137:6; gift.\u25a0 Jacob and Mary Bobbelaar to D. C. Kane, lotonX line of Hermann street, 197:6 E of Webster, X25 by 137:6: $10.

Solomon and Annie E. Sweet to Edward Salz,lot on S line of Broadway, 109:6 \V of Buchanan,W2Bby S 132:7: $10.


Ella E. Johnson to Oust-av L.Bre>->se, lot on Eline of Devi>,adero -street, 74:9 X of Waller, X 25by E106:3; $10.

Charles I. and Tina Hinkel to same. SE cornerproperty conveyed by James E.Johnson to EllaE. Johuson, 1425 d 228, 74:9 X Waller street, X25 by EH:3; $1.

Catherine C. C. Amedee to August G.Wiesmann,lot on X line of Sycamore avenue, 1-6E ot Valen-cia street, E 26 by N 100; $10.

Thomas McLaii^hlin to Catherine McLaujrhlin,lot on SWline of Hitch street, 175 XW of Bran-nan, XW 25 by SW 75; gran:.

James W. and Hilda H. Hoot to Ellie Rehr-bacher, lot on W line of Twenty-third avenue, 150Ifof California street, >' 50 by W 120: $10.

Lambert Hayman to Esther Hayman, lot on EHue ofFourth avenue, 175 X of Point Lobos, N 25by E 120; gift.

John ana Ada M.Hinkel to Jeanne Etcheber. loton W lineof Twenty-fifth avenue, 125 N ofClul(Point Lolos), X 50. W 125, S 9V2 deg., E 50, E122:9; $10.

Homestead Union to Thomas Hodge, loton Wline of Twenty-tilthavenue, 150 S of Point Lobos,B 50, \V 78:10, X 50. E84: $10.

Helen M.Thompson, Annie L.Goldsmith, AbbieJ. Hunter, Lizzie C. Lefavor and Women's RealEstate and Investment Company (by LeanderShores, Commissioner), to George R. Williams, loton W line of Forty-seventh avenue, 100 S of Istreet, S 75 by \V 120; $350.

AI.AMKDA COPXTT.John F. Smith to Anna E. Smith, lot on Xline of

Channlng way,108 E of Seventh street, JS 6-1 byX100,portion of lots 17 and 18, block 124, Corrected-Map of Raymond Tract, BerKeley; gift.

T.J. and H,C.Carroll etal.(by Commissioner), toEquityB. and L.Association, lot on X line of Parkstreet or Thirty-fifth,677 ;6E of>an Pablo avenue,E 25 by N 112,lot 4, Mitchell Tr-ct, Map 2, Oak-land; $2018. .*:

U.B. and Laura A.Pinney to J. E.Prewett. lot,

on KW line of Fourth avenue, 25 SW" of EastNinthstreet. SW 25 by XW 75, portion lot 2,block5, rcsubdi vision of blocks 4 and 5, Clinton, EastOakland; $2750.

J. and E. W. Mattingley (by Commissioner), toEquity B. and L. Association, lot on S line ofThirty-seventh street, 375 W of Market, W 40 byS 100, beinsr the W 40 feet of lot 9, block B. Mrs.M.J. Evoy's property, Oakland Township; $682.

Ann F. Germain to Joseph H. Vlllalobo.", lot onS line of Stanley street, 160 W of Paradise, W 40,S 92.30, a. 40," NT 92.69 to beginning, GermainTract, Oakland Township; $500.

Victor H.MetcaH to Sarah E. Armes, lot onNWcorner of Dwight way and Waring street, X160,W 218, S 164.8, E 162.50 to beginning' lot 11,block B,Berkeley Property Tract, quitclaim deed,Berkeley; $10.

George E. Plummer et al. to Sadie B. Stanley,wife of Samuel B. Stanley, lot on NW corner ofFulton and Stuart streets, W 80 by X 134.6,

!lots 35, 36, resubdivislon block D, Blake Tract, toIcorrect 412, deeds 474, Berkeley; $10.

Charles E. and M.L.Palmer to Fred B. Halsht,lots 6, 7 and 8, block M, Amended Map Of MossTract, Brooklyn Township: $10.

M.E.Martin to same, same, quitclaim deed; 91.John Obenauer to Elizabeth G. Fowler (wifeof

G. C), lot on N line of Central avenue, 205 £ ofBenton street, E 50 by X150, quitclaim deed, Ala-uaeda; $5.

Gilbert a and Elizabeth G. Fowler to A.J. Sam-uel, same; $10.

Austide Brand toLuclen Brand, loton NE cornerof Grove and Elm (or Twenty-fourth) streets, X135 byE 9;-!, portion of lots 30 to33, block O, Kel-sey Tract, Oakland: also lot on S line of Lincolnavenue, 97:3 E ofPark street, E 100 by 8 125,lots7 and 9, block B, Alameda Station HomesteadTract, Alameda; $10.

Sam* to same, loton S corner of East Twelfthstreet and Twenty-fourth avenue, SE 75 by SW150, lots 4. 5,6, block 3,Kennedy Tract, East Oak-land; $2000.

D.FOKevno and A. Tamaeno (by Sheriff) to E.Martinoni, lots 53, 54 and 65, block C, V. PeraltaReservation Tract, Oakland Township; $400.

Charles A. and Alice C. Bailey to Emma C.Wlgg, lot commencing at stake 17 in the-center ofPanoramic way, thence XE 192 to center ofPanoramic way, thence SE 50 to a paint at XEcorner of lamia" of M.J. Wigg, thence SW 200 tocenter of Panoramic way. thence X\V 50 to be-ginning,'portion of lot 11, University Terrace, ex-cept that portion of Panoramic way used for pub-lic highway, Berkeley; $5.

H. C. Morris to same, lot on E line of Olivestreet, 140 Xof Mountain Vlewavenue, X 119:4,E 160, S 119:6, W 150 to beginning;, being lots 1,2 and 3. block 27, Warner Tract, Brooklyn Town-ship: $10. : . ' i'-

Joseph Vasquez to Mary I.ConneU, lot 23, blockB, Fitch Tract, Alameda; $10.

Builder's Contract.E. R.LiHenthal.with Riley itDoane, to erect a

4-story buildins a* E line of Steuart street, 137:6X of Mission: $14,443.•— —•


OCiAS STKAMJKRS.Dates of Departure irom San Francisco.



HYDKOGKAPHIC BULLETIN.Branch Htdrographic Office., V.3.IT."i

Merchants' Exchange. S-San Francisco, January 18.189ft. )

The fame ball on Telegrapn Hill was notdropped to-day onaccount of wires being down.• A.F. K'-."iITKI.Vk.

Lieutenant IT.S. .v.. incharge. '


Arrivert.SATURDAY. January 18.

Stmr Arago, Reed. 56 hours from Coos Bay; passand mdse. to Oregon Coal and Nay Co.

"Stmr Scotia, Johnson, 10 hours from Albion;

7165 railroad ties, toIEThayer. ?\u25a0 - .Stmr Eureka, Jepsen, 75 hours from Newport

and way ports; pass and mdse. to Goodail, Perkins&Co.

Stmr Willamette, Cushman, 4 days from Depart-ure Bay; 2350 tons coal, to Oregon ImpCo.

\u25a0 i-'-';- Cleared.SATURDAY,January 18.

Stmr Eureka, Jepsen, San Pedro; Goodail, Per-kins &Co. -. - - .:.... -

...^ ...,.;._„Br stmr Wellington, Salmond, Nanalmo; Duns-

muir &Co. '.-•-;' .. «•

Stmr Peru, Friele, Hongkong and Yokohama-P MS B Co. \u0084 •:

StmrPomona, Doran, Eureka: Goodail, PerkinsA Co.

Stmr City ofPnebla, Debney, Victoria and PortTownsend: Goodail, Perkins <fc Co. .

Stmr Corona, Hall, San Diego; Goodail, Perkins<fc Co. •\u25a0• \u25a0'\u25a0 •: . ' .. -

Stmr Columbia, Bolles, Astoria; Oregon Railwayand .\av Co. -i , ,

Brship Falls of Clyde, Title, Hull; Eppinger <fcCo.

Br ship Celtic Bard, Jones, London: G W Mc-Near. '

Bktn Planter, Dow, Honolulu; ,Williams, Dl-mond & Co.

-Sailed.SATURDAY,January 18.

Stmr Corona, Hall,San Diego.Stmr Tillamook, Hansen.stmr Peru, Friele. Yokohama and Hongkong.Stmr Pomona. Doran; Eureka. \u0084".:;.Stmr Point Arena, Johnson, Mendocino,Stmr Gipsy, Leland. Santa Cruz. '.'

Telegraphic.POINT LOBOS—January 18-10 rtt.—Weathercloudy; wind S: velocity 8 miles...

\u25a0 SpoKen. ;. \u25a0\u0084'Dec 19— Lat 2 S, long 31 W, Br ship Sierra Ne-vada, hence Sept 13. for Plymouth.Dec 22—Lac 18 8. long 36 W, Brbark Fern bank,

from Antwerp, for Port Los Angeles.

Memorandum. ,Per Arago— Arena Harbor bell buoy adrift,

rivemiles NNE of Point Arena.Domestic Ports.

EUREKA- ArrivedJan 18—Stmr National City,hence Jan 17.-

ASTORIA— Jan 18— ship Kirkcud-brightshire, from Newcastle, N»W,

ÜBAYSHARBOK—Arrived Jan 18—Sehr MaidofOrleans, hence Jan 5: schr Onillie Fjord, henceJan 5. £%". \

\u25a0^C Foreien Port*. !\u25a0*. .-trV..NEWCASTLE, NSW— Sailed Jan 16-Br shipLucipara. for San Francisco; Haw stmr Kahulu iforHonolulu.

Importation*.MONTEREY— Per Eureka— 6s b.\s apples.San Simeon— "9 bxs butter, 4cs eggs, 1 dressed

calf, 4 i)k)irsmdse. \u25a0•

Santa Barbara— 3 bxs jelly,50 bxs lemons, 1pkgmdse.

Gaviota— 9s sks, corn. 40 sks dried peaches, 23sks crawfish, "pkgs mdse.

cayucos— s cs eggs, 40 bxs butter, 14 dressedcalves.

Ventura— s7 bxs lemons, 313 bxs oranges, 148sks beans.- 16 pkes mdse, 4 cs eggs.

Port Harford -'22 bxs butter, 3 bxs fish. "08 sksbones. 18% <-s eg-s, Sibdls hides. 2 bdls pelts. 4bbls tallow, 26 pkgs mdse.

Hueneme— 8 pkgs mdse. 2 bdls pelts.Los Angeles via San Pedro— 9 pkgs mdse, 1bx

oranges.East San Pedro— s7 bxs oranges,' ]bx sponge.San Pedro—lcoil rope, 1bxoranges.Newport—111 bxs oranges, 21 bxslemons, 198

sks corn.COOS BAY—Per Arago— potatoes, 2400 cs

salmon, 80 bxs apples, 9 bdls green hides, 1 pkcvalises, 4 pkgs express, 4 bxs trees, 14 sks bark, 2sks coin, 700 tons coai.

Consignees.Per Arago— HDutard: MPDetels; OC X Co-Wells, Fargo itCo; W BSumner A. Co: Jacobson

&Lobree; PXV Smith;Quartermaster, US A.. Per Eureka— Gray &Barbieri: Getz Bros *Co;Langley &Michaels; Bruce, Bowen <fe Co: ThomasMoran: Norton. Teller &Co; G Sansruinettl: Im-mel &Co: C Carpy &Co; Cal &XcvCreamery Co;Standard Oil Co: Field &stone. J>alton Bros; ('AParkin: Wood, Curtis & Co; D^Martini &Co; CalNeckwear Co: Holbrook. Merrill&Stetson; C HMeyer &Co; MKalish <fc Co: J X Armsby «fc Co: MFranklin: LScatena ,fe Co; J H Cain <fc Co; LaborExchange; McDonough itRunyon :DBia«i<feCo;11Dutard; C E Whitney &Co; Dairymen's Union;Dodge Sweeney ACo: Wheaton. Breon itCo; FBlodseu: Witzel&BaKer; Hills Bros; Wm Cline;Smith's Cash Store: Bisslnger &Co; Page &Sons;Briaham, Hoppe&Co; Kowalsky&Co: Miller.Bios* &Scott: Cof-hill <fe Kobn: A Levy <fc Co; MCDotner; J Ivancovich &Co; Baker itHamilton; WA Rouse & Co; A Paladini: O Camiliont &Co; AWyss: American UnionFish Co; LDStone & Co-O BSmith Co: Ross Hewlett: Kowalsky&Co;Hilmer. Bredhoff &Hchnlz; HKirchmann &Co:Marshall,Teggart &Co; Hammond &Brod; fL'ri&Co; Chicago Brewery.

For Lett* Shipping Intelligence See Twelfth Pag*.


;M.!Tu. W. Th. Ir. Sa. _i , : Moon's Phase*.

1 2 S 4-^—


1113 3 4 i(7**\La«tQuarter.•7*M._«t Quarter.——\u25a0

' '4-' January 7.•7 I 8 9 10 ill

——— -——g& N_-# Moon.—

J4.13 14 116 |16 17 i18 I

3First QuartetJanuary 22.

20 .21 ; 22 23 3- ;25 !—


fi,\_ Full Moon.! iVEV January 30.

27 128 29 30 :31 I

STEAMER. | DK-STIXATIOX j SAILS. | PIER.Araco !Coos Day iJan 19.10 am Pier litColumbia... IPortland !Jan 19.10am Pier 24Homer Coos Bay Jan 20. 6pm OceanicCliyPanama Panama Jan 20.12 if P M. _ _City Sydney Panama Jan 20,12 m P 31 S SDel Norte Grays Harbor. > an 20. 3pm -..Eureka .Newport jJan 20, Bam Pier 11CityPuebla.. ,Vie &Pitt _nd .lan'JO. 9am Pier 9.aralion

'ian ulna Bay.. Jan 21.10am

'Pier 2

Point J_oma. Grays Harbor, Jan 21.12 M Pier 2Australia.... Honolulu Jan21.10..M OceanicPomona ;Humboldt Bay Jan 22. _r_ :P:er9Santa Bosa.. .an 1f1ee0....". 'Jan 22.11am Pier 11"State of CSilP0rt1and....... Jan 24.10am iPier 24Pt Paul Newport Jan 24. Bam Pier 11Walla Walla Vie *Pgt Snd Jan 25. 9am Pier 9Wlllamt Val {Mexico... jjan25.10am Pier 11Corona .an Diego Jan26.llAM ;Pier 11

Steamer I—uraer

Point _0m_..... '\u25a0\u25a0Del Norte !.Empire...:

'ParallelAreataSanta Kosa.State of CalWalla Wa11a....Pomona. i

Crescent City...iCoptic !

EtPaui |South Coast !Allc-BlancnardCoronaNational City...San BiasAraro i

Washtenaw ....Columbia.. !.Eureka. IUmatillaNorth F0ri......

;Coos Bay\u25a0 Grays HarborGrays HarborPortland,Yaauina .BayCoos BarSan Diego..Portland

]Victoria <_ Puget Sound|Humboldt BayICrescent City.. IChina and Jaoan'Newport. ,'Portland i;PortlandSun Dieeo 'Humboldt

'Panama. jCoos Bar ..... jPanamaPortlandNewport j

!•.'ictoria <_ Puget SoundHumboldt Bar <

..Jan IS

..Jan 19

..Jan 19

..Jan 19

..Jan 20

..Jan 20

..Jan .0

..Jan 31

..Jan 21

..Jan 21!..Jan 22..Jan 22. 22..Jan 22..Jan 24..Jan 24..Jan 24i..Jan 25j..Jan 25j..Jan 25!..Jan 26..Jan 28..Jan 26..Jau 37

'ATKK.IIB3 '__rge.(Small. Small. Large. His

3.28a| 2.23 a 900a' 8.44r| 7.'3.54a! ______ 9.5-'». -.OB" 7.1





SUNDAY .'. JANUARY 19,And Every Fifth I>»y Thereafter.-Leave -from S. p. Co. '3 Ferry landing, foot

of Market St., at 8:00 p. sc. •;

A"J C Il? cludin» Berth in Pullman Tourist01iGU Sleeper.....ALSO....

First-class tickets, inelndine'bercb in C»l X.OOPullman Standard Sleeper, -*-" •SPECIAL NOTICE.

This trainwillnot stop to deliver or take on pas-sengers at intermediate stations, nor willtickets besold or baggage checked to such points.

Through Tickets for I'uget SoundiPoints on S:il«« at ':.-,(...-.-.I Hates.

For further information apply att>l3MARKET STREET (Grand Hotti

Ticket Office). San Francisco.RICHARD GRAY, T.H.GOODMAN;

Gen. TraiHc Mgr. Gen. Pass. Agt


Trrtlxtleare nad nr« tine to arrlre »iSAX I'KA.X'I.SCO.


From November 20, 1835.—

Ar.r.ivi.6:30aHaywards, Nilea and Way Stations.. 10:13 a7*<>Oa Atlantic; Impress, O;<len and Kas*.. 8:43»7:00aKenicia. VacaTille. KQicscy. Sacra-

mento, and Bedding via Davi3.... 7:19r7:30aMartinez. San Ramon. Nana, Calis-

toga and Santa liosi , 6:13»•jlßANilts, fiau Jose, btocktou, lone.-

Sacramento, MarjSTii!^. lleilJ.lutlautl Sundays excepted OroTille.... 4:lBp

•8:30\ Peters and Milton *7:13r9:OO\ San Leandro, Hay-rardit Wr.ySfns 11:43 a9:OUa Los Angc!c3 Express, Hayiaond,

(for Yoscmitc), Santa Barbaraand Los AuKelts 4:43r

9:00aMartinez and Stockton 10:45 a1(I:UOa Ban Lcaodro, Hiywirda and Riles.. 1: 15pliiiOOiiSan Leandro, Ilaytrirda& WaySt'ns 2:4-1r

ltOOpNilcs, San Jose and Livermorc S:43a•l:00p Sacramento KiverSteamers *D:OOptl:3Op Port Costa and Way Stition3 t~:43*3:OOp San L?anuro. Hayvrardsi: Way St'ns 5:43p4:OOp San I.eandro. Ilaywirus&Way Kt'ca 6:43r4:ooi' Martinez, San Ramon. Yallejo,

Nap.i, ("alistogi, LI Vcrano andfianU Uosa *»iISA

«•«#-• EtiJcla, Esparto, Woodland. .".••.\u25a0> Knights Landing, MorysTille,

OroTille and Sacramento 16:43 a4tS*p Kiles, San Jose, Livermore and

Stockton 7:18*5:00p San Le*ndro, Hayward3*V/ay St'ns 8:43»8:30p NewOrleans Kxprezs.rresuo.Bakcrs-

field. Santa l!arbara,Los Angeles,Demine, ElPaso, ZswOrleans andEast 1«:43a

3:30p Santa Vo Koute, Atlautio ExpressforMojavo ami East 10:43 a«:OOp European Mail,Ogilcu «\nd East.... fI:4SA

6:«OpHaynar<la, Miles and .lose 7:43 a:7:O«pVollcjo 17:13p7:OUp Oregon Express, Sacramento, Marys*

-fille. Uetiainß. Portland. I'ugetSound ami Ea-t lU:43a

7:00p San Leandro, Haywardjt Way St'ns lO:3Op»:00p SanLcandro,najwardsi\VayStns Ul&Hi

U10:93p "Sunset U.ailtcd," Fresno, LosAngeles, El Paso, New OrleansandEast |I'Sl43f

ttHtiarßanLeandro.Haywarda&WaTSfas 7:13 aSASTA CIMZ DITISION fNarroTT G.tnge).

\u25a0:lOaNewark. Centervilk'.Siin.lnae .Fettou,Bonlder Creek, Santa Cruzaud WayStations 3tS*|

•»:15p Newark. Centerrille, San Jose, NewAlmaden, Patton, Boulder Cr ck,Santa Cruz and Principal WayStations "11:2044:13p Nowark. San Josa and Los Catos.... 9:S9a

t11:43p Hunters" Excursion. Kan Jose andW»y Stations 1 \7i29r

t'»AST DIVISION illiir.lA. TouiiM'iiilSl*.)«:45a San Jose ami Way Stations (New

Almaden Wedcesdays only), 1:43r•iISA.Sau Jose, Tres Piuos, Kutita Cruz,

Pacilic Orove. Paso Itoblcr, SauLuis Oblspo, GuadalupoaiiilPrin-cipal Way Stations 7:05 r

10:40aSail Jose and Way Stations 3:»0p11:43aPalo Alto autl Wny Stations 3:3*1'*2:30p San Jose, Gilrny. Tres Finos, .Sauta. \u25a0 Cruz,Salinas.Monterey andPacific

Grova. «IO:4«»a•3::t«p San Jose Principal Way Stations 0:47 a•4:3oi>San Jose ami Way Stations •«:Ooa,' 3:30r Sau.Toaeaii.l Way Stations *S:IBa«::sOp San Jose ami Way Stations 6:113 a

•HI:45p San Jose mid Way Stations -t?:43»

CREEK ROUTE FERRY.From SA.H mKCISCO— of Market Street (Slip8)—

•7:16 9:00 11:00*.M. 1,1:03 •2:00 t3:M•4:00 .. ti:00 •6:Cop.m.

From OilUHß— Foot ofBroJdwtj.— *6:00 80010:00a.m. 12:00 '1:00 JS:OO *3:CO Jl.-Ot. •5:00p.M.

-A forMorning. Vfor Afternoon.•

Sundays executed. 1Saturdays only.1 Sundays only

tJ Monday, Thursday and Saturday nights only.HTuesday?. and Saturdays 6Sundays and Thursdays^


Tiburon Ferry-Foot of Market St.San Francisco to San Rafael.

WEEK DAYS— 9:20, 11:00 a. it; 13-S13:30, 5:10, 6:30 p. M. Thursdays-Extra trl»

and 11-30* M Baturd *- Extra trips at 1:596DXDAYS-8:00, 9:30, 11:00 A.M.; 1:30. 3:3<l6:00, 6:20 p. M.

*San Rafael to San Francisco.

WEEK DAYS—6:2S, 7:55. 9:30, 11-10 A mi12:45 3:40, 6:10 p. if. Saturdays-Extra trips'at 1:65 p. m. and 6:35 P. x.

8U^!oO.Y6i258ploii.9:4°' 11:1° A-lt: 1:40< 3:**

, Between San Francisco and Schuetzen Park bumschedule as above.

•Leave inpffprt ArriveSan Francisco. Qct? 28. San Fr»ncls<».

\u25a0 Wm I Sex- DC,1

t?]?if:,on Scsr- l^jfDays. |pati. "eitlnation. DaYS |Day^7:40 am. 8:00 amI Novato, 10:40 am! 8:50 amS :3O pm 9:30 am Petaluma, 6:05 pm 10:S0 ah6:10 pm,5:00 pm Santa Kosa. 7:30 pm 6:18 PM

Fulton.1:40 am Windsor, . 10:30 amHealdsburg,

Oeyserville,8:30 pm 8:00 amICloverdal». 7:30 fm 6:15n

j Pleta, j I

~~~7:40 am! Hopland &

i 8:00 am Ufclah. I 7:30 PMi 6:15 PM7:40 am < :

10:30 am(8:00 am GuerneTUle. 7:30 »m

8:30 pmJ j. .I 6:15 pm

:7:40 am 8:00 am! Sonoma 10:40 «.« 8:50 aM!6:10 pm 5:00 PM and 6:05 pm 6:15 pmi j |Glen Ellen. j \u25a0

:7:40 am 8:00 am; 8.hf1.-itonoi 10:40 am 10:30 am!8:30 pm 6:00 pm| H*Dastopol> |6.06 pm| 6:lspm

Stages connect at San Rafael for Bolinas.: Stages connect at Cloverdale for the Geysers. .

Stapes connect at Pleta tor Highland Sprint*Kelseyvlll*.Lakeport.

Stages connect at TTfclah for Vichy Springs, Bla«l*ites,Laurel Dell.Upper Lake, Boonevllle, Green-wood, Meßdoclno City. Fort Brag)?, .Usal, Westport,Cahto, Wllletts, Calpella,Porno, Potter Valley,Jos*Day's, Liv«ly's, Gravelly Valley, Harris, acoustand Eureica. ' '-. - '•


• .-Saturday to Monday round-trip ttckttsat redac««

"o"Sundays round-trip ticket* » all PQlata k»yond San Rafael at half rats*.

I Tlckat Offices. 650 Market at., Chronicle buildlna,B.a WHITING. R. X.BTAIT,

\u25a0* Gen. Manager. 3 Gen. Pass. Agsab

W^Jt^K Trains leave from and arrive\u2666gpgatggsguT^ * aiarliet-btreet Ferrj.

j SANTA FE EXPRESSj To Chicago via A. & P. Direct Lin-

¥2E£&£Z£ 3To




CHICAGO LIMITED,From Los Angeles to Chicago.

Solid Vestibule Train Dally, with Dining-cars,nnder Harvey a man» enient. Connecting trainsIleave San Francisco at 9a. m. and S:3O"1m.daily

! The best railway from California to the East.New railg,BeT ties; no dl-st: lnterestlnir scenery;;and good meals inHarvey's dining-room or dims*-Ticket Oflic«-644 Market Street,

: Chroaiele Building.

KORTH PACIFIC COAST RAILROAD. (Via Sausalito Ferry).•rum San Francisco, beginning October 27, 1894.WEEKDAYS.

IFor MillValley and San Rafael-7:30, 9-15, 11*01. M.: 1:45, 3:45 6:15, 6:30 p.m.:San Quen::n-7 :30, 9 :16 a. M.:1:4», 6:16 9. M.!Extra trips for tian Kau.ion Mondays, Wedn«m»

days cud Saturdays at 11:30 p. m.-.];\u25a0-: SUNDAYS.

For Mill Valley, San Rafael and San Quentln—8:00. 10:00, 11:80 a. m.: 1:30. 3:00, »6:llT.M. *XK>es notrun to San Quennn.

THROUGH TRAINS.i 7:30 a. M. weekdays— Cazadero and way station*

1:45 p.M.Saturdays— Tomales and way stailoo*>a(IA.M.Sunday— Point Reyaa ana wajrwallffns>


Billy,except Sunday— lo a. a. 4«. m,tHiaday-8 p. m.

*\u25a0 -: .t»nU lns:, Mission 1. ritT f«



CUT RATESTO , \u25a0 . • '


First Class 80.00Second Class i&3 OO

Meals and berth included.

Ticket Office—4 Sew Montgomery Street-QOOBALL,PERKINS* CO.,

General Agents.

O. R.-o_c&3 IST.

ASTORIA AffPOfflAND.$2.50 Second Class, $5 First Class,

MEALS AND BERTHS INCLUDED.For reservations call at 19 Mont- {

gomery street.Columbia sails January 19State of California sails January 24

GOODALL, PERKINS <fe CO., Genl. Supts.R P. I'OS.NOR, General Agent.


Broadway wharf, Han Francisco, as anKfollows: /

For Mary Island, Loring, Wranjjel. Jnneau. Kll-lisnoo and Sltka (Alaska), at 9 a.m., Jan. 15, 30,Feb. 14.

For Victoria and Vancouver (B.CO. Port Town-\u25a0end, Seattle, Tacoma, Everett, Anacortes and NewWhaicom (Bellingnam Bay. Wash.), 9 a. if. IJan. 5, 10. 15, 20, 26, 30, and every fifthday thereafter, connecting at Vancouver withthe C. P. R. JR.. at Tacoma with N. P. K. Seattle with U.K.Ky.,at Pore Townaend withAlaska steamer*.

For Kureka, Arcata aad Fields Landing (Ham-boldt Bay) str. Pomona, 2 P. m., Jan. a, 6, 10, 14,18, 22, 26, SO, and every fourthday thereafter.

For Santa Cruz, Monterey, San Simeon, Cayucos,Port Harford (San Luis Obispo), Gaviota, Santa !

Barbara. Ventura. Hueneme, San Pedro. East San :Pedro (Los Angeles) ana Newport, at 9 a. m.. Jan.4. 8. 12, 16, 20, 21, '28, and every fourth daythereafter.

For San Diego, stopping only at Port Harford(San Luis Obispo), Santa Barbara. Port LosAngeles, Redondo (Los Angeles) and Newport. 11a. M., Jan. 2. 6, 10. 14,18, 22, 26, 30, and everyfourth day thereafter. .

For Ensenada, San Jos* del Cabo, Mazatlan, LaPaz. Altata and Ouaymas (Mexico), str. Willam-ette Valley,10 a. m.. 26th of each month.

Ticket office, Palace Hotel, A. New Montgomerystreet.

UOODALL,PERKINS ACO., Gent Agents..„.;-./ 10 Market at.. San Francisco.

OCEASIC STEAMSHIP COMPANY.ijismlHiiih Coolgardie gold fields ;

jll&rTfO~*Bh (Freemantle). Austra- i

lia: $220 tirst class, ;Mgr?' nOfg^ I,|rj» $110 steerage. Lowest 1

i*OT^i*^s^^L . rates to Capetown,J^^\T^^, South Africa.

s^Lw/ 'ir^»i» vttk Stoamshlp Australia,\u25a0\u25a0V/ LA <r \QA Honolulu only, I ,i-s-

M VJ^sUrf*!^^ day, January 21, at 10

lE^v SSEaF ISO Australian steamer,

/J^r MAi;iJ'">A, salU viaHonolulu ami Auck-land, l'hursday, >eb.

'^•IkSaSsT^^^ ti ,i \u25a0- p. a-BrzciAi. Parties.— Reduced special rates for ;

parties Feb. 6 and 15. 18»&Ticket office. 114 Montgomery street.

.;-\u25a0.•* Freight office, 327 Market street. \u25a0

J. D.SPRECKKLa &.BROS., General Agents.


pOMPANY'S PIER <NE\V),42 NORTH Atf<-\J River, foot of Mortonat. Travelers by \u25a0SS&DjLthis line avoid both transit byEnglish railway audtne discomfort of crossing the channel in a small jboat. New York to Alexandria, Egypt, via Paris, !first-class $160: second class, $116.LABRETAGNE,Capt. Rupe

January 11 _.LAOASCOGNE, Capt. Baudelon. ~ January 18,LACHAMPAGNE,Capt. Polrot,

.; ."..... Jannary 25,LABOTJRGOGNE, Capt. Leboeuf

February 1 .J6ST For further particulars apply to

A.FOBOET, Agent.No. 3BowlingGreen, New Vorlc.

J. F. FUOAZI & CO.. Agents, 5 Montgomery, iavenue, San Francisco.

white ma LEE.Onlted States and Eojal Mall SteamersNew York,Queenstown &Liverpool,

SAILIT-fti EVERY WEEK.pABIN.^GOANDUPWARD, ACCORD- «,.-\u25a0>\J (nit to steamer ami »ccom]nodf.t;oria «£^Mu?a i•elec:»ri; second cabin. *35 and K4O; MajbstVcTSTj ;

Teuton c »86. Steer» Ec Tickets from England Ire- <land, Scotland. Sweden, Norway"and Denmarkthrough to ban Francisco at lowest rates. Ticketssailing dates and cabin plans may be nrocurwifrom W. If.AVERY.Pacific M^lDoct. or at the \Genera office,ol the Company. 613 Market streetnader Craad Hotel. ,o. W. FLETCHER.. ,'•\u25a0 \u25a0 General Agent lorPacific Coast.


fortnightly. for the West Indies and &ES&&Southampton, (calling en rout« at Cerbourshi i.France, and Plymouth to land passengers. •'Through bills of lading, inconnection with thePacific Mail S. S. Co., issued for freight and treas-ure to direct ports inEngland and Germany.

Through tickets from San Francisco to Plymouth,Cherbourg, Southampton. First class, $195: thirdcan, «97 M. For further particulars apply to


\u25a0\u25a0.:,-,, \u25a0 :;\u25a0> VABttOTT& CO., Agents,SO6 California at.

STOCKTON STEAMERSLeave Pier No. 3, Washington St-

At 6 P. 31. Daily, Except Sunday.ear Accommodations Reserved by Telephone.

STEADIER,;T.C. Walker. • ;J. D. Peters.Mary Garratt, City of Stockton.1 Xelej2hj3afi.Malß 805, C>L Nay. and Imnt. Ca.


300 to 306 Post St.i cor.Stockton

4^g=ggj^j=is^ OFFICE and \u25a0"».:..,; Jirsi TYPEWRITER, JES

IftLilZil-JS W. O. JtAKK;, SI'""*^!ii.i—4 157 New Montgomery T^"

Two inOne. Street, S. F. *3