the story editing by asma sabra

Translating a children story From Arabic to English The story is دها وائ ف و رعة ز م ل ا ات وائ ي ح ف ش كت ئ مان ه ف" Translated as a college assignment “parts of the story” by: Rawya Aljehani. Instructor: Dr. Shadia Banjar. Course: LANE 462 Practicum in Language . Summer Term 1431-2010

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Page 1: The story editing by asma sabra

Translating a children story

From Arabic to English

The story is

" وفوائدها“ المزرعة حيوانات يكتشف فهمان

Translated as a college assignment “parts of the story” by:

Rawya Aljehani.


Dr. Shadia Banjar.


LANE 462

Practicum in Language .

Summer Term


Fahman Discovers

The Farm Animals and their benefits

MSI-S, 08/27/10,
It is better to put the word (language).
MSI-S, 08/27/10,
The years will be better if they are parallel to each other.
MSI-S, 08/27/10,
The same the period should not be written.
MSI-S, 08/27/10,
Again, the period should not be written.
MSI-S, 08/27/10,
The period should not be written.
MSI-S, 08/27/10,
It is better to place this sentence at the beginning and without quotation marks.
Page 2: The story editing by asma sabra

all animals in the farm have a special sound. They twitter, peep, croak, whoop, cuckoo, crow, whinny, neigh, bray or bleat and other. At the time, when Fahman, the explorer, visits the farm, the rooster greeted him and crowed “cuckoo…cuckoo”. Fahman asked him:”hi rooster! What are you doing?” The rooster answered him: ”cuckoo... cuckoo …I weak the farmer up every morning with my voice which you are hearing right now... cuckoo...

MSI-S, 08/27/10,
MSI-S, 08/27/10,
The sound is crowing
MSI-S, 08/27/10,
No need to be written
MSI-S, 08/27/10,
Hi, capital
MSI-S, 08/27/10,
MSI-S, 08/27/10,
MSI-S, 08/27/10,
Each animal has its own sound, the the (a) should be deleted. eather to start with each ot end with (s).
MSI-S, 08/27/10,
The article (the) should not be capitalized.
Page 3: The story editing by asma sabra

cuckoo... I am the most important bird in the farm. I also take care of all the chickens and young chicks too”.

Fahman picked up some grains with his hand and gave them to the chickens, then he asked them:”hi…what are you doing?” The chickens cackled and said:”bagh bagh... we make the fresh and yummy eggs, which contain the shiny yellow vitellus surrounded with a white hard shell. Also people can cook a very tasty food from our delicious meats, and they make a nice soft bellows from our feathers too”.

Suddenly, Fahman heard scarification and scratching in the earth, it is the young chicks’ sound. Fahman went to them and said:”hi…young chick! do you have any role to do here in the farm? ”They chirruped saying:”we have fun and play most of the time, and we scratch the earth looking for food to feed ourselves to grow up and become a big chickens and supply people with the yummy eggs”.

Fahman left the young chicks running and playing, and he started to go from one place to another in the farm, then he heard a weird sound behind him, it is the turkey’s sound. Fahman said:”what a beautiful turkey! Can you explain to me what is your job here in the farm?”The turkey quacked twice and said:” I eat the grains to grow into a big turkey, so the farmer can enjoy my tasty meat in the Thanksgiving Day. My eggs are the largest kind of the birds’ eggs”. Fahman smiled and said goodbye to the turkey and continued his walking .

While Fahman was playing with the birds in their pen, discovering a lot of useful and amazing information about them, the rabbit called him:” Fahman! Come and see the other animals, they are busy too in the farm”. Then the animals called him loudly:” Fahman come on! Quickly! We cannot wait for you forever. We have too much work to be done today”. So Fahman got on a horse to take him to meet the other animals, of course, the horse’s four legs are faster and stronger than Fahman’s tow legs.

Fahman thanked the horse, then he asked him:”what are the other things you can make…fast horse!?” The horse whinnied and hit the ground with his hoofs, and shook his mare saying:”I draw the farmer’s cart and plough”. The donkey, who shares the same field with the horse, interacted and brayed:”hello Fahman!! Do you know who I am?! I help the horse to do the heavy hard works ; I also carry the full fruit baskets in my back and take them away to the marketplace. I serve the farmer without complaining, do you know that I live for a long time ”.

MSI-S, 08/27/10,
Exclamation mark.!
MSI-S, 08/27/10,
Period then start a new sentence. Do…
MSI-S, 08/27/10,
Wrong meaning. It is enough the verb carry…to….
MSI-S, 08/27/10,
MSI-S, 08/27/10,
MSI-S, 08/27/10,
MSI-S, 08/27/10,
MSI-S, 08/27/10,
MSI-S, 08/27/10,
Then said
MSI-S, 08/27/10,
wrong word meaning. The tail.
MSI-S, 08/27/10,
no( and) only comma
MSI-S, 08/27/10,
MSI-S, 08/27/10,
no need
MSI-S, 08/27/10,
MSI-S, 08/27/10,
MSI-S, 08/27/10,
MSI-S, 08/27/10,
Come on quickly!
MSI-S, 08/27/10,
usually at the end of a cluse.
MSI-S, 08/27/10,
MSI-S, 08/27/10,
and their benefits
MSI-S, 08/27/10,
no comma …and discovering...
MSI-S, 08/27/10,
MSI-S, 08/27/10,
Then he
MSI-S, 08/27/10,
No need
MSI-S, 08/27/10,
Wrong, no need
MSI-S, 08/27/10,
grain is uncountable.
MSI-S, 08/27/10,
No need
MSI-S, 08/27/10,
Explain (sth to sb). explain the job to me.
MSI-S, 08/27/10,
MSI-S, 08/27/10,
; it was
MSI-S, 08/27/10,
To stop and to start a new sentence is better. (Then)
MSI-S, 08/27/10,
to go or going around the farm.
MSI-S, 08/27/10,
left sth while..
MSI-S, 08/27/10,
to supply..
MSI-S, 08/27/10,
No (a)
MSI-S, 08/27/10,
No (and). Put only comma(.. , to become....)
MSI-S, 08/27/10,
MSI-S, 08/27/10,
and said
MSI-S, 08/27/10,
MSI-S, 08/27/10,
MSI-S, 08/27/10,
MSI-S, 08/27/10,
I think the word (ground) is better, because it means the surface of the earth.
MSI-S, 08/27/10,
On the earth.
MSI-S, 08/27/10,
I could not find this word in the dictionary.
MSI-S, 08/28/10,
MSI-S, 08/28/10,
No (a)
MSI-S, 08/27/10,
No (s)because (meat) here is uncountable.
MSI-S, 08/27/10,
No (a) because (food)is uncountable.
MSI-S, 08/27/10,
also, the comma after it.
MSI-S, 08/27/10,
that is
MSI-S, 08/27/10,
I could not found this word in the dictionary, but i found the word (yolk).
MSI-S, 08/27/10,
no comm. a before which unless there is a subject after it. i think let the comma and put (they) after (which).
MSI-S, 08/27/10,
cluck ..cluck ..
MSI-S, 08/27/10,
MSI-S, 08/27/10,
MSI-S, 08/27/10,
a comma should be written befor (too).
MSI-S, 08/27/10,
either to put (also) or (too) in the sentence.
Page 4: The story editing by asma sabra

In the next field, Fahman found some sheep. He said to them:” hi lovely sheep!! What is your job here, what is your benefit?!” they bleated and said:”sure you know the answer of your question; you are wearing a coat which is made of our wool to warm your body”.

At the end of the day, Fahman went back with all the animals to the pen, then he spook to them and said:”all of you worked so hard and for a long time to help the farmer and you provided us with many benefits and services, so you all deserve to have a rest and nap now!”

It is the end of a full heavy working day. Fahman was biting the carrot with the rabbits and he said:”discovering the farm was exciting; I learned now many things about the animals and their benefits…!.Do you know these things now my friend????

MSI-S, 08/27/10,
I think it should be plural.
MSI-S, 08/27/10,
Start the sentence with it.
MSI-S, 08/27/10,
MSI-S, 08/27/10,
MSI-S, 08/27/10,
MSI-S, 08/27/10,
and to take a nap..
MSI-S, 08/27/10,
, and..
MSI-S, 08/27/10,
No need
MSI-S, 08/27/10,
hardly for
MSI-S, 08/27/10,
MSI-S, 08/27/10,
Wrong meaning. Then he talked to ….
MSI-S, 08/27/10,
This is an adjective, so start with the subject. You know for sure..
MSI-S, 08/27/10,
MSI-S, 08/27/10,
MSI-S, 08/27/10,
MSI-S, 08/27/10,
He talked to them and said.