the skin microbiome of vertebrates...the skin microbiome of vertebrates ashley a. ross1,2, aline...

REVIEW Open Access The skin microbiome of vertebrates Ashley A. Ross 1,2 , Aline Rodrigues Hoffmann 3 and Josh D. Neufeld 1* Abstract The skin constitutes the primary physical barrier between vertebrates and their external environment. Characterization of skin microorganisms is essential for understanding how a host evolves in association with its microbial symbionts, modeling immune system development, diagnosing illnesses, and exploring the origins of potential zoonoses that affect humans. Although many studies have characterized the human microbiome with culture-independent techniques, far less is known about the skin microbiome of other mammals, amphibians, birds, fish, and reptiles. The aim of this review is to summarize studies that have leveraged high-throughput sequencing to better understand the skin microorganisms that associate with members of classes within the subphylum Vertebrata. Specifically, links will be explored between the skin microbiome and vertebrate characteristics, including geographic location, biological sex, animal interactions, diet, captivity, maternal transfer, and disease. Recent literature on parallel patterns between host evolutionary history and their skin microbial communities, or phylosymbiosis, will also be analyzed. These factors must be considered when designing future microbiome studies to ensure that the conclusions drawn from basic research translate into useful applications, such as probiotics and successful conservation strategies for endangered and threatened animals. Keywords: Skin microbiome, 16S rRNA gene, Vertebrates, High-throughput sequencing, Mammals, Amphibians, Birds, Reptiles, Fish Introduction Skin microbiome research seeks to better understand the largest organ of the body by providing information on the processes by which a host organism evolves in association with its diverse collection of fungi, bacteria, archaea, and viruses [1], characterizing the immune system and diag- nosing illnesses [2, 3], and exploring the etiologies of dis- eases [46]. The advent of high-throughput sequencing has greatly expanded knowledge of the skin microbiome and its implications for health. For example, it is now rec- ognized that humans are uniquely colonized by skin mi- crobial communities that are linked to diet [7], age [8, 9], and the specific body region sampled [10, 11]. These base- line data are important for understanding how skin micro- biota contribute to skin health and disease. The majority of skin microbiome studies have focussed on humans, companion and domestic animals, and am- phibians. Fish and birds have received substantially less at- tention, and many existing studies are cultivation-based. Few studies have explored the skin microbiome of reptiles [1]. The aim of this review is to summarize studies lever- aging high-throughput sequencing to better understand the skin microorganisms that associate with members of classes within the subphylum Vertebrata (Additional file 1: Table S1). Specifically, links will be explored between the skin microbiome and vertebrate characteristics, including geographic location, biological sex, diet, captivity, maternal transfer, and phylosymbiosis (Fig. 1). This review will mainly focus on non-human animals because other reviews summarize human skin microbiome research [1215]. Vertebrate skin physiology The outermost layer of mammalian skin is the epider- mis, which is frequently studied in part due to its non-invasive sampling protocols and direct contact with the surrounding environment. It is here that commensal microbiota protect the body from transient microorgan- isms [12] with the potential to cause disease by either producing inhibitory compounds [16] or competing for resources [17]. The epidermis is constantly shedding and it is considered to be a hostile environment, compared to the gut or mouth, because of its lower temperature, © The Author(s). 2019 Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were made. The Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication waiver ( applies to the data made available in this article, unless otherwise stated. * Correspondence: [email protected] 1 University of Waterloo, 200 University Avenue West, Waterloo, Ontario N2L 3G1, Canada Full list of author information is available at the end of the article Ross et al. Microbiome (2019) 7:79

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Page 1: The skin microbiome of vertebrates...The skin microbiome of vertebrates Ashley A. Ross1,2, Aline Rodrigues Hoffmann3 and Josh D. Neufeld1* Abstract The skin constitutes the primary

REVIEW Open Access

The skin microbiome of vertebratesAshley A. Ross1,2, Aline Rodrigues Hoffmann3 and Josh D. Neufeld1*


The skin constitutes the primary physical barrier between vertebrates and their external environment.Characterization of skin microorganisms is essential for understanding how a host evolves in association with itsmicrobial symbionts, modeling immune system development, diagnosing illnesses, and exploring the origins ofpotential zoonoses that affect humans. Although many studies have characterized the human microbiome withculture-independent techniques, far less is known about the skin microbiome of other mammals, amphibians, birds,fish, and reptiles. The aim of this review is to summarize studies that have leveraged high-throughput sequencingto better understand the skin microorganisms that associate with members of classes within the subphylumVertebrata. Specifically, links will be explored between the skin microbiome and vertebrate characteristics, includinggeographic location, biological sex, animal interactions, diet, captivity, maternal transfer, and disease. Recentliterature on parallel patterns between host evolutionary history and their skin microbial communities, orphylosymbiosis, will also be analyzed. These factors must be considered when designing future microbiome studiesto ensure that the conclusions drawn from basic research translate into useful applications, such as probiotics andsuccessful conservation strategies for endangered and threatened animals.

Keywords: Skin microbiome, 16S rRNA gene, Vertebrates, High-throughput sequencing, Mammals, Amphibians,Birds, Reptiles, Fish

IntroductionSkin microbiome research seeks to better understand thelargest organ of the body by providing information on theprocesses by which a host organism evolves in associationwith its diverse collection of fungi, bacteria, archaea, andviruses [1], characterizing the immune system and diag-nosing illnesses [2, 3], and exploring the etiologies of dis-eases [4–6]. The advent of high-throughput sequencinghas greatly expanded knowledge of the skin microbiomeand its implications for health. For example, it is now rec-ognized that humans are uniquely colonized by skin mi-crobial communities that are linked to diet [7], age [8, 9],and the specific body region sampled [10, 11]. These base-line data are important for understanding how skin micro-biota contribute to skin health and disease.The majority of skin microbiome studies have focussed

on humans, companion and domestic animals, and am-phibians. Fish and birds have received substantially less at-tention, and many existing studies are cultivation-based.

Few studies have explored the skin microbiome of reptiles[1]. The aim of this review is to summarize studies lever-aging high-throughput sequencing to better understandthe skin microorganisms that associate with members ofclasses within the subphylum Vertebrata (Additional file 1:Table S1). Specifically, links will be explored between theskin microbiome and vertebrate characteristics, includinggeographic location, biological sex, diet, captivity, maternaltransfer, and phylosymbiosis (Fig. 1). This review willmainly focus on non-human animals because other reviewssummarize human skin microbiome research [12–15].

Vertebrate skin physiologyThe outermost layer of mammalian skin is the epider-mis, which is frequently studied in part due to itsnon-invasive sampling protocols and direct contact withthe surrounding environment. It is here that commensalmicrobiota protect the body from transient microorgan-isms [12] with the potential to cause disease by eitherproducing inhibitory compounds [16] or competing forresources [17]. The epidermis is constantly shedding andit is considered to be a hostile environment, comparedto the gut or mouth, because of its lower temperature,

© The Author(s). 2019 Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0International License (, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, andreproduction in any medium, provided you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link tothe Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were made. The Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication waiver( applies to the data made available in this article, unless otherwise stated.

* Correspondence: [email protected] of Waterloo, 200 University Avenue West, Waterloo, Ontario N2L3G1, CanadaFull list of author information is available at the end of the article

Ross et al. Microbiome (2019) 7:79

Page 2: The skin microbiome of vertebrates...The skin microbiome of vertebrates Ashley A. Ross1,2, Aline Rodrigues Hoffmann3 and Josh D. Neufeld1* Abstract The skin constitutes the primary

pH, and moisture levels, coupled with relatively high saltand antimicrobial concentrations [18]. Estimates suggestthat between 106 and 109 microorganisms/cm2 are presenton human skin [19, 20]. This difference of several ordersof magnitude can be attributed to sampling different bodylocations. Although more invasive techniques, such asskin biopsies or scrapes using a surgical scalpel blade, col-lect a higher number of microorganisms than superficialskin swabs, there are no consistent depth-dependent dif-ferences in detected microbial communities [20]. A recentstudy comparing swabbing and tape-stripping techniquesobserved no differences between these techniques [21].The Class Mammalia includes the closest evolutionary

relatives of humans. Non-human mammals typicallypossess denser fur over a larger proportion of their bod-ies. Sebaceous glands and two types of sweat glands arepresent on mammals, including apocrine and eccrine,that may each select for distinct microbiota. Sebaceousglands produce oily viscous exudates. The large andspongy apocrine glands are associated with fur and hair[22]. In contrast, the eccrine glands, which are small andassociated with pores, are predominant in human andnon-human primate skin [22]. Other mammals have awide distribution of apocrine glands throughout theirbodies, with eccrine glands only on feet.The skin of avian reptiles (Class Aves, herein referred to

as “birds” for clarity) has distinct physiological features

from mammals. Although the most striking difference be-tween birds and mammals is the presence of plumage,birds also have a thinner epidermis, no sebaceous glands,and a higher proportion of lipids in the transitional layerof the epidermis [23]. Birds are closer relatives of reptiles,especially modern-day crocodiles, than mammals. Theirfeathers are considered modified scales and a componentof the integument, which is the outer protective organ sys-tem that includes the layers of skin, glands, hair, and nailsin vertebrates [24]. Moreover, birds possess avian scaleson their feet and only a single gland type [25]. The uro-pygial glands (“preen glands”), which are located in thedorsal region of most birds, exude an oily secretion that isused to coat feathers.Non-avian reptiles (Class Reptilia, herein referred to as

“reptiles” for clarity) include crocodiles, turtles, snakes,and lizards. This class of amniotes (“membrane sur-rounding the fetus”) represent the first animals to transi-tion to land, which resulted in accompanying shifts totheir integument. Reptiles were also the first organismsto evolve a stratum corneum (i.e., horny outer skin layer)with multiple layers and programmed cell death, coupledwith additional lipids to prevent water loss on land [26].A terrestrial lifestyle also led to the loss of gas exchangeand mucous, which occurred approximately 340 millionyears ago [26]. The pleated-sheet beta-keratin polypep-tides involved in creating sauropsid feathers, scales, and

Fig. 1 Examples of factors that influence the vertebrate skin microbiome

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Page 3: The skin microbiome of vertebrates...The skin microbiome of vertebrates Ashley A. Ross1,2, Aline Rodrigues Hoffmann3 and Josh D. Neufeld1* Abstract The skin constitutes the primary

claws are distinct from the helical alpha-keratin polypep-tides that form hair [25].Amphibians, such as frogs and salamanders, possess a

thin and persistently moist layer of skin that is waterpermeable and able to undergo gas exchange [27]. Un-like the other vertebrate classes, their skin contributes torespiration and osmoregulation while functioning as aninnate immune organ [28]. Amphibian skin anatomy hasbeen expertly reviewed elsewhere [28]. In brief, these tet-rapods were the first vertebrates to evolve corneous cells[26], which form a protective external envelope aroundthe organism and aid in terrestrial survival. An absenceof protective integument layers, namely feathers or fur,makes them particularly susceptible to skin diseases [6].Additionally, their skin is covered in a sugar-rich muco-sal layer that can serve as a growth substrate for patho-genic bacteria and fungi. Consequently, many amphibianmicrobiome studies have focused on elucidating the dif-ferences between infected and uninfected animals in anattempt to create conservation strategies to prevent spe-cies extinctions. In particular, studies have focused onchytrid fungus, which was recently declared to havecaused the most devastating recorded loss of biodiversitythat can be attributed to disease [29]. As a result, theamphibian skin microbiome is better characterized thanseveral of the other vertebrate classes.Fish represent an evolutionarily diverse clade of six ver-

tebrate classes. Their scales are formed in the mesodermlayer and they do not possess keratin and a corneous cellenvelope, in contrast to keratinized reptilian scales thatare formed in the epidermis [30]. Like amphibians, fishpossess a layer of mucous that surrounds the epidermis[31] and represents an additional critical barrier betweenthe animal and its aquatic environment. The mucous is acomplex viscous mixture of immunogenic compounds,such as mucins, immunoglobins, lysozyme, antimicrobialpeptides, and defensins that contribute to both innate andadaptive immunity [2, 32]. Despite these bactericidal com-pounds, the mucous layer also possesses numerous sugarsand amino acids suitable for bacterial growth [33].

Microbial diversity and composition of vertebrateskinNon-human terrestrial mammalsDespite the importance of the mammalian microbiota,only a few skin microbiome studies have been conductedon non-human mammals (key papers included in Add-itional file 1: Table S1). Initial culture-based studies ofdogs and cats reported minimal skin bacterial diversity[34]. Other studies showed that squirrels, raccoons, cattle,pigs, sheep, and dogs were dominated by Micrococcus andStaphylococcus [35], with Staphylococcus being detected in100% of pigs and cows, 90% of humans and horses, 77%of laboratory mice, and 40% of dogs [36].

Similar to human skin microbiome studies, the abilityto use high-throughput sequencing has expanded ourunderstanding of vertebrate skin microbial diversity. Alarge study using superficial skin swabs to evaluate theskin microbiome of wild, farm, zoo, and household ani-mals found the majority of animals had higher diversityand distinct skin microbial communities, as compared tohuman samples [37]. The study evaluated skin samplesfrom the back, torso, and inner thigh regions and foundno significant variation among hair-covered body loca-tions. The differences between human and animal skinwere largely driven by a decreased relative abundance ofActinobacteria on mammalian skin, with correspondingincreases in the abundances of Chloroflexi and Bacteroi-detes. A study that compared human and primate axillaealso found that human skin communities were uniquecompared to non-human primates, including gorillas,chimpanzees, rhesus macaques, and baboons [38]. Other16S rRNA gene studies of healthy and allergic dogs [39]and cats [34, 40] also observed higher species richnessand diversity on skin from animals compared to humanstudies, with relatively higher abundances in bacteria inthe phyla Proteobacteria and Bacteroidetes. Mucosal sur-faces of companion animals were inhabited by less diversebacterial communities compared to haired skin. However,significant variations in community structure have alsobeen observed among different haired anatomic regions inhorses [41], suggesting that additional factors influencemicrobial communities on an animal, such as contact withother vertebrates and the environment.Eukaryotic microscopic fungi are an additional group of

microorganisms within the skin microbiome (i.e., the“mycobiome”). Fungi are less abundant than bacteria ac-cording to human skin metagenomic analysis [42]. Dogsand cats [43, 44] are also colonized by diverse fungal com-munities, which often vary across haired and mucosal sur-faces and disease status. Their mycobiome seems to bemore diverse than the human mycobiome and dominatedby fungal genera including Cladosporium, Alternaria, andEpicoccum, whereas the genus Malassezia was recorded at> 90% relative abundance in human skin, except the feet[45].Host species is an important predictor of skin microbial

communities. Indeed, a survey of 38 mammalian speciesdetermined that host order and species were the most sig-nificant influences on skin microbial communities [37].This has been also observed in North American bats [46]and early culture-based studies of mammalian skin deter-mined that non-human animals had distinct dominantstaphylococci from humans [36]. Even breed can influencethe skin microbiome of mammals, as has been recentlydemonstrated cats [44].In humans, overall microbial community composition is

influenced by biological sex [47], age [8, 48], diet [7, 49, 50],

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Page 4: The skin microbiome of vertebrates...The skin microbiome of vertebrates Ashley A. Ross1,2, Aline Rodrigues Hoffmann3 and Josh D. Neufeld1* Abstract The skin constitutes the primary

use of hygiene products [10], ethnicity [51], cohabitation[52], habitats, and geographic location [53, 54] (Fig. 1). Interms of biological sex, only a few studies have identifiedsignificant differences between male and female mammals,including captive red kangaroos in Canada [37] and wildbank voles in Ukraine [55]. Although the link between dietand skin microbiota has not been established, diet has beenlinked to the composition of the gut microbiome in healthymammals [56], including carnivores, omnivores, and herbi-vores. Thus, diet is presumed to also impact the skin micro-biome and influence skin diseases. Canine odor is anotherfactor associated with changes in microbial communities,with bloodhound dogs with malodor having lower diversitythan controls, mainly due to higher abundances of the gen-era Psychrobacter and Pseudomonas [57].Similar to humans, cutaneous microorganisms are trans-

ferred maternally to non-human vertebrates (Fig. 1). Thepouch of the Tasmanian devil (Sarcophilus harrisii), wherethe marsupial protects its developing offspring, is associ-ated with similar microbial community composition to itsskin, in terms of phylotype richness and the number of op-erational taxonomic units (OTUs) present. Skin sampleswere clustered with pouch samples instead of mouth andgut samples [58]. Significant differences were also observedamong these specimens, with an increase in Clostridia anddecrease in Bacilli for pouch samples.Geographic location is an important factor influencing

the skin microbiome of mammals (Fig. 1). Two studiesof North American bats concluded that geographic loca-tion was an important predictor of microbial communitycomposition [46, 59]. Within Southwestern Ontario(Canada), the source location for sampled mammals wasa significant factor influencing skin microbial communi-ties, albeit exhibiting less influence than host taxonomicorder [37]. A recent study identified that the skin micro-biome of humans and three species of pigs differedamong inhabitants from high and low altitudes [60]. Inparticular, Arthrobacter, Carnobacterium, Cellulomona-daceae, Paenibacillus, and Xanthomonadaceae were fivetaxa significantly increased in individuals from high alti-tudes [60]. Wild bank voles in Ukraine had shifts in theirskin communities over large spatial distances betweenKyiv and the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone, irrespective ofskin radionuclide contamination [55]. One study also de-scribed seasonality to have an effect on the skin micro-biota of dogs [61]; however, sampling across breeds wasperformed in a single year. The same study describedthat cohabiting individuals shared their microbiota, aspreviously demonstrated in humans [52].Evidence suggests that companion animals and their

owners transfer microorganisms to each other, and inturn, impact the detected human skin microbiome [62](Fig. 1). Such evidence demonstrates that shedding ofthe skin microbiome impacts both the microbial

community composition of inanimate objects and livingmacroorganisms alike. Indeed, exclusively indoor catswere shown to have similar microbial communities totheir owners, compared to outdoor barn cats [37]. Ani-mals that inhabit the same enclosed habitat, such ashumans and their pets in a house [63], companionanimals in a barn, or zoo animals in a cage, likely altereach other’s respective microbiomes. Built environmentstudies demonstrate that household surfaces are rapidlycolonized with the microbiome of their inhabitants [64].Therefore, the transfer of skin microbiota between ani-mals can occur from either direct skin-to-skin contactor via indirect contact with shared surfaces. Althoughthe direction of transfer can be difficult to determine inuncontrolled and complex environments, these trans-mission routes have important implications for thespread of infectious and zoonotic diseases. In turn, theenvironment is also likely an important source for newmicroorganisms to inhabit the skin, which can occurfrom direct contact with water, soil, or household sur-faces. Within non-human mammals, Tasmanian devilshad significant differences in skin microbial communi-ties between wild and captive specimens, although largerdifferences were observed between gut microbiota [58].Captive devils had elevated levels of Mycobacterium, acommon cause of skin infections in captive facilities. In-door and outdoor environments can also affect the skinmicrobiome of companion animals. Although cats pri-marily kept outdoors did not present higher microbialdiversity as compared to indoor cats, their microbialstructure and composition varied across these animals,with Corynebacterium spp., common bacteria on humanskin, being more common on indoor cats [44].Dysbiosis, defined as a shift from a normal micro-

biome, is associated with numerous skin diseases [4] andhas been reviewed elsewhere for humans and domesticanimals [65]. These polymicrobial diseases are complexand can involve the interactions of numerous microor-ganisms. Many pathogenic microorganisms compete dir-ectly for physical space and sources of food on humanskin including sugars, ammonia, and amino acids [66],but possess virulence factors that harm the host in com-parison to commensals. Commensal skin bacteria, suchas Staphylococcus epidermidis, produce antimicrobialcompounds to limit transient microorganisms from col-onizing and appropriating resources. However, patho-gens with pathogenicity islands are capable ofoutcompeting abundant commensals for resources [66],evading the host immune system, and subsequently low-ering the abundance of typical healthy skin populations.Moreover, defects in the skin barrier may lead to pene-tration of pathogenic microorganisms and subsequentcutaneous inflammation, as has been shown in patientswith atopic dermatitis [67–69]. Filaggrin is an important

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component of the skin barrier. Mutations in its encodingFLG gene results in a thickened, dehydrated stratum cor-neum and more clinically severe signs of disease [68]. De-fects in the lipid bilayer, tight junctions, and proteaseshave also been associated with increased atopic dermatitisseverity [69].Microbial communities are typically more diverse on

healthy skin, and there is evidence that microbial com-munity composition affects several skin conditions incompanion animals with atopic dermatitis and allergicskin diseases [39, 40, 43, 70, 71], bovine digital derma-titis [72], demodectic mange [73], white nose syndromein bats [74, 75], and camel dermatophilosis [76] in othervertebrates. Dogs with skin allergies and atopic derma-titis exhibit lower bacterial richness [39] and diversity ontheir skin than their healthy counterparts [70], due to in-creases in proportions of Staphylococcus pseudinterme-dius. Although changes in diversity have not beenobserved in allergic cats, their skin is also inhabited byhigher proportions of Staphylococcus spp. [40]. Horseshave a stable skin microbiome that is able to return toits initial composition once a wound has healed [41].During an experimentally induced wound experiment,the abundance of Fusobacteria and Actinobacillus in-creased during the early stages after wound formation.Unbandaged wounds had greater microbial diversity.This study recorded key information on temporalchanges to the mammalian skin community throughoutan ~80 day wound healing process and provided datathat may inform veterinary practices for successful treat-ment of wounds. The aforementioned studies focusedon reporting diversity as a proxy for health. These com-parisons are based upon the community ecology per-spective that diverse communities are more stable andresilient to external disturbances. Bioreactor experimentsdemonstrate that dynamically shifting communities canstill be capable of maintaining stable ecosystem functions[77]. Subsequent human microbiome research shows thatthe healthy human skin microbiome is relatively stableover time due to fixed abundant species [78] and that sub-sequent decreases in diversity can result in disease. Atopicdermatitis treatments that increase microbial diversityameliorate the condition [79] and provide a prime ex-ample of why researchers should continue to test fordiversity when studying dysbiosis. Diversity should ideallynot just be reported but should be further explored todetermine how skin ecosystem diversity influences diseaseseverity and response to treatment.Digital dermatitis affects the hooves of cattle and re-

sults in lameness, corresponding to major economiclosses to the agricultural industry [80]. Animals withdigital dermatitis have higher bacterial diversity andincreased prevalence of bacteria affiliated with Bacteroi-detes, Proteobacteria, and Spirochaetes. In particular,

Treponema spp. [81] are abundant in deep lesions andlikely originate from the gut reservoir [72]. Sheep footrotis a similar infectious disease that results in lameness forentire sheep herds [82]. Dichelobacter nodosus likely ini-tiates the disease, whereas Fusobacterium necrophorumplays a secondary role in infection [82]. Both digitaldermatitis and sheep footrot are examples of polymicro-bial diseases, where shifts in several skin microbiometaxa precede the onset of clinical symptoms. Dysbiosisalso affects the fungal microbiota of vertebrate skin, withallergic dogs having lower diversity [83]. For dogs andcats with allergic skin disease, their mycobiota becamevery similar across different body sites [43]. Lastly, whitenose syndrome devastates bat populations and is causedby the fungal pathogen Geomyces destructans [75].

Aquatic mammalsThe skin of aquatic mammals has been studied to fur-ther marine conservation efforts. To date, cetaceanssuch as humpback whales, dolphins, and killer whaleshave been sampled. Significant differences were foundbetween the microbial communities of bottledose dol-phins and killer whales [84]. Skin biopsies and sloughedskin from 56 humpback whales (Megaptera novaean-gliae) from the North Pacific, South Pacific, and NorthAtlantic oceans demonstrated Psychrobacter and Tenaci-baculum as the core genera present on thesefree-swimming whales [85]. The abundance of these twogenera varied significantly between humpback whalesundergoing anabolic and catabolic metabolic states [85].The cetacean skin microbiome varies geographically

[86–88] (Fig. 1). Specifically, offshore bottlenose dol-phins have higher skin microbial diversity than theircoastal counterparts, who were more similar due to ex-posure from coastal runoff [87]. The skin microbiota ofhumpback whales was distinct from the surroundingseawater [86]. Likewise, skin samples of captive dolphinsare also associated with distinct microbiota according tothe environment where they are kept, being significantlyinfluenced by food and air. Each environment main-tained a distinct microbiota despite exposure incidents,implying that few exposures lead to permanentcolonization [89]. Future studies aiming to provide evi-dence to improve the conservation status of wild animalsaffected by skin diseases should therefore include sam-pling of wild animals for the most accurate skin microbialcommunity information.

AviansAvian skin microbiota can be influenced by sex [90,91], species [92], age, and habitat [90] (Fig. 1). Euro-pean starlings (Sturnus vulgaris) and bluebirds (Sialia sia-lis) have distinct sex-dependent diversity associated withsampled plumage [90, 91]. These variations may be

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Page 6: The skin microbiome of vertebrates...The skin microbiome of vertebrates Ashley A. Ross1,2, Aline Rodrigues Hoffmann3 and Josh D. Neufeld1* Abstract The skin constitutes the primary

attributed to physiological variations between the sexes,such as pH [93]. In contrast, no differences were identifiedin the skin microbiota among male and female vultures[61]. The avian skin microbiota has also been linked toboth nest location and age [90].Birds are social animals whose sexual and social con-

structs aid in bacterial transmission [5]. For instance, thefeathers from caged zebra finches (Taeniopygia guttata) in-fected with Bacillus licheniformis resulted in anoral-fecal-genital route of transmission. Preening led to au-toinfection, which progressed to a sexual infection whosetransmission rates varied by biological sex [5]. Europeanstarlings with larger brood sizes have more bacteria on theirfeathers [90]. Manipulating their brood size resulted in sig-nificantly different bacterial community composition onplumage, but not richness or feather degradation. Addition-ally, bluebirds sharing the same nest transmit plumage bac-teria, based on results from culturing techniques [91].Certain subsets of the microbiome are classified as “feather--degrading bacteria” and influence the condition of feathersand by extension avian health. These polyphyletic bacteriainclude OTUs affiliated with Bacillus spp. and hydrolyzeß-keratin [95], which is the predominant protein in feathers.The finding that nest sharing results in microbiome trans-mission has implications for the distribution offeather-degrading bacteria that are associated with bodycondition and feather coloration [91]. Recently, comparisonswere made between three finch species [92]. Although thesefinches received the same diet and environmental exposures,each species had distinct overall skin communities, despitesharing conserved core OTUs. The authors hypothesizedthat the observed differences may contribute to odorproduction.The eating habits of scavenger birds can alter the di-

versity of their skin microbiota. The skin microbiota oftwo species of New World vultures (Coragyps atratusand Cathartes aura) exceeds the diversity of their gutmicrobiota [94] (528 vs 72 OTUs, respectively). Frequentcontact with carcasses may explain this increase in skinmicrobial diversity. Clostridia and Fusobacteria weredominant OTUs on vulture skin.Very few virome studies involving the collection of

nucleic acid sequences from the viral community in ahabitat have been performed with animals. A singlehigh-throughput sequencing study examined 15 healthychickens (Gallus gallus domesticus) and determined thattheir skin was predominately inhabited by herpesvirusfrom the Mardivirus group [96]. The authors hypothe-sized that the viruses arose from vaccination or anasymptomatic infection. In addition, the skin virome ofchickens differs from those of reptiles [97] and humans[42, 98]. Notably, chicken skin was absent of papilloma-viruses and polyomaviruses that are typically detected onhuman skin [42, 98].

ReptilesDespite links to numerous skin infections caused by vi-ruses, bacteria, fungi, and parasites, very few studieshave focused on the reptilian skin microbiome. A studyon the oral and skin microbiome of komodo dragons(Varanus komodoensis) elucidated that captive dragonsand their enclosure had similar microbial communitycomposition and species richness [99] (Fig. 1). The Ko-modo dragon skin microbiome had higher diversity thaneither the oral or fecal microbiome. Dominant skinphyla included Bacteroidetes and Firmicutes, which werepresent in equal proportions [99].Several studies have focused on microorganisms that

are causative agents of reptile skin diseases. Reptiles areprone to infection by a variety of predominatelyGram-negative commensal bacteria, including Aeromo-nas, Klebsiella, Proteus, Pseudomonas, and Salmonella[100]. Fungal dermatitis in the USA has affected numer-ous reptilian species, including dusky pigmy rattlesnakes(Sistrurus miliarius barbouri), garter snakes (Thamnophissirtalis), and ribbon snakes (Thamnophis sauritis) [101].The fungus Ophidiomyces ophiodiicola currently causeshigh mortality in snakes across Europe and North Amer-ica [102]. A study of Eastern Massasauga snakes (Sis-trurus catenatus) determined that infected snakes weremore likely to have high populations of Serratia andJanthinobacterium. In contrast, Janthinobacterium hasbeen associated beneficially with salamander populationsto prevent Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis infections[103], whereas Serratia has been observed in the skinmicrobiome of immunocompromised human patients[104]. Moreover, a subset of OTUs such as Xylanimicro-bium and Cellulosimicrobium were reduced in infectedsnakes, further indicating that snake fungal disease shiftsthe skin microbiome [102]. Another study determinedthat microbial communities did not differ signifi-cantly between snake populations of timber rattlesnakes(Crotalus horridus) and black racers (Coluber con-strictor), indicating that snake fungal disease studies onmodel organisms may widely apply to multiple snakespecies [105]. Future studies will be able to leveragethese findings to investigate whether a “protectivemicrobiome” may help conservation efforts. For ex-ample, it may be possible to create a skin probiotic cul-ture from microorganisms that have been experimentallydetermined to be protective against skin diseases. Devel-oping a stable topical treatment may prove useful toshift the microbiome, just as this strategy has been mod-erately successful with human gut probiotics [106].Additional studies have focused on the reptilian skin

virome in relation to disease. A skin microbiome studyof reptiles focused on the lizard virome [97]. Multipleviruses were associated with lethal skin lesions, includingRanavirus, Adenovirus, and Reovirus. Herpesvirus is

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currently infecting both wild and captive turtles and tor-toises resulting in necrotizing lesions [100]. Examples of af-fected species include Argentine tortoises (Chelonoidischilensis), Mediterranean tortoises (genus Testudo), Pacificpond turtles (Actinemys marmorata), and painted tur-tles (Chrysemys picta). Fibropapillomatosis affects wildpopulations of marine turtles, especially the green, logger-head, and olive ridley sea turtles (Chelonia mydas, Carettacaretta, and Lepidochelys olivacea, respectively) [100]. Thisviral infection has spread globally and there is no currentprotocol to prevent transmission within wild populations.Other skin-associated infections, such as inclusion body

disease (IBD), caused by a Retroviridae virus [107], areprevalent on multiple continents [100]. The distributionof IBD has primarily been reported on boid snakes, in-cluding Burmese pythons (Python bivittatus) and Boaconstrictors (Boa constrictor) in Africa, Australia, Europe,and North America. Reptilian skin has been shown to har-bor several viruses that lead to lesions and prematuredeath [97]. Baseline high-throughput sequencing data ofhealthy and diseased skin states are required to implementconservation measures.

AmphibiansMany amphibian species have had their skin microbiotasampled to establish a microbial baseline (Additional file1: Table S1), which is particularly important because ofdeclining amphibian populations due to skin fungal in-fections [108]. Wild tiger salamanders (Ambystoma tigri-num), western chorus frogs (Pseudacris triseriata), andnorthern leopard frogs (Lithobates pipiens) harbor asimilar level of diversity as human skin [109]. Of the 18bacterial phyla observed on amphibian skin, Acidobac-teria, Actinobacteria, Bacteroidetes, Cyanobacteria, Fir-micutes, and Proteobacteria were most abundant [109].Amphibian host species was the most important pre-dictor of community composition in a study of five spe-cies that included toads, frogs, and newts [110]. Thistrend in amphibians is further supported by a study ofPanamanian frog species, which determined that there werekey differences among hosts at bacterial taxonomic levelsbelow the phylum level [111]. Red-backed salamanders(Plethodon cinereus) had eight core OTUs, includingPseudomonas [112], present on > 90% of specimens. Italiansteam frogs (Rana italica) were characterized by 16 distinctphyla [113] with a fifth of all detected OTUs present in allsubjects [113]. A culture-based study of Cascade frogs(Rana cascadae) enumerated 20 higher order taxa and 31genera [114].Transmission of skin bacteria to four-toed salamander

(Hemidactylium scutatum) embryos has been observed[115]. These salamanders can use communal nests witheggs from a minimum of two females, which leads tohigher rates of offspring survival. These communal nests

were more likely to contain skin bacteria that inhibit thefungus Mariannaea, which is lethal to four-toed sala-manders. Only 27% of females have these beneficial skinbacteria and having multiple females in contact with anest resulted in higher survivability rates than solitarynests with lower amounts of antifungal bacteria in theirskin communities [115].Amphibians have different skin microbial communities

depending on the current stage in their life cycle. Tad-poles are associated with distinct skin microorganismsbefore they undergo metamorphosis [110]. The commoncoqui (Eleutherodactylus coqui) has skin microbial com-munities that differ between juvenile and adult forms[116]. Female four-toed salamander populations within asingle nest location shared a greater proportion of com-mon bacteria than those detected as being shared amongall sampled individuals from all nests [117].Differences exist among the body regions of fire-bellied

toads (Bombina orientalis), such that the dorsal sides ofwild toads associates with higher diversity and richnessthan ventral sides, whereas captive toads exhibit the op-posite result [108]. Because some non-human vertebratestudies used a single swab to sample all body locations, fu-ture skin microbiome research should sample multiplebody locations per animal to assess skin community het-erogeneity. Lack of sex documentation is especially preva-lent for amphibian studies (Additional file 1: Table S1),due to the difficulty of non-invasive sexing methods.Skin bacterial communities in amphibians are influenced

by diet, and their microbiota may also influence their be-havior (Fig. 1). For instance, providing captive red-eyed treefrogs (Agalychnis callidryas) with a carotenoid-rich diet in-creased skin bacterial richness and abundance, includingincreases in Staphylococcus, Flavobacterium, Klebsiella,and Citrobacter [118]. Odor cues produced by bacteria areinvolved in influencing the behavioral activities of thered-eyed tree frogs, including mating, marking territory,and recognition [119]. Determining the distribution of mi-croorganisms on vertebrate skin has the potential to an-swer several questions about animal behavior that wereraised previously [120], such as how animals recognize in-dividuals and kin and assess mate quality and socialrelationships.Geographic location and seasonal variability have both

been associated with shifts in amphibian skin populations(Fig. 1). A large study on five different amphibian species(i.e., Anaxyrus boreas, Pseudacris regilla, Taricha torosa,Lithobates catesbeianus, and Rana cascadae) in the USAdetermined that wetland site was the largest predictor ofskin microbial community composition within each spe-cies [110]. Variations in microbial communities based onthe geographic location the host inhabits can be partiallyexplained by the microorganisms collected from local abi-otic environments. A study of red-cheeked salamanders

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(Plethodon jordani) demonstrated that sampled salaman-ders shared their most abundant bacterial taxa with themoist forest floor debris [121]. In contrast, skin swab sam-ples of redback salamanders, eastern newts (Notophtha-lamus viridescens), and larval bullfrogs (Ranacatesbieana) were distinct from the water they inhab-ited [122]; amphibians cohabitating the same pondwas not a significant factor influencing their commu-nity structure [109]. Seasonal variation has been observedin the lowland leopard frog (Lithobate yavapaiensis),which may be linked to disease incidence because frogsare at increased risk of B. dendrobatidis infection duringwinter [116]. It has been hypothesized that reduced im-munity caused by exposure to lower temperatures [116]and humidity [111] contributed to the temporal bacterialcommunity changes.Amphibian skin microbial communities may also be

affected by contaminants in the surrounding environ-ment, potentially reducing skin defenses and immunity[28]. A study of the Perez’s frog (Pelophylax perezi) dem-onstrated that frogs living in a metal-rich environmenthad distinct skin microbiome profiles from frogs in un-contaminated environments [123]. All frog skin samplesrevealed bacteria predominately from the Actinobacteriaand Alphaproteobacteria taxonomic groups, whereasthose from contaminated sites had more OTUs associ-ated with acid-metal contaminated water, such as Mor-axella, Mycobacterium, and Hydrotalea. Testing thesurrounding soil or water for both biotic and abioticcomposition may therefore add more insight into factorsthat influence skin microbial community composition.Similar to data previously shown for mammalians [58],

wild amphibians have higher bacterial diversity levels ontheir skin than the same species in captivity (Fig. 1).Wild red-eyed tree frogs (Agalychnis callidryas) had overtwice the number of bacterial OTUs on their skin astheir captive counterparts, demonstrating that captiveanimals have a significant decrease in diversity [118].The Panamanian golden frog (Atelopus zeteki) shares ap-proximately 70% of bacterial OTUs on their skin betweenwild and captive specimens, although significant differ-ences in richness, community structure, and phylogeniesstill existed [124]. Overall, wild fire-bellied toads hadhigher diversity than captive toads, which varied based onthe presence of B. dendrobatidis infection [108].Approximately 30% of all amphibian species are

threatened with extinction [125]. Given their sensitivityto skin infection, amphibian skin has been relatively wellstudied among vertebrate classes in an effort to preventinfections within wild populations, such as those linkedto Ranavirus, mycotic dermatitis, and chytridiomycosis[16, 112, 126]. A variety of fungi have been cultivatedfrom the skin of injured hellbender salamanders (Crypto-branchus alleganiensis bishopi), including Acremonium,

Cladosporium, Curvularia, Fusarium, Streptomycetes,and Penicillium [127]. In this same study, isolated op-portunistic bacterial pathogens included Aerococcus viri-dans, Aeromonas hydrophila, Gordonai terrae,Granulicetella adiacens, Stenotrophomonas maltophilia,and Streptococcus pneumoniae. The cutaneous micro-biota of two giant salamander subspecies (Cryptobran-chus alleganiensis) were studied to better understand whythe Ozark hellbender subspecies is affected by chronicwounds, whereas the eastern subspecies is not [128]. Sala-manders with wounds had higher OTU abundances thanthose without wounds, potentially indicating that com-mensal environmental and skin-associated bacteria mayconstitute opportunistic colonizers. Greater understandingof the amphibian skin microbiome is important for creatingeffective conservation management programs for animalswith declining populations due to skin diseases.The skin microbiome of amphibians may provide pro-

tective effects against skin pathogens [28]. Batrachochy-trium dendrobatidis is a fungal pathogen that causeschytridiomycosis, which is responsible for amphibianpopulation decline. Although B. dendrobatidis is associ-ated with altered skin microbiome profiles [129], com-mensal skin bacteria are known to produce antifungalsecondary metabolites that inhibit this pathogen [16].Members of four bacterial genera (i.e., Bacillus, Chitino-phaga, Janthinobacterium, and Pseudomonas) were iso-lated from red-backed salamanders and assayed todetermine their ability to prevent B. dendrobatidis asso-ciated clinical signs, as measured by body mass and limblifting. Whereas all of these bacteria acted synergisticallyto prevent infection, a co-culture of Bacillus and Chiti-nophaga was most effective at inhibiting the fungalpathogen, and this inhibition was linked to productionof the metabolite tryptophol [16]. A reduced P. cinereuscutaneous community on redback salamanders has beenlinked to clinical signs of disease, namely weight lossand limb lifting [130]. Two closely related frog species(i.e., Rana sierra and Rana muscosa) were observed tohave differential responses to B. dendrobatidis infectionsbased on distinct skin microbiota. Most R. sierrae indi-viduals had anti- B. dendrobatidis bacteria, such asPseudomonas, and were able to persist with B. dendro-batidis for six years. In contrast, R. muscosa had lowerproportions of this genus and went extinct within a year[131], indicating that Pseudomonas may protect frogsfrom B. dendrobatidis infections.Over the past decade, a second distinct species of

Batrachochytrium was identified as a causative agent forchytridiomycosis [132]. B. salamandrivorans (Bsal)causes lethal skin disease in salamanders and is respon-sible for declining populations in Europe [132]. For ex-ample, within the Netherlands, only 4% of the firesalamander population remains [133]. The remaining

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survivors currently do not have an increased resistanceto Bsal, which has reservoirs in soil, water, and infectedanimals [134]. Currently, Bsal has not been detected inNorth American populations of salamanders [135]. Theinability to initially diagnose chytridiomycosis infectionin Europe resulted in crucial lost time to implementconservation strategies against the rapidly progressingdisease. Researchers of other amphibian populationsmust therefore consider that chytridiomycosis has mul-tiple known causative agents. Moreover, this finding isbroadly applicable to researchers studying skin diseasesof humans and other animals.

FishAnalyzing the skin microbiota of numerous species offish can provide insight into the microbial role in hosthealth, which has economic implications for the fishingand aquaculture industries. Early culturing work onNorth Sea cod (Gadus morhua) showed that fish canundergo seasonal variations in skin bacterial abundances[136]. Predominant cultured isolates included Pseudo-monas, Achromobacter, Corynebacterium, Flavobacter-ium, and Vibrio. The phyla Proteobacteria, Firmicutes,and Actinobacteria dominated several fish species [137].The core OTU Aeribacillus was observed in all fish spe-cies, whereas other OTUs reflected species-specific dis-tributions, such as Microbacterium in the northern redsnapper (Lutjanus campechanus) and Neorickettsia inthe flathead grey mullet (Mugil cephalus) [137]. Analysisof wild eel (Anguilla spp.) mucus has shown that mucosalpathogens associated with the Vibrio genus were highlyabundant, implicating wild eels as a niche for their evolu-tion and distribution [138]. A study of 102 fish from sixspecies inhabiting the Gulf of Mexico (Mugil cephalus,Lutjanus campechanus, Cynoscion nebulosus, Cynoscionarenarius, Micropogonias undulatus, and Lagodon rhom-boides) determined that each species had a distinct skincommunity [137].Seasonal variations of fish skin microbial communities,

which at times are coupled with geographic location, havebeen supported by analyzing lemon sole (Microstomuskitt) and skate fish (Rajidae spp.) [139] (Fig. 1). These vari-ations may be due to the timing of plankton blooms andchanges in the microbial community from the surround-ing water. Other factors that may influence the aquaticskin microbiome include pH, dissolved oxygen concentra-tion, and temperature [88, 140]. Fish located in warmerwaters have higher proportions of mesophiles [136],whereas those near coast lines possess higher proportionsof halotolerant bacteria [140]. Salmon also have varyingbacterial loads based on whether they are in marine orfreshwater environments [141]. However, a recent studyon farmed salmon determined that there was little correl-ation between the microbial community on the fish and

their surrounding water [142]. Manipulating salinity re-sulted in a reproducible shift in the microbial communitythat is significantly different from that of surroundingwater in the enclosure [143]. As with other vertebrates,geographical location also influenced the bacterial com-munity of six fish species significantly [137].Fish skin microbiota can also change based on the meta-

bolic status and mutualism of the host (Fig. 1). Salmon(Salmo salar) that are deprived of food have significantdifferences in both bacterial and fungal community com-position and density, which was hypothesized to be a re-sult of a decrease in the number of mucosal cells [49]. Astudy of 44 species of coral reef fish determined that bothhost diet and phylogeny influenced skin microbial com-munities [144]. The authors presented two hypotheses toexplain this observation. First, various diets may result inshifts in the fish gut microbiome, which would indirectlytransfer to the skin in an aquatic environment. Alternately,variations in diet are known to result in changes in themetabolites within surface mucus composition, therebyshifting microbial communities. An additional influenceon the fish microbiome is mutualism [145]. Clownfish(Amphiprioninae spp.) that associate with anemoneundergo a significant shift in their skin microbiota. Thisreversible shift likely occurs when microorganisms aretransferred directly between the animals; however,changes in mucus thickness or chemical substrates mayalso contribute.The composition of the fish skin microbiota and re-

lated skin pathogens have been studied to prevent largeeconomic losses affecting the fishing and aquaculture in-dustries. For example, colonization of rainbow trout(Oncorhynchus mykiss) skin by the pathogen Vibrioanguillarum is an important step for disease spread toother body regions [146]. Fish have also been shown topossess beneficial skin bacteria that help prevent infec-tions. For example, rainbow trout have commensal lacticacid bacteria on their skin that prevent Lactococcus gar-vieae from colonizing by producing inhibitory com-pounds and outcompeting for nutrients [147]. Moreover,the gut health of yellowtail kingfish (Seriola lalan-dii) helps define both skin and gill microbial communi-ties [148]. Fish with chronic lymphocytic enteritisexhibited lower overall diversity and increases in mem-bers of the Proteobacteria and Actinobacteria phyla [148].Therefore, intestinal diseases have the potential to influ-ence the skin microbiome.Of methodological concern for fish microbiome stud-

ies, fish replicates sampled prior to handling had morevariability [142], implying that the process of netting andhandling fish alters the sampled skin microbiome. Lackof sex documentation is especially prevalent in fish stud-ies (Additional file 1: Table S1), due to the difficulty ofnon-invasive sexing methods. Cultivation studies have

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estimated a range of 102–107 culturable microorgan-isms/cm2 skin [140]. This wide range has been attributedto variations among capture techniques. Trawling leadsto larger microbial loads than capture with a baited line,due to sediment contamination from contact with theseabed and release of fish gastrointestinal contents [149].Additionally, salmon have higher microbial loads in theirspawning grounds than their marine habitat due to vary-ing numbers of bacteria in the water [141]. The true skinmicrobial density of fish is likely several orders of magni-tude higher because culturing techniques only enumer-ate a subset of the total microbial community. Thesefindings should be considered while designing futureaquatic microbiome studies.

Phylosymbiosis and the vertebrate skinmicrobiomePhylosymbiosis describes the eco-evolutionary pattern thatoccurs when the host phylogenetic trees parallel the simi-larities observed among the corresponding host-associatedmicrobial communities [150]. This pattern can occurvia several mechanisms, including maternal transfer,co-speciation, or selection from the external environ-ment via similar diets or behavior [151]. In otherwords, co-evolution of hosts and host-associated micro-bial communities is not the only mechanism underlyingphylosymbiosis. Several studies of the gut microbiomedemonstrate phylosymbiosis across a range of hosts in-cluding, hominids [152], mammals [151], birds [153], fish[154], and insects [150]. A key invertebrate gut micro-biome study conducted with a controlled laboratory envir-onment demonstrated topological congruence betweeninsect host phylogenies and microbiota dendrograms[150]. However, this type of analysis has more confound-ing factors for skin microbiome studies, because the skinis constantly exposed to environmental influences. Despiteexternal influences, congruence between host and micro-bial phylogentic trees and skin microbiota dendrograms,respectively, was recently reported for the Artiodactylaand Perissodactyla mammalian orders [37]. This studyprovided the first evidence that phylosymbiosis can bedetected for vertebrates and their corresponding skinmicrobial communities.Subsequent studies have further demonstrated a strong

host influence on skin microbiota (Fig. 1). A study of sala-manders and frogs in Guatemala and Mexico observedphylosymbiosis at higher host taxonomic levels, such asorder, which was not observed within genera and species[155]. Indeed, at lower taxonomic resolution, the habitatgeography became the most important influence [155]. Incontrast, a study of amphibians from Madagascar ob-served a greater influence from the ecology (arboreal vsaquatic vs terrestrial) of the frogs compared to phylo-symbiosis [156]. Within tropical coral fish, a weak

phylosymbiosis pattern was observed [144]. The au-thors hypothesized that several confounding factorsmay have contributed to the weak pattern such as theplasticity of the fish immune system, the age of the fish,and health status. Additionally, this study included 138fish from 44 species. The possibility exists that includingmore samples per species would strengthen the observedphylosymbiosis patterns. Moreover, conducting phylosym-biosis studies in controlled laboratory environments maybe helpful because many environmental confounding fac-tors can be removed. Indeed, a study of three finch speciesobserved that each bird species had distinct skin microbialcommunities [92], despite identical diets and environmen-tal exposures. Together, such studies contribute to the hy-pothesis that vertebrates share an evolutionary patternwith their skin microbiome, which is a first step to identi-fying the mechanisms responsible for phylosymbiosis.

From contigs to conservationSkin microbiome research is currently at an exciting cross-roads. Researchers now have high-throughput sequencingtechnologies and standardized protocols to sample and se-quence the skin microbiome from a plethora of animals.The next step is to translate such large-scale survey datasetsinto testable hypotheses with meaningful outcomes thatimprove the lives of studied animals. One option to ad-vance the field is to follow the processes used in gut micro-biome studies, which have progressed from basic surveys ofthe microorganisms present to studies that manipulate theintestinal environment to establish clinical therapies.A translatable application for skin microbiome studies in-

volves developing skin probiotics that could protect animalsfrom skin infections. Initial research in skin probiotics de-termined that certain strains of the human skin commensalbacterium Propionibacterium acnes can ferment glycerol tomitigate methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus(MRSA) [157]. Currently, endangered amphibian popula-tions have the greatest need for such a product to protectagainst chytridiomycosis because conservationists do nothave the required tools to mitigate population collapses.Several OTUs of interest isolated from amphibian skin arebeing examined for their ability to prevent Bd infections.Janthinobacterium, Rhodococcus, and Pseudomonas spp. allhave the potential to inhibit Bd [158]. A mixed culture withdiverse skin commensals may prove critical for conserva-tion efforts. Moreover, exploring the mechanisms behindwhy Bd and Bsal infect different amphibian hosts may elu-cidate valuable information on ways to prevent their trans-mission to susceptible animals. In addition to improvingconservation efforts, development of such products wouldalso be beneficial to other animals and could be applicableto the aquaculture industry, animal husbandry, and the petindustry. For example, effectively preventing Lactococcusgarvieae or Vibrio anguillarum infections in aquaculture

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would be beneficial from an economic perspective as wellas providing healthier food for human consumption.

Conclusions and recommendations for future studiesAlthough the animal subphylum Vertebrata possesses ahighly diverse range of animal species with varying skinphysiology, social constructs, and skin conditions, severalcommon trends are apparent. The habitat and geographiclocation of an animal, maternal effects, and disease statusare factors that affect vertebrate skin microbiota. Add-itionally, biological sex, age, species, and disease stateaffect a wide range of vertebrates. Recent evidence sug-gests that phylosymbiosis occurrs between vertebrates andtheir skin community and is observable within higher hosttaxonomic classifications such as the order. Studies thatsample hosts from evolutionarily distant branches of thevertebrate tree are therefore positioned to analyze phylo-symbiosis and the complex interplay of factors that likelycontribute to skin microbial community assemblages.It is crucial to sample skin microbiomes from a wide

range of animals to have meaningful baseline data forconservation management programs. Numerous skindiseases have been linked to population declines andthreaten the extinction of a variety of animals. More in-formation is needed on the disease transmission mecha-nisms of both wild and captive animals. Deepersequencing should therefore be completed on a widervariety of species and include bacteria, archaea, fungi,and viruses. As stated earlier, there are currently veryfew reptilian skin microbiome studies, despite their nu-merous skin diseases. Using standardized methodologyand rigorous metadata collection, furthercharacterization of skin microbiota for a wide range ofvertebrates in both healthy and diseased states will pro-vide crucial baseline data for conservation efforts, withapplications extending to animal care in farming and petindustries. Additionally, each of these classes of animalsdoes not exist in a vacuum. Observations and future po-tential probiotics that work for one species’ skin micro-biome may be translatable for conservation of otheranimals. Researchers are encouraged to delve furtherthan “skin deep” into studies from other animals thatmay translate to their animal population of interest.

Additional file

Additional file 1: Table S1. Molecular studies investigating the non-human vertebrate skin microbiome. Only studies that used culture-independent methods were included. Studies within a vertebrate cladeare listed in alphabetical order according to first author. (DOCX 80 kb)

AcknowledgementsNot applicable

FundingAAR was funded by a Canada Graduate Scholarship from the CanadianInstitutes for Health Research (CIHR) and an Ontario Graduate Scholarship(OGS). JDN acknowledges funding from a Discovery Grant from the NaturalSciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC).

Availability of data and materialsData sharing is not applicable to this article as no datasets were generatedor analyzed during the current study.

Authors’ contributionsAAR prepared the first draft and AAR, AHR, and JDN edited and approvedthe final manuscript.

Ethics approval and consent to participateAll human and non-human animal studies cited in this review received ethicsapproval at their respective institutions. Please refer to the original publica-tions for the ethics committee names and reference numbers.

Consent for publicationNot applicable

Competing interestsThe authors declare that they have no competing interests.

Publisher’s NoteSpringer Nature remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims inpublished maps and institutional affiliations.

Author details1University of Waterloo, 200 University Avenue West, Waterloo, Ontario N2L3G1, Canada. 2Present address: Ontario Veterinary College, University ofGuelph, 419 Gordon St, Guelph, Ontario N1G 2W1, Canada. 3Department ofVeterinary Pathobiology, College of Veterinary Medicine & BiomedicalSciences, Texas A&M University, 660 Raymond Stotzer Pkwy, College Station,TX, USA.

Received: 5 February 2019 Accepted: 8 May 2019

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