the story arc for the king in the north storyline

King In The North Important plot points Here is the diagram and important plot points in the king in the north story line which follows Robb Stark, son of the warden of the north who tries to head south so he can get the revenge for his father murder by the Lannisters.

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Page 1: The Story Arc for the King in the North Storyline

King In The North Important plot points

Here is the diagram and important plot points in the king in the north story line which follows Robb Stark,

son of the warden of the north who tries to head south so he can get the revenge for his father murder by the


Page 2: The Story Arc for the King in the North Storyline

1.Outraged by the imprisonment and then wanton execution of Robb's father Eddard Stark by Robert’s successor Joffrey Baratheon, the noble lords of the North openly rebelled against the Iron Throne.

2.Greatjon Umber, A Stark Bannerman who was tired of being ruled by southern lords thousands of miles away. Lord Umber declared that there was only one king he would ever serve, the King in the North. Rickard Karstark, Maege Mormont, Galbart Glover, Jonos Bracken, a Local river lord were among those who swore fealty to Robb, as did Theon Greyjoy, Chanting ‘King of the North’.

Beginning of the Story Arc

3.The bulk of Robb's forces descends on Jaime's army and lures him into the Whispering Wood, northwest of Riverrun. In a decisive battle, Robb's Northmen win a significant victory by defeating the Lannister army and take Jaime himself prisoner. Jaime challenges Robb to single combat to decide the matter, but Robb refuses.The Battle of the Whispering Wood and the following slaughter of the Lannister forces besieging Riverrun essentially destroy half of the Lannister standing army, removing their second functional army-group within the Riverlands. This leaves Lord Tywin with only the 30,000 strong army under his own command further to the east. Recognizing that the situation is lost, Tywin decides to pull back his army further south in the Riverlands to Harrenhal on the shores of the God's Eye lake, in order to use that castle as a base of operations for a protracted war.Previously, Robb Stark was a rebellious provincial, badly outnumbered. Not only did Whispering Wood establish Robb's reputation as a strong leader, it destroyed the numerical advantage the Lannisters had held at the outbreak of the war.

4.Following immediately after Robb Stark’s ambush of Ser Jaime Lannister's cavalry at the Battle of the Whispering Wood, Robb Stark made a surprise night-time assault on the main army besieging Riverrun. The Lannister army, being leaderless after the capture of Jamie Lannister during the immediately preceding Battle of the Whispering Wood, was caught asleep in their camps and were easily slaughtered.

5.King Robb Stark’s forces assault Ser Stafford's camp in a night time raid. Robb's direwolf Grey Wind sneaks up to the Lannister camp, kills several sentries and panics their horses. As a massive rain breaks out, Robb, prepares to lead the charge. Robb's bannermen cry out "The King in the North!" and draw their swords. The surprised Lannister army is easily slaughtered as they are roused from sleep by the Stark cavalry.The battle is a decisive victory for the Stark forces. Lord Roose Bolton reports Lannister casualties outnumbering Stark losses in a 5:1 ratio. Thousands of Lannister soldiers are dead. The Lannister commander, Ser Stafford Lannister, a cousin of Lord Tywin, is killed in the battle and a number of Lannister officers are captured.

Page 3: The Story Arc for the King in the North Storyline

Middle of the Story Arc6. Robb Stark faces dissent from his bannermen over keeping the numerous prisoners alive, but insists that they are to be treated well. He refuses to allow them to be tortured for information, fearing that the Lannisters would use this as an excuse to torture their own Stark prisoners. Some Northern soldiers loot the dead. Robb meets Talisa a healer from Volantis helping the Silent Sisters tending to a Wounded Lannister and assists her in an amputation.

7.To gain the respect of his fellow ironborn and his father, Theon Greyjoy turned on the Starks and seized the undefended castle Winterfell, the seat for House Stark. It was not so much a battle as a surprise seizure of Winterfell when virtually all of its guards had been lured away due to a feint at Torrhen's Square. This led to the event called fall of Winnterfell.

8. King Robb Stark's forces assault the Lannister forces at the Yellow Fork and win another victory, taking many more prisoners. Lord Rickard Karstark’s reports taking so many Lannister prisoners that the Stark cells are overflowing. Talisa Maeger continues to treat Robb's wounded along with those of his enemies following the battle. Robb then visits the Crag to negotiate the surrender of House Westerling.The volume of prisoners leads to Jaime Lannister being housed with another man for the first time since his capture. This affords him the opportunity to make an escape attempt, murdering his cellmate Alton Lannister and killing Torrhen Karstark. He is recaptured shortly afterwards.

Page 4: The Story Arc for the King in the North Storyline

End of the Story Arc9. With the morale of his army starting to wane without a major victory in months, and the release of Jaime Lannister by Catelyn Stark herself, King Robb decides to withdraw from the Westerlands, and challenge the Lannisters head-on, in the hope that another victory would regain lost morale. Robb chooses to march with his army against Harrenhal, the heart of Lannister presence in the Riverlands.However, Robb does not find the decisive victory he was hoping for: the Mountain has withdrawn and not even bothered to waste any men on a token defense of the castle. The Northmen are further demoralized to find the courtyards are choked with the bodies of two hundred Northern and Riverlands prisoners of war put to the sword before they left.On hearing of the death of his grandfather Hoster Tully, King Robb led his demoralized army to Riverrun to pay respects while leaving Lord Roose Bolton in charge of Harrenhal with a token force to hold the castle.

10.Rickard Karstark and his men kill Martyn Lannister and Willem Lannister in the dungeons of Riverrun and are brought before Robb Stark. He openly insults the King in the North and claims the war is a lost cause. Remaining true to his honor just like his father, Robb decides that Lord Karstark must die for his treason. Though Edmure Tully, Talisa, and Catelyn attempt to advise Robb to hold Karstark hostage and send him to the Night's Watch after the war - on the basis that the Karstarks form a significant portion of Robb's army, and they will abandon Robb if he executes their lord. Despite the warnings of all of his councilors, Robb refuses to listen.As Lord Karstark is brought before Robb, he reminds him that the blood of the First Men run through both of their veins since they are of the North. Lord Karstark also reminds Robb he fought alongside Eddard Stark during Robert's Rebellion and alongside him against King Joffrey. Finally, he states that they are both kin, since House Karstark was founded by a Stark of Winterfell. Robb tells him that all of it didn't stop him from murdering the Lannister boys and it will not save him now. Rickard doesn't want to be saved, but he wants it to haunt him for the rest of his days. True to the traditions of the North and his father, Robb Stark personally beheads Rickard Karstark with a single strike of his sword after Rickard curses Robb and renounces all allegiance to him.[8] In the aftermath, the Karstark forces abandon Robb and return home.

11. King Robb was lulled into a false sense of security by Walder Frey because he had extended guest right to the Starks - formally eating salt and bread from the same bowl as his guests. To break guest right is to break all the laws of gods and men, thus while Robb and Catelyn were always wary of Walder Frey's intentions, they never thought that even such a despicable man as he would sink so low as to break such a sacred pact. The North was ready to charge towards Casterly Rock, with House Forrester as the vanguard.The betrayal was scheduled to occur after the formal ceremony and the bedding, with Edmure and Roslin safely away in another part of the castle to consummate their marriage. The door of the great hall is closed and barred by Black Walder. Meanwhile, Roose Bolton and his men were to position themselves around the hall, secretly armed and armored. The signal for massacre to begin was for the musicians to play an instrumental version of "The Rains of Castamere”.