the simself apocalypse ch 3: monkey in the basement

The Simself Apocalypse Monkey in the Basement

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Page 1: The Simself Apocalypse Ch 3: Monkey in the Basement

The Simself Apocalypse

Monkey in the Basement

Page 2: The Simself Apocalypse Ch 3: Monkey in the Basement

Paul: “I hate homework! Can't I just fail?”

Nope. Both your parents have fears of you or Feyd failing a class. So you're stuck.

Paul: “But I hate it!”

Feyd: “Paulie, just shut up and do your homework. You're distracting me.”

Paul: “Ugh!”

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Paul: “I promise that, if elected, I shall end homework for all time. No more shall Sims have suffer through notebooks upon

notebooks of assignments.”

Paul, what are you doing? You're not going to be a politician and you wouldn't have that kind of power anyway.

Paul: “A guy can dream, right?”

Sure, kid. Dream on.

Paul: “And furthermore, all Narrators will be forever silenced!”

Okay that's it. You asked for it.

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Paul: “Is this really necessary?”

Hey man, you brought this on yourself. Didn't your mom ever tell you not to mouth off like that?

Paul: “No. She told me that you're mean and need to be put in your place as often as possible.”

Just for that, you don't get a shower.

Paul: “Aw man.”

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By the way, look at what they get to use for skilling now (at least when they're not being mouthy brats). I could almost kiss Griff

for lifting Adventure. This thing is a godsend. Especially when I combine it with the thinking cap that Griff brought back

from Dr. Vu's lair.

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Griff: “So, Cap, how do you feel about one last Woohoo?”

Cap: “I hid a monkey in the basement.”

Griff: “I'll just take that as a yes, dear.”

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In the most fitting fashion possible, Griff wandered to the edge of the property in his underwear right before he turned Elder.

Griff: “This finger can bend. I could hang a painting on my finger. Hehe...a finger painting.”

Gotta love senility.

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Here he is properly dressed. I think I've had some decent luck with the outfits so far. Nothing has been particularly good, but I

haven't gotten anything particularly bad either. Anyway, Griff is keeping his job as long as possible because it's hard

enough monitoring Cap all day to keep her from breaking rules. At least I won't have to worry too hard about Griff if he's

at work part of the day.

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Feyd: “Gotta skill gotta skill gotta skill...”

You okay there, Feyd?

Feyd: “No. Gotta skill. Birthday soon. No college. Gotta skill.”

Poor Feyd. Knowledge Sims go absolutely bonkers when they have to miss college.

Feyd: “Gotta skill gotta skill gotta skill...”

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Fingers crossed here.

Paul: “Mom's in her underwear and my brother's about to lose it. I really need to get out of here.”

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Instant aspiration failure. This nearly broke me. I love Feyd so much and I hated seeing him like this. Especially when Cap and

Paul started making fun of him. Way to be supportive, guys *glares*

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Thankfully, I didn't let Feyd max all his skills before his birthday. He still had wants to skill and it was easy to get him out of the

red after he was done with the Sim Therapist. Knowledge Sims might lose it hard, but at least they're easy to recover.

Feyd: “Ah the sweet refuge of knowledge. Always there for me through good times and bad. Truly you are the greatest love of

my life thus far.”

Yeah, I think he might still have some mellowing out to do.

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Feyd: “Come on, Paulie. You know better than to stay out this long.”

Paul: “S-s-so c-c-cold...”

Feyd: “Don't worry. I'll have you thawed out and inside soon. Just remember not to stay out so long anymore. Snowmen just

aren't worth it.”

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Cap: “We did a good job didn't we, Griff? Two great kids...I brought back Education and you restored the magical properties of

the career rewards...a good life I'd say.”

Griff: “My sweater is made out of the sky.”

Cap: “I know, dear. I sewed in the clouds, remember?”

Griff: “Oh yes, of course. How could I forget?”

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They may be senile, but they're still very much in love. When they're not trying to play computer games behind my back they're

all over each other. They probably won't be getting much more face time, though. This is my first real try at an Apocalypse,

documented or undocumented, so I've gotten a bit too bogged down in trying to keep everyone happy and alive to

remember to take that many pictures of their everyday lives. Apologies.

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Getting a job?

Feyd: “Yeah. I'm going to go into Culinary eventually, but right now I'll take whatever shows up. I need to get out of the house.

Between Mom and Dad pawing at each other and Paul trying to be friends with snowmen, I'm about to lose it...again.”

Understandable. So what's the job posting today?

Feyd: “Intelligence. Paul's going to be jealous, but I don't plan to stick with it.”

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Feyd: “Hey, Andi, you look a little cold. How about I warm you up?”

Andi: “Feyd, you're adorable, but if you use another line as cheesy as that, I won't have any choice but to hit you.”

Feyd: “I guess that sounds fair...”

Andi: “No need to mope.”

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Andi: “I like you a lot, after all.”

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Feyd and Andi spent most of the night getting to know, and adore, each other as adults. Unfortunately, getting them to fall in love

took longer than I thought it would and Andi left before Feyd could propose. They'll have to wait another week to start

their lives together.

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Though for Feyd it was a week of misery and mind-numbing impatience, it was rather exciting for others. Paul left his teenage

years behind and finally became a fully fledged adult. He got a much better outfit than Feyd did.

Paul: “Finally! No more homework! Wait...”

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Paul: “I never went to college!”

At the last second, Paul spun a fear of not going to college. Look kid, I know you want to be like your big brother, but this is

taking it a bit far.

Paul: “It's not about that! I could have made so much more money if I had gone to college! The riches I'll never have!”

Poor guy.

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Feyd: “Not so funny when it happens to you is it, Paulie! HA!”

Paul: “I'm sorry, Feyd. This sucks...”

Sim Therapist: “Zabud'te svoyu duratskuyu brata i sosredotochit'sya.*”

Paul: “Okay...hey I'm starting to feel better.”

Sim Therapist: “Vy izlechivayutsya. Dosvidaniya.**”

*“Forget your stupid brother and focus.”

** “You are cured. Goodbye.” I'm trying to learn Russian so I decided to throw some in.

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I couldn't believe it when this happened. Military wasn't coming up so I let Paul take a job in Intelligence...and he got fired on his

first day. Stupid missing cat...

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Paul: “Hey, dad. You know I love you, right?”

Griff: “Of course I do. I love you too, Paulie. Now hurry up and catch the bus. You don't want to be late for school.”

Paul: *sniffle* “Of course, daddy.”

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Griff: “ can't be time yet. You're wrong!”


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Griff: “No! My family needs me! You have to let me stay!”


Griff: “No! I have to stay! I don't even have grandbabies yet!”

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Griff: “Fine....”

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Griff Kody-Simself, first generation spouse. He lifted Adventure and brought career rewards and the thinking cap back to

Zensunni. He was a good Sim, a good husband, and a good father. He lived 66 days. I wish I had been able to fulfill his

lifetime want of becoming a Mad Scientist.

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But even when life ends for one, it must go on for the others.

Feyd: “Andrea, I've been waiting to marry you since I was a kid. Now that I finally can...I can barely believe that it's real.”

Andi: “Oh, Feyd. I watched you grow up from a great kid to an amazing man. I couldn't imagine ever being luckier than I am

right now.”

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Andrea Hogan is now officially Andrea Hogan-Simself. She is a Hall of Famer, lifting the Athletic restrictions. She is a Fortune

Sim with the LTW of becoming a World Class Ballet Dancer. Her personality is 7/4/1/8/5, making her a Capricorn.

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“Only the strong survive”

The radiation in the air weakens muscles and bones. As a result, muscle degeneration has set in. Even simple physical

tasks have become impossible.

Andrea Hogan-Simself, a Hall of Famer from Mutant League Football, has developed new training regiments which

counteract the effects of radiation and allowing Sims to regain their strength and muscle control.

Sims can move and place into inventory items that take up more than one square.

Sims can restock or delete out-of-stock items that take up more than one square.

Sims can sell Buy Mode objects that are larger than one square.

Sims can purchase and use items from the Exercise tab.

Sims can use the Soccer Net or Basketball Hoop.

Sims can Jump Rope, Leap in Arms, and Swing Around.

Sims may carry more than 3 items in inventory.

Sims can open and close the Murphy Bed.

Sims can vacation in the mountains.

Any Sim can use the Punching Bag.

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Feyd and Andi immediately took to their new role as a married couple and got started on the next generation. They got the lullaby

on their first try.

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Feyd: “What's so funny?”

Your flaming dice underwear.

Feyd: “At least it's better than the cowboy shirt/jean shorts combo.”

There is that.

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Hey there, Griff. Didn't think I'd see you out so soon.

Griff: “I want to see my grandbabies.”

Andi hasn't even had her first pop yet. You won't have any grandbabies for a few more days.

Griff: “Then I'll have to find something else to do.”


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Griff: “Ooga booga booga!”

Paul: “Aaaaaaahhhhh!!”

Had to scare Paul, didn't you? Couldn't have scared your Knowledge Sim son who wants to see your ghost. You had to scare your

Fortune Sim son who will get absolutely no benefit from this and disrupt his important mission of making friends with the


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Cap: “So, Andrea, I hear you're making bread. Can I have some?”

Andi: “What? Bread?”

Cap: “I heard Feyd tell Paul that you have a bun in the oven. If you're making food, you have to share it.”

Andi: “'m not making bread. I'm pregnant.”

Cap: “Well that's good, too. I guess. Just make sure you get the bun out of the oven before it burns.”

Andi: “I'll...try to remember that.”

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Culinary finally showed up and Feyd took it in time to go to work the same day. He may be going to work stinky, but he's also

going to work platinum.

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The Gypsy gave Feyd an unusable Genie Lamp. I can't even remember which restriction says that I can't use this, I just know that

there is one. So it will sit out in the yard--probably forever.

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Feyd: “What can I do? What can I do?”

Andi: “You can go outside and freeze to death for doing this to me!”

Isn't childbirth a beautiful thing?

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Cap: “Woooo! Yeah! I have a grandbaby! I got to see a grandbaby before I die!”

Cap started cheering for the birth about four hours after it had happened. Thankfully she didn't wake anyone up. Andi had a

terrifyingly hard pregnancy. I had to watch her every second to make sure she didn't die and the poor woman needs some

time to recuperate.

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Anyway, here he is. The first baby of generation three. Little Liet* has black hair and blue eyes. He also screams constantly. I've

never seen a Sim baby cry as much as this one does. And he gets plenty of attention. Cap, his parents, or Paul are always

doting on him.

I'm really glad that Cap got to the crib first this time, though.

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It was her last chance to spend time with her grandson. I meant to have Cap outside near Griff's grave when this happened, but I

lost track of time and she ended up dying right by the bed.



Cap: “Give me that drink, Grimmy! I got to hold my grandbaby before I died and now I'm ready to get out of here!”


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Captain Mills Simself accomplished quite a bit in her 77 days of life. She graduated summa cum laude from La Fiesta Tech, had

well over twenty friends, two children, and one grandchild. She fulfilled her LTW of becoming the Education Minister,

lifting the Education restrictions and giving her family the invaluable Bookshelf of Education. She was a great founder,

Sim, wife, mother, and grandmother. And her urn doesn't even block that side of the bed!

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Poor Paul. He's not had an easy life, even by Apocalypse standards. He cried more than anyone when Cap died. I really hope that

Military shows up soon so that he can move out and start his own life. For now, though, he makes a great babysitter since

Feyd has to work so much and Andi still hasn't recovered.

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Yeah, Andi still hasn't recovered from being pregnant. And it's only about to get worse...

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...because I made her get pregnant again. And after this I'm going to let her have some time to get better and then she'll have to go

through it again. I want to get four lifts out of the next generation and that means three kids. I do feel bad for doing this to

her, though. She may have been a Hall of Famer who cured muscle degeneration, but this poor woman just does not have a

strong constitution.

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On a happier note, it's Liet's birthday! He came out looking pretty much like his dad, except for the hair color. He even has the

stabby death nose. However, he definitely has a different personality. Liet is a Gemini, 7/8/9/4/1. Yep. One nice point.

Remember what I said last chapter about how this family was a lot nicer than any of my usual families and how my Sims

usually come out mean as hornets? Yeah, this is more like what I'm used to. Though I have no idea how that's going to

affect his relationship with the super nice family he's got.

Oh, and if you're wondering about Paul's outfit: I had him take a temporary job in Architecture just to let him get out of the house

some until Military shows up.

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Paul still ends up doing a lot of the childcare, though.

Paul: “I'm your Uncle Paul. My job is to keep you alive until I can reform the Military and get out of here.”

Liet: “Unca Paw!”

Paul: “Close enough.”

And yes, I have realized that all of my toddlers so far have had the bear outfit. Maybe they're hoping that it will protect them from

the cold outside. *shrug* who knows?

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Yes, Liet does get to spend time with his actual parents. I just don't have very many pictures of it.

...I'm pretty sure I'll still be seeing that nose in generation ten.

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Andi: “Oh god...not again!”

You'll be okay, Andi.

Andi: “Says the one who doesn't have to do this!”

Just spin and get it over with.

Andi: “Aarrg!”

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This is Irulan** Simself. Like her older brother, she has black hair and blue eyes. She even has the same skin color. Can First

Born Syndrome happen when the babies are different genders? I hope not.

Page 52: The Simself Apocalypse Ch 3: Monkey in the Basement's a Stabby Death Nose Showdown!

Feyd: “My nose is way stabbier than yours is, random guy who followed me home from work!”

Culinary Townie: “Nuh-uh. My nose is stabbier!”

Feyd: “Mine!”

CT: “Mine!”

Feyd: “Mine!”

CT: “Fine...”

Feyd wins :)

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Now that that's been settled, we can get on with Liet's birthday.

And yes, Military did finally show up. Now I can only hope that Paul can unlock it before his birthday.

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Liet: “Wha happen? Feel funny!”

Don't worry, little guy. Just let the sparkles do their job.

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Liet: “Check it out, everybody! I'm still cute!”

Yes. Yes you are.

Liet: “Can I conquer the world through cute?”

I don't know. Maybe.

Liet: “I like the sound of that 'maybe.' Gives me some wiggle room.”

Of course *sigh*

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Right after Liet's birthday, all the adults went into a simultaneous freak out. I don't remember exactly what they were upset about,

but it was probably hygiene or hunger. That's what they usually complain about. And yes, Andi did get chubby. Eating and

sleeping constantly through two pregnancies isn't great for a Sim's figure.

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As soon as I got her moods moderately under control, I sent her to the punching bag to slim down.

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Liet: “I love you, daddy.”

Feyd: “I love you too, son.”

Liet: “When I conquer the world, I'll have my minions spare you.”

Feyd: “That's good to hear. Make sure you spare the rest of your family, too.”

Liet: “Of course, daddy. I'm not gonna let anybody hurt you or mommy or Uncle Paul or Irulan. Nobody gets to hurt my family.

Not if they want to live, anyway.”

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Of course, Liet brought us the first evil snowman of the Apocalypse. I love his little smirk, though I never noticed before that his

mouth and eyebrows are green. I wonder what they're supposed to be made of.

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Despite all of the practical stuff, this is my favorite thing about having Athletic lifted. I can finally indulge the Swing Around

wants. Not to mention how cute it is.

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Look at how happy they are! I love it.

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This is another one of my favorite things about the Athletic lift. Jump Rope has been the want panel spam of this family, and I can

finally let them do it. It's a super easy way to keep their aspirations up.

Page 63: The Simself Apocalypse Ch 3: Monkey in the Basement

Birthday time again! And, yes, siblings of different genders can still be afflicted with First Born Syndrome. Other than being a

girl, Irulan is a clone of Liet. Just like him, she's a Gemini, 7/8/9/4/1.

Liet: “ I have a minion.”

That's a possibility, but don't get your hopes up too high, Liet. After all, she has just as many nice points as you. She might have

her own plans for world domination.

Liet: “Nah. I'm her older brother. Daddy and Uncle Paul told me all about older brothers. She'll be my minion.”

That right there, what you just said? That's getting your hopes up. Maybe try not doing that.

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Anyway, here's Liet in his everyday outfit. It's actually pretty good. It matches and everything. It's definitely a lot better than what

Paul was wearing at that age....those sweats and high-top shoes...blech.

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Liet: “Come on! Chase me!”

Townie Kid: “Why?”

Liet: “Because I need to practice running from the cops! I can't take over the world if I'm sitting in jail!”

Townie Kid: “Well, okay...”

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So, Feyd, anything interesting happen at work today?

Feyd: “Well, I lost 30,000 when I tried to open a couple of restaurants inside theme parks...”


Feyd: “And I got promoted to Celebrity Chef!”


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“Hunger is the best spice.”

The gas lines and power grid have been severely damaged. Running a gas stove or electric appliance carries too much of a risk. The radiation levels are too high to risk using a microwave either. Food is scarce. The quality of the food the

Sims can get is very poor and can bring illness to some. Coffee is now scarce in the region due to supply cuts. Fresh food is non-existence.

Feyd-Rautha has discovered a new way to preserve food which safely utilizes the abundant radiation in the area. He has also taught Sims better ways to cook the artificial food and how to rewire appliances so they can be used again. He even

helps open up supply chains to coffee growers.

Sims can purchase/use items from the Ovens or Small Appliances category other than the cheapest grill.Sims may prepare food more than once per day.

Witches may cast Creatum Nutrimens.Grilled Cheese aspiration perks may be redeemed.

Sims may grill whole fish from inventory.Sims may prepare Gelatin.

Sims may purchase/use the Juicer, Nectar Bar, and Vending Machines.Sims may stock fresh food in the fridge.

Sims may store leftovers.Sims may prepare/eat food on community lots.Sims may use the Delivery menu on the phone.

Sims may hold food in inventorySims may sell food.

Sims may purchase/use birthday cakes, wedding cakes, the bakery display case, and catering buffet tables.All Sims can use the Chocolate Maker

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Feyd: “Yay Irulan! Let's see if you can get the next verse.”

Feyd is a cute dad. Honestly, Feyd is cute at everything he does. My love for Feyd just grows every time I see him.

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Well that's the end of this chapter! Thanks for reading and please come back for the next one!

*Liet was the Fremen name for Kynes, the Imperial Planetologist of Arrakis. He was the Judge of Change assigned to watch over the change in leadership of Arrakis when House Atreides was assigned to take over from House Harkonnen at the beginning of the Dune saga. He was ordered by the Padishah Emperor Shaddam IV to betray House Atreides, but he chose to instead betray the emperor and helped Paul and Jessica escape into the desert. He was able to do this because he was the leader of the Fremen and ordered them to search for and help the two refugees. When the Harkonnens discovered his deception, he was left in the deep desert with no stillsuit (a suit designed to reclaim moisture lost by the wearer and allow them to drink it—something absolutely necessary for survival on the desert planet). He also gave the Fremen the dream of secretly and slowly terraforming the planet and turning it into a green paradise.

**Irulan Corrino was the daughter of the Padishah Emperor Shaddam IV. After her father's defeat on Arrakis, Irulan married Paul Atreides to help secure peace for the Imperium. Though she came to love Paul as dearly as Chani did, he never recognized her as his wife, instead considering her as simply a means to an end. Because of this, Irulan was never to bear any children. However, she did become the mother-surrogate to Leto Atreides II and his twin sister Ghanima after the death of Chani and the disappearance of Paul. Like many women who held political power in the series, Irulan was trained in the ways of the Bene Gesserit.