the spirit of the harbours · 2013. 3. 5. · the spirit of the harbours you said youd like to get...

The Spirit of the Harbours Joint Services & Other Special Events 2 Eastern Shore Lenten Ecumenical Services & Historical Corner 3 The Parish of Ship Harbour 4 Anglican Church Women—A Breath of Fresh Air 5 Upcoming Events Summer & Fall 6 The Spirit of Harbours Churches/Locations 7 Calendars (March, April, May & June) 8-11 Inside This Issue Volume 2, Issue 1 SHARED MINISTRY OF THE ANGLICAN PARISHES OF MUSQUODOBOIT AND PARISH OF SHIP HARBOUR LENT, EASTER & PENTECOST Lenten Garden—Elements Jesus entered the wilderness led by the Spirit. Luke 4.1 The ancient Greeks were thinkers. They devel- oped philosophical systems involving their mathe- matics, focusing on the four natural elements of earth, fire, water, air to explain the nature of life. They believed that changes in life were caused by ‘elemental forces’. The Greeks proved mathematically that there were only five regular or platonic solids – three dimensional shapes, each having a number of side: tetra – 4 sides (fire); octa – 8 sides (air); do- deca – 12 sides (fifth element); cubes – earth; and icosa – 20 sides (water). EARTH: is at the center of our world , as the plan- et we live on, the ground and support beneath our feet. Because of Earth's great heaviness and density, all things gravitate towards it. WATER: Runs over and around the Earth, in the form of lakes, rivers, and oceans. Water fertilizes and impregnates the Earth, giving it Life. AIR: Over the spheres of Earth and Water is that of air, the atmosphere in which we live, move and have our being. Air's essence is exchange, contact and movement. All living things need Air to breathe. FIRE: lights up the Sun, Moon, and stars in the celestial firmament. Fire has brilliance and spirit, and symbolizes the Life Force within us. Source: ttp:// LIFE: And then we have a fifth element, known as ether that has special significance; the Greeks believed that God had reserved it for the shape of the universe itself. This Lent as we journey through our five Sundays we will observe our ‘LENTEN GARDEN OF NATURAL ELE- MENTS – earth, fire, water, air and life essence. Jesus entered the wilderness led by the Spirit. Luke 4.1 We invite you to enter our Lenten Garden, to begin a spiritual journey with us and let see where the Spirit will lead us.

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Page 1: The Spirit of the Harbours · 2013. 3. 5. · The Spirit of the Harbours You said youd like to get together more often and so this year we have planned to come together three times

The Spir i t of the Harbours

Joint Services & Other Special Events 2

Eastern Shore Lenten Ecumenical Services & Historical Corner 3

The Parish of Ship Harbour 4

Anglican Church Women—A Breath of Fresh Air 5

Upcoming Events Summer & Fall 6

The Spirit of Harbours Churches/Locations 7

Calendars (March, April, May & June) 8-11

Inside This Issue

Volume 2, Issue 1




Lenten Garden—Elements Jesus entered the wilderness led by the Spirit. Luke 4.1 The ancient Greeks were thinkers. They devel-oped philosophical systems involving their mathe-matics, focusing on the four natural elements of earth, fire, water, air to explain the nature of life. They believed that changes in life were caused by ‘elemental forces’. The Greeks proved mathematically that there were only five regular or platonic solids – three dimensional shapes, each having a number of side: tetra – 4 sides (fire); octa – 8 sides (air); do-deca – 12 sides (fifth element); cubes – earth; and icosa – 20 sides (water). EARTH: is at the center of our world , as the plan-et we live on, the ground and support beneath our feet. Because of Earth's great heaviness and density, all things gravitate towards it. WATER: Runs over and around the Earth, in the form of lakes, rivers, and oceans. Water fertilizes and impregnates the Earth, giving it Life. AIR: Over the spheres of Earth and Water is that of air, the atmosphere in which we live, move and

have our being. Air's essence is exchange, contact and movement. All living things need Air to breathe. FIRE: lights up the Sun, Moon, and stars in the celestial firmament. Fire has brilliance and spirit, and symbolizes the Life Force within us. Source: ttp:// LIFE: And then we have a fifth element, known as ether that has special significance; the Greeks believed that God had reserved it for the shape of the universe itself. This Lent as we journey through our five Sundays we will observe our ‘LENTEN GARDEN OF NATURAL ELE-MENTS – earth, fire, water, air and life essence. Jesus entered the wilderness led by the Spirit. Luke 4.1 We invite you to enter our Lenten Garden, to begin a spiritual journey with us and let see where the Spirit will lead us.

Page 2: The Spirit of the Harbours · 2013. 3. 5. · The Spirit of the Harbours You said youd like to get together more often and so this year we have planned to come together three times

The Spir i t of the Harbours

You said you’d like to get together more often and so this year we have planned to

come together three times for joint services.

Sunday, May 12, 10:00 am St. James, Head Jeddore, visit of Bishop Sue Moxley

Sunday, June 23 10:00 am Family Service and Sunday School graduation at Webber’s

Campground, Upper Lakeville

Sunday, September 29, 10:00 am at St. John’s, Oyster Pond

Please note: that due to the timing of these special services and events, some

locations of Sunday services are changed – please check the bulletin and calendar

weekly – our service rotation will not always follow the regular pattern – see the May

Sunday service schedule.


You’ve spoken and we’ve listened!

Page 2

IN THE FULLNESS OF TIME—ALL ARE WELCOME! A Lenten Quiet Morning led by Rev. Tricia Ingram, Shared Ministry of the Anglican Parishes of Musquodoboit & Ship Harbour

Saturday, March 16th @ 9:00 – 11:30 St. James Hall, 64

Dolby Hill Road—Head Jeddore

Call 889-3098 to RSVP or for more information

A Visit from Bishop Sue – Sunday, May 12, 10:00 am at St. James, Dolby Hill Come and welcome Bishop Sue at a Joint Service of our ‘Shared Ministry’ as we all come together on Mothers’ Day for a special service and luncheon together. As a mother and

grandmother herself, this will be a special day for her and for us.

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The Spir i t of the Harbours

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Eastern Shore Lenten Ecumenical Services

2013 Wednesday Evenings at 7 pm 1st Week of Lent - February 20, 2013 St. James Anglican Church, 66 Dolby Hill, Head of Jed-dore Guest Clergy; Pastor Aubrey Deslatte 2nd Week of Lent – February 27, 2013 First United Church, Musquodoboit Harbour Guest Clergy: Rev. Fr. Toochukwu Okafor 3rd Week of Lent – March 6, 2013 Marine Drive Pentecostal Church, Head of Jeddore Guest Clergy: Rev. Joan Griffin 4th Week of Lent – March 13, 2013 St Genevieve, East Chezzetcook Guest Clergy: Rev. Tricia Ingram 5th Week of Lent – March 20, 2013 Jeddore Baptist Church, Head of Jeddore Guest Clergy: Pastor Scott Anderson Please plan to attend these Lenten Services of music, readings and Reflection in preparation for Easter. All are welcome. (A time for fellowship with refreshments to follow in the Church Hall.)

Historical Corner (con’t)

Many years before St. John’s was built

the Church people of Oyster Pond had to walk

to St. James Church, Head Jeddore for ser-

vice. When Rev. Jamieson came to Ship Har-

bour there was no road down the Eastern

Shore. He used to travel on horse back from

Tangier to Chezzetcook. He had to take his

horse on a raft and so he went from place to

place visiting the sick, baptizing, marrying and

burying. Not long after the death of Mr. Ja-

mieson, St. John’s was built – that was in 1877.

The first wardens were Peter Webber,

Upper Lakeville and John G. Mitchell, Oyster

Pond. A men’s club of St. John’s Church was or-

ganized and held its first meeting in St. John’s

Hall on July 13, 1953. Rev. P. Jefferson chaired

the meeting. Garth Hoskins was elected presi-

dent and Edmund Webber was elected secretar-

y/treasurer. Chartered members were: Otis Jen-

nex, Sr. Otis Jennex, Jr. Garth Hoskins, Nelson

Mitchell, Charles Borgal, (Ervin Webber ) who

rang the bell at St. John’s for many years) Her-

bert Blakeney, James Mitchell, Elijah Mitchell,

Carl Jennex, Roy Mitchell, Laurie DeWolfe.

One of the Club’s first priorities was to

improve St. John’s Cemetery. The men had 50

loads of fill hauled from Alan Mills’ pit. White

crosses were made for the unmarked graves.

Because money was needed, this group built

two bowling alleys in the upstairs of the hall.

Fund raising was held in the hall for the church.

(to be continued)....

Page 4: The Spirit of the Harbours · 2013. 3. 5. · The Spirit of the Harbours You said youd like to get together more often and so this year we have planned to come together three times

The Parish of Ship Harbour

We started the Year 2013 with a wonderful service at St. Matthews, Owl’s Head. We welcomed to our area Bishop Sue. The Holy Gospel according to Matthew 2:1-12 reminded us of the journey of the three wise men from the East who followed the star to the manger where they found Jesus with Mary his mother, and they knelt down and paid him homage. In Bishop Sue’s sermon, she reminded us that we too are lights, and we spread our light, and others see it and on occasion they are inspired by what is, and can be done and they will follow. A comparison might be that pri-or to our Parishes joining together a light or awareness had come about. Although we had been unsure of how the process would work out, our Parishes had joined to-gether, and a little over two years later, we can only report that it has been a great success. Bishop Sue had liaised with us and was well aware of the difficulties we were fac-ing, prior to our joining together.

Today there is a fellowship be-tween our parishioners, committees of members from both Parishes meet togeth-er, Financial, Pastoral Care, and Spiritual Development and plans are made. On occa-sions our musical groups, the Parish People and Steeple Chasers practice together and our services are enhanced by their mu-sic. The spirit of the Lord is moving amongst us. We now have the opportunity to do God’s work and the financial burden which made it necessary to concentrate more on fund raising in the past has been lifted. Sincere thanks to our spiritual lead-ership team, Rev. Tricia Ingram, Rev. Mike Foley and Rev. Marilyn Murphy. Active par-ticipation in our services takes place by members of our Sunday Schools.

This Sunday, it was our privilege to witness the reverence and grace of the Steeple Winds as they performed a liturgical dance. The members of this group were Bev Fahie, Ruth Moxley and Lynn Willett. Our congregation could not fail to be touched by the beauty and grace of these ladies.

Following the service a delicious lunch was

served at Ship Harbour Community Hall. An oppor-tunity was given to express what is working well in our shared ministry and also where further improve-ments might be made. Comments reflected that the shared ministry is working very well indeed and eve-ryone present was very pleased with all that had been accomplished in the past year.

Thanks be to God. Eileen Humphrey

The Spir i t of the Harbours

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Ship Harbour—Community Hall Rev. Tricia, Isabella Jennex, Pat Fahie, Rev, Mike, Liam Jennex, Rachel Baker, Bishop Sue, Dana Baker

Page 5: The Spirit of the Harbours · 2013. 3. 5. · The Spirit of the Harbours You said youd like to get together more often and so this year we have planned to come together three times

The Spir i t of the Harbours

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Anglican Church Women

Nova Scotia Board’s Annual Project 2012

A BREATH OF FRESH A.I.R. (Autism Information Resource Kit)

Autism Nova Scotia began in 2002 with one primary goal: to help parents, professionals, those on the spectrum,

and others for find the information and services they need to support persons living with Autism Spectrum Disor-der (ASD).

Autism is a lifelong developmental disorder that affects the way an individual communicates and relates to peo-

ple around them. Children and adults with autism experience difficulties with everyday social interaction. The de-gree to which a person is affected by autism falls along a spectrum. Some people will have very limited language capability and have high support needs, others may have exceptional language abilities and require very little sup-port. In all cases, it is important to understand the disorder and the supports and services available to the individu-al and family to ensure proper development.

Newly diagnosed families are particularly at sea. Hearing the diagnosis for the first time can be overwhelming

and it may be difficult for families to absorb information. Autism Nova Scotia recognized a need for community and therefore created an InfoKit for newly diagnosed families. The InfoKit is a comprehensive binder filled with information to help families get their feet under them. It provides links to resources in the community and tidbits of information to help parents as they navigate the medical and education systems. The InfoKit also includes two books: one is for the parents to help support them as they begin their journey and the other is a picture book for the child to read.

Costs to produce and provide the material included in the InfoKit are substantial. The 2012 Project for Anglican

Church Women in Nova Scotia will be a “Breath of Fresh A.I.R. – Autism Information Resource Kit. The funds raised for this project will allow InfoKits to continue to be produced and distributed throughout Nova Scotia, helping fami-lies across the province.

Imagine the benefit to families living with autism to have a fully resourced binder from Autism Nova Scotia com-

plete with everything one could use to navigate the challenging waters of an autism diagnosis. We know we can count on the support of Anglican Church Women to support this local project. A contribution of $75.00 provides funds to fully complete and equip two InfoKits. For more information, please speak to an ACW member.

SURVEY—To Those Who Receive Our Newsletter

It is our pleasure to deliver the Newsletter to you. However, the purpose of this survey, is to see whether you would prefer to receive your copy electronically. This way of delivery would cut down on the paper costs for our Parishes. If you would like to receive your Newsletter this way - would you kindly send a request and your e-mail address to either of the following locations: [email protected] or [email protected]

Page 6: The Spirit of the Harbours · 2013. 3. 5. · The Spirit of the Harbours You said youd like to get together more often and so this year we have planned to come together three times

Pastoral Visiting

Would you like a Visit?

If you would like a member of the clergy or

the Pastoral Care Team to visit please call

us at 889-3098.

Or perhaps you’d like to receive a friendly

phone call on a regular basis from a mem-

ber of our Pastoral Care Team?

We’d like to hear from you and get to

know you better.

Please call us at 889-3098 and we can ar-

range a time to visit or chat.

Page 6

Food Bank Thank you for your continued support of our local food bank. Those shelves continue to need our support. Suggested items are: March: Canned Milk April: Canned Fruit May: Peanut Free (School Snacks)

Upcoming Events in the SUMMER and FALL in our Parishes:

Alpha – This is an opportunity to get to know yourself and to know God better - Tuesday nights in the fall, at the home of Eileen Humphrey, 75 Una Drive. To register please contact one of our clergy or email [email protected]. Some Beach Some Where: As I look out my window at the blinding snow blowing past, it seems a far dream to think of a warm, sunny, sandy beach in August. And yet it will come, as the seasons roll on. So if you need some comfort as you struggle through this snowy winter, picture yourself sitting on a warm sandy beach – Marti-nique – in August – as we come together for a quiet morning that will conclude with Holy Communion on the beach. Stay tuned for the date in our next newsletter. And don’t lose HOPE, summer will come again! Confirmation Classes We will welcome Bishop Ron Cutler to our Eastern Shore Region September 24 – 26. Sometime during his visit there will be a Service of Holy Confirmation. Would you like to be confirmed? We will be holding classes for youth, fourteen and older and adults – no age limit here. Please contact one of the clergy or email Rev. Tricia at [email protected] to register if you’d like more information.

The Spir i t of the Harbours

Page 7: The Spirit of the Harbours · 2013. 3. 5. · The Spirit of the Harbours You said youd like to get together more often and so this year we have planned to come together three times

The Spir i t of the Harbours

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Mission Statement

The Anglican Parish of

Ship Harbour and

Musquodoboit is a

growing faith commu-

nity that strives to

reach out to all,

through the steadfast

and enduring love of

Jesus Christ.

We encourage all peo-

ple to live out their

baptismal covenants

as active members of

the Parish. We cele-

brate community tra-

ditions of the Anglican

Church through all

forms of lay ministry.

St. James, Head Jeddore & St. Thomas, Musq. Harbour

St. James, Upper Lakeville, St. Johns, Oyster Pond

St. Matthews, Owls Head, St. Stephens, Ship Harbour

P.O. Box 118, Musquodoboit Harbour, N.S. B0J 2L0

Rector: Rev. Tricia Ingram

Assistant Priests: Rev. Marilyn Murphy, Rev. Michael Foley

Phone: 889-3098, Email: [email protected]

Web page:

Hall Rentals—St. James Hall - Contact Catherine Gordon, 889-2613

Ship Harbour Community Hall, West Ship Harbour Road—Contact

Pam Keating 845-2775

Page 8: The Spirit of the Harbours · 2013. 3. 5. · The Spirit of the Harbours You said youd like to get together more often and so this year we have planned to come together three times

MONTH of MARCH—2013 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

1 World Day of Prayer 7:00 pm St. James, Dolby Hill


3 Lent 3 10:30 St. Mat-thews 10:00 am St. Thomas


5 9:15 Bible Study, St. James Hall , Dolby Hill 7:00 Ecum Ser-vice Pentecostal Chch

St. Stephen’s ACW 7:30 p.m.

8 St. Matthew’s Crib 8:00 p.m. Ship Harbour Hall

11:30 Coffee Party St,Stephen’s Ship Harbour Hall

10 Lent 4 10:30 St. Johns 10:00 am St. James Luncheon in Hall

11 St. Thomas ACW 1:30

12 9:15 Bible Study, St. James Hall , Dolby Hill 7:00 Ecum Ser-vice St. Genevieve

14 St. John’s ACW 7 p.m.

15 16 Lenten Quiet Morning St.James Dolby Hill 9:00-11:30 7:30 Variety Show St. James Hall

17 Lent 5 10:30 St. Ste-phens 10:00 am St. Thomas

18 Mothers’ Union 1:30 p.m. 7:00 Parish Council Parish of Ship Har-bour

19 20 9:15 Bible Study, St. James Hall , Dolby Hill 7:00 Ecum Ser-vice Jeddore Baptist

21 11 am Holy Eu-charist Services at The Birches 7:00 pm Musq. Parish Council Parish St. James Hall

22 St.Matthew’s 45’s 8:00 p.m. Ship Harbour Hall

23 Grandmothers Tea &Sale 11:30 – 1 St. Phil-lip Neri

24 Palm Sun. 10:30 St. James Upper Lakeville 8:30 am Breakfast 10:00 St. James Head Jeddore

25 26 27 28 Monday Thursday 7:00 pm St. Mat-thew’s & St. James, Dolby Hill

29 Good Friday 1:00 pm St. James, Upper Lake-ville & St. Thomas

30 Holy Sat. 5:30 Pot Luck 7:00 pm St. James, Dol-by Hill 7:00 pm St. Stephen’s

31 Easter Sun. 10:30 St. John’s 8:30 & 10:00 St. Thomas

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The Spir i t of the Harbours

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MONTH of APRIL —2013

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

1 2 3 7:00 pm Music practices

4 St. Stephen’s ACW 7:30

5 6

7 Easter 2 10:30 St. Matthews 8:30 & 10:00 am St. James, Dolby Hill

8 1:30 St. Thomas ACW

9 9:15 am Bible Study, St. James Hall 7:00 pm Music practices

11 St. John’s ACW 7:00

12 Crib St. Mat-thew’s Ship Harbour Hall

13 St. John’s Tea & Sale Penny Auction 11-1 at 75 Una Dr. 7:30pm Variety Show, St. James Hall

14 Easter 3 10:30 am St. Johns 8:30 & 10:00 am St. Thomas

15 Mothers Union 1:30 pm Parish Council Par-ish of Ship Harbour 7 p.m.

16 17 9:15 am Bible Study, St. James Hall 7:00 pm Music practices

18 Bingo Ship Harbour Hall 7:30

19 20

21 Easter 4 10:30 am St. Ste-phens 8:30 & 10:00 am St. James, Luncheon to follow

22 23 24 9:15 am Bible Study, St. James Hall 7:00 pm Music practices

25 7:00 pm Musq. Parish Council

26 45’s St. Mat-thew’s Ship Hbr. Hall


28 Easter 5 10:30 am St. James, Upper Lakeville 8:30 & 10:00 St. Thomas

29 30

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MONTH of MAY —2013

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

9:15 am Bible Study, St. James Hall 7:00 pm Music practices

2 St. Stephen’s ACW 7:30


4 St. Thomas ACW Spring Tea & Sale 11:00 pm PYC

Easter 6 10:30 am St. Mat-thews 8:30 Breakfast Dolby Hilll 10:00 St. James Pot luck supper St. Stephen;s 4 p.m. Ship Hbr.Hall



8 9:15 am Bible Study, St. James Hall 7:00 pm Music practices

9 St. John’s ACW 7:00 p.m.

10 Crib St. Matthew’s Ship Harbour Hall 8 p.m.

11 Regional Council 10 a.m.

12 Mother’s Day Visit of Bishop Sue 10:00 St James Joint Service & lunch-eon, St. James Hall Dolby Hill

13 1:30 St. Thomas ACW


15 9:15 am Bible Study, St. James Hall 7:00 pm Music practices

16 10:00 – noon St. Thomas Thrift Shop opens Bingo Ship Hbr Hall 7:30


18 St. Thomas Thrift Shop 10 - noon

19 Pentecost 10:30 St. Stephens 8:30 & 10 St. Thom-asl

20 1St. Thomas ACW 1:30 7:00 Parish Council Parish of Ship Hbr.


22 9:15 am Bible Study, St. James Hall 7:00 pm Music practices

23 Parish Council Parish of Mus-quodoboit 7:00 p.m.

24 45’s St. Matthew’s Ship Hbr Hall 8 p.m.

25 7:30 pm Variety Show & Bake Auction, St. James Hall

26 Trinity 10:30 am St. James Upper Lakeville 8:30 & 10;00 St. Thomas



29 9:15 am Bible Study, St. James Hall 7:00 pm Music practices

30 Synod

31 Synod

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The Spir i t of the Harbours

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MONTH of JUNE—2013

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday


2 10:30 St. Matthews 8:30 & 10:00 St. James Luncheon Head Jeddore


4 5 6 St. Stephen’s ACW 7:30

7 8 St. Thomas ACW Fashion Show & Luncheon, 11:00 am PYC

9 10:30 am St. Ste-phen’s followed by Lobster Feast Ship Hbr. Hall 8:30 & 10:00 St. Thomas


11 12 13 St. John’s ACW 7 p.m.

14 Crib St. Matthew’s Ship Hbr Hall 8 p.m.


Father’s Day 10:30 St. St. John’s 8:30 & 10:00 St. James, Head Jed.

17 7:00 Ship Har-bour Parish Council

18 19 20 21 22

23 10:00 am Joint family service & picnic – Webbers Camp Grounds

24 25 26 27 7:00 pm Musq. Parish Council

28 45’s St. Matthew’s Ship Hbr.Hall 8 p.m.


30 10:30 am St. James 8:30 & 10:00 St. Thomas

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Contact information: Parish of Ship Harbour: Parish of Musquodoboit: Wardens: Christine Mitchell Wardens: Henry Boutilier Ivan Newcombe Darryl Faulkner Treasurer: Harvey Doane Secretary: Pam Keating Secretary: Cathy Dacey Treasurer: Fran Lambert St. Thomas St. Stephen’s Wardens: Henry Bowers Wardens: David Willett Harvey Doane Ivan Newcombe ACW President: Sheila Wadkins ACW Rep. Fran Lambert Cemetery: Betty Boutilier Treasurer Pat Fahie St. James Wardens: Secretary Pam Keating Wardens: Eldon Rudolph Marcel Lepointe St. John’s St. James Hall Co-ordinator: Wardens: Ron Jennex Catherine Gordon 889-2613 Christine Mitchell Cemetery Wayne Faulkner ACW Rep. Eleanor Keeping Parish Office: 889-3098 Treasurer: Eileen Humphrey Secretary Eileen Humphrey Mothers’ Union President: Marilyn Murphy St. Matthew’s Wardens: Clarke Stevens Parish People: Dave & Tricia 889-3098 Wayne Parsons Parish Function Planning Committee Treasurer: Jetta Stevens Henry Bowers Secretary: Darlene Zinck St. Thomas Thrift Shop open May 16 – Oct. St. James, Upper Lakeville Thursdays & Saturdays 10:00 am to 12:00 Wardens: Frances Hicks Robin Webber LAY READERS: Treasurer Catherine Gordon Secretary Diane Russell Darryl Faulkner LAY READERS: Pat Fahie Dail Mills (in training) Eleanor Keeping Eucharistic Lay Minister: Debbie Mills Diane Russell Eileen Humphrey Eucharistic Lay Minister: Lynn Willett Steeple Chasers: Dave & Lynn Willett 772-2879