the single greatest mystery about the bible

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  • 7/29/2019 The Single Greatest Mystery About the Bible


    Tomorrows News


    TRANSCRIPT (12-28)


    August 15, 2012


    The following is a paid presentation for The Key of David brought to you by The

    Philadelphia Church of God.

    The Key of David with Gerald Flurry.


    Greetings, everyone. I want to discuss with you today what I believe to be the greatest

    mystery, single mystery, there is about the Bible, and really the whole Bible revolves

    around that mystery. The book of Chronicles, if you put it in the proper order, is the last

    book of the Old Testament. It was written by Ezra, and if youre going to write the

    conclusion to the entire Old Testament, youd think, well, its going to be a chapter that

    summarizes the whole entire Old Testament, and thats exactly what it does.

    And I want to read to you a comment from Langes Commentary about Chronicles and thesubject that was discussed in that book. And I thought this was just a wonderful insight,

    and its very short, The author of Chronicles confines his attention to David and the

    kingdom founded on the promise made to him in II Samuel 7. So he made that statement

    that the whole book is just really about the promise made to David in II Samuel 7.

    Now, for several generations, you probably know that as Israel was leaving Egypt, and

    after that time, God was actually the king over Israel, and thats taught in the book of

    Moses and Joshua and Judges, and we can see that that worked for a while, but after a

    while the people of Israel rebelled against that and just DEMANDED that Samuel give

    them a king to rule over them like the other nations had. They wanted a man to rule over

    them, so God let them choose Saul, and it turned out to be just a grandiose failure. And

    then God chose David to be king and rule over them, and for the first seven years David

    ruled in Hebron, but then, of course, he didnt have control of Jerusalem, the Jebusites did,

    and he decided to go in there and conquer Jerusalem, and the castle of Zion, and he did

    make that conquest, and it is what is called the City of David.

    Now, we have students digging there in an archaeological dig today, and we believe it IS

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    the greatest archaeological dig in the WORLD because it is right there in the City of David,

    and theyve already uncovered what we believe to be Davids palace, and theyre now

    digging around Solomons wall, and it just goes on and on.

    But I want to read to you what Lange said, or the Scripture that Langes Commentary

    mentioned, so that you can understand this promise that was made to David, and it is, tothis world its a mystery. Its a tremendous mystery. Nobody really understands it, but they

    can understand it now if they're willing.

    Notice what it says in verse 12 of II Samuel 7, And when thy days be fulfilled, and thou

    shalt sleep with thy fathers, I will set up thy seed after thee, God is talking to David,

    which shall proceed out of thy bowels, and there He meant Solomon, and I will

    establish his kingdom. (13) He shall build an house for my name, the great temple of God,

    and I will stablish the throne of his kingdom for ever.

    Now, this is what Lange says is the subject of the whole book of Chronicles, the last bookof the Old Testament, which really summarizes the whole entire Old Testament.

    Now, heres what I wrote in the Chronicles booklet, Even Langes Commentary could

    understand that Chronicles is based on this key of David message in 2 Samuel 7. So its

    an eternal promise. But heres the thing, that even though Lange understood that and

    what he wrote, he understood what the subject was about in Chronicles, that it was about

    that promise made to David, but he didnt know WHY! And if you check all the other

    commentaries, youll find that they dont know why EITHER, and this is OBVIOUSLY a

    prophecy that extends throughout the history of Solomon, and on down to the end time,

    and into forever. So its obviously prophecy that we MUST understand today, and yet thisis a mystery to this world, and I think the single greatest one of all. What IS that great


    Now, if you understand the book of Samuel, you know it is one of the former prophets,

    which means it is prophecy for this end time, and since Chronicles focused on II Samuel 7

    and verses 12 and 13, that means Chronicles ALSO becomes a very prophetic book. Of

    course, you can read these prophecies and know theyre prophecy for today and WELL

    beyond this age into eternity, and that gets very exciting. So the key of David is itself a

    prophecy, and its for Gods people today.

    Let me read you verse 16, And thine house and thy kingdom shall be established for ever

    before thee: thy throne shall be established for ever. You see, this is forever, for all time.

    But imagine this, that Langes Commentary, this man that was responsible for writing one

    of the greatest commentaries ever, I think, and its one of the older commentaries, but he

    understood about this promise to David, and it was the subject of, lets say, the one book

    that summarized the entire Old Testament. He understood what the subject was there, and

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    not all of them understand THAT, but he did not know why! WHY did Ezra summarize

    the Old Testament that way? Well, its a fascinating subject and one that we really

    DEEPLY need to understand, and yet almost nobody does. What a mystery! What a

    mystery it is, and you wont find that mystery solved in any of the commentaries. Im

    telling you, its just that way.

    But if you look at the Old Testament and realize that its actually tied into the New

    Testament very directlyand Ill show you that in a momentbut to think that the whole

    book is summarized about a promise made to David, about his throne or his kingdom or

    his house continuing forever. Forever and ever, not only from the time of Solomon to the

    end of this age, but from the time of Solomon into forever and all eternity. Now THAT is

    an interesting subject, and something we ALL should be very much concerned about.

    The New Testament ALSO revolves around this promise to David. Now, you know the

    New Testament is tied to the Old Testament, if you understand that about 25 percent of the

    New Testament is direct quotes from the Old Testament. So they are obviously tiedtogether, and this supreme mystery is about David. Its a key that unlocks so much, and

    yet people understand so little about it.

    Notice what it says in II Samuel 23, verses 1 and 5, Now these be the last words of

    David. So here are the last words he had to say. Now, you know they have to be

    extremely important, and he said this, (5) God hath made with me an everlasting

    covenant, ordered in all things, and sure: In other words, a covenant that shall endure

    forever and cannot fail.

    Now heres a quote from Mr. Armstrong, Herbert Armstrong, in his book, The UnitedStates and Britain in Prophecy. He said this, Davids throne was set up and established

    with Solomon, Davids son. That is on this Earth.

    The throneDavids throne (verse 16)was established forever in Solomon (verse

    13). Thats verse 13, II Samuel 7, verse 13. Observe that this nowhere says

    that when Christ comes, God will establish it in Him forever. It says it was to be

    established forever in Solomon. That is, from the time of Solomon right on down to the

    Second Coming of Jesus Christ, and out into eternity. This is really the most inspiring

    subject youll find in all of your Bible, and it is ALIVE today on this Earth in the form of

    that same throne of David. It is a LIVING PROPHECY that you and I can see being

    fulfilled before our very eyes right now.

    Mr. Armstrong wrote, [T]here should never be a single generation from that time

    forward, that is, from the time of Solomon forward, when there would not be a

    descendant of David, in unbroken dynasty sitting on Davids throne, ruling over children

    of Israel! Well, thats a POWERFUL prophecy, and it just absolutely DOMINATES the

    entire Bible! And yet, it is a MYSTERY to this world, Im telling you, its a mystery to

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    them, and I think the single greatest one.

    But this is actually Gods throne, its not Davids throne, but God does label it Davids

    throne because He wants to bring ALL of mankind into His Family as He did David. Its

    really for US that He calls it Davids throne. But I mean if you look at what God says here,

    and Davids throne is not on this Earth today, that makes God a liar. God cannot lie, sowhere is the throne? Where is it?

    Notice I Chronicles 29 and verse 23. We know that David sat on the Eternals throne and

    so did Solomon; its Gods throne. Notice this, Then Solomon sat on the throne of the

    LORD as king instead of David his father, so both of them sat on Gods throne. Its

    GODS throne, and God, through that throne, is going to bring all of humanity, all of those

    that want to be a part of His Family, into His Family for ALL ETERNITY. Its going to be

    done through that throne, the very throne that Solomon sat on, that David sat on, AND that

    the Queen of England sits on today. You can prove that from your own Bible. And God

    says, Ill just give you a magnificent reward if you proclaim that message before MySecond Coming, and let the world know and understand about that mystery, and remove

    that mystery from this world, if people are willing to really look at their Bible and what it

    actually says. And at the same time, He says, Look, Ill protect you from a lot of

    suffering in the Great Tribulation and the Day of the Lord. Youll be able to escape all of

    that if youll just do what I tell you and proclaim this message about the key of David.

    Notice what it says in Psalm 89 and verse 3, I have made a covenant with my chosen, I

    have sworn unto David my servant, and again, Mr. Armstrong explains, (4) Thy

    seed, (or dynasty, from the Moffat Translation) will I establish for ever, and build up thy

    throne to all generations. Note it! This throne, established forever, was built up toall generations. That is, all generations on this Earth from Solomon right on down to the

    Second Coming of Jesus Christ, and then out into eternal glory, and a very, royal, majestic

    eternity at that.

    Mr. Armstrong continued in his book on The United States and Britain in Prophecy, But

    to continue, in the 89th Psalm, with the 28th verse: My mercy will I keep for him for

    evermore, and my covenant shall stand fast with him. His seed [dynastyMoffatt] also

    will I make to endure for ever, and his throne as the days of heaven. Consider a moment

    the meaning of the word seed in this sense. Moffatts translation in modern English

    properly translates it dynasty. The Revised Standard Version translates it his

    [Davids] linethat is, continuous line or succession of sons, generation after generation.

    This seed is not the general population of the children of Israel. This is speaking of

    Davids seed, or Davids sons. Those from the house of David or the genealogy of David.

    His sons were to be kings. David was of the tribe of Judah, possessor of the scepter, not

    the birthright, promise. His seed, therefore, was the kingly line. So, literally, it means his

    dynasty, his line of successive sons. Jesus Christ was also in that genealogy, so it

    continues right on out into eternal glory.

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    You can also read, Ill just quickly read this to you, Jeremiah 33, verses 16 and 17 says,

    For thus saith the LORD; David shall never want a man to sit upon the throne of the

    house of Israel; Hell never lack a man to sit upon the throne of David, from the time of

    Solomon all the way down to the Second Coming.

    Well, how do you explain that? How do you explain that? Thats just a MAGNIFICENT

    promise, a MARVELOUS promise from God that ought to make the Bible LIVE in our

    minds because its being fulfilled every single day from the time of Solomon to the Second

    Coming, and then beyond that, forever.

    So here is the last book of the Old Testament, Chronicles, talking about that throne of

    David, and it sort of summarizes up the Old Testament, but notice how it ties directly into

    the New Testament. I want to show you this, that the first four books of the New

    Testament are Matthew, Mark, Luke, and Johnas most people knowand theyre all

    about Christ's life. And I want to especially focus on Luke in the very first chapter andshow you how its tied to the last book of the Old Testament, which is Chronicles. I want

    you to see that in Luke 1, verses 30 through 33. Verse 30, And the angel said unto her,

    Fear not, Mary: for thou hast found favour with God. (31) And, behold, thou shalt

    conceive in thy womb, and bring forth a son, and shalt call his name JESUS. (32) He shall

    be great, and shall be called the Son of the Highest: the Son of God the Father, this is

    family, and the Lord God shall give unto him the throne of his father David: Hes going

    to give Him the throne of his father David, (33) And he shall reign over the house of

    Jacob for ever; and of his kingdom there shall be no end. But Hes going to give Him that

    throne of David, which is on this Earth and has been since the time of Solomon right on

    down to the Second Coming, and God the Father says, Im going to give My Son thatthrone.

    He has to be returning to this Earth to a throne that EXISTS, not some nonexistent throne.

    Christ is returning to a throne that is ALREADY ON THIS EARTH! Thats an

    AMAZING prophecy! Where is that throne? Well, it has to be on this Earth, and we prove

    in our book, The United States and Britain in Prophecy, that its right there in Britain. Its

    right there in Britain, and it HAS been for quite a long time. But there have always been

    men and women in the line or genealogy of David who sat on that throne, and the Queen of

    England is in that genealogy. Its all about developing the God Family, bringing ALL OF

    MANKIND into Gods Family. Now, thats not bad news; thats all GOOD news, but it

    seems that mankind is determined to suffer a long time before theyll get that, but their time

    is about up. Jesus Christ is on a countdown to return to this Earth, and Hes going to

    SAVE mankind alive so that we dont just extinguish all human life, as it says we would in

    Matthew, if Christ didnt intervene and stop the madness on this Earth and the nuclear

    bombs and the weapons of mass destruction and all of that.

    But notice also what it says in Isaiah 9 and verse 6, For unto us a child is born, unto us a

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    son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called

    Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace. (7)

    Of the increase of his government and peace there shall be no end, upon the throne of

    David, and upon his kingdom, to order it, and to establish it with judgment and with justice

    from henceforth even for ever. The zeal of the LORD of hosts will perform this. I mean,

    theres just NO END on the throne of David. It was established in Solomon, right afterKing David, and it continues right on down to the Second Coming, and then Christ takes

    that throne and sits on it, and that throne of David continues on forever and ever and

    EVER! And its on this Earth right now, the very throne that Jesus Christ is even NOW

    preparing to return to this Earth to sit on and save man from himself. Look around at this

    world. There are many intelligent men that think we cant survive, and they are right. We

    cant, unless Jesus Christ returns, and He planned that from the very beginning.

    But lets notice how the last book of the Old Testament also ties in to the last book of the

    New Testament, and that is an interesting tie, as well. This is like a summary of the New

    Testament, certainly a prophetic summary. Verse 7 of Revelation 3, And to the angel, ormessenger, of the church in Philadelphia write; These things saith he that is holy, he that is

    true, he that hath the key of David, he that openeth, and no man shutteth; and shutteth, and

    no man openeth; He that has the key of David. He, Christ, who has the key of David,

    gives it to the last two eras of Gods Church. That is the only message He gives them. Its

    all summarized, everything is summarized in that one message. The key of David! David is

    the key! The key of David! If you understand about David and his throne and all that

    revolves around that, youre going to have a key that unlocks the entire Bible! All of it!

    And it revolves around David; thats the only key there is. There is no other key. It cant be

    unlocked with any other key but that one. So think about that.

    Then it says if we overcome like we should, that well be in headquarters forever. If we

    who are called out today and respond to God will proclaim this message, well be in

    headquarters forever and never again go out. Now, thats forever! Youll be right there in

    the highest positions that God gives on this Earth before His Second Comingthe very

    elect. You see, thats a wonderful reward.

    And then it says in verse 21, you can read this, well, I think I have time to read it, To him

    that overcometh will I grant to sit with me in my throne, even as I also overcame, and am

    set down with my Father in his throne. So we do have to overcome AS Christ overcame.

    Now, He had this gigantic battle with Satan, the devil, and Matthew 4, Luke 4 talks about

    that, and He overcame the devil. Now He says you and I have to overcome the devil today

    and proclaim this message, fight the devil and overcome himand we can do itand

    overcome exactly as Christ did, and if we do, were going to sit there on that throne of

    David and share it with Christ for all eternity. Thats what your Bible says. But if you look

    at verse 21 there, you know that there is a battle. Its not always an easy thing to do, thats

    for sure, but it is so rewarding.

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    So what is that single greatest mystery in the Bible? Its really Gods promise to rule this

    world from Davids throne with His first fruits, His bride, and work to bring ALL of

    humanity into the Family of God. Most of them are going to have to be resurrected because

    they never knew God. Gods going to resurrect them and give them a chance to know Him.

    And those that are called out today, the first fruits, are going to be able to sit on that throne

    as the bride of Jesus Christ, and help Him in that great, wonderful, inspiring process, andyou can read that in Revelation 19 and verse 7. This is the gospel! Its also the scepter

    promise talked about in Genesis 49 and verse 10, and thats in Mr. Armstrongs book on

    The United States and Britain in Prophecy. But this mystery needs to be removed because

    this is the most inspiring, majestic, royal truth that there is in the Bible, and that Bible and

    God are very much alive today, and we must learn this wonderful lesson to be in sync with


    Until next week, this is Gerald Flurry, goodbye, friends.



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