the social honeymoon is over... how do you measure success: #smi12

The Social Honeymoon Is Over... How Do We Measure Success? Lee Bryant, Dachis Group, June 2012

Post on 17-Oct-2014




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Social, collaborative tools are transforming the enterprise. Lee Bryant takes us on a tour of the companies of tomorrow where social tools are yielding new levels of collaboration, insight and productivity.


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The Social Honeymoon Is Over...How Do We Measure Success?

Lee Bryant, Dachis Group, June 2012

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Introduction to Dachis Group

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Introduction to Dachis Group

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Introduction to Dachis Group

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Social business: emerging from the Cretaceous era

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A major change in the way we think about business

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“I’m arguing that something much bigger is happening than the application of collaborative tools within the enterprise – it’s a profound transformation of the enterprise as we know it ... huge changes in how we orchestrate capabilities to create goods and services.”

Don Tapscott

A major change in the way we think about business

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Connected Companies are made of networks

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“Man is the lowest-cost, 150-pound, nonlinear, all-purpose computer system which can be mass-produced by unskilled labor.” -- NASA, 1965

Connected Companies are made of people

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Key challenge: the right combination of people & tech

"the best chess player on the planet today is not a computer. Nor is it a human. The best chess player is a team of humans using computers."

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Why? Social business aims for engagement at scale

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Social media evolving rapidly towards engagement

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Increasing connection between online & offline

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But how to measure? likes & fans are not enough ...

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Need to be social on the inside to succeed outside

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Reported benefits of social business projects

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Reported benefits of social business projects

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Burberry betting heavily on social, inside and outside

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Major European firms seeking greater efficiency

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Not just tech: manufacturing & industry benefit too

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Knowledge-intensive firms seeking better performance

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How can we start to measure social results?

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Humanising the enterprise: people over process

• Social networks and communities• Engagement and conversation• Collaboration and co-creation

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Success measures and business goalsMeasuring social business success

ROA: Putting a value on employee time savings (£)

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Activity streams + the social graph create ‘flow’

• Activity streams and updates• Integrate with systems of record• Every’thing’ will have a voice

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Success measures and business goalsMeasuring social business success

ROA: Putting a value on employee time savings (£)Better cross-silo working & ambient awareness (+)

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Better decision making based on ambient signals

• Glancing, ambient sharing, awareness• ‘Getting things done’ with social signals• Learning in the open, by watching others

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Success measures and business goalsMeasuring social business success

ROA: Putting a value on employee time savings (£)Better cross-silo working & ambient awareness (+)Increased productivity in teams, faster learning (+)

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Socialising processes and exception handling

• ‘In the flow’ - social on the shop floor• Social BPM, LEAN and workflow• Shift handover and communication

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Success measures and business goalsMeasuring social business success

ROA: Putting a value on employee time savings (£)Better cross-silo working & ambient awareness (+)Increased productivity in teams, faster learning (+)Less problems, downtime & faster resolution (£)

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Harnessing collective intelligence as business value

• Social reading and recommendations• Social network signals, co-ordination• Manage knowledge flows, not objects

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Success measures and business goalsMeasuring social business success

ROA: Putting a value on employee time savings (£)Better cross-silo working & ambient awareness (+)Increased productivity in teams, faster learning (+)Less problems, downtime & faster resolution (£)Better thought leadership, more client wins (£)

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Using customer insight for business improvement

• Sharing & co-producing with customers• Integration with external networks & sites• Social CRM, personalisation, workstreaming

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Success measures and business goalsMeasuring social business success

ROA: Putting a value on employee time savings (£)Better cross-silo working & ambient awareness (+)Increased productivity in teams, faster learning (+)Less problems, downtime & faster resolution (£)Better thought leadership, more client wins (£)Higher customer satisfaction, lower costs (£)

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Using ‘Big data’ & social analytics to track demand

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Success measures and business goalsMeasuring social business success

ROA: Putting a value on employee time savings (£)Better cross-silo working & ambient awareness (+)Increased productivity in teams, faster learning (+)Less problems, downtime & faster resolution (£)Better thought leadership, more client wins (£)Higher customer satisfaction, lower costs (£)Faster innovation, time to market (+)

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• Social commerce, FB commerce• Brand communities and peer-to-peer• Advocacy and social influence

Deeper customer relationships; advocacy, influence

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Success measures and business goalsMeasuring social business success

ROA: Putting a value on employee time savings (£)Better cross-silo working & ambient awareness (+)Increased productivity in teams, faster learning (+)Less problems, downtime & faster resolution (£)Better thought leadership, more client wins (£)Higher customer satisfaction, lower costs (£)Faster innovation, time to market (+)Brand Awareness, mindshare, love, advocacy (£)

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Success measures and business goalsMeasuring social business success

ROA: Putting a value on employee time savings (£)Better cross-silo working & ambient awareness (+)Increased productivity in teams, faster learning (+)Less problems, downtime & faster resolution (£)Better thought leadership, more client wins (£)Higher customer satisfaction, lower costs (£)Faster innovation, time to market (+)Brand Awareness, mindshare, love, advocacy (£)Social commerce, recommendations, influence (£)

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• Peer to peer customer support• Customer-managed data (VRM)• Customer community management

Social customer service & personalised self-service

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Success measures and business goalsMeasuring social business success

ROA: Putting a value on employee time savings (£)Better cross-silo working & ambient awareness (+)Increased productivity in teams, faster learning (+)Less problems, downtime & faster resolution (£)Better thought leadership, more client wins (£)Higher customer satisfaction, lower costs (£)Faster innovation, time to market (+)Brand Awareness, mindshare, love, advocacy (£)Social commerce, recommendations, influence (£)Cost deflection, satisfaction, recommendations (£)

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Success measures and business goalsTowards a basic business case for social business

INSIDEROA: Putting a value on employee time savings (£)Better cross-silo working & ambient awareness (+)Increased productivity in teams, faster learning (+)Less problems, downtime & faster resolution (£)

OUSIDEBetter thought leadership, more client wins (£)Higher customer satisfaction, lower costs (£)Faster innovation, time to market (+)Brand Awareness, mindshare, love, advocacy (£)Social commerce, recommendations, influence (£)Cost deflection, satisfaction, recommendations (£)

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Joining the dots to create a connected business

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We need to value integration & ‘connective tissue’

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® 2011 Dachis Group. Confidential and Proprietary

Social Business Intelligence enables companies to uncover insights, take action on those insights, and measure performance and ROI of those actions.

Social Business Intelligence, not just monitoring...

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® 2012 Dachis Group. Confidential and ProprietaryNormalization Enrichment Analysis Analytics

Social Business Intelligence Platform

Social Business Index Social Portfolio Insight

Social Performance Monitor Advocate Insight Employee Insight

Our Social Business Intelligence platform

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Need to give employees a role in external engagement

® 2011 Dachis Group. Confidential and Proprietary



Organize your employees, advocates and partners to engage with the market...

All coordinated, on brand message and understanding their own goals and their contribution to performance

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® 2011 Dachis Group. Confidential and Proprietary



1 Rank your employee social accounts, tracking signals, audience, conversation and strength.

Measure employee social scores, and brand impact.

Track top employees on your Social Leaderboard

Mobilize your employee social efforts with a configurable portal.



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Employee InsightMobilize and measure employees to scale brand impact

Need to give employees a role in external engagement

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Need deeper, real-time insights into what is workingSocial Performance Monitor (SPM)Measuring business outcomes in social

Social Performance Monitor helps organizations gain insight into the business benefits delivered by Social

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Need deeper, real-time insights into what is workingSocial Performance Monitor (SPM)Measuring business outcomes in social

Social Performance Monitor helps organizations gain insight into the business benefits delivered by Social

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Still a mountain to climb, but we are making progress...

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Talk back: @LeeBryant

Thanks for listening

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Picture CreditsExcept where otherwise stated, photos courtesy of Flickr using Creative Commons license. Thanks to the following image sources: