the screenwriter's role in the script commissioning process

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Post on 22-Oct-2014




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The screenwriters role in the script commissioning process.

By Haydn Taylor

The screenwriters role in the script commissioning process.


In this report i will show my understanding of the screen writers role in the commissioning process and give a detailed explanation of the process a screen writer goes through in the development of a script and the production of the script being put forward to companies. I will be using secondary resources such as websites, book and magazines.

Responsive, proactive and an open door to writers, BBC writersoom is always looking at new ways to find and champion talent for all BBC platforms.

This quote has been taken from the BBC writers room. The BBC have created an easy way for screen writers to allow their work to gain credibility and provide them with further development. This is an example of how the BBCs commissioning process is done. From researching into how the BBC commission scripts I have found that in order for a script to be complete the script writer must have a finished script around 30 pages long, equivalent to 30 minutes as they find it easier to access. This is the script writers role within the commissioning process according to the BBC.

Channel 4 offer 12 screenwriters a chance to gain an insight to the industry and experience what its like to write for a television company.

Writers will be expected to write an original, pilot one-hour drama series or serial episode, and 2-3 page outline \ pitch for the series \ serial as a whole. Each writer will be assigned a script editor, who is currently working in the industry, to guide them through this process. The writers will meet with their script editors between the course weekends to discuss how to approach each draft. Second draft scripts will be sent to the script editor and two other writers on the course, for workshop discussions at the second weekend.

In order for a screenwriter to be eligible for the channel 4 4talentextra course they must have created their own one hour pilot for a series or episode and perform a pitch. If excepted the screenwriters role is to meet up with a script editor working in the industry to discus their original script. The second draft scripts are then sent off to the script editor and two other writers where the screenwriter will be in further discussion on how to develop their script.

Attend an extensive weekend or week long writing course. Fellow audiences are aspiring and establishing writers and key industry professionals. Many writers get their first break through meeting someone at a course

It is important for the screen writer to attend a certain amount of time on a writing course. This gives them the chance to interact with other aspiring writers and industry professions. This is important for the screen writer to do within the commissioning process as in the media industry it is what you know but who you know. This is a good chance for screen writers to get their name and idea out there.

The all important moment will come when a script editor or professional reader opens your script at the first page and instantly forms a judgement. This judgement will be based on the style and presentation of your work. It will be a superficial judgement and a work of quality will shine through the poorest layout. But it makes sense to give a good impression; the impression of a serious writer confident about his work.

The screen writer needs to make sure that their work is looking professional before handing it into a company as bad presentation will make the reader loose interest before even reading any of your work.

New writers who telephone or write are usually asked to send in an example of their previous work. If this is interesting they will be asked to submit story ideas and/or write half a trial script. If this is greeted with enthusiasm they will be commissioned to write a single episode, and invited to their first script meeting.

When screen writers who reach out to an organisation by either telephone or writing in the company will ask the writer to send in previous work. The screen writer then needs to think about what sort of work the company will be looking for and pick out their best work to send in.



After gaining knowledge of the commissioning process from the resources above i have found out their are many things the screen writer has to do in order to write a script and submit it to an organisation. First of all to create a script you need to be very creative and open minded to change as it is most likely going to be changed slightly or hugely after submitting it to a company. In order to finish a full script it is important for the screen writers to attend writing courses to interact with other aspiring writers and industry professions. I have found that organisations such as the BBC have given aspiring writers an opportunity to have their work seen and learn from the experience. In my opinion the BBC and Channel 4 websites gave me a better understanding of the screen writers role in the commissioning process as the books go in detail on what is expected from screen writers and doesn't talk much about the commissioning process itself.


Websites: Alexander4 Screen Writing we are and what we do.

Books: How to... Write for television William Smethurst Page 81Page 93 ISBN 1-85703-045-1Screenwriting Ray Frensham Page 258 ISBN 0-340-85971-7