the scientista foundation interest meeting! director name (contact) faculty advisor name (contact)

The Scientista The Scientista Foundation Foundation Interest Meeting! DIRECTOR NAME (CONTACT) FACULTY ADVISOR NAME (CONTACT)

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Post on 31-Dec-2015




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The Scientista The Scientista FoundationFoundation

Interest Meeting!


Scientista Foundation MissionThe Scientista Foundation aims to empower pre-professionalwomen to pursue careers in the sciences, technology andengineering. We do so by

– increasing the visibilityvisibility of female role models through an online platform

– creating and strengthening communitiescommunities for women across campuses

– providing opportunities and resourcesresources. The Scientista Foundation will dispel many individuals’perception of what a “woman in science” is, replacing thisperception with close accounts of the real-life experiences offemale scientists.

Chapter Goals• To marketmarket Scientista to every woman

on our campus via– Online social networks – Mailing lists/ postering– Department outreach– Your own innovative/creative marketing

strategies• To create a strong communitycommunity for

Scientistas on our campus through– Sunday Brunch and other events– Discussions/panels

• To create an online presence and campus-relevant contentcontent and resources through– Our online blog– Our online discussion board– Our online opportunities board

• To connect with the larger Scientista community via intercollegiate collaborationscollaborations

The Ideal CandidateOur ideal candidate will demonstrate the following qualities:•““In the know” In the know” about science events and happenings on campus.•Passionate about creating communities through media and events.•An innovatorinnovator; someone who is a self-starter.self-starter.•Highly motivatedmotivated and responsibleresponsible: Extremely reliable about checking and responding to emails, which will be our main source of communication•Demonstrates strong leadershipleadership qualities as well as ability to collaboratecollaborate with teammates. •Someone who is excited to haveexcited to have a huge social impact huge social impact both on their campus and in the field of science.•Someone who is fun, friendlyfun, friendly, and will work well with our team

Public Relations Chair

DescriptionThe Public Relations Committee Chair will be in charge of promotingScientista to the campus. This person is responsible for:

– Designing and launching marketing emails/flyers/posters and other materials.

– Thinking of creative ways to promote Scientista to our campus.– Managing relationships with campus student affiliate

organizations (ie. existing women/science organizations).– Recruiting and directing a team of committee members, as

necessary. The PR chair is mainly responsible for recruiting members toScientista, building the mailing list, and seeing to it that every womanin science on campus is aware of Scientista.

Events Chair Description The Events Chair is responsible for creating and strengthening thecommunity for Scientista at your campus through social and academicevents. This person is responsible for:

– Organizing regular events for Scientista members, both social and academic in nature.

– Organizing intra-collegiate events with other organizations on campus, including other women in science Scientista affiliate organizations.

– Updating the online events calendar with Scientista and campus affiliate events.

The Events Chair is responsible for being aware of science-relatedevents and happenings on campus.

Department Affairs Chair

DescriptionThe Department Affairs Chair will be responsible for forming and maintainingrelationships with faculty and other members of academic departments. Theywould be responsible for seeking out and posting department-related opportunities to the website.

– Compiling a database of department contacts and maintaining communication with the department contacts.

– Inquiring about and posting department-related opportunities to the website.

– Keeping the faculty informed of Scientista happenings– Update the lab opportunities page regularly, outreaching to department

network for opportunities, posting them, and taking down filled positions.

Branch Publisher

DescriptionThis person will be responsible for creating and maintaining onlinecontent for our campus. The campus blogs publish articles under thefollowing categories: Scientista Spotlights, Advice, News, and Events.Responsibilities of the campus editor/publisher include:

– Brain-storming campus-related content for our campus blog– Recruiting and managing a team of writers.– Editing of any articles/ content uploaded to our blog. – Publishing content to our campus webpage.

What you will gain: Professional Development

1. Development of valuable skillsskills in business, marketing, leadership, fundraising, publishing/content creation.

2.2. EntrepreneurialEntrepreneurial experience of building an organization from the ground-up, as well as creative input in helping to shape the Scientista campus model for all future generations.

3.3. ConnectionsConnections to professional women in science across industries (including prominent professors at our campus)

4. Access to jobs/internshipjobs/internship opportunities.5.5. VisibilityVisibility as a leader at our campus and globally as

the Scientista Foundation

Are you ready to empowerwomen in science?

Applications for leadership positions are due by DATE AND TIME.

Please email myself and FACULTY ADVISORyour name, class year, major, desired

position, and a paragraph or two explaining why you would be good for that position.