the snia emerald...the snia emerald power efficiency in the storage world tom (t2) hammond-doel gsi...


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Page 1: The SNIA Emerald...The SNIA Emerald Power Efficiency in the Storage World Tom (T2) Hammond-Doel GSI Board Member/Marketing Committee Co-Chair SNIA Green Storage Initiative The SNIA
Page 2: The SNIA Emerald...The SNIA Emerald Power Efficiency in the Storage World Tom (T2) Hammond-Doel GSI Board Member/Marketing Committee Co-Chair SNIA Green Storage Initiative The SNIA

The SNIA Emerald™Power Efficiency in the Storage World

Tom (T2) Hammond-DoelGSI Board Member/Marketing Committee Co-Chair

SNIA Green Storage Initiative

Page 3: The SNIA Emerald...The SNIA Emerald Power Efficiency in the Storage World Tom (T2) Hammond-Doel GSI Board Member/Marketing Committee Co-Chair SNIA Green Storage Initiative The SNIA

The SNIA Emerald™

Introducing the SNIA Emerald• A History of the Green• The Green Storage Initiative• The SNIA Emerald

– Relation to the EPA ENERGY STAR– The Process– The Challenge– Being an Auditor

• Taxonomy• The SNIA Emerald Website• Summary

Page 4: The SNIA Emerald...The SNIA Emerald Power Efficiency in the Storage World Tom (T2) Hammond-Doel GSI Board Member/Marketing Committee Co-Chair SNIA Green Storage Initiative The SNIA

Power Consumption in the Datacenter

Computer Rm. AC 34%

Server/Storage 50%

Conversion 7%

Network 7%

Lighting 2%

Source: APC

Power Consumption Where Does the Power Go?

Compute resources and particularly servers/Storage are at the heart of a complex, evolving system!

The SNIA Emerald™

A history of Green in the Datacenter

Presentation Notes
As of 2006, the electricity use attributable to the nation’s servers and data centers is estimated at about 61 billion kilowatt-hours (kWh), or 1.5 percent of total U.S. electricity consumption (US DOE 2007a). This electricity use has more than doubled since 2000 and amounts to about $4.5 billion in electricity costs.”
Page 5: The SNIA Emerald...The SNIA Emerald Power Efficiency in the Storage World Tom (T2) Hammond-Doel GSI Board Member/Marketing Committee Co-Chair SNIA Green Storage Initiative The SNIA

The SNIA Emerald™

A bit of Green Storage Initiative history•Energy efficiency has been a “hot topic” for years

•The SNIA became involved in 2006

•The Green Storage TWG formed in 2007

•The Green Storage Initiative of the SNIA was formed in 2008

•The EPA Started work on a Server ENERGY STAR in 2005

•The EPA began work with the Storage Industry in 2008

2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011

Page 6: The SNIA Emerald...The SNIA Emerald Power Efficiency in the Storage World Tom (T2) Hammond-Doel GSI Board Member/Marketing Committee Co-Chair SNIA Green Storage Initiative The SNIA

The SNIA Emerald™

What is the Green Storage Initiative?

“The SNIA Green Storage Initiative (GSI) is dedicated to advancing energy efficiency and conservation in all networked storage

technologies and minimizing the environmental impact of data storage operations.”

The GSI’s mission•Conduct research on power and cooling issues confronting storage admins

•Educate vendor and user communities about power conservation*

•Focus attention on energy efficiency for networked storage infrastructures

•Provide input to the SNIA Green Storage TWG

•Provide external advocacy and support of the technical work of the GS-TWG

All lead directly to the SNIA Emerald

Page 7: The SNIA Emerald...The SNIA Emerald Power Efficiency in the Storage World Tom (T2) Hammond-Doel GSI Board Member/Marketing Committee Co-Chair SNIA Green Storage Initiative The SNIA

The SNIA Emerald™


Green Storage Technical Working Group (GS-TWG)


Green Storage Initiative (GSI)


Organizational structure

SNIA Emerald

Page 8: The SNIA Emerald...The SNIA Emerald Power Efficiency in the Storage World Tom (T2) Hammond-Doel GSI Board Member/Marketing Committee Co-Chair SNIA Green Storage Initiative The SNIA

The SNIA Emerald™

What is the SNIA Emerald?

•A program designed to provide a fair and equitable central repository of meaningful power efficiency test results of Storage Systems

•Allows the display, submission and management of power efficiency test results and metrics through a publicly accessible Website

•Logo and Trademark Licensing for submittals

•Value to both vendors and end-users

•Ensures test results of the metrics are properly vetted

•Results are policed by the industry

•Maintains close collaboration with the EPA and the ENERGY STAR for Storage program

•Test procedure and policies openly available to the public

•Membership in the SNIA or GSI not required

Page 9: The SNIA Emerald...The SNIA Emerald Power Efficiency in the Storage World Tom (T2) Hammond-Doel GSI Board Member/Marketing Committee Co-Chair SNIA Green Storage Initiative The SNIA

The SNIA Emerald™

What the SNIA Emerald means to you•Central location for finding Power Efficiency of Storage Systems

•Easily Identifiable Logo and Trademark

•Motivation for continuously improving Power Efficiency

•Meaningful industry metrics

•Continuously updating industry metrics and add-ons

•Vendor neutrality of results

•Best practices for the industry

Page 10: The SNIA Emerald...The SNIA Emerald Power Efficiency in the Storage World Tom (T2) Hammond-Doel GSI Board Member/Marketing Committee Co-Chair SNIA Green Storage Initiative The SNIA

The SNIA Emerald™

How much does it cost?•End users: No cost – Pure benefit!

•Test Sponsors: Graduated and fair scale based on membership

•GSI Voting Members $ 375 + 8 Free Submittals

•GSI Non-voting Members $ 500 + 4 Free Submittals

•SNIA Members $ 750

•Non Members $1,500

•GSI Board sets the rate annually

•Product Family definition still being worked out

Page 11: The SNIA Emerald...The SNIA Emerald Power Efficiency in the Storage World Tom (T2) Hammond-Doel GSI Board Member/Marketing Committee Co-Chair SNIA Green Storage Initiative The SNIA

The SNIA Emerald™

The SNIA Emerald and the EPA •Close collaboration of testing procedures

•The SNIA Emerald Power Efficiency Measurement Specification

•SNIA Emerald is a Superset of the metrics submitted to the EPA

•EPA Requires ISO 17025 Test Facilities

•Submittal of results to the SNIA Emerald is optional

•Current goal is for the SNIA Emerald repository to be the source from

which the EPA derives its top 25% for any given window for the

ENERGY STAR for Storage Program

Page 12: The SNIA Emerald...The SNIA Emerald Power Efficiency in the Storage World Tom (T2) Hammond-Doel GSI Board Member/Marketing Committee Co-Chair SNIA Green Storage Initiative The SNIA

The SNIA Emerald™

The Process

Page 13: The SNIA Emerald...The SNIA Emerald Power Efficiency in the Storage World Tom (T2) Hammond-Doel GSI Board Member/Marketing Committee Co-Chair SNIA Green Storage Initiative The SNIA

The SNIA Emerald™

The Challenge

Page 14: The SNIA Emerald...The SNIA Emerald Power Efficiency in the Storage World Tom (T2) Hammond-Doel GSI Board Member/Marketing Committee Co-Chair SNIA Green Storage Initiative The SNIA

The SNIA Emerald™

•Prior familiarity and extensive knowledge of the GSI organization and GS-TWG.

•Capability to provide adequate auditing coverage (e.g., time, location, Specification knowledge).

•Extensive knowledge and experience in storage systems and power efficiency measurements.

•Ability to perform the duties of the job in an independent manner (i.e., free of conflicts-of-interest).

•Pass a GS-TWG Auditor Examination

•Be approved by a GSI Board

Auditor Qualifications

Page 15: The SNIA Emerald...The SNIA Emerald Power Efficiency in the Storage World Tom (T2) Hammond-Doel GSI Board Member/Marketing Committee Co-Chair SNIA Green Storage Initiative The SNIA

The SNIA Emerald™

•V1.0 of the Specification Only covers Certain Storage Systems

•The universe of coverage is identified by a Taxonomy

•The Taxonomy identifies the extent of coverage of the


Storage System Coverage for Testing

Page 16: The SNIA Emerald...The SNIA Emerald Power Efficiency in the Storage World Tom (T2) Hammond-Doel GSI Board Member/Marketing Committee Co-Chair SNIA Green Storage Initiative The SNIA

The SNIA Emerald™

GS-TWG Taxonomy - Overview

Development of the full taxonomy was a lengthy process…

Grey means not currently covered

Page 17: The SNIA Emerald...The SNIA Emerald Power Efficiency in the Storage World Tom (T2) Hammond-Doel GSI Board Member/Marketing Committee Co-Chair SNIA Green Storage Initiative The SNIA

The SNIA Emerald™

GS-TWG Taxonomy - OnlineGrey means not

currently covered

Page 18: The SNIA Emerald...The SNIA Emerald Power Efficiency in the Storage World Tom (T2) Hammond-Doel GSI Board Member/Marketing Committee Co-Chair SNIA Green Storage Initiative The SNIA

The SNIA Emerald™

GS-TWG Taxonomy – Near Online

Page 19: The SNIA Emerald...The SNIA Emerald Power Efficiency in the Storage World Tom (T2) Hammond-Doel GSI Board Member/Marketing Committee Co-Chair SNIA Green Storage Initiative The SNIA

The SNIA Emerald™

GS-TWG Taxonomy - LibrariesGrey means not

currently covered

Page 20: The SNIA Emerald...The SNIA Emerald Power Efficiency in the Storage World Tom (T2) Hammond-Doel GSI Board Member/Marketing Committee Co-Chair SNIA Green Storage Initiative The SNIA

The SNIA Emerald™


Page 21: The SNIA Emerald...The SNIA Emerald Power Efficiency in the Storage World Tom (T2) Hammond-Doel GSI Board Member/Marketing Committee Co-Chair SNIA Green Storage Initiative The SNIA

The SNIA Emerald™

•Send us your feedback

•What more would you like to see?

•What would you like to change?

•What questions do you have we should add to the FAQ?

Send your feedback to: [email protected]

Help us make the SNIA Emerald shine!

Page 22: The SNIA Emerald...The SNIA Emerald Power Efficiency in the Storage World Tom (T2) Hammond-Doel GSI Board Member/Marketing Committee Co-Chair SNIA Green Storage Initiative The SNIA


Tom (T2) [email protected]

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